
Author name: Rabia Bajaj

Rabia has 8+ years of experience in CRM platforms like Salesforce and Zoho. She has been actively working on simple and complex implementaions which includes, system migrations, integrations, customizations and consulting services as well. She is passionate about learning and exploring new advancements in the technology and offers simpler solutions to the clients.

Benefits of Implementing Salesforce CPQ - Encaptechno

Benefits of Implementing Salesforce CPQ

Benefits of Implementing Salesforce CPQ - Encaptechno

At the time when your clients are just about to move forward and close the deal, the very last thing that you want is an inefficient process that can hold them back. The way in which slow-moving pipelines use your resources and waste the time of your customers can be a piece of bad news for the organization. On the other hand, if you rush your clients to a sales process before they are ready to convert into new leads, they can quickly become unhappy clients and bring a damaged reputation to your brand.

Therefore, in order for the business to move ahead at just the right speed, there is a need to streamline the various processes including the final step, which is the contract. Now, this is more like easily said than it is done. Organizations need timely sales quotes free from any kind of errors and they want these quotes at a personalized pace to their own unique situation.

Rather, many customers end up switching the brands if they are treated just as a number and not an individual, which directly means that showing the customers a copy of the pricing sheet will not be enough. In order to efficiently deal with this problem, a business needs to implement the implementation of Salesforce CPQ.

In this blog, we intend to shed some light on the benefits of implementing the Salesforce CPQ. However, before that let’s find out the meaning of Salesforce CPQ in detail.

What is Salesforce CPQ?

What is Salesforce CPQ

The configure price quote software or the CPQ software is a sales tool or a suite of tools that are designed to help the organizations create accurate and personalized sales quotes. The Salesforce CPQ accomplishes this by bringing together all of the available pricing and customer data in the form of a centralized platform accessible in real-time.

With just the click of a button, a salesperson can create and share sales quotes that are not just precise and detailed but are also tailored to meet the needs of a client. The Salesforce CPQ does not just give a sales team the ability to quote quickly, eliminate human error and increase growth at a rapid rate, but it also enables a team to create tailored sales experiences for each and every client.

Well known as one of the most important tools that are available for the Sales Cloud by Salesforce, the CPQ is exceptionally efficient in eliminating any extra time that might turn a business process into unproductive. It can also aid in forming a highly customized quote as per the mentioned specifications of the prospects. This can include bulk discounts, special offers, and varied price slabs, etc.

Now that we have gained an understanding of what is salesforce CPQ, let us now begin to take a look at the benefits of implementing Salesforce CPQ.

1. Time-efficient and Precise

Time-efficient and Precise

Contracts are actually official binding agreements between two or more parties, based on accurate information and offer some level of comfort to both parties. In case the information in the contract must be modified or changed because of a human error, it can result in a loss of reliance that is placed by a client.

Although the customers can be willing to forgive a minor mistake, they will never be able to overlook the pricing errors made by the sales team. It has been tested and reinstated again and again that the customers stop doing business with a brand after having a bad experience. When you take the assistance of Salesforce CPQ implementation partners, what happens is that the human error is entirely removed from the equation delivering precise and dependable quotes.

When the processes get automated, the Salesforce CPQ eliminates any need for the salespeople to spend hours going over quotes, drafting contracts, checking, and double-checking the accuracy. In only a couple of clicks, the final quotes and official contracts can go from taking days to getting finalized within minutes.

2. Efficient Contract Process

Efficient Contract Process

A sales team works hard to help the leads reach the end of the sales pipeline. Having all of them fall away as a result of very slow-moving sales quotes processes is nothing less than a blunder. It does not negate all the hard work done in getting the prospects but it also ends up increasing the chances of losing a valuable customer.

The configure price quote software optimizes the processes by ensuring that all the important data is ready and up to date as soon as it is needed. With this salesforce billing software, one can get an accurate price via the CPQ and never worry about getting back to the customer.

3. Enhanced Accuracy

Enhanced Accuracy

As human beings, it is only natural to make mistakes. However, an organization that aspires to reach heights of success is not human. Where the clients might be generous enough to ignore the minor error on your part, they will not be so quick in overlooking the pricing error that is made by an organization.

In order to ensure that almost no pricing error happens, you need to get on the salesforce cloud so that the overall accuracy can be enhanced. You must avoid a situation wherein the customer is forced to believe that they do not wish to do business with you.

By taking the assistance of the salesforce CPQ implementation partners, you can ensure that any kind of human error is left out of the equation in delivering precise and dependable quotes almost every time.

4. Personalized Service

Personalized Service

All your customers have different needs and want different things. With the implementation of Salesforce billing or CPQ, one can provide the customers with a quote designed for them as individuals and not simply as a herd of the target audience.

When the customers wish to make any changes to their purchase, when the discounts are applicable, or when any other probable factors come into play, the sales representatives can create updated quotes in real-time.

This personalized service improves the marketing and analytics operations of a company as well. More than half of the customers are willing to share significant personal data with companies that are willing to share personal quotes. Once this information is obtained, the marketing operations of an organization can improve considerably.

5. Decreased Timeframe

Decreased Timeframe

One of the most natural benefits of implementing the Salesforce CPQ software is that it enables you and your customer to get the maximum out of your time. When you automate the quote process, the CPQ reduces the downtime associated with creating contracts naturally.

This alone makes it possible for sales representatives of an organization to assist more leads in less time. The organizations that use Salesforce CPQ software notice a reduction in the length of their sales cycle and an increase in the proposal volume per representative each month.

6. Increased Profits

Increased Profits

All businesses, regardless of their size, scale, and fields of operation are working to increase their profits.  The implementation of salesforce billing promises great returns and profits. Guiding the selling features offered by the Salesforce CPQ software can have an important bearing on the average deal size.

The companies that use a CPQ solution improve their chances of closing the deals more than the companies that are not implementing a CPQ solution. When a framework for improved selling is offered with an increased deal size and matching the customers up with the right products and services, the salesforce CPQ creates much greater revenue for a company as well as a better purchasing experience for the customers.

The Salesforce CPQ can help in building and maintain a competitive edge in today’s digital market with the help of streamlined sales processes. It empowers the sales team with precision, brings efficiency in the processes, and more than anything increases the revenues and customer satisfaction.

7. Automated Execution

Automated Execution

When the deal is finalized, the salesforce CPQ also helps in automating the execution process of the final quote. It saves time and energy altogether and it also helps in realizing the importance of further processes.

Being equipped with the benefits of using the Salesforce CPQ makes the sales representatives more efficient than ever. The sales representatives will rather be thankful for an easier and much precise execution of sales up till the final point.

8. Streamlined Quote

Streamlined Quote

If you choose a suitable CPQ solution, you will understand that it can streamline the sales processes and improve the customer relations manifold. The Salesforce CPQ works by taking advantage of the best in class CRM software and uses it as a foundation for delivering unparalleled CPQ benefits.

With the help of Salesforce, one can go beyond the standard configuration price quote solutions. It is also possible to quote and invoices, manage subscriptions, view and adjust terms, collect payments, and generate reports from a single tool.

In addition, Salesforce CPQ is entirely cloud-based and compatible with mobile devices. All one needs is a connected device and you can be on the way to optimize the sales process, closing the deals faster and maximizing the sales.


CPQ Conclusion

There is nothing that should hold a potential customer back from getting converted. The Salesforce CPQ gives complete control over the sales process, keeps the business processes running, and also helps in becoming successful.

Above all else, you and your customer have the same goal and that is to reach a deal that proves to be beneficial to everyone. The only thing is to stop the customers or the sales quotes stand in the way. Make the decision to implement the Salesforce CPQ and put your business and your valuable customers on the track to achieve success.

The Salesforce CPQ implementation experts working at Encaptechno work to ensure that the implementation processes go about in an effective manner. Get in touch with us if you wish to get a quote on Salesforce CPQ.

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Act to Zoho CRM Migration - Encaptechno

Migration From Act To Zoho CRM

Act to Zoho CRM Migration - Encaptechno

Selecting the correct CRM application can have a substantial impact on an organization. Today, more and more organizations are realizing the implementation of CRM in improving their processes. For many years, ACT CRM solutions have been industry leaders because of the simple fact that ACT invented the content management software back in the 1980s.

However, a considerable time after the launch of ACT and a substantial evolution being done, organizations are migrating from ACT to Zoho CRM. This is because organizations have consistently seen positive results as a result of this data migration. The data migration done from ACT to Zoho CRM is extremely beneficial and puts the organization in a state of advantage.

In this blog, we will look at the conversion in detail and then the benefits that come from this data migration. So, let’s begin:

ACT to Zoho CRM: The Conversion

The conversion Process of Migration

An increasing number of organizations are willing for data migration from Act to Zoho CRM. While explaining the scope of migration, we will shed some light on what gets migrated and all that you can expect once the conversion is done.

Before understanding the entire conversion, let us all assume that an organization is using everything in ACT. This means that all the important information of this organization including contacts, companies, notes, history, attachments, custom fields, activities, groups, or any other important data is uploaded on ACT. The version of ACT does not matter here because data migration can be done from all versions.

Now, the migration process includes a middle step of exporting all the data into Excel. Therefore, any data that might not migrate can be edited to fit into Zoho fields and records. It is important that someone an experienced professional does this because that person will have the right tools and the knowledge to do the same. There are many people who can export data ACT, but only a few know how to migrate it. Therefore, having an experienced Zoho implementation consultant is a prerequisite.

Firstly, all the items that come straight across including the contacts, custom fields, or companies can be migrated cleanly. In Zoho, companies are called accounts by default. If you wish, then you can change this name as well. Being an Act user for many years, you might be used to the word companies, so you can stick to the same if you wish. Remember, if you set up all the fields in Zoho to match the fields in Act then mostly all of the data is likely to come across as fine and accurate. The only thing worth noting here is that Zoho limits the number of custom fields that can be added. This limit is 130 and it is divided by the field type. Although this should generally not be an issue, you might as well run into limits if you customize your ACT database extensively.

Other things such as notes, opportunities/potentials, and history come across the information while being presented in Zoho in a different manner. If the data is getting manipulated in Excel correctly, you can be assured of a clean conversion. Here, it is key that the person doing the data migration is well aware of both the ACT and the Zoho data structure, otherwise, there is a good chance that you might lose some important data.

As a system, you will find that ACT is much more detailed in Activities. Hence, scheduling, recurrence, alarms will not come over as 100%. You will end up getting the major information that will be just enough to continue working without any interruption or losing data. Additionally, the dates will also convert. You might just have to edit some of the alarms and recurring schedules.

For the data migration of groups, there is a different feature in Zoho. Just because Zoho does not have the group feature with the same name does not mean that you will end up losing any kind of data. It is very much possible to successfully convert the group information and keep it intact so that the users can still use the data they have in ACT. Zoho comes with some features that enable this to happen and the most important one out of those is Views, which means saved queries. When you move the group name to a field, you can create views in Zoho that enable you to do the same job of groups in ACT. Another option can be used as a second entity in Zoho called the companies or vendors at the group level.

It is important to remember that Zoho is a remarkable CRM application that is designed to enable the organizations to accomplish all that they wish to. Therefore, after the data migration is done correctly, the companies must focus on getting used to the features of Zoho and maximizing the benefits they offer for the best results.

Below mentioned is a step by step methodology of data migration from ACT to Zoho CRM:

Step By Step Migration Methodology

1. Discovery: The team of data migration consultants that you hire will make all attempts to gain an understanding of your existing setup. They are going to assess and understand your existing set up while planning for all the next steps that must be taken.

2. Back up: In this step, an ACT backup file will be needed for extracting the data from ACT CRM. Mostly, this will be a database backup such as the MS SQL database.

3. Extraction: Here, we use custom software for extracting data from the ACT. This particular process takes some hours based on the size of the database. Just after the extraction gets completed, spreadsheets of records in ACT CRM like Accounts, Opportunities, Events, Notes, Attachments, etc. are obtained.

4. Configuration: Before the migration of data is started, there is a setup configuration and customization in Zoho. This includes users and profiles, organization set up, custom fields, custom modules, workflow automation, etc. This step helps in preparing the Zoho account for migration.

5. Data cleansing: Just before the data gets migrated, a clean-up of data is required. Extensive work is done to duplicate records, unused modules, and the fields.

6. Data migration: In the step of data migration, the data that was extracted will be uploaded to the Zoho CRM.

7. Training: In this step, the data migration consultants will spend some time training the administrators and end-users.

8. Post-migration support: In this step, post-implementation support is provided for ensuring the success of the data migration.

Benefits of data migration from ACT to Zoho CRM

Benefits of Data Migration from Act to Zoho

1. Cloud-based: Zoho CRM is entirely cloud-based. This means that it integrates with several other cloud-based applications including the Google apps suite. Additionally, it can also sync with QuickBooks and Outlook.

Since Zoho is cloud-based, it provides a wide number of mobile features which means that users do not have to be restricted to their desks or even a particular computer system. Organizations can access the CRM application on the go from their mobile devices such as tablets or even smart phones.

2. Up to date technology:  ACT is outdated in many ways when compared to Zoho because Zoho offers many modern features. Some of these features include sales quotas, feeds, competitor tracking, etc. The feed feature has the capability to turn your CRM into a social network that allows users to follow certain activities or records along with adding comments.

This is a social format that proves to be much more intuitive for users as it mirrors the interface that most of the people working with new technology are accustomed to. Additionally, this also enables easier communication because it becomes easy to trace the comments back to particular events or records. There is no longer a need to do internal and external communications through separate emails or messenger channels because that can be done through the software directly.

3. Leverages marketing: Although it is true that many CRM applications are equipped with marketing automation tools, it must also be remembered that all of these solutions do not offer high-quality solutions. Zoho comes with a wide number of marketing automation tools that include email templates, mass emailing ability, an ability to transfer the web leads directly, a marketing campaign manager, etc.

All these tools provide increased connectivity with features that streamline marketing to the sales process. With the functions of email campaigns, users can invite prospects to schedule follow-up emails. It is also possible to keep a track of email open rates, the total number of clicks, and bounces.

After these events are over, the users can move all new leads to the sales team using the drip campaigns. Zoho CRM assists all marketing teams to manage the campaigns effectively while passing on quality leads to the sales team. In addition, marketing automation tools ensure that all campaigns deliver better results. Zoho CRM lets users set the budget, assign ownership to tasks, and measure the success of all campaigns that are conducted.


The amazing benefits that Zoho offers make up for the reason why companies are switching to Zoho. Encaptechno assists companies in implementing new and improved CRM solutions with exemplary support and guidance.

Having worked with multiple organizations as they migrated their data to the latest software applications, we ensure that they are always taking the benefit of the most innovative solutions. In case you are interested in using these new tools and want our team to help you with data migration from Act to Zoho CRM, then contact us.

We will give you the best-suited solutions for your business needs.

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