

10 Business Intelligence Trends Zoho Analytics Can Help You With In 2023

Top 10 Business Intelligence Trends Zoho Analytics Enhances in 2023

10 Business Intelligence Trends Zoho Analytics Can Help You With In 2023

Business intelligence has been completely revolutionized in the past decade. Data has become big and everyone has started using the power of the cloud. The BI landscape is developing and the future of business is now playing a big role. 

In 2023, BI tools and strategies will become more and more customized. Businesses of all sizes are not asking if there is a need for increased access to business intelligence analytics but what is the best BI solution for specific needs.

It is best to think of business intelligence as the combination of business analytics, data mining, data visualization, data tools, and infrastructure along with some best practices that can help organizations to make more data-driven decisions. The BI trends coming in the near future are all set to prepare businesses to become more connected, hyper-scale, and data-driven.

In this blog, we will see the top 10 business intelligence trends that Zoho Analytics can help you with within 2023. However, let us first start by gaining a better understanding of what is business intelligence software. 

What is Business Intelligence Software?

Business Intelligence software is a tool or an application that is equipped with modern technologies including AI and ML for transforming data into actionable insights without spending any effort. The BI tool can be used for converting raw data into purposeful insights so that it is easy to understand them, use them, and share them for improving business operations. 

Business intelligence is essentially about putting your data to use for the purpose of making data-driven decisions. It empowers organizations to make decisions based on data instead of assumptions. A BI tool can be used in the following ways:

1. Understanding Data

You can understand the business data in a much better way using data visualization and finding underlying trends in much lesser time. 

2. Analyzing Business Performance

You can measure and monitor business performance in detail along with advanced data analytics technologies while generating actionable insights. 

3. Business Growth

Business intelligence software allows you to scale your business to the next level with forecasts on business growth, making timely decisions, and planning your strategies. 

Zoho Analytics is a business intelligence software that can help you with crunching large quantities of data, visualizing important data, optimizing business operations, growing a business, cutting down expenses, and getting actionable insights that can be useful for making decisions.

Importance of Business Intelligence

It is important for all businesses to make a good sense of what is happening at a specific point in time and capable business intelligence tools are useful in telling a story. Rather than going by the gut, BI can be helpful in building data-driven organizations. It can be useful for offering valuable and actionable insights into data.

In this period of Big Data, businesses need functional BI software that is capable of solving all kinds of business intelligence needs. BI software is an important component of any business and its processes. The overall effectiveness of BI software is in how simple it can be to deploy, to use and how much value it can offer with hidden insights.

Top 10 Business Intelligence Zoho Analytics Can Help With

Top 10 Business Intelligence Zoho Analytics Can Help With

1. Self-service ETL

There was a time when ETL analytics capabilities were only considered to be a luxury for large enterprises. In today’s time, they are supported as a self-serviceable layer within the modern BI workflows democratizing the self-service ETL for all BI users. 

In addition, the low-code and no-code interfaces also provide prebuilt capabilities that give users a better start on data transformations. This also enables comprehensive data customization. 

The modern ETL layer can be engineered for pro-code users as well so that it supports complex data transformations as lightweight and self-serviceable capabilities. Moreover, BI vendors offer easy cloud data scalability while shouldering data management responsibilities that feel to the user. 

2. Unified Business Analytics

As there is an escalation in business app adoption in daily business operations, there is an increasing need for end-to-end analytics that can overcome data silos and offer a comprehensive view of business operations. 

Unified business analytics is like the underlining principle with which most businesses can easily blend data from different sources to be analyzed for cross-functional insights. There can be powerful native integrations between analytics platforms and business applications as an important data consolidation effort. 

The unified business analytics platforms can also include domain-specific NLP capabilities that can help users to unearth deeper and more powerful insights almost instantly.

3. Artificial Intelligence in BI

AI capabilities are quickly changing across the BI stack. This is valid from the data import stage to sharing of data insights. Capabilities such as automatic data modelling simplify the data preparation at any time when a large volume of raw data gets imported. 

In addition to historic analysis, predictive analysis is also gaining quick pace in the market because users are now able to choose from an array of ML-powered and pre-built custom prediction models for the data. 

Cognitive analytics is also rising in prominence while bringing powerful and human-like intelligence to the BI workflows with capabilities such as automated insights and recommendations. 

Particularly with the use of recommendations, BI platforms are now becoming the main theme and are moving from sharing data insights to guiding the stakeholders through decision-making.

4. Insights Bots

There has been a surge in AI-powered bots in the recent past and the BI world has embraced it massively. The BI bots can interact with users and help them perform operations such as data searches, visualizations, and other computations. 

Moreover, the bots also offer tailor-made suggestions with deep ML capabilities while customizing the experience for each and every user. This is the capability that can go a long way in democratizing BI for users at all possible levels. 

The BI platforms are also in favor of embedding bots into various channels such as Slack and Microsoft Teams so that they can be natively invoked from application users. The native deployment of an intelligent assistant called Ask Zia in the Slack channel is a common theme. 

5. Data Science and Machine Learning In BI

Data science and machine learning capabilities have now become natively available within the BI workflows. These capabilities are relevant to all data scientists and developers who are looking to carry out complex and in-depth data analysis with the deployment of trained ML models. 

For this purpose, the self-serviceable AutoML frameworks in modern BI platforms can offer a range of pre-built ML models to give users a better start on the analysis. This capability will instantly find appropriate ML models for being used on the basis of data imported. 

The users can also implement custom ML models inside the BI platforms and seamlessly integrate the BI software with the third-party DSML platforms. Significant efforts are being made to ensure that these capabilities continue increasing. 

6. Data Storytelling

One of the emerging trends that are opening the BI space to creative communication is called data storytelling. The prime objective is to humanize the overall experience of offering data insights with better context and empathy for stakeholders so that improved data-driven decisions can be taken. 

For better data presentation, the BI platforms allow users to make the most out of creative elements such as texts, images, audio, video, and the simple ability to embed code with data stories. 

Presentations, website portals, and infographics are popular methods of creating data stories. The data storytelling capabilities are also offered as a part of the business intelligence stack by many popular BI platforms.

7. Embedded Analytics

Embedded analytics has been one of the top business intelligence trends for some time now. The BI vendors can continue to innovate to offer a natural and cohesive BI experience for users anytime they live. 

In addition to embedding the BI stack, it is also possible to embed some layers just as needed. Using contextual embedding, users can rebrand their analytics platforms using customizable components that can reflect a brand’s look and feel. These are the components that include logos, CSS customizations, URLs, etc. 

A strong suite of APIs can shorten development cycles as embedded analytics is gaining more popularity among independent software vendors looking to embed a BI stack in the software offering. 

8. Data Governance

The concept of data governance refers to a set of processes, policies, and roles that ensure appropriate creation, valuation, consumption, and control of business data at a strategic level. 

Data governance establishes roles about who can manipulate the data in which situations and with which tools so that everything can be secure and efficient when it comes to data management. Companies of all sizes can be exposed to attacks and breaches while leaving huge amounts of sensitive information from customers, employees, suppliers, etc. 

Implementation of a well-crafted governance plan can help organizations in staying compliant with government regulations while also setting the right setting for using quality data and achieving goals. 

In the present competitive business environment where the amount of data keeps increasing each second, data governance has become a mandatory practice. A strategically implemented governance framework can assist organizations in staying compliant and minimizing risks, reducing costs, improving communication, and achieving strategic goals. 

9. Data Literacy

With data becoming the foundation of strategic decisions for businesses of all sizes, the ability to understand it and use it as a tool in organizations has become important for success. Data literacy will be a relevant data analytics trend to look out for in 2023. 

It is best to understand data literacy to understand, read, write, and communicate data in a context. This means understanding the techniques for analyzing data along with the tools implemented. Data literacy is essential for driving success. 

Given the rise of self-service tools, data literacy continues to be the foundation of a successful data-driven culture. Business leaders can offer the required training to an organization so that everyone can be empowered to work with data and analytics.

For achieving a successful data literacy process, a detailed assessment of skills should be done to find any gaps. You can start with finding data users as mediators for non-skilled groups and finding communication barriers when data fails its purpose. With this knowledge, the creation of targeted training becomes easy. 

10. Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing is a trend in business intelligence that is changing the manner in which companies go about their analytical processes. It is a powerful branch of AI that allows computers to understand, learn, and interpret human language in a spoken form.

NLP can be divided into two subsets called natural language understanding and natural language generation. NLU focuses on understanding the meaning of text and speech and NLG focuses on text generation on specific data input. 

Businesses have started adopting the technology of NLP for managing big amounts of unstructured text data that is gathered from different sources such as emails, social media, and surveys. Many BI software providers are also offering language insight features to users. 

It is safe to say that NLP is a business intelligence trend that is expected to develop in many areas in the coming years. BI software uses the capability of a self-service approach for gaining a competitive edge by offering users a way to conduct efficient analysis without calculations. 

Related Read: A Complete Overview of Zoho Analytics

BI Innovation Made Easy with Zoho Analytics

To ensure that continue making the most out of your Zoho Analytics efforts, it is necessary to ensure that emerging trends in the BI market are monitored and strategies are implemented effectively. The BI trends provide an outline of what the future of BI might look like and also offer a strong foundation for implementing BI for your business. 

Zoho Analytics is one of the best platforms for implementing BI trends. In case you are not already using the benefits that Zoho Analytics is capable of offering then it is time that you already start doing that. Zoho keeps a consistent watch on emerging customer needs and addresses them for transforming how users analyze data and make decisions. 

BI Innovation Made Easy with Zoho Analytics

Top 10 Business Intelligence Trends Zoho Analytics Enhances in 2023 Read More »

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What is Digital Customization? How Can It Help Businesses?

The business owners of today often find it challenging to keep pace with the evolving digital landscape. If you are curious about how your business can stay dynamic and relevant in the present age then you must remember that digital transformation is the key. The fact is that businesses that embrace it quickly will survive as the most successful ones.

That said, there is a catch and that is the fact that digital transformation is not enough. To make sure that you thrive, it is important to build a business that is digitally customizable and ever-catering to the needs of the customers. However, how do digital transformation and customization translate into business success? 

What must be thought about is the fact that digital transformation is merely a fancy term for moving to the cloud or is it meant to take a specific towards an empowered business strategy. In case you are still wondering how to understand more about digital customization then you must not fear. 

In this blog, we will try to know more about why digital customization helps a business thrive and be prepared for the future. Let’s delve further into details and know more about digital customization.

What is Digital Customization?

The meaning of this term is to understand the process of using digital tools and technologies for customizing services, user experiences, and products so that they meet the specific requirements of individual customers. This is a process that can involve collecting data about consumer behaviour, preferences, and demographics through different channels including mobile apps, social media, and websites.

The data analysis can be done through algorithms and artificial intelligence to generate insights that are capable of delivering personalized markets, customized services, and product recommendations. This digital customization can be achieved by customizing cloud-based software solutions for meeting the needs and workflows of a business. 

Cloud software solutions are specifically designed to be configurable to become comfortable while allowing businesses to customize everything from user interfaces to data fields. The customization can be achieved using a wide range of tools and interfaces offered by cloud software vendors including APIs, graphical user interfaces, and scripting languages. 

Tools Required for Digital Customization

1. Customizable CRM

To ensure that businesses customize digitally, a CRM application is needed that can be molded for meeting your needs. You must be able to add custom fields for recording additional customer data, create customized workflows for automating tasks, and set up personalized automation rules to trigger actions based on customer behaviour. 

For instance, the CRM must allow you to create a custom field that captures the customer’s preferred communication channel and use that information for personalizing communication. Some options that are available are Salesforce, Zoho CRM, HubSpot CRM.

2. Third-Party Application Integration

Integration with third-party applications is necessary for the digital customization of a business because that allows you to connect software tools and services that are commonly used for a business. 

In case you use a CRM tool for managing sales and customer relationships, you might even want to integrate it with an email marketing tool for automating email campaigns. When you do this, you can segment customers based on their behaviour and send targeted messages on the basis of their interests and preferences.

Just like this, in case you use accounting software for managing finances, you might want to integrate it with CRM tools for tracking invoices, payments, and other financial data in one place. 

After doing so, you will get an improved understanding of cash flow, revenue, and expenses and make informed decisions about a business. The popular integration platforms are Zoho Flow, Microsoft Power Automate, Zapier, etc. 

3. Data Management

The software used for businesses must allow you to collect, store, and manage business data in a central location. When you have a unified data management system, you can get an effective view of business operations, performance tracking, and data-driven decisions. 

For instance, when you operate an online store, you can effectively use a unified data management tool for tracking sales, customer data, and other business metrics. When you do this, you can get insights into your sales performance, identify trends, and optimize inventory management. 

The tools can help in automating business processes by eliminating any need for manual data entry and decreasing errors. For example, when you use a CRM tool, you can integrate it with accounting software for syncing customer data automatically, generating invoices, and collecting payments. Some popular data management tools are Zoho One, Salesforce, and Tableau.

4. Workflow Automation

Workflow automation can be customized for fitting business needs and allow you to create workflows that can reflect business processes. Examples of workflows that can be automated also include lead nurturing where a new lead can be added to the CRM and automatically sent followed by emails that can provide information about a product or service. 

In addition, workflow automation also helps in order processing, customer service, and employee onboarding. There are multiple workflow automation tools that are available to be customized for fitting to your business needs. Some options include Zapier, Zoho Workdrive, Zoho Creator, IFTTT, etc.

5. Website Builder

Using a customizable website builder helps in creating a professional-looking website that can reflect a brand and meet specific business needs. It can include customizable templates, a drag-and-drop interface, SEO friendliness, and a mobile responsive design.

Some of the popular customizable website builders that are used widely in the market include Zoho Sites, Wix, and WordPress. 

6. Custom App Development

Custom app development is a feature that allows you to create software applications that are attuned to specific needs. Some of the advantages of custom app development can be customized to business needs so that a custom app is designed for a business and ensures that it meets specific requirements. 

Custom app development also helps in improving user experience as it is designed with the target audience in mind while proving a user-friendly interface that makes it simple for customers to access information that is needed and perform the tasks that are important.

Custom app development also provides scalability as it is designed to grow your business while allowing you to add new features as your needs keep growing. A couple of custom app development platforms used commonly are Zoho Creator, Microsoft Power Apps, Salesforce Lighting, etc.

7. Customer Service

This also offers high-quality customer support to customers irrespective of their location. A business can offer support via phone, live chat, social media, email, and other digital channels, etc. 

Remote customer service helps in improving customer satisfaction by responding quickly to customer inquiries and providing timely and effective support. This also helps in improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Other than this, remote customer service helps in accessing a wider customer base, it is cost-effective and also provides much better flexibility. Some of the popular customer service platforms for businesses include Zoho Desk, Freshdesk, and Zendesk. 

How Does Digital Customization Help Your Business?

1. Delight Your Customers with Personalized Experiences

Meeting customer expectations is an important aspect of any successful business and the truth is that digital customization can help in achieving this. When you gather data about a customer’s preferences and behaviors, it becomes simple to customize products and services to their needs.

Online retail platforms use customer data to recommend merchandise that people might be interested in on the basis of their browsing and purchasing history. Streaming services such as Netflix also use data for recommending shows and movies that can appeal to users and by offering personalized experiences, businesses can increase customer satisfaction.

2. Innovate and Grow Your Business with New Products and Services

Digital customization also helps in powering innovation by allowing businesses to create new products and services that can cater to customer needs. For instance, the shoe brand Adidas launched a customizable service that allows customers to design their shows on the Internet. 

Using digital customization tools, customers can now choose the colours, materials, and design features of their shows which further results in a personalized product that can meet the requirements of the customers completely. 

3. Stay Ahead of the Competition with Personalized Offers and Recommendations

As technology continues evolving, businesses that fail to adopt new digital customization methods can be prone to the risk of falling behind their competitors. Businesses can use AI and machine learning technologies to analyze customer data and find patterns and trends that may not offer instant results.

When businesses stay ahead of this trend, they can create new opportunities for their growth and maintain their competitive advantage as well. 

4. Improve Efficiency with Automated Tasks and Streamlined Workflows

Digital Customization also helps businesses in improving efficiency as it automates repetitive tasks and streamlines workflows as well. For instance, companies can use software tools for automating data entry and for customer support tasks as well as which helps in freeing up employee time for focusing more on strategic initiatives. 

In addition, businesses can customize software solutions for meeting specific needs that can further ensure workflows are customized to meet specific requirements and are as effective as possible.

5. Distinct Customized Offers & Personalized Recommendations

The process of digital customization helps businesses to differentiate themselves from competitors by providing specific products and services that are customized to their needs. Some of the food delivery services also offer customers the ability to customize orders by adding and removing ingredients. 

In addition, beauty retailers also offer personalized recommendations based on customer skin types and beauty preferences. A range of these personalized experiences helps businesses to set themselves apart from their competition and even attract new customers.

6. Adapt to Changing Market Conditions with Flexible Solutions

The possession of digital customization can also be helpful for businesses to maintain flexibility as they keep growing and evolving. 

For instance, businesses can use cloud-based software solutions that can get customized and scaled to meet specific business needs. The flexibility allows businesses to become comfortable with changing market conditions as required.

7. Improve Collaboration with Effective Communication and Sharing

Digital customization also helps in improving collaboration by offering employees tools and resources that should be used for working together effectively. Businesses can use project management software for streamlining communication and ensuring all team members are on the same page. 

In addition, businesses can also customize communication platforms for meeting specific needs and ensuring that the team members are sharing information easily and effectively. This results in effective project work and meeting deadlines quickly. 

8. Target Your Marketing with Personalized Messages

Digital customization helps businesses to create targeted marketing campaigns that can be tailored to individual customer needs and preferences. For instance, businesses can use customer data for creating personalized email campaigns and social media ads that speak directly to interests and behaviors. 

By offering personalized experiences, businesses can increase the efficacy of their marketing campaigns and achieve a better return on investments.

Zoho One For Digital Customization

After exploring the different tools required for the digital customization of a business, it is clear that having a unified solution is the way to go. Using various stand-alone software applications can somewhat prove to be inefficient which is why Zoho One is the best solution. 

Zoho One is an all-in-one and unified cloud-based software suite that is capable of offering over 45+ applications including key tools for digital customization. With the adoption of Zoho One, you can customize your business, manage unified data, automate workflows, build a customizable website, develop custom apps, and provide remote customer service as well.

Digital Customization: A Win-Win for Businesses and Customers

Digital customization has the ability to directly benefit business owners by allowing them to collect and analyse data and customize project management tools, set fixed goals, streamline operations, and improve customer experience.

By using digital customization, business owners can gain insights into their business performance and stay focused on what is important which is growth. Starting from personalized recommendations to targeted marketing campaigns, digital customization can help businesses achieve objectives and become successful in the present business environment.

In case you own a business and wish to streamline your work so that it gives you better results then you must understand that digital customization is of immense importance. Zoho provides a suite of applications that are practical, efficient, and cost-effective for digitally customizing a business.

Get in touch with the expert Zoho consultants at Encaptechno to know more about how Zoho applications can transform your business for the better after the implementation of Zoho applications.

What is Digital Customization? How Can It Help Businesses? Read More »

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Zoho One Your All-in-One Business Management Software

Zoho One: Your All-in-One Business Management Software

Business management software is a tool that comprises different modules for running a business from end to end. It helps with sales, marketing, analytics, productivity, HR, employee management, collaboration, back-office tasks, and also document storage needs. 

Zoho One Your All-in-One Business Management Software

The modules do not have to be siloed but they can actually be used for carrying the context forward while transitioning from one process to the next. Now the thing is that it is of absolute importance to choose a business management software correctly. 

While using a unified business management software, you are actually choosing a platform that can be used as a source of productivity and convenience. In case you are a business with multiple employees that work in silos but also collaborate then business management software can be used for simplifying the process of working on specific and group projects.

Zoho One for example is one of the best business management software that is used by over 50,000 organizations. It is safe to say that it is the only business management software that a business may ever need. In this blog, we will understand why that is but before that, let us first get to the basics of what is business management software.

Why Use a Business Management Software?

Business management software can actually be used for empowering employees with tools needed for working easily and effectively. Good quality business management software must always include productivity tools, communication tools, collaboration tools, project management tools, asset management tools, office management tools, end-to-end business tools, etc.

The on-premise and cloud options exist simultaneously for business management software. Based on the size of a business, you are allowed to choose any one option. A cloud-based business management software can be used for small businesses and it comes with simple navigation, self-learning materials, customization options, customer support, reliability, integration compatibility, etc.

If you are tired of running your business on complex and disjointed solutions that take your energy and time away then Zoho One can be the right solution. It is an operating system for businesses that ensures that all business processes run like clockwork. If you stay focused on your goals then the implementation of Zoho One will ensure that you achieve them.

Zoho One is a journey of over 15 years in the making. It was launched with 35+ apps – both mobile and web but today it has reached over 45 apps and services. It is best to say that Zoho One is an operating system that continues to add value by way of apps, services, and platform extensions at an affordable cost. 

Related Read: How Zoho One is a Game Changer for Your Business?

What is Zoho One and How Can It Help Your Business?

Zoho One is a collection of over 45+ unified and cloud business applications that create complete business management software. It can often go above and beyond business management software and work as an operating system for a business. 

Zoho One has the potential to work very well for small, medium, and even mid-market enterprises. It is best to describe it as a comprehensive cloud-based business management software. You can use Zoho One for seeing important business metrics at just one glance, for working on the cloud, managing overall operations, and restricting or allowing access to users and permissions as needed.

There are some unique features of Zoho One that all businesses should know. We will mention them below one by one. 

1. Artificial Intelligence

Zoho One comes with an AI assistant called Zia that can help the sales team with predictive sales and searching for things such as a customer or a conversation with an employee in full context. Zia can be used for automating frequently repeated workflows, ensuring correct grammatical suggestions while writing, and providing translation services. Businesses can also embed the Zia bots and show recommended products on their websites.

2. Business Intelligence

Zoho One helps in generating reports easily, finding problems in sales and support, analyzing common trends, and generating valuable insights from spreadsheets with Zia’s business intelligence.

3. Integrate, Extend, and Create Apps

Using Zoho One, you can integrate and customize applications for enhancing the functionality of existing applications. You can also establish specific connections with other apps that are suitable for a business and create applications for making a specific functionality available. 

4. Unified Messaging

Zoho One has an internal chat software that can ensure easy communication within an organization. Its use can be improved when the chat becomes accessible across any kind of application in the company management system as in Zoho One. You can effectively communicate, create groups, and even solve problems in real-time without depending on email completely. You can plan, communicate, and execute just what you need to at the right time.

5. Telephony

The phone systems being used for external calling can be effectively integrated with Zoho One using PhoneBridge. This gives your teams a click-to-call function, important contextual information, and much more.

6. Single Sign-On and Access Management

It is possible to give access to multiple users and also define their roles and permissions just as you wish. You can appoint a central administrator who is in charge of adding employees and giving them permissions. A single sign-on can be helpful to users for using their credentials for all applications. 

7. Deployment and Migration

Zoho One is a cloud-based platform that offers you wide freedom of using the solution completely without ever needing to consider security issues or maintenance problems. It comes with back-end installations, updates, setups, and repairs that can be taken care of properly. Zoho One can also be deployed on MacOS, iOS, Windows, Linux, and Android platforms. The training material and access to the implementation partners as needed are also offered easily. You can effectively migrate from other software while importing your data easily.

What is Zoho One and How Can It Help Your Business

Zoho One Is Much More Than a BMS

Zoho One works in ways that effectively retrieve all the data, documents, and contacts and this is exactly where a unified user interface is helpful. Other than just being context-aware, this helps in saving a lot of time because the data that is needed is already available when you want it. 

With the use of Zoho One, you can effectively switch between applications without losing any context. There are never any significant concerns about data breaches even with high privacy levels and security. You can also experience better employee management along with talent and workforce management and chats can be easily integrated into each app which helps employees communicate better without losing sight of important work.

App applications under Zoho One are pretty consistent in their approach when it comes to usability and design. What this means is that the learning curve is decreased and different functionalities can be used from other applications so that the data flows smoothly wherever it is needed. You can cover the all scenarios of functions that a business can possibly need as a prerequisite with Zoho One.

Zoho One helps to complete the below-mentioned things. 

1. Sales

Zoho One helps in selling across channels by using CRM, email, and social media. You can effectively access everything on mobile devices and carry out your business activities on the go. Star by defining your sales processes, using business intelligence for convenience, creating quotes, estimates, sales orders, and invoices, and you can also enable digital signatures.

2. Marketing

Zoho One can be used for optimizing both online and offline marketing campaigns. You can effectively get access to a website builder using Zoho One. It also enables improved A/B testing, visual analytics, email marketing, custom website forms, surveys, live chat, live online events, office suite, marketing automation, team messaging, project management, etc.

3. Support

It is possible to create multi-channel support for interacting with your customers and addressing their needs effectively. Zoho One helps in improving your support operations by using email, social media, live chat, self-service portals, remote assistance, process automation, phone, business intelligence, customer happiness, artificial intelligence, CRM, and team communication platforms. 

4. HR

The human resources-based applications help in filing job openings, resume parsing, carrying out interviews, sending offer letters, onboarding new employees, creating company-wide policies, tracking in and out timings, and managing time off. In addition, you can also create a collaborative office culture with a cloud office suite and a social network which helps in ensuring a good employee experience overall. Starting from finding new talent to scheduling interviews and onboarding successful candidates, Zoho’s HR management tools bring better results to an organization.

5. Accounting

Zoho One helps in getting seamless access to financial reporting tools, connecting bank accounts, tracking assets and liabilities, creating estimates and invoices, collecting payments, etc. In addition, it also helps in tracking payables and expenses, managing purchase orders, tracking the work performance of employees by geo-tracking, managing expenses, allowing time tracking for project-based employees, and managing recurring subscriptions. Starting from invoicing to order management and accounting, you can get your company’s financial processes organized with Zoho One.

Zoho One Is Much More Than a BMS

6. Operations

Zoho One offers applications that help in managing orders, performing multi-channel selling, managing warehouses, and accessing project-based billing with operation applications. The applications also help in enjoying better resource utilization, and project management in agile, waterfall, and task boards. The applications can give your customers better access to the client portal, online store, and subscription-wise billing. Moreover, you can create custom applications as well. 

7. Productivity

Zoho One helps in boosting business productivity by allowing the team with an office suite of writing, spreadsheets, and presentation software. It also offers digital signature, note-taking features, and password storage.

8. BI/Analytics

Zoho One offers applications that can draw purposeful and actionable insights from business data using effective business intelligence and analytics tools. You can create attractive visualizations and auto-generate reports from the data.

9. Collaboration

Zoho One offers applications that help in better project collaboration, assigning tasks, discussing ideas, and hosting company-wide meetings. You can also work on shared documents, team upskilling and training programs, online conferences, and remote working tools.

10. Communication

Communication is one of the most important pillars of effective business management. Be it communication between teams, within teams, or with customers, the right set of tools makes it possible to communicate effectively. Zoho One comes with capabilities that help in consistently staying in touch and communicating with the team members with integrated chat and emails. 

Related Read: Top Reasons to Choose Zoho One for Your Organization

What Makes Zoho One The Best Business Management Software?

Zoho One is a good business management software because of the below-mentioned highlights. 

  • You can effectively store all your data in Zoho’s data centers which then ensures complete privacy and security. 
  • Zoho One also allows full-stack ownership of the platform, applications, and many services. 
  • Zoho One helps in saving more time because it helps in onboarding easily, driving business operations, fostering better company culture, collecting business insights, and automating business processes.
  • Zoho One helps in adding more functionalities by integrating with the preferred third-party applications with the use of Zoho Marketplace.
  • By using Zoho One, you can ensure no disruption in business operations with a proven uptime of over 99.99%.


Zoho One checks all of the boxes as an important and multi-level operating system for running a business. It is much more than business management software because it allows you to scale up your business while also giving you better avenues to run all possible business operations.

In case you haven’t already then you must switch to Zoho One so that you can help your business realize its complete potential. Get in touch with expert Zoho Consultants at Encapechno who can help you level up your business with the implementation of Zoho One at the earliest.

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What is Generative CRM and How Can It Help Your Business

What is Generative CRM and How Can It Help Your Business?

Customer relationship management has long been at the centre of successful businesses helping companies to manage and analyze their interactions with customers. However, with technological advancements, traditional CRM systems are developing to include cutting-edge AI.

What is Generative CRM and How Can It Help Your Business

Generative CRM is a combination of generative artificial intelligence and customer relationship management. It refers to a subset of AI algorithms capable of generating new and human-like content based on the present data. The algorithms including GPT-4 are capable of creating coherent and relevant text, images, and other media that allow businesses to offer personalized customer experiences. 

The integration of generative AI in CRM systems encourages businesses to harness the power of advanced language models for automating and improving customer interactions. The combination helps companies to understand to anticipate customer needs better while customizing customer strategies and improving customer satisfaction. 

In this blog, we will have a look at what generative CRM is and how can it help your business. 

What is Generative CRM?

Generative CRM includes the power of generative AI with customer data for enhancing productivity and efficiency. It helps in performing many functions such as answering queries, creating an email, managing conversational text, and addressing human diseases and the environment. The more people continue to use it, the more it will get smarter. 

Generative CRM helps in performing challenging tasks and freeing up your time to focus on important projects. It helps in looking at the internet and important data for further crafting better responses. The fundamental job of generative CRM is that it really reduces the friction of going from one idea to a first draft. This includes writing a document on the previous meetings you may have had or summarizing conversation streams to look for insights for improving your approach. 

How Does Generative CRM Help?

People spend so many hours carrying out mundane tasks only to get their jobs done. They search through data and research for coming up with a campaign for new campaigns, writing and rewriting, and finally scramble to find a balance in conversations with angry customers. 

Imagine a tool that could streamline all of this regardless of the industry or department you may be working in. The generative CRM tools combine the power of generative AI with CRM all across many industries. There are a number of ways in which this is helpful. They are all mentioned below. 

1. Reduced Time to Value

AI has been around for a while now but the generative AI products have the ability to help people across industries work a lot more efficiently. This can have a direct impact on building and maintaining customer relationships. 

The superpower of generative AI for CRM helps in reducing time to value. This technology helps in filtering out the noise that many may encounter on the internet otherwise. Generative CRM is smart enough to know what to look for if you are asking the right questions.

2. Freeing Humans for High-Value Work

Let’s for a second imagine that you’re trying to get a new customer and for achieving this, you are spending hours through your data to improve your sales pitch. This can eventually bring you to search your network and the company website for finding a person that helps in getting your foot in the door. 

The repetitive and mundane tasks can tire you while wasting precious time that could be spent on building new relationships. All the tasks done in a CRM can be repeated and automated. The simple idea of speeding up things makes everything quick and productive. It also gives you more time to work on building relationships with people you may be selling to. 

3. Artificial Intelligence

Security is key to generative CRM and builds on long-standing principles for trusted AI with defined guidelines that can address problems with generative AI. The generative AI models depend on available data and generative CRM is rooted in safe, private customer data while also drawing on the public data. 

An important part of doing things is making the technology trustworthy and impactful for businesses. Systems such as ChatGPT are very powerful and also built on public data sources. However, the technology should be grounded in data when the aim is to work in the enterprise. Blending the public and private data makes a trusted and valuable experience for customers.

4. Personalization

Another reason which makes generative CRM a great deal for businesses is the fact that it can offer unparalleled personalization by creating specific and contextually relevant content for all customers. 

The personalization level allows businesses to communicate with customers in ways that resonate with them leading to strong relationships and better brand loyalty. In addition, personalized content is also more likely to respond positively to messages that feel tailor-made.

5. Scalability

Traditional CRM systems often struggle for scaling with the business growth which then leads to increased workloads for customer support teams. 

The generative AI CRM also offers a scalable solution by automating multiple customer interactions. As a result, businesses can maintain a high-quality customer experience even as their customer base keeps increasing.

A New Way to Personalize Your Marketing and Sales Efforts

6. Cost-effectiveness

The process of including generative AI into the CRM systems can help businesses save on labour costs by automating routine tasks including responding to frequently asked questions or sending personalized messages. 

It is possible to free up customer support and sales representatives by helping companies allocate resources efficiently and also improving the bottom line eventually.

7. Improved Customer Insights

Generative AI CRM systems have the ability to analyze customer data a lot more effectively as compared to traditional CRM solutions while offering valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviour patterns.

The insights so obtained can be effectively used for refining marketing strategies from product development and for driving sales growth. 

8. Better Customer Satisfaction

When you offer personalized, engaging, and timely communication, the generative AI CRM helps in improving customer satisfaction levels to a great level. 

Satisfied customers are more than likely to stay loyal to one brand and recommend it to others while making repeat purchases and leading to long-term business success. 

9. Personalized Marketing

The traditional CRM system relies on segmenting customers into various groups on the basis of demography or behavioural data while targeting the groups with relevant marketing campaigns. 

Generative AI CRM helps businesses to take personalization a step ahead by creating tailored content for all customers. This includes personalized email campaigns, social media content, and dynamically generated website content that can appeal to preferences and interests.

10. Customer Support

Customer support is an important aspect of CRM that can influence customer satisfaction and loyalty. Generative AI CRM can change customer support processes by using AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants for handling everyday questions and offering instant and personalized support. 

The AI agents do not just understand and respond to customer questions but also generate precise and detailed responses that ensure seamless customer support.

11. Attractive Pricing

With detailed analysis of customer behaviour and preferences, generative AI CRM helps businesses to develop an effective pricing strategy and promotional offer. This can be used for adjusting prices in real-time on the factors such as demand, willingness to pay, and competitor pricing. 

Personalized promotions can also be tailored to individual customers based on their purchase history and other preferences. This also increases the likelihood of conversion and customer satisfaction. 

12. Customer Analytics

Generative AI helps businesses to uncover deep insights about their customers with a detailed analysis of data including historical interactions, purchase patterns and customer feedback. 

A good understanding of underlying patterns in customer behaviour enables businesses can make data-driven decisions for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

13. Better Response to Queries

Sifting through information can become way simple with the use of generative AI. There are many tools that can write accurate responses to general questions. You can easily deliver complex information in a simple-to-understand way.

This is particularly true for the service team. The use of generative AI can help in answering even the 8 simplest questions that are not already pre-loaded in the chatbot.

Related Read: How Can Generative AI Help Marketers?

What Does Generative CRM look like? 

There are many ways in which generative CRM can be put to use. These ways are mentioned below. 

1. Services

Generative CRM helps in creating important knowledgeable articles, improves response time, analyzes customer feedback, and also offers responses to frequently asked questions. 

Imagine you are having a virtual chat with a customer and while they are texting you, Einstein GPT is looking through many web pages and data for helping to create the best reply. You can effectively edit the reply for ensuring that it does not sound like a machine but a person.

2. Sales

Generative CRM helps in improving lead generation, predicting future sales trends, analyzing sales data, and creating personalized communication. For instance, generative CRM helps in finding updated information on an organization and also helps in targeting appropriate contacts in a company. 

You can efficiently draft an email and also give the most current information about a company for preparing better for a meeting. 

3. Marketing

Generative CRM can design visually attractive and personalized ads for targeting specific audiences on the basis of browsing and purchase history, building predictive models, forecasting customer purchasing behaviour, and creating influencer campaigns. 

Generative CRM helps in designing a targeted promotion for social media that can effectively describe a specific area and also target customers who are likely to visit a store based on previous purchases or their social media posts and comments.

Einstein GPT By Salesforce

Einstein GPT is a generative AI customer relationship management technology that has been launched by Salesforce for delivering AI-created content across sales, service, marketing, IT, and commerce. Salesforce can change all customer experiences with the right use of generative AI. 

Einstein GPT infuses the proprietary AI models with the generative AI from a pool of partners while also using real-time data from the Salesforce Data Cloud which further unifies a company’s customer data. 

Einstein GPT By Salesforce

Customers can connect their data to advanced AI models and even choose their own external model while using natural language prompts directly in their Salesforce CRM for generating content that adapts to changing customer information and needs in real-time.

All said and done, the world is presently experiencing a profound technological shift with the rise of real-time technologies and the spread of generative AI. This comes at a time when all organizations are more focused on connecting with their customers in an intelligent, automated, and personalized way. Companies that understand the importance of using generative AI will have an edge without any doubt.

Related Read: What is Real-Time Marketing and How Does It Help?

Embracing the Future: Unleashing the Potential of Generative CRM for Enhanced Customer Relationships

Embracing the Future: Unleashing the Potential of Generative CRM for Enhanced Customer Relationships

Generative CRM comes with the power of generative AI models with traditional CRM systems that can effectively revolutionize customer relationship management. It helps businesses to create customized content, offer customer support, automate CRM processes, and also leverage advanced customer analytics. 

Using the benefits of generative CRM can allow your business to experience enhanced customer experience, better efficiency, improved decision-making, and ensure data-driven personalization. 

What is Generative CRM and How Can It Help Your Business? Read More »

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What is Predictive Lead Scoring and How Can It Help You?

One of the most common struggles faced by sales professionals is sifting through countless leads for finding which one is actually worth pursuing at the end. An effective solution that solves this problem at hand is called predictive lead scoring

With the use of predictive lead scoring, it is possible to streamline the lead-scoring process while focusing on promising prospects for improved conversions. A good predictive lead scoring software can use historical patterns and behaviors for predicting a lead’s conversion chance using data and analytics.

In this blog, we will explore the possible benefits and importance of predictive lead scoring and how it can help in prioritizing efforts and driving revenue growth. To begin with, let us begin by understanding what is predictive lead scoring. 

What is Predictive Lead Scoring?

Predictive lead scoring is the process that is used in sales and marketing for finding which leads have a high chance of becoming well-paying customers in the future. All leads take a numerical value or ranking based on specific behaviors, characteristics, and interactions on a website, social media platforms, email campaigns, and other touch points.

The common predictive lead scoring algorithm also considers different variables that can suggest a lead’s common probability to convert while including demographic data, size of the company, job title, degree of interaction with the company website, and past purchases. 

The sales and marketing teams can focus all of their efforts and resources on all promising leads by employing the predictive lead scoring process which eventually helps in boosting the effectiveness of the outreach and also helps in increasing the conversion rates. This is a method that can help businesses in finding where their lead generation and marketing strategies need work.

To understand this a little better, let us talk with examples. Think of two leads called X and Y. On the basis of their behavior and other rules set important for a firm, Lead X may have 60 points based on the predictive lead scoring method while Lead Y may have 30 points. This rating is descriptive of the fact that lead X has more chances of getting converted in the future. However, this does not mean that you ignore lead Y. After you are done converting lead X, you can now look at the probable factors affecting the low score of lead Y and develop a plan to increase its ratings. 

Why Should Companies Use Predictive Lead Scoring?

There are many reasons why you should adopt predictive lead scoring in business development. We will mention them below one by one. 

Why Should Companies Use Predictive Lead Scoring

1. Improved Lead Targeting

Predictive lead scoring is a process that helps in finding which leads can be converted easily. It enables you to focus on resources that have maximum potential. It is possible to improve the lead conversion rates and also increase sales by targeting your efforts effectively

2. Lead Qualification

The process of predictive lead scoring also helps in automating a significant portion of the lead qualification process along with saving time and effort by finding all high-potential prospects. The sales and marketing teams can become increasingly effective which then frees them up to take up more work and get other essential tasks done.

3. Customer Experience

Predictive lead scoring also ensures that you deliver a much more personalized and relevant customer experience by customizing your messaging and offers to specific needs and interests. You can customize the customer experience and build a rather stronger relationship with customers while also increasing their loyalty to your brand.

3. Data-Driven Valuable Insights

With a detailed analysis of the data used in predictive lead scoring, you can gain important insights about customer behavior and preferences. Moreover, you can also understand your customers so that the marketing and sales strategies are improved eventually and new growth opportunities are discovered. 

4. Competitive Edge

With the help of predictive lead scoring, you can effectively gain a competitive edge because it helps in identifying and converting high-potential leads quickly as compared to competitors. Gaining this edge can help you in gaining more profitability and grow your market share as well. 

Importance of Predictive Lead Scoring

Businesses can effectively profit much more than the combination of human intuition and machine learning algorithms. This can be successful in the predictive lead scores. Some of the reasons why predictive lead scoring help are mentioned below. 

1. Work With Data-Driven Insights

Let’s take an example of predictive lead scoring in the sense of a functional e-commerce website. When you track a user’s behavior on the website including the visited pages, products seen, and items added to the cart, the website finds it easy to score all users for making a purchase. 

It is also possible to personalize the user experience with lead scores by offering discounts and suggesting products that are relevant to their interests. Predictive lead scoring does an excellent job of making data-driven decisions that can improve the effectiveness of marketing and sales efforts which then results in better revenue. 

Data precision insights into the potential value of all leads or users enable businesses to allocate their resources effectively and focus more on growth opportunities. 

2. Saves More Time

The lead scoring process is important for all successful sales teams but the conventional approach of manual scoring can be time-consuming and also prone to human errors. With predictive lead scoring, improved methods of data consolidation from different sources can offer quick and accurate results. 

Predictive lead scoring can save the sales team and also allow it to focus on higher-value tasks including engaging with qualified leads. In addition, the automation of lead scoring can also effective reduce all risks of human errors. 

While being dependent on manual scoring, you can often miss out on significant details and sometimes even misjudge the quality of a lead. However, with automated scoring, this algorithm follows predefined rules making sure that all leads are evaluated without any bias. 

3. Sales and Marketing Symbiosis

The importance of good communication between a company’s sales and marketing departments must never be doubted. When the teams collaborate well, they can effectively develop a robust strategy that can also promote further development.

Moreover, sales and marketing teams can also work together for defining requirements that can be used for scoring leads. Aligning the teams with lead score criteria makes sure that teams are in proper sync on qualified leads and the data that should be considered. 

4. Sharing Data

The teams can effectively share collected data for getting precise predictions that can further be helpful for making important decisions. 

Marketing can offer data including website traffic, social media engagement, and email opening rates while sales can offer important data including deal size, closing rates, etc.

5. Monitor and Change The Process

The sales and marketing teams can also consistently monitor the lead scoring process for ensuring that everything works effectively. 

You can track the process and include the accuracy of predictions, find possible areas for improvement, and also adjust scoring criteria just as required. 

Improve Your Sales and Marketing Efforts With Predictive Lead Scoring

Predictive lead scoring provides many benefits for businesses that wish to improve their sales and marketing efforts cumulatively. They come with peculiar benefits for both the sales and marketing teams. Let’s look at these benefits below. 

Improve Your Sales and Marketing Efforts With Predictive Lead Scoring

Sales Team

The importance of lead scoring is such that it enables you to prioritize leads based on their likelihood to get converted. You can target leads based on this which further means that sales representatives can focus more on engaging with leads to become customers rather than wasting time on low-quality leads. 

The sales teams can also customize the outreach to specific leads by using the benefits of predictive lead scoring. Some ways in which this can be done include customizing messaging, offering targeted promotions, and providing specific product recommendations. 

Predictive lead scoring also helps in offering insights into where the leads are in the sales funnel and how they can be optimized further. For instance, in case a specific stage of the funnel is causing the leads to drop off then the team can focus on improving the lead conversion process. 

Finally, predictive lead scoring software offers a measurable way to evaluate the success of a sales team. You can track conversion rates of leads with many different scores while gaining insights into what is working and what is not so that you can adjust this approach accordingly. 

Related Read: Grow Sales With Effective Lead Management

Marketing Teams

The predictive lead scoring software can also offer insights into which marketing campaigns and channels are effective for generating high-quality leads. Obtaining the insights helps marketing teams to streamline strategies and allocate resources accordingly. 

In addition, predictive lead scoring is also an extremely powerful tool for marketing teams to increase efficiency, improve lead quality, and ensure more revenue. You can leverage predictive lead-scoring software for achieving better results and staying ahead of the competition. 

Related Read: Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Lead Generation

Choosing a Perfect Predictive Lead Scoring Software

The process of choosing the right predictive lead-scoring software for a business is important because it includes many different aspects. You should identify all features you want to have in a predictive lead-scoring software, shortlist them and choose the ones you want finally. Check out these features and the accuracy they present by reading more reviews and case studies. 

Some factors that you must keep in mind while choosing the right lead-scoring software are mentioned below. 

1. Integration

The software must integrate with the present marketing automation and customer relationship management system. Remember that it is necessary for this software to go with the present data systems so that you can effectively analyze data and also offer accurate predictions. 

2. User Friendly

It is important to choose a predictive lead scoring software that can be user-friendly and also can be integrated into the sales and marketing workflows effectively. The software must be intuitive and offer actionable insights as well.

3. Customization

It is necessary to choose software that enables customization for meeting unique needs. This also includes lead scoring models and adjusting weights for reflecting the importance of different data points.

4. Customer Support

Remember to choose a predictive lead scoring software that is capable of offering dependable and responsive customer support at all times. The vendor should be able to offer access to training resources, a support team, and documentation so that you can troubleshoot any problems.


Finally, make sure that the software’s price is considered and that it fits your budget properly. You should check for software that is capable of offering a reasonable price with features that are needed and also avoid overspending on features that are not required. 

Zoho SalesIQ – The Best Predictive Lead Scoring Software

Zoho’s SalesIQ offers all these features with advanced AI algorithms, customizable models, seamless integrations with other applications, and also real-time scoring which makes it a renowned choice among businesses. It also comes with features to help businesses engage with website visitors, find high-quality leads, and convert them into customers.

Some of the features that this software offers are:

1. Customizable Lead Scoring Models

Zoho SalesIQ enables businesses to create custom lead scoring models that can reflect unique business needs. This includes adjusting the scoring criteria for reflecting the importance of different factors.

2. Advanced Lead Scoring

Zoho SalesIQ also uses advanced algorithms for predicting the likelihood of a lead converting into a customer. It helps businesses to prioritize high-quality leads and focus more on sales and marketing efforts. 

3. Website Visitor Tracking

You can get information on website visitors including their location, pages visited, and the time that they spend on the site. 

4. Marketing Automation

Zoho SalesIQ helps in combining marketing automation for prioritizing leads, personalizing campaigns, optimizing spending, automating leads, and improving sales coordination. It also integrates effectively with Zoho CRM and other CRM systems for tracking leads and managing customer data.

5. Cost Effective

Zoho SalesIQ also offers affordable and transparent pricing plans suitable for businesses of all sizes while making it accessible to small and medium-sized businesses. 

Empower Your Sales with Zoho SalesIQ’s Predictive Lead Scoring

In case your marketing and sales teams have been facing challenges with finding top leads while being unable to follow up with everyone predictive lead scoring is what your company needs.

Zoho SalesIQ can help you with the best predictive lead scoring with the aim to improve the revenue of your company significantly. Get in touch with our consultants at Encaptechno to know more about implementing the Zoho SalesIQ and use the best of what Zoho SalesIQ has to offer.

What is Predictive Lead Scoring and How Can It Help You? Read More »

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Zoholics, Austin 2023 - The Ultimate Conference for Zoho Enthusiasts

Zoholics Austin 2023: Bringing You The Best of Zoho 

Zoholics, Austin 2023 - The Ultimate Conference for Zoho Enthusiasts

Zoholics is back with its annual conference in the US scheduled to be held live and in-person for the year 2023. The conference will allow all the participants to spend two days in an intimate and friendly environment at the AT&T Hotel and Conference Centre in Austin, Texas. 

In this edition of Zoho’s flagship user conference, we’re looking forward to many insightful sessions by evangelists about upcoming features and best practices. That’s not all, thought leaders and customers from across industries will be presenting some interesting trends and use cases as well

Zoholics 2023

Our team at Encap is excited and would love to meet Zoho’s team in person and learn about all things Zoho. The attendees will have ample opportunity to network with like-minded people from companies of all sizes and industries who have turned to Zoho to transform their business and network and tap into the knowledge of experts from across sales, marketing, service, finance, commerce, and more to learn how they can deliver incredible customer experiences that will set their brand apart.

To view the full agenda and register for Zoholics in Austin, visit Zohlics’ official website.

Why is Zoholics Important?

Discover the top reasons why you won’t want to miss Zoholics 2023, the premier conference for Zoho users and professionals.

  • Zoholics allows users to grow their professional network by meeting and interacting with like-minded users and business leaders from various industries.
  • Participation in the Zoholics 2023 conference will enable the users to get specific and in-depth questions answered at a complimentary and a one-on-one level with the technical staff.
  • The participants will also be able to get a sneak peek into new products, features, and updates before they are shared with the world. 
  • Zoholics range over two days and include many small group discussions with certified professionals over many topics, including Sales, Marketing, Zoho Customization, and much more. 
  • Over 15+ product sessions will be held with Zoho experts to learn more about new solutions and get tips on how to get the benefits of Zoho.
  • The participants can enjoy an intimate event with a 10-1 employee-to-attendee ratio to ensure quality conversations and all questions are answered. 

Encaptechno Participating In Zoholics

Abhishek-Sharma, Director of Encaptechno at-Zoholics

Encaptechno is participating in Zoholics 2023. Mr. Abhishek Sharma, Director of Encap Technologies, will be participating in the event scheduled to take place in Austin, US. About participating in the Zoholics 2023 event, Mr. Abhishek says, “Zoholics is one of the most invigorating and purposeful conferences that allow professionals to partake in focused learning and connect with fellow users while helping everyone to get the most out of Zoho. I look forward to connecting with like-minded professionals and discussing my inputs on advanced topics, learning new tricks, and also gaining knowledge for developing businesses.”

Mr. Abhishek Sharma is a visionary who works to innovate, inspire and influence. His foresight as the Director – Implementation Services (Salesforce & Zoho) of Encap Technologies has led the company to pioneer numerous innovations and transformations within the technology field.

Dedicated to building reliable and progressive collaborations, he has helped the company to grow by working with a diverse clientele. 

Encaptechno has extensive experience working with clients from various industries such as manufacturing, information technology,  healthcare, education, hospitality, retail, and real estate, among others. Our team has helped clients in these industries achieve their business goals and improve their ROI through customized solutions using Zoho’s suite of business applications.

Mr. Abhishek’s participation at the Zoholics will enable other professionals to understand his techno-functional capabilities. Networking with Abhishek can help participants to learn his sense of leading the establishment of business units, analyzing the client’s requirements comprehensively, devising CRM solutions, and creating excellent environments for working with forecasting models.

Speakers of Zoholics 2023:

  • Alex Bush, Sales Engineer, Zoho
  • Chandrashekar LSP – Senior Evangelist, Zoho
  • Chris Bertrand, Creator Solutions Engineer, Zoho
  • Dylan Mahood, Evangelist, Zoho
  • Gene Moran, Creator Solutions Engineer, Zoho
  • Mandy Cagle, Enterprise Solutions Architect, Zoho
  • Megan Britt, Sales Engineer, Zoho
  • Nathan Anderson, Sales Engineer, Zoho
  • Nathan Rodgerson, Senior Accountant Development Manager, Zoho
  • Raju Vegesna, Chief Evangelist, Zoho
  • Ricky Thakrar, Director of Account Management, Zoho
  • Sailas Sundaram, Analytics Product Manager, Zoho
  • Samir Meharali, Lead Presales Engineer, Zoho
  • Taylor Backman, Evangelist, Zoho
  • Tejas Gadhia, Zoho Creator Product Management, Zoho
  • Travis Compton, Evangelist, Zoho
  • Tyler Bussani, Marketing Specialist, Zoho
  • Unni Sudhakaran, Head of Business Development, Zoho Expense
  • Val Steed, Director Accountants, Zoho
  • Vijay Sundaram, Chief Strategy Officer, Zoho
  • Zack Zivnuska, Solutions Engineer, Zoho

To learn more about the speakers at Zoholics, visit Zohlics’ official website

Meet Mr. Abhishek Sharma at Zoholics 2023

If you are interested in learning more about engaging customers with the many Zoho products, networking with like-minded people, and selling and marketing with Zoho, then be a part of the Zoholics 2023 event at Austin, Texas, on May 3rd – May 4th, 2023. 

Book your spot to meet and network with Mr. Abhishek Sharma at the Zoholics 2023. We look forward to seeing you there!


Zoholics Austin 2023: Bringing You The Best of Zoho  Read More »

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Discover Top 5 Benefits of Using a Low-Code Platform for Your Industry 4.0 Journey

Discover the Top 5 Benefits of Using a Low-Code Platform for Your Industry 4.0 Journey

Discover Top 5 Benefits of Using a Low-Code Platform for Your Industry 4.0 Journey

Low-code application development continues to gain prominence because of its ability to allow enterprises to build and deploy custom applications with no or minimal coding. They have emerged as one of the best cost savings automation tools

Usually, the application development process was carried out in a technical coding environment that was navigated by professional developers. However, low-code development operates in a visual and modern IDE. 

Low code enables users to build and deploy value-driven applications to manage complex workflows for manufacturing and industrial automation needs. That said, it is notable that all low-code development platforms are not similar. While choosing a low-code development platform, one must ensure that they pick an option that is compatible with their IT teams’ maturity and acts as an enabler in their industry 4.0 journey. 

Depending on the organization’s priorities and the process automation requirements, identifying the right IT solution to implement is one of the key decisions stakeholders make at enterprises of all sizes. Most CIOs, CTOs, and IT leaders are adopting various low-code tools available in the market to accelerate their digital transformation efforts.

In this blog, we will discover the top 5 benefits of using a low-code platform for your industry 4.0 journey.

1. Collaboration Across Teams

The intrinsic value of low-code development platforms is bringing professional developers and non-technical professionals together in a collaborative setting. 

Organizations can align stakeholders, IT teams, and other stakeholders to build and deploy applications quickly. The result is always a good quality application and successful business outcomes.

2. Boosted Productivity with Automation

Low-code development platforms accelerate the development time remarkably when compared with traditional methods. This further improves developer productivity and also empowers organizations to achieve more quickly.

High-performance platforms such as Zoho Creator allow developers to automate all mundane tasks that otherwise take a long time. Using a low-code platform, developers can use their creativity to innovate applications. 

3. Flexibility and Scalability

You can deploy new applications and alter the present ones using low-code development platforms as needed. The platform users can come on board quickly and seamlessly. 

The system admins can also monitor the complete business process and grant role-based access. Professional developers can work on custom code applications in an IDE which enhances the capabilities of low-code platforms.

Moreover, low-code platforms scale up to cater to growing business needs without the need to manage databases or maintain servers. It can be used to customize the business operating system to boost productivity.

4. Top-notch Customer Experience

If you want to stand out, it is necessary to differentiate. Being customer-centric is important for survival, and low-code development platforms help build applications that can make you stand out.

You can use low-code development to quickly deliver custom-facing mobile apps, IoT apps, web portals, and more. The teams that know the most about customers and their business processes can add value by working closely with professional developers or even building the apps. 

5. Faster Time to Market at Reduced Costs

Finally, a low-code development platform helps in building and delivering solutions quickly. They come with features such as schema builder, serverless functions, visual blueprint builder, and dashboards, and it offers integration with multiple third-party apps. 

As one of the best cost-saving automation tools, low-code platforms reduce development time by as much as 90%. It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced developer or a layman; low-code platforms are flexible and can be used by users with varied skills.


There are tangible reasons why most business users are using low-code application development platforms. They offer a proven way to deliver applications quickly. Business and IT leaders should choose a fitting low-code platform that can meet their organization’s needs and help them scale their business.


Discover the Top 5 Benefits of Using a Low-Code Platform for Your Industry 4.0 Journey Read More »

Low-Code, Zoho, Zoho Creator,
How to Get Started with Low-Code Development for Your Digital Transformation?

How to Get Started with Low-Code Development for Your Digital Transformation?

How to Get Started with Low-Code Development for Your Digital Transformation?

Most organizations cannot afford to pay a full-time development team and this is where low-code platform providers come into the picture. An organization’s technical and business experts can lead where the development expertise lacks and also create application solutions on low-code platforms that need minimum coding.

Anytime a company lacks development expertise, low-code tools are an effective way to compensate. Research by Gartner says that around 65% of all custom applications will be developed using low-code platforms by 2024. 

Hence, we can expect more companies to adopt low-code development in the future. If you are getting started with low-code development, then there is important information that you should know. In this blog, we will understand more about it. 

1. Understanding Low-Code Development Tools

If an organization wishes to start low-code development,  it is essential to understand the tools well. Low-code platforms can be compared based on the functionality that the platforms bring. 

Various departments can use different low-code tools, from software developers to business users. There are many low-code solutions in the market, and it is best to see product evaluations while matching the offerings with needs. 

It is best to start with solutions to basic-level business challenges and then build functionalities on top of the app to enable complex workflows. While comparing the options, you can look at ongoing costs and support, features, responsive design, functionality, and integration.

2. Create a Blueprint

The best approach to working with low-code development platforms is defining a blueprint and mapping out the processes.

Low-code platforms like Zoho Creator offer a visual Blueprint builder that helps streamline process management, set up custom actions, and enable collaboration. You can define and iterate processes without spending hours to re-write your code. Blueprint is useful in ruling out all inefficiencies and human errors. 

3. Training and Onboarding Teams

You must understand the problem that you wish to solve. To do this successfully, the data that you use is the first step to building a low-code application, and something that is even more important is knowing how to use the solution. 

In case you plan to let yourself and your team be the users, then it is good to focus on solving a challenge that your team is experiencing. This helps in building a much better application. 

4. Prioritize Data Privacy

Data privacy and security are vital aspects that should be focused on when considering the features offered by low-code platform providers. You should see if the platform has controls for ensuring data privacy and security. 

Based on the data security and privacy aspect, most companies might be able to restrict some types of data or how they can be used. The best low-code platforms offer sufficient data security to users. 


When getting started with low-code development platforms for digital transformation, you should evaluate each product according to needs. It is best to start with intuitive tools that can create simple solutions. 

It would help if you also understood your audience’s needs and remembered that data security is essential for success. You will be good to go when you focus on all these points. 


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Streamlined App Building with Low-Code Development - Encaptechno

The Benefits of Low-Code Development and Why it is the Future of App Building

Streamlined App Building with Low-Code Development - Encaptechno

If you are a startup owner or work in the digital space, you must have heard the phrase low-code when it comes to app building. Regardless of the industry that a business may be in or no matter what it is dealing with, there is an increasing reliance on app development.

Businesses rely on technology to make their internal and external processes easier. With that comes a need for innovation and creativity along with many new challenges that no code development solves effectively, and for this reason, it is rising in popularity. 

Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Low-Code Development Technologies Market to Grow 20% in 2023

According to Gartner, the global market for low code development is projected to reach a total of $26.9 billion in 2023, an increase of 19.6% from 2022. This figure reflects that low code development is the future of the app development process.

In this blog, we will see the benefits of low-code development and why it is the future of app building

1. Better Flexibility and Usability

No two projects are similar. They comprise different workflows and have different expectations. However, many times, professionals make the mistake of seeing each workflow and project as similar, and the reason behind this is that most organizations have set rules for software development. 

The shortcoming of treating two projects in the same way is that the outcome is not as expected. Low code development makes software development easy with added flexibility and usability. It introduces a tailor-made strategy for each new project.

2. Quick Development Process

Essentially, low-code development is an innovative approach that uses drag-and-drop tools for the app development process. It helps businesses to make custom business solutions with a set of prebuilt templates.

One of the biggest benefits of low-code development is that the overall time gets cut off from many months to days. Since there is software development time reduction, it is possible to take your app to the market quickly, work on user feedback and even add new features.

3. Cost Reduction

The budget of most companies goes into maintaining software systems, and this is why there is a minimal amount left to spend on new projects. This is a limitation because if these companies want to innovate further, they are at a loss. 

Low-code development comes into the picture as a saviour at this point. With a reduced development time and a higher speed, few resources and money is needed for developing an application. Hence, it is best to keep an open mind to invest more money in other technologies.

4. Lesser Bugs

When compared to the conventional coding process and multiple bugs that come with continuous testing, low-code development is an effective solution. 

With the low-code software development process, there is lesser coding and maintenance. As a result, there are fewer bugs as well. The development moves ahead, and the overall time gets reduced considerably.

5. Multiple Deployments

The low-code development platforms enable businesses to build interactive apps for various platforms, and that also at the same time. 

Most often, the deployment of an application is a difficult task that can become relatively easier with the use of low-code app development. With low code, businesses can build and deploy applications for various platforms which also leads to improved accessibility.

Why Low-Code is the Future of App Building


Low-code application development is an optimized and low-effort app development process that is the future of app building. It presents a set of right tools that allow a business to get maximum value from data, process efficiency, and speed of workflow. 

If you want to excel and get the most out of the software development process, then there is just one platform to make that happen: low-code application development.

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Lead Your Industry 4.0 Transformation With Low-Code

Low-code platforms have presented an opportunity for businesses to accelerate the application development journey. One of the factors behind this is that the cost of hiring a capable software developer has increased tremendously. Moreover, the time taken to complete a project is long with traditional development methods, which delays the time to market their MVPs. 

Large enterprises still find a way around this problem, but small and medium-sized organizations often need to improve functionality and speed up their digitization efforts. Aligning the gap between the skills and resource shortage has led SMEs to focus on developing solutions that can simplify application development.

A practical solution that has emerged is that of low-code development to solve this problem. With noticeable growth, the adoption of low-code development platforms has continued to rise over the years. These platforms do an excellent job of providing simple and practical techniques for building effective business applications. 

In this blog, we will elaborate on how low code is enabling the industry 4.0 transformation. 

The Need of the Hour For Industry 4.0 

The need of the hour for Industry 4.0 is to leverage the power of smart manufacturing, IoT, Cloud Computing, and Digital Twins to revolutionize traditional production processes. Smart Manufacturing enterprises use advanced technologies such as robotics to increase productivity while reducing costs.

IoT enables machines to communicate with each other and humans in real time, allowing predictive maintenance and faster decision-making. Cloud Computing provides access to computing resources on demand, while Digital Twins offer a digital representation of physical assets or systems that can be used for simulation or optimization. All these technologies are used to create a more efficient, agile, and cost-effective production process that will help companies stay competitive. 

Embedded sensors and interconnected machinery produce significant big data for manufacturing companies. Data analytics can help manufacturers investigate historical trends, identify patterns and make better decisions. 

What is Low-Code Development? 

It is best to think of low-code development as software development that reduces the need for line-level coding. With low-code development, developing and customizing tools needed for manufacturing processes becomes possible instead of hiring a specialized development team. 

Most low-code development solutions provide an attractive visual interface to assemble workflows and applications. The users can effectively drag and drop elements required for optimizing an application’s life cycle.

Low-code platforms enable users to create new applications and solutions that enhance the functionality of business solutions. The global low-code development market was at USD 10.82 billion in 2020. Data suggests a tremendous growth of CAGR of 31.6%, from USD 13.89 billion in 2021 to USD 94.75 billion by 2028. 

Increasing Use of Low-Code In the Manufacturing Industry

In the manufacturing industry, the low-code platforms function as automation and productivity tools connecting ERPs and various data sources to perform complex actions. These platforms are now emerging as a critical aspect of digital transformation for businesses and also accelerate application delivery processes over ten times quicker. 

Manufacturing software is challenging to upgrade, personalize, and even add new functions so that businesses meet commercial needs. With the rising use of low-code platforms, manufacturing companies can offer personalized solutions and provide increased flexibility, scalability, and efficient technological innovation. 

Production engineers who understand core processes better can develop robust and personalized applications using low-code application development platforms. They can quickly build work instruction applications, quality control management applications, management panel applications, predictive maintenance applications, etc. 

Hence, it must be clear that using a low-code platform can offer an improved way of integrating multiple technologies. Companies don’t have to find professionals for application development. Even the in-house staff can be trained to develop and update data workflows with low-code application development. 


Low-code development is growing at a considerable speed, and more and more companies are using this technology in return for greater rewards. In the future, this trend will keep growing because the ease that low-code platforms bring is commendable.

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