

What is Digital Customization? How Can It Help Businesses?

The business owners of today often find it challenging to keep pace with the evolving digital landscape. If you are curious about how your business can stay dynamic and relevant in the present age then you must remember that digital transformation is the key. The fact is that businesses that embrace it quickly will survive as the most successful ones.

That said, there is a catch and that is the fact that digital transformation is not enough. To make sure that you thrive, it is important to build a business that is digitally customizable and ever-catering to the needs of the customers. However, how do digital transformation and customization translate into business success? 

What must be thought about is the fact that digital transformation is merely a fancy term for moving to the cloud or is it meant to take a specific towards an empowered business strategy. In case you are still wondering how to understand more about digital customization then you must not fear. 

In this blog, we will try to know more about why digital customization helps a business thrive and be prepared for the future. Let’s delve further into details and know more about digital customization.

What is Digital Customization?

The meaning of this term is to understand the process of using digital tools and technologies for customizing services, user experiences, and products so that they meet the specific requirements of individual customers. This is a process that can involve collecting data about consumer behaviour, preferences, and demographics through different channels including mobile apps, social media, and websites.

The data analysis can be done through algorithms and artificial intelligence to generate insights that are capable of delivering personalized markets, customized services, and product recommendations. This digital customization can be achieved by customizing cloud-based software solutions for meeting the needs and workflows of a business. 

Cloud software solutions are specifically designed to be configurable to become comfortable while allowing businesses to customize everything from user interfaces to data fields. The customization can be achieved using a wide range of tools and interfaces offered by cloud software vendors including APIs, graphical user interfaces, and scripting languages. 

Tools Required for Digital Customization

1. Customizable CRM

To ensure that businesses customize digitally, a CRM application is needed that can be molded for meeting your needs. You must be able to add custom fields for recording additional customer data, create customized workflows for automating tasks, and set up personalized automation rules to trigger actions based on customer behaviour. 

For instance, the CRM must allow you to create a custom field that captures the customer’s preferred communication channel and use that information for personalizing communication. Some options that are available are Salesforce, Zoho CRM, HubSpot CRM.

2. Third-Party Application Integration

Integration with third-party applications is necessary for the digital customization of a business because that allows you to connect software tools and services that are commonly used for a business. 

In case you use a CRM tool for managing sales and customer relationships, you might even want to integrate it with an email marketing tool for automating email campaigns. When you do this, you can segment customers based on their behaviour and send targeted messages on the basis of their interests and preferences.

Just like this, in case you use accounting software for managing finances, you might want to integrate it with CRM tools for tracking invoices, payments, and other financial data in one place. 

After doing so, you will get an improved understanding of cash flow, revenue, and expenses and make informed decisions about a business. The popular integration platforms are Zoho Flow, Microsoft Power Automate, Zapier, etc. 

3. Data Management

The software used for businesses must allow you to collect, store, and manage business data in a central location. When you have a unified data management system, you can get an effective view of business operations, performance tracking, and data-driven decisions. 

For instance, when you operate an online store, you can effectively use a unified data management tool for tracking sales, customer data, and other business metrics. When you do this, you can get insights into your sales performance, identify trends, and optimize inventory management. 

The tools can help in automating business processes by eliminating any need for manual data entry and decreasing errors. For example, when you use a CRM tool, you can integrate it with accounting software for syncing customer data automatically, generating invoices, and collecting payments. Some popular data management tools are Zoho One, Salesforce, and Tableau.

4. Workflow Automation

Workflow automation can be customized for fitting business needs and allow you to create workflows that can reflect business processes. Examples of workflows that can be automated also include lead nurturing where a new lead can be added to the CRM and automatically sent followed by emails that can provide information about a product or service. 

In addition, workflow automation also helps in order processing, customer service, and employee onboarding. There are multiple workflow automation tools that are available to be customized for fitting to your business needs. Some options include Zapier, Zoho Workdrive, Zoho Creator, IFTTT, etc.

5. Website Builder

Using a customizable website builder helps in creating a professional-looking website that can reflect a brand and meet specific business needs. It can include customizable templates, a drag-and-drop interface, SEO friendliness, and a mobile responsive design.

Some of the popular customizable website builders that are used widely in the market include Zoho Sites, Wix, and WordPress. 

6. Custom App Development

Custom app development is a feature that allows you to create software applications that are attuned to specific needs. Some of the advantages of custom app development can be customized to business needs so that a custom app is designed for a business and ensures that it meets specific requirements. 

Custom app development also helps in improving user experience as it is designed with the target audience in mind while proving a user-friendly interface that makes it simple for customers to access information that is needed and perform the tasks that are important.

Custom app development also provides scalability as it is designed to grow your business while allowing you to add new features as your needs keep growing. A couple of custom app development platforms used commonly are Zoho Creator, Microsoft Power Apps, Salesforce Lighting, etc.

7. Customer Service

This also offers high-quality customer support to customers irrespective of their location. A business can offer support via phone, live chat, social media, email, and other digital channels, etc. 

Remote customer service helps in improving customer satisfaction by responding quickly to customer inquiries and providing timely and effective support. This also helps in improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Other than this, remote customer service helps in accessing a wider customer base, it is cost-effective and also provides much better flexibility. Some of the popular customer service platforms for businesses include Zoho Desk, Freshdesk, and Zendesk. 

How Does Digital Customization Help Your Business?

1. Delight Your Customers with Personalized Experiences

Meeting customer expectations is an important aspect of any successful business and the truth is that digital customization can help in achieving this. When you gather data about a customer’s preferences and behaviors, it becomes simple to customize products and services to their needs.

Online retail platforms use customer data to recommend merchandise that people might be interested in on the basis of their browsing and purchasing history. Streaming services such as Netflix also use data for recommending shows and movies that can appeal to users and by offering personalized experiences, businesses can increase customer satisfaction.

2. Innovate and Grow Your Business with New Products and Services

Digital customization also helps in powering innovation by allowing businesses to create new products and services that can cater to customer needs. For instance, the shoe brand Adidas launched a customizable service that allows customers to design their shows on the Internet. 

Using digital customization tools, customers can now choose the colours, materials, and design features of their shows which further results in a personalized product that can meet the requirements of the customers completely. 

3. Stay Ahead of the Competition with Personalized Offers and Recommendations

As technology continues evolving, businesses that fail to adopt new digital customization methods can be prone to the risk of falling behind their competitors. Businesses can use AI and machine learning technologies to analyze customer data and find patterns and trends that may not offer instant results.

When businesses stay ahead of this trend, they can create new opportunities for their growth and maintain their competitive advantage as well. 

4. Improve Efficiency with Automated Tasks and Streamlined Workflows

Digital Customization also helps businesses in improving efficiency as it automates repetitive tasks and streamlines workflows as well. For instance, companies can use software tools for automating data entry and for customer support tasks as well as which helps in freeing up employee time for focusing more on strategic initiatives. 

In addition, businesses can customize software solutions for meeting specific needs that can further ensure workflows are customized to meet specific requirements and are as effective as possible.

5. Distinct Customized Offers & Personalized Recommendations

The process of digital customization helps businesses to differentiate themselves from competitors by providing specific products and services that are customized to their needs. Some of the food delivery services also offer customers the ability to customize orders by adding and removing ingredients. 

In addition, beauty retailers also offer personalized recommendations based on customer skin types and beauty preferences. A range of these personalized experiences helps businesses to set themselves apart from their competition and even attract new customers.

6. Adapt to Changing Market Conditions with Flexible Solutions

The possession of digital customization can also be helpful for businesses to maintain flexibility as they keep growing and evolving. 

For instance, businesses can use cloud-based software solutions that can get customized and scaled to meet specific business needs. The flexibility allows businesses to become comfortable with changing market conditions as required.

7. Improve Collaboration with Effective Communication and Sharing

Digital customization also helps in improving collaboration by offering employees tools and resources that should be used for working together effectively. Businesses can use project management software for streamlining communication and ensuring all team members are on the same page. 

In addition, businesses can also customize communication platforms for meeting specific needs and ensuring that the team members are sharing information easily and effectively. This results in effective project work and meeting deadlines quickly. 

8. Target Your Marketing with Personalized Messages

Digital customization helps businesses to create targeted marketing campaigns that can be tailored to individual customer needs and preferences. For instance, businesses can use customer data for creating personalized email campaigns and social media ads that speak directly to interests and behaviors. 

By offering personalized experiences, businesses can increase the efficacy of their marketing campaigns and achieve a better return on investments.

Zoho One For Digital Customization

After exploring the different tools required for the digital customization of a business, it is clear that having a unified solution is the way to go. Using various stand-alone software applications can somewhat prove to be inefficient which is why Zoho One is the best solution. 

Zoho One is an all-in-one and unified cloud-based software suite that is capable of offering over 45+ applications including key tools for digital customization. With the adoption of Zoho One, you can customize your business, manage unified data, automate workflows, build a customizable website, develop custom apps, and provide remote customer service as well.

Digital Customization: A Win-Win for Businesses and Customers

Digital customization has the ability to directly benefit business owners by allowing them to collect and analyse data and customize project management tools, set fixed goals, streamline operations, and improve customer experience.

By using digital customization, business owners can gain insights into their business performance and stay focused on what is important which is growth. Starting from personalized recommendations to targeted marketing campaigns, digital customization can help businesses achieve objectives and become successful in the present business environment.

In case you own a business and wish to streamline your work so that it gives you better results then you must understand that digital customization is of immense importance. Zoho provides a suite of applications that are practical, efficient, and cost-effective for digitally customizing a business.

Get in touch with the expert Zoho consultants at Encaptechno to know more about how Zoho applications can transform your business for the better after the implementation of Zoho applications.

What is Digital Customization? How Can It Help Businesses? Read More »

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What is Generative CRM and How Can It Help Your Business

What is Generative CRM and How Can It Help Your Business?

Customer relationship management has long been at the centre of successful businesses helping companies to manage and analyze their interactions with customers. However, with technological advancements, traditional CRM systems are developing to include cutting-edge AI.

What is Generative CRM and How Can It Help Your Business

Generative CRM is a combination of generative artificial intelligence and customer relationship management. It refers to a subset of AI algorithms capable of generating new and human-like content based on the present data. The algorithms including GPT-4 are capable of creating coherent and relevant text, images, and other media that allow businesses to offer personalized customer experiences. 

The integration of generative AI in CRM systems encourages businesses to harness the power of advanced language models for automating and improving customer interactions. The combination helps companies to understand to anticipate customer needs better while customizing customer strategies and improving customer satisfaction. 

In this blog, we will have a look at what generative CRM is and how can it help your business. 

What is Generative CRM?

Generative CRM includes the power of generative AI with customer data for enhancing productivity and efficiency. It helps in performing many functions such as answering queries, creating an email, managing conversational text, and addressing human diseases and the environment. The more people continue to use it, the more it will get smarter. 

Generative CRM helps in performing challenging tasks and freeing up your time to focus on important projects. It helps in looking at the internet and important data for further crafting better responses. The fundamental job of generative CRM is that it really reduces the friction of going from one idea to a first draft. This includes writing a document on the previous meetings you may have had or summarizing conversation streams to look for insights for improving your approach. 

How Does Generative CRM Help?

People spend so many hours carrying out mundane tasks only to get their jobs done. They search through data and research for coming up with a campaign for new campaigns, writing and rewriting, and finally scramble to find a balance in conversations with angry customers. 

Imagine a tool that could streamline all of this regardless of the industry or department you may be working in. The generative CRM tools combine the power of generative AI with CRM all across many industries. There are a number of ways in which this is helpful. They are all mentioned below. 

1. Reduced Time to Value

AI has been around for a while now but the generative AI products have the ability to help people across industries work a lot more efficiently. This can have a direct impact on building and maintaining customer relationships. 

The superpower of generative AI for CRM helps in reducing time to value. This technology helps in filtering out the noise that many may encounter on the internet otherwise. Generative CRM is smart enough to know what to look for if you are asking the right questions.

2. Freeing Humans for High-Value Work

Let’s for a second imagine that you’re trying to get a new customer and for achieving this, you are spending hours through your data to improve your sales pitch. This can eventually bring you to search your network and the company website for finding a person that helps in getting your foot in the door. 

The repetitive and mundane tasks can tire you while wasting precious time that could be spent on building new relationships. All the tasks done in a CRM can be repeated and automated. The simple idea of speeding up things makes everything quick and productive. It also gives you more time to work on building relationships with people you may be selling to. 

3. Artificial Intelligence

Security is key to generative CRM and builds on long-standing principles for trusted AI with defined guidelines that can address problems with generative AI. The generative AI models depend on available data and generative CRM is rooted in safe, private customer data while also drawing on the public data. 

An important part of doing things is making the technology trustworthy and impactful for businesses. Systems such as ChatGPT are very powerful and also built on public data sources. However, the technology should be grounded in data when the aim is to work in the enterprise. Blending the public and private data makes a trusted and valuable experience for customers.

4. Personalization

Another reason which makes generative CRM a great deal for businesses is the fact that it can offer unparalleled personalization by creating specific and contextually relevant content for all customers. 

The personalization level allows businesses to communicate with customers in ways that resonate with them leading to strong relationships and better brand loyalty. In addition, personalized content is also more likely to respond positively to messages that feel tailor-made.

5. Scalability

Traditional CRM systems often struggle for scaling with the business growth which then leads to increased workloads for customer support teams. 

The generative AI CRM also offers a scalable solution by automating multiple customer interactions. As a result, businesses can maintain a high-quality customer experience even as their customer base keeps increasing.

A New Way to Personalize Your Marketing and Sales Efforts

6. Cost-effectiveness

The process of including generative AI into the CRM systems can help businesses save on labour costs by automating routine tasks including responding to frequently asked questions or sending personalized messages. 

It is possible to free up customer support and sales representatives by helping companies allocate resources efficiently and also improving the bottom line eventually.

7. Improved Customer Insights

Generative AI CRM systems have the ability to analyze customer data a lot more effectively as compared to traditional CRM solutions while offering valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviour patterns.

The insights so obtained can be effectively used for refining marketing strategies from product development and for driving sales growth. 

8. Better Customer Satisfaction

When you offer personalized, engaging, and timely communication, the generative AI CRM helps in improving customer satisfaction levels to a great level. 

Satisfied customers are more than likely to stay loyal to one brand and recommend it to others while making repeat purchases and leading to long-term business success. 

9. Personalized Marketing

The traditional CRM system relies on segmenting customers into various groups on the basis of demography or behavioural data while targeting the groups with relevant marketing campaigns. 

Generative AI CRM helps businesses to take personalization a step ahead by creating tailored content for all customers. This includes personalized email campaigns, social media content, and dynamically generated website content that can appeal to preferences and interests.

10. Customer Support

Customer support is an important aspect of CRM that can influence customer satisfaction and loyalty. Generative AI CRM can change customer support processes by using AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants for handling everyday questions and offering instant and personalized support. 

The AI agents do not just understand and respond to customer questions but also generate precise and detailed responses that ensure seamless customer support.

11. Attractive Pricing

With detailed analysis of customer behaviour and preferences, generative AI CRM helps businesses to develop an effective pricing strategy and promotional offer. This can be used for adjusting prices in real-time on the factors such as demand, willingness to pay, and competitor pricing. 

Personalized promotions can also be tailored to individual customers based on their purchase history and other preferences. This also increases the likelihood of conversion and customer satisfaction. 

12. Customer Analytics

Generative AI helps businesses to uncover deep insights about their customers with a detailed analysis of data including historical interactions, purchase patterns and customer feedback. 

A good understanding of underlying patterns in customer behaviour enables businesses can make data-driven decisions for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

13. Better Response to Queries

Sifting through information can become way simple with the use of generative AI. There are many tools that can write accurate responses to general questions. You can easily deliver complex information in a simple-to-understand way.

This is particularly true for the service team. The use of generative AI can help in answering even the 8 simplest questions that are not already pre-loaded in the chatbot.

Related Read: How Can Generative AI Help Marketers?

What Does Generative CRM look like? 

There are many ways in which generative CRM can be put to use. These ways are mentioned below. 

1. Services

Generative CRM helps in creating important knowledgeable articles, improves response time, analyzes customer feedback, and also offers responses to frequently asked questions. 

Imagine you are having a virtual chat with a customer and while they are texting you, Einstein GPT is looking through many web pages and data for helping to create the best reply. You can effectively edit the reply for ensuring that it does not sound like a machine but a person.

2. Sales

Generative CRM helps in improving lead generation, predicting future sales trends, analyzing sales data, and creating personalized communication. For instance, generative CRM helps in finding updated information on an organization and also helps in targeting appropriate contacts in a company. 

You can efficiently draft an email and also give the most current information about a company for preparing better for a meeting. 

3. Marketing

Generative CRM can design visually attractive and personalized ads for targeting specific audiences on the basis of browsing and purchase history, building predictive models, forecasting customer purchasing behaviour, and creating influencer campaigns. 

Generative CRM helps in designing a targeted promotion for social media that can effectively describe a specific area and also target customers who are likely to visit a store based on previous purchases or their social media posts and comments.

Einstein GPT By Salesforce

Einstein GPT is a generative AI customer relationship management technology that has been launched by Salesforce for delivering AI-created content across sales, service, marketing, IT, and commerce. Salesforce can change all customer experiences with the right use of generative AI. 

Einstein GPT infuses the proprietary AI models with the generative AI from a pool of partners while also using real-time data from the Salesforce Data Cloud which further unifies a company’s customer data. 

Einstein GPT By Salesforce

Customers can connect their data to advanced AI models and even choose their own external model while using natural language prompts directly in their Salesforce CRM for generating content that adapts to changing customer information and needs in real-time.

All said and done, the world is presently experiencing a profound technological shift with the rise of real-time technologies and the spread of generative AI. This comes at a time when all organizations are more focused on connecting with their customers in an intelligent, automated, and personalized way. Companies that understand the importance of using generative AI will have an edge without any doubt.

Related Read: What is Real-Time Marketing and How Does It Help?

Embracing the Future: Unleashing the Potential of Generative CRM for Enhanced Customer Relationships

Embracing the Future: Unleashing the Potential of Generative CRM for Enhanced Customer Relationships

Generative CRM comes with the power of generative AI models with traditional CRM systems that can effectively revolutionize customer relationship management. It helps businesses to create customized content, offer customer support, automate CRM processes, and also leverage advanced customer analytics. 

Using the benefits of generative CRM can allow your business to experience enhanced customer experience, better efficiency, improved decision-making, and ensure data-driven personalization. 

What is Generative CRM and How Can It Help Your Business? Read More »

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