
marketing automation platform

A Detailed Guide to Marketing Automation | Encaptechno

A Detailed Guide to Marketing Automation

A Detailed Guide to Marketing Automation | Encaptechno


There are many methods for promoting a brand at the present time. However, marketing managers are always looking for workable methods that can make promotional efforts meaningful and efficient. To manage the lead generation process, the marketers must know the reason behind each action taken by visitors to a website.

From knowing which source is driving the visitors to a website to knowing what nurtures the marketing strategy, everything must be focused on. To make this simple, building relationships with prospects is important. Hence, most marketers are focusing on marketing automation.

In this blog, we will try to understand what marketing automation is and the features it brings in great length. So let’s begin.

What is Marketing Automation?

In simple language, marketing automation is the process of using software for automating repetitive marketing efforts. With the automation of repetitive and time-consuming manual tasks such as generating and segmenting leads, planning social media campaigns, sending emails and SMS, and qualifying leads, efficiency and personalization of user experiences can be ensured.

The goal of automating marketing services is to move your leads down the funnel and finally convert them. When used properly, the features of marketing automation lead to many positive results.

Why Marketing Automation?

Why Marketing Automation?
online marketing activities without dedicated and efficient software is still possible when the size of your company is still small. However, just as a company keeps growing and attracts more leads, the marketers need more channels for engaging with customers because managing interactions becomes difficult.

Capturing, nurturing, and qualifying a wide range of leads, running effective campaigns for customer segments, and different post-purchase marketing activities required to get automated. This marketing automation keeps the customer engagement consistent and meaningful. The Zoho marketing tools do just that when it comes to automating everything.

According to Marketo,  76% of organizations implementing marketing automation generate a return on investment within the first year itself. That’s not all. It is also said that over 44% see a return within just six months. The most important function of marketing automation platforms is to automate and streamline activities carried out by the sales and marketing teams.

One can plan and execute lead generation and nurturing plans to launch a wide range of digital ad campaigns from a central hub without hitting buttons such as, “send” or “launch” on each message, email, or ad. The businesses that use marketing automation can see a wide range of benefits across all of their important everyday operations.

An important increase in the number of qualified leads that reach the sales team, a higher conversion rate, and better productivity for sales and marketing teams are good ways in which marketing automation helps a business.

Steps Needed to Start Marketing Automation


Over many years, marketing automation was considered rather difficult to understand. However, the use of marketing automation platforms such as Zoho Marketing Automation changed almost everything. This tool comes with a lot of simplicity that is combined with an actionable plan. Businesses of any size can automate their marketing.

There are mostly six prominent ways in which marketing automation can be started. They are mentioned below.

1. Setting Goals

Setting Goals | Steps Needed to Start Marketing AutomationGoal setting offers a clear direction for a marketing strategy. Some goals such as building brand engagement or increasing thought leadership are good to have but they are unlikely to bring in desired results as they are generic. 

It is recommended for the marketing strategy goals to be precise, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. Each and every effort of the marketing strategy must have a goal. This will channel your energy towards getting tangible results. In fact, you will also start seeing the results of your efforts quickly.

2. Creating and Segmenting Leads

Creating and Segmenting Leads | Steps Needed to Start Marketing Automation
An important aspect of marketing automation is the generation of good quality leads. This is a step that makes you capture all the leads that show interest in your brand whether it is subscribing to a newsletter, engaging with social media, or signing up for webinars.

There is a wide range of promotional channels for driving traffic to your landing page. These channels make lead generation effective. When you have good quality leads in your hands, you can also segment them into groups with similar characteristics, needs, and interests who show similar purchase patterns.

When you really get to segmenting the leads, you will see that it increases your campaign open rates, customer satisfaction, and many more things. You will know what your leads are looking for and you can find it easy to engage with them suitably. For instance, you can form segments such as “Website Visitors Under the Age 25” or “Women Aged Under 18” to make the lead nurturing process efficient.

3. Website Optimization

Website Optimization | Steps Needed to Start Marketing Automation
We know the importance of a website. It is like a modern business card that tells almost everything about your business. The key to increasing your conversions is to attract visitors to your website first.

When you deploy the right set of keywords, focus on content marketing, and high-quality user experience, you can be assured that your website will be seen. Website tracking in the marketing automation platform ensures that you get the exact count of all the visitors.

Understand what the visitors on your website are focusing on. Tracking those elements on the web page and discovering more about them while also knowing why the users clicked on a call-to-action button, a specific location, the source, etc. You should also know the number of clicks, the visits, and more.

4. Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Targeted Marketing Campaigns | Steps Needed to Start Marketing Automation
Yet another important aspect of a
business approach is to send targeted marketing messages to the leads at the right time using the right channel. This is the cornerstone of the lead nurturing process.

One of the best parts of a marketing automation campaign is that you can customise your leads as per their requirement and set up automated workflow or scheduled posts. Do not forget to include things such as emails, SMS, social, push notifications, and ad campaigns. Make sure that you are easily found where your audience is.

5. Scoring and Qualifying the Leads

Different attributes can be used for scoring more leads. You can move your leads through the funnel by adding numerical points based on important information that has been submitted.

The reaction of leads to the marketing campaigns, click-through rates, and how the leads are engaging with a brand shows a lot. This makes it easy for the marketing and sales team to respond appropriately while figuring out who is interested in buying your product and who is looking around generally.

6. Measuring Overall Performance

You can measure and contextualise the marketing activities that help you reach your target market. Getting a clear understanding of conversion rates, revenue growth, marketing returns, and other key performance indicators help immensely.

The marketing goals help in empowering you to improve your marketing strategies while optimising the returns. Choosing the key performance indicators helps in measuring progress quickly and accurately.

Features of Marketing Automation

Zoho Marketing automation
platform helps in attracting website visitors, tuning anonymous visitors into leads, and converting leads into customers. The features that it offers bring marketing and sales operations closer. They are mentioned below.

1. Lead Management

These days, it is important to get leads to notice your brand and offer them the best experience well before the competitors can do it. Lead management helps in attracting leads, nurturing them, evaluating their sales-readiness, and handing over the best ones to the sales team.

From lead generation to understanding the online behaviour of these leads and evaluating them for sales, Zoho marketing automation helps in everything. It helps in managing the entire lead cycle. You can effectively engage, empower, and earn your customers using the marketing automation features of Zoho.

2. Lead Generation

Lead Generation | Features of Marketing Automation
You can get more leads by adding sign up forms and smart pop ups on the landing pages. Moreover, you can also bring leads by syncing the CRM leads or other apps. The benefit of
automating marketing activities is that no opportunity for generating new leads is ever lost.

Business success depends entirely on the leads and one’s ability to get the audience excited about a brand. Leads can be attracted from many sources and with unique requirements. Your focus must be on creating a good relationship with the leads.

3. Behavioural Targeting

You must understand the online behaviour of your leads so that you can use important information for customising messages. Create profiles for all visitors on the basis of their browsing behaviour so that you can give them just what they are looking for.

There are two primary types of behavioural marketing.

  • Website Behavioural Marketing: Make sure that a visitor is interacting with the website in terms of page visits and link clicks. You can start by defining a goal for the visitor, group the visitors based on their actions, and create a personalised experience.
  • In-app Usage Targeting: Marketing automation allows you to see how the users are interacting with a product while getting an idea about the features that interest them the most. You can send tailor-made content for improving the user experience.

4. Multi-Channel Marketing: Marketing automation

allows you to drive brand awareness by forming a connection with the audience on the platforms they use. You can plan your marketing activities across many mediums, allocate a budget, and realise your ROI.

It is important to understand that leads are almost everywhere. Using the Zoho Marketing automation, you can easily reach out to the leads from various channels while giving them the freedom to choose how the leads wish to connect. In addition, all the lead data is stored in one place so it is easy to follow up any time and any way.

5. Engagement Marketing

Relevance is important to ensure good customer engagement. Hence, one must focus on building engagement programs that help in fostering strong customer relationships.

  • Journey Builder: It is possible to see and map the user experience with the brand’s products and services. You can create a personalised journey for each lead and customer to see how they have progressed at every step.
  • Autoresponders: Zoho marketing automation allows you to send an automated series to new leads or run promotional campaigns based on lead interactions with the previous emails.
  • Workflows: You can create flows to get your leads into the right email series. After this, you can also engage them with useful content.

6. Analytics

Analytics | Features of Marketing Automation
Finally, Zoho marketing automation also helps you to get in-depth reports on lead growth, campaign performance, and revenue generation. You can effectively measure all the marketing goals with the power of precise analytics.

Graphs, reports, and customer journey traces enable you to use everything that a marketer needs for making smart and sound decisions. Moreover, they also allow you to visualise the performance of the marketing funnel from analysing the acquisition to studying the conversions.

Some ways in which analytics works in Zoho marketing automation are mentioned below:

  • Lead Insights: The lead insights allow you to see how many leads you have gained over a period while evaluating the effectiveness of the lead generation activities.
  • Lead Attribution Reports: You can also know which sources you are getting the leads from so that it becomes easy to focus on targeted promotions.
  • List Reports: You can compare your mailing lists to see which list is active and which one has the most engagement with the promotions.
  • Campaign Reports: Zoho marketing automation also allows you to see which campaigns have the most opens and clicks including the kind of content that works with your audience by comparing different campaigns.


Marketing automation is a modern solution for simplifying the marketing process for a team while also giving the leads a unique user experience and constant engagement. When a brand focuses on delighting the prospects with service and meeting needs instantly, getting conversions and increasing the revenue becomes simple.

The various marketing automation tools help in capturing leads with information, reaching out to them through channels, and tracking the progress with the sales funnel. Encaptechno is experienced in working as a Zoho partner for many businesses with a record of helping them grow. Get in touch to get support in implementing marketing automation, today.

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Refine Your Marketing Strategy with Salesforce Pardot - Encaptechno

7 Tips to Refine Your Marketing Strategy with Salesforce Pardot

The modern marketers reiterate the fact that marketing automation is the only way to get ahead in the present competitive world.  In case it gets implemented well, marketing automation can be a game-changer while ultimately making a large impact on the Return on Investment. B2B marketing automation is all about organizational optimization.

To put this simply, this refers to the platforms and technologies that help in automation, optimization, and measuring the marketing processes. Marketers need a suite of tools for engaging with the customers, making important connections, generating leads, and closing deals effectively. It is necessary to integrate the important business tools and systems that offer marketing automation and CRM.

Salesforce Pardot has proven to become one of the most widely used B2B marketing automation platforms on the world’s best CRM platform. Pardot has the ability to bidirectionally integrate with Salesforce enabling data flow between two applications. This is a great benefit to users who manage a range of marketing channels because Pardot can help in seamless integration.

Accessing New Marketing Trends

Accessing New Marketing Trends

Being B2B marketers, we know that the needs of the buyers are advancing at a quick pace. However, the fact is that it is not just the buyers who are changing. As technology is adding new options and capabilities, the role of marketers is also transforming at a quick pace. From the way work is done with the sales team to the way in which strategies are built, everything is changing.

Rather than thinking of a marketing strategy as a single field, the B2B marketers understand the increasing importance of assessing the present strategies and new trends in the industry when it comes to the buyer’s needs.

It has become even more important to combine the marketing best practices for creating a customized strategy that fits the target audience. In this blog, we will be mentioning 7 tips to refine your marketing strategy with Salesforce Pardot.

1. Lead Generation Plan

The lead generation plan is primarily based on the landing pages and their forms used for collecting the leads. In case you wish to make a prompt impact on your lead generation attempts and forms then landing pages are a great way to begin. You can stick to following the best practices while optimizing the lead generation assets with the help of Salesforce Pardot.

It is important to ensure that the text is scannable while keeping in mind that the readers scan information in an F-shaped pattern. This necessarily means that a person should be placing emphasis on the information conveyed at the top and left side of a page. In addition, making the call to action buttons easy to locate is also important.

Hiding them beneath the paragraphs of copy defeats is the purpose of a landing page. The marketing automation features such as progressive profiling can help in minimizing fields while still collecting valuable information with time.

2. Sync Between Marketing and Sales

Sync Between Marketing and Sales

It is possible to seamlessly sync the marketing efforts with the sales activity for selling something effectively. The thorough workflows and marketing teams have the ability to empower the sales team with important information.

Account-based marketing enabled by the Salesforce Pardot can go a long way in generating more sales. The organizations can tightly align marketing and sales teams with higher customer retention and sales win rates.

As almost everything exists on a similar platform, the sales team can seamlessly help the marketers take the campaign to the right person. It is also possible to track leads and monitor the sales calls effectively because that helps in being informed about how far the marketing efforts have gone.

3. Marketing Content

When marketers say that they want to improve and enhance their marketing content, many also want to create more. Rather, the focus should be shifted towards quality that means getting the most out of fewer and high-quality pieces of content. The B2B marketing automation platform is a big proponent of recycling marketing content, particularly in case if the resources are low.

It can be smarter to break larger pieces of content into smaller ones and easily distribute these pieces of content. For eg; an e-book launch can be a remarkably better option when supported with blog posts, social posts, graphics, and much more.

Besides this, different mediums can also be used to distribute the same message. Let’s say that a company has released a new blog series and is thinking about how to turn it into a webinar or a podcast so it can be used for lead generation. In this case, Pardot can be of great use. In addition, the smaller assets could be packed up by taking a number of smaller posts and graphics to remarket them as something entirely different.

4. Perceptive ROI Reporting

The Salesforce Pardot marketing automation platform helps in resorting to insightful reporting for knowing and understanding the impact of the marketing and sales team efforts on the entire revenue. Most of the B2B companies cite revenue as one of the most important factors between marketing and sales.

With the help of some amazing features of advanced email reporting, it becomes easily possible to understand how the customers can engage and react to the campaigns at every stage. In turn, this provides a profound insight into identifying the bottlenecks which then makes it simple to adapt effectively with the efforts for better results.

In a similar way, connecting the dots between the marketing efforts and the sales team can help in analyzing the authentic value of ROI. For any marketer who wishes to improve the marketing model, the fundamental step is to ensure that the focus is maintained on the right metrics.

B2B metrics can help in identifying the metrics that make a difference in the business. The main key is to choose the metrics that make maximum sense for the business goals rather than attempting to measure everything all at once.

5. Improving Social Engagement

Improving Social Engagement

Working on enhancing social media efforts can seem tricky because each rule does not apply to all social channels. Something that you can apply over the board is the power of consistent engagement. The social media followers tend to get confused in case regular efforts are not being made to engage for a long time or even if you go dark for a long period of time.

You must ensure to develop a cadence of posting and then stick to it at all times. Use marketing automation or a social engagement for scheduling out the social posts during the times when you will be busy with something else, out of the office, etc.

You can check the guide for more information on streamlines posting rules on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter. It will help in getting a comprehensive look at how to develop a consistent and effective social media presence all over the channels of the B2B social media guide.

6. Email Marketing

A very high number of marketers struggle to connect optimally with potential customers. If this is a problem that you as a marketer are facing then you can create meaningful email campaigns for reaching out to customers across a wide range of geographies.

Using the custom designing capabilities and visual editor in Pardot, a marketer can easily send professionally designed emails that reach a customer with the right message. Furthermore, it is also possible to schedule automated emails for the future which seems right to engage for striking an impact.

In case we had to suggest a focus point for improving the email effectiveness then it would definitely be targeting that can be achieved with the help of segmentation. Using a marketing automation platform, you can use what you know about the prospects for sorting databases into simple or complex lists.

These lists can be used for targeting email messages so that every segment receives the most relevant message. For example, a list that has been sorted on the geographic location can receive messages about events in their area while a list compiled by job title can receive content targeted for decision-makers.

7. Event Marketing Effectiveness

Event Marketing Effectiveness

Event marketing is again one of the best ways for many organizations to enhance their operations. The trick is to ensure that post-event follow up is both relevant and timely.

In fact, Pardot facilitates a streamlined procedure that can help the marketers get the most out of an event investment once the event is completed successfully. In addition, the marketers can follow a step by step process for following up and nurturing processes after an event takes place.


Salesforce Pardot is one of the marketing automation tools that offer the best in market CRM benefits in the most efficient way. It helps in analyzing the organizational data and also for resorting to focused marketing. The marketers can be assisted in generating valuable ROI with the help of Pardot.

You can let Salesforce Pardot contribute to unprecedented success and take your revenue goals much higher. Encaptechno has a team of expert Salesforce consultants who can help you in implementing and using Salesforce Pardot. Get in touch with our team to enhance the marketing of an organization and also get the most out of it.

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