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How Does Zoho CRM Effectively Analyze the Good and Bad of Your Business | Encaptechno

How Does Zoho CRM Effectively Analyze the Good and Bad of Your Business?

How Does Zoho CRM Effectively Analyze the Good and Bad of Your Business | Encaptechno
The straight-up meaning of customer relationship management is the sum of all business techniques, tools, and strategies that manage a company’s relationship with all customers. The process of customer relationship management is aimed at gaining new customers while keeping the old customers intact.

Zoho CRM is an excellent software that manages customer relationships globally with ease. This is software that includes everything that a business can possibly want from generating more leads, tracking new sales performance, and closing more deals.

The companies that use Zoho CRM can effectively manage their marketing, sales, and customer service matters in the B2B and B2C strategy. In different words, with CRM it is possible to manage the business to business relationships and business customer relationships. Zoho runs on the SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) model and is also compatible with various computer applications.

It can be said that the online CRM system of Zoho targets small and medium businesses by offering CRM on budget. It can help in reducing the cost of centralized data and free migration integration with a third party application. It also helps in increasing sales with a sales automation feature while offering improved customer segmentation and automated sales reports.

All in all, Zoho CRM helps in an effective analysis of the good and bad of a business. In this blog, we will see how it does that in complete detail.

Zoho Analyses Your Business Comprehensively and Deeply

Zoho CRM is an
online CRM system that comes with many functions that help in tracking and measuring the performance of all activities, particularly the sales activities while also understanding targets and how they can be achieved. This analysis is done using reports, capabilities and other analytical components so that smarter decisions can be made for business growth.

For instance, reports have the ability to offer real-time insights into different attributes such as sales trends, marketing trends, performance reports, campaigns conducted, etc. In addition, the analytical components help in finding out key performance indicators along with the present status of targets by creating dashboards.

The primary purpose of Zoho Analytics is to offer you a deep analysis of all facets that are involved in a business. The reports generated on Zoho CRM enable easy access, analysis, and tracking of business while giving you the information that further helps in making primary choices.

There are a total of around 40 pre-built reports that help in tracking the important sales KPIs. Zoho CRM comes with the ability to convert these reports into charts so that the process of data analysis becomes easier. You can customize the reports and include important data from various modules.

The kind of analysis that the Zoho CRM is capable of performing includes:

  • You can have a detailed analysis of important information. With this, your organization can effectively make some data-driven decisions.
  • You can perform an easy filtration of data on the module criteria.
  • Zoho allows you to choose an arranged template and chart type. This can be used to represent the data perfectly.
  • It is possible to combine the leads, campaigns tasks, vendors, and quotations in just one database using Zoho CRM.
  • Zoho CRM also enables you to export the reports as files in different formats while giving the Dashboard access to the people who need it.

Zoho CRM can be called an online CRM system that is capable of effectively tracking all kinds of progress. There are many benefits that are there in this process. You can track the progress in the sales towards your objectives and plan the follow-up efforts as well. You can also analyze the different aspects of operations that require more attention and you can also evaluate the success while comparing individual performance.

Analyzing Key Business Metrics With Zoho CRM

Analyzing Key Business Metrics With Zoho CRM
Zoho CRM makes it possible to analyze and track important business metrics while empowering the businesses at each step. Data is a goldmine in the present time and it can be effectively analyzed with the power of Zoho Analytics.

You can differentiate and use the Zoho CRM data in the ways that you like the most. It is also possible to create the sales funnels, make sales projections, gauge the sales performance, understand the win/loss rates, track the KPIs and do much more.

Zoho is an online CRM system that lets you do the following things:

  • Zoho offers an efficient analysis of lead lifecycle management. You can analyze and track the leads by their source, status, and even ownership. You can also see your conversion rates, find where the potential churn the most, and measure the efficiency of the sales pipeline.
  • In addition, you can analyze the sales activity, track numbers at each stage of the sales pipeline. You can create sales funnels for understanding if there has been a significant drop or a rise in the sales pipeline. You can also track the conversion rates while boosting the overall efficiency of the sales process.
  • Zoho CRM enables you to combine and blend important data from other business applications for cross-functional analysis. For instance, you can combine your marketing budget in tools such as Excel, AdWords, etc. along with your sales data from the CRM for creating a spend vs sales report.
  • With Zoho CRM, you can stay updated with the data alerts. You can set targets and also be notified when they are achieved. This also allows you to track any spike, a seasonal change or an anomaly in the data with respect to the contextual alerts.

Thorough Sales Analytics

Thorough Sales Analytics
Zoho helps in creating a sales strategy with its sales analytics features. The detailed sales analytics features help in selling better, faster, and smarter. Some of the benefits that the sales analytics is capable of offering out rightly include:

  • Collaborative Analytics: Using Sales analytics, you can develop and even analyze reports together with the content marketing team. You can also share and embed the visualizations for wider consumption.
  • Pre-Built Visualizations: You can instantly begin your analytics journey with at least 75 pre-built reports and dashboards on the sales performance.
  • Email, Print, and Export Reports: Zoho CRM allows you to export, print, and email reports. There is an option to schedule the reports and dashboards for emailing automatically to the given recipients.
  • Sales Forecasting: You can make informed decisions from the sales data and also manage the cash flow workforce and resources using the Zoho CRM. It is also possible to predict future revenue and plan for future growth.
  • Analytics Assistant: Zoho CRM is a smart analytical assistant. You can type your questions and see if Zia, Zoho’s AI assistant can come up with suitable answers in the form of reports and KPI widgets.
  • Sales Representative Analysis: It is possible to review and analyze the sales representative performance and go on the top of your organization with this.

Analyzing Data and Getting Insights

Analyzing Data and Getting Insights | Zoho CRM
You can connect, prepare, and perform the analysis while getting deep and actionable insights using Zoho CRM. It can be said that
Zoho CRM is one of the best methods to analyze the good and bad of a business.

The processes such as data reporting and management are two important and many times overwhelming tasks for an organization. Many times, the raw data handling and management features play a significant role in forming reports that allow in analyzing sales and marketing campaigns.

The BI and analytics software called Zoho Analytics is one of the best tools that can be used to change data into actionable reports and dashboards. This helps the users to create dashboards and visualizations that present data in a simple and also self-service model.

Some of the common benefits of Zoho Analytics that help in analyzing the good and bad of business include:

1. Data Source Connection

Commonly the business data stays scattered in web feeds, Google sheets, cloud storage, and other online applications. However, the data analytics feature of Zoho Analytics can be of significant assistance. It can be used to connect various data sources for the purpose of reporting and analytics.

You can get great assistance from a standard Zoho Analytics consultant for uploading and blending data from various files and databases. Files such as text files, spreadsheets, business applications, Microsoft Excel, etc.

2. Analytical Reports and Dashboards

Using the drag and drop interface of Zoho Analytics, it becomes possible to present insightful reports to the customers. A wide range of virtualization components including charts and widgets are included in the Zoho Analytics that helps to create simple and interactive dashboards.

In addition, it is also possible to combine multiple reports in a single dashboard which makes it much simpler for any team to track key performance indicators. For instance, if you want to do sales monitoring, that can be possible with analytical reports and dashboards.

Zoho Analytics comes with an easy to use and a pre-built analytical set of functions that can be used for a deep performance analysis along with deriving key metrics. In addition, it also includes a spreadsheet-like interface for data addition, analyzing metrics, and detailed reporting.

3. Reporting and Collaboration Feature

Using Zoho Analytics, it becomes very easy to develop reports with team members along with much better access to options such as read-write, drill down, read-only, etc.

Zoho Analytics comes with an ability that allows you to quickly and easily publish reports while also giving users access to Zoho analytics login. It is a great option to get in touch with a Zoho Analytics consultant so that easy collaboration and reporting features can be maximized.

4. Centralized Data Collection

Due to the easy to navigate and smart assistant of Zoho Analytics called Zia, a centralized collection of data is facilitated. This data collection helps in streamlining data and developing a 360-degree view of a company along with an answer to important questions related to the financial status, operational efficiency, and customer behaviour.

In addition, Zoho Analytics simplifies otherwise difficult processes such as data splitting, merging, and formatting to ensure productivity. As a result, the final result is favourable when it comes to decision making.

5. Embedded Business Intelligence Solution

Using Zoho Analytics, anyone can set up a reporting portal that provides an embedded business intelligence solution option. There is a list of comprehensive APIs and completely customizable design elements that help in tailoring the portals, dashboards, and reports just as a person wants.

The users can effectively embed Zoho Analytics with many other solutions like ERP tools and CRM platform as well. The solutions offer easy integration and a completely rebranded user portal for an easy user experience all across platforms.

Zoho analytics effectively allows businesses and different organizations to make quick decisions with the use of AI-powered assistance and auto blending of data. The embedded business intelligence solutions are a way for analyzing the good and bad of a business.

6. Data Visualization

One of a kind BI & analytics software, Zoho Analytics comes with an interactive and insightful dashboard that helps in gaining important information. This software helps in offering businesses a library of visualization techniques while ensuring that the organizational trends are recognized easily.

It is possible to collaborate with Zoho Analytics consultants easily for understanding data visualization that helps business teams to make effective decisions that enhance the bottom line of any business.

7. Flexible Architecture

Zoho CRM offers
an extensible tool that can be scaled just as a business develops. It has a scalable architecture that enables a person to integrate into applications of any particular size.

Furthermore, it can also be configured to generate reports and handle large volumes of data by using scalable column database technology.

8. Collaboration and Productivity

Zoho CRM
allows easy collaboration between the business teams by providing team leaders and managers with easy access to data that the colleagues and clients can see and edit.

Based on access, users can create a comprehensive report, embed it into the website, and also share it with team members with an email for collaboration. Zoho CRM also allows the creation of annotations and images for creating comment threads that enable easy and productive communication.


Zoho CRM is capable of offering a detailed analysis of a business so that quick and effective decisions can be taken when it matters. One can monitor the sales cycle, customize dashboards, create charts, target meters, KPIs, and funnels based on the business goals.

In addition, Zoho CRM also enables a business to take data-driven decisions so that the conversion rate can be improved. Using powerful charts, one can compare and contrast the records to know where the business stands at the moment. It is also possible to focus on different regions, target marketing campaigns, and set organizational objectives for the business development.

In case you haven’t yet implemented Zoho CRM then you are missing out on a lot that can allow your business to grow significantly. Use Zoho to capture a picture of your business and let your business grow manifold just the way it deserves. For more information on the implementation of Zoho CRM, get in touch with our consultants at Encaptechno, today.

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Maximize Your Sales with Three CRM Reports | Encaptechno

Maximize Your Sales with Three CRM Reports

Maximize Your Sales with Three CRM Reports | Encaptechno 

At the time when you are busy analyzing the sales objectives of your team, it always helps to go back and see which methods were responsible for maximizing the sales. When you really think about all these questions, you will also end up pondering multiple questions so that you can eventually work on creating a sales strategy.

You will think about the average time taken for the sales cycle to get completed, the number of leads that get converted into customers, star performers in your sales teams, and the regions that promote business. It is also possible to not know all of these things at once but you must try to keep looking for accurate answers to these factors.

An online CRM system helps significantly in understanding the figures that affect the sales process. Using the CRM solution, you can generate and analyze CRM reports with filters that can give you the information that you need. These reports can help you gain insights to effectively manage the sales processes and sales team as well.

In this blog, we will see three major reports that Zoho online CRM system offers to analyze and strategize the sales processes. These categories of Zoho reports offer immense value to the business. In addition, these reports also help in identifying the metrics that drive more sales so that time and effort can be spent in the right place.

What are CRM Reports?

What are CRM Reports?
CRM reports are like an organized document that is capable of telling us what is going on with a business. These reports can be as simple as a document that analyzes sales calls or it can be a document as detailed as the one that analyzes revenue numbers and customer feedback required for understanding a company.

There are many different types of CRM reports and honestly, all of them are important. You may want to think about which report relates to your goals or see these reports as tools that help in understanding how the sales process is working in a company.

The use of CRM reports is often limited to sales and marketing. However, if you wish to go a step beyond and have the correct data then you can gain valuable insights from the CRM reports. These are official documents that help in taking strategic business decisions beyond sales and marketing. The key is to find the best online CRM system that can help in generating and analyzing these reports.

Zoho is one such CRM system that generates accurate reports that can ramp up sales operations. Some of the reports that Zoho offers include

1. Time-Based Reports

There are hundreds and thousands of leads that do not guarantee increased sales. The key to converting qualified leads into sales is called lead nurturing which is something that is effective only with a detailed understanding of the lead nurture process.

Oftentimes, sales teams have stagnant leads in their pipeline that do not actually move ahead without sales monitoring. The best way to handle those leads is to identify them while taking extra time and effort to convert these leads successfully. This is something that can be easily done with the use of time-based reports.

We have all heard countless times that time is money but the main question is that do we really understand what this means? In terms of business the adage “Time is Money” means that every second counts when you are facing a customer.  When you are in the process of converting a lead into an opportunity, timing is literally everything.

The sales team has to decide the value of their time. Using the CRM reports, it is possible to understand the lead nurturing cycle with comprehensive analysis. There are some time-based reports that can be helpful in calculating your valuable time and its effectiveness. These reports are “Sales Cycle Duration across Lead Sources/Potential Type”, “Overall Sales Duration across Lead Sources/Potential Type”, and “Lead Conversions Across Industries/Owners.”

2. People-Based Reports

Measuring the regular performance of sales representatives is important for business success. There are different metrics that can be used to measure the success of sales representatives. However, knowing the right sales metrics and getting important information can be helpful in understanding the strength and weaknesses of sales processes.

Another set of CRM reports that can be helpful in understanding more about the sales process is called people-based reports. These reports enable the managers to know which representatives are doing well and which reps are the ones who can do better.

It is important to understand that the reports that give us a comprehensive insight on the goals achieved by an individual alongwith the activities performed to achieve a target are considered important while calculating the monthly sales target.

Zoho is an online CRM system that offers different performance-based reports that eventually help in measuring the progress of an individual working in a sales team. Most importantly, these reports help in checking the overall quality of service offered to the customers. Some of the reports include “Sales Person’s Performance Report”, “Sales Cycle Duration Across Owner”, “Lead Conversion Count Across Owner.”

3. Revenue-Based Reports

Yet another factor that gives an insight into the sales processes is the amount of revenue that a business is making periodically. The sales managers must have clarity about each line of product or service contributing to the overall profit. It is possible that the sales processes can be great in one region but not the same in another.

When the sales managers know everything about the sales revenue, the percentage of targets achieved, and the lead sources that give more business, it becomes easy to keep a tab on the revenue. Understanding who the profitable customers are can be difficult unless there is a detailed report of everything that a customer purchases in a life cycle.

Measuring the revenue and growth of an organization is very easy. With the Zoho CRM reports, you can know exactly where the revenue of a company is going and the factors responsible for it. Some of the reports that are revenue-based include “Sales by Lead Source”, “Pipeline By Profitability/Stage”, and “This Month Sales.”

Benefits of CRM Reporting

Sometimes, sales professionals think
that creating a sales strategy based on CRM reports can take your time and energy that could be spent somewhere else. However, this is not the right thinking. Below mentioned are some of the benefits that will make the benefits of CRM reporting very clear to you.

1. Insights

Insights | Benefits of CRM Reporting
Sales is a lot about understanding how well you suffice the needs of your customers. The detailed insights that you can see based on your customers help in improving the sales pitch.

Let’s say that you are looking for clients that are easily approachable, do not cause any troubles, and continue to be profitable for you for a long time to come. Now you can find these clients by creating CRM reports that can find patterns in your customers. You can study these reports and understand which clients are likely to be ideal for you.

2. Sales Funnel

The entire process through which a lead becomes a customer is considered important to the health of your sales process. There are many sales representatives that do not realize that they have a problem that their sales funnels can be improved.

The reports generated by an online CRM system can help in underlining all problems that are present with the funnel so that the sales process becomes smooth. Once you see where the problems are, you will solve them immediately and the final result will be favorable.

3. Streamlined Time

The sales professionals must be clear about the way they are spending their time if they wish to achieve the goals in the right time frame. With minimal effort, the result can be considerable.

The sales representatives can also increase this time to have a bigger impact on the sales record. The online CRM reporting can be extremely helpful because the CRM reports help the representatives to find revenue-generating activities that maximize the time spent with the right leads.

For instance, sales representatives can find an ideal customer profile to spend time with prospects that can use a product or service or find leads at a profitable source. The reports can ensure that representatives are only spending their time where it genuinely makes a difference.

4. Making Suitable Changes

The process of
creating sales strategy, monitoring, and changing it periodically is not an easy process. It is always changing and representatives who do not keep up with the changes can fall behind easily. The key is to find just where the changes need to be made and to focus on making those changes timely.

The CRM reports help us in identifying where the changes must be made. The reports are useful in finding problems or seeing patterns that are leading to lost sales. Once these patterns are understood, it is possible to offer key insights into what must be changed.

5. Seeing Issues Early

The sooner salespeople can see a potential issue, the more they can eliminate them. This enables the sales representatives to take corrective measures and put in strategies that can help in meeting goals.

Using CRM reports can help in pointing patterns more quickly than humans in many cases. It is important to understand the problem so that creating a sales strategy becomes easy. This way, obstacles can be seen and solved at the right time.


Using the
CRM reports can help in generating better revenue and it can also boost team productivity. The reports come with an ability to streamline complex manual duties which ultimately ends up saving a lot of precious time.

In case you have not been using the CRM reports in a powerful way then it is time to start exploring data so that you find and maximize more opportunities. Irrespective of the kind of business you might be in, the CRM reports can be helpful in making your sales operations much more organized.


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