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Common Mistakes While Doing Salesforce Implementation | Encaptechno

8 Common Salesforce Implementation Mistakes

Common Mistakes While Doing Salesforce Implementation | Encaptechno


Salesforce is one of the most effective tools that comes with the potential to revamp and clarify a business process. However, this does not mean just ending up purchasing the software because one has to implement the software correctly as well. Salesforce integration requires the support of experienced consultants.

By bringing Salesforce into your business, you can easily avoid common mistakes that otherwise cost you more time, money, and sanity. Hence, salesforce implementation must be done strategically. To make sure that you avoid the Salesforce implementation mistakes, you must take guidance at each step so that you can get a clean and accessible interface that extends across industries and companies of different sizes.

With so many companies using Salesforce, it is not amusing to know that some organizations fight constantly to achieve the results that they need in a fixed time frame. The difficulty of implementation is dependent on the company size, business needs, and industry types. Salesforce implementation is a delicate process and must be handled by someone who is an experienced Salesforce consultant.

Hiring Salesforce consulting services helps to avoid common mistakes that can happen otherwise while the Salesforce implementation goes on.

1. Not Assessing Cost of Implementation

Not Assessing Cost of Implementation

It is not a big deal for a company to get ahead of itself when it comes to implementing new technology. Most companies commit to a solution and are excited to get going for achieving game-changing business outcomes with the new Salesforce integration.

The anticipation to have an old system changed with a new functionality adds support efficiency and accuracy that can get everyone’s hopes high. That said, a mistake that many teams make is that they experience high levels of stress when it comes to assessing the cost of a solution or functionality while breezing over the process.

The costs come in many different ways when it comes to Salesforce implementations and they include budget, time, and complexity. When organizations do not seek outside support, they lack clarity around the real costs of an implementation that can affect a project’s success.

The timelines and processes must be developed way ahead of time when the implementation takes place so that stress and unforeseen costs can be avoided. Whether they are in your budget, timeline, or project success, all costs must be avoided.

2. Not Choosing the Right Implementation Partner

Often, organizations realize that Salesforce implementation cannot be done internally. This is even when the company has been using an old version of it and wishes to install an upgrade. When a company decides to make a purchase or even add something to the
Salesforce CRM, it is important that the work is done by experts for getting the desired results. 

The bidding process for finding the right partner and mostly a Salesforce consulting service can often be lengthy and does not even always result in the right choice in case the details are not focused on or the sales pitch is not accepted.

Major problems can play out when it comes to Salesforce implementation. Hence choosing the wrong partner can add to the trouble. Make sure that the consultant that you choose is capable of assisting and leading. The developers must be highly skilled and familiar with the SDFC or they should be learning it.

As important contributors to a successful implementation, it is important the developers and consultants are immensely skilled in the implementation process and have the skills needed to guide a Salesforce initiative. Make sure that you conduct a detailed RFP process that is a lot more of a negotiation than just a presentation.

In addition, also ensure that innovation is led internally and created by the partner while not seeking any input or guidance. While choosing the right partner, you should know that the price is not a good reflection of skill while also collecting references and success stories from organizations that have worked with your partner.

You can also test the Salesforce consultant on their ability to commit to the timelines. Build a relationship of trust and respect for maintaining open communication. Also, focus on proposing contractual guarantees for work that is completed to a standard.

3. Complicating the Requirements

Jumping into
Salesforce integration can be a very interesting process but it is important to remember that it is also full of demands. Salesforce offers immense benefits but it still has its limitations. There are so many times when companies require customizations or even extend complicated requests that Salesforce cannot deliver.

Customizations and requests can often lead to serious problems during implementation and user adoption. One of the major complaints during the implementation process is the need for necessary customizations. Since customizations need expert knowledge, one must be able to communicate the amended costs.

The bugs that do not get fixed as a result of customizations can impact user buy-in as most users struggle to use the system just as intended. Migrating the customizations from a previous CRM can generate limited functionalities. This is something that must be communicated during the planning phase and reflected on the scope and timeline of Salesforce implementation.

Often, complicated requirements and customizations are not so simple to avoid but this is not something that always indicates Salesforce implementation as a disaster. However, it definitely indicates the need for a strong business liaison or analyst who can advise appropriately.

4. Ignoring Integration and Data Migration

Salesforce implementations, many new features come to the forefront of a team’s focus while leaving data migration and integrations on one side. The truth is that if data integration and migration are not prioritized from the beginning then they can get left behind while causing delays.

Integration with different running systems or platforms can be tricky and must be approached with knowledge, experience, and foresight. The integration specialists are necessary and they should be considered during early assessments only.

In addition, data migration must also be considered in the earlier stages when it comes to Salesforce implementation. Without any doubt, there will be a varied quality of data and the duplication of data should be addressed way before implementation for achieving the best results. To make this process a success, one person or a team must be responsible for data maintenance.

5. No Internal Buy-In

No Internal Buy-In

At the time you are getting into the
Salesforce integration, it is often easy to overlook an important element and that is users. Many companies make the Salesforce implementation mistake of keeping the users at the end and lacking in substance to generate the internal buy-in to the new or upgraded platform.

User adoption is really important for the success of Salesforce implementation and must be taken seriously from the very beginning. A dedicated effort should be made to promote internal buy-ins by identifying the internal leaders who can easily promote Salesforce and drive the go-live results.

You must also seek user motivations, needs, and other struggles needed for incorporating core features into the project plan. It is also important to measure adoption among the user’s past implementation while conducting key user training. A big concern with Salesforce implementation is the usage of the platform among company users.

In case the system fails to work as it was intended or is full of errors then it can be a real problem for user adoption. You must ensure that users are a core consideration all through implementation so that the best results can be closed out.

Given the challenges of Salesforce implementation, the work must be planned well. With the rising demand for different Salesforce specializations, there are many end-users who seek the support of experts. Companies offering experienced Salesforce consulting services are able to assist organizations, avoid mistakes, and drive successful implementations while finding exciting work at leading organizations.

6. Data Clean-Up

Data Clean-Up
Another one of the Salesforce implementation mistakes is forgetting the data clean-up. Many times, the only focus is on new features while leaving integration and data clean-up as a low-priority activity. In reality, this may have the potential of causing delays in the implementation process.

Including corrupt data can often lead to incorrect insights and even wrong forecasts. This has the potential of creating inefficiencies in the process of sales and eventually lead to the underperformance of the sales team.

That said, working with a Salesforce expert can always ensure data clean-up and data auditing right before Salesforce implementation is achieved at par.

7. Lack of Training

A successful Salesforce implementation process is dependent on user adoption. Salesforce is a powerful platform but the users cannot capitalize on features if they do not know how to use the system efficiently. Users must gain a good understanding of all features.

Insufficient Salesforce knowledge is like no knowledge. It results in the underutilization of the platform while learning the successful techniques leads to satisfaction and rewards. Salesforce CRM may look like an easy platform to many but the truth is that there are some features that are challenging for the team members to operate.

Hence, it is necessary that adequate arrangements are made to train the employees so that make the best use of the Salesforce CRM. In case you make the mistake of ignoring the training aspect and assuming that the employees will get familiar with the platform once the implementation is done then you are making a mistake.

The truth is that the team members need their own time when it comes to getting comfortable with the features of the platform. This is common when you are migrating from one version of Salesforce to another one. Make sure that you offer accurate theoretical and practical training to the sales team while handling the Salesforce CRM.

8. Lack of Focus

Lack of Focus
You must know the answer to why you wish to implement Salesforce because if you are unclear about that then your ability to pick the right implementation partner will be clouded. You will not even have the right answers to the questions about the main factors or what you want from your CRM in the future.

If you want to have an easy time convincing your executive team to give you the budget for a tool then you must be sure about why you want to use it in the first place. The clearer you are about “Why?”, the easier it will be to gain maximum benefits out of Salesforce.


Taking the decision to invest in Salesforce is a big step for a business. You must ensure that you have proper knowledge along with the right support, data, and training needed to benefit from the usage of a tool.

At Encaptechno, we offer expert Salesforce implementation services that enable our customers to use CRM well. These implementation services can help you in making sure that there are no mistakes made and that you get the maximum benefits out of the implementation process.

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Everything to Know About Salesforce Experience Cloud | Encaptechno

Everything to Know About Salesforce Experience Cloud

Everything to Know About Salesforce Experience Cloud | Encaptechno
Salesforce Experience Cloud
is an effective digital experience platform that is capable of efficiently building websites, mobile applications, portals, and other digital touchpoints for engaging with customers. It comes with the ability to digitize business processes at a quick speed.

Many organizations use Salesforce Experience Cloud for streamlining systems, aligning teams, and accelerating digital adoption when it comes to crushing over a year of data in just one quarter. In many cases, completely new digital properties are created in just two weeks.

The Salesforce Experience Cloud comes with the ability to power the customer journey with the data from the customer relationship management system. Below, we will explain the capabilities of Salesforce Experience Cloud in complete detail.

What is Experience Cloud Digital Experience?

Digital experiences are important for any business to survive, and customers expect to easily and intuitively interact with the companies online.  The digital experience that a company provides assists with the customers to engage well and take action. Salesforce effectively worked with its partners for developing a
digital platform such as Experience Cloud and securing websites, portals, and applications with connected data at each point in the customer journey.

Something that is helpful in taking the leap towards digital transformation is some of the few factors mentioned below:

  • Experiences must be able to go to the market quickly. After this, an update is required quickly so that the changing business and market trends can be quickly adapted.
  • The customer interactions must be personalized and actionable. This is something that is only possible when connected to CRM data and business processes that can help a customer to take action.
  • Consistent touchpoints must be made across the multichannel customer journey. Right when a customer feels like they have left the ecosystem, they are unlikely to come back again.

These are the requirements that drive the Salesforce Experience Cloud mission and roadmap. The customers build a wide range of digital experiences that are both mission-critical and built in a matter of record time.

What is Digital 360?

Digital 360 was announced last month along with Experience Cloud. This is the latest innovation of Salesforce that helps leaders accelerate growth in the work from homeworld. Digital 360 is an important part of the Salesforce Customer360 platform which also includes applications, service, marketing and commerce all across every customer touchpoint. Digital 360 includes:

  • Customer 360 Audiences: The customer data platform for marketers that helps in unifying, segmenting, and activating all the customer data.
  • Commerce Cloud Payments: This is an out of the box payment solution that is powered by Stripe.
  • Experience Cloud: This is a Salesforce solution that builds CRM powered digital experiences quickly.

What is Salesforce Experience Cloud?

Salesforce Experience Cloud is a
digital platform integrated into Salesforce that enables you to build online communities and establish a point of contact with customers, partners, and other employees. In different words, the Experience Cloud can allow your company to establish a personalized corporate virtual space according to the company style.

It also comes with the possibility of digitizing business processes in line with today’s contactless alternatives. This comes with a combination of features such as Experience Builder, Mobile Publisher, Salesforce CMS, and Salesforce suite of web applications. With this, companies can create and deliver personalized content, portals, websites, mobile applications, and storefronts.

The individual understanding and control over digital experience have evolved and matured consistently. With systems and organizations moved to the cloud, the complete focus is on improving and standardizing processes for cutting down on expensive and manual edge cases. This standardization makes business processes simple and also contributes to information overload as knowledge bases and support forums become flooded with great content.

The customers can leverage the many benefits of a standardized process while tailoring their experiences. You can enter a complete suite of features that are purpose-built for treating digital persons like people while speaking directly to them. Personalization capabilities can seem at the attributes of a user persona and help surface content relevant to them. The journey mapping understands where a person is in their experience and also guides them in their next steps.

Salesforce Experience Cloud is a customer 360 platform that is made for individual digital experience. It comes with an ability to merge complex platform processes with a powered understanding of the user that drives the next generation of digital experiences.

Below mentioned is an overview of benefits offered by Salesforce Experience Cloud:

  1. It is built for optimal search engine optimization.
  2. It comes with an ability to evolve, you can start with a plug and play Salesforce tools and evolve your portal with time.
  3. Salesforce includes an inbuilt notification functionality with a customizable individual alert preference.
  4. It serves a dynamic user experience, security and features that are based on personas and profiles.
  5. Salesforce Experience Cloud comes with hierarchical visibility and access to data which further enables you to use a partner portal as a CRM.
  6. You can maximize the budget because an Experience Cloud license is a lot more affordable than a full CRM license.

Why Do We Need Salesforce Experience Cloud?

The experience cloud websites and applications are essential tools that help in collaborating and communicating with Experience Cloud.

1. Reducing Churning

Reducing Churning | Why Do We Need Salesforce Experience Cloud_
Using the
customer360 platform of Salesforce Experience Cloud, you can decrease the loss rate of existing customers is important to any business using a recurring revenue model. A certain way to reduce this churn is to engage with the customers on a regular basis. Salesforce Experience Cloud offers you a portal with which you can do that effectively. You can allow your customers to interact with real-time data, expose actions, records, objects, and fields that you wish to see.

2. Advocacy and Support Cases

Salesforce Experience Cloud
can play the role of a self-help customer support tool. The users can search the portal for solutions to problems and use it as a knowledge base as the source of answers from other community users. You will also be able to see significant improvements in service metrics such as increased first contact resolutions, lower calls, decreased average handle time, and chat volumes.

3. Engaging Remote Work Employees

Engaging Remote Work Employees | Why Do We Need Salesforce Experience Cloud_It is a lot more significant than ever when it comes to engaging employees in a post-pandemic workplace. One of the
Salesforce Experience Cloud features as a portal is that the employees can connect with HR and collaborate on workflows that do not require traditional CRM functionality.

4. Improved Manage Partners

Salesforce Experience Cloud enables the easy lead generation and sales process management. Steps such as onboarding, recruiting, training, and supporting your partners with user-friendly features and tools that are built into the Salesforce portal.

5. Simplifying Application Development

Simplifying Application Development | Why Do We Need Salesforce Experience Cloud_
The Salesforce platform enables you to not just build websites, but your own application. You can easily develop an internal application for any purposes you need and open up custom functionality to other groups for making it external facing.

6. Creating Commerce Channels

For all retail businesses, Salesforce Experience Cloud benefits can be an alternative to other commerce channels. The customers can use their commerce portals for selling and transacting with customers online.

7. Extending CRM Data

With the use of the Salesforce Experience Cloud, you can present all information in the Salesforce CRM to different users. The customers, employees, and partners can guarantee security and scalability. In addition, you can also decide what kind of information for presenting each type of user in the community. This does not require any Salesforce license, but a community license which is way cheaper.

8. Improved User Experience

Improved User Experience | Why Do We Need Salesforce Experience Cloud_
Experience Cloud offers users a more fluid experience. On the other hand, it also ranks among the new trends in customer relationship management by offering a connected digital experience.

Difference Between Salesforce Community Cloud and Salesforce Experience Cloud

One of the most pertinent questions is if there is a difference between Community Cloud and Experience Cloud or are they similar? According to Salesforce, the name change is just a result of the name community not precisely reflecting the capability of connected digital experiences but creating cloud solutions.

The Salesforce Experience Cloud features allow building more communities and building portals, forums, centres, sites, and mobile applications for managing your organization’s content. The Experience Cloud can be looked at as an evolution of Community Cloud responding to the growing need for developing a more connected digital experience.

Even though the transition from Community Cloud to Experience Cloud happened last year, the users of Salesforce Experience Cloud must be ensured that should be a framework for understanding differences between Salesforce Community Cloud and Salesforce Experience Cloud.

One of the most significant differences that the users will see beyond the name is the terminology used within the platform. Rather than referring to the forum where people can interact with each other as a community, Salesforce Experience Cloud is now called a site.

How can Experience Cloud Be Used?

If you are new to Salesforce Experience Cloud then you must know how it can be used. The digital platform helps companies in building connected CRM powered digital experiences enabling them to build content in one place and deliver it anywhere.

Experience Cloud templates let you build responsive sites for delivering rich and branded spaces for the customers and partners. You can accelerate your digital experience by using the Customer, Customer Account Portal, Partner Central and building your own templates.

Irrespective of which industry you may be in, Salesforce Experience Cloud features can change your organization. Experience Cloud customers can gain a competitive edge because they have launched fast, connected each experience to data and tied everything together across a seamless customer journey.

Traction Gather and Experience Cloud

Traction Gather is traction on demand’s virtual engagement hub and is built on the Salesforce Experience Cloud platform. Using Traction Gather, all organizations can effectively bring their virtual events, classes, live streams, programs, tours, and on-demand content in just one digital hub.

Using the Salesforce Experience Cloud, organizations can easily use strong data insights for driving more engagement with customers and constituents alike, whatever they may be.

Data Security On Salesforce Experience Cloud

Data Security On Salesforce Experience Cloud
There are different kinds of Experience Cloud license types and all of the licenses configure data differently. In addition, once a Salesforce portal has been created, there are complex permutations of user access levels as well.

Something that is important to remember is that you can increase your risk surface each time you provide a doorway into the Salesforce instance. This is particularly when there is sensitive information in your system such as personal identifying information. For instance, in case you have a partner portal that you are led through, you are likely to see another partner lead or data so that the communication is secured.

It is important to understand where the line exists between a company and Salesforce when it comes to data security. This is essentially a shared responsibility for the security model. This is not to say that launching Experience Cloud is not worth the risk. There are many significant rewards to collaborate in this manner such as increased flow with partners, decreased load on customer support and better employee satisfaction.

One of the biggest benefits of Salesforce Experience Cloud is that it is a lot more secure as compared to other portal implementations due to tight integration. While you think about balancing the risks and rewards and managing the data security shift, a Salesforce consultant can help. A certified consultant can offer the ability to know in real-time who will see what. A Salesforce consultant will have authority on both Salesforce and securing data while helping clients to accomplish their business goals and ensuring data sensitivity.


In case you are looking for new and improved ways to connect with your community, build an online presence, and engage with your customers like no other than getting in touch with a certified Salesforce Experience Cloud consultant.

Encaptechno has consultants who come with thousands of completed Salesforce projects and a dedicated Experience Cloud team. We can help you change your digital experience with optimal use of Salesforce and Experience Cloud.



Everything to Know About Salesforce Experience Cloud Read More »

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Salesforce Visualforce Vs. Lightning: Which is Better? | Encaptechno

Visualforce Vs. Lightning: Which is Better?

Salesforce Visualforce Vs. Lightning: Which is Better? | Encaptechno

The question of which one out of Salesforce Visualforce and Lightning is better has confused the new and existing customers of Salesforce considerably. Salesforce is a CRM giant that has been extensively promoting the use of Lightning since its inception. However, this does not mean that Visualforce has been replaced.

As a framework that comprises a tag-based markup language along with a set of server-side controllers, Visualforce pages in Salesforce allows the developers to build custom user interfaces with native hosting. On the other hand, lightning is a modern UI framework that is used in the development of dynamic web pages for desktop and mobile devices. Both of these offer ways to create custom user interfaces for Salesforce.

However, which one should the customers choose if they had to go for one? We will see the answer to this question below. However, we will start with understanding Visualforce and Lightning in detail first.


Visualforce framework is known as a page-centric web application model that has a robust set of tags resolved at the server-side. The VF relies on the server for generating a new page when a user interacts with the application. For this reason, it can be pretty challenging to offer a new experience as expected by the users.

That said, Visualforce is considered one of the best choices for the basic functionalities that it brings to the table. It uses a markup language similar to HTML for designing pages and Apex code for handling the database operations. Below is the classification of the Visualforce pages:

  • Visualforce Page: A markup language such as HTML is used for the purpose of designing the layout of pages.
  • Custom Controller: The Apex code is used for handling the backend processing implemented at the Visualforce pages in Salesforce.
  • Java Script: Javascript is completely optional and helps in the maintenance of client-side processing. It can be coupled with CSS for revamping the interface.
  • Apex Extensions: The logical operations can be done using the Apex extensions that are not available in the standard controllers. However, this is also optional.

The framework of Visualforce is a tried and tested model that is simple to implement and can split huge applications into small pages for easy management. However, it has limited interactivity and an increased latency rate.


The lightning framework is known as the new app-centric model that offers businesses and data logic to develop dynamic web applications meant for desktop and mobile devices. Salesforce Lightning web components have involvement of JavaScript at the client-side and Apex on the server-side.  

This is a framework that does not completely replace a page at one time, rather it leverages JavaScript for the creation, transformation, and animation of the user interface. The Lightning Components and Applications use Bundles for storing important files while ensuring the fluid motion of the user interface.

The Lightning Component Bundle includes:

  • Component: A markup language that is used for configuring the layout of the component.
  • Controller: This is a JavaScript Controller that is used for handling the client-side processing or an apex controller is preferred for server-side processing.
  • Design File: A design file is also used for describing the design-time behavior of the component that is being used in the lightning pages or in the lightning app builder.
  • Documentation File: A documentation file is commonly used for providing reference documents or the sample code to the users who have received the component.
  • Helper: A helper is supposed to store the reusable JavaScript functions that are handled by the controller.
  • SVG File: The SVG file allows the users to include custom icons that can further be used for reference.

The lightning framework is also used for aligning with the Salesforce user interface strategy. It empowers the users with impressive and interactive experiences and also includes a steep learning curve as compared to Visualforce. Application building is an inherent part of lightning and for this reason, it is somewhat more complex than Visualforce.

Features of Visualforce and Lightning


  1. The Visualforce pages in Salesforce help in the quick development of the simple or complex UIs. This is for both mobile and desktop applications.
  2. Visualforce makes use of diverse development technologies such as JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, and many others that can help the users.
  3. Visualforce can be used to secure the display of third-party images.
  4. The Salesforce Visualforce can be used for accessing metrics such as LogDate, MetricsDate, ProfileID, and many others.


  1. The Salesforce lightning web components use the latest technology to help businesses reach out to a wide number of customers. In addition, it also allows the ability to do almost everything on the cloud so that positive relations can be maintained with the customer.
  2. The Salesforce Lightning component also enables customized dashboards for the customers. This is done as per the requirements of the customers.
  3. The Salesforce Lightning assistance can offer a comprehensive insight to the user about all new updates that come on a daily basis.
  4. Work performance charts can be displayed to the users and customers while helping them track the business growth.
  5. The Salesforce Lightning voice enables the business owners to connect with the customers over voice calls within the Sales Cloud server.
  6. There is an Outlook Alliance feature in Salesforce Lightning that helps in improving the CRM aspect. As a partner of Microsoft, transitioning from management programs has become comfortable now. The users can synchronize logbooks in addition to the contact in the Office 365 application for easy management.
  7. The application builder by Salesforce Lightning enables the non-coders to create applications without the implementation of code.
  8. The steel brick feature of the lightning components handles all trading aspects of the business for the owners that are represented as CPQ.

Differences Between Visualforce and Lightning

1. UI Generation Aspect


The users are requested for a web page under the UI generation aspect of the Visualforce. In addition, the server also processes requests by executing the page code. Moving ahead with the process, the server sends the HTML output to the browser and then the browser proceeds the displaying of HTML to the user on his/her interaction on the webpage.

Lightning Components

Under the UI Generation aspect of the Salesforce Lightning Web Components, the users make a request for a component or an application. After this, the bundle returns to the clients and starts loading in the browser. Moving ahead, JavaScript implements the UI with respect to the user’s interaction on the page. Under the lightning components, JavaScript is also supposed to modify or improvise the user interface for the convenience of the user.

2. Usability Cases


Visualforce is implemented for many usability cases or the needs of customers. It is used for offering a page-centric experience to the users with all important information without making any use of the client-side logic. It works best with the implementation of a JavaScript framework such as React, Angular JS, and others.

Visualforce also acts as the third-party framework for developing an interactive page with the use of JavaScript. Under the Salesforce Classic, Visualforce is perfect for building a community for partners and also proves to be more productive when blending with the lightning measures. It helps in rendering pages in PDF format while they are in the application.

Lightning Components

The lightning components have a design that is used to eradicate the limitations of the page-centric approach for giving a high network connection that runs seamlessly with more resources. Integrating the Salesforce Lightning Components with JavaScript derives a fruitful and interactive user experience.

The app-building feature of the Salesforce lightning components enables even non-developers to assemble the components for framing an application. The many functions of the lightning app builder are comfortable and simple to use. Integrating new tabs and other such attributes into the application can be done using easy methods without extra developer knowledge.

The community builder of Salesforce Lightning enables the users to create a community for the customers with all possible components in it. To get successful outcomes with the implementation of the latest technologies, the Salesforce Lightning Web Components are the best decision.

3. Advantages

Advantages and Differences Between Visualforce and Lightning


The Salesforce Visualforce is a tested model that offers efficient results without fail. Any two-way binding is not experienced in it because the users need to wait until the pages are loaded completely from the server to see the updates.

In addition, Visualforce is also very easy to implement and has a higher productivity ratio. The bigger the applications are broken down into small web pages, the more chances are for the users to manage things efficiently. The metadata integration is also available in the Salesforce Visualforce.


The user experience of the applications is very interactive which further enhances convenience for the customers. Two-way binding is possible in Lightning and it displays content on the UI after each of it is updated. Lightning Salesforce measures use the user interface strategy of Salesforce for deriving better outcomes.

Here, the metadata is available in the foundation for enhancing the developer’s experience. The console that is available for the developers is also compatible with the lightning Salesforce Components and enhances the developer experience.


Will Visualforce Be Going Away Because of Lightning?

There are multiple things that can be done by Visualforce but Lightning cannot handle them at the present time. Even though this will change in the coming future as the new releases of Lightning come into being, for the time being, Visualforce can do a lot.

There has not been any major benefit for building and designing the Lightning Components as compared to the Visualforce Components other than the fact that it is a new technology that Salesforce is going to develop in the future. With the use of Lightning for Desktop, many people are really starting to see the process of creating and designing modular components that can be used both in mobile and desktop experience that can change the design structure of things.

Salesforce Lightning web components also bring a rather native approach while allowing people to drag and drop components onto a canvas for quickly creating a new page or application. In case someone wants to do this with Visualforce then there will be a need to use a platform such as SkyVisualEditor for getting this done because there will be a lot of code to handle. This also brings a new level of design to the independent software vendor community so that they can package and distribute small and reusable components to the customers.

Lightning will eventually replace Visualforce but it will take many years for that to happen. The thing is that lightning is rolled out in phases and it will take many years for lightning to become accessible in all locations that Visualforce is in at the moment. In addition, we will also have to factor in the time taken by people to actively rework their Visualforce code into the Lightning code for supporting the architectural changes.

We are not talking about just taking the Visualforce Page and inserting it into the lightning component, but actually reworking the Visualforce Page for utilizing the component methodology that lightning brings to the table. Hence, Visualforce will go but it will take some time until people really start using Lightning and replacing Visualforce.


We hope that you have a better understanding of the differences in functionality and features that are there between Salesforce Lightning and Visualforce. Business professionals from across the world are implementing the above-mentioned techniques for improving their customer and business data management.

The option that you choose depends completely on your needs. Both of them are good enough and solve many problems and give them a positive boost to businesses. 

For deciding which one suits your business the best, you can have a Salesforce consultant from Encaptechno help you. They will guide you in the right direction while offering you the best Salesforce Solution according to your business needs. 

Visualforce Vs. Lightning: Which is Better? Read More »

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Advantages of Salesforce Over Other CRMs - Encaptechno

What are the Advantages of Salesforce Over Other CRMs?

Customer focus and customer-oriented approach is an important aspect of creating a comprehensive ecosystem where the customer data can converge. Connecting significant business areas such as customer services, marketing, sales operations, and account management enables enterprises to get a holistic understanding of the customer while also managing customer relationships much better.

Customer relationship software can offer great benefits to companies. At the present time, many organizations all over the world understand the importance of CRM and implement this software for better productivity. However, with so many options available at one’s disposal, choosing a suitable CRM can seem overwhelming.

In this scenario, Salesforce emerges as one of the most widely chosen CRM adopted by many people and companies. This impressive level of success that is shown by Salesforce is a result of the many remarkable benefits and resources that it provides.

There are many Salesforce advantages that make this CRM a top choice for customers. In this blog, we will be mentioning some of the most common ones that make the implementation of Salesforce indispensable.

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a customer relationship management solution that enables companies and customers to come together. It is basically an integrated CRM solution that gives all the departments including the marketing, sales, technology, etc. a single share of each customer.

Salesforce actually began as a Software as a Service CRM company. However, today it provides various software solutions and a platform for the users to develop and distribute custom software applications. It comes with multi-tenant architecture and allows customers to share common technology that runs on the latest releases. One never has to worry about application or infrastructure upgrades because they happen automatically. The benefits of Salesforce help an organization focus on innovation rather than just managing technology.

How it All Started?

Much before Salesforce came into the picture, customer relationship management solutions were hosted on the server of a company. It took a lot of money and time for companies to have their own CRM solutions and even after setting up the solutions, the purpose was not fulfilled because the solutions were difficult to use.

Hence, building a cost-effective CRM software solution and delivering it online as a service became an evident solution. This was actually the main idea behind Salesforce which started as Software as a Service company. After considerable development, it has now grown into one of the largest software companies in the world.

Not long after the release of Salesforce, it became a hit because it was not merely a product at a fraction of cost; rather it was a software that solved many purposes all at once. Some of the cloud software solutions offered by Salesforce are Salesforce Sales Cloud, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Salesforce Service Cloud, Salesforce Community Cloud, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, etc.

Advantages of Salesforce CRM

Advantages of Salesforce Over Other CRMs - Encaptechno

1. Collecting and Using Customer Information

One of the best and most important benefits of using Salesforce is the information that this software solution is capable of extracting, both in terms of quality and quantity. Getting in touch with the Salesforce implementation partner and actually adopting the solution will enable you to look at a substantial amount of information needed before getting in touch with a potential customer.

Now, there are a couple of reasons why this is considered as important. In the first place, it helps you in easily tracking information that is needed to keep your customer profiles organized. You can have all information that is considered useful at just one location and you can also look upon any lead that you want even when the leads are assigned to other representatives. This offers a holistic and complete approach to manage a business.

Moreover, with shared customer information, a company’s representatives can have better control over getting things done. They can also eliminate any possible gaps that a person can have in a customer support model. All in all, it becomes easy to manage and use important customer information with the help of Salesforce.

2. User-friendly


A standpoint that makes a software solution effective is the ability of that software to be user-friendly in nature. When it comes to Salesforce, this is particularly true and cannot be refuted. The CRM solution is designed in a way that even companies that do not have a technical background can use it for their benefit.

The benefits of Salesforce help many companies to reach their complete potential while being easy to use for even beginners. As a matter of fact, Salesforce is competent to meet and even exceed the user-friendliness quotient by offering its users a highly intuitive and simple user interface.

As opposed to many other CRM solutions, there is never any need to get increasingly involved in coding or pouring through information about different product updates. Rather, almost everything is served in an easy-to-understand format which is designed to reduce any problems and difficulties.

3. Scalable CRM Solution

Investing in a good quality CRM solution is actually like an investment. It should solve the business needs of the present and the future while assuring the businesses of better results. Salesforce does just that. Be it looking after a company’s present customer relationships or ensuring a strong customer base that can build in the coming years, Salesforce carries the capacity and ability to scale up.

All businesses have their own needs and this thing is valid for the customers of a business as well. Other than being scalable, Salesforce can also be customized to solve the unique needs of a business. Since most customers look for personalization while getting their needs solved and making important purchasing decisions, Salesforce plays an important role in solving that purpose.

As a matter of fact, Salesforce makes it possible for businesses to personalize the emails that get sent to customers. It takes the purchase history of almost every customer into consideration. With the assistance of Salesforce App Cloud, businesses can create and even run their personalized applications with ease.

4. Flexibility

Salesforce comes with a wide range of benefits for companies and businesses. One of the most important benefits that it offers is flexibility and customization. It integrates seamlessly with business models and is also able to offer a detailed report and analytics tailored to the specific needs of the users.

Furthermore, the benefits of Salesforce enable the companies to measure and monitor the success of marketing campaigns while also customizing the outreach efforts on a need basis requirement. This allows in creating a completely optimized system that has the ability to function on its own. The Salesforce Cloud system also means that employees can access the software from anywhere and at any time, allowing for increased flexibility.

Basically, the objects that are found in Salesforce can be set completely in line with a person’s desires at any time. As a user, you are never actually tied into a certain set of page layouts, workflow, and processes. This makes Salesforce way more flexible as compared to other systems that are present in the market.

5. User Resources

For offering ease of use and educating its customers on the excellent functionality, customization, and flexibility, Salesforce stands out as being one of the best CRM solutions. It provides many educational posts, webinars, and other informative materials on a spectrum of topics that can be published through a comprehensive web-accessible user guide.

The final goal of the varied resources that Salesforce offers lies in empowering customers with the ability to find quick solutions in different ways. Based on what customers might think is comfortable, they can choose a suitable solution because Salesforce does its best to present the solution in many different formats.

In addition to other style resources, Salesforce also employs a knowledgeable, remarkable, and customer-oriented tech service that helps the users in overcoming any difficult problem as and when it arises.

6. Functionality and Integration

Functionality and Integration

Salesforce that offers great services needed to enable quick and easy data collaboration with multiple departments. It also offers centralized customer information, an array of reports, statistical options, and the ability to run on any browser, desktop, mobile device, etc.

In addition, Salesforce also delivers dependable data security and protection which ensures that sensitive information does not get compromised. It offers employers all the resources that are needed for enhanced business efficiency and productivity. Customers can also benefit from better customer service.

7. Time Management

Time Management

With a comprehensive range of customer information available and a wide range of planning resources at a user’s disposal, one gets the benefit of remarkable time management with the implementation of Salesforce. You can have all the information that is needed to prioritize work for the customers, and this means that you can also organize tasks for different accounts based on the same criteria.

Along with this, the built-in calendar tools can also be used for better visualization of the schedule for the approaching days, months, years. This means that you can constantly stay on the ball all through the steps while nurturing a potential lead.

8. Comprehensive CRM Solution

Comprehensive CRM Solution

With the help of CRM Salesforce, a customer can have almost everything in just one place. It is actually a software solution that is capable of fulfilling all the expectations of the customers and the organization as well. If the companies make the best use of Salesforce they can easily be successful in the long run.

In case a company wishes to grow and climb up the ladder of success then one shouldn’t waste time and consider the opportunity of acquiring this software for the company. When the team of a company will be able to facilitate work, develop and explore its full potential, it will become way easier to achieve great things.

Salesforce can be a remarkable CRM option for improving the commercial aspect of a business and lead the company’s sales and productivity. Hence, companies should approach an experienced Salesforce implementation partner as soon as possible to make the most out of the advantages that Salesforce is capable of offering.

Related ReadBenefits Of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consulting Partner


Salesforce is one of the most popular and highly favored CRM solutions that offer immense benefits to its users. It is a platform that has been evaluated by many users and continues to offer assured benefits. In case you have still not implemented a CRM solution then take that decision today to give your business a positive transformation.

Encaptechno has been working as a reliable Salesforce consultant and implementation partner for many companies. Experience the unlimited benefits offered by Salesforce by implementing its software, today!

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Refine Your Marketing Strategy with Salesforce Pardot - Encaptechno

7 Tips to Refine Your Marketing Strategy with Salesforce Pardot

The modern marketers reiterate the fact that marketing automation is the only way to get ahead in the present competitive world.  In case it gets implemented well, marketing automation can be a game-changer while ultimately making a large impact on the Return on Investment. B2B marketing automation is all about organizational optimization.

To put this simply, this refers to the platforms and technologies that help in automation, optimization, and measuring the marketing processes. Marketers need a suite of tools for engaging with the customers, making important connections, generating leads, and closing deals effectively. It is necessary to integrate the important business tools and systems that offer marketing automation and CRM.

Salesforce Pardot has proven to become one of the most widely used B2B marketing automation platforms on the world’s best CRM platform. Pardot has the ability to bidirectionally integrate with Salesforce enabling data flow between two applications. This is a great benefit to users who manage a range of marketing channels because Pardot can help in seamless integration.

Accessing New Marketing Trends

Accessing New Marketing Trends

Being B2B marketers, we know that the needs of the buyers are advancing at a quick pace. However, the fact is that it is not just the buyers who are changing. As technology is adding new options and capabilities, the role of marketers is also transforming at a quick pace. From the way work is done with the sales team to the way in which strategies are built, everything is changing.

Rather than thinking of a marketing strategy as a single field, the B2B marketers understand the increasing importance of assessing the present strategies and new trends in the industry when it comes to the buyer’s needs.

It has become even more important to combine the marketing best practices for creating a customized strategy that fits the target audience. In this blog, we will be mentioning 7 tips to refine your marketing strategy with Salesforce Pardot.

1. Lead Generation Plan

The lead generation plan is primarily based on the landing pages and their forms used for collecting the leads. In case you wish to make a prompt impact on your lead generation attempts and forms then landing pages are a great way to begin. You can stick to following the best practices while optimizing the lead generation assets with the help of Salesforce Pardot.

It is important to ensure that the text is scannable while keeping in mind that the readers scan information in an F-shaped pattern. This necessarily means that a person should be placing emphasis on the information conveyed at the top and left side of a page. In addition, making the call to action buttons easy to locate is also important.

Hiding them beneath the paragraphs of copy defeats is the purpose of a landing page. The marketing automation features such as progressive profiling can help in minimizing fields while still collecting valuable information with time.

2. Sync Between Marketing and Sales

Sync Between Marketing and Sales

It is possible to seamlessly sync the marketing efforts with the sales activity for selling something effectively. The thorough workflows and marketing teams have the ability to empower the sales team with important information.

Account-based marketing enabled by the Salesforce Pardot can go a long way in generating more sales. The organizations can tightly align marketing and sales teams with higher customer retention and sales win rates.

As almost everything exists on a similar platform, the sales team can seamlessly help the marketers take the campaign to the right person. It is also possible to track leads and monitor the sales calls effectively because that helps in being informed about how far the marketing efforts have gone.

3. Marketing Content

When marketers say that they want to improve and enhance their marketing content, many also want to create more. Rather, the focus should be shifted towards quality that means getting the most out of fewer and high-quality pieces of content. The B2B marketing automation platform is a big proponent of recycling marketing content, particularly in case if the resources are low.

It can be smarter to break larger pieces of content into smaller ones and easily distribute these pieces of content. For eg; an e-book launch can be a remarkably better option when supported with blog posts, social posts, graphics, and much more.

Besides this, different mediums can also be used to distribute the same message. Let’s say that a company has released a new blog series and is thinking about how to turn it into a webinar or a podcast so it can be used for lead generation. In this case, Pardot can be of great use. In addition, the smaller assets could be packed up by taking a number of smaller posts and graphics to remarket them as something entirely different.

4. Perceptive ROI Reporting

The Salesforce Pardot marketing automation platform helps in resorting to insightful reporting for knowing and understanding the impact of the marketing and sales team efforts on the entire revenue. Most of the B2B companies cite revenue as one of the most important factors between marketing and sales.

With the help of some amazing features of advanced email reporting, it becomes easily possible to understand how the customers can engage and react to the campaigns at every stage. In turn, this provides a profound insight into identifying the bottlenecks which then makes it simple to adapt effectively with the efforts for better results.

In a similar way, connecting the dots between the marketing efforts and the sales team can help in analyzing the authentic value of ROI. For any marketer who wishes to improve the marketing model, the fundamental step is to ensure that the focus is maintained on the right metrics.

B2B metrics can help in identifying the metrics that make a difference in the business. The main key is to choose the metrics that make maximum sense for the business goals rather than attempting to measure everything all at once.

5. Improving Social Engagement

Improving Social Engagement

Working on enhancing social media efforts can seem tricky because each rule does not apply to all social channels. Something that you can apply over the board is the power of consistent engagement. The social media followers tend to get confused in case regular efforts are not being made to engage for a long time or even if you go dark for a long period of time.

You must ensure to develop a cadence of posting and then stick to it at all times. Use marketing automation or a social engagement for scheduling out the social posts during the times when you will be busy with something else, out of the office, etc.

You can check the guide for more information on streamlines posting rules on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter. It will help in getting a comprehensive look at how to develop a consistent and effective social media presence all over the channels of the B2B social media guide.

6. Email Marketing

A very high number of marketers struggle to connect optimally with potential customers. If this is a problem that you as a marketer are facing then you can create meaningful email campaigns for reaching out to customers across a wide range of geographies.

Using the custom designing capabilities and visual editor in Pardot, a marketer can easily send professionally designed emails that reach a customer with the right message. Furthermore, it is also possible to schedule automated emails for the future which seems right to engage for striking an impact.

In case we had to suggest a focus point for improving the email effectiveness then it would definitely be targeting that can be achieved with the help of segmentation. Using a marketing automation platform, you can use what you know about the prospects for sorting databases into simple or complex lists.

These lists can be used for targeting email messages so that every segment receives the most relevant message. For example, a list that has been sorted on the geographic location can receive messages about events in their area while a list compiled by job title can receive content targeted for decision-makers.

7. Event Marketing Effectiveness

Event Marketing Effectiveness

Event marketing is again one of the best ways for many organizations to enhance their operations. The trick is to ensure that post-event follow up is both relevant and timely.

In fact, Pardot facilitates a streamlined procedure that can help the marketers get the most out of an event investment once the event is completed successfully. In addition, the marketers can follow a step by step process for following up and nurturing processes after an event takes place.


Salesforce Pardot is one of the marketing automation tools that offer the best in market CRM benefits in the most efficient way. It helps in analyzing the organizational data and also for resorting to focused marketing. The marketers can be assisted in generating valuable ROI with the help of Pardot.

You can let Salesforce Pardot contribute to unprecedented success and take your revenue goals much higher. Encaptechno has a team of expert Salesforce consultants who can help you in implementing and using Salesforce Pardot. Get in touch with our team to enhance the marketing of an organization and also get the most out of it.

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Tips for Establishing your App on Salesforce AppExchange - Encaptechno

Tips for Establishing your App on Salesforce AppExchange Successfully

Tips for Establishing your App on Salesforce AppExchange - Encaptechno

AppExchange is actually a marketplace for all types of Salesforce products like Salesforce applications, flow solutions, lightning components, etc. It is considered the largest business application marketplace for app development and around 80% of Salesforce users utilize the valuable ecosystem that it offers for connecting with the key stakeholders and installing the applications in just a couple of clicks.

As the Salesforce implementation partners, some of the biggest and most successful SMEs and Fortune companies use the AppExchange marketplace for effectively integrating everything into just one system. It is quite useful in solving issues that are linked to building solutions from the beginning with a short time and third-party services that the users ask for integrating or any different problems that can be solved through Salesforce components.

It is best to consider Salesforce AppExchange as a community where the Salesforce partners, brands, or clients can interact and form solutions as different services. As for the lighting platform developers and consultants are concerned, the AppExchange helps in helping customers reach business solutions. On the other hand, the Salesforce AppExchange is used as a hub of talent and tools for uncovering maximum productivity.

After understanding what is Salesforce AppExchange, we will look at different ways in which the AppExchange works, you can use it and publish an application with it successfully. So let’s begin:

The Working of Salesforce AppExchange

For anyone who is looking for a marketing tool to establish and promote an app, the Salesforce AppExchange can be highly reliable. It enables a person to describe solutions, support, other details, and pricing which can then be used by the customers to find out if the services being offered are correct for them or not.

In addition, one can also be used to upload photos, videos, and different types of content for making it clear for the customers to nicely understand what is being delivered. On the basis of the information that is provided, the AppExchange is capable of organizing businesses into different areas such as sales, marketing, and analytics.

How to Create a Listing?

You can create a listing right after you have created a provider profile and uploaded the package in a rightful manner. You are also allowed to make just one listing per application or component. This is because having just one listing makes it simple to maintain and upgrade the offerings over a lifecycle.

It also assists in achieving a high rank because the metrics used by the AppExchange for ranking applications and components are not diluted all across the listings. Furthermore, this also proves to be beneficial for the customers because they can easily find your services and the reviews in one place only without having to get lost in multiple other listings.

It must also be remembered that the listings and components can be browsed by anybody who needs the services that are mentioned already. For installing the applications and components, it is best that one has the “Download Packages” information. For creating the package, you have to get the due permission to “Create Package” and for uploading that package to the Partner Community, you must get the permission to “Upload Package”.

Building an App for Salesforce AppExchange

There are five major steps involved in changing an idea into the Salesforce application development

1. Join the Partner Community

Join the Partner Community

The primary step for the app development process needed for AppExchange is to join the Salesforce Partner Community. For that, you have to follow the simple steps given in the ISV Basics Trailhead to become a part of the Partner Community.

An amazing and reliable source for collaborating within the Salesforce ecosystems with the help of groups, joining the Partner Community offers some great resources to learn the best practices. One can ask questions, stay updated with new features and tools for the partners, and also register for webinars and other events.

After joining the Partner Community, you will be receiving a free Partner Business Org that includes the business technology for growing and building with Salesforce. Within this Partner Business Org, there will also be access to the Channel Order App (COA), Environment Hub, License Management App, etc.

The LMA is very helpful in managing the leads and license for the AppExchange offerings and the COA allows one to create, submit, and track various orders with the help of Salesforce. The environment hub on the other hand gives access to a special kind of Development Org called a “Partner Development Org” only available to the partners with better limits and more permissions.

2. Building an App

Building an App

After joining the Salesforce Partner Community, it is time to start building the application with the help of the Salesforce application development. Before a person starts building anything, it is important to think about security. When you read ahead to the final step which the Security Review, you will understand that all apps on AppExchange are supposed to meet some standards before they can get listed.

For the Salesforce application development process to be successful, it is necessary to include the Security Review best practice into an application right from day one. Building an application while keeping security in mind enhances the process and enables them to get an app through the security review standards very quickly.

There might be a need to spin some of the different Orgs utilizing the Environment Hub which means moving on to the next step. The trailhead unit helps in walking through different Orgs you will wish to create. Irrespective of what you might be creating, it can make sense to change at least Orgs before starting, one for development and another for packaging. For signing up for a new org, you just have to click on the “Create Org” button in the Environment Hub application.

One of the handy tips is to earn the ISV app development module because this trailhead module covers the ISV development lifecycle, the detailed method of managing and creating Orgs, and following the correct approach for packaging and testing an application. In addition, it is also a great time to check out the Developer intermediate trail, expand the Salesforce developer skills and check out the lightning experience trail for learning about the lightning experience.

3. Package Your Application

Package Your Application

After the application has been built finally, it is time to package your application. A package can be described as a bundle of components that help in composing the application. The managed package provides intellectual property protection and enables the delivery of seamless upgrades while offering support for license enforcement features.

It is also only responsible to distribute the managed packages on the AppExchange and not the unmanaged packages. If you wish to get instructions on creating and uploading a managed package, you can log into your packaging org and reference the steps mentioned in the ISV force guide.

It is important to test your application before creating a managed package because many attributes of your components are locked once they are put in a managed released package. The trailhead unit helps in walking through packaging and testing an application as well.

4. Design

It is possible to attract the prospects after the app development with a compelling AppExchange listing that assists the customers to understand the values that you can offer with the help of screenshots, pricing, demos, and on the spot trails and installations.

You can also include an attractive header image, a screenshot, and a description rich with SEO keywords. This particular page of the ISVforce guide explains how to create and edit an AppExchange listing.

Begin this step by linking the managed package to your listing then go to the organization tab in the publishing console and click on “Connect Organization”. Follow the step given below of the ISVforce guide helps in connecting a packaging org to your AppExchange listing.

  • After linking your packaging to a listing, skip to the next step and submit for the security review. Submitting the security review, come back and complete the design of your listing. The steps 4 and 5 can be completed simultaneously.

5. Review

Protecting the customer data and maintaining trust is both a part of the Salesforce core values. The Security Review helps in establishing a reliability factor between you and your customers. All the apps that are published on the AppExchange have to go through a mandatory review so that assessing the app’s security posture is done in the right way.

You can prepare for it early right in your development process. What’s more is that Salesforce offers multiple free security resources for assisting you with the education, design, and development of applications.

Taking the advice of a Salesforce consultant can help a great deal in having a practical and a hands-on experience with the fundamentals of application security, testing tools and following instructions on submitting for Security Review. After you pass the security review, it will become possible to publish the app on AppExchange which will make it possible for the complete Salesforce ecosystem to see and interact with the listing that you have created.

Now that you have published the app, it is now time to market and promote it correctly. To do that, follow the steps mentioned below

1. Target Audience: We all know that the first step in marketing any product is to have a good knowledge of the audience that we are targeting. Go ahead and conduct appropriate client interviews to understand the needs much better and assess all functionalities that can be best implemented for the application.

Create a strategically strong marketing plan to target and attract an audience. When you know your customer needs and what attracts them the most, framing the app in a way that it attracts the audience also becomes easy.

2. Promoting the App: For promoting the application, you can take many routes. Begin by posting on social media accounts for promoting your app and reaching a wide audience. On the other hand, you can also create Salesforce specific events that can help in connecting face to face with the Salesforce customers and leaders. Staying updated with the Salesforce events pages will help you advertise with the right events.

Salesforce also provides funds for industry events and the promotion of these products through the conferences can be highly valuable. Build a network with the help of social media and events so that you can promote the app at an exponential rate.

3. Make a Demo and Collect Reviews: Making a demo for your customers can help greatly in increasing the sales process by answering an increasingly more number of questions that the customers may have about the functioning of an app. More information about a product helps a customer to become comfortable with it.

When you build more reviews, it will become possible to garner a good reputation and attract in future customers for your application. In addition, the leads will be able to receive valuable feedback for improving your services. Customer reviews are always important for the success of an application and help in increasing the sales of a product.

4. Striving for Continuous Improvement: After an application gets launched, the work does not get over. There will be important updates to release, problems to fix and taking care of the maintenance problems as well.

You will also be required to take the necessary steps that can help in preparing for any issues or changes that might come ahead. It can be a good idea to have a post implementation plan that can help a company in foreseeing any expected problems ahead while ensuring that you are prepared to face those problems.


All the steps that are mentioned above can help a great deal in ensuring the building, publishing and promotion of an application on the Salesforce AppExchange. Should you need any more help with the processes then the team of Encaptechno can be of immense help to you.

Irrespective of the fact if you are a customer or you are just looking to learn more about building on the AppExchange, our team dedicates to the goal of building the best for you. In case you wish to learn more about how to start building for achieving success on the AppExchange, feel free to get in touch with us. We will offer an in-depth session on how to start or where to go next.

Tips for Establishing your App on Salesforce AppExchange Successfully Read More »

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What is Salesforce Sales Cloud - Encaptechno

What Is Salesforce Sales Cloud And What Are Its Benefits?

What is Salesforce Sales Cloud - Encaptechno

Salesforce is known as one of the most popular and top cloud-based software application providers all over the international market. It is a CRM solution that is designed for facilitating streamlined sales and marketing services. Implementation of the Salesforce cloud has the capability to redefine the way in which businesses connect with customers and create a much more meaningful relationship.

The impressive success of Salesforce can be attributed to numerous benefits and resources that Salesforce offers for its users. There are many advantages of using the sales cloud and the extensive resources that it offers. Although different organizations might find some benefits more useful than others, there are some major advantages of Salesforce that make it one of the best CRM software applications.

In this blog, we will have a look at what is Salesforce sales cloud and what are its benefits to understand all about this CRM in comprehensive detail.

Salesforce and its importance:

Salesforce Sales Cloud Benefits

For anyone who is used to working with a CRM platform, it is easy to understand that imagining a world without it is very difficult. In case you are a person who loves organization and structure, one of the best advantages that a CRM software application like salesforce sales cloud offers is that it helps in keeping everything linked. While managing customer relationships, one can handle the data, metrics, notes, and more, while keeping all of it in one place.

Additionally, a CRM platform also helps companies to target different audiences, set scores and important alerts based on an individual lead, maintain a certain level of proactivity with contacts, and manage relationships. Most importantly, CRM can be utilized across different departments for ensuring that all customer-facing teams get empowered with the correct data to create a remarkable customer experience.

CRM platforms like sales cloud offer a wide range of benefits. Although these benefits might vary with an ever-different department or industry, some of the most important ones are listed below.

Benefits of Salesforce Sales Cloud:


1. Reliable Reporting: Data is an extremely important part of a business and organizations can get it from a number of resources such as business software applications, CRM technology, social media tools, analytics tools, etc. However, just availing the data is not enough because until the data is not sorted, cleaned, analyzed, and made actionable, there is no point in that data.

In the present world, almost all companies rely on social media to assess their performance. The metrics on social media platforms are used to understand the popularity of a brand. Yet another business tool that companies use is Google Analytics for monitoring the website traffic. However, one cannot rely on these tools alone.

Sales cloud enables you to go much deeper with all the data and metrics including the ones from other sources is a lot more helpful in this case. When a company is dedicated to maintaining clean data or just keeping it free from errors, the CRM software helps in collating, tabulating, and organizing the data properly, which then becomes much easier to interpret because of all the features. This benefit of Salesforce cloud shines as one of the most important ones as it leads to availing so many other benefits that become available once this data is available for use.

A clear advantage that CRM platforms have is that they enable organizations to keep a tab on who interacts with their company and how. For example: filling a lead on a form successfully after coming across an ad on social media. One can also run reports to see opportunities, interaction with leads and customers, sales trends, customer service efforts, and a lot more.

The best CRM systems like Salesforce however can tell you a lot more than just where the lead has come from. They can show you exactly what your audience clicks when a marketing message is sent to them, how many times a customer opens an email, how often does a customer have conversations with the sales team and what do they need when they contact customer service and more.

During the implementation of a Salesforce, a salesforce consultant will make it very clear that reports are one of the most reliable benefits of CRM platforms, particularly when enhanced by AI. They will also tell you to use actionable data for effective communication with the current audience while easily reaching out to the audience who might have shown interest in the past. These reports guide a person through the decision-making process and also make it invaluable.

2. Dashboards: Using a spreadsheet for managing your company means inputting or importing the data manually, figuring out what is important, and creating a graphical representation of data. CRM solution does most of this for you. After getting a successful implementation of the Salesforce cloud done by a salesforce consultant, one of the best benefits that can be taken is that of the dashboard.

One can set up a dashboard for every individual in the company who has login credentials for the CRM platform. For instance, the digital marketing head of a company might be interested in email marketing and social media metrics through the click-through rates of every campaign.

He/she can set up a dashboard that effectively displays how many people have received an email marketing, how many opened it, what was the click-through rate, and more. A sales director, however, would wish to know how many calls are made per hour and how many calls out of those eventually resulted in a positive action such as a future meeting or a demo. Dashboards allow the users to see the data that is important to workflows without digging, sifting, sorting, or running a report.

3. Personalized outreach with automation: The continuous capture of data-driven by audience activities can be used to create relevant and personalized messaging outreach in both the manual and automated campaigns. This is a big benefit of dynamic content and automated messaging. One can put people with similarities in different campaigns.

This ability is like an added benefit of the salesforce cloud and lets you set up a series of automated emails that can effectively speak to the audience specifically.

4. Prompt service: Similarly, the data in the salesforce cloud can be used to automate more personalized and targeted outreach throughout the marketing funnel. It can enhance the efforts of a sales team outreach while improving the customer service’s ability to assist customers.

When a sales team comes with the knowledge of what interests a customer, either they or a customer support representative can meet and solve the customer needs proactively. This is one of the best advantages of a customer services team.

With a relevant amount of data available in the dashboards, there is no further need to dig deep into the information because a representative can get right down to what matters. This will save everyone’s time while making the potential for customers to feel important when the sales and customer service is proactive and knowledgeable. Additionally, it can also improve the bottom line with high customer satisfaction and reduced time to resolution.

5. Improved efficiency due to automation: Automation is an important benefit of the Sales cloud because it helps the users substantially. It cuts down the time it usually takes to email and works on leads. It also converts more leads by prioritizing the potential leads. In addition, automation helps in handling simple customer questions such as an order status with chatbots and automated messaging effectively.

Marketing teams can spend a lot more time creating campaigns that resonate better with their audience, analyzing data, and testing different strategies based on the analytics. On another hand, the sales team can focus on selling the right product and services to the present and the targeted customers.

The customer service agents can dedicate their time to working out with the customers who have questions, solutions, or any complex needs. Eventually, an efficient company can serve its customers better, which is the greatest benefit of the sales cloud.

6. Effective collaboration: Salesforce sales cloud serves as a record of conversations, regular interactions, needs, important notes, and contact information. If it is cloud-based, it will always be up to date while enabling the teammates to easily look at the records for making decisions. In addition, some CRM platforms come with built-in collaboration tools that enable multiple people to work on either one file or follow the progress of a document like that of a sales quote.

Everyone who has access to the salesforce can effectively work with the help of shared records. For instance: when a salesperson speaks to a customer and learns more about them, all important details can be filled in easily in that person’s record or on their file. This helps in making sure that the rest of the team is working with the latest details and to their maximum capabilities. Marketing, customer service, and sales departments work together collaboratively instead of worrying about siloed information.


Almost all team members can gather insights or data while working together to offer exceptional service to customers. Furthermore, data can be organized and presented well by a CRM platform like salesforce cloud while leading to a better understanding of a customer. This eventually leads to better messaging and outreach, most of which can be done with automation, which further helps to offer better and more efficient customer service.

Moreover, the teams can collaborate more easily and reduce any chances of errors. Out of all the benefits of sales cloud, the utilization of data and technology for powering a more efficient company is one of the biggest. It helps in serving the customers more effectively while leading to a better business.

The team of Salesforce consultants from Encaptechno comes with a wide range of experience in offering exceptional implementation services. If you are looking forward to an effective salesforce cloud implementation then get in touch with Enacptechno.

Sales Cloud Consultation

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Benefits of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consultant - Encaptechno

Benefits Of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consulting Partner

As a business that is on the verge of growing, the foremost priority is to enhance the operations of the business in a way that generates faster and greater ROI. For ensuring a constant growth of your business, you must chart out a suitable customer satisfaction strategy because the customers tend to be the force responsible behind making or breaking a business. One of the most important aspects of this strategy is to have a robust system in place that can offer a single view of almost all customer-related data.

Benefits of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consultant - Encaptechno

Salesforce cloud comes with great functionalities, features, and an ever-advancing setup, which has made it the most natural choice for all business owners looking to manage their business. The implementation of the Salesforce in partnership with the certified Salesforce consultant not only manages the scattered business processes but also enhances efficiency and productivity.

Although this cloud-based platform is highly flexible, simple to use, and widely accepted all across the globe, the real challenge is its implementation. A salesforce implementation requires complete focus, technical knowledge, and dedication, which is not possible while handling different important business activities.

In case businesses want to maximize the complete potential of Salesforce then they must hire a Salesforce consultant that is capable of delivering comprehensive consulting services while facing the important business challenges. Successful implementation must be done keeping proper strategies and implementation plans in the mind and if you choose your Salesforce partners rightly then getting the job done at the right time and within the right budget will become easy.

The team of Salesforce consultants works with an aim to assess the present business practices and processes. After the evaluation of business processes is done, the Salesforce consultant suggests the best implementation strategies for meeting organizational goals.

In this blog, we will make an attempt to understand the benefits of hiring a certified salesforce consulting partner. However, before making an attempt to understand all the benefits, we will understand how Salesforce CRM helps in increasing the ROI?

How Does Salesforce CRM Help In Increasing the ROI?

How Does Salesforce CRM Help In Increasing the ROI

Salesforce is one of the most popular leaders in the field of CRM and this is pretty clear for the companies that have chosen it in the past. We will try to explain this little better with the help of an example.

For instance; if a business wants to use the Salesforce sales cloud or the marketing platform for managing promotions, the usability is not just restricted to the marketing area, but the CRM can be tailored for suiting business needs precisely. It has the capability to boost the overall sales by creating new markets, optimizing conversions, and analyzing data by reporting or dashboards.

With the implementation of Salesforce, document generation becomes easy based on the different criteria and filters that enhance the overall efficiency of business processes. You can also use the case management for prompt delivery by setting priorities and delegating them one by one to the concerned people. Basically, the Salesforce partner has a solution every time there is a problem.

How Does Salesforce Business Consultant Increase ROI?

How Does Salesforce Business Consultant Increase ROI

Let’s just say that you are able to implement Salesforce on your own to complete potential. However, if you want to see what an ideal implementation looks like within a time period and budget, we would always recommend that you employ a Salesforce specialist for getting the work done in a way that the ROI gets increased. This is because:

  • Hiring a Salesforce consultant can help in saving the employee productivity time that can then be used for other things.
  • The Salesforce experts have a solution for almost every complex problem and it is easy to set up, customize, and even configure. All of these things help in increasing the ROI.
  • Salesforce partners use the best coding standards and implementation practices. Hence, the possibility of failure is very less because even the quality and stability of a product will get improved.
  • Salesforce consultants will offer ongoing support and flexibility for the development and productivity of a company.
  • This will also enable in encouraging adoption and pipeline business opportunities with goals that maximize ROI and improve the performance.

Now that we have a basic understanding of Salesforce implementation, we will now look at the benefits of hiring a certified Salesforce consulting partner in order to understand everything a lot better.

1. Simple Set-up and Execution: Salesforce is relatively simple to set up and configure if it is done with the help of an expert. A good Salesforce consultant will always know where to make the changes, the methods to change the required settings, configuring the security settings for better access to CRM, and making everything more private. What’s more, is that all of this can be achieved very quickly.

At the time when a Salesforce implementation is being done, many people think that upgrading software will be a relatively simple step to take up and execute. At the end of the day, it is just the next version of the software. Although some people might not have an assumption there are still many misconceptions that are associated with the Salesforce implementation and execution.

The fact of the matter is that the salesforce implementation is not just about moving from one version to the next. It actually comes with a whole new system with an entirely new design, new features, and different ways of doing business. In case a CRM system is not implemented in the right way, there is absolutely no point in implementing it.

If the implementation is done by an experienced salesforce consultant, then the execution also becomes a lot easier. From streamlined workflow, improved communications, enhanced productivity, reduced operational expenses, better security to customer experience, everything comes out great.

2. Saves Time Considerably: After appointing a Salesforce consultant, your organization will get easy access to seamless and some of the most reliable solutions for all kinds of problems that a business can face. A salesforce consultant will not only help in saving a lot of time, but it will also help in making the organization much more productive and close more deals successfully.

A qualified and experienced salesforce consultant is always well aware of the technical details involved in the implementation process. All through the implementation process, the salesforce consultant establishes clear milestones that can help in tracking the progress of CRM implementation.

Organizations can access the best of features and get customizable solutions quickly at a very affordable price with the assistance of Salesforce consultants. This is one of the most important reasons for hiring a salesforce consultant. In addition to helping deliver on time and accurate solutions linked with the salesforce implementation for meeting the growing demands of a business, companies can actually have a comprehensive view of the clients that can help the sales team strategize better marketing efforts.

3. Efficient Problem Solving: Regardless of whether you need to migrate large amounts of data from a legacy system or integrate your CRM system with any other application, a professional Salesforce consultant makes sure that necessary steps are taken for avoiding any data loss or even other problems.

When it is the time of strategizing and implementing the strategic plan, a dedicated salesforce partner will most definitely provide an impartial opinion just so that the business owners can make the right business decisions easily. A dedicated Salesforce partner cab offers quick, accurate, and efficient solutions required for solving the most important business issues.

4. Improved Decision Making: Just as a business grows and expands, one needs to make bigger decisions while potentially making changes to the present customer relationship management system. The Salesforce consultant collaborates with the team at the level of strategizing and designing the implementation process for fitting the needs of a business.

The reason why different business organizations should leverage consulting services is that that can definitely help in making better decisions related to the growth and operations. Irrespective of whether you are a small organization or a large one, investing in the best salesforce consulting services will pay off and ensure business growth.

It doesn’t matter if your goal is to expand your business, changing the existing CRM software, or choosing the right implementation strategy, every business needs a substantial amount of decision making. Where the right decision can expand your business without any bounds, a wrong one can demolish your empire.

Hence, a certified salesforce consultant by your side can definitely help in making the best choices. The team of experts can help in enhancing the brand image and adding value to the business.

5. Experienced Service Providers: When you complete the Salesforce set-up and start working different customizations then you will be caught up. There might come a point when you will get stress out about managing different business procedures and handling the workload in the right sense.

One of the best ideas to go forward is by hiring a Salesforce partner who can offer streamlined, expert, and dedicated consulting services. This will ensure that all assignments are completed at the right time without any possible distractions or excuses.

The salesforce cloud consultant facilitates implementation right from the scratch enabling your business to perform all the tasks extremely precisely and effectively. In fact, the team of salesforce consultants can offer key training and support for helping staff members get an answer to specific questions. This training focuses on many areas like automation, dashboard management, and project tracking.

6. Increased ROI: With a reliable Salesforce consultant, you can ensure that your business objectives are met and contributed to the effective running of the business. An experienced salesforce consultant will not only design your system for having an adoption rate but also ensure that you get Salesforce working right in the manner in which it is required by a business for improving the rate of investment.

In addition, an efficient Salesforce consultant will offer a roadmap for the smooth functioning of business operations and construct a system that does only good for the business. Salesforce consultants come with the best and entirely trustworthy competencies needed to solve difficult business problems.

Hence, hiring a certified salesforce partner can help in holding the lead for availing the maximum benefits of salesforce software. This eventually leads to effective implementation and accelerates the business ROI as well.


Undoubtedly, Salesforce is an extremely powerful CRM tool that can be used in enhancing the overall efficiency of your business. Regardless of whether it is about implementing a new system or updating a current one, an experienced and dedicated salesforce consultant can guide you in creating the right pathway for your organization.

It wouldn’t be wrong to claim that the integration of the salesforce CRM is like a significant strategy that needs the right roadmap for achieving predetermined milestones. Hence, in case you are planning for salesforce implementation then you must find a certified salesforce partner who can offer both technical and non-technical assistance needed for executing an effective CRM system.

Encaptechno is one of the most well-known salesforce partners that provide the best and unique business solutions fitting almost every business model. A wide range of experience has allowed Encaptechno to develop in-depth industry knowledge and technical competency of leading-edge technology for delivering the best customer experience.

Get in touch with us to get the best and most suitable Salesforce implementation services needed for your business.

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Benefits Of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consulting Partner Read More »

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Salesforce Einstein revolutionizing B2B Market

How Is Salesforce Einstein Revolutionizing The B2B Market?

What if we told you that Einstein, Leonardo, Sensei, and Watson were alive? 


Salesforce Einstein revolutionizing B2B Market

They indeed are, but as Artificial Intelligence suites patented by the leading Global Enterprises and Technology vendors.

Before we spill the beans on ‘what is Salesforce Einstein?’, let’s take a step back and understand the significance of Artificial intelligence in our everyday life.

Today, you can call up Google Assistant, or Siri for the latest movie recommendations; let major music streaming platforms curate personalized playlists as per your likings, and add friends on Social Media with similar personality traits.

Have you ever wondered how these platforms offer you such a personalized experience?

The answer you’re looking for is Artificial Intelligence.

Startups and global enterprises today are employing complex artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine learning algorithms in everyday operations to personalize your experience, and make it richer, and smarter.

Let’s take Global corporations for instance

These enterprises are implementing new radical automation technologies with the likes of Robotic Process Automation to assist their employees with overnight adoption to the new normal- Work from home environment.

But that’s a story for another time. Let’s kickstart this blog by answering the most essential question.

What is Salesforce Einstein AI Suite?


Salesforce Einstein is naught but an Artificial Intelligence suite developed by Salesforce to closely visualize, and present the information regarding all the sales activities in your Salesforce environment.

How does Salesforce defines its game-changing Salesforce Einstein AI?

According to Salesforce

Salesforce Einstein is a set of best-in-class platform services that bring advanced AI capabilities into the core of the Customer Success Platform, making Salesforce the world’s smartest CRM’.

Now that we’ve established a basic understanding, let’s move to the crucial bits entailing Salesforce Einstein AI.

What’s included in Salesforce Einstein AI Suite?


The 2019 Gartner’s study of Customer and Relationship Management clearly indicates that Salesforce has the #1 market share amongst the top CRM providers globally.

If we study the trend, Salesforce has always been amongst the early adopters of radical new inventions, and technologies- and it’s the same story this time around. 

Salesforce acquired a few AI and deep-learning startups, including PredictionIO, MetaMind, and RelateIO to bring you the smartest CRM platform in the world- Salesforce Einstein. 

The Salesforce Einstein AI Suite is comprised of multiple tools that are powered by automation technologies including:

  • Deep learning, 
  • Predictive analysis, 
  • Artificial neural networks,
  • Machine learning, 
  • Data recovery, and more.

AI with CRM

However, a few apps in the Salesforce Einstein AI Suite are offered as add-ons; meaning, you can choose to opt-in and customize them as per your business’ requirements.

Salesforce Einstein App Categories


Einstein AI app suite can be majorly classified into three categories:

1. Out-of-the-box

These are pre-built applications that can be added with a single click. Here outlines are key examples that fall under this particular category:

  • Lead and opportunity scoring, 
  • And Email auto-segmentation

2. Point-click solutions

These aren’t as simple and direct as the ‘Out-of-the-box’ category.

Point and click solutions require Salesforce administrators to configure and create certain models and offer the required training to the users.

Here are key examples:

  • Service chatbots, 
  • Visual analytics and insights,
  • And Custom Predictions.

3.Programmatic AI services

Automation is the future, but automating processes to source unstructured data from multiple integrated apps require special training, complex machine learning algorithms, and extensive model creations.

That’s exactly what programmatic AI Services offers to your business’ Salesforce CRM.

  • Customer Intent analysis,
  • Object identification, 
  • And Classifying different images under sections.

What are the benefits of Salesforce Einstein?


The list of Salesforce Einstein AI benefits for your business is inexhaustive- but we’d like to highlight a peculiar one:
Salesforce Einstein AI is compatible with all the major CRM suites available globally. That means, even if your business isn’t currently employing the Salesforce CRM, it can still benefit from the Einstein AI tools and platform.

Benefits of Salesforce Einsein

However, we’ve outlined the key highlights of Salesforce Einstein, giving you a glimpse of the benefits it can deliver to your business, and how it is different from other compelling alternatives:

1. Easy Integration

Since Einstein is built itself into the Salesforce platform, it works seamlessly with all your current apps and processes.

2. No to little experience

Einstein AI capabilities handle intensive lifting of data processes, making it possible for Salesforce Admins to employ Einstien without any preliminary training.

3. Customization

With Einstein AI, CRM admins can introduce advanced customization to their current apps, and processes via coding.

4. Data-centric

Leveraging different automation technologies, Einstein AI cross-checks for the errors in data models, whilst ensuring that they’re updated at all times.

5. Predictive Analytics

Employing predictive analysis, you can automate manual data entries and unstructured workflows with Einstein AI.

Einstein with Salesforce

Application of Salesforce Einstein AI in B2B Marketplace


Although Salesforce Einstein’s apps are offered in three different categories, starting with the default ‘out-of-the-box’ category (the one we discussed above) often seems plausible to start-ups, enterprises, and individuals alike. 


For your business can embrace new capabilities, and get up-and-running in literally no-time. 

But before we highlight the cloud-based apps, let’s briefly understand Salesforce Einstein Analytics

What is Salesforce Einstein Analytics?


Salesforce Einstein Analytics, also formerly known as ‘Salesforce Wave’ is a powerful CRM app used to visually analyze the user-activities within your Salesforce or other CRM environment.

Salesforce Einstien Analytics

Why is Salesforce Einstein Analytics important to your business?


Whether you use Salesforce CRM for sales, marketing, managing accounts, or running campaigns, Einstein Analytics assists your CRM admins to study insights from the data entered by your active users into your CRM applications.

Incorporating visual tools like graphs, reports, and intuitive dashboards, these in-depth user insights help you mark out the value touchpoints, and understand how your users are engaging with the Salesforce CRM platform. 

With that said, let’s outline the Salesforce Einstein’s default apps, grouped by the Salesforce cloud.

Salesforce Einstein AI benefits for your business

Einstein Cloud Apps:


Einstein AI Sales Cloud

Einstein offers the sales representative with prudent product predictions and the future demand/supply analysis, enabling them to sell more products/services and often exceed the set quota. 

There’s a boost in productivity too, for Einstein AI not only automates the repetitive tasks but enhances the current CRM processes with its predictive capabilities.

1. Einstein Email Insights

Salesforce Einstein AI collects and studies your entire users’ email data, opening and CTR rates to check your content for relevancy, and recommend optimal send times.

2. Einstein lead Scoring

Leveraging the AI technologies, Salesforce Einstein assigns a unique score to your leads, helping your sales personnel to prioritize accordingly. The scoring structure is based on your individual lead’s history, current lead score, and conversion rates.

Einstein AI Marketing Cloud

Companies employ Artificial Intelligence in marketing to study the customers’ trends, predict their journeys, and personalize their overall experience. 

Delivering the right personalized experience helps your marketers to boost engagement across multiple social channels by delivering the right content, to the right audience, at the right time.

1. Predictive Engagement Score

Einstein AI analyzes the customer data for all your buyers, to estimate, and often predict how they engage with your content including email, links, CTAs, and more.

2. Social Studio

Salesforce Einstein AI leverages different social listening tools to sort social media posts that refer to or mention your brand- directly or indirectly.

It even enables your marketers to put in specified filters, for instance: Identifying posts highlighting your brand with negative sentiment.

3. Market Segmentation

Einstein analyzes your market and creates different buyer personas, assisting your marketers to create separate audience groups with common behaviors.

This promotes effective engagement by personalizing your customers’ experience as they come across different touchpoints.

Einstein AI Service Cloud

Companies are dramatically enhancing their customer experience and after-sale services- courtesy chatbots. Salesforce Einstein AI improves the current service sector by facilitating the service agents to collect customer insights and deliver contextual answers in real-time. 

1. Einstein Chatbots

Einstein bots originally couldn’t start automatically, but with recent Salesforce updates, that’s a thing of the past.

Once launched, Salesforce Einstein AI chatbots can deal with the influx of general queries, relieving your customer representatives to handle critical requests, and provide inputs on high-value tasks.

2. Einstein Supervisor

Einstein powered chatbots collects, combines, and produces real-time reports of operational insights, wait-times, and agent availability- assisting service managers in taking smart situation-oriented actions.

Einstein AI Commerce Cloud

Offering a personalized experience to customers across all the shopping channels is quintessential to modern-day eCommerce businesses. 

Salesforce Einstein AI is aptly designed to handle a vast amount of user interactions, and deliver a highly personalized experience across all touchpoints.

1. Einstein Search Dictionaries

You can only host too many products on your website. This particular Einstein tool helps you identify the missing products in your catalog by registering the users’ site searches- including both the site box and storefront browsing.

2. Einstein Sort Predictions

To offer a unified experience, you can leverage Einstein commerce apps to search and category product pages according to your customers’ search history.

This helps your customer find the right products- irrespective of the fact whether they’re browsing your store on the web, or a mobile app.

Well, that’s just a comprehensive overview of Salesforce Einstein Suite’s offering. The list of Salesforce CRM cloud applications and categories is merely endless.

Investing in Salesforce Einstein should be an inherent factor whilst formulating your online budget- for it gives your business the much-needed competitive edge.

AI Powered CRM

Robotic Process Automation and Salesforce: Automate Non-API Systems

We mentioned RPA sometime earlier in this blog but before we wrap things up, we’d like to touch up a little on this particular automation technology and its application in Salesforce Einstein. 

So, what is Robotic Process Automation

In plain simple language, RPA is an automation technology that employs software robots to imitate humans actions with a particular system to automate repetitive tasks and free your business’ time and limited resources. 

The substantial upside of RPA is that it allows you to automate processes and systems that are not yet compatible with modern-day APIs.

If you’re ready to implement and invest in a robust service strategy, the combination of RPA and Salesforce Einstein can bring incredible benefits to your business. 

With this in mind, check out the key RPA providers for 2020 listed underneath:


Featuring a drag and drop intuitive UI, Uipath is a user-friendly automation tool for both developers and non-developers.

Automation Anywhere

Automation Anywhere offers a plethora of RPA and other simple yet effective automation tools for building robust RPA service systems.

Signity Software Solutions

Signity Solutions offer an amalgamation of AI technology stack with Robotic Process Automation, which sets it apart from other RPA vendors.


Kofax virtually works with any application, and can be easily implemented- irrespective of the individual’s coding skills.

The automation sphere has hundreds of vendors, with each one different from another in one automation aspect or other. You’d have to do your due diligence to correctly identify your enterprise’s automation needs, and select the right RPA vendor for automating your business processes.

Salesforce Einstein: A Must-Need in Covid-19?


After the World Health organization declared Covid-19 as a pandemic, businesses had to adopt new technologies and remote working almost overnight to stay afloat in the market.

If you’d enter the keyword Salesforce’ in Google Trends, you’d notice that the demand had rather been increasing since the information regarding the novel Coronavirus first started to float around in the B2B community.

It’d be naive to comment that companies weren’t prepared for the radical shift to remote working- that thing was already in motion. 

But planning and execution are two very different scenarios.

Quarantined or not, individuals are more active online today- more than ever! And businesses simply can’t let go of this tremendous opportunity. 

Investing now in Salesforce Einstein AI would provide your business with service centers that run on auto-pilot, digital workforce, easy migration to remote working, powerful and updated CRM apps, extensions, and a lot more.

Get Einstein AI today and be more resilient in the face of significant shifts- one that’s not irreversible in our wise opinion.

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How Is Salesforce Einstein Revolutionizing The B2B Market? Read More »

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Why Is CRM So Important For Business Success?

Customer relationship has been one of the most critical aspects of the business throughout the antiquity of business. Not only in this digital age but if we look at history, business individuals have always tried to maintain their relationship with the customers. However, today, when business growth revolves around the successful implementation of out-of-the-box IT solutions, the importance of a CRM System cannot be overstated.


Since customer relationship is an obligatory trait in business, people seek for the most superlative approach to do it effectively. If you review the success of companies using CRM, you will find that the people who use CRM have gone a step ahead of all. So, if any confusion bounds your mind, make sure to consider what is best for your company.


What is a CRM System?


The acronym CRM means Customer Relationship Management. Though the term is transparent to understand by its name, not everybody is aware of doing it correctly without some supervision. Apparently, you can take the help of a CRM Implementation Consultant; otherwise, it can cost you some major blunders in your business.

CRM is an inclusive business strategy designed to boost profitability, lessen the overheads, and escalate customer reliability. CRM works on the simple philosophy to put the customers first.

When the businesses consider every action and preference of customers, they deliver a better customer experience, which in turn boosts their loyalty to your company. Modern businesses are investing in CRM because the various researches prove:

  • A single negative experience with a favorite brand will tend to lose 1 in 3 customers.
  • 86% of customers are ready to pay extra for better customer experience.
  • Companies with better customer management services are 60% more profitable than those that don’t.


Why is CRM Important?


CRM software gathers all information together from various departments across the company to give a single holistic understanding of every customer in real-time.

The employees in the field of sales, marketing, and customer support who interact with customers regularly use CRM to make quick and informed decisions for everything from up-selling and cross-selling, to enhancing the quality of customer communication and approachability, to managing the sales and marketing campaigns.

When implemented effectively with the professional help of a CRM Development Company, CRM provides companies with not only insight into the opportunities to cultivate their business with each customer, but also a technique of determining their value.

There are loads of reasons that make a CRM approach important for your business, so here are a few reasons that will help you understand how CRM software can boost your business growth:

  1. Business Process Automation


Business automation is considered as the most important benefit of CRM; it is very helpful to capture your customer’s feedback automatically. Not only captivating their response, but it will also show you the most appropriate proceeding step based on their complaints and suggestions.

CRM helps a company to streamline business processes automatically. It eliminates the chances of human errors by standardizing and automating sales, marketing, and service processes, which ultimately increases productivity, accelerates business operations, and enhances customer satisfaction.


  1. Better Lead Conversion Ratio


As per reports, 79% of leads never convert into sales, and the most common reason behind this is the deficiency of lead encouragement.  So here CRM comes to your rescue; it tracks all details about customer interactions like when the customer was last contacted, what was the conclusion, the suitable product based on customer feedback, etc.

CRM gives you all the insights that can help you turn your lead into a potential customer.


  1. Personalized Product Configuration:


As a single size does not fit all, the same goes for the preferences of people. Customers will probably buy personalized products or services than general ones.

CRM helps businesses to configure products for each distinct customer by enabling them to customize products as per customers’ requirements. It also takes into effect the variability based on the other factors like region, country, industry, age group, etc.


  1. Marketing Campaign Management


Managing campaigns is the very first step towards prospective customers with your products. Therefore, it must be impeccable. CRM conducts customer segmentation that splits prospecting customers into minor categories sharing similar kinds of features, which could be based on many factors, such as buying patterns, geography, age, gender, or some custom rules, etc.

For marketing campaigns, customer segmentation determines the best group to target, and campaign management assists in running a campaign and analyzing data.

CRM empowers the marketing campaigns by automating the process, which will get more qualified leads than traditional campaign methods. This approach trims down the campaign cost, evaluates campaign data, and predicts the forthcoming marketing strategy.


  1. Improved Customer Support


CRM helps a business to retain their current customers, gain more business from them, and seize fresh leads. You can deal better with customers’ complaints or suggestions effectively and quickly by automating customer service processes with a CRM system. Human error reduces when you streamline business processes.

CRM provides you superior traceability over the employees’ actions on customers’ queries.


  1. Gain Customer Loyalty


Attaining a new customer is almost 6-7 times expensive than retaining an existing customer.

Loyal and satisfied customers will most likely buy products from you than a new customer. Additionally, they spread optimistic views about your brand. Hence, satisfied customers will help you produce more leads and grow sales. Being an inclusive way of customer service and support, CRM helps to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by building a healthier relationship with them.

  1. Cost-Effectiveness


If you think CRM is expensive software and only big companies, then you may be wrong!

Using CRM can be a costly process for SMB, but over the passing time, efforts of CRM Firms have made it the most cost-effective way to run a business. Business process automation with CRM saves time, manual efforts, and other resources, which, in fact, reduces overhead charges.

In addition to this, you don’t even miss a selling opportunity when you’re not in the office. You can access customer data through your mobile anywhere and anytime.



Regardless of size and industry, CRM assists a company in understanding its customers and business in a better way. It delivers actionable insights about customers that improve sales and generate better revenue. When you start using a CRM system, it considerably enhances the business-customer relationship at various steps of business operations, whether it is for sales, marketing, or customer support.

It is extensively important to select the right CRM software for your business. Contact a leading CRM Consultant to help you find the most suitable one!

Why Is CRM So Important For Business Success? Read More »

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