
salesforce consulting services

Common Mistakes While Doing Salesforce Implementation | Encaptechno

8 Common Salesforce Implementation Mistakes

Common Mistakes While Doing Salesforce Implementation | Encaptechno


Salesforce is one of the most effective tools that comes with the potential to revamp and clarify a business process. However, this does not mean just ending up purchasing the software because one has to implement the software correctly as well. Salesforce integration requires the support of experienced consultants.

By bringing Salesforce into your business, you can easily avoid common mistakes that otherwise cost you more time, money, and sanity. Hence, salesforce implementation must be done strategically. To make sure that you avoid the Salesforce implementation mistakes, you must take guidance at each step so that you can get a clean and accessible interface that extends across industries and companies of different sizes.

With so many companies using Salesforce, it is not amusing to know that some organizations fight constantly to achieve the results that they need in a fixed time frame. The difficulty of implementation is dependent on the company size, business needs, and industry types. Salesforce implementation is a delicate process and must be handled by someone who is an experienced Salesforce consultant.

Hiring Salesforce consulting services helps to avoid common mistakes that can happen otherwise while the Salesforce implementation goes on.

1. Not Assessing Cost of Implementation

Not Assessing Cost of Implementation

It is not a big deal for a company to get ahead of itself when it comes to implementing new technology. Most companies commit to a solution and are excited to get going for achieving game-changing business outcomes with the new Salesforce integration.

The anticipation to have an old system changed with a new functionality adds support efficiency and accuracy that can get everyone’s hopes high. That said, a mistake that many teams make is that they experience high levels of stress when it comes to assessing the cost of a solution or functionality while breezing over the process.

The costs come in many different ways when it comes to Salesforce implementations and they include budget, time, and complexity. When organizations do not seek outside support, they lack clarity around the real costs of an implementation that can affect a project’s success.

The timelines and processes must be developed way ahead of time when the implementation takes place so that stress and unforeseen costs can be avoided. Whether they are in your budget, timeline, or project success, all costs must be avoided.

2. Not Choosing the Right Implementation Partner

Often, organizations realize that Salesforce implementation cannot be done internally. This is even when the company has been using an old version of it and wishes to install an upgrade. When a company decides to make a purchase or even add something to the
Salesforce CRM, it is important that the work is done by experts for getting the desired results. 

The bidding process for finding the right partner and mostly a Salesforce consulting service can often be lengthy and does not even always result in the right choice in case the details are not focused on or the sales pitch is not accepted.

Major problems can play out when it comes to Salesforce implementation. Hence choosing the wrong partner can add to the trouble. Make sure that the consultant that you choose is capable of assisting and leading. The developers must be highly skilled and familiar with the SDFC or they should be learning it.

As important contributors to a successful implementation, it is important the developers and consultants are immensely skilled in the implementation process and have the skills needed to guide a Salesforce initiative. Make sure that you conduct a detailed RFP process that is a lot more of a negotiation than just a presentation.

In addition, also ensure that innovation is led internally and created by the partner while not seeking any input or guidance. While choosing the right partner, you should know that the price is not a good reflection of skill while also collecting references and success stories from organizations that have worked with your partner.

You can also test the Salesforce consultant on their ability to commit to the timelines. Build a relationship of trust and respect for maintaining open communication. Also, focus on proposing contractual guarantees for work that is completed to a standard.

3. Complicating the Requirements

Jumping into
Salesforce integration can be a very interesting process but it is important to remember that it is also full of demands. Salesforce offers immense benefits but it still has its limitations. There are so many times when companies require customizations or even extend complicated requests that Salesforce cannot deliver.

Customizations and requests can often lead to serious problems during implementation and user adoption. One of the major complaints during the implementation process is the need for necessary customizations. Since customizations need expert knowledge, one must be able to communicate the amended costs.

The bugs that do not get fixed as a result of customizations can impact user buy-in as most users struggle to use the system just as intended. Migrating the customizations from a previous CRM can generate limited functionalities. This is something that must be communicated during the planning phase and reflected on the scope and timeline of Salesforce implementation.

Often, complicated requirements and customizations are not so simple to avoid but this is not something that always indicates Salesforce implementation as a disaster. However, it definitely indicates the need for a strong business liaison or analyst who can advise appropriately.

4. Ignoring Integration and Data Migration

Salesforce implementations, many new features come to the forefront of a team’s focus while leaving data migration and integrations on one side. The truth is that if data integration and migration are not prioritized from the beginning then they can get left behind while causing delays.

Integration with different running systems or platforms can be tricky and must be approached with knowledge, experience, and foresight. The integration specialists are necessary and they should be considered during early assessments only.

In addition, data migration must also be considered in the earlier stages when it comes to Salesforce implementation. Without any doubt, there will be a varied quality of data and the duplication of data should be addressed way before implementation for achieving the best results. To make this process a success, one person or a team must be responsible for data maintenance.

5. No Internal Buy-In

No Internal Buy-In

At the time you are getting into the
Salesforce integration, it is often easy to overlook an important element and that is users. Many companies make the Salesforce implementation mistake of keeping the users at the end and lacking in substance to generate the internal buy-in to the new or upgraded platform.

User adoption is really important for the success of Salesforce implementation and must be taken seriously from the very beginning. A dedicated effort should be made to promote internal buy-ins by identifying the internal leaders who can easily promote Salesforce and drive the go-live results.

You must also seek user motivations, needs, and other struggles needed for incorporating core features into the project plan. It is also important to measure adoption among the user’s past implementation while conducting key user training. A big concern with Salesforce implementation is the usage of the platform among company users.

In case the system fails to work as it was intended or is full of errors then it can be a real problem for user adoption. You must ensure that users are a core consideration all through implementation so that the best results can be closed out.

Given the challenges of Salesforce implementation, the work must be planned well. With the rising demand for different Salesforce specializations, there are many end-users who seek the support of experts. Companies offering experienced Salesforce consulting services are able to assist organizations, avoid mistakes, and drive successful implementations while finding exciting work at leading organizations.

6. Data Clean-Up

Data Clean-Up
Another one of the Salesforce implementation mistakes is forgetting the data clean-up. Many times, the only focus is on new features while leaving integration and data clean-up as a low-priority activity. In reality, this may have the potential of causing delays in the implementation process.

Including corrupt data can often lead to incorrect insights and even wrong forecasts. This has the potential of creating inefficiencies in the process of sales and eventually lead to the underperformance of the sales team.

That said, working with a Salesforce expert can always ensure data clean-up and data auditing right before Salesforce implementation is achieved at par.

7. Lack of Training

A successful Salesforce implementation process is dependent on user adoption. Salesforce is a powerful platform but the users cannot capitalize on features if they do not know how to use the system efficiently. Users must gain a good understanding of all features.

Insufficient Salesforce knowledge is like no knowledge. It results in the underutilization of the platform while learning the successful techniques leads to satisfaction and rewards. Salesforce CRM may look like an easy platform to many but the truth is that there are some features that are challenging for the team members to operate.

Hence, it is necessary that adequate arrangements are made to train the employees so that make the best use of the Salesforce CRM. In case you make the mistake of ignoring the training aspect and assuming that the employees will get familiar with the platform once the implementation is done then you are making a mistake.

The truth is that the team members need their own time when it comes to getting comfortable with the features of the platform. This is common when you are migrating from one version of Salesforce to another one. Make sure that you offer accurate theoretical and practical training to the sales team while handling the Salesforce CRM.

8. Lack of Focus

Lack of Focus
You must know the answer to why you wish to implement Salesforce because if you are unclear about that then your ability to pick the right implementation partner will be clouded. You will not even have the right answers to the questions about the main factors or what you want from your CRM in the future.

If you want to have an easy time convincing your executive team to give you the budget for a tool then you must be sure about why you want to use it in the first place. The clearer you are about “Why?”, the easier it will be to gain maximum benefits out of Salesforce.


Taking the decision to invest in Salesforce is a big step for a business. You must ensure that you have proper knowledge along with the right support, data, and training needed to benefit from the usage of a tool.

At Encaptechno, we offer expert Salesforce implementation services that enable our customers to use CRM well. These implementation services can help you in making sure that there are no mistakes made and that you get the maximum benefits out of the implementation process.

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How is Salesforce Sales Cloud Different from Service Cloud? | Encaptechno

How is Salesforce Sales Cloud Different from Service Cloud?

How is Salesforce Sales Cloud Different from Service Cloud? | Encaptechno

For many people, the dilemma of choosing either Salesforce Sales Cloud or Service Cloud can be an overwhelming one. However, the truth is that both of these solutions overlap each other in many ways while making it somewhat challenging for the users to make a choice.

Both of these solutions are highly used and in fact, they make up a lot of Salesforce’s revenue as well. But the question is, what should you choose in the long run?  In this blog, we will give you a guide that will help you answer all the questions one by one. Keep reading to make an informed decision.

Salesforce Sales Cloud


The Salesforce Sales Cloud is one of the most important Salesforce products designed for the management, analysis, and management of sales processes. Many times, both the sales representatives and sales managers use the functionality of Salesforce Sales Cloud for completing the tasks scheduled for different priorities and better efficiency.

As for the sales representatives, the Salesforce Sales Cloud offers efficient and rather comfortable customer communication with numerous channels right within the Sales Cloud UI. With an advanced integration on a customer’s website and social media sync, you can collect precise information about contacts, accounts, and targets. There are extensive automation capabilities that help the sales representatives with numerous routine tasks while freeing up their time for nurturing leads and closing multiple deals.

With the sales cloud implementation, you can construct a sales strategy and manage it within a single system only. Sales Cloud helps sales managers control and assess sales representatives. By using the performance data, the sales manager can easily identify the strengths and weaknesses needed to improve skills which then allow increasing the overall performance of the sales department.

By using the Sales Cloud, sales managers can also deal with challenges such as disjointed sales processes and the process alignment needed with marketing.

Salesforce Service Cloud


On the other hand, the Salesforce Service Cloud helps in making the customer service process much easier and effective. Since it is way cheaper to retain a customer as compared to gaining a new one, the Service Cloud can become a strategically important tool for your company. The customer service managers say it can positively affect customer retention rates while ensuring that a company is recognized for caring about customers.

For the customer service agents, the Salesforce Service Cloud offers integration with numerous channels of communication with customers. As communication via every channel is available within the Service Cloud UI, the customer service agents can serve much faster. In addition, the service cloud enables creating and managing a knowledge base that can be a useful source of information for the customers. The knowledge base helps in reducing the response time and training new agents quickly. Since the Salesforce Service Cloud offers customer service process automation, the service agents solve many cases quickly as the customers receive answers to their questions without any delay.

As for the customer service managers, the Service Cloud offers a possibility to organize customer service processes while managing them within Service Cloud UI. The service cloud enables customer service managers to control the performance of customer service representatives which further helps in identifying the areas of growth and organizing training.

Features of Salesforce Sales Cloud


Some of the features of Salesforce Sales Cloud include:

1. Lead Management

Lead Management - Features of Salesforce Sales Cloud

The starting of the sales funnel is about generating and nurturing prospects for finding viable deals. The prospective customers get captured as leads and are nurtured by sales representatives to move through the lead funnel. There are many standard features for the process of lead management such as lead assignment rules that automatically help in assigning new leads to representatives and teams based on some attributes such as the product of interest and geography.

Salesforce offers a great learning guide for lead routing along with links to resources on how to do lead assignments in Salesforce Sales Cloud. The Salesforce Sales Cloud also comes with a set of lead auto-response rules for automated follow-up for eligible leads. For instance, in case a lead comes from an online information request form then the Sales Cloud has the ability to automatically send an email thanking the lead for interest and letting the lead know that someone from the team will be in touch soon.

Coming to leads from online forms, the Sales Cloud also has a native feature called web to lead that enables one to automatically generate web forms for capturing prospects that can be added to the site even if it is not a Salesforce page.

As a representative nurtures the leads, you can give the guidance for success in a path component. When the lead expresses interest in going ahead, a representative can qualify them as a strong prospect and convert the lead to a full account. In addition, once a lead is converted to an account and related records, it is possible to manage important information about the company and the person with the customer information features.

2. Sales Pipeline and Forecasting

Sales Pipeline and Forecasting - Features of Salesforce Sales Cloud


During the phase of converting a potential lead into a customer, the sales representative really starts talking more and gets a much better sense of value. The potential sales also get captured as opportunities. Similar to leads, you can define a number of sales processes that are in line with the sales methodology that a company uses.

A Salesforce path can be added to opportunity pages for guiding the representatives at each step. It is important to understand that reporting and monitoring are important parts of any sales organization. 

You have to predict how much money each representative will choose in a given period and how you can track performance. Salesforce Sales Cloud implementation comes with forecasting tools that give sales managers and representatives visibility into the projections and performance.



So many industries have a sales process that necessitates complex quote building. The sales cloud comes with functionality as well. With the basic Sales Cloud quote building, you can add in products, quantity, pricing, and discounts. 

A single opportunity might have many quotes since your sales representative will be negotiating the deal. However, you can always pick which quote will be syncing to pipeline reports and forecasting.

You can also add products underneath an Opportunity in case you do not want to go the formal route. Building the quotes is a tedious job but you can always make the quote template for starting the process. The rapid products also offer your representatives faster quote-building capabilities. In case you have a customized product configuration and pricing model, Salesforce CPQ is one of the best applications to explore.

Features of Salesforce Service Cloud


1. Case Management Tools


One of the most important features of Salesforce Service Cloud is that it offers you the ability to automatically handle incoming cases while making sure that nothing is missed including lead auto-response and assignment rules.

Anytime a new customer ticket comes into the system, Salesforce helps in offering the customer an auto response by sending an email that acknowledges the issue and helps in running through configured assignment rules for routing the ticket to the right agent and team.

Another important feature in Service Cloud is known as email to the case which lets you route emails that come into a special inbox to Salesforce directly. In case customers email to a support email, you can easily have inbound emails that address sync automatically to a case in Salesforce so that you do not have to worry about anyone manually monitoring the inbox.

Right after the case gets created, the auto-response and assignment rules will run normally. Email to the case is a great feature but it comes with some limitations too. The email to case premium plugs in many holes in the normal email to case with enhancements to native infrastructure.

Way beyond handling incoming cases, Service Cloud has many ways to track the kind of support that a customer might be entitled to while defining key milestones of that process. The entitlements and milestones help your team keep a track of cases needed to define appropriate service levels while outlining steps within a service process.

2. Customer Support Channels

Customer Support Channels - Features of Salesforce Service Cloud

The Salesforce Service Cloud also enables customer support beyond cases. Today, many customers want to get support on their terms either through an email, support portal, online chat, or SMS. One of the best features that the Service Cloud offers is omnichannel.

It is helpful in connecting all the support channels while also providing consistent support to the customers and giving your agents work in a consolidated place. The omnichannel can also assign an incoming customer service issue dependent on agent capacity by checking the workload.

The Omni Channel performance dashboard lets you monitor agent work performance to maximize efficiency. With the help of omnichannel, you can roll out various support channels for the customers. Salesforce also comes with a native live chat option that can be embedded on a webpage.

It offers native SMS support so that the customers can text from their smartphone while the agents stay in the Salesforce console. It has released Service Cloud Voice that is the CTI tool for handling and routing incoming calls.

3. Self Service Options


Way beyond case management, the service cloud has many features that help in deflecting the cases and provide self-service options to the customers. In the beginning, a knowledge base is an important way to provide easy answers and critical information.

The lightning knowledge makes this easy to do right within the Salesforce. You can either make a public knowledge base or the one for registered customers, but either way, the information will deflect cases.

Rather, there is an amazing case deflection component that Salesforce offers out of the box. Using the type ahead-searching in the Submit case fields, the components recommend knowledge articles for improving the chances of solving an issue. This is one of the best ways to prevent Cases and give customers one of the best experiences.

It is also possible to deflect cases and addresses with a chatbot. By using Einstein bots, you can customize the Bot’s name and personality with the bot sitting right in the normal chat window that the agents use. The chatbots act like triage and handle more rots such as FAQs checking on order status, and basic company questions. In case the bot cannot find the answer, it can route it to an agent and create a case for the customer offering a seamless user experience.

To Conclude


By implementing the Sales Cloud module, you can easily get more deals on regular optimization of the business that improves market interaction. This will also help in making quick choices and business decisions. You can eventually close more and more deals at a quick rate and experience high returns on investments.

With the adaptation of the Salesforce Service Cloud module, you can get a maximized productivity from the agent’s end to work at any place and at any time. The customer experience also gets enhanced with the implementation of service cloud because it creates a lifetime value.

The Salesforce Service Cloud makes sure that data and confidential information stays secure and within the cloud platform for avoiding any kind of harm to the business. Faster case and report tracking also helps in detecting the loopholes in the business processes for working on it within time to improve sales.

To end, one can say that both the Salesforce Sales Cloud and Service Cloud are pretty effective modules. They are efficient in helping a small and large business while gaining more customers and doing better business.

How is Salesforce Sales Cloud Different from Service Cloud? Read More »

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Why Do You Need To Hire A CRM Consultant

Why Do You Need To Hire A CRM Consultant?

Is your company starting up with a new CRM system or has already adapted to a new CRM system? So, what’s your implementation strategy?   Even for companies that want to take on complete ownership of a CRM system, it can make sense to engage an external consulting party for the initial CRM implementation.

Why Do You Need To Hire A CRM Consultant

Implementing CRM into your company system can sometimes be challenging; that’s where the need for an expert consultant arises.

Why CRM?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software is getting progressively important in today’s business world. Right from collecting customer information to managing it efficiently, CRM allows companies to administer an array of important front-office activities, including sales processes, lead acquisition and conversion, tracking of customer interactions, and marketing.

As companies can streamline their operations using this software, all varied processes and responsibilities can be more integrated; it results in superior levels of sales and customer satisfaction.

Reasons to Hire a CRM Certified Consultant 

Whether your company is implementing a CRM system or already has one, you’ve possibly realized how vast an undertaking it is. From selecting which CRM platform best suits your needs to encourage employee adoption, there are various aspects that can fall short if not handled correctly. Hiring CRM consultants can help you make the most out of your CRM investment and ensure a smooth implementation process.

1. Selecting the Suitable CRM Platform

Since CRM systems support various departments with different requirements, choosing a platform that assures all of them can be difficult. So CRM Consultants can facilitate your decision-making process by helping you to identify your business needs and matching them to the different leading CRM platforms. They help you to select the best matches and evaluate its usage as per the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

2. Time and Cost Resource 

It is worth considering that internal resources will likely take more time to execute a CRM package than external consultants. A company can pay more per hour for an external CRM Consultant, but the benefit of having skilled people come in for quicker implementation. As a result, the company gets a sooner return on its investment in the new CRM system.

3. Customizing and Optimizing after Installation

Once you have installed and configured the right CRM application, you’ll want to include any extra customizations and adjustments to tackle any challenges. CRM consultants will help you out at this stage as well. After the setup, consultants inquire the customer to discover the key initiatives and problems with the solution. Then they produce a plan and an ROI and then create a multi-year plan according to your budget.

At the initial stage, many customers don’t understand that CRM can be integrated with third-party applications that can improve their platform’s functionality. The consultants will also develop custom solutions for clients based on their particular requirements. So, whether you want to unite back-office systems, insert document viewing and signing, or automate manual processes, a CRM consultant can direct you in the right direction.

4. Exposure to Best Practices

crm best practices

One of the major reasons to hire CRM consultants is their massive knowledge of a variety of CRM best practices. When you hire an external consulting team, you don’t just engage people who are technically certified in your chosen CRM system. But you hire a team of professional personnel who have come across a wide variety of real-time world business situations with many years of expertise, and who know which strategies and technical approaches work the best, and which ones don’t.

5. Information about Subtleties

Just as some restaurants that have a secret menu, some CRM retailers have unexposed, free functionalities that can be made accessible on request. Most of the professional consultants will possibly have information about some of these hidden gems.

Additionally, today’s CRM systems have such profound functionalities that it’s sometimes even harder to find out the well- known features. A CRM consultant will help you to distinguish which type of features you should give a high priority.

6. Creating Past Solutions for Similar Problems

When you employ special IT staff to implement CRM applications in your organization, they will need to spend time learning about your company’s exact business profile. When you hire an experienced consultant, It can be possible that they have encountered some similar business problems to those of your company during their preceding consulting engagements. Therefore, the consultant can then recommend the best-proven approaches to resolve those business issues within a CRM solution.

7. Pre-Developed Code

For more advanced functionality and integrations, expert consultants often have pre-developed code collections that can accelerate the speed of CRM development. If an in-house developer is new to the selected development environment of the CRM system, he or she will require developing every single line of code from scratch, or spending time researching some smart and time-saver techniques or public code samples.

8. Pre-Developed Data Migration Strategies

If you need to migrate the data from a legacy contact manager to a CRM system, a CRM consulting partner will already have experience and knowledge of transferring data from the same legacy application that relates to your existing company system. While data migration can often be a complex process, even when the understanding of a legacy application comes into practice, there can still be considerable time saving and an improved outcome from leveraging an external consulting team’s former experience.

9. Third-Party Product Recommendations 

It might be possible that a single CRM system does not have all the features you need in your organization, but they consist of hundreds of different apps you can use to function more resourcefully. Opting for the multi-company experience, a professional CRM consultant can recommend which third-party add-ons you can take into consideration. Some enhanced functionalities may include partner portal, email marketing, marketing automation, data, and app integration, or legacy system integration, which can save a significant quantity of internal research time.

10. Training Team to Use New CRM System

crm training

Consultants will support your company employees and propose technical training and rollout plans that will make the transition easier. They will analyze and evaluate the company’s processes and workflows to make suggestions for working out ways for streamlining processes using the CRM system.

External professional CRM consultants are the best option to provide more effective end-user training than internal resources that are relatively new to the CRM solution. The proposed user training may include the knowledge and guidance of all sets of best practices that can help the users in CRM adoption.

Choosing the Right CRM Consultant

As explained above, a CRM Consultant does more than helping you and your company in choosing the right customer relationship management solution for your business. They can support you create content systems and processes, train your staff to use the new system, and recommend the best practices for future growth. Therefore, selecting the right consultant can make a significant difference in your productivity and outcome. Before you employ a consultant, it’s essential to check out a few key points to make your decision easier.

  • Total Experience in CRM Consulting
  • Expertise with Multiple CRM Platforms
  • CRM Product Development Experience
  • Specialties and Industry Focus
  • Delivery capacity
  • CRM Implementation Approach
  • Expertise in Your Niche
  • User Experience
  • Customization and Training
  • Cost-Effectiveness

So when you approach a CRM consultant, don’t forget to consider the above-stated points, so you end up with a well-experienced and professional consultant at your corner.

Also Read: Why is CRM So Important for Business Success?

Wrapping Up

Sometimes, users do not understand that when they start transiting to new CRM, requirements will also change, and new requirements will be there. And the companies fail to recognize those needs, which can lead to failure of adoption and lose out the CRM project.

As you have read, CRM implementation is a hard job to do, and you may confront a lot of organizational and technical challenges on the way. But relationships with the customers conclude the success of any business, and that means you need CRM. In most of the cases, it’s pretty logical to consider hiring a qualified external CRM consultant who can give you superior advice on selecting the best option for your custom needs and provide technical guidance on CRM implementation.

Consultants actively participate in the complete implementation process and can help you at different levels, including business process planning, choosing an appropriate configuration, and developing system integration strategies. Your consultant can provide recommendations on how you should optimize the application and ensure its security. Besides, they will also help you choose the right methods to capture, extract, and transfer your business data and analyze it.

Zoho and Salesforce are the leading CRM service providers that are serving millions of users around the world. It all depends on the specific needs of your business to conclude which platform goes well with your business. If you are looking for a highly-advanced system with an abundance of scope to scale, Salesforce Consulting Services will guide you to get the complete guidance and the basic price quote. And if you’re starting over with some fundamentals and want to save on costs, you will don’t regret contacting a Zoho Consulting Partner.

Usually, the thing that matters the most is not “Which one is better?”; but is “Finding the one that better supports your needs and budget” If you’re getting any difficulty in deciding, we’d like to help you.

Why Do You Need To Hire A CRM Consultant? Read More »

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