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Ways to Unify Data for Connected Client Experiences with Salesforce

Ways to Unify Data for Connected Client Experiences with Salesforce

Ways to Unify Data for Connected Client Experiences with Salesforce
Unified data is an important tool for a marketer that further helps in personalization at scale. In the present digital world, customer-centric experience is centered around engaging brands and consuming media at the time and place of choice across multiple channels.

Building a one on one relationship with customers has become the way to delight them. Personalization has an amazing ability to unlock a substantial amount of money for companies. Yet, many organizations find it challenging to change to meet the challenges that preside today. The biggest problem behind this is getting a single source of truth for customer data.

Connected Customer Experience Leads to Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction


Let’s go back to some time ago from a time when it was normal for you to travel without worrying about the pandemic. If you took a flight in the pre-pandemic times, you must have booked your flight, checked in online, and registered at the airport on an application only.

In case you notice, you will be able to clearly observe that some of the best airlines enable you to move through this experience seamlessly. It is a connected and personalized journey right from the time of booking to the post-flight customer survey sent on an email. If the airline follows a client-centric approach, you will naturally want to fly with that airline again.

The thing is that it is not so easy to connect over five or six different systems that contain customer data while making them work together. This is the true power of unified data and the fact is that you rarely get this kind of seamless experience from a brand.

Think of a time when you got the wrong product from an online brand and had to return it while going from the website to call-center to an app, repeating your name, order number, and addressing it again and again. This is an experience that leaves most customers frustrated and decreases the chance of buying another product from that brand again. The company must have a vertically integrated disconnected system that is responsible for offering a subpar experience.

Ways to Unify Data for Connected Client Experience


The business leaders of most companies agree that organizational silos are the reason behind the negative quality of customer and prospect experiences. It is constantly seen that the greatest roadblock to a unified digital strategy is that of organizational silos. The departmental silos give rise to an unsynced channel strategy that pushes connected customer experience out of reach.

There are some key considerations for the companies to follow that help in breaking free from silos and creating a connected experience that customers expect. These considerations include:

1. Forming a Unified Roadmap


Forming a Unified Roadmap - Ways to Unify Data for Connected Client Experience
The first and most important step in any new effort is to always clearly define the strategy. Here it means bringing together the previously siloed channels for designing a single objective centred around marketing, commerce, advertising, service, etc.

It is important to find the small wins and organize them into a strategic timeline. The use case-driven approach is mostly about driving the most impact as quickly as possible. With the use of the Salesforce Sales Cloud, you can define the roadmap, account for things such as team reorganizations, product launches, and other milestones such as replacing order management and master data management systems.

After this, you can organize the roadmap by considering factors such as customer pain points, technology and data to be used, and areas where you have shared goals around improving customer experiences. For instance, the Amazon application offers live updates with the location of delivery trucks so that people know when to expect delivery. The updates are helpful for consumers and deflect the service call-ins that support efficiency.

Make sure that you focus on the use cases that affect the customer directly and then expand the roadmap from there. The strategy should not become a cause of delaying the progress. You can start small, test very often and optimize timely so that an efficient flow of innovation is established across the various business and technical teams.

2. Mapping Out the Customer Journey


There is absolutely no doubt in the fact that all customers are important for a business. However, there is also no denying the fact that not all are the same and some are capable of generating more business as compared to others. 

One must find the customer segments that bring the most value to an organization as per the prioritization process and quantify why the segment is important so that the customer journey can be built around that. The most common segment splits are seen as high spending, frequent shopper, or high influence, but eventually, these segments are different to a business.

To stimulate the targeted sales approach, it is important to understand the journey of segments with a brand. This is an exercise that reveals gaps in the customer journey and shows where organizational improvement can be made so that all departments have a comprehensive view of the customer.

Businesses can map out the critical points in a journey and develop a framework that identifies the corresponding employee touchpoints that enable a good customer experience. The employees can depend on insights to deliver the right customer experience so it can be a good practice to ask them about what is working and what is not. This will help in understanding the common factors that employees deal with while engaging with customer segments.

3. Aligning Team Around Goals


Aligning Team Around Goals - Ways to Unify Data for Connected Client Experience
For executing a strategy and campaigns, it is important to create an agile team across various departments and channels. You can start with the teams that require synergy based on priority use cases.

Let’s say an important use case for your business is to streamline the email marketing messages with an authentic website experience. In order to achieve this, you will probably ask the marketing team to collaborate with the engineering department.

The marketing team may feel that they are getting into an entirely different world but this can give marketing an easier way to collaborate with the technical team so that a better customer-centric experience can be created across mobile and web. Together these teams can implement an effective customer experience strategy.

You can resist the urge to organize and collaborate teams by platform and start group resources by the goals. This will end up creating a collaborative environment, increase market speed, and save costs when the team silos are broken down.

4. Defining Omni Channel Measurement Model


The process of providing better customer experiences may require many resources. Hence, it is important to show quick returns on the investment by measuring factors such as impact and performance. You can align on the top key performance indicators across various channels and audit the critical touchpoints in a customer journey framework to uncover measurement gaps.

The standard naming conventions for data collection like defining a unified data layer use the same name and data types for ensuring that everyone understands the new marketing data model. Everyone in an organization must have the same understanding of KPIs being tracked and where to go for a single source of truth.

You can start by collecting relevant data at the earliest to make sure that you use measurements that determine the impact of a roadmap. As this is done, your ability to identify and socialize results can be quickly evaluated and internal processes can be optimized for better customer experiences.

One must be able to find the return on investment for all customer experiences. You may also use another key metric such as improvements in net scores and customer engagement. You can use the data you have collected for measuring how simple it is for customers to do what they want while proving impact.

5. Getting Data At One Place


A team must come together to serve the customers together when the data is in dozens. Data unification can be an overwhelming process so it is important that the data is consolidated on a use case driven approach and then established in a customer data platform.

The goal is to build a golden record, a single source of truth for all customer data that can be achieved with the help of tools such as Salesforce Cloud. As you go ahead, you can audit all data sources for finding potential gaps that can cause any mistrust in teams.

For instance, you may discover that a team is keeping important information because it wants to go ahead of other teams. In this case, the tool that is used to collect data is cut off from the rest of the system.

No matter what the reason may be, isolated data can lead to missed opportunities for tracking customer journeys. Hence, you can resolve and even optimize the data collection for ensuring that it meets the unified measurement model requirements and offers the information needed to prioritize use cases.



If you are looking for more insights to unify data for a connected client experience then you can get in touch with an experienced and certified Salesforce partner. This way, you will get more assistance in connecting silos and transforming the way in which you offer customer experience. Get in touch today!


Ways to Unify Data for Connected Client Experiences with Salesforce Read More »

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Salesforce Visualforce Vs. Lightning: Which is Better? | Encaptechno

Visualforce Vs. Lightning: Which is Better?

Salesforce Visualforce Vs. Lightning: Which is Better? | Encaptechno

The question of which one out of Salesforce Visualforce and Lightning is better has confused the new and existing customers of Salesforce considerably. Salesforce is a CRM giant that has been extensively promoting the use of Lightning since its inception. However, this does not mean that Visualforce has been replaced.

As a framework that comprises a tag-based markup language along with a set of server-side controllers, Visualforce pages in Salesforce allows the developers to build custom user interfaces with native hosting. On the other hand, lightning is a modern UI framework that is used in the development of dynamic web pages for desktop and mobile devices. Both of these offer ways to create custom user interfaces for Salesforce.

However, which one should the customers choose if they had to go for one? We will see the answer to this question below. However, we will start with understanding Visualforce and Lightning in detail first.


Visualforce framework is known as a page-centric web application model that has a robust set of tags resolved at the server-side. The VF relies on the server for generating a new page when a user interacts with the application. For this reason, it can be pretty challenging to offer a new experience as expected by the users.

That said, Visualforce is considered one of the best choices for the basic functionalities that it brings to the table. It uses a markup language similar to HTML for designing pages and Apex code for handling the database operations. Below is the classification of the Visualforce pages:

  • Visualforce Page: A markup language such as HTML is used for the purpose of designing the layout of pages.
  • Custom Controller: The Apex code is used for handling the backend processing implemented at the Visualforce pages in Salesforce.
  • Java Script: Javascript is completely optional and helps in the maintenance of client-side processing. It can be coupled with CSS for revamping the interface.
  • Apex Extensions: The logical operations can be done using the Apex extensions that are not available in the standard controllers. However, this is also optional.

The framework of Visualforce is a tried and tested model that is simple to implement and can split huge applications into small pages for easy management. However, it has limited interactivity and an increased latency rate.


The lightning framework is known as the new app-centric model that offers businesses and data logic to develop dynamic web applications meant for desktop and mobile devices. Salesforce Lightning web components have involvement of JavaScript at the client-side and Apex on the server-side.  

This is a framework that does not completely replace a page at one time, rather it leverages JavaScript for the creation, transformation, and animation of the user interface. The Lightning Components and Applications use Bundles for storing important files while ensuring the fluid motion of the user interface.

The Lightning Component Bundle includes:

  • Component: A markup language that is used for configuring the layout of the component.
  • Controller: This is a JavaScript Controller that is used for handling the client-side processing or an apex controller is preferred for server-side processing.
  • Design File: A design file is also used for describing the design-time behavior of the component that is being used in the lightning pages or in the lightning app builder.
  • Documentation File: A documentation file is commonly used for providing reference documents or the sample code to the users who have received the component.
  • Helper: A helper is supposed to store the reusable JavaScript functions that are handled by the controller.
  • SVG File: The SVG file allows the users to include custom icons that can further be used for reference.

The lightning framework is also used for aligning with the Salesforce user interface strategy. It empowers the users with impressive and interactive experiences and also includes a steep learning curve as compared to Visualforce. Application building is an inherent part of lightning and for this reason, it is somewhat more complex than Visualforce.

Features of Visualforce and Lightning


  1. The Visualforce pages in Salesforce help in the quick development of the simple or complex UIs. This is for both mobile and desktop applications.
  2. Visualforce makes use of diverse development technologies such as JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, and many others that can help the users.
  3. Visualforce can be used to secure the display of third-party images.
  4. The Salesforce Visualforce can be used for accessing metrics such as LogDate, MetricsDate, ProfileID, and many others.


  1. The Salesforce lightning web components use the latest technology to help businesses reach out to a wide number of customers. In addition, it also allows the ability to do almost everything on the cloud so that positive relations can be maintained with the customer.
  2. The Salesforce Lightning component also enables customized dashboards for the customers. This is done as per the requirements of the customers.
  3. The Salesforce Lightning assistance can offer a comprehensive insight to the user about all new updates that come on a daily basis.
  4. Work performance charts can be displayed to the users and customers while helping them track the business growth.
  5. The Salesforce Lightning voice enables the business owners to connect with the customers over voice calls within the Sales Cloud server.
  6. There is an Outlook Alliance feature in Salesforce Lightning that helps in improving the CRM aspect. As a partner of Microsoft, transitioning from management programs has become comfortable now. The users can synchronize logbooks in addition to the contact in the Office 365 application for easy management.
  7. The application builder by Salesforce Lightning enables the non-coders to create applications without the implementation of code.
  8. The steel brick feature of the lightning components handles all trading aspects of the business for the owners that are represented as CPQ.

Differences Between Visualforce and Lightning

1. UI Generation Aspect


The users are requested for a web page under the UI generation aspect of the Visualforce. In addition, the server also processes requests by executing the page code. Moving ahead with the process, the server sends the HTML output to the browser and then the browser proceeds the displaying of HTML to the user on his/her interaction on the webpage.

Lightning Components

Under the UI Generation aspect of the Salesforce Lightning Web Components, the users make a request for a component or an application. After this, the bundle returns to the clients and starts loading in the browser. Moving ahead, JavaScript implements the UI with respect to the user’s interaction on the page. Under the lightning components, JavaScript is also supposed to modify or improvise the user interface for the convenience of the user.

2. Usability Cases


Visualforce is implemented for many usability cases or the needs of customers. It is used for offering a page-centric experience to the users with all important information without making any use of the client-side logic. It works best with the implementation of a JavaScript framework such as React, Angular JS, and others.

Visualforce also acts as the third-party framework for developing an interactive page with the use of JavaScript. Under the Salesforce Classic, Visualforce is perfect for building a community for partners and also proves to be more productive when blending with the lightning measures. It helps in rendering pages in PDF format while they are in the application.

Lightning Components

The lightning components have a design that is used to eradicate the limitations of the page-centric approach for giving a high network connection that runs seamlessly with more resources. Integrating the Salesforce Lightning Components with JavaScript derives a fruitful and interactive user experience.

The app-building feature of the Salesforce lightning components enables even non-developers to assemble the components for framing an application. The many functions of the lightning app builder are comfortable and simple to use. Integrating new tabs and other such attributes into the application can be done using easy methods without extra developer knowledge.

The community builder of Salesforce Lightning enables the users to create a community for the customers with all possible components in it. To get successful outcomes with the implementation of the latest technologies, the Salesforce Lightning Web Components are the best decision.

3. Advantages

Advantages and Differences Between Visualforce and Lightning


The Salesforce Visualforce is a tested model that offers efficient results without fail. Any two-way binding is not experienced in it because the users need to wait until the pages are loaded completely from the server to see the updates.

In addition, Visualforce is also very easy to implement and has a higher productivity ratio. The bigger the applications are broken down into small web pages, the more chances are for the users to manage things efficiently. The metadata integration is also available in the Salesforce Visualforce.


The user experience of the applications is very interactive which further enhances convenience for the customers. Two-way binding is possible in Lightning and it displays content on the UI after each of it is updated. Lightning Salesforce measures use the user interface strategy of Salesforce for deriving better outcomes.

Here, the metadata is available in the foundation for enhancing the developer’s experience. The console that is available for the developers is also compatible with the lightning Salesforce Components and enhances the developer experience.


Will Visualforce Be Going Away Because of Lightning?

There are multiple things that can be done by Visualforce but Lightning cannot handle them at the present time. Even though this will change in the coming future as the new releases of Lightning come into being, for the time being, Visualforce can do a lot.

There has not been any major benefit for building and designing the Lightning Components as compared to the Visualforce Components other than the fact that it is a new technology that Salesforce is going to develop in the future. With the use of Lightning for Desktop, many people are really starting to see the process of creating and designing modular components that can be used both in mobile and desktop experience that can change the design structure of things.

Salesforce Lightning web components also bring a rather native approach while allowing people to drag and drop components onto a canvas for quickly creating a new page or application. In case someone wants to do this with Visualforce then there will be a need to use a platform such as SkyVisualEditor for getting this done because there will be a lot of code to handle. This also brings a new level of design to the independent software vendor community so that they can package and distribute small and reusable components to the customers.

Lightning will eventually replace Visualforce but it will take many years for that to happen. The thing is that lightning is rolled out in phases and it will take many years for lightning to become accessible in all locations that Visualforce is in at the moment. In addition, we will also have to factor in the time taken by people to actively rework their Visualforce code into the Lightning code for supporting the architectural changes.

We are not talking about just taking the Visualforce Page and inserting it into the lightning component, but actually reworking the Visualforce Page for utilizing the component methodology that lightning brings to the table. Hence, Visualforce will go but it will take some time until people really start using Lightning and replacing Visualforce.


We hope that you have a better understanding of the differences in functionality and features that are there between Salesforce Lightning and Visualforce. Business professionals from across the world are implementing the above-mentioned techniques for improving their customer and business data management.

The option that you choose depends completely on your needs. Both of them are good enough and solve many problems and give them a positive boost to businesses. 

For deciding which one suits your business the best, you can have a Salesforce consultant from Encaptechno help you. They will guide you in the right direction while offering you the best Salesforce Solution according to your business needs. 

Visualforce Vs. Lightning: Which is Better? Read More »

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How is Salesforce Sales Cloud Different from Service Cloud? | Encaptechno

How is Salesforce Sales Cloud Different from Service Cloud?

How is Salesforce Sales Cloud Different from Service Cloud? | Encaptechno

For many people, the dilemma of choosing either Salesforce Sales Cloud or Service Cloud can be an overwhelming one. However, the truth is that both of these solutions overlap each other in many ways while making it somewhat challenging for the users to make a choice.

Both of these solutions are highly used and in fact, they make up a lot of Salesforce’s revenue as well. But the question is, what should you choose in the long run?  In this blog, we will give you a guide that will help you answer all the questions one by one. Keep reading to make an informed decision.

Salesforce Sales Cloud


The Salesforce Sales Cloud is one of the most important Salesforce products designed for the management, analysis, and management of sales processes. Many times, both the sales representatives and sales managers use the functionality of Salesforce Sales Cloud for completing the tasks scheduled for different priorities and better efficiency.

As for the sales representatives, the Salesforce Sales Cloud offers efficient and rather comfortable customer communication with numerous channels right within the Sales Cloud UI. With an advanced integration on a customer’s website and social media sync, you can collect precise information about contacts, accounts, and targets. There are extensive automation capabilities that help the sales representatives with numerous routine tasks while freeing up their time for nurturing leads and closing multiple deals.

With the sales cloud implementation, you can construct a sales strategy and manage it within a single system only. Sales Cloud helps sales managers control and assess sales representatives. By using the performance data, the sales manager can easily identify the strengths and weaknesses needed to improve skills which then allow increasing the overall performance of the sales department.

By using the Sales Cloud, sales managers can also deal with challenges such as disjointed sales processes and the process alignment needed with marketing.

Salesforce Service Cloud


On the other hand, the Salesforce Service Cloud helps in making the customer service process much easier and effective. Since it is way cheaper to retain a customer as compared to gaining a new one, the Service Cloud can become a strategically important tool for your company. The customer service managers say it can positively affect customer retention rates while ensuring that a company is recognized for caring about customers.

For the customer service agents, the Salesforce Service Cloud offers integration with numerous channels of communication with customers. As communication via every channel is available within the Service Cloud UI, the customer service agents can serve much faster. In addition, the service cloud enables creating and managing a knowledge base that can be a useful source of information for the customers. The knowledge base helps in reducing the response time and training new agents quickly. Since the Salesforce Service Cloud offers customer service process automation, the service agents solve many cases quickly as the customers receive answers to their questions without any delay.

As for the customer service managers, the Service Cloud offers a possibility to organize customer service processes while managing them within Service Cloud UI. The service cloud enables customer service managers to control the performance of customer service representatives which further helps in identifying the areas of growth and organizing training.

Features of Salesforce Sales Cloud


Some of the features of Salesforce Sales Cloud include:

1. Lead Management

Lead Management - Features of Salesforce Sales Cloud

The starting of the sales funnel is about generating and nurturing prospects for finding viable deals. The prospective customers get captured as leads and are nurtured by sales representatives to move through the lead funnel. There are many standard features for the process of lead management such as lead assignment rules that automatically help in assigning new leads to representatives and teams based on some attributes such as the product of interest and geography.

Salesforce offers a great learning guide for lead routing along with links to resources on how to do lead assignments in Salesforce Sales Cloud. The Salesforce Sales Cloud also comes with a set of lead auto-response rules for automated follow-up for eligible leads. For instance, in case a lead comes from an online information request form then the Sales Cloud has the ability to automatically send an email thanking the lead for interest and letting the lead know that someone from the team will be in touch soon.

Coming to leads from online forms, the Sales Cloud also has a native feature called web to lead that enables one to automatically generate web forms for capturing prospects that can be added to the site even if it is not a Salesforce page.

As a representative nurtures the leads, you can give the guidance for success in a path component. When the lead expresses interest in going ahead, a representative can qualify them as a strong prospect and convert the lead to a full account. In addition, once a lead is converted to an account and related records, it is possible to manage important information about the company and the person with the customer information features.

2. Sales Pipeline and Forecasting

Sales Pipeline and Forecasting - Features of Salesforce Sales Cloud


During the phase of converting a potential lead into a customer, the sales representative really starts talking more and gets a much better sense of value. The potential sales also get captured as opportunities. Similar to leads, you can define a number of sales processes that are in line with the sales methodology that a company uses.

A Salesforce path can be added to opportunity pages for guiding the representatives at each step. It is important to understand that reporting and monitoring are important parts of any sales organization. 

You have to predict how much money each representative will choose in a given period and how you can track performance. Salesforce Sales Cloud implementation comes with forecasting tools that give sales managers and representatives visibility into the projections and performance.



So many industries have a sales process that necessitates complex quote building. The sales cloud comes with functionality as well. With the basic Sales Cloud quote building, you can add in products, quantity, pricing, and discounts. 

A single opportunity might have many quotes since your sales representative will be negotiating the deal. However, you can always pick which quote will be syncing to pipeline reports and forecasting.

You can also add products underneath an Opportunity in case you do not want to go the formal route. Building the quotes is a tedious job but you can always make the quote template for starting the process. The rapid products also offer your representatives faster quote-building capabilities. In case you have a customized product configuration and pricing model, Salesforce CPQ is one of the best applications to explore.

Features of Salesforce Service Cloud


1. Case Management Tools


One of the most important features of Salesforce Service Cloud is that it offers you the ability to automatically handle incoming cases while making sure that nothing is missed including lead auto-response and assignment rules.

Anytime a new customer ticket comes into the system, Salesforce helps in offering the customer an auto response by sending an email that acknowledges the issue and helps in running through configured assignment rules for routing the ticket to the right agent and team.

Another important feature in Service Cloud is known as email to the case which lets you route emails that come into a special inbox to Salesforce directly. In case customers email to a support email, you can easily have inbound emails that address sync automatically to a case in Salesforce so that you do not have to worry about anyone manually monitoring the inbox.

Right after the case gets created, the auto-response and assignment rules will run normally. Email to the case is a great feature but it comes with some limitations too. The email to case premium plugs in many holes in the normal email to case with enhancements to native infrastructure.

Way beyond handling incoming cases, Service Cloud has many ways to track the kind of support that a customer might be entitled to while defining key milestones of that process. The entitlements and milestones help your team keep a track of cases needed to define appropriate service levels while outlining steps within a service process.

2. Customer Support Channels

Customer Support Channels - Features of Salesforce Service Cloud

The Salesforce Service Cloud also enables customer support beyond cases. Today, many customers want to get support on their terms either through an email, support portal, online chat, or SMS. One of the best features that the Service Cloud offers is omnichannel.

It is helpful in connecting all the support channels while also providing consistent support to the customers and giving your agents work in a consolidated place. The omnichannel can also assign an incoming customer service issue dependent on agent capacity by checking the workload.

The Omni Channel performance dashboard lets you monitor agent work performance to maximize efficiency. With the help of omnichannel, you can roll out various support channels for the customers. Salesforce also comes with a native live chat option that can be embedded on a webpage.

It offers native SMS support so that the customers can text from their smartphone while the agents stay in the Salesforce console. It has released Service Cloud Voice that is the CTI tool for handling and routing incoming calls.

3. Self Service Options


Way beyond case management, the service cloud has many features that help in deflecting the cases and provide self-service options to the customers. In the beginning, a knowledge base is an important way to provide easy answers and critical information.

The lightning knowledge makes this easy to do right within the Salesforce. You can either make a public knowledge base or the one for registered customers, but either way, the information will deflect cases.

Rather, there is an amazing case deflection component that Salesforce offers out of the box. Using the type ahead-searching in the Submit case fields, the components recommend knowledge articles for improving the chances of solving an issue. This is one of the best ways to prevent Cases and give customers one of the best experiences.

It is also possible to deflect cases and addresses with a chatbot. By using Einstein bots, you can customize the Bot’s name and personality with the bot sitting right in the normal chat window that the agents use. The chatbots act like triage and handle more rots such as FAQs checking on order status, and basic company questions. In case the bot cannot find the answer, it can route it to an agent and create a case for the customer offering a seamless user experience.

To Conclude


By implementing the Sales Cloud module, you can easily get more deals on regular optimization of the business that improves market interaction. This will also help in making quick choices and business decisions. You can eventually close more and more deals at a quick rate and experience high returns on investments.

With the adaptation of the Salesforce Service Cloud module, you can get a maximized productivity from the agent’s end to work at any place and at any time. The customer experience also gets enhanced with the implementation of service cloud because it creates a lifetime value.

The Salesforce Service Cloud makes sure that data and confidential information stays secure and within the cloud platform for avoiding any kind of harm to the business. Faster case and report tracking also helps in detecting the loopholes in the business processes for working on it within time to improve sales.

To end, one can say that both the Salesforce Sales Cloud and Service Cloud are pretty effective modules. They are efficient in helping a small and large business while gaining more customers and doing better business.

How is Salesforce Sales Cloud Different from Service Cloud? Read More »

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What is Salesforce Sales Cloud - Encaptechno

What Is Salesforce Sales Cloud And What Are Its Benefits?

What is Salesforce Sales Cloud - Encaptechno

Salesforce is known as one of the most popular and top cloud-based software application providers all over the international market. It is a CRM solution that is designed for facilitating streamlined sales and marketing services. Implementation of the Salesforce cloud has the capability to redefine the way in which businesses connect with customers and create a much more meaningful relationship.

The impressive success of Salesforce can be attributed to numerous benefits and resources that Salesforce offers for its users. There are many advantages of using the sales cloud and the extensive resources that it offers. Although different organizations might find some benefits more useful than others, there are some major advantages of Salesforce that make it one of the best CRM software applications.

In this blog, we will have a look at what is Salesforce sales cloud and what are its benefits to understand all about this CRM in comprehensive detail.

Salesforce and its importance:

Salesforce Sales Cloud Benefits

For anyone who is used to working with a CRM platform, it is easy to understand that imagining a world without it is very difficult. In case you are a person who loves organization and structure, one of the best advantages that a CRM software application like salesforce sales cloud offers is that it helps in keeping everything linked. While managing customer relationships, one can handle the data, metrics, notes, and more, while keeping all of it in one place.

Additionally, a CRM platform also helps companies to target different audiences, set scores and important alerts based on an individual lead, maintain a certain level of proactivity with contacts, and manage relationships. Most importantly, CRM can be utilized across different departments for ensuring that all customer-facing teams get empowered with the correct data to create a remarkable customer experience.

CRM platforms like sales cloud offer a wide range of benefits. Although these benefits might vary with an ever-different department or industry, some of the most important ones are listed below.

Benefits of Salesforce Sales Cloud:


1. Reliable Reporting: Data is an extremely important part of a business and organizations can get it from a number of resources such as business software applications, CRM technology, social media tools, analytics tools, etc. However, just availing the data is not enough because until the data is not sorted, cleaned, analyzed, and made actionable, there is no point in that data.

In the present world, almost all companies rely on social media to assess their performance. The metrics on social media platforms are used to understand the popularity of a brand. Yet another business tool that companies use is Google Analytics for monitoring the website traffic. However, one cannot rely on these tools alone.

Sales cloud enables you to go much deeper with all the data and metrics including the ones from other sources is a lot more helpful in this case. When a company is dedicated to maintaining clean data or just keeping it free from errors, the CRM software helps in collating, tabulating, and organizing the data properly, which then becomes much easier to interpret because of all the features. This benefit of Salesforce cloud shines as one of the most important ones as it leads to availing so many other benefits that become available once this data is available for use.

A clear advantage that CRM platforms have is that they enable organizations to keep a tab on who interacts with their company and how. For example: filling a lead on a form successfully after coming across an ad on social media. One can also run reports to see opportunities, interaction with leads and customers, sales trends, customer service efforts, and a lot more.

The best CRM systems like Salesforce however can tell you a lot more than just where the lead has come from. They can show you exactly what your audience clicks when a marketing message is sent to them, how many times a customer opens an email, how often does a customer have conversations with the sales team and what do they need when they contact customer service and more.

During the implementation of a Salesforce, a salesforce consultant will make it very clear that reports are one of the most reliable benefits of CRM platforms, particularly when enhanced by AI. They will also tell you to use actionable data for effective communication with the current audience while easily reaching out to the audience who might have shown interest in the past. These reports guide a person through the decision-making process and also make it invaluable.

2. Dashboards: Using a spreadsheet for managing your company means inputting or importing the data manually, figuring out what is important, and creating a graphical representation of data. CRM solution does most of this for you. After getting a successful implementation of the Salesforce cloud done by a salesforce consultant, one of the best benefits that can be taken is that of the dashboard.

One can set up a dashboard for every individual in the company who has login credentials for the CRM platform. For instance, the digital marketing head of a company might be interested in email marketing and social media metrics through the click-through rates of every campaign.

He/she can set up a dashboard that effectively displays how many people have received an email marketing, how many opened it, what was the click-through rate, and more. A sales director, however, would wish to know how many calls are made per hour and how many calls out of those eventually resulted in a positive action such as a future meeting or a demo. Dashboards allow the users to see the data that is important to workflows without digging, sifting, sorting, or running a report.

3. Personalized outreach with automation: The continuous capture of data-driven by audience activities can be used to create relevant and personalized messaging outreach in both the manual and automated campaigns. This is a big benefit of dynamic content and automated messaging. One can put people with similarities in different campaigns.

This ability is like an added benefit of the salesforce cloud and lets you set up a series of automated emails that can effectively speak to the audience specifically.

4. Prompt service: Similarly, the data in the salesforce cloud can be used to automate more personalized and targeted outreach throughout the marketing funnel. It can enhance the efforts of a sales team outreach while improving the customer service’s ability to assist customers.

When a sales team comes with the knowledge of what interests a customer, either they or a customer support representative can meet and solve the customer needs proactively. This is one of the best advantages of a customer services team.

With a relevant amount of data available in the dashboards, there is no further need to dig deep into the information because a representative can get right down to what matters. This will save everyone’s time while making the potential for customers to feel important when the sales and customer service is proactive and knowledgeable. Additionally, it can also improve the bottom line with high customer satisfaction and reduced time to resolution.

5. Improved efficiency due to automation: Automation is an important benefit of the Sales cloud because it helps the users substantially. It cuts down the time it usually takes to email and works on leads. It also converts more leads by prioritizing the potential leads. In addition, automation helps in handling simple customer questions such as an order status with chatbots and automated messaging effectively.

Marketing teams can spend a lot more time creating campaigns that resonate better with their audience, analyzing data, and testing different strategies based on the analytics. On another hand, the sales team can focus on selling the right product and services to the present and the targeted customers.

The customer service agents can dedicate their time to working out with the customers who have questions, solutions, or any complex needs. Eventually, an efficient company can serve its customers better, which is the greatest benefit of the sales cloud.

6. Effective collaboration: Salesforce sales cloud serves as a record of conversations, regular interactions, needs, important notes, and contact information. If it is cloud-based, it will always be up to date while enabling the teammates to easily look at the records for making decisions. In addition, some CRM platforms come with built-in collaboration tools that enable multiple people to work on either one file or follow the progress of a document like that of a sales quote.

Everyone who has access to the salesforce can effectively work with the help of shared records. For instance: when a salesperson speaks to a customer and learns more about them, all important details can be filled in easily in that person’s record or on their file. This helps in making sure that the rest of the team is working with the latest details and to their maximum capabilities. Marketing, customer service, and sales departments work together collaboratively instead of worrying about siloed information.


Almost all team members can gather insights or data while working together to offer exceptional service to customers. Furthermore, data can be organized and presented well by a CRM platform like salesforce cloud while leading to a better understanding of a customer. This eventually leads to better messaging and outreach, most of which can be done with automation, which further helps to offer better and more efficient customer service.

Moreover, the teams can collaborate more easily and reduce any chances of errors. Out of all the benefits of sales cloud, the utilization of data and technology for powering a more efficient company is one of the biggest. It helps in serving the customers more effectively while leading to a better business.

The team of Salesforce consultants from Encaptechno comes with a wide range of experience in offering exceptional implementation services. If you are looking forward to an effective salesforce cloud implementation then get in touch with Enacptechno.

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