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Benefits of Zoho Integration with WhatsApp | Encaptechno

Benefits of Zoho Integration with WhatsApp

Benefits of Zoho Integration with WhatsApp | Encaptechno
All businesses run to increase income and the number of loyal customers. For achieving this goal, the organization must grow and be led to improve its services. On one hand, it is established that a company cannot satisfy needs if it does not have an established connection between various departments. That said, in case your company is way too focused on the inner workings then it will not succeed without good quality customer service.

The Zoho integration with WhatsApp enables you to improve the client service and optimize the company’s work as well. This integration is somewhat useful in delivering a set of useful tools as well. It helps in analyzing and improving the sales department work. You can get noticed and communicate where it is comfortable for the customers.

The Zoho CRM integration with WhatsApp helps in extending your support through WhatsApp messenger to the customers. The customers will find it easy to reach your support representatives for support from their WhatsApp messenger while the representatives may continue using SalesIQ to respond. Other than this, customers can also look out for your business on WhatsApp and connect instantly.

In this blog, we will look at the benefits of Zoho integration with WhatsApp but before doing that, let us first get an overview of this integration and why it is considered important.

Zoho Integration with WhatsApp

Zoho Integration with WhatsAppZoho is a
CRM platform that unifies all aspects of a business in just one place. It allows to have everything centralized, improves productivity, and be more competitive. The data obtained from CRM is extremely important and useful and Zoho further helps in segmenting the customers, having more controlled management, and improving customer retention along with consumption.

The Zoho integration with WhatsApp makes sure that the communication with the current customers becomes way more productive. The communications can also be customized. With the Zoho CRM and WhatsApp, you will have many benefits over your competitions that have the ability to set you apart from the rest.

In case a business wants to have an image of caring about its customers then you must know that you are on the right track. With the multi-channel support of Zoho, it becomes possible to reach your customers with chat, calls, emails, and social media. All thanks to the integration of WhatsApp, this communication is also available for use.

The Zoho CRM integration improves sales performance with sales automation. The integration is expandable and customizable. On the other hand, the analytics and reporting tool also helps in giving you very important data that can be used to track everything happening in your business. This function can be used to draw business strategies and see important results.

Moreover, security is guaranteed with this integration. This is a rather important point since you cannot leave your company in the hands of just about any other CRM. It is necessary to invest in support and security. The Zoho CRM integration with WhatsApp promises streamlined business processes, a method to contact your customers, leads, and contacts of the messaging applications of millions of users directly from the CRM. 

You can use one of the most preferred communication channels like WhatsApp for connecting and getting help instantly rather than navigating to the website and initiating a chat every time. The chats can be managed by customers through WhatsApp, web, and mobile from a similar dashboard.

Top Benefits of WhatsApp and CRM Integration

1. Improved Business Control

The more workforces become involved in a business, the more difficult it can become to monitor the work of each individual. However,
Zoho integration with WhatsApp can help in controlling the sales department remotely. You can have first-hand information about the activity of your sales managers.

The integration of WhatsApp with Zoho CRM enables the owner of the business to check the communication that is happening between the managers of different departments. Therefore, you find it easy to evaluate the quality of work of every individual employee.

All thanks to the integration between WhatsApp and Zoho CRM, all communication will be stored in the CRM. The owner can track which sales manager closes the maximum deals and identify the most effective employees. Basically, the streamlined communication process ends up improving the overall business functioning.

2. Better Analytics Tools

Better Analytics Tools | Top Benefits of WhatsApp and CRM Integration
Another important feature of a successful business is the ability to accumulate and analyze important data. All businesses must be clear about their target audience so that estimation of the weaknesses and strengths of a company can be done adequately. This important information helps in identifying the potential for further growth and the quality of offered products and services.

The Zoho integration with WhatsApp can help in gathering all the information about the customers in just one place. You can analyze your age, gender, and choices of customers who are using your services and products. This allows you to see the target customers much more clearly and work dedicatedly to engage with these people in the future.

The connection of WhatsApp with your CRM can help you to learn more about the negative sides of a product. The CRM system can save you questions, suggestions, and reports about the problems that customers experience commonly. Therefore, the company can analyze reviews and work on the revealed issues properly.

3. Automation Opportunities

Automation Opportunities
The integration of WhatsApp and Zoho helps in properly adjusting the CRM system according to the needs of a company. You can create multiple marketing funnels and send deals, contacts, and tasks to different steps of the funnel.

The integration helps the sales managers to reduce multiple routine activities and spend more time in communication with customers. The incoming messages coming from WhatsApp trigger the Zoho CRM to automatically create a task that reminds managers to respond to the customer.

With the Zoho CRM integration, it becomes possible to automate the process of updating the CRM list whenever a prospective user or a customer messages. You can also set up a chatbot to collect information from users and collect or update information saved on Zoho. Automating the processes can help you and your team save time and effort for handling multiple customers at the same time.

4. Streamlined Workflow

In case you have got Zoho set up and running then it makes sense to have your team manage everything on Zoho. From getting important updates about new contacts to reaching out to your existing customers, the Zoho integration lets you use the platform with the added ease of automating an important bulk of the process.

After your customers have been listed on Zoho, you will be able to sort them into different categories and assign them to other agents as well, as you would usually do. A well-defined system can automate the complete process.

When you have a list of customers sorted into Zoho, you can easily reach out to them automatically with predefined messages or also have your team reach out to customers based on the queries. Other than streamlining your workflow, Zoho integration with CRM helps tremendously in streamlining the workflow with which you can stay on the top of your business.

5. Easy Communication

Easy Communication
The integration of Zoho with WhatsApp makes sure that you are able to access customer information and reach out to your customers on a platform that you are familiar with properly. You can engage with your customers on a platform that they are familiar with and use frequently.

You will have the ability to send out messages to a wide user base by using rich media such as documents, images, videos, etc. If used properly, it can be a perfect solution for businesses that have a large customer base.

It allows businesses to streamline the workflow and CRM processes while being accessible to users at the same time. Businesses can make good use of WhatsApp by greeting customers with a personalized message when a conversation is started with a business.

6. Follow-Ups

Zoho CRM integration with WhatsApp enables you to send automated messages with complete details about all your products and services to your current or even potential customers. The best part is that these messages are simple to set up and they can be sent out very quickly with just a little effort.

Therefore, you can ensure that your customers get the information they need without making them wait in any way or even risking their annoyance. You can also go a step ahead and save the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. This helps in reusing the answers in the future and it also helps in increasing the speed of the issue resolution process followed by your business.

7. Better Internal Communication

Better internal communication in a business is done with team collaboration. In different words, there are different tools that enable collaboration between teams and business sectors. With WhatsApp and CRM integration, there is no need to worry about any team communication problems.

Other than allowing you to communicate with your prospects and customers seamlessly, the integration also helps in removing any kind of inefficient departmental silos that can improve communication in your company. Hence, the complete organization flows all the more optimally and effectively while improving organizational communication.

8. Optimized Business Marketing

Optimized Business Marketing
The WhatsApp CRM integration enables you to send a useful catalog of images, location, documents, audios, videos, to your potential customer. Based on the interest of your customers, you can send them marketing collateral that can spark their interest.

In this way, you can nurture leads and increase the chances of conversion as well. When you start putting this into practice, this can turn into one of the best ways to move the leads down the sales funnel and increase your chances of conversion.


WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging applications out there that is used by one and all. It is used for both personal and business purposes. Organizations use it to leverage more benefits by integrating it with their CRM systems.

You can also integrate your WhatsApp account with a CRM platform to start messaging by getting in touch with an experienced CRM consultant from Encaptechno. The integration will allow your WhatsApp instance to use information that is already contained in your CRM.



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How Is Zoho a Good Option for Business Organizations in 2022_

How Is Zoho a Good Option for Business Organizations in 2022?

How Is Zoho a Good Option for Business Organizations in 2022_

Ever since Zoho was launched in 2005, it has been focused on enabling businesses to expand effortlessly. This means that if a business wants to grow then
Zoho implementation can be very helpful. It offers an ease of use that makes Zoho one of the topmost CRM choices available. All thanks to Zoho, one can still have effective customer relationships even though there is no real person to do a specific job.

Zoho is user-friendly and comes with all that is needed to keep the customers satisfied. It is a decent CRM solution for many types of businesses. The pricing that Zoho is available at is quite competitive and is considered to be at par with Salesforce and Microsoft CRM. The fact that Zoho comes with so many features makes it a great tool for businesses to grow.

Zoho is available in several tiers of plans and ranges from the free option to the Enterprise solution which is a great option for virtually any company. Its applications and features make it worth using for any kind of business. In this blog, we intend to see the different features of Zoho and how it is a good option for business organizations in 2022. Let’s begin.

Overview of Zoho CRM

One can effectively say that Zoho CRM is like an all-in-one solution. It is an
online CRM system that does not need you to look through different departments or anything of that sort which makes it an excellent option for businesses of all sizes. Zoho CRM is a tool that all employees can use effectively and this is one thing that is very important.

The Zoho CRM implementation makes sure that employees do not need training for taking advantage of many features right away. It is a CRM solution that can effectively bend to your needs. You can customize the dashboard for different teams or projects and create multiple pipelines for matching the customer journeys. In addition, Zoho CRM allows you to create reports in a couple of clicks with deep insights on just about anything that you can think of.

Moreover, Zoho CRM includes features such as real-time sales signals and customer notifications, blueprint business management for online and offline processes, mass emails, prospect scoring capabilities, advanced customizations, AI assistant, inventory management, etc. The best part is that Zoho is affordable. The cheapest plan that Zoho offers starts at $14 per user per month and there is no skimping on features. If you need customization and features then Zoho’s upper-tier CRM plans come at $23, $40, and $52 per user per month.

What’s more, Zoho also provides a free plan with three users. It comes with many important features such as lead management, task management, document sharing, workflow rules, and a mobile application as well. To help small businesses, Zoho has recently started Bigin – a CRM that enables small businesses to manage their customer relationships easier than ever. When small businesses are prepared to move ahead of spreadsheets and legacy sales tools, Bigin is a great tool to begin.

What’s new in Zoho CRM in 2022?

Other than the many features that customers are already aware of, Zoho is coming up with other powerful features in 2022 that can empower business organizations. These features will be centered on delivering an exceptionally high standard in customer experience. Let’s have a look at them below.

1. Unified Platform for End-to-End Remote Working


One of the biggest problems that professionals have seen while working remotely is context switching. This is a problem that makes the professionals leave tasks incomplete and move on because of an interruption and it creates a negative impact on productivity. There can be many reasons for the disruptions and so many of them are inevitable when working from different locations.

For example, if the web developer is supposed to finish an important task in the fixed timeline and there is an immediate team meeting called then the developer will end up attending the meeting which will leave the task incomplete. This and many other interruptions can be avoided when there is a team collaboration tool in use.

With the Zoho implementation, you can set your status at “Engaged at Work” when you are working on completing an important task while informing your teammates that you will be unavailable. This way, remote work status in Zoho Cliq can help in focusing on work without causing any interruptions.

Zoho Cliq is a team collaboration tool that can be used by professionals for working and collaborating effectively. It comes with remote work features that help in working through the various disturbances along with being integrated with other apps or tools that you use. This helps in avoiding contextual switching at work and being all the more productive.

2. Client-end Scripting


The client scripts help the developers to use JavaScript codes for extending the capabilities of the Zoho CRM system in a way that addresses niche business needs. Since the scripts are executed on the client-side, a team can address many requirements.

This can be primarily done with low latency scripts that perform actions such as field validation, computations, UI actions, auto-population, field validation, enrichments along with trigger widgets, functions, and flyouts.

3. Omnichannel Communication


The present hybrid work environment presents a vital place for the sales representatives to maximize benefits across channels of communication when engaging with prospects. 

For building the robust omni-channel communication platform that is already a part of the Zoho CRM system, many enhancements have been introduced across email and telephony systems so that sales can become more effective.

4. Personalized Emails


The personalization of emails has proven to be an important step in building long-term trust with customers. Hence, Zoho is presenting new ways to add a personal flair to emails so that the business identity can be established strongly in the minds of customers.

Zoho will enable businesses to customize all aspects of emails from font styles and sizes to the email signatures for individual email addresses and email aliases. This will help the businesses to foster a much better reputation in the minds of clients.

5. Smart Working With Automated Workflows

Smart Working With Automated Workflows

Artificial intelligence will hold an important place in future workspaces. While curbing the challenges posed by the pandemic, many organizations realized the importance of AI because it helps in the automation of everyday tasks with the use of bots. 

AI also reduces workload and improves productivity by focusing on important work rather than manual data entry on a loop. The workflow automation does not just reduce human error in the workflow but it also saves a lot of time. In fact, automation of the workload can give the professionals the benefit of streamlining business processes.

For instance, one of the important tasks for any organization is to engage the customers and address their questions. This is an important task as happy customers form the foundation of any business. The customer service can address issues and an internal communication tool can help in discussing work items with fellow customer success executives.

Zoho CRM helps in navigating between the customer community while being updated on the new customer posts. You can also engage a bot that instantly notifies new queries and complaints within Zoho. This is an exceptional way in which routine tasks can be automated efficiently.

In addition, Zoho will also be coming up with exciting new updates to Zia which is Zoho CRM’s AI sales assistant. These updates will be bringing new levels of insights and understanding of customers and they will help in building meaningful and personalized customer relationships.

6. Defining Email Sharing Policy


Based on the roles of CRM users and the kind of email communications that you are engaging in, you might want emails to be available to every user in a CRM. The emails should be confidential and they should only be available to a small group of decision-makers.

With the Zoho CRM, you can effectively define your email sharing policy at the organizational level for each role while updating the policy for users in bulk. You can also set email sharing permissions for new employees or update them when users move to assume different roles in the CRM system.

7. Streamline Sales Calls


The native integration comes with an ability for managers to monitor, guide, and support the representatives to improve at making sales calls. The Zoho CRM integration enables sales professionals to keep an eye on how the representatives are performing in their active calls while managing the calls that are there in the queue waiting.

Sales managers can also coach new sales representatives as they progress through a call by jumping in directly to take the lead when the situation calls for it. This will lead to streamline the business process of sales effectively.

8. Understanding Workflow Failures


Workflows play the role of building blocks of automating the sales processes. Anytime when they fail to trigger or do not operate in the manner that they are supposed to, the direct impact can be on the sales performance which can negatively impact customer experience.

Zoho integrations make it simple to get in-depth information about when and where the workflow fails and all the records that get affected. The team can use important data for fixing the underlying problems and get the workflows up and running once again.

9. User Experience
User Experience

The user experience has been a forgotten aspect when it comes to CRM solutions. While pursuing robust functionality, strong market presence, and competitive prices, businesses can often overlook the experience offered by CRM solutions to the daily users.

A good user experience has the ability to offer a better customer experience because it helps the sales team to be more productive and effective when working with the CRM solution. This is why Zoho has come up with Canvas that lets businesses provide a hyper-personalized CRM experience to users. Moving ahead, Zoho will also be bringing more intuitive features for building on a strong UX foundation.

10. Accessing Multiple CRM Accounts


It will be possible to associate a user with multiple CRM accounts to allow business owners, upper management, and decision-makers for managing multiple businesses with ease.

The users will be able to switch between accounts easily and quickly which will make it easier to access key business data that helps in understanding growth and deriving insights. This feature of accessing multiple CRM accounts can be used to prepare agendas, reports, and ideas for future planning with a single set of login credentials.



The online CRM system that you use should keep growing to keep pace with the constantly growing work environment and technological advancements. Take the step of choosing and employing the best available CRM system for your business so that your organization can function well.

Zoho CRM comes with a free trial which can help you in experiencing all the features that it has to offer. If you want to make the most out of Zoho and all the amazing features that can offer your business, get in touch with an experienced Zoho Consultant of Encaptechno. You can look forward to consistent support and valuable suggestions that will prove valuable for your business. 


How Is Zoho a Good Option for Business Organizations in 2022? Read More »

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How to Streamline Your Business with Salesforce Integration - Encaptechno

Streamline Your Business with Salesforce Integration

When it comes to achieving success, business performance is considered to be the most important requisite. In case an organization is not performing up to the expectations then no many victories matter. At the end of the day, it must be understood that businesses require consistent management and optimization. If the business processes are not streamlined then the final result will not be so favorable.

How to Streamline Your Business with Salesforce Integration - Encaptechno

Salesforce offers organizations the right tools that help to improve overall performance, boost revenue, increase ROI, and streamline business processes. As a CRM system, Salesforce includes important data about prospects and customers. In addition, it also provides reports and dashboards that enable us to make smarter decisions.

In essence, it is a high-quality customer relationship management tool that supports empowering sales, closing more deals, and improving accuracy. While it is a great investment for customer management, Salesforce integration services also play an important role in offering more value from the workforce by increasing productivity.

Organizations of all sizes can actually benefit from the modern cloud-based solutions that can help in increasing team productivity, promote collaboration between employees, and create a positive customer experience.

Salesforce Integration

Almost all organizations have different goals and as a result, unique requirements to fulfill those goals. For this reason, all organizations use software applications that work differently. The business workflow automation introduced by Salesforce integration brings about easy and effective communication between the Salesforce CRM and other applications using the API.

Each business uses many applications for handling daily activities. Integrating these applications with Salesforce is important to handle and execute important activities with ease. With the assistance of an appropriate Salesforce integration partner, a suitable analysis of data can be facilitated which further supports managers and directors at each level for making powerful decisions.

Points to Consider While Salesforce Integration

All organizations that make the decision to adopt Salesforce must ensure the below-mentioned points. Since the process of integration is different, there are some requirements that should be given due importance. They are:

  1. During the process of Salesforce integration, you must be aware of the kind of integration that is included.
  2. It is important to understand who assists with troubleshooting problems in case an issue comes in the integrations. Often the problem gets solved by itself, but sometimes, human assistance is required.
  3. Finally, the data transfer must be regulated between Salesforce and another app.
Related Read: Benefits Of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consulting Partner

Streamlining Your Business with Salesforce Integration

In recent times, Salesforce has emerged as one of the most trending platforms used by organizations for enhancing customer relationships. The built-in integration services offered by Salesforce enable an expansion of the capabilities of organizations effectively.

Below, we will mention the ways in which salesforce integration helps in streamlining the business processes.

1. Increasing Productivity

To make sure that all-important data is present on the systems, the team is required to stay on track at all times. With so much manual work to manage, there is an increased chance of making mistakes. The occurrences of these mistakes go on to necessitate more time for identifying as well correcting these mistakes.

This further leads to wasting time and affecting the overall productivity of an organization. However, with the help of Salesforce integration services, it becomes possible to automate processes that further help in ensuring an optimal accuracy of data.

This ensures that all the systems have the same kind of information and there is never any duplication of data. Furthermore, it also allows the team to focus on important tasks while enhancing organizational productivity.

2. Better Customer Visibility

For offering your customers the kind of personal attention that they expect and should be given, it is necessary to quickly access accounts, different events, tasks, contracts, and any personal data.

Salesforce cloud ensures to offer a comfortable platform for managing all the customer-related information while making it possible to treat all customers with immense value. In addition, with a better understanding of customers, one can be in a better position to forecast future actions. Salesforce plays an important role in forecasting accuracy by a significant percentage.

3. Improves Communication

With the help of effective communication, almost all the stakeholders of a company play an important role in ensuring success. However, many times it seems that one department might be comfortable in using Salesforce while another might be keen on working in a different setting. This problem can be quickly solved with the integration of systems in an organization.

The business workflow automation offered by Salesforce helps in ensuring that all departments have easy access to important business information. This further helps in streamlining internal and external communication while also improving information sharing. With enhanced communication in an organization, one can serve the target customers in a much better way.

4. Effective Time Management

There are a few hours in one day, and when a person is juggling multiple responsibilities, these hours can begin to feel shorter and shorter. In this case, Salesforce does an effective job of combining all the important information together.

For example, Salesforce combines the calendars, schedules, activities, and agent information together while scheduling appointments that serve customers in a better way. This basically means that there will be very few deadline-related problems or stress.

5. Efficient Sales Process

Efficient Sales Process

Looking for the right leads can be a long-time job. In addition, the process of guiding these leads all through the sales pipeline until a full commitment is another job. Salesforce integration services enable easy tracking of individual prospects including expectations, or other information that could be useful in helping a customer along the sales process.

As such, one can always see where a lead is in the pipeline along with knowing what the next might be. The overall result is that the Salesforce applications have been known to increase sales by a considerable percentage.

6. Better Access to Data

With the use of Salesforce integration, you can allow your employees to access required data from the integrated systems. There is no longer any need to switch to the systems for finding what they might be looking for. Salesforce integration offers all-in-one access that makes accessing data quite easy.

This streamlines business processes considerably because employees can log into the integrated systems and access required data while performing desired tasks easily. As there is no need to move from one system to another, this can help in saving a lot of time while enabling you to work efficiently and in a productive manner.

7. Advanced Collaboration

Advanced Collaboration

Salesforce integration means that almost any and every authorized individual can work together to ensure customer success. All it takes is a simple log-in to the company’s database from any internet-enabled device.

By logging in, the team can access important data and information that helps in communicating and collaborating for offering a seamless customer service experience that does not become a problem in interdepartmental miscommunication.

8. Automated Workflows

In the present highly competitive market, the automation of workflows has turned into one of the most important things for reducing any human intervention and saving important time.

The automation is an important thing in the business activities because there is a reduced chance of making an error when there is business workflow automation. Salesforce cloud comes into the picture by easily automating the workflows without any coding. Since it is possible to integrate Salesforce with several systems, the workflow can be easily automated without any requirement of additional codes.

9. Supreme Reporting

The Salesforce integration services also help in improving the reporting system of a business. Since there is easy access to important data, the employees of an organization can gain better insights with the help of different reports and dashboards.

The use of relevant and detailed reports helps in easy management and better decision making. It also helps in finally taking appropriate actions responsible for the growth of an organization.

10. Overall Support

It is a well-known fact that a tool is only as good as its functions. Salesforce integration services provide great support. In case, an issue arises, steps can be immediately taken to make sure that everything gets back to complete functionality at the earliest.

As the complete platform is based in the cloud, maintenance can be done without bringing technicians into the office or paying expensive maintenance costs. You will actually be amazed at the seamlessness in which problems get looked into and solved with ease.


The Salesforce integration services can offer great returns to organizations. They help in streamlining the business processes and automate the business workflow that brings down the operational costs. That said, it must also be remembered that Salesforce integration is more of a technical project that requires expert supervision. For ensuring optimal outcomes, one should make sure to work with the best Salesforce integration service providers.

Hence, in case you wish to offer a better customer experience, get in touch with an experienced Salesforce integration partner such as Encaptechno for the best results.

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