Zoho Campaigns- An Outstanding Email Marketing Tool - Encaptechno

Zoho Campaigns: An Outstanding Email Marketing Tool

Zoho Campaigns- An Outstanding Email Marketing Tool - Encaptechno

What is Zoho Campaigns?

A product designed by the Zoho, the Zoho Campaigns is made to create, deliver, and manage integrated email campaigns that can help in boosting the sales of a company and its customer base. Zoho Campaigns is actually an email marketing solution that can enable a brand to expand its reach with an exceptional capability to integrate with third-party applications such as Facebook, WordPress, YouTube, etc.

With the assistance of email marketing software such as the Zoho Campaign, a marketing individual or the marketing department of an organization can effectively work with some pre-designed templates for implementing marketing goals. The email marketing enabled with the help of Zoho is further done with the autoresponders, some follow up emails, and optimized with the platform’s automation.

Any user can be allowed to have unprecedented access to some of the robust features that can help in increasing engagement and personalize the email interactions for making the campaigns more effective.

Hence, Zoho Campaigns can be considered as a tool for email marketing that assists users in monitoring email campaigns seamlessly by making the entire list clean and spam-free. In fact, the software is functional to a point that it also makes the users aware of which design or subject line can work more efficiently.

In this blog, we will shed a light on why Zoho Campaign is an outstanding email marketing tool. So, let’s begin:

1. Excellent Email Editor

Zoho Campaign login offers the user to maximize the functionality of an extraordinary email editor. The user has the ability to choose from the basic templates and make a customized email or create an exceptionally customized email from the HTML builder. On the other hand, one can also reuse a template or choose one of the Zoho Campaigns for the fully designed email templates.

Zoho has a drag and drop email editor that not only lets a user add images, videos, buttons, text, some HTML snippets, tables, but it also helps in changing the layout for making it customized according to the user’s requirements. Some of the new options that enable a person to add dynamic content help in showcasing numerous content pieces based on conditions lime the recipient being on a particular list or segment, custom contact fields, etc.

One can also apply numerous conditions to an email which could mean personalizing almost every aspect of an email. After the email has been created, the test versions can be sent to as many as five recipients to preview how it looks on the mobile and desktop and by the email client.

Zoho Campaign is a tool that makes sure that emails are valid and goal-oriented. For making sure that the emails are technically correct and more than likely to end up in a recipient’s inbox, the Zoho Campaigns also help in sending the test version of the first five emails while offering a reputation score which is reliant on the anti-spam factor.

2. Subscriber Management

Subscriber Management

Another benefit of Zoho Campaigns is that it helps in subscriber management. It helps the users with an option that ultimately helps in managing the subscriber information manually while adding one subscriber at a time.

However, when it is about managing the newsletters with a large subscriber base, the users have an option to streamline the process by choosing to use the API for the purpose of importing the subscriber details from Excel or the Zoho CRM.

To make sure that the email campaigns are as effective as possible, the Zoho Campaigns make it possible for the users to reach out to the audience with the help of smartphones, creating segments, and integrating the sign-up forms.

3. Efficient Contact Management

At the time when a user is adding the contacts to the Zoho Campaigns, one can choose to add as many custom fields as they like based on the information that is relatively important. For example; if a person sells tailored dresses, then the right field to add would be the size needed for making the dress.

In addition, the user can also choose the contact source, regardless of whether it comes from something like cold calling, social media, a trade exhibition, a webinar, etc. This enables a person to successfully manage the success of a campaign.

When a person adds or imports contacts, the Zoho Campaigns prompts a person to add them all to the contact list. One can create for any possible purpose such as a location, history, or any custom field. After a user is done with creating a list, they can then begin to create segments that are effectively based on a variety of criteria such as demographic data, contact source, last purchase date, subscribe date, purchase history, etc.

Zoho Campaigns is actually a customer relationship management system that can be used for efficient contact management because it offers a customizable overview of the history of all interactions that have taken place with a brand. The information could possibly include list membership, campaigns or autoresponders, social media activity, contact list updating, etc.

If a user wishes to grow the email list then the best way can be to create a sign-up form and embed the same on the website. The user can either choose to create an independent form or select one from the Zoho Campaign template.

4. Attention Attracting Newsletters

The drag and drop editor combined with the simple and customizable layout helps in building a quick and easy email campaign through the email marketing software of the Zoho Campaign.

The users are not required to begin the process from scratch because there are already pre-designed templates that are suitable for use at any given time. The images that are used in an email being created can actually be enhanced, adjusted, cropped with an image editor, etc. This actually makes the visual elements of the newsletters more streamlined.

5. Report Generation

Report Generation

With the help of the Zoho Campaign, one can get the reports on the per campaign as well as per list basis. Zoho Campaign is a tool for email marketing that offers a detailed insight into the analytics of all possible aspects that are mentioned on the list including the data and campaign performance per list.

This involves emails that can be opened per device, email client, operating system, bounces, any unsubscribe, number of linked segments and forms, etc. Furthermore, the campaign reports also offer a detailed analytics report on performance and insights into the recently sent campaigns, the top campaigns that a user has sent, and monthly and yearly statistics.

In fact, it is very easy to compare simultaneously. The metrics include the number of opens, the number of clicks, the number of opens on the basis of device, email client and location, performance over a certain period of time, etc. The reports are highly detailed and help the marketing teams to streamline their processes in a way that results are improved in the future.

6. Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

Zoho Campaigns assists the companies to lay stress on significant factors that govern the business by getting rid of any manual process that includes multiple tasks and automation.

One of the best examples of a subscription campaign is getting a new member or sending a message to each person at the time when a new purchase is being made. Autoresponders can eliminate any trouble by taking care of the entire process automatically without any need for manual attention.

This platform aims to help the users stay connected with their subscribers and to make engagements much more personalized. This is exactly the reason why some features such as reminders for events such as anniversaries and birthdays are included.

7. Ease of Use

Zoho Campaign actually offers a very modern and intuitive user interface which makes it an absolute pleasure to use this email marketing software. When a person first logins to the Zoho Campaign, it comes with a checklist of certain activities that one should complete creating the first email campaign and the list of updates while completing the tasks.

The technical team of Zoho Campaigns and at times the Zoho Consultant can provide a personalized demo when a person signs up for the first time. This further helps in getting started with all the important features and understanding how a person can make the software work for some specific needs. It also offers information on some webinars that can further improve the email marketing skills.

Other than this, the user experience offered by Zoho Campaigns can be counted as one of the best ever as a world-class tool for email marketing. It is very easy to navigate, intuitive, and comes with well-streamlined navigation with a drop-down menu that displays many options. Moving through every step becomes seamless and it never feels overwhelming.

Users come across some of the most helpful tips and explanations all through the app, which is available when you are using the feature as well. Almost everything is where you wish it must be and a plus button appears at the very top of the screen where a user can quickly access some of the common tasks without searching through the menus.

8. Zoho Campaigns Support

Zoho Campaigns Support

The support offered by Zoho Campaign is again exceptional. The help button takes a user to a pop-up help center, which has links to some highly knowledgeable articles, the request a demo button, and a link to the user forum that provides peer-to-peer support, some other support options, and user guides.

Zoho Campaigns also provides email support and a call back service which specifies the promptness at which support is needed by a user and also ensures that the best possible correction is offered.

Zoho Campaigns displays its support email address and a toll-free phone number, which a person a user can call 24 hours a day starting from Monday to Friday.

Final Thoughts

All the reasons mentioned above are in themselves suggestive of the fact that Zoho Campaigns is an excellent email marketing software that enhances the marketing operations of an organization.

If you want to use the functions and features of Zoho Campaigns in the best possible way, get in touch with Encaptechno that has a team of exceptional Zoho consultants. This will make sure that you get the best returns out of the software.

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