
zoho crm integration

Benefits of Zoho Integration with WhatsApp | Encaptechno

Benefits of Zoho Integration with WhatsApp

Benefits of Zoho Integration with WhatsApp | Encaptechno
All businesses run to increase income and the number of loyal customers. For achieving this goal, the organization must grow and be led to improve its services. On one hand, it is established that a company cannot satisfy needs if it does not have an established connection between various departments. That said, in case your company is way too focused on the inner workings then it will not succeed without good quality customer service.

The Zoho integration with WhatsApp enables you to improve the client service and optimize the company’s work as well. This integration is somewhat useful in delivering a set of useful tools as well. It helps in analyzing and improving the sales department work. You can get noticed and communicate where it is comfortable for the customers.

The Zoho CRM integration with WhatsApp helps in extending your support through WhatsApp messenger to the customers. The customers will find it easy to reach your support representatives for support from their WhatsApp messenger while the representatives may continue using SalesIQ to respond. Other than this, customers can also look out for your business on WhatsApp and connect instantly.

In this blog, we will look at the benefits of Zoho integration with WhatsApp but before doing that, let us first get an overview of this integration and why it is considered important.

Zoho Integration with WhatsApp

Zoho Integration with WhatsAppZoho is a
CRM platform that unifies all aspects of a business in just one place. It allows to have everything centralized, improves productivity, and be more competitive. The data obtained from CRM is extremely important and useful and Zoho further helps in segmenting the customers, having more controlled management, and improving customer retention along with consumption.

The Zoho integration with WhatsApp makes sure that the communication with the current customers becomes way more productive. The communications can also be customized. With the Zoho CRM and WhatsApp, you will have many benefits over your competitions that have the ability to set you apart from the rest.

In case a business wants to have an image of caring about its customers then you must know that you are on the right track. With the multi-channel support of Zoho, it becomes possible to reach your customers with chat, calls, emails, and social media. All thanks to the integration of WhatsApp, this communication is also available for use.

The Zoho CRM integration improves sales performance with sales automation. The integration is expandable and customizable. On the other hand, the analytics and reporting tool also helps in giving you very important data that can be used to track everything happening in your business. This function can be used to draw business strategies and see important results.

Moreover, security is guaranteed with this integration. This is a rather important point since you cannot leave your company in the hands of just about any other CRM. It is necessary to invest in support and security. The Zoho CRM integration with WhatsApp promises streamlined business processes, a method to contact your customers, leads, and contacts of the messaging applications of millions of users directly from the CRM. 

You can use one of the most preferred communication channels like WhatsApp for connecting and getting help instantly rather than navigating to the website and initiating a chat every time. The chats can be managed by customers through WhatsApp, web, and mobile from a similar dashboard.

Top Benefits of WhatsApp and CRM Integration

1. Improved Business Control

The more workforces become involved in a business, the more difficult it can become to monitor the work of each individual. However,
Zoho integration with WhatsApp can help in controlling the sales department remotely. You can have first-hand information about the activity of your sales managers.

The integration of WhatsApp with Zoho CRM enables the owner of the business to check the communication that is happening between the managers of different departments. Therefore, you find it easy to evaluate the quality of work of every individual employee.

All thanks to the integration between WhatsApp and Zoho CRM, all communication will be stored in the CRM. The owner can track which sales manager closes the maximum deals and identify the most effective employees. Basically, the streamlined communication process ends up improving the overall business functioning.

2. Better Analytics Tools

Better Analytics Tools | Top Benefits of WhatsApp and CRM Integration
Another important feature of a successful business is the ability to accumulate and analyze important data. All businesses must be clear about their target audience so that estimation of the weaknesses and strengths of a company can be done adequately. This important information helps in identifying the potential for further growth and the quality of offered products and services.

The Zoho integration with WhatsApp can help in gathering all the information about the customers in just one place. You can analyze your age, gender, and choices of customers who are using your services and products. This allows you to see the target customers much more clearly and work dedicatedly to engage with these people in the future.

The connection of WhatsApp with your CRM can help you to learn more about the negative sides of a product. The CRM system can save you questions, suggestions, and reports about the problems that customers experience commonly. Therefore, the company can analyze reviews and work on the revealed issues properly.

3. Automation Opportunities

Automation Opportunities
The integration of WhatsApp and Zoho helps in properly adjusting the CRM system according to the needs of a company. You can create multiple marketing funnels and send deals, contacts, and tasks to different steps of the funnel.

The integration helps the sales managers to reduce multiple routine activities and spend more time in communication with customers. The incoming messages coming from WhatsApp trigger the Zoho CRM to automatically create a task that reminds managers to respond to the customer.

With the Zoho CRM integration, it becomes possible to automate the process of updating the CRM list whenever a prospective user or a customer messages. You can also set up a chatbot to collect information from users and collect or update information saved on Zoho. Automating the processes can help you and your team save time and effort for handling multiple customers at the same time.

4. Streamlined Workflow

In case you have got Zoho set up and running then it makes sense to have your team manage everything on Zoho. From getting important updates about new contacts to reaching out to your existing customers, the Zoho integration lets you use the platform with the added ease of automating an important bulk of the process.

After your customers have been listed on Zoho, you will be able to sort them into different categories and assign them to other agents as well, as you would usually do. A well-defined system can automate the complete process.

When you have a list of customers sorted into Zoho, you can easily reach out to them automatically with predefined messages or also have your team reach out to customers based on the queries. Other than streamlining your workflow, Zoho integration with CRM helps tremendously in streamlining the workflow with which you can stay on the top of your business.

5. Easy Communication

Easy Communication
The integration of Zoho with WhatsApp makes sure that you are able to access customer information and reach out to your customers on a platform that you are familiar with properly. You can engage with your customers on a platform that they are familiar with and use frequently.

You will have the ability to send out messages to a wide user base by using rich media such as documents, images, videos, etc. If used properly, it can be a perfect solution for businesses that have a large customer base.

It allows businesses to streamline the workflow and CRM processes while being accessible to users at the same time. Businesses can make good use of WhatsApp by greeting customers with a personalized message when a conversation is started with a business.

6. Follow-Ups

Zoho CRM integration with WhatsApp enables you to send automated messages with complete details about all your products and services to your current or even potential customers. The best part is that these messages are simple to set up and they can be sent out very quickly with just a little effort.

Therefore, you can ensure that your customers get the information they need without making them wait in any way or even risking their annoyance. You can also go a step ahead and save the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. This helps in reusing the answers in the future and it also helps in increasing the speed of the issue resolution process followed by your business.

7. Better Internal Communication

Better internal communication in a business is done with team collaboration. In different words, there are different tools that enable collaboration between teams and business sectors. With WhatsApp and CRM integration, there is no need to worry about any team communication problems.

Other than allowing you to communicate with your prospects and customers seamlessly, the integration also helps in removing any kind of inefficient departmental silos that can improve communication in your company. Hence, the complete organization flows all the more optimally and effectively while improving organizational communication.

8. Optimized Business Marketing

Optimized Business Marketing
The WhatsApp CRM integration enables you to send a useful catalog of images, location, documents, audios, videos, to your potential customer. Based on the interest of your customers, you can send them marketing collateral that can spark their interest.

In this way, you can nurture leads and increase the chances of conversion as well. When you start putting this into practice, this can turn into one of the best ways to move the leads down the sales funnel and increase your chances of conversion.


WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging applications out there that is used by one and all. It is used for both personal and business purposes. Organizations use it to leverage more benefits by integrating it with their CRM systems.

You can also integrate your WhatsApp account with a CRM platform to start messaging by getting in touch with an experienced CRM consultant from Encaptechno. The integration will allow your WhatsApp instance to use information that is already contained in your CRM.



Benefits of Zoho Integration with WhatsApp Read More »

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6 Reasons to Integrate QuickBooks with Zoho | Encaptechno

6 Reasons to Integrate QuickBooks with Zoho

6 Reasons to Integrate QuickBooks with Zoho | Encaptechno

Managing finances is one of the most important and complicated functionalities of a business. It is only with superior financial health that a business can grow. For many companies, hiring a finance specialist or an accountant can be a costly affair, but the good thing is that small business owners have an alternative available to them. They can either become well versed in managing their own finances or they can purchase affordable
accounting software such as QuickBooks.

Quickbooks is popular as affordable accounting software that enables businesses to manage different aspects of accounting and finance. The integration of QuickBooks with Zoho CRM increases the functionality of account management much more.

As it is well known, Zoho CRM is a customer relationship management solution that helps business owners manage and delegate business activities such as customer support, team management, lead management, social media management, etc. It collects and manages all the information related to a customer from the stage of procurement of leads to the time when they are converted into customers. 

Multiple functionalities are involved when a lead decides to purchase a product or a service. The Zoho CRM integration with QuickBooks helps the business owners manage and understand the financial aspects much more easily. The integration of Zoho CRM with QuickBooks helps in doing the following things:

  • Easing the data transfer between Zoho CRM and QuickBooks.
  • Exporting records and synchronizing vendor or customer details.
  • Keeping important data as a common record or fields between the two solutions. 

QuickBooks helps the sales team generate and track invoices, track expenses and bills, generate detailed financial statements of your business to keep track of the income, profit, and expense, keep track of employee work hours and offers salary accordingly, and much more.

The thing is that Zoho CRM already has features for tracking inventory and QuickBooks makes it extremely simple to track the quantity and cost of inventory. QuickBooks helps its employees and businesses to manage taxes, scan receipts, and send them back to the customers through Zoho CRM.

After seeing an overview of why one should integrate QuickBooks with Zoho, let’s look at the reasons in detail.

1. Measuring Productivity

Measuring Productivity

Time tracking can go a long way in measuring productivity of employees. With Timesheets, one can get a detailed understanding of the Project costs and budgets. When Timesheet gets integrated with QuickBooks, many things can be done.

The time logs from approved timesheets can be pushed as Time Activity or as Time Charge and the employees can be paid out on the basis of the approved timelogs using this integration. The time logs that are created for clients get pushed as Time Charge in the local currency.

Please note that the currency defined when the client was created on Zoho People should be the same as the local currency in QuickBooks because if this is not the case, the time logs can be pushed as Time Activity. The time logs created without being associated with any clients will be pushed as Time Activity for which the payment can be carried out in QuickBooks.

Basically, the bills that have been generated in the Zoho account can be pushed as Invoice into QuickBooks. The currency used in the bill can be the currency of the organization as created in QuickBooks. However, in case you would like to push the bill in some other currency then you can enable an option called Multicurrency in QuickBooks.

2. Inventory Management


The Zoho inventory is integrated with QuickBooks online for making the accounting and inventory management proceed seamlessly. This seamless integration can help the QuickBooks users easily access all of their sales and purchases in the Zoho inventory.

With this Zoho CRM integration, you can import your accounts into the Zoho Inventory from QuickBooks Online. In addition, you can also export your invoices, credit notes and bills along with their payments from Zoho Inventory to QuickBooks Online. The only thing is that you must have an active account with QuickBooks online.

Remember that you cannot connect multiple QuickBooks organizations to your Zoho Inventory organization and vice versa. The base currency of the organizations should be the same. In case you have enabled multi currency in Zoho Inventory then you have to enable the same in QuickBooks as well.

3. Transfer Important Data


The business owners are completely aware of the hassle that bookkeeping can bring with it. With the integration of Zoho CRM and QuickBooks, it is possible to create and update all the sales orders, customers and product list, invoices, etc. This integration can help in syncing data with the Zoho CRM so that you can gain complete visibility of customer updates with Zoho.

Zoho CRM also enables all aspects of the business to work in complete sync. You can depend on this accounting software for managing incoming and outgoing payments. For example, in case you are in a conversation with a client and they are enquiring about the latest sales that was processed then instead of going through the task of flipping through QuickBooks, you can stay within your Zoho account and have all the questions answered.

4. Importing Data


Zoho Books is an ideal accounting package for many businesses that seek an affordable and a user friendly alternative to other cloud accounting solutions. It offers a wide range of features that make getting paid easier than ever.

The QuickBooks integration with Zoho CRM can help you in using the best of both Zoho Books and QuickBooks. Zoho Books features an intuitive client portal that helps in accepting bulk payments from customers, expediting the estimate approval process and accepting valuable customer feedback.

In fact, Zoho Books also allows you to send and confirm sales orders before they get sent out along with an automatic reminder that can be set for invoices and bills so that it can be ensured that the client pays at the right time and you never fall behind when it comes to timely payments. Zoho Books can also offer seamless scalability for growing businesses integrating with Zoho’s line of business apps, payment gateways, POS appa, G Suite, and more. 


5. Syncing Contacts


Syncing Contacts


QuickBooks is an accounting application for small businesses and one man bands. It is a full scope of app integrations and features including billing, accounting, invoicing, and estimates which helps in keeping the books balanced and staying organized without ever losing valuable time. 

On the other hand, the use of Zoho CRM empowers businesses of all shapes and sizes to automate many business workflows, get extensive reporting and analytics, and engage with customers through various channels such as social media, email, phone, and live chat. Zoho CRM is an important part of Zoho’s suite of applications and it integrates natively with other Zoho products.

You can create customized book sync for QuickBooks in less than five minutes. All you have to do is add collections, actions, and map the billing fields. You can either have all of your customers and suppliers sync two ways with QuickBooks or do it based on the custom attributes in your CRM or marketing platform. On the other hand, you can also go for a simple one to one integration or a workflow that spans across multiple apps within minutes without any technical help.

6. Saving Time and Energy

Saving Time and Energy

QuickBooks is one of the best solutions designed for small and medium sizes businesses. It is easy to set up and use because it replaces the need for spreadsheets. Zoho CRM QuickBooks helps in keeping track of all the money coming in and out of the business.

It is structured in a way that it makes the accounting process implemented automatically within the software. This further helps in saving time and energy for the financial team and helps the team to concentrate on other important tasks. 

In essence, any business that opts for QuickBooks integration with Zoho CRM can benefit from the time saved by providing payment and invoice information for salespeople while reducing any need for double accounting entries. This is the best option that revolves around important factors of affordability, direct integration, user friendliness, and customer support. All these factors can strengthen the sales cycle and enhance customer experience.



The benefits of Zoho CRM with QuickBooks online cannot be stressed enough. The syncing of these two programs can help a company manage each of their accounting functions. This integration is also extremely user friendly and can help the users with a virtual orientation process.

With this integration, the team also does not need much time for making adjustments because most of the features can be easily activated with just a click of a button. All the updates are designed to streamline the relationship between a client and a customer.

In case you need any more support to make the QuickBook integration with Zoho possible then Encaptechno is at your service. Get in touch with us to get the process of integration going.

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Why Is Zoho Implementation A Good Investment for Your Business - Encaptechno

Why Is Zoho Implementation A Good Investment for Your Business?

Why Is Zoho Implementation A Good Investment for Your Business - Encaptechno

The success of any business is dependent on customer relationships. Organizations of all sizes are increasingly realizing the importance of investing in a credible customer relationship software application for improved business processes. A CRM application that has managed to change the entire ecosystem of business considerably is called Zoho CRM. This CRM works on the SaaS model, it is light in weight and is cloud-based while being packed with numerous customizable features.

Zoho implementation is perfect for carrying out business operations efficiently and in a cost-effective manner. Moreover, Zoho CRM is particularly targeted towards small and medium-sized businesses for storing customer and vendor data, improving customer engagements, and increasing conversion rates.

Empowered with a network of hundreds of thousands of businesses spread across 180 countries, Zoho CRM integration has proven useful to many organizations. It is a highly rated software application that enables companies to grow their revenue, convert leads, and engage with customers.

In this blog, we will understand the way in which Zoho implementation proves to be a good implementation for a business. If you own a company that you wish to expand then understanding the benefits of Zoho implementation will help you considerably.

Zoho Implementation and Business Efficiency

Zoho Implementation and Business Efficiency

Zoho can be very easily customized for fulfilling the needs of different businesses regardless of their nature and size. Right from small and medium-sized start-ups to large scale organizations belong to a diverse business vertical, all businesses use CRM software for increasing their marketing operations, sales efforts, and customer service processes.

The implementation of Zoho helps to automate business processes with various modules. Some of them include marketing automation, order management, salesforce automation, contact management, customer support, activity management, inventory management, vendor management, website integration, workflow automation, CRM analytics and reporting, and billing and payment management.

Other than this, Zoho can also be integrated with many other applications. In fact, when compared to all the CRM options that are commonly available, Zoho CRM provides some of the widest range of integrations. Other than email integration in Zoho CRM, one can integrate Zoho CRM to applications such as Gmail, WordPress, Office 365, LinkedIn, Facebook, Slack, and much more.

Zoho Implementation – A Good Investment for Business

The decision to integrate Zoho CRM can without a doubt be the best decision to enhance the business efficiency. The Zoho CRM actually comes with different applications as add-ons that help businesses to boost their overall sales. Below, we will be mentioning some of the benefits why Zoho implementation is a good investment for your business.

1. User-friendly CRM

User-friendly Zoho CRM

One of the most important factors that make a software application desirable and we might as well say, beneficial is the user-friendliness quotient. When it comes to ease of use and simplicity, Zoho CRM is exceptionally user-friendly.

The employees of an organization do not need comprehensive technical know-how to monitor and customize the platform. The Zoho CRM integration enables the employees to take care of all the departments that need attention. Moreover, there is real-time access for monitoring sales, deals, and contact history.

All in all, the company’s employees can stay ahead of managing important customer relationships with the implementation of Zoho CRM.

2. Improved Customer Relationships

The implementation of an efficient customer relationship management application is one of the strongest and also an efficient method for maintaining and creating relationships with the customers. With the implementation of Zoho CRM, customer relationship management does not only stay limited to businesses but also ideates to strong bonding with the customers.

The development of this kind of strong bond enables the business to reach new levels of success. Once the personal connection is built with the customers, it becomes very easy to find the actual needs of customers and help them to serve in a much better way.

It is a strong belief that the more streamlined strategies involved in the implementation of customer relationship management, the better and more productive the business becomes. Zoho CRM empowers organizations to be armed with dedicated tools for the maintenance of CRMs in the workplace.

3. Advanced Marketing Processes

The implementation of Zoho CRM leverages and amplifies the customer base of an organization with an effective marketing strategy. In fact, the Zoho CRM brings new dimensions when it comes to marketing by significantly enhancing the overall operations and their execution as well.

The intuitive CRM-associated marketing strategies such as web marketing; email marketing, direct marketing, etc. have been developed in the recent past. These methods are more promising and effective as compared to the traditional ways of marketing because they deliver higher business performance.

Zoho CRM makes all these processes very easy by enhancing the response rates on the marketing campaigns, streamline costs on the promotions and also provide better security on marketing investments. With the assistance of a dedicated Zoho partner, you can improve things such as web marketing, email marketing, analyzing the buying behaviour of customers, forecasting future marketing strategies, and building business impact models.

Zoho CRM comes with synergistic marketing strategies that help in developing high-end marketing businesses. Therefore, it is important for an organization to incorporate them completely by anticipating change, testing their performance, assembling the best strategies, and maximizing the marketing growth.

4. Easy Migration of Data

If you have been looking to change your data management system or even adapt consciously to a new CRM then Zoho CRM is the way to go. It helps in migrating extremely valuable data precisely in just a few simple steps. Once the data gets converted in the required format, Zoho implementation maps out the import files with the modules within the CRM and vice versa.

In case there are no important fields left to map then Zoho CRM takes the responsibility of creating them for you. The entire process of migration is very simple and easy to carry out. In fact, with the support of an experienced Zoho consultant and Zoho’s dedicated data migration, there will be reduced manual work and everything will become much easier when it comes to the migration of data.

5. Telephony Features

To enable optimized call dialing and automatic call logging, Zoho comes up with a single click dialing that can take place directly from the CRM. After the successful integration of telephony, anytime a user views a contact card, there is an option to click to call.

Further, the telephony feature comes with a built-in reminder so that you can set the future callbacks and also automate the call logging which then makes it simple to see the customer information and conversation history. The call analytics and reporting round out Zoho’s telephony features by offering extremely important data visualization and feedback on customer service.

6. Detailed Reporting and Advanced Analytics

Detailed Reporting and Advanced Analytics - Zoho

Zoho CRM integration enables much more visibility into a business. It allows the sales, marketing, and support team to capture the leads from incoming calls, emails, or messages that come through websites.

You can log into important information about the lead and also the sales activities like important calls, meetings, and emails. With the analytics feature of Zoho, it is also possible to convert the lead to a potential sale for pipeline reporting, run the reports on sales activities per user, and record the sales performance.

This further helps in creating quotes and invoices even in multiple currencies while closing sales and tracking business revenue. You can focus on ROI with better marketing campaigns, track the customer complaints or problems, enhance customer retention, and reduce the overall sales time.

7. Task Automation

With Zoho implementation, it becomes possible to automate various activities within a business workflow and triggering certain actions. This further enables businesses to save a sufficient amount of time because the employers will no longer have to manually record the information which in turn will help them focus on the lead nurturing process and the conversion rate.

In essence, Zoho understands that the task processes can be pretty complex in function. They might include multiple teams, require certain approvals at stages from some people, and may also need notifications to be sent out. Since doing all of this manually can prove pretty tiresome, Zoho comes with tools such as Blueprints that let the tedious work gets completed.

8. Artificial Intelligence Feature

Zoho CRM is known as one of the very few business-focused SaaS CRMs that come with a high-quality AI drive functionality. Zoho’s proprietary AI assistant comes with predictions on trends, anomalies, conversions, and closing deals.

At the most advanced level, which means the ultimate subscription plan, this assistant called Zia offers detailed insights about the best time for contact customers. It also sets auto-reminders that can be used for reaching out to the customers and analyzes the tone of emails sent by customers to come up with the best response.

9. Customization

You can customize your CRM application in the best way possible that suits a business’s needs. By presenting the information you acquire in a unique way, the Zoho CRM can be used for great customization. With the option of Layouts, one can create individual layouts for different processes and in turn control the data that enters a system for making a quick sale.

With custom components, you can use custom modules, fields, and buttons that present the information the way in which you want in the CRM.  In addition, you can also cater to more customers across the globe by offering multi-language and multi currency to a team. Finally, the option of views and filters helps in adding custom filters and other settings that mark the important information and make it easily available.

10. Effective Collaboration

Zoho implementation comes with many collaboration tools that are considered suitable for small to medium-sized teams. It has a built-in document management system that stores important documents, pictures, music, and videos which makes accessing these things simple at the time of need.

The access privileges also make it easy to lock down important material and share some items with the team members. The feature of the calendar is also helpful for collaboration because it allows the teams to share calendars so that individuals can maintain an easy calendar within their CRM.


In case you are handling a business and your focus is on the maintenance of customer relationships then Zoho CRM will help you get everything that is needed to improve the organizational infrastructure and productivity.

You can actually customize your business infrastructure with the assistance of Zoho CRM integration because that will prove beneficial in building a strong organization and improved customer relationships. At Encaptechno, we have a team of focused and experienced Zoho consultants who have offered the best assistance in Zoho implementation to many businesses.

If you wish to ensure smooth workflows then get in touch with us to know more about Zoho implementation.

 Get FREE ZOHO Consultation NOW


Why Is Zoho Implementation A Good Investment for Your Business? Read More »

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Why Your Retail Business Needs to Integrate CRM Software?

With digitization becoming popular, businesses no longer run the same. Whether offline or online, the retail industry is undergoing a complete transformation. Being a customer-centric business, maintaining a strong relationship with customers is a must. A recent report has revealed that by 2020 retail sales will top $27 trillion. Staggering, doesn’t it? The market is huge. But with plenty of options available to customers, the competition is tough. To survive and excel incorporation of technology is no more a need rather a necessity.

As visible, the concept of shopping is now changing. The online marketing is gaining prominence. According to a recent survey, 51% of customers purchase stuff online. This has made the offline retailers to pull up their socks. A more personalized user interaction is the need of the time. But with an expanding customer base personalizing each interaction becomes tough. Here Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software comes into the scene. It is a robust and comprehensive software. With smartphone usage becoming common, a number of CRM mobile apps have entered the market. The retailers nowadays are using CRM mobile integration on a large scale.

That is to say, the CRM software is helping stores to serve their buyers in an efficient way. Curious to know more? Let’s have a look at why your retail business needs CRM integration. Here we go:

  • Image building – Building a positive image of your business is very important. With the help of CRM software, you can have a more professional approach in dealing with customers. An inviting image will attract buyers to your stores or services.
  • Personalized customer service – In a time when options are plenty having a loyal customer base is tough. A personalized interaction with your customers will help you in this direction. CRM software provides social media data, purchase history, likes and dislikes of every individual customer. This help store owners deal with their customers in a better way.
  • Better alignment of sales and marketing – Big data hold immense potential for businesses. A proper analysis of it will propel your business to heights. The marketing team can manage big data content with CRM integration. Also, by giving access to pricing literature and personalized dashboards, the CRM software can help the sales wing too.
  • Loyalty programs – Implementing loyalty programs can do wonders for your business. It’s a powerful tool but underused. By using CRM software, you can handle customer loyalty programs in an effective manner. It will help in managing customer profiles, their reward tiers and how can they redeem them. An online portal showing details of offers, complimentary coupons, current reward status etc. will help you in developing a loyal customer base.
  • Better inventory management – CRM software enables you to keep a track of intercompany transfers. You can check the availability of stocks, demand/supply ratio, and replenishment processes. Such in-depth information will help you in better management of your inventory. You’ll never go out of stock. This will help your business in the long run.

In brief, CRM software holds immense potential to deliver a superior customer service. In the times of the empowered customer, it will propel your business in the right direction. We at Encaptechno, have years of experience in CRM mobile integration. So, if you also wish to give your business a technological push, we are there to help you. Feel free to reach us at [email protected] and we will revert back at the earliest.

Why Your Retail Business Needs to Integrate CRM Software? Read More »

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