
Author name: Rabia Bajaj

Rabia has 8+ years of experience in CRM platforms like Salesforce and Zoho. She has been actively working on simple and complex implementaions which includes, system migrations, integrations, customizations and consulting services as well. She is passionate about learning and exploring new advancements in the technology and offers simpler solutions to the clients.

Create a Better Client Centric Experience With Salesforce | Encaptechno

Create a Better Client Centric Experience With Salesforce

Create a Better Client Centric Experience With Salesforce | Encaptechno

In the present business landscape, it is not anymore enough to have an excellent product or service at a good price. The customer experience that a company offers is much more important than its products and services. This is something that is being understood and acknowledged by all smart business owners.

It is becoming increasingly common to see businesses use new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. These are the things that enable a better customer experience while also making sure that customer satisfaction is achieved. Businesses must figure out ways to offer the best customer experience if they wish to stay ahead of the curve and competitive.

The ability of businesses to offer amazing services before and after a transaction means that it is possible to offer improved personalization and a highly valued and connected customer experience across channels.

To make this easy, a business must adopt customer retention strategies so that there is an increased focus on becoming customer-centric. The ability to become customer-centric means putting the customer at the center of everything that is done in a business. From sales to marketing, the customer service touchpoints make a difference at every point.

Even though the definition might differ between the industries and individual companies, customer-centric businesses will all have one thing in common with each other and that is the fact that all of them are passionate about customer experience.

What Is Being Customer-Centric?


Keeping the customers first at every point is not a new thought. However, it must be kept in mind that the technologies that change customer behavior such as AI, IoT, Social Media, etc. are also enabling businesses to personalize interactions with customers in a completely different way.

Here, personalized interactions do not necessarily mean scaling up a generic experience with a customer’s name. Rather, it is more about creating a dynamic experience at each and every moment beginning from the initial search to every moment of the journey that comes in between. In case a customer has been able to establish a relationship with a brand this means that the customer can receive personalized recommendations based on purchasing history as scrolling is done on a website.

Context: The process of generating a better customer experience can be associated with the process of modifying a garment’s design so that it fits each customer individually. A special highlight in the way tailors work focuses on knowing each customer differently including their build, the way the garments should be, the right fabric, etc. Similarly, organizations today are shifting to selling experiences that fit the needs of the customers. This means that there is a constant modification of products and services so that the end result leads to customer satisfaction.

For example, a hotel group can use personalized information to offer the best experience to customers while anticipating the needs of this customer in advance. This information can be used to offer the right personal care kit to suggest the right food or yoga classes. It can be anything. Another example could be of an online retailer who might show similar products that the customers may have viewed on other browsers while providing direct comparisons to these products.

Importance of Being Customer-Centric


Importance of Being Customer-CentricOffering a personalized customer experience is considered an important step in the lead management system. In fact, customer expectations are evolving at a quick pace. The consumers in the present world are way more informed and less loyal as compared to the past generations. The customers look for different experiences that give rise to their trust and the customer will shop around anywhere to find them.

In contradiction with the past, offering services with a smile is not enough. Businesses must realize that customers want to be treated as a person and not merely a number so that eventually the business can win. With so many customers thinking that it has become easier than ever to take the business elsewhere, the pressure is on organizations to get the customer experience right.

The good news is that most customers even pay more for a great experience. This means that if businesses use the right tools then they have an opportunity to increase revenue by delighting their customers in a way that no one can.

What Is a Customer-Centric Organization Like?


An organization must know the importance of customer-centricity if it has to succeed. It is important to start with the customer experience and work backward with the technology. This is a lesson that successful companies have been implementing since forever while they stand out as being customer-centric companies.

Salesforce Cloud is an excellent example of a technology that can help businesses. It offers businesses a wide potential to rethink their business model. Retailing is one industry that has not started to explore what is possible. The retailing industry has understood the importance of customer-centricity for some time now but retailers lack both the technology and knowledge to connect sales, marketing, service, and commerce systems that enable a comprehensive customer view.

With technology such as Salesforce Cloud, all relevant and personalized engagements emerge as a key differentiator and retailers can finally make the investments to deliver on the promise of putting a customer at the center of everything. The key to becoming a competent customer-centric organization is starting with empathy. Otherwise, it is easy to risk not seeing the point and alienate the customers.

For example, Nike is a company that really started selling more shoes when the brand turned into a service that can help in tracking running, compete with friends and feel healthier. Nike is a brand that is a lot more than just selling shoes, it is the idea that focuses on delivering a brand promise in a meaningful way.

Why Do Companies Feel Held Back In Offering Customer Experiences?


Why Do Companies Feel Held Back In Offering Customer Experiences_
The thing that is holding companies back from cultivating great customer experience is some deep-seated problems. These problems are such that if the companies do not address them timely then they will get worse but the good thing about all of these problems is that they can be fixed.

To make sure that the companies offer the best customer experience, it is important that they work with a combination of innovation, discipline, and technology. More than anything, the companies require unwavering leadership so that business processes can be reimagined when times are painful. Doing nothing and letting the customers move to future-proof competitors can be much worse.

A problem that may get in the way of progress includes siloed front, middle, and back offices that may affect end-to-end visibility. In addition, backward-looking business intelligence affects shaping the future; the static workflows are focused on the past and find it difficult to adapt to the future; all compliance and regulatory issues serve as a problem.

These are some challenges to offer customer centricity which are also remnants of the old ways of doing business. They hold the companies back to move ahead and work smartly. While looking at these challenges and exploring new ways to adapt to the digital future, Salesforce Cloud is undoubtedly the best solution.

Customer-Centric Businesses Need a Single View of All Clients


Personalization is not enough if one has to become truly customer-centric. Offering customers a connected experience all across an organization is also important. Sales offer an integrated customer experience which ensures a seamless handoff between departments and striking a contextualized engagement based on early interactions.

Using Salesforce Cloud enables companies to recognize the customers wherever they engage while having a connected experience. Basically, with the support of a salesforce implementation consultant,you can win at each interaction a customer has with your organization. With siloed data being a major roadblock to connectivity, businesses are supposed to look at how they unlock the data held in multiple systems.

Moreover, the businesses also have to ensure that everyone in the organization has a single view of their customer and the role of customer experience is streamlined. If the organizations encourage employees to think about customer experience in terms of what’s better for the customer than the business then this can be a tangible step towards building a truly customer-centric culture.

Organizations go wrong when the employees work with a territorial and a myopic view of customer experience. When people say that customer experience should be owned by marketing they do not understand it goes way beyond that. It actually involves marketing, sales, and services. It does not matter who owns the customer experience more than who is implementing it and when it comes to it, everyone in an organization implements it.

In case there is any disconnection in a team then the result is disconnected metrics and customer experience. Measuring the customer experience in association with revenue and other organizations promotes alignment. All leaders must demonstrate a commitment to the long-term outcomes of customer experience even if the traditional performance indicators drop in the short term.

Customer–Centricity Begins With Trust


Customer Centricity Begins With Trust
Since the customer experience runs on data, building trust with all customers is important. In the past, high-profile data breaches have been in the news quite often while highlighting the poor procedures of many organizations. On the other hand, the data misuse scandals affect tons of people which has also left many people wondering how personal information is used.

Many customers think that their personal information is not secure while most others think that companies do not have their best interests at heart. Even though many people are comfortable offering personal information for better experiences, the responsibility is on businesses to be transparent about how personal information is stored, accumulated, and used. In case the businesses use this information to push irrelevant things, they will automatically lose customer trust.

The companies that are successful in earning customer trust can experience many benefits. In addition to spending more with brands they trust, the customers are also more likely to recommend these brands. However, if a company gets it wrong then the stakes are higher of losing a customer. Trusting a company makes the customers more likely to recommend that company further.

The Future is Customer-Centric


The Future is Customer-Centric
Organizations must focus on becoming more customer-centric if they wish to survive at the present time. Just as viewers expect recommendations while accessing a streaming service, the tailored customer experience is becoming more of a necessity to customers irrespective of the company that they engage with. The organizations that fail to get on board with this may not be around for a long time.

There is no better customer retention strategy than placing the customers at the heart of every interaction. The customer-centric businesses can create a dynamic, seamless, and uniquely personalized experience for customers that help them in achieving desired outcome and sales. The customer-driven organizations completely reset the valuable and meaningful experience with customers.

In the future, we can see more and more brands deploy the right technologies, right processes and hire the right people to connect all of their customer data while bringing a fundamental shift for companies as they reorient from being product-centric to customer-centric.



The use of the Salesforce cloud has the ability to change how business is conducted completely. The organizations can gain an ability to move faster than ever before with a wide level of customer and market-driven intelligence far beyond what was there in the past.

At the same time, customers will have many opportunities to forge the types of relationships they want with the brands they trust. There will be an easy association between the customers and brands that focus more on delivering experiences that delight customers rather than disappoint them.

This will only be possible with technologies such as Salesforce Cloud. If you wish for your company to become truly customer-centric then take the support of an expert Salesforce implementation consultant from Encaptechno who can guide you professionally. For any more queries, get in touch now.



Create a Better Client Centric Experience With Salesforce Read More »

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Salesforce Visualforce Vs. Lightning: Which is Better? | Encaptechno

Visualforce Vs. Lightning: Which is Better?

Salesforce Visualforce Vs. Lightning: Which is Better? | Encaptechno

The question of which one out of Salesforce Visualforce and Lightning is better has confused the new and existing customers of Salesforce considerably. Salesforce is a CRM giant that has been extensively promoting the use of Lightning since its inception. However, this does not mean that Visualforce has been replaced.

As a framework that comprises a tag-based markup language along with a set of server-side controllers, Visualforce pages in Salesforce allows the developers to build custom user interfaces with native hosting. On the other hand, lightning is a modern UI framework that is used in the development of dynamic web pages for desktop and mobile devices. Both of these offer ways to create custom user interfaces for Salesforce.

However, which one should the customers choose if they had to go for one? We will see the answer to this question below. However, we will start with understanding Visualforce and Lightning in detail first.


Visualforce framework is known as a page-centric web application model that has a robust set of tags resolved at the server-side. The VF relies on the server for generating a new page when a user interacts with the application. For this reason, it can be pretty challenging to offer a new experience as expected by the users.

That said, Visualforce is considered one of the best choices for the basic functionalities that it brings to the table. It uses a markup language similar to HTML for designing pages and Apex code for handling the database operations. Below is the classification of the Visualforce pages:

  • Visualforce Page: A markup language such as HTML is used for the purpose of designing the layout of pages.
  • Custom Controller: The Apex code is used for handling the backend processing implemented at the Visualforce pages in Salesforce.
  • Java Script: Javascript is completely optional and helps in the maintenance of client-side processing. It can be coupled with CSS for revamping the interface.
  • Apex Extensions: The logical operations can be done using the Apex extensions that are not available in the standard controllers. However, this is also optional.

The framework of Visualforce is a tried and tested model that is simple to implement and can split huge applications into small pages for easy management. However, it has limited interactivity and an increased latency rate.


The lightning framework is known as the new app-centric model that offers businesses and data logic to develop dynamic web applications meant for desktop and mobile devices. Salesforce Lightning web components have involvement of JavaScript at the client-side and Apex on the server-side.  

This is a framework that does not completely replace a page at one time, rather it leverages JavaScript for the creation, transformation, and animation of the user interface. The Lightning Components and Applications use Bundles for storing important files while ensuring the fluid motion of the user interface.

The Lightning Component Bundle includes:

  • Component: A markup language that is used for configuring the layout of the component.
  • Controller: This is a JavaScript Controller that is used for handling the client-side processing or an apex controller is preferred for server-side processing.
  • Design File: A design file is also used for describing the design-time behavior of the component that is being used in the lightning pages or in the lightning app builder.
  • Documentation File: A documentation file is commonly used for providing reference documents or the sample code to the users who have received the component.
  • Helper: A helper is supposed to store the reusable JavaScript functions that are handled by the controller.
  • SVG File: The SVG file allows the users to include custom icons that can further be used for reference.

The lightning framework is also used for aligning with the Salesforce user interface strategy. It empowers the users with impressive and interactive experiences and also includes a steep learning curve as compared to Visualforce. Application building is an inherent part of lightning and for this reason, it is somewhat more complex than Visualforce.

Features of Visualforce and Lightning


  1. The Visualforce pages in Salesforce help in the quick development of the simple or complex UIs. This is for both mobile and desktop applications.
  2. Visualforce makes use of diverse development technologies such as JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, and many others that can help the users.
  3. Visualforce can be used to secure the display of third-party images.
  4. The Salesforce Visualforce can be used for accessing metrics such as LogDate, MetricsDate, ProfileID, and many others.


  1. The Salesforce lightning web components use the latest technology to help businesses reach out to a wide number of customers. In addition, it also allows the ability to do almost everything on the cloud so that positive relations can be maintained with the customer.
  2. The Salesforce Lightning component also enables customized dashboards for the customers. This is done as per the requirements of the customers.
  3. The Salesforce Lightning assistance can offer a comprehensive insight to the user about all new updates that come on a daily basis.
  4. Work performance charts can be displayed to the users and customers while helping them track the business growth.
  5. The Salesforce Lightning voice enables the business owners to connect with the customers over voice calls within the Sales Cloud server.
  6. There is an Outlook Alliance feature in Salesforce Lightning that helps in improving the CRM aspect. As a partner of Microsoft, transitioning from management programs has become comfortable now. The users can synchronize logbooks in addition to the contact in the Office 365 application for easy management.
  7. The application builder by Salesforce Lightning enables the non-coders to create applications without the implementation of code.
  8. The steel brick feature of the lightning components handles all trading aspects of the business for the owners that are represented as CPQ.

Differences Between Visualforce and Lightning

1. UI Generation Aspect


The users are requested for a web page under the UI generation aspect of the Visualforce. In addition, the server also processes requests by executing the page code. Moving ahead with the process, the server sends the HTML output to the browser and then the browser proceeds the displaying of HTML to the user on his/her interaction on the webpage.

Lightning Components

Under the UI Generation aspect of the Salesforce Lightning Web Components, the users make a request for a component or an application. After this, the bundle returns to the clients and starts loading in the browser. Moving ahead, JavaScript implements the UI with respect to the user’s interaction on the page. Under the lightning components, JavaScript is also supposed to modify or improvise the user interface for the convenience of the user.

2. Usability Cases


Visualforce is implemented for many usability cases or the needs of customers. It is used for offering a page-centric experience to the users with all important information without making any use of the client-side logic. It works best with the implementation of a JavaScript framework such as React, Angular JS, and others.

Visualforce also acts as the third-party framework for developing an interactive page with the use of JavaScript. Under the Salesforce Classic, Visualforce is perfect for building a community for partners and also proves to be more productive when blending with the lightning measures. It helps in rendering pages in PDF format while they are in the application.

Lightning Components

The lightning components have a design that is used to eradicate the limitations of the page-centric approach for giving a high network connection that runs seamlessly with more resources. Integrating the Salesforce Lightning Components with JavaScript derives a fruitful and interactive user experience.

The app-building feature of the Salesforce lightning components enables even non-developers to assemble the components for framing an application. The many functions of the lightning app builder are comfortable and simple to use. Integrating new tabs and other such attributes into the application can be done using easy methods without extra developer knowledge.

The community builder of Salesforce Lightning enables the users to create a community for the customers with all possible components in it. To get successful outcomes with the implementation of the latest technologies, the Salesforce Lightning Web Components are the best decision.

3. Advantages

Advantages and Differences Between Visualforce and Lightning


The Salesforce Visualforce is a tested model that offers efficient results without fail. Any two-way binding is not experienced in it because the users need to wait until the pages are loaded completely from the server to see the updates.

In addition, Visualforce is also very easy to implement and has a higher productivity ratio. The bigger the applications are broken down into small web pages, the more chances are for the users to manage things efficiently. The metadata integration is also available in the Salesforce Visualforce.


The user experience of the applications is very interactive which further enhances convenience for the customers. Two-way binding is possible in Lightning and it displays content on the UI after each of it is updated. Lightning Salesforce measures use the user interface strategy of Salesforce for deriving better outcomes.

Here, the metadata is available in the foundation for enhancing the developer’s experience. The console that is available for the developers is also compatible with the lightning Salesforce Components and enhances the developer experience.


Will Visualforce Be Going Away Because of Lightning?

There are multiple things that can be done by Visualforce but Lightning cannot handle them at the present time. Even though this will change in the coming future as the new releases of Lightning come into being, for the time being, Visualforce can do a lot.

There has not been any major benefit for building and designing the Lightning Components as compared to the Visualforce Components other than the fact that it is a new technology that Salesforce is going to develop in the future. With the use of Lightning for Desktop, many people are really starting to see the process of creating and designing modular components that can be used both in mobile and desktop experience that can change the design structure of things.

Salesforce Lightning web components also bring a rather native approach while allowing people to drag and drop components onto a canvas for quickly creating a new page or application. In case someone wants to do this with Visualforce then there will be a need to use a platform such as SkyVisualEditor for getting this done because there will be a lot of code to handle. This also brings a new level of design to the independent software vendor community so that they can package and distribute small and reusable components to the customers.

Lightning will eventually replace Visualforce but it will take many years for that to happen. The thing is that lightning is rolled out in phases and it will take many years for lightning to become accessible in all locations that Visualforce is in at the moment. In addition, we will also have to factor in the time taken by people to actively rework their Visualforce code into the Lightning code for supporting the architectural changes.

We are not talking about just taking the Visualforce Page and inserting it into the lightning component, but actually reworking the Visualforce Page for utilizing the component methodology that lightning brings to the table. Hence, Visualforce will go but it will take some time until people really start using Lightning and replacing Visualforce.


We hope that you have a better understanding of the differences in functionality and features that are there between Salesforce Lightning and Visualforce. Business professionals from across the world are implementing the above-mentioned techniques for improving their customer and business data management.

The option that you choose depends completely on your needs. Both of them are good enough and solve many problems and give them a positive boost to businesses. 

For deciding which one suits your business the best, you can have a Salesforce consultant from Encaptechno help you. They will guide you in the right direction while offering you the best Salesforce Solution according to your business needs. 

Visualforce Vs. Lightning: Which is Better? Read More »

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How is Salesforce Commerce Cloud Beneficial for your Retail Business? | Encaptechno

How is Salesforce Commerce Cloud Beneficial for your Retail Business?

How is Salesforce Commerce Cloud Beneficial for your Retail Business? | Encaptechno

Retail business owners find it important to include multiple channels into their sales and distribution aspects for staying competitive. The world that we live in is largely driven by online shopping. This is to a point that the total number of customers purchasing products on the internet has grown dramatically in the past few years.

People are comfortable pulling out their phones in a crowded restaurant for making an impulsive purchase decision based on the recommendation of a friend. It is natural for an increasing number of businesses to continue opening and pushing themselves into gaps for a small share of revenue that makes for a competitive market.

It has become important for businesses to choose a platform that handles operations, agility, scalability, and the customer experience as well. In this scenario, Salesforce Commerce Cloud has actually emerged as one of the best and most functional platforms.

What is Salesforce Commerce Cloud?

Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a future-proof and comprehensive cloud-based e-commerce platform that helps organizations to create an engaging and intelligent shopping experience. This is for customers across a series of channels including social media, web, mobile, store, etc.

The retail e-commerce platform of Salesforce offers a highly functional suite of amazing features and functions using which enterprises can easily connect with existing and potential customers at each stage of the sales funnel. One of the best things about the Salesforce commerce cloud is that it also helps in excellent customer service and support across a wide range of channels and platforms.

It helps enterprises to leverage omnichannel insights for effortlessly delivering and analyzing engagement and behaviour of users across all channels. Another great advantage of Salesforce Commerce Cloud over other cloud-based e-commerce platforms is its unique and built-in predictive intelligence.

Salesforce Einstein AI is an advanced and powerful built-in predictive intelligence system that helps many enterprises to deliver some of the best shopping experiences. This is facilitated by identifying and offering smart insights on the purchasing pattern and customer behaviors.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Serves Both B2B and B2C Businesses


Salesforce Commerce Cloud Serves Both B2B and B2C Businesses

Salesforce calls Commerce Cloud the world’s leading B2C and B2B commerce solutions. With two main products called B2B Commerce and B2C Commerce, the Salesforce Commerce Cloud provides various types of company effective and innovative e-commerce solutions.

  • B2B Commerce: The B2B Commerce solution comes with the power to handle large orders, complex shipping functionalities, and fast checkouts for business buyers. The Commerce Cloud platform is such that it enables all kinds of businesses to scale up quickly and efficiently while giving the customers a personalized and streamlined experience on the internet.
  • B2C Commerce: B2C Commerce version of the Salesforce Commerce Cloud to create buying experiences on both the web and mobile sites. The retailers have an option to launch multiple branded websites while managing them within a single space. Since all customer interactions go way beyond the brand’s website, the B2C Commerce Cloud is designed to interact with prospects on social media and email.

Benefits of Salesforce Commerce Cloud for Retail Businesses


1. Predictive Intelligence


The feature of predictive intelligence along with Commerce Cloud eliminates any need for manual data analysis and a host of third-party tools. Einstein is the next-generation artificial intelligence embedded in the Salesforce Commerce Cloud. It is a system that enables brands to offer a delightful and personalized shopping experience across all channels without any interruption in the user experience.

With Salesforce Einstein, brands are empowered to recommend the best products at each touchpoint; generate predictions for all shoppers; get smart conversions with data-driven insights; save time because of automated merchandising tasks. The personalization offered by the Salesforce Commerce Cloud is important for brands that wish to stay competitive because with every passing day customers are demanding personalization.

Einstein and Commerce Cloud offers everything considered important in terms of personalization. By offering a smart, predictive, and a personalized experience, brands can depend on the Commerce Cloud to enhance loyalty and facilitate conversions. If we add a unified buying experience and commerce cloud benefits to that then it becomes easier for the customer to buy from anywhere including social media, mobile, website, and store.

2. Seamless Ordering Experience


It is important to create customized shopping experiences along with a seamless ordering process. Oftentimes, companies get overwhelmed in the process of integrating systems with their legacy management systems and this makes for a slow and error-filled end-to-end commerce experience.

This is where the lightning order management add-on comes into play. It is a single unified platform that integrates all of the systems while allowing a person to visually manage important workflows. With a single look at the inventory, it becomes possible to prevent all sell-throughs and overstocks.

When the Salesforce Lightning Order Management is your ordering command center, you can customize the shipping, processing, and delivery process used for simple drag and drop tools. No coding is required and there is also an option to automate payment capture and invoices.

What’s notable is that Salesforce noticed the self-service option power for boosting customer loyalty and driving purchases from returning customers. Lightning can make it all a reality for you by giving customers the ability to check the order status or manage cancellations, returns, and exchanges.

3. Improved Marketing


Improved Marketing - Benefits of Salesforce Commerce Cloud for Retail Businesses

In between the confines of Salesforce Commerce Cloud, the retailers can manage and share product content, information, and images across various categories, sites, and catalogs. In fact, it is also possible to unify all of those things across multiple sites with different currencies and languages.

It is a CRM for the retail industry that enables us to connect with customers with the right product, price, assortment, offer and content at just the right time for maximizing conversion rates and increasing average order value.

Finally, the brand marketers, content creators, and merchants are all empowered to drive the business, launch campaigns, run promotions, refresh regularly, and launch A/B tests for optimizing conversions without any technical support. One can also optimize customer searches and conversions by using the merchant rules based on search intent and profitability of products.

If we add this feature to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud then the retailers have a one-stop solution for handling almost everything from paid advertising, social media management to email campaigns and reports for each touchpoint and experience with a brand.

4. Great Sales Opportunities


When we talk about the inventory, statistics show that out of stocks cost the retailers a significant amount of money in sales. Even though online shopping has become a norm, there are still many people who prefer shopping from brick and mortar stores.

But the fact is that when the shelves are not restocked with the products that the customers are looking for, the customers go to a competitor to buy a product. This is both online and physically.

A Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud add-on called Endless Aisle is meant to minimize sales lost because of OOS or unavailable products by tying the in-store and digital experiences together. Instead of leaving the customers entirely empty-handed or disappointed, a brand can have its associates greet the customers with a smile.

If a brand allows the customers to place digital orders for products that are out of stock with an option of getting them delivered to the customer’s homes whenever the product is in stock, it is always helpful.

Even better, the shoppers can help themselves using the in-store kiosks. Other than seeing an increase in sales and brand engagement, the use of endless aisle technology can enable a team to improve forecast accuracy as well.

5. Customer Support

Customer Support - Benefits of Salesforce Commerce Cloud for Retail BusinessesIn terms of the customer support offered by Salesforce, there is an extraordinary level of promptness shown by the organization. The customers of Salesforce think of the platform as a lot more than just a CRM software provider.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud can be considered as a strategic advisor on innovating and enabling the business to grow. This is a great deal because it is actually something rare that only a few competitors can match up to.

The Salesforce team does not just respond at the right time but also ensures that the user is not facing any problem. Also, if the consumer partners with a certified Salesforce consulting partner, the road becomes much simpler to walk on for the development objects and the business process adjustments.

An online case submission with a two-day response time is included in the subscription fee. However, if the customer wants an added support with a prompt response time then signing a premium and useful admin support becomes important.

6. Content Management


In the present competitive world of B2C businesses, a strong online presence is important. With the help of Commerce Page Designer, one can create an appealing website that is both easy and efficient.

The Commerce Page Designer offers easy-to-use capabilities that enable the marketers and merchandisers to design some of the most engaging and feature rich experiences without any code. What’s more, pre-built templates and tools can be used for converting complex data into customized content such as lookbooks, promotional banners, and landing pages.

All of this can be done within a matter of seconds without any need for an outside agency. In fact, it is also possible to embed Einstein Product recommendations for showcasing relevant content to users based on geographical area, customer group, language, and device type. A major percentage of customers expect a connected experience across various channels which is why this tool is made to keep the content consistent.

7. Omni Channel Capabilities


The retail e-commerce platform of Salesforce Commerce Cloud unifies e-commerce, offline store operations, and order management in just one SaaS solution. This platform is largely focused on allowing the retailers to run their business across various channels from a single platform while being widely respected for streamlining sales, operations, and fulfillment at scale.

The Salesforce Commerce Cloud also enables the merchants to implement services such as buying anywhere and fulfilling anywhere with the help of an order management solution. This offers many flexible purchasing options to the shoppers including shipping from stores, in-store pickup, etc.

8. Pricing


Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a CRM for the retail industry that comes with an income-sharing pricing model. An important part of Salesforce’s contractual obligation is that it takes a license fee reliant on a percentage commission of the online sales. The Salesforce team recently changed pricing so that the small businesses could use the platform effectively and make their best use.

The pricing model that is applied to help small businesses use the platform is based on Salesforce Commerce Cloud Starter Tier, Growth Tier, and Unlimited Tier. Other than this, Salesforce CRM also offers SMB and enterprise pricing plans that can be billed annually. Some bundles called Sales Cloud Lightning and Service Cloud Lightning are also available on requests.

9. E-commerce Functionality


E-commerce Functionality - Benefits of Salesforce Commerce Cloud for Retail Businesses

The platform comes integrated with some of the most important e-commerce functionalities such as catalog management, internalization, and omnichannel benefits which makes Salesforce Commerce Cloud the best b2c ecommerce platform. These functions are all integrated with machine learning, personalization, and reporting which makes all the more effective.

That being said, it must be noted that the Salesforce Commerce Cloud comes from Demandware acquisition which means that the platform works independently and is not integrated with Salesforce products. More often than not, custom development is required to leverage the optional features which can create some complications in case the tools needed are not already present in the Salesforce Marketplace.



Given the benefits offered by Salesforce Commerce Cloud, it will be safe to say that it is a functional and scalable e-commerce platform with multiple native capabilities of merchandising, multiple store management, internationalization, and customer segmentation.

The platform is used by many retail brands because of features such as endless aisle, point of sale, internalization features, advanced merchandising, machine learning, and proven cloud-based solutions.

One of the best decisions to choose Salesforce Commerce Cloud relies on the nature of a business, priorities, customization needed, the amount of freedom, and agility needed in a platform. In case you wish to make the best out of a proven cloud-based platform then Salesforce Commerce Cloud is the best choice for you.

For any more information on the implementation and use of Salesforce Commerce Cloud, get in touch with the team of Encaptechno today. 


How is Salesforce Commerce Cloud Beneficial for your Retail Business? Read More »

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How is Salesforce Sales Cloud Different from Service Cloud? | Encaptechno

How is Salesforce Sales Cloud Different from Service Cloud?

How is Salesforce Sales Cloud Different from Service Cloud? | Encaptechno

For many people, the dilemma of choosing either Salesforce Sales Cloud or Service Cloud can be an overwhelming one. However, the truth is that both of these solutions overlap each other in many ways while making it somewhat challenging for the users to make a choice.

Both of these solutions are highly used and in fact, they make up a lot of Salesforce’s revenue as well. But the question is, what should you choose in the long run?  In this blog, we will give you a guide that will help you answer all the questions one by one. Keep reading to make an informed decision.

Salesforce Sales Cloud


The Salesforce Sales Cloud is one of the most important Salesforce products designed for the management, analysis, and management of sales processes. Many times, both the sales representatives and sales managers use the functionality of Salesforce Sales Cloud for completing the tasks scheduled for different priorities and better efficiency.

As for the sales representatives, the Salesforce Sales Cloud offers efficient and rather comfortable customer communication with numerous channels right within the Sales Cloud UI. With an advanced integration on a customer’s website and social media sync, you can collect precise information about contacts, accounts, and targets. There are extensive automation capabilities that help the sales representatives with numerous routine tasks while freeing up their time for nurturing leads and closing multiple deals.

With the sales cloud implementation, you can construct a sales strategy and manage it within a single system only. Sales Cloud helps sales managers control and assess sales representatives. By using the performance data, the sales manager can easily identify the strengths and weaknesses needed to improve skills which then allow increasing the overall performance of the sales department.

By using the Sales Cloud, sales managers can also deal with challenges such as disjointed sales processes and the process alignment needed with marketing.

Salesforce Service Cloud


On the other hand, the Salesforce Service Cloud helps in making the customer service process much easier and effective. Since it is way cheaper to retain a customer as compared to gaining a new one, the Service Cloud can become a strategically important tool for your company. The customer service managers say it can positively affect customer retention rates while ensuring that a company is recognized for caring about customers.

For the customer service agents, the Salesforce Service Cloud offers integration with numerous channels of communication with customers. As communication via every channel is available within the Service Cloud UI, the customer service agents can serve much faster. In addition, the service cloud enables creating and managing a knowledge base that can be a useful source of information for the customers. The knowledge base helps in reducing the response time and training new agents quickly. Since the Salesforce Service Cloud offers customer service process automation, the service agents solve many cases quickly as the customers receive answers to their questions without any delay.

As for the customer service managers, the Service Cloud offers a possibility to organize customer service processes while managing them within Service Cloud UI. The service cloud enables customer service managers to control the performance of customer service representatives which further helps in identifying the areas of growth and organizing training.

Features of Salesforce Sales Cloud


Some of the features of Salesforce Sales Cloud include:

1. Lead Management

Lead Management - Features of Salesforce Sales Cloud

The starting of the sales funnel is about generating and nurturing prospects for finding viable deals. The prospective customers get captured as leads and are nurtured by sales representatives to move through the lead funnel. There are many standard features for the process of lead management such as lead assignment rules that automatically help in assigning new leads to representatives and teams based on some attributes such as the product of interest and geography.

Salesforce offers a great learning guide for lead routing along with links to resources on how to do lead assignments in Salesforce Sales Cloud. The Salesforce Sales Cloud also comes with a set of lead auto-response rules for automated follow-up for eligible leads. For instance, in case a lead comes from an online information request form then the Sales Cloud has the ability to automatically send an email thanking the lead for interest and letting the lead know that someone from the team will be in touch soon.

Coming to leads from online forms, the Sales Cloud also has a native feature called web to lead that enables one to automatically generate web forms for capturing prospects that can be added to the site even if it is not a Salesforce page.

As a representative nurtures the leads, you can give the guidance for success in a path component. When the lead expresses interest in going ahead, a representative can qualify them as a strong prospect and convert the lead to a full account. In addition, once a lead is converted to an account and related records, it is possible to manage important information about the company and the person with the customer information features.

2. Sales Pipeline and Forecasting

Sales Pipeline and Forecasting - Features of Salesforce Sales Cloud


During the phase of converting a potential lead into a customer, the sales representative really starts talking more and gets a much better sense of value. The potential sales also get captured as opportunities. Similar to leads, you can define a number of sales processes that are in line with the sales methodology that a company uses.

A Salesforce path can be added to opportunity pages for guiding the representatives at each step. It is important to understand that reporting and monitoring are important parts of any sales organization. 

You have to predict how much money each representative will choose in a given period and how you can track performance. Salesforce Sales Cloud implementation comes with forecasting tools that give sales managers and representatives visibility into the projections and performance.



So many industries have a sales process that necessitates complex quote building. The sales cloud comes with functionality as well. With the basic Sales Cloud quote building, you can add in products, quantity, pricing, and discounts. 

A single opportunity might have many quotes since your sales representative will be negotiating the deal. However, you can always pick which quote will be syncing to pipeline reports and forecasting.

You can also add products underneath an Opportunity in case you do not want to go the formal route. Building the quotes is a tedious job but you can always make the quote template for starting the process. The rapid products also offer your representatives faster quote-building capabilities. In case you have a customized product configuration and pricing model, Salesforce CPQ is one of the best applications to explore.

Features of Salesforce Service Cloud


1. Case Management Tools


One of the most important features of Salesforce Service Cloud is that it offers you the ability to automatically handle incoming cases while making sure that nothing is missed including lead auto-response and assignment rules.

Anytime a new customer ticket comes into the system, Salesforce helps in offering the customer an auto response by sending an email that acknowledges the issue and helps in running through configured assignment rules for routing the ticket to the right agent and team.

Another important feature in Service Cloud is known as email to the case which lets you route emails that come into a special inbox to Salesforce directly. In case customers email to a support email, you can easily have inbound emails that address sync automatically to a case in Salesforce so that you do not have to worry about anyone manually monitoring the inbox.

Right after the case gets created, the auto-response and assignment rules will run normally. Email to the case is a great feature but it comes with some limitations too. The email to case premium plugs in many holes in the normal email to case with enhancements to native infrastructure.

Way beyond handling incoming cases, Service Cloud has many ways to track the kind of support that a customer might be entitled to while defining key milestones of that process. The entitlements and milestones help your team keep a track of cases needed to define appropriate service levels while outlining steps within a service process.

2. Customer Support Channels

Customer Support Channels - Features of Salesforce Service Cloud

The Salesforce Service Cloud also enables customer support beyond cases. Today, many customers want to get support on their terms either through an email, support portal, online chat, or SMS. One of the best features that the Service Cloud offers is omnichannel.

It is helpful in connecting all the support channels while also providing consistent support to the customers and giving your agents work in a consolidated place. The omnichannel can also assign an incoming customer service issue dependent on agent capacity by checking the workload.

The Omni Channel performance dashboard lets you monitor agent work performance to maximize efficiency. With the help of omnichannel, you can roll out various support channels for the customers. Salesforce also comes with a native live chat option that can be embedded on a webpage.

It offers native SMS support so that the customers can text from their smartphone while the agents stay in the Salesforce console. It has released Service Cloud Voice that is the CTI tool for handling and routing incoming calls.

3. Self Service Options


Way beyond case management, the service cloud has many features that help in deflecting the cases and provide self-service options to the customers. In the beginning, a knowledge base is an important way to provide easy answers and critical information.

The lightning knowledge makes this easy to do right within the Salesforce. You can either make a public knowledge base or the one for registered customers, but either way, the information will deflect cases.

Rather, there is an amazing case deflection component that Salesforce offers out of the box. Using the type ahead-searching in the Submit case fields, the components recommend knowledge articles for improving the chances of solving an issue. This is one of the best ways to prevent Cases and give customers one of the best experiences.

It is also possible to deflect cases and addresses with a chatbot. By using Einstein bots, you can customize the Bot’s name and personality with the bot sitting right in the normal chat window that the agents use. The chatbots act like triage and handle more rots such as FAQs checking on order status, and basic company questions. In case the bot cannot find the answer, it can route it to an agent and create a case for the customer offering a seamless user experience.

To Conclude


By implementing the Sales Cloud module, you can easily get more deals on regular optimization of the business that improves market interaction. This will also help in making quick choices and business decisions. You can eventually close more and more deals at a quick rate and experience high returns on investments.

With the adaptation of the Salesforce Service Cloud module, you can get a maximized productivity from the agent’s end to work at any place and at any time. The customer experience also gets enhanced with the implementation of service cloud because it creates a lifetime value.

The Salesforce Service Cloud makes sure that data and confidential information stays secure and within the cloud platform for avoiding any kind of harm to the business. Faster case and report tracking also helps in detecting the loopholes in the business processes for working on it within time to improve sales.

To end, one can say that both the Salesforce Sales Cloud and Service Cloud are pretty effective modules. They are efficient in helping a small and large business while gaining more customers and doing better business.

How is Salesforce Sales Cloud Different from Service Cloud? Read More »

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What is Salesforce Health Cloud and its Benefits? | Encaptechno

What is Salesforce Health Cloud and its Benefits?

What is Salesforce Health Cloud and its Benefits? | Encaptechno


In the times that we are living in, patient-centric healthcare is a new reality. Healthcare all over the world is being run on outcome-based patient care and affordability that eventually creates mandates for the healthcare providers, medical devices, and even pharmaceutical companies to focus increasingly on good health. Simultaneously, even the patient’s expectations for information, access, and interaction have increased majorly.

To ensure that the healthcare systems succeed, there is a need to evolve from a focus on medical records management to patient relationships. The healthcare leaders think that is a clear path for improving patient satisfaction, delivering high-quality patient care, controlling costs, and improving overall outcomes.

That said, the healthcare providers still face challenges to make the shift to the healthcare system that is end to end, smart, and well connected. This is primarily because of the age-old manual methods that have been followed until now and one of the best ways to solve this problem is solved with the Salesforce health cloud implementation. Let’s see what is Salesforce Health Cloud in detail?

What is Salesforce Health Cloud?

What is Salesforce Health Cloud?

Salesforce Health Cloud is an integrated solution that uses the power of the cloud, social, and mobile technologies for creating an environment that allows everyone including admins, patients, and specialists to get the information needed at any time and on any device.

The Salesforce health cloud implementation serves three important benefits and they include:

  • Complete Patient View
  • Smart Patient Management
  • Connected Patient Engagement

In essence, the Salesforce Health Cloud gives healthcare providers the ability to go beyond the health records and build strong relationships with patients.

Let’s have a look at all of these features in complete detail one by one:

1. Complete Patient View

The Salesforce Health Cloud offers a complete view of the patients in the following ways:

  • It helps in creating rich and contextual profiles.
  • It helps in collaborating care networks and health timelines.
  • It helps in integrating patient data with electronic health records.
  • It helps in incorporating third data from medical devices and wearables.

With a complete view of the patient, one can get easy access to the right patient information including current conditions and medications, communication preferences, and appointment history.

Other than this, Salesforce Health Cloud implementation also works easily with the health systems’ EHRs while making the patient data easily referenced, actionable and current from any device. With the medical devices and wearables integrated easily with the Salesforce Health Cloud, it becomes easy to gather data from at-home devices such as glucose levels, activity measures, and sleep patterns.

In all, the Salesforce Health Cloud is capable of delivering a holistic and real-time view of every patient’s health while giving the healthcare providers all information that is needed to offer care for improving healthcare outcomes.

2. Smarter Patient Management

Salesforce Health Cloud makes it completely possible for the healthcare providers to do the following things:

  • Prioritize tasks all across the patient’s needs.
  • Segment and manage the patient population.
  • Map professional and personal caregiver networks.

In fact, the Salesforce Health Cloud features a page called “Today” that offers a holistic view of your patients and the critical tasks that are otherwise related to the full patient population. With the view of Today, you can make care decisions effortlessly by browsing the customized care plan for tasks and taking quick actions on them.

In addition, you can also segment and manage the patient populations effectively including sending messages to all patients with high blood pressure so that regular check-ins are scheduled in a safe and private manner.

With the power of the Salesforce platform, you can easily view all internal conversations including the ones with patients and other healthcare professionals. This helps in making improved care coordination plans along with easier and efficient patient care plans.

Finally, you can also map the personal and professional networks that enable you to assign ownership of health goals to anyone on the care team including the patients and their families. Salesforce health cloud implementation empowers you to quickly manage the patient populations, personalize each interaction and drive much better outcomes.

3. Connected Patient Management

Another feature of Salesforce Health Cloud is that it makes healthcare information much more accessible, improved, and effective. It helps in:

  • Collaborating seamlessly with the care teams and patients.
  • Assigning tasks to the caregiver networks.
  • Sharing secure messages to any device.

With the use of Salesforce Health Cloud, the care coordinators can safely collaborate and assign tasks across the caregiver networks. This is something that also extends across the full care system just so that you can work with patients for charting progress against care plans and health goals while easily communicating with physicians, care coordinators and getting quick answers from specialists all across the provider network.

When you extend the Salesforce Health Cloud to mobile platforms, you can send safe messages to the patient’s mobile devices, meeting their expectations for safe communication, encourage deep engagement and accountability and develop strong relationships and loyalty.

Benefits of Salesforce Health Cloud

The different healthcare and life sciences organizations are completely focused on improving health outcomes and driving efficiencies. However, many have been dependent on disparate systems that hinder a comprehensive view of the healthcare consumer while hindering collaboration and innovation.

Simultaneously, healthcare consumers have also set high expectations for personalization and easy access to medical resources. Below, we will understand how the Salesforce Health Cloud implementation steps in to solve these problems.

There was a time when Salesforce was seen exclusively as a solution for the sales team only. However, Salesforce reimagined healthcare in the sense that the functionality could become seamless and visibility could be improved. This also enabled personalized interactions that strengthened relationships and built trust with customers whether they were patients, providers, members, or partners.

With the Salesforce Health Cloud, you can seamlessly connect systems and organize data in a meaningful way that scales up one-to-one engagement with each stakeholder.

The benefits of Salesforce Health Cloud are:

1. Improved Patient Experience

Improved Patient Experience - Benefits of Salesforce Health Cloud

The healthcare professionals manage almost everything including patient care, physician networks to juggling multiple siloed systems. As they do this, they also struggle to meet the demands for establishing extensive communication amongst the care teams, patients, and other facilities.

With the Salesforce Health Cloud features, it becomes possible to unify systems and gather important data onto one easily accessible platform. You can get a complete 360-degree view of the patients, staff members, and clinicians for viewing the health records, social determinants, and communication preferences.

This further helps in coordinating with appropriate care while empowering front-line support teams for interacting with and providing an optimal experience for patients. Salesforce powers the experience that patients deserve by:

  • Connecting Systems
  • Enhancing Personalization
  • Using Data Intelligently
  • Coordinating Care Everywhere
  • Engaging Patients on any channel

2. Meeting Member Expectations

Different members want a seamless and personalized experience from the payers with easy access to relevant health information at any time on the device. However, because of disparate systems in place, the payers cannot meet any member expectations while further slowing down processes and increasing room for error.

With an integrated CRM platform, it becomes possible to create a single source of truth for everyone in the member journey while enabling seamless omnichannel experiences tailored to the healthcare needs of each member and communication preferences.

In fact, Salesforce Health Cloud implementation also empowers the call center agents to drive much better engagement and efficiency. As a final result, the trust factor gets established so that anytime the members have a request, question, or issue, they are confident that the payer will deliver a valuable interaction.

You can power better engagement with Salesforce in the following ways:

  • Achieving Member Centricity
  • Resolving Escalated Cases Quickly
  • Increasing Operational Efficiencies
  • Leveraging Cohort Data
  • Communicating Across Preferred Channels

3. Driving Patient and Customer Engagement

Driving Patient and Customer Engagement - Benefits of Salesforce Health Cloud

Right from increased pressure in the drug pricing and reimbursement constraints to the competitive impacts of some mergers and acquisitions, there is a need for pharmaceutical companies to continue driving innovation with patients and customers.

For these trends to go offset, an integrated CRM platform increases efficiency by connecting the supply chain, manufacturing, marketing, patient services, sales, and medical affairs. This helps in powering the experiences that customers expect, the support that patients need, the productive tools that employees want, and the trust that information technology is responsible for all customer and patient channels. 

In return for this, the CRM platform unifies provider, partner, and patient information for a complete view of all business actions and actionable insights. It becomes possible to streamline and optimize the therapy development pipelines with Salesforce in the following ways:

  • Connecting the Customer Lifecycle
  • Using AI to Surface Data Insights
  • Engaging Distributors for Providers
  • Creating Strong Patient Relationships
  • Speeding up Clinical Trials

4. Connecting Customer Lifecycles

The medical device industry has always embraced innovation with an open-minded attitude. However, the sales representatives often rely on some high-touch models such as visiting the doctor’s offices and scrubbing in for the surgical cases for selling medical devices.

In essence, the sales representatives need much more advanced tools for gaining insights, tracking activities, closing deals, and connecting all possible points in the customer lifecycle. This is right where an integrated CRM comes into place.

Much more than just for forecasting and managing the customer contacts, the Salesforce Health Cloud implementation helps in safely connecting all possible sources of data from the existing systems for delivering a unified patient, provider, and partner experience on all preferred channels. By using a common view, you can easily engage customers and patients who use the devices every day.

You can proactively engage the customers all through the lifecycle of Salesforce by:

  • Creating Connected Experiences
  • Streamlining the Technology
  • Offering Actionable Insights
  • Starting to Sell Smarter
  • Improving Engagement with Device Data

It is important to recognize and understand that there is nothing more important than health. This is why it is important to deliver individual attention, personalized treatment, affordable care along access to health records. All this ensures easy communication on any device at any time, something that healthcare customers want, expect and also deserve.

Collaborating with the Salesforce partner can help in delivering personalized experiences, improving operational efficiency, and becoming much more agile in a competitive industry. This is essentially done by connecting care teams, researchers, EHR data, and many other business workflows on a single and secure digital platform. This leads to much better outcomes for the business, employees, and customers as well.


In the present world, the modern healthcare systems are supposed to rapidly evolve in the sense that they meet the base expectations of the connected patients. The Salesforce Health Cloud implementation puts patients at the very center of care by giving them many benefits.

It is possible to see a complete view of the patients with integrated data from EHRs, wearables, and more, you can make smarter decisions from a single console, and you can also engage with patients across the caregiver networks and on any devices.

Encaptechno can work as your Salesforce partner while empowering you to go way beyond your health records and build a meaningful relationship with the patients. Get in touch today to ensure the seamless functioning of the healthcare system.


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How to Streamline Your Business with Salesforce Integration - Encaptechno

Streamline Your Business with Salesforce Integration

When it comes to achieving success, business performance is considered to be the most important requisite. In case an organization is not performing up to the expectations then no many victories matter. At the end of the day, it must be understood that businesses require consistent management and optimization. If the business processes are not streamlined then the final result will not be so favorable.

How to Streamline Your Business with Salesforce Integration - Encaptechno

Salesforce offers organizations the right tools that help to improve overall performance, boost revenue, increase ROI, and streamline business processes. As a CRM system, Salesforce includes important data about prospects and customers. In addition, it also provides reports and dashboards that enable us to make smarter decisions.

In essence, it is a high-quality customer relationship management tool that supports empowering sales, closing more deals, and improving accuracy. While it is a great investment for customer management, Salesforce integration services also play an important role in offering more value from the workforce by increasing productivity.

Organizations of all sizes can actually benefit from the modern cloud-based solutions that can help in increasing team productivity, promote collaboration between employees, and create a positive customer experience.

Salesforce Integration

Almost all organizations have different goals and as a result, unique requirements to fulfill those goals. For this reason, all organizations use software applications that work differently. The business workflow automation introduced by Salesforce integration brings about easy and effective communication between the Salesforce CRM and other applications using the API.

Each business uses many applications for handling daily activities. Integrating these applications with Salesforce is important to handle and execute important activities with ease. With the assistance of an appropriate Salesforce integration partner, a suitable analysis of data can be facilitated which further supports managers and directors at each level for making powerful decisions.

Points to Consider While Salesforce Integration

All organizations that make the decision to adopt Salesforce must ensure the below-mentioned points. Since the process of integration is different, there are some requirements that should be given due importance. They are:

  1. During the process of Salesforce integration, you must be aware of the kind of integration that is included.
  2. It is important to understand who assists with troubleshooting problems in case an issue comes in the integrations. Often the problem gets solved by itself, but sometimes, human assistance is required.
  3. Finally, the data transfer must be regulated between Salesforce and another app.
Related Read: Benefits Of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consulting Partner

Streamlining Your Business with Salesforce Integration

In recent times, Salesforce has emerged as one of the most trending platforms used by organizations for enhancing customer relationships. The built-in integration services offered by Salesforce enable an expansion of the capabilities of organizations effectively.

Below, we will mention the ways in which salesforce integration helps in streamlining the business processes.

1. Increasing Productivity

To make sure that all-important data is present on the systems, the team is required to stay on track at all times. With so much manual work to manage, there is an increased chance of making mistakes. The occurrences of these mistakes go on to necessitate more time for identifying as well correcting these mistakes.

This further leads to wasting time and affecting the overall productivity of an organization. However, with the help of Salesforce integration services, it becomes possible to automate processes that further help in ensuring an optimal accuracy of data.

This ensures that all the systems have the same kind of information and there is never any duplication of data. Furthermore, it also allows the team to focus on important tasks while enhancing organizational productivity.

2. Better Customer Visibility

For offering your customers the kind of personal attention that they expect and should be given, it is necessary to quickly access accounts, different events, tasks, contracts, and any personal data.

Salesforce cloud ensures to offer a comfortable platform for managing all the customer-related information while making it possible to treat all customers with immense value. In addition, with a better understanding of customers, one can be in a better position to forecast future actions. Salesforce plays an important role in forecasting accuracy by a significant percentage.

3. Improves Communication

With the help of effective communication, almost all the stakeholders of a company play an important role in ensuring success. However, many times it seems that one department might be comfortable in using Salesforce while another might be keen on working in a different setting. This problem can be quickly solved with the integration of systems in an organization.

The business workflow automation offered by Salesforce helps in ensuring that all departments have easy access to important business information. This further helps in streamlining internal and external communication while also improving information sharing. With enhanced communication in an organization, one can serve the target customers in a much better way.

4. Effective Time Management

There are a few hours in one day, and when a person is juggling multiple responsibilities, these hours can begin to feel shorter and shorter. In this case, Salesforce does an effective job of combining all the important information together.

For example, Salesforce combines the calendars, schedules, activities, and agent information together while scheduling appointments that serve customers in a better way. This basically means that there will be very few deadline-related problems or stress.

5. Efficient Sales Process

Efficient Sales Process

Looking for the right leads can be a long-time job. In addition, the process of guiding these leads all through the sales pipeline until a full commitment is another job. Salesforce integration services enable easy tracking of individual prospects including expectations, or other information that could be useful in helping a customer along the sales process.

As such, one can always see where a lead is in the pipeline along with knowing what the next might be. The overall result is that the Salesforce applications have been known to increase sales by a considerable percentage.

6. Better Access to Data

With the use of Salesforce integration, you can allow your employees to access required data from the integrated systems. There is no longer any need to switch to the systems for finding what they might be looking for. Salesforce integration offers all-in-one access that makes accessing data quite easy.

This streamlines business processes considerably because employees can log into the integrated systems and access required data while performing desired tasks easily. As there is no need to move from one system to another, this can help in saving a lot of time while enabling you to work efficiently and in a productive manner.

7. Advanced Collaboration

Advanced Collaboration

Salesforce integration means that almost any and every authorized individual can work together to ensure customer success. All it takes is a simple log-in to the company’s database from any internet-enabled device.

By logging in, the team can access important data and information that helps in communicating and collaborating for offering a seamless customer service experience that does not become a problem in interdepartmental miscommunication.

8. Automated Workflows

In the present highly competitive market, the automation of workflows has turned into one of the most important things for reducing any human intervention and saving important time.

The automation is an important thing in the business activities because there is a reduced chance of making an error when there is business workflow automation. Salesforce cloud comes into the picture by easily automating the workflows without any coding. Since it is possible to integrate Salesforce with several systems, the workflow can be easily automated without any requirement of additional codes.

9. Supreme Reporting

The Salesforce integration services also help in improving the reporting system of a business. Since there is easy access to important data, the employees of an organization can gain better insights with the help of different reports and dashboards.

The use of relevant and detailed reports helps in easy management and better decision making. It also helps in finally taking appropriate actions responsible for the growth of an organization.

10. Overall Support

It is a well-known fact that a tool is only as good as its functions. Salesforce integration services provide great support. In case, an issue arises, steps can be immediately taken to make sure that everything gets back to complete functionality at the earliest.

As the complete platform is based in the cloud, maintenance can be done without bringing technicians into the office or paying expensive maintenance costs. You will actually be amazed at the seamlessness in which problems get looked into and solved with ease.


The Salesforce integration services can offer great returns to organizations. They help in streamlining the business processes and automate the business workflow that brings down the operational costs. That said, it must also be remembered that Salesforce integration is more of a technical project that requires expert supervision. For ensuring optimal outcomes, one should make sure to work with the best Salesforce integration service providers.

Hence, in case you wish to offer a better customer experience, get in touch with an experienced Salesforce integration partner such as Encaptechno for the best results.

Streamline Your Business with Salesforce Integration Read More »

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What is Zoho Connect and How Is It Different from Zoho Cliq - Encaptechno

What is Zoho Connect and How Is It Different from Zoho Cliq?

One of the most important and fundamental tenets of doing a business is seamless team collaboration. It is only with effective team collaboration that getting the best out of two or more individuals becomes possible. In addition to keeping the team members safe from facing any burden of work, team collaboration ensures that the work gets distributed evenly.

What is Zoho Connect and How Is It Different from Zoho Cliq - Encaptechno

For this reason, team collaboration software proves to be extremely useful. The implementation of a team collaboration software solution enables a team to work together and solve challenging situations. This also leads to innovation, success, better communication, and efficiency.

Both Zoho Connect and Zoho Cliq are team collaboration software applications in essence. That still, they still differ from each other in terms of the functions they solve.

Zoho Cliq is a business messaging tool that enables teams to communicate in real-time. The team members of an organization that uses Zoho Cliq can create channels for specific projects or teams while making audio and video calls that help in being more productive.

On the other hand, Zoho Connect is more like a private social network for enterprises. It is social intranet software that helps the team members to share ideas and updates, take part in discussions, share important files, create a detailed knowledge base, and automate internal processes.

In this blog, we will see what Zoho Connect is and how it is different from Zoho Cliq in complete detail so that we understand the team collaboration benefits that both of these software applications can offer.

What is Zoho Connect?


Zoho Connect is team collaboration software that is used for unifying the team members, resources, and applications that a team needs. With the implementation of Zoho Connect, the team members can share ideas, hold real-time discussions, contact each other, create their own applications, build the knowledge base, manage work plans, and access applications that are created to make teamwork easy.

Therefore, Zoho Connect can be used when someone wants to keep everything in the loop and understand more about what might be happening in an organization. It has a social network-themed feed that helps the team members with ideation and detailed planning. You can also set up a knowledge base and file repository that the members can refer to anytime when needed.

Features of Zoho Connect


1. Effective Collaboration: Within Zoho Connect, custom groups can be formed based on the completion of some project parameters. Without any lag or formality of an email or team collaboration, the project completion becomes much more practical with the use of Zoho Connect.

Once the team is selected and finalized upon, it becomes a way more effective collaboration with the same group again for the completion of future projects.

2. Real-time Communication: With so many features that the customers use in their lives already, Zoho Connect uses the capabilities like live feeds so that the teams can stay up to date and familiar with projects, share great ideas with each other, and partner on projects for streamlining completion.

With this casual approach to project management, the team members are more than likely more willing to approach the project because the communication turns friendly and teammate-like as opposed to the formality of email communication.

3. Consolidating Project Features: Regardless of how the project development has been taking place, it is more than likely that there has been some kind of shared documentation that is needed to finally bring the project to completion.

With the use of a social intranet software such as Zoho Connect, it becomes easy for the team members to get everything in just one place so that access becomes easy and quick. This further helps in delivering the project at the right time and successfully.

4. Chatting Easily: One of the best and most amazing benefits of living and working in the digitally forward time is the capability to connect with other people in real-time without getting the workflow to be disrupted.

Although phone calls and emails are effective communication tools, it becomes very hard to tend to updates in the same form in case you are caught up in a meeting or trying to arrive at an immediate answer. Zoho Connect helps you in getting a quick answer without disrupting your productivity or even delaying timing on any other projects.

5. Automation Saves Time: On a very frequent basis, we spend a considerable amount of time performing taxing things or investing valuable energy in the completion of tasks that do not require a lot of brain activity.

Fortunately, Zoho Connect has automation workflows that can be easily established so that the team members are not spending valuable time and energy on the tasks while using their time on innovation and collaboration for new ideas.

With useful forms that are customizable to fit a team’s needs, the team can have all the important resources in one place for getting the job done quickly and effectively.

6. Assigning Tasks: A project development can include multiple stakeholders and so, it can often feel pretty overwhelming while managing every person’s expectations can be a task in and of itself.

With the implementation of Zoho Connect, you are able to assign some steps in the processes that should be designated to the team members so that they know what needs to be done. This also helps in eliminating small follow-up emails or a de-motivating work environment between the team members.

7. Mobile-Friendly: The simple ability to connect with another person through a mobile device changes the way in which we can communicate and relate to someone. Zoho Connect is very easily available on mobile devices

The team members can actually reach out as and when the inspiration strikes, in between different meetings, or even to check-in and ensure that the processes are going well and everyone has what they need. This connection offered by the product provides optimal collaboration and teamwork.

8. Integration With Other Zoho Apps: Zoho Connect is an important part of the Zoho family. It is a platform that can be integrated with other products that a company might be using to grow a business. From the email marketing tools to the productivity platforms such as emails and calendars.

Zoho Connect helps in complete communication with other Zoho apps so that all the updates are in one platform and can be reflected in the rest that you are choosing to sync together. This way, you will not only save time and effort, but you will also enable your team to trust the important information that they have as being accurate and updated at all times.

What is Zoho Cliq?


Zoho Cliq is a business messaging tool that helps in real-time messaging and file sharing between the team members of an organization.  Most teams use Zoho Cliq when they wish to collaborate in real-time for completing specific tasks with the team members.

In addition, one can also work remotely with their teams by sharing the screen, making audio and video calls, or even by starting a video broadcast. There are chatbots in Cliq that help in communicating data across other applications that a person uses. This makes Zoho Cliq ideal for sharing important information and executing other tasks.

Features of Zoho Cliq


1. Group Chats: One of the most important functions of Zoho Cliq is that it helps in creating an easy space for facilitating group chats between the team members. The team members can create accounts, set up channels, and also invite more and more people to join in. These channels are a way to open up to any member of an account and help in easily inviting or joining someone. Almost every channel can get represented by a name and a description.

In addition to the channel feature, Zoho Cliq also offers a team chat app that supports direct messages with people and groups. An important aspect of Zoho Cliq is the columnar design that it comes with. As an increasing number of channels start joining and messaging, each chat opens its panel or column.

The more chats you end up opening more will be the columns that can fill the screen. This layout is simple and pretty organized because it enables you to open more than just one chat window at a specific time. You can also refer to any conversation while replying to another. All in all, this makes team communication very easy.

2. Video Calls and Screen Sharing: In addition to all the features offered by Zoho Cliq, there is one other feature and that is video calling screen sharing. This makes connecting with your team members much easier and interactive. You can talk to a team member sitting across the world thinking that he/she is sitting right in front of you.

All you need is a stable internet connection and you will be able to make video calls, audio calls, and share your screen effectively with your peers. This can also be done with group chats.

3. Monitoring Conversations: A very common problem with messaging applications is solving all the conversations that can happen between the team members. When a person asks a question or starts a conversation in a channel and in case that might get delayed in the way that the person does not reply at the right time then the conversational flow is disturbed.

Another scenario is that there are multiple prompts in one conversation that may lead to missing out on questions asked by some team members. When your Zoho partner implements Zoho Cliq for you, one of the best features that you will discover is no ignored conversation. When a post that asks for additional follow-up separates from the rest of the channel, it can be forked to a private message.

This forked conversation appears as an independent selection in the list of channels and direct messages that are there on the left with an annotation of being Forked. This is a useful benefit for people who work in different time zones and may feel the need to catch up with everyday conversations in just one go.

4. Extensions: With the team collaboration software of Zoho Cliq, you can be sure about downloading a variety of extensions from the Zoho Marketplace. You can also connect your Google Drive, other Zoho applications, Dropbox, etc. with the integration of relevant extensions. In addition, you can also download extensions such as the meme extension that allows you to post interactive memes in your chat quickly.

An entire list of the extensions that can be integrated is easily accessed on the website of the Zoho marketplace. Zoho makes sure that the extensions are published and created to the Cliq Marketplace.

5. Easy Access: Zoho Cliq offers a distinct ability to be accessed in different ways. The team members of an organization can access it through desktop applications, tablets, mobile devices, or browsers. In addition, if someone is working with different Zoho applications, they are likely to find the Cliq bar on the bottom of a browser so that communication with other applications becomes easy.

In fact, a conversation that was started on a mobile can be shifted to a tablet and then be finished on the desktop. This way, you will not lose any chats and you will also not have any hassle downloading the chats because you will be able to see all your chats instantly.

Unlike other applications, adding a new user to the Zoho Cliq channels means that the new user is eligible to access old chats before the time when they were added. All that a user has to do is a scroll in the upwards direction and it becomes easy to access the chat history. This also means that finding the messages is relatively simple.



To conclude, Zoho Cliq is a team communication and collaboration solution that helps the team with private channels, video conferencing, searchable chat histories, file sharing, and more. On the other hand, Zoho Connect is a team collaboration application that unifies people, resources, and applications they need.

Both these software applications are excellent for team collaboration and pay off really well in seamless working. If you want to implement either of the two, feel free to get in touch with Encaptechno who can become your Zoho partner.

What is Zoho Connect and How Is It Different from Zoho Cliq? Read More »

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Zoho Sprints vs Zoho Projects - Encaptechno

Zoho Sprints V/S Zoho Projects: What is the Difference?

The success of any project relies on finding something that leads to team productivity and effective project management. The project managers in any organization are required to see the bigger picture of each project and they might struggle to manage tasks that can effectively fulfill a project’s need.

More often than not, the project managers deal with a significant amount of difficulty to keep a track of everything that they are supposed to monitor which leads to the situation going haywire. Now, in order to get rid of this chaos, project management software ends up making everything much better and way more streamlined.

Zoho Sprints vs Zoho Projects - Encaptechno

Zoho Sprints and Zoho Projects are both project management tools that enable businesses to manage projects efficiently. In case a business firmly believes in following a traditional approach to manage project completion and organize several tasks then Zoho Projects is perfectly suitable.

However, in case a business is keen on following a top to bottom approach for managing projects while ensuring a streamlined workflow at every step then Zoho Sprints can be preferred. Zoho Sprints is essentially an agile project management tool.

In this blog, we will see a detailed comparison between Zoho Sprints and Zoho Projects. In case you are running a business or if you are or aim to become an efficient project manager then this blog will give you a descriptive understanding of two of the most effective project management software applications.

What is Zoho Sprints?

What is Zoho Sprints

Zoho Sprints can be understood as a cloud-based project planning and monitoring solution for businesses that prefer working on an agile methodology. It provides the agile teams with a drag-and-drop feature, a meeting schedule feature, a dashboard to manage everything, timesheets, reports, a team activity feed, etc. This is software that is used by teams of different sizes working on numerous projects.

It is extremely rich in features, very easy to use, and comes at an affordable cost. The users can begin a free trial of Zoho Sprints just by creating a Zoho account and opening the Sprints application. Eventually, the user can get access to an active application that will include a sample project. This app can enable the user to use rich features and functionality.

Features of Zoho Sprints

As an agile project management tool, Zoho Sprints solves the needs of an agile team for a quick and efficient system capable of keeping up with a fast-paced work environment. It comes with a wide range of features that help in achieving optimal performance. Some of them are:

1. Monitoring Project Development

Monitoring Project Development

Being aware of how close or how far away the team is from reaching project completion enables to keep a track of development and also achieving milestones within a decided time period. Zoho Sprints has a Scrum board that is used for tracking each team member’s progress transparently.

As and when a team member will complete a task, it will get reflected in the mutual team feed. Furthermore, the team members can also customize the project status dependent on particular requirements and steps of the project. The team members can reopen different tasks, remove errors, and also move stories with the help of the drag-and-drop method.

It is because of these small details that a project manager stays on track with small details while sorting items according to estimation points, priorities, and story. The graph of Sprint activity enables us to see all the changes made including the items that get added recently, closed, opened again, shifted, and the ones that remain idle.

2. Prioritize Tasks

Regardless of the size of different tasks needed to be completed in project completion, they can pile up on one another easily. In case they are not tracked, the ones with medium to low priority may be easily overlooked. With the implementation of Zoho Sprints, this problem can be solved.

The project management software comes with a drag-and-drop feature which enables to move the hierarchy of tasks based on importance and urgency. Moreover, there are reminders and fixed durations that notify the team members whenever there is a newly released sprint.

3. Timesheets Maintenance

With the help of Zoho Sprints, it becomes possible for all team members to log in to billable and non-billable hours. This enables tracking and aggregating the time logs of all team members. According to their discretion, the team members can choose which task they wish to work on while recording the total time spent on working on the same task.

This project management software has a global timer that helps in starting, stopping, and pausing for certain items so that the day’s work can be broken down. Simultaneously, the scrum master and product owner can also approve the timesheets in just one click. This helps in understanding the total time needed for the upcoming sprint and completing invoices efficiently.

4. Enhancing Project Analytics

Zoho Sprints comes with a velocity chart that offers the project delivery rate of a team and also helps in estimating future sprints. On the other hand, the Burnup and Burndown charts also showcase a team’s speed while reaching the project line.

In addition, the cumulative flow diagram is also important for determining any changes in the work progress and finding any possible bottlenecks. The data that gets recorded in these features helps the team members to implement some actionable steps that can further strengthen a team’s productivity and efficiency.

5. Consistent Interaction With Team

While using Zoho Sprints, it becomes much simpler to manage meetings because the software helps the team members to look for upcoming and already completed meetings.

All team members who are supposed to attend a specific meeting are sent reminders so that it is ensured that the meeting goes as planned and something productive comes out of it. Meetings are extremely important in an agile team. Keeping that in mind, Zoho Sprints enables the team members to connect and collaborate with regular meetings.

The above mentioned are some of the features of Zoho Sprints that make it capable of helping an agile project development. Let us now understand what is Zoho Projects and what features does it offer?

What is Zoho Projects?

Zoho Projects is an online project management software solution that enables a person to run a business with much-needed ease and efficiency. It was made to offer a rather holistic solution for everyday problems that occur in project management and adds great value to a business.

It is software that helps in planning, tracking, collaborating, and achieving business targets with ease. You can get started with using this software in a simple way with only a few initial configurations and customizations. This software is available in different subscription plans that solve the needs of organizations of different sizes.

Features of Zoho Projects

1. Task Automation

Task Automation

Zoho Projects enables you to automate a task which means that you can set time for adding a task or even a reminder. It is mainly known for its ability to automate different tasks by setting up a centralized workflow. There is a blueprint feature that enables the creation of an independent blueprint with proper designing, the configuration of settings, and execution of processes easily.

With the help of task automation that Zoho Projects offers, task automation can become way easier because the recurring work is removed. This helps in making sure that just the right steps are taken to complete the project implementation. Different tasks can be easily automated with the help of Zoho Projects and by getting in touch with an experienced Zoho consultant.

2. Forming Task Lists

While a team of an organization is implementing task management rules and timelines, the chances of working continuously are increased tremendously. There is no delay or interruption. A significant feature of Zoho Projects is that it allows creating task lists which helps the users to create a streamlined list of things to be done in any project.

By tasks, we mean that activities that should be accomplished in a specific period of time. For adding any specific task from the dashboard, you can click on the “Add Task” button and enter a suitable name associated with the task. You can also make any task in the task list while including associated files or attachments for the colleagues to view.

3. Document Sharing

Zoho Projects is a project management software that lets users access tools that manage and share multiple types of documents and files. These files and documents can be stored in just one place while being associated with specific tasks. A hierarchy of folders can also be used for storing documents in a manner that mirrors the structure of present workflows.

For uploading the important documents and tracking the file versions, you can click on the Documents button and choose the file that you want to upload. After this, add a description along with important tags and select which folder for the file.

An automatic notification will be sent to the users when the file has finished uploading in case you choose that option. These notices are going to go out irrespective of the fact if a user has enabled a notification or not.

4. Setting Tasks and Milestones

Setting Tasks and Milestones

With the help of task management, task dependency views, and project milestones, it becomes possible to carry out resource allocation and report on any function. You can set the tasks and assign them to the staff just as you feel it is necessary.

Other than this, it is also possible to set the due dates for tasks so that they can be delivered in a timely fashion. With every task, there is a timer equipped anyone who is assigned a task can log in their hours while undertaking and completing that task.

A task can have attachments and instructions and it is also possible to form a dependency where beginning one task will depend on the completion of another. Right after the task is completed; the dependency can be set to close. Additionally, custom statuses of tasks can also be configured. The milestones must be logged separately. Either they can be associated with tasks or you can set a milestone for a set of tasks.

5. Gantt Charts

Gantt Charts

Gantt Charts offered in Zoho Projects are another way to visualize the progress of the tasks that are underway. They allow you to see every detail of a project including the task lists, percentages of completeness, overdue tasks, dependencies, and milestones. Every category is assigned a different color which makes it easy to identify and distinguish the tasks.

Besides this, the rescheduling and reorganizing of the tasks are also made simple with the use of Gantt Charts. You can alter your plans by adding the tasks, dragging and dropping a task from one area of the chart to another, and then editing the milestones just as is needed.

Moreover, you can also switch views on a chart depending on the kind of information that is needed. If you wish to know which projects are due in the coming time then you can switch the view of the Gantt chart for showing the upcoming due dates first. Finally, the Gantt Chart can be customized based on your preference including scaling a chart, filtering the information, and exporting the task data just as needed.


Basically, Zoho Projects is an online project management software for creating and managing projects and Zoho Sprints is a planning and tracking tool for agile teams in particular. Where Zoho Projects help in planning project activities, assigning work, and managing resources, Zoho Sprints is a tool that prepares teams to cope up with changes and complete projects timely.

Regardless, both of these tools help in project management. Whether an organization wants to use Zoho Projects or Zoho Sprints depends entirely on the approach to managing projects.

Get in touch with the experienced Zoho consultants to make your project management goals sorted. They will help you get the most out of these project management software applications according to your organization’s goals.

Zoho Sprints V/S Zoho Projects: What is the Difference? Read More »

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Refine Your Marketing Strategy with Salesforce Pardot - Encaptechno

7 Tips to Refine Your Marketing Strategy with Salesforce Pardot

The modern marketers reiterate the fact that marketing automation is the only way to get ahead in the present competitive world.  In case it gets implemented well, marketing automation can be a game-changer while ultimately making a large impact on the Return on Investment. B2B marketing automation is all about organizational optimization.

To put this simply, this refers to the platforms and technologies that help in automation, optimization, and measuring the marketing processes. Marketers need a suite of tools for engaging with the customers, making important connections, generating leads, and closing deals effectively. It is necessary to integrate the important business tools and systems that offer marketing automation and CRM.

Salesforce Pardot has proven to become one of the most widely used B2B marketing automation platforms on the world’s best CRM platform. Pardot has the ability to bidirectionally integrate with Salesforce enabling data flow between two applications. This is a great benefit to users who manage a range of marketing channels because Pardot can help in seamless integration.

Accessing New Marketing Trends

Accessing New Marketing Trends

Being B2B marketers, we know that the needs of the buyers are advancing at a quick pace. However, the fact is that it is not just the buyers who are changing. As technology is adding new options and capabilities, the role of marketers is also transforming at a quick pace. From the way work is done with the sales team to the way in which strategies are built, everything is changing.

Rather than thinking of a marketing strategy as a single field, the B2B marketers understand the increasing importance of assessing the present strategies and new trends in the industry when it comes to the buyer’s needs.

It has become even more important to combine the marketing best practices for creating a customized strategy that fits the target audience. In this blog, we will be mentioning 7 tips to refine your marketing strategy with Salesforce Pardot.

1. Lead Generation Plan

The lead generation plan is primarily based on the landing pages and their forms used for collecting the leads. In case you wish to make a prompt impact on your lead generation attempts and forms then landing pages are a great way to begin. You can stick to following the best practices while optimizing the lead generation assets with the help of Salesforce Pardot.

It is important to ensure that the text is scannable while keeping in mind that the readers scan information in an F-shaped pattern. This necessarily means that a person should be placing emphasis on the information conveyed at the top and left side of a page. In addition, making the call to action buttons easy to locate is also important.

Hiding them beneath the paragraphs of copy defeats is the purpose of a landing page. The marketing automation features such as progressive profiling can help in minimizing fields while still collecting valuable information with time.

2. Sync Between Marketing and Sales

Sync Between Marketing and Sales

It is possible to seamlessly sync the marketing efforts with the sales activity for selling something effectively. The thorough workflows and marketing teams have the ability to empower the sales team with important information.

Account-based marketing enabled by the Salesforce Pardot can go a long way in generating more sales. The organizations can tightly align marketing and sales teams with higher customer retention and sales win rates.

As almost everything exists on a similar platform, the sales team can seamlessly help the marketers take the campaign to the right person. It is also possible to track leads and monitor the sales calls effectively because that helps in being informed about how far the marketing efforts have gone.

3. Marketing Content

When marketers say that they want to improve and enhance their marketing content, many also want to create more. Rather, the focus should be shifted towards quality that means getting the most out of fewer and high-quality pieces of content. The B2B marketing automation platform is a big proponent of recycling marketing content, particularly in case if the resources are low.

It can be smarter to break larger pieces of content into smaller ones and easily distribute these pieces of content. For eg; an e-book launch can be a remarkably better option when supported with blog posts, social posts, graphics, and much more.

Besides this, different mediums can also be used to distribute the same message. Let’s say that a company has released a new blog series and is thinking about how to turn it into a webinar or a podcast so it can be used for lead generation. In this case, Pardot can be of great use. In addition, the smaller assets could be packed up by taking a number of smaller posts and graphics to remarket them as something entirely different.

4. Perceptive ROI Reporting

The Salesforce Pardot marketing automation platform helps in resorting to insightful reporting for knowing and understanding the impact of the marketing and sales team efforts on the entire revenue. Most of the B2B companies cite revenue as one of the most important factors between marketing and sales.

With the help of some amazing features of advanced email reporting, it becomes easily possible to understand how the customers can engage and react to the campaigns at every stage. In turn, this provides a profound insight into identifying the bottlenecks which then makes it simple to adapt effectively with the efforts for better results.

In a similar way, connecting the dots between the marketing efforts and the sales team can help in analyzing the authentic value of ROI. For any marketer who wishes to improve the marketing model, the fundamental step is to ensure that the focus is maintained on the right metrics.

B2B metrics can help in identifying the metrics that make a difference in the business. The main key is to choose the metrics that make maximum sense for the business goals rather than attempting to measure everything all at once.

5. Improving Social Engagement

Improving Social Engagement

Working on enhancing social media efforts can seem tricky because each rule does not apply to all social channels. Something that you can apply over the board is the power of consistent engagement. The social media followers tend to get confused in case regular efforts are not being made to engage for a long time or even if you go dark for a long period of time.

You must ensure to develop a cadence of posting and then stick to it at all times. Use marketing automation or a social engagement for scheduling out the social posts during the times when you will be busy with something else, out of the office, etc.

You can check the guide for more information on streamlines posting rules on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter. It will help in getting a comprehensive look at how to develop a consistent and effective social media presence all over the channels of the B2B social media guide.

6. Email Marketing

A very high number of marketers struggle to connect optimally with potential customers. If this is a problem that you as a marketer are facing then you can create meaningful email campaigns for reaching out to customers across a wide range of geographies.

Using the custom designing capabilities and visual editor in Pardot, a marketer can easily send professionally designed emails that reach a customer with the right message. Furthermore, it is also possible to schedule automated emails for the future which seems right to engage for striking an impact.

In case we had to suggest a focus point for improving the email effectiveness then it would definitely be targeting that can be achieved with the help of segmentation. Using a marketing automation platform, you can use what you know about the prospects for sorting databases into simple or complex lists.

These lists can be used for targeting email messages so that every segment receives the most relevant message. For example, a list that has been sorted on the geographic location can receive messages about events in their area while a list compiled by job title can receive content targeted for decision-makers.

7. Event Marketing Effectiveness

Event Marketing Effectiveness

Event marketing is again one of the best ways for many organizations to enhance their operations. The trick is to ensure that post-event follow up is both relevant and timely.

In fact, Pardot facilitates a streamlined procedure that can help the marketers get the most out of an event investment once the event is completed successfully. In addition, the marketers can follow a step by step process for following up and nurturing processes after an event takes place.


Salesforce Pardot is one of the marketing automation tools that offer the best in market CRM benefits in the most efficient way. It helps in analyzing the organizational data and also for resorting to focused marketing. The marketers can be assisted in generating valuable ROI with the help of Pardot.

You can let Salesforce Pardot contribute to unprecedented success and take your revenue goals much higher. Encaptechno has a team of expert Salesforce consultants who can help you in implementing and using Salesforce Pardot. Get in touch with our team to enhance the marketing of an organization and also get the most out of it.

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Field Service Lightning Features and Use Cases - Encaptechno

Field Service Lightning Features And Use Cases

The Field Service Lightning is actually an extension of the service cloud whose function is to offer a detailed view of workforce management. Essentially, it helps the organizations keep a better track of the customer service calls from the call center agent to the dispatcher console and then finally to a full-fledged service appointment by the mobile employee.

Field Service Lightning Features and Use Cases - Encaptechno

FSL Salesforce offers valuable insights so that everyone involved can work efficiently and at their absolute best. The dispatcher helps the field technicians to be ready for success by sending all the important technicians for fulfilling a particular job while keeping in mind the service time.

The field technicians have access to real time data right on the go, which helps in understanding the work that is usually requested and the tools that are needed to complete that work. They can also access knowledge articles for filling in any possible gaps if there is a need.

Besides, these leadership teams have detailed access to all the important data as the teams need it to spot the trends that improve operational processes. The customers can actually gain a seamless experience with a faster resolution time because the technician arrives with all prepared to complete the task that is at hand.

In this blog, we will understand all about Field Service Lightning and its use cases to gain a much better understanding.

What is Field Service Lightning?

What is Field Service Lightning

Field Service Lightning can be explained as an extension of the Salesforce Service Cloud that offers a comprehensive view of workforce management. In simple words, in case a customer orders for new cable service, the next step will be showing up to a cable guy. Now the field service lightning allows managing where the cable guy is, where he is going and what length of cable is in his van.

Field Service is a proven way to get a powerful, customizable, and mobile-friendly field service hub in Salesforce. Essentially, running a field service business signifies the management of different moving parts. With the help of field service, one can get the tools that are needed to manage the work orders, schedule efficiently and also work with the mobile workforce.

Some of the things that can effectively be done are:

  • Creating records that represent a field service worker, agent, and dispatcher while adding details about the worker’s skills, availability, and location.
  • Tracking the location and status of an inventory, warehouse, customer sites, and service vehicles.
  • Setting up of multilevel service territories that work to represent the areas where mobile workers can offer services.
  • Creating maintenance plans and templates for standardizing the field service tasks.
  • Generating service reports for keeping the customers informed about service progress
  • Scheduling one time or recurring work orders for the customers and adding details about worker preference and important skills.

What is Included in Field Service?

When the FSL Salesforce is enabled, one can gain access to a suite of standard objects that can be found in the Setup and as tabs in Salesforce. These are the objects that are responsible for making up the core field service features including the service appointments and work orders as well.

Managed Package: The managed package is built on the core features and includes a guided set-up for understanding all the customization settings. It also includes a scheduling optimizer that allocates the resources for various appointments in an efficient way by accounting for skill level, location, and travel time.

This managed package has a dynamic console that gives the dispatchers and supervisors a bigger view of all the scheduled appointments and team members. The process of scheduling processes and triggers helps in customizing the scheduling model and displaying the preferences.

Mobile App: Besides this, the offline friendly field service mobile apps for Android and iOS make working much simpler for mobile workers. All app users can update the work orders, gather customer signatures, track parts, and connect with the dispatchers from their mobile devices.

Features of Field Service Lightning

There are five main features offered by the field service lightning and we will be discussing them one after another:

1. Attaching Job Details to Work Orders: The work orders are pretty much at the foundation of the FSL Salesforce. When you are creating a work order, there is always an option to choose a prebuilt template. This automatically helps to populate the required information on the work order.

The work order line items also specify all tasks to be performed on the job and individual line items can be assigned to multiple crew members. You have an option to add the pricing to each line item. Adding all the required skills to the work orders helps in speeding up the entire scheduling process.

When you enable the match skill work rules, the system helps in pairing the work orders with the crew members who have the required abilities. Besides the required parts and skills, you can also attach the technical resources, specs, and best practices directly to the work order.

2. Streamlining Service Appointment Scheduling: The dispatcher console is considered as the central hub for scheduling the service appointments in the field service lightning. The Gannt view enables us to see every crew member’s scheduled appointments and the openings as well.

With the help of smart scheduling, you can configure the rules to help the dispatchers quickly to identify the best crew member for a job. These are the rules that include criteria like the crew members’ distance to the job site, skill levels, and the available equipment.

The map view charts all the scheduled appointments, the routes, and crew members’ locations along with the service territories.

3. Recording Labour Hours and Travel Times: The simple ability to report on the labor hours and the parts consumed makes it possible to calculate the overall job profitability.

FSL Salesforce allows the field crews to track the time with the timesheets. The crew members can enter the total amount of time spent on the work order and the work order of the line item while including any comments. It is also possible to record breaks and travel time.

4. Tracking Parts and Equipment: With the help of FSL, one can manage the equipment inventory. As the products keep getting used, one can monitor the reduction in inventory and report the cost of each job accurately at the same time.

This platform offers dispatchers visibility into the parts held by each crew member. The crews can request equipment through the FSL mobile app and product transfers can be created for keeping a record of the movement in inventory across the organization. One can manage the customer returns from return orders only.

5. In the Field Uses: Adopting the FSL mobile application effectively is an important factor in the success of the platform. This mobile app connects the field crews with in-office service teams. Through this app, field crew members can access all the work order details and assist the technical resources, get directions to client locations, and correspond with team members.

Furthermore, the app also has an offline capability that enables the crew members to use the platform while being in the outside service range. All the changes get saved once the connection gets re-established.

The crew members can in fact gather customer signatures through the application because they can generate the service reports with the customer signature types. Every signature is designed for a specific role, which is useful in cases where both the customer and technician are experienced for signing off on the work.

Now that we have understood FSL and its features, let us now discuss the use cases:

Use Case 1: Let’s say there is a team of technicians, project managers, and administratively responsible for fitting the water purifier manufacturer in different settings. Now, an increased difficulty that these people can face is to coordinate work orders between the field service staff and the dispatchers.

In this case, the managers can help in dispatching the field executives by allowing them to access real-time data on the go. As Salesforce is the central hub for all the service needs, it is possible to easily optimize the operations and dispatching process. From scheduling to getting customer service history and even resolving the case, everything can be done in one platform empowered with Service Cloud capabilities.

The field technicians can also manage routes, access the available appointments, and get a detailed understanding of all the issues that must be addressed. This considerably helps in increasing productivity and work efficiently.

Use Case 2: Let’s say that a service manager does not have any record of the work done by the mobile technician in the field.

Since the service managers are responsible for managing what the work of mobile technicians should be in the field, they should have an ability to see what the technician is fixing, what is already fixed, what tools or parts were used and in case the customers liked the work.

For doing this, the right step will be to click on the field service lightning app, click on the work orders, and select a work order that has a service appointment associated. After this, one should click on the related tab and the service report name to see a detailed report on all the work that was done, the parts that were used, and also if the customer signed the service report or not.

Wrapping Up

As a result of using the field service lightning, the customers can have an advanced reporting of the growth opportunities, process improvement, and optimization. Furthermore, the FSL integrates easily with the Salesforce Service Cloud when it is connected with accounting systems and operations.

The ERP integrations help in streamlining the invoicing process by syncing the completed work orders directly with the accounting system. These are the improvements that help a tea, fulfil more requests during the day while offering a much better customer experience.

In case you need any more information on the Salesforce Field Service Lightning then get in touch with the team of Encaptechno for expert assistance, today!

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