
Digital Marketing

8 Ways to Upskill Your Digital Marketing Team

8 Ways to Upskill Your Digital Marketing Team

The present world is governed by digitization. All potential customers spend a decent amount of their time on their screens on an everyday basis. As a result, the growth of online buyers goes up each year and millions of buyers purchase products online as the numbers keep growing consistently. 

8 Ways to Upskill Your Digital Marketing Team

Online marketing is here to stay and for years to come. Hence, it is time to acquire new online marketing skills for boosting e-commerce growth. To enhance the online marketing team’s efficiency, it is important to focus on upskilling the team players for ensuring innovation and proficiency while keeping up with clients and projects. 

To upskill your digital marketing team, you should have more clarity on the trends of digital marketing and also the best methods required to keep digital marketing afloat and thriving. Keep reading to know more about how you can help your teams and also stay competitive at the same time. 

What is Upskilling?

Upskilling is essentially the effort that enables teams to acquire new skills in a specific field. As a Project Manager, it is your responsibility to encourage your team players to keep working toward their professional and personal development. 

Obviously, this does not mean that your team members are not capable themselves but you can encourage them to walk that extra mile for delivering projects on time. What you have to understand is that your team members need that extra push from time to time for acquiring new knowledge and skills while giving you a fresh outlook every time.

You can increase your chances of accomplishing tasks more creatively, innovatively, and with much higher proficiency. In addition, it is important to ensure that the teammates also keep track of time with the latest market trends for bringing more excitement and positive collaborations at the workplace.

To put this another way, upskilling is an extremely effective workplace trend in the present world’s dynamic work culture. It is aimed at facilitating continuous learning through different development opportunities and training programs conducted either internally or externally. It helps in filling the skill gaps and allows players to find their strengths and weaknesses.

Let us now look at some of the trends you should consider for upskilling your team when it comes to online marketing. 

What is Upskilling

1. Influencer Marketing

Social media has increased in popularity more than any other medium in the past few days. Influencer marketing is an effective medium in the present world of eCommerce marketing world. Prominent influencers with a good target base and market standing can boost a business tremendously. Hence, your teams must learn how to approach and work with the new-age digital influencers.

2. Organized Project Management

The projects have become much more organized with new task management tools and applications. You can offer training sessions to your teams and ensure that they use the task organization and project management tools for much better efficiency.

3. Encouraging Workplace

Very often, workplace expectations keep changing in modern times where most employees are only interested in developing their careers and adding more value to their professional lives. You can make your team members considerably valuable by offering them online marketing training programs.

In the present digital transformation world, it has become absolutely important to upskill your digital marketing team while planning and implementing a competitive marketing strategy that can help you stay ahead of your competitors. 

You can upskill your employer base by enabling them to improve their ethics, approaches, and fluency. In addition, you can also learn about the importance of working together as a team with effective collaborations. The upskilling programs help in improving a team’s productivity, boosting employee performance, increasing employee retention rate, and helping team players learn their strengths.

Methods to Upskill Your Digital Marketing Team

Methods to Upskill Your Digital Marketing Team

1. Forming KPIs

It is absolutely essential to establish the right KPIs as technology allows companies to track data regardless of whether they are interested in finding more about click rates, bounce rates, or customer lifetime value. 

In case you are serious about improving your marketing team then it may be the right time to start thinking about new ways that can contribute to your future success. If your company is offering a free trial but you are not able to convert website visitors then it might be the right time to take a better look at your landing page or feature unique benefits prominently. 

It may also be the time for your business to begin looking at important KPIs while you scale. You can establish many critical KPIs and also focus on improving them if you seriously want to build your marketing team. In addition, you can establish new KPI time frames including moving from one way of doing things to another way.

You can also contemplate the kind of KPIs that may be outdated. The KPIs must be replaced with improved ones that can measure marketing success because once they are established you can focus on improving them. 

This is a consistently developing process as some KPIs might prove to be way more important in the future as compared to others. Suitable changes can be made accordingly for achieving desired results. 

2. Widen Your Horizons

There are many digital marketers but you must be clear about the kind of professionals you want to hire. Think about the personality traits in addition to the skills that you may be looking for in a professional and do not be limited to hiring these professionals outside of your city, state, or even country. 

The remote working boon of some years has managed to allow marketers to work from home while travelling while opening up employee pools for companies that are willing to hire remote working staff. 

Organizations of all kinds and sizes are already in a place to hire more remote workers from all over the world. Many companies might also consider hiring individuals that are different from typical marketers for adding to a marketing team.

A journalist or a media professional might just be able to land your organization in a high-profile publication. In a similar way, someone who may be interested in design may also be able to contribute to an overall marketing strategy. 

3. Campaign Management

All organizations have to consider short-term and long-term marketing campaigns. The short-term marketing campaign may involve things such as good blogs and current events and trends. 

On the other hand, long-term marketing campaigns may be good for content strategy and improve SEO rankings in the coming time. A company should be able to balance all kinds of campaigns to become more successful. 

Many businesses can take action for increasing traffic by involving influencers to endorse their business or a post about a company that eventually ends up doing well on the internet. The focus should be on long-term strategies to offer a foundation for more leads and revenue in the future.

Ideally, short-term marketing campaigns should create sufficient cash flow for funding long-term campaigns. Long-term campaigns can be important for building a brand and it can be great to spend time on a good marketing strategy but also provide a solid base for future revenue.

4. Build Your Strengths

A business may have a good amount of information about what it is doing well and what is not. For instance, data may suggest that a landing page is sending a clear message about a product or a service. There might also be some blog content that can perform well when it comes to explaining benefits. 

In case you know what is working then it is important to double on that strength. In case you have taken a decision to hire a content marketer and see that there is more return on investment than you had assumed then you can think of a plan that can work about ramping up the campaign. 

On the other hand, if you have hired a marketer part-time then it might be the time for you to offer a full-time position to them. It can be worthwhile to hire more marketers if this approach works well for you. If you have always had substantial website traffic and email marketing then you can build on this and ensure that the numbers improve. 

The best part of building on your strengths is that it can take lesser time and effort because the efforts work well and the team can focus on changing and optimizing the plan. In case it is working then it makes sense to commit completely to the overall marketing strategy. 

5. Experiment More

There is no specific rule book for marketing. In fact, there can be many surprising trends that can actually end up surprising marketers globally. A key to marketing is to try new things while also remaining loyal to your brand. 

Make sure that your digital marketing team is never afraid to try more experimental campaigns that can end up offering insight even when they are not as successful. Most marketing experiments can create data that tell you specific things about customers that you do not realize. 

You may just figure out why a brand is perceived a specific way or even find that a target customer has a different persona than you initially thought. Sometimes you can also discover more about new marketing channels that your customers prefer that can help in informing a future ad campaign.

Sometimes you may discover that one social media platform is much better than a marketing channel for your company or a podcast may end up generating many leads in the future. You can actually devote a specific percentage of your budget to experimentation so that the results can lead to better marketing decisions. 

Successful marketing campaigns involve considerable work and a good risk as well. Hence, the digital marketing team must be working on new ideas and testing concepts to figure out what can be improved, why it works, and how it applies.

6. Recruiting the Right Talent

In case you are interested in taking digital marketing seriously then you cannot just hire anybody. It actually takes some time, effort, and money to find good teams. Excellent results are only possible when you hire the best marketers.

You must be focused on going out of your way to provide the best incentives to people because that will help attract the best talent. In case your team is not contributing properly then it may be time for you to think about posting then you can start posting specific job roles for marketers.

7. Test Before Hire

If you want to hire the best digital marketing team then you should also have the right hiring and recruiting process. This may include many interviews for finding if the staff fits in your company culture while also reviewing the portfolio and asking for proof that the marketing ideas lead to cash flow. 

Furthermore, it is also necessary to ensure that the candidates are qualified just as they say they are. You can test their skills to make sure that they completely understand the importance of taking the right decisions when it comes to marketing campaigns. This helps in offering peace of mind and technical skills required for growth.

8. Company Culture

A fact about the modern job market is that multiple candidates are attracted to companies only because of the company culture that they offer. Some organizations can attract the best talent because they stand by specific reasons like diversity, transparency, and sustainability. 

Your business must go out of its way to make sure that it helps companies build a culture that attracts the best marketers. The website can clarify your company culture too because it enables you to feature content that elaborates on company beliefs and principles. You can feature specific positions and optimize the application process for convenience.

Related Read: A Detailed Guide to Marketing Automation


Upskilling your digital marketing team can benefit your business and also give your employees the message that you genuinely care for them. You can focus on self-growth and development while finding innovative ways to grow and succeed in the coming years. Hence, it is best to invest in employee training and upskilling your team. Get in touch with us to discover how we can support your team’s journey towards excellence in the dynamic digital landscape.

8 Ways to Upskill Your Digital Marketing Team Read More »

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What is Digital Customization? How Can It Help Businesses?

The business owners of today often find it challenging to keep pace with the evolving digital landscape. If you are curious about how your business can stay dynamic and relevant in the present age then you must remember that digital transformation is the key. The fact is that businesses that embrace it quickly will survive as the most successful ones.

That said, there is a catch and that is the fact that digital transformation is not enough. To make sure that you thrive, it is important to build a business that is digitally customizable and ever-catering to the needs of the customers. However, how do digital transformation and customization translate into business success? 

What must be thought about is the fact that digital transformation is merely a fancy term for moving to the cloud or is it meant to take a specific towards an empowered business strategy. In case you are still wondering how to understand more about digital customization then you must not fear. 

In this blog, we will try to know more about why digital customization helps a business thrive and be prepared for the future. Let’s delve further into details and know more about digital customization.

What is Digital Customization?

The meaning of this term is to understand the process of using digital tools and technologies for customizing services, user experiences, and products so that they meet the specific requirements of individual customers. This is a process that can involve collecting data about consumer behaviour, preferences, and demographics through different channels including mobile apps, social media, and websites.

The data analysis can be done through algorithms and artificial intelligence to generate insights that are capable of delivering personalized markets, customized services, and product recommendations. This digital customization can be achieved by customizing cloud-based software solutions for meeting the needs and workflows of a business. 

Cloud software solutions are specifically designed to be configurable to become comfortable while allowing businesses to customize everything from user interfaces to data fields. The customization can be achieved using a wide range of tools and interfaces offered by cloud software vendors including APIs, graphical user interfaces, and scripting languages. 

Tools Required for Digital Customization

1. Customizable CRM

To ensure that businesses customize digitally, a CRM application is needed that can be molded for meeting your needs. You must be able to add custom fields for recording additional customer data, create customized workflows for automating tasks, and set up personalized automation rules to trigger actions based on customer behaviour. 

For instance, the CRM must allow you to create a custom field that captures the customer’s preferred communication channel and use that information for personalizing communication. Some options that are available are Salesforce, Zoho CRM, HubSpot CRM.

2. Third-Party Application Integration

Integration with third-party applications is necessary for the digital customization of a business because that allows you to connect software tools and services that are commonly used for a business. 

In case you use a CRM tool for managing sales and customer relationships, you might even want to integrate it with an email marketing tool for automating email campaigns. When you do this, you can segment customers based on their behaviour and send targeted messages on the basis of their interests and preferences.

Just like this, in case you use accounting software for managing finances, you might want to integrate it with CRM tools for tracking invoices, payments, and other financial data in one place. 

After doing so, you will get an improved understanding of cash flow, revenue, and expenses and make informed decisions about a business. The popular integration platforms are Zoho Flow, Microsoft Power Automate, Zapier, etc. 

3. Data Management

The software used for businesses must allow you to collect, store, and manage business data in a central location. When you have a unified data management system, you can get an effective view of business operations, performance tracking, and data-driven decisions. 

For instance, when you operate an online store, you can effectively use a unified data management tool for tracking sales, customer data, and other business metrics. When you do this, you can get insights into your sales performance, identify trends, and optimize inventory management. 

The tools can help in automating business processes by eliminating any need for manual data entry and decreasing errors. For example, when you use a CRM tool, you can integrate it with accounting software for syncing customer data automatically, generating invoices, and collecting payments. Some popular data management tools are Zoho One, Salesforce, and Tableau.

4. Workflow Automation

Workflow automation can be customized for fitting business needs and allow you to create workflows that can reflect business processes. Examples of workflows that can be automated also include lead nurturing where a new lead can be added to the CRM and automatically sent followed by emails that can provide information about a product or service. 

In addition, workflow automation also helps in order processing, customer service, and employee onboarding. There are multiple workflow automation tools that are available to be customized for fitting to your business needs. Some options include Zapier, Zoho Workdrive, Zoho Creator, IFTTT, etc.

5. Website Builder

Using a customizable website builder helps in creating a professional-looking website that can reflect a brand and meet specific business needs. It can include customizable templates, a drag-and-drop interface, SEO friendliness, and a mobile responsive design.

Some of the popular customizable website builders that are used widely in the market include Zoho Sites, Wix, and WordPress. 

6. Custom App Development

Custom app development is a feature that allows you to create software applications that are attuned to specific needs. Some of the advantages of custom app development can be customized to business needs so that a custom app is designed for a business and ensures that it meets specific requirements. 

Custom app development also helps in improving user experience as it is designed with the target audience in mind while proving a user-friendly interface that makes it simple for customers to access information that is needed and perform the tasks that are important.

Custom app development also provides scalability as it is designed to grow your business while allowing you to add new features as your needs keep growing. A couple of custom app development platforms used commonly are Zoho Creator, Microsoft Power Apps, Salesforce Lighting, etc.

7. Customer Service

This also offers high-quality customer support to customers irrespective of their location. A business can offer support via phone, live chat, social media, email, and other digital channels, etc. 

Remote customer service helps in improving customer satisfaction by responding quickly to customer inquiries and providing timely and effective support. This also helps in improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Other than this, remote customer service helps in accessing a wider customer base, it is cost-effective and also provides much better flexibility. Some of the popular customer service platforms for businesses include Zoho Desk, Freshdesk, and Zendesk. 

How Does Digital Customization Help Your Business?

1. Delight Your Customers with Personalized Experiences

Meeting customer expectations is an important aspect of any successful business and the truth is that digital customization can help in achieving this. When you gather data about a customer’s preferences and behaviors, it becomes simple to customize products and services to their needs.

Online retail platforms use customer data to recommend merchandise that people might be interested in on the basis of their browsing and purchasing history. Streaming services such as Netflix also use data for recommending shows and movies that can appeal to users and by offering personalized experiences, businesses can increase customer satisfaction.

2. Innovate and Grow Your Business with New Products and Services

Digital customization also helps in powering innovation by allowing businesses to create new products and services that can cater to customer needs. For instance, the shoe brand Adidas launched a customizable service that allows customers to design their shows on the Internet. 

Using digital customization tools, customers can now choose the colours, materials, and design features of their shows which further results in a personalized product that can meet the requirements of the customers completely. 

3. Stay Ahead of the Competition with Personalized Offers and Recommendations

As technology continues evolving, businesses that fail to adopt new digital customization methods can be prone to the risk of falling behind their competitors. Businesses can use AI and machine learning technologies to analyze customer data and find patterns and trends that may not offer instant results.

When businesses stay ahead of this trend, they can create new opportunities for their growth and maintain their competitive advantage as well. 

4. Improve Efficiency with Automated Tasks and Streamlined Workflows

Digital Customization also helps businesses in improving efficiency as it automates repetitive tasks and streamlines workflows as well. For instance, companies can use software tools for automating data entry and for customer support tasks as well as which helps in freeing up employee time for focusing more on strategic initiatives. 

In addition, businesses can customize software solutions for meeting specific needs that can further ensure workflows are customized to meet specific requirements and are as effective as possible.

5. Distinct Customized Offers & Personalized Recommendations

The process of digital customization helps businesses to differentiate themselves from competitors by providing specific products and services that are customized to their needs. Some of the food delivery services also offer customers the ability to customize orders by adding and removing ingredients. 

In addition, beauty retailers also offer personalized recommendations based on customer skin types and beauty preferences. A range of these personalized experiences helps businesses to set themselves apart from their competition and even attract new customers.

6. Adapt to Changing Market Conditions with Flexible Solutions

The possession of digital customization can also be helpful for businesses to maintain flexibility as they keep growing and evolving. 

For instance, businesses can use cloud-based software solutions that can get customized and scaled to meet specific business needs. The flexibility allows businesses to become comfortable with changing market conditions as required.

7. Improve Collaboration with Effective Communication and Sharing

Digital customization also helps in improving collaboration by offering employees tools and resources that should be used for working together effectively. Businesses can use project management software for streamlining communication and ensuring all team members are on the same page. 

In addition, businesses can also customize communication platforms for meeting specific needs and ensuring that the team members are sharing information easily and effectively. This results in effective project work and meeting deadlines quickly. 

8. Target Your Marketing with Personalized Messages

Digital customization helps businesses to create targeted marketing campaigns that can be tailored to individual customer needs and preferences. For instance, businesses can use customer data for creating personalized email campaigns and social media ads that speak directly to interests and behaviors. 

By offering personalized experiences, businesses can increase the efficacy of their marketing campaigns and achieve a better return on investments.

Zoho One For Digital Customization

After exploring the different tools required for the digital customization of a business, it is clear that having a unified solution is the way to go. Using various stand-alone software applications can somewhat prove to be inefficient which is why Zoho One is the best solution. 

Zoho One is an all-in-one and unified cloud-based software suite that is capable of offering over 45+ applications including key tools for digital customization. With the adoption of Zoho One, you can customize your business, manage unified data, automate workflows, build a customizable website, develop custom apps, and provide remote customer service as well.

Digital Customization: A Win-Win for Businesses and Customers

Digital customization has the ability to directly benefit business owners by allowing them to collect and analyse data and customize project management tools, set fixed goals, streamline operations, and improve customer experience.

By using digital customization, business owners can gain insights into their business performance and stay focused on what is important which is growth. Starting from personalized recommendations to targeted marketing campaigns, digital customization can help businesses achieve objectives and become successful in the present business environment.

In case you own a business and wish to streamline your work so that it gives you better results then you must understand that digital customization is of immense importance. Zoho provides a suite of applications that are practical, efficient, and cost-effective for digitally customizing a business.

Get in touch with the expert Zoho consultants at Encaptechno to know more about how Zoho applications can transform your business for the better after the implementation of Zoho applications.

What is Digital Customization? How Can It Help Businesses? Read More »

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12 Tips to Boost E-Commerce Customer Engagement

The present generation prefers to spend their time only on projects that are purposeful. Starting from shopping for weekly groceries to everyday utilities and clothing, most things are purchased on the Internet. There is an increasing demand for e-commerce stores all across product categories and hence, the market is also becoming saturated with similar products. E-commerce sales are expected to grow 10.4% in 2023.

Factors such as product availability, quality, differentiation, and price are not so much of a primary consideration for standing out in the market. E-commerce brands should come up with new ways to gain recognition in the market and also gain customer interest. This is definitely a challenging task because online shopping behaviour and purchasing preferences change consistently.

It is important to stay updated on the present customer interests and needs so that the customers get the best possible experience. Improving e-commerce customer engagement is the only way a business can carve a strong spot in the market. 

In this blog, we will see the fundamentals of e-commerce customer engagement, effective customer engagement strategies that businesses can include, and how an e-commerce engagement platform can be of help in this way.

What is Customer Engagement and Why is it Important? 

E-commerce customer engagement is known as the emotional connection and interest in a brand that gets generated in the minds of customers. It is created with valuable, proactive, and timely messaging that happens between a business and a customer. This leads to exceptional customer experience.

Customer engagement holds great importance in e-commerce stores. Maintaining a strong relationship with the customers is completely dependent on how a business engages with customers, gets them to purchase from you, keeps them coming back, and also gets them to promote a business wherever they go. 

Customer expectations grow steadily with customer dependence on online stores while making customer engagement important in the present business scenario. There are many reasons why customer engagement is important. We will mention them below one by one.

1. Increased Sales

It is of absolute importance to ensure that customers can look for products that they need on a website or an application. The website should include comprehensive product details, product reviews, shipping details, and return information. All these things are extremely helpful in ensuring a decreased sales conversion time and improved sales.

2. Decreased Cart Abandonment Rate

You should give your customers instant support when they need comprehensive details or even have concerns so that they can go through the purchases right there and then.

3. Better Customer Experience

Most customers consider comfort, speed, knowledgeable support, and friendly service as some of the most important elements of ensuring a positive customer experience. 

4. Customer Loyalty

With customers having a strong assurance that purchasing from an e-commerce store is an easy online shopping experience, there are always high chances that they will come back again and again. All businesses should aim to assist their customers with purchases and post-purchase problems. This will help in coming back for future purchases.

5. Customer Advocacy

All delighted customers have an inclination to come back for leaving customer testimonials and sometimes, even free advertising through word of mouth. 

Tips to Boost E-Commerce Customer Engagement

1. Create a Purposeful Web and Mobile User Interface

It is of absolute importance to create a purposeful web and mobile user interface. Providing a good quality shopping experience to the customers must be the first priority on the list of e-commerce customer engagement strategies. 

If most visitors have to give you a chance, they should appreciate the overall look and feel of your e-commerce website or app while finding it simple to navigate, see what they want, and make final purchases. It is only then that they will keep trying and the e-commerce strategies will actually be of use. 

You can begin by carrying out user research to find what the target audience wants in the e-commerce app or the site and how it can be useful in navigating the web and mobile interfaces. 

After you understand what the users want, sort the expectations based on the most demanded along with ensuring that there is ease of implementation before you go ahead. When you successfully design an e-commerce website or a mobile app interface, make sure you test it with users to identify gaps and continue iterating on customer feedback. 

2. Creating Good Quality Content

Creating content on products that are sought after is important. Businesses should strive to come up with content on products that are actively searched for, visited, and even purchased. 

The content can be about usage, hacks, celebrity ads, how products are made and reach customers, CSR activities, and DIYs. Businesses can find which e-commerce website products are visited more and which products are the ones that customers would like to know more about. 

The Zoho SalesIQ has a website visitor tracking feature that works exceptionally to make this happen. It is capable of telling the visitors the pages that get viewed often, the overall time spent on all pages, the number of visits, where the visitors come from, and much more.

Related Read: Boost Your Sales Activities With Zoho SalesIQ

3. Improving Your Social Media

Billions of people across the world use social media as typical internet user spends most of their time online. Social media is a great platform for creating visibility for an e-commerce store and engaging more customers with purposeful social media content. 

Social media is an exceptional tool for engaging with prospects and customers and it can also be extremely helpful in increasing your sales. Most internet users visit social media to research more brands and products that they are thinking of purchasing.

4. Influencer Wishlists For Increasing Sales

Most influencer ads have more credibility these days than a brand’s advertisements. As a business that is looking to succeed, you can get more influencers in your domain to try more products, post more reviews, and create wishlists on e-commerce sites or apps that customers can buy from. 

If the influencer has a good reach then it is almost certain that your product will take off and its sales will increase tremendously. Influencer marketing is actually an exceptional method to get more customers. 

5. Running Driven Campaigns

As the popularity of e-commerce sales has grown over the years, more and more customers have started preferring to wait to make their purchases during special occasions. You can customize your campaign to a specific occasion and create content to give your customers better shopping ideas. 

For instance, if it is a Diwali campaign, you can consider publishing and promoting content around “Gifting ideas for your family and friends” almost a week before the sale is about to go live. The sale days come with urgency and give your customers a better look at all products on offer along with giving regular customers early access that makes them feel special.

6. Cross-selling On Customer Interest

On e-commerce platforms, there are sections such as “Frequently bought together” and “Customers who bought this also bought this” at the bottom of the pages. 

These sections are effective cross-selling strategies if they are done right because these sections allow customers to shop from a business repeatedly. There is no done to look for each item on the list repeatedly. 

7. Show Customer Reviews For Social Proof

With multiple options available in almost all product categories these days along with the quality of present customers, it is natural to compare prices, product details, and product reviews from various brands before choosing one. 

Most customers look at reviews at the time of shopping and even consider reviews extremely important before making a purchase. The customer shopping experience can become way simpler and the probability of instant purchase becomes higher in case one doesn’t browse different websites for product reviews before a purchase is made. 

So efforts must be made to collect more reviews and display them on product pages. You can increase your chance of getting more reviews from customers by asking them for testimonials each week after they receive a product, telling them how this helps your business, and if you can, you can also offer a discount or a free gift in exchange. 

8. Virtual Store Experience With Augmented Reality

Most shoppers prefer e-commerce stores as compared to travelling to a physical one but the truth is that they still want the physical store experience from the comfort of their homes. 

There is no better e-commerce customer engagement tip as compared to allow the shoppers to experience the products that they are purchasing. One of the brands that do this really well is IKEA. It has an AR app called IKEA Place that lets you plan the home furniture by showing an upscale model that you can choose for any corner of the house. 

Virtual store experience with AR offers an immersive shopping experience when compared with an in-store shopping experience where you can see and try products to get a real idea of how they can go ahead.

There are many e-commerce stores that use AR for selling different items such as clothing, jewellery, and eyeglasses. These stores allow you to try the items virtually by placing them on a 3D image of your face and even your body. 

9. Chatbots for Shopping Assistance

Yet another element from physical stores that most customers miss in online shopping is helpful store assistants for helping when a customer cannot find a product that he/she is looking for. You can leverage e-commerce engagement by bridging this gap effectively.

SalesIQ allows you to set up custom chatbots using an advanced chatbot builder called Zobot to help customers find the products they are looking for, more product details, and more shipping and payment information. 

There is no need to be a coder or even set up a functional chatbot using Zobot’s codeless bot builder. There are many ways in which chatbots can be used for boosting e-commerce customer engagement and they are all quite helpful.

10. Decrease Customer Risk Perception

The prospect and customer engagement strategies implemented by e-commerce companies will not be of any use when customers are not confident to purchase from them. A probable risk associated with online purchases is often proportional to the extent of uncertainties and lack of information. 

Customers are often more confident to buy when they have all the details that are needed about a product, its delivery, and possible replacements in case the product does not match the description or even meet their expectations. 

Other than finding all necessary product, shipping, and product return details on the page, customers must be able to reach out with their questions to get answers in real time. This can be done using the live chat software. 

With an influx of chat requests, each day can be challenging for a team so efforts must be made to lighten the process by showing chat knowledge based on the returns or shipping policy so that the customers can quickly refer before reaching out actually.

11. Setting Up Exit Pop-Ups

Exit pop-ups are useful for attracting the attention of visitors who are leaving a site without taking any purposeful action. An exit pop-up can be easily displayed when a visitor chooses to leave a site as this is something determined by tracking the mouse movement and scrolling action. 

A common reason why most prospects leave without making a purchase is that they want to check e-commerce sites and look for a good deal. Hence, when businesses show a time-bound and attractive offer, it can lead to instant conversion. 

Yet another reason for customers bouncing off a website is that they cannot find what they are looking for. In case this problem persists even after you fix a website layout then you can add a concise checkbox to gauge visitor interests and show useful products. 

12. Easy Checkout

One of the most common reasons for cart abandonment in e-commerce is facing problems at the time of checkout. There are many reasons why this can happen unexpected processing or shipping charges, complicated checkout navigation, lengthy forms, and payment errors are some of them.

You can reduce cart abandonment by reducing checkout friction due to these reasons. In addition, setting up a proactive live chat can trigger checkout and payment pages using an e-commerce engagement platform that ensures customers get the support they need. 

Read More: Build Your Own Online Storefront With Zoho Commerce

Your Next Steps in E-Commerce Success!

With relevant market conditions and the evolution of customer preferences, it can be challenging to get e-commerce customer engagement right. There are many stages that can be full of challenges so it is best to have a detailed and flexible e-commerce engagement strategy prepared for common missteps. 

Our consultants at Encaptechno can assist you in implementing the right customer engagement strategies that can boost your e-commerce reach. In case you run an e-commerce business and wish to grow your customer engagement then get in touch to know more. 

12 Tips to Boost E-Commerce Customer Engagement Read More »

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Google Ads Quality Score

7 Ways to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score

If you didn’t know this already then you should know that Google Ads can call out your rating quality score. Google uses a tool for finding how the ads can affect the overall user experience when they are measured against certain keywords. 

Google Ads Quality Score

When digital marketers use quality scores, they can find which parts of their marketing campaign must be improved and hence how can the Google Ad Quality Score be improved. In addition, it also gives a better sense of how well an ad quality can be compared to other advertisers. 

A higher quality score means that an ad and a landing page are much more relevant and useful to search queries. There are useful methods by which the Google Ad quality score can be improved. In this blog, we will see 7 ways to improve the Google Ad quality score. 

If you are into digital marketing or the owner of a business and wish to learn more about improving your ad experience then keep reading to know more. Let us first begin with what is quality score and how is it calculated.

What is Google Ad Quality Score?

Quality score is essentially a diagnostic tool that is meant to give you a better sense of how an ad’s quality compares to other advertisers. This is a score that can be measured on a scale from 1-10 and is also available at the keyword level. 

A better quality score means that an ad and landing page are relevant and useful to someone who may be looking for a keyword as compared to other advertisers. The quality score diagnostic can be used for identifying where it can be beneficial to improve the ads, landing pages, and keyword selection.

It must be noted that the quality score is a key performance indicator and it should not be optimized or aggregated with the data. It is also not an input in the ad auction but a diagnostic tool for identifying how ads show certain keywords affecting the overall user experience.

What is the Importance of Google Ad Quality Score? 

To begin with, it is important to understand that the Quality Score must remain different from key performance metrics. You must not optimize the Quality Score but focus on using it for identifying the areas that require optimization. There are primarily two reasons why the Google Ad Quality Score matters so much. 

  1. From the perspective of Google, the Quality Score is important because it explains to Google how relevant an ad can be. In case Google does not perceive the ad as relevant, the ad might not get served. In addition, Google uses Ads to ensure that they are relevant to the people searching. This is how Google can offer the best possible experience to searchers.
  2. Secondly, if we see the perspective of the advertiser then the Quality Score is important because it determines the success of an account. It is used for finding Ad Rank along with the bid. The advertiser who has the highest Ad Rank will get the highest position. 
What is the Importance of Google Ad Quality Score

The bid and quality scores decide the rank of the ad. Often, the advertiser’s mistake having a high budget with the best ad position and visibility. This also explains why Google Search campaigns have a lower CPC compared to the usual search campaigns while achieving a high ad rank and position as well. 

One of the best moves that you can make is to bid on your brand name. Also, the competitors often struggle to achieve better relevance than you when you bid on the brand terms.

Related Read: Maximize Your PPC Ads ROI with Google Ads Performance Planner

How To Calculate Your Quality Score?

The quality score can be calculated on the combined performance of three components. They are mentioned below. 

  • Expected Clickthrough Rate (CTR) – The likelihood that an ad will be clicked when it is shown.
  • Ad Relevance: The way in which an ad matches the intent behind a user search.
  • Landing Page Experience: How relevant and useful is a landing page to people who click on the ads.
How To Calculate Your Quality Score

All components are evaluated with statuses that belong to three categories – Average, Below Average, and Above Average. The status that an ad belongs will come under comparison with other advertisers whose ads are shown for a similar keyword over the last three months.

In case the ad belongs to Average or Below Average status then it may be time to make some improvements. There are some things to keep in mind when it comes to the Google ad Quality Score. They are:

  1. The Quality Score is dependent on historical importance for searches of a keyword, therefore, changing the keyword match types will not impact the Quality Score.
  2. In case you notice a “-” in the column of Quality Score then it means there are not enough searches that match the keywords for determining a keyword’s Quality Score.
  3. There are factors related to your ad quality that may not be recorded by the Quality Score. These factors commonly include location, time, assets, and devices used in the search.
  4. The information taken from Google’s various crawlers might be used for assessing ad quality which can then be reflected in the Quality Score. 

How Can You Check Your Quality Score?

There are some simple steps for checking the Google quality score. They are mentioned below. 

  1. In the Google Ads account, click on the icon of the campaign. 
  2. Once you have done this, click on the Audience, Keywords, and Content drop-down in the section menu.
  3. Click on Search keywords.
  4. On the upper right corner of the table, click on the “Columns” icon.
  5. Below the “Modify Columns for Keywords”, you can open the Quality Score section. For seeing the current Quality Score and the component status, choose the options such as Quality Score, Landing Page Exp, Exp CTR, Ad Relevance, etc.
  6. You can also see past the Quality Score stats for the reporting period that you may be looking at and choose any metrics from Quality Score, Landing Page Experience (Hist.), Ad Relevance (Hist.), and Exp. CTR. (Hist.).

7 Ways For Improving Google Ads Quality Score:

Quality Score is a valuable tool for identifying ways to improve ads, keywords, and landing pages. You can think of a Quality Score as an indicator of which areas should be focused on for improving the ad quality rather than a score that should be optimized. 

In this article, we will help you discover different ways to improve the Google Ad quality score.

1. Review the Quality Score Components

For insights on where you can make improvements, you must go deeper into the three components of the Quality Score. These components are the Expected Clickthrough Rate, Ad Relevance, and Landing Page experience.

Looking into these components can be useful for seeing whether you should update the ad text, keyword selection, or landing page content. In addition, you will also be able to see the status that the ad might belong to (Above Average, Average, or Below Average) for all components to give a better sense of all areas that need improvement.

Optimize Clicks, Relevance, Page. Enhance ad, keywords, and UX. Prioritize user needs for performance. The focus must be on the long-term performance goals and the way in which they can be reached so that eventually the user experience can be improved as a diagnostic tool. 

2. Make Ads Relevant to Keywords

The ad relevance may show how relevant your ad can be to the keywords that are being targeted. If the ad relevance has a status of being Below Average or Average then you should try the best practices such as matching the language of ad text directly to user search terms. 

You can look for ad groups with different types of keywords that can be easily addressed by the same ad and even split the ad groups that match the searches made by the user. You can also try grouping the keywords into themes to increase overall relevance. 

The themes can be based on products, services, and other different categories. For instance, if you offer Software Development services then you can have a group of keywords for “Software development services”, “Software development”, etc.

3. Improve Your Clickthrough Rate (CTR)

The expected clickthrough rate shows how likely people are to click on your ad. In case the expected click-through rate does have a status of being below average or average then there are some practices that you can follow. 

You can edit your text to make an offer more compelling to a specific audience. Make sure that the details in the ad match the intent of the keywords. Go ahead and highlight the benefits of a product or a service that you are offering. 

It can also help to experiment with different call-to-action buttons that can connect closely with a landing page. Create a compelling call to action button with words such as “Buy, Sell, Browse, Find, Sign Up, Get a Quote.” Make sure that you are specific in the ad text. 

There can be times when a specific ad leads to lower CTRs but sometimes higher conversion rates. Your attempt should be to maintain a balance that leads to the best performance for all your goals. 

7 Ways to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score

4. Update the Landing Page

You can bring people to a site and offer them a great experience on the website. In case the landing page has a status of average or below average then you can try to update the landing page. 

Try to give people what they may be looking for. In case someone looks up “Zoho CRM Consultation” and also clicks the ad for “Zoho CRM Consultation” the landing page must feature the benefits of this consultation.

You must keep messaging consistently from ads to landing pages. Also, make sure that the page follows through on the ad’s offer or call to action button. Even if you have no control over the site, you can still experiment to look for useful existing pages.

You can use conversion rates to ensure a good landing page experience. This does not impact the landing page status but it ensures that the landing page gets measured and optimised. Your effort should be to make a website mobile-friendly because ease of navigation is something that users value more. 

There is a Mobile Friendly Test by Google that helps in seeing the landing page working on mobile devices. You can also be focused on improving the loading speed as that decides the difference between someone buying something or just bouncing off the page.

5. Use Other Metrics

Make an effort to look at other metrics in the account such as conversion rate, site engagement, and clickthrough rate. They can be connected to the performance and also help as you keep looking for areas that must be improved.

When you see your performance, you can also use the Quality Score as a filter for understanding where your efforts must be focused. You can look through high-performing keywords and also use Quality Score to identify which ones might do better with changes to ads and landing pages. 

You can use low-quality scores and component status to find weaker trends for ad relevance, landing page experience, and a clickthrough rate that may exist on an account, and set long-term plans for improvements.

6. Write Good Ad Copy

You should have relevant ad copy that includes the best-performing keywords in an ad group in the headline, description, and URL. It is necessary that the ad does not look robotic and actually sounds compelling. 

It is best to follow the previous step and write a relevant ad copy that includes some of the best-performing keywords in the ad group. Create a tailored ad copy for all of the products to increase the ad relevance. On the better side of things, there are tools that can be useful for reaching your goals.

The ad creation builder helps in combining product information and adding static text to the combination. The advertiser uses product name, brand, and product price to build a universal ad pattern.

7. Add Ad Extensions

Even though ad extensions don’t necessarily affect the Quality Score, they have always helped in increasing the CTR. Ad extensions are an effective way of expanding an ad. They can increase the amount of space that an ad uses in search engine and gives additional information about a business. 

The CTR and expected click-through rate benefit from including many relevant ad extensions. Site links, callouts, and structured extensions are important to all businesses and must be included. Addition ad extensions are extremely relevant where they are about price, promotion, or location. 

Related Read: 8 Ways Google Ads Can Improve Your SEO Results

Embark on the Journey

The above-mentioned ways are effective for increasing the Google Ad Quality Score and also impact overall results. You can actually improve the ad experience, and landing page experience and also achieve a higher CTR that helps in seeing an increase in Ad Rank.

Ready to amplify your google ads

In case you need any more assistance in the implementation of these methods with our expert Digital Consultants who have a firm knowledge of all ways that can improve Google Ad Quality Score. 

7 Ways to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score Read More »

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What is Real-Time Marketing and How Does It Help?

What is Real-Time Marketing and How Does It Help?

Real-time marketing is a concept that is focused on events, customer feedback, and trends on social media channels for the purpose of creating relevant interactions with the target audience. The key ingredient of these interactions is that they happen in real-time.  

What is Real-Time Marketing and How Does It Help?

Marketers listen to the needs of customers through various listening tools that ultimately help in connecting prospects and customers, convey the brand’s position, and drive conversions. In this blog, we will try to understand why real-time marketing is important and also offer a detailed explanation of strategies. In addition, we will also offer examples of real-time marketing.

What is Real-Time Marketing?

Real-time marketing means reacting in real, near, or real-time. It is essentially about creating relevant messaging and it is achieved by listening to the needs of customers. In essence, real-time marketing is focused on current events, trends, and feedback. This marketing happens when a company reacts instead of planning and strategizing a marketing plan for months. It does not mean that you’ll have a real-time marketing plan but there will be a quicker turnaround.

The objective is to connect with the audience and communicate the brand position effectively. You may be able to plan real-time marketing in case there’s an event or an ongoing trend. For instance, if you plan around an ongoing trend, your company might become appealing to your audience because you understand them more.

Real-time marketing offers relevant messaging that is tailored to the wants, interests, and needs of the audience. An effective way for marketers to implement a real-time marketing strategy is to ensure an active social media presence. The social media you have will often be the first to know about a current fad or if they are implementing social listening.

You can also learn more about your audience and their present interests by focusing on your own. See your website and social media analytics to discover the most popular conversation. You can also learn the questions that your audience is asking with social listening tools. In case there is a team that is actively looking at this information then it becomes easy to develop a marketing plan. 

Anytime you want to implement a real-time marketing plan, you must listen to your audience, monitor all industry trends, and know where the conversation is taking place. After this, you must react to your audience on social media and also create assets to know what is going on.

How Do Marketers Work With Real-Time Marketing?

marketing is delivering the right data at the right time and to the right systems for connecting better with the customers. The right time is doing what is required to make every moment count for the customers and real-time is collecting the data while making no delays. When marketers say real-time, what they really mean is right-time. The meaning of real-time 

The single reason for making this distinction is that there can be significant technical and organizational costs to imposing real-time requirements on the marketing teams. Some teams do have the resources to handle it and sometimes they don’t.

It is necessary to make strategic investments into the systems that need to be real-time so that the personalization platform and customer data platform can understand what is required elsewhere. You can set the real-time data priorities on the basis of “Respond” and “Inspire.”

In many cases, it is the “Respond” mode that needs you to address customer concerns quickly. On the other hand, many “Inspire” activities are pre-planned and also benefit from the complete data that does not require any hyper-warp speed investment. In many cases, real-time responses can become counterproductive. For instance, think of an abandoned cart email. Not many people react calmly to a reminder email or even worse, a text message and this is what is meant by real-time marketing. 

Why Real-Time Marketing? 

Organizations can connect with their target audience in real time by acting on a marketing plan. It is simple to connect with leads and educate them about a product by interacting with potential customers in real-time when they need recommendations and assistance. Marketers can use social media channels for identifying customer needs and addressing them quickly. 

People who receive instant support in direct messages, comments, and recommendations can appreciate brands and also show trust. Real-time marketing can be used to create relevant messaging and engage in appropriate communication with your target audience for meeting needs, wants, and desires. 

It is possible to offer relevant and timely solutions to the problems of your prospects. In addition, you can also ensure an active social media presence enables companies to communicate with the audience and convey their brand positioning. This encourages brand awareness and also builds relationships with customers. You can also plan your response to an ongoing event so that you become appealing to customers and understand your pressing issues.

Real-time marketing campaigns enable businesses to become relevant and respond to the latest news and things in the world. With their support, brands can pay attention to people’s words and also address the problems in real-time. 

Related Read: Rising Customer Engagement Trends in the Market

What Can Be Done With a CDP Using Real-Time Data?

While you are making final decisions based on real-time data, you can effectively respond to customers while also upgrading your Customer Data Platform (CDP) just to make sure that you have all the answers your customers want when they want them.

When you do this, you do not just make for happy customers but also improve the bottom line in an affordable manner. This is how real-time marketing ensures that you meet your needs timely. For instance, a customer may make a purchase on an e-commerce website that puts them into a high-value segment which can trigger right away into a journey tailored to high-value customers.

Salesforce has launched Data Cloud, a new CDP platform that uses real-time data for making marketing easy for companies. It is a platform that helps in improving customer journeys. Anyone considering a CDP for supporting real-time data management must ask how well it supports the right time requirements. 

Having parts of the customer journey happen in real time might not be enough. Confusion about what is and what is not can fade when you have an answer to the requirements of customers.

Ways In Which Salesforce Marketing Cloud Makes Real-Time Marketing Effective?

Real-time marketing campaigns are an effective way to delight customers and also increase open click-through rates. However, implementing these campaigns can be challenging with other ESPs. The Salesforce Marketing Cloud makes it easy for markets to interact with their subscribers with real-time emails and also provides enhanced experiences.

On the other hand, SFMC email marketing enables markets to have better access to a wide range of content tools for personalizing emails on the basis of different metrics. These often include real-time countdown timers to drive actions, personalized images to improve engagement, and dynamic web crops for seamlessly integrating the latest offers and blog posts into emails.

1. Create Dynamic Content

An important ingredient of real-time marketing involves the creation of dynamic content that can be instantly adjusted to dynamically personalize all emails for recipients. With so many Salesforce email templates, you can react quickly to the needs of subscribers with personalized emails that can promote meaningful engagements. 

There are also real-time banners that keep subscribers engaged for a long by showing them offers that can spark their interest. An effective way to move them towards a sale is by tailoring the banner to preferred categories and brands. A good way to ensure that you include the current banners as open-time email content is to use a technology called “Webcrop.”

Other than this, you can also show some product recommendations because when the suggestions do not meet their needs, shoppers get frustrated and tend to leave sometimes. You can display products that can match the preferences of all subscribers and behaviors. An open-time inventory and pricing data ensures that the current offers and coupons are seen and not expired.

Finally, you can also offer product live prices and availability information. By updating the pricing and availability information, you can automatically at the time of each open or view ensure that you never promote any out-of-date content. This works for new emails and abandoned cart emails.

2. Using Behavioural Triggers

While using Salesforce Marketing Cloud, a behavioral trigger is an action that is taken by an individual subscriber. You can use trigger data for implementing real-time marketing and sending customized triggered emails easily. It helps in creating granular segments based on customer behavior and lifecycle stage for delivering a person-to-person experience at scale.

All the triggered emails in Salesforce Marketing Cloud are trackable, targeted, and sent in real-time. They help in offering a better customer experience with price drops and back-in-stock alerts. You can also use auto forward and auto reply with messages processed by Reply Mail Management. This helps in achieving high deliverability and scalability.

To ensure that you get the best results, also make sure that your triggered emails include at least some of the elements such as product recommendations, contextual dynamic images, countdown timer, ratings, and popularity messages. 

Top 5 Ways Salesforce Marketing Cloud Makes Real-Time Marketing Effective

3. Live Weather Content Block

The SFMC also allows the inclusion of a live weather channel block for personalized images based on local weather conditions to appear when a subscriber opens an email. 

When you use the local weather conditions, you can easily curate what is relevant for the subscribers while driving traffic to a store or a website. Using a Live Weather Content Block can be useful for creating emails with attractive images of sandy beaches and sunshine. 

4. Countdown Timer

A countdown timer is like an animated clock that can be inserted in an email message. This clock can be used for counting down important deadlines such as the end of a promotion, or time left for renewing a subscription, etc. for building excitement and creating a sense of urgency.

The goal of a countdown timer is to encourage the subscriber towards taking an action without pushing anything at all. This messaging in an email can be personalized based on the event or for the individual subscriber. 

5. Live Social Media Feeds and Relevant Messaging

Most of the global population now uses social media. If a brand has a social media presence already and you are looking to encourage omni-channel engagement then combining the SFMC email marketing with social media can be effective.

You should keep customers updated and engaged by displaying the latest content from social pages in emails and e-commerce stores. You can include live streams of high-quality user-generated content including product ratings and reviews from various platforms for making your shoppers included. The popularity and scarcity messages encourage the purchase and discourage cart abandonment. 

Related Read: Leverage Marketing With Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Personalize Your Marketing Strategies & Connect with Customers at Scale

Real-time email marketing offers brands multiple opportunities to offer timely and personalized content recipients love. Salesforce Marketing Cloud offers robust functionalities for email marketing automation, triggered campaigns, dynamic content, hyper-personalization, and more. Email marketers have everything they need to implement real-time email marketing quickly. 

Using these features, it is possible to focus on personal, relevant, and timely messages for improving email performance and motivate subscribers to take action. In case you haven’t already, you can upgrade your customer data platform to one that works on real-time data while saving time and optimizing your spending. 

Personalize your marketing strategies and connect with customers quickly using the right technology and implementing Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Personalize Your Marketing Strategies & Connect with Customers at Scale

What is Real-Time Marketing and How Does It Help? Read More »

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Mastering B2B Marketing Strategy: Best Practices and Proven Techniques

Mastering B2B Marketing Strategy: Best Practices and Proven Techniques

Marketing is a fun and interesting practice. Contrary to the common belief of the term B2B marketing strategy is a complex or technical concept, it is actually pretty fun. A good marketing plan can lead to great outcomes for a business. 

Boosting Your Brand: Top B2B Marketing Strategies

What’s best is that there is no one size fits all approach to developing and implementing a marketing plan. That said, there is one distinction that is key while developing a marketing plan and that lies in the fact whether the business is B2B or B2C. 

In this post, we will try and look at all effective B2B marketing strategies required for making a brand successful. Keep reading to know more. 

What is B2B Marketing?

B2B marketing is any kind of marketing plan or content strategy that is designed for making a business or an organization successful. Companies that sell products or services to other businesses use B2B marketing strategies. 

The fundamental purpose of B2B marketing is to make other businesses familiar with a brand name, and the value of a product or a service, and finally convert them into customers. B2B marketing revolves extensively around understanding the journey of a buyer, identifying the target market and audience, creating a marketing plan, and implementing it. 

Marketing For B2B Vs. Marketing For B2C

It is a common viewpoint that marketing to a business can be different than marketing to a consumer and this is true for many reasons. However, it is also true that regardless of whatever business you may have, you are always speaking to human beings. This is the fundamental element when it comes to creating a marketing plan. 

Marketing For B2B Vs. Marketing For B2C:

The difference is that according to the nature of a product or a service, people may have different mindsets. Many marketing strategies can be adopted on the basis of industry, the size of the business, the target audience, their likes and preferences, etc. That said, there are some strategies that work well regardless. 

In this blog, we will look at the B2B marketing strategies for your brand in particular. If you run a B2B brand then keep knowing more about what you should be doing to succeed in marketing.

The B2B Landscape and Sales-Focused Marketing

In the ongoing B2B market, sales-focused marketing strategies should adapt for meeting the growing expectations of the buyers. All B2B buyers are common people which basically means that the buyer journey is about their experiences and product offerings. 

As a matter of fact, a B2B purchasing decision involves considering multiple things. The stakes can often be high and even the investments. This also means that the buyer’s reputation, trustworthiness, and future success are all important factors. 

It is very important to have a strong understanding of sales-driven tactics to make sure that the marketing is on-point. The B2B marketers must be clear about what the buyer wants to see and hear while prompting their products and services.

Why are Sales-Driven Tactics Important?

It is important to create marketing campaigns that attract the attention of the audience and understands their pain points and emotions. The plan must be able to strike a perfect leveling between the informative and emotive aspects. An effective way to make this happen is by sharing the customer stories. 

B2B marketers can consider sharing testimonials that can directly respond to the questions customers may have during the purchasing process. It makes sense to analyze the target audience and be aware of all the concerns that need to be addressed.

For instance, if the prospects care about ease of use then it makes to share a testimonial that relates to that. If the prospects are asking more questions about implementation, one can post reviews of a business successfully implementing the product. 

B2B Marketing Strategy: Exploring Key Approaches and Effective Tactics for Success

1. Conversational Marketing

When it comes to prioritizing the marketing efforts that can lead to sales, it is important that you start speaking the language of your prospects. B2B marketers must use a conversational style of marketing for giving prospects quick information which can then speed up the purchase cycle.

The conversations that hold the attention of a community should be based on online behavior which can be tracked by analytic tools. To ensure a profitable marketing campaign, more and more companies must think about the kinds of content that work best to keep brands at the top. 

It is necessary to form a good impression and reach the audience at the right place and time. Most B2B decision-makers conduct business research during the evening or over the weekend. Mostly, they scroll social media, focus on staying connected, and read things that gain their interest. 

2. Niche-Driven Content

An important business consideration is specializing and niche targeting. The research has shown repeatedly that the fastest-growing companies tend to be specialists in a carefully targeted niche.

Hence, the areas of industries should be understood carefully so that you can become a leader in your industry. Specialization makes marketing efforts easy because it tends to define exactly what is needed to be done immediately to differentiate from the competition. A specialization is essentially a differentiator that can prove itself successfully.

3. Emotive and Relevant Content

Understanding emotive aspects of B2B purchasing decisions and aligning marketing efforts accordingly is important for attracting the attention of decision-makers. 

For engaging the target market effectively, it is important to analyze activity patterns and find optimal times for dropping meaningful content. Relevant content ensures that long-term relationships are fostered and there is a better chance of successful business outcomes. Moreover, the messaging should also resonate with the needs and aspirations of customers and ignite their interest. 

4. Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing is mostly about running ads and promotional material on the search engine results page and on third-party websites.

Using search engine marketing, it can become easy to achieve a wide range of goals including generating awareness, business traffic, getting more leads, and running seasonal offers, discounts, and giveaways. 

5. Account-Based and Community Marketing

Most B2B companies have Account Managers who build and maintain relationships with high-value customers. The fundamental nature of B2B structures enables companies to build user communities and networks so that it becomes easy to send targeted promotions to groups.

The common activities that form a part of this include processes such as cross-selling, upselling, and media engagement. It must be remembered that for succeeding in marketing, one must ensure offering consistently high-quality support. There might even be a requirement for resources to ensure prior support.

Top B2B Marketing Strategies For Your Brand

6. Paid Media and PR

Most B2B companies have the ability to establish media relationships that can promote businesses. This commonly includes talking to journalists and securing mentions in renowned mainstream media including newspapers, television, and online magazines. 

Paid media is an outbound marketing activity and because of its persistent expenses, it is ideal for businesses that have a strong reputation or the resources required for investing in media. 

7. Events

On the basis of how one approaches events, developing a strategy can be expensive. In case you are a big company with a global presence then it can be helpful to consider hosting physical or remote events across the world or enabling local communities to run events.

It can also be helpful to attend business conferences that showcase your offerings. Event marketing can go until running workshops, round table conversations, webinars, and seminars both online and offline. It is best to find the balance so that you can effectively manage your budget efficiently and also reach a wide audience.

8. Email Marketing

Email Marketing is one of the most essential marketing strategies for B2B businesses. It does not just help you stay in touch and update your existing customers but also allows issuing email newsletters and converting high-quality leads.

Making a developed email marketing plan can help B2B businesses do really well in the long term. It helps the business to ensure that its customers are being targeted at the right time and in professional ways. 

Suggested Reading: Zoho Campaigns: An Outstanding Email Marketing Tool

9. Referral Marketing

The simple nature of professional services has changed tremendously but this has major effects on the B2B marketing plan. A referral marketing plan signifies important facets of receiving referrals from someone who may not be a client earlier. 

The referrals come from a wide number of firms that have a reputation for specific expertise. Content planning and marketing along with other tactics can help in building a brand that has a widespread reputation for an area specialty. 

Moreover, B2B marketers should also have expertise amongst audiences that may not have worked with the customers directly. Brand recognition can lead to new referrals and businesses also. 

10. Testing and Optimization

Testing and optimization are two processes that enable marketers to iterate their marketing efforts and make future decisions on the basis of hard data as opposed to their intuition. 

As research is the bedrock of marketing, testing, and optimization is your continuous guide. You must never put an end to your marketing campaigns and adjust them as the need arises. A/B testing of landing pages and emails helps in learning which of two emails or landing pages converts users successfully in language, design, and other variances. 

Related Read : How Is Salesforce Einstein Revolutionizing The B2B Market

Tailor Your Marketing Plan to Your Specific Goals and Target Audience

Tailor Your Marketing Plan to Your Specific Goals and Target Audience

When it comes to marketing a B2B business on your own terms, there are many options that you have to take care of. The key to successful implementation lies in executing your plan while optimizing resource utilization in your business. 

It can be easy to overwhelm yourself by doing everything at one time. You should always know your strengths and limitations so that you can develop a successful marketing plan. All the strategies mentioned above when executed properly can ensure that you become successful. 

Zoho Marketing automation ensures that you do well in B2B and B2C marketing. In case you haven’t already implemented the best features offered by Zoho marketing then you must for getting the benefits that it can offer. Encaptechno has top marketing consultants who offer expert advice. Get in touch to advance your marketing and get more business. 

Mastering B2B Marketing Strategy: Best Practices and Proven Techniques Read More »

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PPC Competitive Analysis

How To Do a PPC Competitive Analysis?

How To do a PPC Competitive Analysis?

PPC (Pay Per Click) competitor analysis is a significant part of all successful digital marketing campaigns. When you consistently analyze the competition, you can effectively ensure that you target the right keywords, convey the client’s message, and avoid overspending on ads. 

In case the PPC ads do not perform as it was aimed for, it may be because of improper measuring of the competitor ads. You can show your value and expertise by rethinking your online marketing strategy and also giving these ads a much better boost. PPC competitive analysis is something that must be monitored very closely because otherwise, you can miss out on many opportunities when it comes to paid advertising.

In addition to ensuring that the PPC strategy is in line with the goals, it must also be ensured that the PPC competitor analysis is being monitored. You can stay proactive by noticing the ad copy and convincing users to click on the ads. Start by looking at what the competitors may be doing and find the direct or indirect competition by putting your clients in a better position for outranking the ad position. 

In order to make things simple, we will understand how to perform a PPC competitive analysis so that it ensures effective results. Keep reading to know more. 

What is a PPC Competitive Analysis?

Competitor analysis must be an integral part of the agency’s strategy. In case you wish to help your customers get ahead of their competition, you should be able to compare their strengths and weaknesses while determining their points of differences in the market. 

There are many reasons why a PPC competitive analysis is considered important. Let us have a look at them one by one. 

  1. It shows what kind of keywords are being targeted and exactly what amount is being spent. By focusing on these factors, you can find the gaps in your customer’s PPC campaigns which then helps in saving money. 
  2. When you do PPC competitive analysis, you can effectively adjust the marketing benchmarks and recognize more opportunities for improving your customer’s strategy. 
  3. PPC competitive analysis also helps in revealing how to position a business and keep attention on factors such as new trends, changes, and ideas.
  4. A PPC competitive analysis helps in gaining an edge by improving the ad copy and creative strategy. 

Competitive research tells you the story behind why your campaigns must perform the way they must because your competition can affect you. For instance, this process can offer insights into factors such as rising cost per acquisition, loss in impression share, etc.

In case you wish to scale your accounts and also keep them rising then it is important to monitor your competitors consistently. This allows you to monitor changes in the ever-changing digital marketing landscape. 

PPC is like a race in which you must never take your eyes off the road. With quality competitor research you can keep your attention on industry trends, changes in the competition, keywords, etc. It will also allow you to know more opportunities as they come on the scene and track how you rise up the rank. PPC helps in bidding against the auctions and not just businesses that are in the industry. 

Other than this, there are some measurable reasons why PPC competitive analysis can be helpful. 

  1. Marketing Benchmarks: For all marketing channels, you are required to have an understanding of acceptable statistics that can show good results. However, if your competitors are achieving better results then it is time to rethink the marketing benchmarks completely.
  2. Track Industry and Market Trends: Marketing trends keep changing every now and then and these trends affect the market to many different degrees. Hence, the impact of these trends can spile and decline in the coming years. By performing a competitor analysis, you can measure how the market is preparing for trends and adjust the strategies.
  3. Optimise Ad Budget: While going with the new trends is important, you should also be mindful to not waste your money on old strategies. In case you keep an eye on the competitors, you will not waste money by testing the new pay-per-click strategies and learning from their experiences.
  4. Updating Marketing Mix: The digital marketing strategy of your competitor will tell you almost everything that is to know about them and their ideas. Right from news, to product launches, events, and keywords, you can know everything. All of this information can be used for updating the marketing mix and directing the company’s development.
  5. Revise Goals: With the online marketing landscape changing consistently, it may become important to adjust your strategy, marketing, and PPC goals.
  6. Finding Gaps: At the fundamental of a successful marketing strategy, there is a simple idea of looking for a problem and then offering a solution that can fix it. This problem in the market might have great value for the business and could also be helpful in filling the gaps. These gaps can be high-value keywords or popular search terms that may not have wide competition. Finding these gaps in the PPC market requires you to understand what the competitors may be bringing at the front. 

Related Read: 8 Essential Things You Must Know Before Running PPC Ads

Steps to Perform a PPC Competitive Analysis

The pay-per-click activities can be helpful for boosting brand awareness, generating more leads, and driving more traffic. However, PPC marketing can be challenging to get right, particularly when there are so many competitors who are aiming for the same audience. 

Hence, competitive analysis is very important. It helps in understanding the methods used by competitors and learning more about Google Ad Strategies. 

1. Find Your Competitors

With the competitive analysis, the prime step is to know who your competitors are. Even when you are an established company with detailed information on your competition, you must not ignore this step. 

There are new organizations getting into an industry and expanding that can be counted as new competitors. You must use in-house knowledge for finding competitors as your sales and marketing teams will be aware of who is out there. However, if you are looking for some other ways to deal with this then are many tools that can help.

SEMRush is an excellent tool that helps in conducting ad research while Google Ads Auction Insights helps in measuring the ad, bidding strategy, and even the performance of the campaign that is being run against the competitors. 

2. See The PPC Strategy

After you know who you are competing against, it becomes possible to analyze the PPC strategy. You must also look at how advertisers combine their SEO and PPC strategies for covering organic and paid channels. There are many ways in which this can be done. 

  • Keyword Search: In case you have already done a competitive analysis for SEO then it must be simple to know what keywords the competitors may be ranking for. It is worthwhile to do this exercise for PPC as there are terms that you can miss out on for paid advertising. You can use tools such as SEMRush to see which keywords the competitors may be bidding on. It can be worth looking at the volume and CPC for seeing how cost-friendly a keyword can be. It helps in finding potential gaps in the keyword strategy.
  • Ad Placement Understanding: You should look at the ads of the competitors being displayed and understand if they are primarily appearing on the search engine result pages (SERPs), on websites, on social media channels, etc. Try to analyze this information for finding placements of ads and experimenting to see the performance of content.
  • Search Results Analysis: You can use paid or free tools for getting a better idea of the competitor’s search engine ranking, the ad copy, and the ad budget. This helps in informing the bedding strategy and ad copy.
  • Ad Intelligence Tools: You can use ad intelligence tools that can help in seeing the historical performance of the competitor’s ad campaigns. It includes the ad spend, click-through rate, and conversion rate. 

3. Optimise Ad Copy and Landing Pages

In case you are not customizing the ad copy to the interests of your audience then they are not likely to stay around for a long time. A good way to ensure this is by improving the copy performance and looking at what your competitors may be doing. 

See if your competitors are using specific keywords, tone of the content, imagery, video content, CTAs, and colours used in ads. Other than this, a good landing page can also do wonders for conversions. The content must be managed in a way that speaks to the audience with a powerful CTA and also drives click-through.

You must ensure that the landing page copy matches the point of origin. In case someone clicks on an ad, the landing page should match what the visitor thinks they can read. It should align with the messages and look of the ads. 

The Google auction report can help in finding competitors, making a list of them, and taking a deep look at what is working and what is not. You can also think about conversion rate optimization for turning prospects into leads and customers. 

4. Find the Target Audience of Your Competitors

You can understand the target audience of your competitors and help them see if you are on the right track with the PPC targeting or if there are buyer persons that you may be missing. 

Do some research and look at who your competitors are targeting with the PPC strategy, which channels are they using, etc. In case it is B2B, the job roles and levels of seniority must be seen, in case it is B2C, then the age and gender profile can be seen. You can use resources for finding the target audience such as Google Ads Keyword Planner, AHREFs, etc

5. Monitor Ad Budget

If it becomes difficult to bid for keywords, it becomes even more important to get the most from your PPC campaigns. You should take some time to understand what their budget is and where they are allocating their money and resources. This can be ad intelligence tools. 

You can analyze the search engine rankings, the competitor ads and how they look, online presence including social media, and budget spending. These are the tactics that can help you in understanding an industry and see what is working for your competitor in the engagement. 

6. Monitor the Performance and ROI

It is essential to really understand the performance and ROI of your competitors for monitoring the PPC activity. One of the best ways to make this happen is by analyzing industries and the standard benchmarks for your industry. 

The Wordstream on Google Ads helps in setting KPIs for the PPC campaigns that are more achievable and realistic. You must take some time to understand these metrics by tracking average positions, cost per click, cost per lead, cost per acquisition, conversion rate, etc.

Make sure that you understand that it takes a while to get the PPC campaign right so that you are willing to see, change, and even test for the long haul.

7. Domain Authority

The domain authority can be scored from 1 to 100 and is used by Google for finding organic rankings. If the domain authority is high, it is sure that the site rank will also be on the search engine result pages. 

For comparing the domain authority with competitors, you should know how authoritative your site is, the kind of links it has, and if the links are from a well-known authority. In case the competitor has a higher authority than the site, you will have a difficult time beating your competitor to competitive keywords.

8. Google Ad Quality Score

Google also pays attention to the quality of a website and the landing page when it comes to calculating the paid ad rank. This is done with the aim to send the users to just the right website. 

Quality score is something that can affect the tendency to place an ad message higher than the competition but also influences costs. If the site provides a good quality experience then Google can prefer ads over the competition even if the bid is somewhat lower.

Hence, if the competitors have good quality scores or domain authority then it can be difficult to place ads on the top of the page. In this case, the time and budget can be served better by focusing on long-form keywords with less competition. 

Related Read: Why Invest in PPC Advertising for Business Growth


The fundamental purpose of running a PPC competitive analysis is to find the competition and come up with an effective strategy that can improve the campaigns. Gaining an understanding of who your competition is and how they work in marketing can put you in a better position to outrank them on the search engine result page.

If you need more support for performing a PPC analysis then get in touch with our expert Digital Marketers at Encaptechno who have years of experience in online marketing. We will ensure that your business ranks higher and also gets noticed by your customers just as it deserves to.

How To Do a PPC Competitive Analysis? Read More »

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How to Build a Website from Scratch? | Zoho Sites | Encaptechno

How to Build a Website from Scratch?

How to Build a Website from Scratch? | Zoho Sites | Encaptechno

We all know that increasing your online presence and reaching more customers is directly linked to having your website. You should strategically build a website from scratch if your goal is to have a good audience and a reliable customer base.

The good thing is that process of website building has become extremely simple over the past few years. Using website builder tools, it is possible to make highly functional websites without any coding skills or the need to hire a web developer.

For instance, Zoho Sites is one of the best instant website builders that enable you to create a visually attractive website within a few minutes only with a drag-and-drop tool. You can also create a website for free and get hosting easily.

What’s more, there are three upgrade options that offer additional features, including basic e-commerce tools. In case you have purchased the Zoho Corporation’s other software suites, you have instant access to Zoho Sites as well.

What is Zoho Sites?

What is Zoho Sites? | Zoho Partner Encaptechno

Zoho Sites is an online website-building solution that makes creating a website a simple process. It does not matter if you are a beginner, an intermediate, or a pro, the features of Zoho Sites make website building a very simple process.

From building something simple like a blog or complex like a business website, Zoho Sites makes the entire process highly intuitive and easy to understand. There is no technical knowledge or web design experience required to build a website.

Zoho Sites comes with many features, including a professionally designed template, drag and drop site builder, responsive theme and design, image optimization, visual marketing tool, auto update databases, google tools, etc. You can start choosing a design template from the wide collection of Zoho.

Why Use Zoho Sites?

1. Responsive Design

Responsive Design - Why Use Zoho Sites?

Zoho Sites offers highly responsive and mobile-friendly design templates. This means that the site looks good on all screens and devices, including phones.

With the help of a drag-and-drop editor, one can customize a template to reflect business needs along with design preferences. Furthermore, the themes are professionally designed, which ensures that all our efforts look mature and well-defined.

2. Advertising Feature

Many website builders, particularly the ones that are free, provide you with the services in exchange for only being able to create and place ads on the website. In this case, many times, one does not end up getting any input on the ads that are displayed on a website.

On the other hand, for the users of the free version of the website builder, the space that you give is just a small spot in the website’s footer. This is right where there is a Zoho Sites logo and a link that says, “Create a Free Website.” This logo is appropriately adjusted and aesthetically pleasing in a way that does not distract the visitors.

3. Product Data Updates

When you create an online store and make some regular changes to the products in lines of pricing, models, etc., all that is needed to do is to create the update in the database.

Every page on the website featuring the product ends up getting automatically updated. When you create an online store with Zoho Sites, you are not just creating a web presence for a brick-and-mortar business, but you are also adding fundamental e-commerce features that can be integrated with useful applications.

For example, some of the Zoho Sites packages include a product gallery that can be listed for including all products that one wishes to sell.

4. PayPal Integration

PayPal Integration with Zoho Sites

It is possible to connect a website with PayPal so that all customers can check out easily and safely. This also involves multimedia tools like slideshows and support for videos that enable a variety of visual marketing techniques for showcasing products, image optimization, etc. 

Zoho Sites gives unlimited file storage and bandwidth so that one never has to worry about running out of space or a site being unavailable due to heavy traffic load.

5. Zoho Sites Builder

The entire process of Zoho Sites is very simple and includes an email address and a password. You can be immediately redirected to the themes page while selecting the design templates.

There are multiple themes that can be chosen from, and regardless of the presence of a section for responsive themes, Zoho ensures that all themes are exceptionally mobile-friendly.

On the basis of an industry that a business might belong to, it becomes possible to browse themes related to photography, furniture, art, construction, real estate, non-profit, music, fashion, food, etc.

Right after the themes have been chosen, you can be led to the drag-and-drop editor, where it is then possible to customize the themes based on individual preferences and website goals.

Regardless of the fact whether you change the images and text or if you are interested in a detailed overhaul, it is possible to make the changes easily. Besides this, you can also alter the layout with elements, collect leads with forms, access data easily, use applications to integrate with third-party providers, and manage a store with a commerce tab.

Step By Step Process of Building a Website

There is no doubt that building a website can be a challenging task. However, we will collectively walk you through the process and show you that there is nothing to fear.

1. Purpose of Building a Website

You should be clear about the reason why you are building a website. Always start by thinking objectively and holistically. Just like building a brand, creating a website also needs a roadmap.

The purpose of your website should be branding and selling products online along with advertising your services. You should also know why your site exists so that you can set it in the right direction.

The next step is to note down the content sections so that the goal can be supported clearly. This can include a brand’s story, propositions, values, and practices. Moreover, this also tells you why most people will want to visit your website. If you want people to do something, then you must make that clear.

2. Do Visual Research

When it is about planning the entire look and feel of a website, then visual research helps a lot. Whether you are managing things independently or you have hired a digital marketing agency, you should prioritize preparing a visual vault.

There are many websites that are useful for finding images and videos to be used for pages where otherwise the content gets overlooked. It is best to collect and upload all your brand’s elements in just one place and organize them under different folders.

You can make different folders for photos, logos, articles, videos, illustrations, and fonts. Once this is done, it will become very easy to pull together elements that eventually work well for your brand.

3. Prepare Content

It is now time to collect all the content. Make sure that you spend a good time at this stage because good content is clearly one of the top things that make the audience stay.

You can start by preparing and sorting all the content for your pages so that everything goes smoothly and you have all the information at your fingertips. Streamline the content that will go on your site from top to bottom, including headlines, taglines, main content, and CTAs.

In addition, you can also update the content when you are building your site. It is highly recommended that you always start with a good base of content to make the journey a productive one.

Keep in mind that less is always more. You should leave your visitors wanting as compared to overwhelming them with a lot of information, and the quicker, the better. You should not leave your visitors leaving your site irritated because of extra loading time.

4. Define Sitemap

You must define the sitemap as a framework that forms the structure of the site. The site must include all pages you plan to create and the way in which they will connect. All pages that are well linked to one another give meaning to a good SEO strategy.

A nicely constructed website should have an attractive homepage, an about page, a products and services page, and a contact page. Other than this, it should also include a blog, FAQs, and a client or portfolio page.

5. Well-Designed Layout

Once the website structure is completely clear to you, it is easily possible to put together the important elements of a web page. It is also easy if you have been using a drag-and-drop website builder such as Zoho Sites.

You should choose a multi-functional template and also customize it to create a website that is not just unique but also true to your needs. That said, you should be mindful of following some best practices so that you can offer a good user experience to the users.

Make sure that you pay attention to the basis by including a relevant image; a footer with social media buttons, terms of use, a sitemap, and trust badges; relevant social proofs; well-optimized subscriptions; and CTA buttons.

6. Add Effects

The process of adding website effects can be quite challenging. Although you never want a dull website, it is important to keep in mind that even small things go a long way.

You can improve the user experience of your website by adding animations which is pretty possible in Zoho Sites. It helps in using relevant lines of code and also helps in adding a dynamic user experience.

There is a wide range of font and button colors that contribute to how visitors react to the messages, including bounce rate, conversion rate, etc. There is no need to get overwhelmed by these options.

You can have a good plan in place and execute it all through the site. These small but important additions can be helpful in linking visual elements and adding overall effectiveness to a site.

7. Add Social Media Button

In the present world, social media plays an important role in ensuring that people know more about your brand. Many website builders allow you to add social sharing buttons to a website easily.

You can place them in the header and footer of your homepage while allowing visitors to share content across social media accounts. This also helps in adding exposure that improves the fan base.

8. Search Engine Optimised Website

Search engine optimization often seems like a challenging topic to understand well and even execute. However, it is actually a rather simple topic.

A condition for ensuring good SEO is also to make sure that the content is strategic so that the site ranks higher. Taking small steps to optimize your site for SEO while including titles and descriptions for your pages can help.

You can also add ALT text to all the images, and most importantly, it is about picking an attractive and clear domain that makes sense from a marketing point. Optimization also means ensuring that you keep mobile devices in your mind while building the site.

It should be easy to navigate a website on any device without any scrolling results so that the user experience is optimal.

9. Publish Content

After all the elements have been put in place, you should also double-check everything. Read the content again and check all the buttons to ensure that they are working just as you wanted them to.

It is always good to get another opinion as well. Allow someone to use the website for some time and then ask about their user experience. It is necessary to ensure that the website is easy to use, the brand message is clear, and the overall user experience is positive. After this has been confirmed, you can go ahead and publish your website.


Zoho Sites is one of the best website builders that allow you to create professional and mobile-friendly websites in a matter of minutes. It comes with a simple drag-and-drop editor, meaning there is no need for any design experience or technical knowledge. It is possible to start your website today.

You can either build a website yourself, or you can also take professional support from Zoho consultants. If you wish to know more about building a website, take the support of consultants at Encaptechno today. 

How to Build a Website from Scratch? Read More »

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How to Choose a Digital Marketing Agency? - Encaptechno

How to Choose a Top Digital Marketing Agency?

How to Choose a Digital Marketing Agency? - Encaptechno

It is a well-known fact that we live in a world of digital transformation. Almost everything you see is digitized, and each brand is pushing itself forward in one way or another to stand out in the race. That said, as technology develops and competition keeps growing, an internet presence is not enough.

Rather, forming a strong place on the internet with well-planned online marketing activities is becoming more important each day. There are many aspects to digital marketing that must be paid attention to, and they commonly include PPC, content marketing, email marketing, SEO, and many more.

Choosing which one out of the lead generation activities will help foster better brand engagement is not merely enough. One must also focus on hiring a digital marketing agency that can create a suitable place for a brand online. A professional agency creates a suitable place for a brand online and helps reach customers to increase brand awareness.

The thing with hiring a digital marketing agency is that it helps brands take responsibility for their brand image while becoming increasingly reliable and visible online. Knowing which agencies are suitable for your needs is important because each agency comes with different specializations. You must be able to decide which one works for your demands.

In this blog, we will see a seamless marketing process of choosing a digital marketing agency. However, let us first understand what a digital marketing agency is.

What is a Digital Marketing Agency?

A digital marketing agency is a professional agency that helps brands develop their brand online among other competitors. It involves a modern way of marketing by using different strategies that focus mainly on social media marketing, SEO, content creation, and digital strategy.

One of the most important features of online marketing activities is that they allow you to get returns from the strategies and campaigns. They help bring out a brand’s online presence to a much better point in a streamlined and effective manner.

Hiring a capable digital agency that also offers the right strategies is never an easy task. Even if there are multiple digital marketing agencies that are competent in what they do, looking for an agency that solves your needs may not be a smooth thing to achieve.

Why Hire a Digital Marketing Agency?

A digital marketing agency helps in leveraging the online presence of a company by using tactics including email marketing and SEO optimization for generating interest in a brand. An agency will be empowered with strategies, technologies, and talent for helping you build trust with the audience and for increasing brand engagement.

A professional agency will also help you streamline the customer experience by refining the focus and approach that eventually enables you to add value to your audience anytime possible.

Since the digital marketing landscape is changing each day, it is important to keep up with the strategies that offer a seamless marketing process. Hiring a digital marketing agency makes it a priority to stay updated on the details that many companies do not have the time to learn about.

The right digital marketing agency will use some of the best strategies for building a brand presence, expanding its reach, optimizing data approaches, and tracking campaign results. For keeping up with an agency’s talent, power, and expertise, a company needs to hire a complete department of employees.

Using an agency relationship is a very smart action that also saves time, money, and resources while helping businesses grow in a short time. Now that we have managed to gain a deep understanding of what is a digital marketing agency, you must be wondering how to choose one when it comes to business.

Factors to Choose a Digital Marketing Agency

1. Clear Definition of Goals

Clear Definition of Goals - Factors to Choose a Digital Marketing Agency

Before hiring a digital marketing agency professionally, one must be clear about the needs of a brand. Understanding what you wish to achieve also means that you can now express yourself in the right ways and get the results you expect.

You must look for the internal needs that can help your company filter out the criteria even when you start your search for an agency. Choosing your budget and deciding why you wish to hire a digital marketing agency is the first step.

With online marketing activities, you can effectively introduce a new product, a service, or a goal for building a community on the internet. In all cases, choosing why you must work with an agency and coming up with a plan will reduce your agency search process positively.

2. Detailed Research

When you go out in the market to look for a digital marketing agency, you will find many of them. However, it can be unclear if all of them are capable of offering the same services or not. This is something that makes it even more difficult to find the right agency.

You might be able to find many agencies, but you would sometimes want to make sure that the agency you want to hire is also in line with all your goals and prospects. When you go ahead with the right search, you will be able to save time and money in the long run.

Finding a digital marketing agency by performing detailed research will ensure that you have chosen a reliable option. The services will be worth it, and you will also feel satisfied with the end results because things will have a tendency to fall in place.

3. Project Portfolio

You must also request a project portfolio that includes the details of recent jobs and projects. This will offer you concrete evidence of the agency’s responsibilities. If you wish to come across agencies that can share their work without any hesitation, then this is important for decision-making.

One of the most important things is to choose an agency that can offer a detailed strategy, a good plan, and also a targeted result that you have been aiming for. A digital marketing agency can also ask past clients to act as a reference for their capability when it comes to presenting a project successfully. You can consider this before making a deal with an agency.

4. Updated With New Trends

There is an ever-changing environment in the present digital world. As marketers, it becomes important to form a flexible mindset in this scenario. The trend that was prevalent yesterday might also become obsolete tomorrow.

Hence, it is important that the digital marketing agency that you work with follows the latest trends in digital marketing. This is all the more when it is a long-term plan so that you can keep up with the speed, follow popular topics and also include them in the marketing strategy.

The online marketing activities must cause an evident change in the brand position. They should also empower you to make the most out of an empowered marketing path. In case the agency that you are thinking of hiring is successful and also experienced in a field, then it is best to consider hiring them.

5. Testimonials and Reviews

Testimonials and Reviews - Factors to Choose a Digital Marketing Agency

It goes without saying that you must always look for tangible proof. Any lack of proof can be a bad signal. That said, there are some agencies that do not have time to do their own marketing.

You must keep an open mind when it comes to testimonials and reviews. Be open to receiving reviews and word-of-mouth referrals from anywhere they come to you. Even a new digital marketing agency should be able to muster solid proof whenever there is a need.

6. Specialisation

The digital marketing agencies that promise great success in each area mostly offer a subpar service. Instead of choosing an agency like that, you must try to work with an agency that is completely specialised in either one or two areas. This helps in playing a big role in brand enhancement and it also helps you in gaining financial authenticity.

When it comes to lead generation activities, it can be effective to work with firms that specialise in your needs rather than choosing the ones that cover each issue that comes. Digital marketing can seem easy for those who are from the same industry but the truth is that it is challenging to reach the target audience.

What’s more, trends keep changing each year. New digital marketing trends also bring new ways to get things done. The workload can also be heavier than you can imagine. This is why brands may need to cooperate with successful agencies for gaining a decent place in search results.

It is a common practice to outsource parts of digital marketing to professionals. However, it can be beneficial if you hire an end-to-end digital marketing agency for greater support. A professional digital marketing agency can help in deciding where and how to get this support.

7. Transparent Company

Even though this can be hard to measure, it is an important thing to measure. The industry is full of malpractices and even digital marketing agencies that are out there for monetary interests only. This is something that you will have to be focused on when you engage in a conversation with the agencies.

For instance, if a digital marketing agency is offering SEO then they must clearly define just what they know and how they plan to go about the process strategically. In addition, they must also try to understand the reviews and testimonials in complete detail.

8. Competent Marketing Strategy

Doing digital marketing without having a well-defined strategy is a complete waste of time and also inefficient many times. There are chances that you may own the strategy in-house but the fact is that there is nothing more challenging than hiring a digital marketing agency that does not add value.

It is important to understand that most marketers have a lot to do already. In this scenario, the agencies must have professional strategists who are proficient and helpful in following a plan and meet business needs.

9. Pricing

Yet another factor that must be focused on while choosing a digital marketing agency is pricing. You must always focus on understanding the value that an agency can offer over another because the value is what matters the most in the end.

Each service in the online marketing activities is meant for doing something different. Even though all services when combined cater to improving a brand reach but they serve a different purpose independently.  

10. Long-Term Plan

If you have been successful in ticking off all the criteria from your list while finally choosing a digital marketing agency that is suitable, then remember to be patient when it comes to results. Your long-term objectives will be fulfilled eventually, but it is going to take time.

Digital marketing is a continuous process, and a professional agency will need to use new ways to boost a business. A lot of things come under digital marketing, including content, CTAs, social media pages, website design, etc. You must ensure that all of these things are taken care of in your long-term plan.

You will be able to achieve the best results when you form a solid relationship and a long-term bond with the digital marketing agency. Focus on forming this bond, and the results will be great in the long term.


The best lesson to remember when it comes to choosing the top digital marketing agency understands the fundamentals of online marketing all by yourself. By learning online marketing, you will be able to imbibe the skills needed to become successful by practising social media, email marketing, SEO, digital strategy, PPC, etc.

If you own a business, you should try to put yourself in the driving seat and work towards learning the best digital marketing skills to enhance your brand performance. 

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SEO Audit - Why is it Important For Your Website_ Discover Top 10 Reasons Now! - Encaptechno

SEO Audit – Why is it Important For Your Website? Discover Top 10 Reasons Now!

SEO Audit - Why is it Important For Your Website_ Discover Top 10 Reasons Now!

One of the essential foundations of e-commerce and digital marketing services is Search Engine Optimization or SEO. SEO is a broad science that includes everything from keyword research and image optimization to backlink building and content generation. 

A well-executed Search Engine Optimization plan will increase the visibility of your website and products in search engines, resulting in increased organic traffic. Every company’s business card is its website, and when used correctly in marketing initiatives, it can boost your brand’s online presence. You probably already know how important a company’s website and search engine ranking are. 

What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit of your website is an in-depth examination of the numerous aspects that influence your site’s organic search engine performance on Google or Bing. SEO audits aid in the detection of both SEO and website performance concerns. 

For various reasons, including Google’s regular search algorithm adjustments and changes in user search behaviour, a website must be constantly analyzed and optimized.

  • An SEO audit will tell you how to improve your website so that it appears in the top searches of your target customers.
  • It will also aid you in creating your brand authority and increasing conversions.
  • In its most basic form, an SEO audit aims to evaluate your website’s strengths, shortcomings, and potential for long-term success.
  • An SEO audit is a vital health check that allows domain owners (you) to assess their website’s capacity to rank in the search engine results pages (SERPs) (search engine results pages).
  • It entails examining your site through the eyes of Google and other search engines. 
  • Additionally, an SEO audit allows you to identify areas that need improvement and activities that are harmful to your website’s rating. 
  • The SEO audit aims to find as many foundational errors as possible that affect organic search performance.

With SEO Audit, you can analyze the following most effectively:-

  1. SEO concerns of a technical nature
  2. Issues with the structure of the website
  3. Issues with on-page SEO
  4. Offsite issues 
  5. Problems with the user experience
  6. Gaps in content and opportunity
  7. Competitive market intelligence

An audit is a routine exercise that should be carried out regularly; it’s akin to a health check for your website. 

Importance of SEO Audit

Top 10 Benefits of SEO Audit - Encaptechno

61% of marketers conclude their top inbound marketing priority is enhancing SEO and growing their organic presence.

Aside from that, performing an SEO audit will benefit you in the following ways.

1. Know Your Competition

SEO audits can provide data about your competitors’ websites, including their strengths and weaknesses. Using SEO auditing tools, you may also conduct a full SEO assessment of your competitor’s site. You’ll discover their keyword ranking, backlinks, SEO strategies, and their limitations and strengths. For example, you can check which of their articles is the most popular or receives the most backlinks, and if their tactic is successful, you can copy their approach and improve your SEO results. You can also want to concentrate on keywords that your competitors aren’t performing well for and strengthen your position for those instead. Knowing your competitors is critical for your business, significantly if ranking higher than you on search engines.

2. Update with the Latest Trends

SEO is a highly dynamic subject with hundreds of standards of best practices constantly changing. For example, there was a time when submitting news releases to a dozen different press release agencies might result in a thousand valuable backlinks to your website. The same strategy could now result in your website being sandboxed. What about exact match anchor links, keyword density recommendations, and other ranking factors?

How are you believed to maintain with all of these changes? 

You don’t have to, though. An SEO audit using one of the SEO tools can aid in the identification of these outdated tactics.

3. Find Out Which Keywords Bring Maximum Traffic

We all want to rank organically for keywords with the most volume and relevance. Small and medium-sized firms’ websites, on the other hand, frequently rank higher for less competitive and long-tail keywords. Using keyword analysis as part of an audit, you may level the playing field by determining the most practical terms for your company and speciality. However, if those keywords aren’t bringing in any traffic, let alone the correct kind of traffic, it’s almost useless. If you’re ranking well for a keyword but getting little traffic from it, it’s possible that your buyer persona isn’t exploring that terminology or that it has a low search volume. An SEO audit will help you choose your target audience’s search phrases and variants. 

You can then use this information to fill in the holes in your SEO strategy by developing and optimizing content.

4. Insights into Website Traffic

You may find out about your search volume, URL clicks, and impressions your website produces on search results by performing a comprehensive SEO website analysis and using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Increased clicks and impressions are always a good sign that your SEO strategy is working – make sure you regularly keep track of this data. In addition, SEO audits are a great approach to examining and benchmarking your website for accomplishments, problems, and the best ways to improve it. A complete analysis will give you valuable insights into what you should include in your SEO strategy and changes to improve the performance of your website and, most importantly, earn a return on investment.

5. Spot Out-of-Date Information

The existence of outdated content could be one of the reasons why your organic performance is deteriorating. It’s critical to supply relevant and new content for your website to be seen and ranked by search engines. You can increase your search engine rankings and user experience (UX) with the correct SEO site assessment. There is nothing to get rid of old content on your website, just like there isn’t one for any other white hat SEO method. So start excavating as soon as possible. Some of the content on your website may be obsolete. It’s critical to provide search engines with not just relevant but also new content, as well as a cause to return. If no one visits or returns to your website after six months, reassess the content or remove it.

6. Identify and Resolve Both On and Offshore Problems

An in-depth website audit will assist you in identifying any offsite or onsite issues driving traffic away from your site. For example, spam, hidden content, hostile URLs, and backlinks are some problems driving traffic away from your website. These difficulties might have an impact on your website’s total traffic, as well as your conversions. A professional website SEO audit can help you locate and even fix these issues before they get out of hand.

7. Analysis of backlinks

Every search engine considers backlinks to be the essential ranking indication. Because backlinks are regarded as endorsements, their quantity and authority can disproportionately impact your SERP ranking and visibility.

Backlinks from anchor text, guest posts, and press releases are no longer available. Search engine algorithms have improved, and websites that employ shady tactics to get backlinks will be penalized. SEO audits allow you to examine the source of not just your backlinks but also those of your successful competitors. This will show you how to replicate their link strategy. Audits will also reveal low-quality backlinks from link farms or spam directories, harming your website’s search engine rating. The general rule is that the more reliable connections you have to great content, the higher your site will rank. So why do most people have no idea what domains connect to their websites if backlinks are so important? It is critical to understand where you stand. 

8. Maintain Your Website Rankings

Google’s algorithms are also updated regularly. These algorithm modifications are complicated to keep track of and may or may not impact your website’s ranking. This is where the SEO audit comes into action. SEO auditing tools use Google measurements to assist you in making data-driven and up-to-date recommendations on what adjustments to make to your website. In addition, search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing continually upgrade their algorithms to deliver better search results. You should be aware of these changes to make appropriate changes to your website’s content.

9. Improve Your Website’s Speed, Security, and User Experience

Search engines favour well-designed and well-maintained websites and those that are quick, secure, and provide a positive user experience. Consequently, they increase the visibility of such websites in their search engine result page or SERP rankings. However, clients frequently ask about website speed and efficiency in website construction. Fortunately, the time you create and design your website isn’t the only time you may influence its efficacy.

On the other hand, websites become heavier over time as thousands of lines of code are present at any given time, and security vulnerabilities will gradually accumulate unnoticed. 

Regular SEO audits will assist organizations in identifying emerging problems on their website and implementing corrective steps.

10. Improves Usability

The usability of your website is critical to your e-commerce success. It is concerned with logic, easy navigation, and usable interfaces. In general, usability refers to how easy something is to use. Your sales and conversion rates will not increase no matter how much traffic you have if your usability is terrible. The process of creating a website is a mix of science and art. We want a functional, user-friendly, but also attractive and memorable website. However, aesthetics might have an impact on your website’s usability. An SEO tool will assist you in identifying some of your website’s navigational, functional, and structural flaws. Resolving these issues can immediately improve your website’s usability and improve your clients’ experience.


Regular SEO audits are highly beneficial to a company’s website. The search engine market evolves rapidly, and what works now may not work in six months. Therefore, an SEO audit can strategically improve your website’s performance, improve SEO, and increase conversions if done correctly. In addition, conducting an SEO audit on your own may reveal several areas that want attention. Because you are so familiar with your website, crucial components of it may go ignored. That’s why getting a third-party SEO audit can be beneficial — you can compare the results to assess your website’s overall quality accurately.

Sure, you could do the audit yourself and get the same results, but with an SEO audit professional at Encaptechno that cares as much about your site and its rankings as you do, you can be confident in your SEO strategy. 

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