
Digital Marketing

How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy in 6 Easy Steps

How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy in 6 Easy Steps?

How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy in 6 Easy Steps

It does not matter if you have already started with content marketing or if you have been using a similar approach for some time. It is always a good idea to work on your content marketing plan while ensuring that it is always innovative, updated, and interesting for all customers. 

Regardless of who intends to purchase your products and services, the content marketing plan must be comprehensive and targeted. While the content marketing plan continues to grow in popularity, creating social media posts and blogs will not be enough for impacting the bottom line.

There must be a holistic strategy that allows you to succeed in content. Developing this strategy also supports the lead generation strategy and helps attract a clearly defined audience while generating profitable customer action.

In this blog, we will follow an in-depth guide on how to create a content marketing strategy for your business. In case you have been facing any challenges in planning for the coming year or require new ideas for your plan, then please keep reading.

What is a Content Marketing Strategy?

What is a Content Marketing Strategy?

A content strategy is like a plan needed to use the content to achieve business goals. You can use this content strategy for attracting your audience at each step of the funnel while also keeping them engaged even after they have made a purchase. 

For example, let us say that the overall goals of your business are about increasing brand awareness. To ensure this happens, you must implement a content marketing strategy focused on improving the search engine results. The plan should be such that it drives traffic to your products and services. 

Many new business owners may assume that a good content strategy is important, but the fact is that it is not so early on in your business. The truth is that producing high-quality content is invaluable in building trust with not just the present but also the new audience. It helps in creating authority in the market and also helps to succeed in the long run. 

Therefore, a good content plan is more like the foundation of attracting and pleasing an audience in a buyer’s journey. Other than attracting prospects to your brand, you can leverage a plan for customer satisfaction and sales enablement. 

Most marketers actively invest in a content marketing plan, which is why it is important to develop one that can stand out in your industry.

Things to Keep In Mind While Creating a Content Marketing Strategy

1. Readers of Content

You must know about your content’s target audience and how many audiences must be targeted for content creation. 

Think of it this way, a business can have more than one kind of customer easily. Similarly, a content marketing plan can also cater to more than one type of user as well. 

Using a wide range of content channels can help you in delivering content that is customized to each persona. 

2. Solving Audience Problem

A product and a service should solve a problem that the audience is facing. The content you create should teach your target audience about a problem so that they can identify and address it as well. 

The fact is that a good content marketing strategy will be able to support people on both sides of a product or a service. These people are the ones who are still trying to gain clarity on what the main challenges are, and the ones who are using a product or service are already overcoming the challenge.  

The notable thing is that the content reinforces the effective solutions that your business is offering. It also helps you to build credibility with your target audience. 

3. Your USP

It is likely that your competition will be selling similar products and services as you, which also means that your potential customers must know what makes you better or, at the very least different from others. 

It is possible that your primary asset could be that your company has been formed for many years. On the other hand, it is also likely that you may have a unique brand image that can make you stand out from your competition. 

If you wish to prove why your brand is worth engaging with, you must prove why you are worthy of listening to it in the first place. After you are clear about this message, you can create content that permeates this message. 

4. Content Formats

You must have an understanding of all formats that must be focused on while creating content. It is important to meet your target audience just where it is. You have to find out where your audience is passing its time.

If you do not then you will just be wasting time by creating content that will either fail to reach your audience or attract their attention. After you find the best formats for your brand, you can start creating a budget that can assess which resources can be allocated for executing a strategy.

5. Publishing on Channels

As you can create content in a wide range of formats, you can also easily publish it on various platforms as well. From creating content for your website to social media, the options are endless. This is also something that will reflect where your audience lives. 

In case your audience chooses long-form video content, then you might as well choose to publish your content on platforms such as YouTube. On the other hand, if you have a younger audience, then choosing platforms such as Instagram and TikTok can be useful. 

6. Aligning Content Creation and Publication

When you have got everything mentioned above in place, it is now time to create and even publish the content in an alignment. Who is creating what, where will it be published, and when is it going to be live? 

When you have a small team, this can be an easy thing to achieve because you are the sole decision-maker. However, with the growth of your company, you will be required to collaborate with many teams so that you can finally figure out an effective process. 

At present, content marketing strategies can be used for preventing clutter as it is easy to manage content from one standpoint. When it comes to planning a content calendar, you can easily see a company’s message and even assert yourself as an authority in the market with time. 

Steps to Create a Content Marketing Strategy

1. Define Your Goals

A good way to develop a content marketing strategy is by defining a clear goal for what you want the content to do. This can very well be a brief statement that makes it simple to focus on what is important and what is not. Create your content in a way so that the strategy can stay on track. 

The goal should include what your audience can get from your content marketing plan. You should also think about what your business can possibly get from your business. This is where the business goal comes in. 

In general, content marketing is done to improve revenue because of a content marketing strategy. It can also be used for making more sales and getting more leads which further helps in meeting your revenue goals. You can get more traffic on your website with good content, as more traffic will lead to better opportunities for meeting your goals. 

In addition, you can improve the business perception so that you have a better influence and authority as a thought leader in your industry. Make sure that you factor in the search engine ranking factors so that they lead to more traffic. 

Go ahead and reduce your costs so that the content becomes considerably effective. Also, remember that social media engagement can also help in boosting traffic and authority so that must be focused on too. After you have clarity on your goals, it is now time to move ahead to create a buyer persona so that the content can be created around it. 

2. Create a Buyer Persona

For developing a successful plan, you should be able to properly define the target audience of your content which is otherwise called a buyer persona. This is important for everyone who is starting a business and is new to marketing. 

Once you have clarity about your target audience, you can always produce considerably relevant and valuable content that the audience wants to read and convert on. In case you are an experienced marketer, your target might have changed. 

You must know if you wish to target a new group audience or work on expanding your current audience. In addition, you should also know if you wish to keep your target audience the same or not. Go back and revisit the audience parameters by carrying out market research every year so that your audience can grow. 

3. Carry Out an Audit

Right from the beginning, most brands begin with creating blog posts before anything else. They will hire a digital marketing agency to create on-site and off-site blogs in the starting. 

However, if you wish to start with different formats, you can carry out a document audit for assessing the top-performing and low-performing content types as well. This information can be used for informing which direction you should take next.

If you have been in the business for some time now, then you should take your time to review the content marketing efforts and the usual results that it brings. Try to know what you can do differently in the coming year and also set some new goals. 

You can also take some time to align your team goals with the goals of your organization. It does not matter which stage you are in, but a content audit can help in finding what resonates with the audience. You can make an effort to find gaps in the clusters and look for new ideas well. 

4. Plan a Calendar

The process of planning content enables you to allocate resources suitably. You can see which workflow is taking a longer time than was expected and also adjust your expectations accordingly. 

An important element of planning efficient content is called prioritization. When you plan your actions, you will also be able to find the most important tasks that can be tested easily. While doing this, take your time to secure your content marketing strategy from important roadblocks while finding more opportunities that can help you experiment and improve your results. 

You can also prioritize in many ways, including gains, the flow of the campaign, resources needed for creating the campaigns and the product or service launch.  Make an effort to form a long list of themes that are likely to be effective and also relevant for a long time. 

When you make a decision on whether to choose a topic or just assess it, you should be focused on the usefulness of the topic. You can use tools for automating this process. 

5. Create Your Content

The overall content quality must come before all else. This includes your desire to get ranked quickly and even produce more quality content. Whether you create the content yourself or you employ a digital marketing agency for creating it, make sure that it is completely original. 

It is not likely to capture the attention of the intended audience if you do not create original content. You should be willing to invest in people and resources so that you can do your research, come up with ideas, and even implement them into engaging content pieces. 

Avoid creating content that is based on a detailed analysis of other pages while talking about the same topic. Take a step ahead and work on creating unique data, research, and opinion on each content piece. This way, you will be able to build brand credibility and also establish the trust of your audience. 

6. Publish Your Content

A marketing plan can go beyond the kinds of content that you will create at last. It should also cover ideas on organizing your content in detail. Using a content calendar is going to help you in being on the right track when it comes to publishing a diverse and well-balanced library on the website. 

Moreover, you can also create a calendar, especially for social media, so that it helps in promoting and managing your content on different sites. So many ideas that you think will be classic, but that said, you should not ignore timely topics as well. Even though they may not form most of your editorial, they help in generating more traffic. 

Many brands depend on including popular holidays in their overall marketing efforts, but one does not have to limit things to important marketing dates. In case there are holidays that may appeal to the audience, it can be worth publishing on the blog or even on social media. 


Although the methods mostly used for delivering content to the prospects can change continuously, the important principles stay the same. You can choose a good content marketing strategy based on customer choice and reliable data.

It doesn’t matter if you are just getting started. The point is not to get intimidated by this process. You must move at an optimal speed and take consistent action. As you go ahead in your marketing efforts, you will discover that content marketing will put you in a place where you overcome your competition. 

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Why Is Keyword Research Important For SEO?

Keywords (also known as “SEO keywords”) are any words or phrases a user enters into a search engine to find specific information on the internet. The term is a portal that directs users to organic search results and, ultimately, to the website where they may find what they’re looking for.

That is why choosing the appropriate keywords is critical in SEO. Once you’ve identified words people use while searching for items in your niche, you can change your content strategy and SEO to target these phrases. Hence you will rank higher and receive more visitors.

Types of Keywords

1. Long-tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are key phrases that contain five or more words. For example, a long-tail keyword might be “which is the fastest car in the world”?

Long-tail keywords are an excellent approach to gradually growing SEO traffic because competition for these keywords is significantly lower than for short-tail keywords. Furthermore, these keywords have excellent conversion rates because they are utilized by users looking for specific information, products, or services.

2. Short-tail Keywords

Short-tail keywords are precisely what their name implies: they are brief. These keywords are often one to two words long.

“Street food” is an example of a short-tail keyword.

If you conduct keyword research on this topic, you’ll see that the competitiveness and search volume for this term are significantly higher than the long-tail keyword, “which is the fastest car in the world. Because of the high degree of competition for this keyword, ranking for it will be highly tough, utilizing a large amount of effort and money.

Another thing to remember about short-tail keywords is that they are typically quite broad and untargeted. This implies that the conversion rates for these keywords are insufficient. Therefore, marketers and content creators should avoid targeting short-tail keywords, especially if the brand isn’t a market leader with a well-established reputation.

Keyword Research

The process of locating relevant, business-related keywords that people may search for on Google is known as keyword research. Keyword research identifies common terms and phrases people type into search engines to find the information they seek.

  • Keyword research in SEO is as essential to human survival as oxygen. Moreover, it’s critical for SEO success because you can’t reach them if you don’t know what keywords they’re using. 
  • You can increase the exposure of your blog posts, webpages, and other digital content by conducting thorough keyword research. 
  • 49 percent of the time, the top result in Google search results for a given search query (or “keyword”) receives the most traffic. The second results receive the most traffic, 22% of the time. By reaching the second page of Google, consumers have clicked on each result less than 1% of the time.
  • Keyword research entails researching and selecting words/keywords that consumers will use to discover answers to their queries in search engines. It is the first stage in creating an effective SEO strategy for your website. It could be a single word or several words. It aids in attracting a focused audience to your website via search engines. 
  • It is critical to select relevant keywords for your business or blog to reach the right individuals.

Keyword research can help you-

  • To recognize and connect out to your target audience
  • To find new things to cover on your website.
  • To obtain qualified leads
  • To increase your sales.
  • To improve ad campaign clicks and impressions.
  • To raise brand awareness.

Purpose Of Keyword Research

The practice of exploring general, industry-specific terms and phrases that drive search traffic to search engine results pages is known as keyword research. This is the mandatory true and first step in every website’s search engine optimization (SEO).

The keyword research aims to locate words and phrases users look for on Google and other major search engines. 

These phrases are associated with the items and services offered on your website. As a result, keywords are becoming more focused on searcher intent than ever before. 

A large part of keyword research entails understanding your audience and the questions they are asking, then finding methods to answer those questions in your content utilizing a combination of keywords and phrases.

Why Is Keyword Research Important For SEO?


Excellent keyword research identifies the terms, phrases, queries, and answers your users and customers care about. Your keywords should also help you achieve commercial objectives such as increasing pageviews, acquiring leads, or selling products and services.

You won’t be able to optimize photos, pages, and content strategy to drive qualified traffic to your website until you know which word or search term you want to rank your blog post at the top.

If you pick keywords that are irrelevant to your website or specialty and include them in your blog post, there is a better possibility that your blog post will rank higher in search results for a short period. However, you may lose traffic, and users will leave your site if you use incorrect keywords.

Google SERP may eventually detect this conduct, and you may lose traffic and potential users. This scenario will raise your site’s bounce rate, resulting in a drop in overall rating. It appears to be a negative factor for your website and will also increase your spam score. Make sure that you select the appropriate keywords for your website.

Let’s now dive into detail to study the importance of keyword research for SEO-

1. Recognize the competitive environment

By providing a clear image of who they’re competing against, keyword research helps SEOs grasp the competitive landscape.

Let’s imagine you have a concept for a piece of content you’d like to create. You can determine which domains are already competing for the relevant phrase (s) by conducting thorough keyword research. Keyword analysis reveals how difficult or simple it will be to rank at the top of Google and other search engines. This brings us to the next reason keyword research is essential for SEO.

Employing keywords to attract potential consumers more inclined to use or purchase from your website is critical. However, it is equally crucial to avoid employing “bad” keywords, which can attract readers who are likely to leave your page.

2. Choose the right set of keywords

You may employ the wrong keywords for your business if you do not conduct keyword research. Furthermore, because research is one of the initial steps in the SEO process, doing it incorrectly (or not at all) sets you up for disappointment. Poorly picked keywords include ones that include:

  • Incorrect usage
  • Low search volume

Low search volume keywords have few to no individuals searching for them. Therefore, content connected with these keywords is unlikely to be found because no one searches for it using those terms. With high competition keywords, it may take a long time for your content to be found online, or it may not rank. In addition, visitors that click on keywords that have no connection to your page are unlikely to stay on the page. 

This raises your page’s bounce rate, which negatively influences SEO. In addition, if you choose the wrong keywords on your page, your content may not even be found in an organic search.

Keyword research is paramount for SEO since it enables you to examine the volume and competition data for the words you intend to utilize. It also supports any future updates you need to make to your chosen keywords.

3. Identify content opportunities with low competition

You’ll be able to find low-competition content opportunities by conducting keyword research. By choosing low-competition keywords, you boost the likelihood of your content drawing more readers and organic traffic to your website via search engines. Keyword research will also tell which keywords you should avoid targeting due to established domains already ranking for them.

Most keyword tools may be utilized to locate low competition and weed out high competitiveness.

4. Keyword clustering is built on research

Keyword clustering is gaining popularity in SEO since it allows you to optimize a single page for multiple keywords and increase your ranking potential.

However, before you can begin clustering, you must first undertake keyword research. To construct a core topic, seek specific themes within your keywords. Analysis assists you in thematically grouping terms into a core theme with relevant subtopics. 

You can structure your content around these critical subjects to help your pages rank higher in search results.

5. Spend your money wisely

Monthly search volume statistics can forecast how many clicks each article will receive. It assists you in deciding where to direct your resources. For example, if no one searches for “blue clouds in a bottle,” it’s pointless to create a full-fledged guide for it. Take the search volume and difficulty numbers with a grain of salt because they are only estimates from third-party programmes. In actuality, zero volume phrases in SEO tools may have search volume. You can use them for directions.

6. Contributes to the generation of new content ideas

The final reason keyword research is vital for SEO is that it helps generate new content ideas. It can sometimes be challenging to develop new content ideas for your blog. 

Fortunately, most keyword research tools may be leveraged to discover new keywords and content ideas. By entering your competitor’s domain, you may find all the terms currently on their site and for which they are ranking.

7. Determine seasonality and patterns

Research enables you to identify seasonality and business patterns. Keyword research will provide insights into current trends and your prospects’ behaviour. So keep up with what’s famous and vital to your target audience and use that information to keep your content relevant.

Because of seasonality, keyword research is essential in SEO.

With search insight, you can stay up to date on the latest trends and changes in your sector. For example, tracking search phrases might provide insight into upcoming trends in your niche industry. 

Search intelligence is valuable for any organization since it may provide strategic direction to inform your marketing approach. The data includes SEO campaigns, PPC advertising campaigns, and SEO content optimization campaigns.

8. Discover what people are looking for online

A content developer can learn about what people are searching for online by conducting keyword research.

This data is critical because it provides content creators with fast feedback on whether or not a new idea is worth their time and resources. Essentially, you want to create content that targets terms people use to search for information online. 

It’s pointless to produce content based on what you believe your target audience is looking for.

9. Develop new markets

Keywords enable you to connect with people likely to be interested in your products or services. Long tail keywords, on the other hand, provide you with a deeper understanding of new markets that can help you build your audience. In addition, long tail keyword phrases are less frequently searched, allowing search engines to look up more words and connect you to more items.

People will believe your organization is more legitimate if it ranks higher on search engines. The more authentic and genuine your content is, the more people will believe it, and you will be far more likely to have clients return to develop new consumers. 

Keyword research should be used in all elements of your marketing initiatives.

The Bottom Line

Keyword research is critical for SEO. It exposes plenty of helpful information about your competitors and what content to create. However, the most crucial reason for keyword research is that it allows you to find out what people are looking for online. As a result, conducting keyword research should be the first step in launching a new SEO campaign.

Now that you understand how important keyword research is, engage a top SEO services company like Encaptechno. We always employ the most up-to-date technologies for keyword research and analysis and do our best to weed out irrelevant ones. 

Contact our team of SEO specialists today and get the best assistance.

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Google Search Console: How to Create a Winning Marketing Strategy with Google Search Console Data?

Google Search Console: How to Create a Winning Marketing Strategy?

Google Search Console: How to Create a Winning Marketing Strategy with Google Search Console Data?

Google Search Console or GSC is a valuable analytics tool that Google provides free to anyone who owns or manages a website. GSC can assist you in monitoring your site’s presence in Google Search results, allowing you to maintain and troubleshoot critical areas that require attention. What makes digital marketing unique is the data it provides. It tells you which of your investments were successful and why. Your digital actions and their outcomes are recorded to understand your audience and their behaviors better.

All you must do to get started is add Google Analytics and Google Search Console to your website, and you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful digital marketing PPC Ad campaign. Google Search Console and Google Analytics are both free Google tools. Search Console can assist you in understanding and improving how Google reads your website and provide insights into areas where you should focus your marketing efforts. In addition, Google Search Console is a free tool that allows web admins to monitor the health of their website in the index.

You should use both if you’re serious about understanding how your website performs in terms of key metrics like total website traffic, acquisition, user behavior, and rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). Although they are closely related, Analytics and Search Console provide different data and are extremely useful in evaluating the performance of your website.

Google Search Console is a critical foundational tool for ensuring the success of your SEO strategies. The best part is that it is an entirely free service. So there’s no excuse to skip it.

Whether you’re working with an SEO agency or going it alone, Google Search Console provides you with the information you need about your site and its visitors. But don’t know where to begin with Google Search Console? 

You must first know what Google Search Console does before appreciating its value for your company’s long-term success and website performance. Because of the tools, it provides to ensure that websites perform well in Google search and the tools it offers to track success and analyze traffic, Search Console is an invaluable resource for marketers. In addition to statistical information and data, Search Console gives web admins tools for resolving issues that may prevent them from performing well.

What is Google Search Console all about?

Google Search Console is a simple and free tool that enables users to measure their website’s traffic, see keyword performance, troubleshoot issues, and receive Google messages about their website. In addition, it provides information on how a website performs in organic search and methods for making changes to the site in the Google index. However, unlike Google Analytics, Search Console only provides information on web search traffic, not other segments such as direct traffic, traffic from ads, or traffic from site referrals.

Top digital marketers use Google Search Console for the following primary purposes:

  • Identify and resolve issues and crawl errors that may be preventing your site from appearing on search results pages (SERPs) and impeding your SEO performance.
  • Analyze your link profile to see which websites link to yours and fine-tune your backlink marketing strategy for lead generation.

Purpose of Google Search Console

Google Search Console can help businesses better monitor the online performance of their websites. Some of the critical information you can learn from Search Console includes:

  • Which queries that are keywords direct the most Google search traffic to your site.
  • Which pages on your site receive the maximum Google search traffic.
  • Remove URLs that you do not want to appear in search results.
  • For any given page, which queries send the most traffic from Google search to that page.
  • Security issues that Google may have noticed with your site’s content.
  • Witness security problems on your website.
  • Know which pages have blocked resources.
  • Measure the conversion rate or CTR.”
  • Other domains that are connecting to your site.
  • Find out which pages are the most thriving on your website.
  • Learn which web pages are being positioned and for which keywords.
  • Assess incoming links and internal links.
  • Test if the robots.txt and sitemap files on your website work properly or have an error.
  • Mobile device usability problems found with your content.
  • Which content from your site has Google indexed, or are any of your pages inaccessible to Google search.
  • Google may have encountered errors while crawling your site (e.g., broken links or 404 errors).

How can Google Search Console Data benefit your business? 

Successful marketing techniques

Successful marketing techniques - How can Google Search Console Data benefit your business

Creating more efficient marketing techniques is one way you may use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to grow your company. You may quickly determine which marketing initiatives are effective and which need to be modified using the data these technologies provide. For example, you might use the Google Search Console to monitor how many people visit your website after starting a paid advertising-based marketing campaign. Then, change your advertising plan if you see that the number of visits is far lower than the number of people who have seen the commercials.

Innovative Product Concepts

You might also use these resources to generate innovative product ideas to help you grow your company. For instance, adding that product to your selection would be a good idea if you notice that your competitors are doing well for a particular category of goods you do not provide. 

For instance, if you operate a blog on different forms of communication, showing your readers how to send messages across radio waves or faxes from computers could be pretty helpful in boosting organic traffic.

Setting Realistic Business Objectives

Finally, you might find it helpful to define attainable business goals with Google Analytics and Google Search Console. 

For instance, you can decide to increase the number of visitors to your website by a specific percentage within the following month if you observe that it is not receiving as much traffic as you would like. Similarly, you might establish a goal to increase the average time spent on the site by a certain percentage if you see that visitors aren’t staying long enough. You can begin monitoring your development when you’ve set a goal. 

Performing competitor research

Performing competitor research - How can Google Search Console Data benefit your business

You might utilize Google Search Console in addition to carrying out a competitor analysis. For instance, you can try to figure out why one of your rivals is ranked well for a particular category of good or service if you observe it. Is it because their product is superior? Or is it because their marketing is more effective than yours? Once you’ve discovered the solution, you can use that knowledge to advance your company. In addition, you might utilize these tools to determine which of your rivals is receiving the most visitors from organic search.

How to Create a Marketing Strategy with Google Search Console?

How to create a marketing strategy with Google Search Console

However, digital marketers must be able to set up the Google Search Console independently. The data in Search Console is crucial for assisting you in optimizing your website and honing your SEO marketing strategy for lead generation if growing organic traffic to your website is essential to you.

Add portal to Google Search Console.

The procedure starts with adding a portal to Google Search Console and verifying it. Verification informs Google about your identity, whether you are the portal owner, a webmaster, or an SEO agency. Following that, the property is added via the portal URL. Once this is done, the verification process can begin in one of the following ways:

Add Google Analytics code. 

This would be a simple option to verify the website for someone who uses Google Analytics as a tracking metric. 

Begin by reviewing your home page code and adding the head section. After that, you must manage the site by going to the Search Console Dashboard and verifying the site. This should be followed by the recommended or alternate method instructions listed under the Google Analytics option.

Insertion of an HTML tag

The following step would be to include an HTML tag. This is primarily useful for marketers with some coding experience. The procedure should start with verifying the property in the search control dashboard. When you select the HTML tag option or the alternate methods tag, you will be given the HTML code to verify the site. The code must then be copied and pasted into the head section. After you save the code, you will be able to publish it. The verification code will be available on the home page of the website. You can verify the site once you return to the Google Search Console.

Adding an HTML file

An HTML file can be uploaded to the root directory of the website. In addition, the manage site option can also be found on the search console dashboard, where you can verify the site. 

The HTML file must then be uploaded using the recommended method. For Google to verify further, you must follow the instructions to download the HTML file without changing its content. You can verify the site after it has been uploaded.

Validation via the domain name

A website can also be verified through a domain name provider if the subdomains and subdirectories associated with your main domain can be accessed. The domain name provider must be selected from the recommended or alternate method options. 

To complete the verification process, the domain name should be chosen from the list provided, and the instructions should be followed. The search console can help digital marketers improve the SEO performance of their websites.

Domain name registration

You can select your preferred domain name, www or non-version, in the site settings. It is necessary to enter a domain name.

Include a site map

Sitemaps are digital maps that give Google’s site crawlers information about your website’s pages, such as the most crucial pages, when they were last updated, etc. The website map must then be submitted to Google Search Console. This is a quick step that improves the crawl ability of the site. This is especially useful when a website has a large number of pages. A site map helps the Googlebot crawl and index a new website much more efficiently. It is not required to have a sitemap appear in Google search results. 

Google claims that its web crawlers will typically find most of your pages if your site is structured correctly (i.e., pages are logically linked to one another).

The Bottom Line

The Google Search Console tool has evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of digital marketers. If you do not use this tool, you may miss out on some crucial achievements. While it may not be an easy task at first, you could give it a shot and gradually adjust to the various associated components.

Google Search Console is simple and easy to use, and it belongs in any webmaster’s, marketer’s, or business owner’s toolkit for managing their visibility on Google Search. One of the tool’s main advantages is the additional data and understanding of how people find your website on Google. You can keep attracting similar audiences to your website through SEO and other digital marketing strategies if you know how people find you through Google Console data.

Call the experts at Enacptechno today and get the best assistance!

Google Search Console: How to Create a Winning Marketing Strategy? Read More »

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BI Trends To Look Out For In 2022

BI Trends To Look Out For In 2022

BI Trends To Look Out For In 2022

Business intelligence is a fine combination of analytics, data visualization, data tools, data mining, and some of the best practices that help organizations to make data-driven decisions. The business intelligence trends help modern businesses to get a comprehensive view of data when the aim is to drive change, eliminate bottlenecks, and adapt to supply change.

The thing with modern BI solutions is that they offer flexible self-service analysis and governed data while empowering business users with deep insight. A lot more than something specific, business intelligence is a term that covers methods of collecting, storing, and analyzing data from business operations.

The business intelligence tools help in streamlining processes and workflows needed to create a comprehensive business view for making actionable decisions. Over some time, business intelligence has also managed to evolve in the sense that it improves performance.

Importance of Business Intelligence

Business intelligence trends can allow organizations to make better decisions by showing present and past data that comes in the business context. Data analysts can use BI for offering performance and competitor standards so that an organization can smoothly and efficiently.

Business analysts can effectively see market trends for increasing the sales and revenue of a business. When used effectively, the data can also help in compliance with hiring. Some of the ways in which business intelligence helps companies decide smartly are mentioned below.

  • Find ways to increase profit
  • Compare data with the competitors
  • Study customer behaviour
  • Track the performance
  • Foresee success
  • Streamline operations
  • Study market trends
  • Find problems

Working of Business Intelligence

Businesses have multiple goals and questions and to answer them all, it is important to track performance for achieving these goals. Gathering important data, analyzing it, and finding actions to take are important for realizing goals.

When it comes to the technical side of things, data can be collected from business activities. It can be processed and stored in a data warehouse as well. After it gets stored, users can also access it, and start analysis for answering the business questions.

In the past, business intelligence tools were based on traditional models. A top to the down method was followed where business intelligence was extracted by the organizations and most questions were answered with static reports.

In case someone had a question about a report they received, the usual request was to go to the bottom of the queue and start the process all over again. As a result, many frustrating reporting cycles followed and it became difficult to take decisions.

Traditional business intelligence methods are still very common for regular reporting and answering questions. However, modern business intelligence trends are pretty interactive and approachable as well. With augmented data analytics and new BI trends, the process has become very simple.

IT departments are still important for managing data and many users can customize dashboards while creating reports on short notice. By following the BI trends, users can be empowered to use data and get important questions answered.

New Trends to Look Out For in 2022

BI Trends To Look Out For In 2022 - Infographic

1. SaaS and Cloud Application

The pandemic has put many businesses in an emergency situation as they try to make sense of the entire situation. Many organizations struggled with managing on-premise solutions and as a result, an evident solution was to look for business intelligence trends.

To make sure that business intelligence is not compromised, organizations started migrating to cloud-based BI whether it was on a private, public, or SaaS solution. Many companies realigned their overall budgets after the pandemic so that enough space could be made for adopting cloud infrastructure in the move towards remote workforces.

Businesses all over the world think that analytics is a critical capability and companies should not shy away from adopting data solutions. This is why it has become important for organizations to adopt SaaS and cloud applications.

2. Cloud Analytics

Moving data to the cloud has enabled many businesses to get enhanced access to data for collaborating and being productive in the middle of a distributed workforce. To attract actionable and timely insights from data, organizations are using the power of cloud analytics.

Business intelligence is all about driving business efficiencies. On the basis of budget, hardware, security and compliance, and many other factors, business analytics can be deployed on private, public, hybrid, multi, community clouds, and microservices. This leads to making cloud analytics adoption very easy.

Cloud intelligence is all about the deployment of intelligent tools over the cloud infrastructure so that it becomes easy to access virtual networks including the internet. It is about offering firms insightful business intelligence data including KPIs, BI dashboards, and other types of business analytics.

3. Unified Data Management and Analytics

The simple combination of BI stack has changed the scenario of reporting applications into the modern BI and analytics platform. Some new additions are taking place in the data preparation phase with integration, preparation, management, and even insights becoming an important part of BI workflow.

The ML and AI capabilities along with a combination into the BI stack continue redefining self-service BI and analytics in detailed ways. Automation also democratizes and simplifies business intelligence and analytics for everyone.

4. Natural Language Processing

Automation allows action and natural language processing too. As the NLP capabilities increase, more and more vendors attempt to make platforms accessible for users. Many employees use data for making informed decisions.

A common barrier to working with data is that many people do not have a background in statistics and computer science. Many employees do not know to code, and what’s more, is that they do not even have the right training for interpreting data and asking questions that lead to insights.

Augmented analytics decreases any barriers as it guides business users with a no-code capability including some NLP features that allow data queries in natural language. The adoption of AI is expected to pick up in the coming year.

Multiple companies are behind the curve in their capabilities such as augmented data analytics, natural language querying and natural language processing. It is expected that most organizations will be leaning on AI for improving data quality and discovery as they look forward to trusting data and insights delivered from analyzing it.

5. Augmented Analytics

The quick adoption of applications and technologies has managed to create many consumption points for augmented data analytics. Offering a detailed context is emerging as an important functionality for the business intelligence vendors.

For addressing this, there is a wide range of analytics platforms that include AI and ML capabilities all across various points in the business workflow for better insights. The progress of NLQ capabilities in immersive conversations is also driving the adoption of BI amongst many business users.

The new advancements also open up many possibilities in the areas of analytics driven by search results. Decision intelligence has also started gaining great popularity in the business environment. These are some enablers that complement the decisions made by human beings.

An effective enabler is automated insights because it overcomes visualizations with important insights in the form of narratives that give more power to make better decisions. With the implementation of self-learning and deep learning ML models, the BI workflows make artificial intelligence smart and scalable.

6. Unified Business Analytics

An adoption of business applications all across multiple companies has led many platforms to become data-centric as they expand into stable business app integrations. This also creates more opportunities for data integrations.

With native app integrations and advancements in domain-specific data models, it has become easy for many businesses to gain quick insights without worrying about building reports and dashboards. These business models can be trained for addressing fixed business needs.

A deep analysis from datasets is now becoming simple and quick with improved auto modelling and blending capabilities. This has managed to pave the way for real-time and cross-functional analytics that offers detailed insights.

7. Data Storytelling

The use of dashboards and revenue are now under attack. Businesses are now looking way beyond old capabilities to have data and insights presented without any kind of bias and with detailed empathy so that it becomes simple to make better decisions.

Data storytelling is one of the business intelligence trends that also explore many ways of breaking down KPIs and humanizing data interactions. The consumerized delivery experiences are always in the form of purpose-built portals, documents, presentations, etc. The insight delivery mechanisms are now more immersive and interactive with AI augmentation.

8. Monitoring Business Activity

The augmented data analytics platforms are made to keep a close sight on the KPIs. This intelligence is built into the platforms for smartly analyzing data, spotting outliers, flagging critical changes in KPIs, and much more.

Multiple companies are now adopting applications and platforms that can offer data alerts in an application workflow context without any need to log in to the application. This leads to a reduction in response time while allowing businesses to take instant action on alerts.

An extension of traditional BI workflow is that modern platforms are built to trigger many actions for getting detailed insights. As we move forward, the augmentation of AI and ML abilities allows platforms to decide the actions that must be triggered based on insights.

9. Embedded Business Intelligence

Other than software vendors and business consultants who embed BI into their applications, there are many markets that see a rising trend in businesses adopting embedded BI. This is easily possible with analytics that use capabilities to create applications from existing assets.

The rising business intelligence trends continue to improve API stacks while making them robust for shorter development cycles with prebuilt and reusable components that require less coding. This also allows teams to build functions that are based on business needs.

With the ever-rising popularity of analytics, B2B applications are now delivering a natural analytics experience as an important part of the workflow. This cuts down the number of applications used for understanding data by delivering a comprehensive and all in one analytics experience.

10. Moving Towards Mobile

By moving work patterns and business demands, organizations all over the world are looking to equip their workers with productivity-improving software. This also includes SaaS solutions for accessing reports at any time and anywhere.

Although most internet users access the internet through mobile, the market share is not the only reason for implementing mobile BI. Most users can choose to receive KPI based alerts and react promptly to most events as they happen. The mobile BI also has a responsive and light version of the main analytics platform that places the power of analytics in the hands of a user.

The on-demand information availability allows for quick decision making, short workflows, and effective internal communication. Limited screen size and functionality can be restrictive which is why mobile analytics is a good trend in business intelligence. Mobility is an important aspect of many vendors’ offerings in response to the company BI requirement list.


Owing to the never-ending need for analyzing data, making an investment in BI is now an important aspect of businesses all across the world. This is why it is important to know about all the new updates in the market and implement the latest developments.

The business intelligence trends can be fundamental when it comes to embracing new technology or evaluating vendors for analytical needs. As an early technology adopter, Zoho has managed to change the manner in which businesses are taking important data-driven decisions.

If you run a company and also wish to implement business intelligence tools then now is the best time to adopt a Zoho Analytics tool. It will reassure you about your investment and the resources will also be aligned with the present business needs. 

BI Trends To Look Out For In 2022 Read More »

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How to Index Your Landing Page in Search Engine | Encaptechno

How to Index Your Landing Page in Search Engine? | Page Indexing Guide

How to Index Your Landing Page in Search Engine | Encaptechno

If you run a business and have a website then you would know the importance of creating a good landing page for selling your products and services. But this is not just it. You should also ensure that people can find it too. To make sure that this happens, page indexing is one of the best ways that enables search engines to recognize your brand.

With page indexing, you can attract the target audience and attract their attention too. This is the first step to enhancing a website’s search engine rankings. Amongst all the search engines, Google page indexing is one of the most important things to focus on.

The fact of the matter is that Google holds a major share of the global search traffic. The page indexing on Google is a list of web pages that it knows about. If you are serious about SERP ranking then you will also have to be serious about page indexing.

In this blog, we will be offering comprehensive detail on page indexing and why it is an important marketing technique. Keep reading to know more.

What is Page Indexing?

What is Page Indexing?

The indexed pages are the web pages that a search engine has in the database of the index. When the bots of a search engine crawl the internet in search of a new page or when they update an already indexed page then that is called page indexing.

The crawlers of the robots examine every page on a website while analyzing all the aspects in complete detail. After this, they include the data in their index. In addition, crawlers also come back to websites for checking new updates which are then added to the ledgers. They periodically crawl to assess the rank of a website.

The more frequently a website gets updated while adding new content to keep it relevant, the easier it becomes to get it ranked. Efforts must be made to fix the responsiveness issues and implement new SEO changes so that the pages can get ranked quickly.

In contrast, a website that is left without any kind of maintenance for a long time can become less relevant. The more outdated a website becomes, the less interesting the information becomes which is why the lower it ranks.

Link Between Page Indexing and SEO

Link Between Page Indexing and SEO

The link between page indexing and SEO can be a lot more complex than it looks. Indexing of URL is important in case you want to meet the positioning objectives in the search results. No matter how much you optimize a page, in case it is not being indexed then it will not rank in the search engine.

It is only the indexed pages that are given a position on the SERP. However, this position can depend on the rest of the on-page and off-page search engine optimization factors that you have worked on. Indexing will change in case you leave a landing page unattended. The factors can be joined by others and can be controlled to a great extent based on content publication rate, site updates, content quality, and existing competition.

The page indexing done at a quantitative level can also affect the SEO positioning of a landing page. The URLs that get indexed under the same domain can take on more weight in the search engine as compared to the competition. This is when the URLs are qualitative as well as quantity is not the only factor.

Why is Landing Page Indexing Important?

The primary purpose behind creating, designing, and even uploading a landing page is to tell most customers about a product or a service. Page indexing is a certain way to improve conversions and also build a robust customer base. If the landing page of a business is not active on the Google list then it is not so likely to show up on the internet.

Crawling Indexing Ranking

The key is to understand the importance of indexing. When it comes to indexing a page, the Google spiders crawl a website. The search engines work in three primary ways that are mentioned below.

  1. Crawling: The search engine bots and spiders crawl the website for verifying the indexing status. They crawl links on web pages to look for new content and some of the most important pages.
  2. Indexing: The search engine page indexing is also about storing the web page in a database. Once this is done, Google is ready to display results in important queries.
  3. Ranking: The search engine finds the rank of the web pages using important metrics such as user experience, page relevance, high-quality content, and core web vitals.

The role of search engine optimization is to add a web page to the list. The database allows search engine optimization to find the information useful for users. It is not something that governs rankings.

Google uses algorithms for deciding the search engine rankings along with user demand, web usability, expertise, etc. In case your want your content gets discovered by users then you must ensure that it is always indexable. In case it is not then it is likely that it will go unnoticeable. You can affect indexing by streamlining how crawlers detect a landing page.

Time to Get a Landing Page Indexed

It can often take some time for search engines like Google for indexing a new website. It can be difficult and even challenging until Google indexes a website or even a new landing page. The SEO tags have a lot to do with how simple you are making it for Google to crawl a website.

In case Google does not find your website worthy of indexing then it is never going to index it. You just need to make the journey of crawlers effortless for finding a website. However, the question is how can that be done? There are actually many steps that can be followed for effective indexing. These steps when followed properly can streamline the search engine indexing and quicken the process.

Steps to Ensure Page Indexing In Search Engines

1. Find the Robots.txt File

Find the Robots.txt File - Steps to Ensure Page Indexing In Search Engines

The Robots.txt files are important because they make it easy for web spiders to crawl a site. Even a little mistake in these files can actually stop the crawlers from finding a web page.

The different search engines follow the prompts of major Robots.txt files. It is important to optimize the files so that you can prioritize the most important pages such as landing pages. This avoids overloading the landing page with requests at once. 

In case you are new to this then you can choose to get a technical audit done which makes things easy. You can check the file placement and match Google guidelines as well this way.

2. Verifying the SEO Tags

The SEO tags can be useful for hiding the user information from reaching the search engines. Many times, the SEO tags have the ability to block new pages from reaching a client. Hence, it becomes important to check if the tags are used incorrectly.

Canonical tags can be useful when there are many versions of a single landing page. It tells most search engines to pick chosen pages over the other ones. In case the bots do not find canonical tags then they can consider the page as a preferred page and index it.

In case a canonical tag is there, the crawlers can assume an alternate page can be present. This will leave page indexing even if another landing page is there or not. Removing the canonical tags becomes important for a website so that it functions well.

The no index tags are the ones that convey that most crawlers do not index any landing pages. In case a landing page is facing a page indexing problem then no index tags can be the reason behind it. Google finds pages with high authority backlinks as the important ones. It informs crawlers that the landing pages are important and trustworthy and finally the process of indexing improves.

3. Well-Built Site Architecture

Well-Built Site Architecture - Steps to Ensure Page Indexing In Search Engines

Effective web navigation makes it easy for search engines such as Google to index a page. This is an important search engine optimization technique. When the site architecture is not systematic, the crawlers can get trapped in a loop and they cannot even reach the required pages.

On the other hand, good internal linking guarantees that a page is easy to find. It allows the crawlers to look for the best web pages from all the other ones. The non-linked ones are more like orphaned pages and they do not get indexed. It is therefore important to ensure that the landing pages do not stay on this list but how can that be done?

Attempts must be made to build a good site architecture. You can create an XML sitemap as that is one of the best ways to ensure crawling. You can tell the search engines all about URLs present on a website and links between them. Moreover, you can also update new entries using images and videos. Crawlers can see your pages without any problem from locations.

You can also add high-quality internal links so that the crawlers can find new pages with internal linking. This quickens the process and strategic internal linking also optimizes indexing to other high-quality internal links. Make sure that you do not assign any no to follow links on the pages. When the bots find no-follow tags then move away without indexing them. This is why they must be removed.

4. Page Eligibility for Indexing

It must be ensured that the pages are appropriate for page indexing. We say this because there are many causes of why a URL can get rejected. In case the URL violates any webmaster guidelines then search engines can remove it from the indexing. The unnatural links and keyword stuffing can be held responsible for this.

It is also possible that the URL may be returning a 404 error page. This can be accidental and even intentional that call for backend correction. In other cases, it can also be a server not being able to pick on your landing page.

In other cases, it is also possible that the landing pages are blocked from crawling. You must set some passwords on the page so that the web spiders cannot access your page. The Google search console is a good way to understand how Google is interpreting a page.

5. Promoting Pages Featuring Good Content

Promoting Pages Featuring Good Content - Steps to Ensure Page Indexing In Search Engines

High-quality content also makes a difference in ranking and indexing. The high conversion pages including blog posts, landing pages, and home pages are higher in the hierarchy. The low performing content on the other hand accounts for a better crawl budget. It also decreases the relevance of high-priority content.

Google spiders are always looking for pages that can add more value to users in a good way. The duplicate content can also invite an extra penalty and sometimes even raise a red flag. Hence, it is important that you remove any low-quality pages. A perfect example of a low-quality page can be removing duplicated content pages.

The duplicate content page is there to solve problems such as A/B testing on the team while experimenting with the pages before they get launched. These pages differ a little from the original pages.

You will not want search engines to get caught up and display any kind of duplicate content. This can affect the ranking which is why it is better for most search engines to ignore them. You can let web crawlers move around freely on a website for getting valuable content for users.


Page indexing is an important step for achieving better rankings and ROI. In case you have submitted a landing page for indexing, it can take some for it to get indexed. Otherwise, technical errors and on-site issues can block crawlers. Hiring an SEO expert can allow you to index and even enhance the ranking of a landing page.

How to Index Your Landing Page in Search Engine? | Page Indexing Guide Read More »

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Landing Page Vs HomePage - How is a Landing Page Different from a Homepage? - Encaptechno

Landing Page Vs Home Page: How is a Landing Page Different from a Homepage?

Landing Page Vs HomePage - How is a Landing Page Different from a Homepage? - Encaptechno

Anyone new to online marketing campaigns can usually be confused between a landing page and a home page. The business owners who are trying to do digital marketing are particularly prone to making this mistake. A visitor might likely land on your homepage, but that does that they make it to your landing page.

The fact is that the difference between a home page and a landing page is a lot more complex. The landing page and a homepage argument get settled with a simple business idea which is universal and that is intention. These two web pages are different from each other in the sense that they serve a different purposes. They should be used for achieving different goals.

In this blog, Landing Page Vs Home Page we will be breaking down the significant differences between a landing page and a homepage. It is important to keep in mind that practicality is important so that the marketing concepts can be easily applied when it comes to working. For the people who understand landing pages, there are many new concepts on the basics and new concepts to learn.

It is important to understand the definition of a landing page and a home page. In this blog, we will understand how a landing page is different from a homepage.

  • Landing Page: A landing page is an independent page designed for a specific marketing campaign. The landing pages also have a call-to-action and these pages do not have anything to distract the interest of customers from converting.
  • Home Page: A home page is a single page of a large website. It is full of useful information and it also focuses on introducing a company. The homepage is an invitation to the visitor for exploring a brand.

Communication is the driving force of marketing in all its various forms. In case a marketing campaign is not able to communicate with the audience then it is likely that it is going to fail. While a person may use the same information at times, the way this is communicated on the landing page and home pages are different.

Overview of Difference Between Landing Page and Home Page

Everything comes down to what the web pages have been made for. The major difference between a landing page and a home page is focus and the proven advancement that comes in conversions, sales, signups, leads, and all the action that a visitor takes.

Focus is the reason why landing pages are effective for marketing. As opposed to the websites and home pages that are designed for exploration, landing pages are streamlined to a campaign or offer that guides the visitors towards a call to action. Landing pages are made for conversions.

The focus of a landing page applies to many elements of a website visitor including one goal or call to action, minimal distractions, messaging and design matched to an ad, and audience targeting.

What is a Home Page? 

What is a Home Page?

A home page is a web page that is used for providing general information while encouraging visitors to explore.  Being a welcome page to a website, a home page serves the purpose of acting as an introduction to a business brand, its products and services, values, who and what it is for, who should be contacted, etc.

If we compare the home page and landing page web pages then a homepage is used for setting a first impression that includes all that a company can offer and visitors can learn from different sections of a site. A home page should also speak to a wide audience including those who might even have never heard of the company forget what it does and why it is important.

The homepage makes for generic messaging and focuses on many page goals along with links, buttons, and navigation for the visitors for taking important actions. There must be no distraction on the home page. When it is about marketing, the distraction affects the campaign’s focus because of diluted messaging, competing links and options that stray away from a conversion goal.

Hence, home pages cannot do everything. They should be focused on informing and sometimes directing the traffic while the landing pages focus strictly on converting traffic into conversions. Qualities of a good home page are:

Clear Brand Overview

Clear Brand Overview - What is a Home Page?

The most important thing a home page can deliver is a clear understanding of what a brand is and should do. This usually begins with a small description which then expands into a detailed thing as more and more visitors scroll a page.

The homepage must answer basic questions asked by a new visitor including someone who has only just learned the existence of a new business. It is necessary to consider elements such as testimonials, ratings, badges, publication features, etc. 

The focus should be on answering the basic questions on a homepage so that a new visitor can set off in the right way.

Detailed Design

When the audience comes to a homepage they should leave with a good impression and they must also feel that people stumbled across a business that can take itself and all its clients seriously.

The truth is that customer expectations can grow almost as quickly as technology evolves. It is really not just about the words on a homepage but also about the feel. Design matters and the quicker businesses understand this, the better it will be.

In case the website gives an off vibe then the brand or a business is not developed properly. This way, people are less likely to be around and see what a business has to offer. You must spend the extra money and take less time to make your website feel it is promoting a brand that is worth the time of a visitor.

Seamless Navigation

The homepage must make navigation easy around a website so that the work is done easily and quickly. For instance, the navigation options on a website can include About Us, Blogs, Features, Pricing, Main CTA, etc.

The usual navigation elements are mostly based on the kind of business that you do but you must also make sure that the visitors can go wherever they wish to in an easy way.

Why Do Landing Pages Convert More Traffic?

Why Do Landing Pages Convert More Traffic?

We highlighted above that focus is the key factor in the difference between a homepage and a landing page. However, it is important to note why that focus is important for turning the website traffic into sales, leads, and then customers.

Mostly, a good headline or a well-optimized webpage is not what makes someone click on the “Purchase Now” button. It is the overall experience that matters. From the first ad, social media click to an email, the more customized a landing page is, the more compelling experience will be.

Below mentioned are some of the things that must be remembered while streamlining the landing pages.

Fewer Distractions

Unlike the home page, the landing page cannot afford to distract the audience. In-home pages, elements such as website navigation, information unrelated to an offer, extra links and different call-to-action can encourage exploration which also attracts attention and diverts it away from the conversion goal.

At the very least, you will never want to leave things to chance because the visitors will be expected to take any action from all the options. It makes sense to guide the visitors directly to the offer with an easy-to-navigate page.

Customized Experience

One of the evident differences between a landing page and a home page is the ability to completely customize an experience from an ad, conversion and then click through. The necessary focus is on a really granular level down to the last pixel.

Sending people to a landing page is to match an ad, email and social media with targeted messaging, tailored information, and a single call to action. You can use the interest that a user has expressed while giving them the experience and even better the results that come from a click.

The focused and cohesive user experience will not leave any room for any pauses and lesser chances for any distractions so that more opportunities are created to showcase an offer. This way, you can show visitors that you respect their time and attention by giving them just what they want.

All in all, a compelling user experience matters. It adds up to create a more customized and relevant landing page to an ad so that eventually a search engine can reward you with a good score and cost per click.

Audience Targeting

Audience Targeting - Why Do Landing Pages Convert More Traffic?

The customized experience offered by a webpage lends itself to a rather precise audience targeting as well. It is easy to duplicate, tweak, and sometimes even test the site for speaking to different members of the audience while making the most out of what is important.

For instance, in case you have created a landing page for promoting a sale then the offer can be dissected further with further segmentation on the basis of age, product type, etc. The major difference between a home page and a landing page usually comes to focus and it is this focus that turns traffic into leads, sales, and customers.

What is a Landing Page?

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is more like a page that the customers come to after they click on an ad. It is a good way to drive more traffic, build more brand awareness, and improve the SEO functions as well. It works as a customer converting into a lead.

In online marketing, landing pages are like standalone web pages that are created for marketing campaigns. This is where a visitor lands after they click on an email link, Google ads, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc. As opposed to web pages that have many goals and also encourage more exploration, the landing pages are created with a clear focus that is known as a call to action.

It is usually this focus that allows the landing pages to increase the conversion rates of a marketing campaign while lowering the cost of acquiring a lead or a sale.

Clear Focus

A single and clear focus is the highlight of a landing page. When the focus is singular and there is a sincere discipline of saying no to other navigation options, the landing page can easily drive high conversions and better results for running meaningful ads.

Much before you create a landing page, you must have a clear answer about why are you building the landing page and what you wish to accomplish by doing it.

Creative Copy

A landing page is successful or fails based on the attractiveness of the copy written on the page. The design definitely matters but the words sell more. You must ensure exceptional sales copy to make your landing pages a success.

In case you are offering your customers something extra then your copy must be written in a way that makes things simple. The more compelling a copy is, the better it will be for your brand.

Attractive CTA

This might seem unimportant but there is evidence the CTAs that do well on the landing pages drive more conversions as compared to CTAs that get missed easily.

It is very important to make sure that the CTA on the landing page is such that it drives traffic instantly. The user should feel like taking action instantly.


A landing page and a home page can be used interchangeably but they are different and they serve different functions. A home page is more like a website’s home. It offers an overall impression and makes it somewhat easy to navigate a website.

On the other hand, a landing page is made to attract a visitor for taking action. It has specific and limited information along with a few links so that the audience does not get distracted. Both the pages are important and they serve functions for a brand.

If a business has to succeed then it is important to understand the functions of both the landing and home pages while focusing on creating them efficiently.

Landing Page Vs Home Page: How is a Landing Page Different from a Homepage? Read More »

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8 Things You Must Know Before Running PPC Ads | Encaptechno

8 Essential Things You Must Know Before Running PPC Ads

8 Things You Must Know Before Running PPC Ads | Encaptechno

A well-managed pay-per-click ad campaign is an integral part of an overall marketing strategy. It usually impacts conversions and the overall business revenue as well. That said, it is also important to note that a poorly managed ad campaign can also do more damage than not having a campaign at all as it can cost more than what it brings in.

There are multiple aspects that must be managed for maximizing the overall result of digital marketing services. It goes without saying that one of the most essential layers is an optimization which is actually a requirement for a PPC advertising campaign. There is never any one approach but there are different ways that help in optimizing the PPC campaigns.

What is Pay Per Click Advertising?

What is Pay Per Click Advertising?

Pay-per-click is an advertising model in which you pay for clicks. It works when you buy some clicks from Google or any other search engine. Essentially, PPC advertising is a method that is used to quickly leverage search engine traffic by either paying or bidding for keywords that are related to what you are selling or a service that you might be providing.

In PPC ads, you are only supposed to pay when someone clicks on your ads, visits your websites, or also calls your business. The PPC ads give you an opportunity to be noticed by a wider audience while materializing your lead generation strategy. You can change your ads anytime to reach a specific group of people or to promote a deal or a product. This acts as a resource for companies that cannot update their SEO frequently for promoting sales or seasonal changes in their products or services.

Google Ads also gives you an option of marketing your business outside of Google Search by getting displayed on the Google Display Network. With the flexibility that the PPC ads offer, they can help many businesses attract attention from people who matter right at the moment when they are looking for a business.

Why PPC?

Why PPC?

PPC is an advertising method that helps to see immediate results. You can start seeing what it is capable of offering right after you can make your PPC campaign go live. The pay-per-click ads are directly related to seeing traffic, clicks, and conversions. The PPC ads are placed right at the top of a SERP page.

Running and managing a PPC campaign only needs an experienced paid search specialist and also a good writer who can compose informative content, attractive ads, and landing pages. When you use pay-per-click ads, you have an option to target customers with search ads, shopping ads, Gmail ads, and much more.

All you have to do is use the right advertising tools to reach your audience and encourage them to buy from you or even make an inquiry. When you run a PPC campaign, you get access to a wide range of data on the ads and keywords the customers can click on before making any purchase. This also signifies that you can make changes to a campaign to optimize it and improve the investment rate that is spent on ads.

It is rather simple to run A/B testing with the help of Google Ads and run a campaign to drive continued improvements and get better returns. You can also implement a targeted approach to offer ads that cater to specific customers.

Irrespective of whether you wish to target searches on location, device, time, and other factors, you can use a PPC campaign to reach out to people who are more than likely to buy.

Things to Consider for Running PPC Ads

1. Keyword Research

Keyword Research | Things to Consider for Running PPC Ads

It is essential to perform detailed keyword research as a preliminary step for creating a pay-per-click campaign. The keywords can be short tail, long tail and even negative.

After you choose the keywords, the search queries can be targeted based on a broad match, a specific match, and even a phrase match. Choosing the right keywords for a product or a service is extremely important. This is primarily because of how you wish your ad will end up showing in front of a particular audience.

You must understand that the keywords act as a digital magnet, and they lead you towards users who are likely to engage with the ads and customers. There is a lot to learn about how the keywords must be used and the ways in which they can be optimized. You must make an effort to learn this part.

2. Understand Your Audience

If you and your partner are going out for a meal and the two of you enjoy Chinese cuisine then it is likely that you would prefer that. To make this simple, you will be focused on enjoying things that make you feel comfortable while avoiding the ones that do not.

This is something that goes with the audience as well. If you wish to make people engage with your PPC ads then you must consider the personality of buyer care while offering personalized experiences.

Sometimes, this may seem basic but tangible research must be done for understanding a buyer’s persona. You must do this right because if you do not, then you will not be able to target the ads in the right way.

3. Good Quality Ad Copy

Creating optimized pay-per-click ads is like a game of careful changes, and if the words are wrong then the results will not be so good. Each word matters. In fact, changing even words can lead to an increase in the click-through rate by a remarkable percentage.

There are multiple things to follow for creating an excellent pay-per-click ad that has the potential to attract more prospects. You must focus on showing people how you wish to solve their problems because, in the end, each ad must mirror the end goals of a visitor. Before writing the copy, ask yourself if the service or a product fulfils the needs.

It can also pay off to consider emotional triggers because people often act based on their emotions and not logic. An ad may describe a product adequately, but it can be even better to describe how it makes other people feel. This is an approach that appeals to emotions and also makes engagement easy.

The next thing to keep in mind is to show the benefits. Remember to tell your audience how a product or service will likely improve their lifestyle. Put it all in the spotlight because it has always been better to highlight the benefits than the features.

Lastly, you can add a deadline because loss aversion is a proven method for driving conversions as it acts as a motivational force. The entire idea of losing out on acquiring something is also known to move many shoppers out of their comfort. One of the best ways in which this can be implemented is by adding a countdown timer.

4. Remarketing Campaigns

| ThRemarketing Campaigns | Things to Consider for Running PPC Adsings to Consider for Running PPC Ads

Remarketing campaigns are extremely important because only a few people who visit your website are likely to make a purchase. You can either make the others who are left go away, or you can drive them back to you with an implementation of an excellent remarketing campaign.

It does not matter where you are running ads, all search engines have a possibility of running remarketing campaigns. With the proper search engine marketing, the ads can be tailored for people who had engaged with your brand before but were not able to make a purchase the first time.

When you display an ad multiple times to the same users, you allow them to raise awareness about a brand and offer new promotions to the prospects. The more people understand and know your products and services, the more likely they will become your customers.

5. Advertising Automation

Advertising Automation | Things to Consider for Running PPC Ads

The automation process has changed the advertising game in many different ways and some have been covered before. There is an ever-changing technology that enables you to increase leads, generate revenue and even increase leads.

Advertising automation is getting things done in less time and more efficiently. There are no more mistakes, and the entire game is changed since the advertiser can get rid of repetitive and tedious tasks. You can instead focus on creative tasks.

That said, it must be noted that automation can go beyond improved workloads. The system analyzes many data points for making the best decisions while considering the goals and budgets. Automation and optimization go hand in hand.

6. Optimize Your Website

Optimize Your Website | Things to Consider for Running PPC Ads

Way before you start a pay-per-click campaign, it is essential to wait for a moment and also address the landing pages so that they can work in sync with your ads. When the prospects click on a pay-per-click ad, it is usually because the ad’s content intrigues them, and they also want to know more.

If the link they click on takes them to a completely unrelated page on your website, then this prospect will likely bounce. Clicking on a PPC ad is an action that can be linked to knowing about your brand, which is why it is very important to create landing pages that also coincide with the ad’s content.

For instance, if you were running a pay-per-click ad offering food at a restaurant, then the landing page should have included more details about the promotion, a coupon for redeeming and something related to the ad content.

Another important thing to remember is that you must always optimize your landing pages for better performance because if a prospect clicks on an ad and it does not load quickly, they will likely bounce. Make an effort to increase your site conversions so that the prospects who have come later can follow through easily.

You can use clear and attractive call-to-action buttons for site optimization. Using a simple design with good white space can also be helpful. You can write compelling headlines and copy that is clear. You can also consider using images that can attract attention. Finally, consider adding information that is easy to understand using bullets, visuals, and quotations.

7. Set a Budget

Set a Budget | Things to Consider for Running PPC Ads

It is essential to set a budget for a pay-per-click ad campaign, but one of the best parts is that you can also do it on a limited budget while retaining close control over how much you spend.

In case you are new to PPC and do not have a lot of money to spend, then you can get started with an intelligent investment. But being clear about the budget is essential, and it will lead to a result-oriented ad campaign.

8. Create a Good Ad

After you have considered everything mentioned above, then it is time to create an ad. One of the important things to remember is to keep the ad short and to the point so that there is not a lot of time to attract the attention of prospects.

There is no need to be overly creative but you must be focused on grabbing attention, holding the interest of people and piquing their curiosity as well. To grab attention, think of coming up with a unique value proposition that can allow you to benefit customers in a short way.

The ad must be attractive, short, and purposeful for it to attract the attention of customers. This is the best way in which they can take action.


Conclusion | 8 Things You Must Know Before Running PPC Ads

PPC is not so difficult, but it definitely requires a sound knowledge of how marketing works, along with planning and research in case you wish to get the best ROI. The important thing is to remember that you should optimize your landing page and set a budget and a bidding strategy.

After your ad has launched, also keep in mind that you have to track, measure, test, and change to make sure that the PPC efforts are producing traffic, conversions, and leads. You can either do this by yourself or hire professional digital marketing consultants to make things work better. 

8 Essential Things You Must Know Before Running PPC Ads Read More »

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Google Analytics 4: Complete Overview

Google Analytics 4: A Complete Overview

Google Analytics 4: Complete Overview
If you own a website, you understand how critical it is to monitor your website traffic, marketing performance, page performance, overall website health, and key performance indicators (KPIs). Millions of businesses and websites use Google Analytics to track user interaction across web domains, mobile apps, and offline APIs. 

What is GA4?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4), released in mid-October 2020, extends the regular Google Analytics Suite designed to help website owners gain a more comprehensive view of their customers’ behavior and website traffic data. GA4 replaces Universal Analytics (UA) as the default measurement method for digital analytics in GA. In 2022, Google announced that GA4 would be the only option starting July 1, 2023.

Google Analytics 4 is a powerful marketing insight tool that will assist you in making better marketing decisions. Google Analytics 4 is a new, more intelligent property built to last. It outperforms a Universal Analytics (UA) property in tracking, reporting, and insights. In addition, Google Analytics 4 introduces a new version that differs significantly from the traditional “universal” Analytics.

The new Google Analytics 4 includes several key features that distinguish it from the previous version. One of the most critical differences in the latest data modeling feature, which uses AI to fill in data gaps where cookie-consent rules may block traditional Analytics. In addition, Google Analytics 4 is a web analytics service that allows you to track traffic and engagement on your websites and apps. Google Analytics 4’s property is also adaptable. It can collect data from a website, a mobile app, or both. Universal Analytics properties, on the other hand, only support websites.

Finally, machine learning is also used in Google Analytics 4 to capture valuable insights. This new method assists you in understanding user engagement across multiple devices, platforms, and domains. These more thoughtful insights will assist you in making better marketing and business decisions. And, ultimately, a higher ROI.

Shift from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics G4

Universal Analytics was designed for a new generation of online measurement anchored in the desktop web, independent sessions, and more easily observable cookie data. However, this method of measurement is rapidly becoming obsolete. Meanwhile, Google Analytics 4 works across platforms, does not rely solely on cookies, and provides user-centric measurement through an event-based data model.

Google Analytics is a means used by nearly 30 million websites to understand user behavior better and create a better user experience. So it’s no surprise that when Google announced the switch to GA4, marketers, and website owners had a lot of questions. And while Universal Analytics provides several privacy controls, Google Analytics 4 is built with privacy in mind to provide a better experience for both the customers and their users. It enables businesses to meet changing needs and user expectations by providing more comprehensive and granular data collection and usage controls. Significantly, IP addresses will no longer be stored in Google Analytics 4. These solutions and controls are critical in today’s international data privacy landscape, where users are increasingly expecting greater privacy protections and data control.

Capabilities of Google Analytics G4

Complete data controls

Complete data controls
With the new update, Google Analytics 4 users can now drill down on data on a more granular scale, making more informed marketing decisions. For example, the acquisition tab has significantly been improved to provide a more comprehensive view of your daily traffic. In addition, the breakdowns of user acquisition and traffic acquisition have been enhanced to include more visually appealing and granular data. Furthermore, Google Analytics 4 provides you and your users with more intuitive and precise control over what personal data is collected, assisting you in complying with current and future privacy regulations. You can also create custom comparisons across various data channels to better understand how your traffic transits from week to week and month to month. GA4 employs a flexible approach to measurement and, in the not-too-distant future, will incorporate modeling to serve in the gaps where data may be lacking. In addition, by creating and analyzing custom audiences, you can determine which components are responsible for the highest level of conversions. This is invaluable as a marketer because it allows you to see which channels are the most profitable.

Additional google ads integration

Google ads integration
With Google Analytics 4, you can easily connect it to Google Ads and gain additional insight into your pay-per-click campaigns to determine how well you manage your advertising dollars. Google’s new analytics approach is fundamentally designed to be more flexible and adaptable to a future in which cookies will be much less common. In addition, privacy will be an increasingly important concern for users and regulatory bodies. GA4 includes:

  • New, more powerful measurements.
  • More powerful analyst tools and integrations.
  • Resulting in larger audiences for marketing campaigns and a higher ROI on ad spend.

Smart insights enhancement

With this new user-focused and event-driven data model, you can now look at both web and app data with a single set of metrics and dimensions, allowing for more intelligent aggregation. With improved data customization options, you can also pull custom insights on performance, demographics, technology, and e-commerce. This is massive progress because it allows you to quickly pull data about your traffic for comparisons with previous periods. In addition, knowing this type of data as a marketer can help you manage and control your ad budgets.

Advanced emphasis on customer-related data

This enhancement is intended to help marketers gain a more comprehensive understanding of how their audiences interact with the website and related products. By creating a custom traffic path analysis with different variable metrics, you can further customize analytics related to how your customers interact with your website. As a marketer, this enables you to see how your customers interact with your content and what products they interact with. In addition, it will allow you to observe your customers’ behavior to determine what they prefer.

These are far more customizable than the previous version of Google Analytics, and you can control how granular your analysis becomes.

Highlights of Google Analytics GA4

  • There is a new navigation structure now. Reports, Explore, Advertising, Configure, and Admin is now available from the left navigation pane.
  • Life cycle and user collections are the default reporting topics. Hence there is new reporting focused on the customer journey.
  • It is now easier to obtain a comprehensive view of real-time data at a glance. Hence it improves visualizations.
  • Bringing together data from app and web at scale provides a complete understanding of your customer life cycle from acquisition to retention.
  • This allows you to use modeling and learn about your customers even when your data is incomplete.
  • It is now easier to interact with data dynamically. Comparing data between desktop and mobile devices, for example, is more intuitive.
  • It is designed to be long-lasting and future-proof. It can grow with your company and work with or without cookies or identities.
  • It is designed with machine learning as the primary form of data measurement, employing “modeling” to extrapolate from current data and make assumptions about site traffic/user behavior. 
  • The new “Insights” feature powered by AI automatically highlights helpful information for marketers.
  • Its objective is to provide marketers with a “complete understanding of the customer journey across devices.” 
  • And it appears to be more concerned with measuring the entire shopper journey than just individual metrics across devices/pages/segments.
  • Google Analytics 4 includes “data streams” rather than the views and segments found in previous Universal Analytics properties.

Significant differences between Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4

It’s been a few months since Google Analytics 4 (GA4) was announced, and there’s still a lot of confusion about the key differences between GA4 and the older Universal Analytics.


The difference in data models between Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 properties is represented by events. A Universal Analytics event has its hit type and has a Category, Action, and Label. Every “hit” in Google Analytics 4 properties is an event; there is no distinction between hit types. A page view event is triggered, for example, when someone views one of your website’s pages.

Google Analytics 4 events have no concept of Category, Action, or Label, and Google Analytics 4 reports, unlike Universal Analytics reports, do not display Category, Action, or Label. As a result, rather than porting your existing event structure to Google Analytics 4, it is preferable to rethink your data collection in the Google Analytics 4 model.

Content grouping

Content groups enable you to create website sections by grouping contents conveniently for analysis. Content grouping in Universal Analytics enables you to organize content into logical structures and then view and compare metrics by group name. 

Google Analytics 4 properties have one predefined event parameter that populates data into the “Content Group” dimension. In addition, further Universal Analytics content group dimensions can be implemented and used as event-scoped custom dimensions in GA4.

Types of hits

Page, event, eCommerce, and social interaction hits are all Universal Analytics hit types.

Google Analytics 4 data, on another hand, is hit of any type, with the direction that any interaction can be collared as an event. So, for example, a GA4 event can be pageview, event, social interaction, eCommerce, screen view etc. As a result, Universal Analytics property hit types conform to Google Analytics 4 property events.


A session collects user interactions with your website within a specific time frame. Sessions are typically ended after 30 minutes of inactivity or another qualifying reset event. A session in Universal Analytics can include multiple page views, events, social interactions, and eCommerce transactions. 

Google Analytics 4 session metrics are derived from the session start event and collected automatically. For example, a session’s duration is determined by the time between the first and last event in the session. This may result in fewer ionization differences between your Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 properties and other considerations.

User ID 

In Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4, user IDs serve a similar purpose in that they provide an identity space for users to analyze their data. When calculating user counts, Google Analytics 4 employs the User ID method. However, it only takes into account active website users who engage. Universal Analytics uses Client ID and the total number of users on the site to calculate user counts. The User ID property in Google Analytics 4 offers a cross-platform, cross-device view of how users interact with your app or website. Analytics generates a single user journey based on all the data associated with the same user ID. GA3 (Universal Analytics) uses a measurement model based on sessions and pageviews, whereas GA4 uses an event and parameter-based measurement model. 

Bounce rate and the engagement rate

Bounce rate and the engagement rate
One significant change is that Google Analytics 4 no longer measures bounce rate. Instead, Google Analytics 4 focuses on events and actions more than Universal Analytics. With this new tracking method, having metrics describing inactivity on the site makes less sense. As a result, Google Analytics 4 replaces bounce rate with the new metric ‘engagement rate.’ Instead of focusing solely on visitors who do not navigate to another page on the website, the engagement rate considers the time spent on the landing page. Because of this distinction, the engagement rate and bounce rate are incomparable. In addition, Google Analytics 4 includes engagement metrics such as engaging sessions, engagement rate, and engaging sessions per user.


Google Analytics 4 is a development of the Google Analytics Suite that Google recently released to assist website owners in gaining a more comprehensive view of their customers’ behavior, tracking website visitors, and measuring marketing performance. It will be the latest defaulting experience for new website properties and the location of future improvements. If you currently use Google Analytics to monitor your website’s traffic performance, you must upgrade to the new property version. After you’ve set it up, you’ll be able to start collecting data and using the new features. While getting started with Google Analytics 4 properties appears straightforward, strategic guidance can benefit. Schedule your free consultation with Encaptechno to learn how we can help you configure and implement the new Google Analytics and get a deep dive tour of critical features.

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6 Business Challenges Marketing Automation Helps In Solving | Encaptechno

6 Business Challenges Marketing Automation Helps In Solving

6 Business Challenges Marketing Automation Helps In Solving | Encaptechno

Marketing automation and its scope go way beyond what people may think when they come across this term. Many times people think that it is just something that reduces the workload of marketers with the automation of repetitive and challenging tasks. Although marketing automation tools do that, the real value is in how the software can increase business revenue.

Since marketing automation delivers results, it also focuses on important challenges faced by you and your team in everyday activities. Marketing automation ensures to automate repetitive marketing tasks while solving business challenges.

Understanding the actual impact of marketing campaigns on a business and making sense of each investment is something that is very important. If you wish to achieve incredible benefits and decide where your money should be invested then you should be clear about some things like how the budget is aligned with goals, the campaigns that fetch more returns, the marketing channel that converts more leads, and where should the investment be done?

With the marketing automation tools, you can enter all this data and see how each metric is calculated to measure your ROI. By getting the exact numbers, you can also strategize your decision making and deliver higher results while also saving considerable money.

What is Marketing Automation?

In simple language, marketing automation is the process of using software for automating repetitive marketing efforts. With the automation of repetitive and time-consuming manual tasks such as generating and segmenting leads, planning social media campaigns, sending emails and SMS, and qualifying leads, efficiency and personalization of user experiences can be ensured.

The goal of a seamless marketing process is to move your leads down the funnel and finally convert them. When used properly, the features of marketing automation lead to many positive results.

Why Marketing Automation?

When you try to
streamline marketing tasks and workflows without dedicated and efficient software, that only works when the size of your company is still small. However, just as a company keeps growing and attracts more leads, marketers need more channels for engaging with customers because managing interactions becomes difficult.

Capturing, nurturing, and qualifying a wide range of leads, running effective campaigns for customer segments, and different post-purchase marketing activities required to get automated. This marketing automation keeps customer engagement consistent and meaningful. The Zoho marketing automation tools do just that when it comes to automating everything.

One can plan and execute lead generation and nurturing plans to launch a wide range of digital ad campaigns from a central hub without hitting buttons such as, “send” or “launch” on each message, email, or ad. The businesses that use marketing automation can see a wide range of benefits across all of their important everyday operations.

An important increase in the number of qualified leads that reach the sales team, a higher conversion rate, and better productivity for sales and marketing teams are good ways in which marketing automation helps a business.

Steps Needed to Start Marketing Automation

Over many years, marketing automation was considered rather difficult to understand. However, the use of
marketing automation tools such as Zoho Marketing Automation changed almost everything. This tool comes with a lot of simplicity that is combined with an actionable plan.

Zoho Marketing automation platform helps in attracting website visitors, tuning anonymous visitors into leads, and converting leads into customers. Businesses of any size can automate their marketing and ensure that the result is a tangible.

There are mostly six prominent ways in which marketing automation can be started. They are mentioned below.

1. Setting Clear Goals

Setting Clear Goals
Goal setting offers a clear direction for a marketing strategy. Some goals such as building brand engagement or increasing thought leadership are good to have but they are unlikely to bring in desired results as they are generic. 

It is recommended that marketing strategy goals be precise, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. Each and every effort of the marketing strategy must have a goal. This will channel your energy towards getting tangible results. In fact, you will also start seeing the results of your efforts quickly.

2. Creating and Segmenting Leads

Creating and Segmenting Leads
An important aspect of marketing automation is the generation of good quality leads. This is a step that makes you capture all the leads that show interest in your brand whether it is subscribing to a newsletter, engaging with social media, or signing up for webinars.

There is a wide range of promotional channels for driving traffic to your landing page. These channels make lead generation effective. When you have good quality leads in your hands, you can also segment them into groups with similar characteristics, needs, and interests who show similar purchase patterns.

When you really get to segmenting the leads, you will see that it increases your campaign open rates, customer satisfaction, and many more things. You will know what your leads are looking for and you can find it easy to engage with them suitably. For instance, you can form segments such as “Website Visitors Under the Age 25” or “Women Aged Under 18” to make the lead nurturing process efficiently.

3. Website Optimization

We know the importance of a website. It is like a modern business card that tells almost everything about your business. The key to increasing your conversions is to attract visitors to your website first.

When you deploy the right set of keywords, focus on content marketing, high-quality user experience, you can be assured that your website will be seen. Website tracking in the marketing automation platform ensures that you get the exact count of all the visitors.

Understand what the visitors on your website are focusing on. Tracking those elements on the web page and discovering more about them while also knowing why the users clicked on a call-to-action button, a specific location, the source, etc. You should also know the number of clicks, the visits, and more.

4. Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Yet another important aspect of a
business approach is to send targeted marketing messages to the leads at the right time using the right channel. This is the cornerstone of the lead nurturing process.

One of the best parts of a marketing automation campaign is that you can customize your leads as per their requirement and set up automated workflow or scheduled posts. Do not forget to include things such as emails, SMS, social, push notifications, and ad campaigns. Make sure that you are easily found where your audience is.

5. Scoring and Qualifying the Leads

Different attributes can be used for scoring more leads. You can move your leads through the funnel by adding numerical points based on important information that has been submitted.

The reaction of leads to the marketing campaigns, click-through rates, and how the leads are engaging with a brand shows a lot. This makes it easy for the marketing and sales team to respond appropriately while figuring out who is interested in buying your product and who is looking around generally.

6. Measuring Overall Performance

Measuring Overall Performance
You can measure and contextualize the marketing activities that help you reach your target market. Getting a clear understanding of conversion rates, revenue growth, marketing returns, and other key performance indicators helps immensely.

The marketing goals help in empowering you to improve your marketing strategies while optimizing the returns. Choosing the key performance indicators helps in measuring progress quickly and accurately.

Marketing and Sales Silos

The goal of sales and marketing teams is almost the same and that is to make each lead into a customer. However, the actions performed by each team can be different because they have access to different data about a lead.

Think of a lead that purchases the premium plan but also receives free trial emails from the marketing team. In addition, another customer who unsubscribed from the monthly newsletter mailing list can still receive feedback emails from the sales representatives. This is where a communication gap is likely to be created because there is a lack of knowledge sharing between the sales and marketing teams which may eventually lead to a bad user experience.

The gap can be bridged when the CRM is connected with marketing automation solutions that lead to a seamless marketing process while facilitating bidirectional communication between the teams. This always ensures that the sales and marketing teams are synchronised and each team gets accurate data about the target audience so that the campaigns are run easily.

Lack of Real-Time Interaction

Every campaign you work on as a marketer must stand out amongst the large number of messages that an audience receives each day. Let’s just say that you are sending a generic email about a business and another personalized email where you want to talk to your customers about the release of a new product.

It is likely that your audience will open the email that gets a 6 times higher transaction rate. With features such as an in-depth website, mobile app analytics, retrieving locations, demography, and monitoring survey responses, the marketing automation tools make the task easy. There is a seamless and a real-time interactive experience with your audience along with tailored content that is automated.

Low-Quality Leads

The lack of attracting quality leads is something that has become increasingly common. This also leads the sales team to mark a lead as junk and the reason why that is due to the fact that contracting individuals who have not expressed any interest in the traditional lead generation strategies such as mass advertising, cold calling, email blasts, etc.

Hence, generating a good quality lead and then passing it ahead to the sales team for conversion has become more of a challenge that can be taken care of using drip marketing. With the use of marketing automation, you can ensure that you capture the prospects interested in your business when they voluntarily sign up for a product or a service with automated sign up forms, social media campaigns, event/webinar signups, etc.

When the visitors subscribe to a brand’s YouTube channel or even sign up for a newsletter using a popup while visiting a website, it only shows that they have some level of interest in you and what you wish to offer. From here, it is possible to move the leads down the conversion funnel. After the lead is classified as warm, cold, or hot, the qualified leads can be passed to the sales team.

Brand Presence Inconsistency

In the present day marketing realm, it is not enough to promote a brand in magazines, radio, TV, and ads. It is also important to have a strong web presence all over the internet so that you can make the most out of the gains that can come with marketing.

In case you have been thinking about a way to maximize the services of an online marketing agency then marketing automation is the best answer. Regardless of the kind of content that you curate including the pay-per-click ads, running social media campaigns, blogs, video sharing, or SEO, marketing automation helps.

With marketing automation, you can effectively use the drag and drop builders, schedule them to post at the right time via automation and analyze the reach with in-depth reports. This is one of the best ways to establish a comfortable and an effective brand presence. 


Marketing automation is a modern solution for simplifying the marketing process for a team while also giving the leads a unique user experience and constant engagement. When a brand focuses on delighting the prospects with service and meeting needs instantly, getting conversions and increasing revenue becomes simple.

When used in the right sense, marketing automation can help in effectively tackling the key challenges and also reduce the workload of a B2B marketer. Zoho marketing automation offers a seamless and multichannel experience for nurturing leads and focusing on customer needs while also automating the time consuming manual tasks.

Encaptechno is experienced in working as a Zoho partner for many businesses with a record of helping them grow. Get in touch to get support in implementing marketing automation, today. 

6 Business Challenges Marketing Automation Helps In Solving Read More »

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How to Optimally Use Data in Marketing? | Encaptechno

How to Optimally Use Data in Marketing?

How to Optimally Use Data in Marketing? | Encaptechno
For many years, the role of data in marketing strategies was not being maximised as much as it should have. So many organisations referred to data with the sole aim of measuring its impact. However, today the scenario has changed completely. The wide use of the internet has managed to change the role of data for marketing.

At the present time, a combination of online marketing strategies, data mining, and data analytics is enough to measure the marketing progress. The data that gets flooded in from all channels including websites, display ads, search results, social media posts, and so on helps immensely in taking important decisions.

From the abundance of data that data mining extracts, there is a new process that has come into action and that process is called data-driven marketing. So, what is data-driven marketing and how can data-driven marketing be optimally used for making the marketing process simple.

What is Data-Driven Marketing?

Just as the name suggests, data-driven marketing is a process that uses customer data to make suitable and more informed marketing decisions. There are many marketing automation and intelligence tools that are capable of collecting data from various sources and offering insights into customer behaviour and preferences.

Marketers use data for improving their online marketing strategies. The data helps in gaining a deeper understanding of the customers for performing personalised and targeted outreach. It also helps in building meaningful customer engagement and maximising the marketing efforts on the return of investment

Data-Driven Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing has long been used by marketers but it was limited in many ways. The marketers had limited information about the audiences which also meant that the important decisions were based on assumptions. Many times, the marketers also resorted to the trial and error methods as a
lead generation technique.

In the past, no one could be confident about the success of a marketing campaign. Even the data sources and by that we mean the market studies were unreliable. There was a limited measurement of their effectiveness and the traditional campaigns produced no measurable insights about the markets that were targeted and their audiences. Companies were required to strategize better consistently.

With the entry of data-driven marketing in the picture, all the guesswork was replaced with some hard-hitting facts. With techniques such as data analytics and data mining, marketers can extract data and drill it down to the needs and preferences of demographics, digital behaviour, buying patterns, interests, etc.

Marketers can pretty much reach their audience at the right time and place. This can be done with personalised messages and offers that are capable of increasing conversions. Hence, data-driven marketing is one of the best methods to get more leads.

That said, data-driven marketing is not the end of traditional marketing. It is definitely the best method for promoting middle and bottom-funnel campaigns, but traditional marketing techniques are perfect for creating awareness. While entering new markets and segmenting audiences, organisations should maximise their reach.

Traditional marketing will always be a great method for building brand recognition and attracting new customers at a scale. However, companies need data-driven online marketing strategies for nurturing their audience and to ensure that they stick around for a long time.

Why Use Data-Driven Marketing?

Data-driven marketing comes with many benefits altogether. This is the reason why some of the leading marketers are
72% likely to invest in the quality of data that they capture. 

1. Understanding Target Audience

The data-driven marketing techniques such as data mining and data analytics are an excellent way to look into the indicators such as page or blog visits, ad clicks, video views, products added to the cart, and much more.

When marketers use these techniques strategically, it becomes easy to engage them in the right channels that lead to the right conversations as well.

2. Audience Segmentation

Audience Segmentation - Why Use Data-Driven Marketing?

Data is an excellent way to create segments based on interest, demography, purchase history, geography, etc. It can be used for running campaigns that are specific to each segment for boosting conversion.

With data mining, marketers can create campaigns that they know will appeal to audiences no matter what. The segmentation makes the marketers understand just what will appeal to the audience.

3. Personalised Messaging

Marketers can also use data to personalise their messaging and offer suitable products, content and also the next best action recommendations for helping decision making.

For instance, let’s say a visitor on an e-commerce website sees a product many times. Now the number of times a visitor sees this product can be gauged for understanding the intent with which a customer is coming online and wishes to purchase the product. 

The personalised messaging is capable of improving sales conversion by 10-15%. Over 90% of marketers say that personalization leads to improved business profitability.

4. Omni Channel Experience

It becomes easy to track the cross channel data with the use of data-driven marketing techniques. The marketers can trace the customer journey and also offer an omnichannel experience that changes from digital to physical and vice versa

The organisations that offer a consistent experience to their customers across all channels see a 5-15% revenue increase which is substantial in all ways.

5. Targeted Ad Buying

Data analytics
is an excellent method to combine customer data with algorithms that can find a suitable method for displaying digital ads.

These ads can be placed strategically on the right platforms and they can be promoted thereon for fetching suitable results.

6. Marketing ROI

Marketing ROI - Why Use Data-Driven Marketing?

The use of customer data for driving marketing campaigns helps in optimising the performance on different channels and improves attribution accuracy as well.

Marketers can easily determine which channels return the maximum revenue at nominal expenditure while investing to reduce costs. In addition, it also helps in making much better predictions while planning the budget and resources optimally.

Data-Driven Marketing Trends

It is a known fact that data is the new currency in the present times and even the most valuable one. After the world got hit by the pandemic in 2020, data has become supreme. There was a massive move to digital with more and more people coming indoors as the pandemic related restrictions increased.

Consumers and businesses adopted digital means of doing their work and the data became supreme. Some of the common trends that continue to transform data-driven marketing are mentioned below.

1. Automation and Personalization

The USP of AI is in converting massive amounts of raw data into comprehensible information within a few seconds. This is clearly something that humans cannot do.

Moreover, the impact of AI across industries and functions is considered in every sense. It continues to help marketers make personalised and real-time engagement at scale. The application of advanced data mining algorithms can help marketers to learn systems from the available data and improve them over time.

Automation and personalization are excellent ways to harness and act on the right data and that too at the right time without any kind of manual intervention. It leads to advanced results in a streamlined way.

2. Predictive Analysis

Data-driven marketing techniques lead to predictive analysis that keeps marketers a lot more agile. The data analysis methods allow marketers to build agile data models that help in keeping pace with quickly changing customer behaviours.

AI-powered predictive analysis helps marketers to stay on top of existing customer behaviour while planning for upcoming marketing strategies.

3. Privacy and Security Concerns

With an increase in data breaches all over the world, most customers are left anxious about their data. They do not know how, when, and where their data is going to be compromised.

There are common data privacy regulations that require marketers to become more transparent about how they use customer data. Many tech giants across the world have taken steps for addressing customer security concerns with the direction to remove third party cookies from websites.

Hence, marketers must find a way to depend on their own data as opposed to third-party sources because privacy and security regulations are becoming tightened. This is something that requires marketers to enhance their tech stack and adopt future-ready data-driven marketing methods.

4. Breakdown of Data Silos

Most customer data that resides with each team is supposed to be made accessible to all unless the data is sensitive or confidential. When there is improved data sharing, there is an increase in the visibility of customer journeys.

The breakdown of data silos helps in building comprehensive and connected data-driven strategies that can ultimately benefit all stakeholders.

Using Data-Driven Marketing Strategies Optimally

The use of data for driving marketing outreach allows most marketers to put customers at the centre of everything that they do and engage in. The complete idea of data-driven marketing is usually for optimising benefits for marketers and making sure that customers do not have to face irrelevant and annoying messages that affect their journey.

Some of the data-driven marketing strategies that are useful for improving and personalising customer engagement include:

1. Consolidation of Data

A very good
lead generation technique is bringing all the data and your organisation in just one place. This is something that allows you to create a consistent customer journey all across channels and touchpoints.

Moreover, it also provides consistent and contextual customer experiences. Once the data consolidation starts happening, it becomes easy to unite the brand messaging across functions and not just the marketing campaigns.

2. Improved Audience Segmentation

Data analytics
is an excellent method to know your target audience in a better way. Once you know your audience segments better, it becomes easier to target them optimally.

Since the goal is to make marketing a lot more relevant, it is best to start by creating well-defined audience segments that can address the audience’s needs in ways that suit their specific needs and journeys.

Data including demographic details, digital behaviour shown by a customer, preferred platforms on which customers spend their time, etc. are suitable for segmenting the audiences. It is also possible to refine the segments on the basis of the level of engagement.

3. Content Optimization

The data-driven marketing techniques also help in optimising the content that you post on most platforms. You can perfect your content by analysing the data for revealing finder nuances about the audience and their personalities.

Once you understand the preferences of the audience, it will become very simple for you to create and refine your content across all platforms while making it very useful and engaging. This is a useful lead generation technique that can be used by brands for better promotion.

4. Understanding Buyer Personas

The data-driven marketing techniques for understanding the buyer’s persona in a much better way. You can use the data that you extract for understanding the browsing history, previous purchases, customer engagement, etc. for creating evolved buyer personas.

The data helps in reconnecting with and reminding your audience about your brand at the right time and on the right platforms so that prompt action can be taken. You can also display targeted ads on social media and even send abandoned cart emails so that they can be nudged towards making the purchase.

5. Unification of Customer Experience

Customer journeys have become very comprehensive in nature while making it important for companies to develop the capabilities required for recognising and engaging customers regardless of the channel used.

Using an omni-channel strategy based on unified data from various channels and teams can help in streamlining customer journeys while bringing down their churn rates.

6. Best Promotion Time

The data-driven marketing is also an excellent method to find the best time for promotions. The historical data can help in getting clarity on which day, month, and year is suitable for getting maximum engagement.

Once you are able to optimise the time and duration of the promotional campaigns, it is likely that the audience will notice you keenly. This in turn will lead to brand promotion and wide recognition in the long run.


One of the best methods to ensure an effective marketing plan is by making the customers feel that they are being engaged in a personal and a one to one conversation. The customers should not feel that they are being marketed to. Using data-driven marketing does exactly this by creating a more meaningful and customised experience.

It leads to well-timed and relevant personalization while guiding the customers to make purchases and repelling them ultimately. The consistent and groundbreaking developments in big data and AI are sure to make data-driven marketing even stronger.

The data-driven marketing is the future and brands should adopt digital marketing services that are implemented in sync with it before it is too late. If you are also looking for data-driven marketing services then get in touch to know more.

How to Optimally Use Data in Marketing? Read More »

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