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Detailed Comparison Between Hootsuite and Zoho Social | Encaptechno

Detailed Comparison Between Hootsuite and Zoho Social

Detailed Comparison Between Hootsuite and Zoho Social | Encaptechno


The rise of social media has been more of a game-changer for many businesses and content creators. It has offered an easy way to market a brand and various products or services. Well-planned social media marketing plans help in increasing organic traffic and boosting sales. However, social media marketing is not so much of an easy endeavor.

The process of managing social media marketing can be somewhat time-consuming for small to medium-sized businesses. An effective solution to this is social media management platforms that help in centralizing and automating social media posts. Two of the most popular social media management platforms in the market are Zoho Social and Hootsuite. They help in planning, scheduling, and posting with a calendar which then sorts the posting process.

The right use of social media platforms can help in building and creating posts including adding branded content and customized photos to articles. You can centralize and automate posts for many social media applications which makes social media marketing so much more efficient without limiting your reach across platforms.

The platform chosen by a business depends on its needs and marketing plan. In this blog, we will see a detailed comparison between Hootsuite and Zoho Social to get a better explanation.

Zoho Social and Hootsuite – An Overview

Hootsuite and Zoho Social are two different products that come with different features, prices, and functionalities. Where on one hand, Hootsuite stands out for being oriented towards complex needs and multiple teams of an enterprise-level business, Zoho Social comes with basic functional capacities needed to manage social media presences.

Both the social media management platforms help in bossing the social following. They also allow staying on the top of the client’s list and prospects in an efficient way. These tools are powerful for reconfiguring the social media approach in case your current one is failing to reach marketing goals.

Below, we will have a look at Hootsuite and Zoho Social in detail to understand what they can bring to the table.

What is Hootsuite?

A dominant social media management tool, Hootsuite helps its users to find prospects, serve customers, and do much more with social media. It also enables the service seekers to handle prominent social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and so on. Many customers consider Hootsuite to be one of the most comprehensive
social media marketing tools.

It is a tool that comes with an organized dashboard and customizable layout. By using the unique social media dashboard of Hootsuite, teams can collaboratively schedule updates to various social networks. It is also possible to integrate existing marketing tools, streamline workflows, track campaign results or trends, and quick-adjust tactics accordingly.

Hootsuite comes with multiple attractive features as well. It contains collaboration features, cooperative writing, and editing, contact management, content management, project management, and many more. There are other useful software features as well such as social media marketing features, reputation management features, and social media monitoring features. Using Hootsuite, people can easily share engagement streams with their teams. Moreover, it is also possible to control multiple communication channels with this collaborative platform.

Features of Hootsuite

1. Monitoring Social Media Streams

Monitoring Social Media Streams | Features of HootsuiteOne can say that a compelling feature for using Hootsuite is that it enables a brand to manage multiple social media networks all in one place. There is no need to remember all the passwords anymore or even go to each website individually.

With the use of Hootsuite, it is easy to post, update, review responses, and connect with the target audience on all the popular social media networks. In addition to using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, it is also possible to collaborate via third-party apps such as Tumblr, Evernote, Slideshare, MailChimp, etc.

2. Schedule Posts

Schedule Posts | Features of HootsuiteAnother significant reason for using Hootsuite is that it enables one to schedule important messages all across important social media platforms. You can create a social media strategy that includes crucial times when postings are most often read and get more followers to see your content.

All you have to do is just pick the day and time that suits your needs in the best ways. This enables you to view the scheduled posts in easy to read calendar format.

3. Viewing Analytics

Viewing Analytics | Features of HootsuiteThe
social media dashboard of Hootsuite comes with many analytics features that give you an in-depth view of how well your social media strategy is working. This is a tool that comes with the ability to track all your favorite platforms while delivering them in an easy-to-read series of charts.

In addition, Hootsuite also provides an extensive range of monitoring and reporting features that enables you to create professional-looking reports on the social media progress page.

4. Sharing Information

Hootsuite comes with a bookmark plug-in feature that helps in sharing content across the internet with your followers. This is an add-on that sits on the top of your browser toolbar for easy access.

When you discover that something on the internet is important that must be shared, all you have to do is just click on the Hootlet button. The application will shorten the URL and insert a small snippet of important text from the site into the social media message. It is a plug-in that makes adding Hootsuite to your social media arsenal worthwhile.

5. Tracking Important Phrases

A great way to connect with your customer base is through social media listening. You have to see what most people on social media are engaging in while bringing in your company’s value to the topic or trend.

Hootsuite comes with features that help you track key phrases and terms across the posts of other uses while determining when your expertise can be beneficial. This is an excellent way to bring in new customers by just being in tune with their needs.

6. Managing Customer Service

Another reason why many companies do not adopt
social media management platforms is that it becomes difficult to manage customer service on them. With the use of Hootsuite, it becomes easy to view questions in a single place without checking multiple social media websites.

Moreover, you can also store draft messages for posting when a customer asks a frequent question such as store hours or directions to your business location.

7. Collaborating Effectively

t becomes easy to manage your team with Hootsuite. It is a social media management tool that allows you to add different team members to the social media accounts of your choice and see first-hand who is posting what information and who has scheduled posts.

The effective collaboration that is offered on Hootsuite also makes it easy for you to assign tasks, add collaborators, and edit posts just as you see fit. Basically, the entire process of social media management becomes streamlined in a way that all the stress is removed.

What is Zoho Social?

Zoho Social is a cloud-based
social media management platform available in the SaaS version which can be run on multiple devices. This is software that helps users in monitoring social media channels, perform multi-account management, and encourage multi-user collaboration.

Social media performance analytics and data-driven insights are also offered with Zoho Social that helps in making informed decisions. With this software, you can easily manage and track content while ensuring much better customer engagement. It is also possible to monitor keywords and schedule multiple posts with Zoho Social. You can create content and publish it automatically with the use of this social media marketing tool.

Zoho Social is used to schedule content in various ways, monitor metrics that matter, and create intelligent reports. It also empowers you with all the features needed to create a renowned brand on social media. It is basically a modern and organized interface for social media management and analytics. It is a solution that is focused on the needs of small and medium-sized businesses with advanced analytics, a post scheduler, and an integrated message center.

In sum, Zoho Social is packed with features that are built for all social media needs. You can schedule content in various ways, monitor all that matters, and create intelligent reports.

Features of Zoho Social

1. Scheduling Posts

Scheduling Posts | Features of Zoho SocialZoho Social comes with a content pipeline and an intuitive social media scheduler. You can control when and how you wish to reach out to your brand’s audience by choosing from a wide range of scheduling features. You can plan, schedule, and publish easily. All the publishing tools that you need are in one place.

By using Zoho Social, you can schedule posts, drag and drop to reschedule and manage the content pipeline from a single screen only. You can also create a posting schedule with different time slots, or depend on the SmartIQ predictions for posting content when the audience is most active.

Zoho Social helps in building a posting pipeline effortlessly. It is easy to use content creation tools such as RSS and zShare browser extension that can pair with the social media dashboard.

2. Monitoring

Monitoring | Features of Zoho SocialZoho Social comes with monitoring features for businesses and agencies. You can monitor the important keywords, product reviews, brand hashtags, and much more. In addition, you can also discover new leads and see what people are saying about the brands you manage across your social channels.

With the social media management platform of Zoho Social, you can create listening columns for tracking the brand reviews, mentions, and brand keywords. You can also easily discover all important trends, and participate in industry conversations.

Other than this, Zoho Social also comes with a live stream of your social engagements in just one dedicated tab. You can also respond to engagement and get more context on important brand interactions. Lastly, you can reply to inline messages on Facebook and Twitter while checking out the social profile information of engagers and other important responses. This will help you in sending timely replies to requests and messages with real-time notifications.

3. Collaboration

Collaboration | Features of Zoho SocialZoho Social is a social media management platform that comes with many smart collaboration features. It allows a number of people to work together on different social things. You can discuss popular posts, share custom reports, and plan a campaign together.

You can also make quick decisions and save time while collaborating with the team from Zoho Social. Zoho Social helps in having important conversations with teammates. You can discuss engagement, reports, and work collaboratively on the drafts with chat, audio, and video calls.

Even if someone in the team has a new content idea, they can discuss it and get approval on the drafts, and share copy ideas all from one tab. Zoho Social also brings your team on board with a specific role for all team members that are invited. You can choose from the available roles or create new roles of your own. It is easy to decide which brands, features, and social channels each team member can access. 

4. Analyzing

Zoho Social is a social media analytics tool that measures all that matters to a brand. You can analyze the impact of a social media strategy with this tool. It is also easy to create insightful reports that help in understanding your audience and tracking your social media performance.

You can easily discover where your followers are from, the kind of content they like, what they are saying about you, and get key metrics for analyzing the brand’s performance. Zoho Social also lets you choose from a wide range of analytics for your social channels. You can add more visual appeal to your reports with graphs and charts, set up a schedule, decide a frequency, and automate reports to be delivered to your team at a time of your choice.

5. User-Friendly and Intuitive

While Hootsuite and Zoho Social come with similar features, Zoho Social is preferred by many because it is extremely intuitive and user-friendly. This benefit avoids a learning curve even when you do not have experience using social platforms. You can pick things up and learn from wherever you left.

Once you get the hang of things, it becomes easy to come on board and train others. Hootsuite is focused on a larger business which is why it involves more time on setting things up and more time on training employees for using the platform.


Zoho Social and Hootsuite both can be used for tracking the effectiveness of social media campaigns and change the strategies accordingly. Based on the differences that are mentioned above and the needs of your business, you can choose a social media management platform that enables you to gain a wide reach.

Our Zoho CRM consultants have been offering the best consultancy services to many clients across various industries. If you want any more guidance or support on Zoho Social implementation, feel free to get in touch.


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A Detailed Guide for Email Marketing | Encaptechno

A Detailed Guide for Email Marketing

A Detailed Guide for Email Marketing | Encaptechno

Email marketing is neither out of fashion nor is it an old way to promote products and services. Yes, it is an old form of communication, but it is one of those mediums that reigns supreme when it comes to usage. Marketing experts know and understand really well that if email marketing is used correctly, it can be a great relationship-building and profit-building tool.

Email marketing campaigns can be created to build an existing customer relationship. Offering relevant and valuable information is significant for leading the customers to take action on emails. So basically, an email marketing strategy is not really limited to a business or a company for that matter. It is actually about a customer.

Once a business keeps this in mind, the subscribers do not just read the emails, but they also look forward to hearing from the brand each time. If the brand has the time, money, and power to build a personal relationship with all the prospects then it is all good. However, if any of this is not possible then email marketing campaigns can be the most proven and reliable marketing strategy of a brand.

In this blog, we will understand email marketing in detail. Before delving into further details, let us first begin by defining email marketing and really understanding how it works.

What is Email Marketing?

What is Email Marketing?
The digital marketing practice of communicating with leads and customers with email is called email marketing. Some of the commonly used email marketing messages include promotional campaigns, event announcements, and email newsletters. Email marketing is often known to have a higher ROI as compared to many other marketing channels.

Basically, email marketing is proven to be more effective as compared to SEO and social media because you can have a direct line to your audience while using it. Out of the multitude ways in which email marketing can be used, some of the common ones include:

  • Email marketing strategies can be used to build connections along with a personalized engagement.
  • Brands can lead their customers to understand more about their products and services, particularly when the prospects are ready to engage.
  • Email marketing can also be used to share important brand content or some important brand news with prospects.
  • Brands can entice their subscribers to offer personal information in exchange for an asset they would find valuable.
  • Email marketing campaigns can be used for promoting products and services.
  • Finally, it is also possible to delight the customers with useful brand knowledge with email marketing.

Working of Email Marketing

As mentioned above, email marketing is one of the best methods for marketing your products and services. It is very often automated and intuitive as well. There is a relatively easy way in which an email marketing process works and that requires the three most important elements.

1. Email List

To ensure the success of an
email marketing campaign, it is necessary to create an active email list. This list is a database of all contacts that have expressed their interest in receiving marketing communication from a brand.

There are multiple ways to build an email list and one of the easiest ones is to create a lead magnet that the target audience is interested in. For example, you can create an offer in exchange for their email address.

2. Email Marketing Platform

An email marketing platform or an email marketing service provider is an application that helps in managing your email list. It helps in designing and executing email marketing campaigns easily.

The use of an email marketing platform is often advised because it helps in automating different actions triggered by the behaviour of the target audience. These actions also allow you to personalize all interactions, engagements, and conversion rates improve.

3. Well Defined Goals

You can use email marketing for achieving many business objectives. Some of the common ones include driving sales, enhancing the brand image and awareness, generating and nurturing leads, keeping customers engaged, and increasing customer loyalty and value.

For executing an email marketing campaign, it is necessary to list all goals and ensure that they align with one another. After this is done, you can get to real work. The first thing to do is to email list segmentation based on the actions of subscribers.

Next, you have to create an email or services of emails to get the customers to do something. Finally, you can send the emails and monitor the campaign automatically.

Benefits of Email Marketing

Benefits of Email Marketing
1. Permission-Based Email

Anytime a customer trusts you with an email address, it is the virtual equivalent of having access to their personal space. Gaining permission to enter rather than showing up uninvited increases the chances of engagement and conversion.

2. Direct Access to Audience

You can easily communicate with the subscribers on their time schedules. Since most working professionals check their emails every day, it is more than likely that your email will be viewed.

3. Better Control

With many marketing platforms, you do not really own the platform. In case there comes a time when the platform stops existing, all the hard work goes away with this. With email, there is a relationship that you form with the subscribers.

4. Personalization

Brands can use demographic data for creating personalized and hyper-targeted campaigns. The results are always better when there is a segmented and personalized campaign because that helps in increasing the revenue.

5. Scalable

email marketing campaigns can be scaled up easily without any stress on the resources and on the overall quality as well. These campaigns are easier to manage as compared to other digital marketing methods.

6. Measurable

It is also possible to measure the effectiveness of an email marketing campaign. Automated email marketing makes the process of email marketing effortless and effective as well.

Three Steps to Automate an Email Marketing Campaign

Even though the automation process might differ from one
platform for email marketing to another, there are some useful tips to automate the email marketing process. The steps mentioned below are as follows:

1. Define the Segments

An effective email marketing campaign begins with list segmentation. You can use the data you have about all the subscribers and group them accordingly. This helps in the creation of a more personalized
email marketing campaign.

2. Design a Workflow

Once the email list segmentation is completed, it is now time to design a workflow. This can include a series of emails needed to fulfill the objectives of the email marketing campaign.

3. Find the Triggers

After you have designed the workflow, you can find the triggers that set off the following email in the sequence. Some examples of triggers can include customers opening the email, clicking on the included link, or maybe not opening it at all within a predetermined time frame.

Proven Email Marketing Strategies

If you want to succeed in ensuring the success of
email marketing campaigns, it is important that you become strategic in the way the campaigns are designed. Some of the best email marketing strategies that you can employ are:

1. Use Lists for Building Strategies

The success of an email marketing campaign is completely dependent on the kind of quality you maintain for an email list. When you want to build a list like that, you have to use list-building strategies so that you can attract the target audience. For example, some lists may help a B2B brand while some may help B2C brands.

2. Use Good Email List Maintenance

An important essential for an
email marketing campaign is practicing good email list hygiene. The practice of cleaning out all the inactive subscribers and email addresses that do not serve you anymore will make sure that you have a good sender reputation.

3. Maintain Engagement

It is very important to continue sending emails to the contacts in your list for keeping the subscribers engaged and warm. However, any changes in the emailing process can also result in subscribers forgetting who you are while also leading you to low conversion rates. In case your subscribers go cold, you can also run a re-engagement marketing campaign.

4. Focused Goal Setting

Well Defined Goals | Working of Email MarketingYou can design all campaigns and emails to focus on one objective. That said, keep in mind that you cannot aim for hitting two goals with one stone. This will not work with email marketing. If you do this, it is only going to confuse the audience further and reduce the conversion rate.

5. Key Performance Indicator Defining

The process of email marketing is not merely limited to sending just a few emails to your subscribers. It is alot about defining and tracking the key performance indicators as well. To do this, you should define and track the right key performance indicators as well. This will help in knowing how well the email marketing campaign is doing and if you are achieving your goals.

Writing Email Marketing For Better Results

No matter what you may want to achieve with email marketing, everything comes down to how well you write your copy for email marketing. This is why it is important to write well while composing a copy for email marketing.

1. Understand Your Audience

Understand Your Audience| Writing Email Marketing For Better ResultsThe most important that you can implement while creating attractive and valuable email marketing content is knowing and understanding your audience. This will also help you segment the list and create a hyper-targeted email copy.

2. Attractive Subject Line

To make your email marketing campaign successful, an important thing to understand is that you will have to create an attractive subject line. It is a necessary element of email copy because it helps the readers to decide if they want to open an email. You can use keywords, active voice, personalization, and benefit-driven words to make the copy attractive.

3. Preview Text

The email preview text appears almost instantly below or beside the subject line. It is limited to a maximum of 140 characters and it acts as an elevator pitch when it comes to convincing people to open an email. When you optimize the preview text, it becomes an extension of the subject line and reinforces the value proposition.

4. Easily Readable

All marketing activities have one thing in common and that is to generate the interest of users. Most people are busy which is why it is important to write the email copy in a way that is attractive and easy to understand. The copy must include short sentences, easy-to-read words, bullet points, etc. In case the readers find emails easy to read then they will be likely to engage with them more.

5. Use Storytelling

Stories can be a powerful method of attracting attention and getting your messages across the audience. This is the reason why it is important to make the most out of storytelling in the email copy.

6. Psychologically Smart Writing

Most human beings are wired to react in a specific way. You can use psychologically smart writing to direct the attention of your readers towards fulfilling the campaign objectives. Some of the examples of these triggers include color psychology and social proof. If you ensure using these triggers in the right way then you can create an effective email copy.


In case you have been looking past email marketing then it is time for you to plan and implement email marketing campaigns. Email marketing is capable of offering high returns to marketers who are willing to learn how to do it right. There is no need for it to be complicated.

You just have to be mindful that you are like a guest in the private space of customers. Whether you will be a pleasant one depends on how polite, respectful and valuable you are. If you are any of these then you are just a click away from losing the interest of people.

You can definitely follow the process of creating a smart email marketing strategy or better yet, you can get in touch with an online marketing agency such as Encaptechno. Doing the latter will help you streamline the email marketing process and it will also help you to get the most out of it.



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Everything You Need to Know About Retargeting in Digital Marketing | Encaptechno

Everything You Need to Know About Retargeting in Digital Marketing

Everything You Need to Know About Retargeting in Digital Marketing | Encaptechno

In case you run a business and wish to stand out in the present times by selling your products and services on the internet then you must understand the role of advertising in driving people to your website. But the catch is what if the people are not ready to buy when they first find your website? In another case, what if people get distracted before they complete their purchase successfully?

As a matter of fact, it is seen that most people who visit a website for the first time, end up leaving without buying anything at all. If you do not do anything to bring them back then they will be gone forever. This is right where retargeted campaigns come into play.

The use of retargeting campaigns is to remind your website visitor about your products and services after they leave your website without completing a purchase. After the audience has visited your pages, you can retarget them and show them relevant visuals or ads. The entire process of retargeting digital marketing can be done with the help of retargeting marketing platforms.

If you consult a digital marketing agency today then you will understand the importance of retargeting as an important tool to connect with customers and increase sales and customer loyalty. In this blog, we will see what retargeting is and delve into all other details about it.

What is Retargeting?

Retargeting is a form of online marketing that can enable your brand to be at the front after the audience leaves your website. For many websites, only a small percentage of traffic gets converted on the first visit.
Retargeting campaigns serve as a tool designed to help companies reach most of the users who do not convert right away.

What most brands need to understand is that before customers make a purchase, they must feel like they know the brand completely. A good rule of thumb is to enable customers to make up their mind about purchasing and to make sure that they listen to you properly. Retargeting has the ability to build better visibility while allowing you to reach an audience that has already expressed interest in your products.

In addition, it is a lot more cost-effective as compared to other types of marketing. In short, retargeting helps to encourage the last conversions to come back and do you good. It is beneficial for small and medium-sized business owners because it has a low cost per acquisition so, with the impression conversion rates, you can move across a cycle quickly and for a lower cost.

Retargeting digital marketing is so effective that it allows the marketers to continue the conversation and gauge the interest of the customer. A retargeting campaign is a significant method for converting visitors to customers on the website. However, anytime this method is not managed suitably it can affect the overall plans. A good retargeting campaign ensures that you understand all needs.

When Can You Use Retargeting?

Retargeting is more like a
long-term marketing strategy for businesses that have a following already. In case your website gets around 100 visitors each month then considering Google retargeting ads is a good idea.

Brands can promote their bestseller using retargeting ads. This is a simple, effective, and productive method to show the top-selling products. You can promote the items to your current customers and can help the visitors get converted so that the ROI increases.

Retargeting is also a great strategy when you have to introduce new collections. Everyone who is interested in your brand and comes to your website is considered a great audience to target when you are launching a new product collection. The retargeting ads are going to catch their eye wherever they go online while creating a clear path back to the store so that it is easy to check out what is new. This is easy to do with display campaigns like Google AdWords or with a Facebook retargeting campaign.

In addition, you must have dealt with the slow-moving inventory at one time or another being an online seller. In this case, retargeting ads can be a low-budget and low-effort way to show surplus products from a store to potential customers. Finally, retargeting digital marketing also helps in building brand awareness. Most people need to feel familiar with your brand before making a purchase and the retargeting ads keep your brand at the top for customers who are not ready to buy when they first visit your website.

Working of Retargeting

Now the main question is how does retargeting work? The best answer to this will be that there is cookie technology that is used to follow the audience all across the internet. It is more like a programmatic method of understanding your audience and its interests. This works with many digital marketing mediums including paid search, display, social, and email. The retargeting campaigns can be done with Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.

Before the customers make a decision to buy something, they must be able to feel like they know and understand the brand well enough. Retargeting comes in at this point and is an effective way to build trust and loyalty among the audience.

The retargeting campaigns start working the moment when someone visits a website to check out the stuff that you have ordered. Once the visitor leaves your website, the visitor will be seeing ads on other pages of different websites. This is a way to remind the visitor about your products so that the visitor can come back and make a purchase.

For example: Let’s say that a potential customer has abandoned the cart without completing the order. If this is the case then you can use retargeting to show an ad for the product or service he recently viewed on another website. When you show your products with an ad, there is an increased chance for conversions that can meet your marketing and revenue goals.

Let us now take a clearer look. Samantha, a frequent shopper of makeup products will browse some products on a brand she shops from often from her computer. She views many times, adding some products to the cart but for some reason leaves without checking out the order. Some days later, Samantha is surfing through her phone and sees an ad for the product she viewed and other related items. She is then reminded of your brand and the products she wanted to buy. The ad that she sees can pique her interest in the products again and encourage her to come back to the website to view the products and make a purchase. This is how retargeting digital marketing campaigns work.

Why Should You Retarget?

You have already been successful in creating products and services while spending a lot of time on getting people to visit your website and learning more about them. The process of retargeting is an extension of all these efforts and it comes with many benefits. Below we have mentioned them all briefly.

1. Another Chance for Conversion

Another Chance for Conversion | Why Should You Retarget_
Retargeting is a
long-term marketing strategy in the sense that it helps in targeting the people who have already visited the website. The audience has already been exposed to your brand and visited the site in the first place because they were interested in what you wish to offer. These are the people who can be persuaded using ad copy optimization.

2. Promotion of Popularity

There are many customers who do not know what retargeting is all about or how it works in the first place. As a result, there is an impression that the brand is immensely popular because the ads are everywhere. Customers need to see a marketing message or a brand many times before making a decision to purchase. Each time they see a retargeting ad, their idea of business stability gets improved.

3. Improving Marketing Efforts

All brands wish to get a high return on their investments for the marketing campaigns that they roll out. When the brands make
retargeted campaigns live, they are basically adding value to a wide range of investments that attracted visitors for the first time. In case you are already putting efforts into PPC, email marketing, SEO, and social media then retargeting helps in making sure that any extra efforts do not go to waste.

4. Upsell and Cross-sell

Upsell and Cross-sell | Why Should You Retarget_You might want to place a retargeting cookie on conversion or a simple “Thank You” page. This helps in building high-value users in an audience list. In case you have a new offer or a new product to sell or an add-on service that is specific to a subset of customers, a well-crafted script is all you need to single things out with the marketing campaigns.

Best Practices for Successful Retargeting Campaigns

If you want to get the most out of a retargeting campaign, there are six rules that you must keep in mind for ensuring a great ROI.  These rules are:

1. Understand Your Audience

Understand Your Audience | Best Practices for Successful Retargeting CampaignsOne of the most important things to know is everything about your audience. You must know who your audience is and understand the interests of your audience so that you can identify with them and create an ad copy that is personalized and engaging.

2. Segmentation of Audience

What you are selling on a website might appeal to many different sets of audiences. Putting different cookies on different pages will give you the ability to segment the audience based on their interests and behaviors.

3. Offer Value

Rather than lazily reminding your visitors about your brand, you can instead use retargeting principles and use tangibles like free shipping, product announcements, and discount codes. This is particularly useful for all the comparison shoppers or the people who add items to the digital carts but leave eventually.

4. Ad Frequency Adjustment

Almost everyone gets tired of seeing ads on each webpage they visit. Fortunately, the retargeting platforms allow you to adjust the number of times an ad is shown to someone.

5. Using Burn Pixels

Once you know that a potential customer has converted successfully, it is important to make sure that you give them a new cookie so they can be removed from the retargeting campaigns.

6. Adding New Channels

There is no need to display the ads independently on the websites in order to retarget the website visitors. You can easily target social media by using platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.


How to Start?

How to Start? | Everything You Need to Know About Retargeting in Digital MarketingTo make sure that your retargeting efforts really have an impact, you will need to invest in the marketing channels that can bring new traffic to the website. It is only when you will have a steady stream of visitors coming to the website that a
retargeted campaign will be worth the effort.

The use of Google AdWords, email marketing, and other offline marketing techniques can help in spreading awareness about your brand and bring more and more people to your website in the first place. When your website starts attracting new traffic, you can take a closer look at the retargeting tools.

It will be a good idea to manage a campaign on your own in the initial period. You can segment your visitors, choose the kind of message they want and eventually design visually appealing ads. Doing this with the support of an expert digital marketing agency can be a great decision as well. This will make you meet experts who have designed, created, and optimized many retargeting campaigns. You will be able to get expertise that can help your brand soar high.



All brands that are new in the business spend a lot of money for marketing a business and even when customers enjoy what they see, there are many reasons for leaving a website. The retargeted campaigns are one of the easiest and direct methods for prospects to learn who they are and why you are the best.

Taking the support of a digital marketing agency such as Encaptechno can pay off well while allowing you to take maximum support from a digital marketing campaign.


Everything You Need to Know About Retargeting in Digital Marketing Read More »

Digital Marketing, , , ,
Why Invest in PPC Advertising for Business Growth_

Why Invest in PPC Advertising for Business Growth?

Why Invest in PPC Advertising for Business Growth_
Businesses run with an end goal to drive conversions and sales. In the digital world of today, that can only come with an online presence. One of the quickest ways to do that in digital marketing is with pay-per-click advertising. It is a form of online advertising that enables a business to appear at the top of search results organically.

To put this simply, when you bid for a keyword to appear at the top, your business will have better chances of being discovered by the target audience. Basically, PPC ads appear next to the relevant searches and other important content on the internet.

PPC marketing is considered a proven method to connect with a wide base of the audience on the internet. In this blog, we will see all about PPC advertising and how it helps in business growth. Keep reading to know more.

What is Pay Per Click Advertising?


What is Pay Per Click Advertising_
Pay-per-click is actually an advertising model in which you pay for clicks. It works when you buy some clicks from Google or any other search engine. Essentially,
PPC advertising is a method that is used to quickly leverage search engine traffic by either paying or bidding for keywords that are related to what you are selling or a service that you might be providing.

In PPC ads, you are only supposed to pay when someone clicks on your ads, visits your websites, or also calls your business. The PPC ads give you an opportunity to be noticed by a wider audience while materializing your lead generation strategy. You can change your ads anytime for reaching a specific group of people or promoting a deal or a product. This acts as a resource for companies that cannot update their SEO frequently for promoting sales or seasonal changes in their products or services.

Google Ads also gives you an option of marketing your business outside of Google Search by getting displayed on the Google Display Network. With the flexibility that the PPC ads offer, they can help many businesses attract attention from people who matter right at the moment when they are looking for a business.

Why PPC?


PPC is an advertising method that helps to see immediate results. You can start seeing what it is capable of offering right after you can make your PPC campaign go live. The PPC ads are directly related to seeing traffic, clicks, and conversions. The PPC ads are placed right at the top of a SERP page.

Running and managing a PPC campaign only needs an experienced paid search specialist, and also a good writer who can compose informative content, attractive ads, and landing pages. When you use pay-per-click ads, you have an option to target customers with search ads, shopping ads, Gmail ads, and much more.

All you have to do is use the right advertising tools for reaching your audience and encouraging them to buy from you or even make an inquiry. When you run a PPC campaign, you get access to a wide range of data on the ads and keywords which the customers can click on before making any purchase. This also signifies that you can make changes to a campaign for optimizing it and improving the investment rate that is spent on ads.

It is rather simple to run A/B testing with the help of Google Ads and run a campaign to drive continued improvements and get better returns. You can also implement a targeted approach to offer ads that cater to specific customers. Irrespective of whether you wish to target searches on location, device, time, and other factors, you can use a PPC campaign for reaching out to people who are more than likely to buy.

How Can PPC Advertising Help In Business Growth?


The web traffic is just what is needed to ensure that the business message travels further ahead. We live in a globalized and saturated economy to a great extent. In this scenario, it is highly affordable to grow an audience, ad revenue, gain affiliate, and much more.

PPC advertising is highly beneficial for businesses who wish to make a name for themselves quickly. Even the small and medium-sized businesses that have small marketing budgets can invest in PPC advertising trusting that their investments will bear results. It works as an effective marketing tool that can keep the budget healthy and also increase web traffic at the same time.

Let’s look at the ways in which it can help a business to grow.

1. Quick Marketing Results


Quick Marketing Results
Small and medium-sized businesses must have a strategy that leads to quick results as soon as possible. For these businesses, in particular, there are many reasons why a company wants to see quick results, especially during the time when the business is in its initial phase.

PPC advertising comes to the rescue for businesses who wish to stand out quickly and ensure consistent marketing efforts from thereon. The speed with which PPC advertising brings results is one of the main benefits of this digital marketing solution. Any business that uses PPC advertising as a method of lead generation strategy can instantly see the results of their endeavors.

With organic search, the results can be delayed. On the other hand, with pay per click, the results are almost instant. There is no denying that SEO is very important for long-term marketing but in that method, the revenue takes a long cycle to show up. With PPC ads, you can start seeing results within the next day based on the different factors.

In addition, another important benefit is being able to issue information to the public at a quick rate. No matter what the business might want to offer at a given period of time including sales, special events, limited edition products and services, sales, etc.; PPC advertising can help in communicating the offerings to the public.

2. Audience Targeting


Audience Targeting
The traditional advertising forms are some of the methods that cast a wide net over a large area. With PPC, you can show ads only to the right potential customers who may search for keywords relevant to your business. In case someone clicks on such an ad, you can be assured that it is not a click by mistake, rather they are interested in your message.

Moreover, the control on the ad is greater because you know where and when the ad appears. This can give the businesses a much wider range of influence and an audience suitable to what you are offering. Once you understand who you are communicating to, you can choose to set up a marketing campaign, optimize your exposure and also increase the conversion rate.

In addition, putting an advertisement in front of the targeted audience can increase the chances of getting click-throughs and sale conversions. Audience targeting is also particularly beneficial for local businesses because when someone does a local search query in their search engine, they can come across your company.

3. Budget Control


The pay-per-click advertising method is built completely around budget which is why it offers a greater level of control than the traditional advertising methods. An exceptional reason for using PPC marketing is because businesses can get a comprehensive view of spending money.

In addition, for the common paid ad styles such as search engine PPC, you are only supposed to pay for the clicks. There is never any paid barrier to entry and there is only a minimal ad budget. Businesses have the freedom to spend as much or as little that they wish to spend.

The Google Ads and other advertising methods allow marketers to create a campaign hierarchy that is actually very similar to the one followed on popular social media channels. The marketers can divide their budget in any way that they wish by placing controls on how the budget is spent on each campaign, specific ad, and group.

In contrast to traditional paid advertising, PPC offers great levels of control that work because businesses can enhance the ad spend on the basis of location, questions while reducing that expenditure on areas that they do not work. This means that the importance of PPC is in its ability to use the money for better revenue on ad spend.

It is possible that some businesses may think of this as daunting but it is actually a big part of why many people hire a digital marketing solutions expert. This is specifically when the benefit of getting a professional return on investment is so tempting.

4. Achieving Business Goals


Achieving Business Goals
All businesses set goals. However, the end goal is to ensure that they are achieved in a practical and feasible manner. Irrespective of the size and age of the business, goals are set so that they can be achieved. If the goal setting is not done right then no matter how quickly you accomplish them, it won’t benefit you.

In addition, overreaching your goals can have similar effects as they do not have any realistic chances of getting finished. PPC ads allow you to extend your reach and achieve marketing goals very easily. It is a tool that can be wisely used to align website traffic to your end goals, no matter what they may be.

Businesses must use pay-per-click ads to support the different aspects of sales while advancing their relationship with a wide audience from the initial awareness to becoming loyal customers.

5. Improves Ad Performance


Search engine optimization and PPC go very well together because there is a lot of overlap. The importance lies in the fact that businesses can target the same keywords on the same platforms and for the same audience. Even though there is no direct link between PPC and SEO rankings, the businesses that optimize both are more likely to improve SEO.

The main reason why PPC is important for SEO is that businesses that can improve their site and content for a better score also end up improving their SEO ranking. In case you are performing the same keyword research and keyword density then you have already won half the battle to complete a key strategy for SEO and PPC.

Businesses that invest in both PPC and SEO believe that they are excellent strategies for growth. Another reason why PPC is important is data. Pay-per-click ads provide constructive feedback on ad campaigns. Marketers can use this data for streamlining their marketing campaigns.

In addition, since PPC search offers results quickly as compared to SEO, it is also possible to test the keyword strategies in PPC and use the conversion rate for determining if the same strategies would be valid for SEO in the long run.

6. Easy and Effective Beginning


A business that is just starting up does not have many resources for allocating towards marketing efforts. The resources actually come in the form of different factors such as time, work hours, and finances. When it comes to the time, even the people who have somehow fallen behind can use PPC to catch up quickly.

As opposed to the content marketing strategies, PPC is easy to set up and even get running. The marketers can set up free accounts and start creating ads almost instantly. After the ads are created and powered, they can appear in search instantly while driving results.

As compared to other marketing channels such as email and social media, there is never any prerequisite for organically building an audience or even sourcing the target audience’s contact information. The PPC ads platforms guide the marketers through the ad process and once brands are prepared, access can be gained to followers instantly. The ads can be activated quickly and deactivated as well which makes brand visibility easy



All businesses are special with different needs. It is possible that you may benefit from PPC advertising on search engines or maybe you can benefit more from social media marketing. On the other hand, maybe you need a combination of everything.

A professional agency such as Encaptechno can help you with effective digital marketing solutions. In case you have been running PPC marketing already then we can also help you perform an analysis and spot opportunities for improvement.

Grow your business with us. Get in touch today!


Why Invest in PPC Advertising for Business Growth? Read More »

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Importance of Digital Marketing For Small Businesses

Importance of Digital Marketing For Small Businesses

Importance of Digital Marketing For Small Businesses

Whenever a small business is started, the primary focus is on how to attract and retain customers. Early on, businesses relied on traditional methods of advertising, but with the widespread use of the internet amongst the masses,
digital marketing strategies have come at the forefront for attracting attention. 

That said, there are also times when some businesses make the mistake of believing that since they offer a good product or service, it is only a matter of time until the customers will find them. There is no doubt that this strategy can work down the lane and can also bring some business. However, the fact is that there is a much better way. 

In order to become big, small businesses must look for ways in the global marketplace so that their prospects can be gained online and can be converted into customers. No new business, irrespective of how new or old it may be, can overlook the targeted marketing approach as a method to generate leads and convert them into customers. 

Below, we will look at the benefits of digital marketing and how it can be used so that it helps small businesses to grow. 

What is Digital Marketing?

What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is actually a method by which you can promote the products and services to a target audience with the use of the internet and various digital channels such as social media, email, websites, etc. In simple words, digital marketing is a kind of marketing that uses digital strategies to connect with customers. 

Some of the common methods under which digital marketing is done include:

  • SEO or Search Engine Optimization
  • Pay-Per-Click Advertising
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing

The good thing is that as a business entity, you can make a choice from the various digital channels that can be used to develop brand awareness and generate leads. Each performance on all channels can be measured and hence it can be evaluated often so that the best decision can be reached. It must be remembered that the digital marketing strategies differ based on the kind of business you are running, be it B2B or B2C.

To begin with, let us understand the possible improvements that digital marketing can possibly bring to a business. 

1. Reaching Out to Customers


The many digital and social platforms have enabled easy and instant communication between the brand and the audience. The best thing is that digital marketing helps in connecting with the global audience very easily.

2. Larger Audience Better Prospects


The volume of content that gets distributed by digital marketing is quite a lot. The businesses are in a position to share a huge amount of content with the audience using emails, social media, newsletters, and so on. This enables the marketers to spread their message to a large audience while connecting with better prospects. 

3. Data Tracking

Data TrackingWhen you take the support of a digital marketing consultant, you will discover that there is a large pool of data that you can track. This data can help your business and understand the likes and preferences of your customers better. On the basis of this, you can make important business decisions. Let’s say that you wish to introduce new products and then you refer the same to a customer. Now by understanding the pattern given in the data, it will become easy for you to know which product will work and which will not. 

4. Transparent Brand Communication


You must always remember that customer information is important for the company. In a similar way, you must also keep in mind that the customers would also like to know more about your company. If your brand shares its information and reveals its true personality online, the customers feel that the brand is transparent. In reaction to this, the customers get more inclined towards brand loyalty.

5. Gaining an Edge


Digital marketing platforms provide an opportunity to reach out to customers in an innovative manner. Anytime when there is stiff competition in the market, businesses have to reinvent their ways and think of new things that can help a business gain customers. Hence, digital marketing enables businesses to think of and implement innovative methods that can help to stand out.

The thing is that digital marketing is creative and helps in keeping up with the new trends. Although there are small businesses that are active in implementing lead generation techniques, there are also many businesses that are still postponing the adoption of digital marketing for many reasons such as lack of time, knowledge, and expertise. In addition, many businesses also think that there is no need for digital marketing because of the small number of customers. This is a method that is not suitable and might end up becoming a hindrance to growth. 

In essence, the potential customers that you can find online can be a much larger group than what you will ever be able to attract locally. Using digital marketing techniques, you can reach a global audience in a way that is cost-effective, measurable, and scalable. An overview of how digital marketing can benefit you is mentioned below.

  • You will be able to interact with your prospects better and learn just what they are looking for which also enables you to get to know your customers better.
  • You will be able to reach out to anyone and almost anywhere as there will be no boundaries with digital reach.
  • You can target the right audience at the right time which means that personalization is simple with digital marketing.
  • You can communicate with your prospects at each stage of the buying process
  • You can save money and reach out to more customers for a less amount. 
  • You can know your audience better and drive engagement for creating brand loyalty. This will help you get some inspiration from the aspect of customer loyalty schemes. 
  • You can track and monitor your responses to the marketing efforts easily.

Benefits of Digital Marketing For Small Businesses

Benefits of Digital Marketing For Small Businesses
Even though we have stated it above, we would like to reinstate that any business no matter how small or big it may be, should be taking the benefit of
digital marketing strategies right now. The marketing efforts online offer tons of opportunities for small businesses even the ones that have a small budget. As opposed to the common opinion, digital marketing can be done on any budget and it can be scaled as the business grows to continue fitting their needs. 

The major benefits that come with digital marketing adoption are:

1. Being Where the Customers Are


The customers are always online and even at this time, most of them are checking their online accounts at least once or twice a day. The customers can be found on social media, websites, and search engines to find the information they need and play games or watch videos. 

Small business owners who wish to reach more potential customers must be online because that is where the customers are. Irrespective of which industry a business might be dealing in, and maybe waiting to discover the company so that they can see what is being offered near them.

2. Being Aware of the Competition


Being Aware of the Competition - Benefits of Digital Marketing For Small Businesses
For a business to become successful, there is a need to pay attention to what the competitors are doing and all that you can learn from your competition. You must not think of your competitors as someone to bear but as people who have something to teach you. 

If you keep a track of all that your competitors are doing online, you will get some idea of what works and what does not. Most likely, whatever the kind of business you may be in, you will find that your competitors already have an established web presence. Before coming online or even implementing a detailed plan, what you should see is the kind of content your customers use, if they have a blog, if they promote visual content, etc. 

You should find a way to communicate with the customers so that you can establish a position that makes your brand unique. See how well the competitors are engaging with a customer to actually find out if you can do better. One of the best ways to find what your competitors are doing is by conducting research. 

3. Lets Your Customers Find You Easily


The whole point of a targeted marketing approach is to be in front of the customers when they need you. When customers are looking for something they are likely to start with a search on Google. If a small business does not have an online presence, the customers won’t find the business and will likely end up going to a competitor.  

Knowing more about the basics of digital marketing can help a small business to reach out to customers and let them know more about the business. Even if there is a Google My Business listing that includes the necessary information about the small business, just creating the page makes it easy for the company to be found. Customers can sport the listing, get the phone number, store hours, address, and more.

4. Helps in Business Growth


Helps in Business Growth - Benefits of Digital Marketing For Small Businesses
Lastly, the most important reason why digital marketing is important is that it can help you achieve many business goals. It helps in improving relationships with the audience and also improves the customer experience.

By implementing digital marketing activities, one can increase their pages in authority, drive many people to a website, gain a competitive edge, increase conversions, more sales and considerable growth.

5. Enables a Strong Online Presence


After a customer is aware of your business, they will look online frequently to know more about your business. They may pass the storefront and decide to look up the hours to know when it may be comfortable to stop in the store. 

In case the small business does not have a strong web presence, the customers will not find the information they need and are going to end up not visiting the business in person. The customers today expect that the businesses should have at least a minimal online presence. 

Hence, the businesses must ensure that the customers can find the website anytime they look it up. If there is a lack of a website then often the educated customer will feel that the small business is not legitimate or worth visiting.

6. Increases the Organic Traffic


As mentioned above, organic search results are largely responsible for attracting most of the visitors to the websites. Most people avoid clicking on advertisements while skipping straight away to the organic search results below which then makes SEO a strong and excellent way to boost the number of people coming to a website.

Without an effective SEO marketing strategy, a business can lose thousands of potential customers because no matter which channel comes up, a search engine will always be the most popular method to search for something on the internet. Thus, with digital marketing, there can be a consequential improvement in the organic traffic which can further lead to better business.  

7. Being Trusted By Customers


Being Trusted By Customers - Benefits of Digital Marketing For Small Businesses
A strong
sales funnel is a result of a strong online presence and a good website that can make the business more trustworthy. Digital marketing enables businesses to engage with consumers online while making it easy to stay in touch. This helps in making a sale somewhat easily. Any small business can take advantage of this opportunity. Using free websites available across the internet is also a good way to reach your customers at a low cost. 

There are some digital marketing techniques that make it easy to reach out and connect better with the customers. In case a potential customer has a question about the business, answering that question timely ensures that the customer will be converted. Businesses should remember that the customers like attention and are willing to trust a business when their questions are answered quickly and efficiently. 



Many small businesses adopt the traditional methods of marketing but the results with those methods are very slow. With the traditional marketing methods, it can become challenging to go beyond your local region. On the other hand, the group of potential customers that you can find on the internet today are comparatively larger as compared to a local region.

With digital marketing, small businesses can attract a large group of audience. It is a cost-effective way to transform your business and hence, it is wise for small businesses to use the potential of digital marketing and get ahead in the business. To do the same, hiring a digital marketing consultant is a great option for your pockets because the professionals come with expertise in the subject.

Encaptechno has a team of many talented digital marketing experts who have successfully worked for many clients in the past. If you want your small business to be successful in digital marketing, get in touch with Encaptechno to know more. 


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8 Digital Marketing Trends of 2022 that Can Boost Your Business

8 Digital Marketing Trends of 2022 That Can Boost Your Business

8 Digital Marketing Trends of 2022 that Can Boost Your Business

In the wake and periodic emergence of Covid-19, many marketing professionals have been forced to take action in a survival mode. In order to keep the businesses going and earn revenue, marketers have had to think of various ways in which customers can be engaged and converted.

While so many businesses managed to keep their operations afloat somehow during the pandemic, there were many small businesses that have had to face a tough time. Some have even had to shut down their businesses. Now the question is, what made the successful businesses overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic?

If you really dig your head too deep to find the answer to this question, you will discover that the answer lies in the ability of the workforce to get creative. The fact is that all businesses that have managed to operate successfully during the pandemic are the ones that have developed flexible business development activities. These businesses have been quick to make changes and get creative.

Irrespective of the on and off challenges posed by the pandemic as the virus mutates forming new variants, many businesses are working on staying optimistic. With the implementation of digital marketing strategies, marketers are working hard to fight the negative ramifications of Covid. These strategies will save the businesses in 2022 and future years.

Heading into 2022, there are some digital marketing trends that will reign supreme in boosting businesses. In this blog, we will have a look at them one by one but first, let us get an overview of what the new trends will be based around.

Digital Marketing Trends in 2022


As we stated above, the pandemic has forced the world to make considerable shifts in recent times. People across the world are realizing that there is a need for connection, customer experience, and personalization. All aspects of B2B and B2C marketing in 2022 are majorly focused on branding, customer loyalty, and innovation.

At a time like this, the digital marketing trends should be such that businesses can prove themselves as consistent, reliable, authentic, empathetic, and courageous. Organizations have to find ways to establish their hold as thought leaders so that trust and loyalty can be built and going digital is considered a supreme way to do that.

The marketing world is being led by the power of digitization. Most of the marketing budget is digital and in the future, this is only going to increase. Businesses understand that they must adapt quickly to remain relevant. The ones that do not will fall behind their future-focused competitors and get kicked out of the game soon.

Below mentioned is a list of 8 digital marketing trends of 2022 that can boost your business.

1. Forming Meaningful Relationships With Customers

Forming Meaningful Relationships With Customers - Digital Marketing Trends

Human connection forms the essence of our lives. It is an important factor that drives businesses. When the customer knows the business is on their side and is not merely interested in selling, the customer will showcase unquestionable loyalty. This human connection forms an essential part of the digital world as well.

The pandemic has forced us to stay home and keep social distance which is why we crave human interaction. When we are unable to spend quality time with our loved ones, we turn to technology for bridging that gap. Businesses have to realize that customers seek connection and if that is not offered to them then they will leave only to find it elsewhere.

Presently and moving ahead, organizations will have to be more focused on following digital marketing trends that are designed for human connection. This will foster great results, inclusiveness, and positivity. Marketers should be focused on maximizing the opportunity to develop real relationships with customers.

One can start by rethinking the company values, missions, and operations. Starting with the value system that drives a business can be really helpful. When the values of a business align with the customers, connecting with their emotions and aligning with their actions will lead to forming deeper connections.

The process of bringing human values to the forefront of a business’s marketing efforts can equip a business to address the customer’s needs honestly and effectively. Businesses can create reliable and loyal connections by seeing customers as valuable human beings, learning about their core values, and mirroring the same values.

2. Personalization


Something that is going to play a big role in online lead generation is personalization. If businesses focus on creating content and advertisements that focus on specific audiences then more fruitful results will be generated. However, this is not limited to getting the content right only. It will also be important to make sure that the audience gets advertisements at the right time and place so that the engagement is streamlined.

Taking sufficient time to understand a platform that the audience uses and how it uses signifies that you can create personalized messaging based on all demographics. This makes sure that the message reaches the right audience in a way that is enticing for them and also makes your ad spend go ahead while leading to tangible customer loyalty.

It is not merely about customizing the marketing efforts for all social media platforms, but a consideration of different locations, and cultural associations, even if you are marketing the same product. The customers seeing the content will be attracted by different kinds of content at different times and ways. All in all, it will be worth it to take the time and effort to make your audience feel seen and heard.

3. Valuable Partnerships


Forming partnerships with renowned individuals and other businesses is yet another way to amplify the customer experience offered by a business. Partnering with a business that offers a complimentary service ensures that you can offer more value to your customers.

For example, you own a company that sells marketing software and your customers are small business owners primarily. Now partnering with a marketing business for creating a new product that integrates with other services can help in offering creative solutions.

There is a possibility that you might agree to promote another business that agrees to promote your business in return. Your customers will also appreciate your openness. In case you are respected already, they might even trust your recommendation and appreciate the support. You will actually be able to build more trust with them. Cross-promotion may also get your brand features in front of more people and build your reputation.

4. Search Intent Optimization

Search Intent Optimization - Digital Marketing TrendsSearch intent is the reason that is attributed to a searcher’s query on search engines. It is the objective of a searcher and defines what they are trying to accomplish. More often than not, people search online to learn something, take action, and find something.

The optimization for search intent counts as one of the important content marketing and SEO digital marketing strategies in 2022. The goal of a business is to offer solutions to problems with relevant content and as a result, it will become easy to boost brand awareness, drive conversions, retain customers, and also remain relevant to the target audience.

Digital marketers should focus on informational, navigational, commercial investigation, and transactional intents simultaneously. Focusing on all of these search intents can prove valuable to a brand because the brand will be visible to the customers at all times no matter what the search intent may be.

5. Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing


The recent years have seen artificial intelligence being advanced to becoming more intuitive while also automating general marketing tasks such as site traffic and boosting search engine optimization. Rather than focusing on what is being gained from AI, one must look towards the future and how it affects digital marketing.

As artificial intelligence technology develops ahead, predicting what customers will want next will become easy. Artificial intelligence comes with the ability to analyze data quickly as compared to human beings. This is why it is able to take large data sets for analyzing the purchase history and customer behavior while suggesting an item for a personalized advertisement.

The use of artificial intelligence for predicting your next move only means that you can target them with the product or service that is needed just at the time when it is needed. This is the kind of targeting that leads to higher conversion rates and understanding customers without causing any kind of intrusion or irrelevant targeting.

6. Video Marketing

Video Marketing - Digital Marketing Trends

Another one of the digital marketing trends that can end up boosting businesses in 2022 is video marketing. Mobile consumption continues to increase each year and with that people of all age groups continue watching videos every day.

Most marketers are already using the power of video marketing and some others wish to devote more money to video campaigns in the coming future. This is not a surprise considering that most viewers retain the brand message easily when it is communicated using a video.

It is again important to see that human connection plays an important role in the rise of video marketing. Videos are an excellent source of connecting the customers in a personalized manner as compared to other forms of content marketing.

Irrespective of whether you are creating targeted ads or sales videos, sharing a presentation, or even inviting customers for creating testimonial videos, video marketing is an exceptional strategy. It helps in reaching people in a rather humanized way that eventually causes more connection.

7. Protecting Privacy

Protecting Privacy - Digital Marketing Trends

Customers are taking more steps than ever to protect their privacy on the internet. If you talk to the customers, you will discover that most of them use services that promise data protection such as encrypted emails and privacy-protecting search engines.

At this time, we understand that data is needed to offer consumers useful information and relevant advertisements. Data plays a key role in helping shape meaningful and memorable messaging that makes internet experiences better while also allowing the marketers to reach customers and increase their expectations.

In this year and moving ahead, marketers will be needed to focus more on building data protecting digital marketing strategies. This would mean that there will be more focus on measuring and reaching audiences so that people feel in complete control and are able to manage the data they share. Tools such as Global Site Tag and Google Analytics 4 can be helpful in getting a complete picture of the audience and preserving user privacy.

One must understand that it takes time to build trust and marketers can start at the earliest by being open and honest about the information collected. As long as the marketers are using the information to show advertisements valuable to customers while putting users in complete control of data, businesses will win.

8. Zero Click Searches


All the marketers enjoy optimizing for Google but as you can probably see, the search queries come with more and more featured snippets. This can be a relevant problem with digital marketers because they want to rank no.1 with their content which can mean that Google will be using some content and place it SERP.

In case this part of the text is important to the user then they will likely just read the important information and never visit a site and the thing is that there is no remedy for this. You may even wish to restructure your content and pay attention to topics that need comprehensive explanation. One must be focused on how search queries look on Google and decide if it is important to get that featured snippet.


The use of structured digital marketing can lead you to drive qualified traffic and engage new visitors as well. You must be focused on building your brand and its online presence for immense success in the coming year. Establishing an image of an industry expert and building trust with customers on quality, consistency, and reliability will be beneficial.

You can do all of this alone or take the support of an expert digital marketing agency to make things easier, effective, and professional. Encaptechno has been working to grow businesses by working dedicatedly on digital marketing operations for its customers. If you are also looking to gain an edge in the market in 2022, get in touch with us.



8 Digital Marketing Trends of 2022 That Can Boost Your Business Read More »

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Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign | Encaptechno

Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign | Encaptechno

marketing campaign for lead generation is a complex undertaking that requires immense dedication and attention. Right from the time when you first start connecting the dots and conceive the campaign to the time when you finally present it to an audience, there must be comprehensive planning and strategizing involved.

Digital marketing campaigns are way more dynamic, attainable, practical, measurable, and sustainable as compared to traditional and analog marketing methods. It takes a lot of time and demands a lot more than just placing advertisements for your business or brand around social media and other websites.

The online lead generation campaigns require a consistent or near-to-consistent exchange of data between the business and various online platforms on which things are marketed. For instance, an important part of digital marketing campaigns is search engine optimization.

However, SEO is not merely something that can be purchased or implemented with just a single transaction. Search engine optimization is an ongoing process and to ensure that it leads to favourable outcomes, there must be a regular effort for examining data and evaluating the effectiveness.

In this blog, we will have a detailed look at the steps to create an effective digital marketing campaign. Following all the steps mentioned below will ensure that the marketing is done logically, efficiently, and organically.

What is a Digital Marketing Campaign?

A digital marketing campaign is like an online marketing effort that is put forward by a company for driving engagement, traffic, revenue, and conversions. The campaign ties in with the goals of an organization and also includes the use of multiple digital channels in the efforts.

Simply put, a digital marketing campaign involves executing a marketing strategy across all digital channels where the consumers and target consumers can possibly engage with a brand. It is usually for the purpose of improving the conversion rate of a company. There are three major steps involved in building a digital marketing campaign.

These steps are:

1. Planning

In the planning stage, online goals, target customers, and the duration of the digital marketing campaign are discussed comprehensively.

2. Development

This is the stage in which a strategy is determined. It may include finalizing the target keywords for a period of time, finding ways to reach the audience including marketing campaign location, strategizing plans, integrating channels, and creating consistency.

3. Management

Finally, this is the step that determines the success and value of the digital marketing campaign.

A well-planned and executed digital marketing campaign makes a business memorable for the target audience. However, if you want to be remembered for the right reasons then it is important to start by reflecting on all goals so the marketing strategy can be streamlined before it begins attracting attention to your business with advertising. Taking the support of an online marketing agency can be of great help in planning a digital marketing strategy.

Important Aspects of Digital Marketing

We are all aware of the unprecedented growth of the digital world. In the present time, there is more than one way to market a website on the internet. The good thing is that although these areas are different marketing categories, they can possibly work together for achieving all goals and growing a business.

The important aspects of digital marketing include:

1. Search Engine Optimization

Commonly known as SEO, search engine optimization is a practice of improving a website in a way that it becomes search engine friendly and brings organic traffic to a website.

2. Content Marketing

This is a method that includes the creation and publishing of useful content designed for attracting, educating, and maintaining the target audience.

3. Pay-per-click Advertising

PPC is a digital marketing method that involves online advertisements. The advertisers pay every time a user clicks on one of the advertisements.

4. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is basically the practice of promoting a product or a service on social media platforms. This is a practice that is typically done on a social media management platform.

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing is an approach that uses emails in a way of marketing to and nurturing potential and existing clients.

6. Native Advertising

Native advertising is a method of online advertisements that resembles the editorial content of the website or publication they’re promoting.

Each business that is planning to run an effective digital marketing campaign requires an effective campaign strategy for ensuring the success of a marketing campaign. All the aspects involved in digital marketing must be paid attention to while the creation of a digital marketing campaign.

Before building any marketing campaign, all businesses must strive to have a solid foundation of marketing practices. An online marketing agency can enable a business or even an individual to develop practical strategies and tactics that can prove vital in launching high ROI marketing campaigns.

Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign


1. List Attainable Goals
List Attainable Goals - Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Much before you go ahead and plan any campaigns, you must understand and define all your marketing goals. Keep in mind that the goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, and practical. When you keep all of these factors in mind, it will become much easier to attain all the goals.

Your goal can be anything from gaining a number of clients each month to selling a specific number of products each week. No matter what it is, take your time to define and be clear on your goals centred around sales, revenue, and customer satisfaction.

Even for a goal that is as simple as gaining followers, you still need a digital marketing campaign. The campaign will enable you to run advertisements, ask the audience, send relevant emails, and convert leads.

You can also consider hiring an online marketing agency for defining the goals as this can be a detailed task for a small business owner. The expertise of an agency will help you in realizing that there are many goals that you can focus on and some important ones that must be aware of and they are brand awareness, lead generation, and follower growth.

2. Do Market Research

Describe your product, service, and the features that it offers in complete detail. Make sure that you focus on all of the important features for your products and services while including the pricing, service, placement, and distribution.

You can collect, organize and even write down the information that is focused on areas such as market dynamics, patterns, product availability and selling, industry benchmarks, potential vendors and partners, etc. In this step, you can also consider your competition and develop a unique selling proposition.

Things that usually make you different from your competitor are a market space, what you are selling, and what your USP is. These are some of the factors that can help in determining the target market and how you can efficiently sell your products and services.

3. Outline Your Target Audience

Outline Your Target Audience - Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Finding your target audience and being clear about their personality is an important part of online lead generation. This will enable you to get a detailed description of your ideal customer. It can include factors such as age, occupation, class, family, wealth, and other variables that prove how likely these target customers are to spend their money and get converted.

The target demographics are actually fairly wide and they should be determined in as much detail as is easily possible. This can very often include information about a person’s hobbies, interests, and personal lives. This is the kind of information that is often omitted while considering the wide target demographics.

Also, remember to test your assumptions while you outline your target audience. Often, you may not always be selling to who you think might be, or sometimes you may also not be reaching your complete potential with a target audience. Hence, you can do an in-person or an online focus group survey that is targeted at digital marketing developments. The people who are responding to your product or service more enthusiastically are your real target market.

4. Focus on Content Creation

Focus on Content Creation - Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

After you have done your research properly, you must start writing and focus on covering all kinds of marketing collaterals that can help in brand promotion. When you hire an online marketing agency, you are in a position to outsource your writing which also helps you focus more on the strategy part.

If you are particularly sensitive about the writing part then you may also choose to do some or all of the writing yourself while outsourcing your designs. No matter what you decide to do, make sure that you keep the preferences of the target audience in mind while the complete content creation process.

Content marketing is considered important because it is the process used to decide which kind of content should be created when it should be created, and where it should be published. Ideally, it is always advisable to create this step in the beginning and before running any campaigns because it is more efficient to have a pool of content assets ready in advance rather than creating content every time there is a need.

Make sure that you set the goals, create suitable preferences, identify the needs, search the intent and then compile all the information so that you can work on content in a more streamlined way. This way, all the content that you create will be extremely relevant and it will get noticed quicker than you can imagine.

5. Start Promoting Soon

After you have successfully finalized your content and received a sign-off from suitable internal parties, it is time for some brand promotion and execution. There are many ways in which this can be done including social media, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, public relations, etc.

Remember that absolutely anyone who enters the sales funnels through any channel can end up being valuable for the brand. This includes even the customers who do not make a purchase right away. That said, not all channels can be suitable for your business.

To get the most out of a marketing campaign for lead generation, make sure that you figure out the strengths and weaknesses of a channel and how it can possibly help your business in reaching the objectives. This way, the promotion efforts will bear favorable outcomes in a relatively short period of time.

6. Track the Campaign


The digital marketing campaigns are made to get analyzed because otherwise, you cannot know if your efforts are actually paying off. You must ensure that you are spending the money on the right methods and sending the most effective messages that can help in marketing.

Constantly monitoring the process should be provided to make sure that the strategy is working effectively. This is something that is done by assigning teams that can deliver the task well. You should remember to learn from mistakes and always find improvement opportunities.

Some ways in which you can analyze your campaign’s performance include measuring the organic website visits, the time spent on a page, email open rates and click-through rates, the number of prospects earned at any event, and engagements on social media. No matter what you decide to track your campaign, ensure that you have sufficient information available for ensuring continued investment in digital marketing.


A strong digital marketing campaign is more like the foundation of a successful business. While digital marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing methods, it is also a much more effective and powerful tool that promises great results.

The only thing to remember is that businesses must take a well-planned and thoughtful approach at the time of devising a campaign. For this, the support of an experienced digital marketing agency such as Encaptechno can be significant.

At Encaptechno, we have a team of online marketing experts who are trained in offering end-to-end digital marketing consultancy and services. If you are also looking to make your brand or business known on the internet while gaining a competitive edge, get in touch with us, today.




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Benefits of CRM Integration With Google Analytics | Encaptechno

Benefits of CRM Integration With Google Analytics

Benefits of CRM Integration With Google Analytics | Encaptechno

Google Analytics enables the measurement of the effectiveness of all marketing channels. It is a great platform that stores the online behavioural data of visitors. Now, if we integrate Google Analytics with a CRM then the overall productivity increases manifold. This is because CRM has additional data stored about the customer’s offline activity.

The CRM integration can help in getting data that can further be used to run different types of campaigns such as SMS, calling, emails, etc. for tapping the warm and hot leads. These are the traditional campaigning strategies that can be used by almost everyone while making a product or a service offer a tough battle against all competitors.

In the case of online marketing, the first party cookies are used for exclusively reaching out to the visitors of a website while they surf other websites on Ad Networks such as Double Click, Amazon, Google Display Network, etc. In the case of lead generation and e-commerce websites, in case we combine the CRM with Google Analytics then a platform can be created for user segments for carrying out online remarketing.

Why Integrate CRM with Google Analytics?


The Google Analytics integration with CRM helps in creating custom reports, remarketing audiences, segments, etc. This is because of more comprehensive customer insight. In other words, if Google Analytics gathers general audience patterns, CRM binds some user peculiarities to a specific User ID or Customer ID.

In addition, the CRM system stores detailed data on selling some products. For instance, you can classify some items by a supplier and transfer the indicators to a Google Analytics account while widening some specifications of the marketing performance reports and simplifying the process of comparing the key performance indicators between two systems.

The implementation of Google Analytics alone cannot be used for tracking some purchases and transaction data which can affect the final figures as well. However, the system in tandem helps in avoiding this problem because factual reports can be received on the marketing and business effectiveness.

Google Analytics helps with demographic analysis, traffic sources, visit duration, location details, product views, session numbers, technical aspects, etc. On the other hand, CRM helps with sales, lead nurturing, customer age bracket and gender, products returned, email survey feedback, user loyalty, etc.

With the Google Analytics integration with CRM, the immediate features that can be availed are:

  1. No requirement for data structuring which largely simplifies the work of executors and the cost of the implementation as well.
  2. Preliminary verification can be done which reduces the occurrence of problems in the future. You can check before loading to prevent any errors.
  3. The system gets notified in case of any failures as it takes into account the specifics of Google Analytics Management API. In case it is necessary, support can be provided for troubleshooting.
  4. There is immense flexibility in using data which means that it is possible to use information from internal databases for generating GBQ reports.
  5. The integration does not require any involvement of specialists in the IT field. This functionality can be intuitive.

The CRM integration with Google Analytics can open new opportunities for working with new clients. With this integration, targeting will be as precise as possible. In essence, this integration enables remarketing, segmenting, and building custom reports.

Benefits of CRM Integration with Google Analytics


The overall benefits of using data from a CRM can be talked about limitlessly. There is a wide range of data that can open up new opportunities for further advancement. The main difference from Google Analytics, familiar to all of us, is the binding of information to the users.

Below, we will see the benefits of CRM integration with Google Analytics one by one.

1. Improved Monitoring

Improved Monitoring - Benefits of CRM Integration with Google Analytics

You can know all about a user and how that user has previously interacted with a company. In addition,
CRM integration helps in forming an analysis that allows for more monitoring.

Buyers can be segmented by the frequency of purchases and the average check while uploading information to Google Analytics for getting maximum results. This also makes it possible to create audiences that can be later used for remarketing.

It must be noted that it is best to start the integration process by ensuring that both platforms have a common data key, particularly when the integration is being done for remarketing. You can either display a CRM ID on your website or shift this to Google Analytics in a custom dimension form. In addition, you can also shift each customer ID produced by Google Analytics to your CRM.

Most people choose to display a CRM ID because of the simplicity that the option offers. This is a small ID setup modification that does not take much time. After the creation of a common key, you can transfer the CRM information to Google Analytics using the Data Import function. Another option is to create measurement protocol hits.

For receiving the CRM data in the Google Analytics account, you can create segments. Find the desired number of customers and pass the list to AdWords. You can also run a remarketing campaign when the synchronization gets finished.

2. Analysing Ad Performance in Detail

Let’s say that you have a part of users who make purchases from your brand continuously. Now the integration of CRM and Google Analytics can help you in preparing individual offers for these users which will further increase their loyalty towards your brand as well.

You can also stimulate consumers who have not been using services for a long time by using the targeted marketing strategies. For shoppers with a low average bill, you can offer them to purchase related products. Basically, the system stores information that can allow you to track the effectiveness of some products.

There is data on product margin and sales that can be used to create reports that demonstrate the detailed benefits of certain items in the assortment. This way, it can be understood which advertising activities are profitable. It is not possible to do something like that with just Google Analytics.

3. Cost Per Lead Metrics

Cost Per Lead Metrics - Benefits of CRM Integration with Google Analytics

Regardless of the business they might be in there are some ways that companies approach digital marketing. They either spend a fixed budget on digital marketing hoping it will bear results in increased leads or they count how many leads they receive per month from different campaigns while optimising the average cost per lead.

On the other hand, there is an evolved way of doing this which is adopted by some other companies. There are some companies that count the number of new customers received per month from different campaigns and optimise the average cost per month.

In addition, they also calculate the lifetime value of a customer versus the initial investment on getting that customer and optimising for a maximum peak. Businesses that adopt the last two methods are the ones who can succeed quickly above their competitors while overcoming any storm since they have an upper hand in business intelligence which can be easily maximized with the Google Analytics integration with CRM.

4. Analyzing Reaction on Content

Another reason why it is important to integrate Google Analytics with your CRM or lead management tool is that the integration helps in segmenting and analyzing the target audience reaction to the content.

To put this simply, the Google Analytics engagement and conversion metrics such as pages per session, bounce rate, attribution, times on-site, etc. can help in the segmentation of data by channel for seeing which content provides the highest engaged audiences. In case you use tracking URLs, you can even trace back to which piece of content performs best.

Even though not an explicit measure of content value, bounce rate can be combined with the time on page metric to understand the content value. In case a page has a high bounce rate and low page time then that denotes a poor value. However, if a page has a high bounce rate and a high time on the page then that means the content was engaging and solved the needs of a user. 

By the integration of Google Analytics with the CRM, you can combine the data with your lead data to see how the different segments of the target audience respond to the content. This knowledge can be accurately used in adapting your content to more accurately targeting the audience that you went to.

5. Tracking Revenue From All Sources

In case you are like most other businesses then your CRM system does not show you the source of your web leads. This can be causing you to spend a large part of your budget on low-quality leads that do not convert.  It is important to understand that you need more than just form fills and goal completions for making important marketing decisions.

It will not be enough for measuring your form fills because different traffic sources attract customers of different quality. There is a possibility that one channel may be capable of generating high converting long term clients but many times the other one can generate nothing but unqualified leads. One of the best ways to evaluate a marketing approach is to track the revenue it generates.

Google Analytics does not track offline revenue and as a matter of fact, most sales do not happen online. A maximum share of sales gets closed either on the phone or in person. By default, Google Analytics does not have access to these sales which means that you have no idea how much revenue was generated by a certain approach, ad, article, or even a keyword. This will result in spending money on leads that do not purchase anything.

6. Cross-functional Insights

Data is an important part of a growing business in a digital-first economy and it is available through Google Analytics easily. However, until the CRM integration happens, it is mostly not sorted, cleaned, analyzed, and made actionable for multiple teams who have a single and shared view of important information shared by a customer.

For instance, businesses of all sizes use Google Analytics for relying on digital marketing metrics and monitoring their website traffic. However, these businesses can learn quickly that the tools alone are not so useful for providing recommendations. In addition, marketing analytics do not translate across other departments.

With the integration of the CRM system, a comprehensive analysis of the customer’s online activity can be attained that paints a holistic picture of their needs. When a company is designed to maintain clean data in this way, the CRM can be used for collaborating, tabulating, and customizing data in a report for unique department needs.

The important differentiator lies in all reporting centres around the customer needs that eventually enables all teams to make decisions while keeping them at front and centre. Businesses can empower their teams with a single and unified view of the customer which serves as one of the biggest benefits of a CRM system integration. This also extends to other benefits once you have usable data.

Reports can be run to see where the opportunities are, how well they interact with leads and customers, sales trends, customer service efforts, and more. This informs each experience delivered to customers including all the online features.


All the team members in a business can gather important data and insights with the integration of a CRM system with Google Analytics. This helps in working together to provide exceptional customer-centric experiences.

Moreover, the data can be easily organized and presented by a CRM platform while leading to a better understanding of customers. This leads to better messaging and outreach which can be done with automation and further helps in an efficient customer service processes. As a result, the teams collaborate easily and reduce any siloes.

Out of all the benefits, using CRM integration for powering a more efficient company is one of the biggest. It can help in managing better customer relationships and better businesses.

In case you wish to have your Google Analytics integrated with a CRM then reach out to Encaptechno for immediate support. Our CRM consultants will help you get the best results with the integration.



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CRM Services, Digital Marketing, , , ,
What is the Difference Between Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing? | Encaptechno

What is the Difference Between Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing?

What is the Difference Between Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing? | Encaptechno
Marketing is one of the most important yet challenging fields for running a business in the present time. It has many tools and strategies that change almost every day. As the preferences of the audience keep changing, the marketing strategies have to change too and it can be rather challenging for the marketers to keep up at all times.

In the past, marketing was largely carried out offline. However, the businesses grapple with two key marketing channels in the present time called digital and traditional marketing. If the marketers have to come up with the best marketing plan for their businesses then they must understand both the traditional marketing tools and digital marketing software well.

Making the most out of a marketing budget is not so much of an easy thing to do because there is a responsibility to spend the money in the right direction. The marketers have to decide on the right strategy while considering different factors. While choosing between digital marketing and traditional marketing, the marketers must keep the objectives in mind.

Let’s understand both digital and traditional marketing in detail to know more.

Traditional Marketing


One of the oldest forms of marketing, traditional marketing includes the use of conventional or offline channels for the promotion of a brand. Marketers use advertising and publishing promotional content to reach their targeted audience with the help of traditional marketing.

Businesses have used traditional marketing tools such as newspapers, print ads, business cards, radio ads, TV commercials, posters, brochures, billboards, etc. until the advent and popularity of the internet. Basically, anything other than the digital ways to promote a business is considered traditional marketing.

A common result of traditional marketing is people finding your business through references or networks while buying your product or service. It is basically a conventional form of marketing that is used to reach an audience with offline modes of advertising.

The main aspects of traditional marketing are called the four Ps of marketing and they are product, price, promotion, and place. For traditional marketing to become a successful venture, all businesses must know the method to include the four Ps in their marketing.

All successful businesses understand the importance of creating effective sales with the use of a marketing plan and the four Ps of marketing continue to dominate. With the use of these four Ps of marketing, all businesses can lead their customers and realize favorable results.

Digital Marketing


Digital marketing is also known as online marketing is a method of online promotion used by many businesses to enhance marketing activities through the internet. The marketers can use different channels on the internet to launch their digital marketing campaign and this is something that helps people in obtaining easy knowledge on each brand that they come across.

To put this simply, any kind of online marketing can be considered digital marketing. It can be defined as the promotion of products and services with one or more forms of electronic content and media. Some of the common examples of digital marketing channels include company websites, blogging, social media tools, online or electronic billboards, email marketing, whitepapers, video marketing, etc.

Digital marketing for lead generation has become a common norm in marketing campaigns. With the world becoming more and more digital with each passing day, the marketing techniques also continue to evolve. For some time, digital marketing has come out to be a more cost-effective and rewarding method because it is becoming a more direct way to connect with audiences at a global level.

The best part about digital marketing is that it can serve you with the best outcome in almost no time once you understand how the online game works. Regardless of whether your company is a small, medium, or large enterprise, it is possible to use digital marketing software to reach your audience in no time so that they get converted into potential customers in no time.

In all, digital marketing includes search engine marketing and social media marketing and the methods vary. They might include SEO marketing, content marketing, PPC marketing, email marketing, etc.                                                                                               

Traditional Marketing vs. Digital Marketing


There are many differences between traditional marketing and digital marketing. They are:

1. Marketing Cost
Marketing Cost | Traditional Marketing Vs. Digital Marketing

When it comes to marketing cost, online marketing is one of the best methods because there is no limit to the online marketing effort if a brand can put up with the price easily. In addition, there are no worries about the cost of advertising space or anything like that.

On the other hand, traditional marketing is relatively priced on the higher side because the cost to market on conventional channels per campaign is high. This is why businesses have to spend extra on advertising spaces. Basically, traditional marketing comes with a recurring cost that makes it very expensive.

An ad made in the newspaper or a radio broadcast is only counted as a good investment in case it reaches the target audience on the day it gets published. In case there is an additional reach out to be done then that may require a rerun of the print or broadcast campaign which will then need an additional investment.

2. Audience Reach

There is never any limit to reaching the audience in digital marketing. Irrespective of whether it is the global market or the local market that you wish to reach, it can be quickly done. Time is never a problem in any way.

With digital marketing software, you can reach your target audience easily by tracking the search queries, interests, demographics and serving them with valuable content at a time when they want it.

In addition, it is very simple to create a buzz on your content when it comes to online marketing. All you have to ensure that the content is well written, carefully optimized, and strategically promoted.

When it comes to traditional marketing, you can only manage to reach a limited audience that often consists of a wide range of interests and demographics. In most cases, it is a local group of people and you can never be sure that you have earned the right audience.

In this case, your business is more than likely to feed more money only to reach a small group of audience that is interested in your industry. If a brand wishes to target a niche audience then digital marketing is the key to go ahead because it is much better than traditional marketing when it comes to reaching out to people.

3. Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan | Traditional Marketing Vs. Digital Marketing

The entire process of traditional marketing includes more of a personal approach because the marketer needs to build a person-to-person relationship with the audience. There is a lot to be considered if one has to make a traditional marketing campaign a success.

On the other hand, there is no need to think about a person-to-person relationship in the case of digital marketing simply because all of the meetings happen online. It is just that the marketer has to work on maintaining a considerable amount of online presence for improving the brand’s image in the mind of the audience and customers.

4. Customer Interaction

Customer engagement or interaction is another major difference in the competition between traditional marketing vs. digital marketing. In the case of digital marketing, there is much higher visibility of customer engagement and feedback whether positive or negative.

One does not just gauge the engagement levels but also optimizes the campaign for obtaining better levels of real-time engagement. It is a proven fact that digital marketing can facilitate better engagement and interaction. This is also because customers can give their feedback easily in the form of product reviews, testimonials, etc.

Brands can use online marketing customer feedback in the practices of marketing for lead generation as well. As opposed to this, people do not have many opportunities to leave their feedback on your business through traditional marketing. In addition, it is also not possible to track real-time user engagement as well. More than anything, traditional marketing can sometimes be intrusive and it can make the audience less likely to engage. 

5. Competition

When it comes to digital marketing, you compete with the world. Regardless of which channel it is, including a website, social media account, or email campaign, there is a significant level of competition to overcome.

In case you manage to gain better visibility on the internet, your digital marketing campaign is going to succeed. If you are smart enough, you can overcome competition quickly even though your business might be small.

In contrast to this, the competition is low in the offline market because mostly the traditional marketing reaches the local market. However, in case a small business is looking ahead to overcome an established brand, it must allocate a significant budget to the marketing campaign. In case the competitor is a local business that is very similar to a brand then traditional marketing can be one of the best alternatives.

6. Measuring Performance

Measuring Performance | Traditional Marketing Vs. Digital Marketing

There is a huge difference when it comes to monitoring between the two methods of marketing. Digital marketing provides a wide range of real-time tracking and monitoring tips such as views, likes, follows conversions, subscriptions, and much more.

Digital marketing lets you measure results simply. You get a clear-sighted marketing approach rather than just going in blind-eyed. You have a lot of access to information about your customers and the target customers for understanding where you are going.

The data obtained on people engagement helps in monitoring and optimizing the campaign for presenting your services, products, or brands to the perfect audience.

Traditional marketing methods cannot be monitored in real-time and marketers have to wait until the time a campaign is over to track the conversions. It is not easy to measure results in traditional marketing because when you distribute flyers, brochures, or advertise in newspapers, you do not know about your marketing reach.

7. Marketing Optimization

Digital marketing is always embedded with multiple opportunities that optimize your online campaign or ads. However, it may take a longer than expected time for an optimized digital marketing campaign to offer the best possible outcome.

This time depends on SEO, ranking, indexing, and the total time taken to create a consistent presence on the internet. There is a minimal possibility for the traditional marketing ads to be optimized because of a lack of personalization options. Once the ads get circulated there is nothing more left to do until you track conversions at the end of a campaign.

Which One Out of Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing Should Be Chosen?


An effective method to have a good marketing campaign is to strike a balance between digital marketing and traditional marketing. At the present time, digital marketing complements traditional marketing really well. Both the methods are important in their own ways but a brand can make the most out of them if the two methods work together.


Finally, both marketing types come with their advantages and disadvantages. To get the most out of marketing for lead generation, it is important to understand your target audience and consider your budget. With this information, brands can choose or balance their digital and traditional marketing methods.

In case you need help with your marketing then you can get in touch with the expert marketing consultants of Encaptechno. They can help you achieve your objectives easily.



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How CRM and Digital Marketing can go Hand in Hand? | Encaptechno

How CRM and Digital Marketing can go Hand in Hand?

How CRM and Digital Marketing can go Hand in Hand? | Encaptechno

Taking the decision to invest in a good quality customer relationship management system can be a game-changer for your business. It does not just help in automating tasks like payments, invoicing, and messaging, but the
online CRM systems also help in playing an important role in planning a suitable marketing strategy.

The fact is that a customer relationship management system is one of the most critical components of a successful digital marketing campaign. CRM forms the foundation for the sales and promotion of a product or an idea. In essence, CRM is a set of applications that you can use for managing things such as customer databases, customer interactions, customer leads, customer satisfaction, and all else that pertains to the customers.

Improving sales requires a business to improve customer relationships. The customer service has to be impeccable in case you wish to keep customers happy because that is the only way to grow a business.

CRM Helps in Converting Online Leads

CRM Helps in Converting Online Leads

The primary goal of all digital marketing campaigns is to boost e-commerce sales. A considerable number of people shop online these days. However, more often than not the buying habits of these people involves researching a product, company prices, and taking some steps before finally making a purchase.

In other words, only because a customer is interested in one of the products, does not mean that the customer is going to buy it immediately. In fact, most of the customers rarely make it past the first step of the check-out process.

With the use of lead tracking software like CRM, it is possible to find when a customer researched the product while allowing the marketer to place targeted ads on social media and other platforms for maintaining the best interest.

The internet is anyway full of content which is why businesses must take steps that remind a customer that they are looking into one of their products or services. A CRM tool enables you to implement a marketing strategy that makes achieving the goal of engaging a customer much easier.

Digital Marketing Strengthens Customer Relationship Management Efforts


Digital Marketing plays an important role in ensuring a successful implementation of customer management. With CRM, you can establish more visibility, enable employees with relevant and timely insights, manage long-term goals, execute things flawlessly, etc.

Marketing is focused on establishing visibility, educating prospective buyers, and converting prospects.  A comprehensive understanding of the buyer’s needs, shopping behaviors, and other pain points helps the marketer to truly personalize conversations across various channels. Capable digital marketers know how to capture customer feedback and data on multiple channels while segmenting customers and drilling customer experiences.

With consistent monitoring of customer data and capturing of buyer insights, it is possible to develop a unified and reliable view of the buyer’s journey. CRM also helps with accessing relevant and timely data needed in the marketing wheelhouse. In addition, the marketing automation tools and access to data analytics help in capturing the customer’s drivers and behaviors while tailoring conversations with buyers.

Association Between CRM and Digital Marketing


1. Tailored Digital Marketing Strategy

Tailored Digital Marketing Strategy - Association Between CRM and Digital Marketing

Different kinds of customers are exposed to different kinds of marketing. For instance, some customers are more than likely to encounter marketing content through social media than on the web. On the other hand, some others may be subscribed to an emailing list while some others are more likely to find relevant marketing content when an online search is being performed.

The bottom line is that the CRM tools help in understanding the journey of every customer in a different manner. You can encounter how each customer interacts with a marketing campaign with the help of a CRM tool. This also allows you to target each potential customer with marketing content designed to reach them.

Using CRM is important in this sense as it helps in personalizing a marketing strategy that tends to result in more sales and much better brand loyalty in the long run.

2. Better Services and Happy Experiences

No brand can win over customers by the product and price alone but it happens by offering the services and happy experiences as well. A customer who has been happy with the services received is more than likely to be loyal to the company and he will probably be ready to ignore some defects over the superior quality of service as well.  

Anytime you have a happy customer, you can be sure that with time that customer will refer many more customers from his social media friend circle and his family too. This can sometimes work as a double-edged sword too because if the customer is not happy with the experience, he/she can talk ill about the company and the product to his friends and family.

In this regard, when a brand creates an e-commerce platform and chooses to promote the products and services then paying attention to the customer relationship management system becomes very important. Brands can use e-commerce as their sales engine while focusing on wider markets and volumes of prospects and customers as well.

With an increase in the volume of sales, there is a need to create the necessary backend process and e-enabled system infrastructure that can cater to the after-sales service and the customer relationship management as well. 

Customer behavior has changed largely in the present time because of widespread use of the internet and superior services are expected almost immediately. Since the delivery and service expectations have gone up, servicing a large customer base in a relatively shorter span of time can only be possible with robust online CRM systems.

3. Cost Reduction


Cost Reduction - Association Between CRM and Digital Marketing

An effective marketing campaign helps in delivering a reliable return on investment. A brand may want to achieve some goals such as boosting sales and increasing brand awareness, but more than that one must also be sure that the revenue yielded by a campaign exceeds the cost.

CRM applications offer a reliable lead management solution in a way that the marketing campaigns can be reduced by offloading most of the work that other employees have to perform. With the use of tools designed to manage and analyze customer data, the team can focus on other important tasks easily.

With the use of CRM, time can be used efficiently and the need to hire additional staff is also reduced significantly. More than anything, the CRM tools offer the marketers a deeper understanding of their customers and that goes on to help considerably in the creation, implementation, and promotion of lead generation strategies.

4. Segmentation of Customers


Digital marketing enables organizations to get easy access to behavioral activities on social platforms for increasing their information about their customers. This is the way in which organizations can divide their customers on the basis of their interests, behaviors, and attitudes based on age group and locations.

This information allows organizations to easily communicate and send messages to their customers on the basis of different interests, behaviors, and attitudes rather than the demographic location. Hence, the data received from social platforms can be integrated with the information existing with the CRM tools of the organization so that it becomes a part of the actual CRM rather than dividing various customers on social media platforms.

The overlaying of information received from digital social platforms on the existing information with the organizations also offers personalized information about the customers. CRM digital marketing allows companies to send personalized messages to interesting segments of customers. For instance, special treatment can be given to prestigious customers whereas people with a negative attitude can be treated sympathetically so that they get attracted to a company’s products and services.

5. Connectivity With Customers


The ever-increasing popularity of social media platforms has made it very easy for companies to get more and more information about their customers. This information can be integrated with the existing information collected through the traditional CRM tools.

With the improvements made in the connectivity between the companies and their customers, the way of interaction has changed not just for the companies with their customers but also with their companies. Rather than the direct marketing messages, the customers prefer interacting with the companies directly. This has become possible only because of CRM digital marketing instead of traditional CRM which was earlier based on sales alone.

6. Digital Connections

When the brand uses CRM strategies to create data sheets on the present customers and the leads that a brand has on other customers, it becomes possible to approach customers in a one-on-one digital campaign.

Brands can connect with them using preferences to make suggestions on social networking sites so that they see advertisements and are also reminded of the things they want or like. Brands can send emails meant for personally suggesting some products and services based on a previously made purchase by a customer. This is one of the best lead management solutions because it lets the brands create collateral that interests the customers.

Brands can create blogs and articles that address the things a customer may be interested in by looking at the data to confirm their likes and dislikes. Anytime there is relevant information on a page that a customer finds interesting, that page will be visited again by the customer.

7. Increased Satisfaction

Increased Satisfaction - Association Between CRM and Digital Marketing

When CRM applications are used to create databases about a customer and product, one can also create a database on customer service calls. This database can be used as a reference to offer the customers just the things that make them happy.

Anytime a brand begins to look closely at the customer service calls, what the customer liked or disliked, and what all was done to satisfy the customer, it becomes easy to create a training program for each customer service representative that allows creating satisfied customers out of every call.

8. Lead Capture


The landing pages are a robust lead magnet for the people who are led to a website for the first time because of lead generation strategies. With the adoption of CRM, the contact information of the leads can be captured in an effective way.

Even if the intention of the customer was to not buy anything on clicking, they can be made curious which can further lead them to feel motivated for filling out the form and reaching out to the brand.

CRM For Online Marketing


Customer relationship management software is a tool that companies can use for recording customer data for future references. It enhances online marketing in the following ways:

  • Tracking sales figures and determining which promotions are the most productive
  • Keeping each member of a sales team updated with customer information, probable client leads, and consistent information needed to close sales.
  • Improving follow-ups and gaining customer approvals.
  • Connecting members of your sales team to the customers using GPS technology.
  • Sharing files and information between sales team members so that when one team member cannot make a follow-up or complete a promise, another team member can come forward and make sure that the customer is happy.


The integration of a CRM with a digital marketing promotional strategy goes hand in hand. In addition to boosting sales, the marketing managers also need to focus on building brand loyalty by using promotional activities that help in engaging with the customers along with enhancing value in the relationship.

The key lies in understanding that this is the digital age of business. People are doing more online businesses including shopping, banking, investing, and researching than ever before. If the brands want to stand out in this stiff competition environment, it is very important to come with lead generation strategies that genuinely help. CRM stimulates digital marketing campaigns significantly while showing quick results in a short time period.

For any more questions on functions and implementation of CRM for better digital marketing, get in touch with our CRM consultants at Encaptechno


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