
CRM Services

What is ZOHO Voice - Encaptechno

What is Zoho Voice?

Any business that is looking to expand its reach will think of national and international growth. If you are already a part or an owner of that business then you would know the importance of seamless communication.

What is ZOHO Voice - Encaptechno

To be able to make this communication possible, a cloud-based business phone system can do wonders. It makes business communication simple, affordable, and trustworthy. Zoho Voice is a software application that does just the same. It is a cloud-based business phone system that enables a person to make and receive local and international calls from the Zoho Voice web and mobile applications.

You can easily add your team members as users in Zoho Voice, buy the voice credits and phone numbers, configure IVRs and assign extensions to individual users. In addition, cloud-based telephony software like Zoho Voice also makes it possible for customers to make and receive calls using digital pads in Zoho Voice.

Go ahead and take the first step in replacing your old-fashioned fixed lines with a dependable and flexible online telephony software application such as Zoho Voice.

Some of the immediate offers that Zoho Voice includes are:

  1. Owning Virtual Business Phone Numbers: Zoho Voice is excellent telephony software for SMB that helps business owners to get their own virtual business phone numbers. One can make and receive calls from anywhere and on any device.
  2. Simple Deployment: Zoho Voice also helps in setting up your cloud-based phone system in simple steps. All a person needs is an active internet connection with no special equipment.
  3. Connect With Teammates: You can add all your teammates to just one account and stay connected with the help of extension calling of Zoho Voice.
  4. International Reach: The implementation of Zoho Voice helps in setting up local and toll-free numbers from various countries and helps your business grow beyond borders.
  5. High-quality Calls: Zoho Voice is a cloud-based business phone system that helps in making calls without stressing about the budget. You can experience uncompromising quality on your business calls while saving a lot of money, particularly if you make a lot of international calls.
  6. Pay As You Go: Zoho Voice enables you to buy voice credits and pay for your calls when you make or receive them.

Creating a new account and adding users to that account is very simple in Zoho Voice. To understand this better, let us have a look at it in detail.

Creating Zoho Voice Account

Creating Zoho Voice Account

In case you are new to Zoho and wish to use Zoho Voice as your cloud-based business phone system then you will need to follow some steps. They are:

  • Go to the sign-up page for creating your account.
  • Enter a username and password.
  • Choose your country
  • Make sure that you read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy in complete detail. Finally, click Sign Up.

Other than this, you can also sign in using Google, Office365, Facebook, LinkedIn, Slack, Twitter, Yahoo, etc.

Adding Users to Zoho Voice

Adding Users to Zoho Voice

Right after you have successfully created your account, you can quickly start adding users seamlessly. These users can also log in to your Zoho Voice account and configure or view several settings based on the advantages that they have.

To add a user, take the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings and then click on Users.
  2. Click + Add Users at the top right corner of this page and go ahead.
  3. Enter the name, email address, and mobile number of the user you want to add.
  4. Select the Zoho Voice UI language and the different time zone from various dropdown boxes.
  5. Next, you can also choose the role that you wish to give to the user. Mostly, there are three types of users that include admins, supervisors, and technicians. You can evaluate the users that you are adding and place them in these three brackets accordingly.
  • Admins: The admins can make and receive calls while performing all operations in the Zoho Voice except payments. In addition, the Admins are also able to view and edit all call logs and recordings for all the purchased numbers.
  • Technician: In case you choose to add the user as a technician, you will have to assign them at least one phone number so that it is possible for the user to view the call details and settings for the same number while using that number as the default number for initiating calls. In case you have not purchased a number yet, you can also choose to assign a number for the user later.
  • Supervisors: You can also begin by adding users as supervisors and assign technicians to them accordingly. Supervisors will be able to view the call logs easily and they will also be able to listen to the recordings of the technicians that are assigned to them.
  1. Finally, when you are done, click on Save to add the user.

In essence, Zoho Voice is a telephony software for SMB that is capable of offering what you need to make your business communication seamless.

Some of the prominent features of Zoho Voice are:

  • Local and Toll-Free Numbers: One of the prime benefits of Zoho Voice is that it makes it very easy for your customers to reach out to you. You can get local and toll-free numbers in your country or any other country in which the business operates. The best part is that the toll-free numbers are completely free of charge for all callers.
  • Inbound Service: Zoho Voice makes it possible for you to receive calls from customers all across the world, from both mobile and landline numbers. You can either receive calls directly or configure IVRs for directing your customers to the right team.
  • Outbound Service: Another great feature offered by a cloud-based telephony software like Zoho Voice is that one can initiate cost-efficient outbound calls to both the mobile and landline numbers around the globe. In other cases, if inbound service is all that you are looking for then you can just disable the outbound service and you will be good to go.
  • Calling Agents: You can reach a colleague almost instantly using the extension dialing in the application, and also stay connected with a remote team within a moment’s notice. This makes many operations much more effective.
  • Interactive Voice Response: Zoho Voice enables you to set up IVRs while automatically guiding your customers to the desired team so that you can save plenty of time while handling various requests. This allows you to welcome callers with custom messages and also gives your businesses a professional touch.
  • Call Action Handler: You can quit keeping your customers with the use of Zoho Voice. It allows you to predefine all that needs to be done anytime an agent is busy and also assigns subagents to answer calls or effectively diverts them to voicemail.
  • Call Queues: Zoho Voice enables you to organize your agents into teams for easily routing calls to the relevant group. You have the option to choose whether they will receive calls simultaneously or in sequence
  • Live-call Status: Zoho Voice is a telephony software for SMB that helps in keeping track of the status of all live calls and also check on who handled some calls along with their duration.
  • Voicemail: You can enable voicemail and quickly get back to your customers when you miss their calls with the help Voicemail feature.
  • Call Logs and Reports: Zoho Voice helps you to get much deeper insights into your call history and generate reports based on your needs.
  • Call Recording: You can record your calls and analyze them later for keeping the quality of your service in check with the help of Zoho Voice.

An integral part of sales and marketing efforts involved in a business depends on calls to communicate with prospects, customers, and team members. With the help of Zoho Voice, you can streamline business communication and enhance the efficiency of your team members considerably.


Technology is advancing at a quick pace and it might feel difficult to keep up with every innovation, improvement, and upgrade, all at once. As the external world continues to expect this innovation and constant upgrading process, your business communication will play a pivotal role in keeping up with the development.

You can make your business communication simple, reliable, and cost-efficient by getting in touch with a Zoho partner for implementing Zoho Voice. This software will make it possible for you to make and receive international business calls using native mobile apps. You can stay connected with your customer even when you are away from your desk.

For more information, feel free to get in touch.

What is Zoho Voice? Read More »

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An Introduction to Zoho Sprints - Encaptechno

An Introduction to Zoho Sprints

Managing a business is no easy feat and requires detailed planning and implementation. If you own a business then you would know the importance of project management.

Carrying out project management in a seamless manner is majorly linked to having the right tools for organizing team members, tracking various responsibilities, and gathering insight on how the team members contribute to the completion of tasks.

An Introduction to Zoho Sprints - Encaptechno

Keeping this well in mind, Zoho has come up with Zoho Sprints, which is one of the agile project management tools designed to manage software sprints and help the team members overcome all their hurdles.

Using the Zoho Sprints integrations, one can build right and ship quickly. It is a tool that helps in embracing agility and building products that the customers really need. It is possible to gather requirements from the engineering teams, track progress, partner with the internal and external stakeholders, and get things done quickly with the use of Zoho Sprints.

What is Zoho Sprints?

What is Zoho Sprints?

Zoho Sprints is a free online tool that is used for agile planning and tracking. It helps in creating effective user stories, scheduling agile meetings, using timesheets, and adding estimation points for tracking the work hours.

The main purpose of Zoho Sprints is to bring agility to the project development lifecycle. Being agile is actually a project management method that helps in building an iterative process where teams can quickly react to changes. This is an approach that is entirely different from the traditional waterfall model which is much more focused on testing only after the final product is built.

As opposed to this approach, an agile team focuses on delivering products in iterative cycles called Sprints which essentially means that the product is tested and delivered to customers for feedback regularly. One periodic cycle in the agile project management methodology for building projects is termed as Sprints.

Zoho Sprints integration helps in focusing on the team’s capacity for meeting the deadlines while empowering the project remarkably. Some of the most important benefits of Zoho Sprints are:

1. Overview with Dashboard

Overview with Dashboard

Using Zoho Sprints enables the team members to take a quick look at the big picture with the help of Sprints Dashboard. It becomes possible to track the team member engagement, knowing more about all the backlog metrics, and understanding the competition levels of all your sprints.

These dashboards have the capability to make sure that you divide the work in an effective manner and work on increasing the team member’s efficiency. Even after a member is done working on the Zoho Sprints, one can always look at the bigger picture with a simple to read and understand overview.

2. Effective Time Management

Effective Time Management

Zoho Sprints is one of the agile project management tools that help in managing and tracking time effectively. Zoho Sprints has a tab called Timesheets that is used for tracking log hours while differentiating billable and nonbillable hours for the Sprints.

Anytime a team member is logging in the time, they can start the timer from anywhere in Sprints. In addition, the Meetings tab also enables a person to schedule meetings, set clear agendas, and effectively choose participants.

The meeting reminders and the ability to search meetings take out all the pain of planning and logistics. In essence, Zoho Sprints can be considered as a perfect tool for managing time efficiently and considering time as money.

3. Analytics

Zoho Sprints present many benefits such as Velocity Charts, Burn-up Charts, Burn-down Charts, and Cumulative flow diagrams that can be used to stay at the top of data. It is software that offers analytics updates in real-time and it is these updates that help in making predictions, probable changes, and identifying bottlenecks.

In addition, with the help of release reporting, one can also take a good look at the closed sprints that were used by the team resources. The reports on Zoho Sprints help in taking a business to the next level by turning important data into insights that are considered worthy of taking action.

4. Tracking the Team

Tracking the Team

The Scrum Board in Zoho Sprints also helps in seeing where a team stands. One can personalize a board by creating custom statuses, sorting, and viewing.

In addition, it is also possible to monitor the sprint activity with the help of graphs that are based on task status. This helps in not getting the tasks lost in cracks. With the help of the Scrum Board, a clear view of projects can be obtained very easily.

5. Customizing Projects

Zoho Sprints is an agile project management tool that enables you to make a project entirely your own. Since each project has a different personality, custom fields can be used for giving a better context to almost every project. The tool leaves no room for any kind of doubt and helps in building layouts that ensure the detailing of work items.

By creating custom views for work, one can get quick access to important work items. It is also possible to minimize the time spent on mundane tasks by using existing templates or creating entirely new ones for the recurring projects.

One can also create new item types for categorizing work items based on a project that is being worked on. The custom item types such as bug fixes, minor changes, or enhancements can be used at any place where they are applicable.

6. Accommodating Change

Zoho Sprints help in planning and implementing changes for efficiently keeping up with changes that an agile journey mostly includes. With the use of Backlog, it is possible to use feedback from the last sprint and plant the next one. This always ensures that a product is moving ahead in the right direction.

The feature of Epics helps in structuring your work effectively. It is possible to break down Epics into sprints and use an established understanding to gain a better understanding. Lastly, with work item management, streamlining the sprint planning and working smartly around the tasks becomes possible using labels and checklists.

7. Collaboration

With the Zoho Sprints integration, the remote teams can be brought much closer. It is a tool that helps the distributed teams to brainstorm, collaborate and work together from any place or on any kind of device.

The social feed notifies team members at the time of all important events. Team members can then comment on the code changes and also carry out useful deliberations.

8. Release Management

An effective process of release management involves collaborating with multiple teams, and tools. Hence, Zoho Sprints brings everything together on one platform.

It is possible to sync all the code repositories, integrate effectively with the CI/CD tools, and also get contextual reports for all the releases.

Beginning With Zoho Sprints

Beginning With Zoho Sprints

If someone asks, “What is Zoho Sprints?” then in simple language, it is a tool that makes project management agile. It helps in getting a team agile while making a workspace much more vibrant.

Below we will gain a quick understanding of the way in which Zoho Sprints actually works by taking an example. Let’s take a person “X” as a marketing manager in a company, “Y”. If the person “X” is new to Zoho Sprints, he/she will go about managing it in the following way:

1. Create Projects: The person “X” might begin by creating a marketing project where the main task will be managing all work items related to promotion, marketing, and events. After this, the person will invite all team members in the marketing department for collaborating together.

Some team members will be given managerial roles and some executive. Finally, person “X” will be defining the estimation type of the project which will then help the team in clearly understanding estimation points of work items.

2. Building Backlog: This person “X” along with the team members will be noting down all requirements on a project in the Backlog. These items might include carrying out tasks such as social media promotions, writing blogs, shooting promotional videos, conducting events, etc.

The person “X” will then create Sprints in the project. A sprint with the name of Social Media can include managing Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.  and a sprint with the name of Online Blogs can include the list of all blogs that are to be written in a month.

The person “X” will assign the managers as Sprint owners so that it becomes the responsibility of these owners to prioritize the items and move them from backlog to sprint. Either the person “X” or the sprint owner can start the sprint and complete it.

3. Working Around Board: Just as the sprint begins, the team moves all work items across different statuses on the board. As and when the status of a task keeps changing, the project keeps on progressing.

When the different items in the sprint tab are finally closed, the sprint gets completed successfully and a part of the project is completely ready for delivery. All that the team members need to do is move the work status over different statuses so that as and when everything is completed, it is easy to track progress and get desired results.

The above mentioned steps explain clearly the way in which Zoho Sprints functions and makes the job much easier.


Zoho Sprints is the best software to plan, track and manage results in one place. With just a simple login and a simple to read dashboard, it helps the team members collaborate seamlessly. As one of the best agile project management tools built for modern workspace, it is the tool that all organizations need for easy project management.

In case you need any assistance in the implementation of Zoho Sprints, then an expert Zoho consultant can be of utmost support to you. Get in touch today to get things going and succeed in project management.

An Introduction to Zoho Sprints Read More »

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How To Effectively Manage Business on Zoho ONE - Encaptechno

How To Effectively Manage Business on Zoho One?

Imagine the seamlessness of this: If we give you a solution to move from scattered applications to a centralized, orderly, and most importantly, integrated suite of business apps, how simple would that make things for you? Considerably simple, right?

How To Effectively Manage Business on Zoho ONE - Encaptechno

Well, we are here to tell you that this is not just easily possible but it is also one of the best ways to effectively manage your business.

With the implementation of the Zoho One suite, you can get all-in-one business software for running your entire business. Well-known as a leading and the best software for centralizing the workflow, Zoho One offers functions that make the business processes efficient by mapping them out.

Zoho functions as a suite of applications while offering over 40 tools that assist in optimizing important business processes that contribute to business development. It is a suite of applications that carries almost all business processes like support, teamwork, business communication, automation, marketing, and sales. In essence, Zoho One can be considered as an operating system for a business.

Why Zoho One?

Why Zoho ONE

In case you are wondering if the Zoho One implementation is worth it and it can run your entire business with seamlessness then the answer is an astounding “Yes.” In a usual scenario, you are constantly jumping from one app to another while duplicating the data between these applications, paying several subscriptions, and then using them for more applications to connect them and pay a big amount on the individual applications for a business.

When you implement Zoho One and access all the Zoho One apps from any device with a single login and a password, you can have a centralized platform for managing everything. In case you are keen to understand whether Zoho One is suitable for your business or not then you can hire a Zoho partner who has extensive domain knowledge and experience.

This will enable the Zoho partner to assess your business processes in complete detail and also recommend you the best applications for your business to run, tailor, and meet your specific business needs.

In case you are also looking to migrate from a current set of applications to Zoho One then these experts will help you with a detailed roadmap for the implementation and automating the business processes all over the organization.

As long as your Zoho partners have a wide range of experience in the Zoho One implementation, working seamlessly will become easy and possible. Some of the prominent benefits that come from the Zoho One implementation are:

  • Automating and streamlining the business processes.
  • Eliminating any complexity of running multiple business applications and also negating the need for several contracts and renewal cycles.
  • Each department in a business can easily connect with all others seamlessly.
  • Zoho partners will remove your data silos by easily integrating Zoho One with all applications that are important for a business.
  • Administrators are going to have detailed supervision of the business data. Hence, if you can make the employees more efficient because they can easily access data from a single place based on the roles and access control for making informed business decisions.

Now that we have gained an understanding of Zoho One and why the businesses should implement it, we will take a look at understanding effectively managing the business on Zoho One. This will help in understanding efficient Zoho One implementation as well.

1. Integrated Business Management

Know About All ApplicationsOne of the prominent challenges of unsystematic software implementation that happens in most organizations is that there is no proper integration between important functions of a business. When the software applications do not have the seamlessness of integration, it can end up wasting a significant amount of precious time. This problem is solved completely with the Zoho One implementation.

It helps in saving a lot of time because integrated business management makes all processes automatic. For instance, just when the marketing professional approaches a lead, the information of the client will go into the CRM application. The prospect will get registered and then the sales process can begin easily. What’s more, is that all of these things will happen in real-time.

Just like this, the capability of productivity tools helps in interacting with the project management tools and enables fast report generation and sharing. Zoho Analytics proves extremely helpful in working with each application to offer a clear picture of how a business is performing.

2. Simple Customization

Planning the ImplementationEach business model is different and works to fulfill different goals. The software application designed for general utilization is not always going to meet the needs of all businesses. Zoho One takes care of this problem by providing effective customization options.

Zoho One brings with itself an option that can enable your team members to create applications that help in significantly improving your workflow. For example, Zoho Creator comes with a well-designed GUI which makes it easy to design applications that are capable of performing on various platforms and devices. It is a software application that enables greater integration with APIs and other software platforms.

Zoho One implementation offers many options for customizing a business functioning. You can focus on your needs and streamline everything accordingly for maximum productivity. In case you are still doubtful about how you should go ahead then a Zoho partner will prove helpful in managing your software and improving the digital functionality of your business

3. Employee Based Access

At the present time, the working professionals are on the move. An increasing number of business organizations are keen on adding remote workers to their staff and each employee needs easy access to business efficiency and simple management software. When there is no real-time connection, communication and partnership can be impacted.

Zoho One comes into the picture by offering the employees account-based access to the online resources. The staff members of an organization can start a report at their office on a work computer but they can finish the same report in a remote site on a PC or a laptop.

Account-based access offered by Zoho One is an extremely helpful security measure. One can decide the small number of employees who need access to each application while also limiting access to others. This helps in making the role of each employee clear and also results in very high productivity.

4. Single Sign-On

Businesses may be using different tools and application software to do sales tracking, accounting, and HR-related work. With the use of Zoho One implementation, this is no longer a problem because the platform already has everything one would need to operate a business.

This entirely helps in getting rid of going on different sites or applications just to get important work done. Just sign in or Zoho One and almost everything can be accessed from there.

5. End-to-end Encryption

One of the biggest benefits of cloud-based systems such as Zoho One is accessibility. That said, if the right security measures are not in place then this advantage can become a liability. The customer data can be impacted if there is any kind of security breach which can then affect the business reputation.

The Zoho One apps offer end-to-end encryption for safeguarding customer data. Each application goes through many rounds of security checks to ensure that there are no vulnerabilities left. Zoho is focused on the security data of all clients because it serves as an important standpoint in any business.

Moreover, you can use security options within an organization as well. Each employee does not need separate access to the customer data. There is a feature of role-based access in the Zoho CRM application which limits the number of employees who can see and change customer information. This is a practice that prevents any sudden changes and also maintains data safety.

6. Consistent Support

Hiring an ExpertWith around 40 applications offered in the Zoho One suite, there is a huge amount of information that is available. Zoho understands the total time that it takes to sift through the documentation process. Hence, there are numerous options to support your business.

Zoho comes with special online guides that play an important role in understanding the basics of setting up a functional system. In addition, you can also understand how to benefit from advanced features such as remote operation and system integration.

Zoho also provides sessions to introduce new features and provide ongoing support. Certified Zoho partners are available to work for scaling up your business with the help of Zoho One. All you have to do is reach out for support to make the most out of Zoho One.

7. All-Inclusive Solution

Many small to medium-sized businesses have a conventional tendency to implement and use software applications in an unsystematic way. As these businesses expand their reach, they understand the need for marketing, sales, communication, and accounting software tools. More often than not, when any software need is not met at the right time, it is delayed for a long time.

With Zoho One implementation, businesses begin with each application considered important for an efficient workspace. Other than the fundamental productivity tools, Zoho One comes with applications that manage after aspects such as human resources, group management, finance, business communication, etc.


Any business comes with different important factors that involve operational strategy for promoting the services and using the tools to execute business strategies. However, all businesses require marketing, generating sales, engaging customers, satisfying them, etc. Moreover, the internal aspects such as setting up meetings, managing employees and different activities are some things that have to be taken care of as well.

Zoho One implementation enters the picture as a savior for all of the above. It provides businesses with a single platform that can be used for managing all the important applications that can be useful in running a business. If you run a business, implement Zoho one for efficient functioning and effective management of your business.

For understanding more on this, get in touch with the team of Encaptechno for expert assistance.

How To Effectively Manage Business on Zoho One? Read More »

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Automation of Marketing Activities Using Zoho Apps - Encaptechno

Automation of Marketing Activities Using Zoho Apps

If you run a business then you would know the significance of maximizing the marketing resources for the growth of your business. Presently businesses of all sizes are turning to market automation for getting the most from marketing resources. This is for a good reason because when the workflow gets automated, several benefits follow.

Automation of Marketing Activities Using Zoho Apps - Encaptechno

Marketing automation is a process by which technology gets leveraged to automate the various marketing activities of a business. In fact, marketing automation tools enable modern businesses to organize, automate, and measure the ROI for efforts while leading to an efficient marketing team and better revenue.

Marketing automation is an excellent method to:

  • Save important time and resources
  • Attract leads more frequently.
  • Improve conversion rates.
  • Make it simple to collect data on what works better

Role of Marketing in Modern Businesses

Role of Marketing in Modern Businesses

Each business is dependent on a wide number of online marketing activities. These activities are important to a customer’s journey from a lead to the point when they become a loyal and dependable customer. Marketing plays an extremely important role in attracting these leads, educating them with targeted nurturing, making them get qualified, and also getting them prepared to make a purchase.

This also continues into the period that comes after the purchase with cross-selling and up-selling campaigns being responsible for growing revenue. These surveys help in measuring and enhancing customer satisfaction and other re-engagement campaigns for connecting with dormant customers, and much more.

Marketing at Scale

Running online marketing activities without dedicated and efficient software is possible when the size of your company is still small. However, just as a company keeps growing and attracts more leads, the marketers need more channels for engaging with customers because managing interactions becomes difficult.

Capturing, nurturing, and qualifying a wide range of leads, running effective campaigns for customer segments, and different post-purchase marketing activities required to get automated. This marketing automation keeps the customer engagement consistent and meaningful. The Zoho marketing tools do just that when it comes to automating everything.

How Does Marketing Automation Help Your Business?

How Does Marketing Automation Help Your Business

According to what Marketo says, over 76% of organizations implementing marketing automation generate a return on investment within the first year itself. That’s not all. It is also said that over 44% see a return within just six months.

The most important function of Zoho for marketing automation tools is to automate and streamline activities carried out by the sales and marketing teams. One can plan and execute lead generation and nurturing plans to launch a wide range of digital ad campaigns from a central hub without hitting buttons such as, “send” or “launch” on each message, email, or ad.

The businesses that use marketing automation can see a wide range of benefits across all of their important everyday operations. An important increase in the number of qualified leads that reach the sales team, a higher conversion rate, and better productivity for sales and marketing teams are good ways in which marketing automation helps a business.

Marketing Automation with Zoho Apps

Zoho apps a wide range of apps that support online marketing activities and also help in running efficient campaigns. These apps assist the task of marketing automation which helps in passing quality leads to sales.

Some of the common features offered by these marketing automation apps include segmentation, lead scoring, and Google Ads that help in streamlining and automating marketing efforts.

To help you gain a better insight into the functioning of these apps with respect to marketing automation, we will discuss them one by one.

1. Zoho MarketingHub

Zoho MarketingHub

A comprehensive marketing automation software that helps in managing marketing activities successfully, Zoho Marketing Hub manages promotions across different channels. It helps in generating more leads, retaining them for a long time, and converting them to customers.

Zoho MarketingHub gives the marketing control entirely in your hands. It is a single place to educate, influence, and engage leads. Assisting in lead management, Zoho MarketingHub enables to catch, nurture and convert leads while also passing on the best to the sales team.

Related ReadZoho MarketingHub – A Complete Marketing Automation Software

2. Zoho Campaigns

Zoho Campaigns

This software is an email marketing tool that helps businesses to grow their audience. Other than helping to create responsive designs, delivering emails to inboxes, triggering automated workflows, connecting with customers, and customizing messages, Zoho Campaigns also helps in advanced email automation.

The automated workflows and drip series offer help in delivering targeted messages to the customers. The pre-defined and tailor-made workflows of Zoho Campaigns help in sending messages on almost every occasion.

Related ReadZoho Campaigns – An Outstanding Email Marketing Tool

3. Zoho Social

One of the easiest ways to manage a brand on social media, Zoho Social helps in scheduling unlimited posts, creating tailor-made reports, and monitoring all that matters.

The brands can analyze their social media performance with the help of Zoho Social in an accurate manner.

Related ReadTrack Your Social Media Channels with Zoho Social

4. Zoho Survey

Zoho Survey

This is a tool that enables businesses to create survey creation in a suitable way. It helps the marketers to create a survey within a few minutes.

By using Zoho Survey, marketers can reach their audience on almost every device. They can also view results in real-time and graphically as well. By following a simple and three steps procedure of creating, collecting, and concluding, the marketers can create reports, analyze them and improve their steps for better understanding.

5. Zoho Forms

Digital marketers can simplify data collection with the assistance of online Zoho Forms. It helps in creating forms, efficiently manage the data with integrate apps, receive instant alerts, etc.

With a tool such as Zoho Forms, it becomes simple to focus sharply on a business.

6. Zoho Sites

Zoho Sites

With the assistance of Zoho Sites, it becomes possible to build websites just the way you want. It helps businesses to focus on their interest and passions

The templates that it offers help the website of a business do the talking. Zoho Sites can be used to manage visitor information with Zoho CRM, provide chat support with Zoho SalesIQ, publish blogs with Social Auto Publish, understand the visitor’s behavior with Zoho Marketing Hub, etc.

Related ReadCreate Your Own Website Easily With Zoho Sites

7. Zoho PageSense

Zoho PageSense

This tool is for conversion optimization and personalization of online marketing activity. It helps in measuring key website metrics, making sense of the online behavior of a visitor, and giving each visitor a personalized website experience so that the conversions get boosted.

Irrespective of whether you wish to understand what works on a website, why the visitors do what they do, or what does it take to convert a visitor into a customer, Zoho PageSense has the right set of tools.

Related ReadA Complete Overview of Zoho Pagesense

8. Zoho SalesIQ

Zoho SalesIQ

Zoho Sales IQ provides a hassle-free and live chat support for the customers and business growth. It helps the marketers to increase ROI on their marketing efforts

It offers a wide range of marketing automation benefits such as tracking and engaging with leads, reaching out to prospects with messages, driving engagement with Zoho CRM, engaging in real-time scoring, selling smartly, etc.

Related ReadBoost Your Sales Activities With Zoho SalesIQ

The best part is that Zoho apps can be integrated with each other and third-party applications for much better performance. This integration often helps in making sure that the sales and marketing teams are aligned and have a complete picture of leads and customers while planning campaigns. Marketers can also connect the sales and marketing information to get a better understanding of ROI for your efforts.

Marketing Automation Examples with Zoho

Since we have gained an understanding of what is marketing automation and what is needed to build a plan for it, let’s understand more about it when it is put to action.

1. Small-sized Marketing Team: If you have a small marketing team and if you wish to welcome or even engage new leads then regardless of which business you might be running, email marketing can be helpful. By building an easy journey, you can make it simple to welcome and engage new leads on the list and attract them towards new offers.

In case you have already sent an email on a consistent basis, you could wonder if it is a good use of time and energy for setting up an email series. The answer to this is a yes because emails serve an important purpose that a regular promotional or informational email cannot.

The common aim with these onboarding emails is to engage new people and offer them a new idea for an email, how often that email will be expected, and sharing a detailed description of a business’s mission. In addition, these emails also share something of value for establishing goodwill and creating positive associations.

2. Medium-sized Marketing Team: The leads that engage frequently with the content are more than likely to get converted into customers. Identifying those leads and streamlining the content that is seen by them also helps in targeting the follow-up emails. An important way to approach this is by assigning a lead score that changes as the lead engages with or ignores the follow-up emails.

Based on the number of products that are being marketed, one can also use lead activity to qualify leads for some products. In case you have a lead nurturing series with ten emails then some emails are focused on entry-level features of a product and some on advanced features.

If a lead gets opened and someone clicks on links in the first few emails but stops after that then they might not be interested to have the more advanced features. However, this can indicate the customers to interest them in a separate tier or product version. It is also possible to create a follow-up sequence for the leads that focus on features to see if they are specifically interested in a feature set or an unengaged lead.

3. Large Sized Marketing Team: For the marketing teams that work closely with the sales team, an advanced and a nurturing workflow can be the ticket. It helps in assigning a better score to leads as they go ahead in the workflow. Moreover, it also creates tasks in Zoho based on which actions should be taken and what the lead score can be.

With the help of this knowledge, the sales team can focus on engaged leads and close them effectively. Identifying the loyal customers and the ones who are likely to become repeated is a great idea for any business and what’s best is that marketing automation helps here too.

A loyalty-building workflow helps in creating tags and leads for the database and assigns them on the basis of activity. After leads move through this journey, they are assigned a lead score and a tag of loyal, active, or unresponsive based on their activity.


Zoho Apps is an excellent way to do marketing automation and make a business grow tremendously. It helps in creating processes that automate routine marketing activities. These marketing automation tools help in capturing leads with information, reaching out to them through channels, and tracking the progress with the sales funnel.

Encaptechno has experience of acting as a Zoho partner for many businesses with a record of helping them grow. Get in touch with us to get complete support in implementing marketing automation using Zoho Apps, today.

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Zoho Inventory Overview - Encaptechno

A Complete Walkthrough of Zoho Inventory

Zoho Inventory is an important part of Zoho’s suite of applications that are particularly designed for small to medium-sized businesses. It is a cloud-based tool and includes an application for both Android and iOS devices. Besides being exceptional inventory management software, Zoho inventory integration also offers multichannel selling, order management, good reporting options, warehouse management, etc.

Zoho Inventory Overview - Encaptechno

It is all these qualities that make Zoho Inventory perfect for retailers who have both an online and a physical retail store. Zoho inventory management software is a great option for retailers who sell their products on a global scale because it streamlines everything for these retailers and makes business operations easier.

With both a mobile application for instant changes and an extensive range of desktop applications, the Zoho inventory is an extremely smart choice for the purpose of inventory management. It facilitates great management of inventory across various warehouses and also allows end to end tracking. If you are a retailer who is trying to find a dependable solution for managing inventory across multiple warehouses or know someone like that then Zoho inventory can help immensely.

In this blog, we will go through a complete walkthrough of the Zoho inventory to understand the tool much better.

Creating an Account

Creating an Account on Zoho Inventory

Zoho Inventory is a web-based application that works best and supports the latest versions of the browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Edge, Google Chrome, etc. There are two common ways in which you can sign up for the Zoho Inventory. If you already have an existing Zoho account then you can proceed with that and if you don’t then the best probable way to move ahead is by going ahead with a new sign-up.

For a new sign up, the first and foremost requirement will be to sign up for the 14 days free trial period. This period will enable you to test the product and use all its features included in the professional plan of the Zoho Inventory. You have an option of upgrading to either of the paid plans during or after the trial period.

To go ahead with a new sign up for the Zoho Inventory, take the following steps:

  • Log in to the Zoho Inventory website.
  • Click on SIGN UP NOW. You can find this button in the top right corner of the page.
  • Enter the company’s name because that will be the organization name in the Zoho Inventory.
  • Make sure that you enter a regularly used email address and a strong password. This will act as your login credential.
  • Choose a country in which your company is located.
  • Mention the phone number for authentication purposes.
  • Click on SIGN UP to complete the process so that you can be navigated to the organization details page.

Zoho Inventory Quick Setup

Set up your organization details. When you sign up for the Zoho Inventory management software, you are going to be redirected to the organization details page that will ask you to enter some basic information about your business. On this page:

  • The portal name is going to be auto-generated. In case you wish, you have an option to suit this name according to your business needs.
  • You can now choose the industry type and enter the complete address of your organization
  • Choose the currency so that it serves as a base currency for all future transactions and cannot be edited later.
  • Now select the time zone of your company’s location
  • For comparing the setup, click on the Click to Finish button so that you can be logged in and redirected to the Zoho Inventory organization.

Setting Up Data

After signing up for the Zoho Inventory and setting the organization details, you can also set up all the data and manage your business in the right way. In order to get started, follow the steps mentioned below. It is also highly recommended that the steps should be followed in this order only for a better start-up process.

  • The first step is to update the organization details. You can configure the organization details, upload the brand logo, and add significant information for completing the organization’s profile.
  • The next step is to create and import the items. Click for loading your item details into the Zoho Inventory.
  • The third step is to make purchases. It is about purchasing stocks from different vendors.
  • The last and final step is to sell the products. Create sales orders for your customers and learn more about them.

Joining an Existing Zoho Account

In case you are already using one of the Zoho Finance apps such as Zoho Books then you can sign into the Zoho Inventory with similar credentials. Here are the steps that you should follow:

  • Log in to the Zoho Inventory website.
  • Click on the SIGN IN button that you can find on the top right corner of the page.
  • Begin to enter your Zoho Credentials.
  • After you sign in to the website, you are going to be redirected to a page that mentions all organizations that you are a part of in different Zoho Finance Apps.
  • Choose from any of the existing organizations for which you wish to create a Zoho Inventory organization.
  • Finally, click on the Join Organization button at the bottom of the page and go ahead.

This will let you set up a new organization with a similar name as the selected organization almost immediately in Zoho Inventory so that all the data can be synced easily with the existing organization.

Sign In the Zoho Inventory

In case you have already signed up for the Zoho Inventory, from the next time ahead you will be able to directly sign in with the help of your registered email address. For signing in:

  • Go to the Zoho Inventory website
  • Now click on the Sign In button that is there in the top right corner of the window.
  • Enter the right email address and password and go ahead.
  • Click Sign in and you will be logged into the Zoho Inventory
  • In case you have also configured two-factor authentication, you can enter the One Time Password sent to your mobile phone.
  • Check the verify code.
  • In case you have not configured the two-factor authentication and wish to do the same then click on Manage TFA to do the same.

Zoho Inventory

Zoho Inventory

  • Dashboard: The main purpose of the dashboard in the Zoho inventory management software is to give information on what all transactions were doing so far. It will contain an inventory summary, product details such as all items, item groups, low stock items, unconfirmed items, sales activity, etc. It is basically like a home page and the very first thing that you are going to see when you log into your Zoho Inventory account. Its main purpose is to give you a clear picture of all the sales completed by a company and stock summaries as well such as sales orders generated by far, stock purchased from a vendor for the selected period, top-selling items, etc.
  • Sidebar: The sidebar is to access all modules of the Zoho Inventory. It enables the creation of transactions like sales orders and invoices from the Sales modules and it also helps in recording the transaction such as receives and bills from the Purchases module.
  • Recent History: With the help of recent history, you can view the recently visited transactions.
  • Organization Name: Here you can manage and even change between different Zoho Inventory organizations.
  • Quick Create: The Quick Create tab enables you to create new transactions for different modules almost instantly.
  • Settings: This allows you to customize the Zoho inventory modules so that they become suitable for the business.
  • Help and Support: You can get quick access to the user guide and also reach out to the support team with the help of this section.
  • Notifications: Finally, notifications help in receiving all the important alerts on marketplace sync status, new product updates, and low stock updates.

Navigation in a Module

The module page of Zoho inventory management software is designed particularly to facilitate easy and simple transactions, filter them, navigate to the module settings, and perform other functions as well. It includes the following things:

  • Page Filters: With the help of this option, you can filter any data in the modules based on the present criteria. This also allows you to create your own filters.
  • Collapse Button: This button is for collapsing the sidebar and providing more space to navigate within the modules.
  • Creation Button: The creation button helps in creating transactions, contact, and also an item based on the module in which you might be tagged in.
  • Action Buttons: This button helps in performing various actions on the transactions that are specific to different modules.
  • Search: You can look up items, different transactions, and contacts in the search bar.
  • Hamburger Icon: It helps in sorting the modules based on factors such as created time and last modified time. This icon also helps in importing and exporting the data regardless of the respective modules. Furthermore, you can also generate the respective module preference page from this icon.

It can be easily said that Zoho Inventory is one of the best-suited tools for retailers and online merchants. It is a scalable tool with four plans while also including a free plan.

If you are a retailer or know one who might be interested in the Zoho inventory integration then get in touch with the expert team of Encaptechno. We can help you from beginning to end until you start to see tangible results because of the Zoho Inventory implementation.

A Complete Walkthrough of Zoho Inventory Read More »

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Refine Your Marketing Strategy with Salesforce Pardot - Encaptechno

7 Tips to Refine Your Marketing Strategy with Salesforce Pardot

The modern marketers reiterate the fact that marketing automation is the only way to get ahead in the present competitive world.  In case it gets implemented well, marketing automation can be a game-changer while ultimately making a large impact on the Return on Investment. B2B marketing automation is all about organizational optimization.

To put this simply, this refers to the platforms and technologies that help in automation, optimization, and measuring the marketing processes. Marketers need a suite of tools for engaging with the customers, making important connections, generating leads, and closing deals effectively. It is necessary to integrate the important business tools and systems that offer marketing automation and CRM.

Salesforce Pardot has proven to become one of the most widely used B2B marketing automation platforms on the world’s best CRM platform. Pardot has the ability to bidirectionally integrate with Salesforce enabling data flow between two applications. This is a great benefit to users who manage a range of marketing channels because Pardot can help in seamless integration.

Accessing New Marketing Trends

Accessing New Marketing Trends

Being B2B marketers, we know that the needs of the buyers are advancing at a quick pace. However, the fact is that it is not just the buyers who are changing. As technology is adding new options and capabilities, the role of marketers is also transforming at a quick pace. From the way work is done with the sales team to the way in which strategies are built, everything is changing.

Rather than thinking of a marketing strategy as a single field, the B2B marketers understand the increasing importance of assessing the present strategies and new trends in the industry when it comes to the buyer’s needs.

It has become even more important to combine the marketing best practices for creating a customized strategy that fits the target audience. In this blog, we will be mentioning 7 tips to refine your marketing strategy with Salesforce Pardot.

1. Lead Generation Plan

The lead generation plan is primarily based on the landing pages and their forms used for collecting the leads. In case you wish to make a prompt impact on your lead generation attempts and forms then landing pages are a great way to begin. You can stick to following the best practices while optimizing the lead generation assets with the help of Salesforce Pardot.

It is important to ensure that the text is scannable while keeping in mind that the readers scan information in an F-shaped pattern. This necessarily means that a person should be placing emphasis on the information conveyed at the top and left side of a page. In addition, making the call to action buttons easy to locate is also important.

Hiding them beneath the paragraphs of copy defeats is the purpose of a landing page. The marketing automation features such as progressive profiling can help in minimizing fields while still collecting valuable information with time.

2. Sync Between Marketing and Sales

Sync Between Marketing and Sales

It is possible to seamlessly sync the marketing efforts with the sales activity for selling something effectively. The thorough workflows and marketing teams have the ability to empower the sales team with important information.

Account-based marketing enabled by the Salesforce Pardot can go a long way in generating more sales. The organizations can tightly align marketing and sales teams with higher customer retention and sales win rates.

As almost everything exists on a similar platform, the sales team can seamlessly help the marketers take the campaign to the right person. It is also possible to track leads and monitor the sales calls effectively because that helps in being informed about how far the marketing efforts have gone.

3. Marketing Content

When marketers say that they want to improve and enhance their marketing content, many also want to create more. Rather, the focus should be shifted towards quality that means getting the most out of fewer and high-quality pieces of content. The B2B marketing automation platform is a big proponent of recycling marketing content, particularly in case if the resources are low.

It can be smarter to break larger pieces of content into smaller ones and easily distribute these pieces of content. For eg; an e-book launch can be a remarkably better option when supported with blog posts, social posts, graphics, and much more.

Besides this, different mediums can also be used to distribute the same message. Let’s say that a company has released a new blog series and is thinking about how to turn it into a webinar or a podcast so it can be used for lead generation. In this case, Pardot can be of great use. In addition, the smaller assets could be packed up by taking a number of smaller posts and graphics to remarket them as something entirely different.

4. Perceptive ROI Reporting

The Salesforce Pardot marketing automation platform helps in resorting to insightful reporting for knowing and understanding the impact of the marketing and sales team efforts on the entire revenue. Most of the B2B companies cite revenue as one of the most important factors between marketing and sales.

With the help of some amazing features of advanced email reporting, it becomes easily possible to understand how the customers can engage and react to the campaigns at every stage. In turn, this provides a profound insight into identifying the bottlenecks which then makes it simple to adapt effectively with the efforts for better results.

In a similar way, connecting the dots between the marketing efforts and the sales team can help in analyzing the authentic value of ROI. For any marketer who wishes to improve the marketing model, the fundamental step is to ensure that the focus is maintained on the right metrics.

B2B metrics can help in identifying the metrics that make a difference in the business. The main key is to choose the metrics that make maximum sense for the business goals rather than attempting to measure everything all at once.

5. Improving Social Engagement

Improving Social Engagement

Working on enhancing social media efforts can seem tricky because each rule does not apply to all social channels. Something that you can apply over the board is the power of consistent engagement. The social media followers tend to get confused in case regular efforts are not being made to engage for a long time or even if you go dark for a long period of time.

You must ensure to develop a cadence of posting and then stick to it at all times. Use marketing automation or a social engagement for scheduling out the social posts during the times when you will be busy with something else, out of the office, etc.

You can check the guide for more information on streamlines posting rules on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter. It will help in getting a comprehensive look at how to develop a consistent and effective social media presence all over the channels of the B2B social media guide.

6. Email Marketing

A very high number of marketers struggle to connect optimally with potential customers. If this is a problem that you as a marketer are facing then you can create meaningful email campaigns for reaching out to customers across a wide range of geographies.

Using the custom designing capabilities and visual editor in Pardot, a marketer can easily send professionally designed emails that reach a customer with the right message. Furthermore, it is also possible to schedule automated emails for the future which seems right to engage for striking an impact.

In case we had to suggest a focus point for improving the email effectiveness then it would definitely be targeting that can be achieved with the help of segmentation. Using a marketing automation platform, you can use what you know about the prospects for sorting databases into simple or complex lists.

These lists can be used for targeting email messages so that every segment receives the most relevant message. For example, a list that has been sorted on the geographic location can receive messages about events in their area while a list compiled by job title can receive content targeted for decision-makers.

7. Event Marketing Effectiveness

Event Marketing Effectiveness

Event marketing is again one of the best ways for many organizations to enhance their operations. The trick is to ensure that post-event follow up is both relevant and timely.

In fact, Pardot facilitates a streamlined procedure that can help the marketers get the most out of an event investment once the event is completed successfully. In addition, the marketers can follow a step by step process for following up and nurturing processes after an event takes place.


Salesforce Pardot is one of the marketing automation tools that offer the best in market CRM benefits in the most efficient way. It helps in analyzing the organizational data and also for resorting to focused marketing. The marketers can be assisted in generating valuable ROI with the help of Pardot.

You can let Salesforce Pardot contribute to unprecedented success and take your revenue goals much higher. Encaptechno has a team of expert Salesforce consultants who can help you in implementing and using Salesforce Pardot. Get in touch with our team to enhance the marketing of an organization and also get the most out of it.

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Zoho MarketingHub-Marketing Automation Software-Encaptechno

Zoho MarketingHub: A Complete Marketing Automation Software

Zoho MarketingHub is comprehensive marketing automation software that enables marketers to successfully monitor marketing activities across all channels. It is possible to generate more leads and convert them into customers while retaining them for a long time with the functionalities of this software.

Zoho MarketingHub-Marketing Automation Software-Encaptechno

Besides automating services, the Zoho MarketingHub also monitors the CRM data for various patterns and trends. It is possible to keep track of dozens of performance indicators; MarketingHub can proactively alert a person to potential opportunities or problems.

Generating More Leads with Zoho MarketingHub:

Generating More Leads with Zoho MarketingHub

A majority of the value in the automation processes is derived from reducing opportunity costs. This cost for any unfamiliar person is the way to lose an opportunity by focusing on something that doesn’t require attention in particular. The opportunity cost of the paperwork can be extraordinarily high because it is mostly menial and requires very little expertise. This makes it almost perfect for computers to accomplish because they are bad at contemplating things but exceptional at executing defined processes.

When the leads are nurtured and qualified, Zoho MarketingHub enables the sales team to focus on the things that can be used to close deals. This reduces the opportunity cost of any paperwork and other distracting but important tasks that help the marketing team to stay focused.

MarketingHub can also assist in generating more leads with an integrated sign up form and marked opportunities. With the help of detailed tracking, one can get a clear picture of when and why do the visitors leave a website. Knowing this can help in determining the best way to get valid numbers that match and fulfill the business goals.

The sign-up forms can tie in almost directly with the Zoho CRM while feeding the leads directly to a database. Once further automation is available in the database, the results improve significantly. The best thing is that the cost is generated based on the number of leads generated by the MarketingHub because as those leads get generated, the cost scales in proportion to the returns generated.

Predicting Campaign Effectiveness:

MarketingHub keeps track of the marketing efforts significantly. It is possible to get measurable estimates of the return on investment of multiple marketing campaigns. The value and depth of the analysis differ in direct proportion to the quality of the information provided.

For all the users who are deeply plugged into Zoho’s systems, the marketing automation system can produce extremely valuable results. Providing absolute and useful tools for understanding the effectiveness of new campaigns based on the effectiveness of the previous campaigns.

For the small businesses that mostly rely on web advertising, this way of prediction can become extremely useful. Although tools like Google AdWords provide a lot of data to the end-users, the data can become difficult to process and understand. Particularly, the relative importance of some statistics is not well explained by the interface. Rather, users are given an opportunity to do their independent research. This leads to learning what is necessary to accomplish marketing goals.

Zoho MarketingHub also helps in making better sense of the data that is provided by AdWords by producing an easily understandable prediction of success. It utilizes conversion estimates for the keyword-based ads to quickly assess whether or not the conversions of a particular ad make it worth your while financially.

With an advantage of predictions in Zoho MarketingHub, it is possible to make much better decisions and assessments. Applying the marketing budget to the more effective and trustworthy ads while avoiding the weight that often marks the performance of otherwise successful advertising campaigns and marketing strategies.

With the help of Zoho MarketingHub’s built-in support for multichannel marketing, you can reach the clients through email, SMS marketing channels, and social media, all executed and managed entirely from the MarketingHub interface.

Tracking User Journey:

Tracking User Journey

Besides analyzing the marketing plans and automating the common marketing tasks, the MarketingHub also offers a suite of highly powerful and effective analytics tools. Some of the website analytics through user behavior tracking gives detailed insights into user behavior. The MarketingHub also suggests touchpoints that help the users complete their purchase.

For expanding the range of typical marketing analytics platforms, the Zoho MarketingHub takes a particular view through what is called Journeys. This allows for creating a special engagement plan for every lead and also has marketing materials that appeal to specific needs.

Going about this process is manual but exhausting. Fortunately, Journeys are automated based on the unique combination of some attributes in every lead. Based on attributes such as lead source, lead status, and job titles, Journeys can automatically be executed into a multi-channel marketing plan that gives leads for every reason to choose you. You can simply set up a plan for various lead attributes and the Zoho MarketingHub can execute the specified plan for that lead.

With the help of Zoho MarketingHub, it is possible to get marketing automation that works easily. Almost anyone can use it and anyone can set it up. The MarketingHub is a perfect tool to go beyond the basic manual marketing process to an entirely full-fledged marketing automation toolkit.

Custom Email Campaigns Based On Interest:

It is possible to use the behavioral data gathered by the Zoho MarketingHub and send it to extremely targeted email campaigns based on the products or services that the leads are most interested in. Once the leads receive this information, it is even more possible to give them lead scores dependent on how the interaction goes on with the content.

You can tell if the users skimmed the content or really went through it. Furthermore, it is also possible to choose to send the leads that score the highest to your sales team automatically. This ensures that the team does not waste any time reaching out to any lead that is not qualified.

Tailoring the Customer Journey:

You can use Zoho’s Marketing Hub data for modifying the website itself so that the leads can be easily converted quickly and easily. Additionally, it is possible to modify the customer journey not just by the product or service interest, but also by the user persona.

This is something that makes your potential customers much more satisfied with the content and your company on the whole even though they might not know why. When you will look at a list of your customers, you will be really seeing a list of people who trust you entirely. If you think that you have a brand with products and services that pairs well with the ones that your customers have consumed already then you can use Zoho MarketingHub.

The tool provides data that can be used to make decisions about sending more email campaigns, promotions, customer surveys for helping to sell much more and easily.

Marketing Through Multi Channels:

Marketing Through Multi Channels

With the help of Zoho MarketingHub, it becomes easy to market with a wide range of marketing channels. Some of the channels that can be used are:

  • It is possible to engage the subscribers by sending them some emails, track their responses, and follow up with them accordingly.
  • It is also possible to identify, analyze, and refine the touch points all through a customer’s journey and make much better business decisions.
  • You can share promotional campaigns on various social media channels for increasing the brand reach and also measure the campaign reach. It also helps to integrate all the required tools for performing multi-channel marketing.
  • Zoho MarketingHub integrates with different SMS players and can be used to send relevant and personalized text messages to various audiences.

Implementation of Zoho MarketingHub:

Implementation of Zoho MarketingHub

The entire process of implementing the Zoho MarketingHub with the help of expert Zoho consultants will enable you to discover almost anything that the marketing automation by Zoho can offer. To being with, the Zoho MarketingHub makes it simple for everyone to engage with and convert the leads to customers.

Lead management with the help of Zoho MarketingHub allows marketers to design the signup forms for blogs, channels, and websites. Starting the conversions with the pop-ups and on spot, forms help in educating the leads on the brand and further enhances the chances of meetings and conversions.

It is also possible to gather the audience for the informative messages for the follow-ups through a webinar conducted with the help of Zoho MarketingHub. All these tools are designed and made to improve the lead generation process. The leads generated from these sessions and conversions can be synced with the Zoho CRM to facilitate comfortable communication at all times.


Zoho MarketingHub is essentially Zoho’s answer to some of the big marketing automation giants such as HubSpot. It comes with all the features that make the process of marketing simple and efficient. Other than tracking the click paths and seeing how to convert the web traffic, it is also possible to send email campaigns and launch social posts directly from the application.

Basically, you can get just what you put into it when it comes to the Zoho MarketingHub. Hence, as long as you connect the tool to the website while enabling the important data to flow in, the reports become simple to understand.  In case they are not, you can get in touch with the team of Encaptechno and get some expert assistance. We will ensure that you get the maximum benefit out of Zoho MarketingHub.

Zoho MarketingHub: A Complete Marketing Automation Software Read More »

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Benefits of Salesforce Slack Deal - Encaptechno

Benefits of Salesforce Slack Deal

Salesforce bought Slack recently with a deal of $27.7 Billion. This salesforce slack integration is aimed at giving two companies a much better shot at competing against a long time industry powerhouse Microsoft. Slack has been the living example of the Silicon Valley startup success. Starting as a game company, it managed to raise significant profits in not a very long time.

Benefits of Salesforce Slack Deal - Encaptechno

The Salesforce and Slack integration extracted a large sum of money from the market. This acquisition is being considered as the largest in the 21-year history of Salesforce. This San Francisco company was one of the first-ever to begin selling software as a subscription service that could be easily used on any internet connected device instead of comparatively difficult processes of installing the programs on the computers.

The concept of cloud computing is considered the wave of future success. However, software as a service has turned into an industry that has become a gold mine for long time software makers. Microsoft has developed its own thriving suite of services called Office 365 that includes a Teams chatting service with many same features as the 6-year-old application of Slack.

In this blog, we will be talking about the benefits of the Salesforce Slack deal in detail to understand the dynamics of this deal in detail.

Large Investment More Expectations

As far as Salesforce is concerned, the deal was entirely worth all the money for the simple reason that it enables the company to club all the elements of a platform, the ones that have expanded over the years from CRM to marketing, data visualization, workflow and much more.

Salesforce’s acquisition of Slack enables the company to give Salesforce a missing communication layer on the top of so many products, something that is very important during digital interactions with stakeholders of a company.  Slack is aimed at becoming the next generation of Customer 360 because it pulls a couple of elements together.

In these times when the teams are distributed and collaboration has become more important than it has ever been, the Salesforce Slack integration will be the next big thing. There is a natural connection between what people do during the course of their work, what machines do behind the scenes in the systems of record, and the way in which Slack can connect the gap between human beings and machines.

When Slack is included in between the important business operations, it will become possible to eliminate any friction in the complex enterprise software such as Salesforce. Rather than moving through emails, opening a browser, clicking on a link, signing in, and accessing the tool that is needed, the final approval can be built into a Slack message.

In case you have multiple actions to complete in one day, there is a tangible opportunity to enhance the velocity with a better impact and not only within the minutes saved by a person doing the approval but the way in which the entire business operates.

Battle with Microsoft

Battle with Microsoft

Although it wasn’t stated explicitly that the Salesforce Slack integration is about competing with Microsoft, this was, by all means, the underlying reason why companies decided to come together. Their operations will prove much better together as compared to being separate. Plus more than anything, both of these companies have a complicated history with Microsoft and when they will come together, they will be able to put up a considerable fight against Microsoft.

Slack has had a long battle with Microsoft entailing to file a suit against the company last summer in the EU over what was called an unfair bundling of Teams with Office 365. Microsoft has considered Slack to be a threat and because of this, there has been competition between two enterprise companies.

Hence, an important benefit of Slack coming together with Salesforce is being able to put up a strong fight against Microsoft. Slack will be able to gain considerably with this acquisition. The ownership by Salesforce will put Slack on a firm foot against the dominant player in productivity and collaboration in the software industry.

Ever since Microsoft has launched Teams in 2017, it has been investing massively in the platform while moving many users from Skype for Business with a rapidly growing list of features. Microsoft Teams has millions of active users who benefit considerably from its availability at no extra cost in the Microsoft subscriptions. This offers a large footprint over enterprise users.

From the viewpoint of Slack, it is evident that it has been facing a formidable challenge from the tech giant Microsoft and with the Salesforce acquisition, Slack can benefit immensely by being a large part of the entity. Salesforce can also help re-establish user adoption because of rapid growth. The Covid-19 pandemic has been responsible for a rapid shift to remote working and in these times this integration is for the better.

Stepping Up Market Reach

Stepping Up Market Reach

With farsighted and enterprising ambitions as to where the business can go next, Slack needs a way to step up in its market reach and product investment opportunities. Doing this independently can be a great challenge and hence Salesforce Slack integration will be beneficial.

This isn’t to say that the integration of Slack with Salesforce will not be challenging but by all means, it will be worth it. Salesforce and its possibilities include enabling it to function at an arm’s-length as a standalone unit for a small time as the case has been with some of the previous multi-billion deals. When a deal such as this goes ahead, it will end up benefiting the users as well.

It would naturally mean a much more profound and impactful integration across the breadth of Salesforce’s portfolio. Additionally, the slack customers who are already the Salesforce customers as well are going to benefit a lot more from the deal with Salesforce and Slack.

Slack Retains Its Independence

The present customers of Slack are on the guard and have closely been watching how to handle the Salesforce acquisition. It is well realized that Salesforce will have to walk on a fine line between respecting the product independencies and brand while also finding some ways to create and build on the existing hooks into the Salesforce so that a CRM giant takes complete benefits of the substantial investment.

This will not be so easy to manage but the customers will definitely be able to see a similarity of independence. There is a distinct layer of independence like that and there will never be any flinching from it. Significant money has been invested in the integration and that is naturally well thought of.

Both the parties have come across expressing that we wanted to ensure that a real integrated value proposition and a real integrated platform for the developers come out. The technology, independence of Salesforce is most likely to stay intact and the collaboration will come out to be a fair coming together of the two parties.

Together They Can Do More

As for the two companies coming together, the top management of both of these companies sees many potential benefits of merging the Slack communications with the enterprise software prowess of Salesforce. Slack will make Salesforce more accessible and also help link the automation and workflow.

Automation is considered to be more event-driven. With the long-running processes and what people are doing with the Slack platform, it is more of incorporating the workflows and bots with everything else. The combination of the Salesforce platform with Slack leads to the best automation based on the intelligence capabilities run on the Slack platform and that in itself is incredible.

The only challenge that both these companies face now is the direction in which they should move forward with the acquisition. All the expectations in a deal that is this large are essentially making the collaboration work and will continue to do so in the coming times as well.

Salesforce has a considerable amount of experience with large acquisitions and it pulled off prominent deals with success. Hence, it is very much likely that both Salesforce and Slack are going to get the deal right. The companies will work in a way to ensure that the deal leads to success.


The Salesforce Slack integration has pointed out many questions until now. Customers of both the companies and even the ones who wanted to join the platforms are finding themselves all caught up in what is likely to happen with the coming together of these two forces.

Salesforce is known for market-changing collaborations but some of these collaborations have been known outside their significant industries as Slack. The brand loyalty of this chat company called Slack can influence how much Salesforce decides to change and how much does it leave alone.

Salesforce has announced some important plans to combine with existing software Slack but this can mean more changes for Salesforce users as compared to Slack in the short term. Regardless of the changes, it is assured that the benefits will be plenty.

Benefits of Salesforce Slack Deal Read More »

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