

Act to Zoho CRM Migration - Encaptechno

Migration From Act To Zoho CRM

Act to Zoho CRM Migration - Encaptechno

Selecting the correct CRM application can have a substantial impact on an organization. Today, more and more organizations are realizing the implementation of CRM in improving their processes. For many years, ACT CRM solutions have been industry leaders because of the simple fact that ACT invented the content management software back in the 1980s.

However, a considerable time after the launch of ACT and a substantial evolution being done, organizations are migrating from ACT to Zoho CRM. This is because organizations have consistently seen positive results as a result of this data migration. The data migration done from ACT to Zoho CRM is extremely beneficial and puts the organization in a state of advantage.

In this blog, we will look at the conversion in detail and then the benefits that come from this data migration. So, let’s begin:

ACT to Zoho CRM: The Conversion

The conversion Process of Migration

An increasing number of organizations are willing for data migration from Act to Zoho CRM. While explaining the scope of migration, we will shed some light on what gets migrated and all that you can expect once the conversion is done.

Before understanding the entire conversion, let us all assume that an organization is using everything in ACT. This means that all the important information of this organization including contacts, companies, notes, history, attachments, custom fields, activities, groups, or any other important data is uploaded on ACT. The version of ACT does not matter here because data migration can be done from all versions.

Now, the migration process includes a middle step of exporting all the data into Excel. Therefore, any data that might not migrate can be edited to fit into Zoho fields and records. It is important that someone an experienced professional does this because that person will have the right tools and the knowledge to do the same. There are many people who can export data ACT, but only a few know how to migrate it. Therefore, having an experienced Zoho implementation consultant is a prerequisite.

Firstly, all the items that come straight across including the contacts, custom fields, or companies can be migrated cleanly. In Zoho, companies are called accounts by default. If you wish, then you can change this name as well. Being an Act user for many years, you might be used to the word companies, so you can stick to the same if you wish. Remember, if you set up all the fields in Zoho to match the fields in Act then mostly all of the data is likely to come across as fine and accurate. The only thing worth noting here is that Zoho limits the number of custom fields that can be added. This limit is 130 and it is divided by the field type. Although this should generally not be an issue, you might as well run into limits if you customize your ACT database extensively.

Other things such as notes, opportunities/potentials, and history come across the information while being presented in Zoho in a different manner. If the data is getting manipulated in Excel correctly, you can be assured of a clean conversion. Here, it is key that the person doing the data migration is well aware of both the ACT and the Zoho data structure, otherwise, there is a good chance that you might lose some important data.

As a system, you will find that ACT is much more detailed in Activities. Hence, scheduling, recurrence, alarms will not come over as 100%. You will end up getting the major information that will be just enough to continue working without any interruption or losing data. Additionally, the dates will also convert. You might just have to edit some of the alarms and recurring schedules.

For the data migration of groups, there is a different feature in Zoho. Just because Zoho does not have the group feature with the same name does not mean that you will end up losing any kind of data. It is very much possible to successfully convert the group information and keep it intact so that the users can still use the data they have in ACT. Zoho comes with some features that enable this to happen and the most important one out of those is Views, which means saved queries. When you move the group name to a field, you can create views in Zoho that enable you to do the same job of groups in ACT. Another option can be used as a second entity in Zoho called the companies or vendors at the group level.

It is important to remember that Zoho is a remarkable CRM application that is designed to enable the organizations to accomplish all that they wish to. Therefore, after the data migration is done correctly, the companies must focus on getting used to the features of Zoho and maximizing the benefits they offer for the best results.

Below mentioned is a step by step methodology of data migration from ACT to Zoho CRM:

Step By Step Migration Methodology

1. Discovery: The team of data migration consultants that you hire will make all attempts to gain an understanding of your existing setup. They are going to assess and understand your existing set up while planning for all the next steps that must be taken.

2. Back up: In this step, an ACT backup file will be needed for extracting the data from ACT CRM. Mostly, this will be a database backup such as the MS SQL database.

3. Extraction: Here, we use custom software for extracting data from the ACT. This particular process takes some hours based on the size of the database. Just after the extraction gets completed, spreadsheets of records in ACT CRM like Accounts, Opportunities, Events, Notes, Attachments, etc. are obtained.

4. Configuration: Before the migration of data is started, there is a setup configuration and customization in Zoho. This includes users and profiles, organization set up, custom fields, custom modules, workflow automation, etc. This step helps in preparing the Zoho account for migration.

5. Data cleansing: Just before the data gets migrated, a clean-up of data is required. Extensive work is done to duplicate records, unused modules, and the fields.

6. Data migration: In the step of data migration, the data that was extracted will be uploaded to the Zoho CRM.

7. Training: In this step, the data migration consultants will spend some time training the administrators and end-users.

8. Post-migration support: In this step, post-implementation support is provided for ensuring the success of the data migration.

Benefits of data migration from ACT to Zoho CRM

Benefits of Data Migration from Act to Zoho

1. Cloud-based: Zoho CRM is entirely cloud-based. This means that it integrates with several other cloud-based applications including the Google apps suite. Additionally, it can also sync with QuickBooks and Outlook.

Since Zoho is cloud-based, it provides a wide number of mobile features which means that users do not have to be restricted to their desks or even a particular computer system. Organizations can access the CRM application on the go from their mobile devices such as tablets or even smart phones.

2. Up to date technology:  ACT is outdated in many ways when compared to Zoho because Zoho offers many modern features. Some of these features include sales quotas, feeds, competitor tracking, etc. The feed feature has the capability to turn your CRM into a social network that allows users to follow certain activities or records along with adding comments.

This is a social format that proves to be much more intuitive for users as it mirrors the interface that most of the people working with new technology are accustomed to. Additionally, this also enables easier communication because it becomes easy to trace the comments back to particular events or records. There is no longer a need to do internal and external communications through separate emails or messenger channels because that can be done through the software directly.

3. Leverages marketing: Although it is true that many CRM applications are equipped with marketing automation tools, it must also be remembered that all of these solutions do not offer high-quality solutions. Zoho comes with a wide number of marketing automation tools that include email templates, mass emailing ability, an ability to transfer the web leads directly, a marketing campaign manager, etc.

All these tools provide increased connectivity with features that streamline marketing to the sales process. With the functions of email campaigns, users can invite prospects to schedule follow-up emails. It is also possible to keep a track of email open rates, the total number of clicks, and bounces.

After these events are over, the users can move all new leads to the sales team using the drip campaigns. Zoho CRM assists all marketing teams to manage the campaigns effectively while passing on quality leads to the sales team. In addition, marketing automation tools ensure that all campaigns deliver better results. Zoho CRM lets users set the budget, assign ownership to tasks, and measure the success of all campaigns that are conducted.


The amazing benefits that Zoho offers make up for the reason why companies are switching to Zoho. Encaptechno assists companies in implementing new and improved CRM solutions with exemplary support and guidance.

Having worked with multiple organizations as they migrated their data to the latest software applications, we ensure that they are always taking the benefit of the most innovative solutions. In case you are interested in using these new tools and want our team to help you with data migration from Act to Zoho CRM, then contact us.

We will give you the best-suited solutions for your business needs.

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What is Salesforce Sales Cloud - Encaptechno

What Is Salesforce Sales Cloud And What Are Its Benefits?

What is Salesforce Sales Cloud - Encaptechno

Salesforce is known as one of the most popular and top cloud-based software application providers all over the international market. It is a CRM solution that is designed for facilitating streamlined sales and marketing services. Implementation of the Salesforce cloud has the capability to redefine the way in which businesses connect with customers and create a much more meaningful relationship.

The impressive success of Salesforce can be attributed to numerous benefits and resources that Salesforce offers for its users. There are many advantages of using the sales cloud and the extensive resources that it offers. Although different organizations might find some benefits more useful than others, there are some major advantages of Salesforce that make it one of the best CRM software applications.

In this blog, we will have a look at what is Salesforce sales cloud and what are its benefits to understand all about this CRM in comprehensive detail.

Salesforce and its importance:

Salesforce Sales Cloud Benefits

For anyone who is used to working with a CRM platform, it is easy to understand that imagining a world without it is very difficult. In case you are a person who loves organization and structure, one of the best advantages that a CRM software application like salesforce sales cloud offers is that it helps in keeping everything linked. While managing customer relationships, one can handle the data, metrics, notes, and more, while keeping all of it in one place.

Additionally, a CRM platform also helps companies to target different audiences, set scores and important alerts based on an individual lead, maintain a certain level of proactivity with contacts, and manage relationships. Most importantly, CRM can be utilized across different departments for ensuring that all customer-facing teams get empowered with the correct data to create a remarkable customer experience.

CRM platforms like sales cloud offer a wide range of benefits. Although these benefits might vary with an ever-different department or industry, some of the most important ones are listed below.

Benefits of Salesforce Sales Cloud:


1. Reliable Reporting: Data is an extremely important part of a business and organizations can get it from a number of resources such as business software applications, CRM technology, social media tools, analytics tools, etc. However, just availing the data is not enough because until the data is not sorted, cleaned, analyzed, and made actionable, there is no point in that data.

In the present world, almost all companies rely on social media to assess their performance. The metrics on social media platforms are used to understand the popularity of a brand. Yet another business tool that companies use is Google Analytics for monitoring the website traffic. However, one cannot rely on these tools alone.

Sales cloud enables you to go much deeper with all the data and metrics including the ones from other sources is a lot more helpful in this case. When a company is dedicated to maintaining clean data or just keeping it free from errors, the CRM software helps in collating, tabulating, and organizing the data properly, which then becomes much easier to interpret because of all the features. This benefit of Salesforce cloud shines as one of the most important ones as it leads to availing so many other benefits that become available once this data is available for use.

A clear advantage that CRM platforms have is that they enable organizations to keep a tab on who interacts with their company and how. For example: filling a lead on a form successfully after coming across an ad on social media. One can also run reports to see opportunities, interaction with leads and customers, sales trends, customer service efforts, and a lot more.

The best CRM systems like Salesforce however can tell you a lot more than just where the lead has come from. They can show you exactly what your audience clicks when a marketing message is sent to them, how many times a customer opens an email, how often does a customer have conversations with the sales team and what do they need when they contact customer service and more.

During the implementation of a Salesforce, a salesforce consultant will make it very clear that reports are one of the most reliable benefits of CRM platforms, particularly when enhanced by AI. They will also tell you to use actionable data for effective communication with the current audience while easily reaching out to the audience who might have shown interest in the past. These reports guide a person through the decision-making process and also make it invaluable.

2. Dashboards: Using a spreadsheet for managing your company means inputting or importing the data manually, figuring out what is important, and creating a graphical representation of data. CRM solution does most of this for you. After getting a successful implementation of the Salesforce cloud done by a salesforce consultant, one of the best benefits that can be taken is that of the dashboard.

One can set up a dashboard for every individual in the company who has login credentials for the CRM platform. For instance, the digital marketing head of a company might be interested in email marketing and social media metrics through the click-through rates of every campaign.

He/she can set up a dashboard that effectively displays how many people have received an email marketing, how many opened it, what was the click-through rate, and more. A sales director, however, would wish to know how many calls are made per hour and how many calls out of those eventually resulted in a positive action such as a future meeting or a demo. Dashboards allow the users to see the data that is important to workflows without digging, sifting, sorting, or running a report.

3. Personalized outreach with automation: The continuous capture of data-driven by audience activities can be used to create relevant and personalized messaging outreach in both the manual and automated campaigns. This is a big benefit of dynamic content and automated messaging. One can put people with similarities in different campaigns.

This ability is like an added benefit of the salesforce cloud and lets you set up a series of automated emails that can effectively speak to the audience specifically.

4. Prompt service: Similarly, the data in the salesforce cloud can be used to automate more personalized and targeted outreach throughout the marketing funnel. It can enhance the efforts of a sales team outreach while improving the customer service’s ability to assist customers.

When a sales team comes with the knowledge of what interests a customer, either they or a customer support representative can meet and solve the customer needs proactively. This is one of the best advantages of a customer services team.

With a relevant amount of data available in the dashboards, there is no further need to dig deep into the information because a representative can get right down to what matters. This will save everyone’s time while making the potential for customers to feel important when the sales and customer service is proactive and knowledgeable. Additionally, it can also improve the bottom line with high customer satisfaction and reduced time to resolution.

5. Improved efficiency due to automation: Automation is an important benefit of the Sales cloud because it helps the users substantially. It cuts down the time it usually takes to email and works on leads. It also converts more leads by prioritizing the potential leads. In addition, automation helps in handling simple customer questions such as an order status with chatbots and automated messaging effectively.

Marketing teams can spend a lot more time creating campaigns that resonate better with their audience, analyzing data, and testing different strategies based on the analytics. On another hand, the sales team can focus on selling the right product and services to the present and the targeted customers.

The customer service agents can dedicate their time to working out with the customers who have questions, solutions, or any complex needs. Eventually, an efficient company can serve its customers better, which is the greatest benefit of the sales cloud.

6. Effective collaboration: Salesforce sales cloud serves as a record of conversations, regular interactions, needs, important notes, and contact information. If it is cloud-based, it will always be up to date while enabling the teammates to easily look at the records for making decisions. In addition, some CRM platforms come with built-in collaboration tools that enable multiple people to work on either one file or follow the progress of a document like that of a sales quote.

Everyone who has access to the salesforce can effectively work with the help of shared records. For instance: when a salesperson speaks to a customer and learns more about them, all important details can be filled in easily in that person’s record or on their file. This helps in making sure that the rest of the team is working with the latest details and to their maximum capabilities. Marketing, customer service, and sales departments work together collaboratively instead of worrying about siloed information.


Almost all team members can gather insights or data while working together to offer exceptional service to customers. Furthermore, data can be organized and presented well by a CRM platform like salesforce cloud while leading to a better understanding of a customer. This eventually leads to better messaging and outreach, most of which can be done with automation, which further helps to offer better and more efficient customer service.

Moreover, the teams can collaborate more easily and reduce any chances of errors. Out of all the benefits of sales cloud, the utilization of data and technology for powering a more efficient company is one of the biggest. It helps in serving the customers more effectively while leading to a better business.

The team of Salesforce consultants from Encaptechno comes with a wide range of experience in offering exceptional implementation services. If you are looking forward to an effective salesforce cloud implementation then get in touch with Enacptechno.

Sales Cloud Consultation

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CRM Services, , ,
What is CRM - A Helpful Guide for Business Owners

What Is CRM? | A Helpful Guide For Business Owners

CRM is an acronym for Customer Relationship Management. In other words, a technology that is used to manage interactions with present and potential customers is called CRM. It is an online system that enables the organizations to create reliable customer relationships and streamline processes that can not only increase sales but also improve customer service and eventually, profitability.

What is CRM?

What is CRM - A Helpful Guide for Business Owners

The customer relationship system has been in the market back since the 1990s. However, the online CRM system has taken over and popularized itself over the last decade. CRM platforms are extremely powerful online systems that can connect all data from sales leads and customers in one place only. A CRM can be utilized for analyzing and recording all calls, meetings, improving sales, increasing revenue, and emails.

Other than this, CRM services enable one to get personal with customers and prospects with personalized messages. You can differentiate, slice, and track the data to make sales and marketing smarter, more effective, and efficient.

You can think of an online CRM system to be a literal depiction of serving and gaining the loyalty of customers. An online CRM system will not only enable you to stay focused on the relationships of your organization with people (customers, service users, suppliers or colleagues) but also allow you to embed sales, marketing, and HR processes in the business.

It is a single framework that is designed to enhance the entire business strategy while with an aim to bring your marketing, sales, and customer support activities together, streamline the processes, people, and policy in one platform.

Why does a CRM matter?

Why Does a CRM Matter

In case you want to make sure that your business lasts, you need to rely on a tangible business strategy for the upcoming future. You know that you already have targets for sales, profitability, and business objectives. However staying up to date along with implementing reliable information for the progress of your goals is something that can be tricky.

How can you translate the different data streams that come in from the sales team, marketers, social media teams, and customer service team into constructive business information? The answer to this question is the implementation of an online CRM system with the help of a CRM consulting partner. Using a CRM system has the capability to give you a clear overview of your customers.

You will be able to see and view all the important information at one place in a simple and customizable dashboard that will tell you about a customer’s previous history with you, the order status, outstanding customer service issues, and a lot more.

You can also decide to include important information from any public or social media activity, likes or dislikes, what people are saying and sharing, etc. Additionally, marketers can also use CRM for understanding the pipelines of sales or prospective work that might come in for making precise and effective forecasts. CRM services will give you clear visibility of every lead while showing you a clear path right from inquiry to sales.

Although CRM was traditionally used as a sales and marketing tool only, customer service teams are seeing exceptional benefits from the CRM systems. The customers of today might pick up an issue on one public platform while taking to a telephonic conversation for resolving the matter privately. A CRM platform is something that helps you in managing inquiry over all channels without losing any track.

What does an online CRM system do?

Enabling contact management on a large scale is the most important function of absolutely any customer information system, regardless of the fact if it is cloud-based CRM or just a CRM software on a server. The fundamental role of an online CRM system is to do the job of being a hub for organizing and making an absolute sense of important data and insights along with providing all tools needed to collect and manage information about people who are important for a business.

These functions can seem very different when they are worked out across multiple departments. For example; a CRM can assist in enabling the sales representatives to see past the interactions and purchases before anyone makes a phone call. It can also offer support teams of an organization with any credentials or contact details that might be required for offering better customer service. It can give marketers access to complete details that can help in targeting campaigns.

Understanding and organizing important data insights is an important responsibility for any company. However, just as the importance of audience information grows the number of details that a business needs grows as well. With so many online channels and ways of engagement, the data often gets looped in different tools while making it difficult to get a true picture of what the customers do or talk about.

Therefore, regardless of the size or the industry of business, turning to CRM tools can create a central hub for audience reports, gaining a better understanding of who the customers are, what they want, and build stronger relationships as they grow.

In fact, CRM is not just for the big businesses that make it to the list of Fortune companies. With the help of using statistics, one can improve customer relationships considerably and this has become an important feature of all kinds of organizations. In fact there the businesses that are just starting out have an even better chance because there is no better time for contact management as compared to the one in the beginning.

From the time one creates an online presence, the CRM services can help in gaining access to valuable information about the customers and potential customers. It can not only help in laying a strong foundation for building and updating the relationships with customers, collecting data, but it can also help in setting consistent automation and personalized touchpoints with time.

There is no need for CRM to be engaged in a full-time job. Regardless of whether it is about a small team, there is a solo entrepreneur, who relies on occasional marketing campaigns for selling the brand, CRM implementation done with the assistance of a CRM consultant can help in putting the data to work and save time. With its implementation, a person or a team can make valued decisions about where one should focus on reaching customers, which channel is preferable, and how to engage them for a long time.

Working of CRM:

More often than not, an online CRM system is just thought of as a technology. Whereas, the truth is that it is much more than that. Almost no technology, regardless of how sophisticated it might be can become successful without a good strategy for guiding implementation and use. It is important for the business strategy and technology to work together for bringing a customer-centric plan to life.

By understanding the work and the role played by CRM in customer-centric data management and automation, we will see how CRM is a world in itself.

– Making and Implementing Customer-Centric Strategy: The role of an online CRM system is to support a strategy that allows the customers to be the focus of everything. This customer-centric strategy should be such that it focuses clearly on the goals and visions of meaningful customer experience. Since valuable customer experience is significant, CRM implementation goes far in improving the customer experience.

Each time a customer gets in contact with a new organization or through a different channel, an opinion is likely to be formed. This opinion can either be good, indifferent, or bad. As time passes by, this set of customer experiences create a picture in the customer’s mind, which in turn plays a role in forming the brand image.

Any organization that is serious about CRM design and strives to form a quality experience because of understanding that poor customer experience can drive customers away is on the right path.

– Centralization of Customer Data: CRM software applications are responsible for combining all sales, customer service information, and marketing into one database. With so many businesses collecting data on customers and prospects, good access to data lying in the database means fewer problems in the organization, and better customer-centricity.

Customer information is a sum total of phone numbers, contacts, addresses, etc. Having a CRM partner to implement an online CRM system will lead to all that was discussed, the next follow update, the status of an open item, etc.

This is important information that can be used to measure, manage, and keep a track of sales, marketing, and the various customer service activities as they are all directly linked to the customers. Overall, this helps in building great customer loyalty and experience.

Since an online CRM system has the ability to centralize the entire customer-facing information, any unnecessary finger-pointing within an organization gets reduced substantially. The marketing team can no longer blame the sales team for not communicating and vice versa. No matter what department of the company is being talked about, they all have access to the same information.

– Automation of Business Processes: The companies that have streamlined business and customer-facing processes are the ones that make the business a lot more efficient. Different aspects such as budgeting and planning are an important part of customer-facing processes on which sales, marketing, and customer service rely. A good CRM strategy focused mostly on the customer-oriented processes helps in solving the needs of customers in a much better way.

In essence, the complete CRM process generally begins with a lead. In simple words, just the name of a person you can sell to. Mostly, a person is supposed to fill a web form that is provided with the contact information. Just after the lead is put in the system, the software takes one through the sales process.

An online CRM system reminds the salesperson to call at a mutually decided time. Each time one interacts with the prospects, it gets recorded in the CRM system and the same applies in case someone talks to the prospect. CRM keeps tracks of all the lead generation while bringing in more customers.

In addition to this, CRM works as a library of documents, emails, and phone calls that facilitate an effective interaction when a prospect is initiated.  The team gets a prompt and an automated trail of communication because all the information is kept in one place. Regardless of whether you are in marketing, customer support, or sales, a CRM system can help in automating business processes while automating each process as it works with the other. However, it must be understood that each business should be well defined for getting good results.

Benefits of an online CRM system:

Benefits of an Online CRM System

An online CRM system is available to marketing teams, salespeople, customer support specialists, and absolutely anyone who comes in contact with customers of large and small companies. However, we are going to list down the benefits in complete detail below:

1. Efficiently Organized Data: One of the biggest benefits of CRM is that it facilitates the effective organization of data. When you move to an online CRM system, you will be required to inculcate the practice of entering email addresses, phone numbers, and contact information. Just when the CRM system is up and running, users can follow and track information about every customer.

A CRM system is a central place for storing and managing all important information that makes working easy for everyone. Here, everyone is inclusive of customers who get better service and detailed attention just as you start to understand them a lot better.

2. Identify and Categorize the Leads: One of the most important benefits of an online CRM system is the fact it can enable you to identify and add new leads easily while categorizing them precisely. You can not only create customized pitch documents in less time, but you can also cut down the response time and enable the sales team to capitalize on the next opportunity.

With precise and completely held information about the clients and prospects, the sales staff can focus their complete attention and energy on the right clients while gaining a competitive advantage.

3. Better Sales Opportunities: Almost no one wants to stop after gaining a handful of customers or clients. However, sometimes, the problem lies in struggling with the idea generation that helps in increasing the customer base.

An important way is to learn more about creating better sales opportunities is by learning more about the people who are already customers. One way to learn more about the people who are customers already, an online CRM system can track the insights and patterns into the themes and trends.

This type of analytics can actually help in developing micro-targeted plans and different strategies for sales opportunities at particular times.

4. Tracking Sales Progress: In addition to the fact that CRM helps in managing the customer base, it also helps in tracking the progress of the sales for the entire organization. In case you are a one-person business, you can also get the assistance you need for tracking the leads and following up.

Additionally, if you have a large sales team, every new set of leads gets assigned to you as a sales rep and their journey gets tracked from that point onwards. Just as the journey progresses, the CRM platform offers a starting point for acting on the sales trends and close gaps. This is an easy way to track the performance of your sales team.

5. Effective Communication: Besides the fact that CRM can be an efficient use of sales resources, it can also allow your customers to benefit from the personalization features that many CRM tools offer. An important advantage of effective and personalized communication is that it improves the productivity and efficiency of an organization.

All of this can be used in the CRM database for building better customer relationships with the help of personalized communications. An effective way to do this is by addressing the customers with their first name in the emails or creating marketing campaigns based on different industries.

6. Increasing Referrals from Existing Customers: CRM services enable you to understand your customers better, create up-selling and cross-selling opportunities that can ultimately help in winning new business from existing customers.

Just after the CRM consultant helps you with the implementation, you can have access to better information that will eventually become the reason for keeping your customers happy. Since happy customers are more than likely to return more often and when they return they will spend more. Hence, this is an exceptional benefit.

7. Better Retention Rate: A way in which CRM can benefit the sales processes is the fact that it reveals all customers who generate the highest revenue or are the most engaged. You can find the most lucrative customers by gaining a much better understanding of who attends your online seminars, webinars, and open all your emails with the help of a CRM.

When you start reaching out to them to advocate your brand more, you can increase the retention rate of your customers. The ability of a CRM to understand customer behavior can ultimately help you come up with reliable solutions. A better insight into customer behavior will always help you develop a plan or a program that retains the customers who are on the verge of leaving.

8. Tracking Tasks: The CRM services further helps in the integration of a company’s typical workflow while saving more time spent on everyday tasks. Automation helps in boosting customer engagement and offering an added consistency.

The fact of the matter is that consistency is one of the best benefits of a CRM system. When all the important tasks are tracked in the right way, the overall productivity is increased a lot more.

9. Improved Products and Services: A very commonly overlooked benefit of the CRM software is the fact it gathers information from a wide range of sources across the business. This gives organizations an accurate and rather useful insight into how the customers think, feel and what do they say about an organization.

This improves the products and services of an organization because it actually ends up giving valuable insights for the improvement of what is offered, spotting problems, and identifying the gaps.

10. Reporting and Analytics: A business culture that is essentially driven with an analytics-driven working style can actually go a long way in transforming an organization from instinct-based to being data-driven.

Implementation of an online CRM system provides the necessary business intelligence that processes important data from multiple sources and works on significant insights. From the fundamental charts to the advanced analytics insights like looking for problems in the business with an inbuilt analytics engine embedded in the CRM can help the organizations gain an important business advantage.

Related Read: Why CRM Systems Fail?


All the information that has been mentioned above sums up the meaning of CRM in the true sense. CRM services can enable a customer to leave all chaos out of the interactions that happen with the workforce and customers while letting you focus on your goal.

For someone who is just starting out, an online CRM system might come across as intimidating, but when you go further with using it, it is not complicated at all. In fact, it is pretty much like standard automated processes. When you get the hang of this software and learn to rely on it, you will discover that it takes a relatively lesser time to use as compared to your old search habits.

As a market leader in the implementation of CRM services, Encaptechno comes with years of experience that can help you begin your journey of online customer relationship management. Get in touch with us for assistance and allow us to become your partners in unprecedented growth with the help of the best online CRM system.

What Is CRM? | A Helpful Guide For Business Owners Read More »

CRM Services, , , ,
Leverage your Marketing with Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Leverage Marketing With Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Leverage your Marketing with Salesforce Marketing Cloud

What do you think are some of the significant requisites needed for doing a successful business? Monetary assets are most definitely important, but a business is not just about selling products or services. The success of a business depends a lot on the kind of relationships you have with your clients. Customer relationship management or CRM is the fundamental on which the success of a business depends and good CRM is directly linked with marketing.

Naturally, having good CRM for your business is liked by having the best tools as well. This is right where the Salesforce marketing cloud comes into the picture as it is a tool that is designed to boost the overall business activities.

With its technologically advanced features, the Salesforce marketing cloud enables a client in having a better understanding of customers, which then helps in increasing the profits. In this blog, we will do an in-depth discussion on the Salesforce marketing cloud and the benefits that it brings.

Besides helping you gain a better understanding of this tool, this blog will also help you leverage your marketing with a Salesforce marketing cloud. So let’s begin:

What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce marketing cloud is a marketing automation software, which enables businesses to enhance their efficiency of marketing activities. According to a study, Salesforce implementation leads to a 27% increase in the lead volumes, a 30% increase in the lead conversion, and over 25% increase in the marketing ROI.

If we have to summarize what Salesforce does, we can say that brings companies and their customers together. It has an integrated platform that helps in managing sales, commerce, and services at one point in time. The marketing cloud is a product offered by Salesforce that helps in delivering relevant and personalized journeys to your target audience across all the right channels and devices.

With the assistance of Salesforce implementation partners, marketers are able to deliver the right messages at the right time and to the right users, which ultimately helps in building better client relationships. Within Marketing Cloud, users can take benefits of integrated solutions such as email studio, mobile studio, social studio, web personalization, advertising, content management and creation, data analysis, customer journey management, etc.

All these integrations work together and help in achieving primary objectives, work for new goals, and have a clear visualization of the journey of a customer. With the Salesforce marketing cloud, every possible customer engagement and interaction gets covered.


Now that we have a basic understanding of Salesforce, let us understand the steps to leverage your marketing with the Salesforce marketing cloud.

1. Appropriate communication to customers: A CRM solution such as that of the Salesforce marketing cloud can offer a much needed and precise customer-centric view of businesses. All, more importantly, it can also provide a comprehensive view of every customer. This begins with data because data can be pulled from numerous sources or spread over multiple platforms that can eventually be tied to prospects, leads, and customers.

With the help of SFMC’s powerful data management platform called Audience Studio, the marketers and leaders can record, store, and unify the data to gain in-depth insight into the target audience. This is something that ends up empowering the marketers to collaborate and engage with customers that they prefer and at the right time.

Most importantly, they can do this on a large scale and over a long period of time that leads to customer loyalty and creates meaningful relationships over the long term. In essence, the marketing cloud helps in giving the right communications at the right time and to the right fans all at a scale, which further helps in achieving a better return on marketing investment.

2. Cross-functional marketing: In the present dynamic business landscape, it is important to engage in cross-functional and cross channel marketing. Salesforce marketing cloud is a tool that enables organizations to create extremely targeted and functional marketing campaigns by connecting the dots over important touchpoints such as emails, mobile, the web, direct mail, sales, commerce, advertising, and services.

Marketers can also make dynamic adjustments to their campaigns based on the present and predicted behavior of the customers, their interests, attributes, and what resonates best with them while increasing customer satisfaction and engagement. For the organizations that are looking forward to creating personalized and targeted mail, SFMC’s Email Studio provides an extensive set of functionalities that are not available in any other CRM solution.

On the other hand, larger organizations that have an advertising budget, Advertising Studio provide an ability to integrate personalized advertising across search, social media, and display into the marketing strategy. This does not only help in making important content available to customers on their preferred device or channel but also helps in increasing marketing ROI for organizations.

3. Predictive analysis: An important tool that shapes the customer experience is called predictive analysis. Salesforce marketing cloud assesses the behavioral history of a customer for predicting future actions in the right way. Everything that a customer has done in the past informs the steps that they will be taking next, such as unsubscribe, share with a friend or buy.

The marketing cloud helps in delivering a customized journey based on that particular knowledge. In case, a customer always purchases items on a sale then they will always receive notifications about the latest upcoming or ongoing sale.

Marketers can drive the customer experience according to all their preferences and thus, enjoy an enhanced response rate that ultimately makes the brand successful.

4. Reaching a new audience with Data Studio: With the help of Salesforce implementation partners, organizations can get access to Data Studio. This is a tool that acts as a data-sharing solution and creates a safe environment for data owners and purchasers to connect directly and exchange information.

Fundamentally, Data Studio is considered as a marketplace of second-party data. This also means that marketers have a great opportunity to explore new audiences and include them in marketing activities.

A fashion wear retailer could purchase an entire database of subscribers to an online workout resource and launch a campaign providing them fashion wear.

5. Building social media presence: Social Studio tool in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud enables companies to effectively build a good social media presence. This is how the Social Studio is helpful to companies:

  • Marketers can develop corporate profiles, create user-oriented content, promote marketing campaigns, and communicate with the audience. Meanwhile, the marketing managers can keep an eye on the big picture and evaluate if a company’s effort in social media pays off or not.
  • A sales team might also start nurturing prospects by tracking the posts with an information request and a purchase intention.
  • Additionally, the service agents may also follow the same logic, once they see a complaint or negative feedback on social media because this allows them to contact a customer and set an issue.

6. Integrating personalized advertising into marketing strategy: In case you are going to invest in advertising then the Advertising Studio will most likely be increasing your ROI. With the help of leveraging the customer data stored in Salesforce, the marketers can advertise relevant content to customers in Google Search and on other social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.

For instance, in Advertising Studio, a person can create upsell ads that can be customized to the purchase history of customers. As a result of this, customers are more than likely to click and move on to shopping while helping in materializing the aim of marketers.

7. Security: The Salesforce platforms offer trust and protection against any misuse of data. With the correct analysis of data, one can protect a business from any kind of potential harm. Additionally, this also helps in the encryption of data between a company and a customer.

Furthermore, Salesforce is all about having a safe platform through which you can use and protect your customers from any kind of unfair circumstances. Additionally, the better the security, the more accustomed will be the business and will offer more benefits in the long run.

Therefore, security is one of the most important roles that must be counted in the customer and company management and you can get it at its best with the Salesforce implementation.

8. Personalized and automated marketing: With the help of Salesforce marketing cloud’s full suite of marketing automation tools like Pardot, organizations can increase their flow of prospects and high-quality leads by boosting the overall conversions and strengthening the customer relationships.

Even better than this, organizations can also automate the complete process so they can have more opportunities for developing a deeper understanding of their customer needs, maximize their marketing investments and get more investments for their money invested in the marketing processes.

With the automation of common marketing and sales tasks, the organizations can focus on all that really matters. From creating personalized and engaging customer experiences at almost every touchpoint to improving the buyer journey and enhancing the overall revenue, that is what matters the most and that is what Salesforce marketing cloud does.

9. Innovation: Anytime when you are not worried about sales and have plenty of time to engage with the customers, it is only then that innovation is possible. For this reason, the marketing automation brought about with the assistance of Salesforce implementation partners is important.

With the use of Salesforce, customers can have innovative ideas and implement them straight away for understanding the optimal returns expected on ideas. It is commonly said that innovation can be born at almost any place in the hierarchy.

When you keep this in mind, this platform gives many opportunities at different levels to many users. When the users are presented with innovation, it ends up benefitting the overall community and business remarkably.

10. Competitive edge: With the Salesforce marketing cloud, organizations are no longer dependent on the traditional channels or legacy systems for meeting the client expectations and staying ahead of their competition. In fact, they can easily develop one on one relationships based on the interactions that are both personalized and intelligent.

Basically, marketers can get a bird’s eye view of how every marketing campaign is doing by using the power of AI and take important data-driven actions for enhancing client expectations. The Interaction Studio of Salesforce allows in capturing every customer interaction across all touchpoints in real-time and making accurate decisions while increasing conversions, boosting lifetime value, and creating brand advocates.

Irrespective of whether the customer is B2B or B2C, SFMC offers a comprehensive platform that allows the firms to address the changing needs before the competitors which is an important factor to survive and thrive in the present business landscape.


In sum, we can say that Salesforce is not only about buying or selling, but it is about spreading happiness with the help of connectivity. Salesforce tools are like assets that work behind the scenes and play a big role in making marketing all the more purposeful.

You can leverage your marketing with the assistance of Salesforce implementation partners like Encaptechno. We come with years of experience in offering the best Salesforce services.

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Opt Zoho Creator for Your Organization - Encaptechno

Why Should Organizations Opt For Zoho Creator?

Opt Zoho Creator for Your Organization - Encaptechno

The internet is a hub of multiple businesses displaying their products and services. The Internet is made up of numerous software and solutions designed to cater to different needs. However, if you are seeking effective assistance that offers complete database application life cycle development to rescue on a sole platform then Zoho Creator can be of great help.

If a business aims to stay competitive in a stiff environment then it is necessary to continuously enhance processes. Fortunately, the business process management software applications help in fine-tuning all processes important for attaining great performance, preventing higher costs, preventing less motivated workforce, reducing revenues, and lesser satisfied customers.

Although there is no shortage of business process management software applications in the market, Zoho Creator is the one that stands out and stays on the top with the prominent features and functionalities that it offers. A Zoho Creator consultant can assist any organization in the implementation of the Zoho Creator while taking the business processes far.

Zoho Creator is a multi-platform builder for businesses that supports to create and manage a wide range of business applications. Integrated with a drag and drop feature interface along with a scripting language, the BPM tool creates applications incredibly fast and simple. Organizations can take the assistance of Zoho creator app developers to build custom applications based on different business needs.

In this blog, we will see and understand why should organizations opt for Zoho Creator? This will give us a better insight into what makes Zoho Creator a value addition for organizations.

What Makes Zoho Creator a Value Addition For Organizations

1. Increases Speed of Web Development: Zoho Creator comes with a serverless back end that enables the team of an organization to build, run, and test applications without stressing about servers. Enriched with a battle-tested production environment, the Zoho Creator environment includes tech stack including app servers, infrastructure, databases, network, security, operating systems, and all platforms and interfaces that help in building the applications in the right way.

With the combination of visual tools and a traditional coding environment, Zoho Creator app developers leverage the low code platform to configure the difficulty and code the interesting parts. Most of the low code platforms provide visual builders for both front-end and back-end web development.

With the help of these builders, app developers can fast forward the creation of common UI elements such as pages, forms, and dashboards as easily as a virtual Lego set while configuring back end components like workflows, integrations, and customer portals in a few clicks.

2. Fair Pricing and Community Access: Zoho Creator is workflow management software that uses a pay-as-you-go service. There is no need for making periodic payments as well as long term contracts. With a normal and accessible price every month, the system is accessible for businesses of all scales and user bases.

Using the platform does not need any costly hardware, which enables organizations to save a lot of money. No extra charges are expected from the users as well because all features needed by businesses are included in the selected package.

Other than this, Zoho Creator allows the app development to be done with much-needed ease because of the wide community access. The users are able to participate in a big community that is independent of software vendors and developers and would allow obtaining valuable expertise in many relevant fields.

3. Secure Sharing, Accessing, and Collaboration: Zoho Creator app developers can collaborate in order to access and edit the applications. They have the option to share input forms, reports, and dashboards via a URL. Anyone can view, access, and change the data in the forms and reports from their mobile devices.

The users are always keen on making their database applications available for use in a safe manner. In addition to the role-based access, the business process management tool handles other security functions for ensuring security and accessing the applications.

Besides this, encryption of sensitive data, multi-factor authentication options, HTTPs for complete pages, and the data back up in various locations are some of the security functions that Zoho Creator comes with.

4. Zoho Creator Developer Toolkit: Some of the best low code platforms preserve the coding space for a high degree of customization. In Zoho Creator, the IDE verifies all code lines one type, helps in detecting them, and fixes the issues in that moment itself.

An agile model in which the programs are divided into modules enables a Zoho Creator consultant to make changes in modules with the conviction that the rest of the program will not get changed. One can also reuse code across different applications. For example; the goal-setting function can be used from a sales management app on a habit tracker application.

Other than this, Zoho Creator also supports web and mobile widgets, SDKs, and other extensions. One can extend applications using JavaScript and any JavaScript library like Angular, React, and Dojo through the widgets.

Even though agile development can be a great option, but some time-saving tools are always needed in an organization to ensure rapid delivery. Zoho Creator equips one with all that is needed to take an application from conception and design to testing, delivery, and roll out. Some of the popular tools from the Zoho Creator developer toolkit are Data connectors, Sandbox, Version control, app templates, built-in authentication and authorization, APIs and SDKs, etc.

5. Quick Deployment: Zoho creator comes with many built-in capabilities that take all the stress away from the shoulders of app developers after an application has been built. It aids app development with the help of quick deployment.

One can push even the most difficult changes into production with just a single click using Zoho Creator. Other than this, the web app gets automatically available on all devices including mobiles, desktop, tablets, and wearable because of the native mobile features and complete offline capabilities.

An application that is created and tested to work for one team can be scaled up for work in the entire organization without any need for change to the architecture. Plus, Zoho Creator comes with certified security features that ensure great availability and security. This takes care of compliance and disaster recovery, so one can focus only on building applications.

6. Easy to Use and Accessible: Another thing that makes Zoho Creator stand out is the fact that it is simple to use the software. In addition to the fact that it doesn’t require complex installation, employees do not have to undergo extensive training for the sake of using the system efficiently.

Zoho Creator is highly flexible and comes with the benefit of personalization that fits the particular needs of a business. A cloud-based platform that enables all operations and data to be accessed through mobile devices, Zoho Creator eases the processes of organizations considerably.

It’s easy to use and accessible features are great for decentralizing the team members because being in various remote locations is no longer a problem while doing work.

7. Advanced Mobile App Capabilities: Mobility is an important factor in business. Zoho Creator provides mobile apps for iOS and Android devices while letting the users handle their applications and access data on mobile devices. The advanced mobile app capabilities that Zoho Creator comes with enables the users to access the Creator apps including workplaces, personal and shared apps.

In addition, the Mobile App Creator modules automatically make the existing application as mobile-enabled. The Zoho Creator developers can add, delete, and edit data within the mobile application.

Besides this, they can search, sort, filter, group and apply custom activities on data, receive notifications from applications, approve requests on the applications, accept payments from the phone, analyze reports on top of data, support offline data submission and support typical features of mobile phones such as Cameras, Microphones, Location Services and Gestures.

8. After Deployment Ease: Zoho Creator is designed to be a future proof tech. The applications will never go obsolete because the platform is continuously updated. For instance; desktop software built in the year 2006 on Zoho Creator was automatically available as an iOS app when the iPhones are launched in the market.

If you need a new feature then Zoho Creator applications are always customizable. You can fulfill new requirements just as soon as they pop up because you have already established a robust foundation with the assistance of Zoho Creator.

The Zoho Creator developers find Zoho Creator to be a low code development platform that doesn’t create problems but helps in fast innovation without getting stuck on outdated coding practices. As the digital transformation projects cloud over today’s enterprise, low code can become a powerful way for developers to deliver applications on time without sacrificing quality.

9. Zoho Creator Integration: The Zoho Creator features a unified database for its custom application and hence all applications created in that tool share the same database. The users can look up and add details across the apps without additional integration.

Zoho Creator integrates with a number of applications like Zoho CRM, Zoho Books, Zoho Reports, Zoho Recruit, Zoho Campaigns, Zoho Invoice, Zoho Calendar, and so on. Similarly, it also integrates with many third-party applications like Salesforce, Zapier, QuickBooks, and Google Apps.

With the help of an architecture called “One Virtual Database”, Zoho Creator supports content and data flow all across applications. This support makes the integration much easier, productive and effective.

10. Graphical Interface Layer: Zoho creator also enables the users to build tables and forms on Zoho forms just with a clicking a component and using drag and drop to the form. The business process management tool provides many options as to the various types of components and fields to create a database.

Additionally, it also includes dropdowns, checkboxes, lookup, radio buttons and input fields to keep single and multi-line texts, numbers, email IDs, and percentages. All this can be done without any programming knowledge, but only with a little guidance on the process that must be followed.

Related ReadBuild Custom Applications using Zoho Creator!


With all the features that are mentioned above, Zoho Creator is the right tool for your business if you are looking for affordable ways to enhance the efficiency of your business operations. It is a tool that not only offers solutions with workflow capabilities but also eases the use and secures cloud storage with a great price point.

Therefore, organizations should get the most of benefits that are offered by the Zoho Creator. This can be done by getting in touch with a credible Zoho Creator Consultant to implement and get the best of Zoho Creator benefits.

Get FREE Zoho Consultation Now

Encaptechno comes with extensive experience in providing the Zoho Creator implementation services. If you are looking forward to partner with a dedicated, experienced and credible consultant, then reach out to the team of Encaptechno for the best support as your Zoho Creator Consultants.

Why Should Organizations Opt For Zoho Creator? Read More »

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Benefits of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consultant - Encaptechno

Benefits Of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consulting Partner

As a business that is on the verge of growing, the foremost priority is to enhance the operations of the business in a way that generates faster and greater ROI. For ensuring a constant growth of your business, you must chart out a suitable customer satisfaction strategy because the customers tend to be the force responsible behind making or breaking a business. One of the most important aspects of this strategy is to have a robust system in place that can offer a single view of almost all customer-related data.

Benefits of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consultant - Encaptechno

Salesforce cloud comes with great functionalities, features, and an ever-advancing setup, which has made it the most natural choice for all business owners looking to manage their business. The implementation of the Salesforce in partnership with the certified Salesforce consultant not only manages the scattered business processes but also enhances efficiency and productivity.

Although this cloud-based platform is highly flexible, simple to use, and widely accepted all across the globe, the real challenge is its implementation. A salesforce implementation requires complete focus, technical knowledge, and dedication, which is not possible while handling different important business activities.

In case businesses want to maximize the complete potential of Salesforce then they must hire a Salesforce consultant that is capable of delivering comprehensive consulting services while facing the important business challenges. Successful implementation must be done keeping proper strategies and implementation plans in the mind and if you choose your Salesforce partners rightly then getting the job done at the right time and within the right budget will become easy.

The team of Salesforce consultants works with an aim to assess the present business practices and processes. After the evaluation of business processes is done, the Salesforce consultant suggests the best implementation strategies for meeting organizational goals.

In this blog, we will make an attempt to understand the benefits of hiring a certified salesforce consulting partner. However, before making an attempt to understand all the benefits, we will understand how Salesforce CRM helps in increasing the ROI?

How Does Salesforce CRM Help In Increasing the ROI?

How Does Salesforce CRM Help In Increasing the ROI

Salesforce is one of the most popular leaders in the field of CRM and this is pretty clear for the companies that have chosen it in the past. We will try to explain this little better with the help of an example.

For instance; if a business wants to use the Salesforce sales cloud or the marketing platform for managing promotions, the usability is not just restricted to the marketing area, but the CRM can be tailored for suiting business needs precisely. It has the capability to boost the overall sales by creating new markets, optimizing conversions, and analyzing data by reporting or dashboards.

With the implementation of Salesforce, document generation becomes easy based on the different criteria and filters that enhance the overall efficiency of business processes. You can also use the case management for prompt delivery by setting priorities and delegating them one by one to the concerned people. Basically, the Salesforce partner has a solution every time there is a problem.

How Does Salesforce Business Consultant Increase ROI?

How Does Salesforce Business Consultant Increase ROI

Let’s just say that you are able to implement Salesforce on your own to complete potential. However, if you want to see what an ideal implementation looks like within a time period and budget, we would always recommend that you employ a Salesforce specialist for getting the work done in a way that the ROI gets increased. This is because:

  • Hiring a Salesforce consultant can help in saving the employee productivity time that can then be used for other things.
  • The Salesforce experts have a solution for almost every complex problem and it is easy to set up, customize, and even configure. All of these things help in increasing the ROI.
  • Salesforce partners use the best coding standards and implementation practices. Hence, the possibility of failure is very less because even the quality and stability of a product will get improved.
  • Salesforce consultants will offer ongoing support and flexibility for the development and productivity of a company.
  • This will also enable in encouraging adoption and pipeline business opportunities with goals that maximize ROI and improve the performance.

Now that we have a basic understanding of Salesforce implementation, we will now look at the benefits of hiring a certified Salesforce consulting partner in order to understand everything a lot better.

1. Simple Set-up and Execution: Salesforce is relatively simple to set up and configure if it is done with the help of an expert. A good Salesforce consultant will always know where to make the changes, the methods to change the required settings, configuring the security settings for better access to CRM, and making everything more private. What’s more, is that all of this can be achieved very quickly.

At the time when a Salesforce implementation is being done, many people think that upgrading software will be a relatively simple step to take up and execute. At the end of the day, it is just the next version of the software. Although some people might not have an assumption there are still many misconceptions that are associated with the Salesforce implementation and execution.

The fact of the matter is that the salesforce implementation is not just about moving from one version to the next. It actually comes with a whole new system with an entirely new design, new features, and different ways of doing business. In case a CRM system is not implemented in the right way, there is absolutely no point in implementing it.

If the implementation is done by an experienced salesforce consultant, then the execution also becomes a lot easier. From streamlined workflow, improved communications, enhanced productivity, reduced operational expenses, better security to customer experience, everything comes out great.

2. Saves Time Considerably: After appointing a Salesforce consultant, your organization will get easy access to seamless and some of the most reliable solutions for all kinds of problems that a business can face. A salesforce consultant will not only help in saving a lot of time, but it will also help in making the organization much more productive and close more deals successfully.

A qualified and experienced salesforce consultant is always well aware of the technical details involved in the implementation process. All through the implementation process, the salesforce consultant establishes clear milestones that can help in tracking the progress of CRM implementation.

Organizations can access the best of features and get customizable solutions quickly at a very affordable price with the assistance of Salesforce consultants. This is one of the most important reasons for hiring a salesforce consultant. In addition to helping deliver on time and accurate solutions linked with the salesforce implementation for meeting the growing demands of a business, companies can actually have a comprehensive view of the clients that can help the sales team strategize better marketing efforts.

3. Efficient Problem Solving: Regardless of whether you need to migrate large amounts of data from a legacy system or integrate your CRM system with any other application, a professional Salesforce consultant makes sure that necessary steps are taken for avoiding any data loss or even other problems.

When it is the time of strategizing and implementing the strategic plan, a dedicated salesforce partner will most definitely provide an impartial opinion just so that the business owners can make the right business decisions easily. A dedicated Salesforce partner cab offers quick, accurate, and efficient solutions required for solving the most important business issues.

4. Improved Decision Making: Just as a business grows and expands, one needs to make bigger decisions while potentially making changes to the present customer relationship management system. The Salesforce consultant collaborates with the team at the level of strategizing and designing the implementation process for fitting the needs of a business.

The reason why different business organizations should leverage consulting services is that that can definitely help in making better decisions related to the growth and operations. Irrespective of whether you are a small organization or a large one, investing in the best salesforce consulting services will pay off and ensure business growth.

It doesn’t matter if your goal is to expand your business, changing the existing CRM software, or choosing the right implementation strategy, every business needs a substantial amount of decision making. Where the right decision can expand your business without any bounds, a wrong one can demolish your empire.

Hence, a certified salesforce consultant by your side can definitely help in making the best choices. The team of experts can help in enhancing the brand image and adding value to the business.

5. Experienced Service Providers: When you complete the Salesforce set-up and start working different customizations then you will be caught up. There might come a point when you will get stress out about managing different business procedures and handling the workload in the right sense.

One of the best ideas to go forward is by hiring a Salesforce partner who can offer streamlined, expert, and dedicated consulting services. This will ensure that all assignments are completed at the right time without any possible distractions or excuses.

The salesforce cloud consultant facilitates implementation right from the scratch enabling your business to perform all the tasks extremely precisely and effectively. In fact, the team of salesforce consultants can offer key training and support for helping staff members get an answer to specific questions. This training focuses on many areas like automation, dashboard management, and project tracking.

6. Increased ROI: With a reliable Salesforce consultant, you can ensure that your business objectives are met and contributed to the effective running of the business. An experienced salesforce consultant will not only design your system for having an adoption rate but also ensure that you get Salesforce working right in the manner in which it is required by a business for improving the rate of investment.

In addition, an efficient Salesforce consultant will offer a roadmap for the smooth functioning of business operations and construct a system that does only good for the business. Salesforce consultants come with the best and entirely trustworthy competencies needed to solve difficult business problems.

Hence, hiring a certified salesforce partner can help in holding the lead for availing the maximum benefits of salesforce software. This eventually leads to effective implementation and accelerates the business ROI as well.


Undoubtedly, Salesforce is an extremely powerful CRM tool that can be used in enhancing the overall efficiency of your business. Regardless of whether it is about implementing a new system or updating a current one, an experienced and dedicated salesforce consultant can guide you in creating the right pathway for your organization.

It wouldn’t be wrong to claim that the integration of the salesforce CRM is like a significant strategy that needs the right roadmap for achieving predetermined milestones. Hence, in case you are planning for salesforce implementation then you must find a certified salesforce partner who can offer both technical and non-technical assistance needed for executing an effective CRM system.

Encaptechno is one of the most well-known salesforce partners that provide the best and unique business solutions fitting almost every business model. A wide range of experience has allowed Encaptechno to develop in-depth industry knowledge and technical competency of leading-edge technology for delivering the best customer experience.

Get in touch with us to get the best and most suitable Salesforce implementation services needed for your business.

Salesforce Consultation


Benefits Of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consulting Partner Read More »

CRM Services, , , , ,
Why CRM System Fail

Why CRM Systems Fail?

CRM – A brief

CRM holds true potential to be a game-changer for many businesses. However, while selecting, be aware that most CRM system implementations may fall short of the desired objectives, and it could be argued that many fail in entirety.

SCOTT K. EDINGER, founder of Edinger Consulting Group, is recognized as an expert in helping organizations achieve measurable business results. Coauthor of The Inspiring Leader, he blogs for Harvard Business Review and Forbes. He has rightly quoted “In my work with clients, when I ask executives if their CRM system is helping their business grow, the failure rate is close to 90%.”

What is CRM?


What is CRM

According to Wikipedia, “Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company’s interaction with current and potential customers. It uses data analysis about customers’ history with a company to improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on customer retention and ultimately driving sales growth.

One important aspect of the CRM approach is the systems of CRM that compile data from a range of different communication channels, including a company’s website, telephone, email, live chat, marketing materials and more recently, social media. Through the CRM approach and the systems used to facilitate it, businesses learn more about their target audiences and how to best care their needs”

Irrespective of your designation CRM’s today assist ranging from an executive in Sales, to Marketing, to HR, to the Customer Relations Department, to Operations Team, to the Productions Team, to the Accounts Department etc. and finally ranging to the Top Management and the IT Department.

If anyone who is using the CRM and not utilizing the data optimally, there is no incentive to keep up the data- the data quality deteriorates and becomes less reliable as time passes. For any company Sales is the center of revenue and Sales department must be happy and in total alignment with the CRM. If they are not, it is imminent that CRM failure is looming.

How do we avoid this disaster? Let us understand the common reasons why CRM project fail.

How CRM projects become a disaster?


Why CRM System Fail


1. Not knowing the goal from the very beginning 

Know Your Goals

There’s no rule that says CRM system objectives must include revenue improvements. However, by definition, if you can’t measure revenue impact, you can’t calculate CRM ROI. A successful software implementation, especially CRM, begins with understanding your desired business goals. What are the important success indicators or KPI’s for my business and sales teams? How do you wish to see your business to look like in the coming 12 to 24 months?  And 5 years from now & 10 years from now. You need a clear horizon.

Take your time to invest in your vision, and document it.

How do you foresee your success?

What are the targets you wish to achieve?  Make sure you are specific about them in planning which will reap great returns in your CRM implementation.

A few key pointers of CRM objectives that are easily related to improve the ROI are:

  • Increased customer acquisitions
  • Decreased customer acquisition cost
  • Shortened sales cycle
  • Increased revenue per customer

In addition, it is important that your CRM objectives align with and support the company’s business strategy. Your CRM strategy needs to show how strategy, people, processes and software are doctored to directly impact the business customers, team coordination, effort, performance and contribution of each employee in achieving revenue objectives. By setting quantifiable objectives and having a clear strategic vision of where your company should be after successful implementation, you will have a clear guide to follow.

2. Poor User adoption

Most of the times, it’s in a human tendency not to accept the change. We are so used to working in the style we have been working traditionally. At times the team members feel they are being spied, there performance is under continuous surveillance

A new CRM system brings new processes, automation, information, roles, responsibilities and control. Notably, a new CRM system oftentimes brings an actual or perceived loss of control. There might be a few people who feel they will lose their jobs and some staff may not understand why a CRM is needed in the first place.

Poor user adoption will create an unpleasant atmosphere where management drive adoption but CRM is resisted by the team members. Resistance to change is in human nature and it is a given situation in most CRM implementations, but it needs to be managed effectively.

When it fails to be quickly and properly addressed resistance will result in a less than 100% productive CRM. Wrong data entry is highly expected in these cases; a majority of the CRM failures happen due to wrong data entry.

3.Not Selecting the Right CRM Solution provider

Ensure your Solution Provider can train your teams on the tools he is offering and the ongoing support, he can offer if you need it. And chances are that you really will because after the switches are flipped, your teams need to be ready to go.

Your solution provider is well equipped to provide you with the support which is crucial when taking into consideration the plan for your CRM and your business goals. Have you selected the right software and the right solution partner?

It cannot be stressed enough: CRM implementation shouldn’t be considered a one-off project. Look for a partnership that aligns with the right Solution Provider enhances your business.

Know your internal champions and whether or not you have executive support for a CRM project is paramount to its success. In your planning phase, identify internal champions keeping in mind you may have more than one depending on the complexity of your business and the teams who will use your new CRM.

Additionally, executive support will be indispensable when it comes to your implementation. Strategy and execution – can make or break an implementation. And 50% of the CRMs fail due to signing a wrong choice of selecting the solution provider.

To implement a CRM system on a lower budget, and blinded by an attractive price point, businesses often make the mistake of not doing proper research on the vendor. In addition, businesses sometimes err on the other side and over-spec’ the CRM by paying for features that they don’t want or even need.

Key features one should look forward while designing the tools

  • What is the total years of experience of the solution provider?
  • Which other businesses like ours have you supplied with a similar CRM tool?
  • Does it need complex training?
  • How much help will you provide to us within the price?
  • How easily does it integrate with our existing tools?
  • Can we get started easily?
  • What is the support the solution provider extends after sales?

4. Unorganized Data

Organize data

In case your data is not well organized or largely incomplete, just because you put it into CRM doesn’t mean you’ll get great results. Knowing what data your business is tracking and why will help you understand the best way to organize it.

Knowing what you wish to reap out of a CRM tools will be an absolute impact of what needs to go in, both in terms of the implementation and the data you input in itself. CRM is often expected to be a single source of truth. This means that all of your resources must be on board within the standards of governance that should be deployed, and training is an essential part so that all of your teams be in sync of the data being entered, and how the data is intended to be used. It is rightly said Garbage in, garbage out. When you have data integrity, your CRM implementation and results will shine even greater and in case things are not organized nothing would help you.

Keep the CRM simple and only buy into features that you really need. There is a large temptation during the vendor selection process to deliver to the vendor an exhaustive list of features that covers a range of departments and functions at the business. Don’t make this mistake.

Define the business outcomes before you begin to meet with CRM solution providers.

Go for the most user-friendly and intuitive interface. Hitting your team with a new CRM tools, and with a difficult to use interface all in one go – much of which is not required – will only put them off.

5. Does your Solution provider really know what you wish to achieve? 

CRM Consulting Partner

Have you found the right vendor for your CRM implementation? Each industry be it construction, manufacturing, warehouse, suppliers or a retailer has a different parameter, and a different set of requirements to meet.

Does your solution provider understand and is the solution provider sensitive towards your language? They will use their time getting to understand your unique business needs even better. Here are some things to look for (and avoid) in a partner:

  • Avoid solutions providers who won’t take the time to meet and understand your standard operations procedures.
  • If planning isn’t a priority for them, buyer beware.
  • Be sure to ask your software solution providers for references from businesses in industries like yours. Contact them, take a feedback about their experience with the solution provider. Get the hang of the after sales services support of the solution provider from the past clients.
  • Select a partner who wants to celebrate your growth and successes. Going through your CRM solution provider selection process get your senior management involved. Don’t do it alone. Involve the various departments, users since it will be needed to drive the adoption across the various departments.


Implementing CRM system is a challenging task. Doing it without expert guidance can lead to a chaotic situation in the future. You need to plan the objectives and goals before you start CRM implementation. It is suggested to hire a trustworthy CRM consultant who can understand your goals and help you with best possible solutions.

Related ReadWhy do you need to Hire a CRM Consultant?

Encaptechno is a recognized Salesforce and Zoho certified CRM consultant has globally delivered more than 500 solutions globally. Share your CRM requirements and let our team do the CRM Implementation for you.

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