
Zoho CRM


Lead Your Industry 4.0 Transformation With Low-Code

Low-code platforms have presented an opportunity for businesses to accelerate the application development journey. One of the factors behind this is that the cost of hiring a capable software developer has increased tremendously. Moreover, the time taken to complete a project is long with traditional development methods, which delays the time to market their MVPs. 

Large enterprises still find a way around this problem, but small and medium-sized organizations often need to improve functionality and speed up their digitization efforts. Aligning the gap between the skills and resource shortage has led SMEs to focus on developing solutions that can simplify application development.

A practical solution that has emerged is that of low-code development to solve this problem. With noticeable growth, the adoption of low-code development platforms has continued to rise over the years. These platforms do an excellent job of providing simple and practical techniques for building effective business applications. 

In this blog, we will elaborate on how low code is enabling the industry 4.0 transformation. 

The Need of the Hour For Industry 4.0 

The need of the hour for Industry 4.0 is to leverage the power of smart manufacturing, IoT, Cloud Computing, and Digital Twins to revolutionize traditional production processes. Smart Manufacturing enterprises use advanced technologies such as robotics to increase productivity while reducing costs.

IoT enables machines to communicate with each other and humans in real time, allowing predictive maintenance and faster decision-making. Cloud Computing provides access to computing resources on demand, while Digital Twins offer a digital representation of physical assets or systems that can be used for simulation or optimization. All these technologies are used to create a more efficient, agile, and cost-effective production process that will help companies stay competitive. 

Embedded sensors and interconnected machinery produce significant big data for manufacturing companies. Data analytics can help manufacturers investigate historical trends, identify patterns and make better decisions. 

What is Low-Code Development? 

It is best to think of low-code development as software development that reduces the need for line-level coding. With low-code development, developing and customizing tools needed for manufacturing processes becomes possible instead of hiring a specialized development team. 

Most low-code development solutions provide an attractive visual interface to assemble workflows and applications. The users can effectively drag and drop elements required for optimizing an application’s life cycle.

Low-code platforms enable users to create new applications and solutions that enhance the functionality of business solutions. The global low-code development market was at USD 10.82 billion in 2020. Data suggests a tremendous growth of CAGR of 31.6%, from USD 13.89 billion in 2021 to USD 94.75 billion by 2028. 

Increasing Use of Low-Code In the Manufacturing Industry

In the manufacturing industry, the low-code platforms function as automation and productivity tools connecting ERPs and various data sources to perform complex actions. These platforms are now emerging as a critical aspect of digital transformation for businesses and also accelerate application delivery processes over ten times quicker. 

Manufacturing software is challenging to upgrade, personalize, and even add new functions so that businesses meet commercial needs. With the rising use of low-code platforms, manufacturing companies can offer personalized solutions and provide increased flexibility, scalability, and efficient technological innovation. 

Production engineers who understand core processes better can develop robust and personalized applications using low-code application development platforms. They can quickly build work instruction applications, quality control management applications, management panel applications, predictive maintenance applications, etc. 

Hence, it must be clear that using a low-code platform can offer an improved way of integrating multiple technologies. Companies don’t have to find professionals for application development. Even the in-house staff can be trained to develop and update data workflows with low-code application development. 


Low-code development is growing at a considerable speed, and more and more companies are using this technology in return for greater rewards. In the future, this trend will keep growing because the ease that low-code platforms bring is commendable.

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Maximize Your Form Conversions with Zoho Forms _ Zoho Parnter Encaptechno

Zoho Forms | 5 Tips to Maximize Your Form Conversions

Maximize Your Form Conversions with Zoho Forms _ Zoho Parnter Encaptechno

All online sales and marketing efforts have one primary objective: capture and convert leads. Most organizations often use a lot of their resources to get more traffic through SEO and paid Ads. Still, they are usually only able to do a little when optimizing the method by which they capture leads on the website. 

Collecting their email addresses and other meaningful data points is vital to attract more customers into your pipeline. You can also use these data points to understand customer needs better. 

Right after you capture a lead, you can effectively move on to build a customer relationship and earn a sale as well. Zoho Forms are exceptional for interacting with customers, collecting feedback, generating more sales, and facilitating online communication. 

That said, only some forms are effective for engaging the audience. If the goal is to capture the attention of site visitors, then the forms must be clear, concise, and focused. In this blog, we will list some simple tips for increasing the conversion rates of forms. 

However, we will begin with understanding forms in general first. So, let’s begin.

What is Zoho Forms?

When the information is added online, some of the HTML attributes considered as forms are used for inputting and sending the data. Some of the most common forms include input boxes, checkboxes, and dropdowns.

In general, creating forms is rather time-consuming and involves combining the HTML and CSS attributes for hours altogether. In addition, so many businesses have a considerable amount of money on the table because they do not want to put in the time and effort needed to add customized forms in all online places. 

Unfortunately, if you fail to make good use of forms, your business can miss out on a good portion of leads and opportunities. In reaction to the common problems linked with using forms, Zoho has developed Zoho Forms, an application designed to create optimized forms. 

Zoho Forms is an exceptional tool that enables you to create world-class forms. It comes with a drag-and-drop visual builder that requires almost no technical skills. Moreover, it comes with all the functionalities needed on the back end for effectively responding to leads, inquiries, and support requests. 

Why are Zoho Forms Important? 

Zoho Forms are important for you because they allow businesses to collect consistent data using digital tools that are available easily. In addition, the forms function automatically, so there are no costs associated with using them right after they have been built. 

The marketing initiatives involve completely scalable forms and can continue to generate cash flow for a long time. An extremely important feature of Zoho Forms is that they can instantly generate actionable data. 

Zoho Forms also helps create a valuable system for emailing a customer after submitting a form or, even better, for starting a campaign based on some actions. For example, your sales team can use the forms to reach out to qualified prospects instantly after they have shown some interest in your products/ services. 

When handling responses in Zoho Forms effectively, the sales team should follow up on them even when they are quite new. 

How to Use Forms For Your Benefit?

Zoho Forms was created with the aspiration of simplifying the collection of data from users online. This software allows businesses to accumulate information with campaigns and use templates for capturing emails, scheduling meetings, leaving a callback number, and sometimes taking action to get more customers.

After you create a form, it becomes easy to share them on different social media platforms or with a code. Hence, you can effectively include the data collection to maximize conversions. In addition, you can use the data in many ways by taking advantage of extensive support for integrations. 

For instance, Zoho CRM works very closely with Zoho Forms for easy data synchronization in methods that allow the sales team to follow up on new submissions in timely intervals. Below, we will look at some features of Zoho Forms to get a better context. 

Features of Zoho Forms

1. Drag and Drop Builder

Drag and Drop Builder - Features of Zoho Forms

Zoho Forms has a drag-and-drop builder that can combine functionality and simplicity to solve your needs. You can easily create dynamic forms without any hassle of coding because Zoho Forms offers a no-code form builder.

The form builder has over 30 field types that help create engaging and interactive forms. You can effectively validate the respondents’ answers when a form is filled out live. There is also an option to split a long form into pages to make this process easy.

Lastly, you can save a partially completed form and complete the process much later. The form has features that will allow you to prompt respondents to land on the right question or page based on answers. 

2. Notifications

Zoho Forms also allows you to send instant messages while redirecting respondents to pages after you submit a form. You can redirect respondents to a web page, a success page, or even a web form after submitting an entry. 

Zoho Forms also helps send instant notifications to the respondents through an email anytime they submit a form. You can text to notify your respondents when they complete a form. Lastly, you can send updates to Microsoft Teams and collaborate with your team. 

3. App Integrations

You can instantly and automatically import the data collected with Zoho Forms into other applications. Zoho Forms come with integrations of other Zoho products and third-party applications. 

Commonly, the integrations support actions that widen the marketing reach and help communicate with customers at the right time. Zoho Forms can work with all important Zoho applications. As a result, you can benefit from powerful integrations in only a few clicks. 

You can use support to integrate with Zoho CRM, update your records, trigger automated actions, and send attachments to clients. Zoho Campaigns can be used for automatically adding respondents to an email autoresponder. 

If you wish to create forms for customer service purposes, then the forms can be used for automatic synchronization with a platform such as Zoho Desk. You can achieve integration with many other applications and just a few clicks.

4. Create Documents

The documents are often needed to be generated after a form gets filled. Most documents can vary widely, but many include contracts, invoices, and quotes. 

Zoho Forms comes with the ability to merge form submissions into any document instantly. This helps the contracts to get generated right after submission. Once a contract has been created, it can be used to send it automatically to the customers and sales team.

If the contracts need manual approvals before they are sent out, then optimizing document creation can also save a lot of time. Zoho Forms also supports an online sign workflow that allows you to have generated documents for closing deals quickly. The online sign functionality can be maximized by integrating Zoho Sign and Zoho Writer.

5. Accurate Analytics and Reporting

Accurate Analytics and Reporting - Features of Zoho Forms

Generating more leads can be a nightmare if you do not have the tools to make sense of your results. Zoho Forms come with analytics that is advanced and also help in analyzing generated data.

For example, you can see a recent form submission in a spreadsheet that is ideal for scanning more opportunities. You can also easily filter, print, and export the data within a few clicks only. 

Zoho Forms makes it easy to form reports that show metrics such as views, submissions, error rates, and conversions. In addition, you can also record data based on UTM sources, payment status, and other factors. Ensure you understand how the campaigns are doing and the opportunities for improvement. 

Methods to Increase Conversions With Zoho Forms

If you want to record the attention of site visitors, then the forms must be clear, concise, and targeted enough. Below is a list of steps that will help increase conversations with Zoho Forms.

1. Gain an Edge

The right placement and context are important for attracting viewers’ attention and their attention to engage with Zoho Forms. Every click made by a visitor can be a method to reach out or fill out a form.

The final goal must be to make this process simple and effective for the customers. This task begins before the form is even created and when you decide where it should be placed. If a contact form is not easily discoverable by the clients, it is natural that it will get less traffic. 

Check if it is short enough to fit in a sidebar or on a high-visibility banner on the homepage. The placement options play an important role in increasing traffic and conversion rates as a final result. 

2. Better Engagement

When using Zoho Forms, you should be able to balance the required data for collecting the number of visitors you want to convert. All additional form fields can be a hurdle if your audience has to overcome the challenge of submitting a form. 

Every field in a Zoho Form should be evaluated to determine its importance. For instance, even a newsletter sign-up inquires for an email field, and a submit button only. 

3. Collect More Data

Sometimes, a few fields are insufficient to get a job done. In this case, you should be able to add more fields without adding more barriers. To make this possible, you can begin by prioritizing your data and understanding the bare minimum information needed from a conversion. 

You can also create a form for collecting a person’s name and email address, along with conditional options for expanding the form to provide more information. Remember that if either of your forms and fields is long, the respondents might abandon the form completely. 

For any respondent, even a simple four-text field can be daunting as two text fields. This is also applicable to dropdown menus and multiple-choice questions. The more options you have, the more the chances that the respondent experiences a decision fix.

4. Use Multiple Pages

Use Multiple Pages - Features of Zoho Forms

While making the Zoho Forms, you should use multiple pages to make longer forms much more digestible. Many times, you only need to collect a large amount of information. Still, you can make the experience easy for most respondents by breaking a form into different pages. 

Offering a long form divided into some pages can make the entire process much more manageable. This also improves the likelihood of the respondent completing the form. 

5. Call to Action Buttons

One of the best ways to inspire more respondents to follow a form is by adding a Submit button and a compelling call to action button. These buttons come with relevant messages that are mostly hard to ignore. 

Remember that the goal is to ensure less friction and more conversions. A lot can be done to edit your forms, reducing friction and encouraging a higher completion rate. The call-to-action buttons are one of the best ways to make that happen. 


Zoho Forms is an excellent online form maker that allows you to create web forms. You can create customizable business forms, configure email notifications, and collaborate with the teams with a simple drag-and-drop form builder. 

Sign-up for Zoho Forms to ensure efficient data collection that can eventually help you gather and manage data from anywhere you want, whether online or offline. 

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Work From Home with Zoho ONE | Zoho Partner Encaptechno

Work From Home with Zoho One

Work From Home with Zoho ONE | Zoho Partner Encaptechno

Many employees have transitioned to remote working, and with this, some parts of businesses have also become a lot harder. It has become all the more challenging to stay in contact with peers as people are left out of the loop, and even the simple tasks can take a lot longer than they used to.

Some problems are completely understandable, but they are also the ones that you can solve if you use the right tools. Many businesses now realize that switching to remote work/ Work From Home is an easy option.

With Zoho One implementation, an organization gets the tools that enable proper communication for going remote and meeting business goals. Zoho One helps in effective collaboration and communication across an organization. It helps in integrating file storage and various project management tools as well.

In this blog, we will talk about how Zoho One helps in remote working.

Centralized Files

It is very important to centralize the files in all scenarios. However, this becomes all the more important when people are working from different places. There are so many chances when the files get lost, and emails get sent back and forth way before anyone can find something. In doing this, important time gets lost.

Centralized Files Zoho ONE | Zoho Partner Enacptechno

Zoho One is an operating system for businesses that ensures files stay secure and easily available when they are required the most. It works like a centralized cloud repository that a business creates and interacts with.

The users can easily make these documents from the Zoho office suite and Zoho WorkDrive while supporting common file types you may have worked with. It is also easy to work with files online and save them to the hard drive using the desktop sync.

When the file storage gets transitioned to Zoho WorkDrive, it becomes easier to solve document duplication problems and reduce the time wasted on searching files. The documents can be stored in the WorkDrive and shared either at a team or an organization-wide level.

Zoho One comes with many Team folders that are essentially shared folders that the teams can collaborate on and even organization folders that can be used for distributing documents to everyone in an organization.

What’s more, the WorkDrive comes with absolute control over who can access what and a minute control on levels of access everyone has. For instance, a person can see a whole team folder but never edit it, while another can edit but never delete any team files.

With the enhanced control that Zoho WorkDrive offers you on the files, it is assumed that everyone only has access to what they require. Other than sharing with teammates, users can safely share files externally with the help of links customized to external stakeholders, passwords protecting those links, revoking them at any time, monitoring usage, etc.

Centralized Files Zoho ONE | Zoho Partner Enacptechno

Important aspects of file management, such as accessibility and security, can be looked upon easily. The documents can also be backed up and available to only people who need them. That said, they will also be available to everyone as quickly as possible and from different locations.


Communication is everything. Organizations that do well understand this fact well enough, and hence, they also use the right tools that are considered important for team communications.

At other times, some organizations don’t think this is a huge deal until they end up in confusion and when communication becomes challenging to navigate. Zoho One comes with many communication tools that have the best tool for all kinds of communication.

Below we will mention how the different tools help in various communications. This will help understand why Zoho One is a business management platform that helps in effective communication.

Unified Chat

Even the ongoing conversations must be quick, and chatting is often the best option to make sure that happens. It can become difficult to manage emails as it takes a lot longer to get a response.

What’s more, a full email box can also seem daunting as compared to a series of messages. To solve this problem, Zoho Cliq helps in making communication easy as it comes with a flexible chatting service that makes it usable from any other Zoho app being used.

Communication with Zoho ONE | Unified Chat Feature

It is simple to react to messages quickly and even stay in contact with the team from anywhere you want. Moreover, you can also use it for staying in touch with the clients and others outside of an organization by setting up a guest chat.

Video Communication Tools

Video communication is important and works better for a couple of conversations. The showtime and meeting offer video communication tools that come with somewhat different focuses.

Video Communication Tools - Zoho ONE

The Meeting option focuses more on video meetings, and Showtime focuses a lot more on education and presentations. When you have the one you prefer, it becomes easy to find all the needed tools.

The Meeting and Showtime options come with webinar tools, but web conferencing is an option that is only supported by Meeting. You can record webinars in either Meeting or Showtime, but it is only Showtime that offers on-demand webinars where the viewers can register to see a pre-recorded video.

It is mostly about choosing what makes communication easy and effective for you and your team. The video communication tools that come with purposeful features should be preferred by you and your team.

Smarter Email

The use of email is highly functional in many ways, but it tends to be overused when organizations do not create proper avenues for different types of communication.

However, there is no ignoring the fact that email serves as one of the most important parts of digital communication. Whether you wish to run your email by Zoho Mail or a third-party tool such as Gmail or Outlook does not matter. It should be clean, user-friendly, and integrated with the software.

Zoho One is an integrated business platform that helps in communication through email. It offers Zoho Mail which is not just an intuitive mail service but also integrates easily with Zoho One.

You can set up mail with Zoho One, which also means that you can add tasks to a project, extract information on customers from the CRM, and also save important documents to the WorkDrive. This will ensure that emails are never forgotten by starting chatting from emails and scheduling meetings.

Third-Party Integrations

The habit of using disconnected applications can create a problem in the process, but the truth is that it does not have to be like that. If you choose a third-party email service, you can integrate it with Zoho apps to keep business applications connected.

The WorkDrive also comes with integrations of Gmail and Microsoft that can be used for integrating the email services such as CRM, Sprints, Projects, and more.

Better Company Culture

After different communication avenues have been created, there is also a need to create a space that can keep the company culture thriving. Connect is one of the Zoho One applications that allows you to facilitate conversations among the teams and employees.

Rather than having a conversation that is too long, the users can effectively create forum posts and carry on discussions while making them accessible to almost anyone who wants to read them after the fact. This is one of the best ways to foster a friendly company culture.

Adaptable Project Management

Flexible Project Management - Zoho ONE

The idea of remote work affects many communication and collaboration aspects along with productivity. Solving this problem can be managed by looking for a project management system that comes with the ability to work efficiently for a team.

People tend to look for a general approach to project management, but the fact is that different approaches work for different people, and it is always best to embrace this. One of the primary steps in evaluating project management software is team communication.

Different people have different project management styles, and the thing is that these styles have been used for so many years. Some people also wish to organize their work by emails or boards along with a detailed spreadsheet or application that includes all the information in just one place.

While evaluating which project management tool is correct, it is important to consider what you need. See if your team needs a shared project management tool or a board, or is it best that everyone picks their own tool?

The tools such as Zoho Projects in Zoho One applications make it easy to centralize data for a project and allow everyone to use the tools they know will work for them. By using this tool, a project manager can use the Project to get an overview of almost everything. The manager can also assign and add tasks from emails along with data that remains consistent.

Zoho Projects is also extremely effective in keeping a timeline on track, helping you manage unexpected delays, and offering reports so that you know exactly where you are. You can integrate with other Zoho one applications and be flexible so that it becomes easy to manage time and use Zoho Projects effectively.

When you manage the projects in Zoho Projects, you can easily give access to tools that are needed to stay on track when it comes to choosing the best. Zoho Projects is one of the best-integrated project management applications that leverage different communication applications for streamlining the process.

The primary step is ensuring that each project deployment comes with a strong foundation, and this can be achieved by setting up information for monitoring as different tasks are entered into the project, including a budget, task status breakdown, and the due dates of tasks.

After this is done, a template can be created so that projects and reports can run automatically as you enter hours and close tasks. In case you have been working on a big spreadsheet or a project management application, then you might have data that you are worried about losing.

Moving to a new tool can be an overwhelming process, but it can be made much simpler. You can effectively import the CSV files so that you work in Projects and pick up right when you left in the previous system.

Using Zoho Tools to Their Potential

In case you have been stressed about using Zoho Projects and also want to use it one day, then it can be used to work well for any need. Zoho Projects allows you to turn off all modules that are not needed by just using the tasks module and getting a feel for how Projects work before committing completely.

In addition, you can also use Zoho Sprints. Sprints is highly agile for project management and can extensively be used for design and development projects. Zoho Sprints is also good for projects if you have been looking for a simple method to navigate when you do not have a project roadmap. If you are looking to develop a new project or design something such as UX, then Zoho Sprints can help. Using the backlog and sprints module can make even a scattered to-do list feel a lot more manageable.

While managing the project management tasks, ensuring everyone uses the tool that solves their needs well is important. Zoho Projects comes with flexibility in how users interact with the project so that it can be extremely purposeful.

You can ask your team to use Zoho Sprints when everyone on a team wants to use a similar project management tool while checking it regularly and dealing with a project when it is unclear how one should reach the end goal. It is best to see the needs, check out the working of each tool, and communicate with the team for understanding the best option.


Going remote is not merely possible but can also turn in your favor. So many businesses have realized that switching to remote work can work well for them. Zoho One can be used by organizations to get the tools that allow proper communication for going remote and meeting business goals as well.

You can get in touch with expert Zoho consultants and implement the steps required to go remote with the implementation of Zoho One. 

Get FREE Zoho ONE Consultation Now!

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Zoho Workdrive 3.0 - All You Need to Know | Zoho Partner - Encaptechno

Zoho Workdrive 3.0 – All You Need to Know

Zoho Workdrive 3.0 - All You Need to Know | Zoho Partner - Encaptechno

Companies and professionals all across the world have started to embrace the hybrid work model. This is the reason that so many business processes have moved on the internet already. The tools that enhance a business can be accessed quickly and it is also easy to collaborate with the distributed teams as a top priority. 

Hence, Zoho has come up with the latest version of Zoho WorkDrive which helps in accessing files and collaborating with a team from any location. It is an online file management system that helps users to make the most out of features for improved team focus on goals and for driving a productive workforce.

Zoho realizes that in the middle of a transition, data accessibility, and content collaboration, there are some online file storage challenges that many organizations face. Hence, the introduction of Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 for accessing, collaborating, and optimizing the data from wherever you may be.

In this blog, we will understand all about Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 in complete detail. 

Building WorkDrive APIs

WorkDrive 3.0 integrates easily with the business apps and also streamlines data flow across a company. It is a cloud-based file collaboration system that can be easily integrated with other applications or third-party tools. It comes with the below-mentioned features. 

1. Optimize Team Folders

The team folders are like a virtual workspace where it is possible to create, share, and even collaborate on files. With Zoho WorkDrive 3.0, it is now possible to help your teams access and work on documents effectively with some new enhancements.

  • Pin a Folder: The overall number of team folders that are created in a company can be an important number. With these folders, it can be pretty challenging to find data when it is needed. 
    If you are on a call with your clients but cannot find the folder with the project details for that client then there can be a problem. The Pin feature allows users to locate Team Folders by pinning them at the top of the list.
  • Better Interface: Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 is a content collaboration platform that comes with a detailed view of Team Folders so that you can find the right data at the right time. You can find the Team Folders that you have pinned and also the ones that you are supposed to join. 
    In this update, there is also a feature to add an ability that helps in determining which Team Folders must be displayed on the left-hand side panel. Moreover, it is also possible to show all the Team Folders, only the ones that are pinned, and sometimes none.
  • Duplicate the Team Folder: A shared space that is made for one team or a fixed purpose is called a team folder. Think of a hospital that is supposed to share the same patient care plans with different nurses or doctors. 
    The new features of Zoho enable the users to copy the complete team folder for sharing and collaborating with a different set of members.

2. Better Content Visibility

It was a thing of the past to scroll up and down for locating the right documents. The Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 helps in seeing more items in a folder using the compact view mode of WorkDrive.
The team members can easily check the contents of a folder and take note as the WorkDrive 3.0 brings improved content visibility.

3. Work On the Go

In the present world, most mobile devices have turned into an extension of office devices. The Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 brings the latest mobile app enhancements. Some of them are mentioned below.

  • Access Folders: The entire process of allowing each file for offline access can be pretty time-consuming. Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 allows you to make a complete folder available offline for accessing work files on the go. This is even without a working internet connection.
  • Improved Creativity: Regardless of whether you are working on a design plan or you are making a character, it is possible to create and upload to the WorkDrive using Scribble. You can use the pencil, sketch, colour palette, and eraser for bringing your ideas to life.
  • Widgets: If you are tired of logging into a mobile application each time for finding a file or uploading a document then the widgets can be used for uploading images and searching WorkDrive directly from the home screen.

4. WorkDrive Genie (Beta) for Mac

There have been many requests for the WorkDrive update ever since it was launched. Zoho has introduced the new WorkDrive Genie (Beta) for Mac in the new Zoho WorkDrive 3.0.
Windows and Mac users can easily edit the files stored in WorkDrive using a compatible application from the desktop.

5. Standardized Document Format

From legal documentation to client logs and employee records, the templates help in creating files with a consistent document setting. The new release of Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 comes with two major enhancements.

  • Categorize Templates: Most enterprises in the present world require using templates for many purposes. This can often make it difficult to find and even manage the documents in just one place. 
    The new version comes with categories. With the creation of categories, it becomes easy to group the templates in any way you want.
  • Search Templates: Looking for a new template is not a challenging task anymore. One can find the desired template using the built-in search bar. All you have to do is know the name, author, and keyword in the content so that you can search directly from this bar. 
    In the new enhancement, you can use the global search for finding a template from the gallery without any further need to look through the templates manually.

6. Preview Enhancements

The new version of Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 allows you to preview the PDFs and even the images in a wide range of sizes.
The new feature of Preview Enhancements helps to zoom in and out easily, reset zoom for fitting the size of a window, and jump to any page.

7. Data Integrity

The purpose of data templates is to classify and organise most files at a team level. With the new update of the cloud-based file collaboration system introduced by Zoho WorkDrive 3.0, it is possible to help users in associating a Data Template automatically.
Moreover, it is also possible to automatically add the custom properties to each file or folder. This is how most users can look for and instantly locate the required file.

8. Manage Collected Files

Zoho WorkDrive helps in receiving documents from internal and external users. It comes with improved functionality for managing the collection process.

  • Categorize Files: The storage of all files in just one place made it challenging to access the right data at the right time. The new version of Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 allows users to create a folder for each user based on their name, phone number, and email address.
  • Collection Report: It is necessary to receive the files securely but it is important to know the details of submission. These collections might take some time and be user-specific. You can get a detailed log of everyone who has submitted the files and at what time by creating a collection report.

9. PDF and Image Annotations

Annotations are called note that is added to a text or a diagram for providing added information. The new version of Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 comes with PDF and image annotation features.

  • PDF Annotation: PDFs are massively used in an organization and many times, you might even want to work with a client or a team member on a portfolio. By using the Zoho WorkDrive 3.0, you can easily use the annotation and collaborate with the team. Most users can also go to a page and add comments to a text or an area on the page.
  • Image Annotation: Let’s say that you have been working on a creative with your designer and you wish to give suggestions when they send the design. By using the image annotation, you can easily add comments on any specific part of an image and also work with your designer.

10. Improved Video Experience

The videos can be used in most organizations for boosting reach, engagement, and even sales. Zoho understands the importance of videos and brings three main features.

  • Video Annotation: Imagine that the team is working on a marketing video and it has to be sent to the product team for review. Once the video is sent to the product team, they will note the frames that must be changed and communicate this to the marketing team ahead. 
    Using the video annotations, the team can go to any frame and add comments with a timestamp. This is how the team can directly share their expectations and the marketing team will be able to work on the video efficiently.
  • Video Cover Image: The Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 adds a lot more visibility and value to a video by using the cover image option from the WorkDrive. You have an excellent option of changing the default system-generated cover image as well. 
    WorkDrive comes with an option to change the default images to a custom cover image while showing just what is there in the video. The newly updated images can now appear in all previews, embedded views, and as a thumbnail in the listing.
  • Video Chapters: Most of the videos tend to be boring. This is why Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 comes with chapters for navigating easily among the sections. 
    The video chapters also help in breaking a video into sections so that you can see what is covered in the video and jump to the topic you are interested in.

11. Better Security

The sharing allows most companies to send across important files to customers, business partners, and stakeholders. This is a new feature that comes with two enhancements for making external links a lot more secure.

  • Passwords: The organizations share sensitive files with their business partners and hence, it is important to share the content securely because it might go out of the company. 
    Zoho WorkDrive helps to mandate all users for setting passwords when it comes to creating external share links. It also helps in setting a strong password policy if needed while making the links more secure.
  • Expiration Period: There are times when many companies have to share official agreements, legal notices, and offer letters. Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 comes with an enhancement that allows users to set a default expiration period for external share links and downloading links to restrict any unwanted access. 
    The default expiration period can also be applied automatically. Moreover, users can choose to manually change and even disable the expiration date if it is needed.

12. Notification Mode

Finally, the Zoho WorkDrive 3.0 also helps users to decide on the notification mode so that it is easy to know what is happening to a corporate file while being updated on the tasks and team projects.
The Zoho WorkDrive helps you to choose the list of notifications you need along with the kind of medium that is needed to receive notifications.


There is never any need to worry about transferring company data when it comes to opting WorkDrive. Using the Zoho WorkDrive 3.0, you can easily move the files from a desktop or other cloud services.

The important thing to remember is that all businesses run on data regardless of the industry that they may be in. The main goal is to offer users an efficient data management tool for sharing, storing, and working together on documents.

Hence, Zoho WorkDrive enhancements are released each year for improving online file management. In the coming time, all users can eagerly look forward to the exciting new updates from Zoho with many new features.

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Zoho People Plus - All You Need To Know - Zoho Partner Encaptechno

Zoho People Plus: All You Need To Know

Zoho People Plus - All You Need To Know - Zoho Partner Encaptechno

Zoho People Plus is a cloud-based HRMS and one-stop shop for all your human resource needs. The software assists with the complete people process, from handling an entire employee lifecycle on a single platform to carrying out Core HR Operations digitally and quickly. A well-integrated solution, such as Zoho People Plus, may help your firm advance by optimizing HR operations and managing its people.

Your employees may receive outstanding digital HR experiences from Zoho People Plus while the entire employee life cycle is managed on a single integrated platform. 

Empowering them and maintaining their engagement helps to create excellent teams. 

You can construct bespoke services, start from scratch, and build workflows to link your ATS, HRMS, or performance tracking with timesheets.

Zoho People Plus- The Perfect HR Suite

Zoho People Plus- The Perfect HR Suite

You need a whole suite that would provide the ideal experience for your employees, given the growing requirement to hire the top personnel and keep them. With the help of the integrated Zoho People Plus suite of tools, you can manage your employees’ hiring, performance reviews, payroll (in India), and expenses.

Seven applications are included with Zoho People Plus to assist you in managing your employee relationship from employment to retirement. 

  • When it comes to finding fresh talent, Zoho Recruit is your go-to tool. It lets you manage your personnel database, leave and attendance, performance reviews, travel management, birthday reminders, and more. 
  • The integrated receipt scanner in Zoho Cost, a comprehensive expense management application, makes entering data quick and easy. 
  • For all of your organizational discussions, use the communication software Zoho Cliq. 
  • You can quickly process your employee payroll with the aid of Zoho Payroll. 
  • Use Zoho Expense to automate processing payments, expenses, and invoices. Automate your HR procedures, employee requests, and business processes.
  • With Zoho Vault, you can store, update, and manage passwords for your entire team. Never again waste time typing or trying to remember your passwords.
  • With features like Q&A and multi-thread conversations, Zoho Interact is a platform for your employees to connect and collaborate. It also functions as a platform for remote collaboration.

Manage All Actions Involving Your people

With Zoho People Plus, it’s easy to keep track of every aspect of your employees’ demands and productivity. This begins with the hiring procedure and continues throughout the employee’s employment with your business. You may manage your timesheets, payroll, benefits, contacts, and personal information.

  1. Discover jobs that your business has advertised and communicate with HR easily.
  2. Arrange interviews and carry them out either in person or via video call.
  3. Manage routine HR tasks such as timesheet administration, attendance tracking, leave administration, viewing organizational charts, and holiday lists.
  4. Handles pay stubs, travel costs, and reimbursementsPrivate messaging, discussion boards, polls, press releases, town halls, and more.
  5. Securely exchange passwords for popular apps among friends.
  6. Establish directional goals and KRAs and obtain 360-degree feedback from managers and peers. Use the LMS platform to rapidly respond to employee questions while training them on the job.

Why Choose Zoho People Plus?

1. The central database for all personnel requirements

Real-time updates eliminate the need for manual entry. 

With a consolidated database, all apps will automatically reflect modifications performed in one location.

2. Dismantle silos

Your people speak when your systems do. Develop a networked system for your teams so they can transcend their limitations and become more productive.

3. Simple to administer

You can manage all workforce-related tasks from a single administrative portal, add users to all applications, and define role-based access to various apps.

4. Speed up your procedures

Any amount of knowledge is useless if it cannot be accessed. 

You and your staff can easily stay informed when the data is on a single platform. When everyone is on the identical page, your processes run faster, smoother, and brighter.

Get All You Want With Zoho People Plus

  • Employee digital experience: Utilize self-service solutions to guarantee a seamless HR service experience.
  • Adaptive software: Supplying methods for managing vast amounts of data as firms expand
  • Easy customization: Customize existing services or design all HR-related services from the start.
  • Active collaboration: Foster cross-departmental or employee collaboration.
  • AI Assistant: Automate routine processes like event planning, reminders, or approval bot creation.
  • Strong analytics: Make the best choice by carefully examining the data for each function.

An Integrated And Unified HR Platform for a Better Employee Experience

Zoho People Plus - An Integrated And Unified HR Platform for a Better Employee Experience

Manage your personnel life cycle, time-consuming activities, and employee empowerment on a single platform with Zoho People Plus. Zoho People Plus provides an exceptional employee experience while allowing you to optimize your HR procedures and create a collaborative and engaging atmosphere within your organization.

1. Control the employee lifecycle

Zoho People Plus can help you manage the entire employee lifecycle, from hiring through onboarding, engaging, and empowering employees. From an applicant tracking system to expenditure management to an internal portal that encourages employee engagement, our system delivers the tools you need at each level.

2. Employee engagement

Improve workplace efficiency via employee engagement. With automation, Zoho People Plus creates a productive work environment and offers a variety of fun processes to connect teams while boosting engagement and productivity.

  • Social platform: Involvement of teams and fluid teamwork. Create a conversation platform for the group, and even between teams, so that ideas may flow freely, discussions can be finished more quickly, and the most crucial decisions can be reached jointly.
  • The AI assistant Zia: Zia, the intelligent assistant from Zoho, helps with scheduling and arranging activities like interviews, staff orientations, and client meetings. Zia can also set alerts, send messages and reminders, and help reschedule.

3. Scale for your HR requirements

Zoho People Plus expands with your company. So no matter how many employees or data you have, you will never be without the tools and resources you require for your organization to succeed. The Zoho People solution was designed to help organizations manage their human resources. 

4. Talent acquisition

Experts in human resources rely on fostering a positive workplace and culture to maintain substance and compete. 

Gaining crucial insights throughout each stage of the hiring process is made feasible with this service.

  • Simple to administer: This establishes and maintains a single platform for all employee-related management to facilitate easy and rapid access.
  • Single database for the needs of all personnel: With real-time updates, a single database eliminates the conventional method of entry. Instead, changes made in one place will be automatically reflected elsewhere. As a result, it is simpler for staff to stay updated with a single database.

5. Recruiting

The most expensive subscription from Zoho People includes a tool called Zoho Recruit, which is used for recruiting. 

You can manage job advertisements, candidate pipelines, and candidate information from a single spot with the help of Zoho People Plus’s ATS features. It’s simple to edit your job applications. Streamline your hiring process, provide candidates with a wonderful experience, and get the top candidates.

  • Find Candidates
  • Resume parsing
  • Applicant tracking system
  • Onboarding
  • Offer letter management (with E-sign)

6. Talent management

Key Result Areas (KRAs) assist in laying out talent tasks, from new employees to team leaders. 

Zoho People Plus offers the ideal approach to developing, managing, and directing people toward an organization’s objectives. 

The system allows employees to grow professionally for each job role and aligns them with smaller personal and larger company goals.

7. Core HR

  • Streamlined and effective HR procedures: With the incorporation of Zoho People Plus into the company, daily HR processes can be automated, employees can be given more control, and HR operations may be transformed. As a result, HR procedures are effective in improving employee satisfaction.
  • Case management in HR: Assign an agent, categorize each query type, and organize and track each case’s progress according to established SLAs using the HR case-management application. The many inquiries about travel, wellness, corporate policies, and complaints are streamlined by a management solution.

Stages Of Zoho People Plus Project Schedule

There are several stages to the Zoho People Plus project timetable-

  • Process and policy information exchange, data gathering, and verification
  • Module configuration by organizational rules, automation and process, and dry portal testing
  • Analytics and customization of the platform’s integrated HR services
  • Strategic development and integration of all tool
  • User testing, training, and feedback integration throughout 4-6 sessions
  • Data entry, data matching, client-verified data review, and data rectification
  • 2-3 administrative training sessions, client handover, and go-live

What Benefits Does Zoho People Plus Offer Your Company?

  • You can control every aspect of HR administration from a single dashboard while knowing that all employee data is safe. 
  • You’ll be able to maintain track of your time, annual leave, and attendance, which will help you avoid mistakes and simplify timesheet creation. 
  • You can determine an employee’s strengths and shortcomings as you set goals, provide feedback and evaluate performance.
  • With this fabulous kit, you may automate mail notifications, set tasks, start automatic field changes, and launch bespoke applications. 
  • You may use your time more productively and intelligently by setting up clever workflows. 
  • Customization enables you to design unique forms with the data you need to meet your business needs.

Use Zoho People Plus And Get The Best Results

Zoho People Plus is an all-in-one unified HR platform that supports the complete people process, from managing the entire employee lifecycle on a single platform to performing the Core HR Operations digitally and effectively. You may give your employees a wonderful experience with the aid of Zoho People Plus.

  • Enables people to effortlessly communicate with HR and find jobs that your business has posted.
  • Schedules interviews and conducts them by video call or in-person to simplify the screening process.
  • Simplifies the transition from applicant to employee and automates the onboarding procedure.
  •  Assists in managing routine HR tasks, including handling timesheets, keeping track of attendance, tracking leaves, viewing organizational charts, creating holiday lists, and more
  • You can define directional goals and KRAs and receive 360-degree feedback from peers and supervisors.
  • Can use the LMS platform to respond to employee questions rapidly and train them on the job
  •  Handles pay stubs, travel costs, and reimbursements.
  • Enables open dialogue through one-on-one chat, forums, polls, announcements, town halls, and other means.
  • Aids in securely distributing passwords for popular apps across peers

The Bottom Line

Zoho People Plus is an excellent option for businesses looking for economic HR software with top-notch hiring features, time-tracking capabilities, and cost management capabilities. 

In actuality, Zoho People Plus offers features comparable to some much more expensive options. 

Reducing HR procedures and managing employees, a well-integrated solution like Zoho People Plus could accelerate your company’s growth.

To get the best assistance with Zoho People Plus, contact our skilled team of experts at Encaptechno. As an authorized Zoho Partner, we have been assisting businesses in becoming truly digital by offering implementation and consulting experience. In addition, we aim to close the loop at every stage thanks to our exposure to rules, procedures, and processes from various industries and organizations.

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Zoho CRM, Zoho Implementation, , , , , , ,
Introducing Route IQ for Zoho CRM - Encaptechno

Introducing Route IQ for Zoho CRM

"To acquire and retain a customer is the aim of business." - Peter Drucker Quote

“To acquire and retain a customer is the aim of business.”- Peter Drucker   

Businesses value their customers. Customers are nurtured by companies of all sizes with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution. Zoho CRM is one such CRM tool that has revolutionized the company. It is a straightforward cloud-based SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) CRM jam-packed with several customizable features. 

Small and medium-sized organizations may use Zoho CRM to engage customers better, manage vendor and customer data, and boost conversion rates. In today’s environment, whether you win or lose depends on how you gather, manage, and use information. 

Therefore, a customer relationship management (CRM) system is created to handle a business’s relationships with both present and potential customers. Sales, marketing, customer care, and technical support are coordinated, automated, and organized using CRMs. 

In other words, a CRM system is a tool that aids in the automation of procedures that, in turn, improve customer management. If you’re thinking about a CRM solution, you have many choices, including Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP, Sage, NetSuite, SugarCRM, Oracle, Zoho, and many more. 

They each have particular advantages. When you look closely, you’ll see which option suits your business needs ideally.

Introducing Route IQ for Zoho CRM - Encaptechno

Some Indicators That You Need A Practical Route Planner To Optimize Your Delivery Operations-

  • You run a flourishing company that uses intelligent routing software to meet the changing needs of its customers for quick and timely deliveries.
  • You can easily accommodate more than a few customer addresses or locations in a single day.
  • Planning on-demand delivery routes are challenging, and you must rely on Google Maps to quickly change delivery schedules.
  • Explaining delivery timetables and other information requires a lot of time and work.
  • Explaining daily delivery plans and routes to your on-ground workers and riders requires much time and effort.
  • You want to improve route management to achieve cost and time effectiveness since you know that your existing route planning skills are inefficient.
  • You want to increase the speed and accuracy of your logistics planning processes by reducing or eliminating human intervention.
  • Your logistics operations should be fully controlled thanks to effective planning, transparent communication, and constant ground visibility.

RouteIQ For Zoho CRM

A route optimization software is a dynamic process that assists fleets in locating the least expensive and most efficient routes to their destination. 

The software uses algorithms and analysis to examine many parameters to choose the best path. Planning a logistics route can lower distance, improve last-mile delivery, boost productivity, and provide other benefits.

You can install and configure RouteIQ from the web app and be a paid Zoho CRM user to use the RouteIQ mobile app. Through the provision of map visualization, efficient route planning, and Map Reports via both online and mobile apps, RouteIQ, a mapping tool, improves Zoho CRM. 

RouteIQ enables you to close more sales while conserving time. Your CRM custom views are available as interactive map views using RouteIQ. To help you plan more effectively, you should easily understand how your lists’ locations relate to one another while you work in your CRM. By offering Map Visualization, Optimised Route Planning, and Map Reports via the web and mobile apps, RouteIQ is a comprehensive mapping solution that improves Zoho CRM.

  • Make sure your customer visits for field sales and service operations are optimized.
  • View Map Reports seeing where your clients are concentrated in thermal and numerical forms.
  • Use a map to visualize your leads, contacts, and other CRM data to learn more about the demographics of your target market.

Characteristics of Route IQ for Zoho CRM

Map display 

Put your prospects on a map that you can engage with. First, utilize the Near Me function to filter options based on their proximity to your location. Then, using the day’s scheduled or flexible meetings as a guide, plan the best routes for your field sales and service operations. 

Utilize Location Intelligence to analyze your data utilizing thermal and numerical representations.

Optimized route plans

This CRM-integrated mobile map routing app is a potent tool for managing travel time and expanding the number of leads you can reach.

By integrating with Zoho CRM, you can automatically design routes around various parameters such as leads, contacts, scheduled appointments, and drop-ins.

Google Maps API integration 

 Google Maps API integration is used to showcase the routes that would provide you with the best possible travel option.

By adding or removing stops from the list, routes can be modified on the fly. Other mapping tools included with RouteIQ allow you to view heatmap clusters on the map, neighbouring clients, and potential transaction sizes. Once you are there, use the Check-In tool to record the time, date, and position of your mobile device and approximate it to the scheduled appointment time. 

Your Zoho CRM addresses can be taken by RouteIQ and mapped for you to see. You can now gain insights about your prospects and customers by interacting with the data in your CRM through a map interface. 

To create the ideal map, pick from various filters and criteria, or display all your addresses on a single map view. You can select high-profit deals that are flagged in Zoho CRM in the example below and have them shown on the map. The user interface maps the results and displays a list of bargains on the left that match the search and filter parameters.

Plan, Optimize, and Navigate

  1. Create an automatically optimized route based on the distance, appointments, and drop-ins.
  2. If there are any cancellations or more customers to add, modify the route.
  3. Single-click navigation to any planned routes or clients

Integration Of Zoho CRM And Route Planner Route IQ 

Let’s explore why choosing an integration of Zoho CRM and route planner Route IQ for your field sales may be a wise move in the following ways-

  • To meet with more potential clients and consumers, increase productivity by determining the quickest travel routes.
  • Deliver effective customer service by always being aware of where to find clients and prospects so you can fast get in touch with them.
  • Improve your sales by having access to all customer information while you’re on the go so you can give meetings with customized messages.
  • You may automatically collect data from the field with a centralized database that regularly updates your CRM.

Let’s explore their benefits-

Spare your medical representatives from unnecessary journeys and expenses

Spare your medical representatives from unnecessary journeys and expenses - Zoho RouteIQ

According to studies, a medical representative sees seven clients on average per day. Assume that to make a sale; they must go that route at least three to four more times. That is equal to four times the cost you have set aside. So how can you be confident that your salespeople save money on travel expenses? First, you can save time and money by scheduling appointments with all of your HCP prospects before your visit.

You can bridge the expectation gap by using the calendar booking options with route planners. These features include rescheduling possibilities, so you may always fill that time slot with another client if the HCP postpones or cancels the appointment.

Enhanced Customer Service

Enhanced customer service - Zoho RouteIQ

The seemingly insignificant things you do can significantly impact how your prospects and clients view you. As we previously discussed, taking notes during meetings with healthcare professionals and organizations can help you make a solid first impression. 

Similarly, being on time can help ensure you have a fair chance against your rivals. 

Since your sales representatives will have all the information they need to make the best pitch and make your customers feel valued, a route planner connected with CRM can help you improve your customer service. 

Automate the organization of your field sales strategy

Automate the organization of your field sales strategy - Zoho RouteIQ

A route planner also provides your sales team with the freedom to arrange their field operations in advance, which is another benefit. Make a route map, choose how far you’ll need to go that day, pinpoint your consumers and business prospects, and adjust your budget accordingly.

This offers a methodical technique that might boost team productivity. 

You may ensure that your attention is on prospects with a better likelihood of making a purchase and increasing income.

Sales managers can see everything going on in the field

In the same way, as sales representatives encounter difficulties in the field, sales managers also face difficulties. Therefore, they also monitor field sales activity, check-in and check-out times, and sales rep whereabouts and ensure expenses comply with the policy. With a route planner, sales representatives can share their whereabouts and activity logs with their teams and supervisors, giving management full access to each rep’s sales success. 

Additionally, it can assist them in validating each expense incurred during field trips and ensuring accountability for any falsely reported costs.

Field representatives can make sure they don’t overlook crucial information.

Field representatives can make sure they don’t overlook crucial information

Before purchasing, prospects frequently have specific needs and questions that demand special attention. Sales representatives frequently have to go back and speak with their management before responding to these unusual questions. 

These minor details could be overlooked by the rep, who is out in the field seeing several customers, or they could be confused with another prospect.

Route planners provide a note-taking feature that enables sales representatives to record vital details and attach files for quick access. 

Taking notes is a beautiful method to demonstrate that you value your clients and potential clients and want to give them the most satisfactory service.


The correct route planner can perform miracles when coupled with a CRM application. Your records and papers can be centrally stored so that you and your team can access them from any location at any time. 

The development of CRM solutions now allows you to automatically synchronize your data, reducing human labor and guaranteeing error-free data collecting.

You may easily combine your CRM with your preferred route planner, or our team at Encaptechno can assist you in integrating the Zoho route planner within your Zoho CRM. Through the provision of map visualization, efficient route planning, and Map Reports via both online and mobile apps, RouteIQ, a mapping tool, improves Zoho CRM. 

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Rising Customer Engagement Trends in the Market | Encaptechno

Rising Customer Engagement Trends in the Market

Rising Customer Engagement Trends in the Market | Encaptechno


Customer engagement has been an important concept in the market for quite some time now. However, when we come to really think about customer engagement, we also begin to understand why it has become important. The thing is that engaging with customers helps in adding value to the customer journey and also provides them with a personalised experience.

Designing a customer engagement strategy empowers a person to build a strong connection with customers and also allows interaction on the channels that are important. This is how you can gain an idea of how important it is to create an effective customer engagement strategy.

For so many years, businesses have only been focused on gaining market share and getting profit from it. However, the pandemic has pretty much changed everything. Consumer preferences have changed drastically now, and the way these preferences interact with businesses has changed as well.

The great consumer shift tried to impose a new shopping experience since Covid-19 started. This opened up many new opportunities for businesses to access new customers and also provide a delightful customer experience all through the buyer journey.

In this blog, we will see what customer engagement is and what is its importance?

What is Customer Engagement?

Customer engagement
can be simply defined as the means by which an organisation creates a relationship with a wide customer base for the purpose of fostering brand loyalty and awareness. This can be easily accomplished by marketing campaigns, new content created for and posted to websites and outreach via social media and wearable devices among other methods.

Even though there can be many variations to this definition, the premise pretty much remains the same. A company aims to foster a positive relationship with the customers with an aim to promote the brand, generate more sales, and offer an amazing experience on a personal level.

Importance of Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is easily one of the most important aspects of a successful organisation. A customer who is engaged with a specific company is capable of generating more revenue than a customer who feels less connected to a company. Hence,
customer engagement strategy means more profit for the company and almost everyone who runs a business wants that.

In case a company does not have a plan for improving customer engagement, you can miss out on a lot of money and opportunities to interact with valuable customers and even potential ones. Building a relationship with customers does not just make more, but it also helps in establishing trust and loyalty with the customers. Having customers who trust a business keeps them around for a long time while making them repeat customers.

Even the connection between customer engagement and customer loyalty is pretty profound. Someone who is a loyal customer is likely to show more loyalty by repeatedly purchasing from a company, spreading the word about a business by social sharing, and referring to other people like friends and family.

A present customer spreading the word to other people is perhaps an important tool in a company’s arsenal. Communicating with customers in a positive way encourages them to go out of their way for promote a business socially and by word of mouth. This communication helps in controlling what other people are saying about you all across the internet.

1. Insight Centric Customer Engagement

Data, personalization, and artificial intelligence have allowed marketing technology platforms to offer campaign analytics in times such as these. The insight led customer engagement platforms to allow marketers to mark the important moments in the journey of a buyer while charting a
seamless customer experience.

The collaboration between marketing and insights helps both sides of the partnership make much better decisions while devising stronger and more customer-focused campaigns that drive businesses.

Data can be used for personalising the campaigns which is an essential step for customer engagement. A strategy such as this leaves almost no room for trial and error methodologies while leading to focused, and data-backed marketing campaigns.

2. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence| Importance of Customer Engagement:
Artificial Intelligence has added more of a personal touch to customer engagement trends and processes. In the past, marketers used to collect large amounts of consumer behaviour centric data.

However, the dearth of any tools for data analytics also meant the brands could not leverage data completely for strategy and decision making. At present, marketers have easy access to AI-based advanced tools in which the primary value is brought by the speed at which large sets of data can be analysed and used for generating predictive insights.

Focusing on how AI has lent a much more human-centric approach. Improved data analysis has offered the world an insight into the needs of customers who either lost their jobs or felt the need to upskill during the pandemic.  With the adoption of advanced data-based marketing automation, brands have been able to offer content and discounts that speak to diverse customers while focusing on a targeted marketing strategy.

Moreover, AI has also minimised manual efforts while offering a human touch to customer interactions with the personalization of campaigns. With machine learning becoming more mature, it is likely that we will see more customer-facing marketing automation capabilities.

Hence, with AI-powered channels, brands can effectively analyse data and also deliver relevant content based on the stage of the buyer’s journey. AI-enabled chatbots provide constant assistance to users as and when it is required. These AI assistants prove to be excellent tools for offering customer support and engagement.

3. Personalised Content

Personalised Content | Importance of Customer Engagement:
Customised communication when backed with suitable data points helps the organisations to break through the chain of generic messages while standing out in today’s market which is pretty saturated. Doing this is an important step in treating all your customers as an individual and offering services that are relevant.

The reason for the popularity of brands has been a personalised experience that allows customers to place orders and pick them up in-store. Any marketing tactic that comes across as machine created and transactional does not prove successful in building customer loyalty and this is irrespective of how data is leveraged.

There must be a one size fits all approach that proves sufficient for attracting and even retaining customers. This is because this customer engagement strategy helps in offering the best customer experience and the greatest customer lifetime value.

Personalization has become an important investment with the economy recovering and consumers feeling safe to start spending again. All brands that personalise their approach to where and how they engage with customers can invest in paid media selectively. This helps in winning as a good share of sales makes its way back.

4. Single Interface

Another emerging trend in the market that is focused on customer engagement is easy access to all channels in just one place. A single interface is straightforward to allow any digital channel to be accessed easily and from one place.

With a single interface, a lot of time and money can be saved which also results in a hassle-free experience for the customers. In fact, the multi-channel approach helps in finding all touchpoints of the customer insights journey across all channels.

5. Cloud Platforms

Cloud Platforms| Importance of Customer Engagement:

The final goal of customer experience is always to create a satisfied consumer. There is no better way to get better customer satisfaction than by using cloud platforms.

The cloud does an excellent job of offering many benefits for businesses that are looking to improve their experience including an ability to personalise experiences, improve collaboration, offer better customer service, and undergo digital transformation. While this goes on, a business should also be able to offer user-friendly features that can keep the customers coming back for more.

Cloud platforms are perfect for managing customer engagement. They provide a safe and centralised location for customer management and interactions in just one place. This also makes it simple to track customer behaviour over time, find trends, and make better decisions about which products and services to offer customers.

It also helps in understanding how businesses are performing relative to competitors. Cloud platforms also make it simple to collect and analyse data while offering features that improve interactions and create better customer engagement. There are many solutions in the market and each of them has its own set of features.

6. Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality | Importance of Customer Engagement:

Another rising trend when it comes to customer engagement is augmented reality. It has offered a way for retailers to translate in-store visits into digital experiences. Customers always want to understand, see, and experience a product before they purchase it.

Since augmented reality offers a seamless customer experience, most customers expect retailers to provide an AR experience.  AR allows customers to browse 3D products from the comfort of their homes, try 3D products, gather information including reviews, pricing, and colour options, and use virtual trial rooms.

It should not come as a surprise that customers who use AR are more likely to purchase. In addition, AR provides retailers with the ability to overcome location barriers, and save costs on real estate, infrastructure, and other operational expenses while also boosting brand recognition and differentiating in the market.

7. Visual Engagement

Videos have proven to be a big winner for quite some time when it comes to a
customer engagement strategy. Everything from team meetings to sales calls, everything has turned into video calls. In addition, more and more retail businesses have been able to make videos central to marketing strategies.

It is hard to argue when most millennials say they have purchased after seeing a video. Retailers are using many video types for engaging customers including explainer videos, promotional videos, testimonials, company culture videos, etc.

Many retailers also redefine the online shopping experience with the use of interactive shopping videos. These videos also empower consumers to instantly purchase a product directly from the content within a few clicks without leaving a video.

Another important area where visual engagement is seen is customer support and retailers do this by combining video chats and co-browsing. This is where agents see customer screens in real-time and guide them with forms, processes, transactions, and demos. For instance, retailers use co-browsing for e-commerce support for helping consumers find products that they want and reduce cart abandonment.


Zoho comes up with Zoho SalesIQ which helps in keeping up with the rising industry trends and taking your customer engagement strategy to another level. Moreover, Zoho also brings Zobot to the table which is an AI-powered chatbot used for screen sharing, voice calling, and chat routing.

Customers can have more than they need for proactively engaging with the brands if the brands use Zoho and the multiple features that it is capable of bringing to the forefront. At Encaptechno, we offer Zoho consultancy that can help your business meet the rising customer engagement trends in the market. 


Rising Customer Engagement Trends in the Market Read More »

CRM Services, Digital Marketing, Zoho CRM, Zoho Implementation, , , ,
Tips to Reinvent Your Recruiting Process with Zoho Recruit | Encaptechno

Tips to Reinvent Your Recruiting Process with Zoho Recruit

Tips to Reinvent Your Recruiting Process with Zoho Recruit | Encaptechno
When the pandemic affected people the world over, so many employees in different countries were subjected to layoffs. Two years after the pandemic, the workflow has completely changed. So many young professionals have become used to working from home and many have even quit their jobs to pursue other things and build start-ups.

To put this in easy words, the Great Resignation has hit industries similar to a tidal wave and it has also reshaped traditional work models causing massive shifts in working norms. As a result, multiple talent acquisition managers and professionals are redesigning their recruitment processes.

In this scenario, the implementation of a recruiting automation platform such as Zoho Recruit has helped many organizations. In this blog, we will see what Zoho Recruit is and how organizations can use it for reinventing their recruiting process.

What is Zoho Recruit?


Zoho Recruit is an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and recruitment software that has been created for managing the recruiting process in staffing agencies and corporate companies. It is an AI recruitment software that can streamline the recruitment process seamlessly. Starting from resume management, candidate sourcing, applicant tracking, communication, interview scheduling, and hiring functions within a single system, Zoho Recruit does it all.

One of the primary objectives of creating Zoho Recruit was to eliminate manual data entry and traditional hiring methods including spreadsheets for scheduling, resume attachment downloads on desktop folders. Other than this, Zoho Recruit brings important stakeholders on board including customers and recruiting team on just one platform.

From multi-channel communication to product customization and hiring productivity or third-party integrations, Zoho Recruit provides a wide range of features that support the requirements of staffing agencies of all sizes, different industries, small and medium-sized businesses, and even large enterprises. The integrations with some of the premium job boards and niche boards also give recruiters using Zoho Recruit a much better advantage over competitors.

This is recruiting software that uses feature incorporations such as source boosters, semantic search, advanced customizations, hiring pipeline dashboard, advanced customizations etc. for ensuring that the time to fill is reduced to a great extent and the cost per hire is parallel. Finally, Zoho Recruit’s advanced automation features also help in saving time and recruiting faster, better, and smarter.

There are prominent features that make Zoho Recruit stand out in the market and they include advanced search, creating job openings, scheduling interviews, application tracking, assessing candidate’s status, tracking sources, emailing inside Zoho Recruit, embedding resume forms, publishing job openings, parsing resumes, and much more.

Benefits of Zoho Recruit


1. Automated Recruitment

Automated Recruitment | Benefits of Zoho Recruit
When done manually, recruitment involves many tasks that must be carried out properly. It is important to make sure that candidates from reputable sources are sourced, job listings are posted on the right platforms, and candidate data is consolidated, and so on.

Zoho Recruit serves as an automated hiring platform that simplifies all these processes so that the focus is more on attention-demanding responsibilities. It has customizable tools that help in programming the software to automate data input, consolidate candidate information, update interview schedules, tackle tedious and repetitive recruitment tasks.

2. Effective Candidate Assessment

This is one of the most time-consuming aspects of the recruitment process when it comes to compiling information of candidates for assessment. By looking at the candidate pages tool of Zoho Recruit, it is possible to take a detailed look at the profile of a candidate without feeling any need to sift through piles of documents. 

Zoho Recruit helps in finding the name of a candidate in a database, clicking on it, and seeing a detailed profile with pictures, contact data, and social links almost immediately. This way, the recruiting manager can sort the candidates by taking a good link at their credentials.

3. Application Filtering

Zoho Recruit is significantly effective at hiring easily because it works on the basis of previously inserted values that each applicant should respond to. In case an application does not fulfil any given criteria, it can automatically be withdrawn until the recruiter wants to have a complete look at it. 

Meanwhile, Zoho Recruit ensures that vacancy appears at all important locations and job boards so that quality candidates can come across eventually. Until the position is filled, the vacancy is shown so that steps are taken to hire a person early.

4. Streamlined Application Database

Right after a candidate gets chosen for hire, Zoho Recruit login can be used to automatically feed information into a centralized applicant database for easy onboarding and performance monitoring.

When the records are in the system, it becomes possible to manage candidates and the present employees while using their information stored in the database. As the application is entirely cloud-based, one can get it up and running immediately while not worrying about any complex downloads and expensive installations to worry about.

Tips for Reinventing the Recruiting Process


1. Redesigning Hiring Strategy

In almost any field, professionals are always on the lookout for increasing their performance and moving up the professional ladder. One of the best techniques to do this is reviewing the past performance so that actions can be observed and analyzed when they are their best and one can find what areas must be worked on.

Recruiting process is similar. It is important that you break all elements of your hiring process, look at your past performances using metrics such as time to fill, cost per hire, and so on. In case you have collected feedback, this is a good time to study that feedback and pick a pattern of which applicants did you like. This will streamline the previous recruiting experience.

Other than this, leveraging changes such as mass job reshuffling also gives you a great chance to rebuild your talent pool while letting you stay on top of rising employment trends such as economies. When you look at every stage of the process under a microscope, you will be able to uncover both the hiring success and challenges that cause you to miss out on potential candidates.

2. Highlighting the Pain Points

Once you know the challenges that you have been facing in the recruiting process, you can start working on all of them individually. This will give you time for re-evaluating and recording the improvements substantially rather than trying to change it all at once. For example, a small change in listing down applicants can make radical improvements in the overall process.

It is always good to experiment with AI recruitment software as a hiring professional so that you can keep an account of what is beneficial and what is not. The changes that you make are calculated and also yield a large return on the investment. In case candidate management is something that is proving to be trouble then you can be better off focusing on issues of candidate communication.

Recruiting process management enables you to analyze the effectiveness of solutions at a micro-level. After you narrow down the problematic areas in recruiting strategy, you can put important variables to test until the time all solutions come together to form an improved hiring process.

3. Adopting Data-Driven Approach

Hitting a block in your hiring process can be frustrating, to say the least. This is more so when the times are tougher for the recruitment industry. What matters is how you will overcome the slump.

When you condition yourself to become proactive and prepared for problems ahead of time, you become capable of handling uncertain job markets. The best way to do this is to become proactive with data.

Gathering the data you need for making improvements to your hiring strategy can require diving into technology. It is best to evaluate the digital ecosystem and see whether adopting or migrating to a recruiting automation platform will work for you and your team.

An ATS allows you to design a workflow that can effectively automate repetitive tasks while giving you more time to reconnect with and earn goodwill with customers. In addition, an effective AI-powered ATS also provides you with real-time data that is usually stored automatically and is accessible anytime with reports and dashboards.

In case you find it rather troublesome to gather data needed to compete in the present recruitment market, it is best to learn more about the working of the Zoho Recruit Application Tracking System. It can give you the information needed to make decisions because it allows you to track weaknesses and develop solutions.


Recruiting process is not so easy. There are many aspects that must be taken care of as the needs of all clients in a staffing agency cannot be thought of as one. Hence, there is a need for robust
AI recruitment software that can effectively optimize the recruiting process irrespective of moving from a traditional hiring system to migrating from ATS. With the implementation of Zoho Recruit, the recruiting managers can decrease the time and allow others to find the right candidates for each role.

Recruiting managers can have different needs but they can effectively customize the software according to what they want. Zoho Recruit also helps to form a strong online presence with multiple integrations. It helps extensively in managing relationships with customers. The tools and integrations can help in improving efficiency in sourcing, screening, onboarding, and hiring candidates without any sacrifice of quality of hire.

If you haven’t already implemented Zoho Recruit, it is time to take action and do it right away for better recruiting and hiring managers. Get in touch with our certified Zoho consultants to know more about Zoho Recruit and how it can help your business.

Tips to Reinvent Your Recruiting Process with Zoho Recruit Read More »

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How Does Zoho CRM Effectively Analyze the Good and Bad of Your Business | Encaptechno

How Does Zoho CRM Effectively Analyze the Good and Bad of Your Business?

How Does Zoho CRM Effectively Analyze the Good and Bad of Your Business | Encaptechno
The straight-up meaning of customer relationship management is the sum of all business techniques, tools, and strategies that manage a company’s relationship with all customers. The process of customer relationship management is aimed at gaining new customers while keeping the old customers intact.

Zoho CRM is an excellent software that manages customer relationships globally with ease. This is software that includes everything that a business can possibly want from generating more leads, tracking new sales performance, and closing more deals.

The companies that use Zoho CRM can effectively manage their marketing, sales, and customer service matters in the B2B and B2C strategy. In different words, with CRM it is possible to manage the business to business relationships and business customer relationships. Zoho runs on the SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) model and is also compatible with various computer applications.

It can be said that the online CRM system of Zoho targets small and medium businesses by offering CRM on budget. It can help in reducing the cost of centralized data and free migration integration with a third party application. It also helps in increasing sales with a sales automation feature while offering improved customer segmentation and automated sales reports.

All in all, Zoho CRM helps in an effective analysis of the good and bad of a business. In this blog, we will see how it does that in complete detail.

Zoho Analyses Your Business Comprehensively and Deeply

Zoho CRM is an
online CRM system that comes with many functions that help in tracking and measuring the performance of all activities, particularly the sales activities while also understanding targets and how they can be achieved. This analysis is done using reports, capabilities and other analytical components so that smarter decisions can be made for business growth.

For instance, reports have the ability to offer real-time insights into different attributes such as sales trends, marketing trends, performance reports, campaigns conducted, etc. In addition, the analytical components help in finding out key performance indicators along with the present status of targets by creating dashboards.

The primary purpose of Zoho Analytics is to offer you a deep analysis of all facets that are involved in a business. The reports generated on Zoho CRM enable easy access, analysis, and tracking of business while giving you the information that further helps in making primary choices.

There are a total of around 40 pre-built reports that help in tracking the important sales KPIs. Zoho CRM comes with the ability to convert these reports into charts so that the process of data analysis becomes easier. You can customize the reports and include important data from various modules.

The kind of analysis that the Zoho CRM is capable of performing includes:

  • You can have a detailed analysis of important information. With this, your organization can effectively make some data-driven decisions.
  • You can perform an easy filtration of data on the module criteria.
  • Zoho allows you to choose an arranged template and chart type. This can be used to represent the data perfectly.
  • It is possible to combine the leads, campaigns tasks, vendors, and quotations in just one database using Zoho CRM.
  • Zoho CRM also enables you to export the reports as files in different formats while giving the Dashboard access to the people who need it.

Zoho CRM can be called an online CRM system that is capable of effectively tracking all kinds of progress. There are many benefits that are there in this process. You can track the progress in the sales towards your objectives and plan the follow-up efforts as well. You can also analyze the different aspects of operations that require more attention and you can also evaluate the success while comparing individual performance.

Analyzing Key Business Metrics With Zoho CRM

Analyzing Key Business Metrics With Zoho CRM
Zoho CRM makes it possible to analyze and track important business metrics while empowering the businesses at each step. Data is a goldmine in the present time and it can be effectively analyzed with the power of Zoho Analytics.

You can differentiate and use the Zoho CRM data in the ways that you like the most. It is also possible to create the sales funnels, make sales projections, gauge the sales performance, understand the win/loss rates, track the KPIs and do much more.

Zoho is an online CRM system that lets you do the following things:

  • Zoho offers an efficient analysis of lead lifecycle management. You can analyze and track the leads by their source, status, and even ownership. You can also see your conversion rates, find where the potential churn the most, and measure the efficiency of the sales pipeline.
  • In addition, you can analyze the sales activity, track numbers at each stage of the sales pipeline. You can create sales funnels for understanding if there has been a significant drop or a rise in the sales pipeline. You can also track the conversion rates while boosting the overall efficiency of the sales process.
  • Zoho CRM enables you to combine and blend important data from other business applications for cross-functional analysis. For instance, you can combine your marketing budget in tools such as Excel, AdWords, etc. along with your sales data from the CRM for creating a spend vs sales report.
  • With Zoho CRM, you can stay updated with the data alerts. You can set targets and also be notified when they are achieved. This also allows you to track any spike, a seasonal change or an anomaly in the data with respect to the contextual alerts.

Thorough Sales Analytics

Thorough Sales Analytics
Zoho helps in creating a sales strategy with its sales analytics features. The detailed sales analytics features help in selling better, faster, and smarter. Some of the benefits that the sales analytics is capable of offering out rightly include:

  • Collaborative Analytics: Using Sales analytics, you can develop and even analyze reports together with the content marketing team. You can also share and embed the visualizations for wider consumption.
  • Pre-Built Visualizations: You can instantly begin your analytics journey with at least 75 pre-built reports and dashboards on the sales performance.
  • Email, Print, and Export Reports: Zoho CRM allows you to export, print, and email reports. There is an option to schedule the reports and dashboards for emailing automatically to the given recipients.
  • Sales Forecasting: You can make informed decisions from the sales data and also manage the cash flow workforce and resources using the Zoho CRM. It is also possible to predict future revenue and plan for future growth.
  • Analytics Assistant: Zoho CRM is a smart analytical assistant. You can type your questions and see if Zia, Zoho’s AI assistant can come up with suitable answers in the form of reports and KPI widgets.
  • Sales Representative Analysis: It is possible to review and analyze the sales representative performance and go on the top of your organization with this.

Analyzing Data and Getting Insights

Analyzing Data and Getting Insights | Zoho CRM
You can connect, prepare, and perform the analysis while getting deep and actionable insights using Zoho CRM. It can be said that
Zoho CRM is one of the best methods to analyze the good and bad of a business.

The processes such as data reporting and management are two important and many times overwhelming tasks for an organization. Many times, the raw data handling and management features play a significant role in forming reports that allow in analyzing sales and marketing campaigns.

The BI and analytics software called Zoho Analytics is one of the best tools that can be used to change data into actionable reports and dashboards. This helps the users to create dashboards and visualizations that present data in a simple and also self-service model.

Some of the common benefits of Zoho Analytics that help in analyzing the good and bad of business include:

1. Data Source Connection

Commonly the business data stays scattered in web feeds, Google sheets, cloud storage, and other online applications. However, the data analytics feature of Zoho Analytics can be of significant assistance. It can be used to connect various data sources for the purpose of reporting and analytics.

You can get great assistance from a standard Zoho Analytics consultant for uploading and blending data from various files and databases. Files such as text files, spreadsheets, business applications, Microsoft Excel, etc.

2. Analytical Reports and Dashboards

Using the drag and drop interface of Zoho Analytics, it becomes possible to present insightful reports to the customers. A wide range of virtualization components including charts and widgets are included in the Zoho Analytics that helps to create simple and interactive dashboards.

In addition, it is also possible to combine multiple reports in a single dashboard which makes it much simpler for any team to track key performance indicators. For instance, if you want to do sales monitoring, that can be possible with analytical reports and dashboards.

Zoho Analytics comes with an easy to use and a pre-built analytical set of functions that can be used for a deep performance analysis along with deriving key metrics. In addition, it also includes a spreadsheet-like interface for data addition, analyzing metrics, and detailed reporting.

3. Reporting and Collaboration Feature

Using Zoho Analytics, it becomes very easy to develop reports with team members along with much better access to options such as read-write, drill down, read-only, etc.

Zoho Analytics comes with an ability that allows you to quickly and easily publish reports while also giving users access to Zoho analytics login. It is a great option to get in touch with a Zoho Analytics consultant so that easy collaboration and reporting features can be maximized.

4. Centralized Data Collection

Due to the easy to navigate and smart assistant of Zoho Analytics called Zia, a centralized collection of data is facilitated. This data collection helps in streamlining data and developing a 360-degree view of a company along with an answer to important questions related to the financial status, operational efficiency, and customer behaviour.

In addition, Zoho Analytics simplifies otherwise difficult processes such as data splitting, merging, and formatting to ensure productivity. As a result, the final result is favourable when it comes to decision making.

5. Embedded Business Intelligence Solution

Using Zoho Analytics, anyone can set up a reporting portal that provides an embedded business intelligence solution option. There is a list of comprehensive APIs and completely customizable design elements that help in tailoring the portals, dashboards, and reports just as a person wants.

The users can effectively embed Zoho Analytics with many other solutions like ERP tools and CRM platform as well. The solutions offer easy integration and a completely rebranded user portal for an easy user experience all across platforms.

Zoho analytics effectively allows businesses and different organizations to make quick decisions with the use of AI-powered assistance and auto blending of data. The embedded business intelligence solutions are a way for analyzing the good and bad of a business.

6. Data Visualization

One of a kind BI & analytics software, Zoho Analytics comes with an interactive and insightful dashboard that helps in gaining important information. This software helps in offering businesses a library of visualization techniques while ensuring that the organizational trends are recognized easily.

It is possible to collaborate with Zoho Analytics consultants easily for understanding data visualization that helps business teams to make effective decisions that enhance the bottom line of any business.

7. Flexible Architecture

Zoho CRM offers
an extensible tool that can be scaled just as a business develops. It has a scalable architecture that enables a person to integrate into applications of any particular size.

Furthermore, it can also be configured to generate reports and handle large volumes of data by using scalable column database technology.

8. Collaboration and Productivity

Zoho CRM
allows easy collaboration between the business teams by providing team leaders and managers with easy access to data that the colleagues and clients can see and edit.

Based on access, users can create a comprehensive report, embed it into the website, and also share it with team members with an email for collaboration. Zoho CRM also allows the creation of annotations and images for creating comment threads that enable easy and productive communication.


Zoho CRM is capable of offering a detailed analysis of a business so that quick and effective decisions can be taken when it matters. One can monitor the sales cycle, customize dashboards, create charts, target meters, KPIs, and funnels based on the business goals.

In addition, Zoho CRM also enables a business to take data-driven decisions so that the conversion rate can be improved. Using powerful charts, one can compare and contrast the records to know where the business stands at the moment. It is also possible to focus on different regions, target marketing campaigns, and set organizational objectives for the business development.

In case you haven’t yet implemented Zoho CRM then you are missing out on a lot that can allow your business to grow significantly. Use Zoho to capture a picture of your business and let your business grow manifold just the way it deserves. For more information on the implementation of Zoho CRM, get in touch with our consultants at Encaptechno, today.

How Does Zoho CRM Effectively Analyze the Good and Bad of Your Business? Read More »

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Introduction of Canvas for Zoho CRM | Encaptechno

Introduction of Canvas for Zoho CRM

Introduction of Canvas for Zoho CRM | Encaptechno
All industries function in a way that is very different in many aspects. There is no one size fits all approach. The companies should be able to modify the CRM design to suit their needs after a purchase has been made. This is where customers can control their experience completely. Zoho CRM is a giant that has created a new benchmark for customization.

With Canvas, Zoho plans to offer the best possible consumer experience that there is. The customers can create their own experience using Canvas. Zoho introduces Canvas as a design so that the customers can redesign the visual interface of Zoho CRM services to suit their requirements.

Using Canvas, users can remodel the look and feel of their CRM without writing even a single line of code since a simple drag and drop interface is used. Canvas creations can immensely improve the end user’s experience that helps in increasing productivity and morale. It sets the precedent for users to experience autonomy where the user can control the experience with the product.

In this blog, we will get to know all about Canvas and everything it can do for CRM.

What is Canvas?

Canvas is a design studio that is built into the Zoho CRM. The customers can redesign the user interface from an entirely blank canvas using Canvas. It offers a
better CRM user interface and supports a wide range of formatting options that help companies to re-imagine the look and feel of any module down to small details. This is how the data meets design.

The use of Canvas is similar to photoshop for databases but it is much more nuanced. Canvas completely understands how the modules, fields, buttons, and related lists in the interface get created. Hence, it offers a much more thoughtful and contextual designing experience for the customers.

You can think of Canvas as a unique tool by Zoho CRM, something that no other CRM vendor has ever considered creating. Zoho has actually pioneered the design autonomy movement allowing the customers to curate the user experience that they are looking for. With the use of Canvas, Zoho CRM has become the most customizable CRM in the market.

Canvas as a no-code design platform is one of the most powerful things to change your Zoho CRM user experience from a visual and a functional perspective. It is a simple user interface management platform that is created into the native CRM system and is applicable in various ways of the CRM. The UI can be customized with the following CRM pages using Canvas.

A unified user experience can be created at various engagement points across platforms with internal CRM, partner portals, and self-service customers. Finally, regardless of the fact if they are your customers, partners or employees, all of the groups that work with a consistent UI when it comes to page design, look and feel, yet the data organized in all layouts can be customized based on various functions and requirements.

Working of Canvas

Canvas helps companies create a custom view that is readily available as an option along with the default views. The customers can click to create a new Canvas view from a listing page or the record page so that a blank canvas is opened as the powerful editor. Some of the things that are responsible for making Canvas stand out are:

1. Right Information in the Right Place

Customers can look for all the related lists, fields, and buttons available on the left side of the menu in editor mode. This actually means that no information is lost and all associations will remain intact just the way they are. 

Canvas plays the role of helping users change the appearance of Zoho CRM with multiple design variants.

2. Drag-and-drop Interface

There is no need to become a programmer or even a designer for using Canvas. You just need to have good design taste. Canvas is the first CRM design studio that also comes with a drag and drop interface to offer a much-simplified design experience for everyone. 

With the editor, users can easily choose some components from the left menu, drag them on the interface, drop them at the desired location, and then finally click to see available formatting options. It only takes a couple of clicks to create a new design.

3. Formatting Options

Canvas provides many formatting options for playing around with so that the companies can find the exact style that fits their team the best.

Right from changing the shape of the contact image or the color of a button to changing the padding, the shadow, and the width, Canvas enables the users to make sure that all details are suitable for a personal view.

4. Templates

Canvas also comes with a set of templates that the customers can choose in case they want a good start with their design or in case they are looking for inspiration.

The templates can be easily customized to a wide range of industries and they can also be changed to suit the customers in an improved way.

5. Uniform Design All Over Modules

Canvas is a no-code design platform that can be easily copied to other modules for maintaining a uniform design and color style.

Almost any detail that is not associated with the new module can be easily reconfigured at any time. This leads to a uniform design across all possible modules.

How Does Canvas Help Users?

Canvas plays an excellent role in helping companies experiment seamlessly with multiple designs taking input from the salespeople and other end users. These are the people who end up spending a large amount of time using the Zoho CRM.

 The admins can easily remodel the list page and detail page of all modules so that everyone’s needs are solved on the basis of suggestions. Canvas can effectively solve important challenges that businesses face in the present day including lack of personalization, employee experience, and complex implementations.

Canvas is the first CRM design studio that helps the users in the following ways:

1. Creating Personalized Instances:

Canvas is responsible for helping companies design a version of CRM that suits the industry and the working culture. Administrators can easily design views with fields, buttons, lists, and labels that are relevant to business so that the end-users can get the maximum results out of Zoho CRM. The customers can also enjoy tailored experiences of a vertical CRM that comes with all possible capabilities of a general-purpose CRM.

2. Enhanced Employee Experience

Using Canvas as a no-code design platform, companies can easily build a CRM that is easy to work with. The users can create views with a minimal design and great colors that are soothing for the eye and the mind. The customers can also highlight, record, hide, and reposition fields, lists, and buttons for helping salespeople work much better.

3. Removes Complexity

Canvas makes it very simple for businesses to get started with the Zoho CRM. The implementation phases including extensive training, data prep, and onboarding experiences need less time and effort all thanks to a simple and customized design. Successful implementation is necessary for reducing any complexity of the system while ensuring that there is high usage and streamlined ROI.

Canvas Serves the Purpose of Everyone

Canvas is literally for everyone. It helps in the following things.

1. Collaborative Selling

Collaborative Selling
The companies can effectively share their Canvas views with the vendors, consultants, and partners with the use of various portals. The sales process can also become increasingly collaborative where different parties need to get involved at various stages of a sale. Canvas helps in facilitating this collaboration.

2. Superior Self-Service

It is a well known fact that millennial customers are highly protective of their data and the option of self-service is appreciated much more. The customers can fill in important information and review it directly in the company’s very own custom Canvas creation which improves the overall experience considerably.

3. Thriving Community

Thriving CommunityCanvas is a one of a kind
first CRM design studio where the customers can create new Canvas views and share them with the community. In this way, other businesses can use them as well. With Canvas, Zoho CRM works to create a community of designers who can submit, edit, and implement templates very similar to the community WordPress created for websites.

Canvas sets the precedence of UX Rich Autonomy

Zoho plans to introduce Canvas to the entire Zoho CX suite and finally to complete the product range. In this way, the companies can enjoy the Zoho environment with a design all across the board. When the companies have greater control over the user experience, the results are incredibly beneficial for the end-user, organization, and even the vendor.


Zoho CRM is on a mission to make sure that the specific needs of all industries, companies, and teams are met with the use of Canvas. As Zoho CRM continues its journey to pioneer the new era of personalized CRM, continuous work is being done on user experience enhancements focused on making it simple for end-users to keep using Zoho CRM. Canvas – the first CRM design studio is an example of that.

Zoho claims that this is a journey that never ends and it is in it for a long time. This is one of the major milestones of Zoho for creating a high standard of CRM experience and the company continues making changes.

Encaptechno works as a Zoho consultant offering all the services that make the customer experience an improved one. In case you want to know more about working with Canvas, get in touch to know more.



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