
b2b marketing automation

Mastering B2B Marketing Strategy: Best Practices and Proven Techniques

Mastering B2B Marketing Strategy: Best Practices and Proven Techniques

Marketing is a fun and interesting practice. Contrary to the common belief of the term B2B marketing strategy is a complex or technical concept, it is actually pretty fun. A good marketing plan can lead to great outcomes for a business. 

Boosting Your Brand: Top B2B Marketing Strategies

What’s best is that there is no one size fits all approach to developing and implementing a marketing plan. That said, there is one distinction that is key while developing a marketing plan and that lies in the fact whether the business is B2B or B2C. 

In this post, we will try and look at all effective B2B marketing strategies required for making a brand successful. Keep reading to know more. 

What is B2B Marketing?

B2B marketing is any kind of marketing plan or content strategy that is designed for making a business or an organization successful. Companies that sell products or services to other businesses use B2B marketing strategies. 

The fundamental purpose of B2B marketing is to make other businesses familiar with a brand name, and the value of a product or a service, and finally convert them into customers. B2B marketing revolves extensively around understanding the journey of a buyer, identifying the target market and audience, creating a marketing plan, and implementing it. 

Marketing For B2B Vs. Marketing For B2C

It is a common viewpoint that marketing to a business can be different than marketing to a consumer and this is true for many reasons. However, it is also true that regardless of whatever business you may have, you are always speaking to human beings. This is the fundamental element when it comes to creating a marketing plan. 

Marketing For B2B Vs. Marketing For B2C:

The difference is that according to the nature of a product or a service, people may have different mindsets. Many marketing strategies can be adopted on the basis of industry, the size of the business, the target audience, their likes and preferences, etc. That said, there are some strategies that work well regardless. 

In this blog, we will look at the B2B marketing strategies for your brand in particular. If you run a B2B brand then keep knowing more about what you should be doing to succeed in marketing.

The B2B Landscape and Sales-Focused Marketing

In the ongoing B2B market, sales-focused marketing strategies should adapt for meeting the growing expectations of the buyers. All B2B buyers are common people which basically means that the buyer journey is about their experiences and product offerings. 

As a matter of fact, a B2B purchasing decision involves considering multiple things. The stakes can often be high and even the investments. This also means that the buyer’s reputation, trustworthiness, and future success are all important factors. 

It is very important to have a strong understanding of sales-driven tactics to make sure that the marketing is on-point. The B2B marketers must be clear about what the buyer wants to see and hear while prompting their products and services.

Why are Sales-Driven Tactics Important?

It is important to create marketing campaigns that attract the attention of the audience and understands their pain points and emotions. The plan must be able to strike a perfect leveling between the informative and emotive aspects. An effective way to make this happen is by sharing the customer stories. 

B2B marketers can consider sharing testimonials that can directly respond to the questions customers may have during the purchasing process. It makes sense to analyze the target audience and be aware of all the concerns that need to be addressed.

For instance, if the prospects care about ease of use then it makes to share a testimonial that relates to that. If the prospects are asking more questions about implementation, one can post reviews of a business successfully implementing the product. 

B2B Marketing Strategy: Exploring Key Approaches and Effective Tactics for Success

1. Conversational Marketing

When it comes to prioritizing the marketing efforts that can lead to sales, it is important that you start speaking the language of your prospects. B2B marketers must use a conversational style of marketing for giving prospects quick information which can then speed up the purchase cycle.

The conversations that hold the attention of a community should be based on online behavior which can be tracked by analytic tools. To ensure a profitable marketing campaign, more and more companies must think about the kinds of content that work best to keep brands at the top. 

It is necessary to form a good impression and reach the audience at the right place and time. Most B2B decision-makers conduct business research during the evening or over the weekend. Mostly, they scroll social media, focus on staying connected, and read things that gain their interest. 

2. Niche-Driven Content

An important business consideration is specializing and niche targeting. The research has shown repeatedly that the fastest-growing companies tend to be specialists in a carefully targeted niche.

Hence, the areas of industries should be understood carefully so that you can become a leader in your industry. Specialization makes marketing efforts easy because it tends to define exactly what is needed to be done immediately to differentiate from the competition. A specialization is essentially a differentiator that can prove itself successfully.

3. Emotive and Relevant Content

Understanding emotive aspects of B2B purchasing decisions and aligning marketing efforts accordingly is important for attracting the attention of decision-makers. 

For engaging the target market effectively, it is important to analyze activity patterns and find optimal times for dropping meaningful content. Relevant content ensures that long-term relationships are fostered and there is a better chance of successful business outcomes. Moreover, the messaging should also resonate with the needs and aspirations of customers and ignite their interest. 

4. Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing is mostly about running ads and promotional material on the search engine results page and on third-party websites.

Using search engine marketing, it can become easy to achieve a wide range of goals including generating awareness, business traffic, getting more leads, and running seasonal offers, discounts, and giveaways. 

5. Account-Based and Community Marketing

Most B2B companies have Account Managers who build and maintain relationships with high-value customers. The fundamental nature of B2B structures enables companies to build user communities and networks so that it becomes easy to send targeted promotions to groups.

The common activities that form a part of this include processes such as cross-selling, upselling, and media engagement. It must be remembered that for succeeding in marketing, one must ensure offering consistently high-quality support. There might even be a requirement for resources to ensure prior support.

Top B2B Marketing Strategies For Your Brand

6. Paid Media and PR

Most B2B companies have the ability to establish media relationships that can promote businesses. This commonly includes talking to journalists and securing mentions in renowned mainstream media including newspapers, television, and online magazines. 

Paid media is an outbound marketing activity and because of its persistent expenses, it is ideal for businesses that have a strong reputation or the resources required for investing in media. 

7. Events

On the basis of how one approaches events, developing a strategy can be expensive. In case you are a big company with a global presence then it can be helpful to consider hosting physical or remote events across the world or enabling local communities to run events.

It can also be helpful to attend business conferences that showcase your offerings. Event marketing can go until running workshops, round table conversations, webinars, and seminars both online and offline. It is best to find the balance so that you can effectively manage your budget efficiently and also reach a wide audience.

8. Email Marketing

Email Marketing is one of the most essential marketing strategies for B2B businesses. It does not just help you stay in touch and update your existing customers but also allows issuing email newsletters and converting high-quality leads.

Making a developed email marketing plan can help B2B businesses do really well in the long term. It helps the business to ensure that its customers are being targeted at the right time and in professional ways. 

Suggested Reading: Zoho Campaigns: An Outstanding Email Marketing Tool

9. Referral Marketing

The simple nature of professional services has changed tremendously but this has major effects on the B2B marketing plan. A referral marketing plan signifies important facets of receiving referrals from someone who may not be a client earlier. 

The referrals come from a wide number of firms that have a reputation for specific expertise. Content planning and marketing along with other tactics can help in building a brand that has a widespread reputation for an area specialty. 

Moreover, B2B marketers should also have expertise amongst audiences that may not have worked with the customers directly. Brand recognition can lead to new referrals and businesses also. 

10. Testing and Optimization

Testing and optimization are two processes that enable marketers to iterate their marketing efforts and make future decisions on the basis of hard data as opposed to their intuition. 

As research is the bedrock of marketing, testing, and optimization is your continuous guide. You must never put an end to your marketing campaigns and adjust them as the need arises. A/B testing of landing pages and emails helps in learning which of two emails or landing pages converts users successfully in language, design, and other variances. 

Related Read : How Is Salesforce Einstein Revolutionizing The B2B Market

Tailor Your Marketing Plan to Your Specific Goals and Target Audience

Tailor Your Marketing Plan to Your Specific Goals and Target Audience

When it comes to marketing a B2B business on your own terms, there are many options that you have to take care of. The key to successful implementation lies in executing your plan while optimizing resource utilization in your business. 

It can be easy to overwhelm yourself by doing everything at one time. You should always know your strengths and limitations so that you can develop a successful marketing plan. All the strategies mentioned above when executed properly can ensure that you become successful. 

Zoho Marketing automation ensures that you do well in B2B and B2C marketing. In case you haven’t already implemented the best features offered by Zoho marketing then you must for getting the benefits that it can offer. Encaptechno has top marketing consultants who offer expert advice. Get in touch to advance your marketing and get more business. 

Mastering B2B Marketing Strategy: Best Practices and Proven Techniques Read More »

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Refine Your Marketing Strategy with Salesforce Pardot - Encaptechno

7 Tips to Refine Your Marketing Strategy with Salesforce Pardot

The modern marketers reiterate the fact that marketing automation is the only way to get ahead in the present competitive world.  In case it gets implemented well, marketing automation can be a game-changer while ultimately making a large impact on the Return on Investment. B2B marketing automation is all about organizational optimization.

To put this simply, this refers to the platforms and technologies that help in automation, optimization, and measuring the marketing processes. Marketers need a suite of tools for engaging with the customers, making important connections, generating leads, and closing deals effectively. It is necessary to integrate the important business tools and systems that offer marketing automation and CRM.

Salesforce Pardot has proven to become one of the most widely used B2B marketing automation platforms on the world’s best CRM platform. Pardot has the ability to bidirectionally integrate with Salesforce enabling data flow between two applications. This is a great benefit to users who manage a range of marketing channels because Pardot can help in seamless integration.

Accessing New Marketing Trends

Accessing New Marketing Trends

Being B2B marketers, we know that the needs of the buyers are advancing at a quick pace. However, the fact is that it is not just the buyers who are changing. As technology is adding new options and capabilities, the role of marketers is also transforming at a quick pace. From the way work is done with the sales team to the way in which strategies are built, everything is changing.

Rather than thinking of a marketing strategy as a single field, the B2B marketers understand the increasing importance of assessing the present strategies and new trends in the industry when it comes to the buyer’s needs.

It has become even more important to combine the marketing best practices for creating a customized strategy that fits the target audience. In this blog, we will be mentioning 7 tips to refine your marketing strategy with Salesforce Pardot.

1. Lead Generation Plan

The lead generation plan is primarily based on the landing pages and their forms used for collecting the leads. In case you wish to make a prompt impact on your lead generation attempts and forms then landing pages are a great way to begin. You can stick to following the best practices while optimizing the lead generation assets with the help of Salesforce Pardot.

It is important to ensure that the text is scannable while keeping in mind that the readers scan information in an F-shaped pattern. This necessarily means that a person should be placing emphasis on the information conveyed at the top and left side of a page. In addition, making the call to action buttons easy to locate is also important.

Hiding them beneath the paragraphs of copy defeats is the purpose of a landing page. The marketing automation features such as progressive profiling can help in minimizing fields while still collecting valuable information with time.

2. Sync Between Marketing and Sales

Sync Between Marketing and Sales

It is possible to seamlessly sync the marketing efforts with the sales activity for selling something effectively. The thorough workflows and marketing teams have the ability to empower the sales team with important information.

Account-based marketing enabled by the Salesforce Pardot can go a long way in generating more sales. The organizations can tightly align marketing and sales teams with higher customer retention and sales win rates.

As almost everything exists on a similar platform, the sales team can seamlessly help the marketers take the campaign to the right person. It is also possible to track leads and monitor the sales calls effectively because that helps in being informed about how far the marketing efforts have gone.

3. Marketing Content

When marketers say that they want to improve and enhance their marketing content, many also want to create more. Rather, the focus should be shifted towards quality that means getting the most out of fewer and high-quality pieces of content. The B2B marketing automation platform is a big proponent of recycling marketing content, particularly in case if the resources are low.

It can be smarter to break larger pieces of content into smaller ones and easily distribute these pieces of content. For eg; an e-book launch can be a remarkably better option when supported with blog posts, social posts, graphics, and much more.

Besides this, different mediums can also be used to distribute the same message. Let’s say that a company has released a new blog series and is thinking about how to turn it into a webinar or a podcast so it can be used for lead generation. In this case, Pardot can be of great use. In addition, the smaller assets could be packed up by taking a number of smaller posts and graphics to remarket them as something entirely different.

4. Perceptive ROI Reporting

The Salesforce Pardot marketing automation platform helps in resorting to insightful reporting for knowing and understanding the impact of the marketing and sales team efforts on the entire revenue. Most of the B2B companies cite revenue as one of the most important factors between marketing and sales.

With the help of some amazing features of advanced email reporting, it becomes easily possible to understand how the customers can engage and react to the campaigns at every stage. In turn, this provides a profound insight into identifying the bottlenecks which then makes it simple to adapt effectively with the efforts for better results.

In a similar way, connecting the dots between the marketing efforts and the sales team can help in analyzing the authentic value of ROI. For any marketer who wishes to improve the marketing model, the fundamental step is to ensure that the focus is maintained on the right metrics.

B2B metrics can help in identifying the metrics that make a difference in the business. The main key is to choose the metrics that make maximum sense for the business goals rather than attempting to measure everything all at once.

5. Improving Social Engagement

Improving Social Engagement

Working on enhancing social media efforts can seem tricky because each rule does not apply to all social channels. Something that you can apply over the board is the power of consistent engagement. The social media followers tend to get confused in case regular efforts are not being made to engage for a long time or even if you go dark for a long period of time.

You must ensure to develop a cadence of posting and then stick to it at all times. Use marketing automation or a social engagement for scheduling out the social posts during the times when you will be busy with something else, out of the office, etc.

You can check the guide for more information on streamlines posting rules on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter. It will help in getting a comprehensive look at how to develop a consistent and effective social media presence all over the channels of the B2B social media guide.

6. Email Marketing

A very high number of marketers struggle to connect optimally with potential customers. If this is a problem that you as a marketer are facing then you can create meaningful email campaigns for reaching out to customers across a wide range of geographies.

Using the custom designing capabilities and visual editor in Pardot, a marketer can easily send professionally designed emails that reach a customer with the right message. Furthermore, it is also possible to schedule automated emails for the future which seems right to engage for striking an impact.

In case we had to suggest a focus point for improving the email effectiveness then it would definitely be targeting that can be achieved with the help of segmentation. Using a marketing automation platform, you can use what you know about the prospects for sorting databases into simple or complex lists.

These lists can be used for targeting email messages so that every segment receives the most relevant message. For example, a list that has been sorted on the geographic location can receive messages about events in their area while a list compiled by job title can receive content targeted for decision-makers.

7. Event Marketing Effectiveness

Event Marketing Effectiveness

Event marketing is again one of the best ways for many organizations to enhance their operations. The trick is to ensure that post-event follow up is both relevant and timely.

In fact, Pardot facilitates a streamlined procedure that can help the marketers get the most out of an event investment once the event is completed successfully. In addition, the marketers can follow a step by step process for following up and nurturing processes after an event takes place.


Salesforce Pardot is one of the marketing automation tools that offer the best in market CRM benefits in the most efficient way. It helps in analyzing the organizational data and also for resorting to focused marketing. The marketers can be assisted in generating valuable ROI with the help of Pardot.

You can let Salesforce Pardot contribute to unprecedented success and take your revenue goals much higher. Encaptechno has a team of expert Salesforce consultants who can help you in implementing and using Salesforce Pardot. Get in touch with our team to enhance the marketing of an organization and also get the most out of it.

7 Tips to Refine Your Marketing Strategy with Salesforce Pardot Read More »

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