8 Digital Marketing Trends of 2022 that Can Boost Your Business

8 Digital Marketing Trends of 2022 That Can Boost Your Business

8 Digital Marketing Trends of 2022 that Can Boost Your Business

In the wake and periodic emergence of Covid-19, many marketing professionals have been forced to take action in a survival mode. In order to keep the businesses going and earn revenue, marketers have had to think of various ways in which customers can be engaged and converted.

While so many businesses managed to keep their operations afloat somehow during the pandemic, there were many small businesses that have had to face a tough time. Some have even had to shut down their businesses. Now the question is, what made the successful businesses overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic?

If you really dig your head too deep to find the answer to this question, you will discover that the answer lies in the ability of the workforce to get creative. The fact is that all businesses that have managed to operate successfully during the pandemic are the ones that have developed flexible business development activities. These businesses have been quick to make changes and get creative.

Irrespective of the on and off challenges posed by the pandemic as the virus mutates forming new variants, many businesses are working on staying optimistic. With the implementation of digital marketing strategies, marketers are working hard to fight the negative ramifications of Covid. These strategies will save the businesses in 2022 and future years.

Heading into 2022, there are some digital marketing trends that will reign supreme in boosting businesses. In this blog, we will have a look at them one by one but first, let us get an overview of what the new trends will be based around.

Digital Marketing Trends in 2022


As we stated above, the pandemic has forced the world to make considerable shifts in recent times. People across the world are realizing that there is a need for connection, customer experience, and personalization. All aspects of B2B and B2C marketing in 2022 are majorly focused on branding, customer loyalty, and innovation.

At a time like this, the digital marketing trends should be such that businesses can prove themselves as consistent, reliable, authentic, empathetic, and courageous. Organizations have to find ways to establish their hold as thought leaders so that trust and loyalty can be built and going digital is considered a supreme way to do that.

The marketing world is being led by the power of digitization. Most of the marketing budget is digital and in the future, this is only going to increase. Businesses understand that they must adapt quickly to remain relevant. The ones that do not will fall behind their future-focused competitors and get kicked out of the game soon.

Below mentioned is a list of 8 digital marketing trends of 2022 that can boost your business.

1. Forming Meaningful Relationships With Customers

Forming Meaningful Relationships With Customers - Digital Marketing Trends

Human connection forms the essence of our lives. It is an important factor that drives businesses. When the customer knows the business is on their side and is not merely interested in selling, the customer will showcase unquestionable loyalty. This human connection forms an essential part of the digital world as well.

The pandemic has forced us to stay home and keep social distance which is why we crave human interaction. When we are unable to spend quality time with our loved ones, we turn to technology for bridging that gap. Businesses have to realize that customers seek connection and if that is not offered to them then they will leave only to find it elsewhere.

Presently and moving ahead, organizations will have to be more focused on following digital marketing trends that are designed for human connection. This will foster great results, inclusiveness, and positivity. Marketers should be focused on maximizing the opportunity to develop real relationships with customers.

One can start by rethinking the company values, missions, and operations. Starting with the value system that drives a business can be really helpful. When the values of a business align with the customers, connecting with their emotions and aligning with their actions will lead to forming deeper connections.

The process of bringing human values to the forefront of a business’s marketing efforts can equip a business to address the customer’s needs honestly and effectively. Businesses can create reliable and loyal connections by seeing customers as valuable human beings, learning about their core values, and mirroring the same values.

2. Personalization


Something that is going to play a big role in online lead generation is personalization. If businesses focus on creating content and advertisements that focus on specific audiences then more fruitful results will be generated. However, this is not limited to getting the content right only. It will also be important to make sure that the audience gets advertisements at the right time and place so that the engagement is streamlined.

Taking sufficient time to understand a platform that the audience uses and how it uses signifies that you can create personalized messaging based on all demographics. This makes sure that the message reaches the right audience in a way that is enticing for them and also makes your ad spend go ahead while leading to tangible customer loyalty.

It is not merely about customizing the marketing efforts for all social media platforms, but a consideration of different locations, and cultural associations, even if you are marketing the same product. The customers seeing the content will be attracted by different kinds of content at different times and ways. All in all, it will be worth it to take the time and effort to make your audience feel seen and heard.

3. Valuable Partnerships


Forming partnerships with renowned individuals and other businesses is yet another way to amplify the customer experience offered by a business. Partnering with a business that offers a complimentary service ensures that you can offer more value to your customers.

For example, you own a company that sells marketing software and your customers are small business owners primarily. Now partnering with a marketing business for creating a new product that integrates with other services can help in offering creative solutions.

There is a possibility that you might agree to promote another business that agrees to promote your business in return. Your customers will also appreciate your openness. In case you are respected already, they might even trust your recommendation and appreciate the support. You will actually be able to build more trust with them. Cross-promotion may also get your brand features in front of more people and build your reputation.

4. Search Intent Optimization

Search Intent Optimization - Digital Marketing TrendsSearch intent is the reason that is attributed to a searcher’s query on search engines. It is the objective of a searcher and defines what they are trying to accomplish. More often than not, people search online to learn something, take action, and find something.

The optimization for search intent counts as one of the important content marketing and SEO digital marketing strategies in 2022. The goal of a business is to offer solutions to problems with relevant content and as a result, it will become easy to boost brand awareness, drive conversions, retain customers, and also remain relevant to the target audience.

Digital marketers should focus on informational, navigational, commercial investigation, and transactional intents simultaneously. Focusing on all of these search intents can prove valuable to a brand because the brand will be visible to the customers at all times no matter what the search intent may be.

5. Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing


The recent years have seen artificial intelligence being advanced to becoming more intuitive while also automating general marketing tasks such as site traffic and boosting search engine optimization. Rather than focusing on what is being gained from AI, one must look towards the future and how it affects digital marketing.

As artificial intelligence technology develops ahead, predicting what customers will want next will become easy. Artificial intelligence comes with the ability to analyze data quickly as compared to human beings. This is why it is able to take large data sets for analyzing the purchase history and customer behavior while suggesting an item for a personalized advertisement.

The use of artificial intelligence for predicting your next move only means that you can target them with the product or service that is needed just at the time when it is needed. This is the kind of targeting that leads to higher conversion rates and understanding customers without causing any kind of intrusion or irrelevant targeting.

6. Video Marketing

Video Marketing - Digital Marketing Trends

Another one of the digital marketing trends that can end up boosting businesses in 2022 is video marketing. Mobile consumption continues to increase each year and with that people of all age groups continue watching videos every day.

Most marketers are already using the power of video marketing and some others wish to devote more money to video campaigns in the coming future. This is not a surprise considering that most viewers retain the brand message easily when it is communicated using a video.

It is again important to see that human connection plays an important role in the rise of video marketing. Videos are an excellent source of connecting the customers in a personalized manner as compared to other forms of content marketing.

Irrespective of whether you are creating targeted ads or sales videos, sharing a presentation, or even inviting customers for creating testimonial videos, video marketing is an exceptional strategy. It helps in reaching people in a rather humanized way that eventually causes more connection.

7. Protecting Privacy

Protecting Privacy - Digital Marketing Trends

Customers are taking more steps than ever to protect their privacy on the internet. If you talk to the customers, you will discover that most of them use services that promise data protection such as encrypted emails and privacy-protecting search engines.

At this time, we understand that data is needed to offer consumers useful information and relevant advertisements. Data plays a key role in helping shape meaningful and memorable messaging that makes internet experiences better while also allowing the marketers to reach customers and increase their expectations.

In this year and moving ahead, marketers will be needed to focus more on building data protecting digital marketing strategies. This would mean that there will be more focus on measuring and reaching audiences so that people feel in complete control and are able to manage the data they share. Tools such as Global Site Tag and Google Analytics 4 can be helpful in getting a complete picture of the audience and preserving user privacy.

One must understand that it takes time to build trust and marketers can start at the earliest by being open and honest about the information collected. As long as the marketers are using the information to show advertisements valuable to customers while putting users in complete control of data, businesses will win.

8. Zero Click Searches


All the marketers enjoy optimizing for Google but as you can probably see, the search queries come with more and more featured snippets. This can be a relevant problem with digital marketers because they want to rank no.1 with their content which can mean that Google will be using some content and place it SERP.

In case this part of the text is important to the user then they will likely just read the important information and never visit a site and the thing is that there is no remedy for this. You may even wish to restructure your content and pay attention to topics that need comprehensive explanation. One must be focused on how search queries look on Google and decide if it is important to get that featured snippet.


The use of structured digital marketing can lead you to drive qualified traffic and engage new visitors as well. You must be focused on building your brand and its online presence for immense success in the coming year. Establishing an image of an industry expert and building trust with customers on quality, consistency, and reliability will be beneficial.

You can do all of this alone or take the support of an expert digital marketing agency to make things easier, effective, and professional. Encaptechno has been working to grow businesses by working dedicatedly on digital marketing operations for its customers. If you are also looking to gain an edge in the market in 2022, get in touch with us.



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