
content marketing

How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy in 6 Easy Steps

How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy in 6 Easy Steps?

How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy in 6 Easy Steps

It does not matter if you have already started with content marketing or if you have been using a similar approach for some time. It is always a good idea to work on your content marketing plan while ensuring that it is always innovative, updated, and interesting for all customers. 

Regardless of who intends to purchase your products and services, the content marketing plan must be comprehensive and targeted. While the content marketing plan continues to grow in popularity, creating social media posts and blogs will not be enough for impacting the bottom line.

There must be a holistic strategy that allows you to succeed in content. Developing this strategy also supports the lead generation strategy and helps attract a clearly defined audience while generating profitable customer action.

In this blog, we will follow an in-depth guide on how to create a content marketing strategy for your business. In case you have been facing any challenges in planning for the coming year or require new ideas for your plan, then please keep reading.

What is a Content Marketing Strategy?

What is a Content Marketing Strategy?

A content strategy is like a plan needed to use the content to achieve business goals. You can use this content strategy for attracting your audience at each step of the funnel while also keeping them engaged even after they have made a purchase. 

For example, let us say that the overall goals of your business are about increasing brand awareness. To ensure this happens, you must implement a content marketing strategy focused on improving the search engine results. The plan should be such that it drives traffic to your products and services. 

Many new business owners may assume that a good content strategy is important, but the fact is that it is not so early on in your business. The truth is that producing high-quality content is invaluable in building trust with not just the present but also the new audience. It helps in creating authority in the market and also helps to succeed in the long run. 

Therefore, a good content plan is more like the foundation of attracting and pleasing an audience in a buyer’s journey. Other than attracting prospects to your brand, you can leverage a plan for customer satisfaction and sales enablement. 

Most marketers actively invest in a content marketing plan, which is why it is important to develop one that can stand out in your industry.

Things to Keep In Mind While Creating a Content Marketing Strategy

1. Readers of Content

You must know about your content’s target audience and how many audiences must be targeted for content creation. 

Think of it this way, a business can have more than one kind of customer easily. Similarly, a content marketing plan can also cater to more than one type of user as well. 

Using a wide range of content channels can help you in delivering content that is customized to each persona. 

2. Solving Audience Problem

A product and a service should solve a problem that the audience is facing. The content you create should teach your target audience about a problem so that they can identify and address it as well. 

The fact is that a good content marketing strategy will be able to support people on both sides of a product or a service. These people are the ones who are still trying to gain clarity on what the main challenges are, and the ones who are using a product or service are already overcoming the challenge.  

The notable thing is that the content reinforces the effective solutions that your business is offering. It also helps you to build credibility with your target audience. 

3. Your USP

It is likely that your competition will be selling similar products and services as you, which also means that your potential customers must know what makes you better or, at the very least different from others. 

It is possible that your primary asset could be that your company has been formed for many years. On the other hand, it is also likely that you may have a unique brand image that can make you stand out from your competition. 

If you wish to prove why your brand is worth engaging with, you must prove why you are worthy of listening to it in the first place. After you are clear about this message, you can create content that permeates this message. 

4. Content Formats

You must have an understanding of all formats that must be focused on while creating content. It is important to meet your target audience just where it is. You have to find out where your audience is passing its time.

If you do not then you will just be wasting time by creating content that will either fail to reach your audience or attract their attention. After you find the best formats for your brand, you can start creating a budget that can assess which resources can be allocated for executing a strategy.

5. Publishing on Channels

As you can create content in a wide range of formats, you can also easily publish it on various platforms as well. From creating content for your website to social media, the options are endless. This is also something that will reflect where your audience lives. 

In case your audience chooses long-form video content, then you might as well choose to publish your content on platforms such as YouTube. On the other hand, if you have a younger audience, then choosing platforms such as Instagram and TikTok can be useful. 

6. Aligning Content Creation and Publication

When you have got everything mentioned above in place, it is now time to create and even publish the content in an alignment. Who is creating what, where will it be published, and when is it going to be live? 

When you have a small team, this can be an easy thing to achieve because you are the sole decision-maker. However, with the growth of your company, you will be required to collaborate with many teams so that you can finally figure out an effective process. 

At present, content marketing strategies can be used for preventing clutter as it is easy to manage content from one standpoint. When it comes to planning a content calendar, you can easily see a company’s message and even assert yourself as an authority in the market with time. 

Steps to Create a Content Marketing Strategy

1. Define Your Goals

A good way to develop a content marketing strategy is by defining a clear goal for what you want the content to do. This can very well be a brief statement that makes it simple to focus on what is important and what is not. Create your content in a way so that the strategy can stay on track. 

The goal should include what your audience can get from your content marketing plan. You should also think about what your business can possibly get from your business. This is where the business goal comes in. 

In general, content marketing is done to improve revenue because of a content marketing strategy. It can also be used for making more sales and getting more leads which further helps in meeting your revenue goals. You can get more traffic on your website with good content, as more traffic will lead to better opportunities for meeting your goals. 

In addition, you can improve the business perception so that you have a better influence and authority as a thought leader in your industry. Make sure that you factor in the search engine ranking factors so that they lead to more traffic. 

Go ahead and reduce your costs so that the content becomes considerably effective. Also, remember that social media engagement can also help in boosting traffic and authority so that must be focused on too. After you have clarity on your goals, it is now time to move ahead to create a buyer persona so that the content can be created around it. 

2. Create a Buyer Persona

For developing a successful plan, you should be able to properly define the target audience of your content which is otherwise called a buyer persona. This is important for everyone who is starting a business and is new to marketing. 

Once you have clarity about your target audience, you can always produce considerably relevant and valuable content that the audience wants to read and convert on. In case you are an experienced marketer, your target might have changed. 

You must know if you wish to target a new group audience or work on expanding your current audience. In addition, you should also know if you wish to keep your target audience the same or not. Go back and revisit the audience parameters by carrying out market research every year so that your audience can grow. 

3. Carry Out an Audit

Right from the beginning, most brands begin with creating blog posts before anything else. They will hire a digital marketing agency to create on-site and off-site blogs in the starting. 

However, if you wish to start with different formats, you can carry out a document audit for assessing the top-performing and low-performing content types as well. This information can be used for informing which direction you should take next.

If you have been in the business for some time now, then you should take your time to review the content marketing efforts and the usual results that it brings. Try to know what you can do differently in the coming year and also set some new goals. 

You can also take some time to align your team goals with the goals of your organization. It does not matter which stage you are in, but a content audit can help in finding what resonates with the audience. You can make an effort to find gaps in the clusters and look for new ideas well. 

4. Plan a Calendar

The process of planning content enables you to allocate resources suitably. You can see which workflow is taking a longer time than was expected and also adjust your expectations accordingly. 

An important element of planning efficient content is called prioritization. When you plan your actions, you will also be able to find the most important tasks that can be tested easily. While doing this, take your time to secure your content marketing strategy from important roadblocks while finding more opportunities that can help you experiment and improve your results. 

You can also prioritize in many ways, including gains, the flow of the campaign, resources needed for creating the campaigns and the product or service launch.  Make an effort to form a long list of themes that are likely to be effective and also relevant for a long time. 

When you make a decision on whether to choose a topic or just assess it, you should be focused on the usefulness of the topic. You can use tools for automating this process. 

5. Create Your Content

The overall content quality must come before all else. This includes your desire to get ranked quickly and even produce more quality content. Whether you create the content yourself or you employ a digital marketing agency for creating it, make sure that it is completely original. 

It is not likely to capture the attention of the intended audience if you do not create original content. You should be willing to invest in people and resources so that you can do your research, come up with ideas, and even implement them into engaging content pieces. 

Avoid creating content that is based on a detailed analysis of other pages while talking about the same topic. Take a step ahead and work on creating unique data, research, and opinion on each content piece. This way, you will be able to build brand credibility and also establish the trust of your audience. 

6. Publish Your Content

A marketing plan can go beyond the kinds of content that you will create at last. It should also cover ideas on organizing your content in detail. Using a content calendar is going to help you in being on the right track when it comes to publishing a diverse and well-balanced library on the website. 

Moreover, you can also create a calendar, especially for social media, so that it helps in promoting and managing your content on different sites. So many ideas that you think will be classic, but that said, you should not ignore timely topics as well. Even though they may not form most of your editorial, they help in generating more traffic. 

Many brands depend on including popular holidays in their overall marketing efforts, but one does not have to limit things to important marketing dates. In case there are holidays that may appeal to the audience, it can be worth publishing on the blog or even on social media. 


Although the methods mostly used for delivering content to the prospects can change continuously, the important principles stay the same. You can choose a good content marketing strategy based on customer choice and reliable data.

It doesn’t matter if you are just getting started. The point is not to get intimidated by this process. You must move at an optimal speed and take consistent action. As you go ahead in your marketing efforts, you will discover that content marketing will put you in a place where you overcome your competition. 

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A Detailed Guide to Marketing Automation | Encaptechno

A Detailed Guide to Marketing Automation

A Detailed Guide to Marketing Automation | Encaptechno


There are many methods for promoting a brand at the present time. However, marketing managers are always looking for workable methods that can make promotional efforts meaningful and efficient. To manage the lead generation process, the marketers must know the reason behind each action taken by visitors to a website.

From knowing which source is driving the visitors to a website to knowing what nurtures the marketing strategy, everything must be focused on. To make this simple, building relationships with prospects is important. Hence, most marketers are focusing on marketing automation.

In this blog, we will try to understand what marketing automation is and the features it brings in great length. So let’s begin.

What is Marketing Automation?

In simple language, marketing automation is the process of using software for automating repetitive marketing efforts. With the automation of repetitive and time-consuming manual tasks such as generating and segmenting leads, planning social media campaigns, sending emails and SMS, and qualifying leads, efficiency and personalization of user experiences can be ensured.

The goal of automating marketing services is to move your leads down the funnel and finally convert them. When used properly, the features of marketing automation lead to many positive results.

Why Marketing Automation?

Why Marketing Automation?
online marketing activities without dedicated and efficient software is still possible when the size of your company is still small. However, just as a company keeps growing and attracts more leads, the marketers need more channels for engaging with customers because managing interactions becomes difficult.

Capturing, nurturing, and qualifying a wide range of leads, running effective campaigns for customer segments, and different post-purchase marketing activities required to get automated. This marketing automation keeps the customer engagement consistent and meaningful. The Zoho marketing tools do just that when it comes to automating everything.

According to Marketo,  76% of organizations implementing marketing automation generate a return on investment within the first year itself. That’s not all. It is also said that over 44% see a return within just six months. The most important function of marketing automation platforms is to automate and streamline activities carried out by the sales and marketing teams.

One can plan and execute lead generation and nurturing plans to launch a wide range of digital ad campaigns from a central hub without hitting buttons such as, “send” or “launch” on each message, email, or ad. The businesses that use marketing automation can see a wide range of benefits across all of their important everyday operations.

An important increase in the number of qualified leads that reach the sales team, a higher conversion rate, and better productivity for sales and marketing teams are good ways in which marketing automation helps a business.

Steps Needed to Start Marketing Automation


Over many years, marketing automation was considered rather difficult to understand. However, the use of marketing automation platforms such as Zoho Marketing Automation changed almost everything. This tool comes with a lot of simplicity that is combined with an actionable plan. Businesses of any size can automate their marketing.

There are mostly six prominent ways in which marketing automation can be started. They are mentioned below.

1. Setting Goals

Setting Goals | Steps Needed to Start Marketing AutomationGoal setting offers a clear direction for a marketing strategy. Some goals such as building brand engagement or increasing thought leadership are good to have but they are unlikely to bring in desired results as they are generic. 

It is recommended for the marketing strategy goals to be precise, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. Each and every effort of the marketing strategy must have a goal. This will channel your energy towards getting tangible results. In fact, you will also start seeing the results of your efforts quickly.

2. Creating and Segmenting Leads

Creating and Segmenting Leads | Steps Needed to Start Marketing Automation
An important aspect of marketing automation is the generation of good quality leads. This is a step that makes you capture all the leads that show interest in your brand whether it is subscribing to a newsletter, engaging with social media, or signing up for webinars.

There is a wide range of promotional channels for driving traffic to your landing page. These channels make lead generation effective. When you have good quality leads in your hands, you can also segment them into groups with similar characteristics, needs, and interests who show similar purchase patterns.

When you really get to segmenting the leads, you will see that it increases your campaign open rates, customer satisfaction, and many more things. You will know what your leads are looking for and you can find it easy to engage with them suitably. For instance, you can form segments such as “Website Visitors Under the Age 25” or “Women Aged Under 18” to make the lead nurturing process efficient.

3. Website Optimization

Website Optimization | Steps Needed to Start Marketing Automation
We know the importance of a website. It is like a modern business card that tells almost everything about your business. The key to increasing your conversions is to attract visitors to your website first.

When you deploy the right set of keywords, focus on content marketing, and high-quality user experience, you can be assured that your website will be seen. Website tracking in the marketing automation platform ensures that you get the exact count of all the visitors.

Understand what the visitors on your website are focusing on. Tracking those elements on the web page and discovering more about them while also knowing why the users clicked on a call-to-action button, a specific location, the source, etc. You should also know the number of clicks, the visits, and more.

4. Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Targeted Marketing Campaigns | Steps Needed to Start Marketing Automation
Yet another important aspect of a
business approach is to send targeted marketing messages to the leads at the right time using the right channel. This is the cornerstone of the lead nurturing process.

One of the best parts of a marketing automation campaign is that you can customise your leads as per their requirement and set up automated workflow or scheduled posts. Do not forget to include things such as emails, SMS, social, push notifications, and ad campaigns. Make sure that you are easily found where your audience is.

5. Scoring and Qualifying the Leads

Different attributes can be used for scoring more leads. You can move your leads through the funnel by adding numerical points based on important information that has been submitted.

The reaction of leads to the marketing campaigns, click-through rates, and how the leads are engaging with a brand shows a lot. This makes it easy for the marketing and sales team to respond appropriately while figuring out who is interested in buying your product and who is looking around generally.

6. Measuring Overall Performance

You can measure and contextualise the marketing activities that help you reach your target market. Getting a clear understanding of conversion rates, revenue growth, marketing returns, and other key performance indicators help immensely.

The marketing goals help in empowering you to improve your marketing strategies while optimising the returns. Choosing the key performance indicators helps in measuring progress quickly and accurately.

Features of Marketing Automation

Zoho Marketing automation
platform helps in attracting website visitors, tuning anonymous visitors into leads, and converting leads into customers. The features that it offers bring marketing and sales operations closer. They are mentioned below.

1. Lead Management

These days, it is important to get leads to notice your brand and offer them the best experience well before the competitors can do it. Lead management helps in attracting leads, nurturing them, evaluating their sales-readiness, and handing over the best ones to the sales team.

From lead generation to understanding the online behaviour of these leads and evaluating them for sales, Zoho marketing automation helps in everything. It helps in managing the entire lead cycle. You can effectively engage, empower, and earn your customers using the marketing automation features of Zoho.

2. Lead Generation

Lead Generation | Features of Marketing Automation
You can get more leads by adding sign up forms and smart pop ups on the landing pages. Moreover, you can also bring leads by syncing the CRM leads or other apps. The benefit of
automating marketing activities is that no opportunity for generating new leads is ever lost.

Business success depends entirely on the leads and one’s ability to get the audience excited about a brand. Leads can be attracted from many sources and with unique requirements. Your focus must be on creating a good relationship with the leads.

3. Behavioural Targeting

You must understand the online behaviour of your leads so that you can use important information for customising messages. Create profiles for all visitors on the basis of their browsing behaviour so that you can give them just what they are looking for.

There are two primary types of behavioural marketing.

  • Website Behavioural Marketing: Make sure that a visitor is interacting with the website in terms of page visits and link clicks. You can start by defining a goal for the visitor, group the visitors based on their actions, and create a personalised experience.
  • In-app Usage Targeting: Marketing automation allows you to see how the users are interacting with a product while getting an idea about the features that interest them the most. You can send tailor-made content for improving the user experience.

4. Multi-Channel Marketing: Marketing automation

allows you to drive brand awareness by forming a connection with the audience on the platforms they use. You can plan your marketing activities across many mediums, allocate a budget, and realise your ROI.

It is important to understand that leads are almost everywhere. Using the Zoho Marketing automation, you can easily reach out to the leads from various channels while giving them the freedom to choose how the leads wish to connect. In addition, all the lead data is stored in one place so it is easy to follow up any time and any way.

5. Engagement Marketing

Relevance is important to ensure good customer engagement. Hence, one must focus on building engagement programs that help in fostering strong customer relationships.

  • Journey Builder: It is possible to see and map the user experience with the brand’s products and services. You can create a personalised journey for each lead and customer to see how they have progressed at every step.
  • Autoresponders: Zoho marketing automation allows you to send an automated series to new leads or run promotional campaigns based on lead interactions with the previous emails.
  • Workflows: You can create flows to get your leads into the right email series. After this, you can also engage them with useful content.

6. Analytics

Analytics | Features of Marketing Automation
Finally, Zoho marketing automation also helps you to get in-depth reports on lead growth, campaign performance, and revenue generation. You can effectively measure all the marketing goals with the power of precise analytics.

Graphs, reports, and customer journey traces enable you to use everything that a marketer needs for making smart and sound decisions. Moreover, they also allow you to visualise the performance of the marketing funnel from analysing the acquisition to studying the conversions.

Some ways in which analytics works in Zoho marketing automation are mentioned below:

  • Lead Insights: The lead insights allow you to see how many leads you have gained over a period while evaluating the effectiveness of the lead generation activities.
  • Lead Attribution Reports: You can also know which sources you are getting the leads from so that it becomes easy to focus on targeted promotions.
  • List Reports: You can compare your mailing lists to see which list is active and which one has the most engagement with the promotions.
  • Campaign Reports: Zoho marketing automation also allows you to see which campaigns have the most opens and clicks including the kind of content that works with your audience by comparing different campaigns.


Marketing automation is a modern solution for simplifying the marketing process for a team while also giving the leads a unique user experience and constant engagement. When a brand focuses on delighting the prospects with service and meeting needs instantly, getting conversions and increasing the revenue becomes simple.

The various marketing automation tools help in capturing leads with information, reaching out to them through channels, and tracking the progress with the sales funnel. Encaptechno is experienced in working as a Zoho partner for many businesses with a record of helping them grow. Get in touch to get support in implementing marketing automation, today.

A Detailed Guide to Marketing Automation Read More »

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