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Best Ways for Small ECommerce Business to Compete With Big Businesses | Encaptechno

Best Ways for Small Business E-Commerce to Compete With Big Businesses

Best Ways for Small ECommerce Business to Compete With Big Businesses | Encaptechno
The internet can be a pretty overwhelming and jammed place for the one who is running either a small or a medium-sized business. Competing with the big businesses that are established is definitely not an easy thing to pull off. What’s more, the market size is huge and with each passing year, the numbers of digital buyers continue to expand to billions of users all over the world.

Small and medium-sized businesses need a comprehensive and smartly planned digital marketing strategy to compete against enterprise brands as they face an age-old challenge. Anyone who runs a small-sized business has to think about the e-commerce strategy while also considering factors such as time, budget, and resources.

There are also some practical tips that help in the growth of small businesses. In this blog, we will be discussing them one after another. So if you are running a small or a medium-sized business then the tips given below can help your quest for e-commerce growth.

Building Digital Reputation

Building Digital Reputation

Just because a business is established at a large scale does not mean that it will have prominence at the same scale as well. There are multiple corporations that have a mediocre presence across the nation too. When you really get looking up the internet for reviews, you will be amazed at what will come across.

On the other hand, there are some small businesses that have a big name in their community as well. If you have a small business with a well-earned reputation in an industry then the results can be rewarding as compared to a large business that might struggle to enjoy benefits such as these. Focusing a little more time and effort on building the online reputation of a business by asking for customer feedback, getting and responding to reviews and looking for ways to build awareness can be successful.

With a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, it becomes easier for small and medium-sized businesses to create a dependable presence. When a business wants to get its name out there, expensive traditional advertising is involved. At present, there are multiple methods to get customers. In addition, social media marketing is also an effective method that helps in increasing your footing, meeting customers, and sharing business voice and personality.

Digital marketing methods such as social advertising and pay-per-click ads offer you the opportunity to reach a new audience for a streamlined investment as compared to traditional advertising. In addition, you can also take advantage of the tried and tested methods of marketing such as print and online ads by using analytics techniques to look for audiences.

Many customers need to see the name of a brand multiple times before they even think of doing business. Hence, the more you are successful in getting your name out there with the customers, the better chances you will have at standing up against big brands that have good recognition.

Monitoring Important Metrics and Making Suitable Changes

A business plan is something that evolves from time to time but the metrics that are considered while measuring success are more than likely to stay all the same. One must be ahead of the metrics for uncovering important insights about where there is room for improvement so that the e-commerce strategy can be adjusted based on that.

It is necessary to understand the traffic that is moving to the website of a small business or a channel. It is important to find how shoppers look for a website including organic search, social, paid to advertise, etc.  After you know what kind of traffic attracts the most shoppers, it becomes easy to focus on customer behaviors that can drive more traffic. For instance, in case the customers come across a small business by the medium of organic search, the SEO strategy can be doubled down and supplemented with a paid campaign.

Other than this, it is also important to know the conversion rate so that you can know the number of visitors who have placed an order. When this number is compared with the industry average, it can be determined if the products and services are competitive or not. Tracking the conversion rate over time will help in identifying trends and acting on them at the right time. If the conversion rate drops quickly then this might indicate a problem with the checkout system or site performance.

A good digital marketing strategy can also help to know the average number of units per transaction. You can increase this number for boosting the bottom line and improving this unit, the lower value items that compliment a shopper’s primary purchase can be recommended.

Finally, another way to do this is by tracking the number of all the orders that are placed on a channel. Once this number is understood along with the trends that keep changing with time, inventory planning becomes easy. Monitoring the orders with time also helps in planning for high and low demand. For precision, post-sale adjustments should not be counted as returns. Only when the performance of a business is identified, it becomes easy to find opportunities and strengths for continued success.

Creation of Engaging Content on All Platforms

People from across the world search for something or another each second on Google. The total number of searches that happen on a daily basis comes down to somewhere in billions. To make this easy, most people look for products and services when they go on Google. If the companies wish to attract the attention of these people then the creation of suitable content in line with search trends, intent, and keywords is important. In this way, the right customers get attracted to the website and drive conversions.

Live Commerce is an important aspect of Salesforce Commerce Cloud that hosts live virtual events such as shopping opportunities. This is a channel that makes the line between entertainment and shopping very subtle. When used in the right way, this channel can be a lucrative way for small businesses to earn good money.

In case you have a limited budget then using free and open-source tools such as Google Trends is one of the best ways to understand emerging keywords. You can also learn how to successfully include them in your content and promote it. Remember to see the results and make necessary updates so that your performance is improved.

Keep in mind that as the various social channels keep on becoming a large part of the e-commerce puzzle, looking out for opportunities on Instagram and Facebook will become increasingly important. It does not matter if the audience is small, efforts must be made to conduct events that give you a chance to communicate with leads. Find ways to answer questions about your products and services while demonstrating the features.

For instance, if you run a beauty products store and are planning to launch it soon then life with demonstrations, skincare tips, and the right way to use the product can be helpful. These methods can increase the conversion rate remarkably and also provide a unique and innovative experience to the customers.

Easing the Product Discovery

It is not merely sufficient to drive all the traffic to just one website, one needs the shoppers to convert as well. A great way to achieve this is by eliminating all steps in the customer journey that do not ensure an easy shopping experience. The focus must be on making the shopping experience as easy as possible while driving high conversions and revenue. Checking in metrics for insights about what must be done for improving conversions helps.

You can also create guided selling techniques such as assessment or quizzes for encouraging product discovery and helping customers to find what they are looking for. Interesting and innovative content helps the customers to visualize a product and spend a lot more time on a website. If you run a small business then focus on creating valuable content for social media and e-commerce platforms.

It has been noted that artificial intelligence tools make a significant difference in product discovery, particularly for the small businesses that may not have resources for manually mining data for searching insights. AI is something that comes with the ability to take all the guesswork out of product recommendations and automate merchandising. Most customers appreciate this and are open to using artificial intelligence when it comes to customer engagement including the millennials.

Optimizing Checkout Workflow

The entire customer journey does not necessarily end at the “add to cart”, rather the cart is an experience in itself. The process of streamlining the cart by updating items as they are added while allowing the customers to create a wish list is an important step.

It can pay off to create easy-to-spot “Bin” or “Remove” buttons. These buttons can be important to ensure a seamless checkout experience and they usually have a high interaction rate on cart pages. You must also not forget to provide a wide range of payment methods that contribute to offering an improved customer experience. Also make it a point to allow all-important global digital payment methods including credit cards or mobile wallets such as Google Pay, Paytm, Apple Pay, etc.

One more thing to keep in mind while running e-commerce platforms is that most of the customers prefer an easy and small business method that can make shopping easy. When delivery channels are strained because of supply chain problems and there is a huge demand, it is time to consider the best methods for getting all products to customers. To make this easy, a connected store and digital inventory system help in buying online products and picking them up at a local shop.

Testing Marketing Trends Often

There is no doubt that the big brands have the budget to go all-in on the latest marketing trends but the small business also has a big benefit. The workforce contributing to the success of a small or medium-sized business is small which means that there is room to be more nimble when it comes to marketing strategy. It can also help to test some marketing trends before the final budget is improved.

CRM integration makes the process of having a strong marketing process extremely simple. A small business may not come with the ability to float massive ideas but it definitely comes with the benefit of executing and iterating quickly which is important for getting the results you want. Small and medium-sized businesses can use innovation for gaining a competitive edge over big businesses easily.

The key is to just follow the marketing trends, test them, and roll out a digital marketing strategy that can eventually prove beneficial. If someone running a small business is successful in finding this strategy and then genuinely using it for good then the result is always good.

Customer Feedback and Service

Customer Feedback and Service
Let’s say that a small business has been working hard on creating the best customer experience. Now the best way to do this in the present time is by managing online reputation and receiving constructive feedback on methods that improve a business. In case you fail to receive this information promptly then you can also consider reaching out to loyal customers and asking for their feedback on how you can improve.

From this point, it is easy to implement processes that improve a business. Your customers may wish to add pick-ups for a business or maybe they could have a similar question about a service that can be answered on a page of the website. This is an example of the fact that the customers are interested in a good quality experience and their feedback can set you apart from the big brands that do not have easy flexibility in customer feedback.

Small and medium-sized businesses have the ability to develop a much stronger and more personal relationship with the customers. High-quality customer service has as great value as any other product or service. Rather, most people use customer service as a requisite of deciding whether or not a business should be done.

Small business owners should remember that customers appreciate good quality relationships and experiences and not only end results. In case the customers offer a relationship that they cannot get at a big business then they will come to you first regardless of the fact that they might have to pay more.


Small businesses must understand that time and streamlined budgets are resources that can empower them. In case the goal is to increase the sales then something must be done to upgrade a business and how it functions. The financial and branding goals can be difficult to achieve if the important resources are not used wisely.

Steps such as CRM integration can be a game-changer for small businesses to compete with big businesses. The focus must be on lead generation, online marketing, and automation tools to get good results in the end. However, in case you are managing and keeping a track of customers, these tools do not help as much.

Investing in a CRM is a tested way to increase sales and productivity, save money and improve customer experience. If you run a small business and are struggling to stand out in your industry then we can help you reach your maximum potential. Get in touch with us at Encaptechno and speak to a skilled IT consultant from our team.

After doing a detailed analysis, we will suggest you choose from the best platforms including Zoho Commerce Configuration or Salesforce E-commerce Cloud for optimal results. 


Best Ways for Small Business E-Commerce to Compete With Big Businesses Read More »

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7 Benefits of Integrating CRM with LinkedIn | Encaptechno

7 Benefits of Integrating CRM with LinkedIn

7 Benefits of Integrating CRM with LinkedIn | Encaptechno
LinkedIn is one of those social networks that can enable you and your business to become very well known professionally. Particularly, if your company has just started using it or it is about to target new markets in unknown lands then LinkedIn can be really helpful. One of the main benefits of LinkedIn is that it brings together people involved in a business together. You can keep in touch with business partners, potential employees, and customers.

Among the other benefits that LinkedIn brings on the table, the CRM integration is yet another one that can work wonders for you. The customer relationship management tools are evolving continuously. The CRM integration with LinkedIn can enable a sales team to explore new ways to expand and nurture business relationships.

In this blog, we will see some of the benefits of integrating CRM with LinkedIn. However, the fundamental thing to understand here is what the importance of this integration is?

CRM and LinkedIn

CRM and Linkedin
Customer relationship management is one of the fastest growing industries. When it comes to CRM options available in the market today, the options are endless. From large and comprehensive systems with so many integrations and tools to industry specific software applications focused on start-ups and small B2B businesses, there are many CRM options in the market.

It does not matter which B2B industry you may be in, the CRM integration with LinkedIn must be done so that the tools can be maximized to their potential. It is important to understand that using the power of LinkedIn along with the CRM means that more leads and better outreach campaigns can be developed for the sales teams.

A customer relationship management or CRM integration done with LinkedIn will enable you to get all the important information such as names, job titles, organizations, website addresses, etc. This information can be extracted and sent directly to the CRM system. Sending this important data automatically saves many hours manually as the input data for leads is used for outreach campaigns in boosting replies and sales.

Why is it Important to Integrate CRM with LinkedIn?

No matter which business it may be, time and strong professional relationships are two of the important elements that help in achieving the desired results. Sales teams across all industries work hard consistently to generate more sustainable relationships. Even though all these relationships have multiple components, the sales conversions and mutually benefitting situations must encounter one another.

The sales process becomes much more streamlined and effective when CRM is integrated with LinkedIn. What must be kept in mind is that the traditional sales activities are anyway provoking the loss of many business deals. The decision-making processes have turned complex and business reports assert that more people should be included in the process.

Basically, it can be said that it is no longer sufficient to just focus on the important within but it should become important to multi-thread a targeted network. There is an immediate need to apply digital strategies in the sales process. This is a process that entails personalizing content, teaching something new to people, and changing how the digital strategy can impact a business. The CRM integration with LinkedIn brings all this and more.

Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedIn

1. Easy Leads Prospecting

Easy Leads Prospecting | Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedIn
CRM integration with LinkedIn helps immensely in lead prospecting. LinkedIn is a social platform that is created for professional networking. It helps the sales team to find their target audience precisely. There are two important types of LinkedIn profiles including company profiles and personal profiles.

The fact is that B2B businesses can gain many benefits by finding out about a company that they are targeting, their needs, wants, and even an insight into an existing process. After this, they can also target specific decision-makers within a company through personal profiles.

Basically, LinkedIn is a place where professionals can connect with multiple like-minded professionals and organizations. They can store valuable data and make all of it available for the sales team and marketers so that much better CRM profiles can be built.

The CRM integration with LinkedIn will give the sales team a wide room to make the most out of all untapped leads without wasting any time searching the whole pool. The integrations are such that they let a salesperson have an advanced search option of the lead, prospect, or the customer directly from the CRM.

One of the best-added benefits is that all additional information can be provided by LinkedIn to understand and strategize accordingly. This does not just help in saving a lot of time but it also helps the team to provide a value addition while eliminating any unwanted research of non-prospects.

2. Saving Time

Saving Time | Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedInA valuable and rather limited resource that all sales teams have to use is time. To ensure that the sales goals are achieved, it becomes important to engage and interact with the prospects and generate qualified leads. Think of a situation when you have created sufficient conversations on LinkedIn that they are all ready to be transferred into a CRM system.

When LinkedIn will be integrated with an online CRM system, it will become easy to save the leads from any conversations that you may have with a prospect. In another scenario where you have been using LinkedIn for a long time without knowing that there is a possibility of integrating CRM, you will again be able to save a lot of time.

You can import all of your saved leads from LinkedIn to the CRM system without thinking about transferring them manually. This is a great way to save time. In addition, the new version of LinkedIn also allows you to include the latest features that help in improving communication and speed of updating modifications in the sales pipelines of opportunities.

This way, you will end up saving time and also ensure that you don’t miss track of the buyer’s needs. Any alerts and insights will keep you up to date in real-time about all the important information that is needed to take the best action towards building a sales relationship.

3. Better Relationship Building

Better Relationship Building | Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedIn
The integration of LinkedIn with an
online CRM system ensures a seamless lead flow and an ability to build better relations with the customers. All of the email contacts and the important information related to them can fall in perfect sync.

The integration can show the sales team a clear direction of working on the prospects by facilitating a smooth introduction with the information that is obtained from LinkedIn. This can be done with easy networks, predefined communication templates, information sharing, and using updates about prospects.  

The sales team can get detailed information about the profile of the leads which further plays an important role in the process of relationship building. The kind of information that you can obtain about the leads turns out to be highly useful for making the lead feel comfortable.

Sales teams anyway do so much and go out of their way to get information about the customers so that better sales pitches can be made. The CRM integration with LinkedIn serves as a perfect resort to this because it helps the sales team to make things very easy.

4. Targeting the Right People

Focusing on just one person is not enough to generate business opportunities. If you want to ensure that you achieve your sales objectives quickly then multithreading is something that you will have to pay sincere attention to. It is something that allows much better communication and conversations with the right set of people.

The CRM integration with LinkedIn can help in giving you the wide possibility of leveraging the data that gets collected from sales preferences. A consistency in the way you approach the leads can also allow you to learn who you may be interested in. As you synchronize LinkedIn with CRM, you can retrieve important information from your CRM.

One of the easiest ways to find the right insight is to look at the recommended leads. These profiles are generally within the targeted account or they are similar to the potential lead. When you find the right people, you can focus on reaching a constructive decision while uncovering other profiles that are included in the decision process. This way, you will save time and stay focused.

5. Improved Sales Intelligence

CRM integration with LinkedIn has the ability to improve sales intelligence to a great extent. You can easily get all the important sales insights with regular updates, information, and connections. Moreover, you can also save a lot of time in finding the right people and hence get your business a true value addition.

The ability to access information from any time and from anywhere will never let you lose on any prospect. While you continue enjoying the ease of building connections seamlessly, the customers are also somehow empowered to deal with the right person which is a benefit to both ends.

With so many sales representatives and business development professionals using social tools, it makes sense to access the information on one screen. The CRM integration with LinkedIn enables all the prospects to view the CRM window. All users can research the prospects before contacting them while pulling up information through LinkedIn.

Sales intelligence is also empowered because this integration saves a lot of time and expands the overall accuracy. You can get to know your prospects well in advance and you can ascertain if you have something in common. The system also shows a list of related leads and people while matching them to the profile that is being viewed.

Most of all, we all know that most of the buyers are always involved in the decision-making process so it becomes all the more important to access leads. The users can actually communicate with all the parties and make it extremely easy to close the deals.

6. Much Better Outreach Campaigns

After you have become successful in creating a list of potential leads and information about the professional life of a person, the outreach campaigns can become personalized and effective.

It becomes easy to create high conversion email campaigns that can plug in all important data that the CRM integration with LinkedIn has scrapped with accounting targeting and automating the entire lead generation process.

The final result is always a constant stream of new customer inquiries each month that come from the automated system. These inquiries have a great potential to turn into your leads while helping you do much better in the business with an expanded clientele.

7. Detailed Demographic Information

Detailed Demographic Information | Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedIn
LinkedIn is an excellent source to get relevant data on the customers. You can know their job title, seniority, professional achievements, and much more. This knowledge will help in personalizing your outreach campaigns.

When you know more about the potential leads, there will be a much better opportunity to stand out and show everyone that you have done your research properly. More people are likely going to respond if you connect with them on a personal level.

The detailed demographic information also helps in a lead generation which becomes as simple as finding a suitable lead and hitting a button on their profile. All of this public information can be collected and sent to the pipeline so that it appears on the dashboard and helps in saving time that is otherwise spent on inputting the data manually.


LinkedIn is most definitely one of the most powerful business networks that you cannot ignore. It has a wealth of information and by making complete use of it, businesses can gain so much. Ensuring that the CRM software is compatible with LinkedIn can help a sales team to become way more effective.

One of the biggest benefits is the ability to use the information and foster communications with the prospects. Customers are anyway not prepared to respond to the sales and marketing literature that are not related to them. They look for immediate value and something that should be provided with what they are looking for.

The union of a CRM with LinkedIn helps in ensuring powerful sales and marketing processes. All businesses that wish to see real results from prospecting must make the most out of CRM integration with LinkedIn. If you also want to do the same, get in touch with our CRM consultants of Encaptechno who can help you achieve the best results.



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Benefits of CRM Integration With Google Analytics | Encaptechno

Benefits of CRM Integration With Google Analytics

Benefits of CRM Integration With Google Analytics | Encaptechno

Google Analytics enables the measurement of the effectiveness of all marketing channels. It is a great platform that stores the online behavioural data of visitors. Now, if we integrate Google Analytics with a CRM then the overall productivity increases manifold. This is because CRM has additional data stored about the customer’s offline activity.

The CRM integration can help in getting data that can further be used to run different types of campaigns such as SMS, calling, emails, etc. for tapping the warm and hot leads. These are the traditional campaigning strategies that can be used by almost everyone while making a product or a service offer a tough battle against all competitors.

In the case of online marketing, the first party cookies are used for exclusively reaching out to the visitors of a website while they surf other websites on Ad Networks such as Double Click, Amazon, Google Display Network, etc. In the case of lead generation and e-commerce websites, in case we combine the CRM with Google Analytics then a platform can be created for user segments for carrying out online remarketing.

Why Integrate CRM with Google Analytics?


The Google Analytics integration with CRM helps in creating custom reports, remarketing audiences, segments, etc. This is because of more comprehensive customer insight. In other words, if Google Analytics gathers general audience patterns, CRM binds some user peculiarities to a specific User ID or Customer ID.

In addition, the CRM system stores detailed data on selling some products. For instance, you can classify some items by a supplier and transfer the indicators to a Google Analytics account while widening some specifications of the marketing performance reports and simplifying the process of comparing the key performance indicators between two systems.

The implementation of Google Analytics alone cannot be used for tracking some purchases and transaction data which can affect the final figures as well. However, the system in tandem helps in avoiding this problem because factual reports can be received on the marketing and business effectiveness.

Google Analytics helps with demographic analysis, traffic sources, visit duration, location details, product views, session numbers, technical aspects, etc. On the other hand, CRM helps with sales, lead nurturing, customer age bracket and gender, products returned, email survey feedback, user loyalty, etc.

With the Google Analytics integration with CRM, the immediate features that can be availed are:

  1. No requirement for data structuring which largely simplifies the work of executors and the cost of the implementation as well.
  2. Preliminary verification can be done which reduces the occurrence of problems in the future. You can check before loading to prevent any errors.
  3. The system gets notified in case of any failures as it takes into account the specifics of Google Analytics Management API. In case it is necessary, support can be provided for troubleshooting.
  4. There is immense flexibility in using data which means that it is possible to use information from internal databases for generating GBQ reports.
  5. The integration does not require any involvement of specialists in the IT field. This functionality can be intuitive.

The CRM integration with Google Analytics can open new opportunities for working with new clients. With this integration, targeting will be as precise as possible. In essence, this integration enables remarketing, segmenting, and building custom reports.

Benefits of CRM Integration with Google Analytics


The overall benefits of using data from a CRM can be talked about limitlessly. There is a wide range of data that can open up new opportunities for further advancement. The main difference from Google Analytics, familiar to all of us, is the binding of information to the users.

Below, we will see the benefits of CRM integration with Google Analytics one by one.

1. Improved Monitoring

Improved Monitoring - Benefits of CRM Integration with Google Analytics

You can know all about a user and how that user has previously interacted with a company. In addition,
CRM integration helps in forming an analysis that allows for more monitoring.

Buyers can be segmented by the frequency of purchases and the average check while uploading information to Google Analytics for getting maximum results. This also makes it possible to create audiences that can be later used for remarketing.

It must be noted that it is best to start the integration process by ensuring that both platforms have a common data key, particularly when the integration is being done for remarketing. You can either display a CRM ID on your website or shift this to Google Analytics in a custom dimension form. In addition, you can also shift each customer ID produced by Google Analytics to your CRM.

Most people choose to display a CRM ID because of the simplicity that the option offers. This is a small ID setup modification that does not take much time. After the creation of a common key, you can transfer the CRM information to Google Analytics using the Data Import function. Another option is to create measurement protocol hits.

For receiving the CRM data in the Google Analytics account, you can create segments. Find the desired number of customers and pass the list to AdWords. You can also run a remarketing campaign when the synchronization gets finished.

2. Analysing Ad Performance in Detail

Let’s say that you have a part of users who make purchases from your brand continuously. Now the integration of CRM and Google Analytics can help you in preparing individual offers for these users which will further increase their loyalty towards your brand as well.

You can also stimulate consumers who have not been using services for a long time by using the targeted marketing strategies. For shoppers with a low average bill, you can offer them to purchase related products. Basically, the system stores information that can allow you to track the effectiveness of some products.

There is data on product margin and sales that can be used to create reports that demonstrate the detailed benefits of certain items in the assortment. This way, it can be understood which advertising activities are profitable. It is not possible to do something like that with just Google Analytics.

3. Cost Per Lead Metrics

Cost Per Lead Metrics - Benefits of CRM Integration with Google Analytics

Regardless of the business they might be in there are some ways that companies approach digital marketing. They either spend a fixed budget on digital marketing hoping it will bear results in increased leads or they count how many leads they receive per month from different campaigns while optimising the average cost per lead.

On the other hand, there is an evolved way of doing this which is adopted by some other companies. There are some companies that count the number of new customers received per month from different campaigns and optimise the average cost per month.

In addition, they also calculate the lifetime value of a customer versus the initial investment on getting that customer and optimising for a maximum peak. Businesses that adopt the last two methods are the ones who can succeed quickly above their competitors while overcoming any storm since they have an upper hand in business intelligence which can be easily maximized with the Google Analytics integration with CRM.

4. Analyzing Reaction on Content

Another reason why it is important to integrate Google Analytics with your CRM or lead management tool is that the integration helps in segmenting and analyzing the target audience reaction to the content.

To put this simply, the Google Analytics engagement and conversion metrics such as pages per session, bounce rate, attribution, times on-site, etc. can help in the segmentation of data by channel for seeing which content provides the highest engaged audiences. In case you use tracking URLs, you can even trace back to which piece of content performs best.

Even though not an explicit measure of content value, bounce rate can be combined with the time on page metric to understand the content value. In case a page has a high bounce rate and low page time then that denotes a poor value. However, if a page has a high bounce rate and a high time on the page then that means the content was engaging and solved the needs of a user. 

By the integration of Google Analytics with the CRM, you can combine the data with your lead data to see how the different segments of the target audience respond to the content. This knowledge can be accurately used in adapting your content to more accurately targeting the audience that you went to.

5. Tracking Revenue From All Sources

In case you are like most other businesses then your CRM system does not show you the source of your web leads. This can be causing you to spend a large part of your budget on low-quality leads that do not convert.  It is important to understand that you need more than just form fills and goal completions for making important marketing decisions.

It will not be enough for measuring your form fills because different traffic sources attract customers of different quality. There is a possibility that one channel may be capable of generating high converting long term clients but many times the other one can generate nothing but unqualified leads. One of the best ways to evaluate a marketing approach is to track the revenue it generates.

Google Analytics does not track offline revenue and as a matter of fact, most sales do not happen online. A maximum share of sales gets closed either on the phone or in person. By default, Google Analytics does not have access to these sales which means that you have no idea how much revenue was generated by a certain approach, ad, article, or even a keyword. This will result in spending money on leads that do not purchase anything.

6. Cross-functional Insights

Data is an important part of a growing business in a digital-first economy and it is available through Google Analytics easily. However, until the CRM integration happens, it is mostly not sorted, cleaned, analyzed, and made actionable for multiple teams who have a single and shared view of important information shared by a customer.

For instance, businesses of all sizes use Google Analytics for relying on digital marketing metrics and monitoring their website traffic. However, these businesses can learn quickly that the tools alone are not so useful for providing recommendations. In addition, marketing analytics do not translate across other departments.

With the integration of the CRM system, a comprehensive analysis of the customer’s online activity can be attained that paints a holistic picture of their needs. When a company is designed to maintain clean data in this way, the CRM can be used for collaborating, tabulating, and customizing data in a report for unique department needs.

The important differentiator lies in all reporting centres around the customer needs that eventually enables all teams to make decisions while keeping them at front and centre. Businesses can empower their teams with a single and unified view of the customer which serves as one of the biggest benefits of a CRM system integration. This also extends to other benefits once you have usable data.

Reports can be run to see where the opportunities are, how well they interact with leads and customers, sales trends, customer service efforts, and more. This informs each experience delivered to customers including all the online features.


All the team members in a business can gather important data and insights with the integration of a CRM system with Google Analytics. This helps in working together to provide exceptional customer-centric experiences.

Moreover, the data can be easily organized and presented by a CRM platform while leading to a better understanding of customers. This leads to better messaging and outreach which can be done with automation and further helps in an efficient customer service processes. As a result, the teams collaborate easily and reduce any siloes.

Out of all the benefits, using CRM integration for powering a more efficient company is one of the biggest. It can help in managing better customer relationships and better businesses.

In case you wish to have your Google Analytics integrated with a CRM then reach out to Encaptechno for immediate support. Our CRM consultants will help you get the best results with the integration.



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