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Proven Tips to Grow On Social Media | Encaptechno

Proven Tips to Grow On Social Media

Proven Tips to Grow On Social Media | Encaptechno
In the present world, social media is known as one of the most important aspects of digital marketing. It is prevalent for offering many benefits that help people and businesses reach millions of customers worldwide. In case a business is not using the profitable source of social media marketing, there is a chance of missing out on a remarkable marketing opportunity that can play a key role in increasing overall revenue.

A good social media marketing strategy can be a powerful way for businesses of all sizes for reaching prospects and customers. Let’s say you run a brand and you are not present on social media then you will end up missing out on a large chunk of the audience who will never come to know about your brand.

On the other hand, your customers will be interacting with your competitors through social media regularly on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. If you have already not woken up to this fact then we would like to reiterate for you that social media marketing can be your key to bringing great success. You can collaborate with loyal brand advocates and also drive leads and sales.

There are some proven tips that can be used to grow on social media. However, before we begin to understand all those tips, we will first start by understanding what social media marketing is and its importance for your business.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing
can be considered as a form of internet marketing that includes creating and sharing valuable content on social media networks. The main objective of social media marketing is to achieve marketing and branding goals. It can commonly include activities such as posting valuable textual content, image updates, videos, etc. for driving audience engagement and paid advertising.

A well planned and implemented social media marketing strategy can help in achieving many goals like building conversions, raising brand awareness, increasing website traffic, improving communication and interaction with audiences, creating a strong brand identity and positive brand association, etc. The more engaged an audience is on a social media network, the better it becomes for you to achieve marketing goals.

What is Social Media Marketing Strategy?

A social media marketing strategy serves as a detailed blueprint capable of solving all problems on the social media channels. An effective social media marketing strategy is not limited to posting photos and tweets. Rather, it is a well thought out plan which highlights things such as what you are posting, and a goal that you wish to achieve from it.

Just as any other strategy, a social media marketing strategy comes way before you actually start creating. It is a detailed plan with thought-provoking ideas, a purpose, and a path to a definite chief aim that you are trying to achieve. With a social media marketing strategy, you can enhance your customer interaction processes and eventually your brand awareness as well.

Consider that you are building your own small business. Now, you will not just open a shop the very next day you decide that you want to do a business. There are many things involved in the process that includes planning, strategizing, and implementing and it is similar with each new step you will take towards building a business.

A strategy is an important part of social media marketing. It demands an in-depth understanding of your audience, what they expect, how their expectations align with your goals, and finally, how you can attract them with an offer that gets them on board.

A crucial thing that you must remember here is that you can have several social media goals. You can use social media marketing tools to get more leads, share important product or service information, expand brand awareness, your network, or anything that helps in connecting with your customers.

Moreover, you can create different strategies for different platforms based on the nature of a platform. You can post content on Facebook for generating more leads, Instagram for sharing visually attractive content, and YouTube for informative content.

Tips to Grow on Social Media

With the changing times, the business processes present today have changed as well. A social media platform enables us to go further beyond boundaries while reaching out to millions all over the world. In case you are a small to a medium-sized business owner who wishes to expand the reach then it is important to be where the existing and potential customers are present.

Being present on social media and continuously publishing valuable content can help your brand grow at a great speed. Below mentioned are some of the tips that you can use to grow on social media channels.

1. Customer Engagement Plan

Social media marketing has proven itself as one of the most popular methods for creating an environment that enables people to access, use and exchange information. The brands that wish to grow in the market and make a name for themselves must understand that building a customer engagement plan is a must for
brand enhancement.

Hence, the marketing team must work on developing a customer engagement plan for building social media presence. If made nicely then this plan can help in deciding how to relate with a customer, and increase engagement. Social media marketing is the best way to connect, engage, and attract more customers. The more you connect with the audience, the more likely you can convert them.

Brands should be focused on creating a two-way contact with the target audience. In addition, communication and increased consumer interaction is an effective way to attract exposure to the brand message. With fundamental market analysis, it becomes easy to decide which social networks a brand should be targeting. On the basis of a well-planned strategy, the brands can maximize their reach and customer engagement with social media marketing.

2. Being Active on Popular Platforms

Social media is easily one of the most stress-free and lucrative digital marketing platforms which if used effectively can help in increasing business visibility and
brand awareness. To see the results of this, businesses will have to create social media profiles for their brand for networking with their target audience.

Brand awareness can be enhanced if there is enough presence on social media networks. Based on which channels can work well for a business, efforts must be made to publish regular content on these platforms. With a couple of hours spent on social media on a weekly basis, marketers claim that their social media marketing efforts increase brand visibility and the user experience.

Hence, there is no doubt that by having a dedicated social media handle on popular platforms, businesses can benefit immensely and with regular use, it can also become possible to produce a wide audience for a business in almost no time. Marketers must be mindful of the fact that being active on social media platforms is being worked on while a strategy is planned.

3. Being Aware of the Competition

There is a wide range of social media profiles accessible to the masses. Going live on social media can be a brand’s choice for understanding the competitors better and also knowing different strategies being implemented to attract the audience.

In addition, it is also easy to see the content that is being posted on the social media profiles of your competitor while judging the posts that do better. After the completion of this analysis, you can look into all the questions asked by the audience and also include the questions in a social media marketing strategy.

Businesses can go through a competitor’s post, comments and the manner in which engagement is being done with the audience. Other than this, you can also read and understand the questions that the audience asks and how your business can improve according to those concerns.

Social media marketing offers you an opportunity to research increasingly about how well informed an audience is. On the basis of these comparisons, you can answer questions effectively and make yourself much more aware of important things that you didn’t know about earlier. Study the customer service of your competitor and compare it with your customer service to analyze how you can do better than them.

4. Publishing Valuable Content

Businesses must make it a habit to publish relevant and informative content on social media. All the other tips do not grow as much they can if the content published from the official accounts of brands is not useful. 

Taking the support of an expert content development agency can be helpful. Businesses must remember that if they get the publishing valuable content part right then the success will automatically on the social media channels. 

5. Building Transparency

By creating a strong social media presence and using a good strategy in place, you can build transparency. Even though sometimes it is not possible to control what people might say about you, you can still manage your brand image by understanding more about your audience by learning from what people are saying.

Increasing customer interaction with the social media followers and building more transparent communication channels can help in getting greater customer insights when compared with tools or data. It will also build an authentic image for your brand.

7. Understanding Purchasing Patterns

Social media networks are always open to everyone which further enables businesses to follow customer activities of potential buyers. Social media helps marketers to be informed about the likes, dislikes, inclinations, and target audience so that it can become simple to form an improved
social media marketing strategy.

Understanding the purchasing patterns of the audience also allows you to focus on things that you may not be following while the creation of content and therefore becoming better at digital marketing strategies. A social media marketing strategy gives you a chance to see what interests your customers the most.

You can develop content that is related to your audience for particularly increasing engagement on the social media handles. This helps in gaining better access to see different demographics of people who visited your account and the kind of content that was liked on the social media profile. When you do this, you will significantly improve your marketing skills and create engaging content.

8. Communicating With Audience

No matter which industry may be operating in, finding customers on social media is easy in the present time. This is major because most people in the present time are active on social media platforms. The customers use social media to connect with friends, family, and acquaintances and for a network with brands and businesses.

On the other hand, social media networks are also a great tool to increase customer interaction all around the world. Businesses should keep in mind that owning and running a business offers a much better chance to communicate with a wide audience. Plus, one can learn about social media statistics by going on the internet, connecting, and buying something.

9. Boosting Website Traffic

If a business has a strong web presence, then social media growth plays the role of supplementing the presence. The use of social media helps in reaching different audiences in a useful, entertaining, and personal way while referring to potential customers you may never have had a chance to engage with previously.

This has the potential to work well in almost all cases when it is done correctly. The website and foot traffic can increase easily with the effective use of social media marketing. Let your business be known with the power of social media. You can add a link to your website in your stories on social media or with your every post. There are many ways and exploring each one of them can pay off in the long run.


Each and every business that is running in the market has different goals and methods of measuring success. Using social media regularly can help in achieving business goals efficiently. Either businesses can achieve the goals themselves or they can take the support of professionals who are experienced in offering these services.

If you want to grow on social media, make sure that you are mindful of all the tips that are mentioned above. If you follow them then your brand will not just succeed, but it will quickly emerge at the top as well.

If you wish to attain social media growth by publishing valuable content and interacting with the customers in the right ways, then taking the expertise of a professional can be helpful. Let your brand shine and gain the necessary growth on social media by getting in touch with the experienced digital marketing professionals of Encaptechno.

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All You Need to Know About Salesforce Service Cloud - Encaptechno

All You Need To Know About Salesforce Service Cloud

All You Need to Know About Salesforce Service Cloud - Encaptechno

Any company, regardless of the products or services it might be offering, works for one common goal and that is to offer value for its customers. It is significant for all companies to connect with the customers regularly. For this reason, customer service is one of the most important and massive undertakings for any organization. It is necessary to employ the tools that deal with customer service support needs as the company goes bigger.

There was a time when companies resorted to hiring more and more customer service agents to ensure that the needful gets done. However, technology has grown and improved manifolds in the times that we are living in today. Hence, tools like Salesforce service cloud are no less than an excellent solution to deliver exceptional customer service.

With the implementation of Salesforce service cloud, the companies will no longer feel a need to hire any additional customer support representatives because they will realize that their existing team can do a lot more with better resources and strategized data automation. In fact, the salesforce services are such that their magnitude grows with business development. Companies can keep customizing their systems for meeting their needs easily because of a strong foundation.

Now that we have gained a background on its impacts, let us first understand the meaning of Salesforce Service Cloud in complete detail.

What is Salesforce Service Cloud?

What is Salesforce Service Cloud

Salesforce Service Cloud is a SaaSplatform offered by Salesforce. It is created on the Salesforce Customer Success Platform and gives you a complete view of your customers while enabling you to offer smart, quick, and much more personalized service.

The Salesforce services of service cloud can form a connected base and enable live agent chats, manage case interactions, all within one platform. It also allows having a personalized customer interaction or even up-sell the product services based on the data of the past activity.

Features of Salesforce Service Cloud:

Features of Salesforce Service Cloud

1. Managing Customer Support Experience: The support teams are collaboratively responsible for one of the most important touchpoints of the customer experience. It is the supervisors of the customer service team who have a challenging job of making sure that everyone focuses on responding to the right customer problem and in a justified amount of time.

The support teams are in frequent need of insights on the ongoing trends and standards for ensuring better management and optimization of the support processes. This includes the trends for new cases opened, any cases closed, and the resolution times across a period of time for the measure of throughput. The case volume can be considered by the support channel, kind of problem, and the severity of that problem for being standards of product/service improvement opportunities.

Now, with effective implementation of the Salesforce Service Cloud, one can set up discrete support processes for different kinds of problems to represent the differences in addressing the difficulty of any problems. Furthermore, it is also easy to explore different priority levels and support channels for distinguishing any problem type. Other custom attributes can be set up for being relevant to a specific support experience of a business. One can then turn around and create a dashboard of relevant metrics and KPIs for directing the focus of the support team.

2. Queue Workflow and Escalation Rules: With the use of automation tools such as the process builder and the workflow rules, the Salesforce Service Cloud features can help in automating the entire process of moving the customers from one stage to another while eliminating any responsibility of manual oversight. It is this functionality that also allows management to easily track the key customers such as the time taken for the first response and the time to resolution.

Furthermore, the escalation processes enable the management of a company to keep tabs on the products and possible concerns that might be responsible for not getting the right traction. One can define the escalation rules for automatically reassigning the case to a much more experienced agent or a supervisor so that the right kind of attention on vexing cases can be created.

Taking important learnings from the escalated cases helps in becoming a great way to find any underdeveloped support areas in which the support agents might need additional training in addition to specifying the staff members who might need additional coaching.

3. Service Analytics: Powered with the help of Salesforce Einstein, the Service Analytics is an extension of salesforce development that is easily available to the service managers and the agents. It provides very important insights into the performance of the agents and their departments.

Checking the reports of wide complexities becomes rather simple with the help of Service Analytics. Either it can be a report on the first contact resolution rate or on the number of case reassignments over every case type depicting the rate of average customer satisfaction as well as agents who strategically reassign cases more than a certain time in a week.

Other than reporting, the Service Analytics can also give recommendations on what an agent should be doing or saying for improving the customer satisfaction rate.

4. Process and Routine Automation: With the help of Service Cloud, a person can easily automate the process of using the workflows, email templates, approvals, and more. For instance, when the customer is extremely dissatisfied with the support services of a service agent, the process and routine automation help in stating that an immediate customer incentive is needed.

Salesforce sends an Incentive approval request and when the approval is granted, the required incentive is offered to the customer over the email. Another example could be that if a customer service agent sees that there are almost eight similar cases into the system, the Salesforce process and routine automation can be used to run a bulk macro for answering all of them simultaneously while resolving the case. On running another macro, the cases will be solved. This automation process helps in saving the time of agents and managers considerably.

5. Customer Account Portal: At the present time, customers expect more than one support channel for reaching out to the customer service. The customer portals are extremely helpful in facilitating this support in a world that is digitally connected. There are some companies that choose to empower their customers with self-service capabilities. These companies are of the opinion that when they deal with the customers themselves, it saves everyone’s time and energy.

The customer account portals also work well for tasks such as fixing appointments, paying bills, checking an order, and much more. This is all the more useful for supporting teams as a case deflection mechanism that reduces any extra costs.

With the help of Salesforce service cloud, it is possible to make the customers go through a self-service flow that is driven by a knowledge base included with the community. The customers can leverage existing knowledge either by allowing the support agents to resolve similar issues or by having other customers get the answers quickly. The support agents can then avoid getting over stacked with the common issues that have well-documented resolutions.

6. Knowledge Base: The implementation of the Salesforce service cloud also helps in offering a knowledge base solution that services as a repository of information for representatives who can access a wide pool of answers that they might need to serve the customers in the best way possible.

The knowledge base allows the representatives to search for effective solutions anytime when a customer begins to outline a problem. This feature serves as a center for all the documents to ensure that they remain specific and updated just as things shift and change within a business.

In addition, the knowledge base is also helpful for the organizations that use a self-service company portal. It is generated by the support agents or the peer-to-peer customer communities who can provide self-service to the customers. One can decrease the support costs in the form of a decreased volume of cases at any point in time.

7. Email: At the present time, so many customers are in the habit of sending an email and then waiting for a reply. This is because it is simple and can be done in the blink of an eye. In this scenario, it is important for companies to understand that they cannot keep the customers waiting for an answer.

Since it can be a challenging task to reply to each and every email separately, the Salesforce service cloud feature comes with an auto-response capability for the cases, which makes it very easy to send a case creation confirmation email to the customers. Moreover, the service cloud allows the customer service agents to respond from the case itself while the customers respond from their emails. Salesforce routes the emails of the customers back to the case so the agent can continue email back and forth the issue resolution. All of this gets technologically tracked and chronologically viewed in the case feed.

The application also inspires the creation, storage, and use of email templates for standard email responses to common case types. Beyond that, the support agents can create macros to record their repetitive actions and execute a set of actions just as needed by running the macros.

8. Omni Channel: Salesforce Service Cloud offers the feature of Omni-channel which helps in offering customer support through the numerous communication channels. Beginning from email, phone, and live agent chats through the web to the video chats, social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more, the Salesforce service cloud helps in covering all channels.

The service cloud brings cases from a different set of channels and delegates them to the rightful customer service agents dependent on the preset conditions.


The implementation of the Salesforce service cloud is a great option for all organizations that are looking forward to upscale their level of business. In addition to streamlining the customer service operations, it also ensures that the brand value of a company rises to greater heights.

If you wish to implement the Salesforce service cloud in your organization then Encaptechno comes with a team that has a wide experience of providing the Salesforce implementation services. Get in touch with the team to know more.

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