
data analytics

Google Search Console: How to Create a Winning Marketing Strategy with Google Search Console Data?

Google Search Console: How to Create a Winning Marketing Strategy?

Google Search Console: How to Create a Winning Marketing Strategy with Google Search Console Data?

Google Search Console or GSC is a valuable analytics tool that Google provides free to anyone who owns or manages a website. GSC can assist you in monitoring your site’s presence in Google Search results, allowing you to maintain and troubleshoot critical areas that require attention. What makes digital marketing unique is the data it provides. It tells you which of your investments were successful and why. Your digital actions and their outcomes are recorded to understand your audience and their behaviors better.

All you must do to get started is add Google Analytics and Google Search Console to your website, and you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful digital marketing PPC Ad campaign. Google Search Console and Google Analytics are both free Google tools. Search Console can assist you in understanding and improving how Google reads your website and provide insights into areas where you should focus your marketing efforts. In addition, Google Search Console is a free tool that allows web admins to monitor the health of their website in the index.

You should use both if you’re serious about understanding how your website performs in terms of key metrics like total website traffic, acquisition, user behavior, and rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). Although they are closely related, Analytics and Search Console provide different data and are extremely useful in evaluating the performance of your website.

Google Search Console is a critical foundational tool for ensuring the success of your SEO strategies. The best part is that it is an entirely free service. So there’s no excuse to skip it.

Whether you’re working with an SEO agency or going it alone, Google Search Console provides you with the information you need about your site and its visitors. But don’t know where to begin with Google Search Console? 

You must first know what Google Search Console does before appreciating its value for your company’s long-term success and website performance. Because of the tools, it provides to ensure that websites perform well in Google search and the tools it offers to track success and analyze traffic, Search Console is an invaluable resource for marketers. In addition to statistical information and data, Search Console gives web admins tools for resolving issues that may prevent them from performing well.

What is Google Search Console all about?

Google Search Console is a simple and free tool that enables users to measure their website’s traffic, see keyword performance, troubleshoot issues, and receive Google messages about their website. In addition, it provides information on how a website performs in organic search and methods for making changes to the site in the Google index. However, unlike Google Analytics, Search Console only provides information on web search traffic, not other segments such as direct traffic, traffic from ads, or traffic from site referrals.

Top digital marketers use Google Search Console for the following primary purposes:

  • Identify and resolve issues and crawl errors that may be preventing your site from appearing on search results pages (SERPs) and impeding your SEO performance.
  • Analyze your link profile to see which websites link to yours and fine-tune your backlink marketing strategy for lead generation.

Purpose of Google Search Console

Google Search Console can help businesses better monitor the online performance of their websites. Some of the critical information you can learn from Search Console includes:

  • Which queries that are keywords direct the most Google search traffic to your site.
  • Which pages on your site receive the maximum Google search traffic.
  • Remove URLs that you do not want to appear in search results.
  • For any given page, which queries send the most traffic from Google search to that page.
  • Security issues that Google may have noticed with your site’s content.
  • Witness security problems on your website.
  • Know which pages have blocked resources.
  • Measure the conversion rate or CTR.”
  • Other domains that are connecting to your site.
  • Find out which pages are the most thriving on your website.
  • Learn which web pages are being positioned and for which keywords.
  • Assess incoming links and internal links.
  • Test if the robots.txt and sitemap files on your website work properly or have an error.
  • Mobile device usability problems found with your content.
  • Which content from your site has Google indexed, or are any of your pages inaccessible to Google search.
  • Google may have encountered errors while crawling your site (e.g., broken links or 404 errors).

How can Google Search Console Data benefit your business? 

Successful marketing techniques

Successful marketing techniques - How can Google Search Console Data benefit your business

Creating more efficient marketing techniques is one way you may use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to grow your company. You may quickly determine which marketing initiatives are effective and which need to be modified using the data these technologies provide. For example, you might use the Google Search Console to monitor how many people visit your website after starting a paid advertising-based marketing campaign. Then, change your advertising plan if you see that the number of visits is far lower than the number of people who have seen the commercials.

Innovative Product Concepts

You might also use these resources to generate innovative product ideas to help you grow your company. For instance, adding that product to your selection would be a good idea if you notice that your competitors are doing well for a particular category of goods you do not provide. 

For instance, if you operate a blog on different forms of communication, showing your readers how to send messages across radio waves or faxes from computers could be pretty helpful in boosting organic traffic.

Setting Realistic Business Objectives

Finally, you might find it helpful to define attainable business goals with Google Analytics and Google Search Console. 

For instance, you can decide to increase the number of visitors to your website by a specific percentage within the following month if you observe that it is not receiving as much traffic as you would like. Similarly, you might establish a goal to increase the average time spent on the site by a certain percentage if you see that visitors aren’t staying long enough. You can begin monitoring your development when you’ve set a goal. 

Performing competitor research

Performing competitor research - How can Google Search Console Data benefit your business

You might utilize Google Search Console in addition to carrying out a competitor analysis. For instance, you can try to figure out why one of your rivals is ranked well for a particular category of good or service if you observe it. Is it because their product is superior? Or is it because their marketing is more effective than yours? Once you’ve discovered the solution, you can use that knowledge to advance your company. In addition, you might utilize these tools to determine which of your rivals is receiving the most visitors from organic search.

How to Create a Marketing Strategy with Google Search Console?

How to create a marketing strategy with Google Search Console

However, digital marketers must be able to set up the Google Search Console independently. The data in Search Console is crucial for assisting you in optimizing your website and honing your SEO marketing strategy for lead generation if growing organic traffic to your website is essential to you.

Add portal to Google Search Console.

The procedure starts with adding a portal to Google Search Console and verifying it. Verification informs Google about your identity, whether you are the portal owner, a webmaster, or an SEO agency. Following that, the property is added via the portal URL. Once this is done, the verification process can begin in one of the following ways:

Add Google Analytics code. 

This would be a simple option to verify the website for someone who uses Google Analytics as a tracking metric. 

Begin by reviewing your home page code and adding the head section. After that, you must manage the site by going to the Search Console Dashboard and verifying the site. This should be followed by the recommended or alternate method instructions listed under the Google Analytics option.

Insertion of an HTML tag

The following step would be to include an HTML tag. This is primarily useful for marketers with some coding experience. The procedure should start with verifying the property in the search control dashboard. When you select the HTML tag option or the alternate methods tag, you will be given the HTML code to verify the site. The code must then be copied and pasted into the head section. After you save the code, you will be able to publish it. The verification code will be available on the home page of the website. You can verify the site once you return to the Google Search Console.

Adding an HTML file

An HTML file can be uploaded to the root directory of the website. In addition, the manage site option can also be found on the search console dashboard, where you can verify the site. 

The HTML file must then be uploaded using the recommended method. For Google to verify further, you must follow the instructions to download the HTML file without changing its content. You can verify the site after it has been uploaded.

Validation via the domain name

A website can also be verified through a domain name provider if the subdomains and subdirectories associated with your main domain can be accessed. The domain name provider must be selected from the recommended or alternate method options. 

To complete the verification process, the domain name should be chosen from the list provided, and the instructions should be followed. The search console can help digital marketers improve the SEO performance of their websites.

Domain name registration

You can select your preferred domain name, www or non-version, in the site settings. It is necessary to enter a domain name.

Include a site map

Sitemaps are digital maps that give Google’s site crawlers information about your website’s pages, such as the most crucial pages, when they were last updated, etc. The website map must then be submitted to Google Search Console. This is a quick step that improves the crawl ability of the site. This is especially useful when a website has a large number of pages. A site map helps the Googlebot crawl and index a new website much more efficiently. It is not required to have a sitemap appear in Google search results. 

Google claims that its web crawlers will typically find most of your pages if your site is structured correctly (i.e., pages are logically linked to one another).

The Bottom Line

The Google Search Console tool has evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of digital marketers. If you do not use this tool, you may miss out on some crucial achievements. While it may not be an easy task at first, you could give it a shot and gradually adjust to the various associated components.

Google Search Console is simple and easy to use, and it belongs in any webmaster’s, marketer’s, or business owner’s toolkit for managing their visibility on Google Search. One of the tool’s main advantages is the additional data and understanding of how people find your website on Google. You can keep attracting similar audiences to your website through SEO and other digital marketing strategies if you know how people find you through Google Console data.

Call the experts at Enacptechno today and get the best assistance!

Google Search Console: How to Create a Winning Marketing Strategy? Read More »

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How to Optimally Use Data in Marketing? | Encaptechno

How to Optimally Use Data in Marketing?

How to Optimally Use Data in Marketing? | Encaptechno
For many years, the role of data in marketing strategies was not being maximised as much as it should have. So many organisations referred to data with the sole aim of measuring its impact. However, today the scenario has changed completely. The wide use of the internet has managed to change the role of data for marketing.

At the present time, a combination of online marketing strategies, data mining, and data analytics is enough to measure the marketing progress. The data that gets flooded in from all channels including websites, display ads, search results, social media posts, and so on helps immensely in taking important decisions.

From the abundance of data that data mining extracts, there is a new process that has come into action and that process is called data-driven marketing. So, what is data-driven marketing and how can data-driven marketing be optimally used for making the marketing process simple.

What is Data-Driven Marketing?

Just as the name suggests, data-driven marketing is a process that uses customer data to make suitable and more informed marketing decisions. There are many marketing automation and intelligence tools that are capable of collecting data from various sources and offering insights into customer behaviour and preferences.

Marketers use data for improving their online marketing strategies. The data helps in gaining a deeper understanding of the customers for performing personalised and targeted outreach. It also helps in building meaningful customer engagement and maximising the marketing efforts on the return of investment

Data-Driven Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing has long been used by marketers but it was limited in many ways. The marketers had limited information about the audiences which also meant that the important decisions were based on assumptions. Many times, the marketers also resorted to the trial and error methods as a
lead generation technique.

In the past, no one could be confident about the success of a marketing campaign. Even the data sources and by that we mean the market studies were unreliable. There was a limited measurement of their effectiveness and the traditional campaigns produced no measurable insights about the markets that were targeted and their audiences. Companies were required to strategize better consistently.

With the entry of data-driven marketing in the picture, all the guesswork was replaced with some hard-hitting facts. With techniques such as data analytics and data mining, marketers can extract data and drill it down to the needs and preferences of demographics, digital behaviour, buying patterns, interests, etc.

Marketers can pretty much reach their audience at the right time and place. This can be done with personalised messages and offers that are capable of increasing conversions. Hence, data-driven marketing is one of the best methods to get more leads.

That said, data-driven marketing is not the end of traditional marketing. It is definitely the best method for promoting middle and bottom-funnel campaigns, but traditional marketing techniques are perfect for creating awareness. While entering new markets and segmenting audiences, organisations should maximise their reach.

Traditional marketing will always be a great method for building brand recognition and attracting new customers at a scale. However, companies need data-driven online marketing strategies for nurturing their audience and to ensure that they stick around for a long time.

Why Use Data-Driven Marketing?

Data-driven marketing comes with many benefits altogether. This is the reason why some of the leading marketers are
72% likely to invest in the quality of data that they capture. 

1. Understanding Target Audience

The data-driven marketing techniques such as data mining and data analytics are an excellent way to look into the indicators such as page or blog visits, ad clicks, video views, products added to the cart, and much more.

When marketers use these techniques strategically, it becomes easy to engage them in the right channels that lead to the right conversations as well.

2. Audience Segmentation

Audience Segmentation - Why Use Data-Driven Marketing?

Data is an excellent way to create segments based on interest, demography, purchase history, geography, etc. It can be used for running campaigns that are specific to each segment for boosting conversion.

With data mining, marketers can create campaigns that they know will appeal to audiences no matter what. The segmentation makes the marketers understand just what will appeal to the audience.

3. Personalised Messaging

Marketers can also use data to personalise their messaging and offer suitable products, content and also the next best action recommendations for helping decision making.

For instance, let’s say a visitor on an e-commerce website sees a product many times. Now the number of times a visitor sees this product can be gauged for understanding the intent with which a customer is coming online and wishes to purchase the product. 

The personalised messaging is capable of improving sales conversion by 10-15%. Over 90% of marketers say that personalization leads to improved business profitability.

4. Omni Channel Experience

It becomes easy to track the cross channel data with the use of data-driven marketing techniques. The marketers can trace the customer journey and also offer an omnichannel experience that changes from digital to physical and vice versa

The organisations that offer a consistent experience to their customers across all channels see a 5-15% revenue increase which is substantial in all ways.

5. Targeted Ad Buying

Data analytics
is an excellent method to combine customer data with algorithms that can find a suitable method for displaying digital ads.

These ads can be placed strategically on the right platforms and they can be promoted thereon for fetching suitable results.

6. Marketing ROI

Marketing ROI - Why Use Data-Driven Marketing?

The use of customer data for driving marketing campaigns helps in optimising the performance on different channels and improves attribution accuracy as well.

Marketers can easily determine which channels return the maximum revenue at nominal expenditure while investing to reduce costs. In addition, it also helps in making much better predictions while planning the budget and resources optimally.

Data-Driven Marketing Trends

It is a known fact that data is the new currency in the present times and even the most valuable one. After the world got hit by the pandemic in 2020, data has become supreme. There was a massive move to digital with more and more people coming indoors as the pandemic related restrictions increased.

Consumers and businesses adopted digital means of doing their work and the data became supreme. Some of the common trends that continue to transform data-driven marketing are mentioned below.

1. Automation and Personalization

The USP of AI is in converting massive amounts of raw data into comprehensible information within a few seconds. This is clearly something that humans cannot do.

Moreover, the impact of AI across industries and functions is considered in every sense. It continues to help marketers make personalised and real-time engagement at scale. The application of advanced data mining algorithms can help marketers to learn systems from the available data and improve them over time.

Automation and personalization are excellent ways to harness and act on the right data and that too at the right time without any kind of manual intervention. It leads to advanced results in a streamlined way.

2. Predictive Analysis

Data-driven marketing techniques lead to predictive analysis that keeps marketers a lot more agile. The data analysis methods allow marketers to build agile data models that help in keeping pace with quickly changing customer behaviours.

AI-powered predictive analysis helps marketers to stay on top of existing customer behaviour while planning for upcoming marketing strategies.

3. Privacy and Security Concerns

With an increase in data breaches all over the world, most customers are left anxious about their data. They do not know how, when, and where their data is going to be compromised.

There are common data privacy regulations that require marketers to become more transparent about how they use customer data. Many tech giants across the world have taken steps for addressing customer security concerns with the direction to remove third party cookies from websites.

Hence, marketers must find a way to depend on their own data as opposed to third-party sources because privacy and security regulations are becoming tightened. This is something that requires marketers to enhance their tech stack and adopt future-ready data-driven marketing methods.

4. Breakdown of Data Silos

Most customer data that resides with each team is supposed to be made accessible to all unless the data is sensitive or confidential. When there is improved data sharing, there is an increase in the visibility of customer journeys.

The breakdown of data silos helps in building comprehensive and connected data-driven strategies that can ultimately benefit all stakeholders.

Using Data-Driven Marketing Strategies Optimally

The use of data for driving marketing outreach allows most marketers to put customers at the centre of everything that they do and engage in. The complete idea of data-driven marketing is usually for optimising benefits for marketers and making sure that customers do not have to face irrelevant and annoying messages that affect their journey.

Some of the data-driven marketing strategies that are useful for improving and personalising customer engagement include:

1. Consolidation of Data

A very good
lead generation technique is bringing all the data and your organisation in just one place. This is something that allows you to create a consistent customer journey all across channels and touchpoints.

Moreover, it also provides consistent and contextual customer experiences. Once the data consolidation starts happening, it becomes easy to unite the brand messaging across functions and not just the marketing campaigns.

2. Improved Audience Segmentation

Data analytics
is an excellent method to know your target audience in a better way. Once you know your audience segments better, it becomes easier to target them optimally.

Since the goal is to make marketing a lot more relevant, it is best to start by creating well-defined audience segments that can address the audience’s needs in ways that suit their specific needs and journeys.

Data including demographic details, digital behaviour shown by a customer, preferred platforms on which customers spend their time, etc. are suitable for segmenting the audiences. It is also possible to refine the segments on the basis of the level of engagement.

3. Content Optimization

The data-driven marketing techniques also help in optimising the content that you post on most platforms. You can perfect your content by analysing the data for revealing finder nuances about the audience and their personalities.

Once you understand the preferences of the audience, it will become very simple for you to create and refine your content across all platforms while making it very useful and engaging. This is a useful lead generation technique that can be used by brands for better promotion.

4. Understanding Buyer Personas

The data-driven marketing techniques for understanding the buyer’s persona in a much better way. You can use the data that you extract for understanding the browsing history, previous purchases, customer engagement, etc. for creating evolved buyer personas.

The data helps in reconnecting with and reminding your audience about your brand at the right time and on the right platforms so that prompt action can be taken. You can also display targeted ads on social media and even send abandoned cart emails so that they can be nudged towards making the purchase.

5. Unification of Customer Experience

Customer journeys have become very comprehensive in nature while making it important for companies to develop the capabilities required for recognising and engaging customers regardless of the channel used.

Using an omni-channel strategy based on unified data from various channels and teams can help in streamlining customer journeys while bringing down their churn rates.

6. Best Promotion Time

The data-driven marketing is also an excellent method to find the best time for promotions. The historical data can help in getting clarity on which day, month, and year is suitable for getting maximum engagement.

Once you are able to optimise the time and duration of the promotional campaigns, it is likely that the audience will notice you keenly. This in turn will lead to brand promotion and wide recognition in the long run.


One of the best methods to ensure an effective marketing plan is by making the customers feel that they are being engaged in a personal and a one to one conversation. The customers should not feel that they are being marketed to. Using data-driven marketing does exactly this by creating a more meaningful and customised experience.

It leads to well-timed and relevant personalization while guiding the customers to make purchases and repelling them ultimately. The consistent and groundbreaking developments in big data and AI are sure to make data-driven marketing even stronger.

The data-driven marketing is the future and brands should adopt digital marketing services that are implemented in sync with it before it is too late. If you are also looking for data-driven marketing services then get in touch to know more.

How to Optimally Use Data in Marketing? Read More »

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A Complete Overview of Zoho Analytics | Encaptechno

A Complete Overview of Zoho Analytics

A Complete Overview of Zoho Analytics | Encaptechno

Zoho Analytics is one of the finest
self-service BI and data analytics software that allows you to analyze data, create amazing data visualizations, and discover hidden insights within minutes. It provides cutting edge analytical solutions that are needed to transform raw data into actionable insights. 

Zoho Analytics also allows users to fetch data from any data source and analyze it visually for making informed and data-driven decisions. In addition, it also allows the user to easily share insights and collaborate. 

A great feature about Zoho Analytics software is that it allows the users to create visualizations and dashboards to present data via a quick, easy and self-service model. It also brings detailed insights and analysis to an organization’s business data on demand without any help of IT assistants or data analysts through extensive automation efforts all across the analytical process.

The users can crunch large datasets, clean and blend data, perform different analytical tasks and also visualize the results in dynamic graphics to extract insights. They can also make informed decisions in a stand-alone or embedded environment with the support of mobile devices. Additionally, it comes with a flexible on-premise and cloud deployment model. 

Features of Zoho Analytics


1. Data Integration

Data Integration - Features of Zoho Analytics
You can get your data analyzed wherever it may be using over 250+ data sources of Zoho Analytics. You can connect to data from files, feeds, web URLs, databases, business applications, and much more. 

  • Files and Feeds: Zoho Analytics allows you to upload data from spreadsheets and flat files such as Microsoft Excel, HTML, CSV, XML, JSON, text files and more. The data can be easily fed from online storage services such as Zoho Docs, Box, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, etc. It is easy to pull data from web URL feeds. 
  • Databases: You can connect with popular business applications in Sales, Marketing, Finance, Help Desk, IT, HR, and many more with the ready-made connectors. 
  • Custom Apps: Zoho Analytics software offers powerful data import and integration APIs for building a connector quickly, and getting data from any offline/online application for analysis. 

2. Data Preparation and Management

Data Preparation and Management - Features of Zoho Analytics
You can use the self-service data and management application called Zoho DataPrep very easily with Zoho Analytics. This is a good way to get your data cleansed, transformed, enriched for easy and better analysis.

  • Auto Model: Zoho Analytics is a business intelligence software that automatically identifies data types. You can get suggestions for joining datasets and create custom data types for identifying and fixing invalid data. 
  • Smart Cleanse: You can filter and cleanse data using intelligent suggestions. Improve the quality of your data by removing duplicates and invalid entries. 
  • Transform: You can format and change your data without any need for coding. This will also help you reshape your data using over 250+ functions like summary, pivot, unpivot, etc.
  • Enrich Data: Zoho Analytics also allows you data with ML/AI-powered transforms such as sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, language detection and more.
  • Catalog Data: The use of Zoho Analytics software also enables you to manage your datasets by categories, custom tags, data readiness, data quality, and more. You can also use the search capabilities of Zia which is Zoho’s smart AI assistant for performing system-wide metadata searches.

3. Visual Analysis

Collaborative Analysis - Features of Zoho Analytics
data visualization is one of the best features of Zoho Analytics. With the use of this feature, it is possible to slice and dice your data while analyzing it visually with a wide range of visualization tools. 

  • Visualization Options: Zoho Analytics allows you to use a wide range of charts, widgets, summary, pivot, and tabular views for creating insightful reports and dashboards. 
  • Drag and Drop Report Creation: Zoho Analytics also enables the effortless creation of meaningful reports and dashboards with the intuitive drag and drop interface. 
  • Tabbed Dashboards: With Zoho Analytics, many reports can be combined into tabbed dashboards using a drag and drop designer. You can insert images, formatted texts, web components and widgets in a flexible designer layout. You can make this easy for your executives and users to track KPIs effectively.
  • Dynamic and Interactive: Zoho Analytics is a reports and dashboards BI software that allows you to use a wide range of interactive options such as view underlying data, drill down, contextual filters and many more for performing ad-hoc exploratory analysis. 
  • Geo Visualization: You can analyze your geographical data with interactive map charts. You can compare and measure key metrics across countries, regions, states, postal codes, and latitudes and longitudes.
  • Image-Based Visualizations: Zoho Analytics helps in plotting location data spread over custom image boundaries such as basketball courts, city parking lots, roads, etc. This includes image visuals in your reports to enhance visual appeal and readability.

4. Augmented Analytics

Analytics software augments your analysis of data with the technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, natural language processing and generation, and getting quick insights from your data. 

  • Zia Insights: It is possible to get contextual and actionable insights that go way beyond visualizations in the form of digestible narrations with zero interactions. 
  • Conversational Analytics: Zoho Analytics allows you to engage in colloquial conversations with Ask Zia so that you can get relevant reports as answers. 
  • Automated Reports: With a single click, you can generate a valuable set of auto-generated reports on whatever data you may have when you are beginning your analysis.
  • Predictive Analytics: You can also apply custom forecast models and forecast values of business metrics while predicting the upcoming trends. 
  • What if Analysis: Zoho Analytics helps in simulating complex scenarios, and finding optimal business outcomes with the use of what-if analysis. 
  • Data Alerts: With the Zoho Analytics self-service BI, you can get notified automatically on important changes to your KPIs, anomalies, goal achievement, etc. This helps in staying on top of your business. 

5. Unified Business Insights

It is possible to unify the business data across an organization from various functions such as marketing, support, finance, sales, etc. You can easily analyze this unified data and unearth end to end insights.

  • Easy Connectors: Connect to 50+ popular business applications within a few clicks. Auto-sync and unify data from various business applications in hourly intervals only.
  • Pre-built Analytics: Zoho Analytics software helps you instantly begin your analytics journey with much valuable pre-built visualization that offer a comprehensive view of business health. You can build your own ad hoc reports and dashboards to suit your specific needs perfectly.
  • Data Blending: Zoho Analytics also helps in the automatic blending of data from various applications. It is also possible to define metrics that span across the data from multiple departments. You can create reports and dashboards with these metrics and offer end to end insights across a business. 

6. Collaborative Analysis

Zoho Analytics is a
business intelligence software that makes collaboration an important part of data analytics. You can easily democratize data, allow pervasive BI and analytics in your organization.

  • Share Reports and Dashboards: Zoho Analytics allows you to share reports and dashboards that you create with your colleagues, and collaborate with them.
  • Best Access Control: You have complete control over what your colleagues can see and do with the data and reports that you share with them. The fine access control with specific options such as read-only, read-write, report authoring, export, and drill down is excellent assistance. 
  • Easy Commenting: Zoho Analytics helps you to share contextual comment threads and instantly collaborates with peers on a report or dashboard. You can add and annotate images or go back to see the entire document history anytime and anywhere. 
  • Printing and Emailing: With the use of Zoho Analytics, it is also possible to schedule your reports and dashboards to be emailed automatically. You can export and print reports for offline access as well. 

7. Data Storytelling

Zoho Analytics allows you to tell interesting stories by using the data. You can present and publish analytical insights in the context of familiar business workflows. This will make the process of
data analytics a lot more efficient and enjoyable. 

  • Slideshows: Zoho Analytics is an excellent tool to craft immersive analytics presentations with the use of Zoho Show, an online presentation service. You can add rich narratives in the form of text, images, shapes, etc along with reports and dashboards. This helps in weaving data stories to your audience.
  • Web Portals: You can create purpose-built data analytics portals using the site builder called Zoho Sites. This will make it easy and exclusive for your users to analyze the data with visualizations.
  • Ask Zia: It is possible to embed the AI assistant of Zoho Analytics called Ask Zia along with Zia insights anywhere in the business workflow. You can allow data-driven decision making at all endpoints.

8. Mobility

Zoho Analytics helps in accessing and interacting with data, reports, and dashboards from phones and tablets. 

  • Mobile Applications: It is possible to access and interact with the reports and dashboards that you have created in Zoho Analytics on the move from your iOS and Android powered mobile devices.
  • Dashboards Application: This one is a purpose-built and immersive mobile application to access and explore the dashboards that you have in Zoho Analytics. Creative features support the inviting fluid interaction and analysis. 
  • Conversational Analytics: This feature allows you to speak with Zia on the go. You can ask questions and get precise insights as answers in the form of reports and widgets.
  • Mobile Collaboration: Zoho Analytics helps you add comments to reports, and hold meaningful conversations with your peers. 

9. Embedded Business Intelligence

Embedded Business Intelligence - Features of Zoho Analytics
Using Zoho
Analytics software, you can offer a white-labelled BI and analytics application under your brand name. You can also set up a standalone analytics portal and embed it within your application. 

  • Embedded Analytics: It is possible to integrate a full-featured analytics platform within an application using the single sign-on API and SAML authentication.
  • Self Service Analytics Portal: You can set up a rebranded analytics portal and customize it with rich design elements while seamlessly making it accessible with the use of web and native mobile applications. 
  • Augmented Business Intelligence: Zoho’s smart AI assistant called Zia can be easily embedded for getting automated insights from any reports and dashboards. You can take advantage of Zoho Analytics by using features such as smart forecasting and ML-based predictive analysis.

10. Security and Governance

Analytics software is used by strong Zoho security practices including the support for redundancy, backup, confidentiality, and privacy. This helps in ensuring that the data is safe and secure. 

  • Data Security: Zoho Analytics has a privacy by design model which allows the customers to have better control over the data. The time tested and accredited enterprise grade security features and governance framework makes sure that continuous data is managed.
  • Data Backup: The data can be stored in Zoho Analytics cloud version and it can be backed up each day in the data centres. You can do a periodic backup as well.
  • Roles: The users, viewers, and administrators role at the workplace, organization, and accountant labels are present. There is a clear segregation on who can do what based on the roles.
  • Logging: Zoho Analytics software offers all user activity and access within the application. Hence, it is possible to know which user logged in at what time, which user has access to which functions and much more. All this ensures security and accountability while the auditing is going on.

11. Deployments

You can effectively deploy Zoho Analytics according to the needs that you have. It is also possible to subscribe to Zoho Analytics cloud, and install it on premise in your servers. It can also be deployed in public clouds such as Azure, Google, and AWS. Lastly, you can also use the white labeled version of Zoho Analytics.

  • Cloud: Zoho Analytics offers easy access to a full fledged self service BI and analytics service that is hosted in Zoho Cloud with just a browser and a mobile application. There is no upfront cost and you can pay as you go ahead with either monthly subscriptions or a yearly lock in.
  • Onpremise: You can easily install Zoho Analytics behind the firewalls and on your own servers. This also helps you analyze the data in house. 
  • Public Cloud: Zoho Analytics software can be deployed on the public cloud of your choice. This is similar to AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. 
  • Embedded: Zoho Analytics offers a complete analytics application in your brand name. There is a choice to either go with the standalone analytics portal or an embedded one with your own application. The white-labelled version is available in the cloud and on-premise models both.

12. Extensibility and Elasticity

Zoho Analytics is an excellent
data analytics application that is a full-fledged, scalable, and powerful analytics platform. It helps the developers and system integrators to develop and deploy custom analytics applications and integrations. 

  • APIs: You can use a robust set of APIs for the purpose of authorization, custom styling, data integration, and dynamic reportings embedding to build custom analytical applications of integrations. This also allows you to maximize the potential of extensible low code or no-code integration with a tech stack. 
  • Zoho Marketplace: You can choose to complement your analytical abilities with a wide range of analytical applications available in the Zoho partner driven Marketplace. There are domain-specific and purpose-built native analytics applications also available in third-party marketplaces.
  • Big Data: Zoho Analytics allows you to analyze your big data with ease and derive key business insights. The data can be present in big data sources such as relational, NoSQL and cloud databases or popular business applications. 


Zoho Analytics is designed to benefit businesses from deep analytics using data interpretations, auto-generation of reports and other such features that can help in automatically blending data from various apps for cross-functional analysis. This helps the user to get a comprehensive view of the business. 

The implementation of Zoho Analytics can help you derive business metrics and capture key performance indicators as well. You can plan for future events with forecasting and predictive capabilities, ask questions and get analysis from Zia, and do much more.

If you haven’t already got Zoho Analytics implemented, now is the time to get in touch with a certified Zoho partner such as Encaptechno and get things going. You will be amazed at what all you can do with the use of Zoho Analytics and how it can benefit your business. 


A Complete Overview of Zoho Analytics Read More »

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Benefits of CRM Integration With Google Analytics | Encaptechno

Benefits of CRM Integration With Google Analytics

Benefits of CRM Integration With Google Analytics | Encaptechno

Google Analytics enables the measurement of the effectiveness of all marketing channels. It is a great platform that stores the online behavioural data of visitors. Now, if we integrate Google Analytics with a CRM then the overall productivity increases manifold. This is because CRM has additional data stored about the customer’s offline activity.

The CRM integration can help in getting data that can further be used to run different types of campaigns such as SMS, calling, emails, etc. for tapping the warm and hot leads. These are the traditional campaigning strategies that can be used by almost everyone while making a product or a service offer a tough battle against all competitors.

In the case of online marketing, the first party cookies are used for exclusively reaching out to the visitors of a website while they surf other websites on Ad Networks such as Double Click, Amazon, Google Display Network, etc. In the case of lead generation and e-commerce websites, in case we combine the CRM with Google Analytics then a platform can be created for user segments for carrying out online remarketing.

Why Integrate CRM with Google Analytics?


The Google Analytics integration with CRM helps in creating custom reports, remarketing audiences, segments, etc. This is because of more comprehensive customer insight. In other words, if Google Analytics gathers general audience patterns, CRM binds some user peculiarities to a specific User ID or Customer ID.

In addition, the CRM system stores detailed data on selling some products. For instance, you can classify some items by a supplier and transfer the indicators to a Google Analytics account while widening some specifications of the marketing performance reports and simplifying the process of comparing the key performance indicators between two systems.

The implementation of Google Analytics alone cannot be used for tracking some purchases and transaction data which can affect the final figures as well. However, the system in tandem helps in avoiding this problem because factual reports can be received on the marketing and business effectiveness.

Google Analytics helps with demographic analysis, traffic sources, visit duration, location details, product views, session numbers, technical aspects, etc. On the other hand, CRM helps with sales, lead nurturing, customer age bracket and gender, products returned, email survey feedback, user loyalty, etc.

With the Google Analytics integration with CRM, the immediate features that can be availed are:

  1. No requirement for data structuring which largely simplifies the work of executors and the cost of the implementation as well.
  2. Preliminary verification can be done which reduces the occurrence of problems in the future. You can check before loading to prevent any errors.
  3. The system gets notified in case of any failures as it takes into account the specifics of Google Analytics Management API. In case it is necessary, support can be provided for troubleshooting.
  4. There is immense flexibility in using data which means that it is possible to use information from internal databases for generating GBQ reports.
  5. The integration does not require any involvement of specialists in the IT field. This functionality can be intuitive.

The CRM integration with Google Analytics can open new opportunities for working with new clients. With this integration, targeting will be as precise as possible. In essence, this integration enables remarketing, segmenting, and building custom reports.

Benefits of CRM Integration with Google Analytics


The overall benefits of using data from a CRM can be talked about limitlessly. There is a wide range of data that can open up new opportunities for further advancement. The main difference from Google Analytics, familiar to all of us, is the binding of information to the users.

Below, we will see the benefits of CRM integration with Google Analytics one by one.

1. Improved Monitoring

Improved Monitoring - Benefits of CRM Integration with Google Analytics

You can know all about a user and how that user has previously interacted with a company. In addition,
CRM integration helps in forming an analysis that allows for more monitoring.

Buyers can be segmented by the frequency of purchases and the average check while uploading information to Google Analytics for getting maximum results. This also makes it possible to create audiences that can be later used for remarketing.

It must be noted that it is best to start the integration process by ensuring that both platforms have a common data key, particularly when the integration is being done for remarketing. You can either display a CRM ID on your website or shift this to Google Analytics in a custom dimension form. In addition, you can also shift each customer ID produced by Google Analytics to your CRM.

Most people choose to display a CRM ID because of the simplicity that the option offers. This is a small ID setup modification that does not take much time. After the creation of a common key, you can transfer the CRM information to Google Analytics using the Data Import function. Another option is to create measurement protocol hits.

For receiving the CRM data in the Google Analytics account, you can create segments. Find the desired number of customers and pass the list to AdWords. You can also run a remarketing campaign when the synchronization gets finished.

2. Analysing Ad Performance in Detail

Let’s say that you have a part of users who make purchases from your brand continuously. Now the integration of CRM and Google Analytics can help you in preparing individual offers for these users which will further increase their loyalty towards your brand as well.

You can also stimulate consumers who have not been using services for a long time by using the targeted marketing strategies. For shoppers with a low average bill, you can offer them to purchase related products. Basically, the system stores information that can allow you to track the effectiveness of some products.

There is data on product margin and sales that can be used to create reports that demonstrate the detailed benefits of certain items in the assortment. This way, it can be understood which advertising activities are profitable. It is not possible to do something like that with just Google Analytics.

3. Cost Per Lead Metrics

Cost Per Lead Metrics - Benefits of CRM Integration with Google Analytics

Regardless of the business they might be in there are some ways that companies approach digital marketing. They either spend a fixed budget on digital marketing hoping it will bear results in increased leads or they count how many leads they receive per month from different campaigns while optimising the average cost per lead.

On the other hand, there is an evolved way of doing this which is adopted by some other companies. There are some companies that count the number of new customers received per month from different campaigns and optimise the average cost per month.

In addition, they also calculate the lifetime value of a customer versus the initial investment on getting that customer and optimising for a maximum peak. Businesses that adopt the last two methods are the ones who can succeed quickly above their competitors while overcoming any storm since they have an upper hand in business intelligence which can be easily maximized with the Google Analytics integration with CRM.

4. Analyzing Reaction on Content

Another reason why it is important to integrate Google Analytics with your CRM or lead management tool is that the integration helps in segmenting and analyzing the target audience reaction to the content.

To put this simply, the Google Analytics engagement and conversion metrics such as pages per session, bounce rate, attribution, times on-site, etc. can help in the segmentation of data by channel for seeing which content provides the highest engaged audiences. In case you use tracking URLs, you can even trace back to which piece of content performs best.

Even though not an explicit measure of content value, bounce rate can be combined with the time on page metric to understand the content value. In case a page has a high bounce rate and low page time then that denotes a poor value. However, if a page has a high bounce rate and a high time on the page then that means the content was engaging and solved the needs of a user. 

By the integration of Google Analytics with the CRM, you can combine the data with your lead data to see how the different segments of the target audience respond to the content. This knowledge can be accurately used in adapting your content to more accurately targeting the audience that you went to.

5. Tracking Revenue From All Sources

In case you are like most other businesses then your CRM system does not show you the source of your web leads. This can be causing you to spend a large part of your budget on low-quality leads that do not convert.  It is important to understand that you need more than just form fills and goal completions for making important marketing decisions.

It will not be enough for measuring your form fills because different traffic sources attract customers of different quality. There is a possibility that one channel may be capable of generating high converting long term clients but many times the other one can generate nothing but unqualified leads. One of the best ways to evaluate a marketing approach is to track the revenue it generates.

Google Analytics does not track offline revenue and as a matter of fact, most sales do not happen online. A maximum share of sales gets closed either on the phone or in person. By default, Google Analytics does not have access to these sales which means that you have no idea how much revenue was generated by a certain approach, ad, article, or even a keyword. This will result in spending money on leads that do not purchase anything.

6. Cross-functional Insights

Data is an important part of a growing business in a digital-first economy and it is available through Google Analytics easily. However, until the CRM integration happens, it is mostly not sorted, cleaned, analyzed, and made actionable for multiple teams who have a single and shared view of important information shared by a customer.

For instance, businesses of all sizes use Google Analytics for relying on digital marketing metrics and monitoring their website traffic. However, these businesses can learn quickly that the tools alone are not so useful for providing recommendations. In addition, marketing analytics do not translate across other departments.

With the integration of the CRM system, a comprehensive analysis of the customer’s online activity can be attained that paints a holistic picture of their needs. When a company is designed to maintain clean data in this way, the CRM can be used for collaborating, tabulating, and customizing data in a report for unique department needs.

The important differentiator lies in all reporting centres around the customer needs that eventually enables all teams to make decisions while keeping them at front and centre. Businesses can empower their teams with a single and unified view of the customer which serves as one of the biggest benefits of a CRM system integration. This also extends to other benefits once you have usable data.

Reports can be run to see where the opportunities are, how well they interact with leads and customers, sales trends, customer service efforts, and more. This informs each experience delivered to customers including all the online features.


All the team members in a business can gather important data and insights with the integration of a CRM system with Google Analytics. This helps in working together to provide exceptional customer-centric experiences.

Moreover, the data can be easily organized and presented by a CRM platform while leading to a better understanding of customers. This leads to better messaging and outreach which can be done with automation and further helps in an efficient customer service processes. As a result, the teams collaborate easily and reduce any siloes.

Out of all the benefits, using CRM integration for powering a more efficient company is one of the biggest. It can help in managing better customer relationships and better businesses.

In case you wish to have your Google Analytics integrated with a CRM then reach out to Encaptechno for immediate support. Our CRM consultants will help you get the best results with the integration.



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