
Digital MArketing

8 Ways to Upskill Your Digital Marketing Team

8 Ways to Upskill Your Digital Marketing Team

The present world is governed by digitization. All potential customers spend a decent amount of their time on their screens on an everyday basis. As a result, the growth of online buyers goes up each year and millions of buyers purchase products online as the numbers keep growing consistently. 

8 Ways to Upskill Your Digital Marketing Team

Online marketing is here to stay and for years to come. Hence, it is time to acquire new online marketing skills for boosting e-commerce growth. To enhance the online marketing team’s efficiency, it is important to focus on upskilling the team players for ensuring innovation and proficiency while keeping up with clients and projects. 

To upskill your digital marketing team, you should have more clarity on the trends of digital marketing and also the best methods required to keep digital marketing afloat and thriving. Keep reading to know more about how you can help your teams and also stay competitive at the same time. 

What is Upskilling?

Upskilling is essentially the effort that enables teams to acquire new skills in a specific field. As a Project Manager, it is your responsibility to encourage your team players to keep working toward their professional and personal development. 

Obviously, this does not mean that your team members are not capable themselves but you can encourage them to walk that extra mile for delivering projects on time. What you have to understand is that your team members need that extra push from time to time for acquiring new knowledge and skills while giving you a fresh outlook every time.

You can increase your chances of accomplishing tasks more creatively, innovatively, and with much higher proficiency. In addition, it is important to ensure that the teammates also keep track of time with the latest market trends for bringing more excitement and positive collaborations at the workplace.

To put this another way, upskilling is an extremely effective workplace trend in the present world’s dynamic work culture. It is aimed at facilitating continuous learning through different development opportunities and training programs conducted either internally or externally. It helps in filling the skill gaps and allows players to find their strengths and weaknesses.

Let us now look at some of the trends you should consider for upskilling your team when it comes to online marketing. 

What is Upskilling

1. Influencer Marketing

Social media has increased in popularity more than any other medium in the past few days. Influencer marketing is an effective medium in the present world of eCommerce marketing world. Prominent influencers with a good target base and market standing can boost a business tremendously. Hence, your teams must learn how to approach and work with the new-age digital influencers.

2. Organized Project Management

The projects have become much more organized with new task management tools and applications. You can offer training sessions to your teams and ensure that they use the task organization and project management tools for much better efficiency.

3. Encouraging Workplace

Very often, workplace expectations keep changing in modern times where most employees are only interested in developing their careers and adding more value to their professional lives. You can make your team members considerably valuable by offering them online marketing training programs.

In the present digital transformation world, it has become absolutely important to upskill your digital marketing team while planning and implementing a competitive marketing strategy that can help you stay ahead of your competitors. 

You can upskill your employer base by enabling them to improve their ethics, approaches, and fluency. In addition, you can also learn about the importance of working together as a team with effective collaborations. The upskilling programs help in improving a team’s productivity, boosting employee performance, increasing employee retention rate, and helping team players learn their strengths.

Methods to Upskill Your Digital Marketing Team

Methods to Upskill Your Digital Marketing Team

1. Forming KPIs

It is absolutely essential to establish the right KPIs as technology allows companies to track data regardless of whether they are interested in finding more about click rates, bounce rates, or customer lifetime value. 

In case you are serious about improving your marketing team then it may be the right time to start thinking about new ways that can contribute to your future success. If your company is offering a free trial but you are not able to convert website visitors then it might be the right time to take a better look at your landing page or feature unique benefits prominently. 

It may also be the time for your business to begin looking at important KPIs while you scale. You can establish many critical KPIs and also focus on improving them if you seriously want to build your marketing team. In addition, you can establish new KPI time frames including moving from one way of doing things to another way.

You can also contemplate the kind of KPIs that may be outdated. The KPIs must be replaced with improved ones that can measure marketing success because once they are established you can focus on improving them. 

This is a consistently developing process as some KPIs might prove to be way more important in the future as compared to others. Suitable changes can be made accordingly for achieving desired results. 

2. Widen Your Horizons

There are many digital marketers but you must be clear about the kind of professionals you want to hire. Think about the personality traits in addition to the skills that you may be looking for in a professional and do not be limited to hiring these professionals outside of your city, state, or even country. 

The remote working boon of some years has managed to allow marketers to work from home while travelling while opening up employee pools for companies that are willing to hire remote working staff. 

Organizations of all kinds and sizes are already in a place to hire more remote workers from all over the world. Many companies might also consider hiring individuals that are different from typical marketers for adding to a marketing team.

A journalist or a media professional might just be able to land your organization in a high-profile publication. In a similar way, someone who may be interested in design may also be able to contribute to an overall marketing strategy. 

3. Campaign Management

All organizations have to consider short-term and long-term marketing campaigns. The short-term marketing campaign may involve things such as good blogs and current events and trends. 

On the other hand, long-term marketing campaigns may be good for content strategy and improve SEO rankings in the coming time. A company should be able to balance all kinds of campaigns to become more successful. 

Many businesses can take action for increasing traffic by involving influencers to endorse their business or a post about a company that eventually ends up doing well on the internet. The focus should be on long-term strategies to offer a foundation for more leads and revenue in the future.

Ideally, short-term marketing campaigns should create sufficient cash flow for funding long-term campaigns. Long-term campaigns can be important for building a brand and it can be great to spend time on a good marketing strategy but also provide a solid base for future revenue.

4. Build Your Strengths

A business may have a good amount of information about what it is doing well and what is not. For instance, data may suggest that a landing page is sending a clear message about a product or a service. There might also be some blog content that can perform well when it comes to explaining benefits. 

In case you know what is working then it is important to double on that strength. In case you have taken a decision to hire a content marketer and see that there is more return on investment than you had assumed then you can think of a plan that can work about ramping up the campaign. 

On the other hand, if you have hired a marketer part-time then it might be the time for you to offer a full-time position to them. It can be worthwhile to hire more marketers if this approach works well for you. If you have always had substantial website traffic and email marketing then you can build on this and ensure that the numbers improve. 

The best part of building on your strengths is that it can take lesser time and effort because the efforts work well and the team can focus on changing and optimizing the plan. In case it is working then it makes sense to commit completely to the overall marketing strategy. 

5. Experiment More

There is no specific rule book for marketing. In fact, there can be many surprising trends that can actually end up surprising marketers globally. A key to marketing is to try new things while also remaining loyal to your brand. 

Make sure that your digital marketing team is never afraid to try more experimental campaigns that can end up offering insight even when they are not as successful. Most marketing experiments can create data that tell you specific things about customers that you do not realize. 

You may just figure out why a brand is perceived a specific way or even find that a target customer has a different persona than you initially thought. Sometimes you can also discover more about new marketing channels that your customers prefer that can help in informing a future ad campaign.

Sometimes you may discover that one social media platform is much better than a marketing channel for your company or a podcast may end up generating many leads in the future. You can actually devote a specific percentage of your budget to experimentation so that the results can lead to better marketing decisions. 

Successful marketing campaigns involve considerable work and a good risk as well. Hence, the digital marketing team must be working on new ideas and testing concepts to figure out what can be improved, why it works, and how it applies.

6. Recruiting the Right Talent

In case you are interested in taking digital marketing seriously then you cannot just hire anybody. It actually takes some time, effort, and money to find good teams. Excellent results are only possible when you hire the best marketers.

You must be focused on going out of your way to provide the best incentives to people because that will help attract the best talent. In case your team is not contributing properly then it may be time for you to think about posting then you can start posting specific job roles for marketers.

7. Test Before Hire

If you want to hire the best digital marketing team then you should also have the right hiring and recruiting process. This may include many interviews for finding if the staff fits in your company culture while also reviewing the portfolio and asking for proof that the marketing ideas lead to cash flow. 

Furthermore, it is also necessary to ensure that the candidates are qualified just as they say they are. You can test their skills to make sure that they completely understand the importance of taking the right decisions when it comes to marketing campaigns. This helps in offering peace of mind and technical skills required for growth.

8. Company Culture

A fact about the modern job market is that multiple candidates are attracted to companies only because of the company culture that they offer. Some organizations can attract the best talent because they stand by specific reasons like diversity, transparency, and sustainability. 

Your business must go out of its way to make sure that it helps companies build a culture that attracts the best marketers. The website can clarify your company culture too because it enables you to feature content that elaborates on company beliefs and principles. You can feature specific positions and optimize the application process for convenience.

Related Read: A Detailed Guide to Marketing Automation


Upskilling your digital marketing team can benefit your business and also give your employees the message that you genuinely care for them. You can focus on self-growth and development while finding innovative ways to grow and succeed in the coming years. Hence, it is best to invest in employee training and upskilling your team. Get in touch with us to discover how we can support your team’s journey towards excellence in the dynamic digital landscape.

8 Ways to Upskill Your Digital Marketing Team Read More »

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Google Ads Quality Score

7 Ways to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score

If you didn’t know this already then you should know that Google Ads can call out your rating quality score. Google uses a tool for finding how the ads can affect the overall user experience when they are measured against certain keywords. 

Google Ads Quality Score

When digital marketers use quality scores, they can find which parts of their marketing campaign must be improved and hence how can the Google Ad Quality Score be improved. In addition, it also gives a better sense of how well an ad quality can be compared to other advertisers. 

A higher quality score means that an ad and a landing page are much more relevant and useful to search queries. There are useful methods by which the Google Ad quality score can be improved. In this blog, we will see 7 ways to improve the Google Ad quality score. 

If you are into digital marketing or the owner of a business and wish to learn more about improving your ad experience then keep reading to know more. Let us first begin with what is quality score and how is it calculated.

What is Google Ad Quality Score?

Quality score is essentially a diagnostic tool that is meant to give you a better sense of how an ad’s quality compares to other advertisers. This is a score that can be measured on a scale from 1-10 and is also available at the keyword level. 

A better quality score means that an ad and landing page are relevant and useful to someone who may be looking for a keyword as compared to other advertisers. The quality score diagnostic can be used for identifying where it can be beneficial to improve the ads, landing pages, and keyword selection.

It must be noted that the quality score is a key performance indicator and it should not be optimized or aggregated with the data. It is also not an input in the ad auction but a diagnostic tool for identifying how ads show certain keywords affecting the overall user experience.

What is the Importance of Google Ad Quality Score? 

To begin with, it is important to understand that the Quality Score must remain different from key performance metrics. You must not optimize the Quality Score but focus on using it for identifying the areas that require optimization. There are primarily two reasons why the Google Ad Quality Score matters so much. 

  1. From the perspective of Google, the Quality Score is important because it explains to Google how relevant an ad can be. In case Google does not perceive the ad as relevant, the ad might not get served. In addition, Google uses Ads to ensure that they are relevant to the people searching. This is how Google can offer the best possible experience to searchers.
  2. Secondly, if we see the perspective of the advertiser then the Quality Score is important because it determines the success of an account. It is used for finding Ad Rank along with the bid. The advertiser who has the highest Ad Rank will get the highest position. 
What is the Importance of Google Ad Quality Score

The bid and quality scores decide the rank of the ad. Often, the advertiser’s mistake having a high budget with the best ad position and visibility. This also explains why Google Search campaigns have a lower CPC compared to the usual search campaigns while achieving a high ad rank and position as well. 

One of the best moves that you can make is to bid on your brand name. Also, the competitors often struggle to achieve better relevance than you when you bid on the brand terms.

Related Read: Maximize Your PPC Ads ROI with Google Ads Performance Planner

How To Calculate Your Quality Score?

The quality score can be calculated on the combined performance of three components. They are mentioned below. 

  • Expected Clickthrough Rate (CTR) – The likelihood that an ad will be clicked when it is shown.
  • Ad Relevance: The way in which an ad matches the intent behind a user search.
  • Landing Page Experience: How relevant and useful is a landing page to people who click on the ads.
How To Calculate Your Quality Score

All components are evaluated with statuses that belong to three categories – Average, Below Average, and Above Average. The status that an ad belongs will come under comparison with other advertisers whose ads are shown for a similar keyword over the last three months.

In case the ad belongs to Average or Below Average status then it may be time to make some improvements. There are some things to keep in mind when it comes to the Google ad Quality Score. They are:

  1. The Quality Score is dependent on historical importance for searches of a keyword, therefore, changing the keyword match types will not impact the Quality Score.
  2. In case you notice a “-” in the column of Quality Score then it means there are not enough searches that match the keywords for determining a keyword’s Quality Score.
  3. There are factors related to your ad quality that may not be recorded by the Quality Score. These factors commonly include location, time, assets, and devices used in the search.
  4. The information taken from Google’s various crawlers might be used for assessing ad quality which can then be reflected in the Quality Score. 

How Can You Check Your Quality Score?

There are some simple steps for checking the Google quality score. They are mentioned below. 

  1. In the Google Ads account, click on the icon of the campaign. 
  2. Once you have done this, click on the Audience, Keywords, and Content drop-down in the section menu.
  3. Click on Search keywords.
  4. On the upper right corner of the table, click on the “Columns” icon.
  5. Below the “Modify Columns for Keywords”, you can open the Quality Score section. For seeing the current Quality Score and the component status, choose the options such as Quality Score, Landing Page Exp, Exp CTR, Ad Relevance, etc.
  6. You can also see past the Quality Score stats for the reporting period that you may be looking at and choose any metrics from Quality Score, Landing Page Experience (Hist.), Ad Relevance (Hist.), and Exp. CTR. (Hist.).

7 Ways For Improving Google Ads Quality Score:

Quality Score is a valuable tool for identifying ways to improve ads, keywords, and landing pages. You can think of a Quality Score as an indicator of which areas should be focused on for improving the ad quality rather than a score that should be optimized. 

In this article, we will help you discover different ways to improve the Google Ad quality score.

1. Review the Quality Score Components

For insights on where you can make improvements, you must go deeper into the three components of the Quality Score. These components are the Expected Clickthrough Rate, Ad Relevance, and Landing Page experience.

Looking into these components can be useful for seeing whether you should update the ad text, keyword selection, or landing page content. In addition, you will also be able to see the status that the ad might belong to (Above Average, Average, or Below Average) for all components to give a better sense of all areas that need improvement.

Optimize Clicks, Relevance, Page. Enhance ad, keywords, and UX. Prioritize user needs for performance. The focus must be on the long-term performance goals and the way in which they can be reached so that eventually the user experience can be improved as a diagnostic tool. 

2. Make Ads Relevant to Keywords

The ad relevance may show how relevant your ad can be to the keywords that are being targeted. If the ad relevance has a status of being Below Average or Average then you should try the best practices such as matching the language of ad text directly to user search terms. 

You can look for ad groups with different types of keywords that can be easily addressed by the same ad and even split the ad groups that match the searches made by the user. You can also try grouping the keywords into themes to increase overall relevance. 

The themes can be based on products, services, and other different categories. For instance, if you offer Software Development services then you can have a group of keywords for “Software development services”, “Software development”, etc.

3. Improve Your Clickthrough Rate (CTR)

The expected clickthrough rate shows how likely people are to click on your ad. In case the expected click-through rate does have a status of being below average or average then there are some practices that you can follow. 

You can edit your text to make an offer more compelling to a specific audience. Make sure that the details in the ad match the intent of the keywords. Go ahead and highlight the benefits of a product or a service that you are offering. 

It can also help to experiment with different call-to-action buttons that can connect closely with a landing page. Create a compelling call to action button with words such as “Buy, Sell, Browse, Find, Sign Up, Get a Quote.” Make sure that you are specific in the ad text. 

There can be times when a specific ad leads to lower CTRs but sometimes higher conversion rates. Your attempt should be to maintain a balance that leads to the best performance for all your goals. 

7 Ways to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score

4. Update the Landing Page

You can bring people to a site and offer them a great experience on the website. In case the landing page has a status of average or below average then you can try to update the landing page. 

Try to give people what they may be looking for. In case someone looks up “Zoho CRM Consultation” and also clicks the ad for “Zoho CRM Consultation” the landing page must feature the benefits of this consultation.

You must keep messaging consistently from ads to landing pages. Also, make sure that the page follows through on the ad’s offer or call to action button. Even if you have no control over the site, you can still experiment to look for useful existing pages.

You can use conversion rates to ensure a good landing page experience. This does not impact the landing page status but it ensures that the landing page gets measured and optimised. Your effort should be to make a website mobile-friendly because ease of navigation is something that users value more. 

There is a Mobile Friendly Test by Google that helps in seeing the landing page working on mobile devices. You can also be focused on improving the loading speed as that decides the difference between someone buying something or just bouncing off the page.

5. Use Other Metrics

Make an effort to look at other metrics in the account such as conversion rate, site engagement, and clickthrough rate. They can be connected to the performance and also help as you keep looking for areas that must be improved.

When you see your performance, you can also use the Quality Score as a filter for understanding where your efforts must be focused. You can look through high-performing keywords and also use Quality Score to identify which ones might do better with changes to ads and landing pages. 

You can use low-quality scores and component status to find weaker trends for ad relevance, landing page experience, and a clickthrough rate that may exist on an account, and set long-term plans for improvements.

6. Write Good Ad Copy

You should have relevant ad copy that includes the best-performing keywords in an ad group in the headline, description, and URL. It is necessary that the ad does not look robotic and actually sounds compelling. 

It is best to follow the previous step and write a relevant ad copy that includes some of the best-performing keywords in the ad group. Create a tailored ad copy for all of the products to increase the ad relevance. On the better side of things, there are tools that can be useful for reaching your goals.

The ad creation builder helps in combining product information and adding static text to the combination. The advertiser uses product name, brand, and product price to build a universal ad pattern.

7. Add Ad Extensions

Even though ad extensions don’t necessarily affect the Quality Score, they have always helped in increasing the CTR. Ad extensions are an effective way of expanding an ad. They can increase the amount of space that an ad uses in search engine and gives additional information about a business. 

The CTR and expected click-through rate benefit from including many relevant ad extensions. Site links, callouts, and structured extensions are important to all businesses and must be included. Addition ad extensions are extremely relevant where they are about price, promotion, or location. 

Related Read: 8 Ways Google Ads Can Improve Your SEO Results

Embark on the Journey

The above-mentioned ways are effective for increasing the Google Ad Quality Score and also impact overall results. You can actually improve the ad experience, and landing page experience and also achieve a higher CTR that helps in seeing an increase in Ad Rank.

Ready to amplify your google ads

In case you need any more assistance in the implementation of these methods with our expert Digital Consultants who have a firm knowledge of all ways that can improve Google Ad Quality Score. 

7 Ways to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score Read More »

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