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SEO Audit - Why is it Important For Your Website_ Discover Top 10 Reasons Now! - Encaptechno

SEO Audit – Why is it Important For Your Website? Discover Top 10 Reasons Now!

SEO Audit - Why is it Important For Your Website_ Discover Top 10 Reasons Now!

One of the essential foundations of e-commerce and digital marketing services is Search Engine Optimization or SEO. SEO is a broad science that includes everything from keyword research and image optimization to backlink building and content generation. 

A well-executed Search Engine Optimization plan will increase the visibility of your website and products in search engines, resulting in increased organic traffic. Every company’s business card is its website, and when used correctly in marketing initiatives, it can boost your brand’s online presence. You probably already know how important a company’s website and search engine ranking are. 

What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit of your website is an in-depth examination of the numerous aspects that influence your site’s organic search engine performance on Google or Bing. SEO audits aid in the detection of both SEO and website performance concerns. 

For various reasons, including Google’s regular search algorithm adjustments and changes in user search behaviour, a website must be constantly analyzed and optimized.

  • An SEO audit will tell you how to improve your website so that it appears in the top searches of your target customers.
  • It will also aid you in creating your brand authority and increasing conversions.
  • In its most basic form, an SEO audit aims to evaluate your website’s strengths, shortcomings, and potential for long-term success.
  • An SEO audit is a vital health check that allows domain owners (you) to assess their website’s capacity to rank in the search engine results pages (SERPs) (search engine results pages).
  • It entails examining your site through the eyes of Google and other search engines. 
  • Additionally, an SEO audit allows you to identify areas that need improvement and activities that are harmful to your website’s rating. 
  • The SEO audit aims to find as many foundational errors as possible that affect organic search performance.

With SEO Audit, you can analyze the following most effectively:-

  1. SEO concerns of a technical nature
  2. Issues with the structure of the website
  3. Issues with on-page SEO
  4. Offsite issues 
  5. Problems with the user experience
  6. Gaps in content and opportunity
  7. Competitive market intelligence

An audit is a routine exercise that should be carried out regularly; it’s akin to a health check for your website. 

Importance of SEO Audit

Top 10 Benefits of SEO Audit - Encaptechno

61% of marketers conclude their top inbound marketing priority is enhancing SEO and growing their organic presence.

Aside from that, performing an SEO audit will benefit you in the following ways.

1. Know Your Competition

SEO audits can provide data about your competitors’ websites, including their strengths and weaknesses. Using SEO auditing tools, you may also conduct a full SEO assessment of your competitor’s site. You’ll discover their keyword ranking, backlinks, SEO strategies, and their limitations and strengths. For example, you can check which of their articles is the most popular or receives the most backlinks, and if their tactic is successful, you can copy their approach and improve your SEO results. You can also want to concentrate on keywords that your competitors aren’t performing well for and strengthen your position for those instead. Knowing your competitors is critical for your business, significantly if ranking higher than you on search engines.

2. Update with the Latest Trends

SEO is a highly dynamic subject with hundreds of standards of best practices constantly changing. For example, there was a time when submitting news releases to a dozen different press release agencies might result in a thousand valuable backlinks to your website. The same strategy could now result in your website being sandboxed. What about exact match anchor links, keyword density recommendations, and other ranking factors?

How are you believed to maintain with all of these changes? 

You don’t have to, though. An SEO audit using one of the SEO tools can aid in the identification of these outdated tactics.

3. Find Out Which Keywords Bring Maximum Traffic

We all want to rank organically for keywords with the most volume and relevance. Small and medium-sized firms’ websites, on the other hand, frequently rank higher for less competitive and long-tail keywords. Using keyword analysis as part of an audit, you may level the playing field by determining the most practical terms for your company and speciality. However, if those keywords aren’t bringing in any traffic, let alone the correct kind of traffic, it’s almost useless. If you’re ranking well for a keyword but getting little traffic from it, it’s possible that your buyer persona isn’t exploring that terminology or that it has a low search volume. An SEO audit will help you choose your target audience’s search phrases and variants. 

You can then use this information to fill in the holes in your SEO strategy by developing and optimizing content.

4. Insights into Website Traffic

You may find out about your search volume, URL clicks, and impressions your website produces on search results by performing a comprehensive SEO website analysis and using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Increased clicks and impressions are always a good sign that your SEO strategy is working – make sure you regularly keep track of this data. In addition, SEO audits are a great approach to examining and benchmarking your website for accomplishments, problems, and the best ways to improve it. A complete analysis will give you valuable insights into what you should include in your SEO strategy and changes to improve the performance of your website and, most importantly, earn a return on investment.

5. Spot Out-of-Date Information

The existence of outdated content could be one of the reasons why your organic performance is deteriorating. It’s critical to supply relevant and new content for your website to be seen and ranked by search engines. You can increase your search engine rankings and user experience (UX) with the correct SEO site assessment. There is nothing to get rid of old content on your website, just like there isn’t one for any other white hat SEO method. So start excavating as soon as possible. Some of the content on your website may be obsolete. It’s critical to provide search engines with not just relevant but also new content, as well as a cause to return. If no one visits or returns to your website after six months, reassess the content or remove it.

6. Identify and Resolve Both On and Offshore Problems

An in-depth website audit will assist you in identifying any offsite or onsite issues driving traffic away from your site. For example, spam, hidden content, hostile URLs, and backlinks are some problems driving traffic away from your website. These difficulties might have an impact on your website’s total traffic, as well as your conversions. A professional website SEO audit can help you locate and even fix these issues before they get out of hand.

7. Analysis of backlinks

Every search engine considers backlinks to be the essential ranking indication. Because backlinks are regarded as endorsements, their quantity and authority can disproportionately impact your SERP ranking and visibility.

Backlinks from anchor text, guest posts, and press releases are no longer available. Search engine algorithms have improved, and websites that employ shady tactics to get backlinks will be penalized. SEO audits allow you to examine the source of not just your backlinks but also those of your successful competitors. This will show you how to replicate their link strategy. Audits will also reveal low-quality backlinks from link farms or spam directories, harming your website’s search engine rating. The general rule is that the more reliable connections you have to great content, the higher your site will rank. So why do most people have no idea what domains connect to their websites if backlinks are so important? It is critical to understand where you stand. 

8. Maintain Your Website Rankings

Google’s algorithms are also updated regularly. These algorithm modifications are complicated to keep track of and may or may not impact your website’s ranking. This is where the SEO audit comes into action. SEO auditing tools use Google measurements to assist you in making data-driven and up-to-date recommendations on what adjustments to make to your website. In addition, search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing continually upgrade their algorithms to deliver better search results. You should be aware of these changes to make appropriate changes to your website’s content.

9. Improve Your Website’s Speed, Security, and User Experience

Search engines favour well-designed and well-maintained websites and those that are quick, secure, and provide a positive user experience. Consequently, they increase the visibility of such websites in their search engine result page or SERP rankings. However, clients frequently ask about website speed and efficiency in website construction. Fortunately, the time you create and design your website isn’t the only time you may influence its efficacy.

On the other hand, websites become heavier over time as thousands of lines of code are present at any given time, and security vulnerabilities will gradually accumulate unnoticed. 

Regular SEO audits will assist organizations in identifying emerging problems on their website and implementing corrective steps.

10. Improves Usability

The usability of your website is critical to your e-commerce success. It is concerned with logic, easy navigation, and usable interfaces. In general, usability refers to how easy something is to use. Your sales and conversion rates will not increase no matter how much traffic you have if your usability is terrible. The process of creating a website is a mix of science and art. We want a functional, user-friendly, but also attractive and memorable website. However, aesthetics might have an impact on your website’s usability. An SEO tool will assist you in identifying some of your website’s navigational, functional, and structural flaws. Resolving these issues can immediately improve your website’s usability and improve your clients’ experience.


Regular SEO audits are highly beneficial to a company’s website. The search engine market evolves rapidly, and what works now may not work in six months. Therefore, an SEO audit can strategically improve your website’s performance, improve SEO, and increase conversions if done correctly. In addition, conducting an SEO audit on your own may reveal several areas that want attention. Because you are so familiar with your website, crucial components of it may go ignored. That’s why getting a third-party SEO audit can be beneficial — you can compare the results to assess your website’s overall quality accurately.

Sure, you could do the audit yourself and get the same results, but with an SEO audit professional at Encaptechno that cares as much about your site and its rankings as you do, you can be confident in your SEO strategy. 

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8 Things You Must Know Before Running PPC Ads | Encaptechno

8 Essential Things You Must Know Before Running PPC Ads

8 Things You Must Know Before Running PPC Ads | Encaptechno

A well-managed pay-per-click ad campaign is an integral part of an overall marketing strategy. It usually impacts conversions and the overall business revenue as well. That said, it is also important to note that a poorly managed ad campaign can also do more damage than not having a campaign at all as it can cost more than what it brings in.

There are multiple aspects that must be managed for maximizing the overall result of digital marketing services. It goes without saying that one of the most essential layers is an optimization which is actually a requirement for a PPC advertising campaign. There is never any one approach but there are different ways that help in optimizing the PPC campaigns.

What is Pay Per Click Advertising?

What is Pay Per Click Advertising?

Pay-per-click is an advertising model in which you pay for clicks. It works when you buy some clicks from Google or any other search engine. Essentially, PPC advertising is a method that is used to quickly leverage search engine traffic by either paying or bidding for keywords that are related to what you are selling or a service that you might be providing.

In PPC ads, you are only supposed to pay when someone clicks on your ads, visits your websites, or also calls your business. The PPC ads give you an opportunity to be noticed by a wider audience while materializing your lead generation strategy. You can change your ads anytime to reach a specific group of people or to promote a deal or a product. This acts as a resource for companies that cannot update their SEO frequently for promoting sales or seasonal changes in their products or services.

Google Ads also gives you an option of marketing your business outside of Google Search by getting displayed on the Google Display Network. With the flexibility that the PPC ads offer, they can help many businesses attract attention from people who matter right at the moment when they are looking for a business.

Why PPC?

Why PPC?

PPC is an advertising method that helps to see immediate results. You can start seeing what it is capable of offering right after you can make your PPC campaign go live. The pay-per-click ads are directly related to seeing traffic, clicks, and conversions. The PPC ads are placed right at the top of a SERP page.

Running and managing a PPC campaign only needs an experienced paid search specialist and also a good writer who can compose informative content, attractive ads, and landing pages. When you use pay-per-click ads, you have an option to target customers with search ads, shopping ads, Gmail ads, and much more.

All you have to do is use the right advertising tools to reach your audience and encourage them to buy from you or even make an inquiry. When you run a PPC campaign, you get access to a wide range of data on the ads and keywords the customers can click on before making any purchase. This also signifies that you can make changes to a campaign to optimize it and improve the investment rate that is spent on ads.

It is rather simple to run A/B testing with the help of Google Ads and run a campaign to drive continued improvements and get better returns. You can also implement a targeted approach to offer ads that cater to specific customers.

Irrespective of whether you wish to target searches on location, device, time, and other factors, you can use a PPC campaign to reach out to people who are more than likely to buy.

Things to Consider for Running PPC Ads

1. Keyword Research

Keyword Research | Things to Consider for Running PPC Ads

It is essential to perform detailed keyword research as a preliminary step for creating a pay-per-click campaign. The keywords can be short tail, long tail and even negative.

After you choose the keywords, the search queries can be targeted based on a broad match, a specific match, and even a phrase match. Choosing the right keywords for a product or a service is extremely important. This is primarily because of how you wish your ad will end up showing in front of a particular audience.

You must understand that the keywords act as a digital magnet, and they lead you towards users who are likely to engage with the ads and customers. There is a lot to learn about how the keywords must be used and the ways in which they can be optimized. You must make an effort to learn this part.

2. Understand Your Audience

If you and your partner are going out for a meal and the two of you enjoy Chinese cuisine then it is likely that you would prefer that. To make this simple, you will be focused on enjoying things that make you feel comfortable while avoiding the ones that do not.

This is something that goes with the audience as well. If you wish to make people engage with your PPC ads then you must consider the personality of buyer care while offering personalized experiences.

Sometimes, this may seem basic but tangible research must be done for understanding a buyer’s persona. You must do this right because if you do not, then you will not be able to target the ads in the right way.

3. Good Quality Ad Copy

Creating optimized pay-per-click ads is like a game of careful changes, and if the words are wrong then the results will not be so good. Each word matters. In fact, changing even words can lead to an increase in the click-through rate by a remarkable percentage.

There are multiple things to follow for creating an excellent pay-per-click ad that has the potential to attract more prospects. You must focus on showing people how you wish to solve their problems because, in the end, each ad must mirror the end goals of a visitor. Before writing the copy, ask yourself if the service or a product fulfils the needs.

It can also pay off to consider emotional triggers because people often act based on their emotions and not logic. An ad may describe a product adequately, but it can be even better to describe how it makes other people feel. This is an approach that appeals to emotions and also makes engagement easy.

The next thing to keep in mind is to show the benefits. Remember to tell your audience how a product or service will likely improve their lifestyle. Put it all in the spotlight because it has always been better to highlight the benefits than the features.

Lastly, you can add a deadline because loss aversion is a proven method for driving conversions as it acts as a motivational force. The entire idea of losing out on acquiring something is also known to move many shoppers out of their comfort. One of the best ways in which this can be implemented is by adding a countdown timer.

4. Remarketing Campaigns

| ThRemarketing Campaigns | Things to Consider for Running PPC Adsings to Consider for Running PPC Ads

Remarketing campaigns are extremely important because only a few people who visit your website are likely to make a purchase. You can either make the others who are left go away, or you can drive them back to you with an implementation of an excellent remarketing campaign.

It does not matter where you are running ads, all search engines have a possibility of running remarketing campaigns. With the proper search engine marketing, the ads can be tailored for people who had engaged with your brand before but were not able to make a purchase the first time.

When you display an ad multiple times to the same users, you allow them to raise awareness about a brand and offer new promotions to the prospects. The more people understand and know your products and services, the more likely they will become your customers.

5. Advertising Automation

Advertising Automation | Things to Consider for Running PPC Ads

The automation process has changed the advertising game in many different ways and some have been covered before. There is an ever-changing technology that enables you to increase leads, generate revenue and even increase leads.

Advertising automation is getting things done in less time and more efficiently. There are no more mistakes, and the entire game is changed since the advertiser can get rid of repetitive and tedious tasks. You can instead focus on creative tasks.

That said, it must be noted that automation can go beyond improved workloads. The system analyzes many data points for making the best decisions while considering the goals and budgets. Automation and optimization go hand in hand.

6. Optimize Your Website

Optimize Your Website | Things to Consider for Running PPC Ads

Way before you start a pay-per-click campaign, it is essential to wait for a moment and also address the landing pages so that they can work in sync with your ads. When the prospects click on a pay-per-click ad, it is usually because the ad’s content intrigues them, and they also want to know more.

If the link they click on takes them to a completely unrelated page on your website, then this prospect will likely bounce. Clicking on a PPC ad is an action that can be linked to knowing about your brand, which is why it is very important to create landing pages that also coincide with the ad’s content.

For instance, if you were running a pay-per-click ad offering food at a restaurant, then the landing page should have included more details about the promotion, a coupon for redeeming and something related to the ad content.

Another important thing to remember is that you must always optimize your landing pages for better performance because if a prospect clicks on an ad and it does not load quickly, they will likely bounce. Make an effort to increase your site conversions so that the prospects who have come later can follow through easily.

You can use clear and attractive call-to-action buttons for site optimization. Using a simple design with good white space can also be helpful. You can write compelling headlines and copy that is clear. You can also consider using images that can attract attention. Finally, consider adding information that is easy to understand using bullets, visuals, and quotations.

7. Set a Budget

Set a Budget | Things to Consider for Running PPC Ads

It is essential to set a budget for a pay-per-click ad campaign, but one of the best parts is that you can also do it on a limited budget while retaining close control over how much you spend.

In case you are new to PPC and do not have a lot of money to spend, then you can get started with an intelligent investment. But being clear about the budget is essential, and it will lead to a result-oriented ad campaign.

8. Create a Good Ad

After you have considered everything mentioned above, then it is time to create an ad. One of the important things to remember is to keep the ad short and to the point so that there is not a lot of time to attract the attention of prospects.

There is no need to be overly creative but you must be focused on grabbing attention, holding the interest of people and piquing their curiosity as well. To grab attention, think of coming up with a unique value proposition that can allow you to benefit customers in a short way.

The ad must be attractive, short, and purposeful for it to attract the attention of customers. This is the best way in which they can take action.


Conclusion | 8 Things You Must Know Before Running PPC Ads

PPC is not so difficult, but it definitely requires a sound knowledge of how marketing works, along with planning and research in case you wish to get the best ROI. The important thing is to remember that you should optimize your landing page and set a budget and a bidding strategy.

After your ad has launched, also keep in mind that you have to track, measure, test, and change to make sure that the PPC efforts are producing traffic, conversions, and leads. You can either do this by yourself or hire professional digital marketing consultants to make things work better. 

8 Essential Things You Must Know Before Running PPC Ads Read More »

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Google Analytics 4: Complete Overview

Google Analytics 4: A Complete Overview

Google Analytics 4: Complete Overview
If you own a website, you understand how critical it is to monitor your website traffic, marketing performance, page performance, overall website health, and key performance indicators (KPIs). Millions of businesses and websites use Google Analytics to track user interaction across web domains, mobile apps, and offline APIs. 

What is GA4?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4), released in mid-October 2020, extends the regular Google Analytics Suite designed to help website owners gain a more comprehensive view of their customers’ behavior and website traffic data. GA4 replaces Universal Analytics (UA) as the default measurement method for digital analytics in GA. In 2022, Google announced that GA4 would be the only option starting July 1, 2023.

Google Analytics 4 is a powerful marketing insight tool that will assist you in making better marketing decisions. Google Analytics 4 is a new, more intelligent property built to last. It outperforms a Universal Analytics (UA) property in tracking, reporting, and insights. In addition, Google Analytics 4 introduces a new version that differs significantly from the traditional “universal” Analytics.

The new Google Analytics 4 includes several key features that distinguish it from the previous version. One of the most critical differences in the latest data modeling feature, which uses AI to fill in data gaps where cookie-consent rules may block traditional Analytics. In addition, Google Analytics 4 is a web analytics service that allows you to track traffic and engagement on your websites and apps. Google Analytics 4’s property is also adaptable. It can collect data from a website, a mobile app, or both. Universal Analytics properties, on the other hand, only support websites.

Finally, machine learning is also used in Google Analytics 4 to capture valuable insights. This new method assists you in understanding user engagement across multiple devices, platforms, and domains. These more thoughtful insights will assist you in making better marketing and business decisions. And, ultimately, a higher ROI.

Shift from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics G4

Universal Analytics was designed for a new generation of online measurement anchored in the desktop web, independent sessions, and more easily observable cookie data. However, this method of measurement is rapidly becoming obsolete. Meanwhile, Google Analytics 4 works across platforms, does not rely solely on cookies, and provides user-centric measurement through an event-based data model.

Google Analytics is a means used by nearly 30 million websites to understand user behavior better and create a better user experience. So it’s no surprise that when Google announced the switch to GA4, marketers, and website owners had a lot of questions. And while Universal Analytics provides several privacy controls, Google Analytics 4 is built with privacy in mind to provide a better experience for both the customers and their users. It enables businesses to meet changing needs and user expectations by providing more comprehensive and granular data collection and usage controls. Significantly, IP addresses will no longer be stored in Google Analytics 4. These solutions and controls are critical in today’s international data privacy landscape, where users are increasingly expecting greater privacy protections and data control.

Capabilities of Google Analytics G4

Complete data controls

Complete data controls
With the new update, Google Analytics 4 users can now drill down on data on a more granular scale, making more informed marketing decisions. For example, the acquisition tab has significantly been improved to provide a more comprehensive view of your daily traffic. In addition, the breakdowns of user acquisition and traffic acquisition have been enhanced to include more visually appealing and granular data. Furthermore, Google Analytics 4 provides you and your users with more intuitive and precise control over what personal data is collected, assisting you in complying with current and future privacy regulations. You can also create custom comparisons across various data channels to better understand how your traffic transits from week to week and month to month. GA4 employs a flexible approach to measurement and, in the not-too-distant future, will incorporate modeling to serve in the gaps where data may be lacking. In addition, by creating and analyzing custom audiences, you can determine which components are responsible for the highest level of conversions. This is invaluable as a marketer because it allows you to see which channels are the most profitable.

Additional google ads integration

Google ads integration
With Google Analytics 4, you can easily connect it to Google Ads and gain additional insight into your pay-per-click campaigns to determine how well you manage your advertising dollars. Google’s new analytics approach is fundamentally designed to be more flexible and adaptable to a future in which cookies will be much less common. In addition, privacy will be an increasingly important concern for users and regulatory bodies. GA4 includes:

  • New, more powerful measurements.
  • More powerful analyst tools and integrations.
  • Resulting in larger audiences for marketing campaigns and a higher ROI on ad spend.

Smart insights enhancement

With this new user-focused and event-driven data model, you can now look at both web and app data with a single set of metrics and dimensions, allowing for more intelligent aggregation. With improved data customization options, you can also pull custom insights on performance, demographics, technology, and e-commerce. This is massive progress because it allows you to quickly pull data about your traffic for comparisons with previous periods. In addition, knowing this type of data as a marketer can help you manage and control your ad budgets.

Advanced emphasis on customer-related data

This enhancement is intended to help marketers gain a more comprehensive understanding of how their audiences interact with the website and related products. By creating a custom traffic path analysis with different variable metrics, you can further customize analytics related to how your customers interact with your website. As a marketer, this enables you to see how your customers interact with your content and what products they interact with. In addition, it will allow you to observe your customers’ behavior to determine what they prefer.

These are far more customizable than the previous version of Google Analytics, and you can control how granular your analysis becomes.

Highlights of Google Analytics GA4

  • There is a new navigation structure now. Reports, Explore, Advertising, Configure, and Admin is now available from the left navigation pane.
  • Life cycle and user collections are the default reporting topics. Hence there is new reporting focused on the customer journey.
  • It is now easier to obtain a comprehensive view of real-time data at a glance. Hence it improves visualizations.
  • Bringing together data from app and web at scale provides a complete understanding of your customer life cycle from acquisition to retention.
  • This allows you to use modeling and learn about your customers even when your data is incomplete.
  • It is now easier to interact with data dynamically. Comparing data between desktop and mobile devices, for example, is more intuitive.
  • It is designed to be long-lasting and future-proof. It can grow with your company and work with or without cookies or identities.
  • It is designed with machine learning as the primary form of data measurement, employing “modeling” to extrapolate from current data and make assumptions about site traffic/user behavior. 
  • The new “Insights” feature powered by AI automatically highlights helpful information for marketers.
  • Its objective is to provide marketers with a “complete understanding of the customer journey across devices.” 
  • And it appears to be more concerned with measuring the entire shopper journey than just individual metrics across devices/pages/segments.
  • Google Analytics 4 includes “data streams” rather than the views and segments found in previous Universal Analytics properties.

Significant differences between Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4

It’s been a few months since Google Analytics 4 (GA4) was announced, and there’s still a lot of confusion about the key differences between GA4 and the older Universal Analytics.


The difference in data models between Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 properties is represented by events. A Universal Analytics event has its hit type and has a Category, Action, and Label. Every “hit” in Google Analytics 4 properties is an event; there is no distinction between hit types. A page view event is triggered, for example, when someone views one of your website’s pages.

Google Analytics 4 events have no concept of Category, Action, or Label, and Google Analytics 4 reports, unlike Universal Analytics reports, do not display Category, Action, or Label. As a result, rather than porting your existing event structure to Google Analytics 4, it is preferable to rethink your data collection in the Google Analytics 4 model.

Content grouping

Content groups enable you to create website sections by grouping contents conveniently for analysis. Content grouping in Universal Analytics enables you to organize content into logical structures and then view and compare metrics by group name. 

Google Analytics 4 properties have one predefined event parameter that populates data into the “Content Group” dimension. In addition, further Universal Analytics content group dimensions can be implemented and used as event-scoped custom dimensions in GA4.

Types of hits

Page, event, eCommerce, and social interaction hits are all Universal Analytics hit types.

Google Analytics 4 data, on another hand, is hit of any type, with the direction that any interaction can be collared as an event. So, for example, a GA4 event can be pageview, event, social interaction, eCommerce, screen view etc. As a result, Universal Analytics property hit types conform to Google Analytics 4 property events.


A session collects user interactions with your website within a specific time frame. Sessions are typically ended after 30 minutes of inactivity or another qualifying reset event. A session in Universal Analytics can include multiple page views, events, social interactions, and eCommerce transactions. 

Google Analytics 4 session metrics are derived from the session start event and collected automatically. For example, a session’s duration is determined by the time between the first and last event in the session. This may result in fewer ionization differences between your Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 properties and other considerations.

User ID 

In Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4, user IDs serve a similar purpose in that they provide an identity space for users to analyze their data. When calculating user counts, Google Analytics 4 employs the User ID method. However, it only takes into account active website users who engage. Universal Analytics uses Client ID and the total number of users on the site to calculate user counts. The User ID property in Google Analytics 4 offers a cross-platform, cross-device view of how users interact with your app or website. Analytics generates a single user journey based on all the data associated with the same user ID. GA3 (Universal Analytics) uses a measurement model based on sessions and pageviews, whereas GA4 uses an event and parameter-based measurement model. 

Bounce rate and the engagement rate

Bounce rate and the engagement rate
One significant change is that Google Analytics 4 no longer measures bounce rate. Instead, Google Analytics 4 focuses on events and actions more than Universal Analytics. With this new tracking method, having metrics describing inactivity on the site makes less sense. As a result, Google Analytics 4 replaces bounce rate with the new metric ‘engagement rate.’ Instead of focusing solely on visitors who do not navigate to another page on the website, the engagement rate considers the time spent on the landing page. Because of this distinction, the engagement rate and bounce rate are incomparable. In addition, Google Analytics 4 includes engagement metrics such as engaging sessions, engagement rate, and engaging sessions per user.


Google Analytics 4 is a development of the Google Analytics Suite that Google recently released to assist website owners in gaining a more comprehensive view of their customers’ behavior, tracking website visitors, and measuring marketing performance. It will be the latest defaulting experience for new website properties and the location of future improvements. If you currently use Google Analytics to monitor your website’s traffic performance, you must upgrade to the new property version. After you’ve set it up, you’ll be able to start collecting data and using the new features. While getting started with Google Analytics 4 properties appears straightforward, strategic guidance can benefit. Schedule your free consultation with Encaptechno to learn how we can help you configure and implement the new Google Analytics and get a deep dive tour of critical features.

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How to Optimally Use Data in Marketing? | Encaptechno

How to Optimally Use Data in Marketing?

How to Optimally Use Data in Marketing? | Encaptechno
For many years, the role of data in marketing strategies was not being maximised as much as it should have. So many organisations referred to data with the sole aim of measuring its impact. However, today the scenario has changed completely. The wide use of the internet has managed to change the role of data for marketing.

At the present time, a combination of online marketing strategies, data mining, and data analytics is enough to measure the marketing progress. The data that gets flooded in from all channels including websites, display ads, search results, social media posts, and so on helps immensely in taking important decisions.

From the abundance of data that data mining extracts, there is a new process that has come into action and that process is called data-driven marketing. So, what is data-driven marketing and how can data-driven marketing be optimally used for making the marketing process simple.

What is Data-Driven Marketing?

Just as the name suggests, data-driven marketing is a process that uses customer data to make suitable and more informed marketing decisions. There are many marketing automation and intelligence tools that are capable of collecting data from various sources and offering insights into customer behaviour and preferences.

Marketers use data for improving their online marketing strategies. The data helps in gaining a deeper understanding of the customers for performing personalised and targeted outreach. It also helps in building meaningful customer engagement and maximising the marketing efforts on the return of investment

Data-Driven Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing has long been used by marketers but it was limited in many ways. The marketers had limited information about the audiences which also meant that the important decisions were based on assumptions. Many times, the marketers also resorted to the trial and error methods as a
lead generation technique.

In the past, no one could be confident about the success of a marketing campaign. Even the data sources and by that we mean the market studies were unreliable. There was a limited measurement of their effectiveness and the traditional campaigns produced no measurable insights about the markets that were targeted and their audiences. Companies were required to strategize better consistently.

With the entry of data-driven marketing in the picture, all the guesswork was replaced with some hard-hitting facts. With techniques such as data analytics and data mining, marketers can extract data and drill it down to the needs and preferences of demographics, digital behaviour, buying patterns, interests, etc.

Marketers can pretty much reach their audience at the right time and place. This can be done with personalised messages and offers that are capable of increasing conversions. Hence, data-driven marketing is one of the best methods to get more leads.

That said, data-driven marketing is not the end of traditional marketing. It is definitely the best method for promoting middle and bottom-funnel campaigns, but traditional marketing techniques are perfect for creating awareness. While entering new markets and segmenting audiences, organisations should maximise their reach.

Traditional marketing will always be a great method for building brand recognition and attracting new customers at a scale. However, companies need data-driven online marketing strategies for nurturing their audience and to ensure that they stick around for a long time.

Why Use Data-Driven Marketing?

Data-driven marketing comes with many benefits altogether. This is the reason why some of the leading marketers are
72% likely to invest in the quality of data that they capture. 

1. Understanding Target Audience

The data-driven marketing techniques such as data mining and data analytics are an excellent way to look into the indicators such as page or blog visits, ad clicks, video views, products added to the cart, and much more.

When marketers use these techniques strategically, it becomes easy to engage them in the right channels that lead to the right conversations as well.

2. Audience Segmentation

Audience Segmentation - Why Use Data-Driven Marketing?

Data is an excellent way to create segments based on interest, demography, purchase history, geography, etc. It can be used for running campaigns that are specific to each segment for boosting conversion.

With data mining, marketers can create campaigns that they know will appeal to audiences no matter what. The segmentation makes the marketers understand just what will appeal to the audience.

3. Personalised Messaging

Marketers can also use data to personalise their messaging and offer suitable products, content and also the next best action recommendations for helping decision making.

For instance, let’s say a visitor on an e-commerce website sees a product many times. Now the number of times a visitor sees this product can be gauged for understanding the intent with which a customer is coming online and wishes to purchase the product. 

The personalised messaging is capable of improving sales conversion by 10-15%. Over 90% of marketers say that personalization leads to improved business profitability.

4. Omni Channel Experience

It becomes easy to track the cross channel data with the use of data-driven marketing techniques. The marketers can trace the customer journey and also offer an omnichannel experience that changes from digital to physical and vice versa

The organisations that offer a consistent experience to their customers across all channels see a 5-15% revenue increase which is substantial in all ways.

5. Targeted Ad Buying

Data analytics
is an excellent method to combine customer data with algorithms that can find a suitable method for displaying digital ads.

These ads can be placed strategically on the right platforms and they can be promoted thereon for fetching suitable results.

6. Marketing ROI

Marketing ROI - Why Use Data-Driven Marketing?

The use of customer data for driving marketing campaigns helps in optimising the performance on different channels and improves attribution accuracy as well.

Marketers can easily determine which channels return the maximum revenue at nominal expenditure while investing to reduce costs. In addition, it also helps in making much better predictions while planning the budget and resources optimally.

Data-Driven Marketing Trends

It is a known fact that data is the new currency in the present times and even the most valuable one. After the world got hit by the pandemic in 2020, data has become supreme. There was a massive move to digital with more and more people coming indoors as the pandemic related restrictions increased.

Consumers and businesses adopted digital means of doing their work and the data became supreme. Some of the common trends that continue to transform data-driven marketing are mentioned below.

1. Automation and Personalization

The USP of AI is in converting massive amounts of raw data into comprehensible information within a few seconds. This is clearly something that humans cannot do.

Moreover, the impact of AI across industries and functions is considered in every sense. It continues to help marketers make personalised and real-time engagement at scale. The application of advanced data mining algorithms can help marketers to learn systems from the available data and improve them over time.

Automation and personalization are excellent ways to harness and act on the right data and that too at the right time without any kind of manual intervention. It leads to advanced results in a streamlined way.

2. Predictive Analysis

Data-driven marketing techniques lead to predictive analysis that keeps marketers a lot more agile. The data analysis methods allow marketers to build agile data models that help in keeping pace with quickly changing customer behaviours.

AI-powered predictive analysis helps marketers to stay on top of existing customer behaviour while planning for upcoming marketing strategies.

3. Privacy and Security Concerns

With an increase in data breaches all over the world, most customers are left anxious about their data. They do not know how, when, and where their data is going to be compromised.

There are common data privacy regulations that require marketers to become more transparent about how they use customer data. Many tech giants across the world have taken steps for addressing customer security concerns with the direction to remove third party cookies from websites.

Hence, marketers must find a way to depend on their own data as opposed to third-party sources because privacy and security regulations are becoming tightened. This is something that requires marketers to enhance their tech stack and adopt future-ready data-driven marketing methods.

4. Breakdown of Data Silos

Most customer data that resides with each team is supposed to be made accessible to all unless the data is sensitive or confidential. When there is improved data sharing, there is an increase in the visibility of customer journeys.

The breakdown of data silos helps in building comprehensive and connected data-driven strategies that can ultimately benefit all stakeholders.

Using Data-Driven Marketing Strategies Optimally

The use of data for driving marketing outreach allows most marketers to put customers at the centre of everything that they do and engage in. The complete idea of data-driven marketing is usually for optimising benefits for marketers and making sure that customers do not have to face irrelevant and annoying messages that affect their journey.

Some of the data-driven marketing strategies that are useful for improving and personalising customer engagement include:

1. Consolidation of Data

A very good
lead generation technique is bringing all the data and your organisation in just one place. This is something that allows you to create a consistent customer journey all across channels and touchpoints.

Moreover, it also provides consistent and contextual customer experiences. Once the data consolidation starts happening, it becomes easy to unite the brand messaging across functions and not just the marketing campaigns.

2. Improved Audience Segmentation

Data analytics
is an excellent method to know your target audience in a better way. Once you know your audience segments better, it becomes easier to target them optimally.

Since the goal is to make marketing a lot more relevant, it is best to start by creating well-defined audience segments that can address the audience’s needs in ways that suit their specific needs and journeys.

Data including demographic details, digital behaviour shown by a customer, preferred platforms on which customers spend their time, etc. are suitable for segmenting the audiences. It is also possible to refine the segments on the basis of the level of engagement.

3. Content Optimization

The data-driven marketing techniques also help in optimising the content that you post on most platforms. You can perfect your content by analysing the data for revealing finder nuances about the audience and their personalities.

Once you understand the preferences of the audience, it will become very simple for you to create and refine your content across all platforms while making it very useful and engaging. This is a useful lead generation technique that can be used by brands for better promotion.

4. Understanding Buyer Personas

The data-driven marketing techniques for understanding the buyer’s persona in a much better way. You can use the data that you extract for understanding the browsing history, previous purchases, customer engagement, etc. for creating evolved buyer personas.

The data helps in reconnecting with and reminding your audience about your brand at the right time and on the right platforms so that prompt action can be taken. You can also display targeted ads on social media and even send abandoned cart emails so that they can be nudged towards making the purchase.

5. Unification of Customer Experience

Customer journeys have become very comprehensive in nature while making it important for companies to develop the capabilities required for recognising and engaging customers regardless of the channel used.

Using an omni-channel strategy based on unified data from various channels and teams can help in streamlining customer journeys while bringing down their churn rates.

6. Best Promotion Time

The data-driven marketing is also an excellent method to find the best time for promotions. The historical data can help in getting clarity on which day, month, and year is suitable for getting maximum engagement.

Once you are able to optimise the time and duration of the promotional campaigns, it is likely that the audience will notice you keenly. This in turn will lead to brand promotion and wide recognition in the long run.


One of the best methods to ensure an effective marketing plan is by making the customers feel that they are being engaged in a personal and a one to one conversation. The customers should not feel that they are being marketed to. Using data-driven marketing does exactly this by creating a more meaningful and customised experience.

It leads to well-timed and relevant personalization while guiding the customers to make purchases and repelling them ultimately. The consistent and groundbreaking developments in big data and AI are sure to make data-driven marketing even stronger.

The data-driven marketing is the future and brands should adopt digital marketing services that are implemented in sync with it before it is too late. If you are also looking for data-driven marketing services then get in touch to know more.

How to Optimally Use Data in Marketing? Read More »

Digital Marketing, , , , ,
How Digital Marketing Is Ruling the World | Encaptechno

How Digital Marketing Is Ruling the World?

How Digital Marketing Is Ruling the World | Encaptechno
The practice of digital marketing is typically linked to the marketing campaigns that appear on electronic devices. This is a kind of marketing that can particularly take multiple forms including search engine marketing, paid social ads, social media posts, online videos, etc.

Very often, digital marketing is compared with traditional marketing uses magazine ads, direct mails, and billboards. However, digital marketing wins in the present time because most people live on the internet. As a digital marketing professional, one must learn to take advantage of the digital world with a strong online lead generation strategy and social media presence.

The process of building a brand and offering an improved customer experience comes with an ability to attract many more potential customers when customer-targeted campaigns are into play.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the process of promoting brands so that they connect with potential customers using the internet and other ways of digital communication. This commonly includes email, web, social media, multimedia messages, texts, etc. Essentially, it can be said that in case a marketing campaign involves digital communication, it is called digital marketing.

Digital marketing is often defined using many different digital tactics and channels for connecting with customers where most time is spent online. Right from the website to the brand assets of a business, digital advertising, online brochures, email marketing and much more, there are many methods that fall under the wide umbrella of digital marketing.

There are various ways in which the potential of digital marketing channels can be maximized. The passionate, dedicated, and experienced digital marketers also have a clear picture of how all campaigns support the goals.  Based on the goals of a marketing strategy, it is easy to support a large campaign with the use of free and paid channels.

A content marketer can effectively create blog posts that serve to create leads from a web guide including information that the business specialized in. This can lead to increased website traffic. On the other hand, a social media marketing professional can help in promoting the blog posts using the paid and organic posts on the social media accounts of a business. In addition, an email marketer can create an email campaign for sending more information to those who download the ebook.

Why is Digital Marketing Ruling the World?

Digital marketing is a method by which brands can effectively reach a larger audience when compared with the traditional methods. It becomes to target the prospects that are likely to buy a product or a service with digital marketing. In addition, it is cost-efficient as compared to traditional advertising and also allows you to measure success on an everyday basis.

All brands that have a well planned and effective online lead generation strategy in place have the ability to rule the world. Some of the benefits offered by digital marketing that show why it is ruling the world are mentioned below.

1. Targeting the Right Prospects

Targeting the Right ProspectsIn traditional advertising, there is only limited control over who sees the ad. When you place an advertisement on television, billboard, or even a magazine, there is not much control. You can most definitely measure the demographics such as the readership but still, you cannot attain a significant amount of information.

On the other hand, digital marketing campaigns enable you to find and target a specific audience while sending a personalized and high converting message to the audience. You can effectively take benefit of social media features shown on ads to some audiences based on factors such as age, location, gender, interests, behaviours, networks, etc.

In addition, you can also use PPC or SEO strategies for serving ads to users who have already shown their interests in the products or services. You can also search specific keywords related to your industry. Finally, digital marketing services allow you to carry out research that is needed to identify a buyer persona. It also allows you to refine a marketing plan with time so that it can be ensured that you are reaching your prospects effectively.

Digital marketing is a strategy that helps you market to subgroups within the larger target audience. In case you sell various products and services to different buyer personas then this is something that is particularly helpful.

2. Cost-effective

Digital marketing is a lot more cost-effective as compared to traditional marketing methods. It helps you track
online lead generation campaigns on an everyday basis and reduce the amount of money that is spent on a channel if it does not show a high ROI.

When it comes to the traditional marketing methods, it is actually the opposite. It does not make a difference how a billboard is performing. The cost will still be the same regardless of the fact if it converts for you or not.

Using digital marketing methods, you can have complete control on where you are spending your money. Rather than paying for the PPC campaigns, you can spend money on the design software for creating high converting content.

The digital marketing strategies can enable you to consistently retarget while also ensuring that no money is wasted on channels that do not work well. If we look at things from a large perspective then taking the digital marketing services is a cost-effective solution and offers many opportunities to make sure that you get the maximum return.

A small or medium-sized business can allocate a limited budget for digital marketing campaigns. The money can be effectively invested in social media, SEO, and blogging which are three strategies that can offer a higher ROI with minimal spending.

3. Competitive Edge

Digital marketing is a process using which you can outrank bigger players in an industry. A small business cannot effectively compete with the major brands in an industry many of which have a lot of money to invest in
online lead generation campaigns.

Fortunately, there are many opportunities for outranking the big players using strategic digital marketing methods. For example, you can identify some keywords that are related to a product or service while creating content that helps in ranking on search engines using these keywords.

It must be noted that the search engines do not care which brand is the biggest. Rather, search engines prioritize the content that resonates the most with the target audience. In addition, social media allows you to reach new audiences using influencer marketing.

Even if most people do not follow brands on social media, many of them follow influencers who show their products and services. In case you work for small to medium-sized companies, this can be a good avenue for consideration.

4. Measurable Method

customer-targeted campaigns planned with digital marketing are easily measurable. Digital marketing is a method that comes with the ability to offer a comprehensive and start to end view of all important factors that can potentially matter to a brand.

The factors such as impressions, clicks, views, shares, and time spent on a page can be measured effectively. This is one of the biggest benefits of digital marketing. Using traditional advertising is useful for achieving some goals and one of the biggest benefits that it offers is measurability.

As opposed to most online marketing efforts, digital marketing enables marketers to see precise results and that too in real-time. In case you have put a newspaper ad, you will understand the dynamics of people turning to the page where your ad is there.

You will never know whether the ad is responsible for sales at all. However, using digital marketing strategies, it becomes easy to know if the ad is responsible for any sales, to begin with. You can measure the ROI of any possible aspect of your marketing efforts.

5. Personalization

Availing the
digital marketing services can effectively allow you to gather customer data in a manner that offline marketing cannot. The data that is collected digitally tends to be a lot more precise and specific as compared to other data.

Let’s say that a brand offers financial products and services and wishes to offer some special discounts to people who have looked at the products already. You would already know that it is easy to get better results in case you target the offer to the person’s interest so let’s assume that you prepare two campaigns.

One campaign is for the young people who have looked to the financial products and services, and the other one is for the new-age entrepreneurs who have considered some of the retirement plans. Without automated tracking, it is difficult to know the number of customer profiles, brochures, etc. With the use of digital marketing, on the other hand, all this information will be available quickly.

6. Customer Connection

Using digital marketing strategies, brands can establish a much better connection with the customers. It is a method that allows you to communicate with the customers in real-time. Even more importantly, digital marketing allows the customers to connect with you.

The brands must think about their social media strategy. It can be valuable when the target audiences see the latest post but it is a lot better when they comment on it and share it ahead as well. This can create greater popularity around the products and services along with increased visibility each time someone joins the conversation.

Interaction with the customers benefits both the businesses and customers. The level of engagement increases as they become active participants in a brand’s story. Any sense of ownership can create a better sense of security and brand loyalty.

7. Easy Conversions

Easy Conversions
With an established
online lead generation campaign running in place, the conversions become easy and convenient. The customers can take action instantly after seeing an ad or a content piece. The instant result that comes with the use of traditional advertisements is that you can hope for a phone call shortly after someone sees an ad.

However, how often is it that someone has the time to reach out to a company while they are busy completing a task at hand? Using digital marketing, they can click on a link or a blog post and move well along the sales funnel. People may not make a purchase immediately but they will stay connected and also give you a chance for further interaction.

Role of Digital Marketing In a Brand’s Success

Traditional marketing definitely exists in print ads, physical marketing, phone communications, and much more, but the good thing with digital marketing is that occurs both online and electronically. This means that there are many possibilities for brands to reach customers including social media, search engines, and videos.

This is where digital marketing is important for a business and brand awareness. Almost all brands have a website but if they do not then they have a social media presence or an ad strategy. Digital marketing is so common that customers have started depending on it as a method to learn more about brands.

To sum it up, digital marketing is needed to be competitive as a business owner. There are multiple options and strategies associated with digital marketing that can be used. You can actually start getting creative while experimenting with a wide range of marketing methods on a budget.

Using digital marketing, you can also use tools such as analytics dashboards for monitoring the success and ROI of a marketing campaign. This is a lot more than what you can do with traditional promotional content such as a print ad or a billboard.


Digital marketing must be one of the primary focuses of almost all businesses and their online lead generation strategy. Online marketing is an excellent method to stay in touch with your customers and almost nothing else offers you the level of personalization that digital data can offer.

The more you embrace the wide possibilities of digital marketing, the more you will be able to realize the growth potential of your company. If you run a business and want it to stand out in the market then taking digital marketing services is a must.

At Encaptechno, we specialize in offering the best online marketing services. Get in touch with us to know more about how we can help you gain a better standing in the market.


How Digital Marketing Is Ruling the World? Read More »

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How CRM and Digital Marketing can go Hand in Hand? | Encaptechno

How CRM and Digital Marketing can go Hand in Hand?

How CRM and Digital Marketing can go Hand in Hand? | Encaptechno

Taking the decision to invest in a good quality customer relationship management system can be a game-changer for your business. It does not just help in automating tasks like payments, invoicing, and messaging, but the
online CRM systems also help in playing an important role in planning a suitable marketing strategy.

The fact is that a customer relationship management system is one of the most critical components of a successful digital marketing campaign. CRM forms the foundation for the sales and promotion of a product or an idea. In essence, CRM is a set of applications that you can use for managing things such as customer databases, customer interactions, customer leads, customer satisfaction, and all else that pertains to the customers.

Improving sales requires a business to improve customer relationships. The customer service has to be impeccable in case you wish to keep customers happy because that is the only way to grow a business.

CRM Helps in Converting Online Leads

CRM Helps in Converting Online Leads

The primary goal of all digital marketing campaigns is to boost e-commerce sales. A considerable number of people shop online these days. However, more often than not the buying habits of these people involves researching a product, company prices, and taking some steps before finally making a purchase.

In other words, only because a customer is interested in one of the products, does not mean that the customer is going to buy it immediately. In fact, most of the customers rarely make it past the first step of the check-out process.

With the use of lead tracking software like CRM, it is possible to find when a customer researched the product while allowing the marketer to place targeted ads on social media and other platforms for maintaining the best interest.

The internet is anyway full of content which is why businesses must take steps that remind a customer that they are looking into one of their products or services. A CRM tool enables you to implement a marketing strategy that makes achieving the goal of engaging a customer much easier.

Digital Marketing Strengthens Customer Relationship Management Efforts


Digital Marketing plays an important role in ensuring a successful implementation of customer management. With CRM, you can establish more visibility, enable employees with relevant and timely insights, manage long-term goals, execute things flawlessly, etc.

Marketing is focused on establishing visibility, educating prospective buyers, and converting prospects.  A comprehensive understanding of the buyer’s needs, shopping behaviors, and other pain points helps the marketer to truly personalize conversations across various channels. Capable digital marketers know how to capture customer feedback and data on multiple channels while segmenting customers and drilling customer experiences.

With consistent monitoring of customer data and capturing of buyer insights, it is possible to develop a unified and reliable view of the buyer’s journey. CRM also helps with accessing relevant and timely data needed in the marketing wheelhouse. In addition, the marketing automation tools and access to data analytics help in capturing the customer’s drivers and behaviors while tailoring conversations with buyers.

Association Between CRM and Digital Marketing


1. Tailored Digital Marketing Strategy

Tailored Digital Marketing Strategy - Association Between CRM and Digital Marketing

Different kinds of customers are exposed to different kinds of marketing. For instance, some customers are more than likely to encounter marketing content through social media than on the web. On the other hand, some others may be subscribed to an emailing list while some others are more likely to find relevant marketing content when an online search is being performed.

The bottom line is that the CRM tools help in understanding the journey of every customer in a different manner. You can encounter how each customer interacts with a marketing campaign with the help of a CRM tool. This also allows you to target each potential customer with marketing content designed to reach them.

Using CRM is important in this sense as it helps in personalizing a marketing strategy that tends to result in more sales and much better brand loyalty in the long run.

2. Better Services and Happy Experiences

No brand can win over customers by the product and price alone but it happens by offering the services and happy experiences as well. A customer who has been happy with the services received is more than likely to be loyal to the company and he will probably be ready to ignore some defects over the superior quality of service as well.  

Anytime you have a happy customer, you can be sure that with time that customer will refer many more customers from his social media friend circle and his family too. This can sometimes work as a double-edged sword too because if the customer is not happy with the experience, he/she can talk ill about the company and the product to his friends and family.

In this regard, when a brand creates an e-commerce platform and chooses to promote the products and services then paying attention to the customer relationship management system becomes very important. Brands can use e-commerce as their sales engine while focusing on wider markets and volumes of prospects and customers as well.

With an increase in the volume of sales, there is a need to create the necessary backend process and e-enabled system infrastructure that can cater to the after-sales service and the customer relationship management as well. 

Customer behavior has changed largely in the present time because of widespread use of the internet and superior services are expected almost immediately. Since the delivery and service expectations have gone up, servicing a large customer base in a relatively shorter span of time can only be possible with robust online CRM systems.

3. Cost Reduction


Cost Reduction - Association Between CRM and Digital Marketing

An effective marketing campaign helps in delivering a reliable return on investment. A brand may want to achieve some goals such as boosting sales and increasing brand awareness, but more than that one must also be sure that the revenue yielded by a campaign exceeds the cost.

CRM applications offer a reliable lead management solution in a way that the marketing campaigns can be reduced by offloading most of the work that other employees have to perform. With the use of tools designed to manage and analyze customer data, the team can focus on other important tasks easily.

With the use of CRM, time can be used efficiently and the need to hire additional staff is also reduced significantly. More than anything, the CRM tools offer the marketers a deeper understanding of their customers and that goes on to help considerably in the creation, implementation, and promotion of lead generation strategies.

4. Segmentation of Customers


Digital marketing enables organizations to get easy access to behavioral activities on social platforms for increasing their information about their customers. This is the way in which organizations can divide their customers on the basis of their interests, behaviors, and attitudes based on age group and locations.

This information allows organizations to easily communicate and send messages to their customers on the basis of different interests, behaviors, and attitudes rather than the demographic location. Hence, the data received from social platforms can be integrated with the information existing with the CRM tools of the organization so that it becomes a part of the actual CRM rather than dividing various customers on social media platforms.

The overlaying of information received from digital social platforms on the existing information with the organizations also offers personalized information about the customers. CRM digital marketing allows companies to send personalized messages to interesting segments of customers. For instance, special treatment can be given to prestigious customers whereas people with a negative attitude can be treated sympathetically so that they get attracted to a company’s products and services.

5. Connectivity With Customers


The ever-increasing popularity of social media platforms has made it very easy for companies to get more and more information about their customers. This information can be integrated with the existing information collected through the traditional CRM tools.

With the improvements made in the connectivity between the companies and their customers, the way of interaction has changed not just for the companies with their customers but also with their companies. Rather than the direct marketing messages, the customers prefer interacting with the companies directly. This has become possible only because of CRM digital marketing instead of traditional CRM which was earlier based on sales alone.

6. Digital Connections

When the brand uses CRM strategies to create data sheets on the present customers and the leads that a brand has on other customers, it becomes possible to approach customers in a one-on-one digital campaign.

Brands can connect with them using preferences to make suggestions on social networking sites so that they see advertisements and are also reminded of the things they want or like. Brands can send emails meant for personally suggesting some products and services based on a previously made purchase by a customer. This is one of the best lead management solutions because it lets the brands create collateral that interests the customers.

Brands can create blogs and articles that address the things a customer may be interested in by looking at the data to confirm their likes and dislikes. Anytime there is relevant information on a page that a customer finds interesting, that page will be visited again by the customer.

7. Increased Satisfaction

Increased Satisfaction - Association Between CRM and Digital Marketing

When CRM applications are used to create databases about a customer and product, one can also create a database on customer service calls. This database can be used as a reference to offer the customers just the things that make them happy.

Anytime a brand begins to look closely at the customer service calls, what the customer liked or disliked, and what all was done to satisfy the customer, it becomes easy to create a training program for each customer service representative that allows creating satisfied customers out of every call.

8. Lead Capture


The landing pages are a robust lead magnet for the people who are led to a website for the first time because of lead generation strategies. With the adoption of CRM, the contact information of the leads can be captured in an effective way.

Even if the intention of the customer was to not buy anything on clicking, they can be made curious which can further lead them to feel motivated for filling out the form and reaching out to the brand.

CRM For Online Marketing


Customer relationship management software is a tool that companies can use for recording customer data for future references. It enhances online marketing in the following ways:

  • Tracking sales figures and determining which promotions are the most productive
  • Keeping each member of a sales team updated with customer information, probable client leads, and consistent information needed to close sales.
  • Improving follow-ups and gaining customer approvals.
  • Connecting members of your sales team to the customers using GPS technology.
  • Sharing files and information between sales team members so that when one team member cannot make a follow-up or complete a promise, another team member can come forward and make sure that the customer is happy.


The integration of a CRM with a digital marketing promotional strategy goes hand in hand. In addition to boosting sales, the marketing managers also need to focus on building brand loyalty by using promotional activities that help in engaging with the customers along with enhancing value in the relationship.

The key lies in understanding that this is the digital age of business. People are doing more online businesses including shopping, banking, investing, and researching than ever before. If the brands want to stand out in this stiff competition environment, it is very important to come with lead generation strategies that genuinely help. CRM stimulates digital marketing campaigns significantly while showing quick results in a short time period.

For any more questions on functions and implementation of CRM for better digital marketing, get in touch with our CRM consultants at Encaptechno


How CRM and Digital Marketing can go Hand in Hand? Read More »

CRM Services, Digital Marketing, , , ,
Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Lead Generation - Encaptechno

Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Lead Generation

Imagine a marketing strategy that fetches more leads, helps in gaining a competitive edge and is also 100% cost deductible. If this sounds too good to be true then we are here to tell you that this can be turned into a reality. Well-planned digital marketing makes the process of online lead generation much simpler and effective.

Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Lead Generation - Encaptechno

Effective digital marketing strategies are one of the most important things when it comes to promoting a brand amongst the target audience and generating leads. Besides helping in finding the target audience, it is one of the ways through which messages can reach quicker and a lot more efficiently.

The best part is that digital marketing is entirely cost deductible. The changing times have brought about a significant change in the ways in which the audience can be reached. The online marketing solutions create engagement between a business and audience in a way that traditional marketing cannot.

In the present age, digital marketing is more of an investment as compared to a money intensive expense. Where the offline marketing and advertising expenses are costly, digital marketing is not the same. Digital marketing is an entirely dependable method that can be used to grow the business online.

In this blog, we will list some of the most important digital marketing strategies for lead generation. However, before we move to that, we will first begin by understanding the link between digital marketing and lead generation. This will help us in understanding the digital marketing strategies in an effective way.

Digital Marketing and Lead Generation:

Marketing strategies whether offline or online are mostly focused on acquiring and retaining an increased number of target customers. Increasing the leads by focusing on quality over quantity is an effective method adopted by businesses to gain more customers and rightly so. It helps in retaining the customers and also makes them loyal to the brand.

We all know that the digital world has entirely changed the way in which businesses are carried out the world over. Therefore, it is extremely important for marketers to stay at par with the demands of their target audience. This is done by creating effective and well-planned lead generation campaigns.

Lead generation is a set of digital marketing activities that correlate with the different levels of a buyer’s journey. It begins with an increase in website traffic, changing the visitors into suitable leads, and finally turning all those leads into regular customers. The top priority of all marketers is to turn the leads into customers. Therefore, digital marketing is all about lead generation.

After completing comprehensive research, we deeply analyzed the way in which digital marketers understand the importance of lead generation in today’s world. Many aspects get together to make a good digital marketing campaign that helps in lead generation. The most important goal of all these aspects is to develop online leads.

With the growing popularity of data analytics and engaging online campaigns, we will list the most effective digital marketing strategies. You can find them below: 

1. Content Marketing:

Content Marketing

It is best to think of content marketing as broadcasting that used to happen in the earlier days. The quality of content that is posted by a brand turns out to be one of the major players to generate revenue and increase website traffic in the modern world. In addition to attracting credible leads, it also helps in giving the brands an opportunity to improve online visibility.

Most people associate the word content marketing with blogging. However, content marketing is not limited to that. Even though blogging is an excellent method to gain attraction, there are other methods including long-form articles, white papers, videos, online guides, infographics, etc.

Digital marketers use content marketing to let their customers know what their brand is all about. Additionally, content marketing also lets the customers know all that a particular business can offer. Visual and engaging content mediums are quickly gaining popularity as an effective way of content marketing.

The marketing officers of some of the leading companies spend a significant amount of time in creating a good content marketing strategy. If content marketing is good then it proves to be of huge help for the sales team as well. Gathering leads becomes easier because the target audience has suitable prior knowledge about the products and services provided by a business.

2. Social Media Marketing:

Social media is evolving at a quick rate. In fact, it has now emerged as one of the most popular platforms for developing a business and taking it forward. Other than connecting so many people, social media marketing is now the best method for reaching out to the target audience when it comes to marketing the products and services of various businesses.

With a share of billions of social network users, social media is an extremely powerful tool that can capture leads. If used well, social media marketing helps in getting quick eminence with potential leads. There are so many platforms available in the present time when it comes to social media marketing, but some of the important ones are Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

The marketers must be aware of their target market so that it becomes easy to understand which platforms are important for generating a presence. The reason why social media marketing counts as one of the effective digital marketing strategies is that it offers several opportunities for a business to grow.

Brands can share all information needed by the customers to stay in constant touch including hours of operation, contact information, and address. Hence, brands should definitely use social media as much as possible to connect with the target audience, convert followers into leads, build relationships, etc.

3. Search Engine Optimization:

SEO or search engine optimization is an excellent method of online lead generation. It is the process by which a website gets optimized for attracting more traffic towards it. This is done by making suitable changes to the content and also the design of a website. These changes are usually made according to the parameters set by search engine giants like Google.

Most of the steps involved in an SEO strategy are taken with an aim to make the website get displayed at the top of the search engine results page. It is not wrong to consider SEO as the principal source of generating high website traffic. It is one of the most important digital marketing strategies by which search visibility gets promoted and the ranking improves as well. Most users begin their online experience with popular search engines.

When digital marketing implements high-quality SEO practices then generating reliable and targeted leads becomes possible. Also, if the rank of a website is better then it automatically means higher traffic. Increased traffic corresponds to better leads and if these leads convert into business then the business will naturally become more successful.


PPC Advertising

PPC or pay per click advertising is a very strong method for attracting potential customers. In fact, it can be considered at the top of best digital marketing strategies for targeting customers who are specifically interested in a particular business. The customers who are purposefully looking for some products or services are more likely to click on an ad that shows up on search engines.

PPC advertising includes paid advertisements appearing at the top of search results when specific keywords and phrases are typed by a user.  Similar to SEO, it is best for the marketers to focus all of their efforts on long-tail keywords. The more specific a keyword, the less competition will be there and the less will be the payment for every click.

The brand managers bid along with the quality score. It helps in finding out the placement of every ad. The ads start attracting traffic as soon as a campaign is launched, but one is required to pay only when a user clicks on and visits a website. PPC is effective for generating new leads because it helps in attracting qualified traffic. As a matter of fact, PPC visitors are more likely to make a purchase as compared to an organic search.

Digital marketers use the method of PPC advertising extensively because sponsored listings and ads are highly likely to be seen first on search engines. This reason makes ads very effective in generating leads. PPC functions on a bidding system in which the advertisers bid the amount that they are willing to pay for each click for any given keyword.

5. Email Marketing:

Although considered as one of the oldest forms of digital marketing strategies, email can be still considered a great way to gain and nurture leads. Email marketing makes it simple for brands to reach their target audience and also convert them into leads. The prime step of email marketing is to make a subscriber list. This can be done by adding an attractive signup form on different pages of a website.

Many marketers make the mistake of buying email lists. The majority of people in these lists are usually not interested in the products or services and the emails end up getting marked as spam or are sent to trash. This is not only a waste of budget but also affects the overall campaigns if email platforms start to see the emails as spam.

When so many people wish to voluntarily choose to hear from you, they are likely to spend time hearing from you and eventually get converted. Hence, in case you have a list then you can start by sending information to the subscribers. This can probably include sales information, new products, and services or links to the content. It is also possible to test some emails to understand what the audience likes and adjust the strategy to become more effective with time.

Email marketing is a favorable way to convert leads, particularly when you understand that maximum consumers enjoy promotional emails. They present a big opportunity for your business to reach out to and get them converted into valuable clients.

6. A/B Testing:

A-B Testing

The website is the main source of all traffic and hence, it is important to check if it is functioning in the right way or not. Often there are problems such as website loading speed, loading errors, and bad user interface that are considered responsible for driving the traffic away as opposed to attracting it. There are many tools that help in scanning the website for errors while eventually removing them to increase website traffic.

Understanding which client or organization has viewed your website is important for continuing the sales specific marketing. This can be passed on to the sales representative for an accurately designed follow up conversation that can help in accessing more customers.

In addition, the marketers can also run A/B tests to find out which version of a web page is creating more traffic. The performance of a web page is checked with the help of statistical analysis. Shortening the different forms of webpages ensure higher conversions and it helps the brands to increase conversion rates and generate more leads.


Digitally marketing is fundamentally practiced for lead generation. If the digital marketing strategies are not generating any leads then they are not considered to be successful. It is an affordable and effective approach to get more customers. In addition to this, it also helps in harmonizing the way marketing and sales teamwork in the companies.

For the brands to become more successful, the marketers must understand that more and more people are increasingly switching to digital methods for buying things. To gain a competitive edge, it is important to stay updated with the new trends of lead generation. Better leads will bring more customers which will mean better profits.

To ensure that your good business becomes great in front of the world, we offer a range of integrated digital marketing services. Our team of experts brings their wide knowledge and experience to the table for building sustainable and profitable businesses with digital marketing strategies. Get in touch to know more, today!

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