
digital marketing solutions

Why Invest in PPC Advertising for Business Growth_

Why Invest in PPC Advertising for Business Growth?

Why Invest in PPC Advertising for Business Growth_
Businesses run with an end goal to drive conversions and sales. In the digital world of today, that can only come with an online presence. One of the quickest ways to do that in digital marketing is with pay-per-click advertising. It is a form of online advertising that enables a business to appear at the top of search results organically.

To put this simply, when you bid for a keyword to appear at the top, your business will have better chances of being discovered by the target audience. Basically, PPC ads appear next to the relevant searches and other important content on the internet.

PPC marketing is considered a proven method to connect with a wide base of the audience on the internet. In this blog, we will see all about PPC advertising and how it helps in business growth. Keep reading to know more.

What is Pay Per Click Advertising?


What is Pay Per Click Advertising_
Pay-per-click is actually an advertising model in which you pay for clicks. It works when you buy some clicks from Google or any other search engine. Essentially,
PPC advertising is a method that is used to quickly leverage search engine traffic by either paying or bidding for keywords that are related to what you are selling or a service that you might be providing.

In PPC ads, you are only supposed to pay when someone clicks on your ads, visits your websites, or also calls your business. The PPC ads give you an opportunity to be noticed by a wider audience while materializing your lead generation strategy. You can change your ads anytime for reaching a specific group of people or promoting a deal or a product. This acts as a resource for companies that cannot update their SEO frequently for promoting sales or seasonal changes in their products or services.

Google Ads also gives you an option of marketing your business outside of Google Search by getting displayed on the Google Display Network. With the flexibility that the PPC ads offer, they can help many businesses attract attention from people who matter right at the moment when they are looking for a business.

Why PPC?


PPC is an advertising method that helps to see immediate results. You can start seeing what it is capable of offering right after you can make your PPC campaign go live. The PPC ads are directly related to seeing traffic, clicks, and conversions. The PPC ads are placed right at the top of a SERP page.

Running and managing a PPC campaign only needs an experienced paid search specialist, and also a good writer who can compose informative content, attractive ads, and landing pages. When you use pay-per-click ads, you have an option to target customers with search ads, shopping ads, Gmail ads, and much more.

All you have to do is use the right advertising tools for reaching your audience and encouraging them to buy from you or even make an inquiry. When you run a PPC campaign, you get access to a wide range of data on the ads and keywords which the customers can click on before making any purchase. This also signifies that you can make changes to a campaign for optimizing it and improving the investment rate that is spent on ads.

It is rather simple to run A/B testing with the help of Google Ads and run a campaign to drive continued improvements and get better returns. You can also implement a targeted approach to offer ads that cater to specific customers. Irrespective of whether you wish to target searches on location, device, time, and other factors, you can use a PPC campaign for reaching out to people who are more than likely to buy.

How Can PPC Advertising Help In Business Growth?


The web traffic is just what is needed to ensure that the business message travels further ahead. We live in a globalized and saturated economy to a great extent. In this scenario, it is highly affordable to grow an audience, ad revenue, gain affiliate, and much more.

PPC advertising is highly beneficial for businesses who wish to make a name for themselves quickly. Even the small and medium-sized businesses that have small marketing budgets can invest in PPC advertising trusting that their investments will bear results. It works as an effective marketing tool that can keep the budget healthy and also increase web traffic at the same time.

Let’s look at the ways in which it can help a business to grow.

1. Quick Marketing Results


Quick Marketing Results
Small and medium-sized businesses must have a strategy that leads to quick results as soon as possible. For these businesses, in particular, there are many reasons why a company wants to see quick results, especially during the time when the business is in its initial phase.

PPC advertising comes to the rescue for businesses who wish to stand out quickly and ensure consistent marketing efforts from thereon. The speed with which PPC advertising brings results is one of the main benefits of this digital marketing solution. Any business that uses PPC advertising as a method of lead generation strategy can instantly see the results of their endeavors.

With organic search, the results can be delayed. On the other hand, with pay per click, the results are almost instant. There is no denying that SEO is very important for long-term marketing but in that method, the revenue takes a long cycle to show up. With PPC ads, you can start seeing results within the next day based on the different factors.

In addition, another important benefit is being able to issue information to the public at a quick rate. No matter what the business might want to offer at a given period of time including sales, special events, limited edition products and services, sales, etc.; PPC advertising can help in communicating the offerings to the public.

2. Audience Targeting


Audience Targeting
The traditional advertising forms are some of the methods that cast a wide net over a large area. With PPC, you can show ads only to the right potential customers who may search for keywords relevant to your business. In case someone clicks on such an ad, you can be assured that it is not a click by mistake, rather they are interested in your message.

Moreover, the control on the ad is greater because you know where and when the ad appears. This can give the businesses a much wider range of influence and an audience suitable to what you are offering. Once you understand who you are communicating to, you can choose to set up a marketing campaign, optimize your exposure and also increase the conversion rate.

In addition, putting an advertisement in front of the targeted audience can increase the chances of getting click-throughs and sale conversions. Audience targeting is also particularly beneficial for local businesses because when someone does a local search query in their search engine, they can come across your company.

3. Budget Control


The pay-per-click advertising method is built completely around budget which is why it offers a greater level of control than the traditional advertising methods. An exceptional reason for using PPC marketing is because businesses can get a comprehensive view of spending money.

In addition, for the common paid ad styles such as search engine PPC, you are only supposed to pay for the clicks. There is never any paid barrier to entry and there is only a minimal ad budget. Businesses have the freedom to spend as much or as little that they wish to spend.

The Google Ads and other advertising methods allow marketers to create a campaign hierarchy that is actually very similar to the one followed on popular social media channels. The marketers can divide their budget in any way that they wish by placing controls on how the budget is spent on each campaign, specific ad, and group.

In contrast to traditional paid advertising, PPC offers great levels of control that work because businesses can enhance the ad spend on the basis of location, questions while reducing that expenditure on areas that they do not work. This means that the importance of PPC is in its ability to use the money for better revenue on ad spend.

It is possible that some businesses may think of this as daunting but it is actually a big part of why many people hire a digital marketing solutions expert. This is specifically when the benefit of getting a professional return on investment is so tempting.

4. Achieving Business Goals


Achieving Business Goals
All businesses set goals. However, the end goal is to ensure that they are achieved in a practical and feasible manner. Irrespective of the size and age of the business, goals are set so that they can be achieved. If the goal setting is not done right then no matter how quickly you accomplish them, it won’t benefit you.

In addition, overreaching your goals can have similar effects as they do not have any realistic chances of getting finished. PPC ads allow you to extend your reach and achieve marketing goals very easily. It is a tool that can be wisely used to align website traffic to your end goals, no matter what they may be.

Businesses must use pay-per-click ads to support the different aspects of sales while advancing their relationship with a wide audience from the initial awareness to becoming loyal customers.

5. Improves Ad Performance


Search engine optimization and PPC go very well together because there is a lot of overlap. The importance lies in the fact that businesses can target the same keywords on the same platforms and for the same audience. Even though there is no direct link between PPC and SEO rankings, the businesses that optimize both are more likely to improve SEO.

The main reason why PPC is important for SEO is that businesses that can improve their site and content for a better score also end up improving their SEO ranking. In case you are performing the same keyword research and keyword density then you have already won half the battle to complete a key strategy for SEO and PPC.

Businesses that invest in both PPC and SEO believe that they are excellent strategies for growth. Another reason why PPC is important is data. Pay-per-click ads provide constructive feedback on ad campaigns. Marketers can use this data for streamlining their marketing campaigns.

In addition, since PPC search offers results quickly as compared to SEO, it is also possible to test the keyword strategies in PPC and use the conversion rate for determining if the same strategies would be valid for SEO in the long run.

6. Easy and Effective Beginning


A business that is just starting up does not have many resources for allocating towards marketing efforts. The resources actually come in the form of different factors such as time, work hours, and finances. When it comes to the time, even the people who have somehow fallen behind can use PPC to catch up quickly.

As opposed to the content marketing strategies, PPC is easy to set up and even get running. The marketers can set up free accounts and start creating ads almost instantly. After the ads are created and powered, they can appear in search instantly while driving results.

As compared to other marketing channels such as email and social media, there is never any prerequisite for organically building an audience or even sourcing the target audience’s contact information. The PPC ads platforms guide the marketers through the ad process and once brands are prepared, access can be gained to followers instantly. The ads can be activated quickly and deactivated as well which makes brand visibility easy



All businesses are special with different needs. It is possible that you may benefit from PPC advertising on search engines or maybe you can benefit more from social media marketing. On the other hand, maybe you need a combination of everything.

A professional agency such as Encaptechno can help you with effective digital marketing solutions. In case you have been running PPC marketing already then we can also help you perform an analysis and spot opportunities for improvement.

Grow your business with us. Get in touch today!


Why Invest in PPC Advertising for Business Growth? Read More »

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How are Infographics Important for Lead Generation Strategies? | Encaptechno

How are Infographics Important for Lead Generation Strategies?

How are Infographics Important for Lead Generation Strategies? | Encaptechno
Lead generation is considered one of the most important digital marketing activities because it is responsible for the start of what can be a constructive relationship with all the present and prospective customers. However much the marketers might want them to, the leads do not get closed so easily.

All businesses have to deal with competitors that are spending time in devising lead generation strategies focused on being the first search engine result on a prospect’s request. However, it is important to cater to the ever-changing purchasing behaviour and needs of different customers.

Anytime a digital marketer is faced with challenges to win the online race against competitors, creativity comes in handy in ensuring that the final results are favourable. A rather perfect example of creative digital marketing solutions is infographics. They are information-centric and artistically inclined pieces of content that can be used to attract customers and stimulate their interest in the unique proposition of a brand.

In this blog, we will have a detailed look at what infographics are and how can we use them for lead generation?

What is an Infographic?


What is an Infographic?

An infographic is actually a visual representation of any type of information or data. Be it a study on the market trends or a step-by-step guide on how to do something, an infographic is actually very helpful in presenting information in the form of an attractive visual graphic.

With the use of bright colours, bold text, and illustrated characters, attracting customer’s attention becomes easier. Plus, customers prefer an infographic over other marketing materials because they can get a quick overview of the topic while looking at an infographic. One must always keep in mind that infographic marketing is not just to inform, but also to ensure that the viewing experience becomes fun and engaging for the audience.

In the end, it all comes down to how a marketer combines different graphic elements including colours, icons, illustrations, and fonts for explaining a topic in an attractive and easy-to-understand way. Preferably, an infographic should be showing statistics or facts in a visual form while using radicals and a chart. This is to ensure that even if the customers do not read the text, they can still get a clear picture.

Why and Where Can You Use Infographics?


Why and Where Can You Use Infographics?
There is a very clear reason why infographics are so renowned and relevant. The fact is that they are fun, easy to share, and engaging too. In addition, they have so many benefits for marketers, educators, businesses, content creators, etc. Marketers, in particular, can use them for driving website traffic, brand awareness, visibility, and engagement.

In addition, the beauty of infographics marketing is that it can be used at multiple places. That said, one must not create more infographics than needed because a small number of them are enough to stand out from the rest. It will just pay off to remember that over 60% of marketers use infographics which also means that the competition is stiff.

You can use infographics in the following ways:

1. Social Media

Social Media - Why and Where Can You Use Infographics?


Infographics go really well on social media. In case you have been trying to share a lot of information consistently, it is now time to use them often. Until the time infographics are creative and engaging, the audience will be attracted automatically.

Plus, when it comes to generating more leads, infographics on social media help tremendously. An online marketing agency can easily show an increase in lead generation with the use of relevant infographics. 

Hence, the integration of these infographics into the social media strategy is one of the best ways to attract more customers. However, one must not post them all the time because using them as a part of the lead generation strategy will make the use more successful.

2. Online Ads


In case you have been trying to get more and more people to buy your products at the time when they are in promotion, a large amount of text isn’t something that will work. The audience will in fact want to know what it is, the cost of it, and where it can be purchased from.

With relevant use of online ads infographics, you can entice your audience for signing up while receiving a good percentage off on the next purchase. The companies that use infographics in this way generate at least five times more traffic to their website. The more sign-ups a company gets, the better it becomes for a company to generate more leads, store the details, and also include them in email marketing.

3. Email Marketing


The entire concept of email marketing has been forgotten. Email marketing campaigns enable a marketer to reach out to and also approve previous customers along with any new leads who have given their details.

The use of infographics also allows you to limit words while focusing on only what is important. With customers receiving emails each day, a business must find a way to stand out.

Using so many images is also a great way to create engaging and engaging content through email marketing. The marketers can actually break up the information in the sense that the audience does not feel overwhelmed.

4. Offline Marketing


In addition to using infographics for online marketing techniques, they can also be used for offline marketing. The information that is used in the making of infographics is great marketing collateral.

It can actually be used for making pamphlets, brochures, and presentations because all three of those things are actually great ways to improve the reach of something. In addition, in case someone runs a business that publishes ebooks, the content of infographics can be extremely useful.

The information can be condensed in an engaging and creative format. At the end of an infographic, you can also include a strong call to action button for getting the audience to sign up and be engaged even more.

Benefits of Infographics


1. Appealing Visuals


It is probably not a surprise that our brains are capable of processing more information presented to us in a visual format as compared to text. In fact, it has also been reported that we process visuals a lot faster as compared to anything else.

When you begin to really think about this, it will make sense to you and you will understand that a well-designed infographic actually remains one of the best ways to attract prospects. With most people being active content consumers, we have been overloaded with information in the past few years.

Different situations call for different kinds of content pieces. However, most people like to look at visually appealing matters. Many customers think of data to be boring, but when you visualize it, it is also capable of taking a new form while attracting those who wouldn’t be able to read it when presented in a different format.

2. Visual Stories


The simple reason why infographics have such a bad name for themselves is that the marketers have been using them as a way to land links only. As opposed to focusing on telling a story and finding a suitable content form, infographics often become a way to land easy links.

If the marketers are interested in making their infographic marketing strategy a success, then it is important to realize that the data and stories behind an infographic matter the most when presented in a visual format. 

Stories come to life far better when we see them positively rather than simply sending a press release for linking to a blog post. A well-designed infographic is a very powerful content marketing tool. One must be sure that it is the right format for telling a story to gain the most out of an infographic’s power.

3. Knowledge Retention


One of the most important benefits of using infographics is online training because it advances knowledge retention immensely. The customers remember all the visually compelling charts, illustrations, images, and other elements way more effectively as compared to text-based online content.  

Infographics also offer a quick overview of the topic which means that there is no need to read a paragraph and search for the need-to-know information. However, for achieving the desired effect, one must ensure that the infographic is setting the right tone.

You can use images that relate to the subject matter and draw the attention of customers while also ensuring that the graphics are minimal in the sense that they shouldn’t distract the customer from key takeaways. The marketers must keep in mind that the primary goal is always to offer a clear and cohesive snapshot of an idea or concept while not confusing it with dazzling colours and images.

4. Simplifying Complex Information


The ideas and concepts that are more involved have a wide range of subtopics that can be suitable for e-learning infographics. This is because of the simple reason that an infographic is capable of simplifying and distilling information down to easily digestible pieces.

Using infographics in lead generation strategies can grab the attention of your customers and prompt them to engage and interact with content in a much better and meaningful way. The marketers can create colourful graphics and charts that highlight important trends and include pictures that show some details as well.

5. Brand Image


Another great benefit of infographics is that they can be used to customize almost every aspect. As such, one can make them in line with the brand image and messaging. Almost anyone who views infographics on a website or on a third-party social media platform will know that the infographic represents your brand.

This helps in building brand awareness and raising credibility as well, particularly among your corporate audience. Only by looking at the infographics, a customer can get a complete picture of what a brand stands for and how the information should be used for benefit.

6. Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction - Benefits of Infographics

The use of infographics is way more personal and engaging as compared to text-based online training content. Their use stressed the fact that a brand cares about the kind of content it shares and that the customer should have all the information and tools needed about the brand.

Customers feel much more satisfied with the brand and confident when they are taking any kind of product or service. This also leads to an increase in productivity and customer retention rate. A satisfied customer is more than likely to keep coming back rather than trying to look for other options online.

7. Increase in Sales


There is no doubt in the fact that infographics are a great sales tool as well. As opposed to writing down the processes, benefits, and other comparables in a large format that customers won’t read, an infographic can be used to make it obvious that the buyers should choose you over other competitors.

An infographic does not even have to be used as a PR or a link-building tool. An online marketing agency can just use it as a tool to educate prospects in a visual manner which will make a big difference in the overall sales of a brand. Once you start using them optimally, you will begin to see the difference right away. 




Infographics are a very powerful tool if you want to make the most out of an effective content marketing strategy. It is a marketing tool that can combine important data that helps your customers to understand information about your brand easily.

As a marketer or an entrepreneur, all you have to do is make sure that you have a proper plan in the creation and sharing of infographics and you will be able to see great results.

In case you need assistance in creating attractive infographics for your brand, our team at Encaptechno is here to assist you with ideal solutions for your business. We have a team of digital marketing experts that can help you in creating attractive infographics that simplify and clarify your message for generating more leads. Get in touch for more information.



How are Infographics Important for Lead Generation Strategies? Read More »

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