
lead generation strategies

How CRM and Digital Marketing can go Hand in Hand? | Encaptechno

How CRM and Digital Marketing can go Hand in Hand?

How CRM and Digital Marketing can go Hand in Hand? | Encaptechno

Taking the decision to invest in a good quality customer relationship management system can be a game-changer for your business. It does not just help in automating tasks like payments, invoicing, and messaging, but the
online CRM systems also help in playing an important role in planning a suitable marketing strategy.

The fact is that a customer relationship management system is one of the most critical components of a successful digital marketing campaign. CRM forms the foundation for the sales and promotion of a product or an idea. In essence, CRM is a set of applications that you can use for managing things such as customer databases, customer interactions, customer leads, customer satisfaction, and all else that pertains to the customers.

Improving sales requires a business to improve customer relationships. The customer service has to be impeccable in case you wish to keep customers happy because that is the only way to grow a business.

CRM Helps in Converting Online Leads

CRM Helps in Converting Online Leads

The primary goal of all digital marketing campaigns is to boost e-commerce sales. A considerable number of people shop online these days. However, more often than not the buying habits of these people involves researching a product, company prices, and taking some steps before finally making a purchase.

In other words, only because a customer is interested in one of the products, does not mean that the customer is going to buy it immediately. In fact, most of the customers rarely make it past the first step of the check-out process.

With the use of lead tracking software like CRM, it is possible to find when a customer researched the product while allowing the marketer to place targeted ads on social media and other platforms for maintaining the best interest.

The internet is anyway full of content which is why businesses must take steps that remind a customer that they are looking into one of their products or services. A CRM tool enables you to implement a marketing strategy that makes achieving the goal of engaging a customer much easier.

Digital Marketing Strengthens Customer Relationship Management Efforts


Digital Marketing plays an important role in ensuring a successful implementation of customer management. With CRM, you can establish more visibility, enable employees with relevant and timely insights, manage long-term goals, execute things flawlessly, etc.

Marketing is focused on establishing visibility, educating prospective buyers, and converting prospects.  A comprehensive understanding of the buyer’s needs, shopping behaviors, and other pain points helps the marketer to truly personalize conversations across various channels. Capable digital marketers know how to capture customer feedback and data on multiple channels while segmenting customers and drilling customer experiences.

With consistent monitoring of customer data and capturing of buyer insights, it is possible to develop a unified and reliable view of the buyer’s journey. CRM also helps with accessing relevant and timely data needed in the marketing wheelhouse. In addition, the marketing automation tools and access to data analytics help in capturing the customer’s drivers and behaviors while tailoring conversations with buyers.

Association Between CRM and Digital Marketing


1. Tailored Digital Marketing Strategy

Tailored Digital Marketing Strategy - Association Between CRM and Digital Marketing

Different kinds of customers are exposed to different kinds of marketing. For instance, some customers are more than likely to encounter marketing content through social media than on the web. On the other hand, some others may be subscribed to an emailing list while some others are more likely to find relevant marketing content when an online search is being performed.

The bottom line is that the CRM tools help in understanding the journey of every customer in a different manner. You can encounter how each customer interacts with a marketing campaign with the help of a CRM tool. This also allows you to target each potential customer with marketing content designed to reach them.

Using CRM is important in this sense as it helps in personalizing a marketing strategy that tends to result in more sales and much better brand loyalty in the long run.

2. Better Services and Happy Experiences

No brand can win over customers by the product and price alone but it happens by offering the services and happy experiences as well. A customer who has been happy with the services received is more than likely to be loyal to the company and he will probably be ready to ignore some defects over the superior quality of service as well.  

Anytime you have a happy customer, you can be sure that with time that customer will refer many more customers from his social media friend circle and his family too. This can sometimes work as a double-edged sword too because if the customer is not happy with the experience, he/she can talk ill about the company and the product to his friends and family.

In this regard, when a brand creates an e-commerce platform and chooses to promote the products and services then paying attention to the customer relationship management system becomes very important. Brands can use e-commerce as their sales engine while focusing on wider markets and volumes of prospects and customers as well.

With an increase in the volume of sales, there is a need to create the necessary backend process and e-enabled system infrastructure that can cater to the after-sales service and the customer relationship management as well. 

Customer behavior has changed largely in the present time because of widespread use of the internet and superior services are expected almost immediately. Since the delivery and service expectations have gone up, servicing a large customer base in a relatively shorter span of time can only be possible with robust online CRM systems.

3. Cost Reduction


Cost Reduction - Association Between CRM and Digital Marketing

An effective marketing campaign helps in delivering a reliable return on investment. A brand may want to achieve some goals such as boosting sales and increasing brand awareness, but more than that one must also be sure that the revenue yielded by a campaign exceeds the cost.

CRM applications offer a reliable lead management solution in a way that the marketing campaigns can be reduced by offloading most of the work that other employees have to perform. With the use of tools designed to manage and analyze customer data, the team can focus on other important tasks easily.

With the use of CRM, time can be used efficiently and the need to hire additional staff is also reduced significantly. More than anything, the CRM tools offer the marketers a deeper understanding of their customers and that goes on to help considerably in the creation, implementation, and promotion of lead generation strategies.

4. Segmentation of Customers


Digital marketing enables organizations to get easy access to behavioral activities on social platforms for increasing their information about their customers. This is the way in which organizations can divide their customers on the basis of their interests, behaviors, and attitudes based on age group and locations.

This information allows organizations to easily communicate and send messages to their customers on the basis of different interests, behaviors, and attitudes rather than the demographic location. Hence, the data received from social platforms can be integrated with the information existing with the CRM tools of the organization so that it becomes a part of the actual CRM rather than dividing various customers on social media platforms.

The overlaying of information received from digital social platforms on the existing information with the organizations also offers personalized information about the customers. CRM digital marketing allows companies to send personalized messages to interesting segments of customers. For instance, special treatment can be given to prestigious customers whereas people with a negative attitude can be treated sympathetically so that they get attracted to a company’s products and services.

5. Connectivity With Customers


The ever-increasing popularity of social media platforms has made it very easy for companies to get more and more information about their customers. This information can be integrated with the existing information collected through the traditional CRM tools.

With the improvements made in the connectivity between the companies and their customers, the way of interaction has changed not just for the companies with their customers but also with their companies. Rather than the direct marketing messages, the customers prefer interacting with the companies directly. This has become possible only because of CRM digital marketing instead of traditional CRM which was earlier based on sales alone.

6. Digital Connections

When the brand uses CRM strategies to create data sheets on the present customers and the leads that a brand has on other customers, it becomes possible to approach customers in a one-on-one digital campaign.

Brands can connect with them using preferences to make suggestions on social networking sites so that they see advertisements and are also reminded of the things they want or like. Brands can send emails meant for personally suggesting some products and services based on a previously made purchase by a customer. This is one of the best lead management solutions because it lets the brands create collateral that interests the customers.

Brands can create blogs and articles that address the things a customer may be interested in by looking at the data to confirm their likes and dislikes. Anytime there is relevant information on a page that a customer finds interesting, that page will be visited again by the customer.

7. Increased Satisfaction

Increased Satisfaction - Association Between CRM and Digital Marketing

When CRM applications are used to create databases about a customer and product, one can also create a database on customer service calls. This database can be used as a reference to offer the customers just the things that make them happy.

Anytime a brand begins to look closely at the customer service calls, what the customer liked or disliked, and what all was done to satisfy the customer, it becomes easy to create a training program for each customer service representative that allows creating satisfied customers out of every call.

8. Lead Capture


The landing pages are a robust lead magnet for the people who are led to a website for the first time because of lead generation strategies. With the adoption of CRM, the contact information of the leads can be captured in an effective way.

Even if the intention of the customer was to not buy anything on clicking, they can be made curious which can further lead them to feel motivated for filling out the form and reaching out to the brand.

CRM For Online Marketing


Customer relationship management software is a tool that companies can use for recording customer data for future references. It enhances online marketing in the following ways:

  • Tracking sales figures and determining which promotions are the most productive
  • Keeping each member of a sales team updated with customer information, probable client leads, and consistent information needed to close sales.
  • Improving follow-ups and gaining customer approvals.
  • Connecting members of your sales team to the customers using GPS technology.
  • Sharing files and information between sales team members so that when one team member cannot make a follow-up or complete a promise, another team member can come forward and make sure that the customer is happy.


The integration of a CRM with a digital marketing promotional strategy goes hand in hand. In addition to boosting sales, the marketing managers also need to focus on building brand loyalty by using promotional activities that help in engaging with the customers along with enhancing value in the relationship.

The key lies in understanding that this is the digital age of business. People are doing more online businesses including shopping, banking, investing, and researching than ever before. If the brands want to stand out in this stiff competition environment, it is very important to come with lead generation strategies that genuinely help. CRM stimulates digital marketing campaigns significantly while showing quick results in a short time period.

For any more questions on functions and implementation of CRM for better digital marketing, get in touch with our CRM consultants at Encaptechno


How CRM and Digital Marketing can go Hand in Hand? Read More »

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How are Infographics Important for Lead Generation Strategies? | Encaptechno

How are Infographics Important for Lead Generation Strategies?

How are Infographics Important for Lead Generation Strategies? | Encaptechno
Lead generation is considered one of the most important digital marketing activities because it is responsible for the start of what can be a constructive relationship with all the present and prospective customers. However much the marketers might want them to, the leads do not get closed so easily.

All businesses have to deal with competitors that are spending time in devising lead generation strategies focused on being the first search engine result on a prospect’s request. However, it is important to cater to the ever-changing purchasing behaviour and needs of different customers.

Anytime a digital marketer is faced with challenges to win the online race against competitors, creativity comes in handy in ensuring that the final results are favourable. A rather perfect example of creative digital marketing solutions is infographics. They are information-centric and artistically inclined pieces of content that can be used to attract customers and stimulate their interest in the unique proposition of a brand.

In this blog, we will have a detailed look at what infographics are and how can we use them for lead generation?

What is an Infographic?


What is an Infographic?

An infographic is actually a visual representation of any type of information or data. Be it a study on the market trends or a step-by-step guide on how to do something, an infographic is actually very helpful in presenting information in the form of an attractive visual graphic.

With the use of bright colours, bold text, and illustrated characters, attracting customer’s attention becomes easier. Plus, customers prefer an infographic over other marketing materials because they can get a quick overview of the topic while looking at an infographic. One must always keep in mind that infographic marketing is not just to inform, but also to ensure that the viewing experience becomes fun and engaging for the audience.

In the end, it all comes down to how a marketer combines different graphic elements including colours, icons, illustrations, and fonts for explaining a topic in an attractive and easy-to-understand way. Preferably, an infographic should be showing statistics or facts in a visual form while using radicals and a chart. This is to ensure that even if the customers do not read the text, they can still get a clear picture.

Why and Where Can You Use Infographics?


Why and Where Can You Use Infographics?
There is a very clear reason why infographics are so renowned and relevant. The fact is that they are fun, easy to share, and engaging too. In addition, they have so many benefits for marketers, educators, businesses, content creators, etc. Marketers, in particular, can use them for driving website traffic, brand awareness, visibility, and engagement.

In addition, the beauty of infographics marketing is that it can be used at multiple places. That said, one must not create more infographics than needed because a small number of them are enough to stand out from the rest. It will just pay off to remember that over 60% of marketers use infographics which also means that the competition is stiff.

You can use infographics in the following ways:

1. Social Media

Social Media - Why and Where Can You Use Infographics?


Infographics go really well on social media. In case you have been trying to share a lot of information consistently, it is now time to use them often. Until the time infographics are creative and engaging, the audience will be attracted automatically.

Plus, when it comes to generating more leads, infographics on social media help tremendously. An online marketing agency can easily show an increase in lead generation with the use of relevant infographics. 

Hence, the integration of these infographics into the social media strategy is one of the best ways to attract more customers. However, one must not post them all the time because using them as a part of the lead generation strategy will make the use more successful.

2. Online Ads


In case you have been trying to get more and more people to buy your products at the time when they are in promotion, a large amount of text isn’t something that will work. The audience will in fact want to know what it is, the cost of it, and where it can be purchased from.

With relevant use of online ads infographics, you can entice your audience for signing up while receiving a good percentage off on the next purchase. The companies that use infographics in this way generate at least five times more traffic to their website. The more sign-ups a company gets, the better it becomes for a company to generate more leads, store the details, and also include them in email marketing.

3. Email Marketing


The entire concept of email marketing has been forgotten. Email marketing campaigns enable a marketer to reach out to and also approve previous customers along with any new leads who have given their details.

The use of infographics also allows you to limit words while focusing on only what is important. With customers receiving emails each day, a business must find a way to stand out.

Using so many images is also a great way to create engaging and engaging content through email marketing. The marketers can actually break up the information in the sense that the audience does not feel overwhelmed.

4. Offline Marketing


In addition to using infographics for online marketing techniques, they can also be used for offline marketing. The information that is used in the making of infographics is great marketing collateral.

It can actually be used for making pamphlets, brochures, and presentations because all three of those things are actually great ways to improve the reach of something. In addition, in case someone runs a business that publishes ebooks, the content of infographics can be extremely useful.

The information can be condensed in an engaging and creative format. At the end of an infographic, you can also include a strong call to action button for getting the audience to sign up and be engaged even more.

Benefits of Infographics


1. Appealing Visuals


It is probably not a surprise that our brains are capable of processing more information presented to us in a visual format as compared to text. In fact, it has also been reported that we process visuals a lot faster as compared to anything else.

When you begin to really think about this, it will make sense to you and you will understand that a well-designed infographic actually remains one of the best ways to attract prospects. With most people being active content consumers, we have been overloaded with information in the past few years.

Different situations call for different kinds of content pieces. However, most people like to look at visually appealing matters. Many customers think of data to be boring, but when you visualize it, it is also capable of taking a new form while attracting those who wouldn’t be able to read it when presented in a different format.

2. Visual Stories


The simple reason why infographics have such a bad name for themselves is that the marketers have been using them as a way to land links only. As opposed to focusing on telling a story and finding a suitable content form, infographics often become a way to land easy links.

If the marketers are interested in making their infographic marketing strategy a success, then it is important to realize that the data and stories behind an infographic matter the most when presented in a visual format. 

Stories come to life far better when we see them positively rather than simply sending a press release for linking to a blog post. A well-designed infographic is a very powerful content marketing tool. One must be sure that it is the right format for telling a story to gain the most out of an infographic’s power.

3. Knowledge Retention


One of the most important benefits of using infographics is online training because it advances knowledge retention immensely. The customers remember all the visually compelling charts, illustrations, images, and other elements way more effectively as compared to text-based online content.  

Infographics also offer a quick overview of the topic which means that there is no need to read a paragraph and search for the need-to-know information. However, for achieving the desired effect, one must ensure that the infographic is setting the right tone.

You can use images that relate to the subject matter and draw the attention of customers while also ensuring that the graphics are minimal in the sense that they shouldn’t distract the customer from key takeaways. The marketers must keep in mind that the primary goal is always to offer a clear and cohesive snapshot of an idea or concept while not confusing it with dazzling colours and images.

4. Simplifying Complex Information


The ideas and concepts that are more involved have a wide range of subtopics that can be suitable for e-learning infographics. This is because of the simple reason that an infographic is capable of simplifying and distilling information down to easily digestible pieces.

Using infographics in lead generation strategies can grab the attention of your customers and prompt them to engage and interact with content in a much better and meaningful way. The marketers can create colourful graphics and charts that highlight important trends and include pictures that show some details as well.

5. Brand Image


Another great benefit of infographics is that they can be used to customize almost every aspect. As such, one can make them in line with the brand image and messaging. Almost anyone who views infographics on a website or on a third-party social media platform will know that the infographic represents your brand.

This helps in building brand awareness and raising credibility as well, particularly among your corporate audience. Only by looking at the infographics, a customer can get a complete picture of what a brand stands for and how the information should be used for benefit.

6. Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction - Benefits of Infographics

The use of infographics is way more personal and engaging as compared to text-based online training content. Their use stressed the fact that a brand cares about the kind of content it shares and that the customer should have all the information and tools needed about the brand.

Customers feel much more satisfied with the brand and confident when they are taking any kind of product or service. This also leads to an increase in productivity and customer retention rate. A satisfied customer is more than likely to keep coming back rather than trying to look for other options online.

7. Increase in Sales


There is no doubt in the fact that infographics are a great sales tool as well. As opposed to writing down the processes, benefits, and other comparables in a large format that customers won’t read, an infographic can be used to make it obvious that the buyers should choose you over other competitors.

An infographic does not even have to be used as a PR or a link-building tool. An online marketing agency can just use it as a tool to educate prospects in a visual manner which will make a big difference in the overall sales of a brand. Once you start using them optimally, you will begin to see the difference right away. 




Infographics are a very powerful tool if you want to make the most out of an effective content marketing strategy. It is a marketing tool that can combine important data that helps your customers to understand information about your brand easily.

As a marketer or an entrepreneur, all you have to do is make sure that you have a proper plan in the creation and sharing of infographics and you will be able to see great results.

In case you need assistance in creating attractive infographics for your brand, our team at Encaptechno is here to assist you with ideal solutions for your business. We have a team of digital marketing experts that can help you in creating attractive infographics that simplify and clarify your message for generating more leads. Get in touch for more information.



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Major Digital Marketing Trends 2021 - Encaptechno

What Are The Digital Marketing Trends For 2023?

2020 was an extremely taxing year that tested human beings all across the world. Other than affecting and posing a great risk to our health and survival, the COVID-19 pandemic had a severe impact on businesses.

With such a large number of people switching to remote working across the globe, digital technology became the foundation of business transactions. Since the entire world shifted on the digital platform, brands became much more sensitized to use the power of digital marketing strategies.

Major Digital Marketing Trends 2021 - Encaptechno

Although the digital marketing trends are looked out for every year in the world of marketing, in 2021 they increased much more. Hence, reviewing the digital marketing trends, technology, and multiple platforms in this year can enable marketers to find new opportunities that businessmen and marketers can use.

Until now, online marketing activities seem to majorly revolve around two different and opposing concepts. The first one is general humanization that focuses on real-world issues and customizing content for advanced personal engagement. The second one is a rather mechanical and technical optimization technique that streamlines SEO and structures digital campaigns.

Let’s have a look at Major Digital Marketing Trends of 2021

  • Inclusive Digital Content

Inclusive Digital Content

With every passing day, people are rising to a more inclusive, equal, and optimistic world. The youth and any marginalized society groups desire to see a much more engaging, effective, and positive depiction of equality in the digital content from popular brands. In other words, the content that we are used to from previous times will no longer be valid at this time.

Digital marketing also includes media options and subject matters that cover religions, culture, sexualities, etc. along with the representation for people with physical disabilities. One of the best lead generation strategies can be to create content that focuses on an inclusive worldview in images and videos.

According to a report by Accenture, concepts of diversity and inclusion have the capability to affect purchasing behavior severely. Over 41% of retailers moved their business and canceled the deals with retailers who do not realize the importance of an equal world. This report also highlights that over 29% of customers happily switch from brands that do not support inclusivity.

  • Social Media Channels Will Engage and Sell

Social Media Channels Will Engage and Sell

Organizations must be prepared for dedicating more resources to social media marketing in 2021. Ever since the world has been affected because of COVID-19 pandemic, digital marketers have been paying attention to customer retention. This is expected to continue in 2021 as well because the pandemic has increased the amount of time spent by people on the internet.

The consumer shift has created new opportunities for marketers. It offers them a chance to increase their reach with prospective audiences and engage with long-time customers. Making it to important online marketing activities, developing a detailed content plan, posting regularly, monitoring and driving customer reaction, and attracting new business is all-important. In case your business has been avoiding adding social media services to the marketing mix, now is the right time to begin.

This is all the more so because social media is expected to become a top channel for purchase as well, instead of only discovering things. The platforms such as Facebook and Instagram work on making it simple for clients to buy things without leaving the platform while creating a simple path to purchase. As social commerce advances further, retail brands will be adapting to new rules in 2021.

  • Google Listings

In case you own a small to medium-sized business, an important thing that can be done is ensuring that the local listings are always verified and valid on search platforms. This is because B2C businesses attract customers who majorly work on a local level while the Google My Business listing offers important information on services and locations.

This is an important factor counted in search and many business owners are often blown away to understand the directories that are listed on the internet. An important tip to learn here is that businesses must ensure to have a well-defined geographically defined service area in the local listings because this shows the business in all “near me” searches.

So many search engines prioritize importance in their algorithms. This might as well seem counterintuitive to many for limiting a business, but by using the listing, a person can be deeply interested in the search results. Keeping the lists updated enables the customers to put away all changes in hours, promotions, blogs, or other information that a person might wish to convey.

  • Artificial Intelligence

In 2021, many businesses will be rising to the dominance of artificial intelligence for better business techniques and as an important digital marketing trend. Artificial intelligence will be at the foundation of many businesses while taking over many simple jobs.

The Harvard Business Review in 2019 and a report by Gartner in 2020 declared that AI technologies will be used in almost every software product and service. In 2021, AI will become a big commercial benefit for the organizations, industries and companies in the coming decades. It will increase the global GDP up to 14% until 2030. This also means that the companies that do not understand the importance of implementing artificial intelligence will be at a loss and a competitive disadvantage in the coming years.

The thing with artificial intelligence is that it can effectively analyze customer behaviour and search patterns while using the data from social media platforms. Its implementation can enable businesses to understand the perception of customers about some products and services.

Hence, it will not be wrong to say that artificial intelligence has the potential to become the driving force of many services when implemented in content creation, product recommendation, basic communication, email personalization, and e-commerce transactions. The businesses that will adopt artificial intelligence in 2021 will be able to cut down on staffing costs and enhance their growth while getting an edge over the competitors.

  • Automated Bidding

Digital marketers change their campaigns, keyword focus, and bids regularly for getting maximum results on marketing practices. The main problem is that not all these changes come without costs. Implementing these changes means including more hours, increased fees, etc. The process of automated bidding enables Google to automate for adjusting a bid in real-time.

In addition, it should also be realized that the process of automated bidding is not new and made its debut some time ago. However, with the improvements seen in the last year, automated bidding will be seen in full gear in 2021.

There will be an increased reliance on automated bidding techniques which means that it will become possible to devote time for optimizing aspects of SEO and PPC performance. This will eventually deliver desired outcomes at a reduced cost.

  • Voice Search

Voice Search

This is one of the digital marketing trends that have been on the list for some time now because of the simple reason that it dictates the search results. The different kinds of voice search queries lead to different results as compared to when the user types in the text-based search.

As far as SEO is concerned, this is a good idea for businesses to stay on their toes with various voice search components for customers who wish to adapt and switch over to the medium. It is therefore important for digital marketers to realize the importance of optimizing the content for voice search.

The content must be interactive, engaging, and direct so that it shows up in perfect sync with search queries. This further helps in increasing traffic, staying relevant and clearly visible to the customers.

  • Video Marketing

One of the most important online marketing activities, video marketing is on the verge of ruling the digital world and will stay on the top in the future as well. The majority of customers share the brand videos which eventually lead to an improvement in conversion rate. In addition, watching videos makes a customer more confident about purchase decisions. In fact, the customers have an increased tendency to visit a brand’s website after watching a video.

Video marketing is not merely limited to YouTube. It includes Instragam, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. An important issue that marketers face is the growing shift to mobile devices. The long-form of sales pages and emails are fading away because they are difficult to be read on small screens. However, with the help of video, it becomes easier to present important information in a format that works well on all devices.

More than anything, if a website includes more videos, it is likely to draw more engagement as compared to text. This is because more and more people find the content of a video much more compelling which is why Google pushes the pages to have higher rankings.

A great thing about video marketing is that it helps in reformatting the content effectively. If you have made a video then you can get it transcribed so that you have a text version. Now, this text version can be published under the blog section as well which helps in better rankings. Uploading a video with subtitles gets a higher share of impressions and engagement. In addition, you can also use the audio from the video recorded for using it as a podcast episode.

  • Engaging and Informative Content

Engaging and Informative Content

The practice of adding more interactive and engaging elements to a website or social media is a good way to offer great value to the visitors. This is one of the lead generation strategies that engage visitors and also helps them learn more.

For instance, if you have a fashion house that ships clothes internationally then adding an effective currency conversion calculator on the website can be helpful for many customers. This will help you offer value to the visitors while making you learn more about the customers based on data that is entered in a calculator.

Some other examples of engaging content marketing include conducting quizzes, contests, polls, games, assessments, interactive videos, etc. Fun contests are a great way to increase your reach and visibility quickly. With interactive content, you can present your brand in front of new prospects quickly and economically.

Many customers also take this a step further by making this a referral contest and keeping a reward to the customers who help in bringing more business.


Although the above-mentioned digital marketing trends do not represent a complete list, they offer a great place to begin while beginning the marketing strategy. In 2021, the marketing managers will improve their chances by shifting more resources to social media and local search while adding interactive content to achieve the goal of better customer engagement.

The trends will help in improving website traffic, increasing leads, improving sales, and retaining a hard-earned customer base. In case you want a more customized approach for developing your business in 2021 then contact the digital marketing consultant from Encaptechno today.

What Are The Digital Marketing Trends For 2023? Read More »

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