
online crm system

How Does Zoho CRM Effectively Analyze the Good and Bad of Your Business | Encaptechno

How Does Zoho CRM Effectively Analyze the Good and Bad of Your Business?

How Does Zoho CRM Effectively Analyze the Good and Bad of Your Business | Encaptechno
The straight-up meaning of customer relationship management is the sum of all business techniques, tools, and strategies that manage a company’s relationship with all customers. The process of customer relationship management is aimed at gaining new customers while keeping the old customers intact.

Zoho CRM is an excellent software that manages customer relationships globally with ease. This is software that includes everything that a business can possibly want from generating more leads, tracking new sales performance, and closing more deals.

The companies that use Zoho CRM can effectively manage their marketing, sales, and customer service matters in the B2B and B2C strategy. In different words, with CRM it is possible to manage the business to business relationships and business customer relationships. Zoho runs on the SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) model and is also compatible with various computer applications.

It can be said that the online CRM system of Zoho targets small and medium businesses by offering CRM on budget. It can help in reducing the cost of centralized data and free migration integration with a third party application. It also helps in increasing sales with a sales automation feature while offering improved customer segmentation and automated sales reports.

All in all, Zoho CRM helps in an effective analysis of the good and bad of a business. In this blog, we will see how it does that in complete detail.

Zoho Analyses Your Business Comprehensively and Deeply

Zoho CRM is an
online CRM system that comes with many functions that help in tracking and measuring the performance of all activities, particularly the sales activities while also understanding targets and how they can be achieved. This analysis is done using reports, capabilities and other analytical components so that smarter decisions can be made for business growth.

For instance, reports have the ability to offer real-time insights into different attributes such as sales trends, marketing trends, performance reports, campaigns conducted, etc. In addition, the analytical components help in finding out key performance indicators along with the present status of targets by creating dashboards.

The primary purpose of Zoho Analytics is to offer you a deep analysis of all facets that are involved in a business. The reports generated on Zoho CRM enable easy access, analysis, and tracking of business while giving you the information that further helps in making primary choices.

There are a total of around 40 pre-built reports that help in tracking the important sales KPIs. Zoho CRM comes with the ability to convert these reports into charts so that the process of data analysis becomes easier. You can customize the reports and include important data from various modules.

The kind of analysis that the Zoho CRM is capable of performing includes:

  • You can have a detailed analysis of important information. With this, your organization can effectively make some data-driven decisions.
  • You can perform an easy filtration of data on the module criteria.
  • Zoho allows you to choose an arranged template and chart type. This can be used to represent the data perfectly.
  • It is possible to combine the leads, campaigns tasks, vendors, and quotations in just one database using Zoho CRM.
  • Zoho CRM also enables you to export the reports as files in different formats while giving the Dashboard access to the people who need it.

Zoho CRM can be called an online CRM system that is capable of effectively tracking all kinds of progress. There are many benefits that are there in this process. You can track the progress in the sales towards your objectives and plan the follow-up efforts as well. You can also analyze the different aspects of operations that require more attention and you can also evaluate the success while comparing individual performance.

Analyzing Key Business Metrics With Zoho CRM

Analyzing Key Business Metrics With Zoho CRM
Zoho CRM makes it possible to analyze and track important business metrics while empowering the businesses at each step. Data is a goldmine in the present time and it can be effectively analyzed with the power of Zoho Analytics.

You can differentiate and use the Zoho CRM data in the ways that you like the most. It is also possible to create the sales funnels, make sales projections, gauge the sales performance, understand the win/loss rates, track the KPIs and do much more.

Zoho is an online CRM system that lets you do the following things:

  • Zoho offers an efficient analysis of lead lifecycle management. You can analyze and track the leads by their source, status, and even ownership. You can also see your conversion rates, find where the potential churn the most, and measure the efficiency of the sales pipeline.
  • In addition, you can analyze the sales activity, track numbers at each stage of the sales pipeline. You can create sales funnels for understanding if there has been a significant drop or a rise in the sales pipeline. You can also track the conversion rates while boosting the overall efficiency of the sales process.
  • Zoho CRM enables you to combine and blend important data from other business applications for cross-functional analysis. For instance, you can combine your marketing budget in tools such as Excel, AdWords, etc. along with your sales data from the CRM for creating a spend vs sales report.
  • With Zoho CRM, you can stay updated with the data alerts. You can set targets and also be notified when they are achieved. This also allows you to track any spike, a seasonal change or an anomaly in the data with respect to the contextual alerts.

Thorough Sales Analytics

Thorough Sales Analytics
Zoho helps in creating a sales strategy with its sales analytics features. The detailed sales analytics features help in selling better, faster, and smarter. Some of the benefits that the sales analytics is capable of offering out rightly include:

  • Collaborative Analytics: Using Sales analytics, you can develop and even analyze reports together with the content marketing team. You can also share and embed the visualizations for wider consumption.
  • Pre-Built Visualizations: You can instantly begin your analytics journey with at least 75 pre-built reports and dashboards on the sales performance.
  • Email, Print, and Export Reports: Zoho CRM allows you to export, print, and email reports. There is an option to schedule the reports and dashboards for emailing automatically to the given recipients.
  • Sales Forecasting: You can make informed decisions from the sales data and also manage the cash flow workforce and resources using the Zoho CRM. It is also possible to predict future revenue and plan for future growth.
  • Analytics Assistant: Zoho CRM is a smart analytical assistant. You can type your questions and see if Zia, Zoho’s AI assistant can come up with suitable answers in the form of reports and KPI widgets.
  • Sales Representative Analysis: It is possible to review and analyze the sales representative performance and go on the top of your organization with this.

Analyzing Data and Getting Insights

Analyzing Data and Getting Insights | Zoho CRM
You can connect, prepare, and perform the analysis while getting deep and actionable insights using Zoho CRM. It can be said that
Zoho CRM is one of the best methods to analyze the good and bad of a business.

The processes such as data reporting and management are two important and many times overwhelming tasks for an organization. Many times, the raw data handling and management features play a significant role in forming reports that allow in analyzing sales and marketing campaigns.

The BI and analytics software called Zoho Analytics is one of the best tools that can be used to change data into actionable reports and dashboards. This helps the users to create dashboards and visualizations that present data in a simple and also self-service model.

Some of the common benefits of Zoho Analytics that help in analyzing the good and bad of business include:

1. Data Source Connection

Commonly the business data stays scattered in web feeds, Google sheets, cloud storage, and other online applications. However, the data analytics feature of Zoho Analytics can be of significant assistance. It can be used to connect various data sources for the purpose of reporting and analytics.

You can get great assistance from a standard Zoho Analytics consultant for uploading and blending data from various files and databases. Files such as text files, spreadsheets, business applications, Microsoft Excel, etc.

2. Analytical Reports and Dashboards

Using the drag and drop interface of Zoho Analytics, it becomes possible to present insightful reports to the customers. A wide range of virtualization components including charts and widgets are included in the Zoho Analytics that helps to create simple and interactive dashboards.

In addition, it is also possible to combine multiple reports in a single dashboard which makes it much simpler for any team to track key performance indicators. For instance, if you want to do sales monitoring, that can be possible with analytical reports and dashboards.

Zoho Analytics comes with an easy to use and a pre-built analytical set of functions that can be used for a deep performance analysis along with deriving key metrics. In addition, it also includes a spreadsheet-like interface for data addition, analyzing metrics, and detailed reporting.

3. Reporting and Collaboration Feature

Using Zoho Analytics, it becomes very easy to develop reports with team members along with much better access to options such as read-write, drill down, read-only, etc.

Zoho Analytics comes with an ability that allows you to quickly and easily publish reports while also giving users access to Zoho analytics login. It is a great option to get in touch with a Zoho Analytics consultant so that easy collaboration and reporting features can be maximized.

4. Centralized Data Collection

Due to the easy to navigate and smart assistant of Zoho Analytics called Zia, a centralized collection of data is facilitated. This data collection helps in streamlining data and developing a 360-degree view of a company along with an answer to important questions related to the financial status, operational efficiency, and customer behaviour.

In addition, Zoho Analytics simplifies otherwise difficult processes such as data splitting, merging, and formatting to ensure productivity. As a result, the final result is favourable when it comes to decision making.

5. Embedded Business Intelligence Solution

Using Zoho Analytics, anyone can set up a reporting portal that provides an embedded business intelligence solution option. There is a list of comprehensive APIs and completely customizable design elements that help in tailoring the portals, dashboards, and reports just as a person wants.

The users can effectively embed Zoho Analytics with many other solutions like ERP tools and CRM platform as well. The solutions offer easy integration and a completely rebranded user portal for an easy user experience all across platforms.

Zoho analytics effectively allows businesses and different organizations to make quick decisions with the use of AI-powered assistance and auto blending of data. The embedded business intelligence solutions are a way for analyzing the good and bad of a business.

6. Data Visualization

One of a kind BI & analytics software, Zoho Analytics comes with an interactive and insightful dashboard that helps in gaining important information. This software helps in offering businesses a library of visualization techniques while ensuring that the organizational trends are recognized easily.

It is possible to collaborate with Zoho Analytics consultants easily for understanding data visualization that helps business teams to make effective decisions that enhance the bottom line of any business.

7. Flexible Architecture

Zoho CRM offers
an extensible tool that can be scaled just as a business develops. It has a scalable architecture that enables a person to integrate into applications of any particular size.

Furthermore, it can also be configured to generate reports and handle large volumes of data by using scalable column database technology.

8. Collaboration and Productivity

Zoho CRM
allows easy collaboration between the business teams by providing team leaders and managers with easy access to data that the colleagues and clients can see and edit.

Based on access, users can create a comprehensive report, embed it into the website, and also share it with team members with an email for collaboration. Zoho CRM also allows the creation of annotations and images for creating comment threads that enable easy and productive communication.


Zoho CRM is capable of offering a detailed analysis of a business so that quick and effective decisions can be taken when it matters. One can monitor the sales cycle, customize dashboards, create charts, target meters, KPIs, and funnels based on the business goals.

In addition, Zoho CRM also enables a business to take data-driven decisions so that the conversion rate can be improved. Using powerful charts, one can compare and contrast the records to know where the business stands at the moment. It is also possible to focus on different regions, target marketing campaigns, and set organizational objectives for the business development.

In case you haven’t yet implemented Zoho CRM then you are missing out on a lot that can allow your business to grow significantly. Use Zoho to capture a picture of your business and let your business grow manifold just the way it deserves. For more information on the implementation of Zoho CRM, get in touch with our consultants at Encaptechno, today.

How Does Zoho CRM Effectively Analyze the Good and Bad of Your Business? Read More »

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Maximize Your Sales with Three CRM Reports | Encaptechno

Maximize Your Sales with Three CRM Reports

Maximize Your Sales with Three CRM Reports | Encaptechno 

At the time when you are busy analyzing the sales objectives of your team, it always helps to go back and see which methods were responsible for maximizing the sales. When you really think about all these questions, you will also end up pondering multiple questions so that you can eventually work on creating a sales strategy.

You will think about the average time taken for the sales cycle to get completed, the number of leads that get converted into customers, star performers in your sales teams, and the regions that promote business. It is also possible to not know all of these things at once but you must try to keep looking for accurate answers to these factors.

An online CRM system helps significantly in understanding the figures that affect the sales process. Using the CRM solution, you can generate and analyze CRM reports with filters that can give you the information that you need. These reports can help you gain insights to effectively manage the sales processes and sales team as well.

In this blog, we will see three major reports that Zoho online CRM system offers to analyze and strategize the sales processes. These categories of Zoho reports offer immense value to the business. In addition, these reports also help in identifying the metrics that drive more sales so that time and effort can be spent in the right place.

What are CRM Reports?

What are CRM Reports?
CRM reports are like an organized document that is capable of telling us what is going on with a business. These reports can be as simple as a document that analyzes sales calls or it can be a document as detailed as the one that analyzes revenue numbers and customer feedback required for understanding a company.

There are many different types of CRM reports and honestly, all of them are important. You may want to think about which report relates to your goals or see these reports as tools that help in understanding how the sales process is working in a company.

The use of CRM reports is often limited to sales and marketing. However, if you wish to go a step beyond and have the correct data then you can gain valuable insights from the CRM reports. These are official documents that help in taking strategic business decisions beyond sales and marketing. The key is to find the best online CRM system that can help in generating and analyzing these reports.

Zoho is one such CRM system that generates accurate reports that can ramp up sales operations. Some of the reports that Zoho offers include

1. Time-Based Reports

There are hundreds and thousands of leads that do not guarantee increased sales. The key to converting qualified leads into sales is called lead nurturing which is something that is effective only with a detailed understanding of the lead nurture process.

Oftentimes, sales teams have stagnant leads in their pipeline that do not actually move ahead without sales monitoring. The best way to handle those leads is to identify them while taking extra time and effort to convert these leads successfully. This is something that can be easily done with the use of time-based reports.

We have all heard countless times that time is money but the main question is that do we really understand what this means? In terms of business the adage “Time is Money” means that every second counts when you are facing a customer.  When you are in the process of converting a lead into an opportunity, timing is literally everything.

The sales team has to decide the value of their time. Using the CRM reports, it is possible to understand the lead nurturing cycle with comprehensive analysis. There are some time-based reports that can be helpful in calculating your valuable time and its effectiveness. These reports are “Sales Cycle Duration across Lead Sources/Potential Type”, “Overall Sales Duration across Lead Sources/Potential Type”, and “Lead Conversions Across Industries/Owners.”

2. People-Based Reports

Measuring the regular performance of sales representatives is important for business success. There are different metrics that can be used to measure the success of sales representatives. However, knowing the right sales metrics and getting important information can be helpful in understanding the strength and weaknesses of sales processes.

Another set of CRM reports that can be helpful in understanding more about the sales process is called people-based reports. These reports enable the managers to know which representatives are doing well and which reps are the ones who can do better.

It is important to understand that the reports that give us a comprehensive insight on the goals achieved by an individual alongwith the activities performed to achieve a target are considered important while calculating the monthly sales target.

Zoho is an online CRM system that offers different performance-based reports that eventually help in measuring the progress of an individual working in a sales team. Most importantly, these reports help in checking the overall quality of service offered to the customers. Some of the reports include “Sales Person’s Performance Report”, “Sales Cycle Duration Across Owner”, “Lead Conversion Count Across Owner.”

3. Revenue-Based Reports

Yet another factor that gives an insight into the sales processes is the amount of revenue that a business is making periodically. The sales managers must have clarity about each line of product or service contributing to the overall profit. It is possible that the sales processes can be great in one region but not the same in another.

When the sales managers know everything about the sales revenue, the percentage of targets achieved, and the lead sources that give more business, it becomes easy to keep a tab on the revenue. Understanding who the profitable customers are can be difficult unless there is a detailed report of everything that a customer purchases in a life cycle.

Measuring the revenue and growth of an organization is very easy. With the Zoho CRM reports, you can know exactly where the revenue of a company is going and the factors responsible for it. Some of the reports that are revenue-based include “Sales by Lead Source”, “Pipeline By Profitability/Stage”, and “This Month Sales.”

Benefits of CRM Reporting

Sometimes, sales professionals think
that creating a sales strategy based on CRM reports can take your time and energy that could be spent somewhere else. However, this is not the right thinking. Below mentioned are some of the benefits that will make the benefits of CRM reporting very clear to you.

1. Insights

Insights | Benefits of CRM Reporting
Sales is a lot about understanding how well you suffice the needs of your customers. The detailed insights that you can see based on your customers help in improving the sales pitch.

Let’s say that you are looking for clients that are easily approachable, do not cause any troubles, and continue to be profitable for you for a long time to come. Now you can find these clients by creating CRM reports that can find patterns in your customers. You can study these reports and understand which clients are likely to be ideal for you.

2. Sales Funnel

The entire process through which a lead becomes a customer is considered important to the health of your sales process. There are many sales representatives that do not realize that they have a problem that their sales funnels can be improved.

The reports generated by an online CRM system can help in underlining all problems that are present with the funnel so that the sales process becomes smooth. Once you see where the problems are, you will solve them immediately and the final result will be favorable.

3. Streamlined Time

The sales professionals must be clear about the way they are spending their time if they wish to achieve the goals in the right time frame. With minimal effort, the result can be considerable.

The sales representatives can also increase this time to have a bigger impact on the sales record. The online CRM reporting can be extremely helpful because the CRM reports help the representatives to find revenue-generating activities that maximize the time spent with the right leads.

For instance, sales representatives can find an ideal customer profile to spend time with prospects that can use a product or service or find leads at a profitable source. The reports can ensure that representatives are only spending their time where it genuinely makes a difference.

4. Making Suitable Changes

The process of
creating sales strategy, monitoring, and changing it periodically is not an easy process. It is always changing and representatives who do not keep up with the changes can fall behind easily. The key is to find just where the changes need to be made and to focus on making those changes timely.

The CRM reports help us in identifying where the changes must be made. The reports are useful in finding problems or seeing patterns that are leading to lost sales. Once these patterns are understood, it is possible to offer key insights into what must be changed.

5. Seeing Issues Early

The sooner salespeople can see a potential issue, the more they can eliminate them. This enables the sales representatives to take corrective measures and put in strategies that can help in meeting goals.

Using CRM reports can help in pointing patterns more quickly than humans in many cases. It is important to understand the problem so that creating a sales strategy becomes easy. This way, obstacles can be seen and solved at the right time.


Using the
CRM reports can help in generating better revenue and it can also boost team productivity. The reports come with an ability to streamline complex manual duties which ultimately ends up saving a lot of precious time.

In case you have not been using the CRM reports in a powerful way then it is time to start exploring data so that you find and maximize more opportunities. Irrespective of the kind of business you might be in, the CRM reports can be helpful in making your sales operations much more organized.


Maximize Your Sales with Three CRM Reports Read More »

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7 Benefits of Integrating CRM with LinkedIn | Encaptechno

7 Benefits of Integrating CRM with LinkedIn

7 Benefits of Integrating CRM with LinkedIn | Encaptechno
LinkedIn is one of those social networks that can enable you and your business to become very well known professionally. Particularly, if your company has just started using it or it is about to target new markets in unknown lands then LinkedIn can be really helpful. One of the main benefits of LinkedIn is that it brings together people involved in a business together. You can keep in touch with business partners, potential employees, and customers.

Among the other benefits that LinkedIn brings on the table, the CRM integration is yet another one that can work wonders for you. The customer relationship management tools are evolving continuously. The CRM integration with LinkedIn can enable a sales team to explore new ways to expand and nurture business relationships.

In this blog, we will see some of the benefits of integrating CRM with LinkedIn. However, the fundamental thing to understand here is what the importance of this integration is?

CRM and LinkedIn

CRM and Linkedin
Customer relationship management is one of the fastest growing industries. When it comes to CRM options available in the market today, the options are endless. From large and comprehensive systems with so many integrations and tools to industry specific software applications focused on start-ups and small B2B businesses, there are many CRM options in the market.

It does not matter which B2B industry you may be in, the CRM integration with LinkedIn must be done so that the tools can be maximized to their potential. It is important to understand that using the power of LinkedIn along with the CRM means that more leads and better outreach campaigns can be developed for the sales teams.

A customer relationship management or CRM integration done with LinkedIn will enable you to get all the important information such as names, job titles, organizations, website addresses, etc. This information can be extracted and sent directly to the CRM system. Sending this important data automatically saves many hours manually as the input data for leads is used for outreach campaigns in boosting replies and sales.

Why is it Important to Integrate CRM with LinkedIn?

No matter which business it may be, time and strong professional relationships are two of the important elements that help in achieving the desired results. Sales teams across all industries work hard consistently to generate more sustainable relationships. Even though all these relationships have multiple components, the sales conversions and mutually benefitting situations must encounter one another.

The sales process becomes much more streamlined and effective when CRM is integrated with LinkedIn. What must be kept in mind is that the traditional sales activities are anyway provoking the loss of many business deals. The decision-making processes have turned complex and business reports assert that more people should be included in the process.

Basically, it can be said that it is no longer sufficient to just focus on the important within but it should become important to multi-thread a targeted network. There is an immediate need to apply digital strategies in the sales process. This is a process that entails personalizing content, teaching something new to people, and changing how the digital strategy can impact a business. The CRM integration with LinkedIn brings all this and more.

Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedIn

1. Easy Leads Prospecting

Easy Leads Prospecting | Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedIn
CRM integration with LinkedIn helps immensely in lead prospecting. LinkedIn is a social platform that is created for professional networking. It helps the sales team to find their target audience precisely. There are two important types of LinkedIn profiles including company profiles and personal profiles.

The fact is that B2B businesses can gain many benefits by finding out about a company that they are targeting, their needs, wants, and even an insight into an existing process. After this, they can also target specific decision-makers within a company through personal profiles.

Basically, LinkedIn is a place where professionals can connect with multiple like-minded professionals and organizations. They can store valuable data and make all of it available for the sales team and marketers so that much better CRM profiles can be built.

The CRM integration with LinkedIn will give the sales team a wide room to make the most out of all untapped leads without wasting any time searching the whole pool. The integrations are such that they let a salesperson have an advanced search option of the lead, prospect, or the customer directly from the CRM.

One of the best-added benefits is that all additional information can be provided by LinkedIn to understand and strategize accordingly. This does not just help in saving a lot of time but it also helps the team to provide a value addition while eliminating any unwanted research of non-prospects.

2. Saving Time

Saving Time | Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedInA valuable and rather limited resource that all sales teams have to use is time. To ensure that the sales goals are achieved, it becomes important to engage and interact with the prospects and generate qualified leads. Think of a situation when you have created sufficient conversations on LinkedIn that they are all ready to be transferred into a CRM system.

When LinkedIn will be integrated with an online CRM system, it will become easy to save the leads from any conversations that you may have with a prospect. In another scenario where you have been using LinkedIn for a long time without knowing that there is a possibility of integrating CRM, you will again be able to save a lot of time.

You can import all of your saved leads from LinkedIn to the CRM system without thinking about transferring them manually. This is a great way to save time. In addition, the new version of LinkedIn also allows you to include the latest features that help in improving communication and speed of updating modifications in the sales pipelines of opportunities.

This way, you will end up saving time and also ensure that you don’t miss track of the buyer’s needs. Any alerts and insights will keep you up to date in real-time about all the important information that is needed to take the best action towards building a sales relationship.

3. Better Relationship Building

Better Relationship Building | Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedIn
The integration of LinkedIn with an
online CRM system ensures a seamless lead flow and an ability to build better relations with the customers. All of the email contacts and the important information related to them can fall in perfect sync.

The integration can show the sales team a clear direction of working on the prospects by facilitating a smooth introduction with the information that is obtained from LinkedIn. This can be done with easy networks, predefined communication templates, information sharing, and using updates about prospects.  

The sales team can get detailed information about the profile of the leads which further plays an important role in the process of relationship building. The kind of information that you can obtain about the leads turns out to be highly useful for making the lead feel comfortable.

Sales teams anyway do so much and go out of their way to get information about the customers so that better sales pitches can be made. The CRM integration with LinkedIn serves as a perfect resort to this because it helps the sales team to make things very easy.

4. Targeting the Right People

Focusing on just one person is not enough to generate business opportunities. If you want to ensure that you achieve your sales objectives quickly then multithreading is something that you will have to pay sincere attention to. It is something that allows much better communication and conversations with the right set of people.

The CRM integration with LinkedIn can help in giving you the wide possibility of leveraging the data that gets collected from sales preferences. A consistency in the way you approach the leads can also allow you to learn who you may be interested in. As you synchronize LinkedIn with CRM, you can retrieve important information from your CRM.

One of the easiest ways to find the right insight is to look at the recommended leads. These profiles are generally within the targeted account or they are similar to the potential lead. When you find the right people, you can focus on reaching a constructive decision while uncovering other profiles that are included in the decision process. This way, you will save time and stay focused.

5. Improved Sales Intelligence

CRM integration with LinkedIn has the ability to improve sales intelligence to a great extent. You can easily get all the important sales insights with regular updates, information, and connections. Moreover, you can also save a lot of time in finding the right people and hence get your business a true value addition.

The ability to access information from any time and from anywhere will never let you lose on any prospect. While you continue enjoying the ease of building connections seamlessly, the customers are also somehow empowered to deal with the right person which is a benefit to both ends.

With so many sales representatives and business development professionals using social tools, it makes sense to access the information on one screen. The CRM integration with LinkedIn enables all the prospects to view the CRM window. All users can research the prospects before contacting them while pulling up information through LinkedIn.

Sales intelligence is also empowered because this integration saves a lot of time and expands the overall accuracy. You can get to know your prospects well in advance and you can ascertain if you have something in common. The system also shows a list of related leads and people while matching them to the profile that is being viewed.

Most of all, we all know that most of the buyers are always involved in the decision-making process so it becomes all the more important to access leads. The users can actually communicate with all the parties and make it extremely easy to close the deals.

6. Much Better Outreach Campaigns

After you have become successful in creating a list of potential leads and information about the professional life of a person, the outreach campaigns can become personalized and effective.

It becomes easy to create high conversion email campaigns that can plug in all important data that the CRM integration with LinkedIn has scrapped with accounting targeting and automating the entire lead generation process.

The final result is always a constant stream of new customer inquiries each month that come from the automated system. These inquiries have a great potential to turn into your leads while helping you do much better in the business with an expanded clientele.

7. Detailed Demographic Information

Detailed Demographic Information | Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedIn
LinkedIn is an excellent source to get relevant data on the customers. You can know their job title, seniority, professional achievements, and much more. This knowledge will help in personalizing your outreach campaigns.

When you know more about the potential leads, there will be a much better opportunity to stand out and show everyone that you have done your research properly. More people are likely going to respond if you connect with them on a personal level.

The detailed demographic information also helps in a lead generation which becomes as simple as finding a suitable lead and hitting a button on their profile. All of this public information can be collected and sent to the pipeline so that it appears on the dashboard and helps in saving time that is otherwise spent on inputting the data manually.


LinkedIn is most definitely one of the most powerful business networks that you cannot ignore. It has a wealth of information and by making complete use of it, businesses can gain so much. Ensuring that the CRM software is compatible with LinkedIn can help a sales team to become way more effective.

One of the biggest benefits is the ability to use the information and foster communications with the prospects. Customers are anyway not prepared to respond to the sales and marketing literature that are not related to them. They look for immediate value and something that should be provided with what they are looking for.

The union of a CRM with LinkedIn helps in ensuring powerful sales and marketing processes. All businesses that wish to see real results from prospecting must make the most out of CRM integration with LinkedIn. If you also want to do the same, get in touch with our CRM consultants of Encaptechno who can help you achieve the best results.



7 Benefits of Integrating CRM with LinkedIn Read More »

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10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? | Encaptechno

10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them?

10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? | Encaptechno
The customer relationship management systems have been helping many businesses grow by streamlining the entire sales process. However, the most important requisite for the CRM structure to perform well is a successful deployment of the system. There are many factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the online CRM system. They include ensuring that all the features are included, process-oriented implementation, and correct third-party integrations.

No matter how much prior focus is laid on not making mistakes while CRM implementation, something or another goes wrong easily. When the CRM systems were introduced in the beginning, they offered businesses a long-term strategy to promptly engage and manage customer relationships, close more deals, and automate any kind of recurring tasks.

A common misconception that comes with a Zoho CRM implementation is that it is seen as a one-time event. People make the mistake of thinking that after the implementation of Zoho, all lost leads, broken sales methods, and lack of follow-ups will be repaired. Even though it is true that the Zoho CRM system is designed to support the sales process through and through, it must also be remembered that the system will not by itself cause the business to grow.

Hence, it is necessary to consider CRM implementation as an important long-term and company-wide process as opposed to a one-time event. Oftentimes, the managers have the best intentions but their strategies end up hitting the hard ground during the implementation phase. In this blog, we will see why that is by looking at the 10 common Zoho CRM mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Inability to Underline a Problem

Inability to Underline a Problem | 10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? | Encaptechno

Somehow, this tends to be one of the most common mistakes during the process of Zoho CRM implementation. Understanding that you have a problem is the primary step. You may also have heard this before but let us look at this point in reference to the sales cycle.

You must understand the CRM strategy starts to unfold right when you are deliberating about choosing a CRM system. It is very much possible to think that you do not even have a problem. You must know how to manage all the touchpoints a potential customer can possibly have with your business.

Factors such as knowing how to sift through emails, the important points in your notepad, managing your call records, the customers who are there in your sales pipeline, and the revenue that can be expected next month are all important. If you feel that any of these factors are not understandable or known by you then there is a good chance that there is a problem in your sales cycle.

When you know all the problems, you will be able to use the features offered by the CRM system in a much better way. After all, the CRM systems are there to support you and make your work-life easy to manage. So you must see the problem for what it is and own it because the good news is that there is always a solution.

2. Failure to Purchase the Value of CRM


You must remember that communication is key in this situation. As a manager, you should understand the value that a CRM system is capable of bringing to your business. Once you understand this value properly, you will be able to make a better sense out of the big picture and the value that CRM can bring to your organization.

All employees are like puzzle pieces that fit into a bigger picture of your business growth. Getting a better context of how the CRM can support these roles can help employees to buy into the CRM strategy. You can help your team make the most out of the value of CRM by considering factors like the business growth strategy of CRM, the value provided by CRM to each time and organization, and the context of an existing CRM process.

All through this, the important part is to keep in mind that the sales team needs extra attention during the change. You would not want the sales team to think that you are adding a mundane task to their already existing busy day. You can gain buy-in from the experienced sales professional by offering a context of how the CRM system is designed to work on tedious tasks and problems out of the way so that the focus can be on closing deals.

3. Failure to Communicate Goals

Failure to Communicate Goals | 10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? | Encaptechno
Any changes can open a door for misunderstanding, loss of motivation, and frustration. Being a manager you can set expectations from the beginning. It doesn’t matter if your goals are not clear at the moment, you can give your team an idea of where you want to go and how the
online CRM system is going to help in achieving that.

It must be clear that a CRM is like a consistently functional strategy that helps a team close more deals so that the business can grow. You can keep your team motivated by answering questions like what is the need of implementing a CRM system, how will the CRM system support the individual roles, and how can a CRM system offer a better context about these processes?

4. No Ongoing Executive Support

Avoid being the professional who has one meeting with the staff only to disappear later. It is necessary to be present and involved in the integration process. This way, you will not just give your employees a new process but you will also integrate a system into an already existing process.

Your employees should be able to trust you and when you are proactive while keeping your team accountable for integrating the process, the online CRM implementation and function become easy. The focus should be to keep the team in the knowledge by facilitating regular communication on how the employees are integrating CRM into the process.

Other than this, you must also be able to schedule individual meetings with employees and ask for their special input on the improvement of processes within the CRM system. In addition, you should also be able to hold the team leads accountable for supporting a long-term strategy with the integration of the CRM system.

5. No Strategy In Effect

No Strategy In Effect | 10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? | Encaptechno
It is easy to know that we need a CRM system but it is much harder to implement and use the CRM system in a suitable way. It is possible that you have deployed your CRM system to check off all important items. You could have also created roles and profiles, migrated the correct data, set up the workflow automation, put webforms on your website, scheduled the sales pipelines reports, and set up lead assignments.

However, the main challenges come when you are getting your teams to use it all. You have to give this part due consideration so that the job can be successful. Setting up the online CRM system and deploying it is a small part of the entire CRM strategy. The CRM system implementation actually continues after deployment as well. This is a long-term strategy.

You can consider factors such as how your team will be using the CRM, how the team will support the sales, marketing, and customer support, how the team will be held accountable for updating data constantly, how the employees will be trained, and which online CRM training will make you available to your team.

An effective Zoho CRM implementation strategy will include the development of a company culture where the customers are at the center of a business. You must be dedicated and consistent with your goals and strategy so that the CRM system can support your business growth in the right manner.

6. Taking More Features Than Needed

A common mistake while choosing and implementing the CRM system is getting attracted to multiple features without really understanding if your business requires them or not. There are many users who do not end up using the features of CRM properly.

You do not have to choose the most advanced and feature-rich uses. Rather, it makes sense to determine the most suitable features for you based on the business needs that you have. Make sure that everything is aligned with your budget and priorities.

Before the implementation, make a list of all the features that you want to use. It will also be beneficial if you end up getting the inputs of your end-users while asking them about the workflow pain points that they wish to solve.

7. Not Training the Team

Not Training the Team | 10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? | Encaptechno
Choosing and implementing a
CRM structure is only the beginning of a long battle. A robust online CRM system will not mean anything if no one understands how to use it. Therefore, correct implementation and training the end-users on how to use the CRM system is important.

When you do this, you will help your team understand the need and benefits of using the system and also encourage them to integrate the CRM into their daily tasks. This will help you in having a low adoption rate. Businesses have a long way to go when it comes to CRM adoption.

Businesses must realize the importance that the CRM system is capable of bringing while increasing sales performance. The best way to avoid this mistake is by having a proper training program in the right place so that the end-users can have a chance to explore the system before officially adopting it in everyday activities.

Taking the support of a Zoho consultant can help you train the team for using CRM. You can discover the training tips such as planning, using resources, determining best practices, and creating training modules for making the most out of a CRM investment.

8. Not Using Mobile CRM

The most important benefit of accessing a CRM with a mobile device is that you can do it anytime and anywhere. This is one of the
common CRM mistakes made by many companies. You must realize that mobile CRM keeps you on top of your tasks without any need to be in front of the computer at all times.

Not using the mobile CRM app properly can slow down the response time to customers and increase the chance of missing out on important customer updates. Most salespeople who use their mobile phones are able to meet their sales quotas as compared to the ones who do not.

Most of the teams that use the mobile CRMs also end up improving their overall productivity. You can choose a CRM system with an excellent mobile CRM app and ensure that the sales team downloads and uses it.

9. Failure to Maintain Clean and Accurate Data

The customer data is more like the lifeblood of a CRM system. It is necessary to ensure that you migrate and maintain correct and updated customer data into the
online CRM system.

Despite understanding the importance of this, many businesses fall into the trap of maintaining bad data that result in inaccurate sales forecasts and outdated customer information. All the missing, outdated, and incomplete data ends up costing a lot to the companies. 

To make sure that this does not happen, organizations can create a standard practice on data entry for the team to follow. For instance, the process of identifying mandatory fields that should be filled out when creating a new customer profile so that duplications are removed.

This can include full name, company name, contact details, landline, and mobile details, address, and social media profiles. Other than this, you can also schedule periodical setups to clean the maintenance system. Doing this can help in seeing duplicate or missing information after which steps to rectify things can be taken immediately when the process is done regularly.

10. Lack of Integration

One of the prime benefits of using a business tool and multiple software applications is the ability to integrate tools with each other. Any failure to do the same will end up decreasing the productivity level as it forces the users to use various systems and toggle between different business tools.

As a result, the chances of data duplication and scattered business knowledge will increase. Most people understand that lack of business integrations with other tools is one of the biggest challenges of using the CRM structure.

Before the CRM implementation, make a detailed list of all the business tools and see if they are compatible with each other or not. The CRM providers must have a list of native and third party integrations available to use the system. If you have a CRM system and are planning to subscribe to other tools then you can do the same by checking if the CRM integrates with these tools or not.

In case you discover that the CRM does not integrate with a business tool then you can also consult a Zoho consultant. The consultant will introduce an automation tool that can connect apps and services. Two or more applications will be easily connected to automate all repetitive tasks without any need to code or depending on developers for integration.


Making CRM mistakes can be costly. They do not just include financial impacts but they also lead to a loss of valuable time and key customer data management. The good thing is that careful research on important aspects such as knowing the right features, integrating them suitably and following the implementation process can avoid the
common CRM mistakes.

You can consider all the mistakes mentioned above so that they can be avoided or you can do a better job and take the support of a Zoho consultant. This way, your business will be prevented from making potential hiccups down the road.



10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? Read More »

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How Is Zoho a Good Option for Business Organizations in 2022_

How Is Zoho a Good Option for Business Organizations in 2022?

How Is Zoho a Good Option for Business Organizations in 2022_

Ever since Zoho was launched in 2005, it has been focused on enabling businesses to expand effortlessly. This means that if a business wants to grow then
Zoho implementation can be very helpful. It offers an ease of use that makes Zoho one of the topmost CRM choices available. All thanks to Zoho, one can still have effective customer relationships even though there is no real person to do a specific job.

Zoho is user-friendly and comes with all that is needed to keep the customers satisfied. It is a decent CRM solution for many types of businesses. The pricing that Zoho is available at is quite competitive and is considered to be at par with Salesforce and Microsoft CRM. The fact that Zoho comes with so many features makes it a great tool for businesses to grow.

Zoho is available in several tiers of plans and ranges from the free option to the Enterprise solution which is a great option for virtually any company. Its applications and features make it worth using for any kind of business. In this blog, we intend to see the different features of Zoho and how it is a good option for business organizations in 2022. Let’s begin.

Overview of Zoho CRM

One can effectively say that Zoho CRM is like an all-in-one solution. It is an
online CRM system that does not need you to look through different departments or anything of that sort which makes it an excellent option for businesses of all sizes. Zoho CRM is a tool that all employees can use effectively and this is one thing that is very important.

The Zoho CRM implementation makes sure that employees do not need training for taking advantage of many features right away. It is a CRM solution that can effectively bend to your needs. You can customize the dashboard for different teams or projects and create multiple pipelines for matching the customer journeys. In addition, Zoho CRM allows you to create reports in a couple of clicks with deep insights on just about anything that you can think of.

Moreover, Zoho CRM includes features such as real-time sales signals and customer notifications, blueprint business management for online and offline processes, mass emails, prospect scoring capabilities, advanced customizations, AI assistant, inventory management, etc. The best part is that Zoho is affordable. The cheapest plan that Zoho offers starts at $14 per user per month and there is no skimping on features. If you need customization and features then Zoho’s upper-tier CRM plans come at $23, $40, and $52 per user per month.

What’s more, Zoho also provides a free plan with three users. It comes with many important features such as lead management, task management, document sharing, workflow rules, and a mobile application as well. To help small businesses, Zoho has recently started Bigin – a CRM that enables small businesses to manage their customer relationships easier than ever. When small businesses are prepared to move ahead of spreadsheets and legacy sales tools, Bigin is a great tool to begin.

What’s new in Zoho CRM in 2022?

Other than the many features that customers are already aware of, Zoho is coming up with other powerful features in 2022 that can empower business organizations. These features will be centered on delivering an exceptionally high standard in customer experience. Let’s have a look at them below.

1. Unified Platform for End-to-End Remote Working


One of the biggest problems that professionals have seen while working remotely is context switching. This is a problem that makes the professionals leave tasks incomplete and move on because of an interruption and it creates a negative impact on productivity. There can be many reasons for the disruptions and so many of them are inevitable when working from different locations.

For example, if the web developer is supposed to finish an important task in the fixed timeline and there is an immediate team meeting called then the developer will end up attending the meeting which will leave the task incomplete. This and many other interruptions can be avoided when there is a team collaboration tool in use.

With the Zoho implementation, you can set your status at “Engaged at Work” when you are working on completing an important task while informing your teammates that you will be unavailable. This way, remote work status in Zoho Cliq can help in focusing on work without causing any interruptions.

Zoho Cliq is a team collaboration tool that can be used by professionals for working and collaborating effectively. It comes with remote work features that help in working through the various disturbances along with being integrated with other apps or tools that you use. This helps in avoiding contextual switching at work and being all the more productive.

2. Client-end Scripting


The client scripts help the developers to use JavaScript codes for extending the capabilities of the Zoho CRM system in a way that addresses niche business needs. Since the scripts are executed on the client-side, a team can address many requirements.

This can be primarily done with low latency scripts that perform actions such as field validation, computations, UI actions, auto-population, field validation, enrichments along with trigger widgets, functions, and flyouts.

3. Omnichannel Communication


The present hybrid work environment presents a vital place for the sales representatives to maximize benefits across channels of communication when engaging with prospects. 

For building the robust omni-channel communication platform that is already a part of the Zoho CRM system, many enhancements have been introduced across email and telephony systems so that sales can become more effective.

4. Personalized Emails


The personalization of emails has proven to be an important step in building long-term trust with customers. Hence, Zoho is presenting new ways to add a personal flair to emails so that the business identity can be established strongly in the minds of customers.

Zoho will enable businesses to customize all aspects of emails from font styles and sizes to the email signatures for individual email addresses and email aliases. This will help the businesses to foster a much better reputation in the minds of clients.

5. Smart Working With Automated Workflows

Smart Working With Automated Workflows

Artificial intelligence will hold an important place in future workspaces. While curbing the challenges posed by the pandemic, many organizations realized the importance of AI because it helps in the automation of everyday tasks with the use of bots. 

AI also reduces workload and improves productivity by focusing on important work rather than manual data entry on a loop. The workflow automation does not just reduce human error in the workflow but it also saves a lot of time. In fact, automation of the workload can give the professionals the benefit of streamlining business processes.

For instance, one of the important tasks for any organization is to engage the customers and address their questions. This is an important task as happy customers form the foundation of any business. The customer service can address issues and an internal communication tool can help in discussing work items with fellow customer success executives.

Zoho CRM helps in navigating between the customer community while being updated on the new customer posts. You can also engage a bot that instantly notifies new queries and complaints within Zoho. This is an exceptional way in which routine tasks can be automated efficiently.

In addition, Zoho will also be coming up with exciting new updates to Zia which is Zoho CRM’s AI sales assistant. These updates will be bringing new levels of insights and understanding of customers and they will help in building meaningful and personalized customer relationships.

6. Defining Email Sharing Policy


Based on the roles of CRM users and the kind of email communications that you are engaging in, you might want emails to be available to every user in a CRM. The emails should be confidential and they should only be available to a small group of decision-makers.

With the Zoho CRM, you can effectively define your email sharing policy at the organizational level for each role while updating the policy for users in bulk. You can also set email sharing permissions for new employees or update them when users move to assume different roles in the CRM system.

7. Streamline Sales Calls


The native integration comes with an ability for managers to monitor, guide, and support the representatives to improve at making sales calls. The Zoho CRM integration enables sales professionals to keep an eye on how the representatives are performing in their active calls while managing the calls that are there in the queue waiting.

Sales managers can also coach new sales representatives as they progress through a call by jumping in directly to take the lead when the situation calls for it. This will lead to streamline the business process of sales effectively.

8. Understanding Workflow Failures


Workflows play the role of building blocks of automating the sales processes. Anytime when they fail to trigger or do not operate in the manner that they are supposed to, the direct impact can be on the sales performance which can negatively impact customer experience.

Zoho integrations make it simple to get in-depth information about when and where the workflow fails and all the records that get affected. The team can use important data for fixing the underlying problems and get the workflows up and running once again.

9. User Experience
User Experience

The user experience has been a forgotten aspect when it comes to CRM solutions. While pursuing robust functionality, strong market presence, and competitive prices, businesses can often overlook the experience offered by CRM solutions to the daily users.

A good user experience has the ability to offer a better customer experience because it helps the sales team to be more productive and effective when working with the CRM solution. This is why Zoho has come up with Canvas that lets businesses provide a hyper-personalized CRM experience to users. Moving ahead, Zoho will also be bringing more intuitive features for building on a strong UX foundation.

10. Accessing Multiple CRM Accounts


It will be possible to associate a user with multiple CRM accounts to allow business owners, upper management, and decision-makers for managing multiple businesses with ease.

The users will be able to switch between accounts easily and quickly which will make it easier to access key business data that helps in understanding growth and deriving insights. This feature of accessing multiple CRM accounts can be used to prepare agendas, reports, and ideas for future planning with a single set of login credentials.



The online CRM system that you use should keep growing to keep pace with the constantly growing work environment and technological advancements. Take the step of choosing and employing the best available CRM system for your business so that your organization can function well.

Zoho CRM comes with a free trial which can help you in experiencing all the features that it has to offer. If you want to make the most out of Zoho and all the amazing features that can offer your business, get in touch with an experienced Zoho Consultant of Encaptechno. You can look forward to consistent support and valuable suggestions that will prove valuable for your business. 


How Is Zoho a Good Option for Business Organizations in 2022? Read More »

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Focus on Converting Leads With Advanced Filters of Zoho CRM | Encaptechno

Focus on Converting Leads With Advanced Filters of Zoho CRM

Focus on Converting Leads With Advanced Filters of Zoho CRM | Encaptechno

The Advanced filters in the
online Zoho CRM system, are one of the greatest ways to understand the ways in which CRM works while discovering important insights in no time. It is a powerful search tool that allows you to extract valuable sales information which could otherwise take much longer to find out.

What’s key to understand here is that by the use of a regular filter, the search is based on field values. For example, all leads who are from “Los Angeles”. Now, this is very straightforward and simple.

However, with the advanced filters, it becomes easy to run advanced searches based on the activities associated with records such as leads that have no open activity associated with them. You can base your search on many advanced factors and get results.

To understand the advanced filters of Zoho CRM better, let’s consider an example.

Example: Let’s say that you work in a company called “Pioneer” and your CRM system has been able to get a decent number of leads over the last six months. Even though you have followed up with most of these leads, there is a possibility of a deal that is hidden somewhere amidst these leads and did not respond the first time. Now if only you can pull up this idle lead quickly and follow up again, you will be satisfied.

In another situation, let’s say that you have some leads that are waiting to be closed by the end of the month, but you suspect that the tasks associated with the deals are still pending. Only if you will be able to pull these deals in just one click, it would make sense.

In yet another situation, let’s say that you offer a live chat service to the customers from your website. Imagine that there was a way in which you could pull up the complete list of customers whose chat requests you missed in the past week.

All the three situations that are mentioned above require details that could take a long time to be drilled down using the reports. However, using the Zoho CRM customization and advanced filters, it can become easy to get this information instantly.

This is possible because other than the record details such as First Name or the Phone Number, advanced filters include a wider range of criteria for you to base the search on such as email activity, website activity, activity status, notes, scoring rules, etc. Using an intelligent combination of these factors, you can easily pull out the important records as discussed in the scenarios above.

Filter Records Using Advanced Filters

For filtering the records using advanced filters, the following steps must be taken.

  • Go to the module that you want
  • Choose the required module list view.
  • In the Filter (Records) By, select the desired combinations. You can also choose any number of search combinations as required.
  • Click on Apply Filter and the records that meet the criteria will be shown.
  • You can choose the records and assign suitable follow-up activities or run macros on them as well. You can also save the filter for future use.

After you have saved the filters, you will be able to see the overall number of records in every filter that will be updated in real-time. You will be able to see the number of records in every filter that will be updated in real-time. For example, you can save a filter in the Leads module called “Idle leads”.

Right when the number of records matching the filter’s criteria differs, the updated count can be displayed beside the name of the filter. This can help in quickly getting a snapshot of the volume of records under each saved filter and prioritize your actions accordingly.

Using Advanced Filters Effectively

Below are some of the common sales scenarios in which you can effectively make use of the benefits of advanced filters in the online Zoho CRM system. It must be remembered that these are just examples. There are some scenarios you can come up with depending on the combination of the search criteria.

1. Explore All Unused Leads

You can work on a new set of leads almost every week. With time, you lose track of the leads that needed a second or third follow-up. 

Among the idle leads, there may be a great deal waiting for you but only if you follow up on it. The advanced filters can search records for you within a few seconds only.

2. Discover All Records For Conversions

You can also be aware of all chances of converting a lead and winning a deal with the Conversion Prediction by using Zia. Although this will make it simple for you to prioritize the leads and deal with high chances of conversion, you can also explore the ones you thought had less or no chances of conversions, but are trending now.

Using the advanced filters, it is possible to pull leads and deals that are trending recently with better chances of conversion than ever before while ensuring that there is no opportunity missed.

3. Track Sales Activities

You want to keep a track of all the sales activities as well as that of the subordinates. Using advanced filters, you can narrow the deals to which there is no activity associated with the next month but the closing date is still within the present month. You can also add the potential amount as a different criterion which can further narrow down the search.

To go a step ahead in this Zoho customization, you can also mention the potential amount. If you get a list of records for deals that are worth more than a certain amount to be closed this month but for which that are overdue activities then you must pay attention. Other than the overdue tasks, you can also filter the information about deals.

You can filter the information by deals closing this month but no activity, notes, and emails associated with them, and deals that have been lost which may want to reopen, and a follow-up. The advanced filters make it easy for sales managers to hunt down cases and act on them.

4. Filter Contacts Based on Deal Stages

Let’s imagine that you are looking to send emails and other relevant documents to those contacts that are in the value proposition stage. You can manually search for each contact that is in the stage that is consuming time. 


Using the advanced filters in the Contacts module, you can choose the contacts easily. The contacts that match the criteria will be displayed in this way. You can also choose all these contacts and send a mass email, take bulk action as needed, and update records.

Tracking Records Based on Campaign Responses

Anytime you filter records based on the responses to the recent campaigns, you will be able to approach the potential customers in a much better way with a refined message based on their response.

Let’s say that all the recipients that were targeted in the recent campaign have opened the email and clicked on links in the email. You can also be sure that they are in need of your offering and are also interested in understanding what you want to offer. With the final push, you will be able to effectively convince them and help in making a good decision.

All contacts who have either just opened your email or clicked on the link that are listed are your prime prospects to be convinced and converted into your business. You can use the below-mentioned filters:

1. Time Tracking Filters

The advanced filters Zoho customization includes a set of time tracking filters whose purpose is to easily let you filter the records that have been worked on or not worked on in the specified time period. 

For instance, you can effectively filter the leads that have been untouched for the last 5 months. For doing this, you can use the time tracking filter called “Untouched Records” so that you can get a picture.

2. Act on Insights Discovered

The advanced filters do not just enable you to discover the quick insights but also follow up on the results obtained. For example, you have discovered the potential leads that go unnoticed that need your attention but now what? 

When you filter the records, advanced filters let you act on them instantly. Quick actions can be taken on records such as Macros, Mass Update, Assign Owner, and so on. From this page, you can follow the records instantly.

Filter Records With Visitor Tracking Information

Having a website pays off only when you are able to track who is visiting that website and make your insights about how people use the website when they visit, and what actions they take. This is key information that helps in serving the visitors better and convert the visits to the customers.

The use of advanced filters in CRM helps in making inferences about leads and contacts who visit the website with the help of a visitor tracking parameter. You can filter the contacts and leads based on fields such as the time spent on the site, chats missed, browser used to track the site, and so on.

Some of the situations in which visitor tracking information could help in making important inferences include:

1. Following Up With Contacts

If you have a list of contacts who are at a stage of conversion and out of these contacts, you are closing deals this month then you can do a more detailed search by choosing a potential amount for these deals. 

Some of the contacts may have messaged you on chat as well but you might as well have missed these messages. With the advanced filters, you can filter out these contacts easily.

2. Tracking Leads Based on Time

It is possible to track the leads based on the average time spent on the website. This is also an effective way of converting leads to deals. 

When the leads spend time on the website, you can know that they are interested in getting converted. You can take the right steps needed to trace them.

3. Tracking Leads Based on Email Address

You have filtered the contacts based on the stages in the pipeline of sales. The sales managers can track the progress that their sales representatives have made by entering the email address of the sales representatives who have attended to specific leads. 

If you want to search for leads associated with a name called Alan Grey then you have to enter the email address of the sales representative who was dealing with Alan Grey.

4. Browser Compatibility

When the leads are filtered based on which browser your leads have used, it becomes easy to enhance the design of that website for that browser. 

For instance, you are looking for leads who have used Google Chrome to access the website. In case a large number of leads are found through the filter, you can enhance the browser compatibility.


The sales process can become remarkably smooth when you focus on converting leads with the advanced filters of the Zoho CRM. These filters are made to make the job of sales professionals much easier and effective.

In case you need any further support to understand the use of these advanced filters then get in touch with our experts at Encaptechno for assistance.




Focus on Converting Leads With Advanced Filters of Zoho CRM Read More »

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CRM vs ERP - A Quick Comparison - Encaptechno

CRM vs ERP – A Quick Comparison

Businesses all across the world wish to automate their processes with usually two kinds of software solutions, either a customer relationship management solution, or an enterprise resource planning solution.

CRM vs ERP - A Quick Comparison - Encaptechno

Where the ERP system implementation helps companies run successful businesses by connecting operational and financial systems with a central database, CRM helps manage how customers interact with businesses.

Both of these software applications serve the purpose of working as significant data repositories while functioning to improve revenue generation, automation, and overall productivity. They solve the loopholes affecting the functioning of several departments and are often purchased distinctly.

Now, while purchasing these software solutions, many organizations might wonder about the difference between CRM and ERP. Even though both of these are similar to each other in several ways, their fundamental functionalities differ from one another.

In this blog, we will be shedding some light on the topic of CRM vs. ERP with the main aim of doing a quick comparison of these two software solutions.

What is CRM?

A CRM or a customer relationship management software solution is designed to capture all the details about the transactions that go on in an organization with the customers. The primary objective of implementing a CRM is that it helps in building trust and also focuses on maintaining a healthy and long-term association with the clients. An online CRM system can actually be used in various ways so that it enhances the satisfaction levels of a customer.

A CRM can include important information such as:

  • Customer’s name
  • Phone number of a customer
  • Address
  • Email address
  • History of interaction
  • Technical support details
  • Purchase details

All this information is mostly included in just one database and is handed over to the employees so that it can be used for the company’s benefit. By using a CRM software solution efficiently, it is also possible to contact potential customers on the basis of their needs and preferences. This helps in expanding the brand’s reach immensely. A CRM software might also include benefits such as employee training, advertising, relationship management that are developed considering a client’s requirements.

In simple terms, an online CRM system is excellent for providing a standardized method for collecting and sharing important customer data and cataloging customer interactions. Since the data in a CRM system is standardized, it is very easy to share it all through the company.

When used efficiently, CRM can be used for creating sales projections, contacting customers, shipping to verified addresses, and creating invoices. The goal of CRM is to offer a comprehensive store of customer data that is used for improving sales, expanding customer retention rates, and making much better customer relations.

What is ERP?

On the other hand, an ERP or an enterprise resource planning software solution contains functionality for a wide range of business processes including inventory management, finance, marketing, etc. With an ERP system implementation, it is possible to integrate important processes, streamline them and then centralize all information.

An ERP software has tools that are related to both the front and back-office information. It helps in advancing internal communication and data exchange as well. Other than this, it also offers automation which makes connectivity easy in multiple workflows.

Just like a CRM, an ERP is also made to optimize business operations. Where a CRM is mostly focused on the sales aspect of an organization, an ERP system can be implemented in various departments.

In essence, an ERP system provides interconnected management of important business processes just so that all departments can get the information they need in real-time. In case there is a problem that alerts are sent to the recipients right away. With an ERP system implementation, businesses can remain focused on data and make fewer errors while making much better decisions.

Some of the core features of an ERP system include processing business information, getting important alerts, managing hiring initiatives, managing benefits, payroll, and employee information, creating enterprise-wide strategies, updating accounts, etc.

Difference In CRM and ERP

When we talk about the differences between CRM and ERP, it is important to understand their meanings relative to each other for better knowledge. ERP facilitates business processes across a wide range of workflows which means that in case you are looking to invest in systems that benefit finances, operations, and warehouses, an ERP may be great.

However, an CRM system is more for a customized solution, Several ERP solutions include important functionality, but the total number of custom-related features included in a CRM is more extensive than what may be featured in an ERP package.

The final difference between a CRM and an ERP lies in the scope of work that they are capable of. While comparing the two software solutions, it is always best to look at a company’s needs so that the functionality needed from a solution can be determined specifically.

We will see the primary functions of both CRM and ERP to gain an even better insight into what these software solutions are capable of when it comes to their functionality.

Primary Functions of CRM

1. Storing Information

An online CRM system helps in collecting and storing information about the target customers from the market. The information that is collected is stored in an organization’s database in a centralized way.

This is important data that can be quickly accessed at any time and from any place. The information so collected is used by businesses to understand customer behavior in true essence. This helps in offering better satisfaction to customers.

2. Marketing Programs

A CRM is concerned with personalizing the marketing programs of a business. It helps in designing the marketing strategies according to the needs of different customers while making attempts to attract more and more customers.

The sales professionals are trained properly according to the information acquired with the help of a CRM and opportunities that can attract more customers are then included in marketing strategies.

3. Sales Operations

With the help of customer relationship management, one can increase the sales and revenue generation of an organization. It also helps in increasing the business with present customers and new customers. An online CRM system is focused on processes such as cross-selling and up-selling which help in increasing sales.

After the customers are happy and satisfied with a business, the up-selling and cross-selling techniques turn out effective in the process of business expansion. The customers can start believing in some brands and try their products as well.

4. Customer Relationship

Managing customers is another important task that a CRM performs. It segregates the customers into diverse groups according to the behavior, preferences, and interests. This segmentation helps an organization in understanding customer behavior while also offering much better services.

The customers are treated differently according to the groups that they are put in. This helps in improving the customer relationships and eventually, the marketing and sales endeavor of a company as well.

5. Cost Control

Efficient management of costs is often looked at as one of the greatest challenges while running a business. When this is done successfully, getting better-quality products at a lesser cost becomes way easier.

With the implementation of a customer relationship management system, a majority of expenses can be reduced because there is minimal paperwork involved. The data becomes digitally centralized and also brings the overall cost while increasing the profit margin.

Primary Functions of ERP

1. Business Intelligence

With a business intelligence module, business leaders can make important decisions that are based on meaningful data. ERP system implementation helps in benefitting from business intelligence that enables practical business process analysis and offering reports without any excess information.

These reports can be in a visual format or presented in the form of tables as well. This depends on the preferences of a business manager completely.

2. Customer Relationship Management

With an ERP system implementation, organizations can also get a CRM module that stores important data related to customers. This function of an ERP system helps the employees to get insights that can improve sales and marketing processes.

For example, a CRM can track customers with their buying habits seeing which products might be useful to sell and when is an appropriate time to offer the products. A CRM system is very helpful in the functioning of an e-commerce business because it allows targeting prospects with meaningful ads.

In addition, a CRM module can also help in tracking when the prospects have been contacted and what was discussed while getting rid of additional phone calls that might not be appropriate.

3. Supply Chain Management

The supply chain management offered by an ERP system helps many organizations to enhance the efficiency of a supply chain and use real-time data that optimizes distribution and manufacturing processes. With this function, it becomes possible to solve a logistics problem immediately as opposed to waiting for the next day.

Furthermore, supply chain management also helps in tracking and analyzing processes that help in predicting when a problem is likely to occur. The customers get notified when orders are being processed and shipped in real-time.

4. Financial Management

All businesses that have an ERP system implementation use the financial management function to their benefit. This function works along with the other ERP components for tracking the flow of money in a business.

From the purchase of new things to paying the employees and then sending invoices, everything can be managed. It also helps in budgeting, creating financial forecasts, and offering insights that can help in reducing costs.

5. Inventory System

An ERP software solution also helps in the inventory management system. Owing to this, order fulfillment and warehouse inventory tracking helps in tracking inventory manually.

This system is very useful to the manufacturers or companies that have their own distribution centers in which tracking inventory can become a complex affair. The features can include real-time inventory on the company’s website for informing the customers about what is there and what is not there in the current stock.

CRM or ERP, What to Choose?


If a business needs CRM or ERP or both depends completely on the size and complexity of a business. For small to medium-sized businesses, a CRM manages customer data stores on hand-written notes, emails, etc. Customer relations are fundamental in any business and CRM ensures that they go smoothly.

On the other hand, an ERP is an extremely useful tool that can help in streamlining business processes. It helps in managing different departments within a business by providing real-time information. As any business grows, the need for an ERP becomes clear because, with its implementation, anyone in an organization can know what is going on in a department.


In case, you are trying to choose between a CRM, or an ERP then it all depends on the size and setup of a business along with many other factors. They are both great tools for increasing revenue but the actual functions they offer differ from each other.

Take your time and decide which program is best for your business depending on the scope of your needs and the amount of investment you want to make.

CRM vs ERP – A Quick Comparison Read More »

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What is CRM - A Helpful Guide for Business Owners

What Is CRM? | A Helpful Guide For Business Owners

CRM is an acronym for Customer Relationship Management. In other words, a technology that is used to manage interactions with present and potential customers is called CRM. It is an online system that enables the organizations to create reliable customer relationships and streamline processes that can not only increase sales but also improve customer service and eventually, profitability.

What is CRM?

What is CRM - A Helpful Guide for Business Owners

The customer relationship system has been in the market back since the 1990s. However, the online CRM system has taken over and popularized itself over the last decade. CRM platforms are extremely powerful online systems that can connect all data from sales leads and customers in one place only. A CRM can be utilized for analyzing and recording all calls, meetings, improving sales, increasing revenue, and emails.

Other than this, CRM services enable one to get personal with customers and prospects with personalized messages. You can differentiate, slice, and track the data to make sales and marketing smarter, more effective, and efficient.

You can think of an online CRM system to be a literal depiction of serving and gaining the loyalty of customers. An online CRM system will not only enable you to stay focused on the relationships of your organization with people (customers, service users, suppliers or colleagues) but also allow you to embed sales, marketing, and HR processes in the business.

It is a single framework that is designed to enhance the entire business strategy while with an aim to bring your marketing, sales, and customer support activities together, streamline the processes, people, and policy in one platform.

Why does a CRM matter?

Why Does a CRM Matter

In case you want to make sure that your business lasts, you need to rely on a tangible business strategy for the upcoming future. You know that you already have targets for sales, profitability, and business objectives. However staying up to date along with implementing reliable information for the progress of your goals is something that can be tricky.

How can you translate the different data streams that come in from the sales team, marketers, social media teams, and customer service team into constructive business information? The answer to this question is the implementation of an online CRM system with the help of a CRM consulting partner. Using a CRM system has the capability to give you a clear overview of your customers.

You will be able to see and view all the important information at one place in a simple and customizable dashboard that will tell you about a customer’s previous history with you, the order status, outstanding customer service issues, and a lot more.

You can also decide to include important information from any public or social media activity, likes or dislikes, what people are saying and sharing, etc. Additionally, marketers can also use CRM for understanding the pipelines of sales or prospective work that might come in for making precise and effective forecasts. CRM services will give you clear visibility of every lead while showing you a clear path right from inquiry to sales.

Although CRM was traditionally used as a sales and marketing tool only, customer service teams are seeing exceptional benefits from the CRM systems. The customers of today might pick up an issue on one public platform while taking to a telephonic conversation for resolving the matter privately. A CRM platform is something that helps you in managing inquiry over all channels without losing any track.

What does an online CRM system do?

Enabling contact management on a large scale is the most important function of absolutely any customer information system, regardless of the fact if it is cloud-based CRM or just a CRM software on a server. The fundamental role of an online CRM system is to do the job of being a hub for organizing and making an absolute sense of important data and insights along with providing all tools needed to collect and manage information about people who are important for a business.

These functions can seem very different when they are worked out across multiple departments. For example; a CRM can assist in enabling the sales representatives to see past the interactions and purchases before anyone makes a phone call. It can also offer support teams of an organization with any credentials or contact details that might be required for offering better customer service. It can give marketers access to complete details that can help in targeting campaigns.

Understanding and organizing important data insights is an important responsibility for any company. However, just as the importance of audience information grows the number of details that a business needs grows as well. With so many online channels and ways of engagement, the data often gets looped in different tools while making it difficult to get a true picture of what the customers do or talk about.

Therefore, regardless of the size or the industry of business, turning to CRM tools can create a central hub for audience reports, gaining a better understanding of who the customers are, what they want, and build stronger relationships as they grow.

In fact, CRM is not just for the big businesses that make it to the list of Fortune companies. With the help of using statistics, one can improve customer relationships considerably and this has become an important feature of all kinds of organizations. In fact there the businesses that are just starting out have an even better chance because there is no better time for contact management as compared to the one in the beginning.

From the time one creates an online presence, the CRM services can help in gaining access to valuable information about the customers and potential customers. It can not only help in laying a strong foundation for building and updating the relationships with customers, collecting data, but it can also help in setting consistent automation and personalized touchpoints with time.

There is no need for CRM to be engaged in a full-time job. Regardless of whether it is about a small team, there is a solo entrepreneur, who relies on occasional marketing campaigns for selling the brand, CRM implementation done with the assistance of a CRM consultant can help in putting the data to work and save time. With its implementation, a person or a team can make valued decisions about where one should focus on reaching customers, which channel is preferable, and how to engage them for a long time.

Working of CRM:

More often than not, an online CRM system is just thought of as a technology. Whereas, the truth is that it is much more than that. Almost no technology, regardless of how sophisticated it might be can become successful without a good strategy for guiding implementation and use. It is important for the business strategy and technology to work together for bringing a customer-centric plan to life.

By understanding the work and the role played by CRM in customer-centric data management and automation, we will see how CRM is a world in itself.

– Making and Implementing Customer-Centric Strategy: The role of an online CRM system is to support a strategy that allows the customers to be the focus of everything. This customer-centric strategy should be such that it focuses clearly on the goals and visions of meaningful customer experience. Since valuable customer experience is significant, CRM implementation goes far in improving the customer experience.

Each time a customer gets in contact with a new organization or through a different channel, an opinion is likely to be formed. This opinion can either be good, indifferent, or bad. As time passes by, this set of customer experiences create a picture in the customer’s mind, which in turn plays a role in forming the brand image.

Any organization that is serious about CRM design and strives to form a quality experience because of understanding that poor customer experience can drive customers away is on the right path.

– Centralization of Customer Data: CRM software applications are responsible for combining all sales, customer service information, and marketing into one database. With so many businesses collecting data on customers and prospects, good access to data lying in the database means fewer problems in the organization, and better customer-centricity.

Customer information is a sum total of phone numbers, contacts, addresses, etc. Having a CRM partner to implement an online CRM system will lead to all that was discussed, the next follow update, the status of an open item, etc.

This is important information that can be used to measure, manage, and keep a track of sales, marketing, and the various customer service activities as they are all directly linked to the customers. Overall, this helps in building great customer loyalty and experience.

Since an online CRM system has the ability to centralize the entire customer-facing information, any unnecessary finger-pointing within an organization gets reduced substantially. The marketing team can no longer blame the sales team for not communicating and vice versa. No matter what department of the company is being talked about, they all have access to the same information.

– Automation of Business Processes: The companies that have streamlined business and customer-facing processes are the ones that make the business a lot more efficient. Different aspects such as budgeting and planning are an important part of customer-facing processes on which sales, marketing, and customer service rely. A good CRM strategy focused mostly on the customer-oriented processes helps in solving the needs of customers in a much better way.

In essence, the complete CRM process generally begins with a lead. In simple words, just the name of a person you can sell to. Mostly, a person is supposed to fill a web form that is provided with the contact information. Just after the lead is put in the system, the software takes one through the sales process.

An online CRM system reminds the salesperson to call at a mutually decided time. Each time one interacts with the prospects, it gets recorded in the CRM system and the same applies in case someone talks to the prospect. CRM keeps tracks of all the lead generation while bringing in more customers.

In addition to this, CRM works as a library of documents, emails, and phone calls that facilitate an effective interaction when a prospect is initiated.  The team gets a prompt and an automated trail of communication because all the information is kept in one place. Regardless of whether you are in marketing, customer support, or sales, a CRM system can help in automating business processes while automating each process as it works with the other. However, it must be understood that each business should be well defined for getting good results.

Benefits of an online CRM system:

Benefits of an Online CRM System

An online CRM system is available to marketing teams, salespeople, customer support specialists, and absolutely anyone who comes in contact with customers of large and small companies. However, we are going to list down the benefits in complete detail below:

1. Efficiently Organized Data: One of the biggest benefits of CRM is that it facilitates the effective organization of data. When you move to an online CRM system, you will be required to inculcate the practice of entering email addresses, phone numbers, and contact information. Just when the CRM system is up and running, users can follow and track information about every customer.

A CRM system is a central place for storing and managing all important information that makes working easy for everyone. Here, everyone is inclusive of customers who get better service and detailed attention just as you start to understand them a lot better.

2. Identify and Categorize the Leads: One of the most important benefits of an online CRM system is the fact it can enable you to identify and add new leads easily while categorizing them precisely. You can not only create customized pitch documents in less time, but you can also cut down the response time and enable the sales team to capitalize on the next opportunity.

With precise and completely held information about the clients and prospects, the sales staff can focus their complete attention and energy on the right clients while gaining a competitive advantage.

3. Better Sales Opportunities: Almost no one wants to stop after gaining a handful of customers or clients. However, sometimes, the problem lies in struggling with the idea generation that helps in increasing the customer base.

An important way is to learn more about creating better sales opportunities is by learning more about the people who are already customers. One way to learn more about the people who are customers already, an online CRM system can track the insights and patterns into the themes and trends.

This type of analytics can actually help in developing micro-targeted plans and different strategies for sales opportunities at particular times.

4. Tracking Sales Progress: In addition to the fact that CRM helps in managing the customer base, it also helps in tracking the progress of the sales for the entire organization. In case you are a one-person business, you can also get the assistance you need for tracking the leads and following up.

Additionally, if you have a large sales team, every new set of leads gets assigned to you as a sales rep and their journey gets tracked from that point onwards. Just as the journey progresses, the CRM platform offers a starting point for acting on the sales trends and close gaps. This is an easy way to track the performance of your sales team.

5. Effective Communication: Besides the fact that CRM can be an efficient use of sales resources, it can also allow your customers to benefit from the personalization features that many CRM tools offer. An important advantage of effective and personalized communication is that it improves the productivity and efficiency of an organization.

All of this can be used in the CRM database for building better customer relationships with the help of personalized communications. An effective way to do this is by addressing the customers with their first name in the emails or creating marketing campaigns based on different industries.

6. Increasing Referrals from Existing Customers: CRM services enable you to understand your customers better, create up-selling and cross-selling opportunities that can ultimately help in winning new business from existing customers.

Just after the CRM consultant helps you with the implementation, you can have access to better information that will eventually become the reason for keeping your customers happy. Since happy customers are more than likely to return more often and when they return they will spend more. Hence, this is an exceptional benefit.

7. Better Retention Rate: A way in which CRM can benefit the sales processes is the fact that it reveals all customers who generate the highest revenue or are the most engaged. You can find the most lucrative customers by gaining a much better understanding of who attends your online seminars, webinars, and open all your emails with the help of a CRM.

When you start reaching out to them to advocate your brand more, you can increase the retention rate of your customers. The ability of a CRM to understand customer behavior can ultimately help you come up with reliable solutions. A better insight into customer behavior will always help you develop a plan or a program that retains the customers who are on the verge of leaving.

8. Tracking Tasks: The CRM services further helps in the integration of a company’s typical workflow while saving more time spent on everyday tasks. Automation helps in boosting customer engagement and offering an added consistency.

The fact of the matter is that consistency is one of the best benefits of a CRM system. When all the important tasks are tracked in the right way, the overall productivity is increased a lot more.

9. Improved Products and Services: A very commonly overlooked benefit of the CRM software is the fact it gathers information from a wide range of sources across the business. This gives organizations an accurate and rather useful insight into how the customers think, feel and what do they say about an organization.

This improves the products and services of an organization because it actually ends up giving valuable insights for the improvement of what is offered, spotting problems, and identifying the gaps.

10. Reporting and Analytics: A business culture that is essentially driven with an analytics-driven working style can actually go a long way in transforming an organization from instinct-based to being data-driven.

Implementation of an online CRM system provides the necessary business intelligence that processes important data from multiple sources and works on significant insights. From the fundamental charts to the advanced analytics insights like looking for problems in the business with an inbuilt analytics engine embedded in the CRM can help the organizations gain an important business advantage.

Related Read: Why CRM Systems Fail?


All the information that has been mentioned above sums up the meaning of CRM in the true sense. CRM services can enable a customer to leave all chaos out of the interactions that happen with the workforce and customers while letting you focus on your goal.

For someone who is just starting out, an online CRM system might come across as intimidating, but when you go further with using it, it is not complicated at all. In fact, it is pretty much like standard automated processes. When you get the hang of this software and learn to rely on it, you will discover that it takes a relatively lesser time to use as compared to your old search habits.

As a market leader in the implementation of CRM services, Encaptechno comes with years of experience that can help you begin your journey of online customer relationship management. Get in touch with us for assistance and allow us to become your partners in unprecedented growth with the help of the best online CRM system.

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