
online lead generation

How Digital Marketing Is Ruling the World | Encaptechno

How Digital Marketing Is Ruling the World?

How Digital Marketing Is Ruling the World | Encaptechno
The practice of digital marketing is typically linked to the marketing campaigns that appear on electronic devices. This is a kind of marketing that can particularly take multiple forms including search engine marketing, paid social ads, social media posts, online videos, etc.

Very often, digital marketing is compared with traditional marketing uses magazine ads, direct mails, and billboards. However, digital marketing wins in the present time because most people live on the internet. As a digital marketing professional, one must learn to take advantage of the digital world with a strong online lead generation strategy and social media presence.

The process of building a brand and offering an improved customer experience comes with an ability to attract many more potential customers when customer-targeted campaigns are into play.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the process of promoting brands so that they connect with potential customers using the internet and other ways of digital communication. This commonly includes email, web, social media, multimedia messages, texts, etc. Essentially, it can be said that in case a marketing campaign involves digital communication, it is called digital marketing.

Digital marketing is often defined using many different digital tactics and channels for connecting with customers where most time is spent online. Right from the website to the brand assets of a business, digital advertising, online brochures, email marketing and much more, there are many methods that fall under the wide umbrella of digital marketing.

There are various ways in which the potential of digital marketing channels can be maximized. The passionate, dedicated, and experienced digital marketers also have a clear picture of how all campaigns support the goals.  Based on the goals of a marketing strategy, it is easy to support a large campaign with the use of free and paid channels.

A content marketer can effectively create blog posts that serve to create leads from a web guide including information that the business specialized in. This can lead to increased website traffic. On the other hand, a social media marketing professional can help in promoting the blog posts using the paid and organic posts on the social media accounts of a business. In addition, an email marketer can create an email campaign for sending more information to those who download the ebook.

Why is Digital Marketing Ruling the World?

Digital marketing is a method by which brands can effectively reach a larger audience when compared with the traditional methods. It becomes to target the prospects that are likely to buy a product or a service with digital marketing. In addition, it is cost-efficient as compared to traditional advertising and also allows you to measure success on an everyday basis.

All brands that have a well planned and effective online lead generation strategy in place have the ability to rule the world. Some of the benefits offered by digital marketing that show why it is ruling the world are mentioned below.

1. Targeting the Right Prospects

Targeting the Right ProspectsIn traditional advertising, there is only limited control over who sees the ad. When you place an advertisement on television, billboard, or even a magazine, there is not much control. You can most definitely measure the demographics such as the readership but still, you cannot attain a significant amount of information.

On the other hand, digital marketing campaigns enable you to find and target a specific audience while sending a personalized and high converting message to the audience. You can effectively take benefit of social media features shown on ads to some audiences based on factors such as age, location, gender, interests, behaviours, networks, etc.

In addition, you can also use PPC or SEO strategies for serving ads to users who have already shown their interests in the products or services. You can also search specific keywords related to your industry. Finally, digital marketing services allow you to carry out research that is needed to identify a buyer persona. It also allows you to refine a marketing plan with time so that it can be ensured that you are reaching your prospects effectively.

Digital marketing is a strategy that helps you market to subgroups within the larger target audience. In case you sell various products and services to different buyer personas then this is something that is particularly helpful.

2. Cost-effective

Digital marketing is a lot more cost-effective as compared to traditional marketing methods. It helps you track
online lead generation campaigns on an everyday basis and reduce the amount of money that is spent on a channel if it does not show a high ROI.

When it comes to the traditional marketing methods, it is actually the opposite. It does not make a difference how a billboard is performing. The cost will still be the same regardless of the fact if it converts for you or not.

Using digital marketing methods, you can have complete control on where you are spending your money. Rather than paying for the PPC campaigns, you can spend money on the design software for creating high converting content.

The digital marketing strategies can enable you to consistently retarget while also ensuring that no money is wasted on channels that do not work well. If we look at things from a large perspective then taking the digital marketing services is a cost-effective solution and offers many opportunities to make sure that you get the maximum return.

A small or medium-sized business can allocate a limited budget for digital marketing campaigns. The money can be effectively invested in social media, SEO, and blogging which are three strategies that can offer a higher ROI with minimal spending.

3. Competitive Edge

Digital marketing is a process using which you can outrank bigger players in an industry. A small business cannot effectively compete with the major brands in an industry many of which have a lot of money to invest in
online lead generation campaigns.

Fortunately, there are many opportunities for outranking the big players using strategic digital marketing methods. For example, you can identify some keywords that are related to a product or service while creating content that helps in ranking on search engines using these keywords.

It must be noted that the search engines do not care which brand is the biggest. Rather, search engines prioritize the content that resonates the most with the target audience. In addition, social media allows you to reach new audiences using influencer marketing.

Even if most people do not follow brands on social media, many of them follow influencers who show their products and services. In case you work for small to medium-sized companies, this can be a good avenue for consideration.

4. Measurable Method

customer-targeted campaigns planned with digital marketing are easily measurable. Digital marketing is a method that comes with the ability to offer a comprehensive and start to end view of all important factors that can potentially matter to a brand.

The factors such as impressions, clicks, views, shares, and time spent on a page can be measured effectively. This is one of the biggest benefits of digital marketing. Using traditional advertising is useful for achieving some goals and one of the biggest benefits that it offers is measurability.

As opposed to most online marketing efforts, digital marketing enables marketers to see precise results and that too in real-time. In case you have put a newspaper ad, you will understand the dynamics of people turning to the page where your ad is there.

You will never know whether the ad is responsible for sales at all. However, using digital marketing strategies, it becomes easy to know if the ad is responsible for any sales, to begin with. You can measure the ROI of any possible aspect of your marketing efforts.

5. Personalization

Availing the
digital marketing services can effectively allow you to gather customer data in a manner that offline marketing cannot. The data that is collected digitally tends to be a lot more precise and specific as compared to other data.

Let’s say that a brand offers financial products and services and wishes to offer some special discounts to people who have looked at the products already. You would already know that it is easy to get better results in case you target the offer to the person’s interest so let’s assume that you prepare two campaigns.

One campaign is for the young people who have looked to the financial products and services, and the other one is for the new-age entrepreneurs who have considered some of the retirement plans. Without automated tracking, it is difficult to know the number of customer profiles, brochures, etc. With the use of digital marketing, on the other hand, all this information will be available quickly.

6. Customer Connection

Using digital marketing strategies, brands can establish a much better connection with the customers. It is a method that allows you to communicate with the customers in real-time. Even more importantly, digital marketing allows the customers to connect with you.

The brands must think about their social media strategy. It can be valuable when the target audiences see the latest post but it is a lot better when they comment on it and share it ahead as well. This can create greater popularity around the products and services along with increased visibility each time someone joins the conversation.

Interaction with the customers benefits both the businesses and customers. The level of engagement increases as they become active participants in a brand’s story. Any sense of ownership can create a better sense of security and brand loyalty.

7. Easy Conversions

Easy Conversions
With an established
online lead generation campaign running in place, the conversions become easy and convenient. The customers can take action instantly after seeing an ad or a content piece. The instant result that comes with the use of traditional advertisements is that you can hope for a phone call shortly after someone sees an ad.

However, how often is it that someone has the time to reach out to a company while they are busy completing a task at hand? Using digital marketing, they can click on a link or a blog post and move well along the sales funnel. People may not make a purchase immediately but they will stay connected and also give you a chance for further interaction.

Role of Digital Marketing In a Brand’s Success

Traditional marketing definitely exists in print ads, physical marketing, phone communications, and much more, but the good thing with digital marketing is that occurs both online and electronically. This means that there are many possibilities for brands to reach customers including social media, search engines, and videos.

This is where digital marketing is important for a business and brand awareness. Almost all brands have a website but if they do not then they have a social media presence or an ad strategy. Digital marketing is so common that customers have started depending on it as a method to learn more about brands.

To sum it up, digital marketing is needed to be competitive as a business owner. There are multiple options and strategies associated with digital marketing that can be used. You can actually start getting creative while experimenting with a wide range of marketing methods on a budget.

Using digital marketing, you can also use tools such as analytics dashboards for monitoring the success and ROI of a marketing campaign. This is a lot more than what you can do with traditional promotional content such as a print ad or a billboard.


Digital marketing must be one of the primary focuses of almost all businesses and their online lead generation strategy. Online marketing is an excellent method to stay in touch with your customers and almost nothing else offers you the level of personalization that digital data can offer.

The more you embrace the wide possibilities of digital marketing, the more you will be able to realize the growth potential of your company. If you run a business and want it to stand out in the market then taking digital marketing services is a must.

At Encaptechno, we specialize in offering the best online marketing services. Get in touch with us to know more about how we can help you gain a better standing in the market.


How Digital Marketing Is Ruling the World? Read More »

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8 Digital Marketing Trends of 2022 that Can Boost Your Business

8 Digital Marketing Trends of 2022 That Can Boost Your Business

8 Digital Marketing Trends of 2022 that Can Boost Your Business

In the wake and periodic emergence of Covid-19, many marketing professionals have been forced to take action in a survival mode. In order to keep the businesses going and earn revenue, marketers have had to think of various ways in which customers can be engaged and converted.

While so many businesses managed to keep their operations afloat somehow during the pandemic, there were many small businesses that have had to face a tough time. Some have even had to shut down their businesses. Now the question is, what made the successful businesses overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic?

If you really dig your head too deep to find the answer to this question, you will discover that the answer lies in the ability of the workforce to get creative. The fact is that all businesses that have managed to operate successfully during the pandemic are the ones that have developed flexible business development activities. These businesses have been quick to make changes and get creative.

Irrespective of the on and off challenges posed by the pandemic as the virus mutates forming new variants, many businesses are working on staying optimistic. With the implementation of digital marketing strategies, marketers are working hard to fight the negative ramifications of Covid. These strategies will save the businesses in 2022 and future years.

Heading into 2022, there are some digital marketing trends that will reign supreme in boosting businesses. In this blog, we will have a look at them one by one but first, let us get an overview of what the new trends will be based around.

Digital Marketing Trends in 2022


As we stated above, the pandemic has forced the world to make considerable shifts in recent times. People across the world are realizing that there is a need for connection, customer experience, and personalization. All aspects of B2B and B2C marketing in 2022 are majorly focused on branding, customer loyalty, and innovation.

At a time like this, the digital marketing trends should be such that businesses can prove themselves as consistent, reliable, authentic, empathetic, and courageous. Organizations have to find ways to establish their hold as thought leaders so that trust and loyalty can be built and going digital is considered a supreme way to do that.

The marketing world is being led by the power of digitization. Most of the marketing budget is digital and in the future, this is only going to increase. Businesses understand that they must adapt quickly to remain relevant. The ones that do not will fall behind their future-focused competitors and get kicked out of the game soon.

Below mentioned is a list of 8 digital marketing trends of 2022 that can boost your business.

1. Forming Meaningful Relationships With Customers

Forming Meaningful Relationships With Customers - Digital Marketing Trends

Human connection forms the essence of our lives. It is an important factor that drives businesses. When the customer knows the business is on their side and is not merely interested in selling, the customer will showcase unquestionable loyalty. This human connection forms an essential part of the digital world as well.

The pandemic has forced us to stay home and keep social distance which is why we crave human interaction. When we are unable to spend quality time with our loved ones, we turn to technology for bridging that gap. Businesses have to realize that customers seek connection and if that is not offered to them then they will leave only to find it elsewhere.

Presently and moving ahead, organizations will have to be more focused on following digital marketing trends that are designed for human connection. This will foster great results, inclusiveness, and positivity. Marketers should be focused on maximizing the opportunity to develop real relationships with customers.

One can start by rethinking the company values, missions, and operations. Starting with the value system that drives a business can be really helpful. When the values of a business align with the customers, connecting with their emotions and aligning with their actions will lead to forming deeper connections.

The process of bringing human values to the forefront of a business’s marketing efforts can equip a business to address the customer’s needs honestly and effectively. Businesses can create reliable and loyal connections by seeing customers as valuable human beings, learning about their core values, and mirroring the same values.

2. Personalization


Something that is going to play a big role in online lead generation is personalization. If businesses focus on creating content and advertisements that focus on specific audiences then more fruitful results will be generated. However, this is not limited to getting the content right only. It will also be important to make sure that the audience gets advertisements at the right time and place so that the engagement is streamlined.

Taking sufficient time to understand a platform that the audience uses and how it uses signifies that you can create personalized messaging based on all demographics. This makes sure that the message reaches the right audience in a way that is enticing for them and also makes your ad spend go ahead while leading to tangible customer loyalty.

It is not merely about customizing the marketing efforts for all social media platforms, but a consideration of different locations, and cultural associations, even if you are marketing the same product. The customers seeing the content will be attracted by different kinds of content at different times and ways. All in all, it will be worth it to take the time and effort to make your audience feel seen and heard.

3. Valuable Partnerships


Forming partnerships with renowned individuals and other businesses is yet another way to amplify the customer experience offered by a business. Partnering with a business that offers a complimentary service ensures that you can offer more value to your customers.

For example, you own a company that sells marketing software and your customers are small business owners primarily. Now partnering with a marketing business for creating a new product that integrates with other services can help in offering creative solutions.

There is a possibility that you might agree to promote another business that agrees to promote your business in return. Your customers will also appreciate your openness. In case you are respected already, they might even trust your recommendation and appreciate the support. You will actually be able to build more trust with them. Cross-promotion may also get your brand features in front of more people and build your reputation.

4. Search Intent Optimization

Search Intent Optimization - Digital Marketing TrendsSearch intent is the reason that is attributed to a searcher’s query on search engines. It is the objective of a searcher and defines what they are trying to accomplish. More often than not, people search online to learn something, take action, and find something.

The optimization for search intent counts as one of the important content marketing and SEO digital marketing strategies in 2022. The goal of a business is to offer solutions to problems with relevant content and as a result, it will become easy to boost brand awareness, drive conversions, retain customers, and also remain relevant to the target audience.

Digital marketers should focus on informational, navigational, commercial investigation, and transactional intents simultaneously. Focusing on all of these search intents can prove valuable to a brand because the brand will be visible to the customers at all times no matter what the search intent may be.

5. Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing


The recent years have seen artificial intelligence being advanced to becoming more intuitive while also automating general marketing tasks such as site traffic and boosting search engine optimization. Rather than focusing on what is being gained from AI, one must look towards the future and how it affects digital marketing.

As artificial intelligence technology develops ahead, predicting what customers will want next will become easy. Artificial intelligence comes with the ability to analyze data quickly as compared to human beings. This is why it is able to take large data sets for analyzing the purchase history and customer behavior while suggesting an item for a personalized advertisement.

The use of artificial intelligence for predicting your next move only means that you can target them with the product or service that is needed just at the time when it is needed. This is the kind of targeting that leads to higher conversion rates and understanding customers without causing any kind of intrusion or irrelevant targeting.

6. Video Marketing

Video Marketing - Digital Marketing Trends

Another one of the digital marketing trends that can end up boosting businesses in 2022 is video marketing. Mobile consumption continues to increase each year and with that people of all age groups continue watching videos every day.

Most marketers are already using the power of video marketing and some others wish to devote more money to video campaigns in the coming future. This is not a surprise considering that most viewers retain the brand message easily when it is communicated using a video.

It is again important to see that human connection plays an important role in the rise of video marketing. Videos are an excellent source of connecting the customers in a personalized manner as compared to other forms of content marketing.

Irrespective of whether you are creating targeted ads or sales videos, sharing a presentation, or even inviting customers for creating testimonial videos, video marketing is an exceptional strategy. It helps in reaching people in a rather humanized way that eventually causes more connection.

7. Protecting Privacy

Protecting Privacy - Digital Marketing Trends

Customers are taking more steps than ever to protect their privacy on the internet. If you talk to the customers, you will discover that most of them use services that promise data protection such as encrypted emails and privacy-protecting search engines.

At this time, we understand that data is needed to offer consumers useful information and relevant advertisements. Data plays a key role in helping shape meaningful and memorable messaging that makes internet experiences better while also allowing the marketers to reach customers and increase their expectations.

In this year and moving ahead, marketers will be needed to focus more on building data protecting digital marketing strategies. This would mean that there will be more focus on measuring and reaching audiences so that people feel in complete control and are able to manage the data they share. Tools such as Global Site Tag and Google Analytics 4 can be helpful in getting a complete picture of the audience and preserving user privacy.

One must understand that it takes time to build trust and marketers can start at the earliest by being open and honest about the information collected. As long as the marketers are using the information to show advertisements valuable to customers while putting users in complete control of data, businesses will win.

8. Zero Click Searches


All the marketers enjoy optimizing for Google but as you can probably see, the search queries come with more and more featured snippets. This can be a relevant problem with digital marketers because they want to rank no.1 with their content which can mean that Google will be using some content and place it SERP.

In case this part of the text is important to the user then they will likely just read the important information and never visit a site and the thing is that there is no remedy for this. You may even wish to restructure your content and pay attention to topics that need comprehensive explanation. One must be focused on how search queries look on Google and decide if it is important to get that featured snippet.


The use of structured digital marketing can lead you to drive qualified traffic and engage new visitors as well. You must be focused on building your brand and its online presence for immense success in the coming year. Establishing an image of an industry expert and building trust with customers on quality, consistency, and reliability will be beneficial.

You can do all of this alone or take the support of an expert digital marketing agency to make things easier, effective, and professional. Encaptechno has been working to grow businesses by working dedicatedly on digital marketing operations for its customers. If you are also looking to gain an edge in the market in 2022, get in touch with us.



8 Digital Marketing Trends of 2022 That Can Boost Your Business Read More »

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Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign | Encaptechno

Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign | Encaptechno

marketing campaign for lead generation is a complex undertaking that requires immense dedication and attention. Right from the time when you first start connecting the dots and conceive the campaign to the time when you finally present it to an audience, there must be comprehensive planning and strategizing involved.

Digital marketing campaigns are way more dynamic, attainable, practical, measurable, and sustainable as compared to traditional and analog marketing methods. It takes a lot of time and demands a lot more than just placing advertisements for your business or brand around social media and other websites.

The online lead generation campaigns require a consistent or near-to-consistent exchange of data between the business and various online platforms on which things are marketed. For instance, an important part of digital marketing campaigns is search engine optimization.

However, SEO is not merely something that can be purchased or implemented with just a single transaction. Search engine optimization is an ongoing process and to ensure that it leads to favourable outcomes, there must be a regular effort for examining data and evaluating the effectiveness.

In this blog, we will have a detailed look at the steps to create an effective digital marketing campaign. Following all the steps mentioned below will ensure that the marketing is done logically, efficiently, and organically.

What is a Digital Marketing Campaign?

A digital marketing campaign is like an online marketing effort that is put forward by a company for driving engagement, traffic, revenue, and conversions. The campaign ties in with the goals of an organization and also includes the use of multiple digital channels in the efforts.

Simply put, a digital marketing campaign involves executing a marketing strategy across all digital channels where the consumers and target consumers can possibly engage with a brand. It is usually for the purpose of improving the conversion rate of a company. There are three major steps involved in building a digital marketing campaign.

These steps are:

1. Planning

In the planning stage, online goals, target customers, and the duration of the digital marketing campaign are discussed comprehensively.

2. Development

This is the stage in which a strategy is determined. It may include finalizing the target keywords for a period of time, finding ways to reach the audience including marketing campaign location, strategizing plans, integrating channels, and creating consistency.

3. Management

Finally, this is the step that determines the success and value of the digital marketing campaign.

A well-planned and executed digital marketing campaign makes a business memorable for the target audience. However, if you want to be remembered for the right reasons then it is important to start by reflecting on all goals so the marketing strategy can be streamlined before it begins attracting attention to your business with advertising. Taking the support of an online marketing agency can be of great help in planning a digital marketing strategy.

Important Aspects of Digital Marketing

We are all aware of the unprecedented growth of the digital world. In the present time, there is more than one way to market a website on the internet. The good thing is that although these areas are different marketing categories, they can possibly work together for achieving all goals and growing a business.

The important aspects of digital marketing include:

1. Search Engine Optimization

Commonly known as SEO, search engine optimization is a practice of improving a website in a way that it becomes search engine friendly and brings organic traffic to a website.

2. Content Marketing

This is a method that includes the creation and publishing of useful content designed for attracting, educating, and maintaining the target audience.

3. Pay-per-click Advertising

PPC is a digital marketing method that involves online advertisements. The advertisers pay every time a user clicks on one of the advertisements.

4. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is basically the practice of promoting a product or a service on social media platforms. This is a practice that is typically done on a social media management platform.

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing is an approach that uses emails in a way of marketing to and nurturing potential and existing clients.

6. Native Advertising

Native advertising is a method of online advertisements that resembles the editorial content of the website or publication they’re promoting.

Each business that is planning to run an effective digital marketing campaign requires an effective campaign strategy for ensuring the success of a marketing campaign. All the aspects involved in digital marketing must be paid attention to while the creation of a digital marketing campaign.

Before building any marketing campaign, all businesses must strive to have a solid foundation of marketing practices. An online marketing agency can enable a business or even an individual to develop practical strategies and tactics that can prove vital in launching high ROI marketing campaigns.

Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign


1. List Attainable Goals
List Attainable Goals - Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Much before you go ahead and plan any campaigns, you must understand and define all your marketing goals. Keep in mind that the goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, and practical. When you keep all of these factors in mind, it will become much easier to attain all the goals.

Your goal can be anything from gaining a number of clients each month to selling a specific number of products each week. No matter what it is, take your time to define and be clear on your goals centred around sales, revenue, and customer satisfaction.

Even for a goal that is as simple as gaining followers, you still need a digital marketing campaign. The campaign will enable you to run advertisements, ask the audience, send relevant emails, and convert leads.

You can also consider hiring an online marketing agency for defining the goals as this can be a detailed task for a small business owner. The expertise of an agency will help you in realizing that there are many goals that you can focus on and some important ones that must be aware of and they are brand awareness, lead generation, and follower growth.

2. Do Market Research

Describe your product, service, and the features that it offers in complete detail. Make sure that you focus on all of the important features for your products and services while including the pricing, service, placement, and distribution.

You can collect, organize and even write down the information that is focused on areas such as market dynamics, patterns, product availability and selling, industry benchmarks, potential vendors and partners, etc. In this step, you can also consider your competition and develop a unique selling proposition.

Things that usually make you different from your competitor are a market space, what you are selling, and what your USP is. These are some of the factors that can help in determining the target market and how you can efficiently sell your products and services.

3. Outline Your Target Audience

Outline Your Target Audience - Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Finding your target audience and being clear about their personality is an important part of online lead generation. This will enable you to get a detailed description of your ideal customer. It can include factors such as age, occupation, class, family, wealth, and other variables that prove how likely these target customers are to spend their money and get converted.

The target demographics are actually fairly wide and they should be determined in as much detail as is easily possible. This can very often include information about a person’s hobbies, interests, and personal lives. This is the kind of information that is often omitted while considering the wide target demographics.

Also, remember to test your assumptions while you outline your target audience. Often, you may not always be selling to who you think might be, or sometimes you may also not be reaching your complete potential with a target audience. Hence, you can do an in-person or an online focus group survey that is targeted at digital marketing developments. The people who are responding to your product or service more enthusiastically are your real target market.

4. Focus on Content Creation

Focus on Content Creation - Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

After you have done your research properly, you must start writing and focus on covering all kinds of marketing collaterals that can help in brand promotion. When you hire an online marketing agency, you are in a position to outsource your writing which also helps you focus more on the strategy part.

If you are particularly sensitive about the writing part then you may also choose to do some or all of the writing yourself while outsourcing your designs. No matter what you decide to do, make sure that you keep the preferences of the target audience in mind while the complete content creation process.

Content marketing is considered important because it is the process used to decide which kind of content should be created when it should be created, and where it should be published. Ideally, it is always advisable to create this step in the beginning and before running any campaigns because it is more efficient to have a pool of content assets ready in advance rather than creating content every time there is a need.

Make sure that you set the goals, create suitable preferences, identify the needs, search the intent and then compile all the information so that you can work on content in a more streamlined way. This way, all the content that you create will be extremely relevant and it will get noticed quicker than you can imagine.

5. Start Promoting Soon

After you have successfully finalized your content and received a sign-off from suitable internal parties, it is time for some brand promotion and execution. There are many ways in which this can be done including social media, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, public relations, etc.

Remember that absolutely anyone who enters the sales funnels through any channel can end up being valuable for the brand. This includes even the customers who do not make a purchase right away. That said, not all channels can be suitable for your business.

To get the most out of a marketing campaign for lead generation, make sure that you figure out the strengths and weaknesses of a channel and how it can possibly help your business in reaching the objectives. This way, the promotion efforts will bear favorable outcomes in a relatively short period of time.

6. Track the Campaign


The digital marketing campaigns are made to get analyzed because otherwise, you cannot know if your efforts are actually paying off. You must ensure that you are spending the money on the right methods and sending the most effective messages that can help in marketing.

Constantly monitoring the process should be provided to make sure that the strategy is working effectively. This is something that is done by assigning teams that can deliver the task well. You should remember to learn from mistakes and always find improvement opportunities.

Some ways in which you can analyze your campaign’s performance include measuring the organic website visits, the time spent on a page, email open rates and click-through rates, the number of prospects earned at any event, and engagements on social media. No matter what you decide to track your campaign, ensure that you have sufficient information available for ensuring continued investment in digital marketing.


A strong digital marketing campaign is more like the foundation of a successful business. While digital marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing methods, it is also a much more effective and powerful tool that promises great results.

The only thing to remember is that businesses must take a well-planned and thoughtful approach at the time of devising a campaign. For this, the support of an experienced digital marketing agency such as Encaptechno can be significant.

At Encaptechno, we have a team of online marketing experts who are trained in offering end-to-end digital marketing consultancy and services. If you are also looking to make your brand or business known on the internet while gaining a competitive edge, get in touch with us, today.




Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign Read More »

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Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Lead Generation - Encaptechno

Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Lead Generation

Imagine a marketing strategy that fetches more leads, helps in gaining a competitive edge and is also 100% cost deductible. If this sounds too good to be true then we are here to tell you that this can be turned into a reality. Well-planned digital marketing makes the process of online lead generation much simpler and effective.

Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Lead Generation - Encaptechno

Effective digital marketing strategies are one of the most important things when it comes to promoting a brand amongst the target audience and generating leads. Besides helping in finding the target audience, it is one of the ways through which messages can reach quicker and a lot more efficiently.

The best part is that digital marketing is entirely cost deductible. The changing times have brought about a significant change in the ways in which the audience can be reached. The online marketing solutions create engagement between a business and audience in a way that traditional marketing cannot.

In the present age, digital marketing is more of an investment as compared to a money intensive expense. Where the offline marketing and advertising expenses are costly, digital marketing is not the same. Digital marketing is an entirely dependable method that can be used to grow the business online.

In this blog, we will list some of the most important digital marketing strategies for lead generation. However, before we move to that, we will first begin by understanding the link between digital marketing and lead generation. This will help us in understanding the digital marketing strategies in an effective way.

Digital Marketing and Lead Generation:

Marketing strategies whether offline or online are mostly focused on acquiring and retaining an increased number of target customers. Increasing the leads by focusing on quality over quantity is an effective method adopted by businesses to gain more customers and rightly so. It helps in retaining the customers and also makes them loyal to the brand.

We all know that the digital world has entirely changed the way in which businesses are carried out the world over. Therefore, it is extremely important for marketers to stay at par with the demands of their target audience. This is done by creating effective and well-planned lead generation campaigns.

Lead generation is a set of digital marketing activities that correlate with the different levels of a buyer’s journey. It begins with an increase in website traffic, changing the visitors into suitable leads, and finally turning all those leads into regular customers. The top priority of all marketers is to turn the leads into customers. Therefore, digital marketing is all about lead generation.

After completing comprehensive research, we deeply analyzed the way in which digital marketers understand the importance of lead generation in today’s world. Many aspects get together to make a good digital marketing campaign that helps in lead generation. The most important goal of all these aspects is to develop online leads.

With the growing popularity of data analytics and engaging online campaigns, we will list the most effective digital marketing strategies. You can find them below: 

1. Content Marketing:

Content Marketing

It is best to think of content marketing as broadcasting that used to happen in the earlier days. The quality of content that is posted by a brand turns out to be one of the major players to generate revenue and increase website traffic in the modern world. In addition to attracting credible leads, it also helps in giving the brands an opportunity to improve online visibility.

Most people associate the word content marketing with blogging. However, content marketing is not limited to that. Even though blogging is an excellent method to gain attraction, there are other methods including long-form articles, white papers, videos, online guides, infographics, etc.

Digital marketers use content marketing to let their customers know what their brand is all about. Additionally, content marketing also lets the customers know all that a particular business can offer. Visual and engaging content mediums are quickly gaining popularity as an effective way of content marketing.

The marketing officers of some of the leading companies spend a significant amount of time in creating a good content marketing strategy. If content marketing is good then it proves to be of huge help for the sales team as well. Gathering leads becomes easier because the target audience has suitable prior knowledge about the products and services provided by a business.

2. Social Media Marketing:

Social media is evolving at a quick rate. In fact, it has now emerged as one of the most popular platforms for developing a business and taking it forward. Other than connecting so many people, social media marketing is now the best method for reaching out to the target audience when it comes to marketing the products and services of various businesses.

With a share of billions of social network users, social media is an extremely powerful tool that can capture leads. If used well, social media marketing helps in getting quick eminence with potential leads. There are so many platforms available in the present time when it comes to social media marketing, but some of the important ones are Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

The marketers must be aware of their target market so that it becomes easy to understand which platforms are important for generating a presence. The reason why social media marketing counts as one of the effective digital marketing strategies is that it offers several opportunities for a business to grow.

Brands can share all information needed by the customers to stay in constant touch including hours of operation, contact information, and address. Hence, brands should definitely use social media as much as possible to connect with the target audience, convert followers into leads, build relationships, etc.

3. Search Engine Optimization:

SEO or search engine optimization is an excellent method of online lead generation. It is the process by which a website gets optimized for attracting more traffic towards it. This is done by making suitable changes to the content and also the design of a website. These changes are usually made according to the parameters set by search engine giants like Google.

Most of the steps involved in an SEO strategy are taken with an aim to make the website get displayed at the top of the search engine results page. It is not wrong to consider SEO as the principal source of generating high website traffic. It is one of the most important digital marketing strategies by which search visibility gets promoted and the ranking improves as well. Most users begin their online experience with popular search engines.

When digital marketing implements high-quality SEO practices then generating reliable and targeted leads becomes possible. Also, if the rank of a website is better then it automatically means higher traffic. Increased traffic corresponds to better leads and if these leads convert into business then the business will naturally become more successful.


PPC Advertising

PPC or pay per click advertising is a very strong method for attracting potential customers. In fact, it can be considered at the top of best digital marketing strategies for targeting customers who are specifically interested in a particular business. The customers who are purposefully looking for some products or services are more likely to click on an ad that shows up on search engines.

PPC advertising includes paid advertisements appearing at the top of search results when specific keywords and phrases are typed by a user.  Similar to SEO, it is best for the marketers to focus all of their efforts on long-tail keywords. The more specific a keyword, the less competition will be there and the less will be the payment for every click.

The brand managers bid along with the quality score. It helps in finding out the placement of every ad. The ads start attracting traffic as soon as a campaign is launched, but one is required to pay only when a user clicks on and visits a website. PPC is effective for generating new leads because it helps in attracting qualified traffic. As a matter of fact, PPC visitors are more likely to make a purchase as compared to an organic search.

Digital marketers use the method of PPC advertising extensively because sponsored listings and ads are highly likely to be seen first on search engines. This reason makes ads very effective in generating leads. PPC functions on a bidding system in which the advertisers bid the amount that they are willing to pay for each click for any given keyword.

5. Email Marketing:

Although considered as one of the oldest forms of digital marketing strategies, email can be still considered a great way to gain and nurture leads. Email marketing makes it simple for brands to reach their target audience and also convert them into leads. The prime step of email marketing is to make a subscriber list. This can be done by adding an attractive signup form on different pages of a website.

Many marketers make the mistake of buying email lists. The majority of people in these lists are usually not interested in the products or services and the emails end up getting marked as spam or are sent to trash. This is not only a waste of budget but also affects the overall campaigns if email platforms start to see the emails as spam.

When so many people wish to voluntarily choose to hear from you, they are likely to spend time hearing from you and eventually get converted. Hence, in case you have a list then you can start by sending information to the subscribers. This can probably include sales information, new products, and services or links to the content. It is also possible to test some emails to understand what the audience likes and adjust the strategy to become more effective with time.

Email marketing is a favorable way to convert leads, particularly when you understand that maximum consumers enjoy promotional emails. They present a big opportunity for your business to reach out to and get them converted into valuable clients.

6. A/B Testing:

A-B Testing

The website is the main source of all traffic and hence, it is important to check if it is functioning in the right way or not. Often there are problems such as website loading speed, loading errors, and bad user interface that are considered responsible for driving the traffic away as opposed to attracting it. There are many tools that help in scanning the website for errors while eventually removing them to increase website traffic.

Understanding which client or organization has viewed your website is important for continuing the sales specific marketing. This can be passed on to the sales representative for an accurately designed follow up conversation that can help in accessing more customers.

In addition, the marketers can also run A/B tests to find out which version of a web page is creating more traffic. The performance of a web page is checked with the help of statistical analysis. Shortening the different forms of webpages ensure higher conversions and it helps the brands to increase conversion rates and generate more leads.


Digitally marketing is fundamentally practiced for lead generation. If the digital marketing strategies are not generating any leads then they are not considered to be successful. It is an affordable and effective approach to get more customers. In addition to this, it also helps in harmonizing the way marketing and sales teamwork in the companies.

For the brands to become more successful, the marketers must understand that more and more people are increasingly switching to digital methods for buying things. To gain a competitive edge, it is important to stay updated with the new trends of lead generation. Better leads will bring more customers which will mean better profits.

To ensure that your good business becomes great in front of the world, we offer a range of integrated digital marketing services. Our team of experts brings their wide knowledge and experience to the table for building sustainable and profitable businesses with digital marketing strategies. Get in touch to know more, today!

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