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A Detailed Guide for Email Marketing | Encaptechno

A Detailed Guide for Email Marketing

A Detailed Guide for Email Marketing | Encaptechno

Email marketing is neither out of fashion nor is it an old way to promote products and services. Yes, it is an old form of communication, but it is one of those mediums that reigns supreme when it comes to usage. Marketing experts know and understand really well that if email marketing is used correctly, it can be a great relationship-building and profit-building tool.

Email marketing campaigns can be created to build an existing customer relationship. Offering relevant and valuable information is significant for leading the customers to take action on emails. So basically, an email marketing strategy is not really limited to a business or a company for that matter. It is actually about a customer.

Once a business keeps this in mind, the subscribers do not just read the emails, but they also look forward to hearing from the brand each time. If the brand has the time, money, and power to build a personal relationship with all the prospects then it is all good. However, if any of this is not possible then email marketing campaigns can be the most proven and reliable marketing strategy of a brand.

In this blog, we will understand email marketing in detail. Before delving into further details, let us first begin by defining email marketing and really understanding how it works.

What is Email Marketing?

What is Email Marketing?
The digital marketing practice of communicating with leads and customers with email is called email marketing. Some of the commonly used email marketing messages include promotional campaigns, event announcements, and email newsletters. Email marketing is often known to have a higher ROI as compared to many other marketing channels.

Basically, email marketing is proven to be more effective as compared to SEO and social media because you can have a direct line to your audience while using it. Out of the multitude ways in which email marketing can be used, some of the common ones include:

  • Email marketing strategies can be used to build connections along with a personalized engagement.
  • Brands can lead their customers to understand more about their products and services, particularly when the prospects are ready to engage.
  • Email marketing can also be used to share important brand content or some important brand news with prospects.
  • Brands can entice their subscribers to offer personal information in exchange for an asset they would find valuable.
  • Email marketing campaigns can be used for promoting products and services.
  • Finally, it is also possible to delight the customers with useful brand knowledge with email marketing.

Working of Email Marketing

As mentioned above, email marketing is one of the best methods for marketing your products and services. It is very often automated and intuitive as well. There is a relatively easy way in which an email marketing process works and that requires the three most important elements.

1. Email List

To ensure the success of an
email marketing campaign, it is necessary to create an active email list. This list is a database of all contacts that have expressed their interest in receiving marketing communication from a brand.

There are multiple ways to build an email list and one of the easiest ones is to create a lead magnet that the target audience is interested in. For example, you can create an offer in exchange for their email address.

2. Email Marketing Platform

An email marketing platform or an email marketing service provider is an application that helps in managing your email list. It helps in designing and executing email marketing campaigns easily.

The use of an email marketing platform is often advised because it helps in automating different actions triggered by the behaviour of the target audience. These actions also allow you to personalize all interactions, engagements, and conversion rates improve.

3. Well Defined Goals

You can use email marketing for achieving many business objectives. Some of the common ones include driving sales, enhancing the brand image and awareness, generating and nurturing leads, keeping customers engaged, and increasing customer loyalty and value.

For executing an email marketing campaign, it is necessary to list all goals and ensure that they align with one another. After this is done, you can get to real work. The first thing to do is to email list segmentation based on the actions of subscribers.

Next, you have to create an email or services of emails to get the customers to do something. Finally, you can send the emails and monitor the campaign automatically.

Benefits of Email Marketing

Benefits of Email Marketing
1. Permission-Based Email

Anytime a customer trusts you with an email address, it is the virtual equivalent of having access to their personal space. Gaining permission to enter rather than showing up uninvited increases the chances of engagement and conversion.

2. Direct Access to Audience

You can easily communicate with the subscribers on their time schedules. Since most working professionals check their emails every day, it is more than likely that your email will be viewed.

3. Better Control

With many marketing platforms, you do not really own the platform. In case there comes a time when the platform stops existing, all the hard work goes away with this. With email, there is a relationship that you form with the subscribers.

4. Personalization

Brands can use demographic data for creating personalized and hyper-targeted campaigns. The results are always better when there is a segmented and personalized campaign because that helps in increasing the revenue.

5. Scalable

email marketing campaigns can be scaled up easily without any stress on the resources and on the overall quality as well. These campaigns are easier to manage as compared to other digital marketing methods.

6. Measurable

It is also possible to measure the effectiveness of an email marketing campaign. Automated email marketing makes the process of email marketing effortless and effective as well.

Three Steps to Automate an Email Marketing Campaign

Even though the automation process might differ from one
platform for email marketing to another, there are some useful tips to automate the email marketing process. The steps mentioned below are as follows:

1. Define the Segments

An effective email marketing campaign begins with list segmentation. You can use the data you have about all the subscribers and group them accordingly. This helps in the creation of a more personalized
email marketing campaign.

2. Design a Workflow

Once the email list segmentation is completed, it is now time to design a workflow. This can include a series of emails needed to fulfill the objectives of the email marketing campaign.

3. Find the Triggers

After you have designed the workflow, you can find the triggers that set off the following email in the sequence. Some examples of triggers can include customers opening the email, clicking on the included link, or maybe not opening it at all within a predetermined time frame.

Proven Email Marketing Strategies

If you want to succeed in ensuring the success of
email marketing campaigns, it is important that you become strategic in the way the campaigns are designed. Some of the best email marketing strategies that you can employ are:

1. Use Lists for Building Strategies

The success of an email marketing campaign is completely dependent on the kind of quality you maintain for an email list. When you want to build a list like that, you have to use list-building strategies so that you can attract the target audience. For example, some lists may help a B2B brand while some may help B2C brands.

2. Use Good Email List Maintenance

An important essential for an
email marketing campaign is practicing good email list hygiene. The practice of cleaning out all the inactive subscribers and email addresses that do not serve you anymore will make sure that you have a good sender reputation.

3. Maintain Engagement

It is very important to continue sending emails to the contacts in your list for keeping the subscribers engaged and warm. However, any changes in the emailing process can also result in subscribers forgetting who you are while also leading you to low conversion rates. In case your subscribers go cold, you can also run a re-engagement marketing campaign.

4. Focused Goal Setting

Well Defined Goals | Working of Email MarketingYou can design all campaigns and emails to focus on one objective. That said, keep in mind that you cannot aim for hitting two goals with one stone. This will not work with email marketing. If you do this, it is only going to confuse the audience further and reduce the conversion rate.

5. Key Performance Indicator Defining

The process of email marketing is not merely limited to sending just a few emails to your subscribers. It is alot about defining and tracking the key performance indicators as well. To do this, you should define and track the right key performance indicators as well. This will help in knowing how well the email marketing campaign is doing and if you are achieving your goals.

Writing Email Marketing For Better Results

No matter what you may want to achieve with email marketing, everything comes down to how well you write your copy for email marketing. This is why it is important to write well while composing a copy for email marketing.

1. Understand Your Audience

Understand Your Audience| Writing Email Marketing For Better ResultsThe most important that you can implement while creating attractive and valuable email marketing content is knowing and understanding your audience. This will also help you segment the list and create a hyper-targeted email copy.

2. Attractive Subject Line

To make your email marketing campaign successful, an important thing to understand is that you will have to create an attractive subject line. It is a necessary element of email copy because it helps the readers to decide if they want to open an email. You can use keywords, active voice, personalization, and benefit-driven words to make the copy attractive.

3. Preview Text

The email preview text appears almost instantly below or beside the subject line. It is limited to a maximum of 140 characters and it acts as an elevator pitch when it comes to convincing people to open an email. When you optimize the preview text, it becomes an extension of the subject line and reinforces the value proposition.

4. Easily Readable

All marketing activities have one thing in common and that is to generate the interest of users. Most people are busy which is why it is important to write the email copy in a way that is attractive and easy to understand. The copy must include short sentences, easy-to-read words, bullet points, etc. In case the readers find emails easy to read then they will be likely to engage with them more.

5. Use Storytelling

Stories can be a powerful method of attracting attention and getting your messages across the audience. This is the reason why it is important to make the most out of storytelling in the email copy.

6. Psychologically Smart Writing

Most human beings are wired to react in a specific way. You can use psychologically smart writing to direct the attention of your readers towards fulfilling the campaign objectives. Some of the examples of these triggers include color psychology and social proof. If you ensure using these triggers in the right way then you can create an effective email copy.


In case you have been looking past email marketing then it is time for you to plan and implement email marketing campaigns. Email marketing is capable of offering high returns to marketers who are willing to learn how to do it right. There is no need for it to be complicated.

You just have to be mindful that you are like a guest in the private space of customers. Whether you will be a pleasant one depends on how polite, respectful and valuable you are. If you are any of these then you are just a click away from losing the interest of people.

You can definitely follow the process of creating a smart email marketing strategy or better yet, you can get in touch with an online marketing agency such as Encaptechno. Doing the latter will help you streamline the email marketing process and it will also help you to get the most out of it.



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Digital Marketing, , , ,
Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign | Encaptechno

Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign | Encaptechno

marketing campaign for lead generation is a complex undertaking that requires immense dedication and attention. Right from the time when you first start connecting the dots and conceive the campaign to the time when you finally present it to an audience, there must be comprehensive planning and strategizing involved.

Digital marketing campaigns are way more dynamic, attainable, practical, measurable, and sustainable as compared to traditional and analog marketing methods. It takes a lot of time and demands a lot more than just placing advertisements for your business or brand around social media and other websites.

The online lead generation campaigns require a consistent or near-to-consistent exchange of data between the business and various online platforms on which things are marketed. For instance, an important part of digital marketing campaigns is search engine optimization.

However, SEO is not merely something that can be purchased or implemented with just a single transaction. Search engine optimization is an ongoing process and to ensure that it leads to favourable outcomes, there must be a regular effort for examining data and evaluating the effectiveness.

In this blog, we will have a detailed look at the steps to create an effective digital marketing campaign. Following all the steps mentioned below will ensure that the marketing is done logically, efficiently, and organically.

What is a Digital Marketing Campaign?

A digital marketing campaign is like an online marketing effort that is put forward by a company for driving engagement, traffic, revenue, and conversions. The campaign ties in with the goals of an organization and also includes the use of multiple digital channels in the efforts.

Simply put, a digital marketing campaign involves executing a marketing strategy across all digital channels where the consumers and target consumers can possibly engage with a brand. It is usually for the purpose of improving the conversion rate of a company. There are three major steps involved in building a digital marketing campaign.

These steps are:

1. Planning

In the planning stage, online goals, target customers, and the duration of the digital marketing campaign are discussed comprehensively.

2. Development

This is the stage in which a strategy is determined. It may include finalizing the target keywords for a period of time, finding ways to reach the audience including marketing campaign location, strategizing plans, integrating channels, and creating consistency.

3. Management

Finally, this is the step that determines the success and value of the digital marketing campaign.

A well-planned and executed digital marketing campaign makes a business memorable for the target audience. However, if you want to be remembered for the right reasons then it is important to start by reflecting on all goals so the marketing strategy can be streamlined before it begins attracting attention to your business with advertising. Taking the support of an online marketing agency can be of great help in planning a digital marketing strategy.

Important Aspects of Digital Marketing

We are all aware of the unprecedented growth of the digital world. In the present time, there is more than one way to market a website on the internet. The good thing is that although these areas are different marketing categories, they can possibly work together for achieving all goals and growing a business.

The important aspects of digital marketing include:

1. Search Engine Optimization

Commonly known as SEO, search engine optimization is a practice of improving a website in a way that it becomes search engine friendly and brings organic traffic to a website.

2. Content Marketing

This is a method that includes the creation and publishing of useful content designed for attracting, educating, and maintaining the target audience.

3. Pay-per-click Advertising

PPC is a digital marketing method that involves online advertisements. The advertisers pay every time a user clicks on one of the advertisements.

4. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is basically the practice of promoting a product or a service on social media platforms. This is a practice that is typically done on a social media management platform.

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing is an approach that uses emails in a way of marketing to and nurturing potential and existing clients.

6. Native Advertising

Native advertising is a method of online advertisements that resembles the editorial content of the website or publication they’re promoting.

Each business that is planning to run an effective digital marketing campaign requires an effective campaign strategy for ensuring the success of a marketing campaign. All the aspects involved in digital marketing must be paid attention to while the creation of a digital marketing campaign.

Before building any marketing campaign, all businesses must strive to have a solid foundation of marketing practices. An online marketing agency can enable a business or even an individual to develop practical strategies and tactics that can prove vital in launching high ROI marketing campaigns.

Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign


1. List Attainable Goals
List Attainable Goals - Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Much before you go ahead and plan any campaigns, you must understand and define all your marketing goals. Keep in mind that the goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, and practical. When you keep all of these factors in mind, it will become much easier to attain all the goals.

Your goal can be anything from gaining a number of clients each month to selling a specific number of products each week. No matter what it is, take your time to define and be clear on your goals centred around sales, revenue, and customer satisfaction.

Even for a goal that is as simple as gaining followers, you still need a digital marketing campaign. The campaign will enable you to run advertisements, ask the audience, send relevant emails, and convert leads.

You can also consider hiring an online marketing agency for defining the goals as this can be a detailed task for a small business owner. The expertise of an agency will help you in realizing that there are many goals that you can focus on and some important ones that must be aware of and they are brand awareness, lead generation, and follower growth.

2. Do Market Research

Describe your product, service, and the features that it offers in complete detail. Make sure that you focus on all of the important features for your products and services while including the pricing, service, placement, and distribution.

You can collect, organize and even write down the information that is focused on areas such as market dynamics, patterns, product availability and selling, industry benchmarks, potential vendors and partners, etc. In this step, you can also consider your competition and develop a unique selling proposition.

Things that usually make you different from your competitor are a market space, what you are selling, and what your USP is. These are some of the factors that can help in determining the target market and how you can efficiently sell your products and services.

3. Outline Your Target Audience

Outline Your Target Audience - Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Finding your target audience and being clear about their personality is an important part of online lead generation. This will enable you to get a detailed description of your ideal customer. It can include factors such as age, occupation, class, family, wealth, and other variables that prove how likely these target customers are to spend their money and get converted.

The target demographics are actually fairly wide and they should be determined in as much detail as is easily possible. This can very often include information about a person’s hobbies, interests, and personal lives. This is the kind of information that is often omitted while considering the wide target demographics.

Also, remember to test your assumptions while you outline your target audience. Often, you may not always be selling to who you think might be, or sometimes you may also not be reaching your complete potential with a target audience. Hence, you can do an in-person or an online focus group survey that is targeted at digital marketing developments. The people who are responding to your product or service more enthusiastically are your real target market.

4. Focus on Content Creation

Focus on Content Creation - Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

After you have done your research properly, you must start writing and focus on covering all kinds of marketing collaterals that can help in brand promotion. When you hire an online marketing agency, you are in a position to outsource your writing which also helps you focus more on the strategy part.

If you are particularly sensitive about the writing part then you may also choose to do some or all of the writing yourself while outsourcing your designs. No matter what you decide to do, make sure that you keep the preferences of the target audience in mind while the complete content creation process.

Content marketing is considered important because it is the process used to decide which kind of content should be created when it should be created, and where it should be published. Ideally, it is always advisable to create this step in the beginning and before running any campaigns because it is more efficient to have a pool of content assets ready in advance rather than creating content every time there is a need.

Make sure that you set the goals, create suitable preferences, identify the needs, search the intent and then compile all the information so that you can work on content in a more streamlined way. This way, all the content that you create will be extremely relevant and it will get noticed quicker than you can imagine.

5. Start Promoting Soon

After you have successfully finalized your content and received a sign-off from suitable internal parties, it is time for some brand promotion and execution. There are many ways in which this can be done including social media, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, public relations, etc.

Remember that absolutely anyone who enters the sales funnels through any channel can end up being valuable for the brand. This includes even the customers who do not make a purchase right away. That said, not all channels can be suitable for your business.

To get the most out of a marketing campaign for lead generation, make sure that you figure out the strengths and weaknesses of a channel and how it can possibly help your business in reaching the objectives. This way, the promotion efforts will bear favorable outcomes in a relatively short period of time.

6. Track the Campaign


The digital marketing campaigns are made to get analyzed because otherwise, you cannot know if your efforts are actually paying off. You must ensure that you are spending the money on the right methods and sending the most effective messages that can help in marketing.

Constantly monitoring the process should be provided to make sure that the strategy is working effectively. This is something that is done by assigning teams that can deliver the task well. You should remember to learn from mistakes and always find improvement opportunities.

Some ways in which you can analyze your campaign’s performance include measuring the organic website visits, the time spent on a page, email open rates and click-through rates, the number of prospects earned at any event, and engagements on social media. No matter what you decide to track your campaign, ensure that you have sufficient information available for ensuring continued investment in digital marketing.


A strong digital marketing campaign is more like the foundation of a successful business. While digital marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing methods, it is also a much more effective and powerful tool that promises great results.

The only thing to remember is that businesses must take a well-planned and thoughtful approach at the time of devising a campaign. For this, the support of an experienced digital marketing agency such as Encaptechno can be significant.

At Encaptechno, we have a team of online marketing experts who are trained in offering end-to-end digital marketing consultancy and services. If you are also looking to make your brand or business known on the internet while gaining a competitive edge, get in touch with us, today.




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Digital Marketing, , , ,
How are Infographics Important for Lead Generation Strategies? | Encaptechno

How are Infographics Important for Lead Generation Strategies?

How are Infographics Important for Lead Generation Strategies? | Encaptechno
Lead generation is considered one of the most important digital marketing activities because it is responsible for the start of what can be a constructive relationship with all the present and prospective customers. However much the marketers might want them to, the leads do not get closed so easily.

All businesses have to deal with competitors that are spending time in devising lead generation strategies focused on being the first search engine result on a prospect’s request. However, it is important to cater to the ever-changing purchasing behaviour and needs of different customers.

Anytime a digital marketer is faced with challenges to win the online race against competitors, creativity comes in handy in ensuring that the final results are favourable. A rather perfect example of creative digital marketing solutions is infographics. They are information-centric and artistically inclined pieces of content that can be used to attract customers and stimulate their interest in the unique proposition of a brand.

In this blog, we will have a detailed look at what infographics are and how can we use them for lead generation?

What is an Infographic?


What is an Infographic?

An infographic is actually a visual representation of any type of information or data. Be it a study on the market trends or a step-by-step guide on how to do something, an infographic is actually very helpful in presenting information in the form of an attractive visual graphic.

With the use of bright colours, bold text, and illustrated characters, attracting customer’s attention becomes easier. Plus, customers prefer an infographic over other marketing materials because they can get a quick overview of the topic while looking at an infographic. One must always keep in mind that infographic marketing is not just to inform, but also to ensure that the viewing experience becomes fun and engaging for the audience.

In the end, it all comes down to how a marketer combines different graphic elements including colours, icons, illustrations, and fonts for explaining a topic in an attractive and easy-to-understand way. Preferably, an infographic should be showing statistics or facts in a visual form while using radicals and a chart. This is to ensure that even if the customers do not read the text, they can still get a clear picture.

Why and Where Can You Use Infographics?


Why and Where Can You Use Infographics?
There is a very clear reason why infographics are so renowned and relevant. The fact is that they are fun, easy to share, and engaging too. In addition, they have so many benefits for marketers, educators, businesses, content creators, etc. Marketers, in particular, can use them for driving website traffic, brand awareness, visibility, and engagement.

In addition, the beauty of infographics marketing is that it can be used at multiple places. That said, one must not create more infographics than needed because a small number of them are enough to stand out from the rest. It will just pay off to remember that over 60% of marketers use infographics which also means that the competition is stiff.

You can use infographics in the following ways:

1. Social Media

Social Media - Why and Where Can You Use Infographics?


Infographics go really well on social media. In case you have been trying to share a lot of information consistently, it is now time to use them often. Until the time infographics are creative and engaging, the audience will be attracted automatically.

Plus, when it comes to generating more leads, infographics on social media help tremendously. An online marketing agency can easily show an increase in lead generation with the use of relevant infographics. 

Hence, the integration of these infographics into the social media strategy is one of the best ways to attract more customers. However, one must not post them all the time because using them as a part of the lead generation strategy will make the use more successful.

2. Online Ads


In case you have been trying to get more and more people to buy your products at the time when they are in promotion, a large amount of text isn’t something that will work. The audience will in fact want to know what it is, the cost of it, and where it can be purchased from.

With relevant use of online ads infographics, you can entice your audience for signing up while receiving a good percentage off on the next purchase. The companies that use infographics in this way generate at least five times more traffic to their website. The more sign-ups a company gets, the better it becomes for a company to generate more leads, store the details, and also include them in email marketing.

3. Email Marketing


The entire concept of email marketing has been forgotten. Email marketing campaigns enable a marketer to reach out to and also approve previous customers along with any new leads who have given their details.

The use of infographics also allows you to limit words while focusing on only what is important. With customers receiving emails each day, a business must find a way to stand out.

Using so many images is also a great way to create engaging and engaging content through email marketing. The marketers can actually break up the information in the sense that the audience does not feel overwhelmed.

4. Offline Marketing


In addition to using infographics for online marketing techniques, they can also be used for offline marketing. The information that is used in the making of infographics is great marketing collateral.

It can actually be used for making pamphlets, brochures, and presentations because all three of those things are actually great ways to improve the reach of something. In addition, in case someone runs a business that publishes ebooks, the content of infographics can be extremely useful.

The information can be condensed in an engaging and creative format. At the end of an infographic, you can also include a strong call to action button for getting the audience to sign up and be engaged even more.

Benefits of Infographics


1. Appealing Visuals


It is probably not a surprise that our brains are capable of processing more information presented to us in a visual format as compared to text. In fact, it has also been reported that we process visuals a lot faster as compared to anything else.

When you begin to really think about this, it will make sense to you and you will understand that a well-designed infographic actually remains one of the best ways to attract prospects. With most people being active content consumers, we have been overloaded with information in the past few years.

Different situations call for different kinds of content pieces. However, most people like to look at visually appealing matters. Many customers think of data to be boring, but when you visualize it, it is also capable of taking a new form while attracting those who wouldn’t be able to read it when presented in a different format.

2. Visual Stories


The simple reason why infographics have such a bad name for themselves is that the marketers have been using them as a way to land links only. As opposed to focusing on telling a story and finding a suitable content form, infographics often become a way to land easy links.

If the marketers are interested in making their infographic marketing strategy a success, then it is important to realize that the data and stories behind an infographic matter the most when presented in a visual format. 

Stories come to life far better when we see them positively rather than simply sending a press release for linking to a blog post. A well-designed infographic is a very powerful content marketing tool. One must be sure that it is the right format for telling a story to gain the most out of an infographic’s power.

3. Knowledge Retention


One of the most important benefits of using infographics is online training because it advances knowledge retention immensely. The customers remember all the visually compelling charts, illustrations, images, and other elements way more effectively as compared to text-based online content.  

Infographics also offer a quick overview of the topic which means that there is no need to read a paragraph and search for the need-to-know information. However, for achieving the desired effect, one must ensure that the infographic is setting the right tone.

You can use images that relate to the subject matter and draw the attention of customers while also ensuring that the graphics are minimal in the sense that they shouldn’t distract the customer from key takeaways. The marketers must keep in mind that the primary goal is always to offer a clear and cohesive snapshot of an idea or concept while not confusing it with dazzling colours and images.

4. Simplifying Complex Information


The ideas and concepts that are more involved have a wide range of subtopics that can be suitable for e-learning infographics. This is because of the simple reason that an infographic is capable of simplifying and distilling information down to easily digestible pieces.

Using infographics in lead generation strategies can grab the attention of your customers and prompt them to engage and interact with content in a much better and meaningful way. The marketers can create colourful graphics and charts that highlight important trends and include pictures that show some details as well.

5. Brand Image


Another great benefit of infographics is that they can be used to customize almost every aspect. As such, one can make them in line with the brand image and messaging. Almost anyone who views infographics on a website or on a third-party social media platform will know that the infographic represents your brand.

This helps in building brand awareness and raising credibility as well, particularly among your corporate audience. Only by looking at the infographics, a customer can get a complete picture of what a brand stands for and how the information should be used for benefit.

6. Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction - Benefits of Infographics

The use of infographics is way more personal and engaging as compared to text-based online training content. Their use stressed the fact that a brand cares about the kind of content it shares and that the customer should have all the information and tools needed about the brand.

Customers feel much more satisfied with the brand and confident when they are taking any kind of product or service. This also leads to an increase in productivity and customer retention rate. A satisfied customer is more than likely to keep coming back rather than trying to look for other options online.

7. Increase in Sales


There is no doubt in the fact that infographics are a great sales tool as well. As opposed to writing down the processes, benefits, and other comparables in a large format that customers won’t read, an infographic can be used to make it obvious that the buyers should choose you over other competitors.

An infographic does not even have to be used as a PR or a link-building tool. An online marketing agency can just use it as a tool to educate prospects in a visual manner which will make a big difference in the overall sales of a brand. Once you start using them optimally, you will begin to see the difference right away. 




Infographics are a very powerful tool if you want to make the most out of an effective content marketing strategy. It is a marketing tool that can combine important data that helps your customers to understand information about your brand easily.

As a marketer or an entrepreneur, all you have to do is make sure that you have a proper plan in the creation and sharing of infographics and you will be able to see great results.

In case you need assistance in creating attractive infographics for your brand, our team at Encaptechno is here to assist you with ideal solutions for your business. We have a team of digital marketing experts that can help you in creating attractive infographics that simplify and clarify your message for generating more leads. Get in touch for more information.



How are Infographics Important for Lead Generation Strategies? Read More »

Digital Marketing, , , ,
What is Search Engine Marketing - A Complete Overview | Encaptechno

Search Engine Marketing – A Complete Overview

What is Search Engine Marketing - A Complete Overview | Encaptechno

In the present time, marketers are moving at a fast-paced speed to tap the new normal opportunity. The process of online marketing has gone mainstream and is now a new trend. For so many businesses it represents a marketing opportunity that transcends the traditional middleman and connects companies directly with customers.

This is why nearly every business — from giant companies to the local ice cream shop — is exploring internet marketing strategies. Some time ago, businesses were uncertain about internet marketing. But now it’s here to stay as companies are rapidly in the process of hiring with a reliable online marketing agency that helps them gain traction. Much like emails that first empowered businesses, search engine marketing is the present marketing wave.

It is the best way for customer acquisition which remains to be the top goal of marketers. A shift from isolated pure-play traditional platforms to the search engine marketing approach can help marketers address the challenge of new customer expectations across many devices and channels. Marketers are leveraging the power of search engine result pages and gain attention quickly.

With millions of companies accessing the Internet globally, companies are sniffing immense possibilities on organic search results. Any brand can make its presence felt on the internet and create a buzz- feedback chain at minimal cost, reaching out to the widest spectrum of customers.

In this blog, we will look at a detailed overview of search engine marketing. However, let us first begin with understanding what search engine marketing is in complete detail.


What is Search Engine Marketing?


Search Engine Marketing or SEM is the process of gaining website traffic or attention through the commonly used search engines or browsing websites. The process of search engine marketing involves advertisers bidding on some keywords that the users of search engines such as Google or Bing may search for while looking for some products and services.

In essence, the process of search engine marketing enables the marketers to have their paid search ads appear amongst the results for the specific searches. These ads are also known as pay-per-click ads and come in many formats.

Some of them are small and text-based while others can be product listings as well. The product listing ads allow the customers to see product information immediately along with the price and reviews.

SEM can be considered as a powerful way to allow marketers to place relevant pay-per-click ads in front of the customers who are prepared to purchase the product. It is one of the most proven and fastest ways to grow a website or a business. 

Search engine marketing helps in increasing website, traffic, increasing conversions, raising brand awareness, customer acquisition, creating a brand identity and positive brand association, and improving communication with the audience.

Importance of SEM


With so many customers coming up on the internet and shopping online, the entire process of search engine marketing has become one of the most important internet marketing strategies that help in increasing a company’s reach. As a matter of fact, many new visitors who come on a website find this by performing a query on a search engine.

It must be noted that in search engine marketing, the advertisers are supposed to only pay for the impressions that result in visitors making it an effective way for a company to spend its marketing money. As an added bonus, every visitor improves the website’s ranking in the organic search results.

Since the customers type in their search questions with an intention of finding information that is commercial in nature, they are already prepared to make a purchase. This is actually different from social media where the customers are not always searching for something in particular.

Search engine marketing has the ability to reach the consumers at just the time when they are looking for it. This timing plays a key role and encourages them to take action. What’s great about this marketing is that it is non-intrusive and does not interrupt any tasks. The results are immediate and one of the fastest ways to drive traffic to the website.

What is Search Engine Marketing?

Developing Search Engine Marketing Campaign


Some of the ways in which an organization can keep a track of all search engine marketing processes are:

1. Planning

Creating a search engine marketing plan, doing detailed keyword research, and brainstorming about your goals are the primary steps while building a good search engine marketing plan.  

You must be clear about what you are hoping to achieve through internet marketing strategies. Other questions that you have to be mindful of are who is your target audience? Where would your target audience hang out and how would they use search engines? What message do you want to send to your audience with search engine marketing?

2. Looking for Keywords

This is one of the most important steps in the campaign because it plays an important role in laying the foundation for the rest of your efforts. The keywords you select will actually go on to determine how quickly your audience can find you and how relevant your pay-per-click ads are going to be for the searchers

Remember that some keywords will perform much better than others with huge differences in terms of bidding competition and cost per click. This is not to mention that the competitors are always coming, going, and shifting the strategies. Hence, it is highly recommended that keyword testing and optimization efforts should be ongoing. The last thing that any marketer would want to do is to waste time on resources that are not effective anymore.

3. Ad Copy

They don’t say that “Content is King” for no reason. After you have completed your keyword research at the right time, it is time for you to start thinking about how you will go ahead with ad copy so that your target audience can be enticed to make the important click. This is right when you need to channel your persuasion power in your words so that it can definitely pay to put out a paid search ad.

An ad copy is often one of the most important things that a user sees when they are exposed to a search ad, and it is also the first impression that is counted as important for businesses because they can mean the difference between establishing a good relationship and losing a visitor’s interest for good.

You should make sure that the ad copy is relevant to the keyword that you are targeting at one time. When people use search engines, they filter out and ignore ads that do not prove to be relevant for them. They will do the same for your ads in case your ad copy is not the same as their search intent. Hence, make sure that your ads are structured carefully.

4. Landing Page

Landing Page- Developing Search Engine Marketing Campaign
You have finally selected your keywords and been successful in writing the ad copy. It is now a good time for you to start thinking about creating an optimized landing page so that your users can be driven to it. In case your ad message is just a way to prompt the customers then you can consider your landing page to be a message that covers most of the action taking part.

When a customer lands on your website with the help of a search ad, you have already paid for the click. Now you have to ensure that all is being done to encourage that customer in a way that the click gets turned into a conversion. 

Make sure that you reduce any kind of distractions from your landing pages. This makes sure that the attention of a user is not diverted in any sense from the call to action button. All in all, the landing page should be such that the user gets immediately prompted to take an action in the favour of your business.

5. Keyword Bidding

Based on the goal of your search engine marketing campaign, you can choose a strategy that is tailored to drive a specific metric. It does not matter if you want to focus on driving more clicks, impressions, or conversions as long as there is a bidding strategy that helps you in the long run.

From the beginning, it is a good idea to choose default manual keyword bidding because that can be a great way to develop and implement a good strategy. It can help you to run tests and develop your internet marketing strategies with time while making it all much more efficient.

That said, in case you have clean data from the previous search ad campaigns then you have an option of choosing an automated bidding strategy. With the right use of automated bidding, you can make the best use of past conversion data that can help in optimizing the bids for conversion or conversion value.

6. Ad Budgeting

One of the best ways to enhance the search engine result pages marketing is with the use of account structure and ad budgeting. This helps in dictating how the ad gets triggered and also helps in recording the overall efficiency of the marketing campaign. This is the reason why it is important to structure an account from the very beginning.

When you choose the right campaign then the ad platform will be cued on what to optimize and the type of ads that must be prioritized. You should also focus on organizing your account well at the campaign, group, and keyword stages so that there is improved internal processing.

There is also campaign budgeting that depends on the test results because you should never be allocating any budgets towards the ad campaigns that are untested. When you can prove the return properly for your test ad budget, you can start thinking about scaling up the budget and maximizing conversion volume.


7. Recording SEM Performance

Recording SEM Performance - Developing Search Engine Marketing Campaign
Similar to any other kind of marketing, the process of search engine marketing is created on the foundation of planning, implementing, reviewing, and streamlining. One must remember that campaign tracking is important for any kind of
pay per click ads efforts because of how simple it is to start spending money.

The degree to which you can track your overall ad performance depends completely on your goal. After you define that clearly, it can trickle down to the strategies that you should be choosing and what metrics you should keep an eye on.


Related Read: Most Common Mistakes of SEO And How To Avoid Them


A/B Testing Can Complement SEM


When you are making an investment in the SEM to attract more traffic to your website, it can pay off to optimize the traffic for conversions and increase the efficiency of your spending. The act of A/B testing the landing pages is a helpful method to maximize the spending either by optimizing for an average order value or revenue per page. You can optimize your landing page, increasing the quality score with search engine marketing networks and reduce the average CPC as well.

Search Engine Marketing – Need of the Hour


Basically, search engine marketing centres on efforts to create optimized ads that attract attention and encourage customers to take an action. The resulting electronic word of the mouth refers to any statement consumers share via the Internet (e.g., websites, social media networks, instant messages, news feeds, etc.) about an event, product, service, brand, or company.

When the underlying offering spreads from user to user and resonates because it appears to come from a trusted source, as opposed to the brand or company itself, this form of marketing results in earned media in addition to the paid media.

The search engine engagement signifies that customers are stakeholders and participants rather than viewers. The importance of developing and implementing high-quality internet marketing strategies has grown to a point that it cannot be ignored anymore. People from all types of different demographics are using the internet each day. And so it makes sense to use the search engine platforms useful for marketing purposes.

Businesses from small to large have begun implementing search engine marketing because of the benefits it offers. It is critical for organizations to change with the growing use of digital marketing by hiring an online marketing agency or it can affect the company’s success by remaining stagnant. By continuing to rely on traditional marketing alone, a business is harming its future success. A successful organization embraces new opportunities for maximizing growth.


Finally, search engine marketing is a tested method to increase the online visibility and brand awareness of an organization, a business, or even a website. One needs to make sure that they understand their customers, and prospective visitors of the website before setting out the process of creating any kind of SEM plan.

This also helps in understanding the use of relevant keywords which is important for search engine marketing in the sense that it actually works. In case you wish to really optimize the content then it is a great idea to use SEM in your internet marketing strategies for the realization of long-term growth and success.

In case you wish to know more about SEM services, get in touch with the expert team of Encaptechno for availing of the best digital marketing results.


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8 Ways Google Ads Can Improve Your SEO Results - Encaptechno

8 Ways Google Ads Can Improve Your SEO Results

Implementing an effective digital marketing strategy to improve SEO ranking and using Google Ads to increase the conversion rate, are two things that go together.

Let’s think of a customer who is looking for something very specific. This could be a product, a service, or some valuable information as well. Now, it is likely that in order to get this information, this customer will look it up on Google before anything else. This is just how the Google Ads work in essence.

8 Ways Google Ads Can Improve Your SEO Results - Encaptechno

Anyone who goes on the internet might end up entering a keyword on Google related to what they are looking for. In a perfectly relevant response, Google will show them suitable ads for exactly what they need. For anyone who is looking to make a name or succeed in the business ecosystem, Google Ads can be immensely successful because they help in increasing traffic, promote a product or a service, and increase sales.

In case you are an entrepreneur who aspires to lead a successful business or a marketer who wishes to upscale the promotional operations then PPC marketing is just what you need. If you have been ignoring this until now then it is about time, you awaken to the benefits it can bring to your business.

Before we jump onto understanding the ways in which Google Ads can improve SEO results, let us begin by quickly understanding the way in which Google Ads work for a contextual foundation.

Working of Google Ads

Several users type in to search for something that almost always leads to two types of results. The results you achieve because of suitable and systematic content and the ones that are achieved because some inspirational professionals pay to see the value they offer to get ranked at the top.

If you consider leveraging the massive reach of Google, then Google Ads have the potential to be one of the best tools to get valued traffic. They are in fact absolutely necessary for any business trying to get an online reach while achieving some tangible results.

A Google Ads specialist can offer the online retailers an opportunity to access a growing and interested audience for creating a good increase in online conversion. In addition, they can also help in retaining a strong control on the investments.

Ways Google Ads Can Improve SEO Results

1. Performance Measuring Tool

It can be particularly difficult to see the results of conventional ads such as radio, billboards, brochures, etc. In addition, these methods are pretty expensive when compared to a tool like Google AdWords. There is no control over your own budget and the amount that you are spending.

More than anything, you will not know the source of all leads coming from the media until the time customers choose to reveal it. As a result, it can also be difficult to calculate the revenue from conventional media.

However, the pay-per-click ads on the other hand can tell you right away what is happening with the online campaign that you’re running and how successful your search engine optimization strategy is. By using Google Ads, you can keep tabs on who clicks on your ads, how many leads can be generated, which specific keyword leads to more traffic, the traffic that Adwords can get, and how much it costs per lead.

Google Ads work in tandem with search engine optimization while enabling the marketers to understand right what works and what does not work so that steps can be taken to improve the marketing and advertising results. Using this kind of information, you can change your campaigns until the time you can achieve optimal results that actually put your brand where you need it to be. Not only will you be able to increase your revenue stream, but you will also be able to get desirable results from your SEO plan.

2. Reconnecting With Visitors

An important benefit of Google Ads is that it helps in reconnecting with the website visitors. For example, you can have brick and mortar shoppers land on your website who might be the very people who have visited all the pages on your very own website but have not taken any substantial action. Now with pay-per-click ads, you can remind them about you and all that you can do for them.

With remarketing on the display networks, the advertisers can target visitors on different websites using banner images. Let’s say that you have a travel agency and there is a visitor who is looking for some holiday packages to the Maldives. However, that visitor decides to just leave without actually buying.

In this scenario, you can create a remarketing list for targeting him. In the same way, you can also create a suppression list that will make sure you target new leads and not run advertisements for the ones who have already been converted. In essence, PPC ads advance SEO by providing repetitive ad exposure for digital branding opportunities; it leads to higher conversions with time, provides a cost-effective and reliable marketing strategy, tracks a website’s performance, and builds brand loyalty and awareness.

3. Intent Marketing

Intent Marketing

One of the most important differences between the customers who are reaching out with Google Ads and the ones who are reaching out with other forms of online advertising lies in the intent. On the social media network, for instance, most people do not look out to be advertised. Instead, these people are looking for solutions to problems that affect their daily lives. When a business advertises to someone who is not particularly looking for it, there is a stronger chance to get turned out.

On the other hand, when you are a search network, people are often looking for advertisements. Hence, you can advertise to people who are looking for something very specific such as the best post-click landing page platforms. When you do PPC marketing, you can help them find the answer to what interrupts their online browsing experience. Intent marketing is also a helpful method to improve your SEO practices. It offers the customers just what is suitable without wasting their time or leading them on.

The pay-per-click ads can also be a kind of inbound marketing because of being able to help someone who has taken the first step to look for these ads. When you use ads, you are letting the prospects come to you while helping them find relevant answers which help in better SEO results. In this way, you can position yourself to get more business when the customers are prepared to spend.

4. Manage Your Campaigns

Google Ads helps in providing you with tools that can easily manage and keep a track of your accounts. In case you manage multiple Google Ads accounts, there is a tool called My Client Centre manager account that can help in saving precious time. It also lets you easily view and manage all important Google Ads accounts from one location only.

Google Ads can be used to manage things when you are offline with the help of Google Ads Editor which is a free and downloadable desktop application that enables you to quickly and comfortably make changes to your account.

By using Google Ads Editor, you can also download important account information, format your campaigns, and upload all important changes to Google Ads. In addition, you can utilize Google Ads Editor for managing, editing, and viewing several accounts at the same time while copying and moving items between the ad groups, and undoing and redoing different changes at the time of editing campaigns.

5. Complete Control On Advertising

Creating online campaigns that reach your target audience and the ones who have the potential to be your audience is rather challenging. The entire act of starting and ending these campaigns takes time and in case, they fail to serve the purpose then there is no point in those campaigns in the first place.

On the other hand, choosing to buy ad space with Google’s pay-per-click ads which are also known as programmatic advertising is simple for all the trained marketing employees. With the requisite amount of knowledge, they will be able to begin and stop the campaigns, reach out to the right people at the right price, and do all of it instantly.

This way, resources can be allocated and your time for other important initiatives can be used judiciously. If there is complete control on advertising then there are two main benefits that solve the digital marketing purposes. You will be able to optimize your website so that it is more visible in the organic search and second your ranking will also rise because it will be supplemented by PPC.

6. Tackling Competition Efficiently

When a customer goes up on the internet to search for something that is related to your products or services, and in case you are not already doing PPC marketing, but your competitors are then it is not good news for you.  This could mean losing business almost instantly.

It is important to keep an eye on these people so that you know how they are promoting their business, and what kind of ads they run, etc. The effective and transparent system of Google Ads helps you in doing the same. You have an opportunity to make the most out of everything that comes your way while making yourself stand out from your competition seamlessly.

By keeping a track of all that must be done to advance your marketing operations, you will be able to craft a strategy that impacts SEO and PPC results positively.

7. Reaching Customers With Gmail

An important marketing strategy that is used in every business is that of email marketing, which is exactly why Gmail ads can often prove very helpful. Google has integrated native Gmail ads with Google AdWords while making it available to all the advertisers which also means that you can reach out to more prospects on Gmail.

Mostly, the Gmail ads appear on the promotions tab, but at times you can also see them on the social tab. So many businesses are often not aware of how efficient Gmail ads can prove to be. The businesses that hire an online marketing agency for harnessing the power of PPC marketing and SEO practices actually use a lead generation strategy that can affect the results.

8. Enhanced Brand Awareness

Enhanced Brand Awareness

In addition to boosting traffic, conversions, and also clicks, Google Ads are also an efficient way to tell people about what a brand is capable of. To verify this optimally, Google has often reiterated that PPC ads help in lifting awareness.

Other than this, when it comes to SEO, your rank almost always depends on the brand name searches and the variations. There is also another reason why you should aspire to increase brand awareness with search and display ads.


To sum this up, you will get the best results out of your digital marketing efforts when you put time and energy into Google Ads and SEO simultaneously. In case you invest all of your time and money into the PPC campaign then there might be a risk of not so developed organic presence.

On the other hand, if you focus completely on SEO only then you might have to wait to get some results. Hence, it is best to use both of them together. When you use them right, you can improve the marketing results considerably.

Use the benefits of Google Ads by hiring an online marketing agency for taking maximum benefits of online advertising. The expert digital marketers at Encaptechno can work to show your ads to the right people, at the right time, and at the right place which will fetch your business great results.

8 Ways Google Ads Can Improve Your SEO Results Read More »

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