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Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign | Encaptechno

Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign | Encaptechno

marketing campaign for lead generation is a complex undertaking that requires immense dedication and attention. Right from the time when you first start connecting the dots and conceive the campaign to the time when you finally present it to an audience, there must be comprehensive planning and strategizing involved.

Digital marketing campaigns are way more dynamic, attainable, practical, measurable, and sustainable as compared to traditional and analog marketing methods. It takes a lot of time and demands a lot more than just placing advertisements for your business or brand around social media and other websites.

The online lead generation campaigns require a consistent or near-to-consistent exchange of data between the business and various online platforms on which things are marketed. For instance, an important part of digital marketing campaigns is search engine optimization.

However, SEO is not merely something that can be purchased or implemented with just a single transaction. Search engine optimization is an ongoing process and to ensure that it leads to favourable outcomes, there must be a regular effort for examining data and evaluating the effectiveness.

In this blog, we will have a detailed look at the steps to create an effective digital marketing campaign. Following all the steps mentioned below will ensure that the marketing is done logically, efficiently, and organically.

What is a Digital Marketing Campaign?

A digital marketing campaign is like an online marketing effort that is put forward by a company for driving engagement, traffic, revenue, and conversions. The campaign ties in with the goals of an organization and also includes the use of multiple digital channels in the efforts.

Simply put, a digital marketing campaign involves executing a marketing strategy across all digital channels where the consumers and target consumers can possibly engage with a brand. It is usually for the purpose of improving the conversion rate of a company. There are three major steps involved in building a digital marketing campaign.

These steps are:

1. Planning

In the planning stage, online goals, target customers, and the duration of the digital marketing campaign are discussed comprehensively.

2. Development

This is the stage in which a strategy is determined. It may include finalizing the target keywords for a period of time, finding ways to reach the audience including marketing campaign location, strategizing plans, integrating channels, and creating consistency.

3. Management

Finally, this is the step that determines the success and value of the digital marketing campaign.

A well-planned and executed digital marketing campaign makes a business memorable for the target audience. However, if you want to be remembered for the right reasons then it is important to start by reflecting on all goals so the marketing strategy can be streamlined before it begins attracting attention to your business with advertising. Taking the support of an online marketing agency can be of great help in planning a digital marketing strategy.

Important Aspects of Digital Marketing

We are all aware of the unprecedented growth of the digital world. In the present time, there is more than one way to market a website on the internet. The good thing is that although these areas are different marketing categories, they can possibly work together for achieving all goals and growing a business.

The important aspects of digital marketing include:

1. Search Engine Optimization

Commonly known as SEO, search engine optimization is a practice of improving a website in a way that it becomes search engine friendly and brings organic traffic to a website.

2. Content Marketing

This is a method that includes the creation and publishing of useful content designed for attracting, educating, and maintaining the target audience.

3. Pay-per-click Advertising

PPC is a digital marketing method that involves online advertisements. The advertisers pay every time a user clicks on one of the advertisements.

4. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is basically the practice of promoting a product or a service on social media platforms. This is a practice that is typically done on a social media management platform.

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing is an approach that uses emails in a way of marketing to and nurturing potential and existing clients.

6. Native Advertising

Native advertising is a method of online advertisements that resembles the editorial content of the website or publication they’re promoting.

Each business that is planning to run an effective digital marketing campaign requires an effective campaign strategy for ensuring the success of a marketing campaign. All the aspects involved in digital marketing must be paid attention to while the creation of a digital marketing campaign.

Before building any marketing campaign, all businesses must strive to have a solid foundation of marketing practices. An online marketing agency can enable a business or even an individual to develop practical strategies and tactics that can prove vital in launching high ROI marketing campaigns.

Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign


1. List Attainable Goals
List Attainable Goals - Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Much before you go ahead and plan any campaigns, you must understand and define all your marketing goals. Keep in mind that the goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, and practical. When you keep all of these factors in mind, it will become much easier to attain all the goals.

Your goal can be anything from gaining a number of clients each month to selling a specific number of products each week. No matter what it is, take your time to define and be clear on your goals centred around sales, revenue, and customer satisfaction.

Even for a goal that is as simple as gaining followers, you still need a digital marketing campaign. The campaign will enable you to run advertisements, ask the audience, send relevant emails, and convert leads.

You can also consider hiring an online marketing agency for defining the goals as this can be a detailed task for a small business owner. The expertise of an agency will help you in realizing that there are many goals that you can focus on and some important ones that must be aware of and they are brand awareness, lead generation, and follower growth.

2. Do Market Research

Describe your product, service, and the features that it offers in complete detail. Make sure that you focus on all of the important features for your products and services while including the pricing, service, placement, and distribution.

You can collect, organize and even write down the information that is focused on areas such as market dynamics, patterns, product availability and selling, industry benchmarks, potential vendors and partners, etc. In this step, you can also consider your competition and develop a unique selling proposition.

Things that usually make you different from your competitor are a market space, what you are selling, and what your USP is. These are some of the factors that can help in determining the target market and how you can efficiently sell your products and services.

3. Outline Your Target Audience

Outline Your Target Audience - Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Finding your target audience and being clear about their personality is an important part of online lead generation. This will enable you to get a detailed description of your ideal customer. It can include factors such as age, occupation, class, family, wealth, and other variables that prove how likely these target customers are to spend their money and get converted.

The target demographics are actually fairly wide and they should be determined in as much detail as is easily possible. This can very often include information about a person’s hobbies, interests, and personal lives. This is the kind of information that is often omitted while considering the wide target demographics.

Also, remember to test your assumptions while you outline your target audience. Often, you may not always be selling to who you think might be, or sometimes you may also not be reaching your complete potential with a target audience. Hence, you can do an in-person or an online focus group survey that is targeted at digital marketing developments. The people who are responding to your product or service more enthusiastically are your real target market.

4. Focus on Content Creation

Focus on Content Creation - Steps to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

After you have done your research properly, you must start writing and focus on covering all kinds of marketing collaterals that can help in brand promotion. When you hire an online marketing agency, you are in a position to outsource your writing which also helps you focus more on the strategy part.

If you are particularly sensitive about the writing part then you may also choose to do some or all of the writing yourself while outsourcing your designs. No matter what you decide to do, make sure that you keep the preferences of the target audience in mind while the complete content creation process.

Content marketing is considered important because it is the process used to decide which kind of content should be created when it should be created, and where it should be published. Ideally, it is always advisable to create this step in the beginning and before running any campaigns because it is more efficient to have a pool of content assets ready in advance rather than creating content every time there is a need.

Make sure that you set the goals, create suitable preferences, identify the needs, search the intent and then compile all the information so that you can work on content in a more streamlined way. This way, all the content that you create will be extremely relevant and it will get noticed quicker than you can imagine.

5. Start Promoting Soon

After you have successfully finalized your content and received a sign-off from suitable internal parties, it is time for some brand promotion and execution. There are many ways in which this can be done including social media, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, public relations, etc.

Remember that absolutely anyone who enters the sales funnels through any channel can end up being valuable for the brand. This includes even the customers who do not make a purchase right away. That said, not all channels can be suitable for your business.

To get the most out of a marketing campaign for lead generation, make sure that you figure out the strengths and weaknesses of a channel and how it can possibly help your business in reaching the objectives. This way, the promotion efforts will bear favorable outcomes in a relatively short period of time.

6. Track the Campaign


The digital marketing campaigns are made to get analyzed because otherwise, you cannot know if your efforts are actually paying off. You must ensure that you are spending the money on the right methods and sending the most effective messages that can help in marketing.

Constantly monitoring the process should be provided to make sure that the strategy is working effectively. This is something that is done by assigning teams that can deliver the task well. You should remember to learn from mistakes and always find improvement opportunities.

Some ways in which you can analyze your campaign’s performance include measuring the organic website visits, the time spent on a page, email open rates and click-through rates, the number of prospects earned at any event, and engagements on social media. No matter what you decide to track your campaign, ensure that you have sufficient information available for ensuring continued investment in digital marketing.


A strong digital marketing campaign is more like the foundation of a successful business. While digital marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing methods, it is also a much more effective and powerful tool that promises great results.

The only thing to remember is that businesses must take a well-planned and thoughtful approach at the time of devising a campaign. For this, the support of an experienced digital marketing agency such as Encaptechno can be significant.

At Encaptechno, we have a team of online marketing experts who are trained in offering end-to-end digital marketing consultancy and services. If you are also looking to make your brand or business known on the internet while gaining a competitive edge, get in touch with us, today.




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PPC vs SEO - Encaptechno

PPC vs SEO – Which is Better?

Marketers are often required to make decisions about how to invest their time and online marketing money. While doing the same, there are some important things to be considered including the difference between PPC ads and SEO rankings.

PPC vs SEO - Encaptechno

Any strategy applied to improve search engine optimization can enable the Google Search ranking to go up by making a page much more relevant to the users. The search listings are free, and Google does not let anyone pay to get a better ranking because of the simple reason that Google is committed to keeping the content reliable and informative.

On the other hand, the PPC ads just like Google Ads are paid online advertisements that appear next to the relevant searches and other content on the internet. Simply running a Google Ad campaign will not be useful for improving the SEO ranking as opposed to some common myths and claims. That said, PPC ads are known to be very helpful in connecting with a wide base of an audience on the internet.

Often, many companies contemplate on what they should use for their business, PPC, SEO, or both? In this blog, we will explore how things work and the benefits that both SEO and PPC are capable of offering.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is the simple practice of optimizing a website or a webpage for increasing the quality and quantity of its traffic from organic search results. The common benefits of SEO include free and passive traffic to a website that comes month after month.

There are a couple of things that must be looked out for when it comes to improving a website’s SEO. The first and most important thing is to make sure that the writing on a website is useful and descriptive. You can explain your topic in simple and easy-to-understand language. It will also pay off to include the words that a user might look for while searching for something online.

In case you include some terms in a website’s copy, it is also important to ensure that you are still talking to the people you hope should see your site. You should not clutter your page with too many search items to ensure that users do not ignore your site. In addition, do not use text images for links, content, and titles that Google does not recognize. Instead, you must focus on what is easy for a user to see and understand.

Why SEO?

Organic SEO can be used as one of the most affordable methods for improving a website’s visibility while placing you right in front of your target audience at the time they come on the internet with a query. Organic clicks are absolutely free and do not cost any money. It takes time to see SEO results but there are no costs associated with every click. If the marketers focus on doing SEO in the right way then free traffic is assured.

After search engine optimization has been used optimally to achieve good rankings, seeing sustained results becomes easy. The business is shown to the potential audience. In essence, SEO ensures more stability. The rankings can stay pretty consistent when you optimize your website in the right manner.

One of the most important standpoints of a good SEO strategy involves creating informative and useful content. When companies focus on creating content that targets a different audience, it becomes easy to get more traffic.

SEO is also pretty cost-effective. You can either an agency for getting search engine optimization services or you can hire a team member. In both cases, the overall cost comes out to be pretty nominal and worth the results that you see in the long haul.

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Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click

Pay-per-click is actually an advertising model in which you pay for clicks. It works when you buy some clicks from Google or any other search engine. Essentially, PPC advertising is a method that is used to quickly leverage search engine traffic by either paying or bidding for keywords that are related to what you are selling or a service that you might be providing.

In PPC ads, you are only supposed to pay when someone clicks on your ads, visits your websites, or also calls your business. The PPC ads give you an opportunity to be noticed by a wider audience. You can change your ads anytime for reaching a specific group of people or promoting a deal or a product. This acts as a resource for companies that cannot update their SEO frequently for promoting sales or seasonal changes in their products or services.

Google Ads also gives you an option of marketing your business outside of Google Search by getting displayed on the Google Display Network. Choosing PPC ads will not let you have the same results as SEO, and it will not improve your search engine rankings. However, with the flexibility they offer, Google Ads can help many businesses attract attention from people who matter right at the moment when they are looking for a business like yours.

Why PPC?

PPC is an advertising method that helps to see immediate results. You can start seeing what it is capable of offering right after you can make your PPC campaign go live. The PPC ads are directly related to seeing traffic, clicks, and conversions.

The PPC ads are placed right at the top of a SERP page. Running and managing a PPC campaign only needs an experienced paid search specialist, and also a good writer who can compose informative content, attractive ads, and landing pages. When you use pay-per-click ads, you have an option to target customers with search ads, shopping ads, Gmail ads, and much more.

All you have to do is use the right advertising tools for reaching your audience and encouraging them to buy from you or even make an inquiry. When you run a PPC campaign, you get access to a wide range of data on the ads and keywords which the customers can click on before making any purchase. This also signifies that you can make changes to a campaign for optimizing it and improving the investment rate that is spent on ads.

It is rather simple to run A/B testing with the help of Google Ads and run a campaign to drive continued improvements and get better returns. You can also implement a targeted approach to offer ads that cater to specific customers. Irrespective of whether you wish to target searches on location, device, time, and other factors, you can use a PPC campaign for reaching out to people who are more than likely to buy.

Finally, when you use PPC ads, there is no need to monitor the Google search algorithm updates. This is because you bid on the top spot, so your organic rankings do not matter as much.

PPC v/s SEO – What Should You Use For Your Business?

The answer to this question depends completely on you. However, it will always help considering that both the SEO and PPC can help in different ways. These days, people look online when they want any kind of recommendation. In this scenario, both SEO and Google Ads can help in connecting with these people when they are looking for something that they need.

Search engine optimization is considered a standpoint for successful digital marketing processes. It gives your business a great chance to be found and that too with organic search. On the other hand, your customers can be reached almost immediately with the help of Google Ads no matter how small or big your business is. In addition, your campaigns can be customized while they are progressing. Basically, SEO and PPC can help you in different ways to make your digital marketing successful.


  • The first and foremost responsibility of a search engine is to use the most suitable results. In case businesses would have been able to pay for higher rankings in the search results, they would not have been getting any information that they are looking for. Hence, PPC marketing does not help to improve SEO results.
  • Google Ads offers a suite of tools that can be used for understanding how to optimize a website. For example, a keyword tool can help in forming a list of items that are related to a business and generate a lot of searches that can be integrated into a website’s content. Moreover, Google Ads can also be used to track tools for measuring any changes in the website and ad campaigns that can lead to more conversions. Google also provides non-Google ads to many small businesses for free. Google Analytics can track which queries bring more visitors to a site even when Google Ads is being used.

Both PPC and SEO can be used together to get the best results in bringing more traffic to a website and enhancing a business presence for long-term success. However, there can be some situations in which you can use either PPC or SEO. They are:

1. Launching a Creative Product or Service: If you want to get more organic traffic, it becomes important to target topics that most people are looking for already. However, when you are working for a company that caters to offering innovative products and services, it is probable that almost no one is looking for it.

When you bring a new and creative product or service to the market that has not been offered before, people don’t know if they need it or not. You have the power to make them realize the difference that a product or a service might offer.

Hence, if you are bringing a never seen or heard product to the market then it will be best if you use the power of PPC ads for building awareness. This will help in seeing almost immediate results. After you have achieved a certain standing in the market, you can begin using SEO or a mix of SEO and PPC.

2. Preparing For a Launch: In case you are preparing for the launch of a product or promoting something in a one-time event then search engine optimization is not going to do the job. You need immediate responses and greater awareness and to get that you will have to use the PPC ads.

If you use search engine optimization then you have to be aware that it will take its time. The launch event that you are preparing for will get over by the time you see your ranking. Hence, it is best to consider PPC ads or other digital marketing options such as influencer marketing.

3. Gaining Organic Reach: The organic search equates to the search results of a search engine that are not related to paid advertising. They are ranked on the basis of their relevance to the search keywords. Acquiring a good organic reach needs consistent SEO best practices.

In case you are in no hurry and you wish to create a long-term reach and popularity about your business then you can use SEO for gaining organic search. This is an excellent method for staying at the top and helps considerably in converting more and more leads. The only thing is that the SEO practices take some time to show their results.


To conclude, we would like to mention that rather than worrying which one out of SEO and PPC is better, the focus should be on figuring out a strategy that combines SEO and PPC so that the best digital marketing outcome can be obtained. You can form a strategy that targets the right keywords and use them for both SEO and PPC.

However, it is also important to remember that every channel is different and it always makes sense for them to be managed that has the experience. Both SEO and PPC require different skills and knowledge to see some tangible results. Therefore, make sure that an experienced person handles it for you.

PPC vs SEO – Which is Better? Read More »

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