
page indexing

How to Index Your Landing Page in Search Engine | Encaptechno

How to Index Your Landing Page in Search Engine? | Page Indexing Guide

How to Index Your Landing Page in Search Engine | Encaptechno

If you run a business and have a website then you would know the importance of creating a good landing page for selling your products and services. But this is not just it. You should also ensure that people can find it too. To make sure that this happens, page indexing is one of the best ways that enables search engines to recognize your brand.

With page indexing, you can attract the target audience and attract their attention too. This is the first step to enhancing a website’s search engine rankings. Amongst all the search engines, Google page indexing is one of the most important things to focus on.

The fact of the matter is that Google holds a major share of the global search traffic. The page indexing on Google is a list of web pages that it knows about. If you are serious about SERP ranking then you will also have to be serious about page indexing.

In this blog, we will be offering comprehensive detail on page indexing and why it is an important marketing technique. Keep reading to know more.

What is Page Indexing?

What is Page Indexing?

The indexed pages are the web pages that a search engine has in the database of the index. When the bots of a search engine crawl the internet in search of a new page or when they update an already indexed page then that is called page indexing.

The crawlers of the robots examine every page on a website while analyzing all the aspects in complete detail. After this, they include the data in their index. In addition, crawlers also come back to websites for checking new updates which are then added to the ledgers. They periodically crawl to assess the rank of a website.

The more frequently a website gets updated while adding new content to keep it relevant, the easier it becomes to get it ranked. Efforts must be made to fix the responsiveness issues and implement new SEO changes so that the pages can get ranked quickly.

In contrast, a website that is left without any kind of maintenance for a long time can become less relevant. The more outdated a website becomes, the less interesting the information becomes which is why the lower it ranks.

Link Between Page Indexing and SEO

Link Between Page Indexing and SEO

The link between page indexing and SEO can be a lot more complex than it looks. Indexing of URL is important in case you want to meet the positioning objectives in the search results. No matter how much you optimize a page, in case it is not being indexed then it will not rank in the search engine.

It is only the indexed pages that are given a position on the SERP. However, this position can depend on the rest of the on-page and off-page search engine optimization factors that you have worked on. Indexing will change in case you leave a landing page unattended. The factors can be joined by others and can be controlled to a great extent based on content publication rate, site updates, content quality, and existing competition.

The page indexing done at a quantitative level can also affect the SEO positioning of a landing page. The URLs that get indexed under the same domain can take on more weight in the search engine as compared to the competition. This is when the URLs are qualitative as well as quantity is not the only factor.

Why is Landing Page Indexing Important?

The primary purpose behind creating, designing, and even uploading a landing page is to tell most customers about a product or a service. Page indexing is a certain way to improve conversions and also build a robust customer base. If the landing page of a business is not active on the Google list then it is not so likely to show up on the internet.

Crawling Indexing Ranking

The key is to understand the importance of indexing. When it comes to indexing a page, the Google spiders crawl a website. The search engines work in three primary ways that are mentioned below.

  1. Crawling: The search engine bots and spiders crawl the website for verifying the indexing status. They crawl links on web pages to look for new content and some of the most important pages.
  2. Indexing: The search engine page indexing is also about storing the web page in a database. Once this is done, Google is ready to display results in important queries.
  3. Ranking: The search engine finds the rank of the web pages using important metrics such as user experience, page relevance, high-quality content, and core web vitals.

The role of search engine optimization is to add a web page to the list. The database allows search engine optimization to find the information useful for users. It is not something that governs rankings.

Google uses algorithms for deciding the search engine rankings along with user demand, web usability, expertise, etc. In case your want your content gets discovered by users then you must ensure that it is always indexable. In case it is not then it is likely that it will go unnoticeable. You can affect indexing by streamlining how crawlers detect a landing page.

Time to Get a Landing Page Indexed

It can often take some time for search engines like Google for indexing a new website. It can be difficult and even challenging until Google indexes a website or even a new landing page. The SEO tags have a lot to do with how simple you are making it for Google to crawl a website.

In case Google does not find your website worthy of indexing then it is never going to index it. You just need to make the journey of crawlers effortless for finding a website. However, the question is how can that be done? There are actually many steps that can be followed for effective indexing. These steps when followed properly can streamline the search engine indexing and quicken the process.

Steps to Ensure Page Indexing In Search Engines

1. Find the Robots.txt File

Find the Robots.txt File - Steps to Ensure Page Indexing In Search Engines

The Robots.txt files are important because they make it easy for web spiders to crawl a site. Even a little mistake in these files can actually stop the crawlers from finding a web page.

The different search engines follow the prompts of major Robots.txt files. It is important to optimize the files so that you can prioritize the most important pages such as landing pages. This avoids overloading the landing page with requests at once. 

In case you are new to this then you can choose to get a technical audit done which makes things easy. You can check the file placement and match Google guidelines as well this way.

2. Verifying the SEO Tags

The SEO tags can be useful for hiding the user information from reaching the search engines. Many times, the SEO tags have the ability to block new pages from reaching a client. Hence, it becomes important to check if the tags are used incorrectly.

Canonical tags can be useful when there are many versions of a single landing page. It tells most search engines to pick chosen pages over the other ones. In case the bots do not find canonical tags then they can consider the page as a preferred page and index it.

In case a canonical tag is there, the crawlers can assume an alternate page can be present. This will leave page indexing even if another landing page is there or not. Removing the canonical tags becomes important for a website so that it functions well.

The no index tags are the ones that convey that most crawlers do not index any landing pages. In case a landing page is facing a page indexing problem then no index tags can be the reason behind it. Google finds pages with high authority backlinks as the important ones. It informs crawlers that the landing pages are important and trustworthy and finally the process of indexing improves.

3. Well-Built Site Architecture

Well-Built Site Architecture - Steps to Ensure Page Indexing In Search Engines

Effective web navigation makes it easy for search engines such as Google to index a page. This is an important search engine optimization technique. When the site architecture is not systematic, the crawlers can get trapped in a loop and they cannot even reach the required pages.

On the other hand, good internal linking guarantees that a page is easy to find. It allows the crawlers to look for the best web pages from all the other ones. The non-linked ones are more like orphaned pages and they do not get indexed. It is therefore important to ensure that the landing pages do not stay on this list but how can that be done?

Attempts must be made to build a good site architecture. You can create an XML sitemap as that is one of the best ways to ensure crawling. You can tell the search engines all about URLs present on a website and links between them. Moreover, you can also update new entries using images and videos. Crawlers can see your pages without any problem from locations.

You can also add high-quality internal links so that the crawlers can find new pages with internal linking. This quickens the process and strategic internal linking also optimizes indexing to other high-quality internal links. Make sure that you do not assign any no to follow links on the pages. When the bots find no-follow tags then move away without indexing them. This is why they must be removed.

4. Page Eligibility for Indexing

It must be ensured that the pages are appropriate for page indexing. We say this because there are many causes of why a URL can get rejected. In case the URL violates any webmaster guidelines then search engines can remove it from the indexing. The unnatural links and keyword stuffing can be held responsible for this.

It is also possible that the URL may be returning a 404 error page. This can be accidental and even intentional that call for backend correction. In other cases, it can also be a server not being able to pick on your landing page.

In other cases, it is also possible that the landing pages are blocked from crawling. You must set some passwords on the page so that the web spiders cannot access your page. The Google search console is a good way to understand how Google is interpreting a page.

5. Promoting Pages Featuring Good Content

Promoting Pages Featuring Good Content - Steps to Ensure Page Indexing In Search Engines

High-quality content also makes a difference in ranking and indexing. The high conversion pages including blog posts, landing pages, and home pages are higher in the hierarchy. The low performing content on the other hand accounts for a better crawl budget. It also decreases the relevance of high-priority content.

Google spiders are always looking for pages that can add more value to users in a good way. The duplicate content can also invite an extra penalty and sometimes even raise a red flag. Hence, it is important that you remove any low-quality pages. A perfect example of a low-quality page can be removing duplicated content pages.

The duplicate content page is there to solve problems such as A/B testing on the team while experimenting with the pages before they get launched. These pages differ a little from the original pages.

You will not want search engines to get caught up and display any kind of duplicate content. This can affect the ranking which is why it is better for most search engines to ignore them. You can let web crawlers move around freely on a website for getting valuable content for users.


Page indexing is an important step for achieving better rankings and ROI. In case you have submitted a landing page for indexing, it can take some for it to get indexed. Otherwise, technical errors and on-site issues can block crawlers. Hiring an SEO expert can allow you to index and even enhance the ranking of a landing page.

How to Index Your Landing Page in Search Engine? | Page Indexing Guide Read More »

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Landing Page Vs HomePage - How is a Landing Page Different from a Homepage? - Encaptechno

Landing Page Vs Home Page: How is a Landing Page Different from a Homepage?

Landing Page Vs HomePage - How is a Landing Page Different from a Homepage? - Encaptechno

Anyone new to online marketing campaigns can usually be confused between a landing page and a home page. The business owners who are trying to do digital marketing are particularly prone to making this mistake. A visitor might likely land on your homepage, but that does that they make it to your landing page.

The fact is that the difference between a home page and a landing page is a lot more complex. The landing page and a homepage argument get settled with a simple business idea which is universal and that is intention. These two web pages are different from each other in the sense that they serve a different purposes. They should be used for achieving different goals.

In this blog, Landing Page Vs Home Page we will be breaking down the significant differences between a landing page and a homepage. It is important to keep in mind that practicality is important so that the marketing concepts can be easily applied when it comes to working. For the people who understand landing pages, there are many new concepts on the basics and new concepts to learn.

It is important to understand the definition of a landing page and a home page. In this blog, we will understand how a landing page is different from a homepage.

  • Landing Page: A landing page is an independent page designed for a specific marketing campaign. The landing pages also have a call-to-action and these pages do not have anything to distract the interest of customers from converting.
  • Home Page: A home page is a single page of a large website. It is full of useful information and it also focuses on introducing a company. The homepage is an invitation to the visitor for exploring a brand.

Communication is the driving force of marketing in all its various forms. In case a marketing campaign is not able to communicate with the audience then it is likely that it is going to fail. While a person may use the same information at times, the way this is communicated on the landing page and home pages are different.

Overview of Difference Between Landing Page and Home Page

Everything comes down to what the web pages have been made for. The major difference between a landing page and a home page is focus and the proven advancement that comes in conversions, sales, signups, leads, and all the action that a visitor takes.

Focus is the reason why landing pages are effective for marketing. As opposed to the websites and home pages that are designed for exploration, landing pages are streamlined to a campaign or offer that guides the visitors towards a call to action. Landing pages are made for conversions.

The focus of a landing page applies to many elements of a website visitor including one goal or call to action, minimal distractions, messaging and design matched to an ad, and audience targeting.

What is a Home Page? 

What is a Home Page?

A home page is a web page that is used for providing general information while encouraging visitors to explore.  Being a welcome page to a website, a home page serves the purpose of acting as an introduction to a business brand, its products and services, values, who and what it is for, who should be contacted, etc.

If we compare the home page and landing page web pages then a homepage is used for setting a first impression that includes all that a company can offer and visitors can learn from different sections of a site. A home page should also speak to a wide audience including those who might even have never heard of the company forget what it does and why it is important.

The homepage makes for generic messaging and focuses on many page goals along with links, buttons, and navigation for the visitors for taking important actions. There must be no distraction on the home page. When it is about marketing, the distraction affects the campaign’s focus because of diluted messaging, competing links and options that stray away from a conversion goal.

Hence, home pages cannot do everything. They should be focused on informing and sometimes directing the traffic while the landing pages focus strictly on converting traffic into conversions. Qualities of a good home page are:

Clear Brand Overview

Clear Brand Overview - What is a Home Page?

The most important thing a home page can deliver is a clear understanding of what a brand is and should do. This usually begins with a small description which then expands into a detailed thing as more and more visitors scroll a page.

The homepage must answer basic questions asked by a new visitor including someone who has only just learned the existence of a new business. It is necessary to consider elements such as testimonials, ratings, badges, publication features, etc. 

The focus should be on answering the basic questions on a homepage so that a new visitor can set off in the right way.

Detailed Design

When the audience comes to a homepage they should leave with a good impression and they must also feel that people stumbled across a business that can take itself and all its clients seriously.

The truth is that customer expectations can grow almost as quickly as technology evolves. It is really not just about the words on a homepage but also about the feel. Design matters and the quicker businesses understand this, the better it will be.

In case the website gives an off vibe then the brand or a business is not developed properly. This way, people are less likely to be around and see what a business has to offer. You must spend the extra money and take less time to make your website feel it is promoting a brand that is worth the time of a visitor.

Seamless Navigation

The homepage must make navigation easy around a website so that the work is done easily and quickly. For instance, the navigation options on a website can include About Us, Blogs, Features, Pricing, Main CTA, etc.

The usual navigation elements are mostly based on the kind of business that you do but you must also make sure that the visitors can go wherever they wish to in an easy way.

Why Do Landing Pages Convert More Traffic?

Why Do Landing Pages Convert More Traffic?

We highlighted above that focus is the key factor in the difference between a homepage and a landing page. However, it is important to note why that focus is important for turning the website traffic into sales, leads, and then customers.

Mostly, a good headline or a well-optimized webpage is not what makes someone click on the “Purchase Now” button. It is the overall experience that matters. From the first ad, social media click to an email, the more customized a landing page is, the more compelling experience will be.

Below mentioned are some of the things that must be remembered while streamlining the landing pages.

Fewer Distractions

Unlike the home page, the landing page cannot afford to distract the audience. In-home pages, elements such as website navigation, information unrelated to an offer, extra links and different call-to-action can encourage exploration which also attracts attention and diverts it away from the conversion goal.

At the very least, you will never want to leave things to chance because the visitors will be expected to take any action from all the options. It makes sense to guide the visitors directly to the offer with an easy-to-navigate page.

Customized Experience

One of the evident differences between a landing page and a home page is the ability to completely customize an experience from an ad, conversion and then click through. The necessary focus is on a really granular level down to the last pixel.

Sending people to a landing page is to match an ad, email and social media with targeted messaging, tailored information, and a single call to action. You can use the interest that a user has expressed while giving them the experience and even better the results that come from a click.

The focused and cohesive user experience will not leave any room for any pauses and lesser chances for any distractions so that more opportunities are created to showcase an offer. This way, you can show visitors that you respect their time and attention by giving them just what they want.

All in all, a compelling user experience matters. It adds up to create a more customized and relevant landing page to an ad so that eventually a search engine can reward you with a good score and cost per click.

Audience Targeting

Audience Targeting - Why Do Landing Pages Convert More Traffic?

The customized experience offered by a webpage lends itself to a rather precise audience targeting as well. It is easy to duplicate, tweak, and sometimes even test the site for speaking to different members of the audience while making the most out of what is important.

For instance, in case you have created a landing page for promoting a sale then the offer can be dissected further with further segmentation on the basis of age, product type, etc. The major difference between a home page and a landing page usually comes to focus and it is this focus that turns traffic into leads, sales, and customers.

What is a Landing Page?

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is more like a page that the customers come to after they click on an ad. It is a good way to drive more traffic, build more brand awareness, and improve the SEO functions as well. It works as a customer converting into a lead.

In online marketing, landing pages are like standalone web pages that are created for marketing campaigns. This is where a visitor lands after they click on an email link, Google ads, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc. As opposed to web pages that have many goals and also encourage more exploration, the landing pages are created with a clear focus that is known as a call to action.

It is usually this focus that allows the landing pages to increase the conversion rates of a marketing campaign while lowering the cost of acquiring a lead or a sale.

Clear Focus

A single and clear focus is the highlight of a landing page. When the focus is singular and there is a sincere discipline of saying no to other navigation options, the landing page can easily drive high conversions and better results for running meaningful ads.

Much before you create a landing page, you must have a clear answer about why are you building the landing page and what you wish to accomplish by doing it.

Creative Copy

A landing page is successful or fails based on the attractiveness of the copy written on the page. The design definitely matters but the words sell more. You must ensure exceptional sales copy to make your landing pages a success.

In case you are offering your customers something extra then your copy must be written in a way that makes things simple. The more compelling a copy is, the better it will be for your brand.

Attractive CTA

This might seem unimportant but there is evidence the CTAs that do well on the landing pages drive more conversions as compared to CTAs that get missed easily.

It is very important to make sure that the CTA on the landing page is such that it drives traffic instantly. The user should feel like taking action instantly.


A landing page and a home page can be used interchangeably but they are different and they serve different functions. A home page is more like a website’s home. It offers an overall impression and makes it somewhat easy to navigate a website.

On the other hand, a landing page is made to attract a visitor for taking action. It has specific and limited information along with a few links so that the audience does not get distracted. Both the pages are important and they serve functions for a brand.

If a business has to succeed then it is important to understand the functions of both the landing and home pages while focusing on creating them efficiently.

Landing Page Vs Home Page: How is a Landing Page Different from a Homepage? Read More »

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