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Landing Page Vs HomePage - How is a Landing Page Different from a Homepage? - Encaptechno

Landing Page Vs Home Page: How is a Landing Page Different from a Homepage?

Landing Page Vs HomePage - How is a Landing Page Different from a Homepage? - Encaptechno

Anyone new to online marketing campaigns can usually be confused between a landing page and a home page. The business owners who are trying to do digital marketing are particularly prone to making this mistake. A visitor might likely land on your homepage, but that does that they make it to your landing page.

The fact is that the difference between a home page and a landing page is a lot more complex. The landing page and a homepage argument get settled with a simple business idea which is universal and that is intention. These two web pages are different from each other in the sense that they serve a different purposes. They should be used for achieving different goals.

In this blog, Landing Page Vs Home Page we will be breaking down the significant differences between a landing page and a homepage. It is important to keep in mind that practicality is important so that the marketing concepts can be easily applied when it comes to working. For the people who understand landing pages, there are many new concepts on the basics and new concepts to learn.

It is important to understand the definition of a landing page and a home page. In this blog, we will understand how a landing page is different from a homepage.

  • Landing Page: A landing page is an independent page designed for a specific marketing campaign. The landing pages also have a call-to-action and these pages do not have anything to distract the interest of customers from converting.
  • Home Page: A home page is a single page of a large website. It is full of useful information and it also focuses on introducing a company. The homepage is an invitation to the visitor for exploring a brand.

Communication is the driving force of marketing in all its various forms. In case a marketing campaign is not able to communicate with the audience then it is likely that it is going to fail. While a person may use the same information at times, the way this is communicated on the landing page and home pages are different.

Overview of Difference Between Landing Page and Home Page

Everything comes down to what the web pages have been made for. The major difference between a landing page and a home page is focus and the proven advancement that comes in conversions, sales, signups, leads, and all the action that a visitor takes.

Focus is the reason why landing pages are effective for marketing. As opposed to the websites and home pages that are designed for exploration, landing pages are streamlined to a campaign or offer that guides the visitors towards a call to action. Landing pages are made for conversions.

The focus of a landing page applies to many elements of a website visitor including one goal or call to action, minimal distractions, messaging and design matched to an ad, and audience targeting.

What is a Home Page? 

What is a Home Page?

A home page is a web page that is used for providing general information while encouraging visitors to explore.  Being a welcome page to a website, a home page serves the purpose of acting as an introduction to a business brand, its products and services, values, who and what it is for, who should be contacted, etc.

If we compare the home page and landing page web pages then a homepage is used for setting a first impression that includes all that a company can offer and visitors can learn from different sections of a site. A home page should also speak to a wide audience including those who might even have never heard of the company forget what it does and why it is important.

The homepage makes for generic messaging and focuses on many page goals along with links, buttons, and navigation for the visitors for taking important actions. There must be no distraction on the home page. When it is about marketing, the distraction affects the campaign’s focus because of diluted messaging, competing links and options that stray away from a conversion goal.

Hence, home pages cannot do everything. They should be focused on informing and sometimes directing the traffic while the landing pages focus strictly on converting traffic into conversions. Qualities of a good home page are:

Clear Brand Overview

Clear Brand Overview - What is a Home Page?

The most important thing a home page can deliver is a clear understanding of what a brand is and should do. This usually begins with a small description which then expands into a detailed thing as more and more visitors scroll a page.

The homepage must answer basic questions asked by a new visitor including someone who has only just learned the existence of a new business. It is necessary to consider elements such as testimonials, ratings, badges, publication features, etc. 

The focus should be on answering the basic questions on a homepage so that a new visitor can set off in the right way.

Detailed Design

When the audience comes to a homepage they should leave with a good impression and they must also feel that people stumbled across a business that can take itself and all its clients seriously.

The truth is that customer expectations can grow almost as quickly as technology evolves. It is really not just about the words on a homepage but also about the feel. Design matters and the quicker businesses understand this, the better it will be.

In case the website gives an off vibe then the brand or a business is not developed properly. This way, people are less likely to be around and see what a business has to offer. You must spend the extra money and take less time to make your website feel it is promoting a brand that is worth the time of a visitor.

Seamless Navigation

The homepage must make navigation easy around a website so that the work is done easily and quickly. For instance, the navigation options on a website can include About Us, Blogs, Features, Pricing, Main CTA, etc.

The usual navigation elements are mostly based on the kind of business that you do but you must also make sure that the visitors can go wherever they wish to in an easy way.

Why Do Landing Pages Convert More Traffic?

Why Do Landing Pages Convert More Traffic?

We highlighted above that focus is the key factor in the difference between a homepage and a landing page. However, it is important to note why that focus is important for turning the website traffic into sales, leads, and then customers.

Mostly, a good headline or a well-optimized webpage is not what makes someone click on the “Purchase Now” button. It is the overall experience that matters. From the first ad, social media click to an email, the more customized a landing page is, the more compelling experience will be.

Below mentioned are some of the things that must be remembered while streamlining the landing pages.

Fewer Distractions

Unlike the home page, the landing page cannot afford to distract the audience. In-home pages, elements such as website navigation, information unrelated to an offer, extra links and different call-to-action can encourage exploration which also attracts attention and diverts it away from the conversion goal.

At the very least, you will never want to leave things to chance because the visitors will be expected to take any action from all the options. It makes sense to guide the visitors directly to the offer with an easy-to-navigate page.

Customized Experience

One of the evident differences between a landing page and a home page is the ability to completely customize an experience from an ad, conversion and then click through. The necessary focus is on a really granular level down to the last pixel.

Sending people to a landing page is to match an ad, email and social media with targeted messaging, tailored information, and a single call to action. You can use the interest that a user has expressed while giving them the experience and even better the results that come from a click.

The focused and cohesive user experience will not leave any room for any pauses and lesser chances for any distractions so that more opportunities are created to showcase an offer. This way, you can show visitors that you respect their time and attention by giving them just what they want.

All in all, a compelling user experience matters. It adds up to create a more customized and relevant landing page to an ad so that eventually a search engine can reward you with a good score and cost per click.

Audience Targeting

Audience Targeting - Why Do Landing Pages Convert More Traffic?

The customized experience offered by a webpage lends itself to a rather precise audience targeting as well. It is easy to duplicate, tweak, and sometimes even test the site for speaking to different members of the audience while making the most out of what is important.

For instance, in case you have created a landing page for promoting a sale then the offer can be dissected further with further segmentation on the basis of age, product type, etc. The major difference between a home page and a landing page usually comes to focus and it is this focus that turns traffic into leads, sales, and customers.

What is a Landing Page?

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is more like a page that the customers come to after they click on an ad. It is a good way to drive more traffic, build more brand awareness, and improve the SEO functions as well. It works as a customer converting into a lead.

In online marketing, landing pages are like standalone web pages that are created for marketing campaigns. This is where a visitor lands after they click on an email link, Google ads, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc. As opposed to web pages that have many goals and also encourage more exploration, the landing pages are created with a clear focus that is known as a call to action.

It is usually this focus that allows the landing pages to increase the conversion rates of a marketing campaign while lowering the cost of acquiring a lead or a sale.

Clear Focus

A single and clear focus is the highlight of a landing page. When the focus is singular and there is a sincere discipline of saying no to other navigation options, the landing page can easily drive high conversions and better results for running meaningful ads.

Much before you create a landing page, you must have a clear answer about why are you building the landing page and what you wish to accomplish by doing it.

Creative Copy

A landing page is successful or fails based on the attractiveness of the copy written on the page. The design definitely matters but the words sell more. You must ensure exceptional sales copy to make your landing pages a success.

In case you are offering your customers something extra then your copy must be written in a way that makes things simple. The more compelling a copy is, the better it will be for your brand.

Attractive CTA

This might seem unimportant but there is evidence the CTAs that do well on the landing pages drive more conversions as compared to CTAs that get missed easily.

It is very important to make sure that the CTA on the landing page is such that it drives traffic instantly. The user should feel like taking action instantly.


A landing page and a home page can be used interchangeably but they are different and they serve different functions. A home page is more like a website’s home. It offers an overall impression and makes it somewhat easy to navigate a website.

On the other hand, a landing page is made to attract a visitor for taking action. It has specific and limited information along with a few links so that the audience does not get distracted. Both the pages are important and they serve functions for a brand.

If a business has to succeed then it is important to understand the functions of both the landing and home pages while focusing on creating them efficiently.

Landing Page Vs Home Page: How is a Landing Page Different from a Homepage? Read More »

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Maximize your PPC Ads ROI with Google Ads Performance Planner | Digital Marketing Services | Encaptechno

Maximize Your PPC Ads ROI with Google Ads Performance Planner

Maximize your PPC Ads ROI with Google Ads Performance Planner | Digital Marketing Services | Encaptechno

While Google Ads is one of the most convenient ways to drive traffic to your website, you should take the time to develop an effective advertising strategy to maximize your ad spending.

Optimizing your Google ads and website can result in a higher ROI. Although the procedures for achieving this goal are complex, some techniques can assist you in taking advantage of Google Ads campaigns and adequately assessing the results. The Performance Planner is a forecasting tool in Google Ads that allows you to plan your advertising budget and see how changes to your campaigns affect key performance metrics and overall performance. Using Google’s Performance Planner tool, advertisers can get up to 43 percent more conversions. In addition, you can use this tool to forecast your campaign’s monthly and quarterly performance. You can also get recommendations to help campaigns perform better for the same budget. 

Google Ads Performance Planner

Google Ads Performance Planner is a forecasting tool that allows you to forecast how changes and budget adjustments will affect your key metrics and ad performance. This tool assists you in identifying appropriate spending amounts and determining how to maximize your budget most effectively.

  • The Performance Planner assists advertisers in optimizing campaigns by recommending an ideal plan for spreading spend among campaigns in the plan in the most effective way. 
  • The Performance Planner is simple and extremely useful, but it should be used with caution. Assume you are in charge of campaigns and have a monthly budget of $10,000 to distribute among 100 search campaigns. Google Ads Performance Planner will recommend how to best use your budget to maximize conversion rates and generate a higher overall return on investment (ROI).
  • Around 80% of businesses concentrate on Google Ads for PPC campaigns. Google Ads Performance Planner saves you from jeopardizing your PPC performance by showing you potential outcomes before publishing your desired changes. It shows you how the changes affect your Google Ads budget and your PPC ROI. Finally, it makes it easier to experiment with campaign settings and see what results you get.
  • It enables you to predict outcomes before implementing changes. With the first point, running a Google Ads campaign frequently entails experimenting with new strategies to maximize your budget.

What is ROI?

What is ROI? | PPC Ads with Google Ads Performance Planner
ROI is the return on investment that your company receives from marketing initiatives. It is the ratio of your net profit to your costs.

The ROI calculation is as follows:

ROI = Net Profit / Total Investment multiplied by 100

This key performance indicator (KPI) is critical in advertising because it tells us the true impact of our advertising efforts.

The main goal of any campaign is to maximize leads and conversions, ensuring a positive return on investment. The sheer number of settings, metrics, and options available in Google Ads can be overwhelming initially, leaving some marketers paralyzed by choice. However, if you wish to get the best ROI possible, you must embrace Google Ads’ many significant assets and tools – you cannot simply dip your toes in and hope for the best.

How can Google Ads Performance Planner help you? 

Performance Planner is an important tool that enables you to plan your advertising budget and assess how changes to campaigns affect vital metrics and overall performance. It can help you in achieving the following-

  • Create a strategy to see financial projections for your campaigns.
  • Examine the projected monthly and quarterly performance of your campaigns.
  • Examine your forecast by modifying various campaign settings to see how these changes will affect future performance.
  • Gain access to campaign forecasts.
  • Implement the modifications specified in your plan as soon as possible.
  • Get recommendations to help your campaigns perform better for the same amount of money.
  • Test with different campaign settings to see what happens.
  • Recognize opportunities during seasonal periods.

The Function of a Google Ads Performance Planner

Every day, Google deals with unfathomable amounts of data. When you search for something on Google Search, information about your search is incorporated into Google’s considerations, metrics, and insights. It can then be transformed into useful information for marketers and advertisers. Everyone wants their campaign to be a huge success. A performance planner aids this goal. Once every 24 hours, Performance Planner provides an update on relevant ad auctions from the previous 7-10 days, taking into account trends in Google Search, Google Display, and other Google platforms. After running multiple simulations, Performance Planner can tell you how your campaign should change in light of current trends. It employs machine learning to ensure that your forecasts are accurate. We live in a time when everything changes quickly, so instead of planning a month or a quarter, plan a week. This way, you don’t risk something drastically changing in search trends and your campaign performing poorly.

Why Should Your Company Use the Performance Planner?

Google Ads Performance Planner is one of many excellent tools available on the world’s most famous advertising platform. 

You can use it to make a detailed plan that will guide your decision-making, allowing you to manage your budget and account more efficiently and effectively to deliver the desired results. Google Performance Planner is an excellent tool for getting more out of your ad campaigns. Customer habits, behaviors, and schedules are changing faster than ever before. 

Because of this evolution, advertisers must devise new strategies to meet consumers’ shifting demands. As a result, Google Ads has introduced a Performance Planner tool, which focuses on ad spend planning.  

Advantages of Google Ads Performance Planner 


Google Ads Performance Planner assists you in making the most of your advertising budget

Google Ads Performance Planner assists you in making the most of your advertising budget
One of the main benefits of Google Ads Performance Planner is that it can assist you in making the most of your budget. Of course, if you spend money on Google Ad campaigns, you want to get the most bang for your buck while also getting a good ROI. You can use this tool to maximize your budget and get the most out of every dollar. Performance Planner shows you how much adjusting your campaigns will cost you and whether the extra expense is worthwhile in the long run. In addition, this tool can help you determine whether you need to increase your budget and how increasing your budget affects the amount of money you receive from your campaigns. 

Google Ads Performance Planner creates seasonality adjustments

Seasonal lows and highs have an impact on many businesses. Google now takes this into account in its forecasts. Any date range you select for estimates will account for seasonality. In addition, Google’s predictions will be based on previous years’ search queries in similar periods, geographic locations, categories, and year-over-year growth. For example, if you make a forecast in December, the holiday shopping season will be considered if it affects your business. The performance planner predicts the results if we use optimal bids and average daily budgets for all campaigns in our account to maximize the number of conversions for any future spending scenario using Google’s seasonality data and insights.

Google Ads Performance Planner investigates new opportunities in a changing market

Google Ads Performance Planner investigates new opportunities in a changing market
Keeping up with changes in customer demand in a volatile market is especially difficult. Google Ads Performance Planner equips personalized and real-time guidance to adjust to these changes. In addition, it can assist you in discovering new opportunities for your campaigns. Finally, a Performance Planner assists you in making the most of your resources. It can help you plan your ad spend, manage budgets across campaigns, and understand seasonal highs and lows. In addition, it simulates related ad auctions to provide you with an estimate of your campaigns’ performance and recommendations to help campaigns perform better for the same spend.

Google Ads Performance Planner assists you in forecasting campaign performance

Google Ads Performance Planner assists you in forecasting campaign performance
Knowing how changes will affect your pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns is one of the most challenging aspects of running a PPC campaign. When running PPC campaigns, you frequently test new keywords or targeting to see if there are better ways to maximize your budget. However, if you implement the changes, you risk negatively impacting your company’s ad performance. However, you can forecast campaign outcomes with this tool before making changes.

Furthermore, this tool allows you to investigate the outcomes as you change campaign settings to maximize results. As a result, you know how campaign changes will affect your budget and return on investment (ROI) before implementing them. It gives you an advantage in your campaign, allowing you to make actionable decisions to improve your ad performance.

Google Ads Performance Planner assists in growth in a short time

Growth is the critical metric that determines a startup’s future. Unfortunately, early-stage startups with limited resources rely on explosive growth in a short period. Because of the startup culture, everyone is frequently forced to use analytical, affordable, creative, and innovative methods to increase their ROI exponentially. Google Ads Performance Planner assists brands in attracting and retaining customers by updating their products regularly. In addition, you can use it to solicit customer feedback so that you always know if you’re on the right track. At the same time, you can market your product to ensure continued growth and track the results. The Performance Planner can assist you in comparing results to previous periods and planning to increase campaign ROI.

Google Ads Performance Planner aids in obtaining the best ROI on your google ads budget

Google Ads Planner ensures that your budget is spent on campaign adjustments that result in the best PPC ROI. It accomplishes this by displaying how much tweaking your campaigns will cost you and whether any additional investment will result in better returns. It also suggests increasing your budget and demonstrates how doing so can optimize your PPC campaigns. Overall, Performance Planner allows you to set the best Google Ads budget for your PPC campaigns to maximize your investment and capture new growth opportunities.

Practical Tips To Use Google Ads Performance Planner


  1. Compare campaign performance across campaigns or accounts with similar goals and objectives.
  2. Remember that the predictions are only estimates based on auction data, seasonality, and recent campaign history. As a result, the actual levels of performance may differ.
  3. Check that you have enough data to make accurate forecasts. Your campaigns will be ineligible without the data.
  4.  If your campaign has been deleted or uses shared budgets, it will not be eligible. It also loses eligibility if it hasn’t been running for at least seven days after being changed or if it doesn’t use a manual CPC (cost-per-click), enhanced CPC, or target CPA (cost per acquisition) bid strategy.
  5. Don’t plan too far ahead. The data is more accurate the closer your forecasted period is to the current date.
  6. Remember that the forecasts are only estimates based on auction data, seasonality, and previous campaign history. Actual levels of performance may differ.

Final Words

Google Ads Performance Planner is a valuable tool that can assist you or your pay-per-click consultant in identifying growth opportunities and improving your search engine optimization (SEO) performance. You can use it to generate a detailed forecast, better manage your ad spend and account, and, ultimately, achieve your desired PPC ROI. Google Ads Performance Planner is an excellent tool for predicting how changes to your ad will affect its performance. However, if you are still unsure about using this tool, let the experts at Encaptechno assist you. Our PPC Ads in an internet marketing agency work hard to follow all best practices. We use the best tools available to make the most strategic decisions for our clients’ budgets and deliver exceptional results.


Maximize Your PPC Ads ROI with Google Ads Performance Planner Read More »

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Why Invest in PPC Advertising for Business Growth_

Why Invest in PPC Advertising for Business Growth?

Why Invest in PPC Advertising for Business Growth_
Businesses run with an end goal to drive conversions and sales. In the digital world of today, that can only come with an online presence. One of the quickest ways to do that in digital marketing is with pay-per-click advertising. It is a form of online advertising that enables a business to appear at the top of search results organically.

To put this simply, when you bid for a keyword to appear at the top, your business will have better chances of being discovered by the target audience. Basically, PPC ads appear next to the relevant searches and other important content on the internet.

PPC marketing is considered a proven method to connect with a wide base of the audience on the internet. In this blog, we will see all about PPC advertising and how it helps in business growth. Keep reading to know more.

What is Pay Per Click Advertising?


What is Pay Per Click Advertising_
Pay-per-click is actually an advertising model in which you pay for clicks. It works when you buy some clicks from Google or any other search engine. Essentially,
PPC advertising is a method that is used to quickly leverage search engine traffic by either paying or bidding for keywords that are related to what you are selling or a service that you might be providing.

In PPC ads, you are only supposed to pay when someone clicks on your ads, visits your websites, or also calls your business. The PPC ads give you an opportunity to be noticed by a wider audience while materializing your lead generation strategy. You can change your ads anytime for reaching a specific group of people or promoting a deal or a product. This acts as a resource for companies that cannot update their SEO frequently for promoting sales or seasonal changes in their products or services.

Google Ads also gives you an option of marketing your business outside of Google Search by getting displayed on the Google Display Network. With the flexibility that the PPC ads offer, they can help many businesses attract attention from people who matter right at the moment when they are looking for a business.

Why PPC?


PPC is an advertising method that helps to see immediate results. You can start seeing what it is capable of offering right after you can make your PPC campaign go live. The PPC ads are directly related to seeing traffic, clicks, and conversions. The PPC ads are placed right at the top of a SERP page.

Running and managing a PPC campaign only needs an experienced paid search specialist, and also a good writer who can compose informative content, attractive ads, and landing pages. When you use pay-per-click ads, you have an option to target customers with search ads, shopping ads, Gmail ads, and much more.

All you have to do is use the right advertising tools for reaching your audience and encouraging them to buy from you or even make an inquiry. When you run a PPC campaign, you get access to a wide range of data on the ads and keywords which the customers can click on before making any purchase. This also signifies that you can make changes to a campaign for optimizing it and improving the investment rate that is spent on ads.

It is rather simple to run A/B testing with the help of Google Ads and run a campaign to drive continued improvements and get better returns. You can also implement a targeted approach to offer ads that cater to specific customers. Irrespective of whether you wish to target searches on location, device, time, and other factors, you can use a PPC campaign for reaching out to people who are more than likely to buy.

How Can PPC Advertising Help In Business Growth?


The web traffic is just what is needed to ensure that the business message travels further ahead. We live in a globalized and saturated economy to a great extent. In this scenario, it is highly affordable to grow an audience, ad revenue, gain affiliate, and much more.

PPC advertising is highly beneficial for businesses who wish to make a name for themselves quickly. Even the small and medium-sized businesses that have small marketing budgets can invest in PPC advertising trusting that their investments will bear results. It works as an effective marketing tool that can keep the budget healthy and also increase web traffic at the same time.

Let’s look at the ways in which it can help a business to grow.

1. Quick Marketing Results


Quick Marketing Results
Small and medium-sized businesses must have a strategy that leads to quick results as soon as possible. For these businesses, in particular, there are many reasons why a company wants to see quick results, especially during the time when the business is in its initial phase.

PPC advertising comes to the rescue for businesses who wish to stand out quickly and ensure consistent marketing efforts from thereon. The speed with which PPC advertising brings results is one of the main benefits of this digital marketing solution. Any business that uses PPC advertising as a method of lead generation strategy can instantly see the results of their endeavors.

With organic search, the results can be delayed. On the other hand, with pay per click, the results are almost instant. There is no denying that SEO is very important for long-term marketing but in that method, the revenue takes a long cycle to show up. With PPC ads, you can start seeing results within the next day based on the different factors.

In addition, another important benefit is being able to issue information to the public at a quick rate. No matter what the business might want to offer at a given period of time including sales, special events, limited edition products and services, sales, etc.; PPC advertising can help in communicating the offerings to the public.

2. Audience Targeting


Audience Targeting
The traditional advertising forms are some of the methods that cast a wide net over a large area. With PPC, you can show ads only to the right potential customers who may search for keywords relevant to your business. In case someone clicks on such an ad, you can be assured that it is not a click by mistake, rather they are interested in your message.

Moreover, the control on the ad is greater because you know where and when the ad appears. This can give the businesses a much wider range of influence and an audience suitable to what you are offering. Once you understand who you are communicating to, you can choose to set up a marketing campaign, optimize your exposure and also increase the conversion rate.

In addition, putting an advertisement in front of the targeted audience can increase the chances of getting click-throughs and sale conversions. Audience targeting is also particularly beneficial for local businesses because when someone does a local search query in their search engine, they can come across your company.

3. Budget Control


The pay-per-click advertising method is built completely around budget which is why it offers a greater level of control than the traditional advertising methods. An exceptional reason for using PPC marketing is because businesses can get a comprehensive view of spending money.

In addition, for the common paid ad styles such as search engine PPC, you are only supposed to pay for the clicks. There is never any paid barrier to entry and there is only a minimal ad budget. Businesses have the freedom to spend as much or as little that they wish to spend.

The Google Ads and other advertising methods allow marketers to create a campaign hierarchy that is actually very similar to the one followed on popular social media channels. The marketers can divide their budget in any way that they wish by placing controls on how the budget is spent on each campaign, specific ad, and group.

In contrast to traditional paid advertising, PPC offers great levels of control that work because businesses can enhance the ad spend on the basis of location, questions while reducing that expenditure on areas that they do not work. This means that the importance of PPC is in its ability to use the money for better revenue on ad spend.

It is possible that some businesses may think of this as daunting but it is actually a big part of why many people hire a digital marketing solutions expert. This is specifically when the benefit of getting a professional return on investment is so tempting.

4. Achieving Business Goals


Achieving Business Goals
All businesses set goals. However, the end goal is to ensure that they are achieved in a practical and feasible manner. Irrespective of the size and age of the business, goals are set so that they can be achieved. If the goal setting is not done right then no matter how quickly you accomplish them, it won’t benefit you.

In addition, overreaching your goals can have similar effects as they do not have any realistic chances of getting finished. PPC ads allow you to extend your reach and achieve marketing goals very easily. It is a tool that can be wisely used to align website traffic to your end goals, no matter what they may be.

Businesses must use pay-per-click ads to support the different aspects of sales while advancing their relationship with a wide audience from the initial awareness to becoming loyal customers.

5. Improves Ad Performance


Search engine optimization and PPC go very well together because there is a lot of overlap. The importance lies in the fact that businesses can target the same keywords on the same platforms and for the same audience. Even though there is no direct link between PPC and SEO rankings, the businesses that optimize both are more likely to improve SEO.

The main reason why PPC is important for SEO is that businesses that can improve their site and content for a better score also end up improving their SEO ranking. In case you are performing the same keyword research and keyword density then you have already won half the battle to complete a key strategy for SEO and PPC.

Businesses that invest in both PPC and SEO believe that they are excellent strategies for growth. Another reason why PPC is important is data. Pay-per-click ads provide constructive feedback on ad campaigns. Marketers can use this data for streamlining their marketing campaigns.

In addition, since PPC search offers results quickly as compared to SEO, it is also possible to test the keyword strategies in PPC and use the conversion rate for determining if the same strategies would be valid for SEO in the long run.

6. Easy and Effective Beginning


A business that is just starting up does not have many resources for allocating towards marketing efforts. The resources actually come in the form of different factors such as time, work hours, and finances. When it comes to the time, even the people who have somehow fallen behind can use PPC to catch up quickly.

As opposed to the content marketing strategies, PPC is easy to set up and even get running. The marketers can set up free accounts and start creating ads almost instantly. After the ads are created and powered, they can appear in search instantly while driving results.

As compared to other marketing channels such as email and social media, there is never any prerequisite for organically building an audience or even sourcing the target audience’s contact information. The PPC ads platforms guide the marketers through the ad process and once brands are prepared, access can be gained to followers instantly. The ads can be activated quickly and deactivated as well which makes brand visibility easy



All businesses are special with different needs. It is possible that you may benefit from PPC advertising on search engines or maybe you can benefit more from social media marketing. On the other hand, maybe you need a combination of everything.

A professional agency such as Encaptechno can help you with effective digital marketing solutions. In case you have been running PPC marketing already then we can also help you perform an analysis and spot opportunities for improvement.

Grow your business with us. Get in touch today!


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PPC vs SEO - Encaptechno

PPC vs SEO – Which is Better?

Marketers are often required to make decisions about how to invest their time and online marketing money. While doing the same, there are some important things to be considered including the difference between PPC ads and SEO rankings.

PPC vs SEO - Encaptechno

Any strategy applied to improve search engine optimization can enable the Google Search ranking to go up by making a page much more relevant to the users. The search listings are free, and Google does not let anyone pay to get a better ranking because of the simple reason that Google is committed to keeping the content reliable and informative.

On the other hand, the PPC ads just like Google Ads are paid online advertisements that appear next to the relevant searches and other content on the internet. Simply running a Google Ad campaign will not be useful for improving the SEO ranking as opposed to some common myths and claims. That said, PPC ads are known to be very helpful in connecting with a wide base of an audience on the internet.

Often, many companies contemplate on what they should use for their business, PPC, SEO, or both? In this blog, we will explore how things work and the benefits that both SEO and PPC are capable of offering.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is the simple practice of optimizing a website or a webpage for increasing the quality and quantity of its traffic from organic search results. The common benefits of SEO include free and passive traffic to a website that comes month after month.

There are a couple of things that must be looked out for when it comes to improving a website’s SEO. The first and most important thing is to make sure that the writing on a website is useful and descriptive. You can explain your topic in simple and easy-to-understand language. It will also pay off to include the words that a user might look for while searching for something online.

In case you include some terms in a website’s copy, it is also important to ensure that you are still talking to the people you hope should see your site. You should not clutter your page with too many search items to ensure that users do not ignore your site. In addition, do not use text images for links, content, and titles that Google does not recognize. Instead, you must focus on what is easy for a user to see and understand.

Why SEO?

Organic SEO can be used as one of the most affordable methods for improving a website’s visibility while placing you right in front of your target audience at the time they come on the internet with a query. Organic clicks are absolutely free and do not cost any money. It takes time to see SEO results but there are no costs associated with every click. If the marketers focus on doing SEO in the right way then free traffic is assured.

After search engine optimization has been used optimally to achieve good rankings, seeing sustained results becomes easy. The business is shown to the potential audience. In essence, SEO ensures more stability. The rankings can stay pretty consistent when you optimize your website in the right manner.

One of the most important standpoints of a good SEO strategy involves creating informative and useful content. When companies focus on creating content that targets a different audience, it becomes easy to get more traffic.

SEO is also pretty cost-effective. You can either an agency for getting search engine optimization services or you can hire a team member. In both cases, the overall cost comes out to be pretty nominal and worth the results that you see in the long haul.

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Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click

Pay-per-click is actually an advertising model in which you pay for clicks. It works when you buy some clicks from Google or any other search engine. Essentially, PPC advertising is a method that is used to quickly leverage search engine traffic by either paying or bidding for keywords that are related to what you are selling or a service that you might be providing.

In PPC ads, you are only supposed to pay when someone clicks on your ads, visits your websites, or also calls your business. The PPC ads give you an opportunity to be noticed by a wider audience. You can change your ads anytime for reaching a specific group of people or promoting a deal or a product. This acts as a resource for companies that cannot update their SEO frequently for promoting sales or seasonal changes in their products or services.

Google Ads also gives you an option of marketing your business outside of Google Search by getting displayed on the Google Display Network. Choosing PPC ads will not let you have the same results as SEO, and it will not improve your search engine rankings. However, with the flexibility they offer, Google Ads can help many businesses attract attention from people who matter right at the moment when they are looking for a business like yours.

Why PPC?

PPC is an advertising method that helps to see immediate results. You can start seeing what it is capable of offering right after you can make your PPC campaign go live. The PPC ads are directly related to seeing traffic, clicks, and conversions.

The PPC ads are placed right at the top of a SERP page. Running and managing a PPC campaign only needs an experienced paid search specialist, and also a good writer who can compose informative content, attractive ads, and landing pages. When you use pay-per-click ads, you have an option to target customers with search ads, shopping ads, Gmail ads, and much more.

All you have to do is use the right advertising tools for reaching your audience and encouraging them to buy from you or even make an inquiry. When you run a PPC campaign, you get access to a wide range of data on the ads and keywords which the customers can click on before making any purchase. This also signifies that you can make changes to a campaign for optimizing it and improving the investment rate that is spent on ads.

It is rather simple to run A/B testing with the help of Google Ads and run a campaign to drive continued improvements and get better returns. You can also implement a targeted approach to offer ads that cater to specific customers. Irrespective of whether you wish to target searches on location, device, time, and other factors, you can use a PPC campaign for reaching out to people who are more than likely to buy.

Finally, when you use PPC ads, there is no need to monitor the Google search algorithm updates. This is because you bid on the top spot, so your organic rankings do not matter as much.

PPC v/s SEO – What Should You Use For Your Business?

The answer to this question depends completely on you. However, it will always help considering that both the SEO and PPC can help in different ways. These days, people look online when they want any kind of recommendation. In this scenario, both SEO and Google Ads can help in connecting with these people when they are looking for something that they need.

Search engine optimization is considered a standpoint for successful digital marketing processes. It gives your business a great chance to be found and that too with organic search. On the other hand, your customers can be reached almost immediately with the help of Google Ads no matter how small or big your business is. In addition, your campaigns can be customized while they are progressing. Basically, SEO and PPC can help you in different ways to make your digital marketing successful.


  • The first and foremost responsibility of a search engine is to use the most suitable results. In case businesses would have been able to pay for higher rankings in the search results, they would not have been getting any information that they are looking for. Hence, PPC marketing does not help to improve SEO results.
  • Google Ads offers a suite of tools that can be used for understanding how to optimize a website. For example, a keyword tool can help in forming a list of items that are related to a business and generate a lot of searches that can be integrated into a website’s content. Moreover, Google Ads can also be used to track tools for measuring any changes in the website and ad campaigns that can lead to more conversions. Google also provides non-Google ads to many small businesses for free. Google Analytics can track which queries bring more visitors to a site even when Google Ads is being used.

Both PPC and SEO can be used together to get the best results in bringing more traffic to a website and enhancing a business presence for long-term success. However, there can be some situations in which you can use either PPC or SEO. They are:

1. Launching a Creative Product or Service: If you want to get more organic traffic, it becomes important to target topics that most people are looking for already. However, when you are working for a company that caters to offering innovative products and services, it is probable that almost no one is looking for it.

When you bring a new and creative product or service to the market that has not been offered before, people don’t know if they need it or not. You have the power to make them realize the difference that a product or a service might offer.

Hence, if you are bringing a never seen or heard product to the market then it will be best if you use the power of PPC ads for building awareness. This will help in seeing almost immediate results. After you have achieved a certain standing in the market, you can begin using SEO or a mix of SEO and PPC.

2. Preparing For a Launch: In case you are preparing for the launch of a product or promoting something in a one-time event then search engine optimization is not going to do the job. You need immediate responses and greater awareness and to get that you will have to use the PPC ads.

If you use search engine optimization then you have to be aware that it will take its time. The launch event that you are preparing for will get over by the time you see your ranking. Hence, it is best to consider PPC ads or other digital marketing options such as influencer marketing.

3. Gaining Organic Reach: The organic search equates to the search results of a search engine that are not related to paid advertising. They are ranked on the basis of their relevance to the search keywords. Acquiring a good organic reach needs consistent SEO best practices.

In case you are in no hurry and you wish to create a long-term reach and popularity about your business then you can use SEO for gaining organic search. This is an excellent method for staying at the top and helps considerably in converting more and more leads. The only thing is that the SEO practices take some time to show their results.


To conclude, we would like to mention that rather than worrying which one out of SEO and PPC is better, the focus should be on figuring out a strategy that combines SEO and PPC so that the best digital marketing outcome can be obtained. You can form a strategy that targets the right keywords and use them for both SEO and PPC.

However, it is also important to remember that every channel is different and it always makes sense for them to be managed that has the experience. Both SEO and PPC require different skills and knowledge to see some tangible results. Therefore, make sure that an experienced person handles it for you.

PPC vs SEO – Which is Better? Read More »

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