Everything You Need to Know About Retargeting in Digital Marketing | Encaptechno

Everything You Need to Know About Retargeting in Digital Marketing

Everything You Need to Know About Retargeting in Digital Marketing | Encaptechno

In case you run a business and wish to stand out in the present times by selling your products and services on the internet then you must understand the role of advertising in driving people to your website. But the catch is what if the people are not ready to buy when they first find your website? In another case, what if people get distracted before they complete their purchase successfully?

As a matter of fact, it is seen that most people who visit a website for the first time, end up leaving without buying anything at all. If you do not do anything to bring them back then they will be gone forever. This is right where retargeted campaigns come into play.

The use of retargeting campaigns is to remind your website visitor about your products and services after they leave your website without completing a purchase. After the audience has visited your pages, you can retarget them and show them relevant visuals or ads. The entire process of retargeting digital marketing can be done with the help of retargeting marketing platforms.

If you consult a digital marketing agency today then you will understand the importance of retargeting as an important tool to connect with customers and increase sales and customer loyalty. In this blog, we will see what retargeting is and delve into all other details about it.

What is Retargeting?

Retargeting is a form of online marketing that can enable your brand to be at the front after the audience leaves your website. For many websites, only a small percentage of traffic gets converted on the first visit.
Retargeting campaigns serve as a tool designed to help companies reach most of the users who do not convert right away.

What most brands need to understand is that before customers make a purchase, they must feel like they know the brand completely. A good rule of thumb is to enable customers to make up their mind about purchasing and to make sure that they listen to you properly. Retargeting has the ability to build better visibility while allowing you to reach an audience that has already expressed interest in your products.

In addition, it is a lot more cost-effective as compared to other types of marketing. In short, retargeting helps to encourage the last conversions to come back and do you good. It is beneficial for small and medium-sized business owners because it has a low cost per acquisition so, with the impression conversion rates, you can move across a cycle quickly and for a lower cost.

Retargeting digital marketing is so effective that it allows the marketers to continue the conversation and gauge the interest of the customer. A retargeting campaign is a significant method for converting visitors to customers on the website. However, anytime this method is not managed suitably it can affect the overall plans. A good retargeting campaign ensures that you understand all needs.

When Can You Use Retargeting?

Retargeting is more like a
long-term marketing strategy for businesses that have a following already. In case your website gets around 100 visitors each month then considering Google retargeting ads is a good idea.

Brands can promote their bestseller using retargeting ads. This is a simple, effective, and productive method to show the top-selling products. You can promote the items to your current customers and can help the visitors get converted so that the ROI increases.

Retargeting is also a great strategy when you have to introduce new collections. Everyone who is interested in your brand and comes to your website is considered a great audience to target when you are launching a new product collection. The retargeting ads are going to catch their eye wherever they go online while creating a clear path back to the store so that it is easy to check out what is new. This is easy to do with display campaigns like Google AdWords or with a Facebook retargeting campaign.

In addition, you must have dealt with the slow-moving inventory at one time or another being an online seller. In this case, retargeting ads can be a low-budget and low-effort way to show surplus products from a store to potential customers. Finally, retargeting digital marketing also helps in building brand awareness. Most people need to feel familiar with your brand before making a purchase and the retargeting ads keep your brand at the top for customers who are not ready to buy when they first visit your website.

Working of Retargeting

Now the main question is how does retargeting work? The best answer to this will be that there is cookie technology that is used to follow the audience all across the internet. It is more like a programmatic method of understanding your audience and its interests. This works with many digital marketing mediums including paid search, display, social, and email. The retargeting campaigns can be done with Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.

Before the customers make a decision to buy something, they must be able to feel like they know and understand the brand well enough. Retargeting comes in at this point and is an effective way to build trust and loyalty among the audience.

The retargeting campaigns start working the moment when someone visits a website to check out the stuff that you have ordered. Once the visitor leaves your website, the visitor will be seeing ads on other pages of different websites. This is a way to remind the visitor about your products so that the visitor can come back and make a purchase.

For example: Let’s say that a potential customer has abandoned the cart without completing the order. If this is the case then you can use retargeting to show an ad for the product or service he recently viewed on another website. When you show your products with an ad, there is an increased chance for conversions that can meet your marketing and revenue goals.

Let us now take a clearer look. Samantha, a frequent shopper of makeup products will browse some products on a brand she shops from often from her computer. She views many times, adding some products to the cart but for some reason leaves without checking out the order. Some days later, Samantha is surfing through her phone and sees an ad for the product she viewed and other related items. She is then reminded of your brand and the products she wanted to buy. The ad that she sees can pique her interest in the products again and encourage her to come back to the website to view the products and make a purchase. This is how retargeting digital marketing campaigns work.

Why Should You Retarget?

You have already been successful in creating products and services while spending a lot of time on getting people to visit your website and learning more about them. The process of retargeting is an extension of all these efforts and it comes with many benefits. Below we have mentioned them all briefly.

1. Another Chance for Conversion

Another Chance for Conversion | Why Should You Retarget_
Retargeting is a
long-term marketing strategy in the sense that it helps in targeting the people who have already visited the website. The audience has already been exposed to your brand and visited the site in the first place because they were interested in what you wish to offer. These are the people who can be persuaded using ad copy optimization.

2. Promotion of Popularity

There are many customers who do not know what retargeting is all about or how it works in the first place. As a result, there is an impression that the brand is immensely popular because the ads are everywhere. Customers need to see a marketing message or a brand many times before making a decision to purchase. Each time they see a retargeting ad, their idea of business stability gets improved.

3. Improving Marketing Efforts

All brands wish to get a high return on their investments for the marketing campaigns that they roll out. When the brands make
retargeted campaigns live, they are basically adding value to a wide range of investments that attracted visitors for the first time. In case you are already putting efforts into PPC, email marketing, SEO, and social media then retargeting helps in making sure that any extra efforts do not go to waste.

4. Upsell and Cross-sell

Upsell and Cross-sell | Why Should You Retarget_You might want to place a retargeting cookie on conversion or a simple “Thank You” page. This helps in building high-value users in an audience list. In case you have a new offer or a new product to sell or an add-on service that is specific to a subset of customers, a well-crafted script is all you need to single things out with the marketing campaigns.

Best Practices for Successful Retargeting Campaigns

If you want to get the most out of a retargeting campaign, there are six rules that you must keep in mind for ensuring a great ROI.  These rules are:

1. Understand Your Audience

Understand Your Audience | Best Practices for Successful Retargeting CampaignsOne of the most important things to know is everything about your audience. You must know who your audience is and understand the interests of your audience so that you can identify with them and create an ad copy that is personalized and engaging.

2. Segmentation of Audience

What you are selling on a website might appeal to many different sets of audiences. Putting different cookies on different pages will give you the ability to segment the audience based on their interests and behaviors.

3. Offer Value

Rather than lazily reminding your visitors about your brand, you can instead use retargeting principles and use tangibles like free shipping, product announcements, and discount codes. This is particularly useful for all the comparison shoppers or the people who add items to the digital carts but leave eventually.

4. Ad Frequency Adjustment

Almost everyone gets tired of seeing ads on each webpage they visit. Fortunately, the retargeting platforms allow you to adjust the number of times an ad is shown to someone.

5. Using Burn Pixels

Once you know that a potential customer has converted successfully, it is important to make sure that you give them a new cookie so they can be removed from the retargeting campaigns.

6. Adding New Channels

There is no need to display the ads independently on the websites in order to retarget the website visitors. You can easily target social media by using platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.


How to Start?

How to Start? | Everything You Need to Know About Retargeting in Digital MarketingTo make sure that your retargeting efforts really have an impact, you will need to invest in the marketing channels that can bring new traffic to the website. It is only when you will have a steady stream of visitors coming to the website that a
retargeted campaign will be worth the effort.

The use of Google AdWords, email marketing, and other offline marketing techniques can help in spreading awareness about your brand and bring more and more people to your website in the first place. When your website starts attracting new traffic, you can take a closer look at the retargeting tools.

It will be a good idea to manage a campaign on your own in the initial period. You can segment your visitors, choose the kind of message they want and eventually design visually appealing ads. Doing this with the support of an expert digital marketing agency can be a great decision as well. This will make you meet experts who have designed, created, and optimized many retargeting campaigns. You will be able to get expertise that can help your brand soar high.



All brands that are new in the business spend a lot of money for marketing a business and even when customers enjoy what they see, there are many reasons for leaving a website. The retargeted campaigns are one of the easiest and direct methods for prospects to learn who they are and why you are the best.

Taking the support of a digital marketing agency such as Encaptechno can pay off well while allowing you to take maximum support from a digital marketing campaign.


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