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Create a Better Client Centric Experience With Salesforce | Encaptechno

Create a Better Client Centric Experience With Salesforce

Create a Better Client Centric Experience With Salesforce | Encaptechno

In the present business landscape, it is not anymore enough to have an excellent product or service at a good price. The customer experience that a company offers is much more important than its products and services. This is something that is being understood and acknowledged by all smart business owners.

It is becoming increasingly common to see businesses use new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. These are the things that enable a better customer experience while also making sure that customer satisfaction is achieved. Businesses must figure out ways to offer the best customer experience if they wish to stay ahead of the curve and competitive.

The ability of businesses to offer amazing services before and after a transaction means that it is possible to offer improved personalization and a highly valued and connected customer experience across channels.

To make this easy, a business must adopt customer retention strategies so that there is an increased focus on becoming customer-centric. The ability to become customer-centric means putting the customer at the center of everything that is done in a business. From sales to marketing, the customer service touchpoints make a difference at every point.

Even though the definition might differ between the industries and individual companies, customer-centric businesses will all have one thing in common with each other and that is the fact that all of them are passionate about customer experience.

What Is Being Customer-Centric?


Keeping the customers first at every point is not a new thought. However, it must be kept in mind that the technologies that change customer behavior such as AI, IoT, Social Media, etc. are also enabling businesses to personalize interactions with customers in a completely different way.

Here, personalized interactions do not necessarily mean scaling up a generic experience with a customer’s name. Rather, it is more about creating a dynamic experience at each and every moment beginning from the initial search to every moment of the journey that comes in between. In case a customer has been able to establish a relationship with a brand this means that the customer can receive personalized recommendations based on purchasing history as scrolling is done on a website.

Context: The process of generating a better customer experience can be associated with the process of modifying a garment’s design so that it fits each customer individually. A special highlight in the way tailors work focuses on knowing each customer differently including their build, the way the garments should be, the right fabric, etc. Similarly, organizations today are shifting to selling experiences that fit the needs of the customers. This means that there is a constant modification of products and services so that the end result leads to customer satisfaction.

For example, a hotel group can use personalized information to offer the best experience to customers while anticipating the needs of this customer in advance. This information can be used to offer the right personal care kit to suggest the right food or yoga classes. It can be anything. Another example could be of an online retailer who might show similar products that the customers may have viewed on other browsers while providing direct comparisons to these products.

Importance of Being Customer-Centric


Importance of Being Customer-CentricOffering a personalized customer experience is considered an important step in the lead management system. In fact, customer expectations are evolving at a quick pace. The consumers in the present world are way more informed and less loyal as compared to the past generations. The customers look for different experiences that give rise to their trust and the customer will shop around anywhere to find them.

In contradiction with the past, offering services with a smile is not enough. Businesses must realize that customers want to be treated as a person and not merely a number so that eventually the business can win. With so many customers thinking that it has become easier than ever to take the business elsewhere, the pressure is on organizations to get the customer experience right.

The good news is that most customers even pay more for a great experience. This means that if businesses use the right tools then they have an opportunity to increase revenue by delighting their customers in a way that no one can.

What Is a Customer-Centric Organization Like?


An organization must know the importance of customer-centricity if it has to succeed. It is important to start with the customer experience and work backward with the technology. This is a lesson that successful companies have been implementing since forever while they stand out as being customer-centric companies.

Salesforce Cloud is an excellent example of a technology that can help businesses. It offers businesses a wide potential to rethink their business model. Retailing is one industry that has not started to explore what is possible. The retailing industry has understood the importance of customer-centricity for some time now but retailers lack both the technology and knowledge to connect sales, marketing, service, and commerce systems that enable a comprehensive customer view.

With technology such as Salesforce Cloud, all relevant and personalized engagements emerge as a key differentiator and retailers can finally make the investments to deliver on the promise of putting a customer at the center of everything. The key to becoming a competent customer-centric organization is starting with empathy. Otherwise, it is easy to risk not seeing the point and alienate the customers.

For example, Nike is a company that really started selling more shoes when the brand turned into a service that can help in tracking running, compete with friends and feel healthier. Nike is a brand that is a lot more than just selling shoes, it is the idea that focuses on delivering a brand promise in a meaningful way.

Why Do Companies Feel Held Back In Offering Customer Experiences?


Why Do Companies Feel Held Back In Offering Customer Experiences_
The thing that is holding companies back from cultivating great customer experience is some deep-seated problems. These problems are such that if the companies do not address them timely then they will get worse but the good thing about all of these problems is that they can be fixed.

To make sure that the companies offer the best customer experience, it is important that they work with a combination of innovation, discipline, and technology. More than anything, the companies require unwavering leadership so that business processes can be reimagined when times are painful. Doing nothing and letting the customers move to future-proof competitors can be much worse.

A problem that may get in the way of progress includes siloed front, middle, and back offices that may affect end-to-end visibility. In addition, backward-looking business intelligence affects shaping the future; the static workflows are focused on the past and find it difficult to adapt to the future; all compliance and regulatory issues serve as a problem.

These are some challenges to offer customer centricity which are also remnants of the old ways of doing business. They hold the companies back to move ahead and work smartly. While looking at these challenges and exploring new ways to adapt to the digital future, Salesforce Cloud is undoubtedly the best solution.

Customer-Centric Businesses Need a Single View of All Clients


Personalization is not enough if one has to become truly customer-centric. Offering customers a connected experience all across an organization is also important. Sales offer an integrated customer experience which ensures a seamless handoff between departments and striking a contextualized engagement based on early interactions.

Using Salesforce Cloud enables companies to recognize the customers wherever they engage while having a connected experience. Basically, with the support of a salesforce implementation consultant,you can win at each interaction a customer has with your organization. With siloed data being a major roadblock to connectivity, businesses are supposed to look at how they unlock the data held in multiple systems.

Moreover, the businesses also have to ensure that everyone in the organization has a single view of their customer and the role of customer experience is streamlined. If the organizations encourage employees to think about customer experience in terms of what’s better for the customer than the business then this can be a tangible step towards building a truly customer-centric culture.

Organizations go wrong when the employees work with a territorial and a myopic view of customer experience. When people say that customer experience should be owned by marketing they do not understand it goes way beyond that. It actually involves marketing, sales, and services. It does not matter who owns the customer experience more than who is implementing it and when it comes to it, everyone in an organization implements it.

In case there is any disconnection in a team then the result is disconnected metrics and customer experience. Measuring the customer experience in association with revenue and other organizations promotes alignment. All leaders must demonstrate a commitment to the long-term outcomes of customer experience even if the traditional performance indicators drop in the short term.

Customer–Centricity Begins With Trust


Customer Centricity Begins With Trust
Since the customer experience runs on data, building trust with all customers is important. In the past, high-profile data breaches have been in the news quite often while highlighting the poor procedures of many organizations. On the other hand, the data misuse scandals affect tons of people which has also left many people wondering how personal information is used.

Many customers think that their personal information is not secure while most others think that companies do not have their best interests at heart. Even though many people are comfortable offering personal information for better experiences, the responsibility is on businesses to be transparent about how personal information is stored, accumulated, and used. In case the businesses use this information to push irrelevant things, they will automatically lose customer trust.

The companies that are successful in earning customer trust can experience many benefits. In addition to spending more with brands they trust, the customers are also more likely to recommend these brands. However, if a company gets it wrong then the stakes are higher of losing a customer. Trusting a company makes the customers more likely to recommend that company further.

The Future is Customer-Centric


The Future is Customer-Centric
Organizations must focus on becoming more customer-centric if they wish to survive at the present time. Just as viewers expect recommendations while accessing a streaming service, the tailored customer experience is becoming more of a necessity to customers irrespective of the company that they engage with. The organizations that fail to get on board with this may not be around for a long time.

There is no better customer retention strategy than placing the customers at the heart of every interaction. The customer-centric businesses can create a dynamic, seamless, and uniquely personalized experience for customers that help them in achieving desired outcome and sales. The customer-driven organizations completely reset the valuable and meaningful experience with customers.

In the future, we can see more and more brands deploy the right technologies, right processes and hire the right people to connect all of their customer data while bringing a fundamental shift for companies as they reorient from being product-centric to customer-centric.



The use of the Salesforce cloud has the ability to change how business is conducted completely. The organizations can gain an ability to move faster than ever before with a wide level of customer and market-driven intelligence far beyond what was there in the past.

At the same time, customers will have many opportunities to forge the types of relationships they want with the brands they trust. There will be an easy association between the customers and brands that focus more on delivering experiences that delight customers rather than disappoint them.

This will only be possible with technologies such as Salesforce Cloud. If you wish for your company to become truly customer-centric then take the support of an expert Salesforce implementation consultant from Encaptechno who can guide you professionally. For any more queries, get in touch now.



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How to Streamline Your Business with Salesforce Integration - Encaptechno

Streamline Your Business with Salesforce Integration

When it comes to achieving success, business performance is considered to be the most important requisite. In case an organization is not performing up to the expectations then no many victories matter. At the end of the day, it must be understood that businesses require consistent management and optimization. If the business processes are not streamlined then the final result will not be so favorable.

How to Streamline Your Business with Salesforce Integration - Encaptechno

Salesforce offers organizations the right tools that help to improve overall performance, boost revenue, increase ROI, and streamline business processes. As a CRM system, Salesforce includes important data about prospects and customers. In addition, it also provides reports and dashboards that enable us to make smarter decisions.

In essence, it is a high-quality customer relationship management tool that supports empowering sales, closing more deals, and improving accuracy. While it is a great investment for customer management, Salesforce integration services also play an important role in offering more value from the workforce by increasing productivity.

Organizations of all sizes can actually benefit from the modern cloud-based solutions that can help in increasing team productivity, promote collaboration between employees, and create a positive customer experience.

Salesforce Integration

Almost all organizations have different goals and as a result, unique requirements to fulfill those goals. For this reason, all organizations use software applications that work differently. The business workflow automation introduced by Salesforce integration brings about easy and effective communication between the Salesforce CRM and other applications using the API.

Each business uses many applications for handling daily activities. Integrating these applications with Salesforce is important to handle and execute important activities with ease. With the assistance of an appropriate Salesforce integration partner, a suitable analysis of data can be facilitated which further supports managers and directors at each level for making powerful decisions.

Points to Consider While Salesforce Integration

All organizations that make the decision to adopt Salesforce must ensure the below-mentioned points. Since the process of integration is different, there are some requirements that should be given due importance. They are:

  1. During the process of Salesforce integration, you must be aware of the kind of integration that is included.
  2. It is important to understand who assists with troubleshooting problems in case an issue comes in the integrations. Often the problem gets solved by itself, but sometimes, human assistance is required.
  3. Finally, the data transfer must be regulated between Salesforce and another app.
Related Read: Benefits Of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consulting Partner

Streamlining Your Business with Salesforce Integration

In recent times, Salesforce has emerged as one of the most trending platforms used by organizations for enhancing customer relationships. The built-in integration services offered by Salesforce enable an expansion of the capabilities of organizations effectively.

Below, we will mention the ways in which salesforce integration helps in streamlining the business processes.

1. Increasing Productivity

To make sure that all-important data is present on the systems, the team is required to stay on track at all times. With so much manual work to manage, there is an increased chance of making mistakes. The occurrences of these mistakes go on to necessitate more time for identifying as well correcting these mistakes.

This further leads to wasting time and affecting the overall productivity of an organization. However, with the help of Salesforce integration services, it becomes possible to automate processes that further help in ensuring an optimal accuracy of data.

This ensures that all the systems have the same kind of information and there is never any duplication of data. Furthermore, it also allows the team to focus on important tasks while enhancing organizational productivity.

2. Better Customer Visibility

For offering your customers the kind of personal attention that they expect and should be given, it is necessary to quickly access accounts, different events, tasks, contracts, and any personal data.

Salesforce cloud ensures to offer a comfortable platform for managing all the customer-related information while making it possible to treat all customers with immense value. In addition, with a better understanding of customers, one can be in a better position to forecast future actions. Salesforce plays an important role in forecasting accuracy by a significant percentage.

3. Improves Communication

With the help of effective communication, almost all the stakeholders of a company play an important role in ensuring success. However, many times it seems that one department might be comfortable in using Salesforce while another might be keen on working in a different setting. This problem can be quickly solved with the integration of systems in an organization.

The business workflow automation offered by Salesforce helps in ensuring that all departments have easy access to important business information. This further helps in streamlining internal and external communication while also improving information sharing. With enhanced communication in an organization, one can serve the target customers in a much better way.

4. Effective Time Management

There are a few hours in one day, and when a person is juggling multiple responsibilities, these hours can begin to feel shorter and shorter. In this case, Salesforce does an effective job of combining all the important information together.

For example, Salesforce combines the calendars, schedules, activities, and agent information together while scheduling appointments that serve customers in a better way. This basically means that there will be very few deadline-related problems or stress.

5. Efficient Sales Process

Efficient Sales Process

Looking for the right leads can be a long-time job. In addition, the process of guiding these leads all through the sales pipeline until a full commitment is another job. Salesforce integration services enable easy tracking of individual prospects including expectations, or other information that could be useful in helping a customer along the sales process.

As such, one can always see where a lead is in the pipeline along with knowing what the next might be. The overall result is that the Salesforce applications have been known to increase sales by a considerable percentage.

6. Better Access to Data

With the use of Salesforce integration, you can allow your employees to access required data from the integrated systems. There is no longer any need to switch to the systems for finding what they might be looking for. Salesforce integration offers all-in-one access that makes accessing data quite easy.

This streamlines business processes considerably because employees can log into the integrated systems and access required data while performing desired tasks easily. As there is no need to move from one system to another, this can help in saving a lot of time while enabling you to work efficiently and in a productive manner.

7. Advanced Collaboration

Advanced Collaboration

Salesforce integration means that almost any and every authorized individual can work together to ensure customer success. All it takes is a simple log-in to the company’s database from any internet-enabled device.

By logging in, the team can access important data and information that helps in communicating and collaborating for offering a seamless customer service experience that does not become a problem in interdepartmental miscommunication.

8. Automated Workflows

In the present highly competitive market, the automation of workflows has turned into one of the most important things for reducing any human intervention and saving important time.

The automation is an important thing in the business activities because there is a reduced chance of making an error when there is business workflow automation. Salesforce cloud comes into the picture by easily automating the workflows without any coding. Since it is possible to integrate Salesforce with several systems, the workflow can be easily automated without any requirement of additional codes.

9. Supreme Reporting

The Salesforce integration services also help in improving the reporting system of a business. Since there is easy access to important data, the employees of an organization can gain better insights with the help of different reports and dashboards.

The use of relevant and detailed reports helps in easy management and better decision making. It also helps in finally taking appropriate actions responsible for the growth of an organization.

10. Overall Support

It is a well-known fact that a tool is only as good as its functions. Salesforce integration services provide great support. In case, an issue arises, steps can be immediately taken to make sure that everything gets back to complete functionality at the earliest.

As the complete platform is based in the cloud, maintenance can be done without bringing technicians into the office or paying expensive maintenance costs. You will actually be amazed at the seamlessness in which problems get looked into and solved with ease.


The Salesforce integration services can offer great returns to organizations. They help in streamlining the business processes and automate the business workflow that brings down the operational costs. That said, it must also be remembered that Salesforce integration is more of a technical project that requires expert supervision. For ensuring optimal outcomes, one should make sure to work with the best Salesforce integration service providers.

Hence, in case you wish to offer a better customer experience, get in touch with an experienced Salesforce integration partner such as Encaptechno for the best results.

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Benefits of Salesforce Slack Deal - Encaptechno

Benefits of Salesforce Slack Deal

Salesforce bought Slack recently with a deal of $27.7 Billion. This salesforce slack integration is aimed at giving two companies a much better shot at competing against a long time industry powerhouse Microsoft. Slack has been the living example of the Silicon Valley startup success. Starting as a game company, it managed to raise significant profits in not a very long time.

Benefits of Salesforce Slack Deal - Encaptechno

The Salesforce and Slack integration extracted a large sum of money from the market. This acquisition is being considered as the largest in the 21-year history of Salesforce. This San Francisco company was one of the first-ever to begin selling software as a subscription service that could be easily used on any internet connected device instead of comparatively difficult processes of installing the programs on the computers.

The concept of cloud computing is considered the wave of future success. However, software as a service has turned into an industry that has become a gold mine for long time software makers. Microsoft has developed its own thriving suite of services called Office 365 that includes a Teams chatting service with many same features as the 6-year-old application of Slack.

In this blog, we will be talking about the benefits of the Salesforce Slack deal in detail to understand the dynamics of this deal in detail.

Large Investment More Expectations

As far as Salesforce is concerned, the deal was entirely worth all the money for the simple reason that it enables the company to club all the elements of a platform, the ones that have expanded over the years from CRM to marketing, data visualization, workflow and much more.

Salesforce’s acquisition of Slack enables the company to give Salesforce a missing communication layer on the top of so many products, something that is very important during digital interactions with stakeholders of a company.  Slack is aimed at becoming the next generation of Customer 360 because it pulls a couple of elements together.

In these times when the teams are distributed and collaboration has become more important than it has ever been, the Salesforce Slack integration will be the next big thing. There is a natural connection between what people do during the course of their work, what machines do behind the scenes in the systems of record, and the way in which Slack can connect the gap between human beings and machines.

When Slack is included in between the important business operations, it will become possible to eliminate any friction in the complex enterprise software such as Salesforce. Rather than moving through emails, opening a browser, clicking on a link, signing in, and accessing the tool that is needed, the final approval can be built into a Slack message.

In case you have multiple actions to complete in one day, there is a tangible opportunity to enhance the velocity with a better impact and not only within the minutes saved by a person doing the approval but the way in which the entire business operates.

Battle with Microsoft

Battle with Microsoft

Although it wasn’t stated explicitly that the Salesforce Slack integration is about competing with Microsoft, this was, by all means, the underlying reason why companies decided to come together. Their operations will prove much better together as compared to being separate. Plus more than anything, both of these companies have a complicated history with Microsoft and when they will come together, they will be able to put up a considerable fight against Microsoft.

Slack has had a long battle with Microsoft entailing to file a suit against the company last summer in the EU over what was called an unfair bundling of Teams with Office 365. Microsoft has considered Slack to be a threat and because of this, there has been competition between two enterprise companies.

Hence, an important benefit of Slack coming together with Salesforce is being able to put up a strong fight against Microsoft. Slack will be able to gain considerably with this acquisition. The ownership by Salesforce will put Slack on a firm foot against the dominant player in productivity and collaboration in the software industry.

Ever since Microsoft has launched Teams in 2017, it has been investing massively in the platform while moving many users from Skype for Business with a rapidly growing list of features. Microsoft Teams has millions of active users who benefit considerably from its availability at no extra cost in the Microsoft subscriptions. This offers a large footprint over enterprise users.

From the viewpoint of Slack, it is evident that it has been facing a formidable challenge from the tech giant Microsoft and with the Salesforce acquisition, Slack can benefit immensely by being a large part of the entity. Salesforce can also help re-establish user adoption because of rapid growth. The Covid-19 pandemic has been responsible for a rapid shift to remote working and in these times this integration is for the better.

Stepping Up Market Reach

Stepping Up Market Reach

With farsighted and enterprising ambitions as to where the business can go next, Slack needs a way to step up in its market reach and product investment opportunities. Doing this independently can be a great challenge and hence Salesforce Slack integration will be beneficial.

This isn’t to say that the integration of Slack with Salesforce will not be challenging but by all means, it will be worth it. Salesforce and its possibilities include enabling it to function at an arm’s-length as a standalone unit for a small time as the case has been with some of the previous multi-billion deals. When a deal such as this goes ahead, it will end up benefiting the users as well.

It would naturally mean a much more profound and impactful integration across the breadth of Salesforce’s portfolio. Additionally, the slack customers who are already the Salesforce customers as well are going to benefit a lot more from the deal with Salesforce and Slack.

Slack Retains Its Independence

The present customers of Slack are on the guard and have closely been watching how to handle the Salesforce acquisition. It is well realized that Salesforce will have to walk on a fine line between respecting the product independencies and brand while also finding some ways to create and build on the existing hooks into the Salesforce so that a CRM giant takes complete benefits of the substantial investment.

This will not be so easy to manage but the customers will definitely be able to see a similarity of independence. There is a distinct layer of independence like that and there will never be any flinching from it. Significant money has been invested in the integration and that is naturally well thought of.

Both the parties have come across expressing that we wanted to ensure that a real integrated value proposition and a real integrated platform for the developers come out. The technology, independence of Salesforce is most likely to stay intact and the collaboration will come out to be a fair coming together of the two parties.

Together They Can Do More

As for the two companies coming together, the top management of both of these companies sees many potential benefits of merging the Slack communications with the enterprise software prowess of Salesforce. Slack will make Salesforce more accessible and also help link the automation and workflow.

Automation is considered to be more event-driven. With the long-running processes and what people are doing with the Slack platform, it is more of incorporating the workflows and bots with everything else. The combination of the Salesforce platform with Slack leads to the best automation based on the intelligence capabilities run on the Slack platform and that in itself is incredible.

The only challenge that both these companies face now is the direction in which they should move forward with the acquisition. All the expectations in a deal that is this large are essentially making the collaboration work and will continue to do so in the coming times as well.

Salesforce has a considerable amount of experience with large acquisitions and it pulled off prominent deals with success. Hence, it is very much likely that both Salesforce and Slack are going to get the deal right. The companies will work in a way to ensure that the deal leads to success.


The Salesforce Slack integration has pointed out many questions until now. Customers of both the companies and even the ones who wanted to join the platforms are finding themselves all caught up in what is likely to happen with the coming together of these two forces.

Salesforce is known for market-changing collaborations but some of these collaborations have been known outside their significant industries as Slack. The brand loyalty of this chat company called Slack can influence how much Salesforce decides to change and how much does it leave alone.

Salesforce has announced some important plans to combine with existing software Slack but this can mean more changes for Salesforce users as compared to Slack in the short term. Regardless of the changes, it is assured that the benefits will be plenty.

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Benefits of Implementing Salesforce CPQ - Encaptechno

Benefits of Implementing Salesforce CPQ

Benefits of Implementing Salesforce CPQ - Encaptechno

At the time when your clients are just about to move forward and close the deal, the very last thing that you want is an inefficient process that can hold them back. The way in which slow-moving pipelines use your resources and waste the time of your customers can be a piece of bad news for the organization. On the other hand, if you rush your clients to a sales process before they are ready to convert into new leads, they can quickly become unhappy clients and bring a damaged reputation to your brand.

Therefore, in order for the business to move ahead at just the right speed, there is a need to streamline the various processes including the final step, which is the contract. Now, this is more like easily said than it is done. Organizations need timely sales quotes free from any kind of errors and they want these quotes at a personalized pace to their own unique situation.

Rather, many customers end up switching the brands if they are treated just as a number and not an individual, which directly means that showing the customers a copy of the pricing sheet will not be enough. In order to efficiently deal with this problem, a business needs to implement the implementation of Salesforce CPQ.

In this blog, we intend to shed some light on the benefits of implementing the Salesforce CPQ. However, before that let’s find out the meaning of Salesforce CPQ in detail.

What is Salesforce CPQ?

What is Salesforce CPQ

The configure price quote software or the CPQ software is a sales tool or a suite of tools that are designed to help the organizations create accurate and personalized sales quotes. The Salesforce CPQ accomplishes this by bringing together all of the available pricing and customer data in the form of a centralized platform accessible in real-time.

With just the click of a button, a salesperson can create and share sales quotes that are not just precise and detailed but are also tailored to meet the needs of a client. The Salesforce CPQ does not just give a sales team the ability to quote quickly, eliminate human error and increase growth at a rapid rate, but it also enables a team to create tailored sales experiences for each and every client.

Well known as one of the most important tools that are available for the Sales Cloud by Salesforce, the CPQ is exceptionally efficient in eliminating any extra time that might turn a business process into unproductive. It can also aid in forming a highly customized quote as per the mentioned specifications of the prospects. This can include bulk discounts, special offers, and varied price slabs, etc.

Now that we have gained an understanding of what is salesforce CPQ, let us now begin to take a look at the benefits of implementing Salesforce CPQ.

1. Time-efficient and Precise

Time-efficient and Precise

Contracts are actually official binding agreements between two or more parties, based on accurate information and offer some level of comfort to both parties. In case the information in the contract must be modified or changed because of a human error, it can result in a loss of reliance that is placed by a client.

Although the customers can be willing to forgive a minor mistake, they will never be able to overlook the pricing errors made by the sales team. It has been tested and reinstated again and again that the customers stop doing business with a brand after having a bad experience. When you take the assistance of Salesforce CPQ implementation partners, what happens is that the human error is entirely removed from the equation delivering precise and dependable quotes.

When the processes get automated, the Salesforce CPQ eliminates any need for the salespeople to spend hours going over quotes, drafting contracts, checking, and double-checking the accuracy. In only a couple of clicks, the final quotes and official contracts can go from taking days to getting finalized within minutes.

2. Efficient Contract Process

Efficient Contract Process

A sales team works hard to help the leads reach the end of the sales pipeline. Having all of them fall away as a result of very slow-moving sales quotes processes is nothing less than a blunder. It does not negate all the hard work done in getting the prospects but it also ends up increasing the chances of losing a valuable customer.

The configure price quote software optimizes the processes by ensuring that all the important data is ready and up to date as soon as it is needed. With this salesforce billing software, one can get an accurate price via the CPQ and never worry about getting back to the customer.

3. Enhanced Accuracy

Enhanced Accuracy

As human beings, it is only natural to make mistakes. However, an organization that aspires to reach heights of success is not human. Where the clients might be generous enough to ignore the minor error on your part, they will not be so quick in overlooking the pricing error that is made by an organization.

In order to ensure that almost no pricing error happens, you need to get on the salesforce cloud so that the overall accuracy can be enhanced. You must avoid a situation wherein the customer is forced to believe that they do not wish to do business with you.

By taking the assistance of the salesforce CPQ implementation partners, you can ensure that any kind of human error is left out of the equation in delivering precise and dependable quotes almost every time.

4. Personalized Service

Personalized Service

All your customers have different needs and want different things. With the implementation of Salesforce billing or CPQ, one can provide the customers with a quote designed for them as individuals and not simply as a herd of the target audience.

When the customers wish to make any changes to their purchase, when the discounts are applicable, or when any other probable factors come into play, the sales representatives can create updated quotes in real-time.

This personalized service improves the marketing and analytics operations of a company as well. More than half of the customers are willing to share significant personal data with companies that are willing to share personal quotes. Once this information is obtained, the marketing operations of an organization can improve considerably.

5. Decreased Timeframe

Decreased Timeframe

One of the most natural benefits of implementing the Salesforce CPQ software is that it enables you and your customer to get the maximum out of your time. When you automate the quote process, the CPQ reduces the downtime associated with creating contracts naturally.

This alone makes it possible for sales representatives of an organization to assist more leads in less time. The organizations that use Salesforce CPQ software notice a reduction in the length of their sales cycle and an increase in the proposal volume per representative each month.

6. Increased Profits

Increased Profits

All businesses, regardless of their size, scale, and fields of operation are working to increase their profits.  The implementation of salesforce billing promises great returns and profits. Guiding the selling features offered by the Salesforce CPQ software can have an important bearing on the average deal size.

The companies that use a CPQ solution improve their chances of closing the deals more than the companies that are not implementing a CPQ solution. When a framework for improved selling is offered with an increased deal size and matching the customers up with the right products and services, the salesforce CPQ creates much greater revenue for a company as well as a better purchasing experience for the customers.

The Salesforce CPQ can help in building and maintain a competitive edge in today’s digital market with the help of streamlined sales processes. It empowers the sales team with precision, brings efficiency in the processes, and more than anything increases the revenues and customer satisfaction.

7. Automated Execution

Automated Execution

When the deal is finalized, the salesforce CPQ also helps in automating the execution process of the final quote. It saves time and energy altogether and it also helps in realizing the importance of further processes.

Being equipped with the benefits of using the Salesforce CPQ makes the sales representatives more efficient than ever. The sales representatives will rather be thankful for an easier and much precise execution of sales up till the final point.

8. Streamlined Quote

Streamlined Quote

If you choose a suitable CPQ solution, you will understand that it can streamline the sales processes and improve the customer relations manifold. The Salesforce CPQ works by taking advantage of the best in class CRM software and uses it as a foundation for delivering unparalleled CPQ benefits.

With the help of Salesforce, one can go beyond the standard configuration price quote solutions. It is also possible to quote and invoices, manage subscriptions, view and adjust terms, collect payments, and generate reports from a single tool.

In addition, Salesforce CPQ is entirely cloud-based and compatible with mobile devices. All one needs is a connected device and you can be on the way to optimize the sales process, closing the deals faster and maximizing the sales.


CPQ Conclusion

There is nothing that should hold a potential customer back from getting converted. The Salesforce CPQ gives complete control over the sales process, keeps the business processes running, and also helps in becoming successful.

Above all else, you and your customer have the same goal and that is to reach a deal that proves to be beneficial to everyone. The only thing is to stop the customers or the sales quotes stand in the way. Make the decision to implement the Salesforce CPQ and put your business and your valuable customers on the track to achieve success.

The Salesforce CPQ implementation experts working at Encaptechno work to ensure that the implementation processes go about in an effective manner. Get in touch with us if you wish to get a quote on Salesforce CPQ.

Benefits of Implementing Salesforce CPQ Read More »

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Benefits of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consultant - Encaptechno

Benefits Of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consulting Partner

As a business that is on the verge of growing, the foremost priority is to enhance the operations of the business in a way that generates faster and greater ROI. For ensuring a constant growth of your business, you must chart out a suitable customer satisfaction strategy because the customers tend to be the force responsible behind making or breaking a business. One of the most important aspects of this strategy is to have a robust system in place that can offer a single view of almost all customer-related data.

Benefits of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consultant - Encaptechno

Salesforce cloud comes with great functionalities, features, and an ever-advancing setup, which has made it the most natural choice for all business owners looking to manage their business. The implementation of the Salesforce in partnership with the certified Salesforce consultant not only manages the scattered business processes but also enhances efficiency and productivity.

Although this cloud-based platform is highly flexible, simple to use, and widely accepted all across the globe, the real challenge is its implementation. A salesforce implementation requires complete focus, technical knowledge, and dedication, which is not possible while handling different important business activities.

In case businesses want to maximize the complete potential of Salesforce then they must hire a Salesforce consultant that is capable of delivering comprehensive consulting services while facing the important business challenges. Successful implementation must be done keeping proper strategies and implementation plans in the mind and if you choose your Salesforce partners rightly then getting the job done at the right time and within the right budget will become easy.

The team of Salesforce consultants works with an aim to assess the present business practices and processes. After the evaluation of business processes is done, the Salesforce consultant suggests the best implementation strategies for meeting organizational goals.

In this blog, we will make an attempt to understand the benefits of hiring a certified salesforce consulting partner. However, before making an attempt to understand all the benefits, we will understand how Salesforce CRM helps in increasing the ROI?

How Does Salesforce CRM Help In Increasing the ROI?

How Does Salesforce CRM Help In Increasing the ROI

Salesforce is one of the most popular leaders in the field of CRM and this is pretty clear for the companies that have chosen it in the past. We will try to explain this little better with the help of an example.

For instance; if a business wants to use the Salesforce sales cloud or the marketing platform for managing promotions, the usability is not just restricted to the marketing area, but the CRM can be tailored for suiting business needs precisely. It has the capability to boost the overall sales by creating new markets, optimizing conversions, and analyzing data by reporting or dashboards.

With the implementation of Salesforce, document generation becomes easy based on the different criteria and filters that enhance the overall efficiency of business processes. You can also use the case management for prompt delivery by setting priorities and delegating them one by one to the concerned people. Basically, the Salesforce partner has a solution every time there is a problem.

How Does Salesforce Business Consultant Increase ROI?

How Does Salesforce Business Consultant Increase ROI

Let’s just say that you are able to implement Salesforce on your own to complete potential. However, if you want to see what an ideal implementation looks like within a time period and budget, we would always recommend that you employ a Salesforce specialist for getting the work done in a way that the ROI gets increased. This is because:

  • Hiring a Salesforce consultant can help in saving the employee productivity time that can then be used for other things.
  • The Salesforce experts have a solution for almost every complex problem and it is easy to set up, customize, and even configure. All of these things help in increasing the ROI.
  • Salesforce partners use the best coding standards and implementation practices. Hence, the possibility of failure is very less because even the quality and stability of a product will get improved.
  • Salesforce consultants will offer ongoing support and flexibility for the development and productivity of a company.
  • This will also enable in encouraging adoption and pipeline business opportunities with goals that maximize ROI and improve the performance.

Now that we have a basic understanding of Salesforce implementation, we will now look at the benefits of hiring a certified Salesforce consulting partner in order to understand everything a lot better.

1. Simple Set-up and Execution: Salesforce is relatively simple to set up and configure if it is done with the help of an expert. A good Salesforce consultant will always know where to make the changes, the methods to change the required settings, configuring the security settings for better access to CRM, and making everything more private. What’s more, is that all of this can be achieved very quickly.

At the time when a Salesforce implementation is being done, many people think that upgrading software will be a relatively simple step to take up and execute. At the end of the day, it is just the next version of the software. Although some people might not have an assumption there are still many misconceptions that are associated with the Salesforce implementation and execution.

The fact of the matter is that the salesforce implementation is not just about moving from one version to the next. It actually comes with a whole new system with an entirely new design, new features, and different ways of doing business. In case a CRM system is not implemented in the right way, there is absolutely no point in implementing it.

If the implementation is done by an experienced salesforce consultant, then the execution also becomes a lot easier. From streamlined workflow, improved communications, enhanced productivity, reduced operational expenses, better security to customer experience, everything comes out great.

2. Saves Time Considerably: After appointing a Salesforce consultant, your organization will get easy access to seamless and some of the most reliable solutions for all kinds of problems that a business can face. A salesforce consultant will not only help in saving a lot of time, but it will also help in making the organization much more productive and close more deals successfully.

A qualified and experienced salesforce consultant is always well aware of the technical details involved in the implementation process. All through the implementation process, the salesforce consultant establishes clear milestones that can help in tracking the progress of CRM implementation.

Organizations can access the best of features and get customizable solutions quickly at a very affordable price with the assistance of Salesforce consultants. This is one of the most important reasons for hiring a salesforce consultant. In addition to helping deliver on time and accurate solutions linked with the salesforce implementation for meeting the growing demands of a business, companies can actually have a comprehensive view of the clients that can help the sales team strategize better marketing efforts.

3. Efficient Problem Solving: Regardless of whether you need to migrate large amounts of data from a legacy system or integrate your CRM system with any other application, a professional Salesforce consultant makes sure that necessary steps are taken for avoiding any data loss or even other problems.

When it is the time of strategizing and implementing the strategic plan, a dedicated salesforce partner will most definitely provide an impartial opinion just so that the business owners can make the right business decisions easily. A dedicated Salesforce partner cab offers quick, accurate, and efficient solutions required for solving the most important business issues.

4. Improved Decision Making: Just as a business grows and expands, one needs to make bigger decisions while potentially making changes to the present customer relationship management system. The Salesforce consultant collaborates with the team at the level of strategizing and designing the implementation process for fitting the needs of a business.

The reason why different business organizations should leverage consulting services is that that can definitely help in making better decisions related to the growth and operations. Irrespective of whether you are a small organization or a large one, investing in the best salesforce consulting services will pay off and ensure business growth.

It doesn’t matter if your goal is to expand your business, changing the existing CRM software, or choosing the right implementation strategy, every business needs a substantial amount of decision making. Where the right decision can expand your business without any bounds, a wrong one can demolish your empire.

Hence, a certified salesforce consultant by your side can definitely help in making the best choices. The team of experts can help in enhancing the brand image and adding value to the business.

5. Experienced Service Providers: When you complete the Salesforce set-up and start working different customizations then you will be caught up. There might come a point when you will get stress out about managing different business procedures and handling the workload in the right sense.

One of the best ideas to go forward is by hiring a Salesforce partner who can offer streamlined, expert, and dedicated consulting services. This will ensure that all assignments are completed at the right time without any possible distractions or excuses.

The salesforce cloud consultant facilitates implementation right from the scratch enabling your business to perform all the tasks extremely precisely and effectively. In fact, the team of salesforce consultants can offer key training and support for helping staff members get an answer to specific questions. This training focuses on many areas like automation, dashboard management, and project tracking.

6. Increased ROI: With a reliable Salesforce consultant, you can ensure that your business objectives are met and contributed to the effective running of the business. An experienced salesforce consultant will not only design your system for having an adoption rate but also ensure that you get Salesforce working right in the manner in which it is required by a business for improving the rate of investment.

In addition, an efficient Salesforce consultant will offer a roadmap for the smooth functioning of business operations and construct a system that does only good for the business. Salesforce consultants come with the best and entirely trustworthy competencies needed to solve difficult business problems.

Hence, hiring a certified salesforce partner can help in holding the lead for availing the maximum benefits of salesforce software. This eventually leads to effective implementation and accelerates the business ROI as well.


Undoubtedly, Salesforce is an extremely powerful CRM tool that can be used in enhancing the overall efficiency of your business. Regardless of whether it is about implementing a new system or updating a current one, an experienced and dedicated salesforce consultant can guide you in creating the right pathway for your organization.

It wouldn’t be wrong to claim that the integration of the salesforce CRM is like a significant strategy that needs the right roadmap for achieving predetermined milestones. Hence, in case you are planning for salesforce implementation then you must find a certified salesforce partner who can offer both technical and non-technical assistance needed for executing an effective CRM system.

Encaptechno is one of the most well-known salesforce partners that provide the best and unique business solutions fitting almost every business model. A wide range of experience has allowed Encaptechno to develop in-depth industry knowledge and technical competency of leading-edge technology for delivering the best customer experience.

Get in touch with us to get the best and most suitable Salesforce implementation services needed for your business.

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Benefits Of Hiring a Certified Salesforce Consulting Partner Read More »

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