
Search Engine Optimization

SEO Audit - Why is it Important For Your Website_ Discover Top 10 Reasons Now! - Encaptechno

SEO Audit – Why is it Important For Your Website? Discover Top 10 Reasons Now!

SEO Audit - Why is it Important For Your Website_ Discover Top 10 Reasons Now!

One of the essential foundations of e-commerce and digital marketing services is Search Engine Optimization or SEO. SEO is a broad science that includes everything from keyword research and image optimization to backlink building and content generation. 

A well-executed Search Engine Optimization plan will increase the visibility of your website and products in search engines, resulting in increased organic traffic. Every company’s business card is its website, and when used correctly in marketing initiatives, it can boost your brand’s online presence. You probably already know how important a company’s website and search engine ranking are. 

What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit of your website is an in-depth examination of the numerous aspects that influence your site’s organic search engine performance on Google or Bing. SEO audits aid in the detection of both SEO and website performance concerns. 

For various reasons, including Google’s regular search algorithm adjustments and changes in user search behaviour, a website must be constantly analyzed and optimized.

  • An SEO audit will tell you how to improve your website so that it appears in the top searches of your target customers.
  • It will also aid you in creating your brand authority and increasing conversions.
  • In its most basic form, an SEO audit aims to evaluate your website’s strengths, shortcomings, and potential for long-term success.
  • An SEO audit is a vital health check that allows domain owners (you) to assess their website’s capacity to rank in the search engine results pages (SERPs) (search engine results pages).
  • It entails examining your site through the eyes of Google and other search engines. 
  • Additionally, an SEO audit allows you to identify areas that need improvement and activities that are harmful to your website’s rating. 
  • The SEO audit aims to find as many foundational errors as possible that affect organic search performance.

With SEO Audit, you can analyze the following most effectively:-

  1. SEO concerns of a technical nature
  2. Issues with the structure of the website
  3. Issues with on-page SEO
  4. Offsite issues 
  5. Problems with the user experience
  6. Gaps in content and opportunity
  7. Competitive market intelligence

An audit is a routine exercise that should be carried out regularly; it’s akin to a health check for your website. 

Importance of SEO Audit

Top 10 Benefits of SEO Audit - Encaptechno

61% of marketers conclude their top inbound marketing priority is enhancing SEO and growing their organic presence.

Aside from that, performing an SEO audit will benefit you in the following ways.

1. Know Your Competition

SEO audits can provide data about your competitors’ websites, including their strengths and weaknesses. Using SEO auditing tools, you may also conduct a full SEO assessment of your competitor’s site. You’ll discover their keyword ranking, backlinks, SEO strategies, and their limitations and strengths. For example, you can check which of their articles is the most popular or receives the most backlinks, and if their tactic is successful, you can copy their approach and improve your SEO results. You can also want to concentrate on keywords that your competitors aren’t performing well for and strengthen your position for those instead. Knowing your competitors is critical for your business, significantly if ranking higher than you on search engines.

2. Update with the Latest Trends

SEO is a highly dynamic subject with hundreds of standards of best practices constantly changing. For example, there was a time when submitting news releases to a dozen different press release agencies might result in a thousand valuable backlinks to your website. The same strategy could now result in your website being sandboxed. What about exact match anchor links, keyword density recommendations, and other ranking factors?

How are you believed to maintain with all of these changes? 

You don’t have to, though. An SEO audit using one of the SEO tools can aid in the identification of these outdated tactics.

3. Find Out Which Keywords Bring Maximum Traffic

We all want to rank organically for keywords with the most volume and relevance. Small and medium-sized firms’ websites, on the other hand, frequently rank higher for less competitive and long-tail keywords. Using keyword analysis as part of an audit, you may level the playing field by determining the most practical terms for your company and speciality. However, if those keywords aren’t bringing in any traffic, let alone the correct kind of traffic, it’s almost useless. If you’re ranking well for a keyword but getting little traffic from it, it’s possible that your buyer persona isn’t exploring that terminology or that it has a low search volume. An SEO audit will help you choose your target audience’s search phrases and variants. 

You can then use this information to fill in the holes in your SEO strategy by developing and optimizing content.

4. Insights into Website Traffic

You may find out about your search volume, URL clicks, and impressions your website produces on search results by performing a comprehensive SEO website analysis and using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Increased clicks and impressions are always a good sign that your SEO strategy is working – make sure you regularly keep track of this data. In addition, SEO audits are a great approach to examining and benchmarking your website for accomplishments, problems, and the best ways to improve it. A complete analysis will give you valuable insights into what you should include in your SEO strategy and changes to improve the performance of your website and, most importantly, earn a return on investment.

5. Spot Out-of-Date Information

The existence of outdated content could be one of the reasons why your organic performance is deteriorating. It’s critical to supply relevant and new content for your website to be seen and ranked by search engines. You can increase your search engine rankings and user experience (UX) with the correct SEO site assessment. There is nothing to get rid of old content on your website, just like there isn’t one for any other white hat SEO method. So start excavating as soon as possible. Some of the content on your website may be obsolete. It’s critical to provide search engines with not just relevant but also new content, as well as a cause to return. If no one visits or returns to your website after six months, reassess the content or remove it.

6. Identify and Resolve Both On and Offshore Problems

An in-depth website audit will assist you in identifying any offsite or onsite issues driving traffic away from your site. For example, spam, hidden content, hostile URLs, and backlinks are some problems driving traffic away from your website. These difficulties might have an impact on your website’s total traffic, as well as your conversions. A professional website SEO audit can help you locate and even fix these issues before they get out of hand.

7. Analysis of backlinks

Every search engine considers backlinks to be the essential ranking indication. Because backlinks are regarded as endorsements, their quantity and authority can disproportionately impact your SERP ranking and visibility.

Backlinks from anchor text, guest posts, and press releases are no longer available. Search engine algorithms have improved, and websites that employ shady tactics to get backlinks will be penalized. SEO audits allow you to examine the source of not just your backlinks but also those of your successful competitors. This will show you how to replicate their link strategy. Audits will also reveal low-quality backlinks from link farms or spam directories, harming your website’s search engine rating. The general rule is that the more reliable connections you have to great content, the higher your site will rank. So why do most people have no idea what domains connect to their websites if backlinks are so important? It is critical to understand where you stand. 

8. Maintain Your Website Rankings

Google’s algorithms are also updated regularly. These algorithm modifications are complicated to keep track of and may or may not impact your website’s ranking. This is where the SEO audit comes into action. SEO auditing tools use Google measurements to assist you in making data-driven and up-to-date recommendations on what adjustments to make to your website. In addition, search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing continually upgrade their algorithms to deliver better search results. You should be aware of these changes to make appropriate changes to your website’s content.

9. Improve Your Website’s Speed, Security, and User Experience

Search engines favour well-designed and well-maintained websites and those that are quick, secure, and provide a positive user experience. Consequently, they increase the visibility of such websites in their search engine result page or SERP rankings. However, clients frequently ask about website speed and efficiency in website construction. Fortunately, the time you create and design your website isn’t the only time you may influence its efficacy.

On the other hand, websites become heavier over time as thousands of lines of code are present at any given time, and security vulnerabilities will gradually accumulate unnoticed. 

Regular SEO audits will assist organizations in identifying emerging problems on their website and implementing corrective steps.

10. Improves Usability

The usability of your website is critical to your e-commerce success. It is concerned with logic, easy navigation, and usable interfaces. In general, usability refers to how easy something is to use. Your sales and conversion rates will not increase no matter how much traffic you have if your usability is terrible. The process of creating a website is a mix of science and art. We want a functional, user-friendly, but also attractive and memorable website. However, aesthetics might have an impact on your website’s usability. An SEO tool will assist you in identifying some of your website’s navigational, functional, and structural flaws. Resolving these issues can immediately improve your website’s usability and improve your clients’ experience.


Regular SEO audits are highly beneficial to a company’s website. The search engine market evolves rapidly, and what works now may not work in six months. Therefore, an SEO audit can strategically improve your website’s performance, improve SEO, and increase conversions if done correctly. In addition, conducting an SEO audit on your own may reveal several areas that want attention. Because you are so familiar with your website, crucial components of it may go ignored. That’s why getting a third-party SEO audit can be beneficial — you can compare the results to assess your website’s overall quality accurately.

Sure, you could do the audit yourself and get the same results, but with an SEO audit professional at Encaptechno that cares as much about your site and its rankings as you do, you can be confident in your SEO strategy. 

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How to Index Your Landing Page in Search Engine | Encaptechno

How to Index Your Landing Page in Search Engine? | Page Indexing Guide

How to Index Your Landing Page in Search Engine | Encaptechno

If you run a business and have a website then you would know the importance of creating a good landing page for selling your products and services. But this is not just it. You should also ensure that people can find it too. To make sure that this happens, page indexing is one of the best ways that enables search engines to recognize your brand.

With page indexing, you can attract the target audience and attract their attention too. This is the first step to enhancing a website’s search engine rankings. Amongst all the search engines, Google page indexing is one of the most important things to focus on.

The fact of the matter is that Google holds a major share of the global search traffic. The page indexing on Google is a list of web pages that it knows about. If you are serious about SERP ranking then you will also have to be serious about page indexing.

In this blog, we will be offering comprehensive detail on page indexing and why it is an important marketing technique. Keep reading to know more.

What is Page Indexing?

What is Page Indexing?

The indexed pages are the web pages that a search engine has in the database of the index. When the bots of a search engine crawl the internet in search of a new page or when they update an already indexed page then that is called page indexing.

The crawlers of the robots examine every page on a website while analyzing all the aspects in complete detail. After this, they include the data in their index. In addition, crawlers also come back to websites for checking new updates which are then added to the ledgers. They periodically crawl to assess the rank of a website.

The more frequently a website gets updated while adding new content to keep it relevant, the easier it becomes to get it ranked. Efforts must be made to fix the responsiveness issues and implement new SEO changes so that the pages can get ranked quickly.

In contrast, a website that is left without any kind of maintenance for a long time can become less relevant. The more outdated a website becomes, the less interesting the information becomes which is why the lower it ranks.

Link Between Page Indexing and SEO

Link Between Page Indexing and SEO

The link between page indexing and SEO can be a lot more complex than it looks. Indexing of URL is important in case you want to meet the positioning objectives in the search results. No matter how much you optimize a page, in case it is not being indexed then it will not rank in the search engine.

It is only the indexed pages that are given a position on the SERP. However, this position can depend on the rest of the on-page and off-page search engine optimization factors that you have worked on. Indexing will change in case you leave a landing page unattended. The factors can be joined by others and can be controlled to a great extent based on content publication rate, site updates, content quality, and existing competition.

The page indexing done at a quantitative level can also affect the SEO positioning of a landing page. The URLs that get indexed under the same domain can take on more weight in the search engine as compared to the competition. This is when the URLs are qualitative as well as quantity is not the only factor.

Why is Landing Page Indexing Important?

The primary purpose behind creating, designing, and even uploading a landing page is to tell most customers about a product or a service. Page indexing is a certain way to improve conversions and also build a robust customer base. If the landing page of a business is not active on the Google list then it is not so likely to show up on the internet.

Crawling Indexing Ranking

The key is to understand the importance of indexing. When it comes to indexing a page, the Google spiders crawl a website. The search engines work in three primary ways that are mentioned below.

  1. Crawling: The search engine bots and spiders crawl the website for verifying the indexing status. They crawl links on web pages to look for new content and some of the most important pages.
  2. Indexing: The search engine page indexing is also about storing the web page in a database. Once this is done, Google is ready to display results in important queries.
  3. Ranking: The search engine finds the rank of the web pages using important metrics such as user experience, page relevance, high-quality content, and core web vitals.

The role of search engine optimization is to add a web page to the list. The database allows search engine optimization to find the information useful for users. It is not something that governs rankings.

Google uses algorithms for deciding the search engine rankings along with user demand, web usability, expertise, etc. In case your want your content gets discovered by users then you must ensure that it is always indexable. In case it is not then it is likely that it will go unnoticeable. You can affect indexing by streamlining how crawlers detect a landing page.

Time to Get a Landing Page Indexed

It can often take some time for search engines like Google for indexing a new website. It can be difficult and even challenging until Google indexes a website or even a new landing page. The SEO tags have a lot to do with how simple you are making it for Google to crawl a website.

In case Google does not find your website worthy of indexing then it is never going to index it. You just need to make the journey of crawlers effortless for finding a website. However, the question is how can that be done? There are actually many steps that can be followed for effective indexing. These steps when followed properly can streamline the search engine indexing and quicken the process.

Steps to Ensure Page Indexing In Search Engines

1. Find the Robots.txt File

Find the Robots.txt File - Steps to Ensure Page Indexing In Search Engines

The Robots.txt files are important because they make it easy for web spiders to crawl a site. Even a little mistake in these files can actually stop the crawlers from finding a web page.

The different search engines follow the prompts of major Robots.txt files. It is important to optimize the files so that you can prioritize the most important pages such as landing pages. This avoids overloading the landing page with requests at once. 

In case you are new to this then you can choose to get a technical audit done which makes things easy. You can check the file placement and match Google guidelines as well this way.

2. Verifying the SEO Tags

The SEO tags can be useful for hiding the user information from reaching the search engines. Many times, the SEO tags have the ability to block new pages from reaching a client. Hence, it becomes important to check if the tags are used incorrectly.

Canonical tags can be useful when there are many versions of a single landing page. It tells most search engines to pick chosen pages over the other ones. In case the bots do not find canonical tags then they can consider the page as a preferred page and index it.

In case a canonical tag is there, the crawlers can assume an alternate page can be present. This will leave page indexing even if another landing page is there or not. Removing the canonical tags becomes important for a website so that it functions well.

The no index tags are the ones that convey that most crawlers do not index any landing pages. In case a landing page is facing a page indexing problem then no index tags can be the reason behind it. Google finds pages with high authority backlinks as the important ones. It informs crawlers that the landing pages are important and trustworthy and finally the process of indexing improves.

3. Well-Built Site Architecture

Well-Built Site Architecture - Steps to Ensure Page Indexing In Search Engines

Effective web navigation makes it easy for search engines such as Google to index a page. This is an important search engine optimization technique. When the site architecture is not systematic, the crawlers can get trapped in a loop and they cannot even reach the required pages.

On the other hand, good internal linking guarantees that a page is easy to find. It allows the crawlers to look for the best web pages from all the other ones. The non-linked ones are more like orphaned pages and they do not get indexed. It is therefore important to ensure that the landing pages do not stay on this list but how can that be done?

Attempts must be made to build a good site architecture. You can create an XML sitemap as that is one of the best ways to ensure crawling. You can tell the search engines all about URLs present on a website and links between them. Moreover, you can also update new entries using images and videos. Crawlers can see your pages without any problem from locations.

You can also add high-quality internal links so that the crawlers can find new pages with internal linking. This quickens the process and strategic internal linking also optimizes indexing to other high-quality internal links. Make sure that you do not assign any no to follow links on the pages. When the bots find no-follow tags then move away without indexing them. This is why they must be removed.

4. Page Eligibility for Indexing

It must be ensured that the pages are appropriate for page indexing. We say this because there are many causes of why a URL can get rejected. In case the URL violates any webmaster guidelines then search engines can remove it from the indexing. The unnatural links and keyword stuffing can be held responsible for this.

It is also possible that the URL may be returning a 404 error page. This can be accidental and even intentional that call for backend correction. In other cases, it can also be a server not being able to pick on your landing page.

In other cases, it is also possible that the landing pages are blocked from crawling. You must set some passwords on the page so that the web spiders cannot access your page. The Google search console is a good way to understand how Google is interpreting a page.

5. Promoting Pages Featuring Good Content

Promoting Pages Featuring Good Content - Steps to Ensure Page Indexing In Search Engines

High-quality content also makes a difference in ranking and indexing. The high conversion pages including blog posts, landing pages, and home pages are higher in the hierarchy. The low performing content on the other hand accounts for a better crawl budget. It also decreases the relevance of high-priority content.

Google spiders are always looking for pages that can add more value to users in a good way. The duplicate content can also invite an extra penalty and sometimes even raise a red flag. Hence, it is important that you remove any low-quality pages. A perfect example of a low-quality page can be removing duplicated content pages.

The duplicate content page is there to solve problems such as A/B testing on the team while experimenting with the pages before they get launched. These pages differ a little from the original pages.

You will not want search engines to get caught up and display any kind of duplicate content. This can affect the ranking which is why it is better for most search engines to ignore them. You can let web crawlers move around freely on a website for getting valuable content for users.


Page indexing is an important step for achieving better rankings and ROI. In case you have submitted a landing page for indexing, it can take some for it to get indexed. Otherwise, technical errors and on-site issues can block crawlers. Hiring an SEO expert can allow you to index and even enhance the ranking of a landing page.

How to Index Your Landing Page in Search Engine? | Page Indexing Guide Read More »

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Why Your Business Needs a Website? | Encaptechno.com

Why Your Business Needs a Website?

Why Your Business Needs a Website? | Encaptechno.com
In the past, there were days when a physical presence at a good location was all it took to create good brand awareness. This was a time when building brand identity and going on the route of marketing outreach and promotion was enough to make a brand stand out and attract potential customers. However, this is not the case anymore.

We live in a world that is prominently shaped, governed, and run by the power of digital media. With the prevalence of digital media and devices to such a large extent, the branding and marketing scenario has taken a huge turn. In addition to keeping up with a considerable online presence, businesses must also have a dedicated, functional, and attractive website promoted with active search engine optimization practices. This is vital to survive or stand out in their respective industries.

Importance of a Website


Importance of a Website

Networking effectively and converting leads is one of the most important qualities that make an entrepreneur successful. Promoting the business at every meeting, event, conference, and the internet is considered an important good communication strategy.

In the prior times, this networking was mostly done with a business card that was used as a brief introduction of a company and a method of contacting someone. However, today all entrepreneurs carry out their businesses on the internet with the help of a good website. A business card used to be a way for networking and building contacts with clients but a website is a much more engaging platform that has the capability of reaching a wider audience if regular SEO services are used to popularize the website.

The importance of a website is such that every prospective customer in today’s world looks out for a website and a good online presence because that is necessary for brand recognition. With more and more people preferring towards living on the internet, owning a website that reflects the business and its vision makes an important difference in making a business popular.

In sum, if a business does not have a website then it is missing out on many good opportunities. Although it was earlier considered as a choice, it has become a necessity in the present time. A well-designed and developed website has the capability to tell your business story, introduce you to prospective stakeholders, and allow you to thrive more and more. It acts as a basis for all the advertising efforts while providing the business details, product information.

 In this blog, we will explain why your business needs a website in complete detail. Keep reading to know more.


1. Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing - Importance of a Website

Having a dedicated website allows businesses to represent all that a brand stands for with great conviction. The customers are more than likely to know about a business more if it has a stronger online presence and the fundamentals of having an online presence begin with having a website that has a good SERP ranking.

A website allows an entrepreneur or a marketer to promote the business while directing all the potential customers to the brand and converting them to become loyal customers. Also, if the website game of a brand is strong and is handled by a professional digital marketing agency then even other sources on the internet can direct the customers to a website.

Additionally, websites are simple to update, manage and control which makes it easy for the brands to update all the latest information about products or services effectively. A website is like an opportunity for the brands to showcase everything that their brand stands for, what it offers and how it can communicate with others.

With the assistance of a website, there is an option to include various elements such as pictures, videos, and music which makes the content all the more engaging. There is no worry of restricted space and you are free to use unlimited pages that can further be changed with the growth of your business.

In the present time, if a business does not have a website then it is more than likely that many people won’t even get to know about a product.  In fact, regularly updating a website is an excellent way to ensure that the customers get a clear idea about a business. Other than saving time, this helps in quick business development in a short span of time.

2. Revenue Generation


Revenue Generation - Importance of a Website

Billions of people have internet access at the present time and whenever they need a solution, they turn to the internet for it. Directly or indirectly, they are all participating on the internet for multiple reasons. If a business fails to reach out to these people through the internet then the sales of a business can get immensely affected.

A well-designed and developed website handled with consistent search engine optimization services has the ability to connect the businesses with customers that would be otherwise difficult to reach with the old methods. Irrespective of whatever the product or service might be, any business can benefit from the SEO services.

Advertising on the website can be done very easily and affordably when compared to offline promotions. If used in the right sense then digital promotions have many benefits. In fact, business owners can get multiple opportunities to promote the products to a wide number of people while making profits with a great margin. A perfect example of this can be setting up an online transaction process that helps in simplifying purchases that are not restricted to a specific area.

3. Customer Trust


Just in case the website is not able to generate sales or is in the initiation stage, even then it can add up to forming brand loyalty as it helps in gaining the customer trust while eventually earning their loyalty. Once this trust is earned, the chances of them coming back again improve a lot more.

The key to making the most out of a running website is to understand that it needs to be promoted with consistent SEO services. All entrepreneurs who envision making their business successful must understand that a website is like a medium that is capable of serving their customers round the clock by answering their questions, helping them to choose a product/service, and being their personal assistant.

If a website is developed and promoted in the right sense then it can entertain the customers and hold them captive with important details that can allow them to make informed purchasing decisions. Therefore, one of the most helpful and efficient ways to make a connection with the customers is to create a long-lasting relationship with them by means of a good website.

4. Genuine Credibility


Genuine Credibility - Importance of a Website

Consistent interaction with customers is highly significant to gain the trust of clients and brand awareness in return. When the SERP ranking of a brand is good enough, it becomes much easier for clients to understand and enhance the business.

It is necessary to understand that having a good website is like a testimony to being a legitimate brand and if done correctly it helps in instilling great confidence in the business. Without this kind of confidence, the website is going to lack credibility. The customers will not take it seriously enough to build credibility on it. It is eventually going to limit the ability to reach any new customers while limiting them to do any business as a brand.

A website makes it easy to verify the accuracy of the information while signifying that there is a credible brand behind it. It highlights the expertise of a brand through the content, images, and information given on it. Once the customer forms an impression that a website is being run by honest and genuine individuals, this will lead to genuine credibility for the brand.

5. Competitive Edge


Many small to medium-sized businesses do not go for making a website because they believe that since their business runs on the word of mouth promotions there is no need for them to get a website made. While many other businesses think that since their brands only cater to the local people the products or services can be accessed right across the street.

They have a decent flow of customers and they are content feeling no need to grow. The problem is that these businesses do not understand the edge that a website and dedicated search engine optimization can offer to their business over competitors. In addition to getting more customers on the board, a website has the capability to attract and retain old customers as well.

More than anything, businesses need to understand that the problem with word-of-mouth marketing is that it has a lack of message control, either it can be really good or it can be extremely bad. If it is extremely bad, the brand image suffers really badly.

4. Constant Online Visibility


The number of people getting on the internet for buying products and services has increased immensely in the last decade. Tech giants like Facebook and Amazon have been making millions just because of online activities. The brick-and-mortar stores that used to rely entirely on the concept of physical buying and selling have now moved to the web.

In case a business fails to get a website made and engage in regular online promotions then it could miss out on many potential customers. The customers find it simple, quick, and comfortable to shop over the internet as compared to visiting a store in person; brands could be missing out on something major by not being on the internet.

In case a business wants a steady stream of customers then making a website and popularizing it is very important. In case you are just beginning to promote your business online then it is wise to hire a digital marketing agency to ensure that your business has strong visibility.

5. Open Availability


Open Availability - Importance of a Website

Traditional businesses have fixed opening and closing hours. Therefore, the lives of people who ran these businesses were centered on that schedule. There are many times when customers complain about some stores opening too late or closing too early. This problem is solved right away with online businesses.

A customer can get on the internet, search for the desired website, order any products or services or at the very least get to know more about them in detail on the website. There is never any worry about non-availability or wasting of time because people can visit a website any time they want without worrying about waiting in long lines.

Since buying products, getting knowledge, and understanding the scope of services is much faster and efficient on the internet, it is only intelligent to go for that option. Before a customer makes a purchase or reaches out to a brand for getting some services, your website can offer detailed information about your business and why your customer should deal with you.

Therefore, getting a professionally designed website is extremely important at this time. If a business needs to make sure that it grows in a short period of time, a website with an online presence is immensely significant.


Realted Read: Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Lead Generation


Irrespective of how amazing a brand idea might be, it is not going to work out or reach its complete potential in case it is not communicated to the audiences in the right way. A website tells the story of a brand with well-written content, amazing illustrations, and a favorable identity.

Once a consumer is able to relate well to the ideology of a brand, it becomes a lot easier to communicate all the values that a brand stands for. Having a functional website not just improves the chances of growing the business but also ensures that the viewers stay engaged and take the right action.

Therefore, businesses should ensure to have a functional website along with consistent online marketing services by hiring a credible digital marketing agency. This is key for empowering the business in a way that makes the most out of all the opportunities. 

For more information on digital marketing services, get in touch with Encaptechno today.


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PPC vs SEO - Encaptechno

PPC vs SEO – Which is Better?

Marketers are often required to make decisions about how to invest their time and online marketing money. While doing the same, there are some important things to be considered including the difference between PPC ads and SEO rankings.

PPC vs SEO - Encaptechno

Any strategy applied to improve search engine optimization can enable the Google Search ranking to go up by making a page much more relevant to the users. The search listings are free, and Google does not let anyone pay to get a better ranking because of the simple reason that Google is committed to keeping the content reliable and informative.

On the other hand, the PPC ads just like Google Ads are paid online advertisements that appear next to the relevant searches and other content on the internet. Simply running a Google Ad campaign will not be useful for improving the SEO ranking as opposed to some common myths and claims. That said, PPC ads are known to be very helpful in connecting with a wide base of an audience on the internet.

Often, many companies contemplate on what they should use for their business, PPC, SEO, or both? In this blog, we will explore how things work and the benefits that both SEO and PPC are capable of offering.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is the simple practice of optimizing a website or a webpage for increasing the quality and quantity of its traffic from organic search results. The common benefits of SEO include free and passive traffic to a website that comes month after month.

There are a couple of things that must be looked out for when it comes to improving a website’s SEO. The first and most important thing is to make sure that the writing on a website is useful and descriptive. You can explain your topic in simple and easy-to-understand language. It will also pay off to include the words that a user might look for while searching for something online.

In case you include some terms in a website’s copy, it is also important to ensure that you are still talking to the people you hope should see your site. You should not clutter your page with too many search items to ensure that users do not ignore your site. In addition, do not use text images for links, content, and titles that Google does not recognize. Instead, you must focus on what is easy for a user to see and understand.

Why SEO?

Organic SEO can be used as one of the most affordable methods for improving a website’s visibility while placing you right in front of your target audience at the time they come on the internet with a query. Organic clicks are absolutely free and do not cost any money. It takes time to see SEO results but there are no costs associated with every click. If the marketers focus on doing SEO in the right way then free traffic is assured.

After search engine optimization has been used optimally to achieve good rankings, seeing sustained results becomes easy. The business is shown to the potential audience. In essence, SEO ensures more stability. The rankings can stay pretty consistent when you optimize your website in the right manner.

One of the most important standpoints of a good SEO strategy involves creating informative and useful content. When companies focus on creating content that targets a different audience, it becomes easy to get more traffic.

SEO is also pretty cost-effective. You can either an agency for getting search engine optimization services or you can hire a team member. In both cases, the overall cost comes out to be pretty nominal and worth the results that you see in the long haul.

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Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click

Pay-per-click is actually an advertising model in which you pay for clicks. It works when you buy some clicks from Google or any other search engine. Essentially, PPC advertising is a method that is used to quickly leverage search engine traffic by either paying or bidding for keywords that are related to what you are selling or a service that you might be providing.

In PPC ads, you are only supposed to pay when someone clicks on your ads, visits your websites, or also calls your business. The PPC ads give you an opportunity to be noticed by a wider audience. You can change your ads anytime for reaching a specific group of people or promoting a deal or a product. This acts as a resource for companies that cannot update their SEO frequently for promoting sales or seasonal changes in their products or services.

Google Ads also gives you an option of marketing your business outside of Google Search by getting displayed on the Google Display Network. Choosing PPC ads will not let you have the same results as SEO, and it will not improve your search engine rankings. However, with the flexibility they offer, Google Ads can help many businesses attract attention from people who matter right at the moment when they are looking for a business like yours.

Why PPC?

PPC is an advertising method that helps to see immediate results. You can start seeing what it is capable of offering right after you can make your PPC campaign go live. The PPC ads are directly related to seeing traffic, clicks, and conversions.

The PPC ads are placed right at the top of a SERP page. Running and managing a PPC campaign only needs an experienced paid search specialist, and also a good writer who can compose informative content, attractive ads, and landing pages. When you use pay-per-click ads, you have an option to target customers with search ads, shopping ads, Gmail ads, and much more.

All you have to do is use the right advertising tools for reaching your audience and encouraging them to buy from you or even make an inquiry. When you run a PPC campaign, you get access to a wide range of data on the ads and keywords which the customers can click on before making any purchase. This also signifies that you can make changes to a campaign for optimizing it and improving the investment rate that is spent on ads.

It is rather simple to run A/B testing with the help of Google Ads and run a campaign to drive continued improvements and get better returns. You can also implement a targeted approach to offer ads that cater to specific customers. Irrespective of whether you wish to target searches on location, device, time, and other factors, you can use a PPC campaign for reaching out to people who are more than likely to buy.

Finally, when you use PPC ads, there is no need to monitor the Google search algorithm updates. This is because you bid on the top spot, so your organic rankings do not matter as much.

PPC v/s SEO – What Should You Use For Your Business?

The answer to this question depends completely on you. However, it will always help considering that both the SEO and PPC can help in different ways. These days, people look online when they want any kind of recommendation. In this scenario, both SEO and Google Ads can help in connecting with these people when they are looking for something that they need.

Search engine optimization is considered a standpoint for successful digital marketing processes. It gives your business a great chance to be found and that too with organic search. On the other hand, your customers can be reached almost immediately with the help of Google Ads no matter how small or big your business is. In addition, your campaigns can be customized while they are progressing. Basically, SEO and PPC can help you in different ways to make your digital marketing successful.


  • The first and foremost responsibility of a search engine is to use the most suitable results. In case businesses would have been able to pay for higher rankings in the search results, they would not have been getting any information that they are looking for. Hence, PPC marketing does not help to improve SEO results.
  • Google Ads offers a suite of tools that can be used for understanding how to optimize a website. For example, a keyword tool can help in forming a list of items that are related to a business and generate a lot of searches that can be integrated into a website’s content. Moreover, Google Ads can also be used to track tools for measuring any changes in the website and ad campaigns that can lead to more conversions. Google also provides non-Google ads to many small businesses for free. Google Analytics can track which queries bring more visitors to a site even when Google Ads is being used.

Both PPC and SEO can be used together to get the best results in bringing more traffic to a website and enhancing a business presence for long-term success. However, there can be some situations in which you can use either PPC or SEO. They are:

1. Launching a Creative Product or Service: If you want to get more organic traffic, it becomes important to target topics that most people are looking for already. However, when you are working for a company that caters to offering innovative products and services, it is probable that almost no one is looking for it.

When you bring a new and creative product or service to the market that has not been offered before, people don’t know if they need it or not. You have the power to make them realize the difference that a product or a service might offer.

Hence, if you are bringing a never seen or heard product to the market then it will be best if you use the power of PPC ads for building awareness. This will help in seeing almost immediate results. After you have achieved a certain standing in the market, you can begin using SEO or a mix of SEO and PPC.

2. Preparing For a Launch: In case you are preparing for the launch of a product or promoting something in a one-time event then search engine optimization is not going to do the job. You need immediate responses and greater awareness and to get that you will have to use the PPC ads.

If you use search engine optimization then you have to be aware that it will take its time. The launch event that you are preparing for will get over by the time you see your ranking. Hence, it is best to consider PPC ads or other digital marketing options such as influencer marketing.

3. Gaining Organic Reach: The organic search equates to the search results of a search engine that are not related to paid advertising. They are ranked on the basis of their relevance to the search keywords. Acquiring a good organic reach needs consistent SEO best practices.

In case you are in no hurry and you wish to create a long-term reach and popularity about your business then you can use SEO for gaining organic search. This is an excellent method for staying at the top and helps considerably in converting more and more leads. The only thing is that the SEO practices take some time to show their results.


To conclude, we would like to mention that rather than worrying which one out of SEO and PPC is better, the focus should be on figuring out a strategy that combines SEO and PPC so that the best digital marketing outcome can be obtained. You can form a strategy that targets the right keywords and use them for both SEO and PPC.

However, it is also important to remember that every channel is different and it always makes sense for them to be managed that has the experience. Both SEO and PPC require different skills and knowledge to see some tangible results. Therefore, make sure that an experienced person handles it for you.

PPC vs SEO – Which is Better? Read More »

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