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How to Avoid the Most Common Mistakes of SEO - Encaptechno

Most Common Mistakes of SEO And How To Avoid Them

Many business owners and digital marketers make a dedicated plan for search engine optimization practices so that the organic traffic increases and eventually the overall revenue does too. Be it compiling a list of blogs every month for your website, optimizing the website content, or searching some keywords relevant to a business, most people try and do it all.

How to Avoid the Most Common Mistakes of SEO - Encaptechno

However, even after dedicated hard work, the results come by very slowly. It can take marketers no less than six months to actually start seeing their websites get ranked. To see quick results, marketers often reevaluate and study their SEO practices in complete detail. It is then they really begin to understand the small mistakes they made while implementing their search engine optimization strategy.

Are you in the same boat? Are trying to get a decent ranking on the first page of search engines?

Then, it might give you some respite when we say that making SEO mistakes is common. You have to understand that the implementation of an SEO marketing strategy is a process that takes some time to master. With the right knowledge of SEO practices and staying updated with the new rules, you should be able to get a better ranking quickly.

In most cases, all that you are required to do is make some corrections so you can start seeing results. The points given below will give you an insight on what are the common SEO mistakes and the ways in which these mistakes can be avoided.

1. Not Having a Dedicated SEO Plan

Dedicated SEO Plan

There is no purpose in knowing all about SEO and then taking no action on maximizing the productivity from that knowledge you have. So many businesses have a hard time building and implementing a well-defined SEO marketing strategy. In fact, very few numbers of these businesses actually have a strategy in the first place.

Hence, if you wish to get SEO results then you must realize the importance of building a detailed SEO strategy and roadmap for your success. That said, many plans end up failing because of the simple reason that building a sustainable and efficient strategy is dependent on many stakeholders.

In case you do not already have a plan for SEO then it is time you build it now and while you are at it, keep in mind to get the viewpoint of everyone from your team. Record the placement of your website at the current moment and implement practices so that you can see your website getting ranked at the top. You can set goals and work dedicatedly on the workflows.

As a part of your plan, you should evaluate and understand your competition so that the rankings, keywords, content, and SEO performance are streamlined. In addition, break down important actions into small tasks and work on goals for key stakeholders. Also look for technologies, tools, and other platforms that can help you manage your workflow and strategy.

2. Not Drafting Content With Search Intent

At the time you plan and compose your content, keep in mind that everything must be thought and done in conjunction with search intent. The content has to be written in a targeted sense so that your audience actually finds your content useful.

You must be aware of your target audience pretty well. Keep them and their search intent clear in your mind as you go on composing content so that your efforts are not wasted. What we mean by search intent is the expectation of your audience while looking something up.

It is absolutely necessary that your website and content satisfy the search intent by offering a suitable solution. This is precisely why it is important to understand the likes and dislikes of your audience. Your blogs, website, and even social media content should solve the search intent in a precise sense.

3. Ignoring the Use of Analytics

Any credible digital marketing consultant would tell you clearly that search engine optimization is not merely about a large amount of free traffic. Rather, the main purpose of SEO is to convert your audience effortlessly. Do not get caught up in compiling a list of phrases that send the most traffic while getting disappointed when you cannot rank for competitive keywords.

Remember to focus on low-traffic keywords as well because they might be more specific. If you manage to get a decent ranking for all the low-ranking keywords, it can be pretty good for driving more sales. The best way to discover this is to explore what you want to track.

Mastery of using analytics will enable you to track how many people are actually getting converted as your clients while comparing them with each other to see what produces the best possible results. Understanding this will help you optimize your website completely and also understand the efforts that are worth focusing on and the ones that should be compromised.

4. Not Staying Updated With SEO Techniques

SEO is pretty dynamic and we might as well say knowledgeable field. For this reason, you have to prioritize studying the field if you want to really understand it and derive some favorable results. Keeping yourself updated with newly released happenings is very important.

Google brings out new updates often. Digital marketers should be aware of all of these new updates. In case a marketer misses out on an update, the ranking can get affected and a person may lose out on getting important traffic.

Hence, if you are trying to get your website or blogs ranked then remember to keep yourself updated with all new SEO changes that might happen every now and then. This will enable you to streamline your SEO marketing strategy while getting the desired results.

5. Not Focusing On Website Speed

Website Speed

This is something that gets ignored very often but is actually very important. The quicker your website loads, the better are the chances of Google favoring it amongst others. Check the speed of your website to get an overview of all aspects that are needed to boost your rankings.

To do this, you can take actions such as optimizing your website. Numerous websites have images that are pretty large and take a significant time to load. Make sure that you resize your image so that the loading time increases in speed. In addition, also keep in mind that browser caching plays an important role. It has the capacity to speed up your entire website.

All in all, just keep in mind that for the visitors to stay on your website for a decent amount of time, the responsiveness of your website plays an important role. Your website should be able to load quickly without any further delays so that your SEO practices improve too.

6. Stuffing Too Many Keywords

The habit of stuffing keywords is a very common SEO practice that spoils your efforts. It has been used for some time now and even today, it is considered problematic. Using keywords is again done in tandem with Google updates. There is a way of using key phrases so that the content becomes optimized.

You have to make sure that your website performs the updated keyword stuffing tactics so that you can get ranked. The search engines have a set pattern that they follow while indexing pages. If you do not want to get ignored, you have to make it a point to follow that pattern.

Use a fair share of keywords when you go about inserting your keywords into the content. Until the time your website reads properly, you will be ranked easily.

7. Not Inviting People to Your Site

The metadata is actually what engine result pages appear on the search anytime when a website comes up for some questions. It includes some titles used on a page and some meta descriptions. In essence, the page title counts as one of the most important ranking causes for any search engine. Therefore, ensure that you optimize all meta descriptions for each website page.

Make it a point to add important keywords to every page and also ensure that each page title is not very long. In case your page title is too long then there is a chance for it to get off and that is not good because your visitors should be able to read complete titles in SERPs.

Also, remember that the meta description is not a ranking factor and it plays an important part in streamlining the Click Through Rate. The CTR can also provide relevant insight on how the visitors are actually clicking on a website.

In case you optimize the meta descriptions with a clear and attractive heading on what a potential visitor can find on a website, it becomes easy to understand the information that is being looked for on a page. The more a visitor feels that your website will have an answer to their question, the more traffic a page is going to gain.

8. No Use of Call to Action

When the target audience comes to your website, an important objective is to elongate their stay. It is not good if the visitors bounce back instantly after they have read something on a website. This is why it is so important to encourage more visitors to click on your website as a part of your SEO marketing strategy. One of the best ways to do that is to create a suitable call-to-action button that prompts visitors to take action on your website.

With the relevant use of Call-to-action buttons, you can enable your visitors to buy, sign up, or become your subscribers. Also, make sure that each page on your website has a call to action button so that the goal of each website page is clear.

In case you go around adding multiple call-to-action buttons, you might lose focus and page visitors will not land where you wish them to go. Therefore, be clear about your goals for each page and make sure that CTA buttons are seen prominently in a website’s design. If the CTA button is included properly in the design, it will attract more clicks. Hence, it should be seen clearly.

9. Ignoring Mobile Optimization

Mobile Optimization

Google switched to mobile-first indexing in the year 2018. This also means that Google sees the mobile version of a website to understand and decide the ranking that a website deserves. Therefore, if the desktop version of a website is set up and the mobile version is not responsive anymore then there is a lot of work to be done.

You can consider using the mobile-friendly test to see if a website is relevant to be used on a mobile or not. This will give you an indication of whether your website is capable of being displayed on mobile devices. In addition, also visit your own website through your phone to see how quickly it loads.

Keep browsing your website while clicking on each button, image, and even on the links to see what happens next. Everything should be just as you expected; you should be able to buy things seamlessly, and all the pages should also be displayed in the right order. In case there is any problem, you will know that something needs to be looked into and solved.

10. Not Consulting an Expert

Search engine optimization is a full-time job and it also requires patience and dedication. You must be updated with the new trends, strategies, and changes. Sometimes business owners think they can manage everything on their own. The truth is that with so many things to manage, they cannot and they learn this the hard way.

A digital marketing consultant is always updated with new trends and knows what works best and what does not. Getting in touch with an experienced professional pays off well in getting the desired results quickly.


Search engine optimization is an extremely important factor responsible for making your website stand out. Getting a higher Google ranking is linked with good website design and an SEO checklist which helps in making the website informative and relevant. In this case, organizing your tasks is imperative.

To do this, take the assistance of a digital marketing consultant who can guide you properly while offering important inputs that make your website rank higher before and after your website is up and running.

Most Common Mistakes of SEO And How To Avoid Them Read More »

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SEO and its importance in Digital Marketing - Encaptechno

What is SEO and Its Importance in Digital Marketing?

In case you have ever spent any time working on your own or someone else’s website over a few years then you will probably understand the importance of SEO. Planning and implementing SEO activities have become a fundamental part of digital marketing. Search engine optimization or SEO brings an online success that often hinges upon the ability of a person to get a website ranked.

SEO and its importance in Digital Marketing - Encaptechno

Imagine you have a business running at a nice brick-and-mortar store. However, no one knows about your business in the digital world. Now because your business is not known on the internet, there is a chance that someone might drop out of simple curiosity looking for a product X but might discover that you sell product Y only after dropping by at your store.

On the other hand, let’s say you have a store with a good name, great brand value, high-quality products, and everyone on the internet knows about it. This will not just attract your target audience and make them come to your store, but it will also tell so many other potential customers about why you stand out.

The previous example is of a business that is not optimized on the internet, and the latter is an example of a business that is optimized on the internet with SEO. Hence, the process of SEO in digital marketing optimization is like a game-changer for a business that is trying to succeed.

In this blog, we will talk about what is SEO and its importance in digital marketing?

What is SEO?

What is SEO

An appropriate answer to the question, “What is SEO?” will be that SEO refers to a set of practices used to get a website at the top spots on search engines like Google. The search engines read each element of a website before they determine where the results should be positioned. They read the content; understand all themes and context of a web page. In addition, they also investigate the entire website while looking at other website references or links that determine where individual pages of the website should get ranked.

Basically, there are several factors that search engines have to consider while displaying the results on their pages. Now the main job of SEO is to identify those keywords and phrases that are important to a business or a website so that a website can rank highly for them. The higher rank a business gets, the better it turns out for a business.

Hence, with an effective SEO marketing strategy, a website can be optimized for an increase in traffic. This is done by making changes to the content and design of a website so that the website becomes a lot more engaging to hold the traffic on a search engine. All the activities that are involved in SEO are done with the aspiration that the website gets displayed at the top of the search engine result page.

High-quality digital marketing optimization means best SEO practices for generating targeted leads. If the rank of the website gets improved then it automatically means higher traffic. Increased traffic corresponds to better leads and if these leads convert into business then the business is bound to be successful.

Working of SEO

The search engines function to offer the precise and best possible results of different queries asked by a user. This essentially means that search engines are based on algorithms based on generating accurate and relevant results according to the needs of a user. In essence, search engines have a defined method for scanning different websites which helps in delivering suitable results to the people searching for different topics or keywords.

Mainly, search engines scan a website to find out how simple it is to navigate and read so that all possible user-friendly websites can be rewarded with high rankings on result pages. Now, an SEO marketing strategy is implemented to ensure that a business ranks high on a search engine for some keywords that are looked upon by the targeted and potential audiences.

For example; if someone is looking for a blog on “Importance of Higher Education In Healthcare.” Now, in order to make sure that this blog reaches the right people, the academic consultancies will try to optimize the content in a way that the blog post shows up at the top for anyone who searches the “Importance of Higher Education In Healthcare.”

If the SEO activities are done right then they can be very beneficial for a business. The improvement of SEO can lead to expanding the visibility of the search engines. This helps in reaching, engaging, converting, and retaining all the potential customers. With the creation of interesting and effective SEO-based content, the organic traffic coming down to a website can be increased very easily making organic search engine optimization very easy.

Importance of SEO in Digital Marketing

Without an effective SEO marketing strategy, a website can struggle to get the right traffic needed by a business for surviving and more importantly thriving. When the customers will be unable to find a website, sales will not be made and the platform will be entirely wasted. The time and money put in SEO help in digital marketing optimization that comes with multiple benefits for a business.

On average, a good number of visitors who come to a website get there because of organic means. Hence, organic traffic driven by SEO-driven digital marketing optimization is more important than paid search.

In addition, based on which industry a person might be in, it can be seen that SEO has great importance. The business services depend on SEO for as much as 70% of traffic. It will not be wrong to state that SEO is the most important digital marketing channel. Irrespective of which industry a business might be in, organic traffic is the main source of driving the website’s traffic.

SEO has great importance amongst all digital channels because it has the ability to impact a large volume of audiences. Given below are some reasons that will clearly help in understanding why SEO is so important for digital marketing.

1. Improved Organic Traffic

As mentioned above, organic search results are largely responsible for attracting most of the visitors to the websites. Most people avoid clicking on advertisements while skipping straight away to the organic search results below which then makes SEO a strong and excellent way to boost the number of people coming to a website.

Without an effective SEO marketing strategy, a business can lose thousands of potential customers because no matter which channel comes up, a search engine will always be the most popular method to search for something on the internet.

2. Trust and Reputation

There are many customers who do not buy things from businesses they do not trust while relying on services such as Google for showing the best possible results. This also means that a failure to appear on the very first page of Google results has the ability to make a company look less trustworthy.

It also shows that you have not put much effort into marketing while leaving your customers to think that there is something wrong. This is in fact a problem that has hurt many reputable businesses in the past. Organizations that are visible in organic search are much more trusted and also stand a much higher chance of convincing customers to purchase.

3. Enhanced Visibility

Enhanced Visibility

One of the most significant benefits of search engine optimization is that it increases visibility which also means that it makes it easier for people to find a business. The fact that visibility is directly related to better sales empowers a business to become successful.

The higher a business ranks on a search engine result page, the better prospects it will have to get seen and clicked on through a site. In addition, the more effective are SEO efforts, the higher will be the ranking, and accordingly, the visibility will improve too. This is specifically important when you consider a major chunk of users does not bother to go past the first page of a search engine.

4. Visitor Experience

Visitor Experience

An important reason why SEO is considered important for digital marketing optimization is that out of all the time a business puts in developing good content and optimizing a website, the usability of a website improves considerably. This also creates a positive and seamless user experience.

For example, when you take important steps for making a website responsive, the mobile users have a comfortable experience. Similar to this, increasing the load speed of a page enables to reduce the bounce rate and also encourages the visitors to spend a long time on a website.

A majority of consumers expect a page to load within no more than two seconds and the longer is the load time, the higher becomes the bounce rate which lowers the conversions considerably.

5. Local Searches

The local businesses are often at a disadvantage of suffering because of other companies out competing them and SEO is not any different. With the amount of competition on the internet, it can become difficult to reach out effectively. To save you from this situation, tools such as Google My Business prove extremely useful.

Other than signing up for a profile, you can also think about how a website is built with appropriate mentions of locations and embedded maps that enable search engines to know your location. SEO activities can be used to optimize the Google my Business accounts for ranking up in the map pack which is visible in a wide range of local searches.

6. Business Growth

Lastly, the most important reason why SEO is important is because it can help you achieve many business goals. It helps in improving relationships with the audience and also improves the customer experience.

By implementing the SEO activities, one can increase their pages in authority, drive many people to a website, gain a competitive edge, increase conversions, more sales and considerable growth.


After understanding the meaning of SEO, its working and its importance in digital marketing, you must have gained a fair idea about SEO optimization. It is a practice that boosts the rankings and helps in building the brand identity.

Even though there are many factors that affect the SEO ranking, an important one is the quality of content. It is also important to remember that search engines are a gradual process and take time to show results. Consistency is the key which when combined with a dedicated plan is capable of showing great results.

It is best to hire a professional for making effective SEO marketing strategy because that professional will ensure that you get the results that you are looking for in a short span of time. For any more information, get in touch with Encaptechno and get your digital marketing operations going.

What is SEO and Its Importance in Digital Marketing? Read More »

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