
social media marketing

Proven Tips to Grow On Social Media | Encaptechno

Proven Tips to Grow On Social Media

Proven Tips to Grow On Social Media | Encaptechno
In the present world, social media is known as one of the most important aspects of digital marketing. It is prevalent for offering many benefits that help people and businesses reach millions of customers worldwide. In case a business is not using the profitable source of social media marketing, there is a chance of missing out on a remarkable marketing opportunity that can play a key role in increasing overall revenue.

A good social media marketing strategy can be a powerful way for businesses of all sizes for reaching prospects and customers. Let’s say you run a brand and you are not present on social media then you will end up missing out on a large chunk of the audience who will never come to know about your brand.

On the other hand, your customers will be interacting with your competitors through social media regularly on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. If you have already not woken up to this fact then we would like to reiterate for you that social media marketing can be your key to bringing great success. You can collaborate with loyal brand advocates and also drive leads and sales.

There are some proven tips that can be used to grow on social media. However, before we begin to understand all those tips, we will first start by understanding what social media marketing is and its importance for your business.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing
can be considered as a form of internet marketing that includes creating and sharing valuable content on social media networks. The main objective of social media marketing is to achieve marketing and branding goals. It can commonly include activities such as posting valuable textual content, image updates, videos, etc. for driving audience engagement and paid advertising.

A well planned and implemented social media marketing strategy can help in achieving many goals like building conversions, raising brand awareness, increasing website traffic, improving communication and interaction with audiences, creating a strong brand identity and positive brand association, etc. The more engaged an audience is on a social media network, the better it becomes for you to achieve marketing goals.

What is Social Media Marketing Strategy?

A social media marketing strategy serves as a detailed blueprint capable of solving all problems on the social media channels. An effective social media marketing strategy is not limited to posting photos and tweets. Rather, it is a well thought out plan which highlights things such as what you are posting, and a goal that you wish to achieve from it.

Just as any other strategy, a social media marketing strategy comes way before you actually start creating. It is a detailed plan with thought-provoking ideas, a purpose, and a path to a definite chief aim that you are trying to achieve. With a social media marketing strategy, you can enhance your customer interaction processes and eventually your brand awareness as well.

Consider that you are building your own small business. Now, you will not just open a shop the very next day you decide that you want to do a business. There are many things involved in the process that includes planning, strategizing, and implementing and it is similar with each new step you will take towards building a business.

A strategy is an important part of social media marketing. It demands an in-depth understanding of your audience, what they expect, how their expectations align with your goals, and finally, how you can attract them with an offer that gets them on board.

A crucial thing that you must remember here is that you can have several social media goals. You can use social media marketing tools to get more leads, share important product or service information, expand brand awareness, your network, or anything that helps in connecting with your customers.

Moreover, you can create different strategies for different platforms based on the nature of a platform. You can post content on Facebook for generating more leads, Instagram for sharing visually attractive content, and YouTube for informative content.

Tips to Grow on Social Media

With the changing times, the business processes present today have changed as well. A social media platform enables us to go further beyond boundaries while reaching out to millions all over the world. In case you are a small to a medium-sized business owner who wishes to expand the reach then it is important to be where the existing and potential customers are present.

Being present on social media and continuously publishing valuable content can help your brand grow at a great speed. Below mentioned are some of the tips that you can use to grow on social media channels.

1. Customer Engagement Plan

Social media marketing has proven itself as one of the most popular methods for creating an environment that enables people to access, use and exchange information. The brands that wish to grow in the market and make a name for themselves must understand that building a customer engagement plan is a must for
brand enhancement.

Hence, the marketing team must work on developing a customer engagement plan for building social media presence. If made nicely then this plan can help in deciding how to relate with a customer, and increase engagement. Social media marketing is the best way to connect, engage, and attract more customers. The more you connect with the audience, the more likely you can convert them.

Brands should be focused on creating a two-way contact with the target audience. In addition, communication and increased consumer interaction is an effective way to attract exposure to the brand message. With fundamental market analysis, it becomes easy to decide which social networks a brand should be targeting. On the basis of a well-planned strategy, the brands can maximize their reach and customer engagement with social media marketing.

2. Being Active on Popular Platforms

Social media is easily one of the most stress-free and lucrative digital marketing platforms which if used effectively can help in increasing business visibility and
brand awareness. To see the results of this, businesses will have to create social media profiles for their brand for networking with their target audience.

Brand awareness can be enhanced if there is enough presence on social media networks. Based on which channels can work well for a business, efforts must be made to publish regular content on these platforms. With a couple of hours spent on social media on a weekly basis, marketers claim that their social media marketing efforts increase brand visibility and the user experience.

Hence, there is no doubt that by having a dedicated social media handle on popular platforms, businesses can benefit immensely and with regular use, it can also become possible to produce a wide audience for a business in almost no time. Marketers must be mindful of the fact that being active on social media platforms is being worked on while a strategy is planned.

3. Being Aware of the Competition

There is a wide range of social media profiles accessible to the masses. Going live on social media can be a brand’s choice for understanding the competitors better and also knowing different strategies being implemented to attract the audience.

In addition, it is also easy to see the content that is being posted on the social media profiles of your competitor while judging the posts that do better. After the completion of this analysis, you can look into all the questions asked by the audience and also include the questions in a social media marketing strategy.

Businesses can go through a competitor’s post, comments and the manner in which engagement is being done with the audience. Other than this, you can also read and understand the questions that the audience asks and how your business can improve according to those concerns.

Social media marketing offers you an opportunity to research increasingly about how well informed an audience is. On the basis of these comparisons, you can answer questions effectively and make yourself much more aware of important things that you didn’t know about earlier. Study the customer service of your competitor and compare it with your customer service to analyze how you can do better than them.

4. Publishing Valuable Content

Businesses must make it a habit to publish relevant and informative content on social media. All the other tips do not grow as much they can if the content published from the official accounts of brands is not useful. 

Taking the support of an expert content development agency can be helpful. Businesses must remember that if they get the publishing valuable content part right then the success will automatically on the social media channels. 

5. Building Transparency

By creating a strong social media presence and using a good strategy in place, you can build transparency. Even though sometimes it is not possible to control what people might say about you, you can still manage your brand image by understanding more about your audience by learning from what people are saying.

Increasing customer interaction with the social media followers and building more transparent communication channels can help in getting greater customer insights when compared with tools or data. It will also build an authentic image for your brand.

7. Understanding Purchasing Patterns

Social media networks are always open to everyone which further enables businesses to follow customer activities of potential buyers. Social media helps marketers to be informed about the likes, dislikes, inclinations, and target audience so that it can become simple to form an improved
social media marketing strategy.

Understanding the purchasing patterns of the audience also allows you to focus on things that you may not be following while the creation of content and therefore becoming better at digital marketing strategies. A social media marketing strategy gives you a chance to see what interests your customers the most.

You can develop content that is related to your audience for particularly increasing engagement on the social media handles. This helps in gaining better access to see different demographics of people who visited your account and the kind of content that was liked on the social media profile. When you do this, you will significantly improve your marketing skills and create engaging content.

8. Communicating With Audience

No matter which industry may be operating in, finding customers on social media is easy in the present time. This is major because most people in the present time are active on social media platforms. The customers use social media to connect with friends, family, and acquaintances and for a network with brands and businesses.

On the other hand, social media networks are also a great tool to increase customer interaction all around the world. Businesses should keep in mind that owning and running a business offers a much better chance to communicate with a wide audience. Plus, one can learn about social media statistics by going on the internet, connecting, and buying something.

9. Boosting Website Traffic

If a business has a strong web presence, then social media growth plays the role of supplementing the presence. The use of social media helps in reaching different audiences in a useful, entertaining, and personal way while referring to potential customers you may never have had a chance to engage with previously.

This has the potential to work well in almost all cases when it is done correctly. The website and foot traffic can increase easily with the effective use of social media marketing. Let your business be known with the power of social media. You can add a link to your website in your stories on social media or with your every post. There are many ways and exploring each one of them can pay off in the long run.


Each and every business that is running in the market has different goals and methods of measuring success. Using social media regularly can help in achieving business goals efficiently. Either businesses can achieve the goals themselves or they can take the support of professionals who are experienced in offering these services.

If you want to grow on social media, make sure that you are mindful of all the tips that are mentioned above. If you follow them then your brand will not just succeed, but it will quickly emerge at the top as well.

If you wish to attain social media growth by publishing valuable content and interacting with the customers in the right ways, then taking the expertise of a professional can be helpful. Let your brand shine and gain the necessary growth on social media by getting in touch with the experienced digital marketing professionals of Encaptechno.

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Detailed Comparison Between Hootsuite and Zoho Social | Encaptechno

Detailed Comparison Between Hootsuite and Zoho Social

Detailed Comparison Between Hootsuite and Zoho Social | Encaptechno


The rise of social media has been more of a game-changer for many businesses and content creators. It has offered an easy way to market a brand and various products or services. Well-planned social media marketing plans help in increasing organic traffic and boosting sales. However, social media marketing is not so much of an easy endeavor.

The process of managing social media marketing can be somewhat time-consuming for small to medium-sized businesses. An effective solution to this is social media management platforms that help in centralizing and automating social media posts. Two of the most popular social media management platforms in the market are Zoho Social and Hootsuite. They help in planning, scheduling, and posting with a calendar which then sorts the posting process.

The right use of social media platforms can help in building and creating posts including adding branded content and customized photos to articles. You can centralize and automate posts for many social media applications which makes social media marketing so much more efficient without limiting your reach across platforms.

The platform chosen by a business depends on its needs and marketing plan. In this blog, we will see a detailed comparison between Hootsuite and Zoho Social to get a better explanation.

Zoho Social and Hootsuite – An Overview

Hootsuite and Zoho Social are two different products that come with different features, prices, and functionalities. Where on one hand, Hootsuite stands out for being oriented towards complex needs and multiple teams of an enterprise-level business, Zoho Social comes with basic functional capacities needed to manage social media presences.

Both the social media management platforms help in bossing the social following. They also allow staying on the top of the client’s list and prospects in an efficient way. These tools are powerful for reconfiguring the social media approach in case your current one is failing to reach marketing goals.

Below, we will have a look at Hootsuite and Zoho Social in detail to understand what they can bring to the table.

What is Hootsuite?

A dominant social media management tool, Hootsuite helps its users to find prospects, serve customers, and do much more with social media. It also enables the service seekers to handle prominent social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and so on. Many customers consider Hootsuite to be one of the most comprehensive
social media marketing tools.

It is a tool that comes with an organized dashboard and customizable layout. By using the unique social media dashboard of Hootsuite, teams can collaboratively schedule updates to various social networks. It is also possible to integrate existing marketing tools, streamline workflows, track campaign results or trends, and quick-adjust tactics accordingly.

Hootsuite comes with multiple attractive features as well. It contains collaboration features, cooperative writing, and editing, contact management, content management, project management, and many more. There are other useful software features as well such as social media marketing features, reputation management features, and social media monitoring features. Using Hootsuite, people can easily share engagement streams with their teams. Moreover, it is also possible to control multiple communication channels with this collaborative platform.

Features of Hootsuite

1. Monitoring Social Media Streams

Monitoring Social Media Streams | Features of HootsuiteOne can say that a compelling feature for using Hootsuite is that it enables a brand to manage multiple social media networks all in one place. There is no need to remember all the passwords anymore or even go to each website individually.

With the use of Hootsuite, it is easy to post, update, review responses, and connect with the target audience on all the popular social media networks. In addition to using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, it is also possible to collaborate via third-party apps such as Tumblr, Evernote, Slideshare, MailChimp, etc.

2. Schedule Posts

Schedule Posts | Features of HootsuiteAnother significant reason for using Hootsuite is that it enables one to schedule important messages all across important social media platforms. You can create a social media strategy that includes crucial times when postings are most often read and get more followers to see your content.

All you have to do is just pick the day and time that suits your needs in the best ways. This enables you to view the scheduled posts in easy to read calendar format.

3. Viewing Analytics

Viewing Analytics | Features of HootsuiteThe
social media dashboard of Hootsuite comes with many analytics features that give you an in-depth view of how well your social media strategy is working. This is a tool that comes with the ability to track all your favorite platforms while delivering them in an easy-to-read series of charts.

In addition, Hootsuite also provides an extensive range of monitoring and reporting features that enables you to create professional-looking reports on the social media progress page.

4. Sharing Information

Hootsuite comes with a bookmark plug-in feature that helps in sharing content across the internet with your followers. This is an add-on that sits on the top of your browser toolbar for easy access.

When you discover that something on the internet is important that must be shared, all you have to do is just click on the Hootlet button. The application will shorten the URL and insert a small snippet of important text from the site into the social media message. It is a plug-in that makes adding Hootsuite to your social media arsenal worthwhile.

5. Tracking Important Phrases

A great way to connect with your customer base is through social media listening. You have to see what most people on social media are engaging in while bringing in your company’s value to the topic or trend.

Hootsuite comes with features that help you track key phrases and terms across the posts of other uses while determining when your expertise can be beneficial. This is an excellent way to bring in new customers by just being in tune with their needs.

6. Managing Customer Service

Another reason why many companies do not adopt
social media management platforms is that it becomes difficult to manage customer service on them. With the use of Hootsuite, it becomes easy to view questions in a single place without checking multiple social media websites.

Moreover, you can also store draft messages for posting when a customer asks a frequent question such as store hours or directions to your business location.

7. Collaborating Effectively

t becomes easy to manage your team with Hootsuite. It is a social media management tool that allows you to add different team members to the social media accounts of your choice and see first-hand who is posting what information and who has scheduled posts.

The effective collaboration that is offered on Hootsuite also makes it easy for you to assign tasks, add collaborators, and edit posts just as you see fit. Basically, the entire process of social media management becomes streamlined in a way that all the stress is removed.

What is Zoho Social?

Zoho Social is a cloud-based
social media management platform available in the SaaS version which can be run on multiple devices. This is software that helps users in monitoring social media channels, perform multi-account management, and encourage multi-user collaboration.

Social media performance analytics and data-driven insights are also offered with Zoho Social that helps in making informed decisions. With this software, you can easily manage and track content while ensuring much better customer engagement. It is also possible to monitor keywords and schedule multiple posts with Zoho Social. You can create content and publish it automatically with the use of this social media marketing tool.

Zoho Social is used to schedule content in various ways, monitor metrics that matter, and create intelligent reports. It also empowers you with all the features needed to create a renowned brand on social media. It is basically a modern and organized interface for social media management and analytics. It is a solution that is focused on the needs of small and medium-sized businesses with advanced analytics, a post scheduler, and an integrated message center.

In sum, Zoho Social is packed with features that are built for all social media needs. You can schedule content in various ways, monitor all that matters, and create intelligent reports.

Features of Zoho Social

1. Scheduling Posts

Scheduling Posts | Features of Zoho SocialZoho Social comes with a content pipeline and an intuitive social media scheduler. You can control when and how you wish to reach out to your brand’s audience by choosing from a wide range of scheduling features. You can plan, schedule, and publish easily. All the publishing tools that you need are in one place.

By using Zoho Social, you can schedule posts, drag and drop to reschedule and manage the content pipeline from a single screen only. You can also create a posting schedule with different time slots, or depend on the SmartIQ predictions for posting content when the audience is most active.

Zoho Social helps in building a posting pipeline effortlessly. It is easy to use content creation tools such as RSS and zShare browser extension that can pair with the social media dashboard.

2. Monitoring

Monitoring | Features of Zoho SocialZoho Social comes with monitoring features for businesses and agencies. You can monitor the important keywords, product reviews, brand hashtags, and much more. In addition, you can also discover new leads and see what people are saying about the brands you manage across your social channels.

With the social media management platform of Zoho Social, you can create listening columns for tracking the brand reviews, mentions, and brand keywords. You can also easily discover all important trends, and participate in industry conversations.

Other than this, Zoho Social also comes with a live stream of your social engagements in just one dedicated tab. You can also respond to engagement and get more context on important brand interactions. Lastly, you can reply to inline messages on Facebook and Twitter while checking out the social profile information of engagers and other important responses. This will help you in sending timely replies to requests and messages with real-time notifications.

3. Collaboration

Collaboration | Features of Zoho SocialZoho Social is a social media management platform that comes with many smart collaboration features. It allows a number of people to work together on different social things. You can discuss popular posts, share custom reports, and plan a campaign together.

You can also make quick decisions and save time while collaborating with the team from Zoho Social. Zoho Social helps in having important conversations with teammates. You can discuss engagement, reports, and work collaboratively on the drafts with chat, audio, and video calls.

Even if someone in the team has a new content idea, they can discuss it and get approval on the drafts, and share copy ideas all from one tab. Zoho Social also brings your team on board with a specific role for all team members that are invited. You can choose from the available roles or create new roles of your own. It is easy to decide which brands, features, and social channels each team member can access. 

4. Analyzing

Zoho Social is a social media analytics tool that measures all that matters to a brand. You can analyze the impact of a social media strategy with this tool. It is also easy to create insightful reports that help in understanding your audience and tracking your social media performance.

You can easily discover where your followers are from, the kind of content they like, what they are saying about you, and get key metrics for analyzing the brand’s performance. Zoho Social also lets you choose from a wide range of analytics for your social channels. You can add more visual appeal to your reports with graphs and charts, set up a schedule, decide a frequency, and automate reports to be delivered to your team at a time of your choice.

5. User-Friendly and Intuitive

While Hootsuite and Zoho Social come with similar features, Zoho Social is preferred by many because it is extremely intuitive and user-friendly. This benefit avoids a learning curve even when you do not have experience using social platforms. You can pick things up and learn from wherever you left.

Once you get the hang of things, it becomes easy to come on board and train others. Hootsuite is focused on a larger business which is why it involves more time on setting things up and more time on training employees for using the platform.


Zoho Social and Hootsuite both can be used for tracking the effectiveness of social media campaigns and change the strategies accordingly. Based on the differences that are mentioned above and the needs of your business, you can choose a social media management platform that enables you to gain a wide reach.

Our Zoho CRM consultants have been offering the best consultancy services to many clients across various industries. If you want any more guidance or support on Zoho Social implementation, feel free to get in touch.


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