How Digital Marketing Is Ruling the World | Encaptechno

How Digital Marketing Is Ruling the World?

How Digital Marketing Is Ruling the World | Encaptechno
The practice of digital marketing is typically linked to the marketing campaigns that appear on electronic devices. This is a kind of marketing that can particularly take multiple forms including search engine marketing, paid social ads, social media posts, online videos, etc.

Very often, digital marketing is compared with traditional marketing uses magazine ads, direct mails, and billboards. However, digital marketing wins in the present time because most people live on the internet. As a digital marketing professional, one must learn to take advantage of the digital world with a strong online lead generation strategy and social media presence.

The process of building a brand and offering an improved customer experience comes with an ability to attract many more potential customers when customer-targeted campaigns are into play.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the process of promoting brands so that they connect with potential customers using the internet and other ways of digital communication. This commonly includes email, web, social media, multimedia messages, texts, etc. Essentially, it can be said that in case a marketing campaign involves digital communication, it is called digital marketing.

Digital marketing is often defined using many different digital tactics and channels for connecting with customers where most time is spent online. Right from the website to the brand assets of a business, digital advertising, online brochures, email marketing and much more, there are many methods that fall under the wide umbrella of digital marketing.

There are various ways in which the potential of digital marketing channels can be maximized. The passionate, dedicated, and experienced digital marketers also have a clear picture of how all campaigns support the goals.  Based on the goals of a marketing strategy, it is easy to support a large campaign with the use of free and paid channels.

A content marketer can effectively create blog posts that serve to create leads from a web guide including information that the business specialized in. This can lead to increased website traffic. On the other hand, a social media marketing professional can help in promoting the blog posts using the paid and organic posts on the social media accounts of a business. In addition, an email marketer can create an email campaign for sending more information to those who download the ebook.

Why is Digital Marketing Ruling the World?

Digital marketing is a method by which brands can effectively reach a larger audience when compared with the traditional methods. It becomes to target the prospects that are likely to buy a product or a service with digital marketing. In addition, it is cost-efficient as compared to traditional advertising and also allows you to measure success on an everyday basis.

All brands that have a well planned and effective online lead generation strategy in place have the ability to rule the world. Some of the benefits offered by digital marketing that show why it is ruling the world are mentioned below.

1. Targeting the Right Prospects

Targeting the Right ProspectsIn traditional advertising, there is only limited control over who sees the ad. When you place an advertisement on television, billboard, or even a magazine, there is not much control. You can most definitely measure the demographics such as the readership but still, you cannot attain a significant amount of information.

On the other hand, digital marketing campaigns enable you to find and target a specific audience while sending a personalized and high converting message to the audience. You can effectively take benefit of social media features shown on ads to some audiences based on factors such as age, location, gender, interests, behaviours, networks, etc.

In addition, you can also use PPC or SEO strategies for serving ads to users who have already shown their interests in the products or services. You can also search specific keywords related to your industry. Finally, digital marketing services allow you to carry out research that is needed to identify a buyer persona. It also allows you to refine a marketing plan with time so that it can be ensured that you are reaching your prospects effectively.

Digital marketing is a strategy that helps you market to subgroups within the larger target audience. In case you sell various products and services to different buyer personas then this is something that is particularly helpful.

2. Cost-effective

Digital marketing is a lot more cost-effective as compared to traditional marketing methods. It helps you track
online lead generation campaigns on an everyday basis and reduce the amount of money that is spent on a channel if it does not show a high ROI.

When it comes to the traditional marketing methods, it is actually the opposite. It does not make a difference how a billboard is performing. The cost will still be the same regardless of the fact if it converts for you or not.

Using digital marketing methods, you can have complete control on where you are spending your money. Rather than paying for the PPC campaigns, you can spend money on the design software for creating high converting content.

The digital marketing strategies can enable you to consistently retarget while also ensuring that no money is wasted on channels that do not work well. If we look at things from a large perspective then taking the digital marketing services is a cost-effective solution and offers many opportunities to make sure that you get the maximum return.

A small or medium-sized business can allocate a limited budget for digital marketing campaigns. The money can be effectively invested in social media, SEO, and blogging which are three strategies that can offer a higher ROI with minimal spending.

3. Competitive Edge

Digital marketing is a process using which you can outrank bigger players in an industry. A small business cannot effectively compete with the major brands in an industry many of which have a lot of money to invest in
online lead generation campaigns.

Fortunately, there are many opportunities for outranking the big players using strategic digital marketing methods. For example, you can identify some keywords that are related to a product or service while creating content that helps in ranking on search engines using these keywords.

It must be noted that the search engines do not care which brand is the biggest. Rather, search engines prioritize the content that resonates the most with the target audience. In addition, social media allows you to reach new audiences using influencer marketing.

Even if most people do not follow brands on social media, many of them follow influencers who show their products and services. In case you work for small to medium-sized companies, this can be a good avenue for consideration.

4. Measurable Method

customer-targeted campaigns planned with digital marketing are easily measurable. Digital marketing is a method that comes with the ability to offer a comprehensive and start to end view of all important factors that can potentially matter to a brand.

The factors such as impressions, clicks, views, shares, and time spent on a page can be measured effectively. This is one of the biggest benefits of digital marketing. Using traditional advertising is useful for achieving some goals and one of the biggest benefits that it offers is measurability.

As opposed to most online marketing efforts, digital marketing enables marketers to see precise results and that too in real-time. In case you have put a newspaper ad, you will understand the dynamics of people turning to the page where your ad is there.

You will never know whether the ad is responsible for sales at all. However, using digital marketing strategies, it becomes easy to know if the ad is responsible for any sales, to begin with. You can measure the ROI of any possible aspect of your marketing efforts.

5. Personalization

Availing the
digital marketing services can effectively allow you to gather customer data in a manner that offline marketing cannot. The data that is collected digitally tends to be a lot more precise and specific as compared to other data.

Let’s say that a brand offers financial products and services and wishes to offer some special discounts to people who have looked at the products already. You would already know that it is easy to get better results in case you target the offer to the person’s interest so let’s assume that you prepare two campaigns.

One campaign is for the young people who have looked to the financial products and services, and the other one is for the new-age entrepreneurs who have considered some of the retirement plans. Without automated tracking, it is difficult to know the number of customer profiles, brochures, etc. With the use of digital marketing, on the other hand, all this information will be available quickly.

6. Customer Connection

Using digital marketing strategies, brands can establish a much better connection with the customers. It is a method that allows you to communicate with the customers in real-time. Even more importantly, digital marketing allows the customers to connect with you.

The brands must think about their social media strategy. It can be valuable when the target audiences see the latest post but it is a lot better when they comment on it and share it ahead as well. This can create greater popularity around the products and services along with increased visibility each time someone joins the conversation.

Interaction with the customers benefits both the businesses and customers. The level of engagement increases as they become active participants in a brand’s story. Any sense of ownership can create a better sense of security and brand loyalty.

7. Easy Conversions

Easy Conversions
With an established
online lead generation campaign running in place, the conversions become easy and convenient. The customers can take action instantly after seeing an ad or a content piece. The instant result that comes with the use of traditional advertisements is that you can hope for a phone call shortly after someone sees an ad.

However, how often is it that someone has the time to reach out to a company while they are busy completing a task at hand? Using digital marketing, they can click on a link or a blog post and move well along the sales funnel. People may not make a purchase immediately but they will stay connected and also give you a chance for further interaction.

Role of Digital Marketing In a Brand’s Success

Traditional marketing definitely exists in print ads, physical marketing, phone communications, and much more, but the good thing with digital marketing is that occurs both online and electronically. This means that there are many possibilities for brands to reach customers including social media, search engines, and videos.

This is where digital marketing is important for a business and brand awareness. Almost all brands have a website but if they do not then they have a social media presence or an ad strategy. Digital marketing is so common that customers have started depending on it as a method to learn more about brands.

To sum it up, digital marketing is needed to be competitive as a business owner. There are multiple options and strategies associated with digital marketing that can be used. You can actually start getting creative while experimenting with a wide range of marketing methods on a budget.

Using digital marketing, you can also use tools such as analytics dashboards for monitoring the success and ROI of a marketing campaign. This is a lot more than what you can do with traditional promotional content such as a print ad or a billboard.


Digital marketing must be one of the primary focuses of almost all businesses and their online lead generation strategy. Online marketing is an excellent method to stay in touch with your customers and almost nothing else offers you the level of personalization that digital data can offer.

The more you embrace the wide possibilities of digital marketing, the more you will be able to realize the growth potential of your company. If you run a business and want it to stand out in the market then taking digital marketing services is a must.

At Encaptechno, we specialize in offering the best online marketing services. Get in touch with us to know more about how we can help you gain a better standing in the market.


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