
what is crm

CRM vs ERP - A Quick Comparison - Encaptechno

CRM vs ERP – A Quick Comparison

Businesses all across the world wish to automate their processes with usually two kinds of software solutions, either a customer relationship management solution, or an enterprise resource planning solution.

CRM vs ERP - A Quick Comparison - Encaptechno

Where the ERP system implementation helps companies run successful businesses by connecting operational and financial systems with a central database, CRM helps manage how customers interact with businesses.

Both of these software applications serve the purpose of working as significant data repositories while functioning to improve revenue generation, automation, and overall productivity. They solve the loopholes affecting the functioning of several departments and are often purchased distinctly.

Now, while purchasing these software solutions, many organizations might wonder about the difference between CRM and ERP. Even though both of these are similar to each other in several ways, their fundamental functionalities differ from one another.

In this blog, we will be shedding some light on the topic of CRM vs. ERP with the main aim of doing a quick comparison of these two software solutions.

What is CRM?

A CRM or a customer relationship management software solution is designed to capture all the details about the transactions that go on in an organization with the customers. The primary objective of implementing a CRM is that it helps in building trust and also focuses on maintaining a healthy and long-term association with the clients. An online CRM system can actually be used in various ways so that it enhances the satisfaction levels of a customer.

A CRM can include important information such as:

  • Customer’s name
  • Phone number of a customer
  • Address
  • Email address
  • History of interaction
  • Technical support details
  • Purchase details

All this information is mostly included in just one database and is handed over to the employees so that it can be used for the company’s benefit. By using a CRM software solution efficiently, it is also possible to contact potential customers on the basis of their needs and preferences. This helps in expanding the brand’s reach immensely. A CRM software might also include benefits such as employee training, advertising, relationship management that are developed considering a client’s requirements.

In simple terms, an online CRM system is excellent for providing a standardized method for collecting and sharing important customer data and cataloging customer interactions. Since the data in a CRM system is standardized, it is very easy to share it all through the company.

When used efficiently, CRM can be used for creating sales projections, contacting customers, shipping to verified addresses, and creating invoices. The goal of CRM is to offer a comprehensive store of customer data that is used for improving sales, expanding customer retention rates, and making much better customer relations.

What is ERP?

On the other hand, an ERP or an enterprise resource planning software solution contains functionality for a wide range of business processes including inventory management, finance, marketing, etc. With an ERP system implementation, it is possible to integrate important processes, streamline them and then centralize all information.

An ERP software has tools that are related to both the front and back-office information. It helps in advancing internal communication and data exchange as well. Other than this, it also offers automation which makes connectivity easy in multiple workflows.

Just like a CRM, an ERP is also made to optimize business operations. Where a CRM is mostly focused on the sales aspect of an organization, an ERP system can be implemented in various departments.

In essence, an ERP system provides interconnected management of important business processes just so that all departments can get the information they need in real-time. In case there is a problem that alerts are sent to the recipients right away. With an ERP system implementation, businesses can remain focused on data and make fewer errors while making much better decisions.

Some of the core features of an ERP system include processing business information, getting important alerts, managing hiring initiatives, managing benefits, payroll, and employee information, creating enterprise-wide strategies, updating accounts, etc.

Difference In CRM and ERP

When we talk about the differences between CRM and ERP, it is important to understand their meanings relative to each other for better knowledge. ERP facilitates business processes across a wide range of workflows which means that in case you are looking to invest in systems that benefit finances, operations, and warehouses, an ERP may be great.

However, an CRM system is more for a customized solution, Several ERP solutions include important functionality, but the total number of custom-related features included in a CRM is more extensive than what may be featured in an ERP package.

The final difference between a CRM and an ERP lies in the scope of work that they are capable of. While comparing the two software solutions, it is always best to look at a company’s needs so that the functionality needed from a solution can be determined specifically.

We will see the primary functions of both CRM and ERP to gain an even better insight into what these software solutions are capable of when it comes to their functionality.

Primary Functions of CRM

1. Storing Information

An online CRM system helps in collecting and storing information about the target customers from the market. The information that is collected is stored in an organization’s database in a centralized way.

This is important data that can be quickly accessed at any time and from any place. The information so collected is used by businesses to understand customer behavior in true essence. This helps in offering better satisfaction to customers.

2. Marketing Programs

A CRM is concerned with personalizing the marketing programs of a business. It helps in designing the marketing strategies according to the needs of different customers while making attempts to attract more and more customers.

The sales professionals are trained properly according to the information acquired with the help of a CRM and opportunities that can attract more customers are then included in marketing strategies.

3. Sales Operations

With the help of customer relationship management, one can increase the sales and revenue generation of an organization. It also helps in increasing the business with present customers and new customers. An online CRM system is focused on processes such as cross-selling and up-selling which help in increasing sales.

After the customers are happy and satisfied with a business, the up-selling and cross-selling techniques turn out effective in the process of business expansion. The customers can start believing in some brands and try their products as well.

4. Customer Relationship

Managing customers is another important task that a CRM performs. It segregates the customers into diverse groups according to the behavior, preferences, and interests. This segmentation helps an organization in understanding customer behavior while also offering much better services.

The customers are treated differently according to the groups that they are put in. This helps in improving the customer relationships and eventually, the marketing and sales endeavor of a company as well.

5. Cost Control

Efficient management of costs is often looked at as one of the greatest challenges while running a business. When this is done successfully, getting better-quality products at a lesser cost becomes way easier.

With the implementation of a customer relationship management system, a majority of expenses can be reduced because there is minimal paperwork involved. The data becomes digitally centralized and also brings the overall cost while increasing the profit margin.

Primary Functions of ERP

1. Business Intelligence

With a business intelligence module, business leaders can make important decisions that are based on meaningful data. ERP system implementation helps in benefitting from business intelligence that enables practical business process analysis and offering reports without any excess information.

These reports can be in a visual format or presented in the form of tables as well. This depends on the preferences of a business manager completely.

2. Customer Relationship Management

With an ERP system implementation, organizations can also get a CRM module that stores important data related to customers. This function of an ERP system helps the employees to get insights that can improve sales and marketing processes.

For example, a CRM can track customers with their buying habits seeing which products might be useful to sell and when is an appropriate time to offer the products. A CRM system is very helpful in the functioning of an e-commerce business because it allows targeting prospects with meaningful ads.

In addition, a CRM module can also help in tracking when the prospects have been contacted and what was discussed while getting rid of additional phone calls that might not be appropriate.

3. Supply Chain Management

The supply chain management offered by an ERP system helps many organizations to enhance the efficiency of a supply chain and use real-time data that optimizes distribution and manufacturing processes. With this function, it becomes possible to solve a logistics problem immediately as opposed to waiting for the next day.

Furthermore, supply chain management also helps in tracking and analyzing processes that help in predicting when a problem is likely to occur. The customers get notified when orders are being processed and shipped in real-time.

4. Financial Management

All businesses that have an ERP system implementation use the financial management function to their benefit. This function works along with the other ERP components for tracking the flow of money in a business.

From the purchase of new things to paying the employees and then sending invoices, everything can be managed. It also helps in budgeting, creating financial forecasts, and offering insights that can help in reducing costs.

5. Inventory System

An ERP software solution also helps in the inventory management system. Owing to this, order fulfillment and warehouse inventory tracking helps in tracking inventory manually.

This system is very useful to the manufacturers or companies that have their own distribution centers in which tracking inventory can become a complex affair. The features can include real-time inventory on the company’s website for informing the customers about what is there and what is not there in the current stock.

CRM or ERP, What to Choose?


If a business needs CRM or ERP or both depends completely on the size and complexity of a business. For small to medium-sized businesses, a CRM manages customer data stores on hand-written notes, emails, etc. Customer relations are fundamental in any business and CRM ensures that they go smoothly.

On the other hand, an ERP is an extremely useful tool that can help in streamlining business processes. It helps in managing different departments within a business by providing real-time information. As any business grows, the need for an ERP becomes clear because, with its implementation, anyone in an organization can know what is going on in a department.


In case, you are trying to choose between a CRM, or an ERP then it all depends on the size and setup of a business along with many other factors. They are both great tools for increasing revenue but the actual functions they offer differ from each other.

Take your time and decide which program is best for your business depending on the scope of your needs and the amount of investment you want to make.

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What is CRM - A Helpful Guide for Business Owners

What Is CRM? | A Helpful Guide For Business Owners

CRM is an acronym for Customer Relationship Management. In other words, a technology that is used to manage interactions with present and potential customers is called CRM. It is an online system that enables the organizations to create reliable customer relationships and streamline processes that can not only increase sales but also improve customer service and eventually, profitability.

What is CRM?

What is CRM - A Helpful Guide for Business Owners

The customer relationship system has been in the market back since the 1990s. However, the online CRM system has taken over and popularized itself over the last decade. CRM platforms are extremely powerful online systems that can connect all data from sales leads and customers in one place only. A CRM can be utilized for analyzing and recording all calls, meetings, improving sales, increasing revenue, and emails.

Other than this, CRM services enable one to get personal with customers and prospects with personalized messages. You can differentiate, slice, and track the data to make sales and marketing smarter, more effective, and efficient.

You can think of an online CRM system to be a literal depiction of serving and gaining the loyalty of customers. An online CRM system will not only enable you to stay focused on the relationships of your organization with people (customers, service users, suppliers or colleagues) but also allow you to embed sales, marketing, and HR processes in the business.

It is a single framework that is designed to enhance the entire business strategy while with an aim to bring your marketing, sales, and customer support activities together, streamline the processes, people, and policy in one platform.

Why does a CRM matter?

Why Does a CRM Matter

In case you want to make sure that your business lasts, you need to rely on a tangible business strategy for the upcoming future. You know that you already have targets for sales, profitability, and business objectives. However staying up to date along with implementing reliable information for the progress of your goals is something that can be tricky.

How can you translate the different data streams that come in from the sales team, marketers, social media teams, and customer service team into constructive business information? The answer to this question is the implementation of an online CRM system with the help of a CRM consulting partner. Using a CRM system has the capability to give you a clear overview of your customers.

You will be able to see and view all the important information at one place in a simple and customizable dashboard that will tell you about a customer’s previous history with you, the order status, outstanding customer service issues, and a lot more.

You can also decide to include important information from any public or social media activity, likes or dislikes, what people are saying and sharing, etc. Additionally, marketers can also use CRM for understanding the pipelines of sales or prospective work that might come in for making precise and effective forecasts. CRM services will give you clear visibility of every lead while showing you a clear path right from inquiry to sales.

Although CRM was traditionally used as a sales and marketing tool only, customer service teams are seeing exceptional benefits from the CRM systems. The customers of today might pick up an issue on one public platform while taking to a telephonic conversation for resolving the matter privately. A CRM platform is something that helps you in managing inquiry over all channels without losing any track.

What does an online CRM system do?

Enabling contact management on a large scale is the most important function of absolutely any customer information system, regardless of the fact if it is cloud-based CRM or just a CRM software on a server. The fundamental role of an online CRM system is to do the job of being a hub for organizing and making an absolute sense of important data and insights along with providing all tools needed to collect and manage information about people who are important for a business.

These functions can seem very different when they are worked out across multiple departments. For example; a CRM can assist in enabling the sales representatives to see past the interactions and purchases before anyone makes a phone call. It can also offer support teams of an organization with any credentials or contact details that might be required for offering better customer service. It can give marketers access to complete details that can help in targeting campaigns.

Understanding and organizing important data insights is an important responsibility for any company. However, just as the importance of audience information grows the number of details that a business needs grows as well. With so many online channels and ways of engagement, the data often gets looped in different tools while making it difficult to get a true picture of what the customers do or talk about.

Therefore, regardless of the size or the industry of business, turning to CRM tools can create a central hub for audience reports, gaining a better understanding of who the customers are, what they want, and build stronger relationships as they grow.

In fact, CRM is not just for the big businesses that make it to the list of Fortune companies. With the help of using statistics, one can improve customer relationships considerably and this has become an important feature of all kinds of organizations. In fact there the businesses that are just starting out have an even better chance because there is no better time for contact management as compared to the one in the beginning.

From the time one creates an online presence, the CRM services can help in gaining access to valuable information about the customers and potential customers. It can not only help in laying a strong foundation for building and updating the relationships with customers, collecting data, but it can also help in setting consistent automation and personalized touchpoints with time.

There is no need for CRM to be engaged in a full-time job. Regardless of whether it is about a small team, there is a solo entrepreneur, who relies on occasional marketing campaigns for selling the brand, CRM implementation done with the assistance of a CRM consultant can help in putting the data to work and save time. With its implementation, a person or a team can make valued decisions about where one should focus on reaching customers, which channel is preferable, and how to engage them for a long time.

Working of CRM:

More often than not, an online CRM system is just thought of as a technology. Whereas, the truth is that it is much more than that. Almost no technology, regardless of how sophisticated it might be can become successful without a good strategy for guiding implementation and use. It is important for the business strategy and technology to work together for bringing a customer-centric plan to life.

By understanding the work and the role played by CRM in customer-centric data management and automation, we will see how CRM is a world in itself.

– Making and Implementing Customer-Centric Strategy: The role of an online CRM system is to support a strategy that allows the customers to be the focus of everything. This customer-centric strategy should be such that it focuses clearly on the goals and visions of meaningful customer experience. Since valuable customer experience is significant, CRM implementation goes far in improving the customer experience.

Each time a customer gets in contact with a new organization or through a different channel, an opinion is likely to be formed. This opinion can either be good, indifferent, or bad. As time passes by, this set of customer experiences create a picture in the customer’s mind, which in turn plays a role in forming the brand image.

Any organization that is serious about CRM design and strives to form a quality experience because of understanding that poor customer experience can drive customers away is on the right path.

– Centralization of Customer Data: CRM software applications are responsible for combining all sales, customer service information, and marketing into one database. With so many businesses collecting data on customers and prospects, good access to data lying in the database means fewer problems in the organization, and better customer-centricity.

Customer information is a sum total of phone numbers, contacts, addresses, etc. Having a CRM partner to implement an online CRM system will lead to all that was discussed, the next follow update, the status of an open item, etc.

This is important information that can be used to measure, manage, and keep a track of sales, marketing, and the various customer service activities as they are all directly linked to the customers. Overall, this helps in building great customer loyalty and experience.

Since an online CRM system has the ability to centralize the entire customer-facing information, any unnecessary finger-pointing within an organization gets reduced substantially. The marketing team can no longer blame the sales team for not communicating and vice versa. No matter what department of the company is being talked about, they all have access to the same information.

– Automation of Business Processes: The companies that have streamlined business and customer-facing processes are the ones that make the business a lot more efficient. Different aspects such as budgeting and planning are an important part of customer-facing processes on which sales, marketing, and customer service rely. A good CRM strategy focused mostly on the customer-oriented processes helps in solving the needs of customers in a much better way.

In essence, the complete CRM process generally begins with a lead. In simple words, just the name of a person you can sell to. Mostly, a person is supposed to fill a web form that is provided with the contact information. Just after the lead is put in the system, the software takes one through the sales process.

An online CRM system reminds the salesperson to call at a mutually decided time. Each time one interacts with the prospects, it gets recorded in the CRM system and the same applies in case someone talks to the prospect. CRM keeps tracks of all the lead generation while bringing in more customers.

In addition to this, CRM works as a library of documents, emails, and phone calls that facilitate an effective interaction when a prospect is initiated.  The team gets a prompt and an automated trail of communication because all the information is kept in one place. Regardless of whether you are in marketing, customer support, or sales, a CRM system can help in automating business processes while automating each process as it works with the other. However, it must be understood that each business should be well defined for getting good results.

Benefits of an online CRM system:

Benefits of an Online CRM System

An online CRM system is available to marketing teams, salespeople, customer support specialists, and absolutely anyone who comes in contact with customers of large and small companies. However, we are going to list down the benefits in complete detail below:

1. Efficiently Organized Data: One of the biggest benefits of CRM is that it facilitates the effective organization of data. When you move to an online CRM system, you will be required to inculcate the practice of entering email addresses, phone numbers, and contact information. Just when the CRM system is up and running, users can follow and track information about every customer.

A CRM system is a central place for storing and managing all important information that makes working easy for everyone. Here, everyone is inclusive of customers who get better service and detailed attention just as you start to understand them a lot better.

2. Identify and Categorize the Leads: One of the most important benefits of an online CRM system is the fact it can enable you to identify and add new leads easily while categorizing them precisely. You can not only create customized pitch documents in less time, but you can also cut down the response time and enable the sales team to capitalize on the next opportunity.

With precise and completely held information about the clients and prospects, the sales staff can focus their complete attention and energy on the right clients while gaining a competitive advantage.

3. Better Sales Opportunities: Almost no one wants to stop after gaining a handful of customers or clients. However, sometimes, the problem lies in struggling with the idea generation that helps in increasing the customer base.

An important way is to learn more about creating better sales opportunities is by learning more about the people who are already customers. One way to learn more about the people who are customers already, an online CRM system can track the insights and patterns into the themes and trends.

This type of analytics can actually help in developing micro-targeted plans and different strategies for sales opportunities at particular times.

4. Tracking Sales Progress: In addition to the fact that CRM helps in managing the customer base, it also helps in tracking the progress of the sales for the entire organization. In case you are a one-person business, you can also get the assistance you need for tracking the leads and following up.

Additionally, if you have a large sales team, every new set of leads gets assigned to you as a sales rep and their journey gets tracked from that point onwards. Just as the journey progresses, the CRM platform offers a starting point for acting on the sales trends and close gaps. This is an easy way to track the performance of your sales team.

5. Effective Communication: Besides the fact that CRM can be an efficient use of sales resources, it can also allow your customers to benefit from the personalization features that many CRM tools offer. An important advantage of effective and personalized communication is that it improves the productivity and efficiency of an organization.

All of this can be used in the CRM database for building better customer relationships with the help of personalized communications. An effective way to do this is by addressing the customers with their first name in the emails or creating marketing campaigns based on different industries.

6. Increasing Referrals from Existing Customers: CRM services enable you to understand your customers better, create up-selling and cross-selling opportunities that can ultimately help in winning new business from existing customers.

Just after the CRM consultant helps you with the implementation, you can have access to better information that will eventually become the reason for keeping your customers happy. Since happy customers are more than likely to return more often and when they return they will spend more. Hence, this is an exceptional benefit.

7. Better Retention Rate: A way in which CRM can benefit the sales processes is the fact that it reveals all customers who generate the highest revenue or are the most engaged. You can find the most lucrative customers by gaining a much better understanding of who attends your online seminars, webinars, and open all your emails with the help of a CRM.

When you start reaching out to them to advocate your brand more, you can increase the retention rate of your customers. The ability of a CRM to understand customer behavior can ultimately help you come up with reliable solutions. A better insight into customer behavior will always help you develop a plan or a program that retains the customers who are on the verge of leaving.

8. Tracking Tasks: The CRM services further helps in the integration of a company’s typical workflow while saving more time spent on everyday tasks. Automation helps in boosting customer engagement and offering an added consistency.

The fact of the matter is that consistency is one of the best benefits of a CRM system. When all the important tasks are tracked in the right way, the overall productivity is increased a lot more.

9. Improved Products and Services: A very commonly overlooked benefit of the CRM software is the fact it gathers information from a wide range of sources across the business. This gives organizations an accurate and rather useful insight into how the customers think, feel and what do they say about an organization.

This improves the products and services of an organization because it actually ends up giving valuable insights for the improvement of what is offered, spotting problems, and identifying the gaps.

10. Reporting and Analytics: A business culture that is essentially driven with an analytics-driven working style can actually go a long way in transforming an organization from instinct-based to being data-driven.

Implementation of an online CRM system provides the necessary business intelligence that processes important data from multiple sources and works on significant insights. From the fundamental charts to the advanced analytics insights like looking for problems in the business with an inbuilt analytics engine embedded in the CRM can help the organizations gain an important business advantage.

Related Read: Why CRM Systems Fail?


All the information that has been mentioned above sums up the meaning of CRM in the true sense. CRM services can enable a customer to leave all chaos out of the interactions that happen with the workforce and customers while letting you focus on your goal.

For someone who is just starting out, an online CRM system might come across as intimidating, but when you go further with using it, it is not complicated at all. In fact, it is pretty much like standard automated processes. When you get the hang of this software and learn to rely on it, you will discover that it takes a relatively lesser time to use as compared to your old search habits.

As a market leader in the implementation of CRM services, Encaptechno comes with years of experience that can help you begin your journey of online customer relationship management. Get in touch with us for assistance and allow us to become your partners in unprecedented growth with the help of the best online CRM system.

What Is CRM? | A Helpful Guide For Business Owners Read More »

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