
zoho crm implementation

10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? | Encaptechno

10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them?

10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? | Encaptechno
The customer relationship management systems have been helping many businesses grow by streamlining the entire sales process. However, the most important requisite for the CRM structure to perform well is a successful deployment of the system. There are many factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the online CRM system. They include ensuring that all the features are included, process-oriented implementation, and correct third-party integrations.

No matter how much prior focus is laid on not making mistakes while CRM implementation, something or another goes wrong easily. When the CRM systems were introduced in the beginning, they offered businesses a long-term strategy to promptly engage and manage customer relationships, close more deals, and automate any kind of recurring tasks.

A common misconception that comes with a Zoho CRM implementation is that it is seen as a one-time event. People make the mistake of thinking that after the implementation of Zoho, all lost leads, broken sales methods, and lack of follow-ups will be repaired. Even though it is true that the Zoho CRM system is designed to support the sales process through and through, it must also be remembered that the system will not by itself cause the business to grow.

Hence, it is necessary to consider CRM implementation as an important long-term and company-wide process as opposed to a one-time event. Oftentimes, the managers have the best intentions but their strategies end up hitting the hard ground during the implementation phase. In this blog, we will see why that is by looking at the 10 common Zoho CRM mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Inability to Underline a Problem

Inability to Underline a Problem | 10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? | Encaptechno

Somehow, this tends to be one of the most common mistakes during the process of Zoho CRM implementation. Understanding that you have a problem is the primary step. You may also have heard this before but let us look at this point in reference to the sales cycle.

You must understand the CRM strategy starts to unfold right when you are deliberating about choosing a CRM system. It is very much possible to think that you do not even have a problem. You must know how to manage all the touchpoints a potential customer can possibly have with your business.

Factors such as knowing how to sift through emails, the important points in your notepad, managing your call records, the customers who are there in your sales pipeline, and the revenue that can be expected next month are all important. If you feel that any of these factors are not understandable or known by you then there is a good chance that there is a problem in your sales cycle.

When you know all the problems, you will be able to use the features offered by the CRM system in a much better way. After all, the CRM systems are there to support you and make your work-life easy to manage. So you must see the problem for what it is and own it because the good news is that there is always a solution.

2. Failure to Purchase the Value of CRM


You must remember that communication is key in this situation. As a manager, you should understand the value that a CRM system is capable of bringing to your business. Once you understand this value properly, you will be able to make a better sense out of the big picture and the value that CRM can bring to your organization.

All employees are like puzzle pieces that fit into a bigger picture of your business growth. Getting a better context of how the CRM can support these roles can help employees to buy into the CRM strategy. You can help your team make the most out of the value of CRM by considering factors like the business growth strategy of CRM, the value provided by CRM to each time and organization, and the context of an existing CRM process.

All through this, the important part is to keep in mind that the sales team needs extra attention during the change. You would not want the sales team to think that you are adding a mundane task to their already existing busy day. You can gain buy-in from the experienced sales professional by offering a context of how the CRM system is designed to work on tedious tasks and problems out of the way so that the focus can be on closing deals.

3. Failure to Communicate Goals

Failure to Communicate Goals | 10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? | Encaptechno
Any changes can open a door for misunderstanding, loss of motivation, and frustration. Being a manager you can set expectations from the beginning. It doesn’t matter if your goals are not clear at the moment, you can give your team an idea of where you want to go and how the
online CRM system is going to help in achieving that.

It must be clear that a CRM is like a consistently functional strategy that helps a team close more deals so that the business can grow. You can keep your team motivated by answering questions like what is the need of implementing a CRM system, how will the CRM system support the individual roles, and how can a CRM system offer a better context about these processes?

4. No Ongoing Executive Support

Avoid being the professional who has one meeting with the staff only to disappear later. It is necessary to be present and involved in the integration process. This way, you will not just give your employees a new process but you will also integrate a system into an already existing process.

Your employees should be able to trust you and when you are proactive while keeping your team accountable for integrating the process, the online CRM implementation and function become easy. The focus should be to keep the team in the knowledge by facilitating regular communication on how the employees are integrating CRM into the process.

Other than this, you must also be able to schedule individual meetings with employees and ask for their special input on the improvement of processes within the CRM system. In addition, you should also be able to hold the team leads accountable for supporting a long-term strategy with the integration of the CRM system.

5. No Strategy In Effect

No Strategy In Effect | 10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? | Encaptechno
It is easy to know that we need a CRM system but it is much harder to implement and use the CRM system in a suitable way. It is possible that you have deployed your CRM system to check off all important items. You could have also created roles and profiles, migrated the correct data, set up the workflow automation, put webforms on your website, scheduled the sales pipelines reports, and set up lead assignments.

However, the main challenges come when you are getting your teams to use it all. You have to give this part due consideration so that the job can be successful. Setting up the online CRM system and deploying it is a small part of the entire CRM strategy. The CRM system implementation actually continues after deployment as well. This is a long-term strategy.

You can consider factors such as how your team will be using the CRM, how the team will support the sales, marketing, and customer support, how the team will be held accountable for updating data constantly, how the employees will be trained, and which online CRM training will make you available to your team.

An effective Zoho CRM implementation strategy will include the development of a company culture where the customers are at the center of a business. You must be dedicated and consistent with your goals and strategy so that the CRM system can support your business growth in the right manner.

6. Taking More Features Than Needed

A common mistake while choosing and implementing the CRM system is getting attracted to multiple features without really understanding if your business requires them or not. There are many users who do not end up using the features of CRM properly.

You do not have to choose the most advanced and feature-rich uses. Rather, it makes sense to determine the most suitable features for you based on the business needs that you have. Make sure that everything is aligned with your budget and priorities.

Before the implementation, make a list of all the features that you want to use. It will also be beneficial if you end up getting the inputs of your end-users while asking them about the workflow pain points that they wish to solve.

7. Not Training the Team

Not Training the Team | 10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? | Encaptechno
Choosing and implementing a
CRM structure is only the beginning of a long battle. A robust online CRM system will not mean anything if no one understands how to use it. Therefore, correct implementation and training the end-users on how to use the CRM system is important.

When you do this, you will help your team understand the need and benefits of using the system and also encourage them to integrate the CRM into their daily tasks. This will help you in having a low adoption rate. Businesses have a long way to go when it comes to CRM adoption.

Businesses must realize the importance that the CRM system is capable of bringing while increasing sales performance. The best way to avoid this mistake is by having a proper training program in the right place so that the end-users can have a chance to explore the system before officially adopting it in everyday activities.

Taking the support of a Zoho consultant can help you train the team for using CRM. You can discover the training tips such as planning, using resources, determining best practices, and creating training modules for making the most out of a CRM investment.

8. Not Using Mobile CRM

The most important benefit of accessing a CRM with a mobile device is that you can do it anytime and anywhere. This is one of the
common CRM mistakes made by many companies. You must realize that mobile CRM keeps you on top of your tasks without any need to be in front of the computer at all times.

Not using the mobile CRM app properly can slow down the response time to customers and increase the chance of missing out on important customer updates. Most salespeople who use their mobile phones are able to meet their sales quotas as compared to the ones who do not.

Most of the teams that use the mobile CRMs also end up improving their overall productivity. You can choose a CRM system with an excellent mobile CRM app and ensure that the sales team downloads and uses it.

9. Failure to Maintain Clean and Accurate Data

The customer data is more like the lifeblood of a CRM system. It is necessary to ensure that you migrate and maintain correct and updated customer data into the
online CRM system.

Despite understanding the importance of this, many businesses fall into the trap of maintaining bad data that result in inaccurate sales forecasts and outdated customer information. All the missing, outdated, and incomplete data ends up costing a lot to the companies. 

To make sure that this does not happen, organizations can create a standard practice on data entry for the team to follow. For instance, the process of identifying mandatory fields that should be filled out when creating a new customer profile so that duplications are removed.

This can include full name, company name, contact details, landline, and mobile details, address, and social media profiles. Other than this, you can also schedule periodical setups to clean the maintenance system. Doing this can help in seeing duplicate or missing information after which steps to rectify things can be taken immediately when the process is done regularly.

10. Lack of Integration

One of the prime benefits of using a business tool and multiple software applications is the ability to integrate tools with each other. Any failure to do the same will end up decreasing the productivity level as it forces the users to use various systems and toggle between different business tools.

As a result, the chances of data duplication and scattered business knowledge will increase. Most people understand that lack of business integrations with other tools is one of the biggest challenges of using the CRM structure.

Before the CRM implementation, make a detailed list of all the business tools and see if they are compatible with each other or not. The CRM providers must have a list of native and third party integrations available to use the system. If you have a CRM system and are planning to subscribe to other tools then you can do the same by checking if the CRM integrates with these tools or not.

In case you discover that the CRM does not integrate with a business tool then you can also consult a Zoho consultant. The consultant will introduce an automation tool that can connect apps and services. Two or more applications will be easily connected to automate all repetitive tasks without any need to code or depending on developers for integration.


Making CRM mistakes can be costly. They do not just include financial impacts but they also lead to a loss of valuable time and key customer data management. The good thing is that careful research on important aspects such as knowing the right features, integrating them suitably and following the implementation process can avoid the
common CRM mistakes.

You can consider all the mistakes mentioned above so that they can be avoided or you can do a better job and take the support of a Zoho consultant. This way, your business will be prevented from making potential hiccups down the road.



10 Common Zoho CRM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them? Read More »

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Sell on the Go with Zoho CRM | Encaptechno

Sell on the Go with Zoho CRM

Sell on the Go with Zoho CRM | Encaptechno
Sales are all about closing deals and generating revenue. It is not something that can only be accomplished by making calls or sending emails from a desk. Many times, you have to travel as well. When you are on the road, you will need a CRM mobile application that is both powerful and intuitive.

The mobile version of a CRM application helps in doing a lot more in much less time while staying ahead of your work and following up with the prospects to get more deals. Don’t get this wrong. A mobile CRM is not like the low-sized version of desktop CRM.

It is actually a more specialized and dedicated platform that is aimed at higher productivity. It lets the professionals focus on what matters the most. Most companies understand that maximum internet usage is through mobile phones and tablets as compared to desktops. This actually shows that the mobile versions of software and applications also lead to much more productivity.

In this blog, we will discuss six ways in which you can sell on the go using the Zoho CRM while empowering your sales team when they are on the move.

1. Smart Planning

Smart Planning
You must be able to access your schedule within a moment’s notice. Opening up your laptop while you are commuting to see a prospect for finding your calendar is not something that is practical.

This is why Zoho makes it simple for you to view and track your schedule from the Zoho CRM mobile app. You can add tasks, create events, invite participants, and schedule calls from the Home Screen. In case you enable notifications, you will also be able to receive reminders of calls, events, and tasks that you have coming up in the future.

2. See Your Key Sales Metrics

Zoho CRM implementation helps you see dashboards in the desktop version which further enable you in tracking trends in your sales, support, and marketing departments. This dashboard can help you see how many sales deals your team is making each month, glance at deals you have in the pipeline, record campaign success rate, and see the generated revenue per quarter.

The same information can also be accessed in the mobile application. You can also use the mobile dashboard to classify your CRM information into different dashboards on the basis of Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Campaigns, Deals, Products, Inventory, Cases, and Solutions. Each segment differentiates information so that it becomes easy to find what you need quickly.

3. Locating Nearby Customers

Using the mobile Zoho CRM, it becomes possible to locate nearby customers. The
lead management system can become remarkably enhanced with the use of this feature. There is a Map View in the Zoho CRM mobile application that helps in finding prospects near you wherever you go.

With the use of this feature, you can easily locate the leads, contacts, and accounts in your area while scheduling meetings when you are on your next business trip. There is another significant use of the Map View. By using this feature, you can use where your leads are located and figure out the best time to contact them at any time.

4. Keep Track of Meetings

The sales professionals meet their customers almost on a daily basis but when the need comes, it is not so easy to recall all those customers. The
Zoho CRM helps to check in at a customer’s location and log in all visits while adding more metrics to the reports.

This helps the managers to improve their sales strategy by generating reports based on the number of meetings that get logged in at a given period. You can track the number of customers and places a sales professional has visited each day, the total distance traveled by the agent, the total time taken to travel, etc.

This thing becomes much easier by recording information as a voice note instead of typing it as a text. The voice notes can be downloaded at any time.

5. Work On the Go

Work On the GoUsing Zoho CRM, you can take your work anywhere you go. There is no need to sit behind a desk just for being productive. This feature helps in nurturing your
lead nurturing strategy as well.

Basically, Zoho CRM does not let you sit behind a desk for being productive. You can instead stay connected at any time and anywhere with the offline mode in your Zoho CRM mobile application.

You can easily update a note, log a call, complete a task and add an event to your calendar even when you do not have internet access. All changes made in an offline mode will be synced automatically as soon as you go back online.

6. Follow Up Instantly

Zoho CRM allows you to follow up with leads instantly. With features such as MailMagnet, you can get notified instantly about important emails from leads and customers.

In addition, MailMagnet can also be used to scan your inbox and bring the emails from prospects and customers to your focused attention. Not only does it allow you to prioritize attention, but it also helps in sending emails, adding notes, and adding follow-up tasks right away. You can do all tasks single-handedly.

7. Real-time Collaboration

Real-time Collaboration
You can never expect all of your team members to be at one location when you have to make a collective decision. With the use of features such as feeds, you can keep everyone on the same page and increase your chances of winning a deal.

It allows you to see the work done by your team, comment on it, and also post a status to keep your team updated on the work. Being a sales representative, it is not easy for you to be everywhere. In case you have a team of sales representatives, they will be in different locations at different times.

However, the Zoho CRM mobile app helps you and your team centralize the CRM data. You can stay up to date on all of your tasks and handle your work in a way that you feel comfortable so that productivity increases.


Take your CRM wherever you go and sell immediately. Getting in touch with a Zoho Consultant can help you in getting real-time updates, receive notifications, access customer information, find your customers nearby and do much more.

Encaptechno has a wide experience of supporting many customers by offering Zoho consultancy services. You can get Zoho mobile CRM today and begin selling on the move while making your business dreams a reality. Contact Encaptechno today!


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Increase Customer Retention using CRM

5 Ways Zoho CRM Increases Customer Retention

Do you know how does a business acquire revenue and grow further? It can only be possible either by getting new customers or by retaining its existing customers.
Pareto’s 80-20 principle is applied in every business, and according to it, 20% of existing customers generate 80% of revenue, while new customers contribute only 20% to the total revenue. So the business should focus on satisfying existing customers rather than acquiring new ones, which will pave the path towards consistent revenue growth. If you aim at increasing customer retention rate, Zoho Implementation will help you to control business interactions with Your Customers through Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Why Should You Care About Customer Retention?

Your customer retention rate is a number that shows whether your marketing and customer care efforts are fortifying your business or just draining your money.
Customer retention isn’t just about how your marketing and sales teams are doing. When you follow this number, you get to know about the vital changes or switch gears to reach your sales and growth goals.
It’s fair that every business needs new customers, but generating revenue from existing customers is the easiest way ever. 5 major reasons that you should care about customer retention for your business:

*Better Conversion Rates
*Less Marketing
*Higher Profits
*Improvement in Services
*Fewer expenditures

So the businesses should never underestimate the value of customer retention and should start being proactive about keeping their existing customers.

How can Zoho CRM Implementation improve Customer Retention?


Zoho CRM software has made businesses to grow faster. It helps you to get more deals, boost up sales, and make customers engaged with your business. But when it comes to customer retention, there are several ways adopted to deal with customers such as online communication and web assistance. Social media is another method to reach potential clients and staying connected with existing clients of your company. Zoho Integrations with social media and email accounts can promote your business online.
Companies that use Zoho CRM can stay closer to their customers by tracking records of current customers and identifying loyal customers to reward them. This technique not only holds your existing customers but also bring more customers.
Check out these 5 ways that Zoho CRM can help you to increase the rate of customer retention in your business.

Identify High-Value Customers:

With Zoho CRM, you can integrate all your applications and databases to the software, and a simple search enables you to recognize your high-value clients. Based on the history of clients, you can easily classify the leading clients and identify their requirements. Doing so, you can focus on your potential clients and utilize valuable time in keeping them happy in spite of attracting new clients. You can also reach out to inactive customers who are no longer associated with your company and make extra efforts to get them back to your business.

Create Personalized Offers:

Most businesses offer lucrative deals and discounts to attract new customers, but when it comes to existing customers, only a few businesses present value-added offers. With Zoho CRM, you don’t need to beat around the bush to recognize what your existing customers love. Just pick any customer or group of customers that you want to target, and you will get every bit of information about that customer right there. You will get familiar with their product preferences, purchase patterns, price sensitivity, how often they visit your website, and even the date and time of their last purchase.
Briefly, you get to know everything that is important to make an offer the customer cannot refuse! This action will not only strengthen the chance of conversion manifolds, but your customers will also feel special.

Create Lasting Relations with Customers:

Zoho Integration captures every detail from landing pages and saves the personal information of customers in dashboards. It creates customized reports about every customer inclusive their contact details, ongoing projects, product requirements, past orders, etc. After having complete information about them, you find common ground to start up highly-personalized follow-up communication. Automating Zoho workflows allows you to send follow-up texts and emails about particular offers or on some special occasions to targeted customers. For example, you can send birthday cards and some lucrative offers for birthday month.

Email Alerts and Notifications:

Zoho enables you to categorize your customer’s list and doing so you can classify different customers easily. Zoho Workflow brings automation and artificial intelligence in your business, which creates reports and analytics quickly. According to the updated reports, it handles regular communication with the customers, from welcome email to new customers to daily follow-ups, everything is done automatically. Regular emails can be customized with some extended offers, service expiry notification, progress reports of ongoing projects, and invoices, etc. Therefore, it also works as an event planner and task manager to request clients, send reminders and post-event follow-ups, as well as to execute other significant actions.

Get feedback on Client Portal:

Today, the businesses can reside closer to the customers, and you can use this as an advantage. Talk to your potential customers, generate reports, and get their valuable reports about your product and services. The collected feedback will help you to improve and enhance your product functionalities, and you will gain customer trust. Analyze the feedback from happy customers and aggressive customers both, which will help you to emphasize your services for a few shortcomings.
Integration Zoho creator with CRM provides a Client Portal to the businesses that the customers can use to give their feedback and preview their overall interactions with you. This facility will assure your customers for constant customer support and build more trust.

Get the Right Tool for Customer Retention!

Customers are the heart of any business, so satisfying them should be a top priority of every business owner. Most of your customers will approach you again for repeat purchases if you can make them feel special. Zoho CRM is the ultimate solution that will help you in your mission of customer retention by providing you enough tools that will ease your work. The invaluable insights that Zoho Customization presents will assist you in targeting particular customers, create personalized offers, and foster a stronger relationship with them.

Use Zoho CRM smartly, and it will become a powerful customer retention tool for your business!

Looking for Zoho Consultants?

Encaptechno is a registered Zoho implementation partner and has done significant implementations on Zoho platform across its wide range of products.

Original Source: Codementor

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