Automation of Marketing Activities Using Zoho Apps - Encaptechno

Automation of Marketing Activities Using Zoho Apps

If you run a business then you would know the significance of maximizing the marketing resources for the growth of your business. Presently businesses of all sizes are turning to market automation for getting the most from marketing resources. This is for a good reason because when the workflow gets automated, several benefits follow.

Automation of Marketing Activities Using Zoho Apps - Encaptechno

Marketing automation is a process by which technology gets leveraged to automate the various marketing activities of a business. In fact, marketing automation tools enable modern businesses to organize, automate, and measure the ROI for efforts while leading to an efficient marketing team and better revenue.

Marketing automation is an excellent method to:

  • Save important time and resources
  • Attract leads more frequently.
  • Improve conversion rates.
  • Make it simple to collect data on what works better

Role of Marketing in Modern Businesses

Role of Marketing in Modern Businesses

Each business is dependent on a wide number of online marketing activities. These activities are important to a customer’s journey from a lead to the point when they become a loyal and dependable customer. Marketing plays an extremely important role in attracting these leads, educating them with targeted nurturing, making them get qualified, and also getting them prepared to make a purchase.

This also continues into the period that comes after the purchase with cross-selling and up-selling campaigns being responsible for growing revenue. These surveys help in measuring and enhancing customer satisfaction and other re-engagement campaigns for connecting with dormant customers, and much more.

Marketing at Scale

Running online marketing activities without dedicated and efficient software is possible when the size of your company is still small. However, just as a company keeps growing and attracts more leads, the marketers need more channels for engaging with customers because managing interactions becomes difficult.

Capturing, nurturing, and qualifying a wide range of leads, running effective campaigns for customer segments, and different post-purchase marketing activities required to get automated. This marketing automation keeps the customer engagement consistent and meaningful. The Zoho marketing tools do just that when it comes to automating everything.

How Does Marketing Automation Help Your Business?

How Does Marketing Automation Help Your Business

According to what Marketo says, over 76% of organizations implementing marketing automation generate a return on investment within the first year itself. That’s not all. It is also said that over 44% see a return within just six months.

The most important function of Zoho for marketing automation tools is to automate and streamline activities carried out by the sales and marketing teams. One can plan and execute lead generation and nurturing plans to launch a wide range of digital ad campaigns from a central hub without hitting buttons such as, “send” or “launch” on each message, email, or ad.

The businesses that use marketing automation can see a wide range of benefits across all of their important everyday operations. An important increase in the number of qualified leads that reach the sales team, a higher conversion rate, and better productivity for sales and marketing teams are good ways in which marketing automation helps a business.

Marketing Automation with Zoho Apps

Zoho apps a wide range of apps that support online marketing activities and also help in running efficient campaigns. These apps assist the task of marketing automation which helps in passing quality leads to sales.

Some of the common features offered by these marketing automation apps include segmentation, lead scoring, and Google Ads that help in streamlining and automating marketing efforts.

To help you gain a better insight into the functioning of these apps with respect to marketing automation, we will discuss them one by one.

1. Zoho MarketingHub

Zoho MarketingHub

A comprehensive marketing automation software that helps in managing marketing activities successfully, Zoho Marketing Hub manages promotions across different channels. It helps in generating more leads, retaining them for a long time, and converting them to customers.

Zoho MarketingHub gives the marketing control entirely in your hands. It is a single place to educate, influence, and engage leads. Assisting in lead management, Zoho MarketingHub enables to catch, nurture and convert leads while also passing on the best to the sales team.

Related ReadZoho MarketingHub – A Complete Marketing Automation Software

2. Zoho Campaigns

Zoho Campaigns

This software is an email marketing tool that helps businesses to grow their audience. Other than helping to create responsive designs, delivering emails to inboxes, triggering automated workflows, connecting with customers, and customizing messages, Zoho Campaigns also helps in advanced email automation.

The automated workflows and drip series offer help in delivering targeted messages to the customers. The pre-defined and tailor-made workflows of Zoho Campaigns help in sending messages on almost every occasion.

Related ReadZoho Campaigns – An Outstanding Email Marketing Tool

3. Zoho Social

One of the easiest ways to manage a brand on social media, Zoho Social helps in scheduling unlimited posts, creating tailor-made reports, and monitoring all that matters.

The brands can analyze their social media performance with the help of Zoho Social in an accurate manner.

Related ReadTrack Your Social Media Channels with Zoho Social

4. Zoho Survey

Zoho Survey

This is a tool that enables businesses to create survey creation in a suitable way. It helps the marketers to create a survey within a few minutes.

By using Zoho Survey, marketers can reach their audience on almost every device. They can also view results in real-time and graphically as well. By following a simple and three steps procedure of creating, collecting, and concluding, the marketers can create reports, analyze them and improve their steps for better understanding.

5. Zoho Forms

Digital marketers can simplify data collection with the assistance of online Zoho Forms. It helps in creating forms, efficiently manage the data with integrate apps, receive instant alerts, etc.

With a tool such as Zoho Forms, it becomes simple to focus sharply on a business.

6. Zoho Sites

Zoho Sites

With the assistance of Zoho Sites, it becomes possible to build websites just the way you want. It helps businesses to focus on their interest and passions

The templates that it offers help the website of a business do the talking. Zoho Sites can be used to manage visitor information with Zoho CRM, provide chat support with Zoho SalesIQ, publish blogs with Social Auto Publish, understand the visitor’s behavior with Zoho Marketing Hub, etc.

Related ReadCreate Your Own Website Easily With Zoho Sites

7. Zoho PageSense

Zoho PageSense

This tool is for conversion optimization and personalization of online marketing activity. It helps in measuring key website metrics, making sense of the online behavior of a visitor, and giving each visitor a personalized website experience so that the conversions get boosted.

Irrespective of whether you wish to understand what works on a website, why the visitors do what they do, or what does it take to convert a visitor into a customer, Zoho PageSense has the right set of tools.

Related ReadA Complete Overview of Zoho Pagesense

8. Zoho SalesIQ

Zoho SalesIQ

Zoho Sales IQ provides a hassle-free and live chat support for the customers and business growth. It helps the marketers to increase ROI on their marketing efforts

It offers a wide range of marketing automation benefits such as tracking and engaging with leads, reaching out to prospects with messages, driving engagement with Zoho CRM, engaging in real-time scoring, selling smartly, etc.

Related ReadBoost Your Sales Activities With Zoho SalesIQ

The best part is that Zoho apps can be integrated with each other and third-party applications for much better performance. This integration often helps in making sure that the sales and marketing teams are aligned and have a complete picture of leads and customers while planning campaigns. Marketers can also connect the sales and marketing information to get a better understanding of ROI for your efforts.

Marketing Automation Examples with Zoho

Since we have gained an understanding of what is marketing automation and what is needed to build a plan for it, let’s understand more about it when it is put to action.

1. Small-sized Marketing Team: If you have a small marketing team and if you wish to welcome or even engage new leads then regardless of which business you might be running, email marketing can be helpful. By building an easy journey, you can make it simple to welcome and engage new leads on the list and attract them towards new offers.

In case you have already sent an email on a consistent basis, you could wonder if it is a good use of time and energy for setting up an email series. The answer to this is a yes because emails serve an important purpose that a regular promotional or informational email cannot.

The common aim with these onboarding emails is to engage new people and offer them a new idea for an email, how often that email will be expected, and sharing a detailed description of a business’s mission. In addition, these emails also share something of value for establishing goodwill and creating positive associations.

2. Medium-sized Marketing Team: The leads that engage frequently with the content are more than likely to get converted into customers. Identifying those leads and streamlining the content that is seen by them also helps in targeting the follow-up emails. An important way to approach this is by assigning a lead score that changes as the lead engages with or ignores the follow-up emails.

Based on the number of products that are being marketed, one can also use lead activity to qualify leads for some products. In case you have a lead nurturing series with ten emails then some emails are focused on entry-level features of a product and some on advanced features.

If a lead gets opened and someone clicks on links in the first few emails but stops after that then they might not be interested to have the more advanced features. However, this can indicate the customers to interest them in a separate tier or product version. It is also possible to create a follow-up sequence for the leads that focus on features to see if they are specifically interested in a feature set or an unengaged lead.

3. Large Sized Marketing Team: For the marketing teams that work closely with the sales team, an advanced and a nurturing workflow can be the ticket. It helps in assigning a better score to leads as they go ahead in the workflow. Moreover, it also creates tasks in Zoho based on which actions should be taken and what the lead score can be.

With the help of this knowledge, the sales team can focus on engaged leads and close them effectively. Identifying the loyal customers and the ones who are likely to become repeated is a great idea for any business and what’s best is that marketing automation helps here too.

A loyalty-building workflow helps in creating tags and leads for the database and assigns them on the basis of activity. After leads move through this journey, they are assigned a lead score and a tag of loyal, active, or unresponsive based on their activity.


Zoho Apps is an excellent way to do marketing automation and make a business grow tremendously. It helps in creating processes that automate routine marketing activities. These marketing automation tools help in capturing leads with information, reaching out to them through channels, and tracking the progress with the sales funnel.

Encaptechno has experience of acting as a Zoho partner for many businesses with a record of helping them grow. Get in touch with us to get complete support in implementing marketing automation using Zoho Apps, today.

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