
zoho implementation

How Is Zoho a Good Option for Business Organizations in 2022_

How Is Zoho a Good Option for Business Organizations in 2022?

How Is Zoho a Good Option for Business Organizations in 2022_

Ever since Zoho was launched in 2005, it has been focused on enabling businesses to expand effortlessly. This means that if a business wants to grow then
Zoho implementation can be very helpful. It offers an ease of use that makes Zoho one of the topmost CRM choices available. All thanks to Zoho, one can still have effective customer relationships even though there is no real person to do a specific job.

Zoho is user-friendly and comes with all that is needed to keep the customers satisfied. It is a decent CRM solution for many types of businesses. The pricing that Zoho is available at is quite competitive and is considered to be at par with Salesforce and Microsoft CRM. The fact that Zoho comes with so many features makes it a great tool for businesses to grow.

Zoho is available in several tiers of plans and ranges from the free option to the Enterprise solution which is a great option for virtually any company. Its applications and features make it worth using for any kind of business. In this blog, we intend to see the different features of Zoho and how it is a good option for business organizations in 2022. Let’s begin.

Overview of Zoho CRM

One can effectively say that Zoho CRM is like an all-in-one solution. It is an
online CRM system that does not need you to look through different departments or anything of that sort which makes it an excellent option for businesses of all sizes. Zoho CRM is a tool that all employees can use effectively and this is one thing that is very important.

The Zoho CRM implementation makes sure that employees do not need training for taking advantage of many features right away. It is a CRM solution that can effectively bend to your needs. You can customize the dashboard for different teams or projects and create multiple pipelines for matching the customer journeys. In addition, Zoho CRM allows you to create reports in a couple of clicks with deep insights on just about anything that you can think of.

Moreover, Zoho CRM includes features such as real-time sales signals and customer notifications, blueprint business management for online and offline processes, mass emails, prospect scoring capabilities, advanced customizations, AI assistant, inventory management, etc. The best part is that Zoho is affordable. The cheapest plan that Zoho offers starts at $14 per user per month and there is no skimping on features. If you need customization and features then Zoho’s upper-tier CRM plans come at $23, $40, and $52 per user per month.

What’s more, Zoho also provides a free plan with three users. It comes with many important features such as lead management, task management, document sharing, workflow rules, and a mobile application as well. To help small businesses, Zoho has recently started Bigin – a CRM that enables small businesses to manage their customer relationships easier than ever. When small businesses are prepared to move ahead of spreadsheets and legacy sales tools, Bigin is a great tool to begin.

What’s new in Zoho CRM in 2022?

Other than the many features that customers are already aware of, Zoho is coming up with other powerful features in 2022 that can empower business organizations. These features will be centered on delivering an exceptionally high standard in customer experience. Let’s have a look at them below.

1. Unified Platform for End-to-End Remote Working


One of the biggest problems that professionals have seen while working remotely is context switching. This is a problem that makes the professionals leave tasks incomplete and move on because of an interruption and it creates a negative impact on productivity. There can be many reasons for the disruptions and so many of them are inevitable when working from different locations.

For example, if the web developer is supposed to finish an important task in the fixed timeline and there is an immediate team meeting called then the developer will end up attending the meeting which will leave the task incomplete. This and many other interruptions can be avoided when there is a team collaboration tool in use.

With the Zoho implementation, you can set your status at “Engaged at Work” when you are working on completing an important task while informing your teammates that you will be unavailable. This way, remote work status in Zoho Cliq can help in focusing on work without causing any interruptions.

Zoho Cliq is a team collaboration tool that can be used by professionals for working and collaborating effectively. It comes with remote work features that help in working through the various disturbances along with being integrated with other apps or tools that you use. This helps in avoiding contextual switching at work and being all the more productive.

2. Client-end Scripting


The client scripts help the developers to use JavaScript codes for extending the capabilities of the Zoho CRM system in a way that addresses niche business needs. Since the scripts are executed on the client-side, a team can address many requirements.

This can be primarily done with low latency scripts that perform actions such as field validation, computations, UI actions, auto-population, field validation, enrichments along with trigger widgets, functions, and flyouts.

3. Omnichannel Communication


The present hybrid work environment presents a vital place for the sales representatives to maximize benefits across channels of communication when engaging with prospects. 

For building the robust omni-channel communication platform that is already a part of the Zoho CRM system, many enhancements have been introduced across email and telephony systems so that sales can become more effective.

4. Personalized Emails


The personalization of emails has proven to be an important step in building long-term trust with customers. Hence, Zoho is presenting new ways to add a personal flair to emails so that the business identity can be established strongly in the minds of customers.

Zoho will enable businesses to customize all aspects of emails from font styles and sizes to the email signatures for individual email addresses and email aliases. This will help the businesses to foster a much better reputation in the minds of clients.

5. Smart Working With Automated Workflows

Smart Working With Automated Workflows

Artificial intelligence will hold an important place in future workspaces. While curbing the challenges posed by the pandemic, many organizations realized the importance of AI because it helps in the automation of everyday tasks with the use of bots. 

AI also reduces workload and improves productivity by focusing on important work rather than manual data entry on a loop. The workflow automation does not just reduce human error in the workflow but it also saves a lot of time. In fact, automation of the workload can give the professionals the benefit of streamlining business processes.

For instance, one of the important tasks for any organization is to engage the customers and address their questions. This is an important task as happy customers form the foundation of any business. The customer service can address issues and an internal communication tool can help in discussing work items with fellow customer success executives.

Zoho CRM helps in navigating between the customer community while being updated on the new customer posts. You can also engage a bot that instantly notifies new queries and complaints within Zoho. This is an exceptional way in which routine tasks can be automated efficiently.

In addition, Zoho will also be coming up with exciting new updates to Zia which is Zoho CRM’s AI sales assistant. These updates will be bringing new levels of insights and understanding of customers and they will help in building meaningful and personalized customer relationships.

6. Defining Email Sharing Policy


Based on the roles of CRM users and the kind of email communications that you are engaging in, you might want emails to be available to every user in a CRM. The emails should be confidential and they should only be available to a small group of decision-makers.

With the Zoho CRM, you can effectively define your email sharing policy at the organizational level for each role while updating the policy for users in bulk. You can also set email sharing permissions for new employees or update them when users move to assume different roles in the CRM system.

7. Streamline Sales Calls


The native integration comes with an ability for managers to monitor, guide, and support the representatives to improve at making sales calls. The Zoho CRM integration enables sales professionals to keep an eye on how the representatives are performing in their active calls while managing the calls that are there in the queue waiting.

Sales managers can also coach new sales representatives as they progress through a call by jumping in directly to take the lead when the situation calls for it. This will lead to streamline the business process of sales effectively.

8. Understanding Workflow Failures


Workflows play the role of building blocks of automating the sales processes. Anytime when they fail to trigger or do not operate in the manner that they are supposed to, the direct impact can be on the sales performance which can negatively impact customer experience.

Zoho integrations make it simple to get in-depth information about when and where the workflow fails and all the records that get affected. The team can use important data for fixing the underlying problems and get the workflows up and running once again.

9. User Experience
User Experience

The user experience has been a forgotten aspect when it comes to CRM solutions. While pursuing robust functionality, strong market presence, and competitive prices, businesses can often overlook the experience offered by CRM solutions to the daily users.

A good user experience has the ability to offer a better customer experience because it helps the sales team to be more productive and effective when working with the CRM solution. This is why Zoho has come up with Canvas that lets businesses provide a hyper-personalized CRM experience to users. Moving ahead, Zoho will also be bringing more intuitive features for building on a strong UX foundation.

10. Accessing Multiple CRM Accounts


It will be possible to associate a user with multiple CRM accounts to allow business owners, upper management, and decision-makers for managing multiple businesses with ease.

The users will be able to switch between accounts easily and quickly which will make it easier to access key business data that helps in understanding growth and deriving insights. This feature of accessing multiple CRM accounts can be used to prepare agendas, reports, and ideas for future planning with a single set of login credentials.



The online CRM system that you use should keep growing to keep pace with the constantly growing work environment and technological advancements. Take the step of choosing and employing the best available CRM system for your business so that your organization can function well.

Zoho CRM comes with a free trial which can help you in experiencing all the features that it has to offer. If you want to make the most out of Zoho and all the amazing features that can offer your business, get in touch with an experienced Zoho Consultant of Encaptechno. You can look forward to consistent support and valuable suggestions that will prove valuable for your business. 


How Is Zoho a Good Option for Business Organizations in 2022? Read More »

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Why Is Zoho Implementation A Good Investment for Your Business - Encaptechno

Why Is Zoho Implementation A Good Investment for Your Business?

Why Is Zoho Implementation A Good Investment for Your Business - Encaptechno

The success of any business is dependent on customer relationships. Organizations of all sizes are increasingly realizing the importance of investing in a credible customer relationship software application for improved business processes. A CRM application that has managed to change the entire ecosystem of business considerably is called Zoho CRM. This CRM works on the SaaS model, it is light in weight and is cloud-based while being packed with numerous customizable features.

Zoho implementation is perfect for carrying out business operations efficiently and in a cost-effective manner. Moreover, Zoho CRM is particularly targeted towards small and medium-sized businesses for storing customer and vendor data, improving customer engagements, and increasing conversion rates.

Empowered with a network of hundreds of thousands of businesses spread across 180 countries, Zoho CRM integration has proven useful to many organizations. It is a highly rated software application that enables companies to grow their revenue, convert leads, and engage with customers.

In this blog, we will understand the way in which Zoho implementation proves to be a good implementation for a business. If you own a company that you wish to expand then understanding the benefits of Zoho implementation will help you considerably.

Zoho Implementation and Business Efficiency

Zoho Implementation and Business Efficiency

Zoho can be very easily customized for fulfilling the needs of different businesses regardless of their nature and size. Right from small and medium-sized start-ups to large scale organizations belong to a diverse business vertical, all businesses use CRM software for increasing their marketing operations, sales efforts, and customer service processes.

The implementation of Zoho helps to automate business processes with various modules. Some of them include marketing automation, order management, salesforce automation, contact management, customer support, activity management, inventory management, vendor management, website integration, workflow automation, CRM analytics and reporting, and billing and payment management.

Other than this, Zoho can also be integrated with many other applications. In fact, when compared to all the CRM options that are commonly available, Zoho CRM provides some of the widest range of integrations. Other than email integration in Zoho CRM, one can integrate Zoho CRM to applications such as Gmail, WordPress, Office 365, LinkedIn, Facebook, Slack, and much more.

Zoho Implementation – A Good Investment for Business

The decision to integrate Zoho CRM can without a doubt be the best decision to enhance the business efficiency. The Zoho CRM actually comes with different applications as add-ons that help businesses to boost their overall sales. Below, we will be mentioning some of the benefits why Zoho implementation is a good investment for your business.

1. User-friendly CRM

User-friendly Zoho CRM

One of the most important factors that make a software application desirable and we might as well say, beneficial is the user-friendliness quotient. When it comes to ease of use and simplicity, Zoho CRM is exceptionally user-friendly.

The employees of an organization do not need comprehensive technical know-how to monitor and customize the platform. The Zoho CRM integration enables the employees to take care of all the departments that need attention. Moreover, there is real-time access for monitoring sales, deals, and contact history.

All in all, the company’s employees can stay ahead of managing important customer relationships with the implementation of Zoho CRM.

2. Improved Customer Relationships

The implementation of an efficient customer relationship management application is one of the strongest and also an efficient method for maintaining and creating relationships with the customers. With the implementation of Zoho CRM, customer relationship management does not only stay limited to businesses but also ideates to strong bonding with the customers.

The development of this kind of strong bond enables the business to reach new levels of success. Once the personal connection is built with the customers, it becomes very easy to find the actual needs of customers and help them to serve in a much better way.

It is a strong belief that the more streamlined strategies involved in the implementation of customer relationship management, the better and more productive the business becomes. Zoho CRM empowers organizations to be armed with dedicated tools for the maintenance of CRMs in the workplace.

3. Advanced Marketing Processes

The implementation of Zoho CRM leverages and amplifies the customer base of an organization with an effective marketing strategy. In fact, the Zoho CRM brings new dimensions when it comes to marketing by significantly enhancing the overall operations and their execution as well.

The intuitive CRM-associated marketing strategies such as web marketing; email marketing, direct marketing, etc. have been developed in the recent past. These methods are more promising and effective as compared to the traditional ways of marketing because they deliver higher business performance.

Zoho CRM makes all these processes very easy by enhancing the response rates on the marketing campaigns, streamline costs on the promotions and also provide better security on marketing investments. With the assistance of a dedicated Zoho partner, you can improve things such as web marketing, email marketing, analyzing the buying behaviour of customers, forecasting future marketing strategies, and building business impact models.

Zoho CRM comes with synergistic marketing strategies that help in developing high-end marketing businesses. Therefore, it is important for an organization to incorporate them completely by anticipating change, testing their performance, assembling the best strategies, and maximizing the marketing growth.

4. Easy Migration of Data

If you have been looking to change your data management system or even adapt consciously to a new CRM then Zoho CRM is the way to go. It helps in migrating extremely valuable data precisely in just a few simple steps. Once the data gets converted in the required format, Zoho implementation maps out the import files with the modules within the CRM and vice versa.

In case there are no important fields left to map then Zoho CRM takes the responsibility of creating them for you. The entire process of migration is very simple and easy to carry out. In fact, with the support of an experienced Zoho consultant and Zoho’s dedicated data migration, there will be reduced manual work and everything will become much easier when it comes to the migration of data.

5. Telephony Features

To enable optimized call dialing and automatic call logging, Zoho comes up with a single click dialing that can take place directly from the CRM. After the successful integration of telephony, anytime a user views a contact card, there is an option to click to call.

Further, the telephony feature comes with a built-in reminder so that you can set the future callbacks and also automate the call logging which then makes it simple to see the customer information and conversation history. The call analytics and reporting round out Zoho’s telephony features by offering extremely important data visualization and feedback on customer service.

6. Detailed Reporting and Advanced Analytics

Detailed Reporting and Advanced Analytics - Zoho

Zoho CRM integration enables much more visibility into a business. It allows the sales, marketing, and support team to capture the leads from incoming calls, emails, or messages that come through websites.

You can log into important information about the lead and also the sales activities like important calls, meetings, and emails. With the analytics feature of Zoho, it is also possible to convert the lead to a potential sale for pipeline reporting, run the reports on sales activities per user, and record the sales performance.

This further helps in creating quotes and invoices even in multiple currencies while closing sales and tracking business revenue. You can focus on ROI with better marketing campaigns, track the customer complaints or problems, enhance customer retention, and reduce the overall sales time.

7. Task Automation

With Zoho implementation, it becomes possible to automate various activities within a business workflow and triggering certain actions. This further enables businesses to save a sufficient amount of time because the employers will no longer have to manually record the information which in turn will help them focus on the lead nurturing process and the conversion rate.

In essence, Zoho understands that the task processes can be pretty complex in function. They might include multiple teams, require certain approvals at stages from some people, and may also need notifications to be sent out. Since doing all of this manually can prove pretty tiresome, Zoho comes with tools such as Blueprints that let the tedious work gets completed.

8. Artificial Intelligence Feature

Zoho CRM is known as one of the very few business-focused SaaS CRMs that come with a high-quality AI drive functionality. Zoho’s proprietary AI assistant comes with predictions on trends, anomalies, conversions, and closing deals.

At the most advanced level, which means the ultimate subscription plan, this assistant called Zia offers detailed insights about the best time for contact customers. It also sets auto-reminders that can be used for reaching out to the customers and analyzes the tone of emails sent by customers to come up with the best response.

9. Customization

You can customize your CRM application in the best way possible that suits a business’s needs. By presenting the information you acquire in a unique way, the Zoho CRM can be used for great customization. With the option of Layouts, one can create individual layouts for different processes and in turn control the data that enters a system for making a quick sale.

With custom components, you can use custom modules, fields, and buttons that present the information the way in which you want in the CRM.  In addition, you can also cater to more customers across the globe by offering multi-language and multi currency to a team. Finally, the option of views and filters helps in adding custom filters and other settings that mark the important information and make it easily available.

10. Effective Collaboration

Zoho implementation comes with many collaboration tools that are considered suitable for small to medium-sized teams. It has a built-in document management system that stores important documents, pictures, music, and videos which makes accessing these things simple at the time of need.

The access privileges also make it easy to lock down important material and share some items with the team members. The feature of the calendar is also helpful for collaboration because it allows the teams to share calendars so that individuals can maintain an easy calendar within their CRM.


In case you are handling a business and your focus is on the maintenance of customer relationships then Zoho CRM will help you get everything that is needed to improve the organizational infrastructure and productivity.

You can actually customize your business infrastructure with the assistance of Zoho CRM integration because that will prove beneficial in building a strong organization and improved customer relationships. At Encaptechno, we have a team of focused and experienced Zoho consultants who have offered the best assistance in Zoho implementation to many businesses.

If you wish to ensure smooth workflows then get in touch with us to know more about Zoho implementation.

 Get FREE ZOHO Consultation NOW


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Act to Zoho CRM Migration - Encaptechno

Migration From Act To Zoho CRM

Act to Zoho CRM Migration - Encaptechno

Selecting the correct CRM application can have a substantial impact on an organization. Today, more and more organizations are realizing the implementation of CRM in improving their processes. For many years, ACT CRM solutions have been industry leaders because of the simple fact that ACT invented the content management software back in the 1980s.

However, a considerable time after the launch of ACT and a substantial evolution being done, organizations are migrating from ACT to Zoho CRM. This is because organizations have consistently seen positive results as a result of this data migration. The data migration done from ACT to Zoho CRM is extremely beneficial and puts the organization in a state of advantage.

In this blog, we will look at the conversion in detail and then the benefits that come from this data migration. So, let’s begin:

ACT to Zoho CRM: The Conversion

The conversion Process of Migration

An increasing number of organizations are willing for data migration from Act to Zoho CRM. While explaining the scope of migration, we will shed some light on what gets migrated and all that you can expect once the conversion is done.

Before understanding the entire conversion, let us all assume that an organization is using everything in ACT. This means that all the important information of this organization including contacts, companies, notes, history, attachments, custom fields, activities, groups, or any other important data is uploaded on ACT. The version of ACT does not matter here because data migration can be done from all versions.

Now, the migration process includes a middle step of exporting all the data into Excel. Therefore, any data that might not migrate can be edited to fit into Zoho fields and records. It is important that someone an experienced professional does this because that person will have the right tools and the knowledge to do the same. There are many people who can export data ACT, but only a few know how to migrate it. Therefore, having an experienced Zoho implementation consultant is a prerequisite.

Firstly, all the items that come straight across including the contacts, custom fields, or companies can be migrated cleanly. In Zoho, companies are called accounts by default. If you wish, then you can change this name as well. Being an Act user for many years, you might be used to the word companies, so you can stick to the same if you wish. Remember, if you set up all the fields in Zoho to match the fields in Act then mostly all of the data is likely to come across as fine and accurate. The only thing worth noting here is that Zoho limits the number of custom fields that can be added. This limit is 130 and it is divided by the field type. Although this should generally not be an issue, you might as well run into limits if you customize your ACT database extensively.

Other things such as notes, opportunities/potentials, and history come across the information while being presented in Zoho in a different manner. If the data is getting manipulated in Excel correctly, you can be assured of a clean conversion. Here, it is key that the person doing the data migration is well aware of both the ACT and the Zoho data structure, otherwise, there is a good chance that you might lose some important data.

As a system, you will find that ACT is much more detailed in Activities. Hence, scheduling, recurrence, alarms will not come over as 100%. You will end up getting the major information that will be just enough to continue working without any interruption or losing data. Additionally, the dates will also convert. You might just have to edit some of the alarms and recurring schedules.

For the data migration of groups, there is a different feature in Zoho. Just because Zoho does not have the group feature with the same name does not mean that you will end up losing any kind of data. It is very much possible to successfully convert the group information and keep it intact so that the users can still use the data they have in ACT. Zoho comes with some features that enable this to happen and the most important one out of those is Views, which means saved queries. When you move the group name to a field, you can create views in Zoho that enable you to do the same job of groups in ACT. Another option can be used as a second entity in Zoho called the companies or vendors at the group level.

It is important to remember that Zoho is a remarkable CRM application that is designed to enable the organizations to accomplish all that they wish to. Therefore, after the data migration is done correctly, the companies must focus on getting used to the features of Zoho and maximizing the benefits they offer for the best results.

Below mentioned is a step by step methodology of data migration from ACT to Zoho CRM:

Step By Step Migration Methodology

1. Discovery: The team of data migration consultants that you hire will make all attempts to gain an understanding of your existing setup. They are going to assess and understand your existing set up while planning for all the next steps that must be taken.

2. Back up: In this step, an ACT backup file will be needed for extracting the data from ACT CRM. Mostly, this will be a database backup such as the MS SQL database.

3. Extraction: Here, we use custom software for extracting data from the ACT. This particular process takes some hours based on the size of the database. Just after the extraction gets completed, spreadsheets of records in ACT CRM like Accounts, Opportunities, Events, Notes, Attachments, etc. are obtained.

4. Configuration: Before the migration of data is started, there is a setup configuration and customization in Zoho. This includes users and profiles, organization set up, custom fields, custom modules, workflow automation, etc. This step helps in preparing the Zoho account for migration.

5. Data cleansing: Just before the data gets migrated, a clean-up of data is required. Extensive work is done to duplicate records, unused modules, and the fields.

6. Data migration: In the step of data migration, the data that was extracted will be uploaded to the Zoho CRM.

7. Training: In this step, the data migration consultants will spend some time training the administrators and end-users.

8. Post-migration support: In this step, post-implementation support is provided for ensuring the success of the data migration.

Benefits of data migration from ACT to Zoho CRM

Benefits of Data Migration from Act to Zoho

1. Cloud-based: Zoho CRM is entirely cloud-based. This means that it integrates with several other cloud-based applications including the Google apps suite. Additionally, it can also sync with QuickBooks and Outlook.

Since Zoho is cloud-based, it provides a wide number of mobile features which means that users do not have to be restricted to their desks or even a particular computer system. Organizations can access the CRM application on the go from their mobile devices such as tablets or even smart phones.

2. Up to date technology:  ACT is outdated in many ways when compared to Zoho because Zoho offers many modern features. Some of these features include sales quotas, feeds, competitor tracking, etc. The feed feature has the capability to turn your CRM into a social network that allows users to follow certain activities or records along with adding comments.

This is a social format that proves to be much more intuitive for users as it mirrors the interface that most of the people working with new technology are accustomed to. Additionally, this also enables easier communication because it becomes easy to trace the comments back to particular events or records. There is no longer a need to do internal and external communications through separate emails or messenger channels because that can be done through the software directly.

3. Leverages marketing: Although it is true that many CRM applications are equipped with marketing automation tools, it must also be remembered that all of these solutions do not offer high-quality solutions. Zoho comes with a wide number of marketing automation tools that include email templates, mass emailing ability, an ability to transfer the web leads directly, a marketing campaign manager, etc.

All these tools provide increased connectivity with features that streamline marketing to the sales process. With the functions of email campaigns, users can invite prospects to schedule follow-up emails. It is also possible to keep a track of email open rates, the total number of clicks, and bounces.

After these events are over, the users can move all new leads to the sales team using the drip campaigns. Zoho CRM assists all marketing teams to manage the campaigns effectively while passing on quality leads to the sales team. In addition, marketing automation tools ensure that all campaigns deliver better results. Zoho CRM lets users set the budget, assign ownership to tasks, and measure the success of all campaigns that are conducted.


The amazing benefits that Zoho offers make up for the reason why companies are switching to Zoho. Encaptechno assists companies in implementing new and improved CRM solutions with exemplary support and guidance.

Having worked with multiple organizations as they migrated their data to the latest software applications, we ensure that they are always taking the benefit of the most innovative solutions. In case you are interested in using these new tools and want our team to help you with data migration from Act to Zoho CRM, then contact us.

We will give you the best-suited solutions for your business needs.

Migration From Act To Zoho CRM Read More »

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Zoho CRM - What You Get in Free Version

Zoho CRM: What You Get in Free Version?

Zoho CRM - What You Get in Free Version

For the small and startup organizations that can’t afford a big investment, the fully-featured free version of the Zoho CRM offers all the vital functionalities that a small business needs. It includes every robust feature for sales and marketing, powerful integrations, and secured cloud storage for up to 3 users. From lead generation, contact management, and workflow automation to analytics and social collaboration, everything is included. As your company develops, Zoho CRM Consultant will help you upgrade to a paid subscription that provides more advanced capabilities.

Get Feature-Rich Zoho CRM Free of Cost


A CRM tool is an absolute necessity for businesses of all sizes that provides basic customer experience, so it shouldn’t be expensive. And Zoho CRM’s free edition is built for small teams who have big dreams. Here’s why Zoho offers the best free trial version, because:

  • There are no hidden costs– You get access to everything under the free plan
  • It is free forever–There’s no trial period and no forced upgrade
  • No Credit Card required- You can sign up without your credit card details
What are the Built-In Features in the Zoho CRM’s Free Version?


Zoho CRM’s free version can support up to 3 users and presents significant features that a business of small size needs. This edition includes contact and lead management, tasks and events, multichannel marketing, Zoho CRM Integrations to its other applications, analytics, customization, and more!

Here are the features you get in a free version:

  • Contact Book
  • Email Marketing
  • Leads Generation
  • Automation
  • Analytics
  • Customization
  • Storage
  • Ecosystem


Manage Your Contacts Professionally

Zoho CRM’s free tool allows you to create, manage, and categorize data in a way that can help you to drive sales and returns. You can generate connections, record sales activities, add notes, produce tasks, qualify leads, view deals, and much more with this flexible digital contact book. So bid adieu to clumsy spreadsheets and shift your business into a more easy and powerful solution. With this professional contact book, you can do:

Lead and Contact Management

Create a lasting relationship with your leads and customers and impress them with your assistance.

Deal Management

Don’t ever miss any business opportunity, capture deals on the board, and generate revenue easily.

Account Management

List all contacts and deals related to one company and manage it more rapidly.



Email Marketing - Zoho CRM

Create Smarter and Personalized Emails

Email Marketing is made more expedient, resourceful, and personalized with Zoho CRM. You can create attractive copies with its powerful editor, which has tons of built-in formatting options, and you can also add important attachments to the email copy. Create custom workflows, use templates, opt-out email, and a few more that will help you write tailored emails that accurately highlight the pain of your leads.



Find and Contact Leads Online

For a small-sized business, an excellent website can serve as a success key for creating new and repeat business opportunities. It’s imperative to keep track of the lead activities online and request contact information for moving them into your sales process. The free version of Zoho CRM enables you to do that effortlessly. Further, you can:

Track visitors with SalesIQ

Keep track of how the viewers interact with your website content, indulge in live chat with prospecting customers, and improve conversion rate.

Create Leads with Web Forms

Seize the lead and contact information from your website and insert it to your CRM with the use of Web Forms. Just generate a form on your website and link it directly to your CRM for input details.



Automate Your Sales Processes

Zoho CRM’s workflow automation makes you more productive by managing regular tasks on your behalf. You can create a workflow for custom operation, set it, and leave it! Zoho CRM will attend and implement it while you can devote your time to what is more important that is connecting with customers. You can automate workflows for up to 5 everyday tasks; so that there are fewer things on your to-do list.




Analyze Everything You Do

It also allows you to conduct a variety of analytics to track the performance and results of your business at the employee level. Not much extensive like paid ones, the free software still offers a wide range of reporting features. The system also presents robust security features that enable the administrator to allocate responsibilities, control access, and implement restrictions. For the smallest size of the business, this free option provides a remarkable set of benefits. With analytics, you can:

Design Meaningful Charts

You can only manage the details that you can view on your system. Create colorful charts to get insights on sales activities, marketing campaigns, lead status, customer contacts, and more.

Create Detailed Reports

Change the way your business is managed and run with intelligent reporting features that interrupt key metrics and can share the reports with a single click.



Customize the Way You Do It

Zoho CRM’s free version allows you to choose how your data appears. You can make custom list views that will help you to discover data quickly, rename tabs with specific names appropriate according to your business terminology, and customize pages to match well with your industry style.



Data Storage

Everything Is On The Cloud

Zoho CRM gives your company the facility for cloud storage that ensures complete security and management of your business data. In this feature, you get:

Data Storage

You can store up to 5,000 records in each module that can be published manually or transferred from a spreadsheet or another CRM vendor.

File Storage

With the free cloud storage, you can create files and folders, share them with other users, evaluate files, attach files, etc., which will help you run your business more easily. Each business organization gets 1GB of cloud storage to save their files.



Step into the Zoho Ecosystem

Zoho serves the best when used with other Zoho applications. You can integrate the free editions of some other Zoho applications like Zoho Creator, Zoho Books, and Zoho Campaigns etc. with Zoho CRM for better customer support, marketing campaigns, surveys, and more operations. Easily sign up for one Zoho product and get access to utilize the entire suite with the same credentials.

Also Read: Top Reasons to Choose Zoho One
Get the Desired Value in Free Version!


Zoho is a reputed business software company, and when they say free, it means free forever. You will not be requested to upgrade and make any license payments after a trial period is gone. Indeed, there is no such trial period. You can access and manage all of your business data for as long as you like.

And the best thing is that the Zoho CRM free edition allows you to work with a small team that has up to 3 users, for 4,8,12 months or more, depending on whether it matches your needs.

Once you start running your business with the free CRM software, success will be on the way. Your business will thrive, your customer base will get greater, and your sales team will increase. But, with the growth of your business, there will be a need for a superior plan, and then you can upgrade it accordingly.

Zoho will never force you to upgrade to a paid edition. However, the future growth and expansion will itself tend your organization to the point that you’ll need one. For technical assistance and information, consult a leading Zoho Implementation Partner today!

Zoho CRM: What You Get in Free Version? Read More »

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Why Your Retail Business Needs to Integrate CRM Software?

With digitization becoming popular, businesses no longer run the same. Whether offline or online, the retail industry is undergoing a complete transformation. Being a customer-centric business, maintaining a strong relationship with customers is a must. A recent report has revealed that by 2020 retail sales will top $27 trillion. Staggering, doesn’t it? The market is huge. But with plenty of options available to customers, the competition is tough. To survive and excel incorporation of technology is no more a need rather a necessity.

As visible, the concept of shopping is now changing. The online marketing is gaining prominence. According to a recent survey, 51% of customers purchase stuff online. This has made the offline retailers to pull up their socks. A more personalized user interaction is the need of the time. But with an expanding customer base personalizing each interaction becomes tough. Here Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software comes into the scene. It is a robust and comprehensive software. With smartphone usage becoming common, a number of CRM mobile apps have entered the market. The retailers nowadays are using CRM mobile integration on a large scale.

That is to say, the CRM software is helping stores to serve their buyers in an efficient way. Curious to know more? Let’s have a look at why your retail business needs CRM integration. Here we go:

  • Image building – Building a positive image of your business is very important. With the help of CRM software, you can have a more professional approach in dealing with customers. An inviting image will attract buyers to your stores or services.
  • Personalized customer service – In a time when options are plenty having a loyal customer base is tough. A personalized interaction with your customers will help you in this direction. CRM software provides social media data, purchase history, likes and dislikes of every individual customer. This help store owners deal with their customers in a better way.
  • Better alignment of sales and marketing – Big data hold immense potential for businesses. A proper analysis of it will propel your business to heights. The marketing team can manage big data content with CRM integration. Also, by giving access to pricing literature and personalized dashboards, the CRM software can help the sales wing too.
  • Loyalty programs – Implementing loyalty programs can do wonders for your business. It’s a powerful tool but underused. By using CRM software, you can handle customer loyalty programs in an effective manner. It will help in managing customer profiles, their reward tiers and how can they redeem them. An online portal showing details of offers, complimentary coupons, current reward status etc. will help you in developing a loyal customer base.
  • Better inventory management – CRM software enables you to keep a track of intercompany transfers. You can check the availability of stocks, demand/supply ratio, and replenishment processes. Such in-depth information will help you in better management of your inventory. You’ll never go out of stock. This will help your business in the long run.

In brief, CRM software holds immense potential to deliver a superior customer service. In the times of the empowered customer, it will propel your business in the right direction. We at Encaptechno, have years of experience in CRM mobile integration. So, if you also wish to give your business a technological push, we are there to help you. Feel free to reach us at [email protected] and we will revert back at the earliest.

Why Your Retail Business Needs to Integrate CRM Software? Read More »

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Zoho CRM

Role of Zoho in handling cognitive dissonance

If you are thinking of expanding your business, increasing the sales stats at an alarmingly amazing rate and gaining better and undefeatable brand equity, you must have definitely understood the journey a customer takes while at purchase. Well, considering that you yourself are a consumer with the need for material aspects just like your target audience, I am sure you must have understood the sort of option-based turmoil they come across. Often customers receive options to choose from among various brands for a single item that they intend to purchase. This might come across as a delight considering that they could compare two products or options and choose the one they feel suits the best. But, this might also come across as a problem for consumers. Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values.  This is exactly what most consumers suffer from, two contradictory beliefs that are capable of gaining the attraction it intends to garner.

Most companies are a prey to this factor and analyzing a customer; forcing or rather coercing them into accepting your product or service may come across as a real challenge here. With so many brands offering almost the similar products and options, trying to gain the maximum visibility, you must have understood that having the larger size of the cake is the only way to grow ahead and you have to fight it out with both the smaller picks and giants.

Don’t panic. We know the market is tough and you have a long way to go but hey! The good part is that technology knows how to take you ahead in this journey and that’s exactly what you are in search of. ZOHO is the answer to all your queries. Implementing Zoho is the only way to help stop your customers from getting distracted by brands that offer what you have or even better in a different packaging. Need more help to understand this wonder tech? Well, here’s our take on the Zoho techniques to fight your competitors in a smart way:

  1. The Automation of Sales Efforts: The heart of Zoho lies in automating routine sales efforts. From converting web visitors into hot leads and garnering data from external parties and so much more, Zoho lets you connect with your potentials from across trade shows, direct emails and seminars and workshops. Once captured in the system, these leads are matched with the right sales workforce, converting it into a real sale. Moreover, the sales processes on Zoho may be customized based on the needs of individual businesses making it an even more desirable and personalized tool.
  2. Monitor your connects: Zoho is a true CRM tool that not just lets you connect with your customers but also lets you monitor their movements, helping you understand the pattern of their purchases, the triggers that work in a particular segment. You can also forecast the revenue that you may be able to identify via Zoho tools thereby helping you create a better strategy for each segment of your market in order to remain the people’s brand that you want and must become. You remain connected with your targets, putting away any chance of contradiction.
  3. Crucial data: Zoho CRM is appreciated and adopted the most for this particular feature of it. Real-time access to handy information is essential and the tracking tool lets you see where exactly has the customer reached in the sales cycle. In short, the tool lets you analyze, track and retrieve data that can help you take the sales initiatives to a whole new level, streamlining your business efforts in order to help you achieve your targets and fulfill your mission. With Zoho, you can make smarter and profitable decisions.
  4. The Mobile Factor: Let’s face the fact. Our customers are now sourced via social media. Don’t believe it? Well, researchers have stats to prove it. Zoho takes the maximum advantage of its tracking system to analyze a potential target group, its movements, preferences, the rate of their conversion, etc. From Facebook to Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, Zoho extracts the maximum of the resources and platforms available to gain crude information. Zoho Integration with social media lets you connect with them, engage and stay associated rather than stick to a single sale and push attitude.
  5. For the smartphone generation: Zoho is all in for a smartphone generation. Dedicated editions of Zoho for Android and iOS users help these persons to control their sales activities even when on the go. This will help major decisions to be taken on the basis of quick and true data with research findings and stats to back it. You may access the most important of data from your phone and stay connected with your business no matter where you are.

The list could be stretched even further with many key market players opting in for the Zoho CRM system. If you want to take your business operations to a whole new level, you have to give Zoho a fair chance. Fight the competition and gain the maximum out of your business opportunities with Zoho.

Still, need a further detailing? We’re happy to help. Drop us a line at [email protected] and we will get back to you!

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