A Complete Overview of Zoho Pagesense - Encaptechno

A Complete Overview of Zoho Pagesense

Zoho PageSense is a conversion rate optimization and A/B testing platform utilized by businesses for boosting the conversion rates of their websites. This tool offers great visibility over what the visitors are able to see on a website. Furthermore, the tool helps in identifying any possible issues while navigating around the website and fixing them immediately. Identifying which page has site drop-offs is also available.

A Complete Overview of Zoho Pagesense - Encaptechno

The Zoho PageSense helps to track the website metrics by defining the goals, analyzing the visitor behavior with form analytics, funnel analysis, session recording, heatmaps, and website testing and optimization done with A/B tests. It also lets a person see the mouse movements and the clicking patterns of site visitors for analyzing their online behaviors.

In addition, you can also optimize your website by placing the right layouts, elements, and formats in the effective areas. Combined with Zoho’s marketing and sales products, PageSense empowers a business to make informed decisions about website changes while boosting conversions. Let’s understand what Zoho PageSense is by understanding its role in simple terms for a better contemplation.

What is Zoho PageSense?

What is Zoho PageSense

If this had to be put in simple terms then Zoho PageSense is a software application that helps in understanding how the visitors interact with a website, what they click on, and how far they can possibly scroll. The data so collected can be used to change the website elements that do not perform as you want them to and run A/B tests to find the changes that produce the highest conversion rate.

Regardless of whether you are changing the color of your CTA or restricting the page entirely, the Zoho PageSense login helps in making sure that each decision is tested and backed by the data. By constant testing and analysis, one can be certain that any change made to a website will have an overall positive impact on the conversion.

Before seeing the benefits of Zoho PageSense, we will first see the features that it offers comprehensively.

Functions of Zoho PageSense

Functions of Zoho PageSense

If you wish to see your website with your visitor’s eyes while understanding what they like and what they don’t then Zoho PageSense is the solution. You can use the insights offered by Zoho PageSense for making changes to a website and also get the conversions. Some of the features offered by Zoho PageSense are:

  • Tracking Business Goals: Setting goals helps in tracking the key metrics of a website across different segments. You can use funnel analysis to find out which pages on a website cause significant drop-off.
  • Optimizing a Website: Experiment with a website layout, formatting, and element placement. You can make all changes count by running the A/B tests before committing finally.
  • Analyzing Visitor Behaviour: The heatmaps of Zoho PageSense show the visitors by clicking and scrolling the patterns and session recording enables in understanding the individual visitor behaviour.
  • Login Sessions: Use the Chrome extension to experiment with pages that hide behind any login sessions.
  • Visitor Segmentation: The visitor segmentation helps in getting data on a particular demographic or in targeting a niche audience for the experiments.
  • Integrations: Zoho PageSense also offers integrations with multiple third-party applications as well as the Zoho products for interconnecting all the insights.
  • Single Page Applications Support: Using all the features is possible, even if you have single page application support or the website loads a single HTML page that updates dynamically as visitors interact with it.

After having a look at the features offered by the Zoho PageSense in a broader sense, let us now begin to understand the benefits that it offers in detail.

1. A/B Testing

Marketers can utilize the visual editor for creating and A/B testing different variations of the web page without performing any manual code changes. The A/B testing tool is particularly helpful in redefining the web page layout, messaging, content, and design before implementing changes through the website.

In addition, the forecast feature of A/B testing helps in estimating the probable conversion rate that each variation helps in achieving even before the test gets completed. So as a marketer if there is a website change that you have been wishing to implement then you can test how it will perform by creating an alternate version of a site and using the intuitive visual editor.

Running an A/B test between the original website and its variant helps in discovering the one with the highest conversions and effective website testing and optimization. You can have important statistics for backing up the claims about what will work and what does not.

2. Heatmaps

With the scrolling and clicking pattern of a website visitor, a lot can be said about what makes them stay and what converts them. The Heatmap shows you all that and a lot more. You can get reports on how many clicks every element receives and how far can the visitors scroll.

The information so obtained can be leveraged for placing important content and CTAs where maximum time is spent. With the help of some advanced segmentation options, it is also possible to differentiate the reports and see how every niche segment of an audience interacts with the website.

Basically, the heatmap is a tool that provides a visual representation of how the visitors click and scroll through a website. By taking note of the intensity of a heatmap, the marketers can note the numbers of visitors interacting with a website element and if they are performing the expected action on a web page or not.

3. Funnel Analysis

Creating a funnel analysis of a website helps in showing some pages with the maximum drop-offs. In case you create a funnel with three steps including the home page, click on the buy now button and pricing page for checking how many visitors follow a certain path on a website.

The optimization of this page with the maximum drop off helps in increasing the overall website conversion rate. The Zoho PageSense supports ordered funnels in which every step can either become a webpage or help in interacting with the page by clicking on a button.

Some of the other features include chrome extension, report sharing, role-based access, single page application support, audience targeting, and report segmentation and forecast, a functionality for checking the trend variations of conversion rates.

4. Integrations with Zoho and third-party Apps

Integrations with Zoho and third-party Apps

Zoho PageSense can easily be integrated with the Zoho and third-party applications. Some of the third party integrations can be easily done with Google Analytics, Mixpanel, KISSmetrics, Clicky, Google Tag Manager, and Google AdWords.

In addition, Zoho also supports integration with the Zoho Sites. Any Zoho Sites customers can easily allow the Zoho PageSense integration in their account while optimizing their websites effectively.

5. Pricing and Availability

Every Zoho PageSense subscription starts with a free trial during which a user can create over three projects, track around 5000 visitors, and get unlimited access to all possible PageSense features.

The paid plans begin at over $29 a month and help in tracking over 10,000 monthly visitors for a total of three projects. In addition, the pricing plans are entirely dependent on the number of visitors that must be tracked so that one can have maximum flexibility in the usage and plan changes.

Zoho PageSense is available to get started today both as a standalone application and as a part of the Zoho One bundle. It supports over 15 common languages including German, Spanish, Dutch, French, Swedish, Russian, Italian, Korean, Polish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Turkish, and Portuguese.


You must browse over the Zoho PageSense evaluations and check out all the features that it offers by getting in touch with a Zoho consulting partner. For making a well-rounded product investigation, it is important to ensure that you get in-depth information on how to leverage the features of Zoho PageSense for sustaining company growth.

Encaptechno has a team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals who can help in understanding all about Zoho PageSense. In case you need any assistance on the same, feel free to get in touch, and use our services.

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