Track Social Media Channels with Zoho Social - Encaptechno

Track Your Social Media Channels with Zoho Social

Track Social Media Channels with Zoho Social - Encaptechno

The world that we live in today is being directed and operated by social media tools. Since these tools connect people across countries and continents, they are being used to maintain personal interactions, expand businesses, and stay in touch at every moment. This naturally amounts to the fact that businesses need a strong presence on social media if they want to be seen or heard by the masses. Where the small or medium-sized businesses can begin to engage their target audience with these tools, the large businesses can expand their reach innumerably.

If you are an entrepreneur who is trying to build a good social media presence, then for starters you should know that you are on the right path. However, from here on, you will need a tool that can track your progress and measure how much you have grown over a certain period of time on social media channels. The perfect fit for this tool is Zoho Social.

All business owners can govern their presence on social media while ensuring that it leads to good results. In this blog, we will see the different ways in which one can track the social media channels with Zoho Social, but before doing that, let us start by understanding Zoho Social in detail.

What is Zoho Social?

What is Zoho Social

Zoho Social is actually a social media marketing tool that assists the organizations to build and expand their online presence. With Zoho social login, the users can reach the right audience at the right time so that engagement can be created with the right messages.

The users can operate numerous social media accounts, schedule posts, and manage all of them at once. Zoho Social allows the social media marketing team to collaborate with multiple accounts with the same standardized dashboard. It helps in tracking the marketing revenue that is spent on social media so that streamlined budgeting can take place.

With the help of Zoho Social, one can publish content a lot more effective for the target audience. Not just this, informed public decisions can also be taken with the help of analyzed data. Once the social media marketers will be able to engage their audience better and listen to their feelings in real-time, it will become easier to initiate a fruitful interaction.

Zoho social media management enables businesses to understand the pulse of the market and all sentiments surrounding their products, services, and brands. This data is accessible via detailed reports that can be shared with the social media teams, other departments, or the senior executives. In addition to working seamlessly with all the important social media tools, Zoho Social can also be integrated with the Zoho CRM and other modules present in the Zoho Suite.

Now that we have gained an understanding of Zoho Social, let us now begin to understand how it helps in tracking the social media channels.

Zoho Social Features

1. Publishing and Monitoring: The Zoho Social software offers numerous publishing features which enable to manage the social media pipeline effectively. With the help of these features, a comprehensive publishing schedule can be created and engaging posts can be published for the target audience.

In addition to this feature, organizations can create customized monitoring dashboards that can be managed by users for tracking and personalizing the screen with the required view. In this dashboard, it is also updating the last interaction that was had with the customer.

2. Automated and Targeted Engagements: There are many people who feel that automating social media processes leads to impersonal engagements. This, however, does not hold true for all cases and in all situations. There are tools like Zoho Social balance and high-quality engagements that allow the users to see the social landscape and discover the best people to engage with on social media.

With the help of integrated data, one can customize the messages, media, and posts based on the liking of the audience so that they can be published at a time when the target audience is active.

The Zoho Social’s SmartQ prediction engine makes all this extremely simple. This tool considers all Facebook posts by time zones and locations. Moreover, the bulk scheduler option enables users to create multiple posts while scheduling their publishing time in just one sitting. This can be done either with a PC or on mobile.

3. Smart Collaboration: With the help of smart monitoring and collaboration tools, the users can track customers while basing their outreach strategies on accurate data. This is further complemented by the Brand Inbox feature that offers a single view of all messages over the platforms.

With the help of Zoho social media management software, conversations can be tracked in a way that one can stay updated because the communication history with the customers is available within a few clicks. Furthermore, the search function is such that it enables you to stay up to date with all the hashtags and events while finding prospects. One can save their searches in case they wish to return to them in the future.

In addition, Zoho Social’s collaboration features enable multiple users to work together and think of ideas for content, publishing schedules, and engagement tactics. Zoho Social comes with a good mix of smart monitoring and collaboration features that are just perfect for the social media team of any consultancy firm. If used up to their complete potential, these features give the best possible results.

4. Social Media Analytics: Analytics is an important assessment of the result that the efforts taken by the team have amounted to. Social media analytics comes with many tools that are used for the analysis of company branding with the social media website.

These tools do the job of monitoring, analyzing, and providing deeper insights with all the information gathered through the blogs and other media websites. Organizations can track their progress and be aware of all the steps that have resulted in something good with the help of this tool.

Hence, Zoho Social results in advanced analytical techniques that are also a part of this software. It helps in understanding customer behavior which plays a major role in social media analytics software. This analysis further helps the users in marketing to build their brand with the content that has a high demand.

5. Easy to Use: The Zoho Social is recommended as one of the best methods to track social media channels because of another reason which is that it is easy to use. It comes with an interface that is very simple to understand and manipulate.

In addition, it comes with a social share plug-in for web browsers like Firefox and Chrome which further allows the users to share content instantly form the same browsers and windows.

6. User Satisfaction: At the time when a marketer makes a decision to buy a social media management software, it becomes necessary to base the final decision on the reviews of the users who have had previous experience with using that software. This means that in addition to seeing how the experts evaluate the software in their reviews, one must also find out if the people and companies that buy it are satisfied with the product or not.

For this reason, the customer satisfaction algorithm of Zoho Social helps in gathering customer reviews and comments over a wide range of social media sites. This data is presented in a simple to digest way showing how many people had a positive and negative experience with the Zoho social.

When this information is at hand, one can be equipped to make an informed decision that they won’t regret in the long run. That being said, user satisfaction with Zoho Social has been impeccable. Its implementation has actually shown great results in improving the reach of brands.

7. Collaboration with Team: With the help of collaboration features, the Zoho Social software makes it possible to discuss numerous social media tasks and carry out campaign planning which helps in making quick decisions while saving organization time.

Here are some of the features that are offered by collaboration:

  • Discuss: You can start a new discussion, talk about an influencer engagement, plan things, and direct people to do anything with the help of Discuss. If you feel that you have anything important to talk about then hit discuss and you will be good to go.
  • Roles and Permissions: You can bring your colleagues on board and create particular roles for them. For instance; you can assign which social media channels or features can be accessed by one particular person.
  • Tag: If you are drafting a new copy then you can tag your team members for the feedback. By using the option of @mention, you can engage your team members in conversations and get them to participate.

8. Detailed Reports: Zoho Social generates detailed reports that are based on all the activities that took place on the platform. This report can be shared with the team and lay the foundation of planning.

It is enriched by the statistics and analytics feature that offers insights with the help of visual data reports about the performance and the online presence of a brand.


Zoho Social comes with features that will be loved by you and your team. Integrated with all things that empower you to build a brand on social media, Zoho Social can be used to schedule content in numerous ways, monitor all that matters, and create intelligent reports.

In case you are looking for an application to build your social media presence, the experts at Encaptechno will be able to advise you on the implementation and use of Zoho Social. Get in touch with our team today to seek expert assistance.

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