
Testing Salesforce App Before and After Migration

In the world of technology, the Salesforce app is one of the most flourishing ones. The investments and efforts made in this security system are now finally paying off positively. This cloud based security system can cause a hindrance to any kind of data attack and anomalies effectively and efficiently. The Salesforce cloud is a storehouse for your encrypted data along with a varied range of other security measures like multi-factor access authentications, pinning of device etc.

data migration
Source: 4isoft.com

Data mishandled costs one big time. The risks involved in the mishandling of important business data like revenue or statistics can hit an enterprise permanently. One of the potential mishandling of such data occurs in the event of a data migration. The entire intricate data migration made in the Salesforce CRM goes through a series of tests for detecting issues right when they start. This is to avoid the issues hitting badly in a big way if undetected at the initial levels.

Powerful testing techniques and strategies help solve potential risks like corruption of data, misplaced data, lost data, performance issues of apps due to data migrations etc.

Cloud computing security concept
Source: stratospherenetworks.com

The strategy taken encompasses the entire Salesforce CRM functional tool before as well as after the data migration takes place. The entire process has 2 stages which are one by one discussed below:-

Stage One – Checklist To Be Followed Before Migration:-


  • Salesforce CRM data migration will begin only when it is assured that the entire list of objects, customized fields, and customized applications are all set up in a proper manner.

    Source: staticworld.net
  • Validation of OWD or organisation-wide defaults and various profiles must be correctly set up before beginning the data migration procedure.
  • Validation is also required for making sure that migration is happening for the entire workflow, assignments, and projects, rules of approvals and templates of emails.
  • Page layouts, page mappings for various profiles and for record categories must all be validated properly before migration is started.
  • One must also validate that the SSO login or the single sign-on is working properly.
  • All the tabs present and displayed must be working properly and then only migration can be validated.

Stage Two – Post Migration One Must Check These Functionality Tests:-


  • The first test must be done on a small sample date for checking whether after migration data mapping is correctly implemented.
  • Validation is needed that the users have their respective profiles correctly synced.
  • Validation is needed that the relationship in between various contacts, accounts, and their opportunities are synced up properly.

    Source: datacenterjournal.com
  • A new record is next needed to be created. This is for checking fields, read only fields and for checking any validation rules associated with the particular field.
  • Approval processes must be tested using sample data.
  • Validations must be made that the scenarios of the workforce have been triggered properly and notifications via email and workflow is sent properly.
  • Search function must be checked whether it is showing correct records searched
  • Site pages must be displayed correctly.
  • Duplicity of data must be checked
  • Testing of SOQL queries, testing various records by logging as separate Salesforce users must all show positive results.
  • Compare records.
  • Validate the various naming conventions and broken attachments.
  • Validate different records in the legacy system like CreatedBy, CreatedDate, LastModifiedByID and LastModifiedDate.
  • Loading time must be monitored
  • Check the reports in the dashboard migrated is showing right data and running correctly.

Salesforce hence, makes sure that with proper processes of monitoring data migration is done efficiently.

For more information on Salesforce Data Migration, you can call or consult our certified salesforce experts.

Jay Karam

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