
IT Staffing

A Complete Overview of Cybersecurity | Encaptechno

A Complete Overview of Cybersecurity

A Complete Overview of Cybersecurity | Encaptechno


Cybersecurity is the process of defending networks and devices from external threats. The method of protecting computers, mobile devices, electronic systems, servers, networks, and data from malicious intrusions is known as cyber security. Businesses hire cybersecurity professionals to protect sensitive information, preserve staff productivity, and boost customer confidence in products and services.

Passwords are no longer adequate to protect the system and its contents. We all want to keep our private and professional data safe. This Cybersecurity is something you should be aware of.

With the Internet of Things (IoT) revolutionizing the way the world works, Cybersecurity must be implemented in all systems vulnerable to threats and attacks to prevent extortion attempts, identity theft, data loss, sensitive information misuse, cyberstalking, and so on. 

Critical Concept of Cybersecurity

The usage of authentication systems is a critical component of Cyber Security. A user name, for example, identifies an account that a user wishes to access, whereas a password serves as proof that the user is who he claims to be.

Cyber security is a broad term founded on three core concepts known as the CIA Triad. The three main components of Cybersecurity are Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.

Let’s explore them one by one in detail-


The actions of an organization to keep data private or secret are referred to as confidentiality. Access to information must be restricted to prevent data’s unintentional or accidental release. Ensuring that those who don’t have the necessary authorization can’t access assets crucial to your company is essential for protecting confidentiality. Access control mechanisms such as two-factor authentication, passwordless sign-on, and other access restrictions promote confidentiality. 


This assures that the data remains accurate, consistent, and reliable. In addition, it means that data in transit should not be changed, altered, deleted, or accessed unauthorized. Access control and encryption can help maintain data integrity, but there are numerous more techniques to safeguard data from threats and manipulation. Regular backups should be performed to deal with unintentional deletion, data loss, and even cyberattacks. 


All relevant components, such as hardware, software, devices, networks, and security equipment, should be maintained and upgraded to ensure availability. This will assure that the system operates smoothly and that data can be accessed without interruption. 

Even if data is kept secure and its integrity is preserved, it is often meaningless unless it is accessible to those within the business and the clients they serve. This means that systems, networks, and applications must work correctly and appropriately. 

Types of Cybersecurity


Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving area that contains an ongoing digital struggle between hackers and other individuals attempting to undermine data integrity. Cybersecurity analysts and professionals ensure that those attempts are unsuccessful and secure the data. 

The numerous types of Cybersecurity are generally separated depending on the various cyber attack types used to interfere with protected and sensitive data. 

Network security

The term
network security refers to various technology, devices, and processes. It entails implementing rules and configurations to protect network and data confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility.

Mobile security

Mobile security, often known as wireless security, is the safeguarding of smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other portable devices and the networks to which they are linked against the hazards and vulnerabilities associated with wireless computing.

Data security

Data security refers to safeguarding and protecting your sensitive information from unauthorized access or usage that could expose, delete, or corrupt it. For example, using encryption to prevent hackers from accessing your data in the event of a breach is an example of data security. It encompasses the many cybersecurity techniques you use to protect your data from misuse, such as encryption, physical and digital access limitations, etc.

Infrastructure security

It’s a security mechanism that safeguards essential infrastructure such as network connections, data centers, servers, and IT centers. The goal is to make these systems less vulnerable to corruption, sabotage, and terrorism. Businesses and organizations that rely on vital infrastructure should be aware of the risks and take steps to secure their operations. Cybercriminals may target your utility infrastructure to attack your business, so assess the risk and establish a contingency plan.


Why is Cybersecurity important?


Why is Cybersecurity important_

Cybercrime has impacted the world with a
cost of $6 trillion in 2021. These costs will rise to $10.5 trillion by 2025. The desire to keep the data, information, and devices private and secure drives the relevancy of cyber security. People today save enormous amounts of data on laptops and other internet-connected devices. Much of it is confidential, such as financial information and passwords. Companies do not have to be concerned about unauthorized people accessing their network or data by relying on cybersecurity. It assists them in safeguarding both their customers and their personnel.

Cybersecurity is critical because it safeguards all data types against theft and loss. Sensitive data, personally identifiable information (PII), personal information, intellectual property, data, protected health information (PHI), and governmental and industry information systems all come under this category. You’d rather spend a little money on cyber security and save a lot of money on your company’s security than lose a lot of money to industrial spying.

Common Cyber Threats


Common Cyber Threats

Despite the measures of cybersecurity professionals to plug security breaches, attackers are continuously looking for new and advanced ways to avoid detection by IT, bypass protection measures, and exploit new vulnerabilities. In
2020, cyber attacks have been ranked as the fifth most important risk, and they have become the new normal in both the public and private sectors. This dangerous industry is anticipated to develop even more in 2022, with IoT cyber attacks alone expected to double by 2025.

Individuals and corporations are vulnerable to cyber attacks, often because they save personal information on their mobile phones and use insecure public networks.

Let’s explore some of the common cyber threats-


Malware, often known as malicious code or malicious software, is a computer virus. Malware is a program installed on a computer to jeopardize data confidentiality, integrity, or availability. It is carried out in secrecy and may impact your data, programs, or operating system. Malware has grown into one of the most severe external threats to computer systems. Malware is capable of causing broad damage and disruption, and it necessitates significant effort on the part of most companies.

DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) Attacks

According to Cisco research, the number of distributed
denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks will increase to 15.4 million by 2023, up from 7.9 million in 2018. DDoS attacks overload an online service with numerous locations and traffic sources, rendering it unusable. During a DDoS attack, website response time delays, restricting access. By planting malware, cybercriminals create vast networks of infected computers known as Botnets. The most common cybercrime may not be a DDoS attack. Instead, the attacks are frequently used to divert attention away from fraud and cyber intrusion. 

Attacks on Passwords

Attacks on Passwords
A cyber attacker can gain access to diverse information with a suitable password. Any of the different ways to maliciously authenticate into password-protected accounts is a password attack. These assaults are frequently aided by software that speeds up the cracking or guessing of passwords. The most famous attack tactics are brute force, dictionary assaults, password spraying, and credential stuffing.

SQL Injection

An SQL or Structured Language Query injection is a kind of cyber-attack that enables a hacker to have control over the database and steal data from it. Cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in data-driven systems to install malicious code into a database using a malicious SQL query. This equips them with access to the database’s sensitive information.

Social engineering or Phishing

Phishing is a technique of social engineering in which people are tricked into revealing personal or sensitive information. Phishing scams solicit personal information such as credit card numbers or login passwords via text messages or emails that seem to be from a respectable company. The FBI has noticed a spike in pandemic-related Phishing, which they ascribe to more remote work. According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach has risen by
$137,000 because of remote work.

Man-in-the-middle Attacks

An eavesdropping attack in which a cybercriminal intercepts and relays messages between two parties to steal data is a man-in-the-middle. An attacker, for example, can block data passing between a guest’s device and the network on an insecure Wi-Fi network.


Ransomware is a virus that prohibits or restricts people from accessing their computers. Ransomware demands that you pay a ransom using online payment channels to restore your system or data access.
A ransomware attack strikes a business every 11 seconds according to Arcserve, 2020.

Ransomware infiltrates computer networks and uses public-key encryption to encrypt files. This encryption key, unlike other viruses, remains on the cyber criminal’s server. This private key will be demanded as a ransom by cyber thieves. Encryption is being used as a weapon by cybercriminals to hold data hostage.


Some Effective And Practical Tips For Cybersecurity


Some Effective And Practical Tips For Cybersecurity
Cybercrime is unquestionably one of the world’s fastest-growing crimes, and it continues to impact organizations across all industries. You need to pay greater attention to Cybersecurity if you don’t want your company or firm’s name to find up in the news due to a security breach. As cyber security threats become more regular, it’s critical to understand what you can do to secure your personal information online.

However, staying safe from cyberattacks is difficult. It’s challenging to keep up when thieves constantly seek new ways to disclose security flaws. Nonetheless, there are a variety of measures that you may take to protect against cyber-attacks.


  1. Keeping your operating system and programs up to date is vital. Always make sure your devices have the most up-to-date security updates.
  1. Use antivirus software to detect and eradicate threats. Antivirus software prevents malware and other harmful viruses from entering your device and corrupting your data and information. 
  1. Make sure your passwords are strong enough and difficult to guess. A password manager can help you keep all of your accounts’ passwords solid and unique. 
  1. Another technique to help protect your online accounts from being stolen is to use two-factor authentication. For example, you can have a code sent to or produced on your device, such as your phone, that you can use to verify your identity each time you log in. 
  1. Links can easily be misrepresented as something they aren’t, so double-check before clicking on one. By hovering over the link in most browsers, you can see the target URL. 
  1. Never open email attachments from unknown senders since they may contain viruses. In addition, malware is sometimes propagated by clicking on email links from unknown senders or unfamiliar websites.
  1. Always keep an eye on your devices. Your device’s physical security is equally as important as its technical security.
  1. If you leave your laptop, phone, or tablet for an extended period, ensure that it is locked and safe so that no one else may operate it. Likewise, if you save sensitive information on a flash drive or external hard disc, ensure it’s encrypted and secured.
  1. The security of the files you share is only as good as the tools you use to share them. If you want to prevent unauthorized access and keep your files safe, use a secure file sharing solution to encrypt your files while they’re in transit and at rest.
  1. Don’t use public WiFi networks that aren’t secure. These networks are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. It is best to stay away from public networks or use a VPN when you’re connected to one.
  1. Bluetooth can hack devices, allowing your personal information to be taken. Turn off your Bluetooth if you haven’t used it in a while.
  1. Be cautious about what you post on social media online. By looking at your public profile, criminals and hackers can discover a lot about you. So check your social media account’s privacy settings regularly.



Technology and best cybersecurity practices defend vital systems and sensitive data from an ever-increasing number of constantly changing attacks. You should protect your network and computer with cyber security in the same way you safeguard and protect your home by locking the door when you leave your house.

To implement an effective Cybersecurity strategy, an organization’s people, processes, computers, networks, and technology, whether large or small, should all share equal responsibility. It is conceivable to withstand severe cyber danger and attacks if all components complement each other. 

Encaptechno allows users to hide their Internet Protocol (IP) address and browse the internet with an encrypted connection. This keeps them safe from hackers and helps them avoid cyber threats. Reach out to us today 

A Complete Overview of Cybersecurity Read More »

Cloud Services, IT Staffing, , , ,
What is Amazon Athena and How It Works? | Encaptechno

What is Amazon Athena and How It Works?

What is Amazon Athena and How It Works? | Encaptechno

The process of analyzing data is somewhat complex in nature and includes multiple steps for simplifying things for which many tools are available. Amazon comes to the rescue by providing a service with the name of Amazon Athena that helps in analyzing data.

Amazon Athena is a serverless analytics tool that allows users to query the data from S3 using the standard SQL syntax. As a leader in the world of cloud computing, AWS offers a wide range of services that offer competitive performance and affordable solutions used for running workloads as compared to on-premise architecture.

AWS Athena is a service from the analytics domain that focuses on the retrieval of static data that is stored in S3 buckets using the standard SQL statements. It can be considered as a robust tool that helps customers to gain important insights on their data stored on S3 because it is serverless and there is no infrastructure for managing.

What is Amazon Athena?

Amazon launched Athena as an important service on 20th November 2016. It was launched as a serverless query service that was meant to make an analysis of data, using the standard SQL stored in Amazon S3 simpler. With just a few simple clicks in the AWS Management Console, the customers can easily point Amazon Athena at their data stored in Amazon S3 while running queries using standard SQL for generating results in seconds.   

With the interactive analytics service of Amazon Athena, there is no infrastructure for setting up or managing and the customers pay only for the queries that they want to run. It scales automatically while executing queries in parallel which eventually gives quick results even with a huge dataset and complex queries.

Athena uses a distributed SQL engine called Presto which is useful in running the SQL queries. It is based on the popular open-source technology called Hive which further helps in storing structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data. The Apache Hive data warehouse software facilitates the reading, writing, and managing of large datasets that reside in the distributed storage using SQL.

There is a simple data pipeline in which data from different sources is fetched and dumped into the S3 buckets. This is raw data which means there are no transformations applied to the data yet. At this time, Amazon Athena can be used for connecting to this data in S3 while being analyzed. This is a simple process because you do not need to set up any database or external tools to query the raw data. After you are done with the analysis and finding out desired results, an EMR cluster can be used for running the complex analytical data transformations while the data gets cleaned, processed, and stored.

Why Should You Use Athena?

Why Should You Use Amazon Athena?

An Athena user can query the encrypted data with keys managed by AWS key management service and also encrypt the query results. In fact, Athena also allows cross-account access to S3 buckets owned by another user. It uses managed data catalogs for storing information and schemas related to searches on Amazon S3 data.

All in all, the interactive query service is actually an analytical tool that helps organizations in quickly analyzing important data stored in Amazon S3. It can be used in processing unstructured, structured, and semi structured data sets. With the use of Athena, it is possible to create dynamic queries for data sets. It works with the AWS Glue for giving you a much better way to store metadata in S3.

Using the AWS Cloud Formation and Athena, you can use named queries that enable you to name a specific query and then also call it using the name. This is an interactive service from AWS that can be used by Data Scientists and developers for taking a peek into the table of running the query. It helps in fetching data from S3 and loads it to different datastores using the Athena JDBC driver for the log store analysis and Data Warehousing events.

Working of AWS Athena

Amazon Athena works in direct association with the S3 data. It is used as a distributed SQL engine for running the queries and it also uses Apache Hive for creating and altering tables and partitions. Some of the important standpoints needed for working with Athena include:

  1. You must have an AWS Account
  2. You should enable your account to export the cost and usage data into the S3 bucket.
  3. You can prepare buckets for Athena to connect.
  4. AWS also creates manifest files with the use of metadata each time it writes to the bucket. In fact, it creates a folder within the technology AWS billing data bucket known as Athena that contains only the data.
  5. For simplifying the setup, a region called the US-West-2 region can also be used.
  6. The last and final step is downloading the credentials for the new user because the credentials help indirectly mapping to the database credentials.

Amazon also offers a tool called Cost Explorer for dragging and dropping which comes with a set of pre-built reports such as Monthly service cost, reserved instance usage, etc. In case you are curious, you should try and recreate the query above the service costs and operation. This is in fact not impossible. You can slice the raw data while computing the growth rates each, building histograms, computing scores, etc.

Some of the additional considerations to note while working with Amazon Athena include:

Pricing Model

The pricing of Athena is over $5 for scanning Terabyte data from S3 surrounded to the closest megabyte having a minimum of 10MB per query.

Reducing Cost

The trick is reducing the data that is scanned in three ways called compressing data, using columnar data, and partitioning the data.

Features of Athena

Out of the many services provided by Amazon, Athena is one of the best services. It has multiple features that make it suitable for Data Analysis. Some of the features include:

  • Quick Implementation

Amazon Athena does not need installation. It can actually be accessed directly from the AWS Console only using the AWS CLI.

  • Serverless

It is serverless so that the end-user does not have to worry about configuration, infrastructure, scaling, or failure. Athena takes care of it all easily.

  • Pay Per Query

Athena charges you just for the query you run which is the amount of data that gets managed per query. You can actually save a lot if you compress the data and format it accordingly.

  • Secure

Using the IAM policies and the AWS identity, Amazon Athena offers complete control over the data set. With the data being stored in S3 buckets the IAM policies can help in managing control to users.

  • Available

Amazon Athena is highly available and the users can execute queries round the clock.

  • Quick

Amazon Athena is a quick analytics tool because it can perform complex queries in less time by breaking the queries into simple ones and running them parallel and combining the results to offer the desired output.

  • Integration

One of the best features of Athena is that it can be easily integrated with the AWS Glue which helps users to create a unified data repository. This also helps in creating much better versioning of data, with better tables, views, etc.

  • Federated Queries

Amazon Athena federate query allows Athena to run SQL queries all over relational, object, non-relational, and custom data sources.

  • Machine Learning

The developers can use Amazon Sage Maker for creating and deploying the machine learning models in Amazon Athena.

Optimizing Techniques for AWS Athena

Optimizing Techniques for AWS Athena

While working with cloud services, one needs to take care of the services that are used for the least possible resources and the ones that offer the best result in a cost-effective manner. There are many measures that can be taken for optimizing queries within the AWS Athena so that the overall performance can be boosted and the cost can also be kept in check. Some of the common optimization techniques for the interactive analytics service of Amazon Athena are:

  • Partitioning the Data in S3

    One of the most common practices followed for storing data in S3, partitioning is done for creating separate directories based on major dimensions such as the date dimension and region dimension. It can be used to partition by the year, month, and even day for storing files under each day’s directory. On the other hand, you can also partition by the region where data can be stored for similar regions under one directory. With partitioning, Athena is able to scan fewer data per query which makes the entire job quick and effective.

  • Data Compression Techniques

    While compressing the data, a CPU is needed for compressing and decompressing while querying takes place. Even though there are different compression techniques available, one of the most popular ones to use with Athena is Apache Parquet or Apache ORC. This is a technique that is helpful in compressing the data with default algorithms for columnar databases.

  • Streamlining JOIN Conditions Within Queries

    At the time of querying the data across multiple dimensions, an important thing required is joining the data from two tables for carrying out the analysis. The process of joining looks simple, but can very well be complex at times. Hence, it is always recommended to keep the tables with large data on the left and lesser data on the right. This is the way in which the data processing engine can easily distribute the smaller table on the right to the worker nodes while streaming the data from the left table and joining the two.

Using Selected Columns in Query

This is yet another mandatory optimization technique that majorly reduces the time and money taken to run Athena queries. It is always advised to explicitly mention the name of columns on which someone is performing analysis in the select query as compared to specifying a select from the table name.

Optimize Pattern Matching Technique in Query

There are many times when it is required to query the data based on patterns in the data as opposed to a keyword. In SQL, one of the easy ways to implement this is with the use of the LIKE operator where one can mention the pattern and query fetches data that again matches the pattern. In Amazon Athena, one can use REGEX for matching patterns instead of the LIKE operator as that is much faster.


With data becoming an important part of a company’s development, the process of gaining insights and extracting more data has become all the more important now. With the public cloud services, offering service-based analytics services such as Amazon Athena, many businesses can get more insights without complications that may come up with other analytics tools.

As one of the best serverless architectures, Amazon Athena makes data queries easy to use, set up and fast to run. In fact, the pay-per-use model of Athena makes the entire thing affordable to run analytics. Moreover, since Athena works with Amazon S3 and comes with great scalability, reliability, and durability, this is one of the best suites to run analytics workloads.

In case you need any support in the implementation and use of Amazon Athena, feel free to get in touch with our consultants at Encaptechno. We have a trained team to offer you extensive support all through your journey with Amazon Athena.

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IT Staffing, , ,
How Does Contractual Staffing Work - Encaptechno

How Does Contractual Staffing Work?

Businesses regardless of their size or industry need to explore new and innovative methods that help in managing costs, manage processes, and hire suitable talent. Many employers face a problem of facing difficulties in finding skilled and proficient candidates for their organization. This is because hiring the wrong candidates leaves the needs of a company entirely unsatisfied which affects the business operations and also costs extra money.

How Does Contractual Staffing Work - Encaptechno

In addition, globalization has led to the business environment becoming extremely dynamic and quick-paced. It has become considerably challenging for businesses to anticipate the resources that are needed to sustain operations. Hence, companies have been led to reshaping their hiring patterns.

Several successful businesses have started taking important steps to hiring following a strategic pattern so that profitability becomes maximized. In order to overcome the challenges that come with traditional hiring, many employers have started using contract staffing.

In this blog, we will understand what contractual staffing is in complete detail. Let us begin understanding what contractual staffing is and why is it important for businesses to invest in it.

What is Contract Staffing?

What is Contract Staffing

Contract staffing means recruiting employees for short-term employment rather than recruiting them full-time for permanent jobs. It is a method in which the organizations are hiring human resources in an agreement that is based on a contract. These contracts can be made between either an organization or an individual or between two companies.

This type of staffing helps companies to fill in challenging positions that require individuals who have important skills. At the present time, an increasing number of companies prefer contract staffing for maximizing their performance.

Working of Contract Staffing

Working of Contract Staffing

The process of contract staffing commonly starts with the organizations needing to hire skilled IT professionals to work on short-term projects so that they turn to contract staffing agencies to help. Hence, the recruiters start their sourcing, screening CV, and interviewing efforts.

Right, when a candidate is chosen, a contract is signed between the contract staffing agency and the professional gets hired. The staffing agency offers remuneration for the resource that has been hired because of a previous contract with the original employer.

Contract Staffing has become increasingly popular because of the benefits that it offers for employers and workers. The methods of contract staffing provide employers a significant amount of flexibility. It includes part-time work, independent contracts, seasonal work, etc. This is a model that comes with numerous benefits for both employers and employees who wish to enjoy more flexibility and free time. 

When Should Businesses Use Contract Staffing?

After numerous years of offering services successfully, many organizations wish to expand their businesses just as they should. In order to do this, they need to hire a talented workforce as well. Now the permanent staff hiring in this situation is not a smart choice because when operations are being scaled up, it is not possible to tell which type of staff will be needed in the long run. Hence, contract staffing proves to be a perfect solution in this case.

In addition, when an organization wishes to cut down costs, contract staffing is one of the best solutions. When an organization commits to permanent placements, there is an entirely new array of legal and financial commitments. Therefore, when companies want someone to look after their everyday requirements then the benefits of contract staffing will do the needful. When the project is completed, there is no obligation for companies to keep paying the professional in case a new project is not expected soon.

Moreover, when companies wish to shorten the hiring procedure while saving time, they can use contract staffing. This also means that companies have the freedom and flexibility to hire someone for managing their project or workload, but there is no need to hire someone permanently for doing the same. In this case, companies can find skilled professionals in a relatively small period of time since there is no need for hiring long-term best fit anymore.

Why Prefer Contract Staffing?

1. No-Risk

In many cases, hiring someone new can often pose a risk to organizations. There are times when companies have never hired for a particular role before, or sometimes the business might need assistance but is caught in a difficult financial situation. Any bad hires can cause organizations a significant percentage of the employee’s earnings.

The ultimate objective of almost any organization is to find a suitable fit and sometimes the candidate is not suitable for the role. By hiring a candidate on a temporary or a contract basis before committing to a permanent hire, the risk and exposure are limited. As a matter of fact, contract staffing offers a much better insight into the success of the role and/or the employee.

Sometimes, it gives you the team to build an organization in case there is a new reporting structure or a team. Imagine if you are creating an entirely new business unit and trying to make a decision on whether or not a job function should be divided into two roles or not.

Going for a temporary contractor will allow you to get a better insight into the professional role bandwidth.  With contract staffing, you will be able to get honest feedback or fear of hurting others with your position. In addition, it also protects an organization’s full-time employees from taking on too much stress.

2. Resilience

Often, staffing challenges can arise because of various reasons including business growth, mergers and acquisitions, demand cycles, implementing new technology, and other reasons. In these cases, preferring to go with contract staffing helps in meeting all the challenges.

Organizations can integrate temporary workers who can infuse important knowledge and offer additional support while also allowing existing employees to concentrate on important initiatives.

3. Using Skilled Experience

When you hire skilled IT professionals on a contract basis, you will have access to reliable project-based experience. Even though the typical hiring model gives preference to years of experience, it leaves out the benefit that the contractors possess.

Contract staffing is a model that focuses on bringing people on board for the expertise they can offer. It brings in people who have the ability to do more with software solutions while acquiring more insight into different areas of focus as compared to full-time employees. They do not have to be taught comprehensive company processes, the inside and outside of a business, and so on, they spend most of their time handling the problems at hand.

A relatively shorter job stint and more focus on projects than the overall organization enable the contractual workforce to use niche experience without getting a long-term salary. Hence, contract staffing is an excellent method for project-based initiatives. In case you have a problem at hand that can take over one or two years to complete then someone hired on a contractual basis can bring specialized expertise and get the project done right.

4. Immediate Results

In case an organization is looking to hire a professional for completing a project or a short-term job function then getting in touch with a contract staffing agency makes it simple to assign the job responsibilities and also manage the scope of the professional role. An organization can also narrow down the professional role so that it solves the professional scope suitably.

Irrespective of whether the need comes from last-minute projects or an increased workload amidst a busy season, new contracts, and employees being absent, contract staffing plays an important role in bridging the gap. No such thing as team-building processes, company onboarding, unrelated training, or culture fit is needed while working with a contract staffing company.

Rather, the recruiters can help to qualify the candidates on the basis of their skills and also conduct a background check so that the hiring process becomes virtual. The contractors need no supervision or training which also helps the company’s managers and trainers to focus on other important things. This helps in saving time and effort while protecting other candidates.

On the other hand, the professionals hired into a contract role can jump right into the professional position and build their skillset without worrying about what must be done in the long run.  They can immediately get to solve the purpose that brings them there, building their skill set, using knowledge, and making an immediate impact in an organization.

5. Trial Run

Many times, some candidates have suitable skills and experience but a personality difference with other team members of an organization ends up affecting the overall productivity and brings down the entire team effort.

On the other hand, the company culture and advancement opportunities may not align with the contractor’s expectations each time. The contract position enables a candidate and company to test each other prior to a full-time employment offer. When the right time comes to make the same offer, the company and contractor will know exactly what to expect and position things for success.

6. Flexibility

Making the decision to hire employees on a contractual basis empowers an organization with the ability to react suitably towards the market changes and business needs as and when they happen. Just as mentioned before, contract workers can help to bridge gaps by offering flexible coverage for many needs.

You can when you need them and always choose to not continue when you do not. This helps the candidates as well because it offers them significant adaptability. A common misconception associated with staffing is that it offers no job security at the end of employees. However, with the help of contracting it becomes possible to choose the work environment and the projects they want to participate in.

The candidates can also assume roles on the basis of the skills they wish to gain, the expertise they hold on to and in case they want everything they want out of a role. In case this is not the case then the candidates can always change the job. Contractors can take the benefit of this freedom by acquiring marketable skills as the industry grows and achieves job security by always staying ahead of the new trends and technologies that expand the portfolio.

7. Efficient Management

While working with the contract staffing agencies, the general management of employees is no longer a concern. Businesses will be working with only one recruiter while spelling out their requirements and leaving the discovery and qualifications of candidates entirely up to them.

It falls on the contract staffing agency to check the background, interview the candidate, match the qualifications, and do reference checks. Sometimes even after signing a contract and bringing someone on the board, many agencies test the professionals for some time.

Further, in case the candidate still does not seem to work out then there is an easy way out towards the end of the contract without any emotional stress and no explanations. The contractor always has these expectations set much early. In worst cases, the candidates complete what they were roped in to do and leave. In best cases, you can find a potential professional to hire without any risk of making a full-time hire.


In case you are a business owner who is looking for business expansion then contract staffing is a perfect option for hiring talented, skilled, and experienced individuals. You will be able to expand your business, cut on time and expenses, and use your resources for your benefit.

Encaptechno’s contract staffing services have assisted customers to overcome their vulnerable staffing needs. We have the right skills and experience that are needed to find professionals that are best matched to meet project requirements. Our team works closely with the customers to identify the right resources and help them all through the onboarding process.

Contact us today to hire skilled IT workforce.

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IT Staffing, , ,
Top CRM Services Company - Goodfirms

Encaptechno Relentlessly Support Businesses to Outperform with CRM: GoodFirms

Encaptechno works relentlessly to support industries redefine their business process of sales and service through CRM services. Navigate through the profile of Encaptechno to know in detail about their services.

Top CRM Services Company - Goodfirms

Introduction to Company

Established in 2009, located in Canada, Encaptechno holds pride in delivering CRM, cloud services, IT services, data migration, integration, and many more. The firm promises to deliver outstanding services to various clients to take them to the next level. By focusing on their core values of security & environmental stewardship, intense customer care, and entrepreneurial spirit, they deliver services and value to customers. With high performance, they offer profitable solutions to make businesses successful. All the solutions offered by Encaptechno are focused on putting the business on the right path.

Encaptechno consists of implementation experts who are certified partners for cross-cloud in Salesforce and Zoho implementation. The firm has till now helped 200+ clients with four international offices and 500+ projects delivered. The firm works with the latest tools to transform and engage businesses with their services.

GoodFirms Methodology

GoodFirms is a well-known research and review platform that acts as a connecting link between service providers and service seekers. The learned GoodFirms researchers critically examine companies on three parameters of Quality, Reliability, and Ability to rank and categorize firms under separate categories. GoodFirms evaluated Encaptechno on the same parameters as mentioned above. In the whole research process, it was inferred that Encaptechno has been supporting businesses to shine bright in the digital landscape.

CRM Services

Encaptechno is a professional CRM firm that consists of certified professionals and a team of Salesforce and Zoho Certified Professionals working towards the common goal of helping businesses redefine their process. The firm utilizes its effort to empower clients and help them in connecting with customers through CRM.

As an experienced salesforce partner, the firm offers sales & service cloud, CPQ & Billing, marketing cloud, and community cloud. Through this, they accelerate clients’ business growth and productivity, which ultimately improves marketing performance.

Being a Zoho authorized partner, Encaptechno specializes in Zoho Implementation, Customization, Development and 3rd Party Integrations. With this, they help clients to streamline the business. They have expertise in all the Zoho Products like Zoho One, Zoho CRM, Zoho Creator, Zoho Books to name a few.

With CRM, Encaptechno benefits clients’ efficiency by helping them make insightful decisions and keeping them up-to-date information. In addition to that, the 24*7 customer support is an add-on that helps companies achieve excellence and achieve their vision.

Before offering the services, the firm makes all possible efforts in understanding the clients’ business and their vision like user base, budgets, targets, and much more to make the right strategy that suits the business model. Thus, for being an expert CRM firm, GoodFirms spotlights Encaptechno amongst the best customer relationship management software at GoodFirms.

Cloud Services

Encaptechno assists businesses by providing cloud services and helps them understand the new technology and implement them to grow business. The complete cloud solutions include:

  • Automation and implementation of service processes.
  • Embedding customer support software into applications.
  • Managing customer support solutions.

The firm supports businesses to adapt themselves to new technologies and makes them deliver personalized customer service.

To fulfill the changing needs of the environment and help clients bridge the gap between their customers, Encaptechno does everything possible to offer the right cloud services. Moreover, by offering cloud services, the firm helps its clients streamline their business processes and workflow efficiency.

The certified cloud consultants help clients empower their brands and deliver personalized services to remain on top of the game. Right from the start, Encaptechno solves clients’ queries and believes in empowering their business by building strong client relationships. Encaptechno is ranked as one of the best cloud companies in Brampton at GoodFirms.

IT Consulting

Encaptechno focuses not only on delivering services but also on providing them IT consulting services to support their clients’ businesses in maximizing their business growth. The team of experienced consultants have knowledge to adapt to latest business trends and provide right consulting solutions. The firm has worked for various industry types to offer them consulting services that impact businesses well. The expert team works tirelessly to delve into clients’ business and optimize their process based on the business.

By implementing the right strategies and utilizing their knowledge of every latest tool, the solutions offered by Encaptechno come out to be the best. Every consultancy service offered by the firm is unique and tailored as per the business type and its function.

In addition to offering services, Encaptechno maintains a healthy relationship with clients, which makes them deliver the best consulting services. Hence, for ensuring business growth, Encaptechno is on GoodFirms radar amongst the top IT consulting companies at GoodFirms.

About GoodFirms

Washington, D.C. based GoodFirms is an innovative B2B Research and Reviews Company that extensively combs the market to find top CRM, Cloud Consulting, and IT Consulting services firms that offer the best services to its customers. GoodFirms’ extensive research processes help rank the companies, boost their online reputation and help service seekers pick the right technology partner that meets their business needs.

About the Author

Anna Stark is a staff writer with GoodFirms – a Washington D.C.-based B2B Research Company that bridges the gap between service seekers and service providers. Anna’s current role includes gauging companies’ performances and their key attributes and putting them into words. She firmly believes in the magic of words and is always on the lookout for new strategies and ideas that companies have gladly embraced, and then helps them shine a light on those to make their identities shine brighter.

Anna Stark

Encaptechno Relentlessly Support Businesses to Outperform with CRM: GoodFirms Read More »

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Tips for Hiring the Right IT Staff for Your Organization - Encaptechno

Tips for Hiring the Right IT Staff for Your Organization

If we were to ask you one thing that stands as a sign of seamless workflow in every business, what would that be?

Many of you would think capable and efficient workforce management, right? Well, we are here to tell you that this factor is most definitely true. However, there is another dimension to this factor and that requires understanding the importance of hiring the right information technology staff for your organization.

Tips for Hiring the Right IT Staff for Your Organization - Encaptechno

Information technology in a business is similar to a spine in the human body that uses computer hardware and software along with cloud-based applications. The wide range of technologies that include the IT department of a company must run efficiently and without any interruption at all possible times.

In fact, they should also be periodically updated when the evolved versions are up in the market. Other than this, all significant business information and files also need to be secure with almost no risk of getting compromised.

By now, it must be quite evident to you that the importance of IT cannot be ignored in any circumstances. This is why it is all the more necessary to prioritize hiring IT professionals who are skilled, knowledgeable, and have a progressive mindset that can aid the company’s growth.

Advancement of Information Technology

Advancement of Information Technology

In the past, the IT department was usually run by two or more individuals who worked behind a computer all day long. These individuals ensured that everyone had a working computer and their email systems worked seamlessly. However, in the present time information technology has turned into one of the most revolutionary and demanding fields in the world of business.

Information and data have become extremely valuable, the different ways of media communications have grown and businesses are dependent on software applications that can be accessed within seconds. To put this simply, the importance of hiring IT professionals has increased more than ever.

With this, there is a need for an efficient workforce planning process that can help in managing specific tasks and also help in fixing technology-related problems. As an increasing number of companies are shifting their business processes and other operations on the internet, there is an increasing rate of employers looking to find the right IT professionals so that the transition goes smoothly.

That said, not all organizations are always successful in filling hiring needs in the field of IT. This however does not mean that the growth of digital presence in the business world will slow down. Rather, business leaders must find more ways to attract, hire, and retain suitable professionals in IT job profiles.

In this blog, we will be mentioning some tips for hiring the right IT staff for your organization. They are:

1. Clearly Defining the Job Role

The first and most important step needed for workforce management is to clearly define your specific IT needs for the present world and what they are going to be in the upcoming future. For instance, it is possible that you might be experiencing growth and there is a simple need to add more employees or a new office location.

Another example could be that you are planning to launch a new website or a mobile version of an already existing website. Every one of these strategies is large in scope and there is a need for an IT expert to implement them all. Hence, you will want someone who has above-average experience in these fields.

It is natural that there is a need for your IT specialist to be knowledgeable and well-known in database management, system administration, information security, programming languages, etc. Any IT expert who has a thorough knowledge of Linux, Java, C++, MySQL, XML, etc. will be benefited immensely from the growth of the company.

Another thing to remember in this is that the total effectiveness of any recruitment effort depends on the capability of a person to retain the attention of candidates. One of the best methods to do this is by using the same terms and language as used by the prospective readers.

Anytime you are describing the kind of project and responsibility that an employee will be taking on, you must ensure to use industry-specific terms for communicating information that is valuable. Remember to advertise all the benefits that can be enjoyed if someone works for your organization.

2. Looking at Right Places

There are multiple jobs that fall under the vast umbrella of information technology and some tasks overlap each other as well. It is important that you are specific in your job ads while hiring IT professionals so that the right candidates know just what is being expected from them.

One can also access many online employment websites and boards, some of which specialize in the IT industry. In addition, you can also choose to consult with some of your peers for getting professional referrals. Remember to use your social networks for sharing the job and testing your hand at social recruiting.

Information technology is one of the fastest-growing fields in the entire world. An ever-growing number of computer science graduates means that there will never be any shortage in this field as far as the employment prospects are concerned. The IT professionals are in immense demand and they command respectable pay packages across the world.

3. Interviewing Candidates Structurally

Interviewing Candidates Structurally

Just as you start receiving resumes for an IT specialist position, you can set aside all those who meet your requirements and schedule a personal interview with each one of them. Other than education, formal training, and experience, an ideal IT specialist has the passion and interpersonal communication skills needed to do well professionally.

Any IT professional works in an office all through the day; however, there are times when they feel the need to communicate with you and your employees along with the software and hardware vendors. Hence, it can pay off to make a note of the candidates who are more approachable and also appear to have easy-going personalities.

Other than this, there is a process that you can review and optimize for hiring the right employees. It is an optimal tech recruitment setup that includes processes such as sourcing, screening, interviewing, offering, and then hiring. Following this process for the workforce planning process can be an efficient way to get things done. This can seem overwhelming, however, in tech hiring, this can make a huge difference.

4. Improve Your Outreach

Improve Your Outreach

An average website developer is likely to receive unlimited outreach and promotional messages and calls. Unfortunately, the recruiters do not have sufficient technical awareness or they do not personalize the outreach well enough and because of this, the outreach messages are not deemed well for the people who receive them.

Multiple customers open their emails because of a personalized subject line. It is definitely important to personalize a message as much as possible, but that does not mean that putting someone’s name in the copy or email subject is enough. Hence, before reaching out with a job opportunity, it can pay off to check if the skills listed in the candidate’s profile really match the job description.

5. Testing the Hard Skills

There is a wide range of methods for the employer to find out about the candidate’s education, work history, job history, etc. However, in case you want to ensure that the candidates you hire as IT professionals will be able to contribute early on then, there are much better ways rather than taking pre-employment tests.

The pre-employment assessments make sure that all applicants have the right skills needed to complete a job for which hiring is taking place. For effective workforce management, you should be able to take decisions with immense confidence. The people hired must be able to work and contribute from the beginning of work. Go all out in testing the potential employees for skills that they are likely to need for work.

6. Testing Soft Skills

Testing Soft Skills

Just as the technologies of our machines and other devices are becoming way more advanced, the responsibilities of workers, specifically the ones in the IT department are changing frequently. Although it goes without saying that technical skills and expertise are important, there are some important factors as well that must be considered.

It is becoming increasingly relevant to hire employees who have good social and soft skills. The IT staffing services pay complete attention to these skills. With technologies taking on the bigger roles in everyday tasks, organizations need individuals who possess collaboration and communication skills for managing and communicating with different employees.

A trait that is rather difficult to judge from the resume is paying keen attention to detail. It is necessary to ensure that the potential employees have the skills to prove them deserving of the professional position offered to them.

7. Technical Knowledge of Recruiters

Although this may seem surprising to you, there are still some recruiters who confuse JavaScript and Java. It makes complete sense that the recruiters and developers do not have similar skill sets because just in case they did, they would be doing the same jobs.

However, it will be unrealistic to think that the recruiters hire employees in the tech field with all the skills that they are looking for. It is best to become familiar with different terms that are covered in the needed job profile because that helps the recruiters to become more confident during phone screening.

Hence, making an effort to ensure that the recruiter has a sound technical awareness helps in sourcing suitable professionals.

8. Work Sample Tests

The work sample tests essentially include giving the potential candidates some piece of work very similar to the one they are needed to pull off in the job and assessing their performance on the basis of it. These tests should mirror the work a candidate is supposed to perform as closely as it is possible, generating data and a grade, limited time scope, standardization so that tests are objective, etc.

It is recommended to use work sample tests while hiring IT professionals because they come with a high range of predictive validity, reference checks, and education background as well. They are in fact very useful at the time of hiring employees in the tech field because they showcase the capability of a candidate.


Making sure that you have a skilled and talented IT staff that will support your company and the different technologies that it offers. In addition, it will reduce the risk and the chances of sensitive information getting compromised while helping you and your employees to work a lot more efficiently and effectively.

Finally, hiring IT professionals can take a business to the next level and allow you to take a look at a new business initiative. Follow the tips mentioned above to hire the right tech workforce and in case you need any more assistance then feel free to get in touch with Encaptechno for getting expert IT staffing services.

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Encaptechno's Commitment during Covid-19 Crisis

Encaptechno’s Commitment during Covid-19 crisis

As the world is trying to cope up with the pandemic COVID-19, which has brought down even the world’s most developed countries down to their knees. The world and the economies are taking the toll of the pandemic, globally the businesses have gone for a total toss. 


The Global Market indices are nosediving beyond expectations. Due to the lockdown billions of people are losing their jobs and means of their very livelihood. Though the world is almost in a complete lockdown situation we as business owners need to make strategies and follow best practices for our businesses while taking care of our loved ones. 

Encaptechno's Commitment during Covid-19 Crisis


It is a biological war and we need to sharpen our tools to plan the execution and communication in such a way, so that our customer’s trust is not broken at any cost.


It is a famous saying –  “Warriors use the time to sharpen their skills or prepare the right tools required to win the war”. Since every business is moving to the cloud so we are no longer bound to work from a dedicated space, we can work from anywhere while keeping a check on the employees so that they follow the ethics and excel in customer experience that is the foundation of any Organization.


Our team at Encaptechno is working tirelessly to help our clients with utmost commitment and dedication, while contributing in a social cause for betterment of the world.


Encap specializes in making businesses successful by providing them with the necessary tools which allow you to remotely monitor and interact with your clients, colleagues, through webinar and cloud computing. 


To achieve an efficient remote work operation; businesses must provide comprehensive, integrated software, and seamless processes for you & your employees. For this you just need a laptop/mobile and internet connection to manage your business from anywhere, from checking accounts, managing leads, sending invoices or conducting meetings etc. to name a few.


Our tools can be remotely accessed 24/7 * 365 days. We at Encaptechno in collaboration with Zoho are even offering free services during this outbreak of the pendency of this pandemic. We are committed to provide you tools to manage your teams for 3 months that to free of cost**. As a duty towards the society and the world, we stand globally with utmost dedication, like we have tirelessly shown till now. And we shall always endeavor to serve our clients and without compromising with their personal security. 


Along with the Zoho Services and Salesforce, we also provide other cloud services – Azure, and AWS. Both are very similar but there is a thin line that defines them and can fulfill the need of a more informed decision making tool for your businesses.You can even induce all the cloud service providers for different parts of your operational needs to enjoy the best of everything. 


We have a team of experienced Consultants, Solution Architects and Developers who will fully understand your needs and provide you with the best suited solution. Please book your free appointment using the link to get in touch with seasoned consultants.

Encaptechno’s Commitment during Covid-19 crisis Read More »

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