
CRM Services

What is Generative CRM and How Can It Help Your Business

What is Generative CRM and How Can It Help Your Business?

Customer relationship management has long been at the centre of successful businesses helping companies to manage and analyze their interactions with customers. However, with technological advancements, traditional CRM systems are developing to include cutting-edge AI.

What is Generative CRM and How Can It Help Your Business

Generative CRM is a combination of generative artificial intelligence and customer relationship management. It refers to a subset of AI algorithms capable of generating new and human-like content based on the present data. The algorithms including GPT-4 are capable of creating coherent and relevant text, images, and other media that allow businesses to offer personalized customer experiences. 

The integration of generative AI in CRM systems encourages businesses to harness the power of advanced language models for automating and improving customer interactions. The combination helps companies to understand to anticipate customer needs better while customizing customer strategies and improving customer satisfaction. 

In this blog, we will have a look at what generative CRM is and how can it help your business. 

What is Generative CRM?

Generative CRM includes the power of generative AI with customer data for enhancing productivity and efficiency. It helps in performing many functions such as answering queries, creating an email, managing conversational text, and addressing human diseases and the environment. The more people continue to use it, the more it will get smarter. 

Generative CRM helps in performing challenging tasks and freeing up your time to focus on important projects. It helps in looking at the internet and important data for further crafting better responses. The fundamental job of generative CRM is that it really reduces the friction of going from one idea to a first draft. This includes writing a document on the previous meetings you may have had or summarizing conversation streams to look for insights for improving your approach. 

How Does Generative CRM Help?

People spend so many hours carrying out mundane tasks only to get their jobs done. They search through data and research for coming up with a campaign for new campaigns, writing and rewriting, and finally scramble to find a balance in conversations with angry customers. 

Imagine a tool that could streamline all of this regardless of the industry or department you may be working in. The generative CRM tools combine the power of generative AI with CRM all across many industries. There are a number of ways in which this is helpful. They are all mentioned below. 

1. Reduced Time to Value

AI has been around for a while now but the generative AI products have the ability to help people across industries work a lot more efficiently. This can have a direct impact on building and maintaining customer relationships. 

The superpower of generative AI for CRM helps in reducing time to value. This technology helps in filtering out the noise that many may encounter on the internet otherwise. Generative CRM is smart enough to know what to look for if you are asking the right questions.

2. Freeing Humans for High-Value Work

Let’s for a second imagine that you’re trying to get a new customer and for achieving this, you are spending hours through your data to improve your sales pitch. This can eventually bring you to search your network and the company website for finding a person that helps in getting your foot in the door. 

The repetitive and mundane tasks can tire you while wasting precious time that could be spent on building new relationships. All the tasks done in a CRM can be repeated and automated. The simple idea of speeding up things makes everything quick and productive. It also gives you more time to work on building relationships with people you may be selling to. 

3. Artificial Intelligence

Security is key to generative CRM and builds on long-standing principles for trusted AI with defined guidelines that can address problems with generative AI. The generative AI models depend on available data and generative CRM is rooted in safe, private customer data while also drawing on the public data. 

An important part of doing things is making the technology trustworthy and impactful for businesses. Systems such as ChatGPT are very powerful and also built on public data sources. However, the technology should be grounded in data when the aim is to work in the enterprise. Blending the public and private data makes a trusted and valuable experience for customers.

4. Personalization

Another reason which makes generative CRM a great deal for businesses is the fact that it can offer unparalleled personalization by creating specific and contextually relevant content for all customers. 

The personalization level allows businesses to communicate with customers in ways that resonate with them leading to strong relationships and better brand loyalty. In addition, personalized content is also more likely to respond positively to messages that feel tailor-made.

5. Scalability

Traditional CRM systems often struggle for scaling with the business growth which then leads to increased workloads for customer support teams. 

The generative AI CRM also offers a scalable solution by automating multiple customer interactions. As a result, businesses can maintain a high-quality customer experience even as their customer base keeps increasing.

A New Way to Personalize Your Marketing and Sales Efforts

6. Cost-effectiveness

The process of including generative AI into the CRM systems can help businesses save on labour costs by automating routine tasks including responding to frequently asked questions or sending personalized messages. 

It is possible to free up customer support and sales representatives by helping companies allocate resources efficiently and also improving the bottom line eventually.

7. Improved Customer Insights

Generative AI CRM systems have the ability to analyze customer data a lot more effectively as compared to traditional CRM solutions while offering valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviour patterns.

The insights so obtained can be effectively used for refining marketing strategies from product development and for driving sales growth. 

8. Better Customer Satisfaction

When you offer personalized, engaging, and timely communication, the generative AI CRM helps in improving customer satisfaction levels to a great level. 

Satisfied customers are more than likely to stay loyal to one brand and recommend it to others while making repeat purchases and leading to long-term business success. 

9. Personalized Marketing

The traditional CRM system relies on segmenting customers into various groups on the basis of demography or behavioural data while targeting the groups with relevant marketing campaigns. 

Generative AI CRM helps businesses to take personalization a step ahead by creating tailored content for all customers. This includes personalized email campaigns, social media content, and dynamically generated website content that can appeal to preferences and interests.

10. Customer Support

Customer support is an important aspect of CRM that can influence customer satisfaction and loyalty. Generative AI CRM can change customer support processes by using AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants for handling everyday questions and offering instant and personalized support. 

The AI agents do not just understand and respond to customer questions but also generate precise and detailed responses that ensure seamless customer support.

11. Attractive Pricing

With detailed analysis of customer behaviour and preferences, generative AI CRM helps businesses to develop an effective pricing strategy and promotional offer. This can be used for adjusting prices in real-time on the factors such as demand, willingness to pay, and competitor pricing. 

Personalized promotions can also be tailored to individual customers based on their purchase history and other preferences. This also increases the likelihood of conversion and customer satisfaction. 

12. Customer Analytics

Generative AI helps businesses to uncover deep insights about their customers with a detailed analysis of data including historical interactions, purchase patterns and customer feedback. 

A good understanding of underlying patterns in customer behaviour enables businesses can make data-driven decisions for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

13. Better Response to Queries

Sifting through information can become way simple with the use of generative AI. There are many tools that can write accurate responses to general questions. You can easily deliver complex information in a simple-to-understand way.

This is particularly true for the service team. The use of generative AI can help in answering even the 8 simplest questions that are not already pre-loaded in the chatbot.

Related Read: How Can Generative AI Help Marketers?

What Does Generative CRM look like? 

There are many ways in which generative CRM can be put to use. These ways are mentioned below. 

1. Services

Generative CRM helps in creating important knowledgeable articles, improves response time, analyzes customer feedback, and also offers responses to frequently asked questions. 

Imagine you are having a virtual chat with a customer and while they are texting you, Einstein GPT is looking through many web pages and data for helping to create the best reply. You can effectively edit the reply for ensuring that it does not sound like a machine but a person.

2. Sales

Generative CRM helps in improving lead generation, predicting future sales trends, analyzing sales data, and creating personalized communication. For instance, generative CRM helps in finding updated information on an organization and also helps in targeting appropriate contacts in a company. 

You can efficiently draft an email and also give the most current information about a company for preparing better for a meeting. 

3. Marketing

Generative CRM can design visually attractive and personalized ads for targeting specific audiences on the basis of browsing and purchase history, building predictive models, forecasting customer purchasing behaviour, and creating influencer campaigns. 

Generative CRM helps in designing a targeted promotion for social media that can effectively describe a specific area and also target customers who are likely to visit a store based on previous purchases or their social media posts and comments.

Einstein GPT By Salesforce

Einstein GPT is a generative AI customer relationship management technology that has been launched by Salesforce for delivering AI-created content across sales, service, marketing, IT, and commerce. Salesforce can change all customer experiences with the right use of generative AI. 

Einstein GPT infuses the proprietary AI models with the generative AI from a pool of partners while also using real-time data from the Salesforce Data Cloud which further unifies a company’s customer data. 

Einstein GPT By Salesforce

Customers can connect their data to advanced AI models and even choose their own external model while using natural language prompts directly in their Salesforce CRM for generating content that adapts to changing customer information and needs in real-time.

All said and done, the world is presently experiencing a profound technological shift with the rise of real-time technologies and the spread of generative AI. This comes at a time when all organizations are more focused on connecting with their customers in an intelligent, automated, and personalized way. Companies that understand the importance of using generative AI will have an edge without any doubt.

Related Read: What is Real-Time Marketing and How Does It Help?

Embracing the Future: Unleashing the Potential of Generative CRM for Enhanced Customer Relationships

Embracing the Future: Unleashing the Potential of Generative CRM for Enhanced Customer Relationships

Generative CRM comes with the power of generative AI models with traditional CRM systems that can effectively revolutionize customer relationship management. It helps businesses to create customized content, offer customer support, automate CRM processes, and also leverage advanced customer analytics. 

Using the benefits of generative CRM can allow your business to experience enhanced customer experience, better efficiency, improved decision-making, and ensure data-driven personalization. 

What is Generative CRM and How Can It Help Your Business? Read More »

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Rising Customer Engagement Trends in the Market | Encaptechno

Rising Customer Engagement Trends in the Market

Rising Customer Engagement Trends in the Market | Encaptechno


Customer engagement has been an important concept in the market for quite some time now. However, when we come to really think about customer engagement, we also begin to understand why it has become important. The thing is that engaging with customers helps in adding value to the customer journey and also provides them with a personalised experience.

Designing a customer engagement strategy empowers a person to build a strong connection with customers and also allows interaction on the channels that are important. This is how you can gain an idea of how important it is to create an effective customer engagement strategy.

For so many years, businesses have only been focused on gaining market share and getting profit from it. However, the pandemic has pretty much changed everything. Consumer preferences have changed drastically now, and the way these preferences interact with businesses has changed as well.

The great consumer shift tried to impose a new shopping experience since Covid-19 started. This opened up many new opportunities for businesses to access new customers and also provide a delightful customer experience all through the buyer journey.

In this blog, we will see what customer engagement is and what is its importance?

What is Customer Engagement?

Customer engagement
can be simply defined as the means by which an organisation creates a relationship with a wide customer base for the purpose of fostering brand loyalty and awareness. This can be easily accomplished by marketing campaigns, new content created for and posted to websites and outreach via social media and wearable devices among other methods.

Even though there can be many variations to this definition, the premise pretty much remains the same. A company aims to foster a positive relationship with the customers with an aim to promote the brand, generate more sales, and offer an amazing experience on a personal level.

Importance of Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is easily one of the most important aspects of a successful organisation. A customer who is engaged with a specific company is capable of generating more revenue than a customer who feels less connected to a company. Hence,
customer engagement strategy means more profit for the company and almost everyone who runs a business wants that.

In case a company does not have a plan for improving customer engagement, you can miss out on a lot of money and opportunities to interact with valuable customers and even potential ones. Building a relationship with customers does not just make more, but it also helps in establishing trust and loyalty with the customers. Having customers who trust a business keeps them around for a long time while making them repeat customers.

Even the connection between customer engagement and customer loyalty is pretty profound. Someone who is a loyal customer is likely to show more loyalty by repeatedly purchasing from a company, spreading the word about a business by social sharing, and referring to other people like friends and family.

A present customer spreading the word to other people is perhaps an important tool in a company’s arsenal. Communicating with customers in a positive way encourages them to go out of their way for promote a business socially and by word of mouth. This communication helps in controlling what other people are saying about you all across the internet.

1. Insight Centric Customer Engagement

Data, personalization, and artificial intelligence have allowed marketing technology platforms to offer campaign analytics in times such as these. The insight led customer engagement platforms to allow marketers to mark the important moments in the journey of a buyer while charting a
seamless customer experience.

The collaboration between marketing and insights helps both sides of the partnership make much better decisions while devising stronger and more customer-focused campaigns that drive businesses.

Data can be used for personalising the campaigns which is an essential step for customer engagement. A strategy such as this leaves almost no room for trial and error methodologies while leading to focused, and data-backed marketing campaigns.

2. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence| Importance of Customer Engagement:
Artificial Intelligence has added more of a personal touch to customer engagement trends and processes. In the past, marketers used to collect large amounts of consumer behaviour centric data.

However, the dearth of any tools for data analytics also meant the brands could not leverage data completely for strategy and decision making. At present, marketers have easy access to AI-based advanced tools in which the primary value is brought by the speed at which large sets of data can be analysed and used for generating predictive insights.

Focusing on how AI has lent a much more human-centric approach. Improved data analysis has offered the world an insight into the needs of customers who either lost their jobs or felt the need to upskill during the pandemic.  With the adoption of advanced data-based marketing automation, brands have been able to offer content and discounts that speak to diverse customers while focusing on a targeted marketing strategy.

Moreover, AI has also minimised manual efforts while offering a human touch to customer interactions with the personalization of campaigns. With machine learning becoming more mature, it is likely that we will see more customer-facing marketing automation capabilities.

Hence, with AI-powered channels, brands can effectively analyse data and also deliver relevant content based on the stage of the buyer’s journey. AI-enabled chatbots provide constant assistance to users as and when it is required. These AI assistants prove to be excellent tools for offering customer support and engagement.

3. Personalised Content

Personalised Content | Importance of Customer Engagement:
Customised communication when backed with suitable data points helps the organisations to break through the chain of generic messages while standing out in today’s market which is pretty saturated. Doing this is an important step in treating all your customers as an individual and offering services that are relevant.

The reason for the popularity of brands has been a personalised experience that allows customers to place orders and pick them up in-store. Any marketing tactic that comes across as machine created and transactional does not prove successful in building customer loyalty and this is irrespective of how data is leveraged.

There must be a one size fits all approach that proves sufficient for attracting and even retaining customers. This is because this customer engagement strategy helps in offering the best customer experience and the greatest customer lifetime value.

Personalization has become an important investment with the economy recovering and consumers feeling safe to start spending again. All brands that personalise their approach to where and how they engage with customers can invest in paid media selectively. This helps in winning as a good share of sales makes its way back.

4. Single Interface

Another emerging trend in the market that is focused on customer engagement is easy access to all channels in just one place. A single interface is straightforward to allow any digital channel to be accessed easily and from one place.

With a single interface, a lot of time and money can be saved which also results in a hassle-free experience for the customers. In fact, the multi-channel approach helps in finding all touchpoints of the customer insights journey across all channels.

5. Cloud Platforms

Cloud Platforms| Importance of Customer Engagement:

The final goal of customer experience is always to create a satisfied consumer. There is no better way to get better customer satisfaction than by using cloud platforms.

The cloud does an excellent job of offering many benefits for businesses that are looking to improve their experience including an ability to personalise experiences, improve collaboration, offer better customer service, and undergo digital transformation. While this goes on, a business should also be able to offer user-friendly features that can keep the customers coming back for more.

Cloud platforms are perfect for managing customer engagement. They provide a safe and centralised location for customer management and interactions in just one place. This also makes it simple to track customer behaviour over time, find trends, and make better decisions about which products and services to offer customers.

It also helps in understanding how businesses are performing relative to competitors. Cloud platforms also make it simple to collect and analyse data while offering features that improve interactions and create better customer engagement. There are many solutions in the market and each of them has its own set of features.

6. Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality | Importance of Customer Engagement:

Another rising trend when it comes to customer engagement is augmented reality. It has offered a way for retailers to translate in-store visits into digital experiences. Customers always want to understand, see, and experience a product before they purchase it.

Since augmented reality offers a seamless customer experience, most customers expect retailers to provide an AR experience.  AR allows customers to browse 3D products from the comfort of their homes, try 3D products, gather information including reviews, pricing, and colour options, and use virtual trial rooms.

It should not come as a surprise that customers who use AR are more likely to purchase. In addition, AR provides retailers with the ability to overcome location barriers, and save costs on real estate, infrastructure, and other operational expenses while also boosting brand recognition and differentiating in the market.

7. Visual Engagement

Videos have proven to be a big winner for quite some time when it comes to a
customer engagement strategy. Everything from team meetings to sales calls, everything has turned into video calls. In addition, more and more retail businesses have been able to make videos central to marketing strategies.

It is hard to argue when most millennials say they have purchased after seeing a video. Retailers are using many video types for engaging customers including explainer videos, promotional videos, testimonials, company culture videos, etc.

Many retailers also redefine the online shopping experience with the use of interactive shopping videos. These videos also empower consumers to instantly purchase a product directly from the content within a few clicks without leaving a video.

Another important area where visual engagement is seen is customer support and retailers do this by combining video chats and co-browsing. This is where agents see customer screens in real-time and guide them with forms, processes, transactions, and demos. For instance, retailers use co-browsing for e-commerce support for helping consumers find products that they want and reduce cart abandonment.


Zoho comes up with Zoho SalesIQ which helps in keeping up with the rising industry trends and taking your customer engagement strategy to another level. Moreover, Zoho also brings Zobot to the table which is an AI-powered chatbot used for screen sharing, voice calling, and chat routing.

Customers can have more than they need for proactively engaging with the brands if the brands use Zoho and the multiple features that it is capable of bringing to the forefront. At Encaptechno, we offer Zoho consultancy that can help your business meet the rising customer engagement trends in the market. 


Rising Customer Engagement Trends in the Market Read More »

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How are AI Chatbots Revolutionizing Customer Support? | Encaptechno

How are AI Chatbots Revolutionizing Customer Support?

How are AI Chatbots Revolutionizing Customer Support? | Encaptechno

Artificial intelligence and all its possible implications can no longer be ignored. The suitable use of AI services and programs can potentially revolutionise a business like never before. The evolved companies are using AI for automating even the most basic tasks, changing interactions, building relationships, deriving profits, and offering services.

Artificial intelligence has also improved customer experience with personalised communication, image recognition, chatbots, and other recommendations. Most businesses use AI to enhance and personalise customer experiences. AI has a beneficial influence on customer success operations with the use of chatbots.

In fact, it has turned out that for earning the confidence and commitment of customers, AI-based chatbots have become critical. In this blog, we will try and understand how AI chatbots are changing customer support. Read on to know more.

What is a Chatbot?

What is a Chatbot?
A chatbot is computer software that helps businesses to automate conversations with customers. It is an artificial intelligence program that is designed to stimulate communications with customers. The customers can easily engage with an
AI-based chatbot through the chat window, messaging and voice applications.

Everyone in the present world has come across a chatbot whether they know it or not. For some time now, chatbots have done an exceptional job of replacing the humans from one end of the conversation and have enabled human to machine interactions.

The thing with chatbots is that they can process data for responding to all kinds of needs powered by AI, NLP, and machine learning. In case the chatbots cannot answer a question or a request, the chat transfers to a human agent.

Mainly, there are two types of chatbots: Flow chatbots and AI chatbots. Both of them are designed to improve customer experience. Flow chatbots are like tree-based models which mean that the user is guided down a predetermined path defined by a developer.

The AI-based chatbots are self-trained so they can produce backlogs of knowledge according to the information they receive by interacting with customers. Multiple online customer service platforms use chatbots to manage the volume of questions, phone calls, and other requests.

Modern Chatbots Meet Customer Expectations

The technological developments that we see around us are in one way or another meant to be like human body developments. Chatbots were originally developed to replace human conversations with a machine. However, there was a lot of scope for improvement.

In the past, the chatbots took anywhere between nine to twelve months to build and get deployed. The cost of a large number of experts and chatbot dedicated software engineers required the first generation chatbots to be less cost-optimal than they could be.

Other than this, the chatbots also did not offer better customer experience. The robotic chatbots were scripted and they could not foresee user intent or engage in a meaningful and dynamic dialogue. User interaction suffered immensely because of this which eventually affected the overall user experience.

There was also a lack of understanding in the earlier chatbots for meeting the rising user expectations. They could not find the want of the users and they could also not formulate specific and personalised responses.

Changes in Customer Support Experience

A core principle of selling is the ability to strike suitable conversations. In the past, one on one human interactions were used to answer questions and address all the questions. However, with the evolution of online platforms, the feature of 24×7 customer support becomes ever-present. To fulfil this need, chatbots were developed. These chatbots are cost-effective and offer support at all times.

Traditional chatbots revolutionised the concept of customer engagement beyond measure. They recognized keywords but failed to recognize the context in which they were being used. These chatbots did not have the ability to understand human emotions such as anger, frustration, etc. They also did not understand the way people speak.

Even though the development of chatbots was efficient, they were mechanical in nature. On the other hand, the demand for personalised conversations was gaining attention to offer a seamless customer experience. This is how AI-based chatbots came into being. In addition to quick and affordable solutions, these chatbots understood the context and intent of customers before doing anything meaningful.

The chatbots recognized customer frustration and switched the changes to a human in the company’s support centre. AI chatbots offer a personalised customer experience by providing customer data to the agents in real-time. It was realised that customers want quick, and frictionless solutions to their problems and so, AI-based chatbots were introduced to make this happen. Zobot and Salesforce Einstein Bots are perfect examples of this.

Why are Chatbots Important for a Business?

Chatbots provide a quick and engaging customer experience with troubleshooting services, a help desk, and an assistant at all times. Chatbots are more convenient and it takes lesser time for customers to strike conversations using them. A bot uses AI to search through sizeable quantities of information while accurately selecting relevant answers for a consumer.

It has been noted that businesses that use chatbots can reduce conventional tasks while also handling different requests from customers. This quick way of handling customer questions and offering constant support helps businesses to improve customer loyalty. Some of the benefits of chatbots are mentioned below:

1. Reduction in Turnaround Time 

It is challenging for businesses to maintain a balance between inbound customer queries and support agents. This is even if the company has a talented workforce and an agent is made responsible for handling only one customer at a time.

Manual tending to the customers leads to an increase in waiting time for customers due to which the business might lose a potential lead. On the other hand, chatbots have no such constraints. The implementation of AI-based chatbots can handle any number of customers and it can do this suitably.

2. Constant Customer Service and Support

Constant Customer Service and Support
The chatbots are capable of offering constant support to the customers. They use past conversations to improve at each stage.

The AI-based chatbots also enable everyone to offer at least the basic support needed for guiding a user to a specific section of the website while providing pricing details, etc.

3. Customer Needs

No matter which sector a business may operate in, it usually has a wide range of customer data needs including past transcripts of conversations, transaction history, etc. This is the data that is mostly unstructured because of which many companies fail when it comes to leveraging it.

The AI-based chatbots come with the ability to use this data for understanding the past and future requirements. It also helps the customers in receiving important information without manual intervention.

4. Omnichannel Experience

All businesses are needed to offer a
better customer experience if they wish to grow in the market. In fact, this is what makes a business stand out. It can be difficult for agents to juggle between platforms for offering customer support in real-time.

On the other hand, AI-based chatbots are capable of offering an omnichannel experience with easy integration. Different platforms can also be integrated with chatbots. No matter which channels your customer needs, the business is always ready to offer it.

5. Personalised Recommendations

Artificial Intelligence assists the customers in the form of customer purchasing decisions and the creation of suggestions based on those findings. The suggestions also aid in the creation of focused branding and marketing initiatives that increase customer interest.

It must be noted that most online buyers believe that it is easy to obtain reliable and efficient suggestions using the power of AI and machine learning. The manual data can be used by AI to analyse purchasing trends and do predictive and prescriptive analyses to increase engagement.

AI discovers methods for shaping and creating a better customer experience interaction. Common opportunities such as upselling and cross-selling have the ability to increase because of improved suggestions.

6. Efficient Services

Efficient Services
We have already understood in the points mentioned above that customers want rapid and efficient services which is something that should not be overlooked. AI-based chatbots satisfy this consistently and efficiently.

The chatbots have few mistakes which make it easy for customers to obtain the information that is needed for improving their analytical abilities. Customer service can either make or break a business because it must be responsive, consistent, and focused. 

Chatbots for example can answer simple questions, minimise touchpoints, expedite conversations and assist with complicated situations. AI-powered virtual assistants aid consumers in navigating the procedure and conversing with them. Natural language processing, voice assistants, and machine learning can allow AI agents to make it easy to approach customers online.

7. Real-Time Decision Making

Organisations may also employ tracking and data analytics for interacting with the customers on a deeper level because of technologies like artificial intelligence and
machine learning. Other than this, facial expressions can also be taken into account for allowing a personalised and tailored customer experience.

The AI technologies also help in data cleaning, merging, and rearranging helps in making quick decisions. Other than this customer feedback, service requests, and response times can also be improved. The AI technology can be used for extracting customer trends and customer interactions.

With the real-time data, visual analysis and personal engagement with customers also improves considerably. The information used helps in providing excellent customer support along with fostering deeper relationships.

8. Better Product Recommendations

The teams can use AI-driven suggestions for offering the best products recommendations by combining the data and knowledge together. It is also possible to improve sales by collecting data such as website search questions, purchase habits and so on.

The suggestions have the ability to offer the best product characteristics and dynamic data. With the media initiatives, product suggestions can also lead to a better customer experience. The customers can learn more about the items they have purchased while locating comparable ones that can improve their experience.

Product suggestions also help in determining which aspects of a product such as composition, performance, scope, and function can be improved. This increases the overall product characteristics while also improving the core emphasis on products and services.


To make sure that the customer information is used successfully, data is important for ensuring the best customer experience. All customers must be served by an AI-based customer support centre and AI solutions are an excellent way to do that. Companies must integrate this technology at the earliest.

More and more businesses are focusing on improving the customer experience for gaining loyalty and confidence. Great outcomes are possible if data-driven marketing innovations are used as a part of the marketing plan.

With the integration of customer data, AI is evolving to offer many options for customers including the creation of customer journey maps, reducing turnaround times, simplifying customer interactions, and increasing customer engagements. Making sure that these aspects are integrated will ensure user-friendly customer support and experience.

How are AI Chatbots Revolutionizing Customer Support? Read More »

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Everything about Territory Management in CRM - Encaptechno

Everything about Territory Management in CRM

Everything about Territory Management in CRM - Encaptechno
In case your business is spread across various regions and has many offices, departments, and numerous products/services, it is not a simple endeavor to assign customer accounts to the sales teams without detailed planning. In fact, quite often it can be complex to offer access to selective accounts for individuals from different teams who work together for a mutual sales objective.

A system in which the customer accounts can be grouped together based on well-defined criteria can be called territory management. With the use of territory management, different customer accounts can be shared with the sales team in an organization. This ensures suitable use of the credibility of the sales to increase business opportunities, offer excellent customer service, and expand the present customer relationships.

The significant benefits of territory management include the following:

1. No Complex Data Sharing

The organizations that have a difficult sales structure can pretty much use territories for sharing records with the users of different teams. It is relatively easy to group records based on the account’s characteristics rather than individual ownership.

2. Organized Work Environment

Organized Work Environment
The distribution of customer accounts by using territories helps in forming an organized work environment that ensures improved engagement by the sales force. This also increases the efficiency of the sales team by reducing the travel time and increasing the expertise of the industry.

3. Accurate Evaluation of Sales Performance

With the use of
territory management in CRM, it becomes easy to generate sales reports. These reports are based on territories and they help in evaluating and measuring the efficiency of the sales team by territory. In addition, one can also get a detailed insight into the sales contribution of every territory.

4. Forecasting Sales for All Territories

Forecasting Sales
You can create separate forecast targets for every territory a user comes from. This helps in getting a clear picture of the goals that you have set for the different territories for users to stay entirely focused.

Understanding If your Organization Needs Territory Management

The territory management feature in Zoho CRM allows you to create territories and specify criteria that also define a territory. You can effectively build a hierarchy in addition to the role hierarchy in your account.

You can also access pre-defined reports on territories such as Star Performers across territories, Overall Sales Cycle Duration among territories and Revenue By Territories, etc. Finally, you can create custom reports on territories and set many forecast targets for users who belong to different territories.

Territory management doesn’t have to be a requirement for every organization. You must decide on the usage of territories for your organization’s sales structures and data-sharing model. Below, we will know more about territory management so that we can understand if that is a right option for your company.

Role and Territory Management

In the role and territory hierarchies, record ownership lies with just one owner. In role management, the record is accessible to the owner of the record, the users who are superior to the record owner in the role hierarchy, and the users who have access granted based on data sharing rules.

On the other hand, in territory management, the record is accessible to the owner of the record, users who are superior to the record owner, other users in the record’s territory, and users in the territories that are superior to the record’s territory.

In role hierarchies, the customer accounts can be segmented based on record ownership, and in territory hierarchies, the customer accounts can be segmented based on account characteristics. In role hierarchies, users can often be assigned to just one role and in territory hierarchies, users can be assigned to many territories.

Lastly, the users can have a single forecast target in role hierarchies, but the users can have multiple forecast targets in territory hierarchies.

Understanding This Better With an Example

Let’s take an example to understand the
lead allocation in CRM much better. Assume that the workforce working in Development Inc. is made up of multiple teams all across the United States in different regions. In this kind of sales structure, you would not want the sales team from any region to access records of another region. There might also be some prospects that you would like to share with the senior representatives from different teams in different regions.

Now it can be difficult to achieve this with the use of roles and data sharing policies all alone. Alternatively, in different territories based on a well-defined set of criteria, it can be possible to extend the Zoho CRM data-sharing model in the Zoho CRM account while easily sharing records with various users. This makes sure that the teams are dedicated to a defined goal and can achieve sales targets set under different time zones.

Well before you set up Territory Management in a Zoho CRM account, there are a few topics that can be helpful in determining if territory management is suitable for your organization. These points are:

  • Sales Structure and Sharing Needs: There must be a CRM data sharing structure that requires individuals belonging to different territories to access multiple customer accounts.
  • Forecasting: There must be different forecasts based on territory hierarchy. There is a need to set forecast targets for each territory a user belongs to.
  • Administration: The territories must be managed as individual units so that burden can be reduced on the administrators.

Sales Structure and Sharing Needs

It is important to understand how your data is being shared with other users and if the role-based hierarchy, data sharing rules, groups, and assignment rules offer the best options to share accounts according to the sales structure. An organization may as well have a need to share records based on the products or services, industries, revenues, ZIP code/region, etc. When it comes to such a complex and collaborative sharing model, one needs territories that ensure effective grouping of customer accounts and sharing records with different sales teams.

If the sales structure in an organization requires a person to share customer accounts with many people from different teams then take this as an example. Let’s say that you have a ground sales representative who makes calls to the prospect and arranges a meeting. Let’s say you also have a field sales representative to visit the prospect for a product demo. In this case, how do you possibly share accounts with the sales representatives?

The sales structure of an organization might either be linear or a complex matrix of sorts where the data sharing is one too many people. Territory management can be right for your organization if the sharing needs of your company depend on account characteristics rather than individual ownership of records. In addition, it will be right for your organization if it has a matrix sales structure that requires individuals belonging to different territories to access customer accounts.


When you change to territory management in Zoho CRM, forecasts will also change to suit the territory requirements. When a user is a part of various territories, there might be a need to set different sales targets for users as different targets are set for each territory.

Just one forecast target for each user will not work in that case. When you split the monthly/quarterly targets based on territories and customer accounts, you will have a clear picture of the sales forecast and targets that can be achieved.



Your administrator can find it difficult to deal with sharing rules that should be monitored when there are changes in sales structure. If there is a complex data-sharing architecture, there are some common challenges that you must be aware of. Offering the same data to different users, managing permissions individually or on a role level for users, maintaining huge data volumes, creating multiple sharing rules, and frequent movement of sales reps are common challenges.

On the other hand, territories are simple to manage. The sales structure can be demarcated based on different regions. Let’s say that an executive who is responsible for handling customer inquiries from London is the best performer. In this case, you can choose to give this sales representative the additional responsibility of handling other customers from Germany. This is an example that helps us understand that this sales user can be added to the sales territory in London and Germany so that accessing customer records in both these countries becomes easy.

If the difficult data sharing rules and role hierarchy does not meet the rules then territories are an easy option to maintain as individual units that can reduce the burden on administrators. Thinking about your organization’s sales structure in a territorial hierarchy can be helpful if territory management is a valid option.

Why Use Territory Management?


1. Enhance Focused Sales

territory management in CRM can help in avoiding any uneven distribution of customer accounts to finally enhance focused sales and team responsibilities. Your sales representatives may either have heaps of work or little work and this is something that could potentially lead to wasted resources and lost revenue.

The workload must be evenly distributed so that the existing customers and prospects get the attention they need. If your customer account segmentation ranges from small businesses to large corporations and the opportunities are handled by salespeople based on the deal size then territories can be used to divide sales teams and complete lead allocation in CRM with business size over data visibility and sharing.

A group of sales representatives can handle deals with over 50 licenses and another group can be assigned to deal with more than 50 licenses. In this case of dynamic sales teams, having the right territories can help in facilitating the easy movement of sales representatives as they might need to switch between territories.

2. Flexibility Over Data Visibility and Sharing

Many times, the business and data-sharing model of organizations depends more on account characteristics and less on individual ownership. In this case, using territorial hierarchy comes off as a big benefit because territories offer great flexibility as compared to data visibility and sharing.

Let’s say that you sell electrical equipment in different districts. In this case, each sales group is responsible for taking care of sales in assigned districts. In each district, there can be different locations that would need electrical equipment. Based on the district and the quality of electrical equipment, you can assign the deal to your sales representatives.

In this case, the account characteristics of the account will be responsible for deciding the overall sales structure. Using the territories here can benefit you as it will offer you focus and will also simplify the process of record sharing among many individuals of different teams.

3. Geographical Territorial Segmentation

If your customers are spread across different geographical locations then reducing time and expenses for your sales team is important. The creation of territories based on geographical locations of the market and strategic placing of sales representatives within a country’s sales territory can be advantageous for the business.

As a result, there is a reduction in the time spent on travel because business opportunities become centered in one demarcated area. In addition, this helps the sales team to overcome any barriers that different territories might have. The sales representatives need comprehensive knowledge and expertise so that sales can be improved.

In the shoemaking and selling business, if you are a sales manager, you must be familiar with different shoes, pricing, features, and so on. Creating a territory that can include customer accounts who are interested in shoes can help. Belonging to this particular territory can offer enough experience and opportunities that develop your proficiency and negotiation skills.

4. Promoting Customer Retention and Revenue

Promoting Customer Retention and Revenue
If your business offers cross-selling opportunities then a flexible data sharing system that can help in cross-selling can be helpful in promoting customer retention and revenue growth.

Let’s think of a business that offers time management software to companies working in different sectors. Now this company might have a sales group focused on offering this software to each of these companies. In case a prospect is interested in the product then how will the representative share customer accounts with individuals from different teams who are involved in the sales cycle?

In this case, having a territorial hierarchy based on product lines and granting permission to sales representatives from various teams can be an effective way to manage this situation. It helps in collaborative cross-selling for a business.


Territory management is helpful if you have a complex sales structure with the need to change users to different sales teams or territories; if you need to segment various customer accounts based on their characteristics; if you want a simple way to maintain process for administrators and manage sharing of data; and if you require multiple forecast targets for users coming from different sales territories.

That said, it is important to ensure that you choose the correct data-sharing model for a smooth running of a business. You can know much more about territory management and if it suits your business needs by scheduling a CRM consultation partner like Encaptechno. 


Everything about Territory Management in CRM Read More »

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Maximize Your Sales with Three CRM Reports | Encaptechno

Maximize Your Sales with Three CRM Reports

Maximize Your Sales with Three CRM Reports | Encaptechno 

At the time when you are busy analyzing the sales objectives of your team, it always helps to go back and see which methods were responsible for maximizing the sales. When you really think about all these questions, you will also end up pondering multiple questions so that you can eventually work on creating a sales strategy.

You will think about the average time taken for the sales cycle to get completed, the number of leads that get converted into customers, star performers in your sales teams, and the regions that promote business. It is also possible to not know all of these things at once but you must try to keep looking for accurate answers to these factors.

An online CRM system helps significantly in understanding the figures that affect the sales process. Using the CRM solution, you can generate and analyze CRM reports with filters that can give you the information that you need. These reports can help you gain insights to effectively manage the sales processes and sales team as well.

In this blog, we will see three major reports that Zoho online CRM system offers to analyze and strategize the sales processes. These categories of Zoho reports offer immense value to the business. In addition, these reports also help in identifying the metrics that drive more sales so that time and effort can be spent in the right place.

What are CRM Reports?

What are CRM Reports?
CRM reports are like an organized document that is capable of telling us what is going on with a business. These reports can be as simple as a document that analyzes sales calls or it can be a document as detailed as the one that analyzes revenue numbers and customer feedback required for understanding a company.

There are many different types of CRM reports and honestly, all of them are important. You may want to think about which report relates to your goals or see these reports as tools that help in understanding how the sales process is working in a company.

The use of CRM reports is often limited to sales and marketing. However, if you wish to go a step beyond and have the correct data then you can gain valuable insights from the CRM reports. These are official documents that help in taking strategic business decisions beyond sales and marketing. The key is to find the best online CRM system that can help in generating and analyzing these reports.

Zoho is one such CRM system that generates accurate reports that can ramp up sales operations. Some of the reports that Zoho offers include

1. Time-Based Reports

There are hundreds and thousands of leads that do not guarantee increased sales. The key to converting qualified leads into sales is called lead nurturing which is something that is effective only with a detailed understanding of the lead nurture process.

Oftentimes, sales teams have stagnant leads in their pipeline that do not actually move ahead without sales monitoring. The best way to handle those leads is to identify them while taking extra time and effort to convert these leads successfully. This is something that can be easily done with the use of time-based reports.

We have all heard countless times that time is money but the main question is that do we really understand what this means? In terms of business the adage “Time is Money” means that every second counts when you are facing a customer.  When you are in the process of converting a lead into an opportunity, timing is literally everything.

The sales team has to decide the value of their time. Using the CRM reports, it is possible to understand the lead nurturing cycle with comprehensive analysis. There are some time-based reports that can be helpful in calculating your valuable time and its effectiveness. These reports are “Sales Cycle Duration across Lead Sources/Potential Type”, “Overall Sales Duration across Lead Sources/Potential Type”, and “Lead Conversions Across Industries/Owners.”

2. People-Based Reports

Measuring the regular performance of sales representatives is important for business success. There are different metrics that can be used to measure the success of sales representatives. However, knowing the right sales metrics and getting important information can be helpful in understanding the strength and weaknesses of sales processes.

Another set of CRM reports that can be helpful in understanding more about the sales process is called people-based reports. These reports enable the managers to know which representatives are doing well and which reps are the ones who can do better.

It is important to understand that the reports that give us a comprehensive insight on the goals achieved by an individual alongwith the activities performed to achieve a target are considered important while calculating the monthly sales target.

Zoho is an online CRM system that offers different performance-based reports that eventually help in measuring the progress of an individual working in a sales team. Most importantly, these reports help in checking the overall quality of service offered to the customers. Some of the reports include “Sales Person’s Performance Report”, “Sales Cycle Duration Across Owner”, “Lead Conversion Count Across Owner.”

3. Revenue-Based Reports

Yet another factor that gives an insight into the sales processes is the amount of revenue that a business is making periodically. The sales managers must have clarity about each line of product or service contributing to the overall profit. It is possible that the sales processes can be great in one region but not the same in another.

When the sales managers know everything about the sales revenue, the percentage of targets achieved, and the lead sources that give more business, it becomes easy to keep a tab on the revenue. Understanding who the profitable customers are can be difficult unless there is a detailed report of everything that a customer purchases in a life cycle.

Measuring the revenue and growth of an organization is very easy. With the Zoho CRM reports, you can know exactly where the revenue of a company is going and the factors responsible for it. Some of the reports that are revenue-based include “Sales by Lead Source”, “Pipeline By Profitability/Stage”, and “This Month Sales.”

Benefits of CRM Reporting

Sometimes, sales professionals think
that creating a sales strategy based on CRM reports can take your time and energy that could be spent somewhere else. However, this is not the right thinking. Below mentioned are some of the benefits that will make the benefits of CRM reporting very clear to you.

1. Insights

Insights | Benefits of CRM Reporting
Sales is a lot about understanding how well you suffice the needs of your customers. The detailed insights that you can see based on your customers help in improving the sales pitch.

Let’s say that you are looking for clients that are easily approachable, do not cause any troubles, and continue to be profitable for you for a long time to come. Now you can find these clients by creating CRM reports that can find patterns in your customers. You can study these reports and understand which clients are likely to be ideal for you.

2. Sales Funnel

The entire process through which a lead becomes a customer is considered important to the health of your sales process. There are many sales representatives that do not realize that they have a problem that their sales funnels can be improved.

The reports generated by an online CRM system can help in underlining all problems that are present with the funnel so that the sales process becomes smooth. Once you see where the problems are, you will solve them immediately and the final result will be favorable.

3. Streamlined Time

The sales professionals must be clear about the way they are spending their time if they wish to achieve the goals in the right time frame. With minimal effort, the result can be considerable.

The sales representatives can also increase this time to have a bigger impact on the sales record. The online CRM reporting can be extremely helpful because the CRM reports help the representatives to find revenue-generating activities that maximize the time spent with the right leads.

For instance, sales representatives can find an ideal customer profile to spend time with prospects that can use a product or service or find leads at a profitable source. The reports can ensure that representatives are only spending their time where it genuinely makes a difference.

4. Making Suitable Changes

The process of
creating sales strategy, monitoring, and changing it periodically is not an easy process. It is always changing and representatives who do not keep up with the changes can fall behind easily. The key is to find just where the changes need to be made and to focus on making those changes timely.

The CRM reports help us in identifying where the changes must be made. The reports are useful in finding problems or seeing patterns that are leading to lost sales. Once these patterns are understood, it is possible to offer key insights into what must be changed.

5. Seeing Issues Early

The sooner salespeople can see a potential issue, the more they can eliminate them. This enables the sales representatives to take corrective measures and put in strategies that can help in meeting goals.

Using CRM reports can help in pointing patterns more quickly than humans in many cases. It is important to understand the problem so that creating a sales strategy becomes easy. This way, obstacles can be seen and solved at the right time.


Using the
CRM reports can help in generating better revenue and it can also boost team productivity. The reports come with an ability to streamline complex manual duties which ultimately ends up saving a lot of precious time.

In case you have not been using the CRM reports in a powerful way then it is time to start exploring data so that you find and maximize more opportunities. Irrespective of the kind of business you might be in, the CRM reports can be helpful in making your sales operations much more organized.


Maximize Your Sales with Three CRM Reports Read More »

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7 Benefits of Integrating CRM with LinkedIn | Encaptechno

7 Benefits of Integrating CRM with LinkedIn

7 Benefits of Integrating CRM with LinkedIn | Encaptechno
LinkedIn is one of those social networks that can enable you and your business to become very well known professionally. Particularly, if your company has just started using it or it is about to target new markets in unknown lands then LinkedIn can be really helpful. One of the main benefits of LinkedIn is that it brings together people involved in a business together. You can keep in touch with business partners, potential employees, and customers.

Among the other benefits that LinkedIn brings on the table, the CRM integration is yet another one that can work wonders for you. The customer relationship management tools are evolving continuously. The CRM integration with LinkedIn can enable a sales team to explore new ways to expand and nurture business relationships.

In this blog, we will see some of the benefits of integrating CRM with LinkedIn. However, the fundamental thing to understand here is what the importance of this integration is?

CRM and LinkedIn

CRM and Linkedin
Customer relationship management is one of the fastest growing industries. When it comes to CRM options available in the market today, the options are endless. From large and comprehensive systems with so many integrations and tools to industry specific software applications focused on start-ups and small B2B businesses, there are many CRM options in the market.

It does not matter which B2B industry you may be in, the CRM integration with LinkedIn must be done so that the tools can be maximized to their potential. It is important to understand that using the power of LinkedIn along with the CRM means that more leads and better outreach campaigns can be developed for the sales teams.

A customer relationship management or CRM integration done with LinkedIn will enable you to get all the important information such as names, job titles, organizations, website addresses, etc. This information can be extracted and sent directly to the CRM system. Sending this important data automatically saves many hours manually as the input data for leads is used for outreach campaigns in boosting replies and sales.

Why is it Important to Integrate CRM with LinkedIn?

No matter which business it may be, time and strong professional relationships are two of the important elements that help in achieving the desired results. Sales teams across all industries work hard consistently to generate more sustainable relationships. Even though all these relationships have multiple components, the sales conversions and mutually benefitting situations must encounter one another.

The sales process becomes much more streamlined and effective when CRM is integrated with LinkedIn. What must be kept in mind is that the traditional sales activities are anyway provoking the loss of many business deals. The decision-making processes have turned complex and business reports assert that more people should be included in the process.

Basically, it can be said that it is no longer sufficient to just focus on the important within but it should become important to multi-thread a targeted network. There is an immediate need to apply digital strategies in the sales process. This is a process that entails personalizing content, teaching something new to people, and changing how the digital strategy can impact a business. The CRM integration with LinkedIn brings all this and more.

Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedIn

1. Easy Leads Prospecting

Easy Leads Prospecting | Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedIn
CRM integration with LinkedIn helps immensely in lead prospecting. LinkedIn is a social platform that is created for professional networking. It helps the sales team to find their target audience precisely. There are two important types of LinkedIn profiles including company profiles and personal profiles.

The fact is that B2B businesses can gain many benefits by finding out about a company that they are targeting, their needs, wants, and even an insight into an existing process. After this, they can also target specific decision-makers within a company through personal profiles.

Basically, LinkedIn is a place where professionals can connect with multiple like-minded professionals and organizations. They can store valuable data and make all of it available for the sales team and marketers so that much better CRM profiles can be built.

The CRM integration with LinkedIn will give the sales team a wide room to make the most out of all untapped leads without wasting any time searching the whole pool. The integrations are such that they let a salesperson have an advanced search option of the lead, prospect, or the customer directly from the CRM.

One of the best-added benefits is that all additional information can be provided by LinkedIn to understand and strategize accordingly. This does not just help in saving a lot of time but it also helps the team to provide a value addition while eliminating any unwanted research of non-prospects.

2. Saving Time

Saving Time | Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedInA valuable and rather limited resource that all sales teams have to use is time. To ensure that the sales goals are achieved, it becomes important to engage and interact with the prospects and generate qualified leads. Think of a situation when you have created sufficient conversations on LinkedIn that they are all ready to be transferred into a CRM system.

When LinkedIn will be integrated with an online CRM system, it will become easy to save the leads from any conversations that you may have with a prospect. In another scenario where you have been using LinkedIn for a long time without knowing that there is a possibility of integrating CRM, you will again be able to save a lot of time.

You can import all of your saved leads from LinkedIn to the CRM system without thinking about transferring them manually. This is a great way to save time. In addition, the new version of LinkedIn also allows you to include the latest features that help in improving communication and speed of updating modifications in the sales pipelines of opportunities.

This way, you will end up saving time and also ensure that you don’t miss track of the buyer’s needs. Any alerts and insights will keep you up to date in real-time about all the important information that is needed to take the best action towards building a sales relationship.

3. Better Relationship Building

Better Relationship Building | Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedIn
The integration of LinkedIn with an
online CRM system ensures a seamless lead flow and an ability to build better relations with the customers. All of the email contacts and the important information related to them can fall in perfect sync.

The integration can show the sales team a clear direction of working on the prospects by facilitating a smooth introduction with the information that is obtained from LinkedIn. This can be done with easy networks, predefined communication templates, information sharing, and using updates about prospects.  

The sales team can get detailed information about the profile of the leads which further plays an important role in the process of relationship building. The kind of information that you can obtain about the leads turns out to be highly useful for making the lead feel comfortable.

Sales teams anyway do so much and go out of their way to get information about the customers so that better sales pitches can be made. The CRM integration with LinkedIn serves as a perfect resort to this because it helps the sales team to make things very easy.

4. Targeting the Right People

Focusing on just one person is not enough to generate business opportunities. If you want to ensure that you achieve your sales objectives quickly then multithreading is something that you will have to pay sincere attention to. It is something that allows much better communication and conversations with the right set of people.

The CRM integration with LinkedIn can help in giving you the wide possibility of leveraging the data that gets collected from sales preferences. A consistency in the way you approach the leads can also allow you to learn who you may be interested in. As you synchronize LinkedIn with CRM, you can retrieve important information from your CRM.

One of the easiest ways to find the right insight is to look at the recommended leads. These profiles are generally within the targeted account or they are similar to the potential lead. When you find the right people, you can focus on reaching a constructive decision while uncovering other profiles that are included in the decision process. This way, you will save time and stay focused.

5. Improved Sales Intelligence

CRM integration with LinkedIn has the ability to improve sales intelligence to a great extent. You can easily get all the important sales insights with regular updates, information, and connections. Moreover, you can also save a lot of time in finding the right people and hence get your business a true value addition.

The ability to access information from any time and from anywhere will never let you lose on any prospect. While you continue enjoying the ease of building connections seamlessly, the customers are also somehow empowered to deal with the right person which is a benefit to both ends.

With so many sales representatives and business development professionals using social tools, it makes sense to access the information on one screen. The CRM integration with LinkedIn enables all the prospects to view the CRM window. All users can research the prospects before contacting them while pulling up information through LinkedIn.

Sales intelligence is also empowered because this integration saves a lot of time and expands the overall accuracy. You can get to know your prospects well in advance and you can ascertain if you have something in common. The system also shows a list of related leads and people while matching them to the profile that is being viewed.

Most of all, we all know that most of the buyers are always involved in the decision-making process so it becomes all the more important to access leads. The users can actually communicate with all the parties and make it extremely easy to close the deals.

6. Much Better Outreach Campaigns

After you have become successful in creating a list of potential leads and information about the professional life of a person, the outreach campaigns can become personalized and effective.

It becomes easy to create high conversion email campaigns that can plug in all important data that the CRM integration with LinkedIn has scrapped with accounting targeting and automating the entire lead generation process.

The final result is always a constant stream of new customer inquiries each month that come from the automated system. These inquiries have a great potential to turn into your leads while helping you do much better in the business with an expanded clientele.

7. Detailed Demographic Information

Detailed Demographic Information | Benefits of CRM Integration With LinkedIn
LinkedIn is an excellent source to get relevant data on the customers. You can know their job title, seniority, professional achievements, and much more. This knowledge will help in personalizing your outreach campaigns.

When you know more about the potential leads, there will be a much better opportunity to stand out and show everyone that you have done your research properly. More people are likely going to respond if you connect with them on a personal level.

The detailed demographic information also helps in a lead generation which becomes as simple as finding a suitable lead and hitting a button on their profile. All of this public information can be collected and sent to the pipeline so that it appears on the dashboard and helps in saving time that is otherwise spent on inputting the data manually.


LinkedIn is most definitely one of the most powerful business networks that you cannot ignore. It has a wealth of information and by making complete use of it, businesses can gain so much. Ensuring that the CRM software is compatible with LinkedIn can help a sales team to become way more effective.

One of the biggest benefits is the ability to use the information and foster communications with the prospects. Customers are anyway not prepared to respond to the sales and marketing literature that are not related to them. They look for immediate value and something that should be provided with what they are looking for.

The union of a CRM with LinkedIn helps in ensuring powerful sales and marketing processes. All businesses that wish to see real results from prospecting must make the most out of CRM integration with LinkedIn. If you also want to do the same, get in touch with our CRM consultants of Encaptechno who can help you achieve the best results.



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Create a Better Client Centric Experience With Salesforce | Encaptechno

Create a Better Client Centric Experience With Salesforce

Create a Better Client Centric Experience With Salesforce | Encaptechno

In the present business landscape, it is not anymore enough to have an excellent product or service at a good price. The customer experience that a company offers is much more important than its products and services. This is something that is being understood and acknowledged by all smart business owners.

It is becoming increasingly common to see businesses use new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. These are the things that enable a better customer experience while also making sure that customer satisfaction is achieved. Businesses must figure out ways to offer the best customer experience if they wish to stay ahead of the curve and competitive.

The ability of businesses to offer amazing services before and after a transaction means that it is possible to offer improved personalization and a highly valued and connected customer experience across channels.

To make this easy, a business must adopt customer retention strategies so that there is an increased focus on becoming customer-centric. The ability to become customer-centric means putting the customer at the center of everything that is done in a business. From sales to marketing, the customer service touchpoints make a difference at every point.

Even though the definition might differ between the industries and individual companies, customer-centric businesses will all have one thing in common with each other and that is the fact that all of them are passionate about customer experience.

What Is Being Customer-Centric?


Keeping the customers first at every point is not a new thought. However, it must be kept in mind that the technologies that change customer behavior such as AI, IoT, Social Media, etc. are also enabling businesses to personalize interactions with customers in a completely different way.

Here, personalized interactions do not necessarily mean scaling up a generic experience with a customer’s name. Rather, it is more about creating a dynamic experience at each and every moment beginning from the initial search to every moment of the journey that comes in between. In case a customer has been able to establish a relationship with a brand this means that the customer can receive personalized recommendations based on purchasing history as scrolling is done on a website.

Context: The process of generating a better customer experience can be associated with the process of modifying a garment’s design so that it fits each customer individually. A special highlight in the way tailors work focuses on knowing each customer differently including their build, the way the garments should be, the right fabric, etc. Similarly, organizations today are shifting to selling experiences that fit the needs of the customers. This means that there is a constant modification of products and services so that the end result leads to customer satisfaction.

For example, a hotel group can use personalized information to offer the best experience to customers while anticipating the needs of this customer in advance. This information can be used to offer the right personal care kit to suggest the right food or yoga classes. It can be anything. Another example could be of an online retailer who might show similar products that the customers may have viewed on other browsers while providing direct comparisons to these products.

Importance of Being Customer-Centric


Importance of Being Customer-CentricOffering a personalized customer experience is considered an important step in the lead management system. In fact, customer expectations are evolving at a quick pace. The consumers in the present world are way more informed and less loyal as compared to the past generations. The customers look for different experiences that give rise to their trust and the customer will shop around anywhere to find them.

In contradiction with the past, offering services with a smile is not enough. Businesses must realize that customers want to be treated as a person and not merely a number so that eventually the business can win. With so many customers thinking that it has become easier than ever to take the business elsewhere, the pressure is on organizations to get the customer experience right.

The good news is that most customers even pay more for a great experience. This means that if businesses use the right tools then they have an opportunity to increase revenue by delighting their customers in a way that no one can.

What Is a Customer-Centric Organization Like?


An organization must know the importance of customer-centricity if it has to succeed. It is important to start with the customer experience and work backward with the technology. This is a lesson that successful companies have been implementing since forever while they stand out as being customer-centric companies.

Salesforce Cloud is an excellent example of a technology that can help businesses. It offers businesses a wide potential to rethink their business model. Retailing is one industry that has not started to explore what is possible. The retailing industry has understood the importance of customer-centricity for some time now but retailers lack both the technology and knowledge to connect sales, marketing, service, and commerce systems that enable a comprehensive customer view.

With technology such as Salesforce Cloud, all relevant and personalized engagements emerge as a key differentiator and retailers can finally make the investments to deliver on the promise of putting a customer at the center of everything. The key to becoming a competent customer-centric organization is starting with empathy. Otherwise, it is easy to risk not seeing the point and alienate the customers.

For example, Nike is a company that really started selling more shoes when the brand turned into a service that can help in tracking running, compete with friends and feel healthier. Nike is a brand that is a lot more than just selling shoes, it is the idea that focuses on delivering a brand promise in a meaningful way.

Why Do Companies Feel Held Back In Offering Customer Experiences?


Why Do Companies Feel Held Back In Offering Customer Experiences_
The thing that is holding companies back from cultivating great customer experience is some deep-seated problems. These problems are such that if the companies do not address them timely then they will get worse but the good thing about all of these problems is that they can be fixed.

To make sure that the companies offer the best customer experience, it is important that they work with a combination of innovation, discipline, and technology. More than anything, the companies require unwavering leadership so that business processes can be reimagined when times are painful. Doing nothing and letting the customers move to future-proof competitors can be much worse.

A problem that may get in the way of progress includes siloed front, middle, and back offices that may affect end-to-end visibility. In addition, backward-looking business intelligence affects shaping the future; the static workflows are focused on the past and find it difficult to adapt to the future; all compliance and regulatory issues serve as a problem.

These are some challenges to offer customer centricity which are also remnants of the old ways of doing business. They hold the companies back to move ahead and work smartly. While looking at these challenges and exploring new ways to adapt to the digital future, Salesforce Cloud is undoubtedly the best solution.

Customer-Centric Businesses Need a Single View of All Clients


Personalization is not enough if one has to become truly customer-centric. Offering customers a connected experience all across an organization is also important. Sales offer an integrated customer experience which ensures a seamless handoff between departments and striking a contextualized engagement based on early interactions.

Using Salesforce Cloud enables companies to recognize the customers wherever they engage while having a connected experience. Basically, with the support of a salesforce implementation consultant,you can win at each interaction a customer has with your organization. With siloed data being a major roadblock to connectivity, businesses are supposed to look at how they unlock the data held in multiple systems.

Moreover, the businesses also have to ensure that everyone in the organization has a single view of their customer and the role of customer experience is streamlined. If the organizations encourage employees to think about customer experience in terms of what’s better for the customer than the business then this can be a tangible step towards building a truly customer-centric culture.

Organizations go wrong when the employees work with a territorial and a myopic view of customer experience. When people say that customer experience should be owned by marketing they do not understand it goes way beyond that. It actually involves marketing, sales, and services. It does not matter who owns the customer experience more than who is implementing it and when it comes to it, everyone in an organization implements it.

In case there is any disconnection in a team then the result is disconnected metrics and customer experience. Measuring the customer experience in association with revenue and other organizations promotes alignment. All leaders must demonstrate a commitment to the long-term outcomes of customer experience even if the traditional performance indicators drop in the short term.

Customer–Centricity Begins With Trust


Customer Centricity Begins With Trust
Since the customer experience runs on data, building trust with all customers is important. In the past, high-profile data breaches have been in the news quite often while highlighting the poor procedures of many organizations. On the other hand, the data misuse scandals affect tons of people which has also left many people wondering how personal information is used.

Many customers think that their personal information is not secure while most others think that companies do not have their best interests at heart. Even though many people are comfortable offering personal information for better experiences, the responsibility is on businesses to be transparent about how personal information is stored, accumulated, and used. In case the businesses use this information to push irrelevant things, they will automatically lose customer trust.

The companies that are successful in earning customer trust can experience many benefits. In addition to spending more with brands they trust, the customers are also more likely to recommend these brands. However, if a company gets it wrong then the stakes are higher of losing a customer. Trusting a company makes the customers more likely to recommend that company further.

The Future is Customer-Centric


The Future is Customer-Centric
Organizations must focus on becoming more customer-centric if they wish to survive at the present time. Just as viewers expect recommendations while accessing a streaming service, the tailored customer experience is becoming more of a necessity to customers irrespective of the company that they engage with. The organizations that fail to get on board with this may not be around for a long time.

There is no better customer retention strategy than placing the customers at the heart of every interaction. The customer-centric businesses can create a dynamic, seamless, and uniquely personalized experience for customers that help them in achieving desired outcome and sales. The customer-driven organizations completely reset the valuable and meaningful experience with customers.

In the future, we can see more and more brands deploy the right technologies, right processes and hire the right people to connect all of their customer data while bringing a fundamental shift for companies as they reorient from being product-centric to customer-centric.



The use of the Salesforce cloud has the ability to change how business is conducted completely. The organizations can gain an ability to move faster than ever before with a wide level of customer and market-driven intelligence far beyond what was there in the past.

At the same time, customers will have many opportunities to forge the types of relationships they want with the brands they trust. There will be an easy association between the customers and brands that focus more on delivering experiences that delight customers rather than disappoint them.

This will only be possible with technologies such as Salesforce Cloud. If you wish for your company to become truly customer-centric then take the support of an expert Salesforce implementation consultant from Encaptechno who can guide you professionally. For any more queries, get in touch now.



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Maximize Your Potential As a Sales Representative With Zoho CRM _ Encaptechno

Maximize Your Potential as a Sales Representative With Zoho CRM

Maximize Your Potential As a Sales Representative With Zoho CRM _ Encaptechno

Most of the sales representatives are not so fond of using a CRM solution. The reason behind this is that the sales representatives enter the data manually and spend multiple hours making reports. They also claim that CRM is not so user-friendly.

The use of CRM can offer multiple features to the teams that can also be quite beneficial to the sales cycle process. The main question is how can you implement and manage the CRM system so that your sales representatives can love it and adopt it seamlessly. However, the question is how is that possible?

In this blog, we will look at the ways in which you can maximize your potential as a sales representative with the Zoho CRM.

1. Use Related Lists


Zoho CRM includes multiple modules that include important information about a customer’s journey. This information can be consolidated in Activities, Quotes, Invoices, Deals, etc. Now, most of the sales representatives go back and forth between these modules regularly while simultaneously working with the prospects.

This process can be made easier by introducing Related Lists. With the use of these lists, the sales representatives can view all the records associated with a parent record. This means that all the tasks, deals, products, events, invoices, etc. get displayed in the contact information of Zoho CRM.

This way, there will be no need to navigate to different modules for viewing the related data. What’s more, all the lists will have an option to form a new record within the module and link it with the parent record. For example, if you are viewing a record in a module and you wish to strike a deal with them then you can click on the + New Deal button in the related lists section for deals to create a record in the Deals module while automatically associating it with the record in Accounts module.

There are also many places where information about a customer can be easily found. For example, text files, mobile notes, etc. The use of Zoho CRM can provide you an option to integrate social media, emails, and notes as well. As a result, all the important information about a lead or a customer will be in one place.

2. Streamline and Clean 

Make sure that you do not show the modules that are not being used. It is important to understand that Zoho CRM has many features that are focused on helping various businesses. There are times when some modules may not be useful for the sales representatives or in the 
sales cycle process.

When you set up Profiles and Roles for your users, you do not just define a structure for a company but you also remove all the unwanted modules while making sure that all the sales representatives have information that is needed without having to search for it. By using the Roles, you can form the hierarchy of an organization and the Profile will help you determine the level of access a user can potentially have.

If you set up a Profile then you can reduce the amount of unnecessary information seen by a sales representative. Make sure that you stick to gathering relevant information only because most of the CRM applications will have many fields for storing data. However, often many fields are left completely untouched.

Seeing empty fields can make things look like the sales representative does not have the right information but this is not always the case. You can use layouts to remove any unwanted fields and make the Zoho CRM look way more concise and complete. Also, remember that the conditional layout rules are a feature in Zoho CRM where the fields show up after the criteria are fulfilled successfully.

3. Leverage CRM Mobile App 

Leverage CRM Mobile AppA CRM mobile application can be used to get an edge in the process of customer acquisition. For example, let’s say a sales representative goes for a corporate business conclave to network more. Now this person may return with a bunch of leads.

Rather than manually creating all these leads, the sales representative can quickly add all of them using a mobile CRM app. This is an excellent step in the sales pipeline that can help in adding important information to the CRM app.

Zoho has many applications of its own that can help you instantly record the attendee’s information in the CRM database. This can save the time of your sales representatives and they can also follow up right from the CRM mobile application only. Using the application also helps in setting up a workflow for sending an automated email to the lead.

4. Social Media Integration 

A sales representative has the potential to make a stronger pitch to a prospect and advance a lead to the next stage in case they have clarity about the personality and inclinations of the potential customer. To get this information, social media is one of the best ways in the present time.

The sales representatives can pursue the profiles of all the leads and also get a sense of the requirements of these leads. With the Zoho CRM social media integration, a sales representative has no problem in finding a customer’s social media profile.

There is no need to open up new tabs and search for things manually. Moreover, the responses that are received from a company’s sales representative can make customers feel that the company always takes care and addresses the requirements of the customers.

5. Automate Work 

The sales representatives can also configure the workflow rules for making the Zoho CRM function in the way that is needed. A sales workflow includes acquiring new leads, sending emails, converting leads into deals, negotiating, and closing the deal.

This process can be used to reduce any mundane or repetitive work for the sales representatives. For example, in case the deal advances to the next step in the sales process, a follow-up task can be created for the deal owner stating that they must add a note in this record and summarize the main takeaways of the conversation with the sales prospect.

The workflows can be easily set up for sending an email, creating tasks, updating the fields, etc. In addition, you can also easily schedule an action to take place at a later time. For example, for creating a task, you can remind the sales representative to send a follow-up email after the field in the deal record.

6. Using Zoho CRM Template and Macros 

Using the CRM is a lot about making the system work for you. You can send many emails in different time zones, update the inventory, and do much more by using the 
Zoho CRM template and macros.

These are some of the repetitive tasks most businesses have to endure anyway and this is where a Zoho CRM template and macros come in. You will also find that your workloads get greatly reduced. The process of creating a template can save a lot of effort that would otherwise go in manually constructing an email.

You can set up a Macro that lets you send emails at specific periods without having to send them yourself. For instance, you can set up a Macro for sending an email when the deal is closed or when an activity is completed successfully.

7. Use Zoho’s Gamification Features 

Use Zoho’s Gamification Features
The Zoho CRM’s gamification features can be helpful in bringing out the competitive spirit of your sales representatives. These features are a fun way of adding a motivating spirit to the 
sales pipeline and meet the sales quota.

Zoho CRM offers Gamescope for setting up challenges and also rewards your team with trophies and badges. You can choose your team to convert the most leads they can win in a single day. The sales representative who manages to convert a fixed number can win a trophy.

Other than completing the everyday sales tasks, the gamification features of Zoho CRM also have a long-term value. They can be used to calculate the bonuses for the sales representatives based on their performance in all the games they participated in last year. This also boosts their morale so that they never get tired from their work.

8. Use Zoho Feeds 

If a business has to realize its complete potential then it has to be run forward by a cohesive team that can coordinate its work with a final aim to increase the revenue. This also involves the ones who are high up on the ladder too.

A serious problem that comes in most companies is a lack of constant communication between different levels or even among peers in the organization. There must be a culture of open communication in the company so that anyone from the company finds it easy to get in touch with anyone in the team. This improves coordination and ease of work as well.

There can be an increased collaboration and easy communication with the implementation of an effective policy. This can empower the collective effort made by the team members and also affect the sales process constructively. The use of Zoho Feeds is an excellent way to increase collaboration.

All the sales representatives have access to the Feeds section and any post made by a user can be visible to almost everyone in the organization. The users can post, comment, and add attachments as well. In case you do not want all the employees to see your post then you can make the post visible to the selected users only.

In addition, another effective method is to create Groups with specific users. In case you wish to make a post in the group, only the users in the group will be able to view it. These are some of the functions that can make the open communication policy in the company much more effective.

9. Customize the Homepage 

The Zoho CRM Homepage has the ability to give you a comprehensive overview of the sales aspect of your work. The Zoho CRM also lets you customize your homepage effectively.

It is possible to have dashboards such as Pipeline By Stage, Events, Tasks, Calls, Leads By Source, etc. Any normal homepage will not contain these dashboards but using the Zoho CRM, you can customize the homepage as per your requirements so that the sales cycle process becomes easy.



Zoho CRM has been made in a way that can help to maximize the potential of a sales cycle process. It has so many features that can be used to make the process of sales extremely productive and fruitful. Implement Zoho CRM today and see it for yourself.

In case you need any further support with the implementation and use of Zoho CRM for the sales cycle process then please feel free to get in touch with us.

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Focus on Converting Leads With Advanced Filters of Zoho CRM | Encaptechno

Focus on Converting Leads With Advanced Filters of Zoho CRM

Focus on Converting Leads With Advanced Filters of Zoho CRM | Encaptechno

The Advanced filters in the
online Zoho CRM system, are one of the greatest ways to understand the ways in which CRM works while discovering important insights in no time. It is a powerful search tool that allows you to extract valuable sales information which could otherwise take much longer to find out.

What’s key to understand here is that by the use of a regular filter, the search is based on field values. For example, all leads who are from “Los Angeles”. Now, this is very straightforward and simple.

However, with the advanced filters, it becomes easy to run advanced searches based on the activities associated with records such as leads that have no open activity associated with them. You can base your search on many advanced factors and get results.

To understand the advanced filters of Zoho CRM better, let’s consider an example.

Example: Let’s say that you work in a company called “Pioneer” and your CRM system has been able to get a decent number of leads over the last six months. Even though you have followed up with most of these leads, there is a possibility of a deal that is hidden somewhere amidst these leads and did not respond the first time. Now if only you can pull up this idle lead quickly and follow up again, you will be satisfied.

In another situation, let’s say that you have some leads that are waiting to be closed by the end of the month, but you suspect that the tasks associated with the deals are still pending. Only if you will be able to pull these deals in just one click, it would make sense.

In yet another situation, let’s say that you offer a live chat service to the customers from your website. Imagine that there was a way in which you could pull up the complete list of customers whose chat requests you missed in the past week.

All the three situations that are mentioned above require details that could take a long time to be drilled down using the reports. However, using the Zoho CRM customization and advanced filters, it can become easy to get this information instantly.

This is possible because other than the record details such as First Name or the Phone Number, advanced filters include a wider range of criteria for you to base the search on such as email activity, website activity, activity status, notes, scoring rules, etc. Using an intelligent combination of these factors, you can easily pull out the important records as discussed in the scenarios above.

Filter Records Using Advanced Filters

For filtering the records using advanced filters, the following steps must be taken.

  • Go to the module that you want
  • Choose the required module list view.
  • In the Filter (Records) By, select the desired combinations. You can also choose any number of search combinations as required.
  • Click on Apply Filter and the records that meet the criteria will be shown.
  • You can choose the records and assign suitable follow-up activities or run macros on them as well. You can also save the filter for future use.

After you have saved the filters, you will be able to see the overall number of records in every filter that will be updated in real-time. You will be able to see the number of records in every filter that will be updated in real-time. For example, you can save a filter in the Leads module called “Idle leads”.

Right when the number of records matching the filter’s criteria differs, the updated count can be displayed beside the name of the filter. This can help in quickly getting a snapshot of the volume of records under each saved filter and prioritize your actions accordingly.

Using Advanced Filters Effectively

Below are some of the common sales scenarios in which you can effectively make use of the benefits of advanced filters in the online Zoho CRM system. It must be remembered that these are just examples. There are some scenarios you can come up with depending on the combination of the search criteria.

1. Explore All Unused Leads

You can work on a new set of leads almost every week. With time, you lose track of the leads that needed a second or third follow-up. 

Among the idle leads, there may be a great deal waiting for you but only if you follow up on it. The advanced filters can search records for you within a few seconds only.

2. Discover All Records For Conversions

You can also be aware of all chances of converting a lead and winning a deal with the Conversion Prediction by using Zia. Although this will make it simple for you to prioritize the leads and deal with high chances of conversion, you can also explore the ones you thought had less or no chances of conversions, but are trending now.

Using the advanced filters, it is possible to pull leads and deals that are trending recently with better chances of conversion than ever before while ensuring that there is no opportunity missed.

3. Track Sales Activities

You want to keep a track of all the sales activities as well as that of the subordinates. Using advanced filters, you can narrow the deals to which there is no activity associated with the next month but the closing date is still within the present month. You can also add the potential amount as a different criterion which can further narrow down the search.

To go a step ahead in this Zoho customization, you can also mention the potential amount. If you get a list of records for deals that are worth more than a certain amount to be closed this month but for which that are overdue activities then you must pay attention. Other than the overdue tasks, you can also filter the information about deals.

You can filter the information by deals closing this month but no activity, notes, and emails associated with them, and deals that have been lost which may want to reopen, and a follow-up. The advanced filters make it easy for sales managers to hunt down cases and act on them.

4. Filter Contacts Based on Deal Stages

Let’s imagine that you are looking to send emails and other relevant documents to those contacts that are in the value proposition stage. You can manually search for each contact that is in the stage that is consuming time. 


Using the advanced filters in the Contacts module, you can choose the contacts easily. The contacts that match the criteria will be displayed in this way. You can also choose all these contacts and send a mass email, take bulk action as needed, and update records.

Tracking Records Based on Campaign Responses

Anytime you filter records based on the responses to the recent campaigns, you will be able to approach the potential customers in a much better way with a refined message based on their response.

Let’s say that all the recipients that were targeted in the recent campaign have opened the email and clicked on links in the email. You can also be sure that they are in need of your offering and are also interested in understanding what you want to offer. With the final push, you will be able to effectively convince them and help in making a good decision.

All contacts who have either just opened your email or clicked on the link that are listed are your prime prospects to be convinced and converted into your business. You can use the below-mentioned filters:

1. Time Tracking Filters

The advanced filters Zoho customization includes a set of time tracking filters whose purpose is to easily let you filter the records that have been worked on or not worked on in the specified time period. 

For instance, you can effectively filter the leads that have been untouched for the last 5 months. For doing this, you can use the time tracking filter called “Untouched Records” so that you can get a picture.

2. Act on Insights Discovered

The advanced filters do not just enable you to discover the quick insights but also follow up on the results obtained. For example, you have discovered the potential leads that go unnoticed that need your attention but now what? 

When you filter the records, advanced filters let you act on them instantly. Quick actions can be taken on records such as Macros, Mass Update, Assign Owner, and so on. From this page, you can follow the records instantly.

Filter Records With Visitor Tracking Information

Having a website pays off only when you are able to track who is visiting that website and make your insights about how people use the website when they visit, and what actions they take. This is key information that helps in serving the visitors better and convert the visits to the customers.

The use of advanced filters in CRM helps in making inferences about leads and contacts who visit the website with the help of a visitor tracking parameter. You can filter the contacts and leads based on fields such as the time spent on the site, chats missed, browser used to track the site, and so on.

Some of the situations in which visitor tracking information could help in making important inferences include:

1. Following Up With Contacts

If you have a list of contacts who are at a stage of conversion and out of these contacts, you are closing deals this month then you can do a more detailed search by choosing a potential amount for these deals. 

Some of the contacts may have messaged you on chat as well but you might as well have missed these messages. With the advanced filters, you can filter out these contacts easily.

2. Tracking Leads Based on Time

It is possible to track the leads based on the average time spent on the website. This is also an effective way of converting leads to deals. 

When the leads spend time on the website, you can know that they are interested in getting converted. You can take the right steps needed to trace them.

3. Tracking Leads Based on Email Address

You have filtered the contacts based on the stages in the pipeline of sales. The sales managers can track the progress that their sales representatives have made by entering the email address of the sales representatives who have attended to specific leads. 

If you want to search for leads associated with a name called Alan Grey then you have to enter the email address of the sales representative who was dealing with Alan Grey.

4. Browser Compatibility

When the leads are filtered based on which browser your leads have used, it becomes easy to enhance the design of that website for that browser. 

For instance, you are looking for leads who have used Google Chrome to access the website. In case a large number of leads are found through the filter, you can enhance the browser compatibility.


The sales process can become remarkably smooth when you focus on converting leads with the advanced filters of the Zoho CRM. These filters are made to make the job of sales professionals much easier and effective.

In case you need any further support to understand the use of these advanced filters then get in touch with our experts at Encaptechno for assistance.




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Benefits of CRM Integration With Google Analytics | Encaptechno

Benefits of CRM Integration With Google Analytics

Benefits of CRM Integration With Google Analytics | Encaptechno

Google Analytics enables the measurement of the effectiveness of all marketing channels. It is a great platform that stores the online behavioural data of visitors. Now, if we integrate Google Analytics with a CRM then the overall productivity increases manifold. This is because CRM has additional data stored about the customer’s offline activity.

The CRM integration can help in getting data that can further be used to run different types of campaigns such as SMS, calling, emails, etc. for tapping the warm and hot leads. These are the traditional campaigning strategies that can be used by almost everyone while making a product or a service offer a tough battle against all competitors.

In the case of online marketing, the first party cookies are used for exclusively reaching out to the visitors of a website while they surf other websites on Ad Networks such as Double Click, Amazon, Google Display Network, etc. In the case of lead generation and e-commerce websites, in case we combine the CRM with Google Analytics then a platform can be created for user segments for carrying out online remarketing.

Why Integrate CRM with Google Analytics?


The Google Analytics integration with CRM helps in creating custom reports, remarketing audiences, segments, etc. This is because of more comprehensive customer insight. In other words, if Google Analytics gathers general audience patterns, CRM binds some user peculiarities to a specific User ID or Customer ID.

In addition, the CRM system stores detailed data on selling some products. For instance, you can classify some items by a supplier and transfer the indicators to a Google Analytics account while widening some specifications of the marketing performance reports and simplifying the process of comparing the key performance indicators between two systems.

The implementation of Google Analytics alone cannot be used for tracking some purchases and transaction data which can affect the final figures as well. However, the system in tandem helps in avoiding this problem because factual reports can be received on the marketing and business effectiveness.

Google Analytics helps with demographic analysis, traffic sources, visit duration, location details, product views, session numbers, technical aspects, etc. On the other hand, CRM helps with sales, lead nurturing, customer age bracket and gender, products returned, email survey feedback, user loyalty, etc.

With the Google Analytics integration with CRM, the immediate features that can be availed are:

  1. No requirement for data structuring which largely simplifies the work of executors and the cost of the implementation as well.
  2. Preliminary verification can be done which reduces the occurrence of problems in the future. You can check before loading to prevent any errors.
  3. The system gets notified in case of any failures as it takes into account the specifics of Google Analytics Management API. In case it is necessary, support can be provided for troubleshooting.
  4. There is immense flexibility in using data which means that it is possible to use information from internal databases for generating GBQ reports.
  5. The integration does not require any involvement of specialists in the IT field. This functionality can be intuitive.

The CRM integration with Google Analytics can open new opportunities for working with new clients. With this integration, targeting will be as precise as possible. In essence, this integration enables remarketing, segmenting, and building custom reports.

Benefits of CRM Integration with Google Analytics


The overall benefits of using data from a CRM can be talked about limitlessly. There is a wide range of data that can open up new opportunities for further advancement. The main difference from Google Analytics, familiar to all of us, is the binding of information to the users.

Below, we will see the benefits of CRM integration with Google Analytics one by one.

1. Improved Monitoring

Improved Monitoring - Benefits of CRM Integration with Google Analytics

You can know all about a user and how that user has previously interacted with a company. In addition,
CRM integration helps in forming an analysis that allows for more monitoring.

Buyers can be segmented by the frequency of purchases and the average check while uploading information to Google Analytics for getting maximum results. This also makes it possible to create audiences that can be later used for remarketing.

It must be noted that it is best to start the integration process by ensuring that both platforms have a common data key, particularly when the integration is being done for remarketing. You can either display a CRM ID on your website or shift this to Google Analytics in a custom dimension form. In addition, you can also shift each customer ID produced by Google Analytics to your CRM.

Most people choose to display a CRM ID because of the simplicity that the option offers. This is a small ID setup modification that does not take much time. After the creation of a common key, you can transfer the CRM information to Google Analytics using the Data Import function. Another option is to create measurement protocol hits.

For receiving the CRM data in the Google Analytics account, you can create segments. Find the desired number of customers and pass the list to AdWords. You can also run a remarketing campaign when the synchronization gets finished.

2. Analysing Ad Performance in Detail

Let’s say that you have a part of users who make purchases from your brand continuously. Now the integration of CRM and Google Analytics can help you in preparing individual offers for these users which will further increase their loyalty towards your brand as well.

You can also stimulate consumers who have not been using services for a long time by using the targeted marketing strategies. For shoppers with a low average bill, you can offer them to purchase related products. Basically, the system stores information that can allow you to track the effectiveness of some products.

There is data on product margin and sales that can be used to create reports that demonstrate the detailed benefits of certain items in the assortment. This way, it can be understood which advertising activities are profitable. It is not possible to do something like that with just Google Analytics.

3. Cost Per Lead Metrics

Cost Per Lead Metrics - Benefits of CRM Integration with Google Analytics

Regardless of the business they might be in there are some ways that companies approach digital marketing. They either spend a fixed budget on digital marketing hoping it will bear results in increased leads or they count how many leads they receive per month from different campaigns while optimising the average cost per lead.

On the other hand, there is an evolved way of doing this which is adopted by some other companies. There are some companies that count the number of new customers received per month from different campaigns and optimise the average cost per month.

In addition, they also calculate the lifetime value of a customer versus the initial investment on getting that customer and optimising for a maximum peak. Businesses that adopt the last two methods are the ones who can succeed quickly above their competitors while overcoming any storm since they have an upper hand in business intelligence which can be easily maximized with the Google Analytics integration with CRM.

4. Analyzing Reaction on Content

Another reason why it is important to integrate Google Analytics with your CRM or lead management tool is that the integration helps in segmenting and analyzing the target audience reaction to the content.

To put this simply, the Google Analytics engagement and conversion metrics such as pages per session, bounce rate, attribution, times on-site, etc. can help in the segmentation of data by channel for seeing which content provides the highest engaged audiences. In case you use tracking URLs, you can even trace back to which piece of content performs best.

Even though not an explicit measure of content value, bounce rate can be combined with the time on page metric to understand the content value. In case a page has a high bounce rate and low page time then that denotes a poor value. However, if a page has a high bounce rate and a high time on the page then that means the content was engaging and solved the needs of a user. 

By the integration of Google Analytics with the CRM, you can combine the data with your lead data to see how the different segments of the target audience respond to the content. This knowledge can be accurately used in adapting your content to more accurately targeting the audience that you went to.

5. Tracking Revenue From All Sources

In case you are like most other businesses then your CRM system does not show you the source of your web leads. This can be causing you to spend a large part of your budget on low-quality leads that do not convert.  It is important to understand that you need more than just form fills and goal completions for making important marketing decisions.

It will not be enough for measuring your form fills because different traffic sources attract customers of different quality. There is a possibility that one channel may be capable of generating high converting long term clients but many times the other one can generate nothing but unqualified leads. One of the best ways to evaluate a marketing approach is to track the revenue it generates.

Google Analytics does not track offline revenue and as a matter of fact, most sales do not happen online. A maximum share of sales gets closed either on the phone or in person. By default, Google Analytics does not have access to these sales which means that you have no idea how much revenue was generated by a certain approach, ad, article, or even a keyword. This will result in spending money on leads that do not purchase anything.

6. Cross-functional Insights

Data is an important part of a growing business in a digital-first economy and it is available through Google Analytics easily. However, until the CRM integration happens, it is mostly not sorted, cleaned, analyzed, and made actionable for multiple teams who have a single and shared view of important information shared by a customer.

For instance, businesses of all sizes use Google Analytics for relying on digital marketing metrics and monitoring their website traffic. However, these businesses can learn quickly that the tools alone are not so useful for providing recommendations. In addition, marketing analytics do not translate across other departments.

With the integration of the CRM system, a comprehensive analysis of the customer’s online activity can be attained that paints a holistic picture of their needs. When a company is designed to maintain clean data in this way, the CRM can be used for collaborating, tabulating, and customizing data in a report for unique department needs.

The important differentiator lies in all reporting centres around the customer needs that eventually enables all teams to make decisions while keeping them at front and centre. Businesses can empower their teams with a single and unified view of the customer which serves as one of the biggest benefits of a CRM system integration. This also extends to other benefits once you have usable data.

Reports can be run to see where the opportunities are, how well they interact with leads and customers, sales trends, customer service efforts, and more. This informs each experience delivered to customers including all the online features.


All the team members in a business can gather important data and insights with the integration of a CRM system with Google Analytics. This helps in working together to provide exceptional customer-centric experiences.

Moreover, the data can be easily organized and presented by a CRM platform while leading to a better understanding of customers. This leads to better messaging and outreach which can be done with automation and further helps in an efficient customer service processes. As a result, the teams collaborate easily and reduce any siloes.

Out of all the benefits, using CRM integration for powering a more efficient company is one of the biggest. It can help in managing better customer relationships and better businesses.

In case you wish to have your Google Analytics integrated with a CRM then reach out to Encaptechno for immediate support. Our CRM consultants will help you get the best results with the integration.



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