

Salesforce Einstein revolutionizing B2B Market

How Is Salesforce Einstein Revolutionizing The B2B Market?

What if we told you that Einstein, Leonardo, Sensei, and Watson were alive? 


Salesforce Einstein revolutionizing B2B Market

They indeed are, but as Artificial Intelligence suites patented by the leading Global Enterprises and Technology vendors.

Before we spill the beans on ‘what is Salesforce Einstein?’, let’s take a step back and understand the significance of Artificial intelligence in our everyday life.

Today, you can call up Google Assistant, or Siri for the latest movie recommendations; let major music streaming platforms curate personalized playlists as per your likings, and add friends on Social Media with similar personality traits.

Have you ever wondered how these platforms offer you such a personalized experience?

The answer you’re looking for is Artificial Intelligence.

Startups and global enterprises today are employing complex artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine learning algorithms in everyday operations to personalize your experience, and make it richer, and smarter.

Let’s take Global corporations for instance

These enterprises are implementing new radical automation technologies with the likes of Robotic Process Automation to assist their employees with overnight adoption to the new normal- Work from home environment.

But that’s a story for another time. Let’s kickstart this blog by answering the most essential question.

What is Salesforce Einstein AI Suite?


Salesforce Einstein is naught but an Artificial Intelligence suite developed by Salesforce to closely visualize, and present the information regarding all the sales activities in your Salesforce environment.

How does Salesforce defines its game-changing Salesforce Einstein AI?

According to Salesforce

Salesforce Einstein is a set of best-in-class platform services that bring advanced AI capabilities into the core of the Customer Success Platform, making Salesforce the world’s smartest CRM’.

Now that we’ve established a basic understanding, let’s move to the crucial bits entailing Salesforce Einstein AI.

What’s included in Salesforce Einstein AI Suite?


The 2019 Gartner’s study of Customer and Relationship Management clearly indicates that Salesforce has the #1 market share amongst the top CRM providers globally.

If we study the trend, Salesforce has always been amongst the early adopters of radical new inventions, and technologies- and it’s the same story this time around. 

Salesforce acquired a few AI and deep-learning startups, including PredictionIO, MetaMind, and RelateIO to bring you the smartest CRM platform in the world- Salesforce Einstein. 

The Salesforce Einstein AI Suite is comprised of multiple tools that are powered by automation technologies including:

  • Deep learning, 
  • Predictive analysis, 
  • Artificial neural networks,
  • Machine learning, 
  • Data recovery, and more.

AI with CRM

However, a few apps in the Salesforce Einstein AI Suite are offered as add-ons; meaning, you can choose to opt-in and customize them as per your business’ requirements.

Salesforce Einstein App Categories


Einstein AI app suite can be majorly classified into three categories:

1. Out-of-the-box

These are pre-built applications that can be added with a single click. Here outlines are key examples that fall under this particular category:

  • Lead and opportunity scoring, 
  • And Email auto-segmentation

2. Point-click solutions

These aren’t as simple and direct as the ‘Out-of-the-box’ category.

Point and click solutions require Salesforce administrators to configure and create certain models and offer the required training to the users.

Here are key examples:

  • Service chatbots, 
  • Visual analytics and insights,
  • And Custom Predictions.

3.Programmatic AI services

Automation is the future, but automating processes to source unstructured data from multiple integrated apps require special training, complex machine learning algorithms, and extensive model creations.

That’s exactly what programmatic AI Services offers to your business’ Salesforce CRM.

  • Customer Intent analysis,
  • Object identification, 
  • And Classifying different images under sections.

What are the benefits of Salesforce Einstein?


The list of Salesforce Einstein AI benefits for your business is inexhaustive- but we’d like to highlight a peculiar one:
Salesforce Einstein AI is compatible with all the major CRM suites available globally. That means, even if your business isn’t currently employing the Salesforce CRM, it can still benefit from the Einstein AI tools and platform.

Benefits of Salesforce Einsein

However, we’ve outlined the key highlights of Salesforce Einstein, giving you a glimpse of the benefits it can deliver to your business, and how it is different from other compelling alternatives:

1. Easy Integration

Since Einstein is built itself into the Salesforce platform, it works seamlessly with all your current apps and processes.

2. No to little experience

Einstein AI capabilities handle intensive lifting of data processes, making it possible for Salesforce Admins to employ Einstien without any preliminary training.

3. Customization

With Einstein AI, CRM admins can introduce advanced customization to their current apps, and processes via coding.

4. Data-centric

Leveraging different automation technologies, Einstein AI cross-checks for the errors in data models, whilst ensuring that they’re updated at all times.

5. Predictive Analytics

Employing predictive analysis, you can automate manual data entries and unstructured workflows with Einstein AI.

Einstein with Salesforce

Application of Salesforce Einstein AI in B2B Marketplace


Although Salesforce Einstein’s apps are offered in three different categories, starting with the default ‘out-of-the-box’ category (the one we discussed above) often seems plausible to start-ups, enterprises, and individuals alike. 


For your business can embrace new capabilities, and get up-and-running in literally no-time. 

But before we highlight the cloud-based apps, let’s briefly understand Salesforce Einstein Analytics

What is Salesforce Einstein Analytics?


Salesforce Einstein Analytics, also formerly known as ‘Salesforce Wave’ is a powerful CRM app used to visually analyze the user-activities within your Salesforce or other CRM environment.

Salesforce Einstien Analytics

Why is Salesforce Einstein Analytics important to your business?


Whether you use Salesforce CRM for sales, marketing, managing accounts, or running campaigns, Einstein Analytics assists your CRM admins to study insights from the data entered by your active users into your CRM applications.

Incorporating visual tools like graphs, reports, and intuitive dashboards, these in-depth user insights help you mark out the value touchpoints, and understand how your users are engaging with the Salesforce CRM platform. 

With that said, let’s outline the Salesforce Einstein’s default apps, grouped by the Salesforce cloud.

Salesforce Einstein AI benefits for your business

Einstein Cloud Apps:


Einstein AI Sales Cloud

Einstein offers the sales representative with prudent product predictions and the future demand/supply analysis, enabling them to sell more products/services and often exceed the set quota. 

There’s a boost in productivity too, for Einstein AI not only automates the repetitive tasks but enhances the current CRM processes with its predictive capabilities.

1. Einstein Email Insights

Salesforce Einstein AI collects and studies your entire users’ email data, opening and CTR rates to check your content for relevancy, and recommend optimal send times.

2. Einstein lead Scoring

Leveraging the AI technologies, Salesforce Einstein assigns a unique score to your leads, helping your sales personnel to prioritize accordingly. The scoring structure is based on your individual lead’s history, current lead score, and conversion rates.

Einstein AI Marketing Cloud

Companies employ Artificial Intelligence in marketing to study the customers’ trends, predict their journeys, and personalize their overall experience. 

Delivering the right personalized experience helps your marketers to boost engagement across multiple social channels by delivering the right content, to the right audience, at the right time.

1. Predictive Engagement Score

Einstein AI analyzes the customer data for all your buyers, to estimate, and often predict how they engage with your content including email, links, CTAs, and more.

2. Social Studio

Salesforce Einstein AI leverages different social listening tools to sort social media posts that refer to or mention your brand- directly or indirectly.

It even enables your marketers to put in specified filters, for instance: Identifying posts highlighting your brand with negative sentiment.

3. Market Segmentation

Einstein analyzes your market and creates different buyer personas, assisting your marketers to create separate audience groups with common behaviors.

This promotes effective engagement by personalizing your customers’ experience as they come across different touchpoints.

Einstein AI Service Cloud

Companies are dramatically enhancing their customer experience and after-sale services- courtesy chatbots. Salesforce Einstein AI improves the current service sector by facilitating the service agents to collect customer insights and deliver contextual answers in real-time. 

1. Einstein Chatbots

Einstein bots originally couldn’t start automatically, but with recent Salesforce updates, that’s a thing of the past.

Once launched, Salesforce Einstein AI chatbots can deal with the influx of general queries, relieving your customer representatives to handle critical requests, and provide inputs on high-value tasks.

2. Einstein Supervisor

Einstein powered chatbots collects, combines, and produces real-time reports of operational insights, wait-times, and agent availability- assisting service managers in taking smart situation-oriented actions.

Einstein AI Commerce Cloud

Offering a personalized experience to customers across all the shopping channels is quintessential to modern-day eCommerce businesses. 

Salesforce Einstein AI is aptly designed to handle a vast amount of user interactions, and deliver a highly personalized experience across all touchpoints.

1. Einstein Search Dictionaries

You can only host too many products on your website. This particular Einstein tool helps you identify the missing products in your catalog by registering the users’ site searches- including both the site box and storefront browsing.

2. Einstein Sort Predictions

To offer a unified experience, you can leverage Einstein commerce apps to search and category product pages according to your customers’ search history.

This helps your customer find the right products- irrespective of the fact whether they’re browsing your store on the web, or a mobile app.

Well, that’s just a comprehensive overview of Salesforce Einstein Suite’s offering. The list of Salesforce CRM cloud applications and categories is merely endless.

Investing in Salesforce Einstein should be an inherent factor whilst formulating your online budget- for it gives your business the much-needed competitive edge.

AI Powered CRM

Robotic Process Automation and Salesforce: Automate Non-API Systems

We mentioned RPA sometime earlier in this blog but before we wrap things up, we’d like to touch up a little on this particular automation technology and its application in Salesforce Einstein. 

So, what is Robotic Process Automation

In plain simple language, RPA is an automation technology that employs software robots to imitate humans actions with a particular system to automate repetitive tasks and free your business’ time and limited resources. 

The substantial upside of RPA is that it allows you to automate processes and systems that are not yet compatible with modern-day APIs.

If you’re ready to implement and invest in a robust service strategy, the combination of RPA and Salesforce Einstein can bring incredible benefits to your business. 

With this in mind, check out the key RPA providers for 2020 listed underneath:


Featuring a drag and drop intuitive UI, Uipath is a user-friendly automation tool for both developers and non-developers.

Automation Anywhere

Automation Anywhere offers a plethora of RPA and other simple yet effective automation tools for building robust RPA service systems.

Signity Software Solutions

Signity Solutions offer an amalgamation of AI technology stack with Robotic Process Automation, which sets it apart from other RPA vendors.


Kofax virtually works with any application, and can be easily implemented- irrespective of the individual’s coding skills.

The automation sphere has hundreds of vendors, with each one different from another in one automation aspect or other. You’d have to do your due diligence to correctly identify your enterprise’s automation needs, and select the right RPA vendor for automating your business processes.

Salesforce Einstein: A Must-Need in Covid-19?


After the World Health organization declared Covid-19 as a pandemic, businesses had to adopt new technologies and remote working almost overnight to stay afloat in the market.

If you’d enter the keyword Salesforce’ in Google Trends, you’d notice that the demand had rather been increasing since the information regarding the novel Coronavirus first started to float around in the B2B community.

It’d be naive to comment that companies weren’t prepared for the radical shift to remote working- that thing was already in motion. 

But planning and execution are two very different scenarios.

Quarantined or not, individuals are more active online today- more than ever! And businesses simply can’t let go of this tremendous opportunity. 

Investing now in Salesforce Einstein AI would provide your business with service centers that run on auto-pilot, digital workforce, easy migration to remote working, powerful and updated CRM apps, extensions, and a lot more.

Get Einstein AI today and be more resilient in the face of significant shifts- one that’s not irreversible in our wise opinion.

Salesforce Consultation

How Is Salesforce Einstein Revolutionizing The B2B Market? Read More »

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Work remotely from home-Encaptechno

Work from Home Efficiently with Zoho Remotely

Many companies and the businesses are waking up to a new culture & style of working from home. In times of crisis, Zoho & Encaptechno really seem to have their finger on the pulse of their customers.

Work remotely from home-Encaptechno

Most of the Organizations & individuals are looking out for solutions that can help them get together and run their businesses seamlessly & in the most efficient manner.

Zoho commands the loyalty of over 50 million users already. Giants like Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn Mentoring, Netflix, Century 21, KPMG, Capgemini, Discovery Communications, Siemens, Whirlpool, Bose, Pepsico, Dell and many more have also switched to Zoho.


Zoho has come up with a suite called Zoho Remotely which is free to use till September 1 st 2020.


What is Zoho Remotely?

Zoho Remotely


Zoho Remotely is a suite of cloud applications that helps you communicate and collaborate with teams, keep track of work, and provide remote assistance to your customers anywhere in the world.” And, in the recent times where most of us now work from home, Zoho Remotely is a single suite to meet all your needs.

Remotely includes these Zoho apps:


Remotely is a bundle of 11 applications from Zoho:

  • Zoho ShowTime – Engagement and training tool
  • Zoho Writer – Collaborative word processor
  • Zoho Sheet – Collaborative spreadsheet application
  • Zoho Cliq – Instant messaging/chat platform
  • Zoho Show – Business presentation tool
  • Zoho Meeting – Video conferencing tool
  • Zoho Sprints – Agile project management software
  • Zoho Lens* and Assist – Remote support software
  • Zoho WorkDrive – Document management tool
  • Zoho Projects – Comprehensive project management tool

*Zoho Lens available for US, EU, AU and India DC users

Who benefits most from Zoho Remotely? You’ve got power in your corner

Meet online and communicate from anywhere


Despite whatever is your location you can remotely hold meeting with your team, and you can review, hold training, facilitate your customer from time to time & can even do a sales pitch, give presentations. Remotely’s suite of apps will enable you to conduct all your day to day business communications from anywhere and any point in time. Via Cliq, Meeting & Showtime.


With Cliq you can create and manage multiple chats, you have a facility to hop on a video or audio call with your team and your clients.You can also share files, and carry on multiple tasks and do so much more, right from your chat. Cliq serves as a primary hub for remote work.


Schedule online meetings without the boundaries of time zones. Simulate a one on one meetings on the screen via video calls, or just the audio calls. Share your screen for content discussions.

Show Time

Share your ideas and conduct online training, impart your knowledge remotely, receive feedback and reach your targeted audience across the corners of the world.

Collaborate seamlessly from wherever you are


Work effectively in an efficient manner, work as teams even from diverse and even remote locations. Plan and assess your projects, assign work, optimize and allocate resources. Prioritize tasks and make your work count, wherever it matters the most. Via Work Drive, Projects, Sprints

Work Drive

Create online team drives, share documents remotely with members, and collaborate in real time to get things done.


Launch projects, add relevant tasks and assign them to the particular people. Affiliate with your team remotely and keep track of task progress and milestones efficiently.


Create customized moot boards and incorporate live feedback from key team members while executing projects, in a vigorous manner.

Remote assistance from anywhere 


Assist your clients & team from anywhere through apps that act as remote hands & eyes. Address the trouble the clients and team members are facing, share help files & patches and securely address and resolve the queries. Via Assist, Lens


Reach out to your clients and team members through secure remote sessions and through multiple devices. Take a prior consent and take charge of pre-approved control of their system/ devices.


Get to see what your customer sees, click and annotate images, draw deeper insights with augmented reality tech and deliver remote assistance.

Achieve productivity when working remotely


Boost your and your team’s productivity with office apps that are designed for collaboration. Draft blogs, analyze spreadsheets and prepare slide decks from any place. Via Writer, Sheet, Show


Create, share and edit documents together as a team, each from their own laptops or mobile, from wherever they are.


Manage spreadsheets and analyze your data with advanced functions. Present information with clear visualizations to your peers at work and derive insights together.


Craft perfectly flowing presentations by sharing and collaborating with multiple people, even if each of you are located remotely.


You may also ReadEncaptechno’s Commitment during Covid-19 crisis



We understand that we all are going through tough times these days.

Most of us may not have the time to really sit down and analyze which are the best of the tools to use. Choosing the wrong software and/ or provider seems to be a popular reason, system implementations fail, when they do.

You shall be adding a well-equipped software choice to your arsenal, to boost the efficiency of your business.

If that sounds like you, just let us know and we’ll be happy to analyze your situation for you, then let you know how best you would benefit from using Remotely.

You don’t have to take a big chance, just leave it to a team of experienced Zoho consultants to lend a hand and put you back in the Zoho power seat.

Work from Home Efficiently with Zoho Remotely Read More »

Zoho CRM, , , ,
Why Do You Need To Hire A CRM Consultant

Why Do You Need To Hire A CRM Consultant?

Is your company starting up with a new CRM system or has already adapted to a new CRM system? So, what’s your implementation strategy?   Even for companies that want to take on complete ownership of a CRM system, it can make sense to engage an external consulting party for the initial CRM implementation.

Why Do You Need To Hire A CRM Consultant

Implementing CRM into your company system can sometimes be challenging; that’s where the need for an expert consultant arises.

Why CRM?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software is getting progressively important in today’s business world. Right from collecting customer information to managing it efficiently, CRM allows companies to administer an array of important front-office activities, including sales processes, lead acquisition and conversion, tracking of customer interactions, and marketing.

As companies can streamline their operations using this software, all varied processes and responsibilities can be more integrated; it results in superior levels of sales and customer satisfaction.

Reasons to Hire a CRM Certified Consultant 

Whether your company is implementing a CRM system or already has one, you’ve possibly realized how vast an undertaking it is. From selecting which CRM platform best suits your needs to encourage employee adoption, there are various aspects that can fall short if not handled correctly. Hiring CRM consultants can help you make the most out of your CRM investment and ensure a smooth implementation process.

1. Selecting the Suitable CRM Platform

Since CRM systems support various departments with different requirements, choosing a platform that assures all of them can be difficult. So CRM Consultants can facilitate your decision-making process by helping you to identify your business needs and matching them to the different leading CRM platforms. They help you to select the best matches and evaluate its usage as per the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

2. Time and Cost Resource 

It is worth considering that internal resources will likely take more time to execute a CRM package than external consultants. A company can pay more per hour for an external CRM Consultant, but the benefit of having skilled people come in for quicker implementation. As a result, the company gets a sooner return on its investment in the new CRM system.

3. Customizing and Optimizing after Installation

Once you have installed and configured the right CRM application, you’ll want to include any extra customizations and adjustments to tackle any challenges. CRM consultants will help you out at this stage as well. After the setup, consultants inquire the customer to discover the key initiatives and problems with the solution. Then they produce a plan and an ROI and then create a multi-year plan according to your budget.

At the initial stage, many customers don’t understand that CRM can be integrated with third-party applications that can improve their platform’s functionality. The consultants will also develop custom solutions for clients based on their particular requirements. So, whether you want to unite back-office systems, insert document viewing and signing, or automate manual processes, a CRM consultant can direct you in the right direction.

4. Exposure to Best Practices

crm best practices

One of the major reasons to hire CRM consultants is their massive knowledge of a variety of CRM best practices. When you hire an external consulting team, you don’t just engage people who are technically certified in your chosen CRM system. But you hire a team of professional personnel who have come across a wide variety of real-time world business situations with many years of expertise, and who know which strategies and technical approaches work the best, and which ones don’t.

5. Information about Subtleties

Just as some restaurants that have a secret menu, some CRM retailers have unexposed, free functionalities that can be made accessible on request. Most of the professional consultants will possibly have information about some of these hidden gems.

Additionally, today’s CRM systems have such profound functionalities that it’s sometimes even harder to find out the well- known features. A CRM consultant will help you to distinguish which type of features you should give a high priority.

6. Creating Past Solutions for Similar Problems

When you employ special IT staff to implement CRM applications in your organization, they will need to spend time learning about your company’s exact business profile. When you hire an experienced consultant, It can be possible that they have encountered some similar business problems to those of your company during their preceding consulting engagements. Therefore, the consultant can then recommend the best-proven approaches to resolve those business issues within a CRM solution.

7. Pre-Developed Code

For more advanced functionality and integrations, expert consultants often have pre-developed code collections that can accelerate the speed of CRM development. If an in-house developer is new to the selected development environment of the CRM system, he or she will require developing every single line of code from scratch, or spending time researching some smart and time-saver techniques or public code samples.

8. Pre-Developed Data Migration Strategies

If you need to migrate the data from a legacy contact manager to a CRM system, a CRM consulting partner will already have experience and knowledge of transferring data from the same legacy application that relates to your existing company system. While data migration can often be a complex process, even when the understanding of a legacy application comes into practice, there can still be considerable time saving and an improved outcome from leveraging an external consulting team’s former experience.

9. Third-Party Product Recommendations 

It might be possible that a single CRM system does not have all the features you need in your organization, but they consist of hundreds of different apps you can use to function more resourcefully. Opting for the multi-company experience, a professional CRM consultant can recommend which third-party add-ons you can take into consideration. Some enhanced functionalities may include partner portal, email marketing, marketing automation, data, and app integration, or legacy system integration, which can save a significant quantity of internal research time.

10. Training Team to Use New CRM System

crm training

Consultants will support your company employees and propose technical training and rollout plans that will make the transition easier. They will analyze and evaluate the company’s processes and workflows to make suggestions for working out ways for streamlining processes using the CRM system.

External professional CRM consultants are the best option to provide more effective end-user training than internal resources that are relatively new to the CRM solution. The proposed user training may include the knowledge and guidance of all sets of best practices that can help the users in CRM adoption.

Choosing the Right CRM Consultant

As explained above, a CRM Consultant does more than helping you and your company in choosing the right customer relationship management solution for your business. They can support you create content systems and processes, train your staff to use the new system, and recommend the best practices for future growth. Therefore, selecting the right consultant can make a significant difference in your productivity and outcome. Before you employ a consultant, it’s essential to check out a few key points to make your decision easier.

  • Total Experience in CRM Consulting
  • Expertise with Multiple CRM Platforms
  • CRM Product Development Experience
  • Specialties and Industry Focus
  • Delivery capacity
  • CRM Implementation Approach
  • Expertise in Your Niche
  • User Experience
  • Customization and Training
  • Cost-Effectiveness

So when you approach a CRM consultant, don’t forget to consider the above-stated points, so you end up with a well-experienced and professional consultant at your corner.

Also Read: Why is CRM So Important for Business Success?

Wrapping Up

Sometimes, users do not understand that when they start transiting to new CRM, requirements will also change, and new requirements will be there. And the companies fail to recognize those needs, which can lead to failure of adoption and lose out the CRM project.

As you have read, CRM implementation is a hard job to do, and you may confront a lot of organizational and technical challenges on the way. But relationships with the customers conclude the success of any business, and that means you need CRM. In most of the cases, it’s pretty logical to consider hiring a qualified external CRM consultant who can give you superior advice on selecting the best option for your custom needs and provide technical guidance on CRM implementation.

Consultants actively participate in the complete implementation process and can help you at different levels, including business process planning, choosing an appropriate configuration, and developing system integration strategies. Your consultant can provide recommendations on how you should optimize the application and ensure its security. Besides, they will also help you choose the right methods to capture, extract, and transfer your business data and analyze it.

Zoho and Salesforce are the leading CRM service providers that are serving millions of users around the world. It all depends on the specific needs of your business to conclude which platform goes well with your business. If you are looking for a highly-advanced system with an abundance of scope to scale, Salesforce Consulting Services will guide you to get the complete guidance and the basic price quote. And if you’re starting over with some fundamentals and want to save on costs, you will don’t regret contacting a Zoho Consulting Partner.

Usually, the thing that matters the most is not “Which one is better?”; but is “Finding the one that better supports your needs and budget” If you’re getting any difficulty in deciding, we’d like to help you.

Why Do You Need To Hire A CRM Consultant? Read More »

CRM Services, , , ,
Zoho CRM - What You Get in Free Version

Zoho CRM: What You Get in Free Version?

Zoho CRM - What You Get in Free Version

For the small and startup organizations that can’t afford a big investment, the fully-featured free version of the Zoho CRM offers all the vital functionalities that a small business needs. It includes every robust feature for sales and marketing, powerful integrations, and secured cloud storage for up to 3 users. From lead generation, contact management, and workflow automation to analytics and social collaboration, everything is included. As your company develops, Zoho CRM Consultant will help you upgrade to a paid subscription that provides more advanced capabilities.

Get Feature-Rich Zoho CRM Free of Cost


A CRM tool is an absolute necessity for businesses of all sizes that provides basic customer experience, so it shouldn’t be expensive. And Zoho CRM’s free edition is built for small teams who have big dreams. Here’s why Zoho offers the best free trial version, because:

  • There are no hidden costs– You get access to everything under the free plan
  • It is free forever–There’s no trial period and no forced upgrade
  • No Credit Card required- You can sign up without your credit card details
What are the Built-In Features in the Zoho CRM’s Free Version?


Zoho CRM’s free version can support up to 3 users and presents significant features that a business of small size needs. This edition includes contact and lead management, tasks and events, multichannel marketing, Zoho CRM Integrations to its other applications, analytics, customization, and more!

Here are the features you get in a free version:

  • Contact Book
  • Email Marketing
  • Leads Generation
  • Automation
  • Analytics
  • Customization
  • Storage
  • Ecosystem


Manage Your Contacts Professionally

Zoho CRM’s free tool allows you to create, manage, and categorize data in a way that can help you to drive sales and returns. You can generate connections, record sales activities, add notes, produce tasks, qualify leads, view deals, and much more with this flexible digital contact book. So bid adieu to clumsy spreadsheets and shift your business into a more easy and powerful solution. With this professional contact book, you can do:

Lead and Contact Management

Create a lasting relationship with your leads and customers and impress them with your assistance.

Deal Management

Don’t ever miss any business opportunity, capture deals on the board, and generate revenue easily.

Account Management

List all contacts and deals related to one company and manage it more rapidly.



Email Marketing - Zoho CRM

Create Smarter and Personalized Emails

Email Marketing is made more expedient, resourceful, and personalized with Zoho CRM. You can create attractive copies with its powerful editor, which has tons of built-in formatting options, and you can also add important attachments to the email copy. Create custom workflows, use templates, opt-out email, and a few more that will help you write tailored emails that accurately highlight the pain of your leads.



Find and Contact Leads Online

For a small-sized business, an excellent website can serve as a success key for creating new and repeat business opportunities. It’s imperative to keep track of the lead activities online and request contact information for moving them into your sales process. The free version of Zoho CRM enables you to do that effortlessly. Further, you can:

Track visitors with SalesIQ

Keep track of how the viewers interact with your website content, indulge in live chat with prospecting customers, and improve conversion rate.

Create Leads with Web Forms

Seize the lead and contact information from your website and insert it to your CRM with the use of Web Forms. Just generate a form on your website and link it directly to your CRM for input details.



Automate Your Sales Processes

Zoho CRM’s workflow automation makes you more productive by managing regular tasks on your behalf. You can create a workflow for custom operation, set it, and leave it! Zoho CRM will attend and implement it while you can devote your time to what is more important that is connecting with customers. You can automate workflows for up to 5 everyday tasks; so that there are fewer things on your to-do list.




Analyze Everything You Do

It also allows you to conduct a variety of analytics to track the performance and results of your business at the employee level. Not much extensive like paid ones, the free software still offers a wide range of reporting features. The system also presents robust security features that enable the administrator to allocate responsibilities, control access, and implement restrictions. For the smallest size of the business, this free option provides a remarkable set of benefits. With analytics, you can:

Design Meaningful Charts

You can only manage the details that you can view on your system. Create colorful charts to get insights on sales activities, marketing campaigns, lead status, customer contacts, and more.

Create Detailed Reports

Change the way your business is managed and run with intelligent reporting features that interrupt key metrics and can share the reports with a single click.



Customize the Way You Do It

Zoho CRM’s free version allows you to choose how your data appears. You can make custom list views that will help you to discover data quickly, rename tabs with specific names appropriate according to your business terminology, and customize pages to match well with your industry style.



Data Storage

Everything Is On The Cloud

Zoho CRM gives your company the facility for cloud storage that ensures complete security and management of your business data. In this feature, you get:

Data Storage

You can store up to 5,000 records in each module that can be published manually or transferred from a spreadsheet or another CRM vendor.

File Storage

With the free cloud storage, you can create files and folders, share them with other users, evaluate files, attach files, etc., which will help you run your business more easily. Each business organization gets 1GB of cloud storage to save their files.



Step into the Zoho Ecosystem

Zoho serves the best when used with other Zoho applications. You can integrate the free editions of some other Zoho applications like Zoho Creator, Zoho Books, and Zoho Campaigns etc. with Zoho CRM for better customer support, marketing campaigns, surveys, and more operations. Easily sign up for one Zoho product and get access to utilize the entire suite with the same credentials.

Also Read: Top Reasons to Choose Zoho One
Get the Desired Value in Free Version!


Zoho is a reputed business software company, and when they say free, it means free forever. You will not be requested to upgrade and make any license payments after a trial period is gone. Indeed, there is no such trial period. You can access and manage all of your business data for as long as you like.

And the best thing is that the Zoho CRM free edition allows you to work with a small team that has up to 3 users, for 4,8,12 months or more, depending on whether it matches your needs.

Once you start running your business with the free CRM software, success will be on the way. Your business will thrive, your customer base will get greater, and your sales team will increase. But, with the growth of your business, there will be a need for a superior plan, and then you can upgrade it accordingly.

Zoho will never force you to upgrade to a paid edition. However, the future growth and expansion will itself tend your organization to the point that you’ll need one. For technical assistance and information, consult a leading Zoho Implementation Partner today!

Zoho CRM: What You Get in Free Version? Read More »

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Hubspot vs Zoho CRM - Choose Wisely

HubSpot vs. Zoho CRM – Choose Your CRM Wisely!

Hubspot vs Zoho CRM - Choose Wisely

A sophisticated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) includes all the activities, technologies, and strategies that a company uses to manage its customer interactions. CRM System assists businesses to build a better relationship with their customers and increase customer loyalty and retention, which in turn affects a company’s revenue. Hence, a CRM tool creates an easy user interface for collecting data that help businesses to identify and communicate with customers at a scale.

Why Does a Business Need CRM System?

In today’s universal economy, if you aren’t on the pinnacle of your game in aspects of customer experience, you risk losing out. When it comes to regulating customer interactions and lead conversion, spreadsheets won’t work well for long. Without appropriate software, your sales and marketing staff will have a tough time following up on leads and keeping on top of customers.

For a reputable organization, working without a CRM solution is like throwing caution to the wind. If your sales team is losing its competence, CRM is a great deal to help.

There are plentiful reasons why you should invest in CRM software:

  • Enhances Your Internal Communication
  • Reduces IT Cost
  • Increase Productivity
  • Understand Your Customers Better
  • Automate Daily Tasks
  • Eliminate Risks of Miscalculations

Also Read: Why Is CRM So Important For Business Success?

What are HubSpot and Zoho CRM?

zoho vs hubspot

HubSpot and Zoho CRM are Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software solutions designed to help businesses keep track of their customer relationships, manage leads, and identify opportunities for converting leads to sales.

HubSpot CRM

hubspot crm

HubSpot CRM is the free CRM presented by HubSpot, which is a sales and marketing SaaS (Software as a Service) company. Besides being free, HubSpot claims its CRM as a simple way to augment lead conversion and keep a grasp on sales opportunities.

Another key aspect of HubSpot CRM is quick implementation without making much changes to your existing workflow. Many users of HubSpot have realized that the software also provides a good user experience (UX).

Zoho CRM

zoho crm


Zoho CRM is the CRM solution designed by Zoho, a leading business software company that builds software for everything from sales and marketing to human resources to finance. Zoho claims to create automated workflows with independence for customization as one of the major benefits of its CRM. This solution enables you to work smarter, not harder, so Zoho CRM also embraces an AI-powered sales assistant called Zia that responds to voice commands similar to Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri.

The Comparison – HubSpot vs. Zoho CRM


Both HubSpot CRM and Zoho CRM state themselves as substitutes for one another, but who would you consider?

Both CRM Consultants provide powerful solutions for small to medium-sized companies, and though one is free and the other is not, it doesn’t essentially mean it is better.

Well, before you decide or conclude which one is better, let’s drill down into both HubSpot and Zoho CRM, comparing them side-by-side based on some key factors will help you to make a more well-versed decision.

Side-By-Side Comparison Table

In a single scan, HubSpot appears to be a lighter alternative to Zoho, which is definitely a feature-rich CRM. But you cannot conclude based on the features alone. Or you may require some more functionalities than what HubSpot offers. There are several factors that you need to consider when choosing CRM software. Check out the table below to compare both solutions side-by-side to ensure they fulfill your requirements across multiple standards.

Standard HubSpot CRM Zoho CRM
Average user rating 4.5/5 4.5/5
Pricing Free low-end
Works best for SMBs Any-sized business
***** CRM FEATURES *****
Calendar/Reminder System Yes Yes
Document Storage Yes Yes
Email Marketing Yes Yes
Internal Chat Integration No Yes
Lead Scoring Yes Yes
Marketing Automation Integration Yes Yes
Mobile Access No Yes
Quotes/Proposals No Yes
Segmentation Yes Yes
Social Media Integration No Yes
Task Management Yes Yes
Territory Management No Yes
Google Drive Yes Yes
Social media Yes Yes
eCommerce Yes No
Microsoft Outlook Yes No
Zapier Yes Yes
Gmail Yes No
Google Calendar Yes Yes
Analytics Yes Yes
Cloud platform Yes Yes
Document management/sharing Yes No
Access control Yes No
Dashboards Yes Yes
Mobile application No Yes
Automatic notifications Yes No


sales productivity

Undoubtedly, the major point of differentiation between HubSpot and Zoho CRM is pricing. HubSpot CRM is 100% free forever, according to its website. But if you actually want to get the most out of HubSpot CRM, you’ll probably need to spend some from your pocket. Zoho CRM also offers a free version of its software with limited features, which is only useful for teams of three users or less.

The additional sales features for HubSpot CRM are actually comprised in HubSpot’s Marketing Hub, which includes live chat, conversational bots, forms, email marketing, marketing automation, and an events API, based on the type of tier you choose. Even if you don’t need any additional features, its CRM does have many essential CRM features. Therefore, it’s not bad considering it for free.

On the other hand, Zoho is free only if you opt for the three-user plan for home businesses, but it is available at a very affordable range. As compared to other leading CRM solutions, such as Salesforce and Insightly, the cost of Zoho CRM is unbeatable. Zoho also offers Zoho CRM Plus at one per-user, per-month rate, or billed either monthly or yearly if none of its fixed pricing options suit you.


Customer satisfaction

Comparing all the features of HubSpot and Zoho CRM is complicated because both solutions have a diverse range of features they offer. For example, HubSpot CRM offers task management, and Zoho CRM does not; Zoho CRM offers sales forecasting, whereas HubSpot CRM does not.

HubSpot CRM fulfills the need for all basic features, and if you want to work smartly, additional features of Zoho CRM will be a great choice. Here is a contrast between both for the two most essential features they offer:

3. Contact and Lead Management

business automation encaptechno
Contact and lead management in HubSpot CRM allows you to keep up to one million contacts and company records, either manually or retrieved from email or contact forms. A contact’s information shows the history of your relationship with that contact, including a complete list of sales information. HubSpot CRM automatically produces a company record whenever you add a contact from a new company, drawing the company information from HubSpot’s exclusive business database. Its dashboard and reporting features are accessible as a paid add-on.

Zoho CRM’s contact management feature allows you to store up to 100,000 contact records in every standard edition. Similar to HubSpot CRM, Zoho CRM offers its account management facility to store information about the associated companies. You can view the contact information on a dashboard, leave notes, and view overviews of your communication history. Zoho CRM also offers social hearing, so that you can view details right from the CRM every time a contact reaches out via social media.`

In aspects of lead management, Zoho CRM presents more functionalities than HubSpot CRM. With Zoho, you can assign leads to various sales personnel based on different criteria, allowing them to create own lead scoring procedures, and convert leads to deals. You can also produce leads from web forms, from Zoho CRM’s Leads mobile app, live chat, and social media.


sales tools

HubSpot comes with some limited sales tools, which include the deal pipeline, standard sales reports, live chat, one personal meeting link, 200 notifications per month for email tracing, and mail scheduling. Upgrading to HubSpot Sales Hub provides features like email sequences, advanced analytics, and additional capabilities for all sales features of free CRM. HubSpot’s free CRM includes essential sales tools you require for sales teams of one or two people.

Zoho CRM offers sales tools for all of its pricing plans, including scoring rules, email insights, SalesSignals, SalesInbox, etc., while none of these features are available in Zoho CRM’s Free Edition. The Enterprise level of Zoho CRM comprises most sales tools, such as SalesInbox, which enables you to manage your sales inbox without leaving Zoho CRM. So you can organize your inbox by contact type, view email interactions in the contact management, and define notification triggers for important messages.


crm implementation encaptechno

Another key consideration that you must make when selecting between HubSpot and Zoho CRM is implementation time for migrating from your old CRM to a new one. The implementation time for HubSpot CRM is significantly lower than Zoho CRM. It depends on the number of records you have and the type of tier you choose.

The expected time for implementing the HubSpot CRM can take about a day to a couple of weeks. While Zoho CRM technically takes 30 days or more for complete implementation.

Wrapping Up

When comparing Zoho vs. HubSpot, it is vital to remember that both are quality contact management systems having their own strengths. While HubSpot is suitable for teams on a budget that need a permanently free CRM with a basic set of key features, on the other hand, Zoho positions itself as an affordable package of features that also contain social integration tools for Twitter and Facebook.

Every business has differentiated needs and customs; therefore, the software solutions they need will also be different. Firstly, you have to analyze and evaluate your software needs, then review the features described above and decide the best one for your organization.

Do you need help in selecting appropriate CRM software? Contact for Zoho Consulting today!

HubSpot vs. Zoho CRM – Choose Your CRM Wisely! Read More »

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Build custom apps with Zoho Creator-Encaptechno

Build Custom Applications using Zoho Creator!

Zoho Creator is a low-code app development platform that enables you to build custom, mobile-ready apps. You can create your own applications to automate workflows, in-house processes, and manage databases. Zoho Creator App Development delivers a first of its kind drag-n-drop interface to generate tables, forms, design, schedule workflows, and run an assortment of automated tasks. It’s powerful tools for data collection, management, analysis, reporting, and collaboration make it a smart choice for organizations of varying sizes to run their business online without investing any additional costs for infrastructure or software.

Build custom apps with Zoho Creator-Encaptechno

 “More than 65% of application development activities will be executed by Low-code application development, by 2024”, according to Gartner.

Quite a number of businesses have already started to realize the potential of Zoho Creator and successfully implementing its power to embark on their digital transformation journey.

Build Custom Apps with Advanced Features of Zoho Creator

zoho creator implementation

With over 10 years of experience in low-code app development, Zoho Creator enables everyone to build apps without any prior experience in coding. So, if you want to leverage this low-code development platform for building Custom Apps, it’s important to know about the following features:

1. Visual Modeling

visual modeling

The visual modeling interface allows you to view how your application will look when it is built. These visual models are easier to understand than any other traditional coding language, which allows non-developers to take hold of application design quickly. This scenario helps business users to try something unique, as they always have a sense of what they are creating.

2. Drag and Drop Configuration

zoho creator functionality

Zoho Creator comes with a simple drag and drop interface that helps the users and developers to create applications visually, which results in faster deployment. This feature is the most prominent one as a low-code platform and something that is actually helpful to build apps without hiring a professional developer. It lets you manage code easily through visual models.

3. Security

zoho security

Zoho Creator presents all the necessary features that make your apps safer. Customers won’t find it appealing if the application isn’t reliable, regardless of how useful or aesthetically pleasant it may be. When managing critical data, you can’t take a risk to use something that can probably give access to hackers. Zoho platform has all the necessary security framework certifications and proven experience of a decade in large-scale projects. Its built-in security features make this safer and dependable solution for internal processes in industries that handle sensitive data assets.

4. Multi-Device Deployment

multi-device deployment

Creating an app with multichannel compatibility lets your employees access it any time and from anywhere in the world. Zoho Creator Certified Developer will build an app once, and it will be handy on any device. Cross-functionality is vital since not all of your users work on the same device or platform. And with low-code app development, you don’t need to code for every single platform and operating system once you have created an app.

5. Scalability

zoho scalibility

Another important feature of Zoho Creator that is worth noticing is scalability. The applications built on it allow you to add more users, with the growth of your organization. It gets difficult to manage and control the access of each person when there are a large number of employees in your company.  Zoho Creator makes this easy for you by enabling you to monitor access of users based on their job roles.

In addition to this, you can control what end users can perform at both broad and minor levels. You can authorize whether the user is an administrator, an expert user, or an end-user, and consign roles and permissions based on the employees’ designation in your company.

Benefits of Implementing Zoho Creator Apps

zoho creator benefits

It can be confusing for a business to identify whether they need a custom app for their business, or they can pick any random one from the ready-made lot. Zoho Creator Consultant will help you understand how this low-code app development platform is beneficial to business users who want to create an application and developers who are looking for a faster development method.

Here are a few benefits of using Zoho Creator apps in your organization:

  • Faster Development
  • Improved Productivity
  • Risk Management
  • Flexibility
  • Enhanced Customer Experience
  • Mobility
  • Task Automation
  • Apps Integration
  • Smooth Data Flow
Manage Your Business Easily With Zoho Creator

streamlining with zoho creator

In this hastily evolving business world, whether your business will rise or turn down depends on how capably you recognize and respond to digital modernization prospects than your competitors.

Low-code platforms are transforming the way applications are developed, and Zoho Creator has elevated as a key software delivery platform in recent years. It is actually expensive to hire professional resources to develop business apps constantly in conventional coding languages.

Zoho Creator helps you build custom apps to run your entire business; from daily tasks to compound process automation, you can do everything with this multi-platform app builder. You can create a customized one to match your business profile, or you can get started with a ready-made one. If you pick a ready-made one, you can easily install and customize a specific app from the App Deck of 50+ ready-to-use business apps. From managing administration to sales and marketing to distribution, you’ll find pre-built solutions that cater to every part of your business.


If you are trying to build an app for your organizational processes, you can start by choosing the right platform having the exact features that you need to create a customized application for your organization. As a low-code app development platform, Zoho Creator empowers every user with the least technical expertise to create, edit, and run their automated processes. It was also marked as a Challenger in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms (LCAP) in 2019. And its insightful interface and ready-to-deploy code models make it easy for anyone to supervise the processes that matter most.

Zoho Creator helps the organization to embrace the digital world and enhance the approach of how they handle their business. Clear your thoughts about the platform by contacting a Zoho Consulting expert today!

Build Custom Applications using Zoho Creator! Read More »

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reasons to choose zoho one encaptechno

Top Reasons to Choose Zoho One for Your Organization

reasons to choose zoho one encaptechno

Do you get confused while choosing software to run your business? But leveraging software is not enough; you need to understand the technology behind this. If you’re looking for efficiency, speed, and economy in a single solution, all you get instead is complexity. To solve this particular concern, Zoho Consultants has now come up with an all-in-one platform – Zoho One. It works as an operating system that runs your entire business with a comprehensive suite of apps.

Zoho One Integrations- Holistic Approach to Gain Success

zoho apps

Zoho One is a full-featured platform that consists of more than 40 applications that enable businesses of all sizes and niche to boost their sales, promote their products and services, and administer back-end processes. Besides, it supports communication between teammates and customers to facilitate smooth workflows.

Zoho One is the software that works for your company, instead of your company working on the software. You can substitute your bundles of cloud applications, legacy tools, and manual operations with a single platform for your entire business.

How Can Zoho One Implementation Support Your Organization?

zoho one encaptechno

It is a holistic approach to run your business, which provides you with one integrated and customizable system to work smarter and progress faster. Zoho One gives you an inclusive platform to break down hurdles between various departments and improve the performance of your organization.

These are a few facilities that help business users to keep a track on their business:

  1. Integrated Suite of Apps

integrated apps encaptechno

Zoho One Integrations come up with a bunch of 40+ online applications that will help you to manage and automate business processes throughout your organization. You can select the apps that match your custom needs and then make them accessible for your employees. Every app has a mobile version so that you can work wherever you want. It embraces apps for:

  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Support
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Productivity
  • Finance
  • Operations
  • HR
  • Business Processes
  1. Smart Services for Enhanced Productivity

smart services encaptechno

It comprises a distinct range of applications, which serves as the source for supplementary services that deliver great value to your organization. Collectively, the complete suite helps to run the business operations more effectively and improves business productivity.

  • Handle work smartly with Zia, the Zoho Intelligent Assistant
  • View superior insights with exceptionally crafted dashboards
  • Search and explore everything quicker with a single search for all your business data
  • Make user authentication, app deployment, and company privacy policies simpler
  1. Tools to Customize Software 

customized software encaptechno

Zoho One consists of a powerful toolkit for Zoho Customization, expand, and integrate the software to make it fit for your organization according to your specific business needs. You can perform any required changes in your software easily.

  • Make custom integrations between Zoho and third party-apps
  • Add custom features to Zoho apps
  • Produce low-code apps easily for unique processes
Why Should You Opt Zoho One Implementation for Your Organization?

Zoho One Implementation

As you know, Zoho One Implementation works as an operating system for an organization that accumulates a complete set of online applications that helps you run your entire business from a single system or through a mobile. Here are a few reasons that can compel you to choose Zoho One for your organization:

1. Mobile Apps

mobile apps encaptechno

You get a complete suite of 40+ apps for different processes at the department of your organization. All 40+ applications you get can also be conveniently used on the go on your mobile. It will be easy to access your business information, contact clients, track sales or marketing processes, etc. from your mobile anywhere and anytime.

2. Less Administrative Activities

managing activities encaptechno

Whether it’s about monitoring projects, tracking processes, or generating reports, Zoho One enables you to do it all with a single push of a button, so that you can devote more time to other essential activities in your business.

3. Better Collaboration

collaboration encaptechno

It comes with all tools for accessing news quickly, conduct meetings, project management, inter-communication, etc., which makes collaboration even easy between various departments and employees.

4. Viewing Assets and Liabilities

assets liabilities encaptechno

Zoho One is an inclusive solution not only for handling business operations but also helps in clean bookkeeping and a steady synopsis of all investments any time, by using applications for accounting, inventory management, etc.

5. All Business Highlights

business highlights encaptechno

Get every highlight of your business from campaign tools, social media management, analytics, survey, and more that make your business look exceptionally brilliant. Don’t even miss a single notification with Zoho One Apps regarding your business.

6. Handle Leads and Deals

leads handling encaptechno

The incentive programs in the CRM systems and its reporting support your sales team in customer acquisition and make you aware of all consequences that can happen if something gets wrong. You can always track your complete sales process and communicate with clients from your mobile.

7. Optimal Customer Service

customer service encaptechno

Zoho One has made Customer support easy with modern assistance and ticketing system, which offer your customers a pleasing service experience. You can never fail to impress your customers with efficient customer service.

8. Employ Best Talents

zoho recruit encaptechno

It is not easy to search for good employees, but personnel management service by Zoho One makes it easier for you to organize your employees and handle fresh recruitment programs with the HR team to find the best talents for your business.


Zoho One is a wide-ranging ecosystem of tools for all departments that enables seamless collaboration, ensuring the overall growth of your organization. You get a mobile version for every application that will help you to access information across devices. It is very easy-to-manage, as a single operating system login is required to access multiple applications and systems. The central admin console allows you to manage the users and provide controlled access to specific applications.

Additionally, you will get real-time information quickly from configurable dashboards and financial analysis reports to have a clear picture of your organization. Not only that, the improved customer service makes your help desk and support even more efficient and customer-focused.

Zoho one is a great piece of software that allows you to handle all your business application and tools with a single operating system only. Contact your Zoho Consulting Partner today and ask how conveniently it can transform your approach to handle your business!

Top Reasons to Choose Zoho One for Your Organization Read More »

CRM Services, , ,

Why Is CRM So Important For Business Success?

Customer relationship has been one of the most critical aspects of the business throughout the antiquity of business. Not only in this digital age but if we look at history, business individuals have always tried to maintain their relationship with the customers. However, today, when business growth revolves around the successful implementation of out-of-the-box IT solutions, the importance of a CRM System cannot be overstated.


Since customer relationship is an obligatory trait in business, people seek for the most superlative approach to do it effectively. If you review the success of companies using CRM, you will find that the people who use CRM have gone a step ahead of all. So, if any confusion bounds your mind, make sure to consider what is best for your company.


What is a CRM System?


The acronym CRM means Customer Relationship Management. Though the term is transparent to understand by its name, not everybody is aware of doing it correctly without some supervision. Apparently, you can take the help of a CRM Implementation Consultant; otherwise, it can cost you some major blunders in your business.

CRM is an inclusive business strategy designed to boost profitability, lessen the overheads, and escalate customer reliability. CRM works on the simple philosophy to put the customers first.

When the businesses consider every action and preference of customers, they deliver a better customer experience, which in turn boosts their loyalty to your company. Modern businesses are investing in CRM because the various researches prove:

  • A single negative experience with a favorite brand will tend to lose 1 in 3 customers.
  • 86% of customers are ready to pay extra for better customer experience.
  • Companies with better customer management services are 60% more profitable than those that don’t.


Why is CRM Important?


CRM software gathers all information together from various departments across the company to give a single holistic understanding of every customer in real-time.

The employees in the field of sales, marketing, and customer support who interact with customers regularly use CRM to make quick and informed decisions for everything from up-selling and cross-selling, to enhancing the quality of customer communication and approachability, to managing the sales and marketing campaigns.

When implemented effectively with the professional help of a CRM Development Company, CRM provides companies with not only insight into the opportunities to cultivate their business with each customer, but also a technique of determining their value.

There are loads of reasons that make a CRM approach important for your business, so here are a few reasons that will help you understand how CRM software can boost your business growth:

  1. Business Process Automation


Business automation is considered as the most important benefit of CRM; it is very helpful to capture your customer’s feedback automatically. Not only captivating their response, but it will also show you the most appropriate proceeding step based on their complaints and suggestions.

CRM helps a company to streamline business processes automatically. It eliminates the chances of human errors by standardizing and automating sales, marketing, and service processes, which ultimately increases productivity, accelerates business operations, and enhances customer satisfaction.


  1. Better Lead Conversion Ratio


As per reports, 79% of leads never convert into sales, and the most common reason behind this is the deficiency of lead encouragement.  So here CRM comes to your rescue; it tracks all details about customer interactions like when the customer was last contacted, what was the conclusion, the suitable product based on customer feedback, etc.

CRM gives you all the insights that can help you turn your lead into a potential customer.


  1. Personalized Product Configuration:


As a single size does not fit all, the same goes for the preferences of people. Customers will probably buy personalized products or services than general ones.

CRM helps businesses to configure products for each distinct customer by enabling them to customize products as per customers’ requirements. It also takes into effect the variability based on the other factors like region, country, industry, age group, etc.


  1. Marketing Campaign Management


Managing campaigns is the very first step towards prospective customers with your products. Therefore, it must be impeccable. CRM conducts customer segmentation that splits prospecting customers into minor categories sharing similar kinds of features, which could be based on many factors, such as buying patterns, geography, age, gender, or some custom rules, etc.

For marketing campaigns, customer segmentation determines the best group to target, and campaign management assists in running a campaign and analyzing data.

CRM empowers the marketing campaigns by automating the process, which will get more qualified leads than traditional campaign methods. This approach trims down the campaign cost, evaluates campaign data, and predicts the forthcoming marketing strategy.


  1. Improved Customer Support


CRM helps a business to retain their current customers, gain more business from them, and seize fresh leads. You can deal better with customers’ complaints or suggestions effectively and quickly by automating customer service processes with a CRM system. Human error reduces when you streamline business processes.

CRM provides you superior traceability over the employees’ actions on customers’ queries.


  1. Gain Customer Loyalty


Attaining a new customer is almost 6-7 times expensive than retaining an existing customer.

Loyal and satisfied customers will most likely buy products from you than a new customer. Additionally, they spread optimistic views about your brand. Hence, satisfied customers will help you produce more leads and grow sales. Being an inclusive way of customer service and support, CRM helps to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by building a healthier relationship with them.

  1. Cost-Effectiveness


If you think CRM is expensive software and only big companies, then you may be wrong!

Using CRM can be a costly process for SMB, but over the passing time, efforts of CRM Firms have made it the most cost-effective way to run a business. Business process automation with CRM saves time, manual efforts, and other resources, which, in fact, reduces overhead charges.

In addition to this, you don’t even miss a selling opportunity when you’re not in the office. You can access customer data through your mobile anywhere and anytime.



Regardless of size and industry, CRM assists a company in understanding its customers and business in a better way. It delivers actionable insights about customers that improve sales and generate better revenue. When you start using a CRM system, it considerably enhances the business-customer relationship at various steps of business operations, whether it is for sales, marketing, or customer support.

It is extensively important to select the right CRM software for your business. Contact a leading CRM Consultant to help you find the most suitable one!

Why Is CRM So Important For Business Success? Read More »

CRM Services, , , ,
Increase Customer Retention using CRM

5 Ways Zoho CRM Increases Customer Retention

Do you know how does a business acquire revenue and grow further? It can only be possible either by getting new customers or by retaining its existing customers.
Pareto’s 80-20 principle is applied in every business, and according to it, 20% of existing customers generate 80% of revenue, while new customers contribute only 20% to the total revenue. So the business should focus on satisfying existing customers rather than acquiring new ones, which will pave the path towards consistent revenue growth. If you aim at increasing customer retention rate, Zoho Implementation will help you to control business interactions with Your Customers through Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Why Should You Care About Customer Retention?

Your customer retention rate is a number that shows whether your marketing and customer care efforts are fortifying your business or just draining your money.
Customer retention isn’t just about how your marketing and sales teams are doing. When you follow this number, you get to know about the vital changes or switch gears to reach your sales and growth goals.
It’s fair that every business needs new customers, but generating revenue from existing customers is the easiest way ever. 5 major reasons that you should care about customer retention for your business:

*Better Conversion Rates
*Less Marketing
*Higher Profits
*Improvement in Services
*Fewer expenditures

So the businesses should never underestimate the value of customer retention and should start being proactive about keeping their existing customers.

How can Zoho CRM Implementation improve Customer Retention?


Zoho CRM software has made businesses to grow faster. It helps you to get more deals, boost up sales, and make customers engaged with your business. But when it comes to customer retention, there are several ways adopted to deal with customers such as online communication and web assistance. Social media is another method to reach potential clients and staying connected with existing clients of your company. Zoho Integrations with social media and email accounts can promote your business online.
Companies that use Zoho CRM can stay closer to their customers by tracking records of current customers and identifying loyal customers to reward them. This technique not only holds your existing customers but also bring more customers.
Check out these 5 ways that Zoho CRM can help you to increase the rate of customer retention in your business.

Identify High-Value Customers:

With Zoho CRM, you can integrate all your applications and databases to the software, and a simple search enables you to recognize your high-value clients. Based on the history of clients, you can easily classify the leading clients and identify their requirements. Doing so, you can focus on your potential clients and utilize valuable time in keeping them happy in spite of attracting new clients. You can also reach out to inactive customers who are no longer associated with your company and make extra efforts to get them back to your business.

Create Personalized Offers:

Most businesses offer lucrative deals and discounts to attract new customers, but when it comes to existing customers, only a few businesses present value-added offers. With Zoho CRM, you don’t need to beat around the bush to recognize what your existing customers love. Just pick any customer or group of customers that you want to target, and you will get every bit of information about that customer right there. You will get familiar with their product preferences, purchase patterns, price sensitivity, how often they visit your website, and even the date and time of their last purchase.
Briefly, you get to know everything that is important to make an offer the customer cannot refuse! This action will not only strengthen the chance of conversion manifolds, but your customers will also feel special.

Create Lasting Relations with Customers:

Zoho Integration captures every detail from landing pages and saves the personal information of customers in dashboards. It creates customized reports about every customer inclusive their contact details, ongoing projects, product requirements, past orders, etc. After having complete information about them, you find common ground to start up highly-personalized follow-up communication. Automating Zoho workflows allows you to send follow-up texts and emails about particular offers or on some special occasions to targeted customers. For example, you can send birthday cards and some lucrative offers for birthday month.

Email Alerts and Notifications:

Zoho enables you to categorize your customer’s list and doing so you can classify different customers easily. Zoho Workflow brings automation and artificial intelligence in your business, which creates reports and analytics quickly. According to the updated reports, it handles regular communication with the customers, from welcome email to new customers to daily follow-ups, everything is done automatically. Regular emails can be customized with some extended offers, service expiry notification, progress reports of ongoing projects, and invoices, etc. Therefore, it also works as an event planner and task manager to request clients, send reminders and post-event follow-ups, as well as to execute other significant actions.

Get feedback on Client Portal:

Today, the businesses can reside closer to the customers, and you can use this as an advantage. Talk to your potential customers, generate reports, and get their valuable reports about your product and services. The collected feedback will help you to improve and enhance your product functionalities, and you will gain customer trust. Analyze the feedback from happy customers and aggressive customers both, which will help you to emphasize your services for a few shortcomings.
Integration Zoho creator with CRM provides a Client Portal to the businesses that the customers can use to give their feedback and preview their overall interactions with you. This facility will assure your customers for constant customer support and build more trust.

Get the Right Tool for Customer Retention!

Customers are the heart of any business, so satisfying them should be a top priority of every business owner. Most of your customers will approach you again for repeat purchases if you can make them feel special. Zoho CRM is the ultimate solution that will help you in your mission of customer retention by providing you enough tools that will ease your work. The invaluable insights that Zoho Customization presents will assist you in targeting particular customers, create personalized offers, and foster a stronger relationship with them.

Use Zoho CRM smartly, and it will become a powerful customer retention tool for your business!

Looking for Zoho Consultants?

Encaptechno is a registered Zoho implementation partner and has done significant implementations on Zoho platform across its wide range of products.

Original Source: Codementor

5 Ways Zoho CRM Increases Customer Retention Read More »

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Zoholics turn ideas reality-CRMSignity

Zoholics – A Conference to Turn your Ideas into Reality


We are pleased to inform that  Encaptechno will be a part of Zoholics this year at Austin, Texas.

What is Zoholics?


Zoholics is Zoho’s annual user conference, which provides people an opportunity to meet their team face-to-face and learn directly from the staff behind Zoho applications. Zoho is expanding the scope of the event this year by including around 40+ applications, which means additional keynotes, more break-out sessions, and more time for one-on-one and hands-on training with support staff.

Each individual gets ample opportunity to network with the like-minded people from companies of all sizes and industries who have turned to Zoho to transform their business. Network in the evening after the event, and tap into the knowledge of experts from across sales, marketing, service, finance, commerce, and more to learn how you can deliver incredible customer experiences that will set your brand apart.

Why Zoholics?


Because it is aimed at training people on many products of Zoho. We will have an opportunity for focused learning from and connecting with fellow Zoho users, to help everyone get the most out of this software.

Each session covers everything from basic usage to advanced techniques, Zoholics is the ideal place to learn new tricks and gain the knowledge to help transform any form of business.

The Speakers of the Event


  1. Paul Greenberg (Founder & Managing Principal – The 56 Group, LLC)
  2. Ray Wang (Principal Analyst, Founder and Chairman – Constellation Research LLC)
  3. Go Sugihara (CEO- ATARA)
  4. Sridhar Vembu (CEO and Co-Founder – ZOHO)
  5. Vijay Sundaram (Chief Strategy Officer – Zoho)
  6. Raju Vegesna (Chief Evangelist – Zoho)
  7. Andrew North (Publisher – 1975)
  8. Anita Campbell (Founder & CEO – Small Business Trends Media)
  9. Brent Leary (Co-Founder & Partner – CRM Essentials, LLC)
  10. Brian Sommer (Founder – TechVentive, Inc)
  11. Derek Top (Analyst and Director of Research – Opus Research)
  12. Elaine Pofeldt (Journalist)
  13. Esteban Kolsky (Founder and President – ThinkJar)
  14. Laurie McCabe (Co-Founder & Partner – SMB Group)
  15. Mitch Lieberman (Co-Founder – ConversationalX)
  16. Ramon Roy (Editor – Smart Hustle Media)
  17. Rieva Lesonsky (President and CEO – GrowBiz Media/SmallBizDaily.Com)
  18. Sanjeev Aggarwal (Partner – SMB Group)
  19. Tom Taulli (Media/Blogger – Forbes.com)
  20. Val Steed (CEO – K2 Enterprises)

Encaptechno as authorized Zoho Partner


Encaptechno is a registered Zoho implementation partner and has done significant implementations on Zoho platform across their wide range of products.

We have done 60+ implementations in Zoho successfully with 95% satisfaction rate and spent over 3000+ hours in Zoho implementation. To know more about our Zoho services, visit our website.

We are pleased to be a part of Zoholics. See you all there with new ideas and new learning!!

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